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Dr. Brad H. DeWeese
1. Sport is
2. Competition
3. Readiness
4. Training
5. Planning
Length Stride
Mass Model
- Angles of Pennation
- Fascicle Length
- Fiber Typing
- Fascia Stiffness
Neural Drive
- Axon Diameter
- Myelination
- Dendrite Branching
- Glycogen Storage
- Synaptic Folding
- Doublets
A. Swing limb repositions at similar speeds for runners of varying ability (Weyand, 2000)
B. Elite Sprinters apply greater ground support forces (Weyand, 2000)
C. Elite Sprinters use shorter periods of foot-ground force application(Weyand, 2010)
 Sprinters do not have ample time to produce maximal force (.83-.90ms)
D. Sprinters utilize SSC at top speed to “maintain inertia” & assist in RFD (Blickhan, 1989; Farley &
Gonzalez 1996).
E. Speed is largely independent of aerobic power during sprints under 1’ (Weyand et al, 1999).
F. At top speed, faster sprinters may take longer strides than counterparts…as a result of vertical force
production (Weyand, 2006).
G. Asymmetrical Force Curves, High RFD in first portion of stance phase (Clark & Weyand, 2014)
 While limitations found in SSM/Elastic Theory, the GRF coincide w/ high tissue strain & NRG storage
 Begins with understanding there are numerous fitness qualities that must be
 Success of a program largely depends on structure of stimuli
 Periodization:
 A set of tenants that guide planning process.
1. Long Periods of time broken down into phases of training.
2. Training phases are defined by cycles & stages of workload.
3. Training phases are sequenced
4. Workload is varied.
5. Work punctuated with periods of programmed recovery.
6. Programmed recovery allows for accommodation.
7. All work is done to emphasize competitive readiness.
 The CJSS is based on the exploitation of the delayed training-effect.
 Involves successively introducing into the training program separate,
specific means, each of which has a progressively stronger training effect,
and coupling them sequentially to create favorable conditions for eliciting the
cumulative effect of all the training loads (Siff & Verkhoshansky, 1993).
 Conjugate: The process of “joining together” various bio-motor qualities
1. Assumes an appropriate succession in the sequence of loading
2. Previous dedication to a fitness quality bolsters the next.
 Sequential: An order of succession of introducing the loading of different emphases
into training
1. Not abrupt; simply a “switch” from one type of loading to the primary utilization
of the next”
 How do we maintain order in the plan while developing all of the
varying fitness qualities????
Conjugate: Merges previously separate periods of time & training foci.
However, too short or frequent periods will lead to concurrent
 Blocks foundation for “Phase Potentiation”
 Phase Potentiation: Previous segment of Unidirectional training bolsters
subsequent phases.
 Blocks utilize Concentrated Loads
 Concentrated loads = intentional focus on a training emphasis
 “Maximal Strength”
 “Acceleration”
 Blocks do allow for 2nd & 3rd Priorities via “Retaining Loads”
 Often termed “Vertical Integration”
 The combination of 2 or more stages of emphasis that are normally separate.
 For example:
 Primary Aim: Maximal Strength
 Secondary Aim: Rate of Force Development: Introduce Speed-Strength
 Tertiary Aim: Maintenance of VL / Strength Endurance/ CSA
3x5 3x5 3x5 3x5 5x5 3x5 3x5 3x3 5x3 3x3 3x3 3x2
Some have argued a downfall of “concentrated loads” is loss of special work-capacity……
1. Maintains fitness qualities developed in previous blocks.
2. Prevents any unnecessary tapers due to reduction in training/ volume load.
3. May allow for greater power stimulus at end of summated microcycles.
DeWeese, Sams, & Serrano (2014). Sliding toward Sochi Part 1: A review of programming
tactics used during the 2010-2014 quadrennial. NSCA Coach, 1(3), 30-42.
Week Vol. Vol. Monday Friday
July 17 5x5 Rel. Intensity
Avg. Velocity
July 24 3x5 Rel. Intensity
Avg. Velocity
July 31 3x5 Rel. Intensity
Avg. Velocity
Aug. 7 3x3 Rel. Intensity
Avg. Velocity
• 2011 (Year 2 of Quad)
• National Team Skeleton Athlete
• BM: 79kg
• Phase 1: Block 3
Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff
mPF 6964 N 7051 N 1.25
mRFD90 28397 N/s 30184 N/s 6.30
mRFD250 14535 N/s 16562 N/s 13.95
Male Bobsled Push Athlete 1
Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff
mPF 4147 N 4510 N 8.74
mRFD90 10525 N/s 13520 N/s 28.45
mRFD250 7212 N/s 8023 N/s 11.24
Male Bobsled Driver 1
Male Bobsled Driver 2
Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff
mPF 6473 N 6358 N -1.78
mRFD90 14273 N/s 16868 N/s 18.18
mRFD250 12416 N/s 13996 N/s 12.72
Female Bobsled Push
Athlete 1Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff
mPF 4232 N 4256 N 0.55
mRFD90 6625 N/s 8665 NS 30.80
mRFD250 7198 N/s 8279 N/s 15.02
• Data collected via Isometric Mid Thigh Pull
• Test 1 was Monday following completion of week 1 in block (5x5)
• Test 2 was Monday following completion of week 4 in block (3x3)
Maximal Strength Absolute Strength Strength Speed Speed Strength
Acceleration :
Acceleration: Flat
Transition/ Intro
Top Speed
Top Speed Competitive Speed
Miometric Jumps/
Miometric: Intro
Continued Mio/
Intro Plyometric
Continued Mio/
Continued Mio/
Training Year
Extensive Tempo
Extensive Tempo
Extensive Tempo
Extensive Tempo
Extensive Tempo
1. Incline Sprints
2. Sled Towing
3. Sled Pushing
4. Acceleration Holds
Max Speed
1. Finish Drills
3. Completes
4. Subtle Decline?
5. Complexes
1. Racing
2. Complexes
1. Just as with strength training, the ability to produce force underpins sprint success.
2. Never completely remove acceleration training.
3. Build top speed as readiness becomes apparent.
Max Strength
Barbell Squats
Overhead Presses
Mid-Thigh Pulls
Full Pulls
Additional Tools
1. Straight Sets
2. Clusters
Push Press/ Push Jerk
Mid-Thigh Pulls
Power Cleans/ Snatch
Additional Tools
1. Clusters
2. Wave-Loads
CM-Clean & Snatch
Squat Jumps
Additional Tools
1. Clusters
2. Wave-Loads
3. Reduced ROM
1. NEVER get too far away from maximal strength ability: underpins future training.
2. Mature RFD through sequential ordering of exercises & derivative work.
3. Expose athlete to necessary movement speeds/ intensity ranges to shift FV curve.
 Attention must be paid to exercises/ VL used to ensure TRANSFER OF TRAINING EFFECT.
 Sprinters must limit unnecessary BM due to imposed demands.
 Indiscriminate Hypertrophy = Muscular Drag
 (Abe, 2003)
 (Wakahara, 2013)
 Basic Strength coupled with Weightlifting movements maximize transfer.
1. Increase force production of musculature utilized in sprinting.
2. Increase Co-Activation of musculature around hip and knees.
3. Increase overload of SSC via DKB.
4. Increase stiffness.
• “Concentric” in nature
• Focus “out” then “up” while minimizing landing forces
• Example: Chest Pass on Mat (prone landing)
• Eccentric Strength Development (may promote stiffness via Extracellular matrix in
• Landing Mechanics
• Example: Drop Jump
• Reduced amortization phase
• Utilization & Overload of SSC
• SPRINTING is Plyometric
•Enhance Work Capacity
•Promote Leanness/ Optimize Body Comp
•Bridge to Special Endurance
Tempo (70-80%)
•Maintain Work Capacity
•Foster “Running Rhythm”
•Promote Recovery & Variety in training
Tempo (65-75%)
•Promote CNS Recovery/ Enhance Mood State*
•Continue “Running Rhythm”
Tempo (60-65%)
Suzuki et al (2004) Incorporating low intensity session improved relaxation,
mood state, readiness to train compared to complete day of rest.
- Longitudinal data from National
Team Athletes (World Cup level or
higher) over 6 years.
- Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull.
Variable Resisted
Top Speed Competition
Stride Length or   or  
Stride Rate    or 
GCT or    or 
Step Velocity    
- Longitudinal data from National Team Athletes (World Cup level or higher) over 4 years.
- 20m Microgate Optojump system
 Aagaard, P. Training induced changes in neural function. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 31(2), 61-67.
 Aargaard, Simonsen, Andersen, Magnusson, Dyhre-Poulsen (2002). Increased rate of force development and neural drive of human skeletal
muscle following resistance training. J Appl Physiol 93: 1218-1326.
 Arabatzi & Kellis (2012) Olympic weightlifting causes different knee muscle-coactivation adaptions compared with traditional weight training.
J Strength Cond Res 26(8): 2192-201
 Abe T, Kojima K, Kearns CF, Yohena H, and Fukuda J. Whole body muscle hypertrophy from resistance training: distribution and total mass.
Br J Sports Med 37: 543-545, 2003.
 Andersson J.L. and Aagaard P. Myosin heavy chain Iix overshoot in human skeletal muscle Muscle and Nerve 23:1095-1104, 2000.
 Blazevich (2006). Effects of physical training and detraining, immobilization, growth and aging on human fascicle geometry. Sports Med
36(12): 1003-17.
 Bosco, Tihanyi, Komi, Fekete, & Apore. (1982). Store and recoil of elastic energy in slow and fast types of human skeletal muscles. Acta
Physiologica Scandinavia 116(4): 343-349.
 Brazier, J., Bishop, C., Simons, C., Antrobus, M., Read, P. J., Turner, A. N. Lower extremity stiffness: effects on performance and injury and implications for training.
Strength Cond J, 36(5), 103-112.
 Bundle, Hoyt, & Weyand. (2002). High-speed running performance: A new approach to assessment and prediction. J Appl Physiol 95: 1955-
 Clark, & Weyand. Are running speeds maximized with simple-spring stance mechanics? J Appl Physiology
 Davis, & Walsh (2010). Mechanisms of fatigue. Journal of Supportive Oncology 8: 164-174.
 DeWeese, Grey, Sams, Scruggs, & Serrano (2013). Revising the definition of periodization: Merging historical principles with modern concern.
Olympic Coach 24(1): 5-19.
 DeWeese, Sams, & Serrano (2014) Sliding toward Sochi Part 1: A review of programming tactics during the 2010-2014 Quadrennial. NSCA
Coach 1(3): 30-43.
 DeWeese, Sams, & Serrano (2014) Sliding toward Sochi Part 2: A review of programming tactics during the 2010-2014 Quadrennial. NSCA
Coach 1(4)
 Hakkinen, K., & Keskinen, K. L. (1989). Muscle cross-sectional area and voluntary force production characteristics in elite strength- and endurance-trained athletes and
sprinters. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 59(3), 215-220.
 Kawakami, Y., Muraoka, Y., Kubo, K., Suzuki, Y., & Fukunaga, T. (2000). Changes in muscle size and architecture following 20 days of bed rest.
Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 7(3), 53-59.
 Kawakami, Y., Abe, T., & Fukunaga, T. (1993). Muscle-fiber pennation angles are greater in hypertrophied than in normal muscles. [Research
Support, Non-U.S. Gov't]. Journal of applied physiology, 74(6), 2740-2744.
 Issurin (2008) Block periodization versus traditional training theory: A review. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 48(1): 65-75.
 Issurin (2010) New horizons for the methodology and physiology of training periodization. Sports Medicine 40(3): 189-206.
 Issurin (2014) Periodization training from ancient precursors to structured block models. 1-9.
 Kjaer, Magnusson, Krogsgaard, Moller, Olesen, Heinemeier, Hansen, Haraldsson, Koskinen, Esmarck, & Landberg (2006). Extracellular matrix
adaptation of tendon and skeletal muscle to exercise. J Anat 208: 445-450.
 Plisk, & Stone (2003). Periodization Strategies. Strength & Conditioning Journal 25(6): 19-37.
 Suzuki et al (2004) Effect of incorporating low intensity exercise into the recovery period after a rugby match. Br J Sports Med 38(4). 436-440.
 Wakahara, T., Fukutani, A., Kawamaki, Y., and Yanai, T. Nonuniform muscle hypertrophy: its relation to muscle activation in training session. Med
Sci Sports Exerc, 45(11), 2158-2165, 2013.
 Weyand, Lee, Martinez-Ruinz, Bundle, Bellizzi, and Wright (1999). High-speed running performance is largely unaffected by hypoxic reductions in
aerobic power. J Appl Physiol 86: 2059-2064.
 Weyand, Lin, & Bundle (2005). Sprint performance duration relationships are set by the fractional duration of external force application. Am J
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 Weyand, Sandell, Prime, & Bundle (2010). The biological limits to running speed are imposed from the ground up. J Appl Physiol 108: 95-961.
 Young (2006). Transfer of strength and power training to sports performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 1: 74-83.

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Phase Potentiation within Speed Development

  • 1. Dr. Brad H. DeWeese
  • 2. 1. Sport is Competitive 2. Competition requires Readiness 3. Readiness requires Training 4. Training requires Planning 5. Planning requires Logic
  • 3.
  • 4. Classic Stride Length Stride Rate RFD & Impulse Overcome Ground Reaction Forces SSC/ Spring Mass Model Biomechanics Vertical Force Production Speed Reality Muscle Architecture - CSA - Angles of Pennation - Fascicle Length - Fiber Typing - Fascia Stiffness Mobility Joint- Muscle Stiffness Neural Drive Increased: - Axon Diameter - Myelination - Dendrite Branching - Glycogen Storage - Synaptic Folding - Doublets Anthro GCT
  • 5. A. Swing limb repositions at similar speeds for runners of varying ability (Weyand, 2000) B. Elite Sprinters apply greater ground support forces (Weyand, 2000) C. Elite Sprinters use shorter periods of foot-ground force application(Weyand, 2010)  Sprinters do not have ample time to produce maximal force (.83-.90ms) D. Sprinters utilize SSC at top speed to “maintain inertia” & assist in RFD (Blickhan, 1989; Farley & Gonzalez 1996). E. Speed is largely independent of aerobic power during sprints under 1’ (Weyand et al, 1999). F. At top speed, faster sprinters may take longer strides than counterparts…as a result of vertical force production (Weyand, 2006). G. Asymmetrical Force Curves, High RFD in first portion of stance phase (Clark & Weyand, 2014)  While limitations found in SSM/Elastic Theory, the GRF coincide w/ high tissue strain & NRG storage
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.  Begins with understanding there are numerous fitness qualities that must be attended.  Success of a program largely depends on structure of stimuli
  • 10.  Periodization:  A set of tenants that guide planning process. 1. Long Periods of time broken down into phases of training. 2. Training phases are defined by cycles & stages of workload. 3. Training phases are sequenced 4. Workload is varied. 5. Work punctuated with periods of programmed recovery. 6. Programmed recovery allows for accommodation. 7. All work is done to emphasize competitive readiness.
  • 11.
  • 12.  The CJSS is based on the exploitation of the delayed training-effect.  Involves successively introducing into the training program separate, specific means, each of which has a progressively stronger training effect, and coupling them sequentially to create favorable conditions for eliciting the cumulative effect of all the training loads (Siff & Verkhoshansky, 1993).
  • 13.  Conjugate: The process of “joining together” various bio-motor qualities 1. Assumes an appropriate succession in the sequence of loading 2. Previous dedication to a fitness quality bolsters the next.  Sequential: An order of succession of introducing the loading of different emphases into training 1. Not abrupt; simply a “switch” from one type of loading to the primary utilization of the next”
  • 14.  How do we maintain order in the plan while developing all of the varying fitness qualities???? Recall: Conjugate: Merges previously separate periods of time & training foci. However, too short or frequent periods will lead to concurrent training.
  • 15.
  • 16.  Blocks foundation for “Phase Potentiation”  Phase Potentiation: Previous segment of Unidirectional training bolsters subsequent phases.  Blocks utilize Concentrated Loads  Concentrated loads = intentional focus on a training emphasis  “Maximal Strength”  “Acceleration”
  • 17.  Blocks do allow for 2nd & 3rd Priorities via “Retaining Loads”  Often termed “Vertical Integration”  The combination of 2 or more stages of emphasis that are normally separate.  For example:  Primary Aim: Maximal Strength  Secondary Aim: Rate of Force Development: Introduce Speed-Strength  Tertiary Aim: Maintenance of VL / Strength Endurance/ CSA
  • 18. 3x5 3x5 3x5 3x5 5x5 3x5 3x5 3x3 5x3 3x3 3x3 3x2 Some have argued a downfall of “concentrated loads” is loss of special work-capacity…… 1. Maintains fitness qualities developed in previous blocks. 2. Prevents any unnecessary tapers due to reduction in training/ volume load. 3. May allow for greater power stimulus at end of summated microcycles.
  • 19.
  • 20. DeWeese, Sams, & Serrano (2014). Sliding toward Sochi Part 1: A review of programming tactics used during the 2010-2014 quadrennial. NSCA Coach, 1(3), 30-42.
  • 21. Week Vol. Vol. Monday Friday July 17 5x5 Rel. Intensity Load Avg. Velocity 82.5% 105kg .82m/s 75% 98kg .86m/s July 24 3x5 Rel. Intensity Load Avg. Velocity 87.5% 112kg .74m/s 77.5-80% 100kg .83m/s July 31 3x5 Rel. Intensity Load Avg. Velocity 90% 115kg .77m/s 80% 100kg .85m/s Aug. 7 3x3 Rel. Intensity Load Avg. Velocity 92.5% 120kg .79m/s 80% 105kg .89m/s • 2011 (Year 2 of Quad) • National Team Skeleton Athlete • BM: 79kg • Phase 1: Block 3
  • 22. Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff mPF 6964 N 7051 N 1.25 mRFD90 28397 N/s 30184 N/s 6.30 mRFD250 14535 N/s 16562 N/s 13.95 Male Bobsled Push Athlete 1 Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff mPF 4147 N 4510 N 8.74 mRFD90 10525 N/s 13520 N/s 28.45 mRFD250 7212 N/s 8023 N/s 11.24 Male Bobsled Driver 1 Male Bobsled Driver 2 Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff mPF 6473 N 6358 N -1.78 mRFD90 14273 N/s 16868 N/s 18.18 mRFD250 12416 N/s 13996 N/s 12.72 Female Bobsled Push Athlete 1Variable Post-FOR Post-Block % Diff mPF 4232 N 4256 N 0.55 mRFD90 6625 N/s 8665 NS 30.80 mRFD250 7198 N/s 8279 N/s 15.02 • Data collected via Isometric Mid Thigh Pull • Test 1 was Monday following completion of week 1 in block (5x5) • Test 2 was Monday following completion of week 4 in block (3x3)
  • 23.
  • 24. Strength Endurance Maximal Strength Absolute Strength Strength Speed Speed Strength Acceleration : Incline Acceleration: Flat Transition/ Intro Top Speed Top Speed Competitive Speed Miometric Jumps/ Throws Miometric: Intro Isometric Continued Mio/ Intro Plyometric Continued Mio/ Plyometric Continued Mio/ Plyometric Training Year Intensive/ Extensive Tempo Extensive Tempo Extensive Tempo Maintenance Extensive Tempo Restoration Extensive Tempo Restoration
  • 25. Acceleration 1. Incline Sprints 2. Sled Towing 3. Sled Pushing 4. Acceleration Holds Max Speed 1. Finish Drills 2. EFE/ FEF 3. Completes 4. Subtle Decline? 5. Complexes Competition 1. Racing 2. Complexes Aim(s): 1. Just as with strength training, the ability to produce force underpins sprint success. 2. Never completely remove acceleration training. 3. Build top speed as readiness becomes apparent.
  • 26. Max Strength Barbell Squats Overhead Presses Benching Mid-Thigh Pulls Full Pulls Additional Tools 1. Straight Sets 2. Clusters Strength-Speed Push Press/ Push Jerk Mid-Thigh Pulls Mid-Thigh Clean/Snatch Power Cleans/ Snatch Additional Tools 1. Clusters 2. Wave-Loads Speed-Strength CM-Clean & Snatch CM-Shrugs Squat Jumps Additional Tools 1. Clusters 2. Wave-Loads 3. Reduced ROM Aim(s): 1. NEVER get too far away from maximal strength ability: underpins future training. 2. Mature RFD through sequential ordering of exercises & derivative work. 3. Expose athlete to necessary movement speeds/ intensity ranges to shift FV curve.
  • 27.  Attention must be paid to exercises/ VL used to ensure TRANSFER OF TRAINING EFFECT.  Sprinters must limit unnecessary BM due to imposed demands.  Indiscriminate Hypertrophy = Muscular Drag  (Abe, 2003)  (Wakahara, 2013)  Basic Strength coupled with Weightlifting movements maximize transfer. 1. Increase force production of musculature utilized in sprinting. 2. Increase Co-Activation of musculature around hip and knees. 3. Increase overload of SSC via DKB. 4. Increase stiffness.
  • 28.
  • 29. Miometric • “Concentric” in nature • Focus “out” then “up” while minimizing landing forces • Example: Chest Pass on Mat (prone landing) Isometric • Eccentric Strength Development (may promote stiffness via Extracellular matrix in tendons) • Landing Mechanics • Example: Drop Jump Plyometric • Reduced amortization phase • Utilization & Overload of SSC • SPRINTING is Plyometric
  • 30. •Enhance Work Capacity •Promote Leanness/ Optimize Body Comp •Bridge to Special Endurance Extensive-Intensive Tempo (70-80%) •Maintain Work Capacity •Foster “Running Rhythm” •Promote Recovery & Variety in training Intensive-Extensive Tempo (65-75%) •Promote CNS Recovery/ Enhance Mood State* •Continue “Running Rhythm” Extensive-Restorative Tempo (60-65%) Suzuki et al (2004) Incorporating low intensity session improved relaxation, mood state, readiness to train compared to complete day of rest.
  • 31. - Longitudinal data from National Team Athletes (World Cup level or higher) over 6 years. - Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull.
  • 32. Variable Resisted Sprinting Acceleration/ Transition Top Speed Competition Stride Length or   or   Stride Rate    or  GCT or    or  Step Velocity     - Longitudinal data from National Team Athletes (World Cup level or higher) over 4 years. - 20m Microgate Optojump system
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  • 34.  Hakkinen, K., & Keskinen, K. L. (1989). Muscle cross-sectional area and voluntary force production characteristics in elite strength- and endurance-trained athletes and sprinters. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 59(3), 215-220.  Kawakami, Y., Muraoka, Y., Kubo, K., Suzuki, Y., & Fukunaga, T. (2000). Changes in muscle size and architecture following 20 days of bed rest. Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 7(3), 53-59.  Kawakami, Y., Abe, T., & Fukunaga, T. (1993). Muscle-fiber pennation angles are greater in hypertrophied than in normal muscles. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't]. Journal of applied physiology, 74(6), 2740-2744.  Issurin (2008) Block periodization versus traditional training theory: A review. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 48(1): 65-75.  Issurin (2010) New horizons for the methodology and physiology of training periodization. Sports Medicine 40(3): 189-206.  Issurin (2014) Periodization training from ancient precursors to structured block models. 1-9.  Kjaer, Magnusson, Krogsgaard, Moller, Olesen, Heinemeier, Hansen, Haraldsson, Koskinen, Esmarck, & Landberg (2006). Extracellular matrix adaptation of tendon and skeletal muscle to exercise. J Anat 208: 445-450.  Plisk, & Stone (2003). Periodization Strategies. Strength & Conditioning Journal 25(6): 19-37.  Suzuki et al (2004) Effect of incorporating low intensity exercise into the recovery period after a rugby match. Br J Sports Med 38(4). 436-440.  Wakahara, T., Fukutani, A., Kawamaki, Y., and Yanai, T. Nonuniform muscle hypertrophy: its relation to muscle activation in training session. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(11), 2158-2165, 2013.  Weyand, Lee, Martinez-Ruinz, Bundle, Bellizzi, and Wright (1999). High-speed running performance is largely unaffected by hypoxic reductions in aerobic power. J Appl Physiol 86: 2059-2064.  Weyand, Lin, & Bundle (2005). Sprint performance duration relationships are set by the fractional duration of external force application. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290: 758-765.  Weyand, Sandell, Prime, & Bundle (2010). The biological limits to running speed are imposed from the ground up. J Appl Physiol 108: 95-961.  Young (2006). Transfer of strength and power training to sports performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 1: 74-83.