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Persuasive Essay On Adoption
Crafting a persuasive essay on adoption can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty
lies not only in presenting a compelling argument but also in delicately navigating the sensitive
nature of the topic. Adoption involves complex emotions, legal considerations, and societal
perspectives, which require careful exploration and thoughtful analysis.
To start, one must thoroughly research and understand the various aspects of adoption, including
its legal frameworks, psychological impacts on both adoptive parents and children, and the
broader societal attitudes towards adoption. This comprehensive understanding is crucial for
constructing a well-informed and persuasive argument.
The challenge deepens as the essay writer must strike a balance between emotional appeal and
logical reasoning. Adopting a persuasive tone necessitates the skillful use of language to engage
the reader's empathy while presenting a solid case supported by facts and evidence. This
involves weaving together personal stories, statistical data, and expert opinions to build a
compelling narrative.
Addressing potential counterarguments is another intricate aspect of writing on adoption.
Anticipating and refuting opposing viewpoints requires thorough research and critical thinking,
as well as the ability to present a convincing counter-narrative.
Furthermore, maintaining a neutral and respectful tone is essential, given the sensitivity
surrounding adoption. The essay should be written with empathy and understanding, avoiding
any potential for offense or harm. Balancing the emotional aspect with a rational discourse is
crucial to persuading the audience effectively.
In conclusion, crafting a persuasive essay on adoption demands a combination of research,
empathy, and effective communication skills. Navigating the complexities of this topic requires a
careful blend of emotional appeal and logical reasoning. If you find yourself in need of
assistance or want to explore similar essays, a platform like can provide the
support and resources to enhance your writing experience.
Persuasive Essay On Adoption Persuasive Essay On Adoption
Dream Analysis
This reflective essay illustrates Freud s theory of dream analysis. It will begin with
a brief overview of Freudian dream theory and will go on to describe the various
components of personality structure and the unconscious from a psychodynamic
perspective. This essay will analyse one of my personal dreams using Freud s dream
analysis theory and conclude with a critical reflection on the application of his theory
as it relates to my dream.
When Freud famously referred to dreams as being the royal road to the unconscious ,
he meant that dreams were a way in which to access the unconscious mind. Dream
analysis in psychoanalysis is the process used to explore the role dreams play in the
unconscious (Corey, 2005). The ... Show more content on ...
The latent content is the underlying, hidden part of the dream that holds the true
meaning of the unconscious desires (Solms, 2000). The process by which the latent
content is transformed into the disguised manifest content is what Freud referred to
as the dream work (Sharpe, 1988). The dream work can disguise the latent views
through the following four mechanisms: condensation (the condensing of multiple
thoughts into one), displacement (replaces a latent element by a concealed trivial
reference to it e.g. your mother is represented as a cat), symbolism (which transforms
thoughts into visual elements) followed by a process of secondary revision in which
the dreaming mind takes all these distorted elements and organises them into a more
comprehensible format (Schredl, 2008)
In order to analyse my dream through Freudian interpretation I will begin by
discussing the manifest content. I will attempt to break up the story in the dream
and look at the individual items and events. In my dream I am walking out of a car
park onto a street with many tall buildings, heading towards my counselling
practice class. I am flustered as I have rushed to get to my class on time. As I am
walking, I look down and see that I am wearing my husbands work boots. They have
a lot of mud on them. I suddenly begin to feel how large and heavy they are on me. I
stop walking as I suddenly feel a big a rush of
Second Industrial Revolution Essay
An Industrial Revolution is the change in social and economic organization that
resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the
development of large scale industrial production (Danzer R50). The Second Industrial
Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial
Revolutionin England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial
Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business,
common natural resources, and increasing population (Fagnilli 7). The Industrial
Revolution in the United States had impact on the economy, cities, workers, and
environment (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution in the United States was
paramount to changes... Show more content on ...
During the Second Industrial Revolution the work conditions in the big factories
was very poor. In the dangerous factories there were over two thousand deaths and
twenty thousand injuries per year (Fagnilli 7). The majority of the workers in the
poor work conditioned factories were immigrants (Fagnilli 7). In the Central
Pacific, factories workers were mostly immigrants of Chinese or Hispanic descent
(Fagnilli 7). In the Union Pacific, factories workers were mostly Irish, African
American, or Civil War Veterans (Fagnilli 7). The Chinese workers that worked in
the west made around thirty dollars per month (Fagnilli 7). The average white
worker would make around forty to sixty dollars per month with meals includes
(Fagnilli 7). The factory owners would discriminate against people by their race.
The conditions inside the factories were horrible, they called them sweatshops. A
sweatshop is a shop or factory in which employees work for long hours at low
wages and under unhealthy conditions (Merriam Webster). The poor work
conditions and low wages in the workplace is what caused many strikes throughout
the nation, leading to union s. In the Second Industrial Revolution there was a great
deal of work being done but the workers had to go through poor work conditions to
be able to have a meal on the table for there family. In the 1860s through the 1900s,
the working person was greatly impacted by the Second Industrial Revolution.
Type or print entries MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN NAME (For married women)
SPECIFY _______________ HOME ADDRESS (Pls. indicate complete address)
COMPANY/EMPLOYER ADDRESS (Pls. indicate complete address)
FOR AFP EMP SERIAL/ACCOUNT No. FOR... Show more content on ...
However, should we deduct the monthly amortization due from the applicant s salary
but failed to remit it on due date, this office agrees to pay the corresponding penalties
equivalent to 1/2% of any unpaid amount for every month of delay.
Signature of Applicant over Printed Name COM. TAX CERT. NO.
_______________________ ISSUED ON _____________ AT _______________
________________________________________________ DESIGNATION
______________ EMPLOYER SSS/ GSIS NO.
_______________ AGENCY CODE
______________ BRANCH CODE
For value received, I promise to pay on due date without need of demand to the
order of Pag IBIG Fund with principal office at the Atrium of Makati, Makati Ave.,
City of Makati the sum of Pesos: (P_______________) Philippine Currency, with the
interest rate of 10.75% p. a. for the duration of the loan. I hereby waive notice of
demand for payment and agree that any legal action, which may arise in relation to
this note, may be instituted in the proper court of Makati City. Finally, this note shall
likewise be subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The borrower shall pay
the amount of Pesos: _______________________________ (P_______________)
through payroll deduction over a period of 24 months. In case of resignation
The Problem Of Sick Building Syndrome
Introduction There are a number of companies every year that fall victim to slow
production rates because of employees that become ill with sick building
syndrome, decreasing their overall profit. Sick building syndrome is basically
declared when a number of workers become sick in a specific part of a building,
and their symptoms can be related directly back to air pollutants. These air
pollutants are broken up into different categories, but the sources can be anything
such as things outside the building; (vehicle exhaust emissions, biomass by
products, etc.) which can enter the building through windows or poorly placed air
vents. Or even things inside the building such as adhesives, carpeting, copy
machines, pesticides, etc. That are known as volatile organic compounds or VOCs
that can have a huge effect not only on humans, but plants as well. (Sumedha, J)
This is why it is important to pay more attention to how big each individual s eco
footprint gets! By the end of this report, the importance of being aware will be
understood. History/Origin The presence of air pollutants and climate change are no
new topic. Back in the 18th century, the use of burning coal was at a high. During
the industrial revolution, the use of coal was immense and cities air pollutions
levels were near what they are today. The documentation of smog (gas and smoke)
goes back as far as 1875 when the Public Health Act contained a smoke abatement
section to reduce the smoke in
Advantages and Disadvantages of an Unwritten
The advantages of an unwritten constitution far outweigh the disadvantages (40)
You must make a judgement.
A constitution is a set of rules that establish duties and functions of the government
and defines the basic principles to which society must conform. In this essay I will
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution and show that I
agree with this statement.
On one hand, if a written constitution was introduced it would affect the power of
government, relationship between judges and politician and individual freedoms and
rights. One argument is that a written constitution would make the rules of the
country clearer, as constitutional rules would be collected together and put into a
single document and ... Show more content on ...
Unwritten constitutions are flexible as they are not entrenched, and flexibility is
extremely important and useful as the modern day is constantly changing.
The strongest argument in favour of a written constitution is that it would protect the
rights of its citizens and individual liberty would be more securely protected. The
rights would become more clearly defined due to a written constitution and perhaps
easier to enforce than an unwritten constitution because it is difficult to be completely
sure of what your rights are, these rights can be defined through a bill of rights in the
written constitution.
However, just because there is a written constitution does not ensure the rights of a
countries citizens will receive their rights rather, it could lead to an elective
dictatorship which might further restrict rights and may go on to persecute some of
its citizens, which happened in Germany and resulted in the Second World War.
Another disadvantage of a written constitution is that there may be tyranny within
the judiciary. Judges are unelected and socially do not represent the population
which could lead to a democratic deficit because of a lack of democratic legitimacy,
as the public could be subjected to opinions which they do not agree with but have
been implemented due to the preferences of senior judges.
On the other
Ginger Snaps Compare And Contrast
The movie that I kept thinking about while watching Raw was 2000 s Ginger
Snaps. Both are horror movies revolving around a couple of sisters as they
discover that their bodies are betraying them and turning them into different types
of creatures used as a metaphor to explain something that women go through in
their lives. Ginger Snaps had werewolves; Raw has cannibals. Ginger Snaps took
place in high school and used its transformation as a puberty metaphor. Raw is in
college and uses cannibalism for, well, potentially quite a lot. In some respects,
Raw is Ginger Snaps all grown up. Our protagonist is Justine (Garance Marillier), a
long term vegetarian who is just starting veterinary school. A hazing prank involves
eating meat, something that she initially refuses to do until she s egged on by her
older sister, Alexia. This awakens in her a desire for meat and not just from animals.
She wants human meat. It doesn t even have to be cooked. While making this
shocking discovery, she... Show more content on ...
This isn t a movie that hopes to make you leap out of your seat when nothing
happens by throwing a multitude of jump startles your way. It instead wants to
cause a deep unsettling feeling inside your gut as it shows you, well, probably
more or less exactly what you expect. Is there a pleasant way to show someone
eating another person s raw flesh? If there is, Raw doesn t want to go there. It
would ruin the effect. When Raw decides to get gross, it gets really gross and it
most definitely has the potential to make you feel uneasy. That feeling of unease
isn t just because it s unpleasant to watch people get eaten, either. Raw does a good
enough job of establishing Justine as a character and to a lesser extent, Alexia that
you worry for where this condition will lead her. You actually begin to care about the
cannibal, which is certainly different. It works because the film made her into a
person before afflicted with this
Joint Commission Accreditation And Certification
The joint commission is a non for profit organization the joint commission accredits
and certifies nearly 21,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the United
States. Joint Commission accreditation and certification are recognized nationwide as
a symbol of quality that reflects an organization s commitment to meeting certain
performance standards, and their mission is to keep improving healthcare for the
public. (
The Joint Commission takes the participation of both side of persons such as
personnel and managers and also uses the management of Medicare Acts and service
the hospitals to use the whole procedures by which they could be able to achieve the
needs of federal guidelines connected to the ... Show more content on
The department manager offers an approved personnel application to HR. The
request may require additional information for an employee who is quitting, retiring,
or being discharged, the branch manager will have techniques to follow connecting
steps directed by the organization before HR receives the application. (L. Fleming
Fallon.Jr., Charles R. McConnell)
A corporation s human resources branch is the joining between its individuals and
every unit beneath its top. On the outside, an HR division look as if there is to do
little more than hold on to organizations records. In employing and hiring HR
administrators are also working more with the recruiting and hiring departments in
their offices to help them make better decisions. The reason for this is very easy to
understand, HR executive has a tendency to have countless people skills, which
comes accessible because a job meeting is all about reading people. (https:/
Operational communication and group effort help corporations attract soon to be
hires launch figures determined enactment reviews give employees a sense of how
they can produce their businesses. (
Creating a detailed outline of a training program for managers.
National Rifle Association Research Paper
The National Rifle Association is considered one of the most powerful lobbies in
Washington. The way it operates including how it recruits and maintains an active
membership have given it outsize influence over lawmakers at the state and federal
level. Unlike corporate lobbyists, the power of the NRA comes from its massive
membership and powerful activist base, as well as from millions of dollars from dues
and corporate sponsors. The gun owners who comprise the NRA are voters who are
passionate about firearms, and tend to be fiercely loyal to the organization. The
organization coordinates their hunting trips, funds their gun clubs, and teaches their
kids how to shoot safely. In turn, the members, coupled with industry supporters,...
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The NRA is able to maintain and cultivate a vast membership, leading to gains in
negotiation ability and funds from membership dues. They re able to ally with
industry and serve as an intermediary between manufacturers and the public. The
NRA ILA influences legislation and tries to recruit congressional allies to push
their goals through by leveraging the massive membership in the NRA. Then, the
NRA CRDF works to expand the interpretation of those laws in the courts. And the
NRA Foundation, with funds from some of those corporate donors, recruits new
gun users and NRA supporters, loyal new members. As a result, the organization is
fantastically wealthy. According to the most recent available filings with the IRS,
in 2010: The National Rifle Association of America had total revenue of $227.8
million and assets worth $163 million. The NRA Foundation had assets of $80.4
million and raised $21.2 million. The CRDF raised $875,500 and has $4.4 million
in assets, The NRA spent $9.9 million on the NRA ILA In 2012 the NRA Institute
for Legislative Action spent $7.5 million on federal elections on 66 candidates
according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Separately, the NRA PAC spent $9.5
million in the 2012
The Americas to 1500 Essay
I. Methodology in the History
This period, which deals with the world the Indians knew before the arrival of
European explorers, poses difficulties flowing mostly from the lack of the usual
evidentiary foundation for doing history: written documents (for example, letters,
speeches, treaties, constitutions, laws, books, newspapers, magazines, almanacs).
This lack need not be a major obstacle to historical study, however. Indeed, one of the
most important things we can accomplish in teaching this period is devising ways to
give students a sense of the spectrum of methods that historians use to investigate and
understand the past. We can give students a sense of the breadth and depth of the
historian s task and the ... Show more content on ...
One last preliminary question: What is a culture? What do we mean when we talk
about a given people s culture? James Axtell has provided a definition of culture that,
in many ways, illustrates the problems of grappling with this slippery concept:
A culture is an idealized pattern of meanings, values, and norms differentially shared
by the members of a society, which can be inferred from the non instinctive behavior
of the group and from the symbolic products of their actions, including material a
artifacts, language, and social institutions.
The following reworking of Axtell s definition may make it more accessible and
A culture is the body of ideas, ways of looking at the world, values, and standards for
conduct and behavior that a given people or nation hold in common. It includes the
range of meanings that people assign to their own perceptions and behavior, as well
as to the natural world around them. We can define the elements of that culture, and
understand how they fit together as a culture, by examining that people s customs,
language, religion, material artifacts, and social and political institutions.
That Indian peoples lacked some of the elements of European
Socioeconomic Factors Of The Salem Witchcraft Hysteria
Salem Witchcraft Hysteria Salem, Massachusetts became famously known for the
witch trials that took place in the late 1600 s. For the men and women residing in
Salem, Massachusetts it was a time in which they lived in fear of allegations and
deceit. Twenty men and women lost their lives during what is known as the Salem
Witchcraft Hysteria. Socioeconomic tensions within the community are to blame
for the witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts during the late 1600 s. Factors
such as politics, religion, and social status all played a role in the deadly and
devastating era. In Taking Sides: Clashing Views in United States History, U.S.
cultural and intellectual historian Paul Boyer and Professor Stephen Nissenbaum
argue in Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft, why they believe
socioeconomic tensions are responsible for the witchcraft hysteria in Salem. In the
same textbook, author Laurie W. Carlson expresses her beliefs in A Fever in Salem,
on why she feels the cause of the Salem witch hysteria had nothing to do with
socioeconomic tensions within the community. To learn more about the Salem
witchcraft hysteria, Historian Paul Boyer, and Professor Stephen Nissenbaum
sought to further understand the accusations of witchcraft. During the late 1600 s
life in colonial New England was one led by religion and politics. Salem was
broken up into two factions, Salem Village, and Salem Town. Salem Village, which
was led by the Putnam family was a rapidly growing
Should Groundwater Be Regulated Essay
Groundwater: Should It Be Regulated? Imagine not having water. What s life without
having water? There s no more taking showers or washing the dishes or anything that
involves water. Life would be pretty horrendous. According to Source two, Financial
Times, ... At least 1,300 people have lost their water in and around East Porterville... .
The legislatureshould make an act that limits the amount of water individuals take out
of the ground. Scientist are already sounding alarm bells about pumping too much
groundwater. State water managers estimate that water tables in some parts of the
Valley have dropped 100 feet below historical lows. (Source three). California
should make a law about pumping water because in the near future there will be no
more water. Another reason is, As water levels sink, the land can sink... (Source
three). What this means is that if people just cluelessly poke holes into the ground to
pump out water, the area that has holes will sink. According to Source 2, ...
California is the only state that doesn t really monitor or regulate how much
groundwater farmers and residents are using. This is an agonizing problem because
if the state does not watch our moves towards pumping water, people might take too
much and we will not have any... Show more content on ...
Even though California was the only state in the West without groundwater legislation
, officials with the Kern County Farm Bureau said they re not happy with the state
s bill. (Source one). Apparently, farmers are not so happy about them making a
bill. If there is a legislative law about monitoring groundwater, then how will the
farmers grow their crops? Some farmers are worried, too, according to source three.
In Merced County, farm leaders are trying to stop two private landowners from
selling as much as 7 billion gallons of well water to farmers in another county.
The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Today s Music Essay
The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Today s Music
I believe that it would be difficult for someone to make the argument that Negro
spirituals have not been influential in the field of music, much less the realm of
gospel music today. However, church members often do not make the time to reflect
on the heritage of a hymn or song to realize the meaning that the particular piece has
carried with it through the decades, even centuries. With this in mind, I am going to
look at the history of the Negro spiritual and then at specific hymns in the 1991
Baptist Hymnal, published by Convention Press, to see just what impact the Negro
spiritual has had on today s church music. I believe that we will find that these songs
have had a ... Show more content on ...
At first, however, slaves were not using their music to glorify the God worshipped
by their masters. Obviously, they had brought their religion with them, one
considered pagan and inappropriate by Christians in the American colonies.
Christian missionaries were very disapproving regarding the religious practices of
the slaves, and they began to verbalize their disapproval and work to convert the
new African slaves. Seventeenth century author Morgan Godwin describes their
religious practices thus: . . . nothing is more barbarous, and contrary to Christianity,
than their . . . Idolatrous Dances, and Revels; in which they usually spend the
Sunday . . . And here, that I may not be thought too rashly to impute Idolatry to their
Dances, my Conjecture is raised upon this ground . . . for that they use their Dances
as a means to procure Rain: Some of them having been known to beg this Liberty
upon the Week Days, in order thereunto (qtd. in Maultsby 3). Apparently, slave
owners did not immediately set out to influence the religious practices of their slaves;
however, it would not be long before the masters began to insist that their slaves
practice their religion, Christianity.
I have found very little regarding the reception of the Africans to Christianity;
nevertheless, they were converted, and their music changed to
The University Students Epistemological Beliefs About...
14 sophomores and 22 seniors participated in this study. The goal of this study was to
examine whether sophomore and senior level university students differ in their
beliefs about construction and modification of knowledge. Students rated their
responses to an Epistemological Beliefs (EB) questionnaire on a 5 point Likert scale.
This survey measured students beliefs about constructing and modification of
knowledge between sophomores and seniors. Results indicated that sophomores have
a more sophisticated epistemological view than seniors. Time spent in school may not
be the only factor determining students level of EB sophistication.
This study was conducted in the hopes of learning more about the university ... Show
more content on ...
In Schommer s 1997 study, she found that seniors in high school have a more
complex view of epistemology (Schommer, M. 1997). Perry s 1968 study also
defends the idea that more education should predict a more complex view of
epistemology (Perry, W.G., Jr, 1968). However, it was not clear whether the results
would be similar in a university setting. Therefore a test was conducted to find out.
14 sophomores and 22 seniors from Eastern Illinois University participated in this
study. Participants were taken from 3 different classes: Honors Intro to
Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Research Methods. The Wood Kardash
(2002) Epistemological Belief Survey was administered to each class in a
classroom setting during the Fall semester of 2012. Students rated their responses
to EB questionnaire on a 5 point Likert scale. This was done a total of 3 times,
once at the begging of the semester, once at the end of the semester, and again at the
end of the semester. Before the last survey was administered, the percipients were
required to read an article about epistemology. Once all the participants read the
article they were then given the survey. However, since this was a comparative study,
only one of these tests was actually used, the final test. The independent variable is
the students, which involved two levels: sophomores and seniors. The dependent
variable is the level of sophistication. An independent sample T test was utilized in
order to
Comparing The Rastafari, Jediism, And The Raelian
The Rastafari, Jediism and The Raelian Movements are all smaller new religions
that believe in some type of force. One is they have ethical beliefs as well as code
of conducts even though they do not share the same beliefs they all have their own
set that they believe in and live by. They all have a set of community because all it
takes a group of likeminded people to become a community and eventually a religion
in most aspects, there are always a few people that believe and have a passion the
same thing and live by their chosen ethics. These movements they all share is they
all believe in some type of God, sprit or force. Rastafari is a movement that believe
in the Black race almost everything has to do with the color of their skin from their...
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they believe in equality and that accepts everyone from all walks of life. Jediism
believe There is one all powerful force that binds the entire universe together.
According to Jediism supports the idea of one all powerful
life energy Force the force has always existed and they believe always will. The
Force that connects all living things in the universe together. Jediism Incorporates
many ideas from older religions like Catholicism and Buddhism. To me Jediism is
really similar to Taoism for example they both believe in the force as well as they
both detach themselves from earthly attachments. They are almost one in the same
as far as. It is said that the Taoism is influence by Jediism. They both are a caring
and supportive community and accept everyone. The Jedi belief system is a
makeup of Taoism s, Buddhism, Catholicism s and Samurais. People that join the
Jediism must learn key tenets of the faith. The Church has a code made up of five
statements that they live by. The RaГ«lian Movement believes in UFO and
teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species and not by God.
Raelian believe that Elohim planted a seed and made all things on earth but, they
do believe in baptisms and marriages like a lot of religions do but Raelian only do
Baptisms four days in the entire year at a particular time between 3 and 4 PM.
Raelian do not baptize children because they believe it a personal choice and
parents should not force beliefs on their children. They do not believe in the after but
they believe that enteral life is not the soul of a person but the recreation of someone
through their DNA. All three of the movement are new but they all hold or share
many common things with religion that are here before they came. Every Religion
that out in the world have their own purpose and their purpose
Socratic Dialectic
A friend of Socrates, Chaerephon, asked the Oracle of Delphi if there is anyone
wiser than Socrates. The goddess answered that there is not. (Plato, p. 50). Aware
that he cannot claim wisdom, but intrigued by the Oracle s answer, Socrates
embarks on a journey to find someone who is truly wise. The method he used to
establish someone s wisdom or lack of it has been known as the Socratic dialectic.
Socratesdialectic technique, its aim and its method will be examined in this paper.
The Apology of Socrates by Plato, will be used as a case study to illustrate key points.
Upon hearing the Oracle s answer that no one is wiser than him, Socrates found the
literal interpretation difficult to comprehend. He decided to seek out people who
have a ... Show more content on ...
And while his method might appear ruthless and hostile, it was essentially ethical in
character. Belief in a purely objective understanding of such concepts as justice, love,
and virtue, and the self knowledge that he encouraged, were the basis of his teachings.
He believed that all vice is the result of ignorance, and that no person is willingly
bad; correspondingly, virtue is knowledge, and those who know the right will act
rightly. Socrates was not a believer in any specific metaphysical point of view, but
he believed that he was appointed by God to examine himself and others in order to
discover who they really are. Thus, he claimed that the highest goodness consists in
the caring of the soul concerned with moral truth and moral understanding. Wealth
does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both
to the individual and to the state . (Plato, p 62).
As previously stated, Socrates dialectic aims to determine whether an individual
makes justifiable claims to knowledge by using the method of cross examination in
order to draw out a contradiction or inconsistency in their claims. However, this is not
the only aim of dialectic. The Socratic method is also a means of conversing,
developing a dialogue that aims to bring awareness to person s ignorance of a
subject. It aims to free other from ignorance, encourage them on their path to self
knowledge, assist then in leading good, virtuous life and ultimately
Mahayana Buddhism Essay
Advanced technology and luxurious items seem bring humans into a Modern World.
However, it seems these 21st Century technologies and items have brought more
dissatisfaction, the duhkha. Death, blood and war, these words appear in the
newspaper almost everyday. Despite those external dissatisfactions, internally human
kind becomes more selfish and lonely. As a matter of fact, a hypochondria is
becoming so popular that one in seven adults is facing it. In our society today,
Buddhism, especially MahayanaBuddhism, becomes a cure to the duhkha that we are
facing today. The Dharma of Mahayana Buddhism becomes very helpful to resolve
many, even all the problems humans are facing today.
Mahayana Buddhism believes in the Path of Bodhisattva, ... Show more content on ...
In context of Mahayana Buddhism, emptiness doesn t mean that the existence of
everything is nothingness. What emptiness really means is that the existence of
things are dependently arising from the empty of own beings. A flower that
always needs sunlight, water, soil, nutrients and so on to live. What this means is
that sunlight and those factors caused a flower to exist, but a flower will
eventually dies. Since the flower will eventually die and the factors like water that
fed the flower will disappear as well, in the end nothing left. Thus, flowers are
emptiness, factors are emptiness, emptiness creates emptiness and in the end there is
only emptiness left. There are really two important point here, one is that everything
is emptiness and everything will change with empty of own beings. Another one is
that people has to see through the emptiness and find the suchness of things. An
analogy may be help to explain the point. Money always brings up conflicts
between people or countries and result of the conflicts are rather unpleasant. In
recent years, robbery becomes outrageous and if people understand even a tiny bit
about the dharma of Mahayana Buddhism, especially about the concept of
emptiness, many of the robbery could be avoided. Money is very valuable, but it is
still empty. The reason that money is valuable is because such value is
Louise Nevelson
Louise Nevelson
Sky Cathedral Presence
Survey of World Art
Vyacheslav Borts
The sculptress Louise Nevelson was a towering figure of American modernism.
Born in 1899, she came to prominence in the late 50s, gaining renown for
monochromatic structures built out of discarded wood. Critic Arthur C. Danto
wrote, There could be no better word for how Nevelson composed her work than
bricolage a French term that means making do with what is at hand. (Danto 2007)
Her pieces evolved and expanded in size across the latter 20th century, moving from
smaller pieces to wall sized ones, and the plays of volume therein, between light and
mass, generated comparisons to numerous different movements. The following paper
will examine these ... Show more content on ...
The poignancy of this girl s untimely death and the instant of life the Grave Stele
captures are both magnified by the weight and constancy of the marble. By contrast,
Nevelson achieves something like suppleness in Sky Cathedral by her use of
multiple layers and multiple new spaces that emerge from different vantage points.
From the Attic Greek to the Augustan age brings one to the Imperial Procession,
located on the North frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae (Fig. 4). The first two
sculptures put into conversation with Sky Cathedral were mortuary, but the
Imperial Procession is celebratory. The first two are both smaller than four feet, but
the Procession is life sized, so its visual force is thus magnified. Finally, the
individuals therein are not idealized types, in contrast to earlier Greek modes of
statuary they naturalistic depictions of many actual people in the line of the
Caesars. The Ara Pacis took four years to build, due to its desired scale and quality,
and that scale points to a salient evolution from the Greeks to the Romans. Riegl
claimed this vector went from what he call[ed] the haptic objectivism of the Greeks
the delineation of the clarity of the object through an appeal to and a stimulation of
the tactile associations of the viewer to the optical objectivism of Roman art, in which
the need to set the figure up in space as radically
Alfred s Influences In The Novel The Contender
Alfred brooks a boy who was a tiny weak ant and became a strong furious lion.Alfred
Brooks lived in the projects in New York City.He goes through some rough times in
his life but his friends, career and other things change him.There are also numerous
events that also change Alfred than the people around him.Throughout the novel The
Contender, Alfred changes due to his friends, boxing career, and drugs.
Alfred had a few friends and these were Alfred s bad influences except for one
named Henery.One event that helps show this in the novel is when Alfred is told to
help his friends rob a store he worked at.This is able to clearly shows that how bad of
an influence they are.One other thing about his friends is that because Alfred had
forgotten to tell them about the silent alarm before they rob the store one of his
friends named James got caught and because of this Alfred gets jumped.This
shows that not only they aren t good influences but also unloyal.Later in the story,
Alfred meets a new group of guys who he quickly becomes friends with whom he
meets in the gym. These friends influence him to do well and work hard and one
example is his friend Donatelli.This is Alfred coach and he always influences him
to exercise and train well.One example is when Alfred was about to leave the gym
Donatelli influenced him to stay and helped him work hard to become great and his
boxing career.He helped him go to fights and trained him well so he could win.These
new friends had a
Zenobia In Nathaniel Hawthorne s Blithedale Romance
The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself especially when everybody is
watching . In Nathaniel Hawthorne 1854 novel Blithedale Romance supposed to
be utopian society but falls short when Coverdale and Hollingsworth have their
own view of what Blithedale is supposed to look like. For example Coverdale uses
and wants Blithedale for his poetry and Hollingsworth wants to use Blithedale to
reform criminals. Both of these men aren t there for a utopian community (where it
can be a better living space for them) but they re rather focus on their own objectives.
In addition, there is another important character related to this book and that s
Zenobia. Zenobia is an older beautiful and mature women who comes from a rich
background. She comes... Show more content on ...
Priscilla is a young, beautiful teenage girl who is very naive. Introducing her first
night at Blithedale she trustingly betook herself into the shadow of Zenobia s
protection (58) and follows Zenobia continuously, because she is an older women
with much to learn from. At first Zenobia is reluctant to show any emotion
towards Priscilla because she sees Priscilla as being young minded and compared
to her life she sees herself as a matured and aged women. I think Zenobia is
reluctant because she don t want nobody figuring out who she is and having
Priscilla look over her put pressure on her to only put more of an act on. But
Zenobia do acknowledges Priscilla has lots to learn by saying Every day I shall
give you a lecture...on morals, manners, and properties of social life (56). Zenobia
recognizes that she is the only person to show her womanly things as people from
Blithedale did see her as a feminist for women s rights.. Although Priscilla s can be
honest and innocent of all love she is faced with Zenobia s feelings representing
another element of deceitfulness in her character. In reality Zenobia reveals she is
jealous of Priscilla in many ways for her beauty, how they must compete for
Hollingsworth s love and affection, and the attention she gets Zenobia wants that.
Zenobia compares herself to Priscilla stating the obvious who can offer more to
Hollingsworth and who has more to give to Blithedale. Zenobia feels she shouldn t
have to compete with a teenage girl to get what she want so she lowers Priscilla
into her mind of thinking, tricking her, and playing her and most importantly trying
to keep her away from Hollingsworth. Furthermore, Zenobia is upset at
Hollingsworth because he describes Priscilla as being this lovely women She is the
most admirable handiwork of God, in her true place and character. Her place is at a
man s side (86). Concluding the fact hearing those words
Monogamy In American Culture
In American culture, relationships, commitment, and sex are synonymous with
monogamy. However, this is not always the case. Monogamy is defined by
Merriam Webster as the state or practice of being married to only one person at a
time or of having only one sexual partner during a period of time. Alternatively,
polyamory is defined as the state or practice of having more than one open romantic
relationship at a time.
The word polyamory derives from both Greek (poly) and Latin (amory) roots and
can be directly translated to mean many loves. This is an idea of which popularity
has risen a great deal in mainstream media over the last couple of decades.
To the average American, monogamyrepresents a normal part of life. Children grow
up ... Show more content on ...
It has often been emphasized in research that poly love involves hard work along
with a dedication to each partner. Polyamory, like monogamy, is rooted in love.
This love may be expressed emotionally, spiritually, sexually, or all three. Several
researchers have stressed that poly love is based on the values of freedom, honesty,
and commitment. This is relevant because it gives a new perspective on how non
monogamous relationships can be arranged. The tendencies to rely on deceit or lies
to cover up infidelity are no longer an issue. However, other issues can arise
involving the communication between partners. One issue that is often a point of
contempt for many people is
The Ethics Of The Patient
One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of
the care of the patient is in caring for the patient Francis F Peabody. As I continued
my journey in internal medicine and hematology, I realized that ethical practice and
empathy are the essence of medicine every single day.
My interest in Internal Medicine developed during my 12 month long internship at
Dhaka Medical College Hospital, the largest teaching hospital serving patients
with all types of medical complaints from all over Bangladesh. Each admission day,
I was enthralled by the diversity of problems and the complexity of clinical
presentations of the diseases. Because Internal Medicine deals with diseases
involving all organ systems of human body, it requires a vast yet, in depth clinical
knowledge and diagnostic acumen. I found it intensely satisfying for an intelligent
and inquisitive mind to formulate a list of differentials for any presenting complaint
and deduce one final diagnosis using clinical and laboratory clues. Even more
rewarding was developing relationships with the patients as I cared for them from
admission to discharge. I remember how Mr. K s face lit up when I said, Ah! You
and your grandson have the same birthday, right?
My favorite Internal Medicine rotation, however, was in the hematology
department. To me it was a blend of basic science and clinical medicine including
critical care, infectious disease and palliative care. I noticed the
Why Shelter Dogs Should Not Be Put Down
Why Shelter Dogs Should not be put down, but used to benefit our society .
Animal Euthanasia, is a process during which an animal is put to death. According to
Humane society about 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs about one every
13 seconds are put down in U.S shelters each year. (humane society.) The saying that
dogs are a man s best friend is often thought of when thinking of dogs, but what if I
tell you the man is the dog s best friend, or even the only friend, only family. So
often we see people buying Dogs because they are so cute! and so warm/fuzzy
/cuddly! and 90% of the time those dogs do not stay with this family, either they
take too much time,decide to move, not enough space or the saddest one they can
no longer afford it, and those dogs find their way to the shelter. The family who put
their dogs in shelters think it is the best decision, but in turn, it s really a death
sentence. According to Akita Rescue, a dog has 72 hours to find a new family from
the moment you drop it off. (Anonymous) after this time the animal gets put down,
So why do this to your pet? to any pet? why have them sit in a cell for no reason,
other than you not having enough time or no longer wanting to take care of it; that
Dog doesn t have relatives to which he can go to when things go bad, he can t just
go to his sister, mother, father, or grandparents to that dog you are the world, and by
putting your dog in the shelter the dog loses not only you but also his world.
Lyme Disease To Humans
Dogs may be fun, protective, and thoughtful, but did you know that you can contract
diseases from them? If we re not careful we can get more than love from our dogs.
By this I mean diseases. Because dogs can transmit various conditions and diseases to
humans, you should think twice before sharing an ice cream cone with your dogor
kissing him. (Dogasaur, p. 1).
There are many different diseases and sicknesses that can be transmitted through
being with your dog. Fortunately, most of the common diseases contracted from
dogs can be treated quickly and easily. People need to be more careful about their
dogs and the diseases that can be contracted because they can affect humans with
almost the same amount of effect that they have on dogs. One ... Show more content
on ...
Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks, which can easily be contracted by dogs, since
ticks are a common issue. According to Dogasaur, the Author of 5 Diseases Dogs
Can Pass to Their Owners, that Even though dogs can t transmit Lyme disease to
humans, we can still contract this condition through our dogs. How is this
possible? One word: TICKS! Ticks are carriers of Lyme disease and since they can
often be found on dogs, owners can develop the disease if they re bitten by an
infected tick. Within 2 weeks of developing Lyme disease, you may notice a rash
that resembles a bulls eye target (Dogasaur, p. 8). People with Lyme Disease may
also run a fever, but in some cases, people that are infected with Lyme Disease may
show no symptoms for the first few weeks. Also, PetMD says that many dogs who
develop Lyme disease have recurrent lameness due to inflammation of the joints.
Sometimes the lameness lasts for only three to four days but recurs days to weeks
later, either in the same leg or in other legs. This is known as shifting leg lameness.
One or more joints may be swollen, warm, and painful. (Lyme Borreliosis in Dogs, p.
The Psychological Impacts Of African Imperialism In Africa
The psychological impact of the introduction of European culture is reflected in
the way Africans illustrated themselves in stories while concurrently portraying
the acuteness of the imperialism situation. The concept of social Darwinism swept
the 19th century world with the theory that some peoples were naturally superior
to others. Factors such as race, wealth, property, and so on were supposedly
directly correlated to superiority over others. This concept was concocted mainly
to justify the colonial takeover of lesser nations and to reinforce European
supremacy. ( Social Darwinism ) An example of this idea is Routledge s scorn
toward Africans and their culture. This demeanor had a large psychological
impact on the colonized Africans. In Song of Lawino; A Lament, Ocol scorns his
own people by saying, Black People are Primitive. Ocol is completely convinced
his race is backward, imbecilic and corrupt. (Clark 41) Clearly, the psychological
impact of European treatment towards Africans altered the way Africans thought
about themselves. If Lawino is seen as an example of African pride before
imperialism, surly Ocol demonstrates the effect of the mental coercion and
acceptance of European superiority that imperialism brought. To combat this idea of
inferiority, many African authors warned against the dangers of believing
imperialists. Ghanaian James Aggrey wrote The Parable of the Eagle in response to
the change in perspective. The parable tells of a man who convinced an
Why Leadership Is A Fundamental Part Of Organizational...
Great leaders have the ability to mold our minds, bodies, and souls. Great leaders
push us to our limits and have us coming back for more. But, Why? What draws us
towards these individuals? Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi,
Martin Luther King Jr., and Steven P. Jobs, what do they all have in common? Yes,
they all were great leaders, but it is something more than that. It was their ability to
self sacrifice. They built trust from their moral beliefs and actions. They understood
and foster an environment that supported leadershipdevelopment They transformed
their followers. (Kreitner Kinicki, 2014). In this paper, I will explain why
leadership is a fundamental part of organizational behavior, discuss what leadership
theory I align with and why, and explain why my leadership theory is effective
within my organization. Organizational an interdisciplinary field
dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work (Kreitner Kinicki,
2014 p.6). The study of organizational behavior and leadership goes hand in hand.
Great leaders are: innovators, trustworthy, and inspirational to others. This results in
employees who are willing to bring their own ideas and suggestions to the table.
This creates confidence for the employees and establishes confidence in the
organization. Employees are willing to work harder and give more because they
know someones in their corner. Leaders are always looking at the bigger picture and
how their
Cognitive Education Program
I have always had a passion for helping others. I can t remember a time in my life
where seeing my actions allow someone else grow and succeed didn t bring my
heart joy. Due to this deep desire to influence and change other s lives, I hope to
graduate from UTD with my degree in Cognitive Science and pursue law. With these
degrees, I hope to help children all across the nation by creating curriculum and
changing the rules of the educationsystem through policy. Though nothing can stop
me from becoming an instructional coordinator and hopefully a congress member, I
have always wondered if my personality was well suited for my dream job. I hope to
eventually be someone who is influencing education changes on the national level, for
this... Show more content on ...
I believe that the job analysis was extremely accurate; however the Myers Briggs
Test was not what I expected. All these years I had thoughtI was an ENFJ, but this
test classified me as an ISFJ. I hypothesis this change was due to me taking the test
much later. We as people go through many changes and develop different habits
throughout our life and the last time I took this test was in high school so perhaps I
too have changed.
As for my personality traits matching with my dream job, strangely enough,
instructional coordinators tend to be ENFJs, which is the Myer s Briggs
classification I originally thought I was. According to,
instructional coordinators are in charge of managing and sometimes creating
educational content for different organizations and education sites ( Myers Briggs
Test ENFJ Personality Type Instructional Coordinators n.d.). Due to the requirements
of their job, those who have this career usually have to enjoy working with others
directly and create strong relationships with those that they work with. It would also
make sense that they need strong planning skills in order to coordinate and
implement new curriculum. Though my personality based of the most recent test I
took doesn t directly line up with the ideal personality for the job, they is a bit of
overlap like the judging portion of my MBTI.
I think it would be ridiculous not to pursue your
Essay about Cleaner Alternative Transportation
When people think pollution, most think straight to automobiles producing harmful
emissions which contribute to global warming or climate change. Well, this is true.
Motor vehicles account for about half of the toxic air pollutant emissions in the
United States. A large part of these toxic air pollutants is the need to rely on oil as a
fuel source. The fact that oil is still the main source of energy for things like
automobiles, when there are other alternatives like electric vehicles, creates many
problems within our society. The United States dependency on oil causes incidents
like the Deepwater Horizon. The estimated amount of oil released stood at 4.9
million barrels and polluted the area significantly. We as a country need to cut... Show
more content on ...
Automobiles have since evolved and become almost a necessity for people. While
they have become of major importance, they also hold many drawbacks to our
environment. They are the leading cause of transportation emissions and they
generate a majority of America s global warming emissions. Even though air
pollution emissions from motor vehicles have dropped considerably since 1950,
Automobiles still produce about 60% of US transportation emissions and generate
nearly 30% of America s global warming emissions (Car Emissions and Global
Warming). The average conventional automobile can be seen as fairly gas inefficient.
Compared to a hybrid electric vehicle, conventional cars produce about 1.5 times
more greenhouse gas emissions and costs more in fuel costs. Within a 100 mile trip,
conventional vehicles produce about 87 lb CO2, hybrid electric vehicles produce 57
lb CO2, plug in hybrid electric vehicles produce 62 lb CO2, and all electric vehicles
produce 54 lb CO2 (see table 1). This shows that hybrid and electric cars produce less
greenhouse gas emissions and costs less for fuel, compared to a conventional pure
gas powered vehicle.
Table 1
Emissions and fuel cost for a 100 mile trip between conventional, hybrid electric,
plug in hybrid electric, and all electric vehicles.
Emissions and Fuel Cost for a 100 Mile Trip
(compact sedans)Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(pounds of CO2 equivalent)Total Fuel Cost
(U.S. Dollars)
Conventional87 lb CO2$13.36
Bushido Shoshinshu ( Code Of The Samurai
Bushido Shoshinshu (Code of the Samurai)
Seppuku (Harakiri): The Samurai Bushido, was the code of honor which these
warriors lived and died by. Under the code of Bushido, Seppuku (Harakiri) was the
manner by which a Samurai voluntarily committed a ritualistic suicide. If you have
read or viewed The Last Samurai then you know that the context goes into explicit
details of this ceremony. Essentially, when a Samurai is in danger of being taken by
an enemy, has lost in battle and is shamed by defeat or any another immoral action
which may warrant punishment the Samurai disembowels himself. Additionally,
depending on the circumstances, the Samurai is engaging in Seppuku may be
assisted by another. This assistance is only rendered after the disembowelment has
occurred and ends with a beheading for a quick and honorable death. The Samurai,
consider it a great honor to assist another in Seppuku, as they all seek out a perfect
death. Consequently, a Samurai who elected not to honor the code was shunned, for
lack of a better term. These Samurai then became Ronin, they were masterless and
bound to suffer great shame. As a result of breaking the code they forfeited their
honor, community and employment, however, they kept their lives. The
undesirability of rЕЌnin status was mainly a discrimination imposed by other
samurai and by daimyo, the feudal lords (wikipedia). Based on my understanding of
Japanese history, to simply state Ronin suffered discrimination would be a gentle
Nike Cost Of Capital Case Summary
Nike, Inc.: Cost of Capital
Case 14
A Case Brief Submitted to
Submitted by
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Date Submitted
September 28, 2011
This case highlights Kimi Ford, a portfolio manager with NorthPoint Group, a
mutual fund management firm. She managed the NorthPoint Large Cap Fund, and
in July of 2001, was looking at the possibility of taking a position in Nike for her
fund. Nike stock had declined significantly over the previous year, and it appeared
to be a sound value play. Nike had held an analysts meeting one week earlier to
release the company s fiscal results for 2001. Apparently Nike had an ulterior motive;
the management wanted this opportunity not only to release their fiscal ... Show more
content on ...
In order to be more confident in her forecast, she asked her assistant to estimate Nike
s cost of capital.
Nike s Estimated Cost of Capital
Ms. Ford s assistant estimated Nike s cost of capital to be 8.4%. This is based on
four main assumptions. First, a single cost of capital for all of Nike s various
business segments will be sufficient, rather than using a business segment specific
cost of capital. Seeing as footwear made up 62% of revenues, and that all the
significant segments were sport related, the assistant felt that the risk factors were
similar for all of the business segments. Next, since Nike was funded through both
debt and equity, the WACC was used to calculate the cost of capital. Third, the cost
of debt was estimated to be 4.3%. This was calculated by taking the interest expense
for the entire year of 2001 and dividing it by Nike s average debt balance. Tax
adjusted, the cost of debt is 2.7%; this uses a tax rate of 38% based on a state tax of
3% and the U.S. statutory tax rate. Lastly, the CAPM was used to estimate the cost
of equity. Using the current yield of the 20 year Treasury bond as the risk free rate,
the compound average premium of the market over Treasury bonds as the risk
premium, and the average of Nike s betas from 1996 to 2000 as the beta, Nike s cost
of equity was estimated to be 10.5%.
Validity of the Assumptions
Single Cost of Capital
The first assumption is that
Bipolar I Case Study
Bipolar I Disorder with Psychotic Features
Bipolar I disorder, or formally known as manic depression disorder, is a mental
disorder in which a person experiences frequent mood swings that can drastically
change the direction of one s life. Individuals with bipolar disorders experience
unusual, dramatic mood swings, and activity levels that go from periods of feeling
intensely happy, irritable, and impulsive to periods of intense sadness and feelings of
hopelessness, thus affecting behavior in some ways. According to
(2012), bipolar I disorder can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school
performances, and even suicide. The disorder impacts the mental, physical, emotional,
and cognitive aspects of one s life.
The nature of bipolar I disorder is precisely indicated by the case study presented
here. The client is a thirty eight year old single white male, unemployed and admitted
to a mental facility (Park Place Behavioral Health Care). The individual was admitted
to the facility through an ex parte order for involuntary examination granted by the
Osceola County court on December 7, 2015. ... Show more content on ...
Medications such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants or antipsychotics are
normally used for this disorder. In this case, while in the facility, the client was
getting 1000 mg of Depakote ER, an anticonvulsant that is given to treat the manic
phase of bipolar disorder twice a day, 2 mg of Risperdal twice a day, which is an
atypical antipsychotic to help with severe mania, Ativan 4 mg PO or IM prn agitation
every four hours as needed for anxiety, and Cogentin 2 mg twice a day for treatment
of extrapyramidal side effects. Some of these medications have serious side effects;
therefore, it is important for a physician to supervise patients to monitor progress and
any possible side effects or drug
Patient Lookup Patient Training Plan
My training plan is for patient lookup function which to me would be hands on
training. For maybe few patients that can t look up information on a computer a
training program would be beneficial for them. There needs to be a complete
understanding of the information system in order to look up information. To me
patient looks up function can mean the patient can look up information or what it
probably means is that information system programmer can look up all the
information system programmers can look up. All the information needed for that
patient and what sort of treatment they have had and any other information for their
quality care. However, looks up information, whether a programmer or anyone else
they need to have a complete understanding
Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft Trials
Cotton Mather and the Salem Witchcraft Trials American Literature reveals that
because of Cotton Mather s writings there is knowledge of the Salem witchcraft trials
in 1692. The research shows that most of the known stories and trials come from
Cotton Mather. This essay will describe Cotton Mather, the Salem witchcraftTrials,
and an insight on the information provided by Mather. Like his father before him,
Cotton Mather took position as a pastor of the Second Church of Boston where he
remained connected with that church from 1685, when he was ordained, until his
death forty three years later. It was mainly by his remorseless writing that he
became one of the most notable of all New England Puritan ministers. Today
Mather is often thought of as unsympathetic because of his part in the Salem
witchcraft trials. Although he did not approve of all the trials, he had helped to
stir up the wave of frantic fear by his Memorable Providences Relating to
Witchcraft and Possessions. Later he further pursued his inquiries into satanic
possession with Wonders of the Invisible World. The Salem witch trials were a
series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial
Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. These trials began after a
group of young girls in Massachusetts claimed to be possessed by the devil and
accused several other locals of witchcraft. After this broke out a special court
convened in Salem to hear and determine (Mather 328)
Liberalism And Conservatism Are An Abstract Political...
Liberalism and conservatism are an abstract political ideology that is formed from
evolving list of political attributes (Bruns Gimpel, 2000). While it may be difficult to
create a comprehensive definition, Smith (1990) defined liberalism as individuals
who are reformist, democratic, libertarian, humanitarian, egalitarian, and permissive.
Conservative attributes focus on, small state, minimal regulations, individual freedom
and responsibility, patriotism, and strong law and order (Dommett, 2015). When
measuring trends in a variety of topics, Smith (1990) found that trends dealing with
individualism and equal rights were mostly associated with liberal views, while
trends on the topic of crime was mostly associated with conservatives. Bruns and
Gimpel (2000) noted that Americans identification as either liberal or conservative
was not entirely due to political knowledge, instead, their identification reflects the
individual s actual feelings towards particular groups and topics. Such findings
(Smith, 1990; Bruns Gimpel, 2000; Dommett, 2015) on the topic of crime and
individualism have recently been the subjects of debate throughout the presidential
election. On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump began his Republican National Committee
(GOP) presidential campaign with a speech labeling Mexican immigrants as rapists
and criminals. Throughout the rest of his successful campaign, now president elected,
Trump continued to use such rhetoric towards Hispanics as one of the leading
The Development And Evaluation Of Januvia Essay
The development and evaluation of JanuviaВ® (Sitagliptin Phosphate) are
illustrative of the activities that are needed to assess the efficacy, safety and
effectiveness of a new product for treating type 2 diabetes milieus. It is the first
drug of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP 4) inhibitors class that is approved as an
adjunct to diet and exercise to improve the glycemic control.1 Januvia was
developed by Merck Research Laboratories and received the FDA approval on 16
October 2006.2 Preclinical/Animal study: The animal study of MK 0431, the
code name for Sitagliptin in early development phase, was done in mice, rat, and
dog. Maximum recommended daily adult human dose (MRHD) of Sitagliptin was
found 100mg/day and NOAEL 50mg/kg based on dog study.3 Two years of
carcinogenic study was conducted on mice and rat. In rat, liver adenoma
/carcinoma has been seen at 60 times of MHRD. This is probably due to chronic
hepatotoxicity of the drug. No tumor incidence was observed in case of mice up to
70 times of MHRD. Both in vitro assay and in vivo mice assay was not suggestive
of mutagenic and clastogenic nature of MK 0431. Fertility adverse effect was also
not at 12 times of MHRD)3 and Sitagliptin was labeled as pregnancy category B.4
Based on these preclinical studies on animal, Merck submitted their Investigational
New Drug (IND 65, 495) application to FDA was on August 2002.4 Phase I: Phase I
of Sitagliptin study was done on 33 volunteer humans. Following 100mg of
Sitagliptin oral
Surely You Re Joking Mr. FeynmanВ… Essay
It is hard not to enjoy this author. Richard Feynman is an extremely curious
character with a lot of time on his hands. He obviously loved to explore the science
world as an art. He won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for physics and was one of the
greatest physicists of all time. Within the few chapters and pages that I have read,
Richard Feynmanwas definitely a man with a huge sense of adventure and a very high
intelligence. In the first chapter that I read (Testing Bloodhounds), I thought that it
was very interesting. I never knew that we, as humans, could smell and observe things
just like dogs. To my understanding we can tell just about anything from smelling and
looking at something that has just been touched. I thought it was cool... Show more
content on ...
Feynman had a good excuse for picking locks though. Going through filing cabinets
may not have been legal, but Feynman did it. Today, if we were to pick a lockin a Dr.
s office, we would definitely get in trouble, it seemed like Feynman hardly ever got
into trouble. He was probably so well respected that no one really cared if he broke
into cabinets or houses for that matter. The Third chapter that I read was, Certainly
Mr. Big! It was a chapter of excitement to say the least! I think that Feynman was
trying to figure out all of the games that people played with money and life. This
chapter was not really my favorite. It had a lot of information and it was just weird.
The way that he explained the situation with the high roller from Texas was kind of
confusing and boring. Oh well, I guess you cannot always enjoy every single
chapter in every single book that you read. The one thing that I did find out in this
chapter, is that Richard Feynman likes women. That along with learning not to be a
gentleman is what I learned most. I thought it was different to hear that he did not
want to be a gentleman, but then when he explained it further with the Texas high
roller I got what he was saying. It was definitely a packed chapter with lots of
information in it. The fourth chapter I read was, Is electricity Fire? I liked how he
brought God into science in this chapter. It is often hard to relate
Pop Culture in 1960 s and 1990 s Essay
Pop Culture in 1960 s and 1990 s
In comparing the sixties and the nineties, my first thought was how much popular
culture has changed since then and how different society is today. The strange thing
is, the more I tried to differentiate between them, the more similarities I found. Both
the sixties and the nineties were about youth, creativity, free thinking, and expression.
With the nineties coming to a close and the popularity of anything ?retro, I decided to
compare the fashions, people, music, and issues that defined pop culture in the
1960?s and its influence on pop culture in the 1990?s.
In the 1960?s, society was changing by the minute and fashion was ?anything goes?.
In the early sixties, Jackie Kennedy ... Show more content on ...
As fashion in the 60?s influenced fashion in the 90?s, the spirit of music in the 60?s
is present in the music of the 90?s. Many of the artists popular in the sixties are still
major forces in music today. There is no one genre of music that can define either
decade. After the appearance of the Beatles and the British invasion in the early
sixties, music changed and everything before it was all but swept away. There was
surf music from the Beach Boys; folk music from Bob Dylan; R B influenced music
from Motown and the Rolling Stones; and psychedelic music from Jefferson Airplane
and the Doors. In the nineties, many new types of music evolved. These include rap
music and hip hop which came from urban dissatisfaction and unrest, while
underground alternative rock became mainstream. In 1969, the Woodstock music
festival embodied the spirit of peace and love. It was repeated in 1994 and 1999, but
unfortunately, the festival in 1999 ended in violence, marring the essence of the
original Woodstock.
Racial tensions, civil rights disturbances, and deeply divided opinions over the
American presence in the Vietnam war, all served to give the sixties a radical edge.
People were passionate about what they believed in and were willing to give their
lives, if necessary, to the cause. Young people became increasingly opposed to the
Vietnam war and had a tendency to express their opinions more violently than Martin
Luther King,
What Is The Significance Of The French Revolutionary
The period between 20th April 1792, when after prolonged debates the deputies of
the French National Assembly finally declared war on the Habsburgs of Austria
and 18th June 1815, marking Napoleon Bonaparte s defeat at Waterloo, was
characterised by almost constant warfare, save for the brief peace of Amiens
(March 1802 May 1803). In fact, such was the extent of these wars which spanned a
little over two decades that until 1914, the British referred to them as the Great War
.1 Of late, these wars have been an object of much contention and have come under
the microscope to assist scholars in fully appreciating their significance in the
transformation of European warfare. Even today, scholars and historians alike,
remain divided over just how substantial a role the French Revolutionary and
Napoleonic warsplayed in altering the nature of wars after 1792. Without
disregarding either side, Roger Chickering has identified two master narratives
which do a remarkable job of explaining this period s importance, albeit in two
extremely dissimilar ways.2
According to Chickering, the first narrative, a notion hypothesized by Michael
Howard and further developed by Geoffrey Parker, holds that the French
Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars were merely a continuation and intensification of
the tactical and technological changes gunpowder, musketry and artillery that
occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which in turn paved the way for
the colossal standing armies
Origins How Life Began Analysis
Today on the planet of Earth, there are a vast variety of organisms ranging from
large mammals to minuscule bacterial cells. Every species here resides on a
sustainable planet with a stable atmosphere, temperature, pressure, and much more.
Nevertheless, these sundry organisms could simply not appear without an
explanation; prominent events must have altered our planet to producing the first
forms before the process of evolution occurred. However, what did commence life?
Humans are currently speculating about various, abstract concepts for this
controversy. Based on NOVA s documentary centered around the origins of
organisms called Origins: How Life Began, it reveals several ideas which
revolutionized this planet billions of years ago. About four point five billion years
ago, Earthwas a chaotic, fiery planet; meteoroids and comets sent a volley of strikes
on Earth. The planet s atmosphere consisted of toxic substances, and the skies were
severely hazy with the sununable to penetrate the surface of Earth. This period was
the Heavy Bombardment . Life was unable to secure a presence on Earth with all the
discrepancies which essentially prevented growth and evolution. Nonetheless,
considering the key components from the documentary, the organisms on Earth
began with bacteriawhen asteroids crashed on this planet. Near the conclusion of the
Heavy... Show more content on ...
From my perspective, I would surmise that organisms arose from the assistance of
foreign objects. Without asteroids striking the Earth billions of years ago,
biomolecules and the elements of life would cease to exist on this diverse planet. In
turn, the numerous species of organisms would have never evolved. Based on the
video, Origins: How Life Began, I can produce a respectable possibility to this vital
issue. A subject which attempts to reveal the truth for Earth, evolution, and
Comedic Relief in the Bleek Novel, Hard Times by Charles...
In every bleak novel there is one character who is always there for comedic relief;
in Hard Times, that character is Mrs. Sparsit. Mrs. Sparsit is the housekeeper for
Mr. Bounderby. Essentially she does all the work that a wife would do except she
has a lower status than a wife, but higher than a servant. Here in lies the problem
that she cannot deal with. Mrs. Sparsit came from a well to do family, but slipped
in the social rankings. To regain her pride, she attempts to sabotage Mr. Bounderby
s marriage, but in doing so only makes her a fool. In this passage, a robbery has just
occurred and the townspeople are trying to figure out who the perpetrator is. As of
right now, they believe it is Stephen Blackpool. Shaken by the events, Mrs. Sparsit
stays at Mr. Bounderby s house. The purpose of this passage is to show that it is not
Mr. Bounderby who is the fool, but rather Mrs. Sparsit, who does not seem to
understand that her actions against Bounderby do not have an impact on him at all.
What does Mr. Bounderby care about? Certainly not Mrs. Sparsit. Mr. Bounderby is
an egotistical man who only cares about his social status and money. He married
Louisa with the goal in mind to make her his trophy wife and to have connections
with Mr. Gradgrind it has nothing to do with his emotional connection with Louisa.
Thus, Mrs. Sparsit s determination to pity Mr. Bounderby is completely futile. Mrs.
Sparsit continues to attempt to please Mr. Bounderby
Career Goals For The Hospitality Industry
Five years ago was when I knew I wanted to work within the hospitality industry.
This was the time in my life where I came to the realization that this fun and
entertaining industry was a place where I could develop a career. Every since this
time in my life I have been creating goals for my career and steps to achieve these
goals. One of these steps to achieving a successful career includes attending a
university to study hospitality. This step has brought me to this point, where I am
creating goals specifically for this course. I believe creating these goals will put me
in a position to better succeed. I know being successful in this course is important
because the information taught will help me in achieving my career goals.
Through travel and hospitality related experiences in my life I have created two
major goals for my career. My first trip to Las Vegas was the time when my first
major career goal was established. By walking through each hotel I could easily see
that each place had a different style and way of operating. Observing these
examples allowed me to determine which hotel/resort or company would be the best
to work for. MGM s Aria Resort and Casino has always stuck out to me as a well
running, high class establishment; the workers are professional, but friendly and the
atmosphere is comforting while keeping up with the modern times. With this said,
one of my goals is to be employed by the Aria. Although, knowing how competitive
this industry can be, I would
Simone Biless Research Papers
Many people probably had no clue who Simon was before the Olympics . Now she
is one of the best Gymnast in the world, Actually the best gymnast in the world.
Simone dominated her compotation in this year s Olympics. As a team the USA
beet the chines by a total of ten points. Simone Biles is the best Gymnast in the
world because she won 5 medals in the Olympics, she also is the 3 time world
champion. However, Simone did not grab a spot in the uneven bars final in the
Olympics. One reason Simone Biles is the best Gymnast in the world is she got
the all around gold medal in Rio this past summer. She got an all around score of
62.998 and her teammate ally got a 60.098. Simone beat her by almost 3 points
witch is a lot in the world of gymnastics. The all around gold is not the only medal
Simone left Rio with. She won gold on floor, and vault. Plus, a bronze on beam. All
thought on one of her skills she almost fell and put her hands down witch is a full
point off , she still cam through with a bronze.... Show more content on ...
At the time Simone was only 15 years old and could not compete in the Olympics.
That did not stop her, that year she won the world championship and the two years
following that. She is the first girl to win it three years in a row. Now this I think is
pretty amazing , Simone Biles has not lost a competition since
The Lesson And The House On Mango Street
Zin Da
Keith O Shaughnessy
Eng Comp 2
9/21/17 Learing Hard The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street
Everybody once was facing hard and struggles through at a young age learn
acceptable differently. In Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros
The House On Mango Street, the protagonists are both young girls and lives in a bad
neighborhood who assent to faith in growing up quickly and learning the outside
world that they live. In The Lesson Miss Moore opens her mind to exposing the
level class status by taking her and her friends to the toy store in wealthy part of
New York City. In The Mango... Show more content on ...
She inspired the kids to learn there is much more about the world than outside of
where they lived. On the day, miss more rounded up neighborhood kids and is
going to take them to A fancy toys store at fifty seventh street. Miss Moore knows
that this will be a new experience for the children who don t have this in their
neighborhood, and will be excited by the unexpected items that they had never
seen before. In The Lesson, Miss Moore attempts to teach the children about
savage inequalities that exist in their socioeconomic status. However, Miss Moore
gives her five dollar bill to pay the taxi to a toy store, where they wonder at the
wealthy people live. Miss Moore told them to go in but Sylvia immediately
uncomfortable there. Sylvia was unhappy that miss Moore brought them here. The
children see a microscope, paperweight, and sailboats cost $1,195. Everything in
the store was high price and the kids shocked by looking at the cost, and to teach
them a lesson and inspire them to fight for success and try to do better for
themselves. When the arrived back to Harlem, miss Moore asks the children what
they thought the store. Eventually, sugar reply and said that the cost of the toy
sailboat could feed all of them. Again she asks the children what this inequality says
about society. Sugar

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Persuasive Essay On Adoption.pdf

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Adoption Crafting a persuasive essay on adoption can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a compelling argument but also in delicately navigating the sensitive nature of the topic. Adoption involves complex emotions, legal considerations, and societal perspectives, which require careful exploration and thoughtful analysis. To start, one must thoroughly research and understand the various aspects of adoption, including its legal frameworks, psychological impacts on both adoptive parents and children, and the broader societal attitudes towards adoption. This comprehensive understanding is crucial for constructing a well-informed and persuasive argument. The challenge deepens as the essay writer must strike a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning. Adopting a persuasive tone necessitates the skillful use of language to engage the reader's empathy while presenting a solid case supported by facts and evidence. This involves weaving together personal stories, statistical data, and expert opinions to build a compelling narrative. Addressing potential counterarguments is another intricate aspect of writing on adoption. Anticipating and refuting opposing viewpoints requires thorough research and critical thinking, as well as the ability to present a convincing counter-narrative. Furthermore, maintaining a neutral and respectful tone is essential, given the sensitivity surrounding adoption. The essay should be written with empathy and understanding, avoiding any potential for offense or harm. Balancing the emotional aspect with a rational discourse is crucial to persuading the audience effectively. In conclusion, crafting a persuasive essay on adoption demands a combination of research, empathy, and effective communication skills. Navigating the complexities of this topic requires a careful blend of emotional appeal and logical reasoning. If you find yourself in need of assistance or want to explore similar essays, a platform like can provide the support and resources to enhance your writing experience. Persuasive Essay On Adoption Persuasive Essay On Adoption
  • 2. Dream Analysis DREAM ANALYSIS This reflective essay illustrates Freud s theory of dream analysis. It will begin with a brief overview of Freudian dream theory and will go on to describe the various components of personality structure and the unconscious from a psychodynamic perspective. This essay will analyse one of my personal dreams using Freud s dream analysis theory and conclude with a critical reflection on the application of his theory as it relates to my dream. When Freud famously referred to dreams as being the royal road to the unconscious , he meant that dreams were a way in which to access the unconscious mind. Dream analysis in psychoanalysis is the process used to explore the role dreams play in the unconscious (Corey, 2005). The ... Show more content on ... The latent content is the underlying, hidden part of the dream that holds the true meaning of the unconscious desires (Solms, 2000). The process by which the latent content is transformed into the disguised manifest content is what Freud referred to as the dream work (Sharpe, 1988). The dream work can disguise the latent views through the following four mechanisms: condensation (the condensing of multiple thoughts into one), displacement (replaces a latent element by a concealed trivial reference to it e.g. your mother is represented as a cat), symbolism (which transforms thoughts into visual elements) followed by a process of secondary revision in which the dreaming mind takes all these distorted elements and organises them into a more comprehensible format (Schredl, 2008) In order to analyse my dream through Freudian interpretation I will begin by discussing the manifest content. I will attempt to break up the story in the dream and look at the individual items and events. In my dream I am walking out of a car park onto a street with many tall buildings, heading towards my counselling practice class. I am flustered as I have rushed to get to my class on time. As I am walking, I look down and see that I am wearing my husbands work boots. They have a lot of mud on them. I suddenly begin to feel how large and heavy they are on me. I stop walking as I suddenly feel a big a rush of
  • 3. Second Industrial Revolution Essay An Industrial Revolution is the change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the development of large scale industrial production (Danzer R50). The Second Industrial Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial Revolutionin England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business, common natural resources, and increasing population (Fagnilli 7). The Industrial Revolution in the United States had impact on the economy, cities, workers, and environment (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution in the United States was paramount to changes... Show more content on ... During the Second Industrial Revolution the work conditions in the big factories was very poor. In the dangerous factories there were over two thousand deaths and twenty thousand injuries per year (Fagnilli 7). The majority of the workers in the poor work conditioned factories were immigrants (Fagnilli 7). In the Central Pacific, factories workers were mostly immigrants of Chinese or Hispanic descent (Fagnilli 7). In the Union Pacific, factories workers were mostly Irish, African American, or Civil War Veterans (Fagnilli 7). The Chinese workers that worked in the west made around thirty dollars per month (Fagnilli 7). The average white worker would make around forty to sixty dollars per month with meals includes (Fagnilli 7). The factory owners would discriminate against people by their race. The conditions inside the factories were horrible, they called them sweatshops. A sweatshop is a shop or factory in which employees work for long hours at low wages and under unhealthy conditions (Merriam Webster). The poor work conditions and low wages in the workplace is what caused many strikes throughout the nation, leading to union s. In the Second Industrial Revolution there was a great deal of work being done but the workers had to go through poor work conditions to be able to have a meal on the table for there family. In the 1860s through the 1900s, the working person was greatly impacted by the Second Industrial Revolution.
  • 4. Sddsds FLS010 Pag IBIG MULTI PURPOSE LOAN APPLICATION FORM (MPLAF) (TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT) LAST NAME FIRST NAME APPLICATION No. Type or print entries MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN NAME (For married women) DESIRED LOAN AMOUNT MAX OF 60% (24 59 MOS.) MAX OF 80% (AT LEAST 120 MOS.) MAX OF 70% (60 119 MOS.) OTHER AMOUNT, PLS. SPECIFY _______________ HOME ADDRESS (Pls. indicate complete address) GENDER CIVIL STATUS EMPLOYEE No. MALE SINGLE WIDOW/ER ANNULLED FEMALE MARRIED LEGALLY SEPARATED MOTHER S MAIDEN NAME MOBILE PHONE No. HOME TEL. No. TIN BIRTHDATE mm dd BIRTHPLACE yyyy Pag IBIG ID No. SSS/GSIS ID No. COMPANY/EMPLOYER NAME COMPANY/EMPLOYER ADDRESS (Pls. indicate complete address) FOR AFP EMP SERIAL/ACCOUNT No. FOR... Show more content on ... However, should we deduct the monthly amortization due from the applicant s salary but failed to remit it on due date, this office agrees to pay the corresponding penalties equivalent to 1/2% of any unpaid amount for every month of delay. __________________________________ Signature of Applicant over Printed Name COM. TAX CERT. NO. _______________________ ISSUED ON _____________ AT _______________ ________________________________________________ DESIGNATION LEFT THUMBMARK OF APPLICANT RIGHT THUMBMARK OF APPLICANT
  • 5. ______________ EMPLOYER SSS/ GSIS NO. _______________ AGENCY CODE ______________ BRANCH CODE PROMISSORY NOTE For value received, I promise to pay on due date without need of demand to the order of Pag IBIG Fund with principal office at the Atrium of Makati, Makati Ave., City of Makati the sum of Pesos: (P_______________) Philippine Currency, with the interest rate of 10.75% p. a. for the duration of the loan. I hereby waive notice of demand for payment and agree that any legal action, which may arise in relation to this note, may be instituted in the proper court of Makati City. Finally, this note shall likewise be subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The borrower shall pay the amount of Pesos: _______________________________ (P_______________) through payroll deduction over a period of 24 months. In case of resignation /separation
  • 6. The Problem Of Sick Building Syndrome Introduction There are a number of companies every year that fall victim to slow production rates because of employees that become ill with sick building syndrome, decreasing their overall profit. Sick building syndrome is basically declared when a number of workers become sick in a specific part of a building, and their symptoms can be related directly back to air pollutants. These air pollutants are broken up into different categories, but the sources can be anything such as things outside the building; (vehicle exhaust emissions, biomass by products, etc.) which can enter the building through windows or poorly placed air vents. Or even things inside the building such as adhesives, carpeting, copy machines, pesticides, etc. That are known as volatile organic compounds or VOCs that can have a huge effect not only on humans, but plants as well. (Sumedha, J) This is why it is important to pay more attention to how big each individual s eco footprint gets! By the end of this report, the importance of being aware will be understood. History/Origin The presence of air pollutants and climate change are no new topic. Back in the 18th century, the use of burning coal was at a high. During the industrial revolution, the use of coal was immense and cities air pollutions levels were near what they are today. The documentation of smog (gas and smoke) goes back as far as 1875 when the Public Health Act contained a smoke abatement section to reduce the smoke in
  • 7. Advantages and Disadvantages of an Unwritten Constituion... The advantages of an unwritten constitution far outweigh the disadvantages (40) You must make a judgement. A constitution is a set of rules that establish duties and functions of the government and defines the basic principles to which society must conform. In this essay I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution and show that I agree with this statement. On one hand, if a written constitution was introduced it would affect the power of government, relationship between judges and politician and individual freedoms and rights. One argument is that a written constitution would make the rules of the country clearer, as constitutional rules would be collected together and put into a single document and ... Show more content on ... Unwritten constitutions are flexible as they are not entrenched, and flexibility is extremely important and useful as the modern day is constantly changing. The strongest argument in favour of a written constitution is that it would protect the rights of its citizens and individual liberty would be more securely protected. The rights would become more clearly defined due to a written constitution and perhaps easier to enforce than an unwritten constitution because it is difficult to be completely sure of what your rights are, these rights can be defined through a bill of rights in the written constitution. However, just because there is a written constitution does not ensure the rights of a countries citizens will receive their rights rather, it could lead to an elective dictatorship which might further restrict rights and may go on to persecute some of its citizens, which happened in Germany and resulted in the Second World War. Another disadvantage of a written constitution is that there may be tyranny within the judiciary. Judges are unelected and socially do not represent the population which could lead to a democratic deficit because of a lack of democratic legitimacy, as the public could be subjected to opinions which they do not agree with but have been implemented due to the preferences of senior judges. On the other
  • 8. Ginger Snaps Compare And Contrast The movie that I kept thinking about while watching Raw was 2000 s Ginger Snaps. Both are horror movies revolving around a couple of sisters as they discover that their bodies are betraying them and turning them into different types of creatures used as a metaphor to explain something that women go through in their lives. Ginger Snaps had werewolves; Raw has cannibals. Ginger Snaps took place in high school and used its transformation as a puberty metaphor. Raw is in college and uses cannibalism for, well, potentially quite a lot. In some respects, Raw is Ginger Snaps all grown up. Our protagonist is Justine (Garance Marillier), a long term vegetarian who is just starting veterinary school. A hazing prank involves eating meat, something that she initially refuses to do until she s egged on by her older sister, Alexia. This awakens in her a desire for meat and not just from animals. She wants human meat. It doesn t even have to be cooked. While making this shocking discovery, she... Show more content on ... This isn t a movie that hopes to make you leap out of your seat when nothing happens by throwing a multitude of jump startles your way. It instead wants to cause a deep unsettling feeling inside your gut as it shows you, well, probably more or less exactly what you expect. Is there a pleasant way to show someone eating another person s raw flesh? If there is, Raw doesn t want to go there. It would ruin the effect. When Raw decides to get gross, it gets really gross and it most definitely has the potential to make you feel uneasy. That feeling of unease isn t just because it s unpleasant to watch people get eaten, either. Raw does a good enough job of establishing Justine as a character and to a lesser extent, Alexia that you worry for where this condition will lead her. You actually begin to care about the cannibal, which is certainly different. It works because the film made her into a person before afflicted with this
  • 9. Joint Commission Accreditation And Certification The joint commission is a non for profit organization the joint commission accredits and certifies nearly 21,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. Joint Commission accreditation and certification are recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization s commitment to meeting certain performance standards, and their mission is to keep improving healthcare for the public. ( The Joint Commission takes the participation of both side of persons such as personnel and managers and also uses the management of Medicare Acts and service the hospitals to use the whole procedures by which they could be able to achieve the needs of federal guidelines connected to the ... Show more content on ... The department manager offers an approved personnel application to HR. The request may require additional information for an employee who is quitting, retiring, or being discharged, the branch manager will have techniques to follow connecting steps directed by the organization before HR receives the application. (L. Fleming Fallon.Jr., Charles R. McConnell) A corporation s human resources branch is the joining between its individuals and every unit beneath its top. On the outside, an HR division look as if there is to do little more than hold on to organizations records. In employing and hiring HR administrators are also working more with the recruiting and hiring departments in their offices to help them make better decisions. The reason for this is very easy to understand, HR executive has a tendency to have countless people skills, which comes accessible because a job meeting is all about reading people. (https:/ / Operational communication and group effort help corporations attract soon to be hires launch figures determined enactment reviews give employees a sense of how they can produce their businesses. ( Creating a detailed outline of a training program for managers.
  • 10. National Rifle Association Research Paper The National Rifle Association is considered one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. The way it operates including how it recruits and maintains an active membership have given it outsize influence over lawmakers at the state and federal level. Unlike corporate lobbyists, the power of the NRA comes from its massive membership and powerful activist base, as well as from millions of dollars from dues and corporate sponsors. The gun owners who comprise the NRA are voters who are passionate about firearms, and tend to be fiercely loyal to the organization. The organization coordinates their hunting trips, funds their gun clubs, and teaches their kids how to shoot safely. In turn, the members, coupled with industry supporters,... Show more content on ... The NRA is able to maintain and cultivate a vast membership, leading to gains in negotiation ability and funds from membership dues. They re able to ally with industry and serve as an intermediary between manufacturers and the public. The NRA ILA influences legislation and tries to recruit congressional allies to push their goals through by leveraging the massive membership in the NRA. Then, the NRA CRDF works to expand the interpretation of those laws in the courts. And the NRA Foundation, with funds from some of those corporate donors, recruits new gun users and NRA supporters, loyal new members. As a result, the organization is fantastically wealthy. According to the most recent available filings with the IRS, in 2010: The National Rifle Association of America had total revenue of $227.8 million and assets worth $163 million. The NRA Foundation had assets of $80.4 million and raised $21.2 million. The CRDF raised $875,500 and has $4.4 million in assets, The NRA spent $9.9 million on the NRA ILA In 2012 the NRA Institute for Legislative Action spent $7.5 million on federal elections on 66 candidates according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Separately, the NRA PAC spent $9.5 million in the 2012
  • 11. The Americas to 1500 Essay THE AMERICAS TO 1500 I. Methodology in the History This period, which deals with the world the Indians knew before the arrival of European explorers, poses difficulties flowing mostly from the lack of the usual evidentiary foundation for doing history: written documents (for example, letters, speeches, treaties, constitutions, laws, books, newspapers, magazines, almanacs). This lack need not be a major obstacle to historical study, however. Indeed, one of the most important things we can accomplish in teaching this period is devising ways to give students a sense of the spectrum of methods that historians use to investigate and understand the past. We can give students a sense of the breadth and depth of the historian s task and the ... Show more content on ... One last preliminary question: What is a culture? What do we mean when we talk about a given people s culture? James Axtell has provided a definition of culture that, in many ways, illustrates the problems of grappling with this slippery concept: A culture is an idealized pattern of meanings, values, and norms differentially shared by the members of a society, which can be inferred from the non instinctive behavior of the group and from the symbolic products of their actions, including material a artifacts, language, and social institutions. The following reworking of Axtell s definition may make it more accessible and useful: A culture is the body of ideas, ways of looking at the world, values, and standards for conduct and behavior that a given people or nation hold in common. It includes the range of meanings that people assign to their own perceptions and behavior, as well as to the natural world around them. We can define the elements of that culture, and understand how they fit together as a culture, by examining that people s customs, language, religion, material artifacts, and social and political institutions. That Indian peoples lacked some of the elements of European
  • 12. Socioeconomic Factors Of The Salem Witchcraft Hysteria In... Salem Witchcraft Hysteria Salem, Massachusetts became famously known for the witch trials that took place in the late 1600 s. For the men and women residing in Salem, Massachusetts it was a time in which they lived in fear of allegations and deceit. Twenty men and women lost their lives during what is known as the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria. Socioeconomic tensions within the community are to blame for the witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts during the late 1600 s. Factors such as politics, religion, and social status all played a role in the deadly and devastating era. In Taking Sides: Clashing Views in United States History, U.S. cultural and intellectual historian Paul Boyer and Professor Stephen Nissenbaum argue in Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft, why they believe socioeconomic tensions are responsible for the witchcraft hysteria in Salem. In the same textbook, author Laurie W. Carlson expresses her beliefs in A Fever in Salem, on why she feels the cause of the Salem witch hysteria had nothing to do with socioeconomic tensions within the community. To learn more about the Salem witchcraft hysteria, Historian Paul Boyer, and Professor Stephen Nissenbaum sought to further understand the accusations of witchcraft. During the late 1600 s life in colonial New England was one led by religion and politics. Salem was broken up into two factions, Salem Village, and Salem Town. Salem Village, which was led by the Putnam family was a rapidly growing
  • 13. Should Groundwater Be Regulated Essay Groundwater: Should It Be Regulated? Imagine not having water. What s life without having water? There s no more taking showers or washing the dishes or anything that involves water. Life would be pretty horrendous. According to Source two, Financial Times, ... At least 1,300 people have lost their water in and around East Porterville... . The legislatureshould make an act that limits the amount of water individuals take out of the ground. Scientist are already sounding alarm bells about pumping too much groundwater. State water managers estimate that water tables in some parts of the Valley have dropped 100 feet below historical lows. (Source three). California should make a law about pumping water because in the near future there will be no more water. Another reason is, As water levels sink, the land can sink... (Source three). What this means is that if people just cluelessly poke holes into the ground to pump out water, the area that has holes will sink. According to Source 2, ... California is the only state that doesn t really monitor or regulate how much groundwater farmers and residents are using. This is an agonizing problem because if the state does not watch our moves towards pumping water, people might take too much and we will not have any... Show more content on ... Even though California was the only state in the West without groundwater legislation , officials with the Kern County Farm Bureau said they re not happy with the state s bill. (Source one). Apparently, farmers are not so happy about them making a bill. If there is a legislative law about monitoring groundwater, then how will the farmers grow their crops? Some farmers are worried, too, according to source three. In Merced County, farm leaders are trying to stop two private landowners from selling as much as 7 billion gallons of well water to farmers in another county. (Source
  • 14. The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Today s Music Essay The Impact of Negro Spirituals on Today s Music I believe that it would be difficult for someone to make the argument that Negro spirituals have not been influential in the field of music, much less the realm of gospel music today. However, church members often do not make the time to reflect on the heritage of a hymn or song to realize the meaning that the particular piece has carried with it through the decades, even centuries. With this in mind, I am going to look at the history of the Negro spiritual and then at specific hymns in the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, published by Convention Press, to see just what impact the Negro spiritual has had on today s church music. I believe that we will find that these songs have had a ... Show more content on ... At first, however, slaves were not using their music to glorify the God worshipped by their masters. Obviously, they had brought their religion with them, one considered pagan and inappropriate by Christians in the American colonies. Christian missionaries were very disapproving regarding the religious practices of the slaves, and they began to verbalize their disapproval and work to convert the new African slaves. Seventeenth century author Morgan Godwin describes their religious practices thus: . . . nothing is more barbarous, and contrary to Christianity, than their . . . Idolatrous Dances, and Revels; in which they usually spend the Sunday . . . And here, that I may not be thought too rashly to impute Idolatry to their Dances, my Conjecture is raised upon this ground . . . for that they use their Dances as a means to procure Rain: Some of them having been known to beg this Liberty upon the Week Days, in order thereunto (qtd. in Maultsby 3). Apparently, slave owners did not immediately set out to influence the religious practices of their slaves; however, it would not be long before the masters began to insist that their slaves practice their religion, Christianity. I have found very little regarding the reception of the Africans to Christianity; nevertheless, they were converted, and their music changed to
  • 15. The University Students Epistemological Beliefs About... Abstract 14 sophomores and 22 seniors participated in this study. The goal of this study was to examine whether sophomore and senior level university students differ in their beliefs about construction and modification of knowledge. Students rated their responses to an Epistemological Beliefs (EB) questionnaire on a 5 point Likert scale. This survey measured students beliefs about constructing and modification of knowledge between sophomores and seniors. Results indicated that sophomores have a more sophisticated epistemological view than seniors. Time spent in school may not be the only factor determining students level of EB sophistication. Introduction This study was conducted in the hopes of learning more about the university ... Show more content on ... In Schommer s 1997 study, she found that seniors in high school have a more complex view of epistemology (Schommer, M. 1997). Perry s 1968 study also defends the idea that more education should predict a more complex view of epistemology (Perry, W.G., Jr, 1968). However, it was not clear whether the results would be similar in a university setting. Therefore a test was conducted to find out. Methods 14 sophomores and 22 seniors from Eastern Illinois University participated in this study. Participants were taken from 3 different classes: Honors Intro to Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Research Methods. The Wood Kardash (2002) Epistemological Belief Survey was administered to each class in a classroom setting during the Fall semester of 2012. Students rated their responses to EB questionnaire on a 5 point Likert scale. This was done a total of 3 times, once at the begging of the semester, once at the end of the semester, and again at the end of the semester. Before the last survey was administered, the percipients were required to read an article about epistemology. Once all the participants read the article they were then given the survey. However, since this was a comparative study, only one of these tests was actually used, the final test. The independent variable is the students, which involved two levels: sophomores and seniors. The dependent variable is the level of sophistication. An independent sample T test was utilized in order to
  • 16. Comparing The Rastafari, Jediism, And The Raelian Movements The Rastafari, Jediism and The Raelian Movements are all smaller new religions that believe in some type of force. One is they have ethical beliefs as well as code of conducts even though they do not share the same beliefs they all have their own set that they believe in and live by. They all have a set of community because all it takes a group of likeminded people to become a community and eventually a religion in most aspects, there are always a few people that believe and have a passion the same thing and live by their chosen ethics. These movements they all share is they all believe in some type of God, sprit or force. Rastafari is a movement that believe in the Black race almost everything has to do with the color of their skin from their... Show more content on ... they believe in equality and that accepts everyone from all walks of life. Jediism believe There is one all powerful force that binds the entire universe together. According to Jediism supports the idea of one all powerful life energy Force the force has always existed and they believe always will. The Force that connects all living things in the universe together. Jediism Incorporates many ideas from older religions like Catholicism and Buddhism. To me Jediism is really similar to Taoism for example they both believe in the force as well as they both detach themselves from earthly attachments. They are almost one in the same as far as. It is said that the Taoism is influence by Jediism. They both are a caring and supportive community and accept everyone. The Jedi belief system is a makeup of Taoism s, Buddhism, Catholicism s and Samurais. People that join the Jediism must learn key tenets of the faith. The Church has a code made up of five statements that they live by. The RaГ«lian Movement believes in UFO and teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species and not by God. Raelian believe that Elohim planted a seed and made all things on earth but, they do believe in baptisms and marriages like a lot of religions do but Raelian only do Baptisms four days in the entire year at a particular time between 3 and 4 PM. Raelian do not baptize children because they believe it a personal choice and parents should not force beliefs on their children. They do not believe in the after but they believe that enteral life is not the soul of a person but the recreation of someone through their DNA. All three of the movement are new but they all hold or share many common things with religion that are here before they came. Every Religion that out in the world have their own purpose and their purpose
  • 17. Socratic Dialectic A friend of Socrates, Chaerephon, asked the Oracle of Delphi if there is anyone wiser than Socrates. The goddess answered that there is not. (Plato, p. 50). Aware that he cannot claim wisdom, but intrigued by the Oracle s answer, Socrates embarks on a journey to find someone who is truly wise. The method he used to establish someone s wisdom or lack of it has been known as the Socratic dialectic. Socratesdialectic technique, its aim and its method will be examined in this paper. The Apology of Socrates by Plato, will be used as a case study to illustrate key points. Upon hearing the Oracle s answer that no one is wiser than him, Socrates found the literal interpretation difficult to comprehend. He decided to seek out people who have a ... Show more content on ... And while his method might appear ruthless and hostile, it was essentially ethical in character. Belief in a purely objective understanding of such concepts as justice, love, and virtue, and the self knowledge that he encouraged, were the basis of his teachings. He believed that all vice is the result of ignorance, and that no person is willingly bad; correspondingly, virtue is knowledge, and those who know the right will act rightly. Socrates was not a believer in any specific metaphysical point of view, but he believed that he was appointed by God to examine himself and others in order to discover who they really are. Thus, he claimed that the highest goodness consists in the caring of the soul concerned with moral truth and moral understanding. Wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state . (Plato, p 62). As previously stated, Socrates dialectic aims to determine whether an individual makes justifiable claims to knowledge by using the method of cross examination in order to draw out a contradiction or inconsistency in their claims. However, this is not the only aim of dialectic. The Socratic method is also a means of conversing, developing a dialogue that aims to bring awareness to person s ignorance of a subject. It aims to free other from ignorance, encourage them on their path to self knowledge, assist then in leading good, virtuous life and ultimately
  • 18. Mahayana Buddhism Essay Advanced technology and luxurious items seem bring humans into a Modern World. However, it seems these 21st Century technologies and items have brought more dissatisfaction, the duhkha. Death, blood and war, these words appear in the newspaper almost everyday. Despite those external dissatisfactions, internally human kind becomes more selfish and lonely. As a matter of fact, a hypochondria is becoming so popular that one in seven adults is facing it. In our society today, Buddhism, especially MahayanaBuddhism, becomes a cure to the duhkha that we are facing today. The Dharma of Mahayana Buddhism becomes very helpful to resolve many, even all the problems humans are facing today. Mahayana Buddhism believes in the Path of Bodhisattva, ... Show more content on ... In context of Mahayana Buddhism, emptiness doesn t mean that the existence of everything is nothingness. What emptiness really means is that the existence of things are dependently arising from the empty of own beings. A flower that always needs sunlight, water, soil, nutrients and so on to live. What this means is that sunlight and those factors caused a flower to exist, but a flower will eventually dies. Since the flower will eventually die and the factors like water that fed the flower will disappear as well, in the end nothing left. Thus, flowers are emptiness, factors are emptiness, emptiness creates emptiness and in the end there is only emptiness left. There are really two important point here, one is that everything is emptiness and everything will change with empty of own beings. Another one is that people has to see through the emptiness and find the suchness of things. An analogy may be help to explain the point. Money always brings up conflicts between people or countries and result of the conflicts are rather unpleasant. In recent years, robbery becomes outrageous and if people understand even a tiny bit about the dharma of Mahayana Buddhism, especially about the concept of emptiness, many of the robbery could be avoided. Money is very valuable, but it is still empty. The reason that money is valuable is because such value is
  • 19. Louise Nevelson Louise Nevelson Sky Cathedral Presence Survey of World Art By Vyacheslav Borts The sculptress Louise Nevelson was a towering figure of American modernism. Born in 1899, she came to prominence in the late 50s, gaining renown for monochromatic structures built out of discarded wood. Critic Arthur C. Danto wrote, There could be no better word for how Nevelson composed her work than bricolage a French term that means making do with what is at hand. (Danto 2007) Her pieces evolved and expanded in size across the latter 20th century, moving from smaller pieces to wall sized ones, and the plays of volume therein, between light and mass, generated comparisons to numerous different movements. The following paper will examine these ... Show more content on ... The poignancy of this girl s untimely death and the instant of life the Grave Stele captures are both magnified by the weight and constancy of the marble. By contrast, Nevelson achieves something like suppleness in Sky Cathedral by her use of multiple layers and multiple new spaces that emerge from different vantage points. From the Attic Greek to the Augustan age brings one to the Imperial Procession, located on the North frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae (Fig. 4). The first two sculptures put into conversation with Sky Cathedral were mortuary, but the Imperial Procession is celebratory. The first two are both smaller than four feet, but the Procession is life sized, so its visual force is thus magnified. Finally, the individuals therein are not idealized types, in contrast to earlier Greek modes of statuary they naturalistic depictions of many actual people in the line of the Caesars. The Ara Pacis took four years to build, due to its desired scale and quality, and that scale points to a salient evolution from the Greeks to the Romans. Riegl claimed this vector went from what he call[ed] the haptic objectivism of the Greeks the delineation of the clarity of the object through an appeal to and a stimulation of the tactile associations of the viewer to the optical objectivism of Roman art, in which the need to set the figure up in space as radically
  • 20. Alfred s Influences In The Novel The Contender Alfred brooks a boy who was a tiny weak ant and became a strong furious lion.Alfred Brooks lived in the projects in New York City.He goes through some rough times in his life but his friends, career and other things change him.There are also numerous events that also change Alfred than the people around him.Throughout the novel The Contender, Alfred changes due to his friends, boxing career, and drugs. Alfred had a few friends and these were Alfred s bad influences except for one named Henery.One event that helps show this in the novel is when Alfred is told to help his friends rob a store he worked at.This is able to clearly shows that how bad of an influence they are.One other thing about his friends is that because Alfred had forgotten to tell them about the silent alarm before they rob the store one of his friends named James got caught and because of this Alfred gets jumped.This shows that not only they aren t good influences but also unloyal.Later in the story, Alfred meets a new group of guys who he quickly becomes friends with whom he meets in the gym. These friends influence him to do well and work hard and one example is his friend Donatelli.This is Alfred coach and he always influences him to exercise and train well.One example is when Alfred was about to leave the gym Donatelli influenced him to stay and helped him work hard to become great and his boxing career.He helped him go to fights and trained him well so he could win.These new friends had a
  • 21. Zenobia In Nathaniel Hawthorne s Blithedale Romance The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself especially when everybody is watching . In Nathaniel Hawthorne 1854 novel Blithedale Romance supposed to be utopian society but falls short when Coverdale and Hollingsworth have their own view of what Blithedale is supposed to look like. For example Coverdale uses and wants Blithedale for his poetry and Hollingsworth wants to use Blithedale to reform criminals. Both of these men aren t there for a utopian community (where it can be a better living space for them) but they re rather focus on their own objectives. In addition, there is another important character related to this book and that s Zenobia. Zenobia is an older beautiful and mature women who comes from a rich background. She comes... Show more content on ... Priscilla is a young, beautiful teenage girl who is very naive. Introducing her first night at Blithedale she trustingly betook herself into the shadow of Zenobia s protection (58) and follows Zenobia continuously, because she is an older women with much to learn from. At first Zenobia is reluctant to show any emotion towards Priscilla because she sees Priscilla as being young minded and compared to her life she sees herself as a matured and aged women. I think Zenobia is reluctant because she don t want nobody figuring out who she is and having Priscilla look over her put pressure on her to only put more of an act on. But Zenobia do acknowledges Priscilla has lots to learn by saying Every day I shall give you a lecture...on morals, manners, and properties of social life (56). Zenobia recognizes that she is the only person to show her womanly things as people from Blithedale did see her as a feminist for women s rights.. Although Priscilla s can be honest and innocent of all love she is faced with Zenobia s feelings representing another element of deceitfulness in her character. In reality Zenobia reveals she is jealous of Priscilla in many ways for her beauty, how they must compete for Hollingsworth s love and affection, and the attention she gets Zenobia wants that. Zenobia compares herself to Priscilla stating the obvious who can offer more to Hollingsworth and who has more to give to Blithedale. Zenobia feels she shouldn t have to compete with a teenage girl to get what she want so she lowers Priscilla into her mind of thinking, tricking her, and playing her and most importantly trying to keep her away from Hollingsworth. Furthermore, Zenobia is upset at Hollingsworth because he describes Priscilla as being this lovely women She is the most admirable handiwork of God, in her true place and character. Her place is at a man s side (86). Concluding the fact hearing those words
  • 22. Monogamy In American Culture In American culture, relationships, commitment, and sex are synonymous with monogamy. However, this is not always the case. Monogamy is defined by Merriam Webster as the state or practice of being married to only one person at a time or of having only one sexual partner during a period of time. Alternatively, polyamory is defined as the state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time. The word polyamory derives from both Greek (poly) and Latin (amory) roots and can be directly translated to mean many loves. This is an idea of which popularity has risen a great deal in mainstream media over the last couple of decades. To the average American, monogamyrepresents a normal part of life. Children grow up ... Show more content on ... It has often been emphasized in research that poly love involves hard work along with a dedication to each partner. Polyamory, like monogamy, is rooted in love. This love may be expressed emotionally, spiritually, sexually, or all three. Several researchers have stressed that poly love is based on the values of freedom, honesty, and commitment. This is relevant because it gives a new perspective on how non monogamous relationships can be arranged. The tendencies to rely on deceit or lies to cover up infidelity are no longer an issue. However, other issues can arise involving the communication between partners. One issue that is often a point of contempt for many people is
  • 23. The Ethics Of The Patient One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient Francis F Peabody. As I continued my journey in internal medicine and hematology, I realized that ethical practice and empathy are the essence of medicine every single day. My interest in Internal Medicine developed during my 12 month long internship at Dhaka Medical College Hospital, the largest teaching hospital serving patients with all types of medical complaints from all over Bangladesh. Each admission day, I was enthralled by the diversity of problems and the complexity of clinical presentations of the diseases. Because Internal Medicine deals with diseases involving all organ systems of human body, it requires a vast yet, in depth clinical knowledge and diagnostic acumen. I found it intensely satisfying for an intelligent and inquisitive mind to formulate a list of differentials for any presenting complaint and deduce one final diagnosis using clinical and laboratory clues. Even more rewarding was developing relationships with the patients as I cared for them from admission to discharge. I remember how Mr. K s face lit up when I said, Ah! You and your grandson have the same birthday, right? My favorite Internal Medicine rotation, however, was in the hematology department. To me it was a blend of basic science and clinical medicine including critical care, infectious disease and palliative care. I noticed the
  • 24. Why Shelter Dogs Should Not Be Put Down Why Shelter Dogs Should not be put down, but used to benefit our society . Animal Euthanasia, is a process during which an animal is put to death. According to Humane society about 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs about one every 13 seconds are put down in U.S shelters each year. (humane society.) The saying that dogs are a man s best friend is often thought of when thinking of dogs, but what if I tell you the man is the dog s best friend, or even the only friend, only family. So often we see people buying Dogs because they are so cute! and so warm/fuzzy /cuddly! and 90% of the time those dogs do not stay with this family, either they take too much time,decide to move, not enough space or the saddest one they can no longer afford it, and those dogs find their way to the shelter. The family who put their dogs in shelters think it is the best decision, but in turn, it s really a death sentence. According to Akita Rescue, a dog has 72 hours to find a new family from the moment you drop it off. (Anonymous) after this time the animal gets put down, So why do this to your pet? to any pet? why have them sit in a cell for no reason, other than you not having enough time or no longer wanting to take care of it; that Dog doesn t have relatives to which he can go to when things go bad, he can t just go to his sister, mother, father, or grandparents to that dog you are the world, and by putting your dog in the shelter the dog loses not only you but also his world.
  • 25. Lyme Disease To Humans Dogs may be fun, protective, and thoughtful, but did you know that you can contract diseases from them? If we re not careful we can get more than love from our dogs. By this I mean diseases. Because dogs can transmit various conditions and diseases to humans, you should think twice before sharing an ice cream cone with your dogor kissing him. (Dogasaur, p. 1). There are many different diseases and sicknesses that can be transmitted through being with your dog. Fortunately, most of the common diseases contracted from dogs can be treated quickly and easily. People need to be more careful about their dogs and the diseases that can be contracted because they can affect humans with almost the same amount of effect that they have on dogs. One ... Show more content on ... Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks, which can easily be contracted by dogs, since ticks are a common issue. According to Dogasaur, the Author of 5 Diseases Dogs Can Pass to Their Owners, that Even though dogs can t transmit Lyme disease to humans, we can still contract this condition through our dogs. How is this possible? One word: TICKS! Ticks are carriers of Lyme disease and since they can often be found on dogs, owners can develop the disease if they re bitten by an infected tick. Within 2 weeks of developing Lyme disease, you may notice a rash that resembles a bulls eye target (Dogasaur, p. 8). People with Lyme Disease may also run a fever, but in some cases, people that are infected with Lyme Disease may show no symptoms for the first few weeks. Also, PetMD says that many dogs who develop Lyme disease have recurrent lameness due to inflammation of the joints. Sometimes the lameness lasts for only three to four days but recurs days to weeks later, either in the same leg or in other legs. This is known as shifting leg lameness. One or more joints may be swollen, warm, and painful. (Lyme Borreliosis in Dogs, p.
  • 26. The Psychological Impacts Of African Imperialism In Africa The psychological impact of the introduction of European culture is reflected in the way Africans illustrated themselves in stories while concurrently portraying the acuteness of the imperialism situation. The concept of social Darwinism swept the 19th century world with the theory that some peoples were naturally superior to others. Factors such as race, wealth, property, and so on were supposedly directly correlated to superiority over others. This concept was concocted mainly to justify the colonial takeover of lesser nations and to reinforce European supremacy. ( Social Darwinism ) An example of this idea is Routledge s scorn toward Africans and their culture. This demeanor had a large psychological impact on the colonized Africans. In Song of Lawino; A Lament, Ocol scorns his own people by saying, Black People are Primitive. Ocol is completely convinced his race is backward, imbecilic and corrupt. (Clark 41) Clearly, the psychological impact of European treatment towards Africans altered the way Africans thought about themselves. If Lawino is seen as an example of African pride before imperialism, surly Ocol demonstrates the effect of the mental coercion and acceptance of European superiority that imperialism brought. To combat this idea of inferiority, many African authors warned against the dangers of believing imperialists. Ghanaian James Aggrey wrote The Parable of the Eagle in response to the change in perspective. The parable tells of a man who convinced an
  • 27. Why Leadership Is A Fundamental Part Of Organizational... Great leaders have the ability to mold our minds, bodies, and souls. Great leaders push us to our limits and have us coming back for more. But, Why? What draws us towards these individuals? Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Steven P. Jobs, what do they all have in common? Yes, they all were great leaders, but it is something more than that. It was their ability to self sacrifice. They built trust from their moral beliefs and actions. They understood and foster an environment that supported leadershipdevelopment They transformed their followers. (Kreitner Kinicki, 2014). In this paper, I will explain why leadership is a fundamental part of organizational behavior, discuss what leadership theory I align with and why, and explain why my leadership theory is effective within my organization. Organizational an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work (Kreitner Kinicki, 2014 p.6). The study of organizational behavior and leadership goes hand in hand. Great leaders are: innovators, trustworthy, and inspirational to others. This results in employees who are willing to bring their own ideas and suggestions to the table. This creates confidence for the employees and establishes confidence in the organization. Employees are willing to work harder and give more because they know someones in their corner. Leaders are always looking at the bigger picture and how their
  • 28. Cognitive Education Program I have always had a passion for helping others. I can t remember a time in my life where seeing my actions allow someone else grow and succeed didn t bring my heart joy. Due to this deep desire to influence and change other s lives, I hope to graduate from UTD with my degree in Cognitive Science and pursue law. With these degrees, I hope to help children all across the nation by creating curriculum and changing the rules of the educationsystem through policy. Though nothing can stop me from becoming an instructional coordinator and hopefully a congress member, I have always wondered if my personality was well suited for my dream job. I hope to eventually be someone who is influencing education changes on the national level, for this... Show more content on ... I believe that the job analysis was extremely accurate; however the Myers Briggs Test was not what I expected. All these years I had thoughtI was an ENFJ, but this test classified me as an ISFJ. I hypothesis this change was due to me taking the test much later. We as people go through many changes and develop different habits throughout our life and the last time I took this test was in high school so perhaps I too have changed. As for my personality traits matching with my dream job, strangely enough, instructional coordinators tend to be ENFJs, which is the Myer s Briggs classification I originally thought I was. According to, instructional coordinators are in charge of managing and sometimes creating educational content for different organizations and education sites ( Myers Briggs Test ENFJ Personality Type Instructional Coordinators n.d.). Due to the requirements of their job, those who have this career usually have to enjoy working with others directly and create strong relationships with those that they work with. It would also make sense that they need strong planning skills in order to coordinate and implement new curriculum. Though my personality based of the most recent test I took doesn t directly line up with the ideal personality for the job, they is a bit of overlap like the judging portion of my MBTI. I think it would be ridiculous not to pursue your
  • 29. Essay about Cleaner Alternative Transportation When people think pollution, most think straight to automobiles producing harmful emissions which contribute to global warming or climate change. Well, this is true. Motor vehicles account for about half of the toxic air pollutant emissions in the United States. A large part of these toxic air pollutants is the need to rely on oil as a fuel source. The fact that oil is still the main source of energy for things like automobiles, when there are other alternatives like electric vehicles, creates many problems within our society. The United States dependency on oil causes incidents like the Deepwater Horizon. The estimated amount of oil released stood at 4.9 million barrels and polluted the area significantly. We as a country need to cut... Show more content on ... Automobiles have since evolved and become almost a necessity for people. While they have become of major importance, they also hold many drawbacks to our environment. They are the leading cause of transportation emissions and they generate a majority of America s global warming emissions. Even though air pollution emissions from motor vehicles have dropped considerably since 1950, Automobiles still produce about 60% of US transportation emissions and generate nearly 30% of America s global warming emissions (Car Emissions and Global Warming). The average conventional automobile can be seen as fairly gas inefficient. Compared to a hybrid electric vehicle, conventional cars produce about 1.5 times more greenhouse gas emissions and costs more in fuel costs. Within a 100 mile trip, conventional vehicles produce about 87 lb CO2, hybrid electric vehicles produce 57 lb CO2, plug in hybrid electric vehicles produce 62 lb CO2, and all electric vehicles produce 54 lb CO2 (see table 1). This shows that hybrid and electric cars produce less greenhouse gas emissions and costs less for fuel, compared to a conventional pure gas powered vehicle. Table 1 Emissions and fuel cost for a 100 mile trip between conventional, hybrid electric, plug in hybrid electric, and all electric vehicles. Emissions and Fuel Cost for a 100 Mile Trip Vehicle (compact sedans)Greenhouse Gas Emissions (pounds of CO2 equivalent)Total Fuel Cost (U.S. Dollars) Conventional87 lb CO2$13.36 Hybrid
  • 30. Bushido Shoshinshu ( Code Of The Samurai Bushido Shoshinshu (Code of the Samurai) Seppuku (Harakiri): The Samurai Bushido, was the code of honor which these warriors lived and died by. Under the code of Bushido, Seppuku (Harakiri) was the manner by which a Samurai voluntarily committed a ritualistic suicide. If you have read or viewed The Last Samurai then you know that the context goes into explicit details of this ceremony. Essentially, when a Samurai is in danger of being taken by an enemy, has lost in battle and is shamed by defeat or any another immoral action which may warrant punishment the Samurai disembowels himself. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, the Samurai is engaging in Seppuku may be assisted by another. This assistance is only rendered after the disembowelment has occurred and ends with a beheading for a quick and honorable death. The Samurai, consider it a great honor to assist another in Seppuku, as they all seek out a perfect death. Consequently, a Samurai who elected not to honor the code was shunned, for lack of a better term. These Samurai then became Ronin, they were masterless and bound to suffer great shame. As a result of breaking the code they forfeited their honor, community and employment, however, they kept their lives. The undesirability of rЕЌnin status was mainly a discrimination imposed by other samurai and by daimyo, the feudal lords (wikipedia). Based on my understanding of Japanese history, to simply state Ronin suffered discrimination would be a gentle
  • 31. Nike Cost Of Capital Case Summary Nike, Inc.: Cost of Capital Case 14 A Case Brief Submitted to Submitted by In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Date Submitted September 28, 2011 Summary This case highlights Kimi Ford, a portfolio manager with NorthPoint Group, a mutual fund management firm. She managed the NorthPoint Large Cap Fund, and in July of 2001, was looking at the possibility of taking a position in Nike for her fund. Nike stock had declined significantly over the previous year, and it appeared to be a sound value play. Nike had held an analysts meeting one week earlier to release the company s fiscal results for 2001. Apparently Nike had an ulterior motive; the management wanted this opportunity not only to release their fiscal ... Show more content on ... In order to be more confident in her forecast, she asked her assistant to estimate Nike s cost of capital. Nike s Estimated Cost of Capital Ms. Ford s assistant estimated Nike s cost of capital to be 8.4%. This is based on four main assumptions. First, a single cost of capital for all of Nike s various business segments will be sufficient, rather than using a business segment specific cost of capital. Seeing as footwear made up 62% of revenues, and that all the significant segments were sport related, the assistant felt that the risk factors were similar for all of the business segments. Next, since Nike was funded through both debt and equity, the WACC was used to calculate the cost of capital. Third, the cost of debt was estimated to be 4.3%. This was calculated by taking the interest expense for the entire year of 2001 and dividing it by Nike s average debt balance. Tax adjusted, the cost of debt is 2.7%; this uses a tax rate of 38% based on a state tax of 3% and the U.S. statutory tax rate. Lastly, the CAPM was used to estimate the cost of equity. Using the current yield of the 20 year Treasury bond as the risk free rate, the compound average premium of the market over Treasury bonds as the risk premium, and the average of Nike s betas from 1996 to 2000 as the beta, Nike s cost of equity was estimated to be 10.5%. Validity of the Assumptions Single Cost of Capital The first assumption is that
  • 32. Bipolar I Case Study Bipolar I Disorder with Psychotic Features Bipolar I disorder, or formally known as manic depression disorder, is a mental disorder in which a person experiences frequent mood swings that can drastically change the direction of one s life. Individuals with bipolar disorders experience unusual, dramatic mood swings, and activity levels that go from periods of feeling intensely happy, irritable, and impulsive to periods of intense sadness and feelings of hopelessness, thus affecting behavior in some ways. According to (2012), bipolar I disorder can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performances, and even suicide. The disorder impacts the mental, physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of one s life. The nature of bipolar I disorder is precisely indicated by the case study presented here. The client is a thirty eight year old single white male, unemployed and admitted to a mental facility (Park Place Behavioral Health Care). The individual was admitted to the facility through an ex parte order for involuntary examination granted by the Osceola County court on December 7, 2015. ... Show more content on ... Medications such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants or antipsychotics are normally used for this disorder. In this case, while in the facility, the client was getting 1000 mg of Depakote ER, an anticonvulsant that is given to treat the manic phase of bipolar disorder twice a day, 2 mg of Risperdal twice a day, which is an atypical antipsychotic to help with severe mania, Ativan 4 mg PO or IM prn agitation every four hours as needed for anxiety, and Cogentin 2 mg twice a day for treatment of extrapyramidal side effects. Some of these medications have serious side effects; therefore, it is important for a physician to supervise patients to monitor progress and any possible side effects or drug
  • 33. Patient Lookup Patient Training Plan My training plan is for patient lookup function which to me would be hands on training. For maybe few patients that can t look up information on a computer a training program would be beneficial for them. There needs to be a complete understanding of the information system in order to look up information. To me patient looks up function can mean the patient can look up information or what it probably means is that information system programmer can look up all the information system programmers can look up. All the information needed for that patient and what sort of treatment they have had and any other information for their quality care. However, looks up information, whether a programmer or anyone else they need to have a complete understanding
  • 34. Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft Trials Cotton Mather and the Salem Witchcraft Trials American Literature reveals that because of Cotton Mather s writings there is knowledge of the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692. The research shows that most of the known stories and trials come from Cotton Mather. This essay will describe Cotton Mather, the Salem witchcraftTrials, and an insight on the information provided by Mather. Like his father before him, Cotton Mather took position as a pastor of the Second Church of Boston where he remained connected with that church from 1685, when he was ordained, until his death forty three years later. It was mainly by his remorseless writing that he became one of the most notable of all New England Puritan ministers. Today Mather is often thought of as unsympathetic because of his part in the Salem witchcraft trials. Although he did not approve of all the trials, he had helped to stir up the wave of frantic fear by his Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions. Later he further pursued his inquiries into satanic possession with Wonders of the Invisible World. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. These trials began after a group of young girls in Massachusetts claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several other locals of witchcraft. After this broke out a special court convened in Salem to hear and determine (Mather 328)
  • 35. Liberalism And Conservatism Are An Abstract Political... Liberalism and conservatism are an abstract political ideology that is formed from evolving list of political attributes (Bruns Gimpel, 2000). While it may be difficult to create a comprehensive definition, Smith (1990) defined liberalism as individuals who are reformist, democratic, libertarian, humanitarian, egalitarian, and permissive. Conservative attributes focus on, small state, minimal regulations, individual freedom and responsibility, patriotism, and strong law and order (Dommett, 2015). When measuring trends in a variety of topics, Smith (1990) found that trends dealing with individualism and equal rights were mostly associated with liberal views, while trends on the topic of crime was mostly associated with conservatives. Bruns and Gimpel (2000) noted that Americans identification as either liberal or conservative was not entirely due to political knowledge, instead, their identification reflects the individual s actual feelings towards particular groups and topics. Such findings (Smith, 1990; Bruns Gimpel, 2000; Dommett, 2015) on the topic of crime and individualism have recently been the subjects of debate throughout the presidential election. On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump began his Republican National Committee (GOP) presidential campaign with a speech labeling Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. Throughout the rest of his successful campaign, now president elected, Trump continued to use such rhetoric towards Hispanics as one of the leading
  • 36. The Development And Evaluation Of Januvia Essay The development and evaluation of JanuviaВ® (Sitagliptin Phosphate) are illustrative of the activities that are needed to assess the efficacy, safety and effectiveness of a new product for treating type 2 diabetes milieus. It is the first drug of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP 4) inhibitors class that is approved as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve the glycemic control.1 Januvia was developed by Merck Research Laboratories and received the FDA approval on 16 October 2006.2 Preclinical/Animal study: The animal study of MK 0431, the code name for Sitagliptin in early development phase, was done in mice, rat, and dog. Maximum recommended daily adult human dose (MRHD) of Sitagliptin was found 100mg/day and NOAEL 50mg/kg based on dog study.3 Two years of carcinogenic study was conducted on mice and rat. In rat, liver adenoma /carcinoma has been seen at 60 times of MHRD. This is probably due to chronic hepatotoxicity of the drug. No tumor incidence was observed in case of mice up to 70 times of MHRD. Both in vitro assay and in vivo mice assay was not suggestive of mutagenic and clastogenic nature of MK 0431. Fertility adverse effect was also not at 12 times of MHRD)3 and Sitagliptin was labeled as pregnancy category B.4 Based on these preclinical studies on animal, Merck submitted their Investigational New Drug (IND 65, 495) application to FDA was on August 2002.4 Phase I: Phase I of Sitagliptin study was done on 33 volunteer humans. Following 100mg of Sitagliptin oral
  • 37. Surely You Re Joking Mr. FeynmanВ… Essay It is hard not to enjoy this author. Richard Feynman is an extremely curious character with a lot of time on his hands. He obviously loved to explore the science world as an art. He won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for physics and was one of the greatest physicists of all time. Within the few chapters and pages that I have read, Richard Feynmanwas definitely a man with a huge sense of adventure and a very high intelligence. In the first chapter that I read (Testing Bloodhounds), I thought that it was very interesting. I never knew that we, as humans, could smell and observe things just like dogs. To my understanding we can tell just about anything from smelling and looking at something that has just been touched. I thought it was cool... Show more content on ... Feynman had a good excuse for picking locks though. Going through filing cabinets may not have been legal, but Feynman did it. Today, if we were to pick a lockin a Dr. s office, we would definitely get in trouble, it seemed like Feynman hardly ever got into trouble. He was probably so well respected that no one really cared if he broke into cabinets or houses for that matter. The Third chapter that I read was, Certainly Mr. Big! It was a chapter of excitement to say the least! I think that Feynman was trying to figure out all of the games that people played with money and life. This chapter was not really my favorite. It had a lot of information and it was just weird. The way that he explained the situation with the high roller from Texas was kind of confusing and boring. Oh well, I guess you cannot always enjoy every single chapter in every single book that you read. The one thing that I did find out in this chapter, is that Richard Feynman likes women. That along with learning not to be a gentleman is what I learned most. I thought it was different to hear that he did not want to be a gentleman, but then when he explained it further with the Texas high roller I got what he was saying. It was definitely a packed chapter with lots of information in it. The fourth chapter I read was, Is electricity Fire? I liked how he brought God into science in this chapter. It is often hard to relate
  • 38. Pop Culture in 1960 s and 1990 s Essay Pop Culture in 1960 s and 1990 s In comparing the sixties and the nineties, my first thought was how much popular culture has changed since then and how different society is today. The strange thing is, the more I tried to differentiate between them, the more similarities I found. Both the sixties and the nineties were about youth, creativity, free thinking, and expression. With the nineties coming to a close and the popularity of anything ?retro, I decided to compare the fashions, people, music, and issues that defined pop culture in the 1960?s and its influence on pop culture in the 1990?s. In the 1960?s, society was changing by the minute and fashion was ?anything goes?. In the early sixties, Jackie Kennedy ... Show more content on ... As fashion in the 60?s influenced fashion in the 90?s, the spirit of music in the 60?s is present in the music of the 90?s. Many of the artists popular in the sixties are still major forces in music today. There is no one genre of music that can define either decade. After the appearance of the Beatles and the British invasion in the early sixties, music changed and everything before it was all but swept away. There was surf music from the Beach Boys; folk music from Bob Dylan; R B influenced music from Motown and the Rolling Stones; and psychedelic music from Jefferson Airplane and the Doors. In the nineties, many new types of music evolved. These include rap music and hip hop which came from urban dissatisfaction and unrest, while underground alternative rock became mainstream. In 1969, the Woodstock music festival embodied the spirit of peace and love. It was repeated in 1994 and 1999, but unfortunately, the festival in 1999 ended in violence, marring the essence of the original Woodstock. Racial tensions, civil rights disturbances, and deeply divided opinions over the American presence in the Vietnam war, all served to give the sixties a radical edge. People were passionate about what they believed in and were willing to give their lives, if necessary, to the cause. Young people became increasingly opposed to the Vietnam war and had a tendency to express their opinions more violently than Martin Luther King,
  • 39. What Is The Significance Of The French Revolutionary And... The period between 20th April 1792, when after prolonged debates the deputies of the French National Assembly finally declared war on the Habsburgs of Austria and 18th June 1815, marking Napoleon Bonaparte s defeat at Waterloo, was characterised by almost constant warfare, save for the brief peace of Amiens (March 1802 May 1803). In fact, such was the extent of these wars which spanned a little over two decades that until 1914, the British referred to them as the Great War .1 Of late, these wars have been an object of much contention and have come under the microscope to assist scholars in fully appreciating their significance in the transformation of European warfare. Even today, scholars and historians alike, remain divided over just how substantial a role the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic warsplayed in altering the nature of wars after 1792. Without disregarding either side, Roger Chickering has identified two master narratives which do a remarkable job of explaining this period s importance, albeit in two extremely dissimilar ways.2 According to Chickering, the first narrative, a notion hypothesized by Michael Howard and further developed by Geoffrey Parker, holds that the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars were merely a continuation and intensification of the tactical and technological changes gunpowder, musketry and artillery that occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which in turn paved the way for the colossal standing armies
  • 40. Origins How Life Began Analysis Today on the planet of Earth, there are a vast variety of organisms ranging from large mammals to minuscule bacterial cells. Every species here resides on a sustainable planet with a stable atmosphere, temperature, pressure, and much more. Nevertheless, these sundry organisms could simply not appear without an explanation; prominent events must have altered our planet to producing the first forms before the process of evolution occurred. However, what did commence life? Humans are currently speculating about various, abstract concepts for this controversy. Based on NOVA s documentary centered around the origins of organisms called Origins: How Life Began, it reveals several ideas which revolutionized this planet billions of years ago. About four point five billion years ago, Earthwas a chaotic, fiery planet; meteoroids and comets sent a volley of strikes on Earth. The planet s atmosphere consisted of toxic substances, and the skies were severely hazy with the sununable to penetrate the surface of Earth. This period was the Heavy Bombardment . Life was unable to secure a presence on Earth with all the discrepancies which essentially prevented growth and evolution. Nonetheless, considering the key components from the documentary, the organisms on Earth began with bacteriawhen asteroids crashed on this planet. Near the conclusion of the Heavy... Show more content on ... From my perspective, I would surmise that organisms arose from the assistance of foreign objects. Without asteroids striking the Earth billions of years ago, biomolecules and the elements of life would cease to exist on this diverse planet. In turn, the numerous species of organisms would have never evolved. Based on the video, Origins: How Life Began, I can produce a respectable possibility to this vital issue. A subject which attempts to reveal the truth for Earth, evolution, and
  • 41. Comedic Relief in the Bleek Novel, Hard Times by Charles... In every bleak novel there is one character who is always there for comedic relief; in Hard Times, that character is Mrs. Sparsit. Mrs. Sparsit is the housekeeper for Mr. Bounderby. Essentially she does all the work that a wife would do except she has a lower status than a wife, but higher than a servant. Here in lies the problem that she cannot deal with. Mrs. Sparsit came from a well to do family, but slipped in the social rankings. To regain her pride, she attempts to sabotage Mr. Bounderby s marriage, but in doing so only makes her a fool. In this passage, a robbery has just occurred and the townspeople are trying to figure out who the perpetrator is. As of right now, they believe it is Stephen Blackpool. Shaken by the events, Mrs. Sparsit stays at Mr. Bounderby s house. The purpose of this passage is to show that it is not Mr. Bounderby who is the fool, but rather Mrs. Sparsit, who does not seem to understand that her actions against Bounderby do not have an impact on him at all. What does Mr. Bounderby care about? Certainly not Mrs. Sparsit. Mr. Bounderby is an egotistical man who only cares about his social status and money. He married Louisa with the goal in mind to make her his trophy wife and to have connections with Mr. Gradgrind it has nothing to do with his emotional connection with Louisa. Thus, Mrs. Sparsit s determination to pity Mr. Bounderby is completely futile. Mrs. Sparsit continues to attempt to please Mr. Bounderby
  • 42. Career Goals For The Hospitality Industry Five years ago was when I knew I wanted to work within the hospitality industry. This was the time in my life where I came to the realization that this fun and entertaining industry was a place where I could develop a career. Every since this time in my life I have been creating goals for my career and steps to achieve these goals. One of these steps to achieving a successful career includes attending a university to study hospitality. This step has brought me to this point, where I am creating goals specifically for this course. I believe creating these goals will put me in a position to better succeed. I know being successful in this course is important because the information taught will help me in achieving my career goals. Through travel and hospitality related experiences in my life I have created two major goals for my career. My first trip to Las Vegas was the time when my first major career goal was established. By walking through each hotel I could easily see that each place had a different style and way of operating. Observing these examples allowed me to determine which hotel/resort or company would be the best to work for. MGM s Aria Resort and Casino has always stuck out to me as a well running, high class establishment; the workers are professional, but friendly and the atmosphere is comforting while keeping up with the modern times. With this said, one of my goals is to be employed by the Aria. Although, knowing how competitive this industry can be, I would
  • 43. Simone Biless Research Papers Many people probably had no clue who Simon was before the Olympics . Now she is one of the best Gymnast in the world, Actually the best gymnast in the world. Simone dominated her compotation in this year s Olympics. As a team the USA beet the chines by a total of ten points. Simone Biles is the best Gymnast in the world because she won 5 medals in the Olympics, she also is the 3 time world champion. However, Simone did not grab a spot in the uneven bars final in the Olympics. One reason Simone Biles is the best Gymnast in the world is she got the all around gold medal in Rio this past summer. She got an all around score of 62.998 and her teammate ally got a 60.098. Simone beat her by almost 3 points witch is a lot in the world of gymnastics. The all around gold is not the only medal Simone left Rio with. She won gold on floor, and vault. Plus, a bronze on beam. All thought on one of her skills she almost fell and put her hands down witch is a full point off , she still cam through with a bronze.... Show more content on ... At the time Simone was only 15 years old and could not compete in the Olympics. That did not stop her, that year she won the world championship and the two years following that. She is the first girl to win it three years in a row. Now this I think is pretty amazing , Simone Biles has not lost a competition since
  • 44. The Lesson And The House On Mango Street Zin Da Keith O Shaughnessy Eng Comp 2 9/21/17 Learing Hard The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street Everybody once was facing hard and struggles through at a young age learn acceptable differently. In Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson and Sandra Cisneros The House On Mango Street, the protagonists are both young girls and lives in a bad neighborhood who assent to faith in growing up quickly and learning the outside world that they live. In The Lesson Miss Moore opens her mind to exposing the level class status by taking her and her friends to the toy store in wealthy part of New York City. In The Mango... Show more content on ... She inspired the kids to learn there is much more about the world than outside of where they lived. On the day, miss more rounded up neighborhood kids and is going to take them to A fancy toys store at fifty seventh street. Miss Moore knows that this will be a new experience for the children who don t have this in their neighborhood, and will be excited by the unexpected items that they had never seen before. In The Lesson, Miss Moore attempts to teach the children about savage inequalities that exist in their socioeconomic status. However, Miss Moore gives her five dollar bill to pay the taxi to a toy store, where they wonder at the wealthy people live. Miss Moore told them to go in but Sylvia immediately uncomfortable there. Sylvia was unhappy that miss Moore brought them here. The children see a microscope, paperweight, and sailboats cost $1,195. Everything in the store was high price and the kids shocked by looking at the cost, and to teach them a lesson and inspire them to fight for success and try to do better for themselves. When the arrived back to Harlem, miss Moore asks the children what they thought the store. Eventually, sugar reply and said that the cost of the toy sailboat could feed all of them. Again she asks the children what this inequality says about society. Sugar