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Persuasive Speech On Puppy Mill
Imagine this, life in a cage that six inches from you in every direction. This is how thousands of
dogs live in a puppy mill.
Puppy mills are inhumane, causing these poor creatures health problems, and I want to tell you how
to stop this from happening.
In this speech I will be talking to you about the problem with puppy mills, the effects of puppy mills
on the animals and to people, and how to stop puppy mills.
A puppy mill is an inhumane facility that breeds dogs commercially. (Subpoint) The federal Animal
Welfare Act (AWA), passed in 1966, makes it legal to have puppy mills through its vague standards.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the agency responsible for overseeing the
commercial dog breeding industry and enforcing the AWA.
(Evidence) The first problem with the puppy mills isn't with the mill themselves. It is with our
legislation. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulates the treatment of animals. The AWA set that
" a dog that lives in a breeding facility that has a federal license can be forced to live in a cage that
is six inches beyond the dog on all sides of the cage for its entire life." (Banerjee, 2015). Also
under the AWA there is no limit to the number of dogs on a premises. There is no requirement on
the number of staff that must be available are for the animals. Dogs may be kept in stacked cages
made mesh or wire. The AWA leaves it up to the mills owner to determine what is "adequate" for the
animals (AWA, 1966).
(Evidence) Another problem with our legislation is with The United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA). The USDA is responsible for about 8,700 facilities, these include dog breeding
facilities, animal exhibitors (circuses, zoos, petting farms, wildlife parks), research facilities
(hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical firms), and animal transporters (airlines and trucking
companies), farming agriculture, forestry, and food. The USDA is overburdened, inspections on
often few and far between. When audited, the auditors found that many inspectors took little or no
action against most violators of the AWA, including many which had repeat violations.It also found
that USDA did not properly cite or document violations, or report repeat and
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Persuasive Essay On Space Colonization
Space Colonization: A Scientific Perspective Planet Earth is not going to last forever. Sooner or
later the human race will have to look for somewhere else to call home. Whether it is from
overpopulation, global warming, or even the sun exploding, one day humans will need a new
home. Of course, this probably will not be the case for a large amount of time; nevertheless,
scientists have already started to examine various options for possible space colonization. Sending a
colony into space is no small task, so there are loads of problems and obstacles that humanity will
need to hurdle to do this successfully. In order for humanity to permanently create settlements
outside of Earth's atmosphere, there needs to be advancements in many more
The most obvious candidate for terraforming, the transforming of a planet to be able to support
human life, would be Mars. Even without terraforming, The Red Planet would be a great choice to
colonize because of how close it is to Earth. Constant communication, supply shuttles, and
potentially traveling back and forth between planets would all be possible because of how much
closer Mars is to Earth than all other colonization candidates. Furthermore, combining the discovery
of water on Mars and an abundance of, "...many industrially useful minerals for construction and
manufacturing purposes" creates a seemingly great potential home for humans (David). Except, the
only problem is that Mars is currently unlivable. This is where terraforming comes in. There are
various proposed methods for terraforming Mars, but for the most part, they all start with melting
the planet's ice caps and warming the planet's atmosphere by introducing various gases to create
breathable air. The new gases then thicken the atmosphere to protect from solar radiation
(Williams). There are also bacteria called Deinococcus Radiodurans that could possibly be
genetically engineered to detoxify soil on Mars (Slotnick 124–125). If this bacteria can be correctly
engineered, Deinococcus Radiodurans would likely provide a faster way to create detoxified soil
than waiting around for the atmosphere to detoxify it; therefore, being a huge step forward in the
effort to terraform Mars. The major setback to the idea of terraforming is how long it will take. The
actual estimates for the length of time it will take to make Mars completely human–safe vary
between a couple of quick centuries to millions of years (Williams). In addition to length,
terraforming would also require a staggering amount of greenhouse gases from Earth. Not only
would the gases have to be
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Persuasive Essay On Aliens Exist
Trevor Moss Aliens Exist The conspiracy of aliens existing is a conspiracy that most of
Americans believe in. There are many conspiracy theories that involve the existence of aliens.
One example of this is, Area 51 is secretly hiding UFO's in there bases, and reverse engineering the
things they find. Most of America believe that because there is such a vast space that has not been
explored, there "must be" more out there. NASA states that they have found a planet that can
withstand life, and has a suitable environment. The only problem that comes with this statement is,
we can't launch a spaceship that can reach the planet. This problem gives people the thought that
there might be aliens or other life on this planet. The first recorded flyby occurred in fort land in
1905, viewers reported seeing a "buzzing" sphere shaped UFO that "descended from the heavens".
Sightings have spiked, with the reported number jumping from 5,000 in 1980, to 45,000 in 2010.
UFO's are not a new thing, people have been describing unidentified flying objects for many years.
Described as disk–like objects found in art from the Sumerians and the Egyptians to the Greeks
and Romans. The start of people's fascination can be traced back to a civilian pilot named Kenneth
Arnold. Arnold was flying his small plain near Washington's Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947 when
he claimed to have seen nine, blue glowing objects flying in a "V" formation. He believed that it
was some sort of military aircraft, but the
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Bell Hooks Touching The Earth Analysis
After reading the persuasive essay, "Touching the Earth" by Bell Hooks, I feel like I truly
understand the importance of nature on African Americans. Hooks used several effective techniques
to prove her argument. Ones of these was giving facts and examples. She quotes people at least
seven times in her essay. These quotes helps defend her argument, which makes the readers think
that Hooks actually knows what she is writing about. For me personally when there is quotes for
credible people, I start to understand and listen more to the writer's argument. Another aspect that
she added in to her essay was a short narrative in the beginning. The narrative showed that her
argument was personal. To me when something is personal I make sure everything
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Persuasive Essay About Abortion
Abortion Discussion (Pro–Choice)
Do you believe abortion should be legal?
As a woman who has experienced the horrific tragedy of rape and all of the trauma that comes with
it, I personally find a woman's right to have a say in her own reproductive rights to be of the utmost
importance. Ever since the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wadewas decided in January of
1973, abortion has been deemed a fundamental right for women. Additionally, a woman's right to
access legal, safe, and professionally–performed abortions severely reduces the risk of death and
bodily harm associated with less safe, unlawful abortions. Lastly, studies performed via peer review
in 2013 found that women who denied abortions were more likely to suffer from mental health
problems when compared to women who carried out the procedure. Furthermore, only 1 in 20
women who received abortions felt that they did not make the right choice in doing so. In other
words, in order to ensure the health of women, both physical and mental, in the United States, it is
vital that safe avenues for abortion remain available to the general public.
Does the Life of a Human Being Begin at Conception?
Human life most certainly does not begin at conception for a variety of reasons ranging from
medical to biological to legal. First of all, when we speak of how long a person has been alive we
commonly refer to their age. A number which represents how long it has been since they were born,
not conceived. Additionally, personhood only begins after a fetus has the ability to survive on its
own outside the womb, a term that is commonly referred to as viability. At the moment of
conception through up to 26 weeks into the pregnancy a fetus is not even capable of feeling pain,
according to Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This aforementioned fact
has to do with the lack of a developed cortex in the said fetus. Furthermore, documents such as the
United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights fail to recognize fetuses
as living beings as they use words such as "born" to classify those whose rights the documents
encompass. Lastly, to suggest that a zygote, a diploid fertilized ovum that is formed at the time of
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Persuasive Essay On Black Lives Matter
They Matter For decades black Americans have been treated as animals, looked at as if they are
monsters, and killed like bugs. Actions like Police brutality and racism is what caused Black
Lives Matter. The creation of the Black Lives Matter was a response by the black community to
give a voice to black Americans affected by the increase of wrongful deaths due to the law
enforcements and vigilantes across the country. This has been going on for so long that it seems
like we are stuck in the past. For years, even decades black Americans have had to live the struggle
of being equal. Even when things are going good and we think we finally have the same rights,
something happened to change that. It is time to shed a light on the real purpose of Black Lives
Matter and why they are important to today's society. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal
Tometi created a movement centered towards black Americans which later turned into Black Live
Matter. Those three leaders came together in 2013 after the Trayvon Martin case that devastated the
black community. Black Live Matter, also known as BLM, became an organization that has a
mission to give power and a voice to violence inflicted on Black communities. So many black
injustices went unnoticed and ignored, but this group will not stand to let that happen again.
Injustice to the black community is what causes so many protests and movements that make the
Black Lives Matter organization stronger than ever. . The BLM
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Persuasive Essay: Legalizing Marijuana
Leah Prado
Eng Comp 1
Sunday March 29th
Paper 3: Persuasive
"Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana"
Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws
passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana , many stand divided when it comes to
this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized
throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics
show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and over 20 million smoked it last year.
So it is safe to assume that although marijuana use may decrease in the years to come, more
The main idea behind legalizing drugs is it's medical advantages. Marijuana is said to have many
uses as healing drug. Marijuana being used as medicine has been studied for many years. In many
cultures it is used as medicine and stems back many generations. The first recorded use of marijuana
as medicine was in China. It has been said that in Pen Tsao Ching during the first or second century,
boiled hemp compound was used as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound is said to have
many uses including, clearing the blood, cooling temperature, clearing fluxes, undoing rheumatism
and discharging pus from patients. China isn't the only country to use this drug in early times it was
introduced in Southeast Asia in the sixteenth century. Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are said to
have current uses of marijuana for medicine. In Cambodia they have an enormous list of uses,
including, treating malaria, reliving asthma, calming the nerves, regulating the heart and treating
paralysis. In Thailand, it's used in folk medicine as well as in the official medical reports. In folk
medicine, people dry the leaves and then boil them to treat migraines and dizzy spells.
Marijuana has survived the passing of time and still helps the sick today. The advanced stages of
treatment for patients with Cancer, AIDS and other diseases often include, terrible nausea, vomiting,
and different types of pain. Patients have reported much relief from
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Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy has no place in a safe, clean, sustainable future. Nuclear energy is both expensive
and dangerous. And just because nuclear pollution is invisible doesn't mean it's clean. Renewable
energy is better for the environment, the economy, and doesn't come with the risk of a nuclear
meltdown. High profile disasters in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 and Fukushima, Japan in 2011 have
raised public awareness of the dangers of nuclear power. Consequently, zeal for nuclear energy has
fizzled. The catastrophic risks of nuclear energy–like the meltdowns of nuclear reactors in Japan or
Ukraine–far outweigh the potential benefits. New nuclear plants are more expensive and take
longer to build than renewable energy sources like wind or solar. If we are to avoid the most
damaging impacts of climate change, we need solutions that are fast and affordable. Nuclear
power is neither. We can do better than trading off one disaster for another. The nuclear age is over
and the age of renewables has begun. Meltdowns like the ones in Fukushima or Chernobyl released
enormous amounts of radiation into the surrounding communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of
people to evacuate. Many of them may never come back. If the industry's current track record is
any indication, we can expect a major meltdown about once per decade. The possibility of a
catastrophic accident at a U.S. nuclear plant cannot be dismissed. There is still no safe, reliable
solution for dealing with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants. Every waste dump in the
U.S. leaks radiation into the environment, and nuclear plants themselves are running out of ways to
store highly radioactive waste on site. The site selected to store the U.S.'s radioactive waste–Yucca
Mountain in Nevada–is both volcanically and seismically active. Beyond the risks associated with
nuclear power and radioactive waste, the threat of nuclear weapons looms large. The spread of
nuclear technology and nuclear weapons is a threat for national security and the safety of the entire
planet. Nuclear energy isn't just bad for the environment, it's bad for our economy. Nuclear power
plants are expensive to build, prompting Wall Street to call new nuclear a "bet the farm" risk. Every
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Persuasive Essay About Homelessness
magine feeling lost and misplaced in this huge world around you. Each night you end up on a
bench or in a dark alley; a place you call your bed. You wake up each morning deciding which
public place you'll go in to clean up. When you get hungry, you'll have to beg people for cash. For
the rest of the day, you sit in the city hoping people will notice you and help out. Knowing that you
are not judged by who you are but what you are, you realize that most people in society don 't
understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change. Being
homeless is a shock to many. It depicts someone just like us that lack the minimum necessities that
we take for granted.
According to statistics of a particular day more content...
American people want to be greater, richer, and more powerful than everyone else. When one
sees a homeless person sitting on the street, he may ask you for money to buy food. As ignorant
as most Americans are today, we question will they really spend that money on food, but some of
us are generous enough to give a donation anyway. Others would tell them to get a job. As I walk
down Grace Street to get to class some days, I get asked by multiple homeless people if I could
"help them out." In Richmond, VA, Phil Riggan, did an interview with several of homeless
people. He found out that they are just like the rest of us. Homeless people aren't usually viewed
as people; they're commonly just known as "homeless". They are viewed as "worthless, nuisances,
waste of space, crazy, drug addicts, drunkards, criminals, liars, bums, and burdens of society"
(Riggan 6). Phil's study was to "prevent, reduce and end homelessness by facilitating creative
solutions through the collaboration, coordination and cooperation of regional resources and
services" (Riggan 8). Homeless people are still human. As we all need shelter, food, and emotional
support, so do they. The Homeless Homes Project was started by Gregory Kloehn, an artist, that
turned trash into mobile homes. The Homeless Homes Project was to diminish money's use in
building homes for the homeless population. The
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Hook For Lord Of The Flies Persuasive Essay
Jack and the rest of the boys are looking around trying to contemplate all that just had happened. A
naval officer had just put Jack in handcuffs and taken him away with the rest of the boys
following. They are all getting on a boat and get shipped back to where they came from, all of the
boys were all shocked that they were even getting saved in the first place. All of the officers were
asking the boys questions but the boys were too stunned to even speak. For weeks they have
dreamed of being saved, of being home, and of their family and finally now it was happening.
Jack should not be arrested for the death of Simon. I feel like his death was everyone's fault. They
all jump on him and attacked him without even checking to see if it was the beast or not. I think
that all of the young boys were accessory to the murder. "The beast struggled forward, broke the
ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock to stand by the water" (Golding 153). That means the
boys should have been able to easily tell that it was a human not a "beast". Simon was walking on
his feet and I'm guessing that the boys thought it was an animal or creature of some sort so they
should have checked it out before attacking. But the boys had their primal instincts kick in and that
is what made them attack.
Jack should not be arrested for the murder of Piggy, more content...
Even though he did not actually kill him I still think that he should be punished for attacking and
trying to kill Ralph. "You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!" (Golding 179). I feel
like they both had intentions of killing and or hurting each other. But then again Jack attacked first,
if he hadn't done that he might of not been arrested. I also think that Ralph should be sent to prison
for attempted murder because he fought back. Both of the boys intentionally hurt each other so, they
should both be arrested for the attempted murder of
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Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech
Freedom of speech is the right to speak your beliefs without risk of punishment, guaranteed by the
First Amendment. This right raises some controversy though, on whether or not this right should be
limited due to the fact that some might take advantage of their freedom of speech and use it to
offend or insult a person or group. Freedom of speech should be protected to both advance and
defend out honor.
Our freedom of speech is an honor to have and it should not be taken for granted. Our society is
based off of our freedom to speak our beliefs, and sometimes –more often than not– our beliefs
contradict the beliefs of another. "Protecting this right [freedom of speech] respects the moral
dignity of individuals as reasonable beings with their own ideas, beliefs, and values." (Ruger, 5)
We cannot silence those that offend others with their beliefs, as they are expressing themselves
and have the right to be heard of. An environmentalist for example, believes that we should release
less carbon dioxide into the air, while a growing business might believe that the amount of
greenhouse gases is fine. Neither of them nor their beliefs are wrong, and we should not silence the
business because they think differently and we believe them to be wrong. Everyone is entitled to
their own opinions and to express them accordingly. "It's always easier to defend someone's right to
say something with which you agree. But in a free society, you also have a duty to defend speech
with which you
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magine, 20 years from now, sitting in a cold doctor's office deciding the genes of your unborn
baby, what color hair, eyes, speed of metabolism, height would you even know what to pick?
Impossible you might say but in this day and age technology is growing ever so rapidly that
picking the genetic makeup of your baby is closer than you might think. The technology is called
CRISPR. This technology doesn't only have the ability to change physical traits, but genetic traits
specifically genetic abnormalities and diseases. 20 years ago, no one would have ever thought we
would have the answer to, in theory, cure every genetic disease from sickle cell anemia to cystic
fibrosis. However, with great scientific breakthroughs comes questioning more content...
In theory, CRISPR is an extreme method of gene editing and gene editing has been around for years
on end. It has been used on plants to make them a more sustainable crop. CRISPR technology has
not yet been perfected to be accessible to everyone. Yet the first clinical crispr trial happened in
October of 2016, Michael Le Page tells us that in the first clinical trial of CRISPR being used
"Doctors removed immune cells from the blood of a person with lung cancer, used CRISPR to
disable a gene called PD–1 and then returned the cells to the body," the results of the trial are said to
not be released until 2018 (Le Page 1).
Another popular topic you hear when talking about CRISPR technology is if it is moral and
ethical. In Designer Genes, by Rowan Jacobsen, he comments on how CRISPR can escalate by
going past its use to cure genetic diseases and if they will start to care more and more about physical
traits in stating that " [People] will certainly be able to buy looks. Features such as a dimpled chin or
the way your earlobes attached are easily determined. The genes responsible for hair, eye, and skin
color are fairly clear–cut. If you want a freckle–faced redhead, no problem," but what exactly does
that mean for mankind (Jacobsen 1). On the opposite spectrum, CRISPR technology can evolve so
much that we will technically be able to cut out some physical traits such as red hair, dimples, in
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Persuasive Essay On Tipping
Tipping your waiter almost feels like something that has just always been around in your dining
experience inside America. You go with family and friends to your favorite restaurant, your
waiter greets you, you order your meal, enjoy it, pay, and leave a tip. However, tipping is an
Europe custom we borrowed. Weirdly enough, tipping use to be viewed as rude and disrespectful,
much unlike today where it is viewed as disrespectful not to leave a tip. According to Michael
Lynn, a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, "tipping in the United
States began just after the American Civil War in the late 1800's." Lynn suggests that wealthy
Americans traveling abroad to Europe witnessed tipping and brought the aristocratic custom back
with them to "show off," or prove their elevated education and class. When you go dine in at your
favorite restaurant and finish your delicious meal, how much do you tip? 10%? 20%? Nothing at
all? Do you know how much to tip, or even why you should leave a tip? Tipping waiters is not a
bonus; it is part of their salary. When you tip, you are helping waiters to achieveminimum wage.
Consumers must pay for these costs one way or another. Tipping in America should be required.
With minimum wage for a waitress being only $2.13, tips are essentially the waitress's prime form
of payment. Author Patrick M. Sheridan stated in his CNN article "predominantly tipped
occupations are twice as likely as other workers to experience poverty, and servers are almost three
times as likely to live in poverty." Statistics from an article on Mother Jones says the overall
poverty rate stands at 6.3 percent. For restaurant workers, the rate is 16.7 percent. "Tipped workers
and their families often depend on welfare programs to survive – and they do so at significantly
higher rates than non–tipped workers, according to a 2014 report from the Economic Policy
Institute, a think tank focused on labor issues." When you fail to tip your waiters, you are
predominantly part of the cause of poverty. Stuart wrote in his article "Because of inflation, the
value of the tipped minimum wage has steadily fallen over the years." Leaving waiters bringing
home less and less in tips. If everyone quits
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Why Do Hooks Use Persuasive Techniques
I catch fish with hooks! However, I'm talking about a different type of hook in this paper. I often
notice advertisers effectively using various techniques to persuade people to buy their products. I
decided to do some research on which two hooks work the best in advertisements. The two
persuasive techniques which I have found to work the best for advertisers are repetition and
alliteration. First, advertisers use repetition to persuade people to buy their products. Basically,
repetition creates emphasis on a phrase or word. For example, if I went up to my mom and said "
can I go to the movies tonight? Please, please, please, please, please," I'm using repetition to
persuade her to let me go. I have seen repetition in an ad where three Coke bottles are next to each
other all with the word Coke on the front of them. This visual is very effective as more
Rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer. For example, in an ad a woman is
holding a scale that has the words "wanna lose weight?" on it. These words provoke your thoughts
making you realize that you need to lose weight and buy the product. Altogether, rhetorical question
works exceptionally well in this ad. Throughout this paper, we have viewed a few different
persuasive techniques. We even discussed an alternate claim, rhetorical question. Although rhetorical
question may work well in some ads, alliteration and repetition are still much better. As I remind
you that alliteration tied for second in a survey on which hook is easiest to understand, and
repetition tied for first in a survey on which ad is the most effective overall, it is clear that repetition
and alliteration are the two best persuasive techniques that advertisers could possibly
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Exercise Persuasive Speech
Attention Getter: Are you tired of being of gaining weight or just feeling sluggish all the time? Do
you have health issues? Well exercising can give you good health and psychological advantages.
Central Idea: I want to persuade my audience that when you decide to exercise it helps you
majorly with your health and you life. With that being said lack of exercise is harmful. Just do
yourself and your body a favor and exercise.
[Transition] to body of speech: I want to let you know today that everyone here today needs to
exercise. Even though everyone here knows that exercise is good for you but in reality how many
of you are actually getting physical?
Main Point 1: Being inactive can cause health issues. Sub–point a.: more content...
Science shows that you do not need to do hard core exercise to reduce your risk of a early death.
Even doing less that that 150 I mentioned earlier still puts you at a lower risk of dying early. *A
person being physically active for at least 7 hours a week have a 40% lower risk of dying early than
those who were active less than 30 minutes a week. (Division of Nutrition and Obesity, June, 2015)
[TRANSITION] into conclusion
If none of those health benefits impressed you, well keep in mind you will look great also.
Attention Material: None of us want to die early or none of us want those unwanted pounds we put
Summary: Being inactive is not good for our health. *You want to avoid getting CAD and heart
disease, and you want to live a long healthy life *It doesn't take a lot of your time to exercise at least
be active 30 minutes a day. *Being physical will increase your chance of living longer
Overview: We should all at least try and get into the habit of exercising. If you were to start
exercising today remember it give us not just a better physical state but mental as well. Living for a
very long time is a great
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Persuasive Essay On Charter Schools
Open to all children, free of tuition, and does not have special entrance requirements, charter schools
believe that children should have the opportunity to achieve at a high level. When creating charter
schools, they focused on a desire to create greater flexibility for innovation within public education.
It was hoped that successful innovations could be adapted to benefit public education more broadly.
(NEA, 2017). Charter schools also, foster partnership between parents, teachers, and students in
hopes of creating an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are allowed to
innovate, and students are provided with structure they need to learn.
Unlike public schools, charter schools believe that smaller class sizes are important to student
learning. According to Homeschooling "Pros and Cons of Charter Schools" article, "Rather than
having a student attend a public school where students will be one among thirty to thirty–five other
pupils, charter school students will be one of twelve, sometimes fifteen other students" (2017). In a
classroom with many students, a teacher may not have the ability to spend sufficient quality time
one–on–one with every student . This may result in teachers having more of a challenge in
motivating each student and encouraging students individually. The teacher may not have the time
to recognize each student's particular challenges, passions, and talents (Homeschooling, 2017 ). In
addition, according to EF Academy's "10
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Title of Speech: Mental Health Speaker Role/ Audience: Advocate the importance of addressing
mental health in schools. Thesis: Mental health is one of the largest problems students face on a
daily basis, and in order to best help them, we need to implement serious and frequent discussions
about mental health. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRO: Attention
Getting Device: Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult
population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as
depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, statistics reveal. ( Purpose/Thesis:
To persuade you all the importance of including mental health awareness in schools. Credibility: I
have dealt with anxiety my entire life. Because I was not aware of what I had for so long and I
did not have any help, I suffered and so did multiple aspects of my academic career. Justification:
"The answer, based on the prevalence of mental illness globally, is stunning: 8 million people die
each year due to mental illness. That is, 8 million deaths could be averted if people with mental
illness were to die at the same rate as the general population." (NIMH) Preview of Main Points:
Today I will show you the dangers of not explicitly discussing mental health in school, what students
will gain from discussing mental health, and inform you what you can do to make this happen.
Transition: First, let us discuss the danger of not including mental health in students' education.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BODY: Need: According to,
approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point
during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%. Research has found that about 90% of
individuals who die by suicide experience a mental illness. Social anxiety affects about 15 million
individuals across America, most cases start around the age of 13. They often suffer anxiety,
difficulty focusing and social challenges. Half of them drop out of high school, in part because many
schools don't manage to meet their needs. ( Although mental health illnesses affects so many
kids aged 6–17, a least
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Persuasive Essay About Aliens
For many years, numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am here today to
prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from all over the world have
seen, and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will you be next or have you already? They
are horrifying stories that come up often with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst
nightmare? ВЁSightings within 500 feet are subclassified as various types of ВЁclose
encountersВЁ( Hynek 41.) There have been over 104,947 sightings in a decade. There was a
sighting back in the 1600s when John Winthrop had unusual writing in his diary about a ВЁgreat
light in the nighttime sky"( Hynek 32.) On September 19, 1976, people in Tehran, Iran saw an
unidentified flying object around twelve am. Systems started to fail when the unidentified flying
object was twenty miles away. Most sightings have been reported in Roswell, New Mexico. In the
year 1947, a balloon was seen crashing into the land of a nearby ranch near Roswell, New Mexico
but theories say otherwise. Multiple accusations have been arguing about it, but, the real mystery, if
it was just a United States Air Force balloon then why did they try to cover it up?
In White Mountains, Arizona 1975 a man, Travis, went to work with his buddies to cut down trees.
It was a typical day, he and Dallas fought a little bit and then took a lunch break. When they finished
loading all the extra limbs in the back of the truck, they left for home. On their
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Motivational Hooks: A Case Study
The councillor needs to be clued into the things that the client relays to them that might indicate a
motivation to change their pattern of alcohol abuse. These 'motivational hooks' will be the things
that will drive the the client to stop their drinking. Potential motivational hooks might be having
custody of children taken away, the possibility of losing a house over non–payments, potential
divorce over a partner, losing a job due to being absentee one too many times, losing a drivers
license, severe health problems
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Bell Hooks's Education
bell hooks, American feminist writer and literary critic, once said, "The classroom, with all its
limitations, remains a location of possibility." Even when she wrote these words over 20 years ago
in 1994, there was a clear, unsullied idea of what a child's education should be composed
ofв”Ђpossibilities. In the time of hooks' writing, America's people were being tested on their
strength as the deindustrialization of major cities occurred, leaving most of the factory workers
without money and homeless. After Reagan left office, there was an abundance to clean up. The
country's people were trying to create possibilities that might work out. The American school system
remains about what hooks said: possibilities. Even with the media more content...
We see constant disparities in funding within our school system between class and between race.
Because of this, we need to regulate the funding between the "good school bad school poor
school rich school" paradigm. Why aren't there already laws permitting and enforcing equal
funding? In the ruling of Rodriguez vs. San Antonio Independent School district, it was found
that even if it was completely morally ethical, laws against or for inequitable funding are not in
the constitution and therefore it cannot be ruled upon in the high court. So, even if two schools
in the same district are within a 10,000 dollars funding difference, a pupil cannot do anything
about it because it doesn't say anything about it in the constitution. States in the deep south, like
Texas and Alabama, get the least funding, says a study done by the National Law Center for
Education. The U.S. average for funding per state is $10,132 for one pupil. Tennessee's money
spent per pupil is $6,839. Also, Tennessee has one of the lowest GDPs and its education effort is
one of the lowest. Why is this? Because Tennessee still didn't take advantage of its fiscal capacity,
and that's why it received an F on the effort scale. In a study done by Education Trust, it said that
there is a 1,200 dollar gap between the districts with the most poverty and the districts with the least
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Persuasive Essay Hooks

  • 1. Persuasive Speech On Puppy Mill ntroduction Imagine this, life in a cage that six inches from you in every direction. This is how thousands of dogs live in a puppy mill. Puppy mills are inhumane, causing these poor creatures health problems, and I want to tell you how to stop this from happening. In this speech I will be talking to you about the problem with puppy mills, the effects of puppy mills on the animals and to people, and how to stop puppy mills. Body A puppy mill is an inhumane facility that breeds dogs commercially. (Subpoint) The federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), passed in 1966, makes it legal to have puppy mills through its vague standards. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the agency responsible for overseeing the commercial dog breeding industry and enforcing the AWA. (Evidence) The first problem with the puppy mills isn't with the mill themselves. It is with our legislation. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulates the treatment of animals. The AWA set that " a dog that lives in a breeding facility that has a federal license can be forced to live in a cage that is six inches beyond the dog on all sides of the cage for its entire life." (Banerjee, 2015). Also under the AWA there is no limit to the number of dogs on a premises. There is no requirement on the number of staff that must be available are for the animals. Dogs may be kept in stacked cages made mesh or wire. The AWA leaves it up to the mills owner to determine what is "adequate" for the animals (AWA, 1966). (Evidence) Another problem with our legislation is with The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA is responsible for about 8,700 facilities, these include dog breeding facilities, animal exhibitors (circuses, zoos, petting farms, wildlife parks), research facilities (hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical firms), and animal transporters (airlines and trucking companies), farming agriculture, forestry, and food. The USDA is overburdened, inspections on often few and far between. When audited, the auditors found that many inspectors took little or no action against most violators of the AWA, including many which had repeat violations.It also found that USDA did not properly cite or document violations, or report repeat and Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Space Colonization Space Colonization: A Scientific Perspective Planet Earth is not going to last forever. Sooner or later the human race will have to look for somewhere else to call home. Whether it is from overpopulation, global warming, or even the sun exploding, one day humans will need a new home. Of course, this probably will not be the case for a large amount of time; nevertheless, scientists have already started to examine various options for possible space colonization. Sending a colony into space is no small task, so there are loads of problems and obstacles that humanity will need to hurdle to do this successfully. In order for humanity to permanently create settlements outside of Earth's atmosphere, there needs to be advancements in many more content... The most obvious candidate for terraforming, the transforming of a planet to be able to support human life, would be Mars. Even without terraforming, The Red Planet would be a great choice to colonize because of how close it is to Earth. Constant communication, supply shuttles, and potentially traveling back and forth between planets would all be possible because of how much closer Mars is to Earth than all other colonization candidates. Furthermore, combining the discovery of water on Mars and an abundance of, "...many industrially useful minerals for construction and manufacturing purposes" creates a seemingly great potential home for humans (David). Except, the only problem is that Mars is currently unlivable. This is where terraforming comes in. There are various proposed methods for terraforming Mars, but for the most part, they all start with melting the planet's ice caps and warming the planet's atmosphere by introducing various gases to create breathable air. The new gases then thicken the atmosphere to protect from solar radiation (Williams). There are also bacteria called Deinococcus Radiodurans that could possibly be genetically engineered to detoxify soil on Mars (Slotnick 124–125). If this bacteria can be correctly engineered, Deinococcus Radiodurans would likely provide a faster way to create detoxified soil than waiting around for the atmosphere to detoxify it; therefore, being a huge step forward in the effort to terraform Mars. The major setback to the idea of terraforming is how long it will take. The actual estimates for the length of time it will take to make Mars completely human–safe vary between a couple of quick centuries to millions of years (Williams). In addition to length, terraforming would also require a staggering amount of greenhouse gases from Earth. Not only would the gases have to be Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Aliens Exist Trevor Moss Aliens Exist The conspiracy of aliens existing is a conspiracy that most of Americans believe in. There are many conspiracy theories that involve the existence of aliens. One example of this is, Area 51 is secretly hiding UFO's in there bases, and reverse engineering the things they find. Most of America believe that because there is such a vast space that has not been explored, there "must be" more out there. NASA states that they have found a planet that can withstand life, and has a suitable environment. The only problem that comes with this statement is, we can't launch a spaceship that can reach the planet. This problem gives people the thought that there might be aliens or other life on this planet. The first recorded flyby occurred in fort land in 1905, viewers reported seeing a "buzzing" sphere shaped UFO that "descended from the heavens". Sightings have spiked, with the reported number jumping from 5,000 in 1980, to 45,000 in 2010. UFO's are not a new thing, people have been describing unidentified flying objects for many years. Described as disk–like objects found in art from the Sumerians and the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans. The start of people's fascination can be traced back to a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold. Arnold was flying his small plain near Washington's Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947 when he claimed to have seen nine, blue glowing objects flying in a "V" formation. He believed that it was some sort of military aircraft, but the Get more content on
  • 4. Bell Hooks Touching The Earth Analysis After reading the persuasive essay, "Touching the Earth" by Bell Hooks, I feel like I truly understand the importance of nature on African Americans. Hooks used several effective techniques to prove her argument. Ones of these was giving facts and examples. She quotes people at least seven times in her essay. These quotes helps defend her argument, which makes the readers think that Hooks actually knows what she is writing about. For me personally when there is quotes for credible people, I start to understand and listen more to the writer's argument. Another aspect that she added in to her essay was a short narrative in the beginning. The narrative showed that her argument was personal. To me when something is personal I make sure everything Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay About Abortion Abortion Discussion (Pro–Choice) Do you believe abortion should be legal? As a woman who has experienced the horrific tragedy of rape and all of the trauma that comes with it, I personally find a woman's right to have a say in her own reproductive rights to be of the utmost importance. Ever since the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wadewas decided in January of 1973, abortion has been deemed a fundamental right for women. Additionally, a woman's right to access legal, safe, and professionally–performed abortions severely reduces the risk of death and bodily harm associated with less safe, unlawful abortions. Lastly, studies performed via peer review in 2013 found that women who denied abortions were more likely to suffer from mental health problems when compared to women who carried out the procedure. Furthermore, only 1 in 20 women who received abortions felt that they did not make the right choice in doing so. In other words, in order to ensure the health of women, both physical and mental, in the United States, it is vital that safe avenues for abortion remain available to the general public. Does the Life of a Human Being Begin at Conception? Human life most certainly does not begin at conception for a variety of reasons ranging from medical to biological to legal. First of all, when we speak of how long a person has been alive we commonly refer to their age. A number which represents how long it has been since they were born, not conceived. Additionally, personhood only begins after a fetus has the ability to survive on its own outside the womb, a term that is commonly referred to as viability. At the moment of conception through up to 26 weeks into the pregnancy a fetus is not even capable of feeling pain, according to Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This aforementioned fact has to do with the lack of a developed cortex in the said fetus. Furthermore, documents such as the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights fail to recognize fetuses as living beings as they use words such as "born" to classify those whose rights the documents encompass. Lastly, to suggest that a zygote, a diploid fertilized ovum that is formed at the time of Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Black Lives Matter They Matter For decades black Americans have been treated as animals, looked at as if they are monsters, and killed like bugs. Actions like Police brutality and racism is what caused Black Lives Matter. The creation of the Black Lives Matter was a response by the black community to give a voice to black Americans affected by the increase of wrongful deaths due to the law enforcements and vigilantes across the country. This has been going on for so long that it seems like we are stuck in the past. For years, even decades black Americans have had to live the struggle of being equal. Even when things are going good and we think we finally have the same rights, something happened to change that. It is time to shed a light on the real purpose of Black Lives Matter and why they are important to today's society. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi created a movement centered towards black Americans which later turned into Black Live Matter. Those three leaders came together in 2013 after the Trayvon Martin case that devastated the black community. Black Live Matter, also known as BLM, became an organization that has a mission to give power and a voice to violence inflicted on Black communities. So many black injustices went unnoticed and ignored, but this group will not stand to let that happen again. Injustice to the black community is what causes so many protests and movements that make the Black Lives Matter organization stronger than ever. . The BLM Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay: Legalizing Marijuana Leah Prado Eng Comp 1 Sunday March 29th Paper 3: Persuasive "Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana" Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana , many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and over 20 million smoked it last year. So it is safe to assume that although marijuana use may decrease in the years to come, more content... The main idea behind legalizing drugs is it's medical advantages. Marijuana is said to have many uses as healing drug. Marijuana being used as medicine has been studied for many years. In many cultures it is used as medicine and stems back many generations. The first recorded use of marijuana as medicine was in China. It has been said that in Pen Tsao Ching during the first or second century, boiled hemp compound was used as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound is said to have many uses including, clearing the blood, cooling temperature, clearing fluxes, undoing rheumatism and discharging pus from patients. China isn't the only country to use this drug in early times it was introduced in Southeast Asia in the sixteenth century. Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are said to have current uses of marijuana for medicine. In Cambodia they have an enormous list of uses, including, treating malaria, reliving asthma, calming the nerves, regulating the heart and treating paralysis. In Thailand, it's used in folk medicine as well as in the official medical reports. In folk medicine, people dry the leaves and then boil them to treat migraines and dizzy spells. Marijuana has survived the passing of time and still helps the sick today. The advanced stages of treatment for patients with Cancer, AIDS and other diseases often include, terrible nausea, vomiting, and different types of pain. Patients have reported much relief from Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy has no place in a safe, clean, sustainable future. Nuclear energy is both expensive and dangerous. And just because nuclear pollution is invisible doesn't mean it's clean. Renewable energy is better for the environment, the economy, and doesn't come with the risk of a nuclear meltdown. High profile disasters in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 and Fukushima, Japan in 2011 have raised public awareness of the dangers of nuclear power. Consequently, zeal for nuclear energy has fizzled. The catastrophic risks of nuclear energy–like the meltdowns of nuclear reactors in Japan or Ukraine–far outweigh the potential benefits. New nuclear plants are more expensive and take longer to build than renewable energy sources like wind or solar. If we are to avoid the most damaging impacts of climate change, we need solutions that are fast and affordable. Nuclear power is neither. We can do better than trading off one disaster for another. The nuclear age is over and the age of renewables has begun. Meltdowns like the ones in Fukushima or Chernobyl released enormous amounts of radiation into the surrounding communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate. Many of them may never come back. If the industry's current track record is any indication, we can expect a major meltdown about once per decade. The possibility of a catastrophic accident at a U.S. nuclear plant cannot be dismissed. There is still no safe, reliable solution for dealing with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants. Every waste dump in the U.S. leaks radiation into the environment, and nuclear plants themselves are running out of ways to store highly radioactive waste on site. The site selected to store the U.S.'s radioactive waste–Yucca Mountain in Nevada–is both volcanically and seismically active. Beyond the risks associated with nuclear power and radioactive waste, the threat of nuclear weapons looms large. The spread of nuclear technology and nuclear weapons is a threat for national security and the safety of the entire planet. Nuclear energy isn't just bad for the environment, it's bad for our economy. Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, prompting Wall Street to call new nuclear a "bet the farm" risk. Every Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay About Homelessness magine feeling lost and misplaced in this huge world around you. Each night you end up on a bench or in a dark alley; a place you call your bed. You wake up each morning deciding which public place you'll go in to clean up. When you get hungry, you'll have to beg people for cash. For the rest of the day, you sit in the city hoping people will notice you and help out. Knowing that you are not judged by who you are but what you are, you realize that most people in society don 't understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change. Being homeless is a shock to many. It depicts someone just like us that lack the minimum necessities that we take for granted. According to statistics of a particular day more content... American people want to be greater, richer, and more powerful than everyone else. When one sees a homeless person sitting on the street, he may ask you for money to buy food. As ignorant as most Americans are today, we question will they really spend that money on food, but some of us are generous enough to give a donation anyway. Others would tell them to get a job. As I walk down Grace Street to get to class some days, I get asked by multiple homeless people if I could "help them out." In Richmond, VA, Phil Riggan, did an interview with several of homeless people. He found out that they are just like the rest of us. Homeless people aren't usually viewed as people; they're commonly just known as "homeless". They are viewed as "worthless, nuisances, waste of space, crazy, drug addicts, drunkards, criminals, liars, bums, and burdens of society" (Riggan 6). Phil's study was to "prevent, reduce and end homelessness by facilitating creative solutions through the collaboration, coordination and cooperation of regional resources and services" (Riggan 8). Homeless people are still human. As we all need shelter, food, and emotional support, so do they. The Homeless Homes Project was started by Gregory Kloehn, an artist, that turned trash into mobile homes. The Homeless Homes Project was to diminish money's use in building homes for the homeless population. The Get more content on
  • 10. Hook For Lord Of The Flies Persuasive Essay Jack and the rest of the boys are looking around trying to contemplate all that just had happened. A naval officer had just put Jack in handcuffs and taken him away with the rest of the boys following. They are all getting on a boat and get shipped back to where they came from, all of the boys were all shocked that they were even getting saved in the first place. All of the officers were asking the boys questions but the boys were too stunned to even speak. For weeks they have dreamed of being saved, of being home, and of their family and finally now it was happening. Jack should not be arrested for the death of Simon. I feel like his death was everyone's fault. They all jump on him and attacked him without even checking to see if it was the beast or not. I think that all of the young boys were accessory to the murder. "The beast struggled forward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock to stand by the water" (Golding 153). That means the boys should have been able to easily tell that it was a human not a "beast". Simon was walking on his feet and I'm guessing that the boys thought it was an animal or creature of some sort so they should have checked it out before attacking. But the boys had their primal instincts kick in and that is what made them attack. Jack should not be arrested for the murder of Piggy, more content... Even though he did not actually kill him I still think that he should be punished for attacking and trying to kill Ralph. "You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!" (Golding 179). I feel like they both had intentions of killing and or hurting each other. But then again Jack attacked first, if he hadn't done that he might of not been arrested. I also think that Ralph should be sent to prison for attempted murder because he fought back. Both of the boys intentionally hurt each other so, they should both be arrested for the attempted murder of Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech Freedom of speech is the right to speak your beliefs without risk of punishment, guaranteed by the First Amendment. This right raises some controversy though, on whether or not this right should be limited due to the fact that some might take advantage of their freedom of speech and use it to offend or insult a person or group. Freedom of speech should be protected to both advance and defend out honor. Our freedom of speech is an honor to have and it should not be taken for granted. Our society is based off of our freedom to speak our beliefs, and sometimes –more often than not– our beliefs contradict the beliefs of another. "Protecting this right [freedom of speech] respects the moral dignity of individuals as reasonable beings with their own ideas, beliefs, and values." (Ruger, 5) We cannot silence those that offend others with their beliefs, as they are expressing themselves and have the right to be heard of. An environmentalist for example, believes that we should release less carbon dioxide into the air, while a growing business might believe that the amount of greenhouse gases is fine. Neither of them nor their beliefs are wrong, and we should not silence the business because they think differently and we believe them to be wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and to express them accordingly. "It's always easier to defend someone's right to say something with which you agree. But in a free society, you also have a duty to defend speech with which you Get more content on
  • 12. CRISPR Essay magine, 20 years from now, sitting in a cold doctor's office deciding the genes of your unborn baby, what color hair, eyes, speed of metabolism, height would you even know what to pick? Impossible you might say but in this day and age technology is growing ever so rapidly that picking the genetic makeup of your baby is closer than you might think. The technology is called CRISPR. This technology doesn't only have the ability to change physical traits, but genetic traits specifically genetic abnormalities and diseases. 20 years ago, no one would have ever thought we would have the answer to, in theory, cure every genetic disease from sickle cell anemia to cystic fibrosis. However, with great scientific breakthroughs comes questioning more content... In theory, CRISPR is an extreme method of gene editing and gene editing has been around for years on end. It has been used on plants to make them a more sustainable crop. CRISPR technology has not yet been perfected to be accessible to everyone. Yet the first clinical crispr trial happened in October of 2016, Michael Le Page tells us that in the first clinical trial of CRISPR being used "Doctors removed immune cells from the blood of a person with lung cancer, used CRISPR to disable a gene called PD–1 and then returned the cells to the body," the results of the trial are said to not be released until 2018 (Le Page 1). Another popular topic you hear when talking about CRISPR technology is if it is moral and ethical. In Designer Genes, by Rowan Jacobsen, he comments on how CRISPR can escalate by going past its use to cure genetic diseases and if they will start to care more and more about physical traits in stating that " [People] will certainly be able to buy looks. Features such as a dimpled chin or the way your earlobes attached are easily determined. The genes responsible for hair, eye, and skin color are fairly clear–cut. If you want a freckle–faced redhead, no problem," but what exactly does that mean for mankind (Jacobsen 1). On the opposite spectrum, CRISPR technology can evolve so much that we will technically be able to cut out some physical traits such as red hair, dimples, in Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Tipping Tipping your waiter almost feels like something that has just always been around in your dining experience inside America. You go with family and friends to your favorite restaurant, your waiter greets you, you order your meal, enjoy it, pay, and leave a tip. However, tipping is an Europe custom we borrowed. Weirdly enough, tipping use to be viewed as rude and disrespectful, much unlike today where it is viewed as disrespectful not to leave a tip. According to Michael Lynn, a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, "tipping in the United States began just after the American Civil War in the late 1800's." Lynn suggests that wealthy Americans traveling abroad to Europe witnessed tipping and brought the aristocratic custom back with them to "show off," or prove their elevated education and class. When you go dine in at your favorite restaurant and finish your delicious meal, how much do you tip? 10%? 20%? Nothing at all? Do you know how much to tip, or even why you should leave a tip? Tipping waiters is not a bonus; it is part of their salary. When you tip, you are helping waiters to achieveminimum wage. Consumers must pay for these costs one way or another. Tipping in America should be required. With minimum wage for a waitress being only $2.13, tips are essentially the waitress's prime form of payment. Author Patrick M. Sheridan stated in his CNN article "predominantly tipped occupations are twice as likely as other workers to experience poverty, and servers are almost three times as likely to live in poverty." Statistics from an article on Mother Jones says the overall poverty rate stands at 6.3 percent. For restaurant workers, the rate is 16.7 percent. "Tipped workers and their families often depend on welfare programs to survive – and they do so at significantly higher rates than non–tipped workers, according to a 2014 report from the Economic Policy Institute, a think tank focused on labor issues." When you fail to tip your waiters, you are predominantly part of the cause of poverty. Stuart wrote in his article "Because of inflation, the value of the tipped minimum wage has steadily fallen over the years." Leaving waiters bringing home less and less in tips. If everyone quits Get more content on
  • 14. Why Do Hooks Use Persuasive Techniques I catch fish with hooks! However, I'm talking about a different type of hook in this paper. I often notice advertisers effectively using various techniques to persuade people to buy their products. I decided to do some research on which two hooks work the best in advertisements. The two persuasive techniques which I have found to work the best for advertisers are repetition and alliteration. First, advertisers use repetition to persuade people to buy their products. Basically, repetition creates emphasis on a phrase or word. For example, if I went up to my mom and said " can I go to the movies tonight? Please, please, please, please, please," I'm using repetition to persuade her to let me go. I have seen repetition in an ad where three Coke bottles are next to each other all with the word Coke on the front of them. This visual is very effective as more content... Rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer. For example, in an ad a woman is holding a scale that has the words "wanna lose weight?" on it. These words provoke your thoughts making you realize that you need to lose weight and buy the product. Altogether, rhetorical question works exceptionally well in this ad. Throughout this paper, we have viewed a few different persuasive techniques. We even discussed an alternate claim, rhetorical question. Although rhetorical question may work well in some ads, alliteration and repetition are still much better. As I remind you that alliteration tied for second in a survey on which hook is easiest to understand, and repetition tied for first in a survey on which ad is the most effective overall, it is clear that repetition and alliteration are the two best persuasive techniques that advertisers could possibly Get more content on
  • 15. Exercise Persuasive Speech Attention Getter: Are you tired of being of gaining weight or just feeling sluggish all the time? Do you have health issues? Well exercising can give you good health and psychological advantages. Central Idea: I want to persuade my audience that when you decide to exercise it helps you majorly with your health and you life. With that being said lack of exercise is harmful. Just do yourself and your body a favor and exercise. [Transition] to body of speech: I want to let you know today that everyone here today needs to exercise. Even though everyone here knows that exercise is good for you but in reality how many of you are actually getting physical? Body Main Point 1: Being inactive can cause health issues. Sub–point a.: more content... Science shows that you do not need to do hard core exercise to reduce your risk of a early death. Even doing less that that 150 I mentioned earlier still puts you at a lower risk of dying early. *A person being physically active for at least 7 hours a week have a 40% lower risk of dying early than those who were active less than 30 minutes a week. (Division of Nutrition and Obesity, June, 2015) [TRANSITION] into conclusion If none of those health benefits impressed you, well keep in mind you will look great also. CONCLUSION: Attention Material: None of us want to die early or none of us want those unwanted pounds we put on. Summary: Being inactive is not good for our health. *You want to avoid getting CAD and heart disease, and you want to live a long healthy life *It doesn't take a lot of your time to exercise at least be active 30 minutes a day. *Being physical will increase your chance of living longer Overview: We should all at least try and get into the habit of exercising. If you were to start exercising today remember it give us not just a better physical state but mental as well. Living for a very long time is a great Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Charter Schools Open to all children, free of tuition, and does not have special entrance requirements, charter schools believe that children should have the opportunity to achieve at a high level. When creating charter schools, they focused on a desire to create greater flexibility for innovation within public education. It was hoped that successful innovations could be adapted to benefit public education more broadly. (NEA, 2017). Charter schools also, foster partnership between parents, teachers, and students in hopes of creating an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are allowed to innovate, and students are provided with structure they need to learn. Unlike public schools, charter schools believe that smaller class sizes are important to student learning. According to Homeschooling "Pros and Cons of Charter Schools" article, "Rather than having a student attend a public school where students will be one among thirty to thirty–five other pupils, charter school students will be one of twelve, sometimes fifteen other students" (2017). In a classroom with many students, a teacher may not have the ability to spend sufficient quality time one–on–one with every student . This may result in teachers having more of a challenge in motivating each student and encouraging students individually. The teacher may not have the time to recognize each student's particular challenges, passions, and talents (Homeschooling, 2017 ). In addition, according to EF Academy's "10 Get more content on
  • 17. Title of Speech: Mental Health Speaker Role/ Audience: Advocate the importance of addressing mental health in schools. Thesis: Mental health is one of the largest problems students face on a daily basis, and in order to best help them, we need to implement serious and frequent discussions about mental health. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRO: Attention Getting Device: Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, statistics reveal. ( Purpose/Thesis: To persuade you all the importance of including mental health awareness in schools. Credibility: I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. Because I was not aware of what I had for so long and I did not have any help, I suffered and so did multiple aspects of my academic career. Justification: "The answer, based on the prevalence of mental illness globally, is stunning: 8 million people die each year due to mental illness. That is, 8 million deaths could be averted if people with mental illness were to die at the same rate as the general population." (NIMH) Preview of Main Points: Today I will show you the dangers of not explicitly discussing mental health in school, what students will gain from discussing mental health, and inform you what you can do to make this happen. Transition: First, let us discuss the danger of not including mental health in students' education. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BODY: Need: According to, approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%. Research has found that about 90% of individuals who die by suicide experience a mental illness. Social anxiety affects about 15 million individuals across America, most cases start around the age of 13. They often suffer anxiety, difficulty focusing and social challenges. Half of them drop out of high school, in part because many schools don't manage to meet their needs. ( Although mental health illnesses affects so many kids aged 6–17, a least Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay About Aliens For many years, numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am here today to prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from all over the world have seen, and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will you be next or have you already? They are horrifying stories that come up often with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst nightmare? ВЁSightings within 500 feet are subclassified as various types of ВЁclose encountersВЁ( Hynek 41.) There have been over 104,947 sightings in a decade. There was a sighting back in the 1600s when John Winthrop had unusual writing in his diary about a ВЁgreat light in the nighttime sky"( Hynek 32.) On September 19, 1976, people in Tehran, Iran saw an unidentified flying object around twelve am. Systems started to fail when the unidentified flying object was twenty miles away. Most sightings have been reported in Roswell, New Mexico. In the year 1947, a balloon was seen crashing into the land of a nearby ranch near Roswell, New Mexico but theories say otherwise. Multiple accusations have been arguing about it, but, the real mystery, if it was just a United States Air Force balloon then why did they try to cover it up? In White Mountains, Arizona 1975 a man, Travis, went to work with his buddies to cut down trees. It was a typical day, he and Dallas fought a little bit and then took a lunch break. When they finished loading all the extra limbs in the back of the truck, they left for home. On their Get more content on
  • 19. Motivational Hooks: A Case Study The councillor needs to be clued into the things that the client relays to them that might indicate a motivation to change their pattern of alcohol abuse. These 'motivational hooks' will be the things that will drive the the client to stop their drinking. Potential motivational hooks might be having custody of children taken away, the possibility of losing a house over non–payments, potential divorce over a partner, losing a job due to being absentee one too many times, losing a drivers license, severe health problems Get more content on
  • 20. Bell Hooks's Education bell hooks, American feminist writer and literary critic, once said, "The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility." Even when she wrote these words over 20 years ago in 1994, there was a clear, unsullied idea of what a child's education should be composed ofв”Ђpossibilities. In the time of hooks' writing, America's people were being tested on their strength as the deindustrialization of major cities occurred, leaving most of the factory workers without money and homeless. After Reagan left office, there was an abundance to clean up. The country's people were trying to create possibilities that might work out. The American school system remains about what hooks said: possibilities. Even with the media more content... We see constant disparities in funding within our school system between class and between race. Because of this, we need to regulate the funding between the "good school bad school poor school rich school" paradigm. Why aren't there already laws permitting and enforcing equal funding? In the ruling of Rodriguez vs. San Antonio Independent School district, it was found that even if it was completely morally ethical, laws against or for inequitable funding are not in the constitution and therefore it cannot be ruled upon in the high court. So, even if two schools in the same district are within a 10,000 dollars funding difference, a pupil cannot do anything about it because it doesn't say anything about it in the constitution. States in the deep south, like Texas and Alabama, get the least funding, says a study done by the National Law Center for Education. The U.S. average for funding per state is $10,132 for one pupil. Tennessee's money spent per pupil is $6,839. Also, Tennessee has one of the lowest GDPs and its education effort is one of the lowest. Why is this? Because Tennessee still didn't take advantage of its fiscal capacity, and that's why it received an F on the effort scale. In a study done by Education Trust, it said that there is a 1,200 dollar gap between the districts with the most poverty and the districts with the least Get more content on