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Perspective Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Perspective Essay Topics" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the vastness of perspectives that one can explore within this
theme. The sheer diversity of perspectives that individuals hold on any given subject makes it a
complex task to present a comprehensive and unbiased view.
To begin with, selecting a specific angle or perspective to focus on can be daunting. The plethora
of potential topics within the broader theme requires careful consideration to choose one that is
not only interesting but also allows for meaningful exploration. Once a topic is selected, the
challenge shifts to presenting a balanced view that encompasses various perspectives without
leaning too heavily towards one side.
Moreover, conveying these perspectives in a coherent and organized manner is a crucial aspect of
essay writing. Juggling different viewpoints while maintaining a logical flow demands a high
level of skill in structuring the essay. Striking a balance between depth and clarity is another
hurdle, as delving too deep into individual perspectives may risk losing the overall coherence of
the essay.
Furthermore, the research process for a perspective essay can be time-consuming. Gathering
information to represent diverse viewpoints requires extensive reading and analysis. It involves
navigating through a multitude of sources, critically evaluating each, and synthesizing the
information to construct a well-rounded narrative.
Addressing potential counterarguments is yet another layer of complexity. Acknowledging
opposing viewpoints and effectively refuting them demands a nuanced understanding of the
subject matter and sharp analytical skills. This adds depth to the essay but also increases the level
of difficulty.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Perspective Essay Topics" involves navigating through the
complexities of topic selection, structuring, research, and addressing counterarguments. It is a
challenging yet rewarding endeavor that requires a keen understanding of the subject matter and
the ability to present diverse perspectives in a coherent and engaging manner.
If you find the process too overwhelming, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more
can be ordered on, where professional writers can help you navigate the
complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful piece.
Perspective Essay TopicsPerspective Essay Topics
Krestview Woodcraft Case Study
Recently approved for a 50 percent tax abatement on new construction, Krestview
Woodcrafts, which produces the LuxCraft brand of outdoor furniture, is gearing
up to add a new 56,000 square foot warehouse to its growing complex along County
Road 144. MILLERSBURG Although approved for a partial tax abatement, the
expansion of a local business is expected to bring in additional jobs, wages and an
estimated $30,000 $40,000 in property taxes over the next 10 years. The Holmes
County commissioners on Monday approved an enterprise zone agreement with
Krestview Woodcraft, located at 1274 County Road 144, Sugarcreek. The business
makes wood and poly outdoor furniture and lawn structures gazebos, pavilions and
pergolas and is owned by Brian L. Mullet, Marlin R. Mullet and John L. Mullet.
Approval of the enterprise zone will help to facilitate expansion of the company s...
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We re happy the word is getting out about the enterprise zone program. This is a
good company a family operation that started small and grew over the years. We
like to see businesses like this grow in Holmes County, said Leininger, who said
many businesses, like Krestview, are unaware of the program or inquire too late.
Often they re ready and have their contractors lined up. But, the process takes a long
time, and it often comes down to delaying or forging ahead without an enterprise
zone, said Leininger, glad Mullet contacted him far enough in advance. As part of the
agreement, Krestview Woodcraft will commit to creating three new full time jobs in
the three years following completion, according to Leininger. Construction is slated
to begin in September and should be completed by May. The additional payroll
represents $140,000 annually. The company currently employs 29 full time
employees, who earn a total annual payroll of about $1.4
Rhetorical Analysis Of Hockey By Franlin Kaernick
In the wake of Colin Kaepernick s decision not to stand during the playing of the
United State national anthem, a ripple effect has been felt throughout the world of
sports the past week. Kaepernick s actions have caused reactions both in support
and in condemnation from professional sports athletes, the military, police, and
President Barack Obama. With the World Cup of Hockey taking place, a notable
name from the sport has taken an opportunity to add his opinion to the
controversial issue. It was not in favor of Kaepernick s stance on social justice.
USA Hockey Coach John Tortorella told ESPN s Linda Cohn ahead of the World
Cup of Hockey that, If any of my players sit on the bench for the national anthem,
they will sit there the rest of the game. Tortorella, coach of the Columbus Blue
Jackets, has a son who is a member of the Army Rangers. I know these are hockey
games...but I do look at it like it s for my country, Tortorella said. Tortorella later
states that players are ... Show more content on ...
Colin Kaepernick used his platform to give a silent protest on what he feels is
African Americans not being treated equally in the United States. With the large
exposure that sports athletes have, taking a stance on big social issues can bring
awareness where it is needed. As the head coach of Team USA, Tortorella does the
right to bench whomever he wants regardless of the reason. By taking that stance,
he is creating a conflict with his players. He is taking away his players freedom of
speech and expression to influence social change. Team USA defender, Dustin
Byfuglien, is the only African American player on the roster. If Byfuglien were
inspired to participate in Kaepernick s protest, his right to play for his country
would be taken away. This could backfire for Tortorella in the public eye as he is the
coach of a country that is built upon freedom of
Franz Fanon Decolonization
1) According to Frantz Fanon decolonization is a violent event. Explain what this
claim means along with why Fanon supports it. According to Fanon, decolonization
is the substitution of one species of mankind by another . (Fanon, 1) By species,
Fanon refers to the colonist and another are the colonized. It is a violent event
because it is the processes when colonized become independent from the colonizers.
The consciousness of the colonized demands freedom and change of order. At the
same time, the consciousness of the colonizers is terrified of the changes that the
colonized might want. That is where we have a mismatch and the clash of ideas that
turn into violence. He means that the colonists restrict the colonized with force, so this
... Show more content on ...
By this logic, only philosophers can become a ruling class of the society because
they are the most reasonable. (Plato, 119) The reason why a philosopher can
become the best ruler is because they possess highly developed virtues and
demonstrate high moral standards. They are more likely to be more rational and
strive for the truth because they have a love for wisdom. They are more interested in
knowledge rather than physical possessions, so they will serve the rest of the
Black Sage
I had my first Black Sage encounter while on a guided native herb walk in my local
park in Southern California. It was a glorious evergreen perennial shrub; about 5
high, 8 wide well within the normal parameters, (3FT 6FT in height and 10FT
wide). It was in bloom, generally (Feb July) with beautiful lavender colored
flowers, they have also been known to have blue flowers and the rarest are white. I
asked the tree for permission to pick a leaf and upon receiving it, gently plucked
one. The leaf was about 2 long (average is 1 3 ). The tip of the leaf was smooth
while the bottom part was hairy. I inhaled and there was no doubt that this was a
highly aromatic bush. Native to California and Baja, Mexico, Black Sage is the
commonest sage in... Show more content on ...
It can be used medicinally internally and externally for a wide range of conditions,
including applying it as a poultice to relieve pain, as a tea to help with a sore throat,
and using fresh or dried stems and leaves in the bath to relieve flu like symptoms
(Kumeyaay Tribe) or to relieve pain in back, neck and head (Chumash Tribe).
Landscapers love it for restoration and control of erosion, butterflies and bees flock
to it as a food source, and is well paired with winter squashes or for use in flavoring
honey. Women who are pregnant or are breast feeding should not use sage as it
non known if it enters the breast milk. During my hike, I did in fact hurt my ankle,
and decided that I would ask my guide how to use the Black Sage that I had
collected to help with the pain. I was told to crumple it up into a ball and place it
next to the area that was hurting and my sock would be used to keep it in place.
Twenty minutes later there was improvement in the pain, and while this is anecdotal
I have continued to use this when I hike and I get sore muscles as it is readily
The Value of Technology at Home and School
Students whether they are in kindergarten, high school, or college all value
technology, not only in their own personal lives but in their school and when they
learn (Swan and Hooft 653). All learners want technology integrated into their schools
to make for a more diverse learning experience throughout their schooling. All levels
of students want the learnings and lectures to be more challenging, with meaningful
instructional activities that require multiple technological aspects (653). Most
students do not like the way many teachers are currently trying to integrate
technology because the tools and approaches the teachers are using are not the ones
that the students use or have found on their own, which are usually simpler and more
user friendly (654). There are many ways students can learn and process information.
One of these ways is called the cognitive approach; the cognitive approach uses digital
technology to extend how students think (Swan and Hooft 651). There are six
different categories of digital tools that are affected in this approach: semantic
organizing, dynamic modeling, information interpretation, visualization,
conversation, and knowledge construction tools (652). This approach, along with
technology, stimulates one s deep critical thinking about any content that is studied
(652). This way of teaching takes students to a whole new level of learning above the
standard textbook, pencil, pen, and paper. The cognitive approach puts students back
into their
The Negative Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Sea Turtles
DA VINICI PROJECT How does plastic pollution effect marine turtles and what can
we do to prevent this environmental issue.
With society s increasing reliance on non biodegradable plastics, our oceans are
being filled with more and more harmful products. This thesis will be discussing the
negative impact that plastic products have on our oceans sea turtles, and proposes a
number of solutions that need immediately to be put in place.
Plastic pollution has been identified as a major, global scale threat to sea turtles for
decades, and the oceans are now experiencing a relatively novel and dangerous throw
of pollution and highly persistent plastic. Over the past 65 years, the global annual
production of plastic has grown from 1.5 million to 299 million metric tons
( Of this, it is estimated that between 4 million and 12 million metric
tons enter the oceans every year threatening sea turtles in extremely harmful ways.
Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles and other marine mammals, and more than 1
million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in
marine debris. Plastic resources in our everyday life has a become a so called
necessity which unfortunately is having devastating effects to our marine life world
wide. This is why we need to come up with a new and innovative idea to create
alternative products to combat this environmental issue.
It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down and at least 10 to 20 years for a
single use plastic bag. (U.S National Park Services) By this scary statistic it shows
that once these so called convent items are produced, they don t go away for a long
time.This means for all the marine animals homes that are being affected, it is going
to stick around for a extremely long time. A new study conducted by the university
of Queensland and the journal conservation biology show that green turtles are
significantly more likely to swallow plastic today than they were in the 1980 s. The
study found that the likelihood of a green turtle injecting man made rubbish jumped
from 30% to 50% in 2012.(University of Queensland) The reason why plastic
pollution has such a large effect on turtles is because it is extremely lethal to any
The Origin Of Offspring Will Inherit Genes From Their
The idea that offspring will inherit genes from their parents is a widely accepted
theory around the world. Characteristics will be inherited from both the maternal and
fraternal figure, and the offspring will resemble a combination of the two parents.
The study of the inheritance of DNA started with the work of Gregor Mendel;
followed by many others such as, Sladden, Durken, and Natt. Before Mendel,
Darwinism was a strong held belief by the majority of people. Darwin studied the
finches on the Galapagos Islands. He noted that the species on the island had genetic
differences, particularly in their beaks. He denoted this as natural selection. Although
Darwin did not know anything about alleles or DNA he could see that there were
physical differences among the species. It was this observation made by Darwin
that got Mendel curious as to how these bird s developed these different
characteristics. Mendel was a scientist immersed in a numerous amount of fields,
but it was with his work with pea plants that really made him famous. He described
genes as factors that are not inherited continuously and each factor has two different
forms. For example, the flower color on the plants could either be purple or white.
The forms that Mendel is discussing are now called alleles. Mendel s discoveries led
to the Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment.
The Law of Dominance discusses how one allele will suppress the allele from the
other parent. The trait
Should Students Have Phones In Middle School
I believe that students should not have phones in middle school. I believe this
because there are a lot of disadvantages of having a phone in middle school. Some
of the disadvantages are distractions, fear of losing the device and being less social.
First, I believe this because students can get easily distracted by phones. Students
don t pay much attention to the teacher s lesson and are disturbed by all the
notifications they receive. Some examples of how they can get distracted are social
media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. Texting in class can also
get students easily distracted from school work. Students tend to lack amount of sleep
since they stay on their phone for most of the night. Secondly, since the phone
Abraham Lincoln Legacy
Each president of the United States of America has left a legacy, some more notable
than others. I believe Abraham Lincoln was the best American president. A Lot of
people say that anybody can grow up to be a President. But not anybody is cut out to
be a President. It takes a person to be tough, smart, active, positive, compassionate
and driven, to run for the job. It takes talent, character, and integrity, to be able to
withstand the pressures of this Herculean task.
Leadership Skills
Be with a leader when he is right, stay with him when he is still right, but, leave him
when he is wrong. When Abraham Lincoln was president, he was trying to preserve
the union. But, How effective was Lincoln in inspiring his followers to persevere?
Let s take a look at history in the year ... Show more content on ...
Well for the majority of us, it s not. Let s take a look at how president Abraham
Lincoln reacted to this. After having done some research on this aspect, Abraham
Lincoln was confident enough to be humble to not feel the need to bluster or
dominate, but to be sufficiently sure of one s own judgment and self worth to
really listen. A perfect example of trust, loyalty, and respect is revealed in a letter
to Ulysses Grant. Lincoln writes, I now wish to make the personal
acknowledgment that you were right, and I was wrong. How many of us, is brave
enough to write our wrongs? Another example was on February 11, 1861, when
Lincoln departed from Springfield to assume the presidency in March. At a railroad
station he says his emotional farewell: My friends No one, not in my situation, can
appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of
these people, I owe everything. These words Abraham shared on such a sad day
shows trust, loyalty, and the respect he had for
Deception In Cyrano De Bergerac
In the Play Cyrano De Bergerac the author contrast the characters against each other
to show the theme of inner and outer beauty, and the danger of deception. In play
Cyrano, the hero, has all the traits of a Gascon except one. He is not a ladies man,
because he believes his large nose makes him undesirable. This self doubt leads to
him helping Christian De Neuvillette win Roxanne s love, but it is under false
pretense. What Roxanne loves most about Christian is his intellect but, Roxanne only
thinks he s smart because of the letters Cyrano wrote.
In the play several characters are contrasted with Cyrano, to show his inner and lack
of outer beauty. Count De Guiche, the villain of the story is used to show Cyrano s
honor and bravery. Count De
Analysis Of The Media
Recently upon searching for a new news source, I stumbled upon your website.
Upon looking through the articles, I noticed a large number of these we re simply
tweets about the president doing less than notable things. Many of these articles
talked about tweets including the entire front page of the website, describing in
depth a recent tweet that Trump had sent out. While I was looking for a media
source to get non biased opinion on recent events such as the civil rights groups in
Myanmar, I instead found plenty of articles on how Trump seems to be
unpresidential. As a major media source, I see it on unfit that all of the focus of
today s news is focused on the actions of the president on a minute by minute basis.
To compare this to... Show more content on ...
For example, the front of the sun magazine says, It s a Kate crime . Simply put, it
seems to me that you re using your website as a simple platform to try and gather
support for your cause against our current president. Understandably, I see that
your political views do not fall in line with the president; however, I feel like the
use of your media source is a major reason for the disunity of our country at the
moment. When faced with the current situation that are countries in with divide
between: right and left, with race, and with lifestyle, I m only seeing this news
source further this divide. Hoping to get a second chance of sorts, I continued to
the Explore section of your website. This is where I understood why you formatted
website in this sense. Not only did you place Democrats, elections, and equality in
the top tabs of this, you placed National Security, Republicans, and Society at the
bottom of the list. Looking at the Republicans tab, the only thing that was positive
seem to be the description of the presidential campaign. continuing on the tab it was
mostly right wing politicians pushing for leftist ideals. I began to look at the
Democrats tab where I found tons of articles that gave support to nearly all things
that the Democratic party was pushing. For a news source that seems to be unbiased
through their criticism of Fox News, it simply seemed that MSNBC is the same. As
the head editor of this news source I believe it is your
Analysis Of Countee Cullen s Yet Do I Marvel
After World War 1, The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the social,
culture, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem New York, around the
1920 s to mid 1930 s. The first poet I chose from the Harlem Renaissance was the
American poet, Countee Cullen. Countee was a very influential Poet who voiced
his beliefs and thoughts regarding racial and civil rights through his art in poetry.
The work, Yet Do I Marvel, takes racial themes, such as the killing of black youth
through Lynching for a crime he did not commit. The poem is dark and makes
reference to Sisyphus and speaks of how life is a constant struggle. In the Poem he
speaks to God wondering why, knowing that God is supreme but yet he does not stop
the unreasoning actions of... Show more content on ...
He attended at Columbia University and Lincoln University. While he was a student
at Lincoln, he published his first book of poetry, The Weary Blues in 1926; as well as
his inspirational essay, seen by many as a cornerstone document articulation of the
Harlem renaissance, The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.
Earlier in the year of 1926, Freda Kirchwey, editor of the Nation , mailed Hughes a
proof of The Negro Art Hokum, an essay George Schuyler had written for the
magazine. George Schuyler, who was the editor of the African American newspaper
The Pittsburg Courier , questioned in his essay the need for a separate African
American artistic and literary tradition.
Hughes, who clearly understood a fellow African American poet s deep desire to be
considered a poet and not a Negro poet, as that poet s wish to look away from his
African American heritage and instead absorb white culture, Hughes essay spoke to
the concerns of the Harlem Renaissance as it celebrated African American creative
innovations such as jazz, spirituals, and literary work of the African American life.
Hughes, saw this issue at hand to be the challenge African Americans Art in America.
This was the urge within the race toward whites, the desire to influence racial
individuality into the mold of American standardization, and to be as little Negro and
as much American
Massachusetts Bay State Essay
Massachusetts also known as the Bay State is a small state, but it has some rich
history. Massachusetts is right next to New York and the Atlantic Ocean.
Massachusetts first settlers were pilgrims. The state capital of Massachusetts is
Boston; Boston is also the most popular state in Massachusetts. Massachusetts
became a state on February 6th, 1788, Massachusetts is also the 6th state. It became
a state on the 6th and it s the 6th state that s funny! The state birds are the
Domesticated Turkey and Black Capped Chickadee. The state flower is the
Mayflower, the pilgrims came on the Mayflower to Massachusetts and the state
flower is the Mayflower. Massachusetts has a lot of state animals and im going to
name them all for you. So the state animals are the Boston Terrier, Tabby Cat, Morgan
Horse and the Right Whale. The state plant is the American Elm. Massachusetts states
colors are blue and green. Massachusetts has 14 counties and Massachusetts has a
population of 6,794,422. Massachusetts is also the 15th most popular state and the
most popular city in Massachusetts is Boston.... Show more content on ...
Dairy products account for about 12% of Massachusetts livestock products income.
Cattle, aqua culture, chicken eggs and turkeys are also very important. Flower and
ornamental shrubs are the primary source of income in Massachusetts. Cranberries
rank second among any other crop products in the state. Massachusetts produces
more than 25% of cranberries grown in the nation, Other important crops are sweet
corn and apples. Hay is a major field crop grown in Massachusetts. Finance, insurance
and real estate ranks
My Experience In Special Education
After my mother passed away my brother and I moved in with my aunt in
Westchester. She was emotionally abusive to both of us and this impacted our
performance in school. My brother struggled a lot more and because of that he was
placed in special education classes. I defended him when he was teased by my aunt
and I noticed the difference in how teachers would treat him. When I got to high
schoolI suffered from depression. I attended summer school for three summers
because I became less interested in school. Then came my junior year, when I met
Mr. Pearlman. He was a tall, muscular, bald white man with an unnecessary amount of
tattoos. He noticed how much I was struggling to do my homework in his sexual
educationclass. One day after class, he pulled me aside and asked me what was
wrong because he noticed that I was quieter than usual. I immediately started crying
and opened up to him about my home life. After that day he was determined to help
me realize my worth because I confessed I did not want to live anymore.
The time this man took to cater to a student who was checked out, was remarkable.
We even developed a club called SWAT (Stopping Worldwide AIDS Together) We
traveled to elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, hospitals, and health
clinics, to receive and deliver information to youth about sexually transmitted
diseases. I was apart of something bigger than myself and it was truly phenomenal.
This was all because someone believed in me, supported me, and
Queen Gertrude And Gertrude In Shakespeare s Hamlet
Queen Gertrude is a character in the Shakespearian play Hamlet. She is a very
secretive character. After the death of her husband, King Hamlet, she marries her
former brother in law, Claudius. In the play, Shakespeare portrays her as sexually
driven woman. Even though she has caused hamlet, her son, a great deal of pain,
Gertrudeis very protective of him. Hamletis blinded by revenge and accusations that
he fails to see his mother for what she truly is. Throughout the play, Hamlet is
disappointed by his mother for remarrying just after a month of the funeral. After the
Ghostof his father reveals to him how his Uncle, Claudius, poisoned him, Hamlet
starts to blame both Claudius and Gertrude for the death of his father.
Claudius s relationship with Gertrude is very typical for that era. As her husband,
he controls and treats as a child. Men considered women to be childlike and
lascivious. Even though she might not be neither of those things, both the Ghost
of King Hamlet and Claudius as a man, see her as a child. In the play, Gertrude is
accused by the Ghost and Hamlet. The Ghost describes her as seeming virtuous
(1.5,46) which implies, she was having an affair with his brother before he was
murdered and not grieving for him long enough and accuses his brother as adulterate
beast (1.5,41). while Hamlet accuses her of being In the rank sweat of an
enseamГЁd bed, Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love (3.4,92 94). But the
Ghost doesn t seem to mind her behavior
Biography of Agustin Recha Mora
Agustin Recha Mora was born in May 1954, in Granada, Spain. He moved to Bilbao
in 1967 and he is teaching as a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Bilbao since
1979. Recha Mora has been into a lot of contests and he has won many awards. Most
of his work was for a reason, which is to show the importance of the loss. In this
report, I will be analyzing the form, content and context of one of his works which is
called Street towards Plaza Ercilla MoyГєa and showing the intentions of Recha
To begin with the line, we can see that the artist used one point perspective in order to
draw this painting. Therefore, this painting is consisted mostly from lines, we can see
the lines in the center of the image that takes our eyes until the end of the road where
we can notice the buildings. Moreover, there are a lot of horizontal and vertical lines
in drawing the buildings and some of them in drawing the shops and windows of the
Value in this painting is used in many parts. The lower part of the painting, the
artist played with the red color and changed the value to darker to show the damage
more and this is creating texture in the painting. In the center of the painting, there
is a change in the grey value to show the depth of the road and there is changing in
the pink value in the upper left corner to show the reflection of the sun. In addition,
we can notice a change in value in the squares on the sidewalk from grey to beige
and we can notice that they are forming
Leadership Secrets Of Colin Powell
The book, Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell by Oren Harari provides an
interesting overview of the leadership exhibited by one of the globally known
bottom line leaders in the United States. The exceptional perspective on the role
leadership plays is provided in the book, using Powell as the case study. From the
perspective provided by the author, the leader is revealed as one who was able to
portray successful leadership within the military, although it is a place in which is
hard to achieve side by side leadership. On the contrary, Powell is able to demonstrate
that leadership is more about responsibility and accountability as opposed to privilege
and rank. It is all about complete commitment towards a common mission, portraying
audacity and determination, evaluation of standards of performance, attending to
details, overcoming the status quo, and empowering followers.
Discussion of the Book s Contents
Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell contains words, wisdom and insights of one of
the most influential figures in the history of America, Colin Powell. It is a source
of inspirations from his humble beginning in Harlem to becoming the Secretary of
State. The book provides a background of his birth and upbringing, but more
importantly his success story as a leader. His journey in leadership is vividly
described in the book, rising through the military ranks to becoming the chair of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. Being wise and determined, the leader rose to be among
Narrative Essay About An Elf Queen
The privilege of being young is having infinite possibility to become whatever I
want from princess to T Rex at least in my imagination. In my own fantasy world, I
crowned myself as an elf queen who reigns over the forest nearby my house.
Everyone even our parents, neighbors, teachers looked upon their majesty and
respected her sovereignty ever since her coronationceremony. As a royal guardian
and a ruler, her daily routine included looking around her territory, playing with
trees, showing everyone how beautiful she is and inviting other magical creatures to
her castle. Dressed in pink satin dress, holding a star shaped wand, she marched
down her own runway every day. By the time the elf queen reached the age of eight,
she started... Show more content on ...
The elf queen was kicked out of her throne. My fantasy universe deceased in the
end. Though my catwalk stopped, the retired elf queen was assigned to an important
duty. Turns out that magical creatures, princesses, T Rexes that she used to invite to
her castle but one day suddenly disappeared never really deceased. They proudly
accepted their new role as guardians standing behind the curtains. It was time she too
started protecting the stage she used to stand on so that other young models can
enjoy their childhood privilege of their own catwalk and be whatever they wish to
Mesopotamia Problems
Mesopotamia was located in Middle East, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,
now this land is located mostly in Iraq. Mesopotamia is the place where humans first
formed civilizations. Mesopotamia is called the cradle civilization. This is known as
this because the people of this culture developed a large amount of things. For
instance: government, written language, religion, agriculture, and large cities. The
early settlers in Mesopotamiastarted to go into small villages and towns. Eventually
they learned how to irrigate land and they grew crops on large farms, after that the
towns grew bigger. Later these towns turned into large cities.
Most of the people lived in mud brick homes. In the cities every family had its own
house it didn t matter whether they ... Show more content on ...
In Mesopotamia there were unpredictable flooding. This caused the land
To become desert like if there was only a little bit of rain. To solve this problem the
Sumerians dug into the banks and created some irrigation canals that carried the
water to fields. This allowed them to grow many crops. Also the villages and towns
were on flat land with no natural barriers. This made it very difficult to defend and
there was no standing armies. This caused the Sumerians to build mud brick walls
around their cities for defense.
Sumerians had a low supply of resources available for building and making tools. To
solve this problem they traded cloth, grain, and crafting tools with the people from
the mountains and deserts. In exchange they received stone, wood and metals.
Another problem was that the people of Mesopotamia fought against each other for
control over the Tigris and Euphrates. However this problem wasn t solved and and
it still continues today. The people in Turkey wanted to build dams along the rivers
for power and irrigation. Syria and Iraq wanted to use the water from these rivers for
power and
Peru Culture Research Paper
In the interviewee s culture, many people value the aspect of religion in their lives.
This is seen even more in elders. They believe in Catholicism and go to church
every Sunday to pray. There are also catholic schools, where people are taught by
priests. The interviewee s family did not influence her to believe in any specific
religion, and so she expressed that she identifies herself as agnostic.
In Peru, the primary language is Spanish. However, because of the strong indigenous
presence in this culture, there are other languages and the most common one is
Quechua, which is the native language. This language is most spoken by
communities who live in the mountains (the Andean region), so many people living
in the cities do not know how to speak it. There are also people who know how to
speak English, Italian, and French, because of the education in many private schools.
Interpersonal Relations
During the interview, it was mentioned that Peruvians are very welcoming and open
to others in this culture. A close social support system is very encouraged. However,
economic position and race are taken into account at the time of forming social
circles. In terms of relationships, it is expected that young couples get ... Show more
content on ...
Peruvians like to condiment their foods a lot, and cilantro is one of their favorite
herbs. Some of their traditional dishes are: lomo saltado, ceviche, rocoto relleno
(stuffed spicy pepper), causa (potato dish), chupe de camarones (shrimp soup),
aguadito de pollo or pavo (turkey/chicken soup), pollo a la brasa (rostissiere
chicken), and many more. One of the most famous Peruvian drinks is the one
called Pisco, which is made in the region of Pisco. In terms of dessert, Peruvians
have picarones, which are deep fried dough shaped like doughnuts, and are served
over a sweet syrup. They also have alfajores, which are cookies with white cream in
Burmese Days Analysis
Burmese Days was the book that took the history lecture and made it real life. To
me, there is a big difference between being told something happened and realizing
that it happened. History gives you a look back perspective. You have all the
information so you are able to make an educated decision and judge the people of
the time for what they did. Burmese Days allowed for a glimpse into the time period
without that the rose covered glasses. We were in the middle of a British Colony and
seeing everything that it could entail. In Burma, much like the other colonies, the
British have made themselves the superior race. In Burmese Days Orwell
showcases two native characters that have high ranks vocationally one Burmese, U
Po Kyin, and one Indian, Dr. Veraswami, but because of their race are seen as
inferior. Throughout the novel, these two have the goal of being elected a member of
the English club, where the British people spend most of their free time avoiding the
natives and pretending to be in England. The thing about either native being elected
though, neither one of them planned on being an active member of the club. In fact,
they knew it would be more of a symbolic membership.
This idea of a symbolic membership inside of a little British society inside of Burma
seemed to contradict the idea of the white man s burden that the British had been
forcing down the world s throat as the built their empire. It was their duty to help
these savages and children of
Why Is Lacrosse Important
Got your help!!!!!! That s what lacrosse players say the majority of the time when
playing lacrosse. They say this when they are open for a pass or want the ball. The
sport of lacrosse should be in the olympics. To support my position I will Give you a
description of the game, the popularity of the game and finally a counterarguement
that I will fight.
In this paragraph I will give you a desription of the game of lacrosse. First according
to the article named lacrosse the sport is played on a field 60 70 yards x 110 yards.
This proves useful because it means it can be played on a soccer field that is
already made. All you would have to do would be to add 5 yard extensions to each
end of the field. The next reason is based on the time length of the game. According
to the article titled NCAA Rules for Men s Lacrosse there is four 15 minute quarters
and a 10 minute halftime with 2 minutes in between every quarter. It also has a
overtime of 4 minutes but can go on longer if there is still a tie. That means it has a
total time of 78 minutes including everything except the time after the overtime. That
is shorter than a soccer game in the olympics. So basically it would nt take up much
time. ... Show more content on ...
According to the article titled History of Lacrosse it is one of the world s fastest
growing sports with 500,000 players. This means that it would draw big crowds if
it were in the olympics which means more profits for the people running the
olympics and for people with businesses near where they are hosting the olympics.
Next according to the article titled National Lacrosse Participation Grows 3.5 Percent
in 2014 they said that in the International Lacrosse World Championship, 38 countries
played. This means that by the time it is an olympic sport we will probably fill the
number of required countries that compete in a summer olympic
Historical Criticism Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker
Everyday Use demonstrates real life struggles during the period is was written and
published (1973), by using historical criticism, we can see that people are often
disconnected due to their education. Alice Walker successfully shows the
disconnection of heritage value by having one character well educated and young,
and another character who was not able to get an education and is much older.
Taking the historical context, plays a major role in the way this short storyis viewed.
It was a time where people of color had a different and difficult experiences getting
an education. The narrator was talking about not being able to get an education, so
it was important her daughter get an education; The narrator wanted to be on a
television show with her daughters to demonstrate how successful she became.
However Dee the narrator s daughter sees her mother and Maggie her sister
differently as if they do not know how to appreciate things for their valuable
history. One example is, when she wanted the quilts that were suppose to go to
Maggie; Dee gets upset that she cannot have them and her mother does not
understand why she wants to put them on display. This short story Alice Walker
had published it in 1973. During the seventies civil right movement were paving
ways for new opportunities for colored people, this was in the heyday of the Black
Power ideologies when Black was Beautiful, the Afro hairstyle was in fashion and
Blacks were seeking their cultural roots in Africa,
A Place For Us
A Place for Us
Over the past few decades, scientists have warned that natural resources have been
exhausted. In fact, human beings are using more resources than the capacity of the
Earth. That means the way we use natural resources to produce energies and make
goods people use is not sustainable. The Sustainability Glossary defines
Sustainability is we take only from Nature at equal the rate or less than the rate
Nature can restore itself or heal itself. However, we would not. As a consequence, in
natural habitats, the overuse resource is leading to deforestation, emissions and
wastewater pollution, animal extinction and endangerment, soil erosion and
degradation... In communities across the country, we can see abandoned places and ...
Show more content on ...
Gang problems and violent crime could increase. Residents and businesses move out
while low income people who remain behind would have to go further to get daily
goods and access some services ( Introduction iii).
Abandoned properties are very different. They come in all sizes and shapes. They are
diverse range of location. They may locate in urban, suburban and rural areas. Some
properties require to remove environmental contamination. In response, many
organizations such as the President s Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD),
the National Association of Counties, Public Technology, Inc., Concern, Inc., and the
United Nations (U.N.) provide variety of technical methods and helpful guidelines to
redevelop and improve sustainable features to these brownfields (Geis and Kutzmark).
Established in the 1880s, Saigon Railway Station was a railway station in District 3
neighborhood of HoChiMinh City, Vietnam (Unwin). The station was the last station
on the North South railway. Since many new stations, tunnels, and bridges were built,
the train yard was finally abandoned. Inside the station, some rusted railway engines
line on tracks; on the ground, broken windows kicked out; inside the train wagons,
seats and other stuffs are stained with mold; on the walls, they are covered with
graffiti. Obviously, in order to remove environmental contamination and contribute to
long term sustainability, we need an appropriate project to help revitalize this
Don t Let The Situation Go Downhill
When you shampoo your head and notice lumps of hair in your hand, it is certainly
a thing to worry about. It is normal to lose some hair everyday but I am sure you
would know when you are encountering a hair loss issue. It is tough not to notice
when normal hair loss converts into excessive hair loss. Are you equipped to fight hair
loss? Sounds like you are going to some war right? Well, it unquestionably is a
fight that you will need to put heaps of effort into. You can t just wish it away or
adjourn finding a solution. Don t let the situation go downhill. If you want to keep a
head alive with hair, you will need to take necessary steps. To fight hair loss, we
need weapons. Not spears or anything but treatments, remedies and precautionary
measures. If you are terrified of chemicals and medications with side effects, you can
try the natural remedies given in this blog.
The craving for long, lustrous hair
Ladies do take pride in their long hair and it is very logical why they should be.
Growing your long hair takes a good deal of time, patience and effort. When it
comes to hale and hearty hair, it is not just what you put on your hair that counts; it
is what you put into your body that is more imperative. If you yearn for healthy
effervescent hair, it may not be worth expending a fortune on exotic shampoos and
conditioners. You might be cleverer to contemplate the nutritious prerequisites of
your hair. Hair grows very leisurely, generally about a quarter to half an inch per
Pit Bull Liability Research
Pit bulls are a breed of dog that are notoriously labeled as being dangerous and as
having a propensity to attack without warning. Statistics gathered from 2005 through
2015 found that Pit bulls accounted for 64.4 percent, or 232, of the 360 deaths of
Americans suffered due to dog bite injuries, while only making up about 6.6 percent
of the total U.S. dogpopulation. Due to these statistics, there are many who defend
enacting statutes that specifically point to incidents involving these dogs needing
strict liability to protect third parties.
The Maryland Court of Appeals, for example, held in Tracey v. Solesky (2012) that
owners and landlords are liable for injuries caused by pit bulls and cross bred pit bull
mixes, describing them as inherently dangerous. The judgment of this court ruling
meant that it was no longer necessary to prove that a pit bull who attacks a person
or that pit bulls in general are dangerous; all pit bull owners are automatically held
to a strict liability standard under Maryland law. This case established a new standard
of liability for a specific breed of dog due to what some would argue is their
aggressive and vicious nature. ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, even if the owner of a wild animal takes significant measures to protect
others from being harmed by their pet, they are still held responsible for any
injuries that do occur. This is due to the fact that wild animals cannot be tamed and
it is assumed that all wild animals naturally have vicious tendencies. Strict liability
laws in regards to possessors of wild animals exist because these kinds of animals
are more dangerous than domestic animals are. A tiger that lives in an individual s
house brings a higher degree of risk than, for example, a house cat would
Quantie s weak body shuddered from a blast of cold wind. Still, the proud wife of
the Cherokee chief John Ross wrapped a woolen blanket around her shoulders and
grabbed the reins. Leading the final group of Cherokee Indians from their home
lands, Chief John Ross thought of an old story that was told by the chiefs before
him, of a place where the earth and sky met in the west, this was the place where
death awaits. He could not help but fear that this place of death was where his
beloved people were being taken after years of persecution and injustice at the hands
of white Americans, the proud Indian people were being forced to vacate their lands,
leaving behind their homes, businesses and almost everything they owned while
traveling to... Show more content on ...
Many Americans saw this act as the government sanctioning of brutality and inhuman
treatment of the Indian people and actively protested its passing.
President Jackson thought of the Indians as children who needed his guidance and
justified their removal as a way of protecting the Indians from the hatred and
harassment of the white Americans and as a measure that would allow them to
govern themselves in a new land. A passage from the Removal Act reads as follows,
no state could achieve proper culture, civilization, and progress, as long as Indians
remained within its boundaries . This statement gives a more accurate description of
how the American Congress and the President thought of all Indians in America and
the Removal Act gave them the justification to further American expansion into
Indian tribal lands.
By the late 1830s, more than 40 treaties were signed by what was then called the
Five Civilized Tribes, which consisted of the Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws,
Creeks, and Seminoles. Many of these tribes exchanged over 40,000 miles of land in
seven states. Three quarters of Alabama and Florida, as well as parts of Georgia,
Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky and North Carolina became property of the United
States after they were traded for lands west of the Mississippi river, which is now
Northern Oklahoma. These treaties were signed by the Five Tribes in hopes that the
American government would allow them to retain some of their indigenous lands,
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, By Richard Bach And The...
The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and The Mystic of the
Cave from The Republic by Plato are two stories that are an allegory about morals.
An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden
meaning about a moral, politics or religious meaning. Jonathan Seagull tries to get
the other seagulls to concentrate more on flying and the prisoner tries to get the
other prisoners to be open minded and get them out of the den. Will these two be
successful at what they are trying to do? These two stories show morals that are vital
because the characters both decide to go out on their own, they never give up on
themselves, and they show love and forgiveness. First, these two stories show morals
that are important because the characters does the opposite of what everyone in their
group does. In the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Jonathan feels like it is more
important to learn the techniques to fly better rather than pick out left over food.
He also learns if he flies better, then he has a greater chance at finding better food.
What he had once hoped for the flock, he now gained for himself alone. (Bach pg.
26) Jonathan compares to the prisoner in The Myth of the Cave because the
prisoners are forced to look forward at the shadows on the wall. The prisoner turns
and looks at the fire light to see for himself if the images are real. He is reluctantly
dragged up a steep and rugged ascent, and held fast until he is
Gathering Blue Essay
Have you ever thought about what it would be like not to be free? What would it
be like not to be able to make choices? What would it be like not to be able to do
what you want? It s scary to think about not being free, but even in the world today
some people don t even have basic human freedoms. Lois Lowryshows us in her
books The Giverand Gathering Bluewhat it would be like not to have freedom and
how important it is that we have it.
Kira, a two syllable or teenage girl also a character in the book Gathering Blue, is
living with her mother in a small village. After her mother dies from a mysterious
disease, Kira is left orphaned and with most of the village against her because of her
twisted leg. The people of the village ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning of the Gathering, Kira hears a clanking noise and can t figure out
what it is. She dismisses it from her mind for the most part and focuses on the
singer. At the end of the song, she notices the sound again and this time sees what
it is as the singer picks up the bottom of his robe and walks down the stairs of the
stage. She is horrified by the sight of the man s bare, grotesque feet and ankles. He
has big ankle cuffs and a huge chain dragging behind him. Kira is so surprised that
she thinks for a minute she could have imagined it, but as she sees the fresh trail of
blood the singer leaves behind as he walks inside, she knows she hasn t. When she
realizes suddenly and with clarity what it all meant, (p. 211) she sees that she is not
as free as she thought she was in her new life.
Kira also starts to question her freedom when she and Thomas go downstairs to
visit the little girl Jo. Jo is a little tyke who is also and orphan like Kira and Thomas
but has an amazing voice. She is being locked in a room all by herself and forced
to learn songs. All she wants is to sing her own songs, but the Council of
Guardians won t let her. Kira starts to see what Jo is going through. All the nice
things, the food, and the comforts are not worth it if she has to give up the freedom
she had to weave what she wants. Kira goes back to her room and cries wishing she
could give this all up
History Of Tobacco During The Colonial Period
Amanda Dai Mr. Howden Apush, Period 3 15 August 2015 Short Answers 2.(a).
Tobacco, as it relates to the early colonial period, was a fundamental cash crop for
the southern colonies. It was first discovered by Europeans after Columbus s first
return from the West Indies, and by the early 17th century, tobacco from the Spanish
colonies was widely used throughout Europe. John Rolfe, a Jamestown planter,
experimented and produced high quality tobacco which quickly spread throughout
the Chesapeake Bay. As there was great demand for tobacco in Europe, planters grew
tremendously wealthy and occasionally made the surrounding region prosperous.
However, the farmers often produced more than the demand which caused the price of
... Show more content on ...
The economy of the southern colonies, particularly in the Chesapeake region,
reflected the rise and fall of the demand for tobacco. (c). Even though tobacco was
a crop, it helped shape the social structure of the southern colonies in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The wealthy planters, who wanted to expand
their plantations required new cheap laborers. At first they used indentured
servants, but after they realized that the indentured servants were creating a large
source of potential social unrest, they moved towards using slaves. After the
1700s most tobacco plantations employed several dozen or more slaves. The slave
work force had not only an economic effect but also a social effect. They formed a
new social class, which made up the bottom of the social ladder, below the landless,
unemployed white men who were previously the lowest class. The slave society also
formed their own culture with their own language and kinship. The demand for
tobacco, led to the demand of labor, which shaped the social structure of the southern
colonies. 3. (a). In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led a group on an unauthorized attack on
the natives which became a military defiance of the colonial government. Pre
rebellion there was a lot of political turmoil and unrest in the backcountry, which was
in part because the new western landowners, including Bacon, strongly disagreed
with the eastern tidewater leaders over many policies; mainly on
Essay about Don t Touch My Mama
Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that
was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful
young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room
putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son.
As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to
put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don
t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos
commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using
pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show
more content on ...
Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the
camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the
creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son
says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos.
The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting
the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience
know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen.
Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the
creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message
is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across
when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl.
By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are
telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is
that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy
not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys
Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is
mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These
techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
Rising Sun China
The Land of the Rising Sun SGT Wagester, Macauley ADA ALC 006 17 The Land
of the Rising Sun Home of 20 percent of the world s population, China has a very
unique and diverse culture. This research paper is going to introduce and educate
the reader about the geography, economy, political party, and military that makes
up the mysterious country to the East. Fourth largest country in the world, China
makes up almost the entire East Asian Landmass. China s 9,596,960 sq km in total
area, features the highest and one of the lowest points in the world. Nearly 70% of
China is made up of mountains, hills, or plateaus. (Defense, 2010) China has 23
providences and 4 Municipalities. China is also home to more than 3,400 islands.
China s climate reflects what one might think coming from such a large mass of
land. Cold Siberian air coming from the north and tropical air masses coming from
the south create bipolar conditions. China is home to many rivers, most notably
being the, Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) literally translated as Long River, the Chang
Jiang, at 6,300 km (3,915 mi), is Asia s longest river and the third longest in the
world (Defense, 2010). China has 20 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world,
according to the World Bank (Defense, 2010). The Chinese government has made
pollution control a high priority and even made efforts to cut carbon intensity levels
in half, but according to the Defense Language Institute Foreign
Life Perspectives In Amy Tan s Two Kinds
Life experiences shape and mold us into the people we are today. These experiences
form and create our opinions on everything we see in life. Everything from our
family to society heavily influence our perspectives, whether we realize it or not.
Experiences directly make up our perspectives.
Family members heavily influence our perspectives. From the time we are born our
parents begin teaching us beliefs and values that are right in their eyes. Amy Tan, the
author of Two Kinds talks about how it was living with a strict, traditional mother. In
chunk 6, paragraph 67 Amy s mother states Only two kinds of daughters. She
shouted in Chinese. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own minds!
Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter! Her mother
drilled this idea into her mind, which definitely affected her to a large extent. Her
mother s expectations were too much, and she could never fulfill them. In her mother
s eyes she was a disappointment, and this experience changed her perspective on what
s important in a person. Another example of family influencing our perspectives is
shown in An Indian Father s Plea by Medicine Grizzly Bear. In the personal letter
from a father to his son s teacher he expresses his concerns for his sons education.
Pg(99) My son Wind Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled.
He is a full basket coming into a different environment and a society with something
special to share. Please
Drugs And Drug Use
Monkey see, monkey do is a phrase that almost everyone has heard this at least
once. This phrase means that people will do whatever they see other people doing.
In this case it relates to juveniles doing drugs. They do not just get the idea one day
to do drugs without first being exposed to it by someone close to them or just
seeing someone do it in front of them. Juveniles are still kids so they are curious
about how things work. Most times when a juvenile is a high risk youth and are
using drugs, they have usually seen a family member or a close friend doing a drug
and want to try. When adolescents become unable to function is when they abuse
drugs. If an adolescent is unable to attend or perform in school or to maintain social
and... Show more content on ...
Adolescents that use drugs and drink alcohol are more likely to get pregnant or
impregnate someone else. When they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
they are hindering their brain, which makes it harder for them to think logically.
Once someone get pregnant or impregnate someone else they are more likely to
become a teenage parent, higher chances of dropping out of school, and
prematurely living independently from parents and guardians. Which then in turn
raises the chances of the adolescents using drugs or drinking alcohol. If a person
leaves school before graduation may not have any choice but a low paying
unskilled job, which in turn produces job instability and ongoing economic
disadvantages. There has long been a debate on whether drugs cause delinquency or
if delinquency leads to drug use or whether some other factors precede both
delinquency and the onset of drug use. Considerable research has shown that
delinquency tends to precede the use of drugs. Alcohol use follows a pattern of
minor delinquency and exposure to friends and parents who drink. Marijuana use
follows participation in minor delinquency and adoption of beliefs and values that
consistent with those held by peers but opposed by parents standards. There is very
little debate that
Importance Of Entrepreneurship During The World
A) The importance of entrepreneurship in 3rd world countries: One valuable lesson
I learned through this placement that also pertains very much so to international
development, is the importance of entrepreneurship in both the first and third
world. Entrepreneurship is not the first thing that is taught to the average
Canadian student when asked to decide what they want to do post graduating high
school. I however believe it should at least be taught, if only to provide our youth
with another option to look at after graduation, as a potential career path for them.
Entrepreneurship offers people a chance to come up with unimaginable solutions
to people s problems, and provides the only true form of job security in today s
turnover style of market. It also allows people to reach their maximum potential in
the workforce because people are willing to work harder, if they are working for
themselves and towards their personal goals and dreams. For my four month co op
placement I was in a full time entrepreneurial position. Working for myself was such
an amazing experience, as everything I achieved was towards my end goal, and the
personal developmentI experienced over the past four months was absolutely
astounding. I went from having an average amount of knowledge with regards to
personal finance, to having an extensive understanding of the financial industry. In
learning the skills, I now can continue to help individuals and families navigate the
industry and advise them on
Sturm And Ruger s Mission Statement Essay
Sturm and Ruger s mission statement is as follows: Ruger focuses on serving our
shareholders, our loyal customers and our employees. We strive to produce the high
quality products demanded by our customers as efficiently as possible, which
provides long term value for our customers and promotes the interests of customers,
employees and shareholders alike. Ruger is one of the best manufactures for reliable
firearms in the world. They are the only full line manufacturer for American made
firearms who offer more than 400 variations and 30 product lines. Sturm and Ruger
manufacture firearms such as, pistols, revolvers, rifles and accessories.
International firearm companies could start in the market and become new
competitors for the Sturm and Ruger Company. Technology is changing everyday
and Ruger will have to keep up with the present technology to keep the customers
they have and to gain customers in the future. In social cultural the younger
generation has to grow up around guns and become custom to them so they will then
become customers. The United States needs to stay economically stable so Ruger
can efficiently run and stay competitive. The United States needs to keep the gun
laws and can t ridicule them so citizens are unable to buy guns. For wild game
animals to be hunted they will have to have a stable population.
Global Environment Sturm and Ruger are very involved internationally. The bigger
countries they are involved in are Australia, Argentina,
Salem High School Graduation Speech
The year is 2017, and it is almost time for the Salem High School graduation.
However, before the end of this enormous chapter in our lives, we have to plan the
perfect senior trip. It has to be one that will be remembered for years to come! The
senior class officers, Kali Jackson, Shawn Black, Philip Youngs, and Sidney Long,
arrange a meeting for the entire senior class to discuss the most anticipated trip of
our lives. The third period bell rings, and Mr. Douglas calls over the loud speaker,
Excuse me for this interruption, but I need all seniors to report to the cafeteria for
a meeting with their officers. We all cram into the cafeteria, like a can of sardines.
Needless to say, our school is in desperate need of some TLC. Anyways, let us get
back to reality.
We are all gathered here today to discuss the upcoming senior trip, Kali yells into
the microphone, as if her voice is not loud enough as it is. We will be taking ideas
from all of you, and in about twenty minutes, we will vote on the destination. Yay! It
is another lie from Ms. President. She says that we will vote, but she knows good ...
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Before everyone is awake, the cooks of the class begin a nice breakfast for all of
us. Nothing is better than waking up to the smell of pounds of bacon being cooked,
except maybe the fact that we are all in a haunted mansion that is hundreds of years
old and somehow still can get power. Once we all finish eating, we head out for a
day on the mountain. Kali, Shawn, Philip, and Sidney have arranged for us to hike up
the mountain for a little while, learn some of the stories behind the haunted mansion,
and then have a cook out to end the night. This is by far the best and most
memorable senior trip in all of Salem High School history. It is way out of the realm
of any normal trip they have ever planned. We have a not so normal class trip for a
not so normal class, and we like it that
An Image Of Africa Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Achebe, Chinua. An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad s Heart of Darkness. Hopes
and Impediments: Selected Essays, 1965 1987. London: Heinemann International,
1988. 1 13. Rpt. in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Russel Whitaker. Vol.
148. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Literature Resource Center. Web. 13 Nov. 2014 http:/
/ v=2.1 u=peel_dsb it=r
p=LitRC sw=w asid=dd774351e59c3f708a5f969f9e5809eb
Throughout the article, An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad s Heart of Darkness,
Chinua Achebe explores how Joseph Conrad was racist in his book, The Heart of
Darkness, and the common stereotypes people have of Africans, or of Africa as a
whole. Achebe discusses that people have coined Africa... Show more content on ...
Achebe believes that Conrad insults and questions the humanity of Africans.
Despite of Africa s long history of the agonies and atrocities that Africans have
suffered through, Conrad continues to add darkness to the African history as if
Africans have not suffered enough already. Achebe displays his rationales on why
Conrad was extremely racist in his novella by saying that Conrad was blind. His
xenophobia and his strong intention of condemning the darkness of imperial
exploitations led him to be unaware of the extent of racism in the book. The level of
thought and insight in Achebe s article proves useful in evaluating the topic of
racism in Joseph Conrad s book. Though the article is knowledgeable and articulate,
the article shows some form of bias considering the fact that the author is an African
himself. The author s personal feelings led to him greatly
Anheuser Busch Case Study on Csr
Anheuser Busch
Corporate Social Responsibility in marketing and advertising
The area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a constantly evolving field with
direct impact on an organizations strategies and success, and it has become an
important part of how the beer making industry promotes and advertises itself.
Current portrayals of corporate social responsibility in the beer making industry are
misleading and do not show the true nature of these practices. Relatively little
research has been conducted on how the beer making industry promotes corporate
social responsibility in their attempt to ... Show more content on ...
The advantages of conducting responsible advertising for us as a society aren t hard to
imagine or even define, but as of now, there are no published outlines to define what
constitutes responsible advertising, and the deficit of such a definition makes it
harder for stakeholders to discern what is and isn t considered acceptable in regards
to responsible advertising. (M.Hyman)
Anheuser Busch took a step into the direction of promoting their responsibility
campaign by launching their Budweiser Designate a Driver Blimp campaign . This
campaign was the first ever blimp to be flown in the United States that advertises
social responsibility to drinking, but essentially, the blimp is a big floating billboard
sign. It is intended to be flown over various venues and sporting events across the
U.S. to advocate the safe and responsible use of alcohol, but Anheuser Busch clearly
understands the role of advertising to their overall success. Anheuser Busch clearly
maintains and advertises an advocacy of responsible drinking, but is that that the
underlying message? When it comes to advertising, they maintain a strong stance to
ensure they do not depict situations where beer is being consumed excessively, but
they also make strong statements and push to promote
Stephen King A Memoir Of The Craft On Writing Analysis
In the presence of Stephen King s memoir called, A Memoir of the Craft: On
Writing, he expresses his inner thoughts on how he develops his capability in order
to construct the novels that exist today. Through the failures and the prosperous
moments, he still began to write and he never took a brief moment to pause with
regrets. He begins the memoir by relaying to the audience his secret ambitions by
asserting, Horror movies, science fiction movies, movies about teenage gangs on the
prowl, movies about losers on motorcycles this was the stuff that turned my dials up
to ten (45). King began writing at the age of twelve by the influence of his mother,
who encouraged him to apply his high capacity writing talent into a novel. In the
beginning,... Show more content on ...
Through the failures and through the prosperous moments, he still began to write
and he still did not stop. He begins the memoir by relaying to the audience his
secret ambitions by saying, Horror movies, science fiction movies, movies about
teenage gangs on the prowl, movies about losers on motorcycles this was the stuff
that turned my dials up to ten (45). King began writing at the age of twelve by the
influence of his mother, who encouraged him to apply his high capacity writing talent
into a novel. In the beginning, he went from a young boy who plagiarizes papers
from movies to a writer in his school newspaper where he broadened his
understanding of the composition of literature. Later on in his life, he had numerous
amounts of rejection slips: magazines, printing presses, and newspapers.
Nevertheless, he absorbed the information piled to him and continued to write.
Stephen King s life certainly affects his works in many incomprehensible ways. This
is a highly motivated text in order to show the true form of giving up versus not
giving up in which King s actions are primarily through
Symbols Emphasizing The Importance Of Sacred
Symbols Emphasizing the Importance of Sacred Representations to Feminist
Theologies Sacred representations play one of the most important roles in the
existence of feminist theologies. When someone starts depicting the images of
God in relation to women, it is inevitable to prevent bringing up the feminist part
within religious images. However, religious images and symbols have always
been responsible for creating certain stereotypes towards women that keep being
carried on through generations. Some of these stereotypes are derived from
biblical texts, while others have been created based on how people separate the role
of women from the role of men. Symbolic representations of the sacred are believed
to create a special way in which... Show more content on ...
He is the subject, he is the absolute she is the other (de Beauvoir, Simone). By
analyzing these lines, it is inevitable to notice the type of patriarchism used to
represent a male composed society that is given all the power, while women are
simply seeing as unproductive beings. The androcentric society depicted in these
lines defines women as unnecessary beings that do not even have the right to be
qualified as essential within the society. However, the fact that women are being
degraded while men are being, basically, idolatrized, presents women as a symbol
that brings up the incompetence of a gender whose role in society classifies them as
being the other ; basically, as being nothing. Meanwhile, as this passage classifies
women by emphasizing the power of men and the idea that men are essential within
any society, the idea of patriarchism remains supporting the thought that a society
would be better off if dominated by men. In one hand, the male dominated imagery
of God plays a very important part when it comes to assigning roles in a society. But,
on the other hand, traditions also carry part of the responsibility for illustrating a
society in which women are not counted equally. In addition, classifying women as a
being that depend on the essential role of men, means that the traditions are being
followed according to what is written
International Order And Its Effect On The World s The...
International order, though it may be fleeting in the grand scheme of history,
seems to be at least on a continuous track of lingering longer and longer each time
before chaos takes over. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans all seemed to enjoy
ever increasing periods of relative peace at the top of their systems of international
order before it unraveled. Most of Europe was in good order on the tail of the
Industrial Revolution until some arch duke decided to vacation in Sarajevo. After
each major conflict, the world re shuffles itself and order is established again in
some form or fashion. The players are bigger and more numerous with greater
consequences for conflict but order is still unseated from time to time and the rules
of the existing orders seem to change daily. Realism can explain this violent cycle of
order and disorder. States and even non state actors continuously seek to balance
regional powerin order to secure their survival in a world dominated by fear and
uncertainty; if unable to balance that power through violent means, players will
seek to form alliances and organizations to at least prevent domination; once a
status quo has been created and survival is temporarily assured, players will seek to
maintain life within that order; new members thrust the order back into violence and
potentially chaos if unable or unwilling to play by those rules. This cycle of power
balancing can be illustrated in three phases. International orders are created as
The Sustainability Of Intel
Executive Summary
The report takes a look into the sustainability practices carried out by Intel. Intel has
carried out incremental innovation in order to drive its sustainability activities. It has
helped other industries and governments with technology based solutions to tackle
sustainability challenges which include Open Energy, Renewable Energy, Water
Conservation and Water Consumption. Intel identifies its greatest contribution to the
environment in the potential its services and solutions in IT have to offer, in order to
help its clients and suppliers contribute to sustainable development. The report also
addresses the question; How Intel can improve sustainability results by conducting
changes in its operations.
Complete analysis of Intel Corporation is based on the set of principles as stated in
the United Nations Global Compact because it acts as a standard for all the
sustainable growth. Apart from the previous, the analysis is aligned with the
sustainable goals mentioned by United Nations in order to access the degree to which
Intel satisfies these goals.
Key areas of research
Intel s inclination towards sustainability: At the Technology Innovation Summit, Intel
Capital, Intel Corporation s global investment organization, made its dedication to
foster clean technology innovation much ... Show more content on ...
It consists of a series of 58 Zefr micro turbines that are capable of harnessing the 8 9
mph local wind speeds to generate 65 kilowatt hours of power. The seven blade micro
turbines from JLM Energy are designed to be used in an array or Wind Array Turbine
System (WATS) and are mounted on the top edge of the Robert Noyce Building,
leaving the rest of the roof space free for Photo Voltic panels. It enables solar power
and wind power to work together, generating extra electricity and indeed an
innovation for the betterment of the
International Diversification
Introduction Diversification is a method of investing that been shown to increase
portfolio return while reducing portfolio risk as measured by standard deviation. This
method specifically increases the efficient frontier for investors. The challenge to an
investing firm is an appetite by its customers for an ever increasing efficient frontier.
One area to explore to obtain this increase is through further diversifying through
international diversification. International portfolio diversification gives your
investments a passport to added diversification benefits. The international boundaries
to investing have collapsed. Fairly recently, foreign securities have become easier to
trade due to improved communications and data... Show more content on ...
Point C has the same risk as Point A but more return. Also, a point between B and C
would have less risk and more return than Point A. Investing in emerging markets
offer tempting advantages to investors. The volatile economies of countries
considered to be in this category have a potential for extraordinary returns. A caveat
to investors considering opportunities in emerging markets are the presence of
unstable governments, the chance of nationalization, poor property rights protection,
and large swings in prices. Emerging markets are far from a sure thing. But, despite
high individual risk, emerging markets can reduce portfolio risk. The volatile
economies of these countries have such low correlations compared to the domestic
market that they actually provide the greatest degree of diversification. Despite the
strong argument for international diversification, there are some grounds to consider
when investing. There are barriers to investing internationally. These include legal
difficulties, lack of information, stringent tax regulations, and high transaction costs.
These costs can reduce returns and must be considered when figuring returns. As
mentioned before, these barriers are diminishing. When investing internationally
there are risks beyond the risk of individual securities or portfolios. There is liquidity
risk, because it is often
Target Heart Rates
This semester of physical education has taught me countless amounts of new
knowledge. In this class I had to set specific goals for myself to be accomplished
throughout the semester. My five goals were to: run a mile in under six minutes
thirty seconds, lose five pounds of fat by winter break, make my thigh muscles
strong enough to squat one hundred and fifty pounds, to be able to bench one
hundred pounds, and to be able to run up and down the entire stadium in under four
minutes and thirty seconds. At the beginning of the year I weighed one hundred and
thirty pounds. By the end of the semester I weighed one hundred and thirty eight
pounds but I had lost five pounds of fat just to gain more weight in muscle. I was five
feet and eight inches... Show more content on ...
As well as how big of a trunk flex we have and how fast we can do a 40 yard dash
in. For week one of the mile runs I got my fastest time of 6.13, the second week I
got 7.51, my third week I ran a 6.33 mile, my forth week I ran a 6.30 mile, during
my fifth week I ran a 7.43 minute mile, during the sixth week I ran a 6.59 minute
mile, the seventh week I ran a 6.39; and my eighth, ninth and tenth week I ran a 7.12,
6.34, and a 7.21. What this shows me is that over the semester my times fluctuated
from 6.13 to 7.51. By running a 6.13, I accomplished my goal of running faster than a
6.30 minute mile. Throughout the semester my weight fluctuated between one
hundred and thirty pounds to one hundred and forty pounds. This shows that my
weight stays moderately the same over a long period of time.
Throughout this semester of PE we have played countless (not really) amounts of
different sports, such as: football, soccer, volleyball, and handball. While partaking
in these sports I earned that I, a mediocre player at most of these sports, appears to be
competent in all the sports we have played so far. However, competence and actual
skill are far off from one another but still I show some skill in all sports taken so far,
even though I haven t liked some of the sports we endeavored. Due to lots of
personal sports and doing sports during school I
Pros And Cons Of Solitary Confinement
Solitary confinement has been used as a form of punishment in American prisons
since the early 1800s. Solitary confinement is a form of restrictive housing that
removes prisoners from general population and places them into cells smaller than
an average bedroom. Prisoners spend twenty three hours a day in the cell and are
allotted one hour per day outside their cell for exercise. They are fed through a hatch
in the front of the cell and are sometimes allowed books and other minimal forms of
entertainment. In the United States, solitary confinement has proven to be an
ineffective form of rehabilitation when compared to more humane alternatives;
additionally, solitary confinement directly violates the Eighth Amendment of the
United States Constitution... Show more content on ...
Some prisoners who have experienced solitary confinement have physically lashed
out against prison guards and even inflicted bodily harm on themselves. In The
Movement Away from Solitary , Steinbuch writes that solitary confinement can cause
...severe and chronic depression, anxiety, problems with impulse control, self
mutilation, decreased brain function, hallucinations, and revenge fantasies (Steinbuch
501). It should be no surprise to prison officials that when inmates are deprived of
human contact that a host of mental complications can arise. When queried as to why
he was not being treated humanely, Gabriel Reyes, an inmate at Pelican State Bay
who by 2015 had spent fourteen years in solitary, tells of the ...severe isolation, the
[lack of] education opportunities, rehabilitative opportunities, decent food, proper
medical treatment, just human dignity... being treated like a human being instead of
an animal ( Effects ). Setting aside his thoughts on the poor living conditions, Reyes
comments on the lack of rehabilitative opportunities seems to be a common theme in
the American prison system. Despite appearing to have a desire for education and
effective rehabilitative treatment, Reyes has slipped through the cracks of a system
unconcerned with addressing the underlying factors that send individuals to prison.
Through both observation and firsthand testimony, it is evident that solitary
confinement is both ineffective and
The Conflict Between Saudi Arabia And Iran
It s often thought, in the west, that the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran is 14
centurys old and that we don t understand it because we (the west) are so dis
attached from religion in governance. For example, the end of religious politics in
the US is credited with the writings of the English philosopher John Locke and this
view on religion became particularly influential in the United States Constitution in
1787 (ref). State figures like Barack Obama showed this in his final State of the
Union Address, he called the region a place rooted in conflicts that date back
millennia (Obama, 2016). The truth of the situation is, religious politics has been left
behind in the west. It s true that the divide in identities within Islamwas formed from
a religious dispute centuries ago. It s also nothing new that Sunnis and Shia s have
been in conflict for decades maybe centuries. The rivalry between the two has had a
violent affect in contemporary Middle Eaststabilization and politics.
Sectarianism between Saudi Arabia and Iran shouldn t be concluded as a foreign
ancient feud that conflicts modern political logic but rather a modern phenomenon
and a product of contemporary politics. Furthermore, it is playing out not in obscure
theological forums but in the political arena.
Sectarianism has become the product of key factors that play into religion. Islamism
is a modern day ideology which asks for an ideal Islamic state, formed on the
foundations of Islamic law. Islamism is
Causes Of The African Water Crisis
The average American uses about 176 gallons of water in one single day, while in
Africa, 660 million people see just one sip as a luxury, states Kristen Lewis in the
article entitled THIRST for the 2016 Scholastic Scope. Without water, people cannot
carry out daily activities and struggle to survive. The water crisisin Africais an
expanding problem in our world that continues to affect millions of people each
day; fortunately, this crisis has caught the attention of The Water Project, a
nonprofit organization in the United States that raises money to solve water crises
around the world. The Africa water crisis has come about due to several factors
that create negative outcomes for the citizens of Africa, but The Water Project is
doing all they can to resolve these issues. There are a variety of causes held
responsible for the water crisis in Africa. These causes have been taken from
African s control and desperately need to be solved. Climate change is one of the
countless reasons that there is a high demand for water in Africa. An article entitled
Africa s Water Crisis Deepens written for the 2006 News Scientist, states that
Drought, famine and spreading deserts have plagued Africa for the past 30 years.
With the expansion of desertification, the process in which land becomes
increasingly dry with little to no water resources, areas of land have dried out and
are useless to humans due to the lack of rainfall on the African continent over the past
several years.
Iran Nuclear Deal Pros And Cons
I am writing to you in reference to the current national debate regarding the safety of
the Iran Nuclear Deal. Since the conclusion of World War II, a primary goal of US
foreign policy has been nuclear deterrence. However, the inevitability of
technological advancement, has resulted in the production and perfection of a
powerful nuclear armament by nine different nations. The US and our allies, have
worked tirelessly to prevent the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons primarily
attempting to prevent countries such as Iran from procuring this technology. Under
the Obama administration, the US engaged in extensive negotiations, which
culminated with the ratification of the Iran Nuclear Deal in the summer of 2015. In
short, this Deal lifts... Show more content on ...
At this point, the US had few options in which to prevent the continued
advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. However, the deal reached by the
Obama administration, whose support extends to the world s leading powers,
significantly extends the time Iran would need to develop a nuclear weapon and
ensures that we have ample time to counteract any attempt at restarting the Nuclear
program. In addition, the US has made it clear that if Iran does violate the terms of
the deal, sanctions will be reimposed and more aggressive options could be taken.
This deal is far from perfect and there are legitimate concerns raised by its many
critics. That being said, without this deal, Iran could quickly double its capacity to
enrich uranium and move towards producing a bomb. One of the greatest criticism
raised, is that the deal and provisions will expire. While some are only in place for
10 25 years, the fundamental principle of the deal to preserve the peaceful nature of
its nuclear program are permanent. Unfortunately, neither military action, sanctions
or this deal for that matter can guarantee that Iran will never have in their possession
a weapon of mass destruction. However, this deal is
Hard Work Pays Off Analysis
The first scene where Billy first shows that hard work pays off is when he decides
he wants coonhounds. Billy knows that his parents can not get him the dogs, so
that is when Billy decides he needs to save up for the dogs himself. This supports
the theme because this evidence states that he needs to work very hard in order to
get the pups. Billy is very persistent in working day and night for his soon to come
pups. Billy works for 2 years in order to get his pups which takes a lot of
persistence and determination, but eventually it pays off. One other scene where
Billy shows hard work pays off is when had treed his first coon. This example states
when Billy treed his first coon he had to get him out of the tree. Billy had told his
dogs before he had gone for the coon that it would be their first one and if the dogs
treed the coon then Billy would get it out. Billy starts chopping at the wood giant
sycamore and starts chopping away every day for 2 weeks non stop. This specific
piece of text evidence proves that Billy is dedicated and is keeping his word at
getting the tree cut down. To go into deeper depth Billy would get up at the crack of
dawn(sometimes he did not even sleep) and go straight to hacking in any condition
his body was in or weather. Eventually, he cut down the tree and... Show more content
on ...
Billy makes a bet about hunting the ghost coon. For a while the ghost coon plays
tricks that make the coon really hard to follow, but Billy is still on the tail of the
coon. When Billy gets to the tree the coon supposedly disappears at he lose track of
the coon. After a while he starts to give up hope, but he eventually finds the coon.
This section of evidence shows that hard work pays off because when Billy was
looking for the coon by the tree Billy had lost it, but because Billy was persistent and
continued searching that enabled him to find the ghost
University Of Hawai пѕ пѕЄ I At Hilo
University of HawaiК»i at Hilo is in the attempt of building a Thirty Meter
telescope on Mauna Kea. To Hawaiians Mauna Kea holds a high value of historical
and sacred context and should not be disturbed. Although, the construction of the
thirty meter telescope (TMT) will result in being the most powerful telescope in the
world, bringing the worlds best researchers to HawaiК»i. The construction of TMT
will also bring an estimated total of 10,000 job opportunities to HawaiК»i (Deneen).
The TMT poses a significant opportunity for astronomy on a worldwide platform;
however, the cultural significance of Mauna Kea, the environmental impact of such a
project (as TMT) and the lack of respect and management shown by the State of
HawaiК»i proved that Mauna Kea is not the appropriate site for this telescope.
In sacred records of the Hawaiian people it is said that the people are all decedents of
WДЃkea Sky Father and PapahДЃnaumoku Goddess of HawaiК»i who gave birth to
the islands. It is said that the intercourse between WДЃkea and PapahДЃnaumoku
produced the mountain child we know today as Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is both
female and male Maunakea s physical features of rock, soil, water and ice are female
attributes; his elevation establishes his maleness, as it brings him closer to his father,
WДЃkea. The equability of the male female distribution establishes Mauna Kea as
sacred and creates piko kapu, or sacred center, of the island (The Edith KanakaК»ole
The second piko is
Case Study Of Nintendo s Pokemon Go
Nintendo s market share and stock have both dramatically increased following the
recent release of the new App Pokemon Go. In recent years, however, Nintendo had
been falling behind competitors such as Microsoft and Sony, and sales for new
products and games were not. Furthermore, the immediate success of Nintendos
Pokemon Go could be the start of a wild turnaround for a company that has been
struggling as sales of its most recent game console, the WiiU flopped due to fierce
competition from rivals such as Microsoft s Xbox One and Sony s PlayStation 4.
Nintendo s earnings took a huge hit as a result net income tanked around 60% in
the most recent fiscal year. Before Friday s bounce, the company s stock had lost
nearly 50% of its value over the last 12 months. With profits and sales... Show more
content on ...
Pokemon Go has increased the market share of Nintendo through having a
revolutionary gameplay, that involves various techniques of marketing, appealing
to a large range of people. With recent technologies improving on the idea and
practicality of virtual reality, Pokemon Go capitalizes on this thought and makes it
a reality. By letting users catch Pokemon in physical settings, they no longer have
to play through just a screen. Pokemon Go has done what no government program
in the last decade has been able to do: encourage users to go out and exercise. Not
only do users have to physically walk distances to evolve and hatch their Pokemon,
but they also must be able to interact and socialize with other trainers. It is a
multiplayer game that promotes teamwork, as well as social interaction. Nostalgia,
coupled with revolutionary gaming technologies, has launched this age old game
into a new era. The chain s success with Pokemon Go can be owed to the fact that
this newer version might just be a better one. With its easy accessibility

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  • 1. Perspective Essay Topics Writing an essay on the topic of "Perspective Essay Topics" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the vastness of perspectives that one can explore within this theme. The sheer diversity of perspectives that individuals hold on any given subject makes it a complex task to present a comprehensive and unbiased view. To begin with, selecting a specific angle or perspective to focus on can be daunting. The plethora of potential topics within the broader theme requires careful consideration to choose one that is not only interesting but also allows for meaningful exploration. Once a topic is selected, the challenge shifts to presenting a balanced view that encompasses various perspectives without leaning too heavily towards one side. Moreover, conveying these perspectives in a coherent and organized manner is a crucial aspect of essay writing. Juggling different viewpoints while maintaining a logical flow demands a high level of skill in structuring the essay. Striking a balance between depth and clarity is another hurdle, as delving too deep into individual perspectives may risk losing the overall coherence of the essay. Furthermore, the research process for a perspective essay can be time-consuming. Gathering information to represent diverse viewpoints requires extensive reading and analysis. It involves navigating through a multitude of sources, critically evaluating each, and synthesizing the information to construct a well-rounded narrative. Addressing potential counterarguments is yet another layer of complexity. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and effectively refuting them demands a nuanced understanding of the subject matter and sharp analytical skills. This adds depth to the essay but also increases the level of difficulty. In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Perspective Essay Topics" involves navigating through the complexities of topic selection, structuring, research, and addressing counterarguments. It is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that requires a keen understanding of the subject matter and the ability to present diverse perspectives in a coherent and engaging manner. If you find the process too overwhelming, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where professional writers can help you navigate the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-crafted and insightful piece. Perspective Essay TopicsPerspective Essay Topics
  • 2. Krestview Woodcraft Case Study Recently approved for a 50 percent tax abatement on new construction, Krestview Woodcrafts, which produces the LuxCraft brand of outdoor furniture, is gearing up to add a new 56,000 square foot warehouse to its growing complex along County Road 144. MILLERSBURG Although approved for a partial tax abatement, the expansion of a local business is expected to bring in additional jobs, wages and an estimated $30,000 $40,000 in property taxes over the next 10 years. The Holmes County commissioners on Monday approved an enterprise zone agreement with Krestview Woodcraft, located at 1274 County Road 144, Sugarcreek. The business makes wood and poly outdoor furniture and lawn structures gazebos, pavilions and pergolas and is owned by Brian L. Mullet, Marlin R. Mullet and John L. Mullet. Approval of the enterprise zone will help to facilitate expansion of the company s... Show more content on ... We re happy the word is getting out about the enterprise zone program. This is a good company a family operation that started small and grew over the years. We like to see businesses like this grow in Holmes County, said Leininger, who said many businesses, like Krestview, are unaware of the program or inquire too late. Often they re ready and have their contractors lined up. But, the process takes a long time, and it often comes down to delaying or forging ahead without an enterprise zone, said Leininger, glad Mullet contacted him far enough in advance. As part of the agreement, Krestview Woodcraft will commit to creating three new full time jobs in the three years following completion, according to Leininger. Construction is slated to begin in September and should be completed by May. The additional payroll represents $140,000 annually. The company currently employs 29 full time employees, who earn a total annual payroll of about $1.4
  • 3. Rhetorical Analysis Of Hockey By Franlin Kaernick Summary: In the wake of Colin Kaepernick s decision not to stand during the playing of the United State national anthem, a ripple effect has been felt throughout the world of sports the past week. Kaepernick s actions have caused reactions both in support and in condemnation from professional sports athletes, the military, police, and President Barack Obama. With the World Cup of Hockey taking place, a notable name from the sport has taken an opportunity to add his opinion to the controversial issue. It was not in favor of Kaepernick s stance on social justice. USA Hockey Coach John Tortorella told ESPN s Linda Cohn ahead of the World Cup of Hockey that, If any of my players sit on the bench for the national anthem, they will sit there the rest of the game. Tortorella, coach of the Columbus Blue Jackets, has a son who is a member of the Army Rangers. I know these are hockey games...but I do look at it like it s for my country, Tortorella said. Tortorella later states that players are ... Show more content on ... Colin Kaepernick used his platform to give a silent protest on what he feels is African Americans not being treated equally in the United States. With the large exposure that sports athletes have, taking a stance on big social issues can bring awareness where it is needed. As the head coach of Team USA, Tortorella does the right to bench whomever he wants regardless of the reason. By taking that stance, he is creating a conflict with his players. He is taking away his players freedom of speech and expression to influence social change. Team USA defender, Dustin Byfuglien, is the only African American player on the roster. If Byfuglien were inspired to participate in Kaepernick s protest, his right to play for his country would be taken away. This could backfire for Tortorella in the public eye as he is the coach of a country that is built upon freedom of
  • 4. Franz Fanon Decolonization 1) According to Frantz Fanon decolonization is a violent event. Explain what this claim means along with why Fanon supports it. According to Fanon, decolonization is the substitution of one species of mankind by another . (Fanon, 1) By species, Fanon refers to the colonist and another are the colonized. It is a violent event because it is the processes when colonized become independent from the colonizers. The consciousness of the colonized demands freedom and change of order. At the same time, the consciousness of the colonizers is terrified of the changes that the colonized might want. That is where we have a mismatch and the clash of ideas that turn into violence. He means that the colonists restrict the colonized with force, so this ... Show more content on ... By this logic, only philosophers can become a ruling class of the society because they are the most reasonable. (Plato, 119) The reason why a philosopher can become the best ruler is because they possess highly developed virtues and demonstrate high moral standards. They are more likely to be more rational and strive for the truth because they have a love for wisdom. They are more interested in knowledge rather than physical possessions, so they will serve the rest of the
  • 5. Black Sage I had my first Black Sage encounter while on a guided native herb walk in my local park in Southern California. It was a glorious evergreen perennial shrub; about 5 high, 8 wide well within the normal parameters, (3FT 6FT in height and 10FT wide). It was in bloom, generally (Feb July) with beautiful lavender colored flowers, they have also been known to have blue flowers and the rarest are white. I asked the tree for permission to pick a leaf and upon receiving it, gently plucked one. The leaf was about 2 long (average is 1 3 ). The tip of the leaf was smooth while the bottom part was hairy. I inhaled and there was no doubt that this was a highly aromatic bush. Native to California and Baja, Mexico, Black Sage is the commonest sage in... Show more content on ... It can be used medicinally internally and externally for a wide range of conditions, including applying it as a poultice to relieve pain, as a tea to help with a sore throat, and using fresh or dried stems and leaves in the bath to relieve flu like symptoms (Kumeyaay Tribe) or to relieve pain in back, neck and head (Chumash Tribe). Landscapers love it for restoration and control of erosion, butterflies and bees flock to it as a food source, and is well paired with winter squashes or for use in flavoring honey. Women who are pregnant or are breast feeding should not use sage as it non known if it enters the breast milk. During my hike, I did in fact hurt my ankle, and decided that I would ask my guide how to use the Black Sage that I had collected to help with the pain. I was told to crumple it up into a ball and place it next to the area that was hurting and my sock would be used to keep it in place. Twenty minutes later there was improvement in the pain, and while this is anecdotal I have continued to use this when I hike and I get sore muscles as it is readily
  • 6. The Value of Technology at Home and School Students whether they are in kindergarten, high school, or college all value technology, not only in their own personal lives but in their school and when they learn (Swan and Hooft 653). All learners want technology integrated into their schools to make for a more diverse learning experience throughout their schooling. All levels of students want the learnings and lectures to be more challenging, with meaningful instructional activities that require multiple technological aspects (653). Most students do not like the way many teachers are currently trying to integrate technology because the tools and approaches the teachers are using are not the ones that the students use or have found on their own, which are usually simpler and more user friendly (654). There are many ways students can learn and process information. One of these ways is called the cognitive approach; the cognitive approach uses digital technology to extend how students think (Swan and Hooft 651). There are six different categories of digital tools that are affected in this approach: semantic organizing, dynamic modeling, information interpretation, visualization, conversation, and knowledge construction tools (652). This approach, along with technology, stimulates one s deep critical thinking about any content that is studied (652). This way of teaching takes students to a whole new level of learning above the standard textbook, pencil, pen, and paper. The cognitive approach puts students back into their
  • 7. The Negative Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Sea Turtles DA VINICI PROJECT How does plastic pollution effect marine turtles and what can we do to prevent this environmental issue. With society s increasing reliance on non biodegradable plastics, our oceans are being filled with more and more harmful products. This thesis will be discussing the negative impact that plastic products have on our oceans sea turtles, and proposes a number of solutions that need immediately to be put in place. Plastic pollution has been identified as a major, global scale threat to sea turtles for decades, and the oceans are now experiencing a relatively novel and dangerous throw of pollution and highly persistent plastic. Over the past 65 years, the global annual production of plastic has grown from 1.5 million to 299 million metric tons ( Of this, it is estimated that between 4 million and 12 million metric tons enter the oceans every year threatening sea turtles in extremely harmful ways. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles and other marine mammals, and more than 1 million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in marine debris. Plastic resources in our everyday life has a become a so called necessity which unfortunately is having devastating effects to our marine life world wide. This is why we need to come up with a new and innovative idea to create alternative products to combat this environmental issue. It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down and at least 10 to 20 years for a single use plastic bag. (U.S National Park Services) By this scary statistic it shows that once these so called convent items are produced, they don t go away for a long time.This means for all the marine animals homes that are being affected, it is going to stick around for a extremely long time. A new study conducted by the university of Queensland and the journal conservation biology show that green turtles are significantly more likely to swallow plastic today than they were in the 1980 s. The study found that the likelihood of a green turtle injecting man made rubbish jumped from 30% to 50% in 2012.(University of Queensland) The reason why plastic pollution has such a large effect on turtles is because it is extremely lethal to any
  • 8. The Origin Of Offspring Will Inherit Genes From Their Parents The idea that offspring will inherit genes from their parents is a widely accepted theory around the world. Characteristics will be inherited from both the maternal and fraternal figure, and the offspring will resemble a combination of the two parents. The study of the inheritance of DNA started with the work of Gregor Mendel; followed by many others such as, Sladden, Durken, and Natt. Before Mendel, Darwinism was a strong held belief by the majority of people. Darwin studied the finches on the Galapagos Islands. He noted that the species on the island had genetic differences, particularly in their beaks. He denoted this as natural selection. Although Darwin did not know anything about alleles or DNA he could see that there were physical differences among the species. It was this observation made by Darwin that got Mendel curious as to how these bird s developed these different characteristics. Mendel was a scientist immersed in a numerous amount of fields, but it was with his work with pea plants that really made him famous. He described genes as factors that are not inherited continuously and each factor has two different forms. For example, the flower color on the plants could either be purple or white. The forms that Mendel is discussing are now called alleles. Mendel s discoveries led to the Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment. The Law of Dominance discusses how one allele will suppress the allele from the other parent. The trait
  • 9. Should Students Have Phones In Middle School I believe that students should not have phones in middle school. I believe this because there are a lot of disadvantages of having a phone in middle school. Some of the disadvantages are distractions, fear of losing the device and being less social. First, I believe this because students can get easily distracted by phones. Students don t pay much attention to the teacher s lesson and are disturbed by all the notifications they receive. Some examples of how they can get distracted are social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. Texting in class can also get students easily distracted from school work. Students tend to lack amount of sleep since they stay on their phone for most of the night. Secondly, since the phone
  • 10. Abraham Lincoln Legacy Each president of the United States of America has left a legacy, some more notable than others. I believe Abraham Lincoln was the best American president. A Lot of people say that anybody can grow up to be a President. But not anybody is cut out to be a President. It takes a person to be tough, smart, active, positive, compassionate and driven, to run for the job. It takes talent, character, and integrity, to be able to withstand the pressures of this Herculean task. Leadership Skills Be with a leader when he is right, stay with him when he is still right, but, leave him when he is wrong. When Abraham Lincoln was president, he was trying to preserve the union. But, How effective was Lincoln in inspiring his followers to persevere? Let s take a look at history in the year ... Show more content on ... Well for the majority of us, it s not. Let s take a look at how president Abraham Lincoln reacted to this. After having done some research on this aspect, Abraham Lincoln was confident enough to be humble to not feel the need to bluster or dominate, but to be sufficiently sure of one s own judgment and self worth to really listen. A perfect example of trust, loyalty, and respect is revealed in a letter to Ulysses Grant. Lincoln writes, I now wish to make the personal acknowledgment that you were right, and I was wrong. How many of us, is brave enough to write our wrongs? Another example was on February 11, 1861, when Lincoln departed from Springfield to assume the presidency in March. At a railroad station he says his emotional farewell: My friends No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything. These words Abraham shared on such a sad day shows trust, loyalty, and the respect he had for
  • 11. Deception In Cyrano De Bergerac In the Play Cyrano De Bergerac the author contrast the characters against each other to show the theme of inner and outer beauty, and the danger of deception. In play Cyrano, the hero, has all the traits of a Gascon except one. He is not a ladies man, because he believes his large nose makes him undesirable. This self doubt leads to him helping Christian De Neuvillette win Roxanne s love, but it is under false pretense. What Roxanne loves most about Christian is his intellect but, Roxanne only thinks he s smart because of the letters Cyrano wrote. In the play several characters are contrasted with Cyrano, to show his inner and lack of outer beauty. Count De Guiche, the villain of the story is used to show Cyrano s honor and bravery. Count De
  • 12. Analysis Of The Media Recently upon searching for a new news source, I stumbled upon your website. Upon looking through the articles, I noticed a large number of these we re simply tweets about the president doing less than notable things. Many of these articles talked about tweets including the entire front page of the website, describing in depth a recent tweet that Trump had sent out. While I was looking for a media source to get non biased opinion on recent events such as the civil rights groups in Myanmar, I instead found plenty of articles on how Trump seems to be unpresidential. As a major media source, I see it on unfit that all of the focus of today s news is focused on the actions of the president on a minute by minute basis. To compare this to... Show more content on ... For example, the front of the sun magazine says, It s a Kate crime . Simply put, it seems to me that you re using your website as a simple platform to try and gather support for your cause against our current president. Understandably, I see that your political views do not fall in line with the president; however, I feel like the use of your media source is a major reason for the disunity of our country at the moment. When faced with the current situation that are countries in with divide between: right and left, with race, and with lifestyle, I m only seeing this news source further this divide. Hoping to get a second chance of sorts, I continued to the Explore section of your website. This is where I understood why you formatted website in this sense. Not only did you place Democrats, elections, and equality in the top tabs of this, you placed National Security, Republicans, and Society at the bottom of the list. Looking at the Republicans tab, the only thing that was positive seem to be the description of the presidential campaign. continuing on the tab it was mostly right wing politicians pushing for leftist ideals. I began to look at the Democrats tab where I found tons of articles that gave support to nearly all things that the Democratic party was pushing. For a news source that seems to be unbiased through their criticism of Fox News, it simply seemed that MSNBC is the same. As the head editor of this news source I believe it is your
  • 13. Analysis Of Countee Cullen s Yet Do I Marvel After World War 1, The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the social, culture, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem New York, around the 1920 s to mid 1930 s. The first poet I chose from the Harlem Renaissance was the American poet, Countee Cullen. Countee was a very influential Poet who voiced his beliefs and thoughts regarding racial and civil rights through his art in poetry. The work, Yet Do I Marvel, takes racial themes, such as the killing of black youth through Lynching for a crime he did not commit. The poem is dark and makes reference to Sisyphus and speaks of how life is a constant struggle. In the Poem he speaks to God wondering why, knowing that God is supreme but yet he does not stop the unreasoning actions of... Show more content on ... He attended at Columbia University and Lincoln University. While he was a student at Lincoln, he published his first book of poetry, The Weary Blues in 1926; as well as his inspirational essay, seen by many as a cornerstone document articulation of the Harlem renaissance, The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain. Earlier in the year of 1926, Freda Kirchwey, editor of the Nation , mailed Hughes a proof of The Negro Art Hokum, an essay George Schuyler had written for the magazine. George Schuyler, who was the editor of the African American newspaper The Pittsburg Courier , questioned in his essay the need for a separate African American artistic and literary tradition. Hughes, who clearly understood a fellow African American poet s deep desire to be considered a poet and not a Negro poet, as that poet s wish to look away from his African American heritage and instead absorb white culture, Hughes essay spoke to the concerns of the Harlem Renaissance as it celebrated African American creative innovations such as jazz, spirituals, and literary work of the African American life. Hughes, saw this issue at hand to be the challenge African Americans Art in America. This was the urge within the race toward whites, the desire to influence racial individuality into the mold of American standardization, and to be as little Negro and as much American
  • 14. Massachusetts Bay State Essay Massachusetts also known as the Bay State is a small state, but it has some rich history. Massachusetts is right next to New York and the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts first settlers were pilgrims. The state capital of Massachusetts is Boston; Boston is also the most popular state in Massachusetts. Massachusetts became a state on February 6th, 1788, Massachusetts is also the 6th state. It became a state on the 6th and it s the 6th state that s funny! The state birds are the Domesticated Turkey and Black Capped Chickadee. The state flower is the Mayflower, the pilgrims came on the Mayflower to Massachusetts and the state flower is the Mayflower. Massachusetts has a lot of state animals and im going to name them all for you. So the state animals are the Boston Terrier, Tabby Cat, Morgan Horse and the Right Whale. The state plant is the American Elm. Massachusetts states colors are blue and green. Massachusetts has 14 counties and Massachusetts has a population of 6,794,422. Massachusetts is also the 15th most popular state and the most popular city in Massachusetts is Boston.... Show more content on ... Dairy products account for about 12% of Massachusetts livestock products income. Cattle, aqua culture, chicken eggs and turkeys are also very important. Flower and ornamental shrubs are the primary source of income in Massachusetts. Cranberries rank second among any other crop products in the state. Massachusetts produces more than 25% of cranberries grown in the nation, Other important crops are sweet corn and apples. Hay is a major field crop grown in Massachusetts. Finance, insurance and real estate ranks
  • 15. My Experience In Special Education After my mother passed away my brother and I moved in with my aunt in Westchester. She was emotionally abusive to both of us and this impacted our performance in school. My brother struggled a lot more and because of that he was placed in special education classes. I defended him when he was teased by my aunt and I noticed the difference in how teachers would treat him. When I got to high schoolI suffered from depression. I attended summer school for three summers because I became less interested in school. Then came my junior year, when I met Mr. Pearlman. He was a tall, muscular, bald white man with an unnecessary amount of tattoos. He noticed how much I was struggling to do my homework in his sexual educationclass. One day after class, he pulled me aside and asked me what was wrong because he noticed that I was quieter than usual. I immediately started crying and opened up to him about my home life. After that day he was determined to help me realize my worth because I confessed I did not want to live anymore. The time this man took to cater to a student who was checked out, was remarkable. We even developed a club called SWAT (Stopping Worldwide AIDS Together) We traveled to elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, hospitals, and health clinics, to receive and deliver information to youth about sexually transmitted diseases. I was apart of something bigger than myself and it was truly phenomenal. This was all because someone believed in me, supported me, and
  • 16. Queen Gertrude And Gertrude In Shakespeare s Hamlet Queen Gertrude is a character in the Shakespearian play Hamlet. She is a very secretive character. After the death of her husband, King Hamlet, she marries her former brother in law, Claudius. In the play, Shakespeare portrays her as sexually driven woman. Even though she has caused hamlet, her son, a great deal of pain, Gertrudeis very protective of him. Hamletis blinded by revenge and accusations that he fails to see his mother for what she truly is. Throughout the play, Hamlet is disappointed by his mother for remarrying just after a month of the funeral. After the Ghostof his father reveals to him how his Uncle, Claudius, poisoned him, Hamlet starts to blame both Claudius and Gertrude for the death of his father. Claudius s relationship with Gertrude is very typical for that era. As her husband, he controls and treats as a child. Men considered women to be childlike and lascivious. Even though she might not be neither of those things, both the Ghost of King Hamlet and Claudius as a man, see her as a child. In the play, Gertrude is accused by the Ghost and Hamlet. The Ghost describes her as seeming virtuous (1.5,46) which implies, she was having an affair with his brother before he was murdered and not grieving for him long enough and accuses his brother as adulterate beast (1.5,41). while Hamlet accuses her of being In the rank sweat of an enseamГЁd bed, Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love (3.4,92 94). But the Ghost doesn t seem to mind her behavior
  • 17. Biography of Agustin Recha Mora Agustin Recha Mora was born in May 1954, in Granada, Spain. He moved to Bilbao in 1967 and he is teaching as a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Bilbao since 1979. Recha Mora has been into a lot of contests and he has won many awards. Most of his work was for a reason, which is to show the importance of the loss. In this report, I will be analyzing the form, content and context of one of his works which is called Street towards Plaza Ercilla MoyГєa and showing the intentions of Recha Mora. To begin with the line, we can see that the artist used one point perspective in order to draw this painting. Therefore, this painting is consisted mostly from lines, we can see the lines in the center of the image that takes our eyes until the end of the road where we can notice the buildings. Moreover, there are a lot of horizontal and vertical lines in drawing the buildings and some of them in drawing the shops and windows of the building. Value in this painting is used in many parts. The lower part of the painting, the artist played with the red color and changed the value to darker to show the damage more and this is creating texture in the painting. In the center of the painting, there is a change in the grey value to show the depth of the road and there is changing in the pink value in the upper left corner to show the reflection of the sun. In addition, we can notice a change in value in the squares on the sidewalk from grey to beige and we can notice that they are forming
  • 18. Leadership Secrets Of Colin Powell Introduction The book, Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell by Oren Harari provides an interesting overview of the leadership exhibited by one of the globally known bottom line leaders in the United States. The exceptional perspective on the role leadership plays is provided in the book, using Powell as the case study. From the perspective provided by the author, the leader is revealed as one who was able to portray successful leadership within the military, although it is a place in which is hard to achieve side by side leadership. On the contrary, Powell is able to demonstrate that leadership is more about responsibility and accountability as opposed to privilege and rank. It is all about complete commitment towards a common mission, portraying audacity and determination, evaluation of standards of performance, attending to details, overcoming the status quo, and empowering followers. Discussion of the Book s Contents Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell contains words, wisdom and insights of one of the most influential figures in the history of America, Colin Powell. It is a source of inspirations from his humble beginning in Harlem to becoming the Secretary of State. The book provides a background of his birth and upbringing, but more importantly his success story as a leader. His journey in leadership is vividly described in the book, rising through the military ranks to becoming the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Being wise and determined, the leader rose to be among
  • 19. Narrative Essay About An Elf Queen The privilege of being young is having infinite possibility to become whatever I want from princess to T Rex at least in my imagination. In my own fantasy world, I crowned myself as an elf queen who reigns over the forest nearby my house. Everyone even our parents, neighbors, teachers looked upon their majesty and respected her sovereignty ever since her coronationceremony. As a royal guardian and a ruler, her daily routine included looking around her territory, playing with trees, showing everyone how beautiful she is and inviting other magical creatures to her castle. Dressed in pink satin dress, holding a star shaped wand, she marched down her own runway every day. By the time the elf queen reached the age of eight, she started... Show more content on ... The elf queen was kicked out of her throne. My fantasy universe deceased in the end. Though my catwalk stopped, the retired elf queen was assigned to an important duty. Turns out that magical creatures, princesses, T Rexes that she used to invite to her castle but one day suddenly disappeared never really deceased. They proudly accepted their new role as guardians standing behind the curtains. It was time she too started protecting the stage she used to stand on so that other young models can enjoy their childhood privilege of their own catwalk and be whatever they wish to
  • 20. Mesopotamia Problems Mesopotamia was located in Middle East, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, now this land is located mostly in Iraq. Mesopotamia is the place where humans first formed civilizations. Mesopotamia is called the cradle civilization. This is known as this because the people of this culture developed a large amount of things. For instance: government, written language, religion, agriculture, and large cities. The early settlers in Mesopotamiastarted to go into small villages and towns. Eventually they learned how to irrigate land and they grew crops on large farms, after that the towns grew bigger. Later these towns turned into large cities. Most of the people lived in mud brick homes. In the cities every family had its own house it didn t matter whether they ... Show more content on ... In Mesopotamia there were unpredictable flooding. This caused the land To become desert like if there was only a little bit of rain. To solve this problem the Sumerians dug into the banks and created some irrigation canals that carried the water to fields. This allowed them to grow many crops. Also the villages and towns were on flat land with no natural barriers. This made it very difficult to defend and there was no standing armies. This caused the Sumerians to build mud brick walls around their cities for defense. Sumerians had a low supply of resources available for building and making tools. To solve this problem they traded cloth, grain, and crafting tools with the people from the mountains and deserts. In exchange they received stone, wood and metals. Another problem was that the people of Mesopotamia fought against each other for control over the Tigris and Euphrates. However this problem wasn t solved and and it still continues today. The people in Turkey wanted to build dams along the rivers for power and irrigation. Syria and Iraq wanted to use the water from these rivers for power and
  • 21. Peru Culture Research Paper Religion In the interviewee s culture, many people value the aspect of religion in their lives. This is seen even more in elders. They believe in Catholicism and go to church every Sunday to pray. There are also catholic schools, where people are taught by priests. The interviewee s family did not influence her to believe in any specific religion, and so she expressed that she identifies herself as agnostic. Language In Peru, the primary language is Spanish. However, because of the strong indigenous presence in this culture, there are other languages and the most common one is Quechua, which is the native language. This language is most spoken by communities who live in the mountains (the Andean region), so many people living in the cities do not know how to speak it. There are also people who know how to speak English, Italian, and French, because of the education in many private schools. Interpersonal Relations During the interview, it was mentioned that Peruvians are very welcoming and open to others in this culture. A close social support system is very encouraged. However, economic position and race are taken into account at the time of forming social circles. In terms of relationships, it is expected that young couples get ... Show more content on ... Peruvians like to condiment their foods a lot, and cilantro is one of their favorite herbs. Some of their traditional dishes are: lomo saltado, ceviche, rocoto relleno (stuffed spicy pepper), causa (potato dish), chupe de camarones (shrimp soup), aguadito de pollo or pavo (turkey/chicken soup), pollo a la brasa (rostissiere chicken), and many more. One of the most famous Peruvian drinks is the one called Pisco, which is made in the region of Pisco. In terms of dessert, Peruvians have picarones, which are deep fried dough shaped like doughnuts, and are served over a sweet syrup. They also have alfajores, which are cookies with white cream in the
  • 22. Burmese Days Analysis Burmese Days was the book that took the history lecture and made it real life. To me, there is a big difference between being told something happened and realizing that it happened. History gives you a look back perspective. You have all the information so you are able to make an educated decision and judge the people of the time for what they did. Burmese Days allowed for a glimpse into the time period without that the rose covered glasses. We were in the middle of a British Colony and seeing everything that it could entail. In Burma, much like the other colonies, the British have made themselves the superior race. In Burmese Days Orwell showcases two native characters that have high ranks vocationally one Burmese, U Po Kyin, and one Indian, Dr. Veraswami, but because of their race are seen as inferior. Throughout the novel, these two have the goal of being elected a member of the English club, where the British people spend most of their free time avoiding the natives and pretending to be in England. The thing about either native being elected though, neither one of them planned on being an active member of the club. In fact, they knew it would be more of a symbolic membership. This idea of a symbolic membership inside of a little British society inside of Burma seemed to contradict the idea of the white man s burden that the British had been forcing down the world s throat as the built their empire. It was their duty to help these savages and children of
  • 23. Why Is Lacrosse Important Lacrosse Got your help!!!!!! That s what lacrosse players say the majority of the time when playing lacrosse. They say this when they are open for a pass or want the ball. The sport of lacrosse should be in the olympics. To support my position I will Give you a description of the game, the popularity of the game and finally a counterarguement that I will fight. In this paragraph I will give you a desription of the game of lacrosse. First according to the article named lacrosse the sport is played on a field 60 70 yards x 110 yards. This proves useful because it means it can be played on a soccer field that is already made. All you would have to do would be to add 5 yard extensions to each end of the field. The next reason is based on the time length of the game. According to the article titled NCAA Rules for Men s Lacrosse there is four 15 minute quarters and a 10 minute halftime with 2 minutes in between every quarter. It also has a overtime of 4 minutes but can go on longer if there is still a tie. That means it has a total time of 78 minutes including everything except the time after the overtime. That is shorter than a soccer game in the olympics. So basically it would nt take up much time. ... Show more content on ... According to the article titled History of Lacrosse it is one of the world s fastest growing sports with 500,000 players. This means that it would draw big crowds if it were in the olympics which means more profits for the people running the olympics and for people with businesses near where they are hosting the olympics. Next according to the article titled National Lacrosse Participation Grows 3.5 Percent in 2014 they said that in the International Lacrosse World Championship, 38 countries played. This means that by the time it is an olympic sport we will probably fill the number of required countries that compete in a summer olympic
  • 24. Historical Criticism Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker Everyday Use demonstrates real life struggles during the period is was written and published (1973), by using historical criticism, we can see that people are often disconnected due to their education. Alice Walker successfully shows the disconnection of heritage value by having one character well educated and young, and another character who was not able to get an education and is much older. Taking the historical context, plays a major role in the way this short storyis viewed. It was a time where people of color had a different and difficult experiences getting an education. The narrator was talking about not being able to get an education, so it was important her daughter get an education; The narrator wanted to be on a television show with her daughters to demonstrate how successful she became. However Dee the narrator s daughter sees her mother and Maggie her sister differently as if they do not know how to appreciate things for their valuable history. One example is, when she wanted the quilts that were suppose to go to Maggie; Dee gets upset that she cannot have them and her mother does not understand why she wants to put them on display. This short story Alice Walker had published it in 1973. During the seventies civil right movement were paving ways for new opportunities for colored people, this was in the heyday of the Black Power ideologies when Black was Beautiful, the Afro hairstyle was in fashion and Blacks were seeking their cultural roots in Africa,
  • 25. A Place For Us A Place for Us Over the past few decades, scientists have warned that natural resources have been exhausted. In fact, human beings are using more resources than the capacity of the Earth. That means the way we use natural resources to produce energies and make goods people use is not sustainable. The Sustainability Glossary defines Sustainability is we take only from Nature at equal the rate or less than the rate Nature can restore itself or heal itself. However, we would not. As a consequence, in natural habitats, the overuse resource is leading to deforestation, emissions and wastewater pollution, animal extinction and endangerment, soil erosion and degradation... In communities across the country, we can see abandoned places and ... Show more content on ... Gang problems and violent crime could increase. Residents and businesses move out while low income people who remain behind would have to go further to get daily goods and access some services ( Introduction iii). Abandoned properties are very different. They come in all sizes and shapes. They are diverse range of location. They may locate in urban, suburban and rural areas. Some properties require to remove environmental contamination. In response, many organizations such as the President s Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD), the National Association of Counties, Public Technology, Inc., Concern, Inc., and the United Nations (U.N.) provide variety of technical methods and helpful guidelines to redevelop and improve sustainable features to these brownfields (Geis and Kutzmark). Established in the 1880s, Saigon Railway Station was a railway station in District 3 neighborhood of HoChiMinh City, Vietnam (Unwin). The station was the last station on the North South railway. Since many new stations, tunnels, and bridges were built, the train yard was finally abandoned. Inside the station, some rusted railway engines line on tracks; on the ground, broken windows kicked out; inside the train wagons, seats and other stuffs are stained with mold; on the walls, they are covered with graffiti. Obviously, in order to remove environmental contamination and contribute to long term sustainability, we need an appropriate project to help revitalize this
  • 26. Don t Let The Situation Go Downhill When you shampoo your head and notice lumps of hair in your hand, it is certainly a thing to worry about. It is normal to lose some hair everyday but I am sure you would know when you are encountering a hair loss issue. It is tough not to notice when normal hair loss converts into excessive hair loss. Are you equipped to fight hair loss? Sounds like you are going to some war right? Well, it unquestionably is a fight that you will need to put heaps of effort into. You can t just wish it away or adjourn finding a solution. Don t let the situation go downhill. If you want to keep a head alive with hair, you will need to take necessary steps. To fight hair loss, we need weapons. Not spears or anything but treatments, remedies and precautionary measures. If you are terrified of chemicals and medications with side effects, you can try the natural remedies given in this blog. The craving for long, lustrous hair Ladies do take pride in their long hair and it is very logical why they should be. Growing your long hair takes a good deal of time, patience and effort. When it comes to hale and hearty hair, it is not just what you put on your hair that counts; it is what you put into your body that is more imperative. If you yearn for healthy effervescent hair, it may not be worth expending a fortune on exotic shampoos and conditioners. You might be cleverer to contemplate the nutritious prerequisites of your hair. Hair grows very leisurely, generally about a quarter to half an inch per
  • 27. Pit Bull Liability Research Pit bulls are a breed of dog that are notoriously labeled as being dangerous and as having a propensity to attack without warning. Statistics gathered from 2005 through 2015 found that Pit bulls accounted for 64.4 percent, or 232, of the 360 deaths of Americans suffered due to dog bite injuries, while only making up about 6.6 percent of the total U.S. dogpopulation. Due to these statistics, there are many who defend enacting statutes that specifically point to incidents involving these dogs needing strict liability to protect third parties. The Maryland Court of Appeals, for example, held in Tracey v. Solesky (2012) that owners and landlords are liable for injuries caused by pit bulls and cross bred pit bull mixes, describing them as inherently dangerous. The judgment of this court ruling meant that it was no longer necessary to prove that a pit bull who attacks a person or that pit bulls in general are dangerous; all pit bull owners are automatically held to a strict liability standard under Maryland law. This case established a new standard of liability for a specific breed of dog due to what some would argue is their aggressive and vicious nature. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, even if the owner of a wild animal takes significant measures to protect others from being harmed by their pet, they are still held responsible for any injuries that do occur. This is due to the fact that wild animals cannot be tamed and it is assumed that all wild animals naturally have vicious tendencies. Strict liability laws in regards to possessors of wild animals exist because these kinds of animals are more dangerous than domestic animals are. A tiger that lives in an individual s house brings a higher degree of risk than, for example, a house cat would
  • 28. Essay about THE TRAIL OF TEARS Quantie s weak body shuddered from a blast of cold wind. Still, the proud wife of the Cherokee chief John Ross wrapped a woolen blanket around her shoulders and grabbed the reins. Leading the final group of Cherokee Indians from their home lands, Chief John Ross thought of an old story that was told by the chiefs before him, of a place where the earth and sky met in the west, this was the place where death awaits. He could not help but fear that this place of death was where his beloved people were being taken after years of persecution and injustice at the hands of white Americans, the proud Indian people were being forced to vacate their lands, leaving behind their homes, businesses and almost everything they owned while traveling to... Show more content on ... Many Americans saw this act as the government sanctioning of brutality and inhuman treatment of the Indian people and actively protested its passing. President Jackson thought of the Indians as children who needed his guidance and justified their removal as a way of protecting the Indians from the hatred and harassment of the white Americans and as a measure that would allow them to govern themselves in a new land. A passage from the Removal Act reads as follows, no state could achieve proper culture, civilization, and progress, as long as Indians remained within its boundaries . This statement gives a more accurate description of how the American Congress and the President thought of all Indians in America and the Removal Act gave them the justification to further American expansion into Indian tribal lands. By the late 1830s, more than 40 treaties were signed by what was then called the Five Civilized Tribes, which consisted of the Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles. Many of these tribes exchanged over 40,000 miles of land in seven states. Three quarters of Alabama and Florida, as well as parts of Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky and North Carolina became property of the United States after they were traded for lands west of the Mississippi river, which is now Northern Oklahoma. These treaties were signed by the Five Tribes in hopes that the American government would allow them to retain some of their indigenous lands,
  • 29. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, By Richard Bach And The... The story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and The Mystic of the Cave from The Republic by Plato are two stories that are an allegory about morals. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning about a moral, politics or religious meaning. Jonathan Seagull tries to get the other seagulls to concentrate more on flying and the prisoner tries to get the other prisoners to be open minded and get them out of the den. Will these two be successful at what they are trying to do? These two stories show morals that are vital because the characters both decide to go out on their own, they never give up on themselves, and they show love and forgiveness. First, these two stories show morals that are important because the characters does the opposite of what everyone in their group does. In the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Jonathan feels like it is more important to learn the techniques to fly better rather than pick out left over food. He also learns if he flies better, then he has a greater chance at finding better food. What he had once hoped for the flock, he now gained for himself alone. (Bach pg. 26) Jonathan compares to the prisoner in The Myth of the Cave because the prisoners are forced to look forward at the shadows on the wall. The prisoner turns and looks at the fire light to see for himself if the images are real. He is reluctantly dragged up a steep and rugged ascent, and held fast until he is
  • 30. Gathering Blue Essay Have you ever thought about what it would be like not to be free? What would it be like not to be able to make choices? What would it be like not to be able to do what you want? It s scary to think about not being free, but even in the world today some people don t even have basic human freedoms. Lois Lowryshows us in her books The Giverand Gathering Bluewhat it would be like not to have freedom and how important it is that we have it. Kira, a two syllable or teenage girl also a character in the book Gathering Blue, is living with her mother in a small village. After her mother dies from a mysterious disease, Kira is left orphaned and with most of the village against her because of her twisted leg. The people of the village ... Show more content on ... In the beginning of the Gathering, Kira hears a clanking noise and can t figure out what it is. She dismisses it from her mind for the most part and focuses on the singer. At the end of the song, she notices the sound again and this time sees what it is as the singer picks up the bottom of his robe and walks down the stairs of the stage. She is horrified by the sight of the man s bare, grotesque feet and ankles. He has big ankle cuffs and a huge chain dragging behind him. Kira is so surprised that she thinks for a minute she could have imagined it, but as she sees the fresh trail of blood the singer leaves behind as he walks inside, she knows she hasn t. When she realizes suddenly and with clarity what it all meant, (p. 211) she sees that she is not as free as she thought she was in her new life. Kira also starts to question her freedom when she and Thomas go downstairs to visit the little girl Jo. Jo is a little tyke who is also and orphan like Kira and Thomas but has an amazing voice. She is being locked in a room all by herself and forced to learn songs. All she wants is to sing her own songs, but the Council of Guardians won t let her. Kira starts to see what Jo is going through. All the nice things, the food, and the comforts are not worth it if she has to give up the freedom she had to weave what she wants. Kira goes back to her room and cries wishing she could give this all up
  • 31. History Of Tobacco During The Colonial Period Amanda Dai Mr. Howden Apush, Period 3 15 August 2015 Short Answers 2.(a). Tobacco, as it relates to the early colonial period, was a fundamental cash crop for the southern colonies. It was first discovered by Europeans after Columbus s first return from the West Indies, and by the early 17th century, tobacco from the Spanish colonies was widely used throughout Europe. John Rolfe, a Jamestown planter, experimented and produced high quality tobacco which quickly spread throughout the Chesapeake Bay. As there was great demand for tobacco in Europe, planters grew tremendously wealthy and occasionally made the surrounding region prosperous. However, the farmers often produced more than the demand which caused the price of ... Show more content on ... The economy of the southern colonies, particularly in the Chesapeake region, reflected the rise and fall of the demand for tobacco. (c). Even though tobacco was a crop, it helped shape the social structure of the southern colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The wealthy planters, who wanted to expand their plantations required new cheap laborers. At first they used indentured servants, but after they realized that the indentured servants were creating a large source of potential social unrest, they moved towards using slaves. After the 1700s most tobacco plantations employed several dozen or more slaves. The slave work force had not only an economic effect but also a social effect. They formed a new social class, which made up the bottom of the social ladder, below the landless, unemployed white men who were previously the lowest class. The slave society also formed their own culture with their own language and kinship. The demand for tobacco, led to the demand of labor, which shaped the social structure of the southern colonies. 3. (a). In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led a group on an unauthorized attack on the natives which became a military defiance of the colonial government. Pre rebellion there was a lot of political turmoil and unrest in the backcountry, which was in part because the new western landowners, including Bacon, strongly disagreed with the eastern tidewater leaders over many policies; mainly on
  • 32. Essay about Don t Touch My Mama Don t touch my Doritos. For the 2010 Super Bowl, Doritos put out a commercial that was titled House Rules . In this commercial a young man comes to take a beautiful young, single mother out for their first date. While the mother is out of the room putting up the flowers the man brought, the man sits down to socialize with the son. As the mansits down he picks up one of the son s Doritos, and just as he is about to put the chip in his mouth the son slaps him. After slapping the man the son says, Don t touch my mama, and don t touch my Doritos. This 2010 Super Bowl Doritos commercial is an example of visual rhetoric, because it appeals to the audience using pathos, ethos, and what the camera focuses to not just persuade the viewers... Show more content on ... Another technique this commercial uses is what the camera focuses on. When the camera is focused on the mother s back side from the mans point of view the creators are telling the audience what is really on the man s mind, and why the son says don t touch my mama. The creators do the same thing with the bowl of Doritos. The camera also zooms in on the game controller in the boy s hand. Through putting the focus on the boy dropping the game controller, the creators lets the audience know that things have just gotten serious and that something is about to happen. Aside from the different types of appeals, pathos and ethos, and camera focus; the creators are sending a couple of messages with the son s actions. The first message is to get your own Doritos and not take someone else s. This message comes across when the boy slaps the man and tells him to put his Dorito chip back in the bowl. By the son not being willing to share even one of his Doritos, the creators are telling the viewers not to share their Doritos with any one. The second message is that Doritos are just as important as mothers. The viewers can see this as the boy not only tells the man not to touch his mother but also to keep his hands off the boys Doritos. By doing this the boy in a way puts the Doritos on the same level of is mother making the chips just as import as the woman who gave birth to him. These techniques and hidden messages of the commercial make the commercial
  • 33. Rising Sun China The Land of the Rising Sun SGT Wagester, Macauley ADA ALC 006 17 The Land of the Rising Sun Home of 20 percent of the world s population, China has a very unique and diverse culture. This research paper is going to introduce and educate the reader about the geography, economy, political party, and military that makes up the mysterious country to the East. Fourth largest country in the world, China makes up almost the entire East Asian Landmass. China s 9,596,960 sq km in total area, features the highest and one of the lowest points in the world. Nearly 70% of China is made up of mountains, hills, or plateaus. (Defense, 2010) China has 23 providences and 4 Municipalities. China is also home to more than 3,400 islands. China s climate reflects what one might think coming from such a large mass of land. Cold Siberian air coming from the north and tropical air masses coming from the south create bipolar conditions. China is home to many rivers, most notably being the, Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) literally translated as Long River, the Chang Jiang, at 6,300 km (3,915 mi), is Asia s longest river and the third longest in the world (Defense, 2010). China has 20 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, according to the World Bank (Defense, 2010). The Chinese government has made pollution control a high priority and even made efforts to cut carbon intensity levels in half, but according to the Defense Language Institute Foreign
  • 34. Life Perspectives In Amy Tan s Two Kinds Life experiences shape and mold us into the people we are today. These experiences form and create our opinions on everything we see in life. Everything from our family to society heavily influence our perspectives, whether we realize it or not. Experiences directly make up our perspectives. Family members heavily influence our perspectives. From the time we are born our parents begin teaching us beliefs and values that are right in their eyes. Amy Tan, the author of Two Kinds talks about how it was living with a strict, traditional mother. In chunk 6, paragraph 67 Amy s mother states Only two kinds of daughters. She shouted in Chinese. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own minds! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter! Her mother drilled this idea into her mind, which definitely affected her to a large extent. Her mother s expectations were too much, and she could never fulfill them. In her mother s eyes she was a disappointment, and this experience changed her perspective on what s important in a person. Another example of family influencing our perspectives is shown in An Indian Father s Plea by Medicine Grizzly Bear. In the personal letter from a father to his son s teacher he expresses his concerns for his sons education. Pg(99) My son Wind Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled. He is a full basket coming into a different environment and a society with something special to share. Please
  • 35. Drugs And Drug Use Monkey see, monkey do is a phrase that almost everyone has heard this at least once. This phrase means that people will do whatever they see other people doing. In this case it relates to juveniles doing drugs. They do not just get the idea one day to do drugs without first being exposed to it by someone close to them or just seeing someone do it in front of them. Juveniles are still kids so they are curious about how things work. Most times when a juvenile is a high risk youth and are using drugs, they have usually seen a family member or a close friend doing a drug and want to try. When adolescents become unable to function is when they abuse drugs. If an adolescent is unable to attend or perform in school or to maintain social and... Show more content on ... Adolescents that use drugs and drink alcohol are more likely to get pregnant or impregnate someone else. When they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol they are hindering their brain, which makes it harder for them to think logically. Once someone get pregnant or impregnate someone else they are more likely to become a teenage parent, higher chances of dropping out of school, and prematurely living independently from parents and guardians. Which then in turn raises the chances of the adolescents using drugs or drinking alcohol. If a person leaves school before graduation may not have any choice but a low paying unskilled job, which in turn produces job instability and ongoing economic disadvantages. There has long been a debate on whether drugs cause delinquency or if delinquency leads to drug use or whether some other factors precede both delinquency and the onset of drug use. Considerable research has shown that delinquency tends to precede the use of drugs. Alcohol use follows a pattern of minor delinquency and exposure to friends and parents who drink. Marijuana use follows participation in minor delinquency and adoption of beliefs and values that consistent with those held by peers but opposed by parents standards. There is very little debate that
  • 36. Importance Of Entrepreneurship During The World Countries... A) The importance of entrepreneurship in 3rd world countries: One valuable lesson I learned through this placement that also pertains very much so to international development, is the importance of entrepreneurship in both the first and third world. Entrepreneurship is not the first thing that is taught to the average Canadian student when asked to decide what they want to do post graduating high school. I however believe it should at least be taught, if only to provide our youth with another option to look at after graduation, as a potential career path for them. Entrepreneurship offers people a chance to come up with unimaginable solutions to people s problems, and provides the only true form of job security in today s turnover style of market. It also allows people to reach their maximum potential in the workforce because people are willing to work harder, if they are working for themselves and towards their personal goals and dreams. For my four month co op placement I was in a full time entrepreneurial position. Working for myself was such an amazing experience, as everything I achieved was towards my end goal, and the personal developmentI experienced over the past four months was absolutely astounding. I went from having an average amount of knowledge with regards to personal finance, to having an extensive understanding of the financial industry. In learning the skills, I now can continue to help individuals and families navigate the industry and advise them on
  • 37. Sturm And Ruger s Mission Statement Essay Sturm and Ruger s mission statement is as follows: Ruger focuses on serving our shareholders, our loyal customers and our employees. We strive to produce the high quality products demanded by our customers as efficiently as possible, which provides long term value for our customers and promotes the interests of customers, employees and shareholders alike. Ruger is one of the best manufactures for reliable firearms in the world. They are the only full line manufacturer for American made firearms who offer more than 400 variations and 30 product lines. Sturm and Ruger manufacture firearms such as, pistols, revolvers, rifles and accessories. Environment International firearm companies could start in the market and become new competitors for the Sturm and Ruger Company. Technology is changing everyday and Ruger will have to keep up with the present technology to keep the customers they have and to gain customers in the future. In social cultural the younger generation has to grow up around guns and become custom to them so they will then become customers. The United States needs to stay economically stable so Ruger can efficiently run and stay competitive. The United States needs to keep the gun laws and can t ridicule them so citizens are unable to buy guns. For wild game animals to be hunted they will have to have a stable population. Global Environment Sturm and Ruger are very involved internationally. The bigger countries they are involved in are Australia, Argentina,
  • 38. Salem High School Graduation Speech The year is 2017, and it is almost time for the Salem High School graduation. However, before the end of this enormous chapter in our lives, we have to plan the perfect senior trip. It has to be one that will be remembered for years to come! The senior class officers, Kali Jackson, Shawn Black, Philip Youngs, and Sidney Long, arrange a meeting for the entire senior class to discuss the most anticipated trip of our lives. The third period bell rings, and Mr. Douglas calls over the loud speaker, Excuse me for this interruption, but I need all seniors to report to the cafeteria for a meeting with their officers. We all cram into the cafeteria, like a can of sardines. Needless to say, our school is in desperate need of some TLC. Anyways, let us get back to reality. We are all gathered here today to discuss the upcoming senior trip, Kali yells into the microphone, as if her voice is not loud enough as it is. We will be taking ideas from all of you, and in about twenty minutes, we will vote on the destination. Yay! It is another lie from Ms. President. She says that we will vote, but she knows good ... Show more content on ... Before everyone is awake, the cooks of the class begin a nice breakfast for all of us. Nothing is better than waking up to the smell of pounds of bacon being cooked, except maybe the fact that we are all in a haunted mansion that is hundreds of years old and somehow still can get power. Once we all finish eating, we head out for a day on the mountain. Kali, Shawn, Philip, and Sidney have arranged for us to hike up the mountain for a little while, learn some of the stories behind the haunted mansion, and then have a cook out to end the night. This is by far the best and most memorable senior trip in all of Salem High School history. It is way out of the realm of any normal trip they have ever planned. We have a not so normal class trip for a not so normal class, and we like it that
  • 39. An Image Of Africa Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Achebe, Chinua. An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad s Heart of Darkness. Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays, 1965 1987. London: Heinemann International, 1988. 1 13. Rpt. in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Russel Whitaker. Vol. 148. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Literature Resource Center. Web. 13 Nov. 2014 http:/ / v=2.1 u=peel_dsb it=r p=LitRC sw=w asid=dd774351e59c3f708a5f969f9e5809eb Throughout the article, An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad s Heart of Darkness, Chinua Achebe explores how Joseph Conrad was racist in his book, The Heart of Darkness, and the common stereotypes people have of Africans, or of Africa as a whole. Achebe discusses that people have coined Africa... Show more content on ... Achebe believes that Conrad insults and questions the humanity of Africans. Despite of Africa s long history of the agonies and atrocities that Africans have suffered through, Conrad continues to add darkness to the African history as if Africans have not suffered enough already. Achebe displays his rationales on why Conrad was extremely racist in his novella by saying that Conrad was blind. His xenophobia and his strong intention of condemning the darkness of imperial exploitations led him to be unaware of the extent of racism in the book. The level of thought and insight in Achebe s article proves useful in evaluating the topic of racism in Joseph Conrad s book. Though the article is knowledgeable and articulate, the article shows some form of bias considering the fact that the author is an African himself. The author s personal feelings led to him greatly
  • 40. Anheuser Busch Case Study on Csr BUSINESS ETHICS Anheuser Busch Corporate Social Responsibility in marketing and advertising ABSTRACT The area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a constantly evolving field with direct impact on an organizations strategies and success, and it has become an important part of how the beer making industry promotes and advertises itself. Current portrayals of corporate social responsibility in the beer making industry are misleading and do not show the true nature of these practices. Relatively little research has been conducted on how the beer making industry promotes corporate social responsibility in their attempt to ... Show more content on ... The advantages of conducting responsible advertising for us as a society aren t hard to imagine or even define, but as of now, there are no published outlines to define what constitutes responsible advertising, and the deficit of such a definition makes it harder for stakeholders to discern what is and isn t considered acceptable in regards to responsible advertising. (M.Hyman) Anheuser Busch took a step into the direction of promoting their responsibility campaign by launching their Budweiser Designate a Driver Blimp campaign . This campaign was the first ever blimp to be flown in the United States that advertises social responsibility to drinking, but essentially, the blimp is a big floating billboard sign. It is intended to be flown over various venues and sporting events across the U.S. to advocate the safe and responsible use of alcohol, but Anheuser Busch clearly understands the role of advertising to their overall success. Anheuser Busch clearly maintains and advertises an advocacy of responsible drinking, but is that that the underlying message? When it comes to advertising, they maintain a strong stance to ensure they do not depict situations where beer is being consumed excessively, but they also make strong statements and push to promote
  • 41. Stephen King A Memoir Of The Craft On Writing Analysis In the presence of Stephen King s memoir called, A Memoir of the Craft: On Writing, he expresses his inner thoughts on how he develops his capability in order to construct the novels that exist today. Through the failures and the prosperous moments, he still began to write and he never took a brief moment to pause with regrets. He begins the memoir by relaying to the audience his secret ambitions by asserting, Horror movies, science fiction movies, movies about teenage gangs on the prowl, movies about losers on motorcycles this was the stuff that turned my dials up to ten (45). King began writing at the age of twelve by the influence of his mother, who encouraged him to apply his high capacity writing talent into a novel. In the beginning,... Show more content on ... Through the failures and through the prosperous moments, he still began to write and he still did not stop. He begins the memoir by relaying to the audience his secret ambitions by saying, Horror movies, science fiction movies, movies about teenage gangs on the prowl, movies about losers on motorcycles this was the stuff that turned my dials up to ten (45). King began writing at the age of twelve by the influence of his mother, who encouraged him to apply his high capacity writing talent into a novel. In the beginning, he went from a young boy who plagiarizes papers from movies to a writer in his school newspaper where he broadened his understanding of the composition of literature. Later on in his life, he had numerous amounts of rejection slips: magazines, printing presses, and newspapers. Nevertheless, he absorbed the information piled to him and continued to write. Stephen King s life certainly affects his works in many incomprehensible ways. This is a highly motivated text in order to show the true form of giving up versus not giving up in which King s actions are primarily through
  • 42. Symbols Emphasizing The Importance Of Sacred Representations Symbols Emphasizing the Importance of Sacred Representations to Feminist Theologies Sacred representations play one of the most important roles in the existence of feminist theologies. When someone starts depicting the images of God in relation to women, it is inevitable to prevent bringing up the feminist part within religious images. However, religious images and symbols have always been responsible for creating certain stereotypes towards women that keep being carried on through generations. Some of these stereotypes are derived from biblical texts, while others have been created based on how people separate the role of women from the role of men. Symbolic representations of the sacred are believed to create a special way in which... Show more content on ... He is the subject, he is the absolute she is the other (de Beauvoir, Simone). By analyzing these lines, it is inevitable to notice the type of patriarchism used to represent a male composed society that is given all the power, while women are simply seeing as unproductive beings. The androcentric society depicted in these lines defines women as unnecessary beings that do not even have the right to be qualified as essential within the society. However, the fact that women are being degraded while men are being, basically, idolatrized, presents women as a symbol that brings up the incompetence of a gender whose role in society classifies them as being the other ; basically, as being nothing. Meanwhile, as this passage classifies women by emphasizing the power of men and the idea that men are essential within any society, the idea of patriarchism remains supporting the thought that a society would be better off if dominated by men. In one hand, the male dominated imagery of God plays a very important part when it comes to assigning roles in a society. But, on the other hand, traditions also carry part of the responsibility for illustrating a society in which women are not counted equally. In addition, classifying women as a being that depend on the essential role of men, means that the traditions are being followed according to what is written
  • 43. International Order And Its Effect On The World s The... International order, though it may be fleeting in the grand scheme of history, seems to be at least on a continuous track of lingering longer and longer each time before chaos takes over. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans all seemed to enjoy ever increasing periods of relative peace at the top of their systems of international order before it unraveled. Most of Europe was in good order on the tail of the Industrial Revolution until some arch duke decided to vacation in Sarajevo. After each major conflict, the world re shuffles itself and order is established again in some form or fashion. The players are bigger and more numerous with greater consequences for conflict but order is still unseated from time to time and the rules of the existing orders seem to change daily. Realism can explain this violent cycle of order and disorder. States and even non state actors continuously seek to balance regional powerin order to secure their survival in a world dominated by fear and uncertainty; if unable to balance that power through violent means, players will seek to form alliances and organizations to at least prevent domination; once a status quo has been created and survival is temporarily assured, players will seek to maintain life within that order; new members thrust the order back into violence and potentially chaos if unable or unwilling to play by those rules. This cycle of power balancing can be illustrated in three phases. International orders are created as
  • 44. The Sustainability Of Intel Executive Summary The report takes a look into the sustainability practices carried out by Intel. Intel has carried out incremental innovation in order to drive its sustainability activities. It has helped other industries and governments with technology based solutions to tackle sustainability challenges which include Open Energy, Renewable Energy, Water Conservation and Water Consumption. Intel identifies its greatest contribution to the environment in the potential its services and solutions in IT have to offer, in order to help its clients and suppliers contribute to sustainable development. The report also addresses the question; How Intel can improve sustainability results by conducting changes in its operations. Complete analysis of Intel Corporation is based on the set of principles as stated in the United Nations Global Compact because it acts as a standard for all the sustainable growth. Apart from the previous, the analysis is aligned with the sustainable goals mentioned by United Nations in order to access the degree to which Intel satisfies these goals. Key areas of research Intel s inclination towards sustainability: At the Technology Innovation Summit, Intel Capital, Intel Corporation s global investment organization, made its dedication to foster clean technology innovation much ... Show more content on ... It consists of a series of 58 Zefr micro turbines that are capable of harnessing the 8 9 mph local wind speeds to generate 65 kilowatt hours of power. The seven blade micro turbines from JLM Energy are designed to be used in an array or Wind Array Turbine System (WATS) and are mounted on the top edge of the Robert Noyce Building, leaving the rest of the roof space free for Photo Voltic panels. It enables solar power and wind power to work together, generating extra electricity and indeed an innovation for the betterment of the
  • 45. International Diversification Introduction Diversification is a method of investing that been shown to increase portfolio return while reducing portfolio risk as measured by standard deviation. This method specifically increases the efficient frontier for investors. The challenge to an investing firm is an appetite by its customers for an ever increasing efficient frontier. One area to explore to obtain this increase is through further diversifying through international diversification. International portfolio diversification gives your investments a passport to added diversification benefits. The international boundaries to investing have collapsed. Fairly recently, foreign securities have become easier to trade due to improved communications and data... Show more content on ... Point C has the same risk as Point A but more return. Also, a point between B and C would have less risk and more return than Point A. Investing in emerging markets offer tempting advantages to investors. The volatile economies of countries considered to be in this category have a potential for extraordinary returns. A caveat to investors considering opportunities in emerging markets are the presence of unstable governments, the chance of nationalization, poor property rights protection, and large swings in prices. Emerging markets are far from a sure thing. But, despite high individual risk, emerging markets can reduce portfolio risk. The volatile economies of these countries have such low correlations compared to the domestic market that they actually provide the greatest degree of diversification. Despite the strong argument for international diversification, there are some grounds to consider when investing. There are barriers to investing internationally. These include legal difficulties, lack of information, stringent tax regulations, and high transaction costs. These costs can reduce returns and must be considered when figuring returns. As mentioned before, these barriers are diminishing. When investing internationally there are risks beyond the risk of individual securities or portfolios. There is liquidity risk, because it is often
  • 46. Target Heart Rates This semester of physical education has taught me countless amounts of new knowledge. In this class I had to set specific goals for myself to be accomplished throughout the semester. My five goals were to: run a mile in under six minutes thirty seconds, lose five pounds of fat by winter break, make my thigh muscles strong enough to squat one hundred and fifty pounds, to be able to bench one hundred pounds, and to be able to run up and down the entire stadium in under four minutes and thirty seconds. At the beginning of the year I weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. By the end of the semester I weighed one hundred and thirty eight pounds but I had lost five pounds of fat just to gain more weight in muscle. I was five feet and eight inches... Show more content on ... As well as how big of a trunk flex we have and how fast we can do a 40 yard dash in. For week one of the mile runs I got my fastest time of 6.13, the second week I got 7.51, my third week I ran a 6.33 mile, my forth week I ran a 6.30 mile, during my fifth week I ran a 7.43 minute mile, during the sixth week I ran a 6.59 minute mile, the seventh week I ran a 6.39; and my eighth, ninth and tenth week I ran a 7.12, 6.34, and a 7.21. What this shows me is that over the semester my times fluctuated from 6.13 to 7.51. By running a 6.13, I accomplished my goal of running faster than a 6.30 minute mile. Throughout the semester my weight fluctuated between one hundred and thirty pounds to one hundred and forty pounds. This shows that my weight stays moderately the same over a long period of time. Throughout this semester of PE we have played countless (not really) amounts of different sports, such as: football, soccer, volleyball, and handball. While partaking in these sports I earned that I, a mediocre player at most of these sports, appears to be competent in all the sports we have played so far. However, competence and actual skill are far off from one another but still I show some skill in all sports taken so far, even though I haven t liked some of the sports we endeavored. Due to lots of personal sports and doing sports during school I
  • 47. Pros And Cons Of Solitary Confinement Solitary confinement has been used as a form of punishment in American prisons since the early 1800s. Solitary confinement is a form of restrictive housing that removes prisoners from general population and places them into cells smaller than an average bedroom. Prisoners spend twenty three hours a day in the cell and are allotted one hour per day outside their cell for exercise. They are fed through a hatch in the front of the cell and are sometimes allowed books and other minimal forms of entertainment. In the United States, solitary confinement has proven to be an ineffective form of rehabilitation when compared to more humane alternatives; additionally, solitary confinement directly violates the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution... Show more content on ... Some prisoners who have experienced solitary confinement have physically lashed out against prison guards and even inflicted bodily harm on themselves. In The Movement Away from Solitary , Steinbuch writes that solitary confinement can cause ...severe and chronic depression, anxiety, problems with impulse control, self mutilation, decreased brain function, hallucinations, and revenge fantasies (Steinbuch 501). It should be no surprise to prison officials that when inmates are deprived of human contact that a host of mental complications can arise. When queried as to why he was not being treated humanely, Gabriel Reyes, an inmate at Pelican State Bay who by 2015 had spent fourteen years in solitary, tells of the ...severe isolation, the [lack of] education opportunities, rehabilitative opportunities, decent food, proper medical treatment, just human dignity... being treated like a human being instead of an animal ( Effects ). Setting aside his thoughts on the poor living conditions, Reyes comments on the lack of rehabilitative opportunities seems to be a common theme in the American prison system. Despite appearing to have a desire for education and effective rehabilitative treatment, Reyes has slipped through the cracks of a system unconcerned with addressing the underlying factors that send individuals to prison. Through both observation and firsthand testimony, it is evident that solitary confinement is both ineffective and
  • 48. The Conflict Between Saudi Arabia And Iran It s often thought, in the west, that the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran is 14 centurys old and that we don t understand it because we (the west) are so dis attached from religion in governance. For example, the end of religious politics in the US is credited with the writings of the English philosopher John Locke and this view on religion became particularly influential in the United States Constitution in 1787 (ref). State figures like Barack Obama showed this in his final State of the Union Address, he called the region a place rooted in conflicts that date back millennia (Obama, 2016). The truth of the situation is, religious politics has been left behind in the west. It s true that the divide in identities within Islamwas formed from a religious dispute centuries ago. It s also nothing new that Sunnis and Shia s have been in conflict for decades maybe centuries. The rivalry between the two has had a violent affect in contemporary Middle Eaststabilization and politics. Sectarianism between Saudi Arabia and Iran shouldn t be concluded as a foreign ancient feud that conflicts modern political logic but rather a modern phenomenon and a product of contemporary politics. Furthermore, it is playing out not in obscure theological forums but in the political arena. Sectarianism has become the product of key factors that play into religion. Islamism is a modern day ideology which asks for an ideal Islamic state, formed on the foundations of Islamic law. Islamism is
  • 49. Causes Of The African Water Crisis The average American uses about 176 gallons of water in one single day, while in Africa, 660 million people see just one sip as a luxury, states Kristen Lewis in the article entitled THIRST for the 2016 Scholastic Scope. Without water, people cannot carry out daily activities and struggle to survive. The water crisisin Africais an expanding problem in our world that continues to affect millions of people each day; fortunately, this crisis has caught the attention of The Water Project, a nonprofit organization in the United States that raises money to solve water crises around the world. The Africa water crisis has come about due to several factors that create negative outcomes for the citizens of Africa, but The Water Project is doing all they can to resolve these issues. There are a variety of causes held responsible for the water crisis in Africa. These causes have been taken from African s control and desperately need to be solved. Climate change is one of the countless reasons that there is a high demand for water in Africa. An article entitled Africa s Water Crisis Deepens written for the 2006 News Scientist, states that Drought, famine and spreading deserts have plagued Africa for the past 30 years. With the expansion of desertification, the process in which land becomes increasingly dry with little to no water resources, areas of land have dried out and are useless to humans due to the lack of rainfall on the African continent over the past several years.
  • 50. Iran Nuclear Deal Pros And Cons I am writing to you in reference to the current national debate regarding the safety of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Since the conclusion of World War II, a primary goal of US foreign policy has been nuclear deterrence. However, the inevitability of technological advancement, has resulted in the production and perfection of a powerful nuclear armament by nine different nations. The US and our allies, have worked tirelessly to prevent the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons primarily attempting to prevent countries such as Iran from procuring this technology. Under the Obama administration, the US engaged in extensive negotiations, which culminated with the ratification of the Iran Nuclear Deal in the summer of 2015. In short, this Deal lifts... Show more content on ... At this point, the US had few options in which to prevent the continued advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. However, the deal reached by the Obama administration, whose support extends to the world s leading powers, significantly extends the time Iran would need to develop a nuclear weapon and ensures that we have ample time to counteract any attempt at restarting the Nuclear program. In addition, the US has made it clear that if Iran does violate the terms of the deal, sanctions will be reimposed and more aggressive options could be taken. This deal is far from perfect and there are legitimate concerns raised by its many critics. That being said, without this deal, Iran could quickly double its capacity to enrich uranium and move towards producing a bomb. One of the greatest criticism raised, is that the deal and provisions will expire. While some are only in place for 10 25 years, the fundamental principle of the deal to preserve the peaceful nature of its nuclear program are permanent. Unfortunately, neither military action, sanctions or this deal for that matter can guarantee that Iran will never have in their possession a weapon of mass destruction. However, this deal is
  • 51. Hard Work Pays Off Analysis The first scene where Billy first shows that hard work pays off is when he decides he wants coonhounds. Billy knows that his parents can not get him the dogs, so that is when Billy decides he needs to save up for the dogs himself. This supports the theme because this evidence states that he needs to work very hard in order to get the pups. Billy is very persistent in working day and night for his soon to come pups. Billy works for 2 years in order to get his pups which takes a lot of persistence and determination, but eventually it pays off. One other scene where Billy shows hard work pays off is when had treed his first coon. This example states when Billy treed his first coon he had to get him out of the tree. Billy had told his dogs before he had gone for the coon that it would be their first one and if the dogs treed the coon then Billy would get it out. Billy starts chopping at the wood giant sycamore and starts chopping away every day for 2 weeks non stop. This specific piece of text evidence proves that Billy is dedicated and is keeping his word at getting the tree cut down. To go into deeper depth Billy would get up at the crack of dawn(sometimes he did not even sleep) and go straight to hacking in any condition his body was in or weather. Eventually, he cut down the tree and... Show more content on ... Billy makes a bet about hunting the ghost coon. For a while the ghost coon plays tricks that make the coon really hard to follow, but Billy is still on the tail of the coon. When Billy gets to the tree the coon supposedly disappears at he lose track of the coon. After a while he starts to give up hope, but he eventually finds the coon. This section of evidence shows that hard work pays off because when Billy was looking for the coon by the tree Billy had lost it, but because Billy was persistent and continued searching that enabled him to find the ghost
  • 52. University Of Hawai пѕ пѕЄ I At Hilo University of HawaiК»i at Hilo is in the attempt of building a Thirty Meter telescope on Mauna Kea. To Hawaiians Mauna Kea holds a high value of historical and sacred context and should not be disturbed. Although, the construction of the thirty meter telescope (TMT) will result in being the most powerful telescope in the world, bringing the worlds best researchers to HawaiК»i. The construction of TMT will also bring an estimated total of 10,000 job opportunities to HawaiК»i (Deneen). The TMT poses a significant opportunity for astronomy on a worldwide platform; however, the cultural significance of Mauna Kea, the environmental impact of such a project (as TMT) and the lack of respect and management shown by the State of HawaiК»i proved that Mauna Kea is not the appropriate site for this telescope. In sacred records of the Hawaiian people it is said that the people are all decedents of WДЃkea Sky Father and PapahДЃnaumoku Goddess of HawaiК»i who gave birth to the islands. It is said that the intercourse between WДЃkea and PapahДЃnaumoku produced the mountain child we know today as Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is both female and male Maunakea s physical features of rock, soil, water and ice are female attributes; his elevation establishes his maleness, as it brings him closer to his father, WДЃkea. The equability of the male female distribution establishes Mauna Kea as sacred and creates piko kapu, or sacred center, of the island (The Edith KanakaК»ole Foundation). The second piko is
  • 53. Case Study Of Nintendo s Pokemon Go Nintendo s market share and stock have both dramatically increased following the recent release of the new App Pokemon Go. In recent years, however, Nintendo had been falling behind competitors such as Microsoft and Sony, and sales for new products and games were not. Furthermore, the immediate success of Nintendos Pokemon Go could be the start of a wild turnaround for a company that has been struggling as sales of its most recent game console, the WiiU flopped due to fierce competition from rivals such as Microsoft s Xbox One and Sony s PlayStation 4. Nintendo s earnings took a huge hit as a result net income tanked around 60% in the most recent fiscal year. Before Friday s bounce, the company s stock had lost nearly 50% of its value over the last 12 months. With profits and sales... Show more content on ... Pokemon Go has increased the market share of Nintendo through having a revolutionary gameplay, that involves various techniques of marketing, appealing to a large range of people. With recent technologies improving on the idea and practicality of virtual reality, Pokemon Go capitalizes on this thought and makes it a reality. By letting users catch Pokemon in physical settings, they no longer have to play through just a screen. Pokemon Go has done what no government program in the last decade has been able to do: encourage users to go out and exercise. Not only do users have to physically walk distances to evolve and hatch their Pokemon, but they also must be able to interact and socialize with other trainers. It is a multiplayer game that promotes teamwork, as well as social interaction. Nostalgia, coupled with revolutionary gaming technologies, has launched this age old game into a new era. The chain s success with Pokemon Go can be owed to the fact that this newer version might just be a better one. With its easy accessibility