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            Mobius Executive Leadership is a premier coaching,

        training and leadership development company. We bring

             best in class offerings in executive development to

          senior level audiences. Our multi-disciplinary network

        of practitioners has expertise in organizational learning,

              business, communication and the expressive arts.
Our focus on personal mastery derives
   About Mobius Executive Leadership                    from our belief that true transformation
   As a leading professional services firm              comes when individuals across a
   with global reach, we draw on a deep
   academic and intellectual heritage                   system or an organization experience
   and hands-on teaching approach to                    transformation first-hand at a deep
   deliver customized capability building
   and leadership development services.                 personal level. Our leadership programs
   Accountable for cultivating results in
                                                        combine best practices in negotiation,
   client organizations, Mobius professionals
   work with top teams, middle managers                 communication, organizational learning
   and front line supervisors to ensure that
                                                        and adaptive leadership with “next
   performance transformation efforts are
   embedded and sustainable.                            practices” in dreamwork, somatics, voice

                                                        dialogue, mindfulness and mediation,

and expressive arts such as theatre, pantomime, movement, psychodrama, poetry and other

experiential modalities for embedded adult learning. In our experience, teams that engage

in this kind of longer term learning journey are more likely to solidify the behavioral changes

required for high performance as well as passionately commit to a shared aspiration and vision

of the future. This brochure overviews our transformational offerings.
Personal Insight
    The Personal Insight Workshop is framed around a key distinction—significant change
    must be seen not as simply a new way of doing things, but as a radical shift in root
    perspective. A transformation is as much about alignment and accountability as it is
    about strategy.

    Personal Insight Workshops (PIW’s) are powerful interventions aimed at initiating
    and accelerating significant mindset and behavior change within a team, group or
    organization. These tailored workshops have been successfully rolled out across several
    Fortune 500 corporations in the context of larger scale performance transformations.

    The PIW is a high impact, two day intervention for up to thirty people delivered by
    experienced transformational facilitators. Starting with the organizational context and
    direction for change, the workshop moves into the personal domain. Thousands of
    executives, managers and front-line workers have experienced the PIW over the past
    few years, with remarkable organizational
    and performance changing results. Most
    change efforts focus on external drivers           Summary of
    of change: systems, policies, incentives,          Mobius Offerings
    training. However, humans react to                 • Personal Insight Workshop
    external motivations with resistance and
                                                       • Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery
    defensiveness. The PIW encourages a more
                                                         and High Performance Workshop
    expansive and adaptive outlook, one that
    internalizes the locus of accountability for       • Beyond Yes Keynote Speech
    transformation within individuals. The PIW,        • Beyond Yes Field and Forum
    a two day foundational training, creates             Learning Journeys
    an enthusiastic critical mass of change            • Personal Mastery Intensive
    champions within an organization.
                                                       • Women’s Leadership Program
                                                      • Facilitator Development Program
Beyond Yes™
Leadership Mastery and High Performance
   Our flagship personal mastery offering, Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High
   Performance, presents the core content of a forthcoming book, Beyond Yes: Negotiation
   Mastery from the Inside and Out, written by Mobius President Erica Ariel Fox. Erica is
   a lecturer at Harvard Law School and the founder of the Global Negotiation Insight
   Institute. This unique and in demand experiential training explores the meeting places
   of timeless wisdom and spiritual practice on the one hand and the challenges of
   modern business and leadership on the other.

   Erica is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the integration of wisdom traditions
   and spiritual practice into the negotiation and conflict resolution field. Erica is also
   a business consultant, working with Fortune 500 companies as well as public sector
   leaders to build consensus, facilitate change and transform crisis into opportunities for
   growth. Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance is based on a dozen
   years of experience teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School and over a decade
   training professionals around the world and providing strategic counseling and conflict
   mediation to top teams.

   Many people find themselves in positions of leadership based on outstanding technical
   performance or subject matter expertise. Of course, early in one’s career success
   depended on such technical competence and knowledge. At that stage high performance
   is measured by the ability to deliver quality results in an efficient manner. Moving
   ahead depends on execution skills such as concrete problem solving. At a certain point,
   however, such competence is no longer enough. As one moves into management, and
   ultimately positions of leadership, one needs to address different kinds of kinds of
   problems—involving people, teams and the organization as a whole. From developing
   people and leading teams to shaping an organizational culture, inspiring the workforce,
   and managing complex change, leadership requires more advanced skills. At this
   stage, one needs the internal strengths and external skills to lead in the most essential
   dimension of any organization—the domain of human capital.

   In this program one will learn the framework and tools one will need to lead people and
   organizations. Unlike other models that focus on behaviors this course operates from the
   inside out, building internal strengths and qualities one needs to serve as an effective
   leader. Unlike other personal growth experiences, this course focuses on the business
   applications of leadership skills, using “real time” coaching to ensure relevance and
   embedding of the skills.

   Blending century old wisdom with emerging leadership practices, this workshop offers
   a unique and deep immersion into personal development leading to professional
   mastery. Through mindfulness and heightened self-awareness, communication skills,
   decision making, execution and problem solving are radically improved. Using a proven
   methodology, “Archetypes and Autobiography,” this program will draw on life experiences
   and current work challenges to foster insights and breakthroughs that lead to high
   performance. At the end of this course one will return to work empowered, with new
   executive skills and a greater capacity for impact and leadership.
A Brief History of Beyond Yes™
Leadership Mastery and High Performance
   As a student at Harvard Law School in the early nineties, Erica was very involved in
   the negotiation and mediation programs. These groups had launched the best-selling
   Getting to Yes and the win-win approach that later spread around the world. After
   practicing law for a year, Erica returned to Harvard Law School in 1996 as a Lecturer to
   teach negotiation, which she continues to do today. Over the past dozen years Erica has
   emerged as a global leader in the negotiation field.

   After the events of September 11, 2001, Erica felt a strong pull to investigate
   new, untapped perspectives on conflict and to respond to a need expressed by
   many professionals for deeper meaning in their lives. In 2003, Erica drew on her
   diverse experience to found the Harvard Negotiation Insight Initiative (HNII) to
   explore what ancient wisdom traditions and contemplative practices could offer
   the contemporary negotiation and conflict field. HNII served as a living laboratory,
   bringing professionals together from dozens of countries to explore the interface of
   the world of action and the world of reflection. A broad range of professionals, from
   lawyers and business leaders to engineers and educators, experienced a meeting
   place between the demands of the outside world
   and the depth of the inner life. After running that
   program for several years at the Harvard Program
   on Negotiation, Erica expanded the project to
   form an independent non-profit called the Global
   Negotiation Insight Institute (GNII, pronounced
   genie) that seeks to build a wise, mature, and less
   violent global community.

   In her body of work, Erica focuses on helping
   professionals to cultivate internal qualities such
   as awareness, presence and balance, as well as
   to master skills for interacting effectively with
   others. This combination enables them to make
   conscious and constructive choices in their lives
   both at work and at home. Erica is recognized
   internationally for her pioneering work that explores
   the personal, spiritual and deeply human aspects
   of negotiation, execution and leadership. Beyond
   Yes™ unpacks the role that ancient insight and
   contemplative practices play in the contemporary
   life of successful professionals.

   On the next page you can learn more about how to bring
   Beyond Yes to your organization.
Beyond Yes™ Programs

        Keynote Presentations The Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance
        content can be offered as a keynote presentation on the intersection of timeless wisdom,
        ethics, philosophy and spirituality with leadership in the modern world of business and
        international affairs.

        Workshop: Introduction to Leadership Mastery and High Performance This
        introductory exposure to the Beyond Yes™ methodology can be offered in half day,
        one day or two day time frames. The introductory course offerings allow participants
        to begin to understand a holistic model of leadership that draws on the power of
        thinking, emotions, action and creativity. This four part framework for understanding
        leadership allows them to strengthens the inner qualities that lead to improved outer
        performance. The course further cultivates the ability to return to a place of “center” in
        the midst of stress and difficulty.

        Field and Forum Learning Journey The widest delivery of the Beyond Yes™
          method takes groups of participants through two four day long forums with one
          on one phone coaching during the interim between the in-person sessions. In this
                                                     program participants develop a nuanced
                                                     understanding of their own leadership
Interactive Theatre Team                             patterns and patterns of reactivity and
                                                     learn to develop moment to moment and
Mobius Executive Leadership enjoys an alliance       constitutional self-awareness. Built for
                                                     high potential leaders or organizational
partnership with the London based leadership
                                                     executives, this deep leadership
company Just Add Water. Jeremy Sturt and             experience offers techniques for fostering
                                                     change and managing organizational
Claire Sampson and their colleagues are
                                                     crisis, with participants enacting
experienced theatre and event producers with         real-life leadership challenges and
                                                     discovering new possibilities for how to
a world wide reputation for creating once in a
                                                     engage these business dilemmas. One-
lifetime, extraordinary learning experiences.        on-one coaching, with an action learning
                                                     methodology, is provided by Mobius
                                                     transformational coaches.

“The insights and theoretical approach in Beyond Yes have readily applicable opportunities to
 transform the workplace from a situation fraught with tension to a place of productivity and
 shared purpose.” – Mary Rotchford, HR Professional, Washington, DC

“This is the most profound learning experience I have undertaken in more than thirty years of
 continuing legal education. For anyone interested in taking their technical competence to a
 higher level than ever they imagined possible, I highly recommend Beyond Yes.”
 – Ron Supancic, Lawyer, L.A., California
Beyond Yes™ Archetypes

                        SAGE                                              PROPHET
                      Analytical                           G DREA
                             Air                                              Fire




                                                  IN                L
                                                       G      FEE

                   WARRIOR                                                  LOVER
                       Practical                                           Relational
                           Earth                                             Water
                  © 2008 Erica Ariel Fox for Mobius Executive Leadership. All rights reserved.

For individuals interested in the Beyond Yes method, Mobius partners
twice a year with the Omega Institute and the Global Negotiation
Insight institute to offer public enrollment five day intensives. To
register please log on to and search for Beyond Yes.

“The experience in this training allowed me to reclaim energies that I didn’t even know I had lost.
 What a profound and wonderful week.” – David Freidman, Business Executive, Ipswich, MA

“Beyond Yes offers some of the most advanced thinking and training on both resolving
 conflict and being human. The planet would be a far better place if participation was free
 and mandatory for all people –until then, treat yourself!” – Matthew Levy, Executive Coach,
 Miami, Fl
Transformational Leadership Intensives

The following programs are customized transformational leadership programs designed for
both the beginning seeker and the seasoned explorer of realms of consciousness. They touch
on mystical wisdom traditions and archetypal symbology and ritual to enable participants to
explore their unconscious and dream realms and unlock creativity, intimacy and expanding
awareness. These programs help unblock stuck patterns of holding and relationship and enable
us to foster joy, compassion and acceptance. Organizations wishing to take a group of leaders
on a journey of self-exploration and building group trust should consider arranging one of these
world class leadership programs and gearing it for your business needs and aspirations.

Personal Mastery Intensive
        Mobius Executive Leadership invites you to live from a new perspective. Experience
        a program that will enable you to create the impact you wish to have in your work
        and in your life. This three and a half day workshop will help you unlock the mindsets
        and behaviors that interfere with your ability to achieve your dreams and become the
        architect of your own authentic life.

        In this program you take time as a group to align your hearts and minds for creating a new
        life dream or new organizational vision. Participants become skilled at living creatively and
        intentionally instead of reactively. Using simple tools you will learn, practice and share the
        life skills for making long-term, permanent changes one step at a time.

        This program features a variety of formats including lecture, experiential, one on one, in
        pairs and in small groups. We work extensively with foundational principles that create
        consciousness—bringing the ability to break free of old patterns and revision your life.
        Through the intensive workshop you will identify your innate strengths, abilities and
        unique gifts. This program will help you develop the emotional and spiritual intelligence
        for every area of your life to work well. We achieve true fulfillment through the integration
        of inner knowledge and outer action. This Intensive takes you beyond awareness to
        actionable skills for practical leadership—the conscious cultivation of inner wisdom and
        values translated into daily practice.

        Relationship Work One aspect of this program focuses on supporting participants
        in their primary dyadic relationships (be it romantic, family or friend). These exercises
        surface and manage breakdowns and withholds, build a shared set of norms for offering
        and receiving feedback, and help couples develop a shared picture of the future they
        would each like for themselves and for the relationship. The modules include verbal and
        non-verbal experiential exercises, and work on trust, fear and intimacy.

        Stage Work for Individuals or Couples In Stage Work participants self-select to work
        one on one with lead faculty with the group support. Participants can choose the piece of
        work they would like to focus on from the broad array of content supported by this workshop.
        They can also use the group as a container for their own self-expression, transformation or
        healing. This is a unique opportunity to work in real time with real issues.
Dream Work Participants are asked to bring dream fragments, images or whole dream
  stories into the workshop. We then use these dreams to illuminate patterns and highlight
  areas of capacity and resource within the dreamer. One of the primary gateways to the
  unconscious, dreams can provide remarkable meaning and insight for the dreamer as well
  as the group witnessing the process work. Dream symbolism has meaning at many levels
  including personal, transpersonal and collective. Faculty work to extract the most potent
  and useful teachings from the dreams while working with the dreamer and group.

  High Intensity Sound and Movement Programs sometimes use the expressive arts
  as a means for embodiment, exploration and enhanced freedom. High Intensity Sound is
  a module where participants relax and listen to evocative music as a kind of meditative
  journey into sounds, feelings and images from the unconscious. The programs also use
  movement, meditation, art, and active imagination to widen self-expression and build
  energy in the group process.

  Projection and Shadow Work In Relationship This module has participants examine
  the qualities in other people, be it partners or colleagues, that create strong emotional
  reactions for them. These may be either positive or negative resulting in strong desire or
  rejection. In either case, these reactions are mirrors for us of essential qualities and traits
  that are valuable for us to examine. This module helps people learn how to identify and
  take back their projections and thereby ease working relationships. Considered by many to
  be the key capability in personal accountability, owning and claiming a projected aspect
  of consciousness is a vital skill for any relationship to thrive and endure. Projection and
  Shadow work can be accessed in a variety of methods, with varying intensity, including but
  not limited to expressive arts, mask making, movement, active imagination, psychodrama
  and self-reflection/dyadic discussions.

  Meditation and Mindfulness Practice – DHMP The Personal Mastery Intensive will
  teach the Dynamic Heart and Mind Meditation along with additional guided experiences. It
  reviews the latest neuroscience findings on the benefits of mindfulness practice. Suitable
  for both beginning and experienced meditators, this instruction should leave participants
  with a practice they can integrate into an ongoing support for self-awareness, emotional
  self-regulation and increasing insight.

  Transformational Mindsets Our beliefs and expectations color every moment of our
  experience. Recent brain studies, positive psychology and ancient teachings all reflect the
  power each of us has to make our dreams and desires come true. Each individual has huge
  reservoirs of untapped potential and ability to shape their lives, relationships, and destinies.
  This program teaches participants to use new and ancient technology for sculpting and
  shaping their lives.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making
 the darkness conscious.”                                                     – Carl Jung

“The imagination is capable of kindness that the mind often lacks. It searches for the
 hidden worlds that wait at the edge of things.”                          – John O’Donohue
Mobius Women’s Leadership Programs:
A Deepening of the Feminine
   We work with public sector leaders, social entrepreneurs and corporate executives
   to find their own voices and embolden their vision. We have a strong conviction that
   taking time to share our individual and collective experiences of being women in
   today’s world allows us to learn and stretch together, while being encircled with the
   spirit of women’s wisdom. These programs offer a setting in which participants feel
   at liberty to explore themselves and step back from the day to day requirements of
   their lives.

   These leadership programs can serve as an integrating force in helping your authentic
   vision and values surface and express themselves. These programs are integrative
   of mind/body dynamics and allow participants to dive into how they understand
   themselves, their work, and their purpose. The tools of our exploration will include
   story telling, dream work, art, authentic movement, ritual and rites of passage, active
   imagination, meditation, music and dance. This program takes place in beautiful,
   pristine natural settings and includes extensive renewal modules including yoga and
   movement, contemplative practices, wellness services and other informal time to heal
   and rest.

   The curriculum of the program includes:
   • Leadership Presence                        • Innovation and Creativity
   • Empathy and Assertiveness                  • Initiation rites intrinsic to women
   • Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity           • Study of the archetypal forces and power
   • Voice Dialogue                               of the feminine

   In this leadership program women learn to integrate the masculine and feminine
   dimensions of their leadership style; find practices of ongoing reconnection
   to themselves and spirit; and commit further to building a peaceful and more
   sustainable world.
Initiatory Programs
Offered as Public Enrollment Courses
        Initiating the Heart
        This richly nourishing retreat explores the perennial spiritual traditions of the Heart
        Center as a gateway to compassion and unconditional love. From this initiation comes
        a life filled with meaning and full with feeling and wisdom. Participants most often say
        that having their hearts initiated results in overcoming fear and replacing it with love
        and openness, bringing power, creativity, and the deepest healing possible.
        Reclaiming the Shadow
        The term “Shadow” refers to Carl Jung’s concept, an archetype of personal and col-
        lective unconscious. Each of us has unseen parts of our personality; anything from
        isolated or wounded selves to rich, vital and creative aspects. Anything denied within
        us drains our energy, and robs us of our greatest power and vitality. The Shadow
        conference teaches us how to uncover these areas in us personally, recognize them
        collectively and turn their destructive power into integrated components of ourselves.
        Prerequisite: Initiating the Heart.

        Awakening the Seer
        This is a powerful initiation for the awakening of the throat center and the third eye.
        This conference awakens “the Seer,” making intuition and psychic ability available.
        A spiritual awakening occurs, engendering universal wisdom and insight. Learn to
        bridge personal, unconscious, ordinary and heightened realms through centering,
        meditation, ritual, dreamwork, myth and ancient tribal practices and traditions.
        Prerequisite: Initiating the Heart.

        Dream Voices: Dreams as the Gate to Creativity
        Dreams are the portal to our most creative and empowered selves. This program
        uses Voice Dialogue, dream drama and dream interpretation to discover the creative
        potential in your dreams. Dreaming is universal. Even if you don’t recall your dreams
        this workshop will help you discover startling insights, creative ideas and the unseen
        resources held in the personal and collective unconscious. It will also enable you to
        deepen and develop your ability to work with symbols and understand your ongoing
        dream messages and meanings.

                               Carole Kammen, MA, is an innovator and leader in the field of
                               organizational and personal development. In 1986, Carole founded
                               Pathways Institute, a public spiritual growth organization and
                               Pathways Business Institute, a San Francisco based management
                               consulting firm. Both organizations have been dedicated to
                               the exploration of human consciousness leading to personal,
                               professional and spiritual fulfillment. In 2009, Pathways Business
Institute merged with Mobius Executive Leadership to create best in class offerings for business
leaders awakening to their inner lives. Carole serves as the lead faculty for this suite of personal
mastery programs and as a Principal of Mobius.
Mobius Facilitator Development Program™
Building In-House Capacity to Deliver Mobius
Personal Mastery Offerings
   For companies wishing to build internal capacity to deliver Mobius Executive
   Leadership trademarked personal mastery programs Mobius offers a thirty day
   Facilitator Development certificate Program (“The FDP”). The FDP is a once in a
   lifetime chance to study with leading spiritual faculty and our expressive arts team
   and support exploration of the spiritual underpinnings of our lives. The FDP is a
   wonderful blending of shared study, community gathering, individual and group
   meditative practice, dream work and group exploration.

   The curriculum of each FDP is ultimately determined by the group and each individual
   discovers their own depth of study and practice. However, each FDP covers all of the
   transformational content and educational pedagogy required to effectively deliver
   either the Personal Insight Workshops or Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery and High

   The FDP is a highly intensive program of advanced group work and self-exploration. The
   FDP will familiarize future facilitators with the core models and practices of the Mobius
   personal mastery suite of programs as well as enable the participants to have greater
   access to their own practices for grounding, opening and in depth exploration. The focus
   on the FDP is on how to build and support a transformational learning environment in
   which others can safely explore their inner life and better understand themselves on both
   the inner and outer levels.

   Participation in an FDP requires an application and interview process to assure personal
   readiness and maturity of the group. To enable one on one coaching and tutoring on
   content modules throughout the field and forum training experience the FDP group size is
   limited to twelve participants per program.

   As prerequisites to attendance in an FDP participants must first have taken the personal
   insight workshop and either the five day introduction to Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery
   and High Performance or the Personal Mastery Intensive.

   The structure of the FDP includes pre-work, a first forum over nine days, a one week
   tutoring in module delivery, a second forum over seven days, and a final week for module
   certification. The forum programs are designed as experiential intensives for individual
   and group development. Once certified to deliver the program, participants then teach
   the program with an experienced lead facilitator from Mobius and receive ongoing
   coaching until ready to serve as a lead trainer.

   Mobius is proud of our flagship personal mastery programs
   and happy to work with client organizations to build internal
   capability to offer these tools and methodologies more
   broadly to their teams, managers and executives.
I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big successes. I am for those

tiny, invisible loving human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through

the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which, if

given time, will rend the hardest monuments of human pride.

                                                                                       William James
Personal Mastery Faculty
Senior Faculty
Erica Ariel Fox          Robert Hanig           Alex Kuilman               Alex Trisoglio
Robert Gass              Carole Kammen          Scott Rutherford           Julie Winter

Shea Adelson             James Gimian           Paula Love                 Gabriella Salvatore
Nia and Movement         Author, The Rules      Somatic Leadership         The Five Rhythms
                         of Victory: How to
Arjuna Ardagh                                   Doug Noll                  Lama Surya Das
                         Transform Chaos
Author, Look Before                             Martial Arts               Author, Awakening
                         and Conflict
You Leap and The                                Liz Owen                   the Buddha Within
Translucent Revolution   Gwen Gordon
                                                Yoga                       Mark Thornton
                         & Creativity           Marilyn Paul               Author, Meditation in
Samuel Bartussek
                                                Personal Effectiveness     a New York Minute
Pantomime Artist         Anne Gottlieb
                         Actress, Leadership    Katie Pearl                Jai Uttal
Jennifer Cohen                                                             Musician
                         Presence               Theatre Director,
Somatic Leadership
                                                Leadership Presence        Tania Watson
                         Edith Greenblatt
Annette Duclos           Author, Restore        Scott Peppet               Producer, Leadership
Yoga                     Yourself               Business Ethics            Presence

Daena Giardella          Ruth Halpern           Scott Rogers               Claudine Wilder
Improvisation            Presentation Skills    Meditation & the Law       Presentation Skills

Personal Insight Workshop Lead Facilitators

Jim Allen                Matthew Levy
                                                      “Mobius Executive Leadership
                                                       helped us start our journey in a
Christian de la Huerta   Lyse Merineau
                                                       respectful yet provocative way.
Carol Faull              Tom O’Brien                   The team was flexible, gentle but
Virginia Fleming         Jane Purchall                 firm in guiding us through our
Lorraine Gordon          Lyn Travis                    resistance to change”

Jason Gore               Andrea Borman Winter                      –Helena Light Hadley, VP,
                                                                    Organization and Talent
Louise Hansell
                                                                        Development, FINRA
Leadership Approach
   In order to bring our leadership programs to life and engage participants in
   dimensional and creative ways Mobius adds expressive arts faculty to many of our
   training programs. Our faculty includes actors, theatre directors, improvisational
   experts, pantomime and trapeze artists and production crews for creative set design
   and experiential games. We also work with movement experts, martial artists, yoga
   practitioners and other experts in somatics and embodied leadership. Finally, we
   have faculty drawing from the fields of philosophy, ethics, world religions, psychology,
   and spiritual teaching who bring expertise in inner transformation, mindfulness
   and meditation, dream work, voice dialogue, family systems, values and character
   development, leadership presence and other personal growth technologies and fields
   of human consciousness work.

Next Steps
   Interested parties are invited to contact:
   Karyn Saganic, Director of Client Services
   Phone: (781) 237-1362
   Fax: (781) 237-1873

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Personal Mastery Brochure

  • 1. MOBIUS EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP LEADING FROM THE INSIDE OUT Mobius Executive Leadership is a premier coaching, training and leadership development company. We bring best in class offerings in executive development to senior level audiences. Our multi-disciplinary network of practitioners has expertise in organizational learning, business, communication and the expressive arts.
  • 2. Our focus on personal mastery derives About Mobius Executive Leadership from our belief that true transformation As a leading professional services firm comes when individuals across a with global reach, we draw on a deep academic and intellectual heritage system or an organization experience and hands-on teaching approach to transformation first-hand at a deep deliver customized capability building and leadership development services. personal level. Our leadership programs Accountable for cultivating results in combine best practices in negotiation, client organizations, Mobius professionals work with top teams, middle managers communication, organizational learning and front line supervisors to ensure that and adaptive leadership with “next performance transformation efforts are embedded and sustainable. practices” in dreamwork, somatics, voice dialogue, mindfulness and mediation, and expressive arts such as theatre, pantomime, movement, psychodrama, poetry and other experiential modalities for embedded adult learning. In our experience, teams that engage in this kind of longer term learning journey are more likely to solidify the behavioral changes required for high performance as well as passionately commit to a shared aspiration and vision of the future. This brochure overviews our transformational offerings.
  • 3. Personal Insight Workshops The Personal Insight Workshop is framed around a key distinction—significant change must be seen not as simply a new way of doing things, but as a radical shift in root perspective. A transformation is as much about alignment and accountability as it is about strategy. Personal Insight Workshops (PIW’s) are powerful interventions aimed at initiating and accelerating significant mindset and behavior change within a team, group or organization. These tailored workshops have been successfully rolled out across several Fortune 500 corporations in the context of larger scale performance transformations. The PIW is a high impact, two day intervention for up to thirty people delivered by experienced transformational facilitators. Starting with the organizational context and direction for change, the workshop moves into the personal domain. Thousands of executives, managers and front-line workers have experienced the PIW over the past few years, with remarkable organizational and performance changing results. Most change efforts focus on external drivers Summary of of change: systems, policies, incentives, Mobius Offerings training. However, humans react to • Personal Insight Workshop external motivations with resistance and • Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery defensiveness. The PIW encourages a more and High Performance Workshop expansive and adaptive outlook, one that internalizes the locus of accountability for • Beyond Yes Keynote Speech transformation within individuals. The PIW, • Beyond Yes Field and Forum a two day foundational training, creates Learning Journeys an enthusiastic critical mass of change • Personal Mastery Intensive champions within an organization. • Women’s Leadership Program • Facilitator Development Program
  • 4. Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance Our flagship personal mastery offering, Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance, presents the core content of a forthcoming book, Beyond Yes: Negotiation Mastery from the Inside and Out, written by Mobius President Erica Ariel Fox. Erica is a lecturer at Harvard Law School and the founder of the Global Negotiation Insight Institute. This unique and in demand experiential training explores the meeting places of timeless wisdom and spiritual practice on the one hand and the challenges of modern business and leadership on the other. Erica is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the integration of wisdom traditions and spiritual practice into the negotiation and conflict resolution field. Erica is also a business consultant, working with Fortune 500 companies as well as public sector leaders to build consensus, facilitate change and transform crisis into opportunities for growth. Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance is based on a dozen years of experience teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School and over a decade training professionals around the world and providing strategic counseling and conflict mediation to top teams. Many people find themselves in positions of leadership based on outstanding technical performance or subject matter expertise. Of course, early in one’s career success depended on such technical competence and knowledge. At that stage high performance is measured by the ability to deliver quality results in an efficient manner. Moving ahead depends on execution skills such as concrete problem solving. At a certain point, however, such competence is no longer enough. As one moves into management, and ultimately positions of leadership, one needs to address different kinds of kinds of problems—involving people, teams and the organization as a whole. From developing people and leading teams to shaping an organizational culture, inspiring the workforce, and managing complex change, leadership requires more advanced skills. At this stage, one needs the internal strengths and external skills to lead in the most essential dimension of any organization—the domain of human capital. In this program one will learn the framework and tools one will need to lead people and organizations. Unlike other models that focus on behaviors this course operates from the inside out, building internal strengths and qualities one needs to serve as an effective leader. Unlike other personal growth experiences, this course focuses on the business applications of leadership skills, using “real time” coaching to ensure relevance and embedding of the skills. Blending century old wisdom with emerging leadership practices, this workshop offers a unique and deep immersion into personal development leading to professional mastery. Through mindfulness and heightened self-awareness, communication skills, decision making, execution and problem solving are radically improved. Using a proven methodology, “Archetypes and Autobiography,” this program will draw on life experiences and current work challenges to foster insights and breakthroughs that lead to high performance. At the end of this course one will return to work empowered, with new executive skills and a greater capacity for impact and leadership.
  • 5. A Brief History of Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance As a student at Harvard Law School in the early nineties, Erica was very involved in the negotiation and mediation programs. These groups had launched the best-selling Getting to Yes and the win-win approach that later spread around the world. After practicing law for a year, Erica returned to Harvard Law School in 1996 as a Lecturer to teach negotiation, which she continues to do today. Over the past dozen years Erica has emerged as a global leader in the negotiation field. After the events of September 11, 2001, Erica felt a strong pull to investigate new, untapped perspectives on conflict and to respond to a need expressed by many professionals for deeper meaning in their lives. In 2003, Erica drew on her diverse experience to found the Harvard Negotiation Insight Initiative (HNII) to explore what ancient wisdom traditions and contemplative practices could offer the contemporary negotiation and conflict field. HNII served as a living laboratory, bringing professionals together from dozens of countries to explore the interface of the world of action and the world of reflection. A broad range of professionals, from lawyers and business leaders to engineers and educators, experienced a meeting place between the demands of the outside world and the depth of the inner life. After running that program for several years at the Harvard Program on Negotiation, Erica expanded the project to form an independent non-profit called the Global Negotiation Insight Institute (GNII, pronounced genie) that seeks to build a wise, mature, and less violent global community. In her body of work, Erica focuses on helping professionals to cultivate internal qualities such as awareness, presence and balance, as well as to master skills for interacting effectively with others. This combination enables them to make conscious and constructive choices in their lives both at work and at home. Erica is recognized internationally for her pioneering work that explores the personal, spiritual and deeply human aspects of negotiation, execution and leadership. Beyond Yes™ unpacks the role that ancient insight and contemplative practices play in the contemporary life of successful professionals. On the next page you can learn more about how to bring Beyond Yes to your organization.
  • 6. Beyond Yes™ Programs Keynote Presentations The Beyond Yes™ Leadership Mastery and High Performance content can be offered as a keynote presentation on the intersection of timeless wisdom, ethics, philosophy and spirituality with leadership in the modern world of business and international affairs. Workshop: Introduction to Leadership Mastery and High Performance This introductory exposure to the Beyond Yes™ methodology can be offered in half day, one day or two day time frames. The introductory course offerings allow participants to begin to understand a holistic model of leadership that draws on the power of thinking, emotions, action and creativity. This four part framework for understanding leadership allows them to strengthens the inner qualities that lead to improved outer performance. The course further cultivates the ability to return to a place of “center” in the midst of stress and difficulty. Field and Forum Learning Journey The widest delivery of the Beyond Yes™ method takes groups of participants through two four day long forums with one on one phone coaching during the interim between the in-person sessions. In this program participants develop a nuanced understanding of their own leadership Interactive Theatre Team patterns and patterns of reactivity and learn to develop moment to moment and Mobius Executive Leadership enjoys an alliance constitutional self-awareness. Built for high potential leaders or organizational partnership with the London based leadership executives, this deep leadership company Just Add Water. Jeremy Sturt and experience offers techniques for fostering change and managing organizational Claire Sampson and their colleagues are crisis, with participants enacting experienced theatre and event producers with real-life leadership challenges and discovering new possibilities for how to a world wide reputation for creating once in a engage these business dilemmas. One- lifetime, extraordinary learning experiences. on-one coaching, with an action learning methodology, is provided by Mobius transformational coaches. “The insights and theoretical approach in Beyond Yes have readily applicable opportunities to transform the workplace from a situation fraught with tension to a place of productivity and shared purpose.” – Mary Rotchford, HR Professional, Washington, DC “This is the most profound learning experience I have undertaken in more than thirty years of continuing legal education. For anyone interested in taking their technical competence to a higher level than ever they imagined possible, I highly recommend Beyond Yes.” – Ron Supancic, Lawyer, L.A., California
  • 7. Beyond Yes™ Archetypes SAGE PROPHET Analytical G DREA Inspirational KIN Air Fire THIN MI BEING NG Spiritual G IN DO IN L G FEE WARRIOR LOVER Practical Relational Earth Water © 2008 Erica Ariel Fox for Mobius Executive Leadership. All rights reserved. For individuals interested in the Beyond Yes method, Mobius partners twice a year with the Omega Institute and the Global Negotiation Insight institute to offer public enrollment five day intensives. To register please log on to and search for Beyond Yes. “The experience in this training allowed me to reclaim energies that I didn’t even know I had lost. What a profound and wonderful week.” – David Freidman, Business Executive, Ipswich, MA “Beyond Yes offers some of the most advanced thinking and training on both resolving conflict and being human. The planet would be a far better place if participation was free and mandatory for all people –until then, treat yourself!” – Matthew Levy, Executive Coach, Miami, Fl
  • 8. Transformational Leadership Intensives The following programs are customized transformational leadership programs designed for both the beginning seeker and the seasoned explorer of realms of consciousness. They touch on mystical wisdom traditions and archetypal symbology and ritual to enable participants to explore their unconscious and dream realms and unlock creativity, intimacy and expanding awareness. These programs help unblock stuck patterns of holding and relationship and enable us to foster joy, compassion and acceptance. Organizations wishing to take a group of leaders on a journey of self-exploration and building group trust should consider arranging one of these world class leadership programs and gearing it for your business needs and aspirations. Personal Mastery Intensive Mobius Executive Leadership invites you to live from a new perspective. Experience a program that will enable you to create the impact you wish to have in your work and in your life. This three and a half day workshop will help you unlock the mindsets and behaviors that interfere with your ability to achieve your dreams and become the architect of your own authentic life. In this program you take time as a group to align your hearts and minds for creating a new life dream or new organizational vision. Participants become skilled at living creatively and intentionally instead of reactively. Using simple tools you will learn, practice and share the life skills for making long-term, permanent changes one step at a time. This program features a variety of formats including lecture, experiential, one on one, in pairs and in small groups. We work extensively with foundational principles that create consciousness—bringing the ability to break free of old patterns and revision your life. Through the intensive workshop you will identify your innate strengths, abilities and unique gifts. This program will help you develop the emotional and spiritual intelligence for every area of your life to work well. We achieve true fulfillment through the integration of inner knowledge and outer action. This Intensive takes you beyond awareness to actionable skills for practical leadership—the conscious cultivation of inner wisdom and values translated into daily practice. Relationship Work One aspect of this program focuses on supporting participants in their primary dyadic relationships (be it romantic, family or friend). These exercises surface and manage breakdowns and withholds, build a shared set of norms for offering and receiving feedback, and help couples develop a shared picture of the future they would each like for themselves and for the relationship. The modules include verbal and non-verbal experiential exercises, and work on trust, fear and intimacy. Stage Work for Individuals or Couples In Stage Work participants self-select to work one on one with lead faculty with the group support. Participants can choose the piece of work they would like to focus on from the broad array of content supported by this workshop. They can also use the group as a container for their own self-expression, transformation or healing. This is a unique opportunity to work in real time with real issues.
  • 9. Dream Work Participants are asked to bring dream fragments, images or whole dream stories into the workshop. We then use these dreams to illuminate patterns and highlight areas of capacity and resource within the dreamer. One of the primary gateways to the unconscious, dreams can provide remarkable meaning and insight for the dreamer as well as the group witnessing the process work. Dream symbolism has meaning at many levels including personal, transpersonal and collective. Faculty work to extract the most potent and useful teachings from the dreams while working with the dreamer and group. High Intensity Sound and Movement Programs sometimes use the expressive arts as a means for embodiment, exploration and enhanced freedom. High Intensity Sound is a module where participants relax and listen to evocative music as a kind of meditative journey into sounds, feelings and images from the unconscious. The programs also use movement, meditation, art, and active imagination to widen self-expression and build energy in the group process. Projection and Shadow Work In Relationship This module has participants examine the qualities in other people, be it partners or colleagues, that create strong emotional reactions for them. These may be either positive or negative resulting in strong desire or rejection. In either case, these reactions are mirrors for us of essential qualities and traits that are valuable for us to examine. This module helps people learn how to identify and take back their projections and thereby ease working relationships. Considered by many to be the key capability in personal accountability, owning and claiming a projected aspect of consciousness is a vital skill for any relationship to thrive and endure. Projection and Shadow work can be accessed in a variety of methods, with varying intensity, including but not limited to expressive arts, mask making, movement, active imagination, psychodrama and self-reflection/dyadic discussions. Meditation and Mindfulness Practice – DHMP The Personal Mastery Intensive will teach the Dynamic Heart and Mind Meditation along with additional guided experiences. It reviews the latest neuroscience findings on the benefits of mindfulness practice. Suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators, this instruction should leave participants with a practice they can integrate into an ongoing support for self-awareness, emotional self-regulation and increasing insight. Transformational Mindsets Our beliefs and expectations color every moment of our experience. Recent brain studies, positive psychology and ancient teachings all reflect the power each of us has to make our dreams and desires come true. Each individual has huge reservoirs of untapped potential and ability to shape their lives, relationships, and destinies. This program teaches participants to use new and ancient technology for sculpting and shaping their lives. “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – Carl Jung “The imagination is capable of kindness that the mind often lacks. It searches for the hidden worlds that wait at the edge of things.” – John O’Donohue
  • 10. Mobius Women’s Leadership Programs: A Deepening of the Feminine We work with public sector leaders, social entrepreneurs and corporate executives to find their own voices and embolden their vision. We have a strong conviction that taking time to share our individual and collective experiences of being women in today’s world allows us to learn and stretch together, while being encircled with the spirit of women’s wisdom. These programs offer a setting in which participants feel at liberty to explore themselves and step back from the day to day requirements of their lives. These leadership programs can serve as an integrating force in helping your authentic vision and values surface and express themselves. These programs are integrative of mind/body dynamics and allow participants to dive into how they understand themselves, their work, and their purpose. The tools of our exploration will include story telling, dream work, art, authentic movement, ritual and rites of passage, active imagination, meditation, music and dance. This program takes place in beautiful, pristine natural settings and includes extensive renewal modules including yoga and movement, contemplative practices, wellness services and other informal time to heal and rest. The curriculum of the program includes: • Leadership Presence • Innovation and Creativity • Empathy and Assertiveness • Initiation rites intrinsic to women • Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity • Study of the archetypal forces and power • Voice Dialogue of the feminine In this leadership program women learn to integrate the masculine and feminine dimensions of their leadership style; find practices of ongoing reconnection to themselves and spirit; and commit further to building a peaceful and more sustainable world.
  • 11. Initiatory Programs Offered as Public Enrollment Courses Initiating the Heart This richly nourishing retreat explores the perennial spiritual traditions of the Heart Center as a gateway to compassion and unconditional love. From this initiation comes a life filled with meaning and full with feeling and wisdom. Participants most often say that having their hearts initiated results in overcoming fear and replacing it with love and openness, bringing power, creativity, and the deepest healing possible. Reclaiming the Shadow The term “Shadow” refers to Carl Jung’s concept, an archetype of personal and col- lective unconscious. Each of us has unseen parts of our personality; anything from isolated or wounded selves to rich, vital and creative aspects. Anything denied within us drains our energy, and robs us of our greatest power and vitality. The Shadow conference teaches us how to uncover these areas in us personally, recognize them collectively and turn their destructive power into integrated components of ourselves. Prerequisite: Initiating the Heart. Awakening the Seer This is a powerful initiation for the awakening of the throat center and the third eye. This conference awakens “the Seer,” making intuition and psychic ability available. A spiritual awakening occurs, engendering universal wisdom and insight. Learn to bridge personal, unconscious, ordinary and heightened realms through centering, meditation, ritual, dreamwork, myth and ancient tribal practices and traditions. Prerequisite: Initiating the Heart. Dream Voices: Dreams as the Gate to Creativity Dreams are the portal to our most creative and empowered selves. This program uses Voice Dialogue, dream drama and dream interpretation to discover the creative potential in your dreams. Dreaming is universal. Even if you don’t recall your dreams this workshop will help you discover startling insights, creative ideas and the unseen resources held in the personal and collective unconscious. It will also enable you to deepen and develop your ability to work with symbols and understand your ongoing dream messages and meanings. Carole Kammen, MA, is an innovator and leader in the field of organizational and personal development. In 1986, Carole founded Pathways Institute, a public spiritual growth organization and Pathways Business Institute, a San Francisco based management consulting firm. Both organizations have been dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness leading to personal, professional and spiritual fulfillment. In 2009, Pathways Business Institute merged with Mobius Executive Leadership to create best in class offerings for business leaders awakening to their inner lives. Carole serves as the lead faculty for this suite of personal mastery programs and as a Principal of Mobius.
  • 12. Mobius Facilitator Development Program™ Building In-House Capacity to Deliver Mobius Personal Mastery Offerings For companies wishing to build internal capacity to deliver Mobius Executive Leadership trademarked personal mastery programs Mobius offers a thirty day Facilitator Development certificate Program (“The FDP”). The FDP is a once in a lifetime chance to study with leading spiritual faculty and our expressive arts team and support exploration of the spiritual underpinnings of our lives. The FDP is a wonderful blending of shared study, community gathering, individual and group meditative practice, dream work and group exploration. The curriculum of each FDP is ultimately determined by the group and each individual discovers their own depth of study and practice. However, each FDP covers all of the transformational content and educational pedagogy required to effectively deliver either the Personal Insight Workshops or Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery and High Performance. The FDP is a highly intensive program of advanced group work and self-exploration. The FDP will familiarize future facilitators with the core models and practices of the Mobius personal mastery suite of programs as well as enable the participants to have greater access to their own practices for grounding, opening and in depth exploration. The focus on the FDP is on how to build and support a transformational learning environment in which others can safely explore their inner life and better understand themselves on both the inner and outer levels. Participation in an FDP requires an application and interview process to assure personal readiness and maturity of the group. To enable one on one coaching and tutoring on content modules throughout the field and forum training experience the FDP group size is limited to twelve participants per program. As prerequisites to attendance in an FDP participants must first have taken the personal insight workshop and either the five day introduction to Beyond Yes: Leadership Mastery and High Performance or the Personal Mastery Intensive. The structure of the FDP includes pre-work, a first forum over nine days, a one week tutoring in module delivery, a second forum over seven days, and a final week for module certification. The forum programs are designed as experiential intensives for individual and group development. Once certified to deliver the program, participants then teach the program with an experienced lead facilitator from Mobius and receive ongoing coaching until ready to serve as a lead trainer. Mobius is proud of our flagship personal mastery programs and happy to work with client organizations to build internal capability to offer these tools and methodologies more broadly to their teams, managers and executives.
  • 13. I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big successes. I am for those tiny, invisible loving human forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which, if given time, will rend the hardest monuments of human pride. William James
  • 14. Personal Mastery Faculty Senior Faculty Erica Ariel Fox Robert Hanig Alex Kuilman Alex Trisoglio Robert Gass Carole Kammen Scott Rutherford Julie Winter Faculty Shea Adelson James Gimian Paula Love Gabriella Salvatore Nia and Movement Author, The Rules Somatic Leadership The Five Rhythms of Victory: How to Arjuna Ardagh Doug Noll Lama Surya Das Transform Chaos Author, Look Before Martial Arts Author, Awakening and Conflict You Leap and The Liz Owen the Buddha Within Translucent Revolution Gwen Gordon Yoga Mark Thornton Innovation & Creativity Marilyn Paul Author, Meditation in Samuel Bartussek Personal Effectiveness a New York Minute Pantomime Artist Anne Gottlieb Actress, Leadership Katie Pearl Jai Uttal Jennifer Cohen Musician Presence Theatre Director, Somatic Leadership Leadership Presence Tania Watson Edith Greenblatt Annette Duclos Author, Restore Scott Peppet Producer, Leadership Yoga Yourself Business Ethics Presence Daena Giardella Ruth Halpern Scott Rogers Claudine Wilder Improvisation Presentation Skills Meditation & the Law Presentation Skills Personal Insight Workshop Lead Facilitators Jim Allen Matthew Levy “Mobius Executive Leadership helped us start our journey in a Christian de la Huerta Lyse Merineau respectful yet provocative way. Carol Faull Tom O’Brien The team was flexible, gentle but Virginia Fleming Jane Purchall firm in guiding us through our Lorraine Gordon Lyn Travis resistance to change” Jason Gore Andrea Borman Winter –Helena Light Hadley, VP, Organization and Talent Louise Hansell Development, FINRA
  • 15. Leadership Approach In order to bring our leadership programs to life and engage participants in dimensional and creative ways Mobius adds expressive arts faculty to many of our training programs. Our faculty includes actors, theatre directors, improvisational experts, pantomime and trapeze artists and production crews for creative set design and experiential games. We also work with movement experts, martial artists, yoga practitioners and other experts in somatics and embodied leadership. Finally, we have faculty drawing from the fields of philosophy, ethics, world religions, psychology, and spiritual teaching who bring expertise in inner transformation, mindfulness and meditation, dream work, voice dialogue, family systems, values and character development, leadership presence and other personal growth technologies and fields of human consciousness work. Next Steps Interested parties are invited to contact: Karyn Saganic, Director of Client Services Email: Phone: (781) 237-1362 Fax: (781) 237-1873