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Dear Leadership Professional,

                    Welcome to the Spring 2010 issue of the Mobius Strip, a newsletter
                    for coaches, consultants, facilitators and interventionists interested in
                    transformational approaches to organizational behavior work. With this
                    issue we continue to fulfill our aspiration to provide thought provoking
                    articles on topics of shared interest, thought pieces on pedagogy or change
                    models, and highlight contributions to the field of executive education. We
                    hope the Mobius Strip will become a unique place for finding innovative and
                    powerful resources for our shared enterprise in capability building.

                      The Mobius Strip is about leading from the inside out. Like much of the
                    Mobius Executive Leadership approach to development it has a strong focus
                    on the inner life through contemplative practices, expressive arts, somatic
                    embodiment, outdoor education and ontological and philosophical traditions.
                    We are looking at the intersections of leadership theory with study in
                    psychology, spirituality, and religion. We seek to promote cross-disciplinary
                    dialogue and share ideas, inspiration and practices which can help develop
                    mature and courageous leaders in both the private and public sectors.

                      The Mobius Strip seeks to support the global community of professionals
                    interested in transformation and social contrbution. We are working
                    internally within companies as change agents, human resource professionals
                    and organizational leaders. Some in our community are executive coaches
                    functioning either within or outside of a corporate setting. We are in
                    professional services firms and executive development companies. We serve
                    as mediators and conflict resolution professionals, facilitators and intervenors.
                    We teach courses in leadership, communication, organizational learning,
                    presentation and presence, personal effectiveness, action learning and a range
                    of proprietary material developed from our individual body of experience,
                    expertise and learning journey. Together we share a central belief that
                    leadership is a process of deep exploration and involves the cultivation of one’s
                    inner landscape as well as external skills and capabilities.

                       We hope you enjoy this second issue of the Mobius Strip and share it with
                    friends, colleagues and clients. More importantly, pleas join us in building
                    this practitioner community. Send us your ideas. Share resources. Join the
                       Sign up for future newsletters:
                      Become a community member through Linked In:

                      Warmest best,

                      Amy Elizabeth Fox
                      Chief Executive Officer



                                                                                                IN THIS ISSUE
The State of the Firm                                                                             The State of the Firm
A Renewed Focus on What Makes Us Distinctive                                                      An overview of our
                                                                                                  emerging leadership

T   his Spring we are focused on articu-
    lating our own leadership taxonomy
while codifying our field and forum high
                                                 material for the “leading self ” component
                                                 draws from several of our existing train-
                                                 ing courses including the Personal Insight
                                                                                                  model and high potentials
potentials program. Focused around five          Workshop, Personal Mastery Intensive; and        Management Training
pillars, at least for the time being, we are     Beyond Yes™: Leadership Mastery and High         Background on our two
                                                                                                  day performance man-
iterating a leadership program for execu-        Performance. Erica Ariel Fox and Carole
                                                                                                  agement course
tives and high potentials that focuses on:       Kammen lead this work for Mobius and are
                                                                                                  Personal Effectiveness
personal mastery, leading others, leading        joined by an exceptional group of transfor-      Program
teams, driving organizational health and         mational facilitators in North America and       An overview of our three
leading society. This builds on a wide           Europe.                                          day offering on personal
body of leadership suggesting the three             Our “leading self ” content enhances a        effectiveness
key levers in professional development           participants’ emotional intelligence and         Power and Love
are self mastery (self), results focus (task),   emotional self-management and heightens          A New Book by Adam
and relationships (others).                      self-awareness and personal accountability.      Kahane of Reos Partners
   Our leadership programs combine best          We also draw on Seth Godin’s recent writ-        Professional Develop-
practices in negotiation, communication,         ing on helping people build on their unique      ment Opportunities
organizational learning, systems thinking,       gifts and strengths to become a “linchpin”       A Summary of learning
team dynamics and adaptive leadership            for their organization. This powerful expe-      opportunities for Mobius
                                                                                                  trainers, facilitators and
with “next practices” in dreamwork, so-          riential aspect of our program is one of the     coaches
matics, voice dialogue, expressive arts and      distinguishing features of the Mobius lead-
                                                                                                  Mobius Partnerships in
meditation. Through the program par-             ership approach.                                 Sustainability
ticipants focus on business related action                                                        Descriptions of Mobius
challenges receiving coaching as well as         Leading Others                                   alliance partnerships for
building mini-boards for ongoing social          Content for the interpersonal modules are        the public good
networking and peer coaching. In our ex-         drawn from theory and models from the            How Remarkable
perience, leaders that engage in this kind       Program on Negotiation at the Harvard            Women Lead
of longer term learning journey are more         Law School. They center around build-            A New Book by Joanna
likely to solidify the behavioral changes        ing skills in, and a systematic approach         Barsh, Susie Cranston
                                                                                                  and Geoff Lewis
required for high performance as well as         to: negotiation, influence, stakeholder
                                                 management, relationship mapping and             The Story of Stuff
passionately commit to driving a shared
aspiration and vision of the future.             holding difficult conversations. We have         A New Book by Mobius
                                                                                                  friend Annie Leonard
                                                 also begun working with experts on social
Personal Mastery                                 networking to best understand how the
Our focus on personal mastery derives            webs of relationships within organizations
from our belief that true transformation         influence or hinder performance change
comes when individuals across a system           efforts. This material is presented in our
or an organization experience transforma-        one day courses on Negotiation Essentials,
tion first-hand at a deep personal level. The    Masterful Conversations, and Resolving

MOBIUS EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP ■ NORTH AMERICA +1 781-237-1362 ■ EUROPE +31-20-88-909-55 ■
Conflict and is also integrated into our       The elements of our leading          the team to leverage individual dif-
  high potentials program.                    teams curriculum in the high po-        ferences for collective intelligence.
                                              tentials program has been designed
   Leading Teams                              by Mobius senior consultants Jeffrey    Driving Organizational Health
  Mobius senior consultants Drs. Edith        Kerr, Scott Rutherford and Grady        This dimension of our leadership
  Greenblatt and Erin Lehman have             McGonagill. It examines team dy-        programs looks at significant levers
  designed and lead our two day course        namics, building trust, managing        of organizational health such as lead-
  on Team Effectiveness. This program         conflict, inspiring commitment,         ership, execution, accountability and
  synthesizes decades of field research       creating accountability and focus-      innovation and helps organizations
  in organizational behavior and social       ing on results. Participants identify   to address gaps in excellence. Where
  psychology and best practice into           key team dilemmas and work live in      an organization is not particularly
  clear actionable steps that can help       ‘real time’ with those issues. We also   strong in a critical dimension of
  participants to become effective team       examine the implication of different    organizational health moving the
  leaders and team members.                   temperaments and styles to equip        lever of competency amongst its
                                                                                      senior leaders and high potentials
                                                                                      is a vitalizing way to help change
Performance Management Training                                                       the organizational culture along key
                                                                                      drivers of performance. This aspect
Our performance management training, for managers or managers of                      of the program is very tailored and
managers, introduces a year long cycle of performance management
                                                                                      derived entirely from diagnostic
conversations geared to provide high value to employees and the organization
                                                                                      interviews that identify the most piv-
alike. Four aspects of performance management are covered in depth as
follows: Goal Setting and Aligning/Cascading Goals across the business unit           otal organizational health needs.
and company; Talent Development and Performance Dialogues; assessing
and rewarding performance and managing and developing talent including                Contributing to Society
conducting a year end appraisal. In addition, the training provides guidelines        Mobius Executive Leadership has a
for actively addressing underperformance and managing employees who are               strong commitment to public sector
defensive, blaming or excuse-making. It focuses on building on employee               work and making a distinct contribu-
strengths to ensure good job fit and rewarding high performance. Perhaps              tion to the social fabric and issues of
most importantly the course supports companies to drive a learning and                sustainability and peace. In addition
coaching culture. This ongoing approach helps course correct goals that have
                                                                                      to our ongoing alliance partnership
shifted with the business context; move employees who are not well fit to
their role and responsibilities; and address issues of motivation or employee         with the Global Negotiation Insight
engagement. Mobius performance management training is geared towards                  Institute, we also enjoy partnerships
building a high performance culture with a strong focus on driving business           with several respected organizations
results and heightening accountability.                                               working on issues of sustainability
                                                                                      and sufficiency. Please see pages 9–12
This session includes performance management role-play; exercises to test
                                                                                      in this newsletter for more on this
alignment between manager and employee understandings of key annual goals
and targets; introduction of a basic and advanced feedback model; and a focus         work. In our work with clients we
on driving leadership competencies through the organization. Participants             focus on leadership in the broader
learn how to craft business focused SMART goals and ensure coordination               societal context including issues of
between individual goal setting and broader organizational strategy. In addition,     corporate social responsibility, the
participants learn the relevant                                                       triple bottom line and generational
performance management                             1. PLANNING
                                                                                      differences amongst employees’ val-
conversations to be driving                                                           ues and commitments. This aspect of
in each quarter of the year.                                                          our leadership programs helps com-
In an application session                            Ongoing                          panies look closely at their vision and
participants receive coaching     4. REWARDING      coaching,        2. MANAGING
on a challenging performance                        feedback                          their branding and how they can best
coaching situation they face                                                          be positioned as a conscious business
and develop peer support                                                              and serve as a market leader for the
groups for ongoing learning                       3. ASSESSING                        21st Century. ■
after the training.

  2    Mobius Executive Leadership |
“ motionallaborisavailabletoallofus,butisrarelyexploitedasacompetitiveadvantage.

Personal Effectiveness Program
I n many organizations we hear
  managers and team members
complain that they simply have
                                          Likewise the program is NOT just
                                          a presentation or lecture. The im-
                                          mediate application afforded by
                                                                                      Benefits of the workshop
                                                                                   frequently reported by past partici-
                                                                                   pants include:
too much to do. The sense of being        our workshop format is essential to
                                                                                      • Increased personal organization
overwhelmed typically results in          the sustainability and impact of the
                                                                                      • Improved planning and project
low productivity and low morale.          workshop.
From our experience people want              The Personal Effectiveness
do an exceptional job and when            Workshop is delivered in three non-         • Improved ability to juggle tasks
they cannot, they get frustrated.         consecutive one day sessions with 3-4       • Fewer dropped balls
They are multitasking ineffec-            weeks in between sessions. Each day         • Increased focus on top
tively. They attack different pieces      begins with participants working to-          priority tasks
of the problem every day and just         gether in the morning in a workshop         • More effective decision making
“wing it.” They don’t know “where         format to understand the concepts           • Better delegation and utiliza-
all their time goes”. The Mobius          and practices of personal effective-          tion of team
Personal Effectiveness Program is         ness. In the afternoon, they return to
                                                                                      • Reduced procrastination
a systematic, best in class approach      their desks to implement the organi-
                                                                                      • Reduced stress and anxiety
to building an efficient, engaged         zational systems that were discussed,
and positive work environment.            working along with a desk side coach        • Increased sense of balance
   Our Personal Effectiveness Pro-        to support the habit change.                  and satisfaction■
gram helps people to deal with heavy
workloads and cope with change;
use time effectively and plan well for
balancing multiple projects simulta-                                 Paul Silverman
neously; manage project teams and                                     Paul Silverman directs the Personal Effectiveness
delegate effectively and increase their                               Programs for Mobius Executive Leadership. Paul’s
sense of control and balance in their                                 workshops help professionals realize extraordinary
professional lives. Most alumni of the                                productivity gains and stress reduction. Paul
workshops report that, on average,                                    Silverman was born in Pittsburgh, PA and
they recover nine hours of time each                                  graduated with a BFA and MFA from Carnegie-
week as they implement the program.            Mellon University. Silverman lived in Japan for over 12 years where he
   This is NOT a program which                 received his MBA from Oita University. During this period Silverman
teaches just basic time management             worked as a business consultant in Japan for clients including Texas
principles. Personal Effectiveness             Instruments, NTT and the American Consulate. As an instructor of
workshops not only build skills but            efficiency programs, Silverman has helped improve the productivity
help participants to deal with their           of executives from organizations including Pfizer, JP Morgan Chase,
day to day work related challenges.            Citigroup, AXA, Capital One and more. His legal industry clients include
                                               Nixon Peabody, Debevoise and Plimpton and Baker Botts.

	   	                                              | Mobius Executive Leadership					3
Power and Love
                                                                                   and politicians, generals and gueril-
                   Twenty year veteran thought leader on                           las, civil servants and trade unionists,
                   organizational systems and presencing, Adam                     community activists and United
                   Kahane of Reos Partners has a new and                           Nations officials, clergy and artists.
                   wonderful book out. I asked him if he would                     He has seen, up close and personal,
                   provide the synopsis of Power and Love for the                  examples of inspiring progress and
                   Mobius Strip and this is what he sent:                          terrifying regress. Power and Love
                                                                                   reports what he has learned from
                                                                                   these hard-won experiences.
Synopsis of Power and Love: A Theory      walk—at first falling down, then            For more on the book or
and Practice of Social Change (San        stumbling forward, and then mov-         Adam’s work with clients please see
Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2010)         ing steadily toward sustainable,
                                          systemic solutions.                         The Mobius community is invited

T    he two typical ways that people
     try to solve their toughest group,
community, and societal problems
                                             For the last twenty years Kahane
                                          has worked around the world on
                                          a variety of challenges: economic
                                                                                   to the US launch of Power and Love
                                                                                   on the evening of Tuesday June 15th
                                                                                   at the Democracy Center at 45 Mt.
are fundamentally flawed. They            development, food security, health       Auburn Street in Cambridge MA.
either push for what they want at         care, judicial reform, peace making,     Informal conversation with Adam
all costs—in its most extreme form,       climate change. He has worked with       at 5:30 PM and his presentation will
this means war—or try to avoid            diverse teams of leaders—executives      begin at 6:30 PM EST.   ■
conflict, sweeping problems under
the rug in the name of a superficial
“peace.” But there is a better way:                            Adam Kahane
synthesizing these two seemingly                               Adam Kahane is a partner in Reos Partners, an
contradictory approaches.                                      international organization dedicated to supporting
    Adam Kahane argues that the                                and building capacity for innovative collective action in
two typical ways reflect two dis-                              complex social systems, and a Visiting Practitioner at
tinct, fundamental drives: power,                              the University of Oxford and the University of Waterloo.
the single-minded desire to achieve
                                                              Adam is a leading organizer, designer and facilitator
one’s purpose, and love, the drive
                                             of processes through which business, government, and civil society
to unite with others. Both of these          leaders can work together to address their most complex challenges.
drives are inextricably part of being        He the author of Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking,
human, and so to achieve lasting             Listening, and Creating New Realities and Power and Love: A Theory
change you have to able to work flu-         and Practice of Social Change.
idly with both. In fact, each needs
                                             During the early 1990s, Adam was head of Social, Political, Economic
the other. As Martin Luther King Jr.
                                             and Technological Scenarios for Royal Dutch Shell in London.
put it, “Power with-out love is reck-        Previously he held strategy and research positions with Pacific Gas
less and abusive, and love without           and Electric Company (San Francisco), the Organization for Economic
power is sentimental and anemic.”            Cooperation and Development (Paris), the International Institute for
    Kahane delves deeply into the            Applied Systems Analysis (Vienna), the Institute for Energy Economics
dual nature of power and love, ex-           (Tokyo), and the Universities of Toronto, British Columbia, California,
ploring their subtle and intricate           and the Western Cape.
interplay. With disarming hon-               Adam has a B.Sc. in Physics (First Class Honors) from McGill
esty he relates how, through trial           University, an M.A. in Energy and Resource Economics from the
and error, he learned to balance             University of California, and an M.A. in Applied Behavioral Science
between them, shifting from one              from Bastyr University.
to the other as though learning to

4   Mobius Executive Leadership |
Professional Development Opportunities
Conscious Embodiment  the Enneagram
An Experiential Workshop for Leaders, Consultants, and Coaches
Saturday 1st May 2010 • 1:00pm - 5:00pm                           path to greater awareness and personal growth.

W       e all carry habitual patterns: ways of being, doing,
        and interacting with others that are often invisible
to us (yet visible to others). Often, our patterns are com-
                                                                     Conscious Embodiment draws on the traditions of
                                                                  Aikido, a revolutionary non-aggressive martial art that
                                                                  offers simple yet deep techniques that help you recognize
municated non-verbally. It is estimated that 70 percent           how your mind and body habitually react to pressure.
of our communication is non-verbal, a crucial statistic           Conscious Embodiment offers tools and practices for
when it comes to our effectiveness in the world.                  discovering how we communicate non-verbally so that
   Our patterns are mapped in the Enneagram, a sys-               we can access more skillful and responses. Training these
tem that describes nine basic personality types and               principles strengthens our sense of self and deepens
their complex interrelationships. They are also revealed          our capacity for relationship and leadership. Conscious
through Conscious Embodiment, an Aikido-influenced                Embodiment was developed by Wendy Palmer, a sixth-
practice that allows us to recognize how our minds and            degree black belt in Aikido who lives in San Rafael,
bodies habitually react to pressure. Practiced together,          CA. She has been teaching Aikido and Conscious Em-
the Enneagram and Conscious Embodiment can in-                    bodiment for 28 years and is author of two books: The
crease awareness of our habitual patterns in ways that            Intuitive Body and The Practice of Freedom.
few other practices can.                                             This workshop is taught by Joan Ryan, an expert in the
   This workshop is designed for leaders, consultants             Ennegram, and Mobius coach Robin Athey.
and coaches. It will help you to become more aware                   • Register by April 15: $50
of how you “show up” in your physical presence and                     After April 15: $75
interactions. It will be highly experiential. We will do               Location to be determined.
practices to reveal physical patterns and explore linkages           • Please mail checks to: Joan Ryan, 12 Barnes Rd,
to the Enneagram. Drawing on these insights, you will                  Newton, MA 02458
learn ways to consciously shift your patterns to increase            • RSVP to   ■
your effectiveness.
   Knowledge of your Enneagram type is
necessary. If you would like to clarify your                               Robin Athey, MA
Enneagram type, you can schedule an inter-
view with Joan Ryan prior to the workshop.                                 Robin Athey is Director of Research for Mobius Executive
The cost for an Enneagram interview is $50.                                Leadership and a certified Conscious Embodiment
                                                                           teacher. She has 24 years of global experience as a
Prior experience with Conscious Embodi-
                                                                           consultant, coach, thought leader, and executive. In
ment is not necessary.                                                     2007, she founded Integral Growth, a research and
    The Enneagram. With a history of cen-                                  consulting firm dedicated to advancing the practices
turies, the Enneagram is one of the oldest             of leadership, innovation, and change. For nine years, Robin led global
human development systems on the planet.               research on the human aspects of organizational performance at Deloitte.
Each of the nine Enneagram personality                 She also served as faculty in the firm’s coaching practice. She has led
profiles has a distinct, well-developed world          global production at Cole-Haan, a subsidiary of Nike, and began her career
view and coping strategy for relating to self,         as a consultant and manager with Kurt Salmon Associates. She has been
others and the environment. Our exter-                 a fellow at Harvard University and has worked in 28 countries around the
                                                       globe. She holds a B.S. in Engineering, an M.A. in International Economic
nal behaviors, underlying attitudes, sense
                                                       Policy from Columbia University, an Advanced Certificate in HR and
of self, conscious and unconscious moti-               Organizational Development from Columbia University, and has certified in
vations, emotional reactions, and defense              over a dozen cutting edge leadership and change methodologies, exploring
mechanisms are all parts of a complex pat-             “what works” when it comes to leadership and change. She is a dedicated
tern that forms each personality type. Each            meditation and yoga practitioner and relishes time with her nieces and
of the nine types also has its own precise             goddaughters, Emily, Paloma, and Elena, who take her heart away.

	   	                                              | Mobius Executive Leadership					5
The Summer Learning Forum of the Global Negotiation Insight Institute

July 25, 2010 - July 30, 2010                                                       Mark Thornton is a Principal of
Erica Ariel Fox, Anne Gottlieb, Mark Thornton                                    Mobius Executive Leadership and a
Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York                                            long-standing faculty leader with the
                    Erica Ariel Fox, JD, teaches nego-                           Global Negotiation Insight Institute.
                    tiation at Harvard Law School and                            An experienced meditation teacher,
                    is founder of the Global Negotiation                         workshop leader, and author, Thorn-
                    Insight Institute. Erica is internation-    ton draws on years in the corporate world as well as
                    ally recognized as a pioneer in the         decades of contemplative practice in his teaching.
                    integration of wisdom traditions and        Mark is the author of Meditation in New York Minute
spiritual practice into the negotiation and conflict reso-      and the former Chief Operating Officer of JP Morgan
lution field. She is also President of Mobius Executive         Private Equity London.
Leadership, a consulting firm specializing in leadership
and conflict transformation.                                    Track II
   Formerly hosted at the Harvard Negotiation Insight           Cultivating Presence  Presentation Skills
Initiative at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law         Presence and presentation skills are central to success in
School, these extraordinary programs, led by internation-       every professional environment. An experience of pres-
ally acclaimed faculty, guide us in the arts of negotiation,    ence offers us the kind of grounding we need to respond
communication, presentation, and leadership. Choose             spontaneously, listen deeply, communicate our deepest
one track at time of registration. All participants have        intentions, and see old situations in new ways. Drawing
the chance to experience other workshop leaders and the         on theater techniques, voice work, vipassana (insight)
community as a whole. This program is appropriate for           meditation, and the Beyond Yes Method, we learn how
anyone looking to connect the practical world of action         to cultivate and maintain our presence in the midst of
with the deeper dimensions of who they are. This profes-        important communication with others. We also refine
sional training is a journey toward personal mastery with       our ability to speak to groups in a persuasive, authentic,
clear application to organizational, management, and            and powerful way.
other professional skills.                This workshop explores what gets in the way of
                                                                bringing our best self and most powerful voice forward
Track I                                                         in work and life. We leave knowing how to express our-
Beyond Yes™                                                     selves more clearly, influence others more effectively,
Deeper Wisdom  the Art of Negotiation                          get our messages across clearly and persuasively, and
Originated at the Harvard Negotiation Insight Initiative, The   speak in greater alignment with our true self.
Beyond Yes Method™ is a seven-step process that cultivates         Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing.
personal mastery for high performance. In this program,                               Anne Gottlieb is a senior consultant
we learn how to work with timeless wisdom principles                               for Mobius Executive Leadership and a
and our own life story to deepen and expand our effective-                         returning faculty for the Global Nego-
ness at engaging and resolving our toughest conflicts. This                        tiation Insight Institute. She draws on
professional training is for those who face conflict at the                        theater techniques learned in her near-
workplace, in business, or with clients or colleagues, and                         ly 20 years as an actor and director to
want to enhance their effectiveness and authenticity. The       coach professionals in leadership presence and dynamic
Beyond Yes process is for professionals seeking more suc-       presentation.       ■
cess and higher satisfaction, both at work and in life.
   Background on Erica Ariel Fox can be found above.

■ This workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. and ends Friday at 1:00 p.m.
■ To register for the Summer Learning Forum please go to

6   Mobius Executive Leadership |
Journey Into Wholeness                                fears....You’llbeinspiredtobreakthroughbarriers.Yourhardworkwon’t
July 30, 2010 - August 1, 2010                        quicklyfromsetbacksand,what’smore,you’llfindmorejoydaytoday.”
Erica Ariel Fox, JD                                                                –JoannaBarsh,HowRemarkableWomenLead
Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York

M       ost of us spend our time “juggling”
        all sorts of commitments, running from one
appointment to the next. This creates fragmentation,
                                                                      With kindred spirits, we discover resources in our-
                                                                   selves that bring us energy, vitality and inspiration.
stress, and a sense of chaos in our life.                          Through small group exercises, contemplative practice,
   This weekend is an opportunity to remember how to               ritual, and creative arts, we recall that life is not a problem
live in another way and connect with the coherence, sta-           to be solved but a mystery to be explored and enjoyed.
bility, and joy that reside in our core. Guided by Erica Ariel        We return home feeling refreshed, restored, and ready
Fox, a pioneer in the application of wisdom traditions and         to create a more balanced and soul-sustaining life.
spiritual practice to the negotiation field, we set aside our         To register for this weekend program go to
tasks and to-do lists to journey into wholeness.               ■
The Alchemy of Group Work

T    he following is a workshop offered in the Bos-
     ton area by Michael Robbins, a thought leader in
group-as-whole process and a wonderful trainer for
                                                                   Group Work: A Body/Mind/Spirit Approach
                                                                   A Workshop Facilitated by Michael Robbins M.A., L.M.H.C.
                                                                   May 15th, 9-5pm  May 16th 9-4pm in Somerville Mass.
facilitators, coaches and psychotherapists. For those of
you interested in large group work or group facilita-                 Michael writes, “The journey from living life inside of
tion this workshop will introduce you to his approach              a self-centered perspective to living life connected to a
to working experientially and somatically with groups.             larger context has tremendous implications for our hap-
Michael will also draw on his years of study with                  piness. Group work is the most effective modality that I
Yvonne Agazarian’s who created Systems Centered                    know of for achieving this transformation.
Therapy and authored Autobiography of a Theory:                       A systems perspective to healing hypothesizes that self-
Developing the Theory of Living Human Systems and                  centeredness is the root cause of human suffering. In this
Its Systems-Centered Practice.                                     regard it is very similar to many spiritual and meditative
                                                                   approaches to human development. The difference is that
                                                                   in group work we observe the defensive strategies that
                                                                   keep us trapped inside of our self-centeredness in the mo-
                      Michael Robbins, MA                          ment of our interaction with each other. As we become
                      Michael Robbins M.A.,                        conscious at this fork in the road we have the opportunity
                     L.M.H.C. has trained with                     to choose between our past strategies and the open, edge
                     Dr. Yvonne Agazarian in a                     of the unknown that emerges when we approach relation-
                     systems approach to group
                                                                   ships with curiosity and presence. As the group develops,
                     and individual therapy for 20
                     years and has practiced and                   each member confronts their conflicts around taking re-
    taught Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Taoist meditation                  sponsibility for their experience and their contributions
    for 30 years. He is also a student of a variety                to developing the kind of group that they want to live in.”
    of healing modalities including, existential/
    psychoanalytic therapy, body-oriented                              During the workshop group members will also prac-
    therapies, Qi Gong therapy, Psychosynthesis,                   tice simple and powerful forms of moving, standing and
    Internal Family Systems, object relations, and                 sitting Qi Gong to ground, center and cultivate a group
    the Diamond Heart Approach. He has written                     “chi-field” of presence, clarity and attunement.
    several articles, two book chapters and a book
    of poetry. If you would like to find out more                  • Early registration by April 25th, $250, after that $325
    about Michael and his work please visit his                    • You can reach Michael at 617 623 0024 or
    website                          ■
	   	                                                   | Mobius Executive Leadership					7

Moving From the Past to Presence
A Deep Dive Into Embodying Our Fullest Potential

O      ur bodies have a lot to tell us. But few can read
       what they are saying.
    This workshop shows us how to look directly into our
                                                                     Jennifer Cohen, MA, is Director of
                                                                  Coaching Education for Mobius Execu-
                                                                  tive Leadership and founder and director
inner world—our mindsets, movement, and energy—to                 of Seven Stones Leadership Group. She is
see what our bodies have to teach us about the ways we            a master somatic coach and author of the
keep falling back into habitual patterns, and how we can          chapter “From Surviving to Thriving” in
fully embody who we wish to become.                               Being Human at Work.
    Through ancient teachings and a range of contem-                 Samuel Bartussek is a trainer in so-
porary somatic practices, we discover how to use our qi           matic techniques, including mime and
(life force energy) to center and ground ourselves, give          movement, nonverbal communication,
and receive appropriately, blend with another’s energy,           body awareness, and the Mimo-Sonance
and recognize the difference between strength and force.          Method. He serves as personal mastery fac-
    We explore our own strategies for handling life’s             ulty for Mobius Executive Leadership.
challenges and look beyond patterns of spoken commu-                 Paul Dunion, EdD, is a psychotherapist,
nication for insight into conflict resolution and peace. You      the author of Temptation in the House of the
will see yourself more clearly than you ever have, let go         Lord and Shadow Marriage: A Descent Into
of that which no longer serves you, and tap into vital life       Intimacy, and founder of COMEGA (Con-
force for living and leading powerfully in your life today.       necticut Men’s Gathering) and Boys to Men
    Leaders and others in any field, including managers,          (a mentoring community for teenage boys).
teachers, coaches, and bodyworkers, are welcome.                     To register for Moving From the Past to Presence go to
    Wear comfortable clothing.                               ■
The Personal Mastery Intensive: Living and Leading Authentically

T   he Personal Mastery Intensive: Living and Leading
    Authentically with Mobius Principal Carole Kam-
men will be offered April 8 - 11, 2010 in the Boston area
                                                                  will learn, practice and share the life skills for making
                                                                  long-term changes one step at a time. Through this in-
                                                                  tensive weekend you will:
and in the San Francisco area is June 3 - 6. A powerful              • Align your personal purpose with a larger world vision
introduction to Carole’s work for newcomers and sea-                 • Identify your innate strengths, abilities and unique gifts
soned seekers alike.                                                 • Develop emotional and spiritual intelligence for
   Pathways Institute invites you to live your life from a             every area of your life
new perspective. Experience a weekend that will enable               • Gain skills needed to achieve your goals
you to create the impact you wish to have in your life.              For more information go to
This three and a half day workshop will introduce you to          or to register, Contact: Catherine Dolan-Haas: 860-575-6179
new concepts that will help you:                                     E-mail:          ■
   • Align heart, mind, and soul for creating a new life vision
   • Unlock the mindsets and behaviors that interfere               Note: Both Embodied Leadership and The Personal Mastery
     with your ability to achieve your dreams                       Intensive can be offered as a foundational leadership
   • Become skilled at living creatively and intentionally          course in corporate contexts through Mobius.
     instead of reactively
                                                                    Contact Susan Brady at
   • Become the architect of your own authentic life
   Using simple tools with like-minded individuals, you

8   Mobius Executive Leadership |
New Mobius Partners
Mobius Executive Leadership: Sufficiency and Sustainability
Mobius Project with Health Care Without Harm and Practice Green Health

M      any of you likely remember
       Gary Cohen from his presen-
tation on environmental health and
                                        cal Association, American Nurses
                                        Association, Catholic Health Asso-
                                        ciation, Stockholm County Council,
                                                                                  Mobius is working closely with
                                                                               PGH to provide educational experi-
                                                                               ences for its partner hospital systems.
toxics at the 2008 Launch meeting       and hundreds of other organizations    Earlier this year PGH Program Di-
in Boston. Gary is the founder and      across four continents. Mobius is      rector Cecilia de Loach worked with
Executive Director of Health Care       now providing HCHW with coach-         Mobius senior consultants Alex
Without Harm and in 2006 , won the      ing for its senior team as well as     Trisoglio and Grady McGonagill to
Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneur-    strategic advisement on its broader    design and deliver a pilot training
ship in and in 2007 the Frank Hatch     organizational purposes.               program for sustainability officers in
Award for Enlightened Social Service.      Over the last few years the or-     hospitals on key levers of enhanced
   Health Care Without Harm is          ganization has built a membership      sustainability as well as leadership
an international campaign for envi-     organization called Practice Green-    skills and large scale culture change.
ronmentally responsible healthcare.     health (www.practicegreenhealth.       Topics included systems thinking,
It has offices in Washington, D.C.,     org), which has over 1,100 hospital    adaptive leadership, stakeholder
Berkeley, Boston, Brussels, Manila      members and 75 other corporate         management and sequencing, and
and Buenes Aires. HCWH was re-          members. Major hospital part-          influence/negotiation skills.
sponsible for eliminating mercury       ners include Kaiser Permanente,           The future work is also excit-
measuring devices in the U.S. and       Catholic Healthcare West, Partners     ing. HCWH is working with several
Europe and has a partner-                                                            major hospital systems to launch
ship with the World Health                                                           a Healthier Hospital Agenda
Organization to eliminate mer-                                                       in May at its Clean Med (www.
cury from healthcare at a global                                            conference, which
scale. HCWH was also respon-                                                         will be used to lay out a compre-
sible for eliminating over 4,000                                                     hensive sustainability agenda for
medical waste incinerators,                                                          the healthcare sector and then
as well as introducing green                                                         provide hospitals with tools and
buildings (Green Guide for Health-      Healthcare, Advocate, Bon Sec-         technical assistance to help them im-
care – ) and safer        ours, HCA, Providence, Ascension,      plement the Agenda. As part of this
chemicals considerations into the       Catholic Health Initiatives and        effort, Health Care Without Harm is
healthcare sector. HCWH has pro-        the VA. PGH has contracts with         working with Mobius Executive Lead-
grams on green building, energy and     the sixth largest Group Purchas-       ership to develop an executive level
climate, environmental purchasing,      ing Organizations in the country,      training that would engage C-suite
safer chemicals, waste, healthy food    representing over $100 billion in      executives on the broad business case
in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and     purchasing power, to assist them in                      ■
                                                                               for sustainability.
green jobs. HCWH has partnerships       developing specifications for envi-
with EPA, CDC, American Medi-           ronmentally preferable purchasing.

    “ orkisachancetodoart.Goodartisuselessandbanal.Noonecrossesthe
	   	                                           | Mobius Executive Leadership					9
New Mobius Partners
 Leading the Inquiry of Sufficiency by Jennifer Cohen, MA
 A     ll of you systems thinkers out
       there know in your bones
 that the context in which we are
                                                                            Introducing Mobius Alliance Partner Seven Stones

 embedded gives us our thinking,                                           This last year Mobius coach Jennifer Cohen and
 being and doing. Structure, as                                            consultants Gina LaRoche and Shea Adelson
 they say, shapes behavior.                                                have founded and led a new effort to help drive
     For many years I’ve had my at-                                        efforts for global sufficiency. They have been
 tention on the structure that is our         working closely with Mobius senior consultant Roger Burton in evolving their
 body, been fascinated with how               collective thinking and iterating a framework for “life on earth to thrive.”
 that structure- the anatomical,              This inspired and mission-driven effort is a wonderful contribution to the
                                              social fabric and we are proud to feature here an essay Jen has prepared for
 physiological, emotional, spiritual
                                              readers of the Mobius Strip. At the bottom of this article please find ways to
 structure- that we are as human
                                              join their efforts and learn more about their discourse and offerings.
 beings shapes our choices, our
 thinking, and our possibilities in
 life. And, how we can, through an          world, this is happening, and faster     fering. Infinite Growth has become
 understanding of the dimensions            than ever.”                              the holy grail that will; individually
 of that structure, begin to shift and         —Seth Godin, marketing guru           fill our personal perceived holes, have
 thereby shift what is possible on          and change agent                         us each experience grace, peace and
 our lives and in our leading others.          Scarcity is at the root of our eco-   fulfillment; organizationally have us
     Now my attention has been drawn,       nomic exchange. In fact if you look      know we have won the game; and
 not by accident, to the larger social      up scarce you can see that one of        societally have us reach the zenith of
 structures that surround and hold          the ways a commodity becomes val-        power and potential.
 and shape that personal structure we       ued in our current model is that it          But as we all know this model is
 each inhabit. There are, no doubt,         is scarce, either in nature or by de-    killing us.
 many ways to describe or de-con-           sign. We have used scarcity to drive       “The dogma of limitless productiv-
 struct the larger context in which we      commerce, embed unjust systems,          ity and growth in a finite world is
 find ourselves. Scarcity is the source     and motivate people to engage in all     unsustainable and unfair for future
 word, the seed concept that has cap-       manner of behavior that does not, in     generations.”
 tured our imagination and thinking.        the end, lead to health, well being,       –Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley
     “We spent a generation believing       love, or the collective good.                The concept of Sufficiency, a term
 certain parts of our business needed           We swim both personally and col-     we have adopted from Lynne Twist’s
 to be scarce and that advertising and      lectively in a trance of “not enough:”   body of ideas, asserts that we are fun-
 other interruption should be abun-         not enough money, not enough time,       damentally enough right now, and we
 dant. Part of the pitch of free is that    not enough resource for the next         have enough resource to sustain all
 when advertising goes away, you            business dream, not enough good          life on earth. Sufficiency is an inqui-
 need to make something else abun-          men over forty, not enough love or       ry, a source conversation, a context
 dant in order to gain attention. Then,     energy, or health, or vacation time,     that gives us a framework for sustain-
 and only then, will you be able to         not enough political will, not enough    able practice to take root and grow.
 sell something that’s naturally scarce.    food to feed all the hungry children.    One of our huge concerns has been
 This is an uncomfortable flip to make,     Both individually and collectively       how to grow sustainable practice in-
 because the stuff you’ve been charging     we are dominated by the weight of        side of the context that gave us the
 for feels like it should be charged for,   inadequacy and driven by the quest       practices in which we now individu-
 and the new scarcity is often difficult    for more, better, bigger, growth, and    ally and collectively engage. I know
 to find. But, especially in the digital    expansion as the antidote to our suf-    Einstein would say it cannot be done.

10   Mobius Executive Leadership |
We say so too and would add that suf-       if we were enough right now? What            cussed and planted in our collective
ficiency, a context as old as the oldest    would emerge as structures of ex-            psyche. We are eager to hear from
cultures on earth, can give rise to         change and commerce if we were               you and have you enter this ongo-
being and doing that is truly sustain-      inside of enough? If we presuppose           ing dialogue. We are hoping to
able. So we are asking ourselves some       sufficiency what immediately drops           support your own engagement with
questions: what is enough: enough           from our world view and what im-             these life affirming questions and to
revenue this quarter, enough square         mediately enters?                            invite you to enrich the conversa-
footage for our homes, enough per-             We hold these as deep questions           tion in our community.
sonal growth, how would we know             to be held and grappled with, dis-        ■
AtKisson and Associates

M      obius offers a two day foundational training in              Background on The AtKisson Group
       sustainability transformation for top teams want-            Since 1992, The AtKisson Group has been a global leader
ing to understand what best practices in corporate                  and innovator in the field of sustainability consulting,
sustainability are today. In partnership with the Swed-             training, and communications. The Group focuses on
ish based leader in sustainability transformations and              helping organizations create or accelerate sustainability
economic indicators, The AtKisson Group, we also pro-               transformations in their core operations, and in helping
vide on-site workshops, off-site training intensives, and           professionals develop their competence in sustainability
“train the trainer” certification programs in the use of            change agentry. A highly integrated approach—which
the ISIS Method and the ISIS Accelerator™ (trademark)               stresses ethics, systems thinking, and adding value in
suite of sustainability tools.”                                     economic, environmental, social and human terms—
                                                                    has been essential to the Group’s longevity and success.
About ISIS Accelerator                                              Founder Alan AtKisson has long been a recognized leader
ISIS–Indicators, Systems, Innovation, Strategy–is a                 and author in the field of sustainability; and the tools and
potent method for creating a whole-systems view, strate-            methods developed by the AtKisson Group have been
gizing successfully for innovative change and accelerating          adopted by organizations around the world. Associates in
progress towards sustainability. ISIS is an approach that           the Group include a number of very senior practitioners
builds on fifteen years of successful practice, with case           whose experience stretches from sustainability leadership
studies from around the world, and easy-to-use training             in the US White House to working hands-on with Asian
and planning tools that translate theory into practice in           companies in the global manufacturing supply chain.
a way that provides both practical advice and inspira-              AtKisson Group’s depth and breadth of experience in sus-
tion. Accelerator is a comprehensive toolkit designed to            tainability work is extensive, global, and unique.
support sustainability initiatives of all kinds. The tools
in Accelerator help you orient your organization toward
sustainability ... perform sustainability assessments ... col-                        Mobius senior consultant Alan
laborate to create projects and plans ... build capacity for                          Atkisson has a new book on
systems analysis and innovation ... and strategize for suc-                           sustainabilty and culture change.
cessful implementation. The tools have been developed                                 Like Alan’s previous book Believing
over a period of fifteen years of successful consulting                               Cassandra, this book is essential,
practice, with clients ranging from global corporations                               transformative reading for leaders
and major cities, to international initiatives and UN                                 in business, organizations, and
agencies, to small communities and volunteer groups.                                  government, and professionals of
They have been adapted to widely varying cultural and                                 all description in all sectors who
organizational circumstances, in many different parts of                              are working on whole systems
the world. A brochure which describes the toolkit, and                                change in pursuit of strategies
the licensing program, for those who are interested in                                for innovation, sustainability, and
becoming part of our global consulting network and our                                profitability, as well as students in
                                                                                      business and management.
family of clients can be found on the Mobius website.

	   	                                                   | Mobius Executive Leadership					11
Annie Leonard  The Story of Stuff
                   O     ur long time
                         friend      and
                    sustainability activ-
                                            combine solid information and first
                                            hand investigative reporting with a
                                            profound sense of hope that we can,
                                                                                   Alternatives (GAIA), Health Care
                                                                                   Without Harm, Essential Action
                                                                                   and Greenpeace International. She
                    ist Annie Leonard       indeed must, find a more sustainable   is currently on the boards of the In-
                    has a new book.         way to meet our material needs.        ternational Forum on Globalization
                    In her recent visit        Prior to directing the Story of     and GAIA and has previously served
to Boston I asked her to send us an         Stuff Project, Annie worked for the    on the Boards of the Grassroots Re-
overview for the Mobius Strip and           Funders Workgroup for Sustain-         cycling Network, the Environmental
this is what she sent:                      able Production  Consumption,         Health Fund, Global Greengrants
   Annie Leonard is the Director of         the Global Alliance for Incinerator    India and Greenpeace India.  ■
the Story of Stuff Project and author of
the recently released book, The Story
of Stuff (Free Press, March 2010).                              About The Story of Stuff Book
   In December 2007, Annie released
                                                                The Story of Stuff: How our obsession with
The Story of Stuff, a hit 20-minute
webfilm that takes viewers on a pro-
                                                                stuff is trashing the planet, our communities,
vocative and eye-opening tour of the                            and our health - and a vision for change.
often hidden costs of our consumer                             The Story of Stuff examines the often hidden
driven culture. The Story of Stuff has                         environmental, social and health impacts
generated over 10 million views in             of the mounting piles of stuff in our lives. Annie Leonard
more than 200 countries and ter-               provides facts, analyses and stories gathered in over a
ritories since its launch, making it
                                               decade of visiting the factories where our stuff is made and
one of the most successful environ-
                                               the dumps where it is disposed around the world. From
mental-themed viral films of all time.
                                               interviewing garment workers sewing Disney pajamas in
The film has won numerous awards,
                                               Haiti to survivors of the biggest chemical industrial disaster
including a South by Southwest Fes-
                                               in history in Bhopal, India, The Story of Stuff takes us on a
tival award, and in 2008 Annie was
                                               journey complete with scientific facts, personal stories and
named one of Time Magazine’s
                                               signs of hope – examples of people working for safe and
Heroes of the Environment.
   Annie has spent nearly two decades
                                               sustainable alternatives to our current take-make-waste
investigating and organizing on envi-          system. Embedded in Leonard’s approach is not just solid
ronmental health and justice issues,           information and first hand investigative reporting, but a
traveling to over 40 countries to visit        profound sense of hope that we can, indeed must, find a
the factories where our stuff is made          more sustainable way to meet our material needs. You may
and the dumps where it ends up. An-            never look at all the stuff in your life the same again.
nie’s films, writing and presentations

12   Mobius Executive Leadership |
We are collaborating with Ms. Barsh and her team to design                                        Joanna Barsh
and offer leadership programs revolving around Centered                                          Joanna Barsh is a Director
Leadership. For more information on these offerings please                                       in McKinsey  Company’s
write                                                                   New York office. She serves
                                                                                                 as a leader of McKinsey’s
                                                                                                 Consumer, Retail and
                             How Remarkable                                                      Organization Practices. Since
                                                                                joining the firm in 1980, Joanna has served
                             Women Lead                                         a broad range of consumer-facing clients.
                                                                                Her client experience spans mergers and
                             How Remarkable Women Lead: The
                                                                                acquisitions, development of corporate growth
                             Breakthrough Model for Work and Life
                                                                                strategy, and performance and operations
                             (Crown Business, September 2009)
                                                                                transformation. She also spearheads the
                             Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston and Geoff
                                                                                Centered Leadership Project and co-authored
                             Lewis of McKinsey  Company
                                                                                the book, How Remarkable Women Lead,
       A     t the core of our leadership model are deep emotional
             connections: to work, to personal meaning and mis-
       sion, to achievement, to nurturing instincts, and to a strong
                                                                                published by Crown Business.
                                                                                Joanna is a strong advocate for women at
       feeling of belonging.                                                    McKinsey and beyond. In 2002, she was
           Briefly, this is how our system lines up:                            appointed to the New York City Commission
                                                                                on Women’s Issues by Mayor Michael
          • Meaning. The sense of meaning is what propels leaders,              Bloomberg. She also created “Living Portraits,”
            guides their careers, sustains their optimism, generates            a video archive of 100+ interviews with women
            positive emotions, and enables them to lead in creative             leaders from around the world. Additionally,
            and profound ways.                                                  she began The McKinsey Centered Leadership
          • Framing. To sustain herself on the path to leadership               Project, to accelerate the development of
            and to see the best possibilities, a leader learns to view          women leaders. Her awards include the Girl
            situations clearly, separating fact from assumption to              Scouts Council Woman of Distinction Award
            avoid downward spirals, move ahead to solutions, and                and the National Council for Research on
            re-energize through action.                                         Women Achievement Award.
          • Connecting. Nobody does it alone. Leaders make
                                                                                A dedicated contributor to the New York
            meaningful connections to develop sponsorship and
                                                                                community, Joanna has served the Partnership
            followership, forge an engaged community, and gain
                                                                                for New York City, the New York City Economic
            the help to accelerate growth.                                      Development Corporation, the American
          • Engaging. Successful leaders take ownership for oppor-              Museum of Natural History, and the Manhattan
            tunities along with risks. They have a voice and they use           Theatre Club, as well as St. Jude Children’s
            it. They’re able to face the fears in their way and find            Research Hospital and the Alaska Conservation
            ways to put them aside.                                             Foundation. She has been a trustee of
          • Energizing. To succeed long-term and to accommodate                 Sesame Workshop, the education organization
            family and community responsibilities, leaders learn to             responsible for Sesame Street, for 15 years.
            manage their energy reserves and to tap into flow.
                                                                                Prior to joining McKinsey, Joanna held positions
          All other things being equal (talent, education, drive), we           at Macy’s and at Bloomingdale’s. She holds
       now see that it is the centered woman (or man) who sustains              degrees from the University of Pennsylvania,
       a successful leadership journey. These leaders thrive when               the University of Chicago and an M.B.A. from
       things go well and adapt to significant change without losing            Harvard Business School, where she was a
       their way, because they are centered—not just emotionally,               Baker Scholar.
       but also intellectually, socially, and physically.
                                                                                Joanna is passionate about many things, but
          For more on the book, please visit:
                                                                                at the top of her list is women’s leadership.
       howremarkablewomenlead. We are also on Facebook at
                                                                                She has two wonderful daughters, Gaby and              ■                   Jetta and a husband (David) of 18 years.

      	     	                                               | Mobius Executive Leadership					13
The Banff CenTRe.                                       InspIRIng CReaTIvITy.

Leadership Development at The Banff Centre

                                            Centered Leadership:
                                            Centered Leadership:
                                            How Remarkable Women Lead
                                            How Remarkable Women Lead
                                            September 27 – 29, 2010
                                            Leadership Development and Mckinsey  Company have partnered to offer this unique
                                            three-day program which will help you to increase your leadership effectiveness and sustain
                                            high performance, from a core of self-mastery. This program is about breakthroughs that
                                            elevate your passion and satisfaction in work and life. Through personal, interpersonal, and
                                            applied practices you will explore your strengths and hidden aspirations, and re-energize
                                            yourself to plan the next steps in your leadership journey.

                                            Centered Leadership: How Remarkable Women Lead will be held at The Banff Centre,
                                            located in Banff National Park in the heart of the Canadian Rockies.

                                            The Banff Centre experience will give you the chance to engage with exceptional artists
                                            in an interdisciplinary environment. Our powerful mountain setting will transform your
                                            energy and encourage new ways of reflecting on your leadership.

                                            In this program you will:
                                            •	 Expand your personal leadership toolkit by exploring the five self-reinforcing elements of
                                               centered leadership: meaning, framing, connecting, engaging, and energizing
                                            •	 Learn from the stories and experiences of senior women leaders around the world
                                            •	 Examine the latest research in brain science and adult learning to tap into your full
                                            •	 Develop unique and supportive relationships within a community of women leaders
                                            •	 Lead yourself differently and play a bigger game
                                            •	 Leave with a sense of rekindled passion and a concrete action plan to sustain this in your
                                               workplace and day to day life


 14   Mobius Executive Leadership |
The Banff CenTRe.                   InspIRIng CReaTIvITy.

    Leadership Development at The Banff Centre

                          This is the right program for:
                          Seasoned female executives currently in positions of significant leadership and influence,
                          who are highly competent and successful managers, and who have a desire to develop
                          their capacity to lead profound change in their organizations.

                          Special Program Features:
                          •	 Use art, theatre, movement, and meditation methodologies to develop the five elements
                             of Centered Leadership
                          •	 Complete a Centered Leadership self-assessment and feedback process
                          •	 In-program coaches support your experience and your personalized learning plan
                          •	 You and four other program participants will create a mini-advisory board to support
                             one another in achieving post-program goals

                          Faculty Team
                          Our faculty team brings a rich combination of experience in business, coaching, and
                          personal mastery work.
                            • Johanne Lavoie, MBA, McKinsey  Company	
                            • Carole Kammen, MA
                            • Susie Cranston, MBA, co-author of How Remarkable Women Lead ,	McKinsey		Company
                                                                                           , McKinsey  Company
                            • Josephine Mogelof, PhD, McKinsey  Company

                          What are the first steps?
                          Talk to one of our personal learning advisors to learn more about this and other programs.
                          Call toll free 1.800.590.9799 or e-mail us at

                          Program Fees: $3,000.00*
                          * Plus applicable taxes. Fee includes accommodation and meals at The Banff Centre for the duration of the program.


	    	                        | Mobius Executive Leadership					15
Vaclav Havel
                     playwright and defender of human rights,
                     former president of Czechoslovakia
                    “ ...the kind of hope I often think about... I understand above
                      all as a state of mind, not a state of the world. Either we
                      have hope within us or we don’t; it is a dimension of the
                      soul, and it’s not essentially dependent on some particular
                      observation of the world or estimate of the situation. It is
                      an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart; it
                      transcends the world that is immediately experienced and
                      is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons.
                     Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as
                     joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in
                     enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but,
                     rather, an ability to work for something because it is good,
                     not just because it stands a chance to succeed. The more
                     unpropitious the situation in which we demonstrate hope,
                     the deeper that hope is. Hope is definitely not the same
                     thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something
                     will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes
                     sense, regardless of how it turns out.
                     It is also this hope, above all, which gives us the strength to
                     live and continually to try new things...”

For more about the offerings of Mobius Executive Leadership
please go to
To discuss bringing Mobius leadership programs, trainings
or executive coaching to your organization please write

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Newsletter Mobius Spring 2010 Cover Letter Final

  • 1. Dear Leadership Professional, Welcome to the Spring 2010 issue of the Mobius Strip, a newsletter for coaches, consultants, facilitators and interventionists interested in transformational approaches to organizational behavior work. With this issue we continue to fulfill our aspiration to provide thought provoking articles on topics of shared interest, thought pieces on pedagogy or change models, and highlight contributions to the field of executive education. We hope the Mobius Strip will become a unique place for finding innovative and powerful resources for our shared enterprise in capability building. The Mobius Strip is about leading from the inside out. Like much of the Mobius Executive Leadership approach to development it has a strong focus on the inner life through contemplative practices, expressive arts, somatic embodiment, outdoor education and ontological and philosophical traditions. We are looking at the intersections of leadership theory with study in psychology, spirituality, and religion. We seek to promote cross-disciplinary dialogue and share ideas, inspiration and practices which can help develop mature and courageous leaders in both the private and public sectors. The Mobius Strip seeks to support the global community of professionals interested in transformation and social contrbution. We are working internally within companies as change agents, human resource professionals and organizational leaders. Some in our community are executive coaches functioning either within or outside of a corporate setting. We are in professional services firms and executive development companies. We serve as mediators and conflict resolution professionals, facilitators and intervenors. We teach courses in leadership, communication, organizational learning, presentation and presence, personal effectiveness, action learning and a range of proprietary material developed from our individual body of experience, expertise and learning journey. Together we share a central belief that leadership is a process of deep exploration and involves the cultivation of one’s inner landscape as well as external skills and capabilities. We hope you enjoy this second issue of the Mobius Strip and share it with friends, colleagues and clients. More importantly, pleas join us in building this practitioner community. Send us your ideas. Share resources. Join the conversation. Sign up for future newsletters: Become a community member through Linked In: companies/mobius-executive-leadership Warmest best, Amy Elizabeth Fox Chief Executive Officer MOBIUS EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP ■ 398 LINDEN ST. ■ WELLESLEY HILLS, MA 02481 ■ PH 781/237-1362 ■
  • 2. SPRING 2010 THE MOBIUS STRIP A NEWSLETTER FOR LEADERSHIP PROFESSIONALS IN THIS ISSUE The State of the Firm The State of the Firm A Renewed Focus on What Makes Us Distinctive An overview of our emerging leadership T his Spring we are focused on articu- lating our own leadership taxonomy while codifying our field and forum high material for the “leading self ” component draws from several of our existing train- ing courses including the Personal Insight model and high potentials program Performance potentials program. Focused around five Workshop, Personal Mastery Intensive; and Management Training pillars, at least for the time being, we are Beyond Yes™: Leadership Mastery and High Background on our two day performance man- iterating a leadership program for execu- Performance. Erica Ariel Fox and Carole agement course tives and high potentials that focuses on: Kammen lead this work for Mobius and are Personal Effectiveness personal mastery, leading others, leading joined by an exceptional group of transfor- Program teams, driving organizational health and mational facilitators in North America and An overview of our three leading society. This builds on a wide Europe. day offering on personal body of leadership suggesting the three Our “leading self ” content enhances a effectiveness key levers in professional development participants’ emotional intelligence and Power and Love are self mastery (self), results focus (task), emotional self-management and heightens A New Book by Adam and relationships (others). self-awareness and personal accountability. Kahane of Reos Partners Our leadership programs combine best We also draw on Seth Godin’s recent writ- Professional Develop- practices in negotiation, communication, ing on helping people build on their unique ment Opportunities organizational learning, systems thinking, gifts and strengths to become a “linchpin” A Summary of learning team dynamics and adaptive leadership for their organization. This powerful expe- opportunities for Mobius trainers, facilitators and with “next practices” in dreamwork, so- riential aspect of our program is one of the coaches matics, voice dialogue, expressive arts and distinguishing features of the Mobius lead- Mobius Partnerships in meditation. Through the program par- ership approach. Sustainability ticipants focus on business related action Descriptions of Mobius challenges receiving coaching as well as Leading Others alliance partnerships for building mini-boards for ongoing social Content for the interpersonal modules are the public good networking and peer coaching. In our ex- drawn from theory and models from the How Remarkable perience, leaders that engage in this kind Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Women Lead of longer term learning journey are more Law School. They center around build- A New Book by Joanna likely to solidify the behavioral changes ing skills in, and a systematic approach Barsh, Susie Cranston and Geoff Lewis required for high performance as well as to: negotiation, influence, stakeholder management, relationship mapping and The Story of Stuff passionately commit to driving a shared aspiration and vision of the future. holding difficult conversations. We have A New Book by Mobius friend Annie Leonard also begun working with experts on social Personal Mastery networking to best understand how the Our focus on personal mastery derives webs of relationships within organizations from our belief that true transformation influence or hinder performance change comes when individuals across a system efforts. This material is presented in our or an organization experience transforma- one day courses on Negotiation Essentials, tion first-hand at a deep personal level. The Masterful Conversations, and Resolving MOBIUS EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP ■ NORTH AMERICA +1 781-237-1362 ■ EUROPE +31-20-88-909-55 ■
  • 3. Conflict and is also integrated into our The elements of our leading the team to leverage individual dif- high potentials program. teams curriculum in the high po- ferences for collective intelligence. tentials program has been designed Leading Teams by Mobius senior consultants Jeffrey Driving Organizational Health Mobius senior consultants Drs. Edith Kerr, Scott Rutherford and Grady This dimension of our leadership Greenblatt and Erin Lehman have McGonagill. It examines team dy- programs looks at significant levers designed and lead our two day course namics, building trust, managing of organizational health such as lead- on Team Effectiveness. This program conflict, inspiring commitment, ership, execution, accountability and synthesizes decades of field research creating accountability and focus- innovation and helps organizations in organizational behavior and social ing on results. Participants identify to address gaps in excellence. Where psychology and best practice into key team dilemmas and work live in an organization is not particularly clear actionable steps that can help ‘real time’ with those issues. We also strong in a critical dimension of participants to become effective team examine the implication of different organizational health moving the leaders and team members. temperaments and styles to equip lever of competency amongst its senior leaders and high potentials is a vitalizing way to help change Performance Management Training the organizational culture along key drivers of performance. This aspect Our performance management training, for managers or managers of of the program is very tailored and managers, introduces a year long cycle of performance management derived entirely from diagnostic conversations geared to provide high value to employees and the organization interviews that identify the most piv- alike. Four aspects of performance management are covered in depth as follows: Goal Setting and Aligning/Cascading Goals across the business unit otal organizational health needs. and company; Talent Development and Performance Dialogues; assessing and rewarding performance and managing and developing talent including Contributing to Society conducting a year end appraisal. In addition, the training provides guidelines Mobius Executive Leadership has a for actively addressing underperformance and managing employees who are strong commitment to public sector defensive, blaming or excuse-making. It focuses on building on employee work and making a distinct contribu- strengths to ensure good job fit and rewarding high performance. Perhaps tion to the social fabric and issues of most importantly the course supports companies to drive a learning and sustainability and peace. In addition coaching culture. This ongoing approach helps course correct goals that have to our ongoing alliance partnership shifted with the business context; move employees who are not well fit to their role and responsibilities; and address issues of motivation or employee with the Global Negotiation Insight engagement. Mobius performance management training is geared towards Institute, we also enjoy partnerships building a high performance culture with a strong focus on driving business with several respected organizations results and heightening accountability. working on issues of sustainability and sufficiency. Please see pages 9–12 This session includes performance management role-play; exercises to test in this newsletter for more on this alignment between manager and employee understandings of key annual goals and targets; introduction of a basic and advanced feedback model; and a focus work. In our work with clients we on driving leadership competencies through the organization. Participants focus on leadership in the broader learn how to craft business focused SMART goals and ensure coordination societal context including issues of between individual goal setting and broader organizational strategy. In addition, corporate social responsibility, the participants learn the relevant triple bottom line and generational performance management 1. PLANNING differences amongst employees’ val- conversations to be driving ues and commitments. This aspect of in each quarter of the year. our leadership programs helps com- 5. In an application session Ongoing panies look closely at their vision and participants receive coaching 4. REWARDING coaching, 2. MANAGING on a challenging performance feedback their branding and how they can best recognition coaching situation they face be positioned as a conscious business and develop peer support and serve as a market leader for the groups for ongoing learning 3. ASSESSING 21st Century. ■ after the training. 2 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 4. “ motionallaborisavailabletoallofus,butisrarelyexploitedasacompetitiveadvantage. E Wespendourtimeandenergytryingtoperfectourcraft,butwedon’tfocusontheskillsand interactionsthatwillallowustostandoutandbecomeindispensabletoourorganizations.” –SethGodininLinchpin:AreYouIndispensable? Personal Effectiveness Program I n many organizations we hear managers and team members complain that they simply have Likewise the program is NOT just a presentation or lecture. The im- mediate application afforded by Benefits of the workshop frequently reported by past partici- pants include: too much to do. The sense of being our workshop format is essential to • Increased personal organization overwhelmed typically results in the sustainability and impact of the • Improved planning and project low productivity and low morale. workshop. management From our experience people want The Personal Effectiveness do an exceptional job and when Workshop is delivered in three non- • Improved ability to juggle tasks they cannot, they get frustrated. consecutive one day sessions with 3-4 • Fewer dropped balls They are multitasking ineffec- weeks in between sessions. Each day • Increased focus on top tively. They attack different pieces begins with participants working to- priority tasks of the problem every day and just gether in the morning in a workshop • More effective decision making “wing it.” They don’t know “where format to understand the concepts • Better delegation and utiliza- all their time goes”. The Mobius and practices of personal effective- tion of team Personal Effectiveness Program is ness. In the afternoon, they return to • Reduced procrastination a systematic, best in class approach their desks to implement the organi- • Reduced stress and anxiety to building an efficient, engaged zational systems that were discussed, and positive work environment. working along with a desk side coach • Increased sense of balance Our Personal Effectiveness Pro- to support the habit change. and satisfaction■ gram helps people to deal with heavy workloads and cope with change; use time effectively and plan well for balancing multiple projects simulta- Paul Silverman neously; manage project teams and Paul Silverman directs the Personal Effectiveness delegate effectively and increase their Programs for Mobius Executive Leadership. Paul’s sense of control and balance in their workshops help professionals realize extraordinary professional lives. Most alumni of the productivity gains and stress reduction. Paul workshops report that, on average, Silverman was born in Pittsburgh, PA and they recover nine hours of time each graduated with a BFA and MFA from Carnegie- week as they implement the program. Mellon University. Silverman lived in Japan for over 12 years where he This is NOT a program which received his MBA from Oita University. During this period Silverman teaches just basic time management worked as a business consultant in Japan for clients including Texas principles. Personal Effectiveness Instruments, NTT and the American Consulate. As an instructor of workshops not only build skills but efficiency programs, Silverman has helped improve the productivity help participants to deal with their of executives from organizations including Pfizer, JP Morgan Chase, day to day work related challenges. Citigroup, AXA, Capital One and more. His legal industry clients include Nixon Peabody, Debevoise and Plimpton and Baker Botts. | Mobius Executive Leadership 3
  • 5. Power and Love and politicians, generals and gueril- Twenty year veteran thought leader on las, civil servants and trade unionists, organizational systems and presencing, Adam community activists and United Kahane of Reos Partners has a new and Nations officials, clergy and artists. wonderful book out. I asked him if he would He has seen, up close and personal, provide the synopsis of Power and Love for the examples of inspiring progress and Mobius Strip and this is what he sent: terrifying regress. Power and Love reports what he has learned from these hard-won experiences. Synopsis of Power and Love: A Theory walk—at first falling down, then For more on the book or and Practice of Social Change (San stumbling forward, and then mov- Adam’s work with clients please see Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2010) ing steadily toward sustainable, systemic solutions. The Mobius community is invited T he two typical ways that people try to solve their toughest group, community, and societal problems For the last twenty years Kahane has worked around the world on a variety of challenges: economic to the US launch of Power and Love on the evening of Tuesday June 15th at the Democracy Center at 45 Mt. are fundamentally flawed. They development, food security, health Auburn Street in Cambridge MA. either push for what they want at care, judicial reform, peace making, Informal conversation with Adam all costs—in its most extreme form, climate change. He has worked with at 5:30 PM and his presentation will this means war—or try to avoid diverse teams of leaders—executives begin at 6:30 PM EST. ■ conflict, sweeping problems under the rug in the name of a superficial “peace.” But there is a better way: Adam Kahane synthesizing these two seemingly Adam Kahane is a partner in Reos Partners, an contradictory approaches. international organization dedicated to supporting Adam Kahane argues that the and building capacity for innovative collective action in two typical ways reflect two dis- complex social systems, and a Visiting Practitioner at tinct, fundamental drives: power, the University of Oxford and the University of Waterloo. the single-minded desire to achieve Adam is a leading organizer, designer and facilitator one’s purpose, and love, the drive of processes through which business, government, and civil society to unite with others. Both of these leaders can work together to address their most complex challenges. drives are inextricably part of being He the author of Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, human, and so to achieve lasting Listening, and Creating New Realities and Power and Love: A Theory change you have to able to work flu- and Practice of Social Change. idly with both. In fact, each needs During the early 1990s, Adam was head of Social, Political, Economic the other. As Martin Luther King Jr. and Technological Scenarios for Royal Dutch Shell in London. put it, “Power with-out love is reck- Previously he held strategy and research positions with Pacific Gas less and abusive, and love without and Electric Company (San Francisco), the Organization for Economic power is sentimental and anemic.” Cooperation and Development (Paris), the International Institute for Kahane delves deeply into the Applied Systems Analysis (Vienna), the Institute for Energy Economics dual nature of power and love, ex- (Tokyo), and the Universities of Toronto, British Columbia, California, ploring their subtle and intricate and the Western Cape. interplay. With disarming hon- Adam has a B.Sc. in Physics (First Class Honors) from McGill esty he relates how, through trial University, an M.A. in Energy and Resource Economics from the and error, he learned to balance University of California, and an M.A. in Applied Behavioral Science between them, shifting from one from Bastyr University. to the other as though learning to 4 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 6. Professional Development Opportunities Conscious Embodiment the Enneagram An Experiential Workshop for Leaders, Consultants, and Coaches Saturday 1st May 2010 • 1:00pm - 5:00pm path to greater awareness and personal growth. W e all carry habitual patterns: ways of being, doing, and interacting with others that are often invisible to us (yet visible to others). Often, our patterns are com- Conscious Embodiment draws on the traditions of Aikido, a revolutionary non-aggressive martial art that offers simple yet deep techniques that help you recognize municated non-verbally. It is estimated that 70 percent how your mind and body habitually react to pressure. of our communication is non-verbal, a crucial statistic Conscious Embodiment offers tools and practices for when it comes to our effectiveness in the world. discovering how we communicate non-verbally so that Our patterns are mapped in the Enneagram, a sys- we can access more skillful and responses. Training these tem that describes nine basic personality types and principles strengthens our sense of self and deepens their complex interrelationships. They are also revealed our capacity for relationship and leadership. Conscious through Conscious Embodiment, an Aikido-influenced Embodiment was developed by Wendy Palmer, a sixth- practice that allows us to recognize how our minds and degree black belt in Aikido who lives in San Rafael, bodies habitually react to pressure. Practiced together, CA. She has been teaching Aikido and Conscious Em- the Enneagram and Conscious Embodiment can in- bodiment for 28 years and is author of two books: The crease awareness of our habitual patterns in ways that Intuitive Body and The Practice of Freedom. few other practices can. This workshop is taught by Joan Ryan, an expert in the This workshop is designed for leaders, consultants Ennegram, and Mobius coach Robin Athey. and coaches. It will help you to become more aware • Register by April 15: $50 of how you “show up” in your physical presence and After April 15: $75 interactions. It will be highly experiential. We will do Location to be determined. practices to reveal physical patterns and explore linkages • Please mail checks to: Joan Ryan, 12 Barnes Rd, to the Enneagram. Drawing on these insights, you will Newton, MA 02458 learn ways to consciously shift your patterns to increase • RSVP to ■ your effectiveness. Knowledge of your Enneagram type is necessary. If you would like to clarify your Robin Athey, MA Enneagram type, you can schedule an inter- view with Joan Ryan prior to the workshop. Robin Athey is Director of Research for Mobius Executive The cost for an Enneagram interview is $50. Leadership and a certified Conscious Embodiment teacher. She has 24 years of global experience as a Prior experience with Conscious Embodi- consultant, coach, thought leader, and executive. In ment is not necessary. 2007, she founded Integral Growth, a research and The Enneagram. With a history of cen- consulting firm dedicated to advancing the practices turies, the Enneagram is one of the oldest of leadership, innovation, and change. For nine years, Robin led global human development systems on the planet. research on the human aspects of organizational performance at Deloitte. Each of the nine Enneagram personality She also served as faculty in the firm’s coaching practice. She has led profiles has a distinct, well-developed world global production at Cole-Haan, a subsidiary of Nike, and began her career view and coping strategy for relating to self, as a consultant and manager with Kurt Salmon Associates. She has been others and the environment. Our exter- a fellow at Harvard University and has worked in 28 countries around the globe. She holds a B.S. in Engineering, an M.A. in International Economic nal behaviors, underlying attitudes, sense Policy from Columbia University, an Advanced Certificate in HR and of self, conscious and unconscious moti- Organizational Development from Columbia University, and has certified in vations, emotional reactions, and defense over a dozen cutting edge leadership and change methodologies, exploring mechanisms are all parts of a complex pat- “what works” when it comes to leadership and change. She is a dedicated tern that forms each personality type. Each meditation and yoga practitioner and relishes time with her nieces and of the nine types also has its own precise goddaughters, Emily, Paloma, and Elena, who take her heart away. | Mobius Executive Leadership 5
  • 7. The Summer Learning Forum of the Global Negotiation Insight Institute July 25, 2010 - July 30, 2010 Mark Thornton is a Principal of Erica Ariel Fox, Anne Gottlieb, Mark Thornton Mobius Executive Leadership and a Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York long-standing faculty leader with the Erica Ariel Fox, JD, teaches nego- Global Negotiation Insight Institute. tiation at Harvard Law School and An experienced meditation teacher, is founder of the Global Negotiation workshop leader, and author, Thorn- Insight Institute. Erica is internation- ton draws on years in the corporate world as well as ally recognized as a pioneer in the decades of contemplative practice in his teaching. integration of wisdom traditions and Mark is the author of Meditation in New York Minute spiritual practice into the negotiation and conflict reso- and the former Chief Operating Officer of JP Morgan lution field. She is also President of Mobius Executive Private Equity London. Leadership, a consulting firm specializing in leadership and conflict transformation. Track II Formerly hosted at the Harvard Negotiation Insight Cultivating Presence Presentation Skills Initiative at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law Presence and presentation skills are central to success in School, these extraordinary programs, led by internation- every professional environment. An experience of pres- ally acclaimed faculty, guide us in the arts of negotiation, ence offers us the kind of grounding we need to respond communication, presentation, and leadership. Choose spontaneously, listen deeply, communicate our deepest one track at time of registration. All participants have intentions, and see old situations in new ways. Drawing the chance to experience other workshop leaders and the on theater techniques, voice work, vipassana (insight) community as a whole. This program is appropriate for meditation, and the Beyond Yes Method, we learn how anyone looking to connect the practical world of action to cultivate and maintain our presence in the midst of with the deeper dimensions of who they are. This profes- important communication with others. We also refine sional training is a journey toward personal mastery with our ability to speak to groups in a persuasive, authentic, clear application to organizational, management, and and powerful way. other professional skills. This workshop explores what gets in the way of bringing our best self and most powerful voice forward Track I in work and life. We leave knowing how to express our- Beyond Yes™ selves more clearly, influence others more effectively, Deeper Wisdom the Art of Negotiation get our messages across clearly and persuasively, and Originated at the Harvard Negotiation Insight Initiative, The speak in greater alignment with our true self. Beyond Yes Method™ is a seven-step process that cultivates Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. personal mastery for high performance. In this program, Anne Gottlieb is a senior consultant we learn how to work with timeless wisdom principles for Mobius Executive Leadership and a and our own life story to deepen and expand our effective- returning faculty for the Global Nego- ness at engaging and resolving our toughest conflicts. This tiation Insight Institute. She draws on professional training is for those who face conflict at the theater techniques learned in her near- workplace, in business, or with clients or colleagues, and ly 20 years as an actor and director to want to enhance their effectiveness and authenticity. The coach professionals in leadership presence and dynamic Beyond Yes process is for professionals seeking more suc- presentation. ■ cess and higher satisfaction, both at work and in life. Background on Erica Ariel Fox can be found above. ■ This workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. and ends Friday at 1:00 p.m. ■ To register for the Summer Learning Forum please go to 6 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 8. “Withaclearunderstandingofyourowndriversofhappiness,you’llfind somenewpathsandnewgoalsalongwiththecouragetostanddownyour Journey Into Wholeness fears....You’llbeinspiredtobreakthroughbarriers.Yourhardworkwon’t seemsohardandthelonghourswon’tseemsolong.You’llrecovermore July 30, 2010 - August 1, 2010 quicklyfromsetbacksand,what’smore,you’llfindmorejoydaytoday.” Erica Ariel Fox, JD –JoannaBarsh,HowRemarkableWomenLead Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York M ost of us spend our time “juggling” all sorts of commitments, running from one appointment to the next. This creates fragmentation, With kindred spirits, we discover resources in our- selves that bring us energy, vitality and inspiration. stress, and a sense of chaos in our life. Through small group exercises, contemplative practice, This weekend is an opportunity to remember how to ritual, and creative arts, we recall that life is not a problem live in another way and connect with the coherence, sta- to be solved but a mystery to be explored and enjoyed. bility, and joy that reside in our core. Guided by Erica Ariel We return home feeling refreshed, restored, and ready Fox, a pioneer in the application of wisdom traditions and to create a more balanced and soul-sustaining life. spiritual practice to the negotiation field, we set aside our To register for this weekend program go to tasks and to-do lists to journey into wholeness. ■ The Alchemy of Group Work T he following is a workshop offered in the Bos- ton area by Michael Robbins, a thought leader in group-as-whole process and a wonderful trainer for Group Work: A Body/Mind/Spirit Approach A Workshop Facilitated by Michael Robbins M.A., L.M.H.C. May 15th, 9-5pm May 16th 9-4pm in Somerville Mass. facilitators, coaches and psychotherapists. For those of you interested in large group work or group facilita- Michael writes, “The journey from living life inside of tion this workshop will introduce you to his approach a self-centered perspective to living life connected to a to working experientially and somatically with groups. larger context has tremendous implications for our hap- Michael will also draw on his years of study with piness. Group work is the most effective modality that I Yvonne Agazarian’s who created Systems Centered know of for achieving this transformation. Therapy and authored Autobiography of a Theory: A systems perspective to healing hypothesizes that self- Developing the Theory of Living Human Systems and centeredness is the root cause of human suffering. In this Its Systems-Centered Practice. regard it is very similar to many spiritual and meditative approaches to human development. The difference is that in group work we observe the defensive strategies that keep us trapped inside of our self-centeredness in the mo- Michael Robbins, MA ment of our interaction with each other. As we become Michael Robbins M.A., conscious at this fork in the road we have the opportunity L.M.H.C. has trained with to choose between our past strategies and the open, edge Dr. Yvonne Agazarian in a of the unknown that emerges when we approach relation- systems approach to group ships with curiosity and presence. As the group develops, and individual therapy for 20 years and has practiced and each member confronts their conflicts around taking re- taught Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Taoist meditation sponsibility for their experience and their contributions for 30 years. He is also a student of a variety to developing the kind of group that they want to live in.” of healing modalities including, existential/ psychoanalytic therapy, body-oriented During the workshop group members will also prac- therapies, Qi Gong therapy, Psychosynthesis, tice simple and powerful forms of moving, standing and Internal Family Systems, object relations, and sitting Qi Gong to ground, center and cultivate a group the Diamond Heart Approach. He has written “chi-field” of presence, clarity and attunement. several articles, two book chapters and a book of poetry. If you would like to find out more • Early registration by April 25th, $250, after that $325 about Michael and his work please visit his • You can reach Michael at 617 623 0024 or website ■ | Mobius Executive Leadership 7
  • 9. “...Inordertomoveforwardfluidlyontheunevenandunsteadyandunfamiliargroundon whichweincreasinglyfindourselves,weneedtobuildourcapacityforemployingbothour powerandourlovecollectively.”–AdamKahane,PowerandLove Moving From the Past to Presence A Deep Dive Into Embodying Our Fullest Potential O ur bodies have a lot to tell us. But few can read what they are saying. This workshop shows us how to look directly into our Jennifer Cohen, MA, is Director of Coaching Education for Mobius Execu- tive Leadership and founder and director inner world—our mindsets, movement, and energy—to of Seven Stones Leadership Group. She is see what our bodies have to teach us about the ways we a master somatic coach and author of the keep falling back into habitual patterns, and how we can chapter “From Surviving to Thriving” in fully embody who we wish to become. Being Human at Work. Through ancient teachings and a range of contem- Samuel Bartussek is a trainer in so- porary somatic practices, we discover how to use our qi matic techniques, including mime and (life force energy) to center and ground ourselves, give movement, nonverbal communication, and receive appropriately, blend with another’s energy, body awareness, and the Mimo-Sonance and recognize the difference between strength and force. Method. He serves as personal mastery fac- We explore our own strategies for handling life’s ulty for Mobius Executive Leadership. challenges and look beyond patterns of spoken commu- Paul Dunion, EdD, is a psychotherapist, nication for insight into conflict resolution and peace. You the author of Temptation in the House of the will see yourself more clearly than you ever have, let go Lord and Shadow Marriage: A Descent Into of that which no longer serves you, and tap into vital life Intimacy, and founder of COMEGA (Con- force for living and leading powerfully in your life today. necticut Men’s Gathering) and Boys to Men Leaders and others in any field, including managers, (a mentoring community for teenage boys). teachers, coaches, and bodyworkers, are welcome. To register for Moving From the Past to Presence go to Wear comfortable clothing. ■ The Personal Mastery Intensive: Living and Leading Authentically T he Personal Mastery Intensive: Living and Leading Authentically with Mobius Principal Carole Kam- men will be offered April 8 - 11, 2010 in the Boston area will learn, practice and share the life skills for making long-term changes one step at a time. Through this in- tensive weekend you will: and in the San Francisco area is June 3 - 6. A powerful • Align your personal purpose with a larger world vision introduction to Carole’s work for newcomers and sea- • Identify your innate strengths, abilities and unique gifts soned seekers alike. • Develop emotional and spiritual intelligence for Pathways Institute invites you to live your life from a every area of your life new perspective. Experience a weekend that will enable • Gain skills needed to achieve your goals you to create the impact you wish to have in your life. For more information go to This three and a half day workshop will introduce you to or to register, Contact: Catherine Dolan-Haas: 860-575-6179 new concepts that will help you: E-mail: ■ • Align heart, mind, and soul for creating a new life vision • Unlock the mindsets and behaviors that interfere Note: Both Embodied Leadership and The Personal Mastery with your ability to achieve your dreams Intensive can be offered as a foundational leadership • Become skilled at living creatively and intentionally course in corporate contexts through Mobius. instead of reactively Contact Susan Brady at • Become the architect of your own authentic life Using simple tools with like-minded individuals, you 8 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 10. New Mobius Partners Mobius Executive Leadership: Sufficiency and Sustainability Mobius Project with Health Care Without Harm and Practice Green Health M any of you likely remember Gary Cohen from his presen- tation on environmental health and cal Association, American Nurses Association, Catholic Health Asso- ciation, Stockholm County Council, Mobius is working closely with PGH to provide educational experi- ences for its partner hospital systems. toxics at the 2008 Launch meeting and hundreds of other organizations Earlier this year PGH Program Di- in Boston. Gary is the founder and across four continents. Mobius is rector Cecilia de Loach worked with Executive Director of Health Care now providing HCHW with coach- Mobius senior consultants Alex Without Harm and in 2006 , won the ing for its senior team as well as Trisoglio and Grady McGonagill to Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneur- strategic advisement on its broader design and deliver a pilot training ship in and in 2007 the Frank Hatch organizational purposes. program for sustainability officers in Award for Enlightened Social Service. Over the last few years the or- hospitals on key levers of enhanced Health Care Without Harm is ganization has built a membership sustainability as well as leadership an international campaign for envi- organization called Practice Green- skills and large scale culture change. ronmentally responsible healthcare. health (www.practicegreenhealth. Topics included systems thinking, It has offices in Washington, D.C., org), which has over 1,100 hospital adaptive leadership, stakeholder Berkeley, Boston, Brussels, Manila members and 75 other corporate management and sequencing, and and Buenes Aires. HCWH was re- members. Major hospital part- influence/negotiation skills. sponsible for eliminating mercury ners include Kaiser Permanente, The future work is also excit- measuring devices in the U.S. and Catholic Healthcare West, Partners ing. HCWH is working with several Europe and has a partner- major hospital systems to launch ship with the World Health a Healthier Hospital Agenda Organization to eliminate mer- in May at its Clean Med (www. cury from healthcare at a global conference, which scale. HCWH was also respon- will be used to lay out a compre- sible for eliminating over 4,000 hensive sustainability agenda for medical waste incinerators, the healthcare sector and then as well as introducing green provide hospitals with tools and buildings (Green Guide for Health- Healthcare, Advocate, Bon Sec- technical assistance to help them im- care – ) and safer ours, HCA, Providence, Ascension, plement the Agenda. As part of this chemicals considerations into the Catholic Health Initiatives and effort, Health Care Without Harm is healthcare sector. HCWH has pro- the VA. PGH has contracts with working with Mobius Executive Lead- grams on green building, energy and the sixth largest Group Purchas- ership to develop an executive level climate, environmental purchasing, ing Organizations in the country, training that would engage C-suite safer chemicals, waste, healthy food representing over $100 billion in executives on the broad business case in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and purchasing power, to assist them in ■ for sustainability. green jobs. HCWH has partnerships developing specifications for envi- with EPA, CDC, American Medi- ronmentally preferable purchasing. “ orkisachancetodoart.Goodartisuselessandbanal.Noonecrossesthe W streettobuygoodart,orbecomesloyaltoagoodartist.Raisingthebariseasier thenitlooks,anditpaysforitself.Ifyourbosswon’traiseyourbar,youshould” –SethGodininLinchpin:AreYouIndispensable? | Mobius Executive Leadership 9
  • 11. New Mobius Partners Leading the Inquiry of Sufficiency by Jennifer Cohen, MA A ll of you systems thinkers out there know in your bones that the context in which we are Introducing Mobius Alliance Partner Seven Stones embedded gives us our thinking, This last year Mobius coach Jennifer Cohen and being and doing. Structure, as consultants Gina LaRoche and Shea Adelson they say, shapes behavior. have founded and led a new effort to help drive For many years I’ve had my at- efforts for global sufficiency. They have been tention on the structure that is our working closely with Mobius senior consultant Roger Burton in evolving their body, been fascinated with how collective thinking and iterating a framework for “life on earth to thrive.” that structure- the anatomical, This inspired and mission-driven effort is a wonderful contribution to the social fabric and we are proud to feature here an essay Jen has prepared for physiological, emotional, spiritual readers of the Mobius Strip. At the bottom of this article please find ways to structure- that we are as human join their efforts and learn more about their discourse and offerings. beings shapes our choices, our thinking, and our possibilities in life. And, how we can, through an world, this is happening, and faster fering. Infinite Growth has become understanding of the dimensions than ever.” the holy grail that will; individually of that structure, begin to shift and —Seth Godin, marketing guru fill our personal perceived holes, have thereby shift what is possible on and change agent us each experience grace, peace and our lives and in our leading others. Scarcity is at the root of our eco- fulfillment; organizationally have us Now my attention has been drawn, nomic exchange. In fact if you look know we have won the game; and not by accident, to the larger social up scarce you can see that one of societally have us reach the zenith of structures that surround and hold the ways a commodity becomes val- power and potential. and shape that personal structure we ued in our current model is that it But as we all know this model is each inhabit. There are, no doubt, is scarce, either in nature or by de- killing us. many ways to describe or de-con- sign. We have used scarcity to drive “The dogma of limitless productiv- struct the larger context in which we commerce, embed unjust systems, ity and growth in a finite world is find ourselves. Scarcity is the source and motivate people to engage in all unsustainable and unfair for future word, the seed concept that has cap- manner of behavior that does not, in generations.” tured our imagination and thinking. the end, lead to health, well being, –Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley “We spent a generation believing love, or the collective good. The concept of Sufficiency, a term certain parts of our business needed We swim both personally and col- we have adopted from Lynne Twist’s to be scarce and that advertising and lectively in a trance of “not enough:” body of ideas, asserts that we are fun- other interruption should be abun- not enough money, not enough time, damentally enough right now, and we dant. Part of the pitch of free is that not enough resource for the next have enough resource to sustain all when advertising goes away, you business dream, not enough good life on earth. Sufficiency is an inqui- need to make something else abun- men over forty, not enough love or ry, a source conversation, a context dant in order to gain attention. Then, energy, or health, or vacation time, that gives us a framework for sustain- and only then, will you be able to not enough political will, not enough able practice to take root and grow. sell something that’s naturally scarce. food to feed all the hungry children. One of our huge concerns has been This is an uncomfortable flip to make, Both individually and collectively how to grow sustainable practice in- because the stuff you’ve been charging we are dominated by the weight of side of the context that gave us the for feels like it should be charged for, inadequacy and driven by the quest practices in which we now individu- and the new scarcity is often difficult for more, better, bigger, growth, and ally and collectively engage. I know to find. But, especially in the digital expansion as the antidote to our suf- Einstein would say it cannot be done. 10 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 12. We say so too and would add that suf- if we were enough right now? What cussed and planted in our collective ficiency, a context as old as the oldest would emerge as structures of ex- psyche. We are eager to hear from cultures on earth, can give rise to change and commerce if we were you and have you enter this ongo- being and doing that is truly sustain- inside of enough? If we presuppose ing dialogue. We are hoping to able. So we are asking ourselves some sufficiency what immediately drops support your own engagement with questions: what is enough: enough from our world view and what im- these life affirming questions and to revenue this quarter, enough square mediately enters? invite you to enrich the conversa- footage for our homes, enough per- We hold these as deep questions tion in our community. sonal growth, how would we know to be held and grappled with, dis- ■ AtKisson and Associates M obius offers a two day foundational training in Background on The AtKisson Group sustainability transformation for top teams want- Since 1992, The AtKisson Group has been a global leader ing to understand what best practices in corporate and innovator in the field of sustainability consulting, sustainability are today. In partnership with the Swed- training, and communications. The Group focuses on ish based leader in sustainability transformations and helping organizations create or accelerate sustainability economic indicators, The AtKisson Group, we also pro- transformations in their core operations, and in helping vide on-site workshops, off-site training intensives, and professionals develop their competence in sustainability “train the trainer” certification programs in the use of change agentry. A highly integrated approach—which the ISIS Method and the ISIS Accelerator™ (trademark) stresses ethics, systems thinking, and adding value in suite of sustainability tools.” economic, environmental, social and human terms— has been essential to the Group’s longevity and success. About ISIS Accelerator Founder Alan AtKisson has long been a recognized leader ISIS–Indicators, Systems, Innovation, Strategy–is a and author in the field of sustainability; and the tools and potent method for creating a whole-systems view, strate- methods developed by the AtKisson Group have been gizing successfully for innovative change and accelerating adopted by organizations around the world. Associates in progress towards sustainability. ISIS is an approach that the Group include a number of very senior practitioners builds on fifteen years of successful practice, with case whose experience stretches from sustainability leadership studies from around the world, and easy-to-use training in the US White House to working hands-on with Asian and planning tools that translate theory into practice in companies in the global manufacturing supply chain. a way that provides both practical advice and inspira- AtKisson Group’s depth and breadth of experience in sus- tion. Accelerator is a comprehensive toolkit designed to tainability work is extensive, global, and unique. support sustainability initiatives of all kinds. The tools in Accelerator help you orient your organization toward ■ sustainability ... perform sustainability assessments ... col- Mobius senior consultant Alan laborate to create projects and plans ... build capacity for Atkisson has a new book on systems analysis and innovation ... and strategize for suc- sustainabilty and culture change. cessful implementation. The tools have been developed Like Alan’s previous book Believing over a period of fifteen years of successful consulting Cassandra, this book is essential, practice, with clients ranging from global corporations transformative reading for leaders and major cities, to international initiatives and UN in business, organizations, and agencies, to small communities and volunteer groups. government, and professionals of They have been adapted to widely varying cultural and all description in all sectors who organizational circumstances, in many different parts of are working on whole systems the world. A brochure which describes the toolkit, and change in pursuit of strategies the licensing program, for those who are interested in for innovation, sustainability, and becoming part of our global consulting network and our profitability, as well as students in business and management. family of clients can be found on the Mobius website. | Mobius Executive Leadership 11
  • 13. Annie Leonard The Story of Stuff O ur long time friend and sustainability activ- combine solid information and first hand investigative reporting with a profound sense of hope that we can, Alternatives (GAIA), Health Care Without Harm, Essential Action and Greenpeace International. She ist Annie Leonard indeed must, find a more sustainable is currently on the boards of the In- has a new book. way to meet our material needs. ternational Forum on Globalization In her recent visit Prior to directing the Story of and GAIA and has previously served to Boston I asked her to send us an Stuff Project, Annie worked for the on the Boards of the Grassroots Re- overview for the Mobius Strip and Funders Workgroup for Sustain- cycling Network, the Environmental this is what she sent: able Production Consumption, Health Fund, Global Greengrants Annie Leonard is the Director of the Global Alliance for Incinerator India and Greenpeace India. ■ the Story of Stuff Project and author of the recently released book, The Story of Stuff (Free Press, March 2010). About The Story of Stuff Book In December 2007, Annie released The Story of Stuff: How our obsession with The Story of Stuff, a hit 20-minute webfilm that takes viewers on a pro- stuff is trashing the planet, our communities, vocative and eye-opening tour of the and our health - and a vision for change. often hidden costs of our consumer The Story of Stuff examines the often hidden driven culture. The Story of Stuff has environmental, social and health impacts generated over 10 million views in of the mounting piles of stuff in our lives. Annie Leonard more than 200 countries and ter- provides facts, analyses and stories gathered in over a ritories since its launch, making it decade of visiting the factories where our stuff is made and one of the most successful environ- the dumps where it is disposed around the world. From mental-themed viral films of all time. interviewing garment workers sewing Disney pajamas in The film has won numerous awards, Haiti to survivors of the biggest chemical industrial disaster including a South by Southwest Fes- in history in Bhopal, India, The Story of Stuff takes us on a tival award, and in 2008 Annie was journey complete with scientific facts, personal stories and named one of Time Magazine’s signs of hope – examples of people working for safe and Heroes of the Environment. Annie has spent nearly two decades sustainable alternatives to our current take-make-waste investigating and organizing on envi- system. Embedded in Leonard’s approach is not just solid ronmental health and justice issues, information and first hand investigative reporting, but a traveling to over 40 countries to visit profound sense of hope that we can, indeed must, find a the factories where our stuff is made more sustainable way to meet our material needs. You may and the dumps where it ends up. An- never look at all the stuff in your life the same again. nie’s films, writing and presentations 12 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 14. We are collaborating with Ms. Barsh and her team to design Joanna Barsh and offer leadership programs revolving around Centered Joanna Barsh is a Director Leadership. For more information on these offerings please in McKinsey Company’s write New York office. She serves as a leader of McKinsey’s Consumer, Retail and How Remarkable Organization Practices. Since joining the firm in 1980, Joanna has served Women Lead a broad range of consumer-facing clients. Her client experience spans mergers and How Remarkable Women Lead: The acquisitions, development of corporate growth Breakthrough Model for Work and Life strategy, and performance and operations (Crown Business, September 2009) transformation. She also spearheads the Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston and Geoff Centered Leadership Project and co-authored Lewis of McKinsey Company the book, How Remarkable Women Lead, A t the core of our leadership model are deep emotional connections: to work, to personal meaning and mis- sion, to achievement, to nurturing instincts, and to a strong published by Crown Business. Joanna is a strong advocate for women at feeling of belonging. McKinsey and beyond. In 2002, she was Briefly, this is how our system lines up: appointed to the New York City Commission on Women’s Issues by Mayor Michael • Meaning. The sense of meaning is what propels leaders, Bloomberg. She also created “Living Portraits,” guides their careers, sustains their optimism, generates a video archive of 100+ interviews with women positive emotions, and enables them to lead in creative leaders from around the world. Additionally, and profound ways. she began The McKinsey Centered Leadership • Framing. To sustain herself on the path to leadership Project, to accelerate the development of and to see the best possibilities, a leader learns to view women leaders. Her awards include the Girl situations clearly, separating fact from assumption to Scouts Council Woman of Distinction Award avoid downward spirals, move ahead to solutions, and and the National Council for Research on re-energize through action. Women Achievement Award. • Connecting. Nobody does it alone. Leaders make A dedicated contributor to the New York meaningful connections to develop sponsorship and community, Joanna has served the Partnership followership, forge an engaged community, and gain for New York City, the New York City Economic the help to accelerate growth. Development Corporation, the American • Engaging. Successful leaders take ownership for oppor- Museum of Natural History, and the Manhattan tunities along with risks. They have a voice and they use Theatre Club, as well as St. Jude Children’s it. They’re able to face the fears in their way and find Research Hospital and the Alaska Conservation ways to put them aside. Foundation. She has been a trustee of • Energizing. To succeed long-term and to accommodate Sesame Workshop, the education organization family and community responsibilities, leaders learn to responsible for Sesame Street, for 15 years. manage their energy reserves and to tap into flow. Prior to joining McKinsey, Joanna held positions All other things being equal (talent, education, drive), we at Macy’s and at Bloomingdale’s. She holds now see that it is the centered woman (or man) who sustains degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, a successful leadership journey. These leaders thrive when the University of Chicago and an M.B.A. from things go well and adapt to significant change without losing Harvard Business School, where she was a their way, because they are centered—not just emotionally, Baker Scholar. but also intellectually, socially, and physically. Joanna is passionate about many things, but For more on the book, please visit: at the top of her list is women’s leadership. howremarkablewomenlead. We are also on Facebook at She has two wonderful daughters, Gaby and ■ Jetta and a husband (David) of 18 years. | Mobius Executive Leadership 13
  • 15. The Banff CenTRe. InspIRIng CReaTIvITy. Leadership Development at The Banff Centre Centered Leadership: Centered Leadership: How Remarkable Women Lead How Remarkable Women Lead September 27 – 29, 2010 Leadership Development and Mckinsey Company have partnered to offer this unique three-day program which will help you to increase your leadership effectiveness and sustain high performance, from a core of self-mastery. This program is about breakthroughs that elevate your passion and satisfaction in work and life. Through personal, interpersonal, and applied practices you will explore your strengths and hidden aspirations, and re-energize yourself to plan the next steps in your leadership journey. Centered Leadership: How Remarkable Women Lead will be held at The Banff Centre, located in Banff National Park in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. The Banff Centre experience will give you the chance to engage with exceptional artists in an interdisciplinary environment. Our powerful mountain setting will transform your energy and encourage new ways of reflecting on your leadership. In this program you will: • Expand your personal leadership toolkit by exploring the five self-reinforcing elements of centered leadership: meaning, framing, connecting, engaging, and energizing • Learn from the stories and experiences of senior women leaders around the world • Examine the latest research in brain science and adult learning to tap into your full potential • Develop unique and supportive relationships within a community of women leaders • Lead yourself differently and play a bigger game • Leave with a sense of rekindled passion and a concrete action plan to sustain this in your workplace and day to day life 14 Mobius Executive Leadership |
  • 16. The Banff CenTRe. InspIRIng CReaTIvITy. Leadership Development at The Banff Centre This is the right program for: Seasoned female executives currently in positions of significant leadership and influence, who are highly competent and successful managers, and who have a desire to develop their capacity to lead profound change in their organizations. Special Program Features: • Use art, theatre, movement, and meditation methodologies to develop the five elements of Centered Leadership • Complete a Centered Leadership self-assessment and feedback process • In-program coaches support your experience and your personalized learning plan • You and four other program participants will create a mini-advisory board to support one another in achieving post-program goals Faculty Team Our faculty team brings a rich combination of experience in business, coaching, and personal mastery work. • Johanne Lavoie, MBA, McKinsey Company • Carole Kammen, MA • Susie Cranston, MBA, co-author of How Remarkable Women Lead , McKinsey Company , McKinsey Company • Josephine Mogelof, PhD, McKinsey Company What are the first steps? Talk to one of our personal learning advisors to learn more about this and other programs. Call toll free 1.800.590.9799 or e-mail us at Program Fees: $3,000.00* * Plus applicable taxes. Fee includes accommodation and meals at The Banff Centre for the duration of the program. | Mobius Executive Leadership 15
  • 17. Vaclav Havel playwright and defender of human rights, former president of Czechoslovakia “ ...the kind of hope I often think about... I understand above all as a state of mind, not a state of the world. Either we have hope within us or we don’t; it is a dimension of the soul, and it’s not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world or estimate of the situation. It is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart; it transcends the world that is immediately experienced and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but, rather, an ability to work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed. The more unpropitious the situation in which we demonstrate hope, the deeper that hope is. Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. It is also this hope, above all, which gives us the strength to live and continually to try new things...” For more about the offerings of Mobius Executive Leadership please go to To discuss bringing Mobius leadership programs, trainings or executive coaching to your organization please write