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A Introduction to Media Studies

 To discover the meaning of Media and Media Studies
 To introduce and explore the idea of analysis and explanation
 To apply analysis to logo and product design

                                                           To consider a a range of media
                                               To explain what the Media is in own words
                                      To work collaboratively in anaylsing media products

      What is Media Studies?
Have you ever studied      Film Posters in Year 8,8,9?

Have you ever used             Digital Photography in Art?
Ever used and              Design Software in D & T?

                                          Kobe S
                                                                     Luca J
             Fabian R

Isabelle S          Leah I                                  Diellza G        Mustafa O

                                                                      Nasir S
        Elliot S
                                          Ciara P

                                Flynn C

                                     Xehmagi P                      Adam B
             Xinyu D

 Alex ND               Kyam A                           Aneesha R            Joseph M

              Jake O                                             Alphie R
A Quick Introduction to Media Studies

Starter for Ten
Work in pairs for this exercise.

There are basically five media that you will be
analysing over the next two years. Can you guess
what they are? Some letters are given to help you.

T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

                                         Extension Task
P__     M_s__.



 Can you explain in your own words
 what this diagram is suggesting about
 what Media Studies is about? Use the
 box provided to make notes
Lesson Recap

· Media Studies involves how information about what happens in the world is shown to us

· Media Studies is both practical and academic

· When looking at the media EVERYTHING IS THERE FOR A REASON, your job is to ask

    Home Learning Task

    Log onto Fronter and access the Media Studies Room. On the very first page you will
    see a forum just for Year 9 where you can contribute comments. Post a comment
    about an object that best shows off your qualities and characteristics and explain why
    this best suited to represent you. No diamonds please!
Making Logos Simple an Explanation

                          As much as you may try you cannot escape the thousands of logos
                          we see on a daily basis. They range from Nike's Swoosh through
                          to the Apple Logo, but have you ever tried to explain what they
                          might mean? Have you ever thought about what the company is
                          trying to say about themselves or the product? Well, here's your

Main Task
In groups of four consider the
qualities and characteristics of the
following media texts. What do
they suggest about what the
company are trying to say about
them? Use note form to record
your ideas.

                            Helpful hints: What common characteristics does Superman have
                            with diamonds? Do you remember how Japan was so excellent at
                            working together after the Tsunami 2011?
Introduction to Image Analysis
Aims and Objectives:
Introduce the textual analysis tool kit
Use the concepts Denotation and connotation
Apply concepts to Annotations (leading up to
extended writting)

                       What is the suggested statement being made by this image?

   What is the most important question in an analytical exploration?

To complete image analysis for three images using the
image analysis checklist. Annotation form
Icons in Culture
To discuss and research images of icons in
film and music industries
To compile research with annotations




             MIGHT MEAN
Image Analysis in Research
                             Nelson Mandella

How To Read Any Ad
Aims and Objectives
To move on from image analysis to Print
based advertising
To identify conventions of an advert in
preparation for analysis

For Starters..
1) What similarities and differences do you notice about these adverts?

2) What makes an advert an advert?
Image Analysis: Using Denotation Connontation

             The medium close up shot used in this image provides a feeling
             of intimacy.

      The eye line looking directly you gives an air of confidence. This
      suggests that if you wear the perfume you too will be confident

The black and white colour suggests a feeling of old hollywood movies, as
we associate the grainy effect with classic films.

      People associate the sophisticated and elegent
      qualities of this actress and associate it with the brand

French Brand Name suggests. Style, elegance and glamour. The use
of capitol letters suggests a bold brand identity and the sans serif font
suggest modernity
Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

     The black and white colour
     suggests a feeling of old
     hollywood movies

 The copy in this ad anchors the
 meaning of this perfume being
 sophisticated and aspirational

People associate the sophisticated
and elegent qualities of this actress
and associate it with the brand

   French Brand Name suggests
   Style, elegance and glamour
How To Read Any Ad
Aims and Objectives
To develop media specific writing style
To consider Brand Identity
To create own Brand based on our own identity

                            Slogan                                        Main
       Brand Identity                                                Logo
 Starter for 10
 Use these sentence starters to help you write up last lesson's notes:

 The use of different point sizes in the fonts have the effect of.....
 The main image used suggests something heroic and individual because...
 Overall the advert is trying to say that if you buy this product you will...
How to Read Any Ad
  Natural pose, look of awe and                                                  The close up shot employed in

  wonderment connote the                                                         this advert shows off Kate Moss'
                                                                                 beauty and has nothing else

  amazement at the use of                                                        (setting) to detract the eye. it
                                                                                 invites us to see Kate Moss at a

  product.                                                                       personal level.

                                                                                 Close up shot of mascara to suggest
                                                                                 it's status above all other mascara
The gaze allows the eye lashes to be
seen in full wonder.

                                                                                   The use of hard lighting effects creates shadows to
                                                                                   exaggerate her features. It creates a porcelain doll like

                                                                                     An extreme close up is employed to
   The absence of setting allows the                                                 highlight the difference between this
   audience to be focussed on the model                                              and other brushes. This meaning is
   and the product.                                                                  anchored by the text .... next to it.

The high angle creates the effect of Kate Moss being
seen at a higher level thus elevating her status.
                                                                                           The mascara product is positioned
This provides the aspirational aspect of the ad. The                                       at the bottom right of the page
                                                                                           next to the brand identity to
implied message of the advert suggests...                                                  cement the relationship between
                                                                                           the two.

                                          The Brand name suggests an
                                          international aspect of a global          Your eye is directly drawn to KM's
                                          company which highlights the size         eyes that show off the product and
                                          and breadth of this company. The          it's effect. The lighting and
                                          typography of Rimmel conveys
                                                                                    composition of the frame make this
                                          sophistication and elegance. Whereas
                                          the Red London label suggests             possible
                                          rebellion and cool.
Applying Technical Language: TEST
 Draw from your technical language and textual analysis skills to fill in
 the blanks and complete this Rimmel advert analysis annotation

1) ......................shot of mascara to                                        7) The ..................... shot employed in
                                                                                   this advert shows off Kate Moss'beauty
suggest it's status above all other                                                and has nothing else (setting) to detract
mascara products.                                                                  the eye. It invites us to see Kate Moss
                                                                                   at a personal level. This has the effect
2) An...................close up is employed                                       of ........................ the product
to highlight the difference between this
                                                                                   8) The Brand name suggests an
and other brushes. This meaning is                                                 international aspect of a global
anchored by the text.                                                              company which highlights the size
                                                                                   and breadth of this company. The
3) The...............allows the eye lashes to
                                                                                   typography of Rimmel conveys
be                                                                                 sophistication and elegance. Whereas
seen in full wonder.                                                               the Red London label connotes
4) The absence of....................allows                                        .............................................................
audience to be focussed on the model
and the product.
5) The ................. angle creates the effect of Kate Moss
being seen at a higher level thus elevating her status.
This provides the aspirational aspect of the ad. The
implied message of the advert
6) The use of ............. lighting effects creates shadows to
exaggerate her features. This has the effect
Conventions of a Kate Moss Advert

                   Predominantly aimed at women aged 15-35. This
                   includes an aspirational of 12-40. Secondary
                   audience of males who might buy the product for
                   their partners or family.

                  Military term is used to express the
                  strength and power this product might give

                   Yes the image has been cropped to...

                   The layout of this advert allows for
                   the audience to see KM beauty.

                  The close up image of KM dominates
                  the page.
Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising
                                                                        Sensuality is often
 The name of the                                                           GENDER
                                                                        used to sell
 perfume often                           Simplicity                     perfume. The
 speaks of the                                                          idea that the
 qualities that the                                                     perfume makes us
 producer would                                                         attractive to the
 like to attract you                                                    other sex is often
 with. For                                                              used in Perfume
 example,                Conventional Elements in Perfume Advertising   ads. Couples are
 Diamond                                                                often seen in a
 expresses qualities                                                    loving embrace or
 of...                                                                  looking at each

                                                                     Often the setting is
                                                                     aspirational, a place
                                  Often models are shot from a       where people would
A close-up of the bottle is
                                  low-angle that elevates their      like to be. A
almost always displayed in
                                  status. There are a range of       romantic setting,
the advert. Often it is found
                                  shot types used from close-        Paris, a carefree
on the bottom corners
                                  ups to medium long shots.          setting, a beach.

                                                                  SHOT TYPES
T.V Advertising

· To consider the skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the first term
· To develop language around moving image (moving from print based to video based adverts)
· To apply new media language to analysis of Gucci T.V campaign

                                  Objectives and Success Criteria
                                  1) Micro revision. Do I remember range of skills / K&U?
                                  2) Understand key terms. Can I identify key conventions of moving image?
                                  3) Contribute to class discussion about use of conventions in t.v adverts
Media Studies - Recap

Who are these Adverts for and how do you know?

                                                                          The Resigned       The Reformer

                                                            The Struggler  The Explorer   The Aspirer
                                                                     The Succeeder    The Mainstream
Key Words in Moving Image Analysis
Blue Screen
A process in which actors are filmed while standing in front of a blue screen. In post-production different
backgrounds are added where the screen was to create an illusion of the actors physically being in that
location. Today, this screen is often green.

Any element, usually sound, that originates from action within the frame or the immediate world of the drama.
                                                                                                                What areas of moving
                                                                                                                images do you think
High Contrast                                                                                                   these colours refer to?
Sharp delineation between the bright and dark areas in a scene.

Non Diegetic
Any element, usually sound, that does not originate from action within the frame or the immediate world
of the drama; for example, background mood music, a voiceover from a later or earlier date commenting
on action. An important way of building atmosphere or mood.

Point of View Shot
A PoV shot shows the scene subjectively, from the perspective of a character, as above.

Production Design
The overall look and visual style of a moving image text, including all aspects of set design and locations,
costume and styling, lighting, colour palette, special effects and art direction. A hugely important aspect
of the emotional and visual impact of a narrative, involving collaboration with director, producers, director
of photography

Synchronous Sound
Sound that appears to match the image on the screen, such as a person’s lips moving as we hear
dialogue; or a music score, bridge or motif cut to time with action.

The upward and downward movement of the camera.

 A series of shots linked by time, place, and action that forms a coherent unit of narrative with a specific
 start, middle, and end.

 SOUND                                                                                                          CAMERA
                                        MISE - EN - SCENE
Gucci Guilty Advert
Target Audience
 Aims and Obs
 To introduce the Demographics and Psychographics
 To introduce the idea of Target Audience
 To apply understanding to Advertising pitch

What products would advertise in these publications?

  To apply understanding of Target
  Audience to Creative Task

  To consider how to pitch ideas to an

  To Pitch ideas to an audience

Presentation Points

1) What has your research informed you
about your target audience? Hobbies/

2) How will you use this information to
communicate with the target audience?
Target Audience Profile

TecWare Teens:
· Are girls and boys ages 14 – 17
· Come from households with incomes £100,000+
· Are interested in technology, gadgets, the Internet
· Frequent chat rooms, use email daily, and play computer video games
· May hold a part-time job or volunteer as a web-master, computer teacher or
  high-tech entry level position
· Have allowances of £20 a week in addition to their jobs
· Whose parents purchase at least £500 in “back to school” clothing

Alexis and Ryan
Alexis, 16, and Ryan, 14, are brother and sister. They live in the city’s best
neighborhood, in a three-story modern home from the pages of Architectural
Digest. In their free time, they volunteer to maintain web sites for the family’s
church, the local fire department and their high school. There is one
television but 3 computers in the home – Dad’s laptop for work, the “family
computer” and Ryan’s personal computer that he bought with money earned
teaching senior citizens computer skills. Dad is Vice President of
eCommerce for a national bank and Mom is a reporter for the online version
of the city’s newspaper.
J.Goody/Shush                                                       K.Moss/Channel
                                              P.Hilton/Just me
             J. Myers/Boss

                         H.Duff/With Love

G.Stefany/Lamb                                                            B.Spears/Midnight
                       Celebrity Endorsements Perfume

                                                                 Victoria Beckham

        J.Low/Glow           Sean John/Unforgivable

                                            Why do companies with established
K.Knightly/Channel                          brands feel the need to use stars to
                                            promote their perfume? Use examples
What type of person are you?

Aims and Obs
To understand Audience Segmentation
To understand key Psychographic terms
To apply Target Audience Theory to
Perfume Advertising

This theory suggests the idea that the media audience make active
use of what the media offer. The audience has a set of needs,
          which the media meet in one form or another.

           There are 4 main reasons we watch - DaPPS:

1. Diversion – A form of escape or release from everyday
                        pressures. Example?


2. Personal – Companionship through identification with tv
characters and sociability through discussion about tv with other
                          people. Example?

3. Personal Identity – the ability to compare one’s own life with the
characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems
                    and perspectives. Example?

4. Surveillance – Information about ‘what’s going on’ in the world.
Many narratives only include a limited number of character types

He also concluded that all the characters could be resolved into 8 broad character types in the 100 tales he analyzed:

   1.    The villain — struggles against the hero.
   2.    The dispatcher —character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off.
   3.    The (magical) helper — helps the hero in the quest.
   4.    The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an
        unfair evil, usually because of the villain. the hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess,
        thereby beating the villain.
   5.    Her father — gives the task to the hero, identifies the false hero, marries the hero, often sought for during the
        narrative. Propp noted that functionally, the princess and the father can not be clearly distinguished.
   6.    The donor —prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.
   7.    The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess.
   8.    False hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess.
Questions of Representation

adhering or challenging stereotypes?       Positively/Negatively
                             Fair and legitimate

Use this sliding scale evaluate how
youth have been represented the media
Questions of Representation and Gender

What is being represented?                                Image analysis

How is it being represented?                                    Positively/negatively

What messages does it send to women?

What messages does it send to men?

How is the product being sold?

Who is the ad's intended audience?

                Consider the setting of your advert and
                how you want to represent the youths
                within. Organise costume and props
                ready for next lesson.
Evaluating Representation
Advertising and Representation
What stereotypes are used and are they effective?
Use of models, body language, facial expressions (where is the gaze of
the models focussed), costume codes
Have the adverts neon colours to represent youth or gold to represent
What is the style of lettering employed?
What values have been used in the advertisement?
Does a grey hoodie mean urban/youthful?
What is the significance of the setting employed?
Does New York, for example, have a meaning or
value of multiculturalism? Does is signify a young
contemporary mindset?
What values have been linked to the products?
Is value of romance linked to the product?
Have you linked the value of teamwork to your product as an
expression of Unity?
Is sensuality linked to the product?
Consider stereotypes, are there any concerns because of this? Think
about messages coming through the advert about particular people.
Will there be an impact on society because of the way you have decided to
represent ideas in your advert?
How does adverts compare to other perfume adverts across different eras? Is
there a sense that what it is to be a man or woman has changed?
Theoretical Approaches to Media


Propp/Many narratives contain only a limited number of character types
Todorov/The narrative structure of a text can be understood by considering
Todorov's theory
Levi-Straus/Many narratives can be understood by considering the conflict
created by two oppositional forces

Uses and Gratifications Theory Boardwell and Thompson: Why are the
audience consuming the text and what are they doing with it as a result
Barthes' Enigma Codes: What mysteries are created and how does this work as
a marketing tool
Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

To develop common conventions in Perfume Advertising
To compare Representation across decades
Friendship. 2up                                         The Brief

 Responsibility                                    Supportive      Positive

Strength and power              Unity

                             Romance and relationships            Teamwork and

   A close group of people

                                                                London based
Perfume Advert Presentations


To present ideas about target audience and perfume advert construction

To be be evaluative about target audience and advertisement conventions


To write up an analysis of your perfume advert including representation of youth and
consideration of Target Audience. Use Advertising Commentary for guidance. 400 words
Evaluating Representation






                        Find a range of Representations of youth
                        across all media. Begin to evaluate how
                        youth have been represented by using the
                        sliding scale above
Advertising and Representation
What stereotypes are used and are they effective?
Use of models, body language, facial expressions (where is the gaze of
the models focussed), costume codes
Have the adverts neon colours to represent youth or gold to represent
What is the style of lettering employed?
What values have been used in the advertisement?
Does a grey hoodie mean urban/youthful?
What is the significance of the setting employed?
Does New York, for example, have a meaning or
value of multiculturalism? Does is signify a young
contemporary mindset?
What values have been linked to the products?
Is value of romance linked to the product?
Have you linked the value of teamwork to your product as an
expression of Unity?
Is sensuality linked to the product?
Consider stereotypes, are there any concerns because of this? Think
about messages coming through the advert about particular people.
Will there be an impact on society because of the way you have decided to
represent ideas in your advert?
How does adverts compare to other perfume adverts across different eras? Is
there a sense that what it is to be a man or woman has changed?
Flat Planning of Advert

In this task you will want to explain all the conventions of perfume
advertising that you used for your own perfume advertisement. Comment
on the following:

                                                       Target Audience
Brand Identity                                         16 -25 year old male and females
What type of Brand Identity have you created?          C1-B
What values are you associating with your brand?       London based
Luxury, Romance, Cool, Modern, Traditional             Unisex perfume

Main Image
What choices have you made about your models?
What are they wearing? What is their body
language suggesting? How are the positioned?
                                                       What text have you included in the
                                                       advert ? Think about the typography
How are your models represented? Try to
                                                       (style of font). Also make comments
evaluate the representation using this sliding scale
                                                       about what you have included.

                                                       Do you have one? What does it say
                                                       about the product?
Convention of an Print Based Advert


Copy                                          Image

Logo                        Brand Identity
Creating Your Own Brand Identity

                                 Go to this address to find a free font installer,
                                 here there are thousands of exciting fonts for
                                 you to choose

Find the font you desire
and follow the next step of
How to install a font
Unzip the files you have downloaded by double clicking
from the download folder, then:

  ▪ Mac OS X: Double-click the font file > "Install
font" button
Now you can open a new page in Photoshop to
manipulate your typography to get the desired
effect as informed by your research and
planning. Remember to title the document
appropriately. In this case Masthead Research

It should look like this. For this activity you will only need
the type tool and the move tool
Click your type tool cursor anywhere on the page and
type in the name of your masthead

To play around with Layer Stylisation,
double click on the blue of the layer to
open up blending options
Now you can manipulate your Masthead in a number of ways.
Remember to play around with the adjustments to create your
desired effect.
Completing Your Perfume Advert and Evaluation

To manipulate photography including:


To complete Perfume advert paying attention to layout, design and lighting effects

To begin analysis own ad in terms of the conventions used and target Audience

                                                       Objectives and Outcomes

                                                       Finished advertisement with close attention to detail
                                                       Secure understanding of basic functions in PS
                                                       To have started analysis
Finding and Analysing Your Work

Use this analysis sheet to record your
ideas, you can use the printout or you can
find the document in the machomes shared
area in the same place as your photos:

machomes/shared/2012 Year 10 Ad Photos

Logging on to Machomes
Step 1. Open your photo in photoshop                   Step 3. If needs be change to the normal eraser tool to
by dragging the photo over the PS icon                 remove areas that won't be picked up

Step 2. Click on the black cursor on the corner of the
eraser tool to find the magic eraser. Using the magic
eraser tool aim to remove the white background to      Step 4. Now click and drag the layer over to your
your photo by clicking on it within the photo.         perfume advert
Step 5. Your image should look like this, now you
need to resize it. Remember to keep the shift button
pressed to keep the dimensions.

                                                            Top Tip

                                                            You can always go to photoshop tutorial to
                                                            extend your skills at this address:


                                                       Step 6. Using the image tab/Adjustments/Brightness
                                                       you can change the separate layers an make them
                                                       look consistent.

  Your advert should look something like this
  with all the different conventions on; Main
  image, Bottle, Brand, Background. Now
  you need to change the brightness levels
  for consistency.
Top Tips

1) Be careful not to remove any of the clothing or
features of the subject (reduce the tolerance if you find
the magic eraser tool is taking too much of the image

2) Remember you can zoom in using CMD+ or CMD-
to ensure attention to detail.

3) Do play with colour and black and white features for
different effects

4) If you make a mistake just open the history window
and go back a step, be adventurous because none of
your mistakes will ever be permanent.
Step 7. Adjust the levels on the separate layers
remember to highlight them on the layers window

                                                        Stretch and challenge
                                                        Play with the different areas for
                                                        different effects, for example, hue and
                                                        saturation, colour balance, black and
                                                        white effects

                                                   Your finished product should look something like
                                                   this but better!
Find five different perfume adverts and resize
them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper

Consider technical codes

List all the commonalities
Find five different perfume adverts and resize
them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper

Consider technical codes

List all the commonalities
Role models to look up to
                                                    Pester Power
Physical beauty

                  Why do companies with established
                  brands feel the need to use stars to
                  promote their perfume? Use examples

                                      Positive qualities in previous work
Advertising Commentary Unisex Perfume

Aims and Obs
To understand the written aspect of coursework

To consider differing representations over a time period

Perfume Analysis of Own Advert

Consider the setting and background and how it
relates to your target audience.

How does your typography reach its target
audience? Does it suggest anything about the
Brand of the perfume

How does the slogan speak to its Target
Audience? What does it suggest about
the perfume?

Consider the body language, facial
expressions and technical codes that your
images have used.
Perfume advertising

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Perfume advertising

  • 1. A Introduction to Media Studies Aims To discover the meaning of Media and Media Studies To introduce and explore the idea of analysis and explanation To apply analysis to logo and product design Objectives To consider a a range of media To explain what the Media is in own words To work collaboratively in anaylsing media products What is Media Studies? Have you ever studied Film Posters in Year 8,8,9? Have you ever used Digital Photography in Art? Ever used and Design Software in D & T?
  • 2. MEDIA STUDIES 10A/MS1 Kobe S Luca J Fabian R Isabelle S Leah I Diellza G Mustafa O Nasir S Elliot S Ciara P Flynn C Xehmagi P Adam B Xinyu D Alex ND Kyam A Aneesha R Joseph M Jake O Alphie R
  • 3. A Quick Introduction to Media Studies Starter for Ten Work in pairs for this exercise. There are basically five media that you will be analysing over the next two years. Can you guess what they are? Some letters are given to help you. T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . F___. Extension Task P__ M_s__. N_________. M________. Can you explain in your own words what this diagram is suggesting about what Media Studies is about? Use the box provided to make notes
  • 4. Plenary Lesson Recap · Media Studies involves how information about what happens in the world is shown to us · Media Studies is both practical and academic · When looking at the media EVERYTHING IS THERE FOR A REASON, your job is to ask why! Home Learning Task Log onto Fronter and access the Media Studies Room. On the very first page you will see a forum just for Year 9 where you can contribute comments. Post a comment about an object that best shows off your qualities and characteristics and explain why this best suited to represent you. No diamonds please!
  • 5. Making Logos Simple an Explanation As much as you may try you cannot escape the thousands of logos we see on a daily basis. They range from Nike's Swoosh through to the Apple Logo, but have you ever tried to explain what they might mean? Have you ever thought about what the company is trying to say about themselves or the product? Well, here's your chance! Main Task In groups of four consider the qualities and characteristics of the following media texts. What do they suggest about what the company are trying to say about them? Use note form to record your ideas. Helpful hints: What common characteristics does Superman have with diamonds? Do you remember how Japan was so excellent at working together after the Tsunami 2011?
  • 6. Introduction to Image Analysis Aims and Objectives: Introduce the textual analysis tool kit Use the concepts Denotation and connotation Apply concepts to Annotations (leading up to extended writting) What is the suggested statement being made by this image? What is the most important question in an analytical exploration?
  • 7. o To complete image analysis for three images using the image analysis checklist. Annotation form
  • 8. Icons in Culture Aim: To discuss and research images of icons in film and music industries Obs: To compile research with annotations
  • 10.
  • 11. Image Analysis in Research Nelson Mandella Equality
  • 12. How To Read Any Ad Aims and Objectives To move on from image analysis to Print based advertising To identify conventions of an advert in preparation for analysis For Starters.. 1) What similarities and differences do you notice about these adverts? 2) What makes an advert an advert?
  • 13. Image Analysis: Using Denotation Connontation The medium close up shot used in this image provides a feeling of intimacy. The eye line looking directly you gives an air of confidence. This suggests that if you wear the perfume you too will be confident The black and white colour suggests a feeling of old hollywood movies, as we associate the grainy effect with classic films. People associate the sophisticated and elegent qualities of this actress and associate it with the brand French Brand Name suggests. Style, elegance and glamour. The use of capitol letters suggests a bold brand identity and the sans serif font suggest modernity
  • 14. Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising The black and white colour suggests a feeling of old hollywood movies The copy in this ad anchors the meaning of this perfume being sophisticated and aspirational People associate the sophisticated and elegent qualities of this actress and associate it with the brand French Brand Name suggests Style, elegance and glamour
  • 15. How To Read Any Ad Aims and Objectives To develop media specific writing style To consider Brand Identity To create own Brand based on our own identity Copy Slogan Main Image Brand Identity Logo Starter for 10 Use these sentence starters to help you write up last lesson's notes: The use of different point sizes in the fonts have the effect of..... The main image used suggests something heroic and individual because... Overall the advert is trying to say that if you buy this product you will...
  • 16. How to Read Any Ad Natural pose, look of awe and The close up shot employed in wonderment connote the this advert shows off Kate Moss' beauty and has nothing else amazement at the use of (setting) to detract the eye. it invites us to see Kate Moss at a product. personal level. Close up shot of mascara to suggest it's status above all other mascara products. The gaze allows the eye lashes to be seen in full wonder. The use of hard lighting effects creates shadows to exaggerate her features. It creates a porcelain doll like effect. An extreme close up is employed to The absence of setting allows the highlight the difference between this audience to be focussed on the model and other brushes. This meaning is and the product. anchored by the text .... next to it. The high angle creates the effect of Kate Moss being seen at a higher level thus elevating her status. The mascara product is positioned This provides the aspirational aspect of the ad. The at the bottom right of the page next to the brand identity to implied message of the advert suggests... cement the relationship between the two. The Brand name suggests an international aspect of a global Your eye is directly drawn to KM's company which highlights the size eyes that show off the product and and breadth of this company. The it's effect. The lighting and typography of Rimmel conveys composition of the frame make this sophistication and elegance. Whereas the Red London label suggests possible rebellion and cool.
  • 17. Applying Technical Language: TEST Draw from your technical language and textual analysis skills to fill in the blanks and complete this Rimmel advert analysis annotation 1) ......................shot of mascara to 7) The ..................... shot employed in this advert shows off Kate Moss'beauty suggest it's status above all other and has nothing else (setting) to detract mascara products. the eye. It invites us to see Kate Moss at a personal level. This has the effect 2) An...................close up is employed of ........................ the product to highlight the difference between this 8) The Brand name suggests an and other brushes. This meaning is international aspect of a global anchored by the text. company which highlights the size and breadth of this company. The 3) The...............allows the eye lashes to typography of Rimmel conveys be sophistication and elegance. Whereas seen in full wonder. the Red London label connotes ............................................................. 4) The absence of....................allows ............................................................. the audience to be focussed on the model and the product. 5) The ................. angle creates the effect of Kate Moss being seen at a higher level thus elevating her status. This provides the aspirational aspect of the ad. The implied message of the advert suggests...................................................................... ................................................................................ 6) The use of ............. lighting effects creates shadows to exaggerate her features. This has the effect of........................................................................ ........................................................................... ...........................................................................
  • 18. Conventions of a Kate Moss Advert Predominantly aimed at women aged 15-35. This includes an aspirational of 12-40. Secondary audience of males who might buy the product for their partners or family. Military term is used to express the strength and power this product might give you Yes the image has been cropped to... The layout of this advert allows for the audience to see KM beauty. The close up image of KM dominates the page.
  • 19. Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising Sensuality is often The name of the GENDER used to sell perfume often Simplicity perfume. The speaks of the idea that the qualities that the perfume makes us producer would attractive to the like to attract you other sex is often with. For used in Perfume example, Conventional Elements in Perfume Advertising ads. Couples are Diamond often seen in a expresses qualities loving embrace or of... looking at each other Often the setting is aspirational, a place Often models are shot from a where people would A close-up of the bottle is low-angle that elevates their like to be. A almost always displayed in status. There are a range of romantic setting, the advert. Often it is found shot types used from close- Paris, a carefree on the bottom corners ups to medium long shots. setting, a beach. NAME SETTING ANGLE SHOT TYPES STYLE
  • 20. T.V Advertising Aims · To consider the skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the first term · To develop language around moving image (moving from print based to video based adverts) · To apply new media language to analysis of Gucci T.V campaign Objectives and Success Criteria 1) Micro revision. Do I remember range of skills / K&U? 2) Understand key terms. Can I identify key conventions of moving image? 3) Contribute to class discussion about use of conventions in t.v adverts Media Studies - Recap Who are these Adverts for and how do you know? The Resigned The Reformer The Struggler The Explorer The Aspirer The Succeeder The Mainstream
  • 21. Key Words in Moving Image Analysis Blue Screen A process in which actors are filmed while standing in front of a blue screen. In post-production different backgrounds are added where the screen was to create an illusion of the actors physically being in that location. Today, this screen is often green. Diegetic Any element, usually sound, that originates from action within the frame or the immediate world of the drama. What areas of moving images do you think High Contrast these colours refer to? Sharp delineation between the bright and dark areas in a scene. Non Diegetic Any element, usually sound, that does not originate from action within the frame or the immediate world of the drama; for example, background mood music, a voiceover from a later or earlier date commenting on action. An important way of building atmosphere or mood. Point of View Shot A PoV shot shows the scene subjectively, from the perspective of a character, as above. Production Design The overall look and visual style of a moving image text, including all aspects of set design and locations, costume and styling, lighting, colour palette, special effects and art direction. A hugely important aspect of the emotional and visual impact of a narrative, involving collaboration with director, producers, director of photography Synchronous Sound Sound that appears to match the image on the screen, such as a person’s lips moving as we hear dialogue; or a music score, bridge or motif cut to time with action. Tilt The upward and downward movement of the camera. Sequence A series of shots linked by time, place, and action that forms a coherent unit of narrative with a specific start, middle, and end. SOUND CAMERA MISE - EN - SCENE
  • 23.
  • 24. Target Audience Aims and Obs To introduce the Demographics and Psychographics To introduce the idea of Target Audience To apply understanding to Advertising pitch What products would advertise in these publications?
  • 25. Aims: To apply understanding of Target Audience to Creative Task To consider how to pitch ideas to an audience To Pitch ideas to an audience Presentation Points 1) What has your research informed you about your target audience? Hobbies/ Interests/Ocupation/Aspiration/ 2) How will you use this information to communicate with the target audience?
  • 26. Target Audience Profile TecWare Teens: · Are girls and boys ages 14 – 17 · Come from households with incomes £100,000+ · Are interested in technology, gadgets, the Internet · Frequent chat rooms, use email daily, and play computer video games · May hold a part-time job or volunteer as a web-master, computer teacher or similar high-tech entry level position · Have allowances of £20 a week in addition to their jobs · Whose parents purchase at least £500 in “back to school” clothing Alexis and Ryan Alexis, 16, and Ryan, 14, are brother and sister. They live in the city’s best neighborhood, in a three-story modern home from the pages of Architectural Digest. In their free time, they volunteer to maintain web sites for the family’s church, the local fire department and their high school. There is one television but 3 computers in the home – Dad’s laptop for work, the “family computer” and Ryan’s personal computer that he bought with money earned teaching senior citizens computer skills. Dad is Vice President of eCommerce for a national bank and Mom is a reporter for the online version of the city’s newspaper.
  • 27. J.Goody/Shush K.Moss/Channel P.Hilton/Just me J. Myers/Boss Beyonce/Armani H.Duff/With Love G.Stefany/Lamb B.Spears/Midnight Celebrity Endorsements Perfume Victoria Beckham J.Low/Glow Sean John/Unforgivable Why do companies with established K.Knightly/Channel brands feel the need to use stars to promote their perfume? Use examples M.Carey/M
  • 28. What type of person are you? Aims and Obs To understand Audience Segmentation To understand key Psychographic terms To apply Target Audience Theory to Perfume Advertising
  • 31. USES AND GRATIFICATION THEORY This theory suggests the idea that the media audience make active use of what the media offer. The audience has a set of needs, which the media meet in one form or another. There are 4 main reasons we watch - DaPPS: 1. Diversion – A form of escape or release from everyday pressures. Example? And 2. Personal – Companionship through identification with tv characters and sociability through discussion about tv with other people. Example? 3. Personal Identity – the ability to compare one’s own life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspectives. Example? 4. Surveillance – Information about ‘what’s going on’ in the world. Example?
  • 32. Propp Many narratives only include a limited number of character types He also concluded that all the characters could be resolved into 8 broad character types in the 100 tales he analyzed: 1. The villain — struggles against the hero. 2. The dispatcher —character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off. 3. The (magical) helper — helps the hero in the quest. 4. The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. the hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain. 5. Her father — gives the task to the hero, identifies the false hero, marries the hero, often sought for during the narrative. Propp noted that functionally, the princess and the father can not be clearly distinguished. 6. The donor —prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object. 7. The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess. 8. False hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess.
  • 33. Questions of Representation adhering or challenging stereotypes? Positively/Negatively Fair and legitimate Stereotypically Use this sliding scale evaluate how youth have been represented the media
  • 34. Questions of Representation and Gender What is being represented? Image analysis How is it being represented? Positively/negatively What messages does it send to women? What messages does it send to men? How is the product being sold? Who is the ad's intended audience? Consider the setting of your advert and how you want to represent the youths within. Organise costume and props ready for next lesson.
  • 36. Advertising and Representation What stereotypes are used and are they effective? COMMENT UPON: Use of models, body language, facial expressions (where is the gaze of the models focussed), costume codes COLOUR AS A MEDIA LANGUAGE and TYPOGRAPHY: Have the adverts neon colours to represent youth or gold to represent affluance/wealth? What is the style of lettering employed? What values have been used in the advertisement? Does a grey hoodie mean urban/youthful? What is the significance of the setting employed? Does New York, for example, have a meaning or value of multiculturalism? Does is signify a young contemporary mindset? What values have been linked to the products? CONSIDER THE MEANINGS OF CONVENTIONS USED: Is value of romance linked to the product? Have you linked the value of teamwork to your product as an expression of Unity? Is sensuality linked to the product? Consider stereotypes, are there any concerns because of this? Think about messages coming through the advert about particular people. Will there be an impact on society because of the way you have decided to represent ideas in your advert? CONCLUSION How does adverts compare to other perfume adverts across different eras? Is there a sense that what it is to be a man or woman has changed?
  • 37. Theoretical Approaches to Media (25) Narrative: Propp/Many narratives contain only a limited number of character types Todorov/The narrative structure of a text can be understood by considering Todorov's theory Levi-Straus/Many narratives can be understood by considering the conflict created by two oppositional forces Audience: Uses and Gratifications Theory Boardwell and Thompson: Why are the audience consuming the text and what are they doing with it as a result Barthes' Enigma Codes: What mysteries are created and how does this work as a marketing tool
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising Aims To develop common conventions in Perfume Advertising To compare Representation across decades
  • 46. Friendship. 2up The Brief Togetherness Responsibility Supportive Positive Strength and power Unity Romance and relationships Teamwork and Success A close group of people London based 16-25 C1/A/B
  • 47. Perfume Advert Presentations Aims To present ideas about target audience and perfume advert construction To be be evaluative about target audience and advertisement conventions Hmk To write up an analysis of your perfume advert including representation of youth and consideration of Target Audience. Use Advertising Commentary for guidance. 400 words
  • 48.
  • 49. Evaluating Representation Fantastical.....................................................................................................................................Realistic Truthful.........................................................................................................................................Unfaithful Fair.................................................................................................................................................Offensive Positive...........................................................................................................................................Negative Stereotypical....................................................................................................................................Atypical Find a range of Representations of youth across all media. Begin to evaluate how youth have been represented by using the sliding scale above
  • 50. Advertising and Representation What stereotypes are used and are they effective? COMMENT UPON: Use of models, body language, facial expressions (where is the gaze of the models focussed), costume codes COLOUR AS A MEDIA LANGUAGE and TYPOGRAPHY: Have the adverts neon colours to represent youth or gold to represent affluance/wealth? What is the style of lettering employed? What values have been used in the advertisement? Does a grey hoodie mean urban/youthful? What is the significance of the setting employed? Does New York, for example, have a meaning or value of multiculturalism? Does is signify a young contemporary mindset? What values have been linked to the products? CONSIDER THE MEANINGS OF CONVENTIONS USED: Is value of romance linked to the product? Have you linked the value of teamwork to your product as an expression of Unity? Is sensuality linked to the product? Consider stereotypes, are there any concerns because of this? Think about messages coming through the advert about particular people. Will there be an impact on society because of the way you have decided to represent ideas in your advert? CONCLUSION How does adverts compare to other perfume adverts across different eras? Is there a sense that what it is to be a man or woman has changed?
  • 51. Flat Planning of Advert In this task you will want to explain all the conventions of perfume advertising that you used for your own perfume advertisement. Comment on the following: Target Audience Brand Identity 16 -25 year old male and females What type of Brand Identity have you created? C1-B What values are you associating with your brand? London based Luxury, Romance, Cool, Modern, Traditional Unisex perfume Main Image What choices have you made about your models? What are they wearing? What is their body language suggesting? How are the positioned? Copy What text have you included in the advert ? Think about the typography How are your models represented? Try to (style of font). Also make comments evaluate the representation using this sliding scale about what you have included. Slogan Do you have one? What does it say about the product?
  • 52. Convention of an Print Based Advert Slogan Main Copy Image Logo Brand Identity
  • 53. Creating Your Own Brand Identity Go to this address to find a free font installer, here there are thousands of exciting fonts for you to choose Find the font you desire and follow the next step of instructions
  • 54. How to install a font Unzip the files you have downloaded by double clicking from the download folder, then: ▪ Mac OS X: Double-click the font file > "Install font" button
  • 55. Now you can open a new page in Photoshop to manipulate your typography to get the desired effect as informed by your research and planning. Remember to title the document appropriately. In this case Masthead Research It should look like this. For this activity you will only need the type tool and the move tool
  • 56. Click your type tool cursor anywhere on the page and type in the name of your masthead To play around with Layer Stylisation, double click on the blue of the layer to open up blending options
  • 57. Now you can manipulate your Masthead in a number of ways. Remember to play around with the adjustments to create your desired effect.
  • 58. Completing Your Perfume Advert and Evaluation Aims To manipulate photography including: CROPPING RESIZING ADJUSTMENT OF LIGHT AND COLOUR To complete Perfume advert paying attention to layout, design and lighting effects To begin analysis own ad in terms of the conventions used and target Audience Objectives and Outcomes Finished advertisement with close attention to detail Secure understanding of basic functions in PS To have started analysis
  • 59. Finding and Analysing Your Work Use this analysis sheet to record your ideas, you can use the printout or you can find the document in the machomes shared area in the same place as your photos: machomes/shared/2012 Year 10 Ad Photos Logging on to Machomes
  • 60. Step 1. Open your photo in photoshop Step 3. If needs be change to the normal eraser tool to by dragging the photo over the PS icon remove areas that won't be picked up Step 2. Click on the black cursor on the corner of the eraser tool to find the magic eraser. Using the magic eraser tool aim to remove the white background to Step 4. Now click and drag the layer over to your your photo by clicking on it within the photo. perfume advert
  • 61. Step 5. Your image should look like this, now you need to resize it. Remember to keep the shift button pressed to keep the dimensions. Top Tip You can always go to photoshop tutorial to extend your skills at this address: file17749.pdf Step 6. Using the image tab/Adjustments/Brightness you can change the separate layers an make them look consistent. Your advert should look something like this with all the different conventions on; Main image, Bottle, Brand, Background. Now you need to change the brightness levels for consistency.
  • 62. Top Tips 1) Be careful not to remove any of the clothing or features of the subject (reduce the tolerance if you find the magic eraser tool is taking too much of the image away. 2) Remember you can zoom in using CMD+ or CMD- to ensure attention to detail. 3) Do play with colour and black and white features for different effects 4) If you make a mistake just open the history window and go back a step, be adventurous because none of your mistakes will ever be permanent.
  • 63. Step 7. Adjust the levels on the separate layers remember to highlight them on the layers window Stretch and challenge Play with the different areas for different effects, for example, hue and saturation, colour balance, black and white effects Your finished product should look something like this but better!
  • 64.
  • 65. Find five different perfume adverts and resize them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper Consider technical codes List all the commonalities
  • 66. Find five different perfume adverts and resize them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper Consider technical codes List all the commonalities
  • 67. Role models to look up to Pester Power Physical beauty Why do companies with established brands feel the need to use stars to promote their perfume? Use examples Positive qualities in previous work
  • 68. Advertising Commentary Unisex Perfume Aims and Obs To understand the written aspect of coursework To consider differing representations over a time period Perfume Analysis of Own Advert Consider the setting and background and how it relates to your target audience. How does your typography reach its target audience? Does it suggest anything about the Brand of the perfume How does the slogan speak to its Target Audience? What does it suggest about the perfume? Consider the body language, facial expressions and technical codes that your images have used.