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Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit
for Temperate Climates
By Guy Ames and                              This publication is intended as
Lane Greer, NCAT Agri-                       a summary overview of paw-
culture Specialists                          paw (or paw paw) production,
Published 1999,                              including overall culture, pests,
Revised 2001                                 harvest, post-harvest, market-
                                             ing, and research which seeks to
Revised 2010 by Guy                          develop the pawpaw’s potential
Ames, NCAT Horticul-                         for commercial development.
ture Specialist

Contents                                              he pawpaw (Asim-
Introduction ......................1                  ina triloba) has great
Culture .................................1            potential for commer-
Harvest and                                  cial development. Though the
Postharvest Handling ....3                   pawpaw’s only near relatives are
Marketing ...........................3       tropical and the pawpaw looks
Plant Extracts as                            like a mango and tastes like a "KSU-AtwoodTM" photo courtesy of Kirk Pomper, Kentucky State University.
Anti-carcinogens                             banana, it is not tropical but is
and Insecticides ...............3
                                             native to most of the eastern U.S. and even into Dr. Kirk Pomper at Kentucky State Univer-
Summary ............................4        Canada. The pawpaw grows best in areas with hot sity (KSU) announced in 2010 the first release,
References .........................4        summers and cold winters (USDA Zones 5-8). It ‘KSU-AtwoodTM’, from KSU’s pawpaw breed-
Websites .............................4      is hardy and relatively pest-free, and its tolerance ing program. With a flavor combining those of
Plant Sources ....................4          to shade makes it suitable for intercropping with banana, pineapple and mango, ‘KSU-AtwoodTM’
                                             other trees. In addition, the pawpaw has genetic shows promise as a commercially available culti-
                                             variability that can be used to improve the plant. var (Kentucky State University Pawpaw Project).
                                             A major research effort centered at Kentucky
                                             State University and involving a few other uni-      Culture
                                             versities (including Cornell, Clemson, Pur-          Pawpaws thrive in moist, fertile, well-drained
                                             due, Ohio State, Iowa State, and Oregon State)       soils having a pH of 5.5−7.0. Although the paw-
                                             should contribute significantly to the commer-       paw tolerates shade, it produces best in full sun-
                                             cial development of this crop (Pomper, et al.,       light, as long as it receives enough water and is
The National Sustainable                     1999). These universities have established iden-     protected from high winds. The trees will grow
Agriculture Information Service,
ATTRA (,                  tical plots of pawpaw cultivars, which they hope     from 12 to 25 feet tall and should be spaced at
was developed and is managed
by the National Center for
                                             will identify the best cultivars and best manage-    least eight feet apart.
Appropriate Technology (NCAT).               ment techniques. They are breeding for the fol-
The project is funded through
a cooperative agreement with                 lowing desirable traits: yellow to orange flesh;     According to Dr. Pomper, weed control around
the United States Department                 fruit size 10 ounces or larger; seeds small and      trees, with straw or woodchip mulch, is impor-
of Agriculture’s Rural Business-
Cooperative Service. Visit the               few; fruit of uniform shape and free of exter-       tant to increase tree survival rates. Pomper
NCAT website (
                                             nal blemishes; and mild, sweet flesh with no         notes that voles that might be attracted to these
sarc_current.php) for
more information on                          unpleasant aftertaste.                               mulches do not damage pawpaw trees as they
our other sustainable
agriculture and
                                                                                                  would apple trees.
energy projects.
Planting: Seedlings vs.                                Pollination
                 Grafted Trees                                          The slightly foulsmelling flowers are fly polli-
                 There are a number of cultivars that produce           nated, and that may be one of the reasons that
                 superior fruit. An unbiased description of most        fruit set is so inconsistent in the wild. An old
                 of these cultivars is available at Kentucky State      recommendation to hang road kill in your trees
                 University’s pawpaw website: www.pawpaw.               to attract fly pollinators (Black, 2009) might
        Grafted trees of these           actually be helpful if you have only a few trees,
                 named cultivars can be relatively expensive (up        but Sheri Crabtree at Kentucky State Uni-
                 to $35 for a single potted tree; wholesale quan-       versity says that hand pollination is probably
                 tities would presumably cost less per tree), so        more effective…and less objectionable. She also
                 prospective growers might be tempted to plant          offered that at Kentucky State’s relatively large
                 ungrafted seedlings. While seedlings are much          research orchards, pollination has not been a
                 cheaper than grafted trees, there is so much           major issue, probably because the presence of
                 genetic variability in the pawpaw that commer-         so many trees is simply that much more attrac-
                 cial-scale growers will be taking a significant        tive to pollinators. More detail about hand pol-
                 gamble if they plant ungrafted seedlings, and          lination of pawpaw is available at a Virginia
                 they will not know the outcome of their bet for        Cooperative Extension website http://pubs.ext.
                 around 5-7 years since it can take that long for
                 seedlings to begin bearing (grafted trees usually
                 start bearing in 3-4 years).                           Pests and Diseases
                 Propagation by seed is quite slow but not diffi-       Pawpaws have very few pest problems. There are
                 cult. Either plant the whole fruit after collection,   a few lepidopteran pests (caterpillars), the prin-
                 or separate the seeds from the fruit and sow about     cipal one being the pawpaw peduncle borer. The
                 an inch deep. Fresh pawpaw seed must be strati-        peduncle borer (Talponia plummeriana) burrows
                 fied (given a cold period). This can be done by        into the pawpaw flower and causes it to drop.
                 holding the seed in refrigerated storage in plastic    Usually, however, so little damage is done that
                 bags with moist peatmoss for at least four months      this is not a serious problem.
                 and then sowing the following spring. If the seed      Other reported pests include earwigs, slugs, San
                 is directly sown outdoors, it may take two cold        Jose scale, and tent caterpillars. To discourage
                 periods before germination is initiated. Never dry     earwigs and slugs, Ray Jones, a California paw-
                 the seed or freeze it; this will kill the seed.        paw grower, ties a three-inch band of aluminum
                 If you live in an area where pawpaws grow              foil around each trunk and paints the middle
                 wild, you might be tempted to transplant from          two inches of the foil with Tanglefoot® (Pyle,
                 the wild, but wild pawpaws have long taproots          1992). San Jose scale can be controlled with dor-
                 which are very easily damaged. Often pawpaw            mant oils. Tent caterpillars can be physically
                 trees in wild patches are actually rootsuckers         removed from the tree by cutting out the “tent”
                 from the original tree with poorly developed           or the branches holding the tent.
                 root systems; these rootsuckers do not transplant      Phyllosticta and flyspeck or greasy blotch (Zygo-
                 well. Even nursery-grown pawpaws are ordinar-          phiala jamaicensis) can be problems of pawpaw.
                 ily quite difficult to transplant. They have fleshy,   This occurs only during periods of high humid-
                 brittle roots with very few fine hairs, which          ity and frequent rainfall. Dense foliage and lack
                 inevitably get damaged when transplanting.             of proper ventilation contribute to this condi-
                 Experimentation has shown that, to be success-         tion, so proper spacing and pruning can reduce
                 ful, transplantation should be done in the spring      it. Phyllosticta can infect the leaves and the sur-
                 at the time that new growth commences or soon          face of the fruit; it can cause the fruit to crack
                 after. If many roots are lost, it may be desirable     when it expands and destroy it.
                 to prune the top to bring it into balance with
                 the remaining roots.

Page 2   ATTRA                                                   Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
Harvest and                                           with the fruit and its uses. If
                                                      you have a cultivar that
Postharvest Handling                                  tastes like banana or
Pawpaws ripen very quickly and bruise easily,         mango or cus-
which limits shipping time. Though the fruit          tard, tout that
of some cultivars will exhibit a slight color shift   in a very visible
from green to yellow, Dr. Pomper’s research           way since most
shows that skin color is a poor indicator of ripe-    consumers won’t
ness. Pomper claims that the best indicators are      have any idea what a
a slight softness when gently squeezed and the        good pawpaw tastes like.
ease with which the fruit releases from its stem      Because it is so nutri-
when gently pulled. Fruits picked just before         tious, nutrition informa-
they are fully ripe, but have begun to soften, will   tion might be a good sales
ripen indoors at room temperature or slowly in        tool, and can make good poster or black-
a refrigerator. Already ripe fruit will last only 2   board text as long as you don’t overwhelm the
to 4 days at room temperature, but refrigerated       reader with too much (shoppers are at stores or     NCAT photo by
fruit will last up to 3 weeks. Research is being      farmers markets to shop, not read; emphasize the    Robyn Metzger.
conducted to determine the effectiveness of using     high points: one of the highest protein content
modified-atmosphere shipping and ethylene con-        of any fruit; high in potassium, vitamin C, ribo-
trol sachets to extend shelf life (Galli, 2007).      flavin, etc.; see
                                                      /cooking.htm#Nutritional%20Information for
Pawpaws are not suited for certain value-added        more detailed nutrition information). Lastly,
products like jams and jellies. Heating pawpaws       recipes to take home can be another inducement
changes their flavor, so pawpaws would be best        for the consumer to make that first purchase of
used in foods such as ice cream. Recipes using        a new food. Go to
pawpaws are available from several sources,           .htm for recipes. The Ohio Pawpaw Growers
including the Kentucky State University website       Association (
(                    html) has many members from around the coun-
Iowa State scientists are researching mechanical      try. This organization can also help individuals
pulp extraction and freezing techniques. Because      in pawpaw marketing efforts.
cooking destroys important flavor components,
and shelf-life of fresh pawpaws is so limited, such   Plant Extracts as
research could be crucial to the commercializa-
tion of the pawpaw (O’Malley, 2010).                  Anti-carcinogens
                                                      and Insecticides
Marketing                                             Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, now retired, of Purdue
                                                      University found that pawpaw was a source
Given the fragility and short shelf-life of the
                                                      of phytochemicals called acetogenins with
fruit, the uncertain status of processing pawpaw
                                                      powerful anti-carcinogenic properties (“Paw-
pulp, as well as the simple novelty of the fruit
                                                      paw shows promise in fighting drug resistant
itself, the enterprising pawpaw marketer should
                                                      tumors,” 1999). An herbal extract made from
have a good sales plan before hitting stores, res-
                                                      pawpaw is on the market. For more information
taurants, or farmers markets. Careful handling,
                                                      on pawpaw as an anti-carcinogen go to www.
of course, is a must because the fruit is so eas-
ily bruised. There are a few commercial-scale
growers in Kentucky and Ohio leading the way,         Dr. McLaughlin also isolated a botanical insec-
including one who successfully processed and          ticide, asimicin, from pawpaw twigs and bark
sold 1,000 pounds of pulp in 2009 (Ohio Paw-          (“Pawpaw those pests,” 1999); however, without
paw Growers Newsletter, 2009).                        financial backing to shepherd it through the reg-
                                                      ulatory process, it is unlikely to be on the mar-
Beyond that, the pawpaw marketer would be
                                                      ket anytime soon (Bratsch, 2009).
well-advised to have some printed material
(posters or hand-outs) to acquaint the consumer                                                                                        ATTRA            Page 3
Summary                                                              Pawpaw shows promise in fighting drug-resistant tumors.
                                                                     1997. Purdue News.
Pawpaws may be a viable enterprise for small-scale farmers           McLaughlin.pawpaw.html
who can develop a local clientele. However, the amount of
time that must be invested before the first fruit crop (five years   Pawpaw those pests. 1999. Organic Gardening. October.
or longer) is a deterrent to many would-be producers. The            p. 16
ongoing university research should answer many of these ques-
tions regarding cultivars, culture and processing/marketing.         Websites
                                                                     Kentucky State University Pawpaw Research Project
Bratsch, Anthony. 2009. Specialty Crop Profile: Paw-                   Provides information on pawpaw research, guide to growing
paw. Virginia Cooperative Extension. http://pubs.ext.                  pawpaws, cultivars, suppliers, PawPaw Foundation, and                                        links to other pawpaw Web sites.
Pomper, K.W., D.R. Layne, and R.N. Peterson. 1999. The               Purdue University’s facts sheet on pawpaws
pawpaw regional variety trial, p.353-357. In J. Janick (ed).
Perspectives on New Crops and New Uses. ASHS Press,
                                                                       Includes production information and suppliers
Alexandria, VA.
                                                                     California Rare Fruit Growers’ information on pawpaw
Kentucky State University’s Pawpaw Project
147 Atwood Research Facility
Kentucky State University                                            Virginia Cooperative Extension
Frankfort, KY 40601-2355                                   
                                                                     Ohio Pawpaw Growers’ Association
Callaway, M. B. 1990. The pawpaw (Asimina triloba). Ken-   
tucky State University Publication CRS-HORTI-90IT. 22 p.
Finneseth, C., S. Kester, R. Geneve, K. Pomper, and D.               Plant Sources
Layne. 2000. Propagation of pawpaw (Asimina triloba).                Blossom Nursery
Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagator’s                Mark and Kathleen Blossom
Society 50:413-416.                                                  216 CR 326
Black, Craig Summers. 2009. America’s Forgotten Fruit.               Eureka Springs, AR 72632
The Christian Science Monitor. February 4, 2009.                     (479) 253-7895
Pyle, Katherine. 1992. Picking up pawpaws...and growing    
them, too. California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. December. p.
                                                                       Cultivars: Marla, Mitchell, Overleese, Prolific, Sunflower,
24–25, 35–36.
                                                                       Sweet Alice, Taytwo, Seedlings, Seed. Container and bar-
Galli, F., D.D. Archbold, and K. Pomper. 2007. Pawpaw:                 eroot (quart or gallon, 8”-18”)
An Old Fruit for New Needs. Acta Horticulturae, 744:641-             Nolin River Nut Tree Nursery
666.                           John & Lisa Brittain
O’Malley, Patrick. 2010. Pawpaws for the Upper Midwest.              797 Port Wooden Road                    Upton, KY 42784
workshop10/omalley_pawpaw2.pdf                                       (270) 369-8551
Ohio Pawpaw Growers Association Newsletter. 2009. Mar-     
keting pawpaws. Spring. p. 1.
                                                                       Cultivars: KSU-AtwoodTM, Allegheny, Potomac, Rappahan-
                                                                       nock, Shenandoah, Susquehanna, Wabash, Davis, Green-
                                                                       river Belle, IXL, Mitchell, NC-1, Overleese, PA Golden,
                                                                       Prolific, SAA-Zimmerman, Sue, Sunflower, Taylor, Wells.
                                                                       Bareroot (1’ – 6’)

Page 4        ATTRA                                                       Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
Hartmann’s Plant Company                                         J.H. Gordon Nursery
Daniel Hartmann                                                  1385 Campbell Blvd
PO Box 100                                                       Amherst, NY 14228-1403
Lacota, MI 49063-0100                                            (716) 691-9371
(269) 253-4281                                         
(269) 253-4457                                                                  
                                                                    Cultivars: NC-1, Overleese, PA Golden #1, PA Golden #2,
  Seedling. Container (1 gal), and KSU-Atwood  TM
                                                                    PA Golden #3, PA Golden #4, SAA Overleese, SAA Zim-
                                                                    merman, SAB Overleese, Taytwo, scionwood
Trees of Antiquity (former Sonoma Antique Apple Nursery)
Neil Collins & Thomas Linden                                     One Green World (Formerly Northwoods Retail Nursery)
20 Wellsona Rd.                                                  Jim Gilbert, Owner
Paso Robles, CA 93446                                            28696 South Cramer Rd
(805) 467-9909                                                   Mollala, OR 97038
(805) 467-2509                                                   (877) 353-4028                             
                                                                    Cultivars: KSU-AtwoodTM, Davis, Mango, Mitchell, NC-1,
  Cultivars: Rebecca’s Gold, Sunflower, Wells. Container            Overleese, PA Golden, Prolific, Sunflower, Sweet Alice, Tay-
  (plastic sleeve, 8-12”)                                           lor, Taytwo, Wells, Wilson, seedlings

                                      "KSU-AtwoodTM" photo courtesy of Kirk Pomper, Ken-
                                      tucky State University.                                                                                       ATTRA          Page 5

Page 6   ATTRA   Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
Notes   ATTRA   Page 7
Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
                 By Guy Ames and Lane Greer, NCAT Agriculture Specialists
                 Published 1999; Revised 2001
                 Revised 2010 by Guy Ames, NCAT Horticulture Specialist
                 © NCAT
                 Tracy Mumma, Editor
                 Robyn Metzger, Production
                 This publication is available on the Web at:
                 Slot 34
                 Version 100410

Page 8   ATTRA

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Pawpaw - A "Tropical" Fruit for Temperate Climates

  • 1. A project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology 1-800-346-9140 • Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates By Guy Ames and This publication is intended as Lane Greer, NCAT Agri- a summary overview of paw- culture Specialists paw (or paw paw) production, Published 1999, including overall culture, pests, Revised 2001 harvest, post-harvest, market- ing, and research which seeks to Revised 2010 by Guy develop the pawpaw’s potential Ames, NCAT Horticul- for commercial development. ture Specialist © NCAT Introduction T Contents he pawpaw (Asim- Introduction ......................1 ina triloba) has great Culture .................................1 potential for commer- Harvest and cial development. Though the Postharvest Handling ....3 pawpaw’s only near relatives are Marketing ...........................3 tropical and the pawpaw looks Plant Extracts as like a mango and tastes like a "KSU-AtwoodTM" photo courtesy of Kirk Pomper, Kentucky State University. Anti-carcinogens banana, it is not tropical but is and Insecticides ...............3 native to most of the eastern U.S. and even into Dr. Kirk Pomper at Kentucky State Univer- Summary ............................4 Canada. The pawpaw grows best in areas with hot sity (KSU) announced in 2010 the first release, References .........................4 summers and cold winters (USDA Zones 5-8). It ‘KSU-AtwoodTM’, from KSU’s pawpaw breed- Websites .............................4 is hardy and relatively pest-free, and its tolerance ing program. With a flavor combining those of Plant Sources ....................4 to shade makes it suitable for intercropping with banana, pineapple and mango, ‘KSU-AtwoodTM’ other trees. In addition, the pawpaw has genetic shows promise as a commercially available culti- variability that can be used to improve the plant. var (Kentucky State University Pawpaw Project). A major research effort centered at Kentucky State University and involving a few other uni- Culture versities (including Cornell, Clemson, Pur- Pawpaws thrive in moist, fertile, well-drained due, Ohio State, Iowa State, and Oregon State) soils having a pH of 5.5−7.0. Although the paw- should contribute significantly to the commer- paw tolerates shade, it produces best in full sun- cial development of this crop (Pomper, et al., light, as long as it receives enough water and is The National Sustainable 1999). These universities have established iden- protected from high winds. The trees will grow Agriculture Information Service, ATTRA (, tical plots of pawpaw cultivars, which they hope from 12 to 25 feet tall and should be spaced at was developed and is managed by the National Center for will identify the best cultivars and best manage- least eight feet apart. Appropriate Technology (NCAT). ment techniques. They are breeding for the fol- The project is funded through a cooperative agreement with lowing desirable traits: yellow to orange flesh; According to Dr. Pomper, weed control around the United States Department fruit size 10 ounces or larger; seeds small and trees, with straw or woodchip mulch, is impor- of Agriculture’s Rural Business- Cooperative Service. Visit the few; fruit of uniform shape and free of exter- tant to increase tree survival rates. Pomper NCAT website ( nal blemishes; and mild, sweet flesh with no notes that voles that might be attracted to these sarc_current.php) for more information on unpleasant aftertaste. mulches do not damage pawpaw trees as they our other sustainable agriculture and would apple trees. energy projects.
  • 2. Planting: Seedlings vs. Pollination Grafted Trees The slightly foulsmelling flowers are fly polli- There are a number of cultivars that produce nated, and that may be one of the reasons that superior fruit. An unbiased description of most fruit set is so inconsistent in the wild. An old of these cultivars is available at Kentucky State recommendation to hang road kill in your trees University’s pawpaw website: www.pawpaw. to attract fly pollinators (Black, 2009) might Grafted trees of these actually be helpful if you have only a few trees, named cultivars can be relatively expensive (up but Sheri Crabtree at Kentucky State Uni- to $35 for a single potted tree; wholesale quan- versity says that hand pollination is probably tities would presumably cost less per tree), so more effective…and less objectionable. She also prospective growers might be tempted to plant offered that at Kentucky State’s relatively large ungrafted seedlings. While seedlings are much research orchards, pollination has not been a cheaper than grafted trees, there is so much major issue, probably because the presence of genetic variability in the pawpaw that commer- so many trees is simply that much more attrac- cial-scale growers will be taking a significant tive to pollinators. More detail about hand pol- gamble if they plant ungrafted seedlings, and lination of pawpaw is available at a Virginia they will not know the outcome of their bet for Cooperative Extension website http://pubs.ext. around 5-7 years since it can take that long for seedlings to begin bearing (grafted trees usually start bearing in 3-4 years). Pests and Diseases Propagation by seed is quite slow but not diffi- Pawpaws have very few pest problems. There are cult. Either plant the whole fruit after collection, a few lepidopteran pests (caterpillars), the prin- or separate the seeds from the fruit and sow about cipal one being the pawpaw peduncle borer. The an inch deep. Fresh pawpaw seed must be strati- peduncle borer (Talponia plummeriana) burrows fied (given a cold period). This can be done by into the pawpaw flower and causes it to drop. holding the seed in refrigerated storage in plastic Usually, however, so little damage is done that bags with moist peatmoss for at least four months this is not a serious problem. and then sowing the following spring. If the seed Other reported pests include earwigs, slugs, San is directly sown outdoors, it may take two cold Jose scale, and tent caterpillars. To discourage periods before germination is initiated. Never dry earwigs and slugs, Ray Jones, a California paw- the seed or freeze it; this will kill the seed. paw grower, ties a three-inch band of aluminum If you live in an area where pawpaws grow foil around each trunk and paints the middle wild, you might be tempted to transplant from two inches of the foil with Tanglefoot® (Pyle, the wild, but wild pawpaws have long taproots 1992). San Jose scale can be controlled with dor- which are very easily damaged. Often pawpaw mant oils. Tent caterpillars can be physically trees in wild patches are actually rootsuckers removed from the tree by cutting out the “tent” from the original tree with poorly developed or the branches holding the tent. root systems; these rootsuckers do not transplant Phyllosticta and flyspeck or greasy blotch (Zygo- well. Even nursery-grown pawpaws are ordinar- phiala jamaicensis) can be problems of pawpaw. ily quite difficult to transplant. They have fleshy, This occurs only during periods of high humid- brittle roots with very few fine hairs, which ity and frequent rainfall. Dense foliage and lack inevitably get damaged when transplanting. of proper ventilation contribute to this condi- Experimentation has shown that, to be success- tion, so proper spacing and pruning can reduce ful, transplantation should be done in the spring it. Phyllosticta can infect the leaves and the sur- at the time that new growth commences or soon face of the fruit; it can cause the fruit to crack after. If many roots are lost, it may be desirable when it expands and destroy it. to prune the top to bring it into balance with the remaining roots. Page 2 ATTRA Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
  • 3. Harvest and with the fruit and its uses. If you have a cultivar that Postharvest Handling tastes like banana or Pawpaws ripen very quickly and bruise easily, mango or cus- which limits shipping time. Though the fruit tard, tout that of some cultivars will exhibit a slight color shift in a very visible from green to yellow, Dr. Pomper’s research way since most shows that skin color is a poor indicator of ripe- consumers won’t ness. Pomper claims that the best indicators are have any idea what a a slight softness when gently squeezed and the good pawpaw tastes like. ease with which the fruit releases from its stem Because it is so nutri- when gently pulled. Fruits picked just before tious, nutrition informa- they are fully ripe, but have begun to soften, will tion might be a good sales ripen indoors at room temperature or slowly in tool, and can make good poster or black- a refrigerator. Already ripe fruit will last only 2 board text as long as you don’t overwhelm the to 4 days at room temperature, but refrigerated reader with too much (shoppers are at stores or NCAT photo by fruit will last up to 3 weeks. Research is being farmers markets to shop, not read; emphasize the Robyn Metzger. conducted to determine the effectiveness of using high points: one of the highest protein content modified-atmosphere shipping and ethylene con- of any fruit; high in potassium, vitamin C, ribo- trol sachets to extend shelf life (Galli, 2007). flavin, etc.; see /cooking.htm#Nutritional%20Information for Pawpaws are not suited for certain value-added more detailed nutrition information). Lastly, products like jams and jellies. Heating pawpaws recipes to take home can be another inducement changes their flavor, so pawpaws would be best for the consumer to make that first purchase of used in foods such as ice cream. Recipes using a new food. Go to pawpaws are available from several sources, .htm for recipes. The Ohio Pawpaw Growers including the Kentucky State University website Association ( ( html) has many members from around the coun- Iowa State scientists are researching mechanical try. This organization can also help individuals pulp extraction and freezing techniques. Because in pawpaw marketing efforts. cooking destroys important flavor components, and shelf-life of fresh pawpaws is so limited, such Plant Extracts as research could be crucial to the commercializa- tion of the pawpaw (O’Malley, 2010). Anti-carcinogens and Insecticides Marketing Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, now retired, of Purdue University found that pawpaw was a source Given the fragility and short shelf-life of the of phytochemicals called acetogenins with fruit, the uncertain status of processing pawpaw powerful anti-carcinogenic properties (“Paw- pulp, as well as the simple novelty of the fruit paw shows promise in fighting drug resistant itself, the enterprising pawpaw marketer should tumors,” 1999). An herbal extract made from have a good sales plan before hitting stores, res- pawpaw is on the market. For more information taurants, or farmers markets. Careful handling, on pawpaw as an anti-carcinogen go to www. of course, is a must because the fruit is so eas- ily bruised. There are a few commercial-scale growers in Kentucky and Ohio leading the way, Dr. McLaughlin also isolated a botanical insec- including one who successfully processed and ticide, asimicin, from pawpaw twigs and bark sold 1,000 pounds of pulp in 2009 (Ohio Paw- (“Pawpaw those pests,” 1999); however, without paw Growers Newsletter, 2009). financial backing to shepherd it through the reg- ulatory process, it is unlikely to be on the mar- Beyond that, the pawpaw marketer would be ket anytime soon (Bratsch, 2009). well-advised to have some printed material (posters or hand-outs) to acquaint the consumer ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. Summary Pawpaw shows promise in fighting drug-resistant tumors. 1997. Purdue News. Pawpaws may be a viable enterprise for small-scale farmers McLaughlin.pawpaw.html who can develop a local clientele. However, the amount of time that must be invested before the first fruit crop (five years Pawpaw those pests. 1999. Organic Gardening. October. or longer) is a deterrent to many would-be producers. The p. 16 ongoing university research should answer many of these ques- tions regarding cultivars, culture and processing/marketing. Websites Kentucky State University Pawpaw Research Project References Bratsch, Anthony. 2009. Specialty Crop Profile: Paw- Provides information on pawpaw research, guide to growing paw. Virginia Cooperative Extension. http://pubs.ext. pawpaws, cultivars, suppliers, PawPaw Foundation, and links to other pawpaw Web sites. Pomper, K.W., D.R. Layne, and R.N. Peterson. 1999. The Purdue University’s facts sheet on pawpaws pawpaw regional variety trial, p.353-357. In J. Janick (ed). Perspectives on New Crops and New Uses. ASHS Press, Includes production information and suppliers Alexandria, VA. California Rare Fruit Growers’ information on pawpaw Kentucky State University’s Pawpaw Project 147 Atwood Research Facility Kentucky State University Virginia Cooperative Extension Frankfort, KY 40601-2355 Ohio Pawpaw Growers’ Association Callaway, M. B. 1990. The pawpaw (Asimina triloba). Ken- tucky State University Publication CRS-HORTI-90IT. 22 p. Finneseth, C., S. Kester, R. Geneve, K. Pomper, and D. Plant Sources Layne. 2000. Propagation of pawpaw (Asimina triloba). Blossom Nursery Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagator’s Mark and Kathleen Blossom Society 50:413-416. 216 CR 326 Black, Craig Summers. 2009. America’s Forgotten Fruit. Eureka Springs, AR 72632 The Christian Science Monitor. February 4, 2009. (479) 253-7895 Pyle, Katherine. 1992. Picking up pawpaws...and growing them, too. California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. December. p. Cultivars: Marla, Mitchell, Overleese, Prolific, Sunflower, 24–25, 35–36. Sweet Alice, Taytwo, Seedlings, Seed. Container and bar- Galli, F., D.D. Archbold, and K. Pomper. 2007. Pawpaw: eroot (quart or gallon, 8”-18”) An Old Fruit for New Needs. Acta Horticulturae, 744:641- Nolin River Nut Tree Nursery 666. John & Lisa Brittain O’Malley, Patrick. 2010. Pawpaws for the Upper Midwest. 797 Port Wooden Road Upton, KY 42784 workshop10/omalley_pawpaw2.pdf (270) 369-8551 Ohio Pawpaw Growers Association Newsletter. 2009. Mar- keting pawpaws. Spring. p. 1. Cultivars: KSU-AtwoodTM, Allegheny, Potomac, Rappahan- nock, Shenandoah, Susquehanna, Wabash, Davis, Green- river Belle, IXL, Mitchell, NC-1, Overleese, PA Golden, Prolific, SAA-Zimmerman, Sue, Sunflower, Taylor, Wells. Bareroot (1’ – 6’) Page 4 ATTRA Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
  • 5. Hartmann’s Plant Company J.H. Gordon Nursery Daniel Hartmann 1385 Campbell Blvd PO Box 100 Amherst, NY 14228-1403 Lacota, MI 49063-0100 (716) 691-9371 (269) 253-4281 (269) 253-4457 Cultivars: NC-1, Overleese, PA Golden #1, PA Golden #2, Seedling. Container (1 gal), and KSU-Atwood TM PA Golden #3, PA Golden #4, SAA Overleese, SAA Zim- merman, SAB Overleese, Taytwo, scionwood Trees of Antiquity (former Sonoma Antique Apple Nursery) Neil Collins & Thomas Linden One Green World (Formerly Northwoods Retail Nursery) 20 Wellsona Rd. Jim Gilbert, Owner Paso Robles, CA 93446 28696 South Cramer Rd (805) 467-9909 Mollala, OR 97038 (805) 467-2509 (877) 353-4028 Cultivars: KSU-AtwoodTM, Davis, Mango, Mitchell, NC-1, Cultivars: Rebecca’s Gold, Sunflower, Wells. Container Overleese, PA Golden, Prolific, Sunflower, Sweet Alice, Tay- (plastic sleeve, 8-12”) lor, Taytwo, Wells, Wilson, seedlings "KSU-AtwoodTM" photo courtesy of Kirk Pomper, Ken- tucky State University. ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. Notes Page 6 ATTRA Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates
  • 8. Pawpaw—A “Tropical” Fruit for Temperate Climates By Guy Ames and Lane Greer, NCAT Agriculture Specialists Published 1999; Revised 2001 Revised 2010 by Guy Ames, NCAT Horticulture Specialist © NCAT Tracy Mumma, Editor Robyn Metzger, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP373 Slot 34 Version 100410 Page 8 ATTRA