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Pathophysiological Mechanism of Disease
 According to Selye, Stress is the excessive burning of the energy
 According to Harry Gottesfeld , It is defined as interference
which disturbs the functioning of organism at any level and
produces a situation natural for organism to avoid.
 According to Atkinson, Berne and Woodworth, Stress is a state
of strain, whether physical or psychological.
 Any event or stimulus that causes an individual to
experience stress is called as stressor.
 Types of stressors
 1. Internal- the stressors that originate within the body of an
individual is called as internal stressors.
- depression, anxiety, etc.
 2. External- the stressors originate outside the body of an
- death of a family member, peer pressure, migration, etc.
 3. Developmental- these stressors occurs at various
developmental stages.
- occur in a specific time period in everyone’s life.
 4. Situational- these stressors are unpredictable & may occur at
any time during life.
- marriage, death, birth, illness & natural disaster.
 5. Physiological- the stressors that affect the functioning of the
- chemicals, poisons, nutrition and genetics.
 6. Psychological- these stressors arise from the external stressors
like work, environment, social relationships and daily lives.
Child Beginning school
Establishing peer groups & Coping with peer groups
Adolescent Changing physique
Achieving independence
Maintaining self esteem
Young adult College life
Family separation
Establishing career
Rearing children
Leaving a home
Middle adult Child rearing
Physical changes
Dealing with responsibilities- work, children, elder parents.
Maintaining social status
Older adult Physical liabilities and health environment
Reduced income
Loss of family and friends
Loss of independence
Health problems
Distress cycle
Wellness cycle
 When the people developed a way of coping to deal with the
stress it is called as wellness cycle.
 The wellness cycle shows self-management strategies that
work together to reduce pain and to make the person healthy.
Factors influencingstress in an individual
 1. Biological factors
 Genetic factors
 Infection
 Physical handicapped
 Physical deprivation
 Disruptive emotional process
 Immune response
 Environmental response
 Psychological reaction
 2. Socio-cultural factors
 War and violence
 Group prejudice
 Economic and employment problems
 Technological changes
 Social changes
 3. Psycho-social factors
 Stress
 Coping tactics
 Personality
 Health habits
 Attitudes to illness
 Maternal deprivation
 Pathogenic interpersonal relationship
 Poor social support
Models of stress
based model
based model
based model
1. Stimulus Based Model
 In this model, stress is identified as a stimulus or a set of
circumstances that arouses various psychological or
physiological responses that may enhance individual’s
vulnerability to illness.
 the Social Readjustment Rating Scales (SRRS) was
developed by Holmes and Rahe (1967) consists of 43 life
changes or events.
 The more stressors, a person experiences in a short period (1-2
years) are likely to develop physical and mental disorders. For
example- divorce may be highly traumatic to one person and
cause less anxiety to other.
 2. Response Based Model
 According to Selye, “stress is non-specific response, of the
body to any kind of demand made upon it”.
 It is characterized by a chain or pattern of physiological events
called the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS).
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
• It consists of 3 stages-
1. Alarm
3.Stage of
2. Stage of
 A. Alarm reaction (Flight or Fight Response)
 It is the set of reactions initiated when the hypothalamus
stimulates the autonomic nervous system and adrenal medulla.
 The alarm reaction is an emergency response of the body which
alerts the body’s defenses.
 In this phase-
 Heart Rate increases.
 Circulate blood quickly to the areas where it is needed to fight
the stress.
 Blood vessels except of lungs and heart constrict.
 Decreasing blood supply to organs.
 RBC production increases and helps control bleeding.
 Liver converts glycogen into glucose and release it into the
blood stream.
 Respiration rate increases.
 Saliva and digestive enzymes production reduces.
 B. Stage of resistance
 In this stage, body attempts to cope with the stressor & to limit
the stressor to the smallest area.
 Certain hormonal reactions of the body are an important line of
defense, among these is Adreno - Corticotropic Axis (ACTA).
 The regulating hormone include CRH, GHRH & TRH.
 CRH stimulates the anterior pituitary. ACTH stimulates
adrenal cortex. These help in controlling blood pressure.
 GHRH stimulates anterior pituitary to release growth
hormone. TSH helps to supply additional energy to the body.
The reaction helps in infection, control to meet the emotional
crisis & to control bleeding.
 In this stage, all biological resources are activated to their
maximum capacities to resist the stress.
 Individual makes maximum attempts to control stress.
 C. Stage of exhaustion
 If stress continues, the resources start to deplete and person
losses its ability to resist stress. This may lead to weakness &
death. This stage is called exhaustion.
 For example, a person saw his son trapped in a criminal case and
was sent to jail.
 Listening this news, he ran door to door but all in vain.
Activation of body rises up so much that he was unable to sleep
for last 4 days, but he continued to make all efforts. At last, he
died because of cardiac arrest.
 This theory was based on the Lazarus Model (1966).
 He recognized that certain environmental changes produce
stress in a number of people.
 People have different sensitivity, vulnerability and
 Example- one person may respond with denial, another with
anxiety & still another with depression.
Symptoms of stress
 1. Physical symptoms
 Muscle tension
 Aches and pains
 Diarrhea or constipation
 Indigestion
 Ulcers
 Insomnia
 Fatigue
 Rapid breathing and pulse rate
 Nausea
 Loss of sex drive
 Frequent colds
 2. Cognitive symptoms
 Memory loss
 Self criticism
 Poor judgement
 Negative thoughts
 Loss of concentration
 3. Emotional symptoms
 Depression
 Anger
 Anxiety & fear
 Mood swings
 Loneliness
 Short temper
 4. Behavioral symptoms
 Over eating
 Alcoholism
 Sleeping too much
 Nail biting
 Neglecting responsibilities
Types of stress
Frustration Conflict Pressure
1. Frustration
 It can also be described as a mixture of feelings of anger,
irritation, depression as a blockage in the achievement of goal.
 For example- a student want to go for higher studies but poor
financial position does not permit him- External blockage.
- In another case, a student wanted to achieve higher grades
but lower intelligence serves as blockage.
2. Conflict
 It is a condition, when two or more than two goals come into
competition with each other in such a way that achievement of one
goal is blocked by other goal. It is called conflict.
 It has further 3 types-
1. Approach-
a) Approach-Approach
 It is a condition when two or more than two equally attractive goals come
into competition with each other in such a manner that only one can be
 For example- a student is having final exams and on the same day his
brother’s marriage is declared.
b) Avoidance-Avoidance
 It is a condition in which two or more than two equally aversive goals
appear in such a manner that person wants to avoid the pain of both but only
one can be avoided.
 For example, a nurse wants to avoid the pains of duty on one side and the
termination of job on other side.
c) Approach-Avoidance
 It is the most serious type of conflict. It is a condition when a goal has both
attractive and aversive characteristics.
 Attractiveness of goal attract for the achievement but the aversive
characteristics repels back.
3. Pressure
 The another force that serves as stress is pressure.
 It is the stress particularly when it is unwanted and arbitrary.
 For example, a student is already working very hard with his best
efforts but if parents unnecessarily put pressure to work hard, then it
is a serious stress.
Coping with stress
 Coping is defined as assisting an individual to adopt to perceived
stressors, changes or threats which interfere with meeting life
demands or roles.
 Coping focuses on permanent relief from stress.
 In coping, there are 4 models of reaction-
1. Attack
 In attack, individual plans in different ways to solve the
problem, which is producing stress.
 Individual analyses the situation seriously to identify the
obstacles that held him back in achieving the goal.
2. Withdrawal
 When the attack strategy fails then it is better to reserve
energy resources, so that wastage of energy or depletion of
resources may nt occur.
 In such conditions, individual should withdraw from the
 Withdrawing fro the situation will help the person to
overcome the stress.
 Withdrawal can be physical or psychological.
 In physical withdrawal, the person moves away physically
from the situation.
3. compromise
 It is done with the values or by substitution of goal or by partial
achievement of goal.
 Values are the norms which are learned from the society and
culture but most of the values develop from personal
 The purpose of these values is to evaluate various events and
4. Flexibility
 Flexibility in coping reactions gives special advantage over defense
 An individual can change his reactions at any moment on the failure
of one kind of reaction.
 It is this flexibility of coping strategies, which helps the individual
to shift from one strategy to another in changing conditions.
 Thus, it restores the energy resources to work under other
emergency conditions.
 There is a very interesting quotation that “what appears to be an
end, it can be a new beginning”. When river end, it appears
everything is finished. However, where river ends, sea starts.
Management of stress
 Problem- solving prevents the recurrence of a stressful experience.
 Proper time management is a balance between difficult and
pleasurable experiences.
 Relaxation techniques, exercise, leisure and nutritional awareness
all play a part in improving your physical, behavioral and
emotional response to stress.
 By increasing physical resistance to stress and learning how to
relax yourself, you can reduce your vulnerability to stressful
 Developing a network of social supports and adopting good self
care habits serve as buffers against the inevitable stressors to daily
Nursing Intervention
 Efforts should be directed towards removing the stressor. If this is
not feasible, then medication can be given to remove or decrease
stressor such as “pain”.
 Provide information about forthcoming surgery. It may reduce a
patient’s anxiety. Anxiety and stress can produce severe stress
reaction especially, when a patient is suffering from serious injury.
 Encourage the patient to express their feelings.
 physical activity tends to decrease the sympathetic adrenal
mechanism e.g. ambulation decreases post operative pain and
promote resumption of gastrointestinal function.
 To relieve stress avoid noise, avoid bright light and movement
should be kept at minimum.
 Efforts should be taken to prevent additional physical or emotional
 Comfort measures may be helpful to relieve stress that appears due
to backache, general muscle tension, emotional stress.
 Help the individual and their family to plan their life so as to avoid
unnecessary strain.
Seven simple ideas to be healthy
1. Having a purpose in life.
2. Maintaining positive attitude.
3. Using one’s own ability.
4. Having the will to be whole and healthy.
5. Being adaptable.
6. Co-operating with other people.
7. Accepting responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions.
 Definition:
It is defined as the local response of living mammalian
tissues to injury due to any agent. It is a body defense reaction in
order to eliminate or limit the spread of injurious agent as well as
to remove the consequent necrosed cells and tissues.
Causes of inflammation
The agents causing inflammation are as follows :-
1. Physical agents: heat, cold, radiation, mechanical trauma.
2. Chemical agents: organic and inorganic poisons.
3. Infective agents: bacteria, viruses and their toxins.
4. Immunological agents: cell mediated and antigen-antibody
 The five cardinal signs of inflammation are:-
 Rubor (redness)
 Tumor (swelling)
 Calor (heat)
 Dolor (pain)
 Loss of function (functio laesa)
 Depending upon the defense capacity of the host and
duration of response, inflammation can be classified as:-
1) Acute inflammation
2) Chronic inflammation
Acute Inflammation:-
It is of short duration and represents the early body
reaction and is usually followed by repair. It’s main
features are:-
 Accumulation of fluid and plasma at the affected site.
 Intravascular activation of platelets.
 Polymorphonuclear neutrophils as inflammatory cells.
Chronic Inflammation:-
It is of longer duration and occurs either of the causative
agent of acute inflammation persists for a long time or the
stimulus is such that it induces chronic inflammation from
the beginning.
 The characteristic features of chronic inflammation is
presence of chronic inflammatory cells such as
lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages.
Pathogenesis of acute inflammation
 Acute inflammatory response by the host to any agent
is a continuous processes. It can be divided into
following two events:-
Vascular events
Cellular events
Vascular Events
Alteration in the microvascular (arterioles, capillaries and
venules) is the earliest response to the tissue injury. These
alterations include:-
1) Hemodynamic changes
2) Changes in vascular permeability
1. Hemodynamic changes
2. Altered Vascular Permeability
 In and around the inflamed tissues, there is
accumulation of edema fluid in the interstitial
compartment which comes from blood plasma from
its escape through the endothelial wall of peripheral
vascular bed.
 In the initial stage, the escape of fluid is due to
vasodilation and consequent elevation in hydrostatic
pressure .
 This is transudate in nature.
Cellular Events:-
 The cellular phase of inflammation consist pof two
A. Exudation of leukocytes
B. Phagocytosis
Exudation of leukocytes:-
The sequence of these leucocytic events can be divided
It is defined as the process of engulfment of solid
particulate material by the cells (cell-eating).The cells
performing this function are called phagocytes.
There are two main types of phagocytic cells :-
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) which appear
early in acute inflammatory response sometimes called
as “microphages’’.
Circulating monocytes and fixed tissue mononuclear
phagocytes called as “macrophages’’.
Defense against injury
 Specific and non-specific defense mechanisms against
infectious diseases.
 Non specific defenses
 Anatomical barriers
 Physiological barrier
 Inflammatory response.
 Normal flora of body
 Specific mechanismof host resistance
 Immunity
 Vaccination
 Inflammation
 Fever
 Skin
 Mucous membrane
 Eyes
 Respiratory system
 Intestinal tract, urinary tract and vagina
 Sheltered area
Nutritional consideration
 Nutrition is defined as the sum of processes by which a living
organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, uses and excrete
nutrients and their metabolites.
 Nutritional assessment
 Observing patient’s general appearance.
 Obtaining careful medical, social and dietary history.
 Clinical examination: anthropometrics and biochemical data.
General appearance
 Person look
 Observing body built- obese, thin, normal.
 Height and weight.
 Mood- happy, sad, frowning.
 Dietary history
 Use of dietary supplements.
 Likes and dislikes.
 Usual food pattern.
 Response to food.
 Resources for food.
 Facilities for purchasing.
 Appetite and intake.
Medical andsocial history
 History of current illness.
 History of previous illness.
 History of pregnancy.
 History of blood loss and donation.
 Medication use.
 Psychosocial data- economic status, occupation,
education level, living and cooking arrangements, level of
physical activity.
Diet modification
 Protein
 Fat modification
 Carbohydrate modification
 Liquids pureed and soft diets
 Meal size and frequency.
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  • 1. UNIT-3 Pathophysiological Mechanism of Disease PRESENTEDBY:JYOTI BHAGAT
  • 2. STRESS  DEFINITIONOF STRESS  According to Selye, Stress is the excessive burning of the energy resources.  According to Harry Gottesfeld , It is defined as interference which disturbs the functioning of organism at any level and produces a situation natural for organism to avoid.  According to Atkinson, Berne and Woodworth, Stress is a state of strain, whether physical or psychological.
  • 3. STRESSORS  Any event or stimulus that causes an individual to experience stress is called as stressor.  Types of stressors  1. Internal- the stressors that originate within the body of an individual is called as internal stressors. - depression, anxiety, etc.  2. External- the stressors originate outside the body of an individual. - death of a family member, peer pressure, migration, etc.  3. Developmental- these stressors occurs at various developmental stages. - occur in a specific time period in everyone’s life.
  • 4. Cont…  4. Situational- these stressors are unpredictable & may occur at any time during life. - marriage, death, birth, illness & natural disaster.  5. Physiological- the stressors that affect the functioning of the body. - chemicals, poisons, nutrition and genetics.  6. Psychological- these stressors arise from the external stressors like work, environment, social relationships and daily lives.
  • 5. STRESSORS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES Child Beginning school Establishing peer groups & Coping with peer groups Adolescent Changing physique Career Achieving independence Maintaining self esteem Young adult College life Family separation Marriage Establishing career Rearing children Leaving a home Middle adult Child rearing Physical changes Dealing with responsibilities- work, children, elder parents. Maintaining social status Older adult Physical liabilities and health environment Reduced income Loss of family and friends Loss of independence Health problems
  • 7. Wellness cycle  When the people developed a way of coping to deal with the stress it is called as wellness cycle.  The wellness cycle shows self-management strategies that work together to reduce pain and to make the person healthy.
  • 9. CONT…  1. Biological factors  Genetic factors  Infection  Physical handicapped  Physical deprivation  Disruptive emotional process  Immune response  Environmental response  Psychological reaction
  • 10. Cont…  2. Socio-cultural factors  War and violence  Group prejudice  Economic and employment problems  Technological changes  Social changes  3. Psycho-social factors  Stress  Coping tactics  Personality  Health habits  Attitudes to illness  Maternal deprivation  Pathogenic interpersonal relationship  Poor social support
  • 11. Models of stress Stimulus based model Response based model Transaction based model
  • 12. Cont… 1. Stimulus Based Model  In this model, stress is identified as a stimulus or a set of circumstances that arouses various psychological or physiological responses that may enhance individual’s vulnerability to illness.  the Social Readjustment Rating Scales (SRRS) was developed by Holmes and Rahe (1967) consists of 43 life changes or events.  The more stressors, a person experiences in a short period (1-2 years) are likely to develop physical and mental disorders. For example- divorce may be highly traumatic to one person and cause less anxiety to other.
  • 13. Cont…  2. Response Based Model  According to Selye, “stress is non-specific response, of the body to any kind of demand made upon it”.  It is characterized by a chain or pattern of physiological events called the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) • It consists of 3 stages- 1. Alarm reaction 3.Stage of Exhaustion 2. Stage of Resistance
  • 14. Cont…  A. Alarm reaction (Flight or Fight Response)  It is the set of reactions initiated when the hypothalamus stimulates the autonomic nervous system and adrenal medulla.  The alarm reaction is an emergency response of the body which alerts the body’s defenses.  In this phase-  Heart Rate increases.  Circulate blood quickly to the areas where it is needed to fight the stress.  Blood vessels except of lungs and heart constrict.  Decreasing blood supply to organs.  RBC production increases and helps control bleeding.  Liver converts glycogen into glucose and release it into the blood stream.  Respiration rate increases.  Saliva and digestive enzymes production reduces.
  • 15. Cont…  B. Stage of resistance  In this stage, body attempts to cope with the stressor & to limit the stressor to the smallest area.  Certain hormonal reactions of the body are an important line of defense, among these is Adreno - Corticotropic Axis (ACTA).  The regulating hormone include CRH, GHRH & TRH.  CRH stimulates the anterior pituitary. ACTH stimulates adrenal cortex. These help in controlling blood pressure.  GHRH stimulates anterior pituitary to release growth hormone. TSH helps to supply additional energy to the body. The reaction helps in infection, control to meet the emotional crisis & to control bleeding.  In this stage, all biological resources are activated to their maximum capacities to resist the stress.  Individual makes maximum attempts to control stress.
  • 16. Cont…  C. Stage of exhaustion  If stress continues, the resources start to deplete and person losses its ability to resist stress. This may lead to weakness & death. This stage is called exhaustion.  For example, a person saw his son trapped in a criminal case and was sent to jail.  Listening this news, he ran door to door but all in vain. Activation of body rises up so much that he was unable to sleep for last 4 days, but he continued to make all efforts. At last, he died because of cardiac arrest.
  • 17. Cont…  This theory was based on the Lazarus Model (1966).  He recognized that certain environmental changes produce stress in a number of people.  People have different sensitivity, vulnerability and cognitiveness.  Example- one person may respond with denial, another with anxiety & still another with depression.
  • 19. Cont…  1. Physical symptoms  Muscle tension  Aches and pains  Diarrhea or constipation  Indigestion  Ulcers  Insomnia  Fatigue  Rapid breathing and pulse rate  Nausea  Loss of sex drive  Frequent colds
  • 20. Cont…  2. Cognitive symptoms  Memory loss  Self criticism  Poor judgement  Negative thoughts  Loss of concentration  3. Emotional symptoms  Depression  Anger  Anxiety & fear  Mood swings  Loneliness  Short temper
  • 21. Cont…  4. Behavioral symptoms  Over eating  Alcoholism  Sleeping too much  Nail biting  Neglecting responsibilities
  • 22. Types of stress Frustration Conflict Pressure
  • 23. 1. Frustration  It can also be described as a mixture of feelings of anger, irritation, depression as a blockage in the achievement of goal.  For example- a student want to go for higher studies but poor financial position does not permit him- External blockage. - In another case, a student wanted to achieve higher grades but lower intelligence serves as blockage.
  • 24. 2. Conflict  It is a condition, when two or more than two goals come into competition with each other in such a way that achievement of one goal is blocked by other goal. It is called conflict.  It has further 3 types- 1. Approach- Approach 3. Approach- Avoidance 2. Avoidance- Avoidance
  • 25. Cont… a) Approach-Approach  It is a condition when two or more than two equally attractive goals come into competition with each other in such a manner that only one can be achieved.  For example- a student is having final exams and on the same day his brother’s marriage is declared. b) Avoidance-Avoidance  It is a condition in which two or more than two equally aversive goals appear in such a manner that person wants to avoid the pain of both but only one can be avoided.  For example, a nurse wants to avoid the pains of duty on one side and the termination of job on other side. c) Approach-Avoidance  It is the most serious type of conflict. It is a condition when a goal has both attractive and aversive characteristics.  Attractiveness of goal attract for the achievement but the aversive characteristics repels back.
  • 26. 3. Pressure  The another force that serves as stress is pressure.  It is the stress particularly when it is unwanted and arbitrary.  For example, a student is already working very hard with his best efforts but if parents unnecessarily put pressure to work hard, then it is a serious stress.
  • 27. Coping with stress  Coping is defined as assisting an individual to adopt to perceived stressors, changes or threats which interfere with meeting life demands or roles.  Coping focuses on permanent relief from stress.  In coping, there are 4 models of reaction- ATTACK COMPROMISE WITHDRAWL FLEXIBILITY
  • 28. 1. Attack  In attack, individual plans in different ways to solve the problem, which is producing stress.  Individual analyses the situation seriously to identify the obstacles that held him back in achieving the goal.
  • 29. 2. Withdrawal  When the attack strategy fails then it is better to reserve energy resources, so that wastage of energy or depletion of resources may nt occur.  In such conditions, individual should withdraw from the situation.  Withdrawing fro the situation will help the person to overcome the stress.  Withdrawal can be physical or psychological.  In physical withdrawal, the person moves away physically from the situation.
  • 30. 3. compromise  It is done with the values or by substitution of goal or by partial achievement of goal.  Values are the norms which are learned from the society and culture but most of the values develop from personal experiences.  The purpose of these values is to evaluate various events and behaviors.
  • 31. 4. Flexibility  Flexibility in coping reactions gives special advantage over defense mechanisms.  An individual can change his reactions at any moment on the failure of one kind of reaction.  It is this flexibility of coping strategies, which helps the individual to shift from one strategy to another in changing conditions.  Thus, it restores the energy resources to work under other emergency conditions.  There is a very interesting quotation that “what appears to be an end, it can be a new beginning”. When river end, it appears everything is finished. However, where river ends, sea starts.
  • 32. Management of stress  Problem- solving prevents the recurrence of a stressful experience.  Proper time management is a balance between difficult and pleasurable experiences.  Relaxation techniques, exercise, leisure and nutritional awareness all play a part in improving your physical, behavioral and emotional response to stress.  By increasing physical resistance to stress and learning how to relax yourself, you can reduce your vulnerability to stressful events.  Developing a network of social supports and adopting good self care habits serve as buffers against the inevitable stressors to daily living.
  • 33. Nursing Intervention  Efforts should be directed towards removing the stressor. If this is not feasible, then medication can be given to remove or decrease stressor such as “pain”.  Provide information about forthcoming surgery. It may reduce a patient’s anxiety. Anxiety and stress can produce severe stress reaction especially, when a patient is suffering from serious injury.  Encourage the patient to express their feelings.  physical activity tends to decrease the sympathetic adrenal mechanism e.g. ambulation decreases post operative pain and promote resumption of gastrointestinal function.  To relieve stress avoid noise, avoid bright light and movement should be kept at minimum.
  • 34. Cont…  Efforts should be taken to prevent additional physical or emotional stress.  Comfort measures may be helpful to relieve stress that appears due to backache, general muscle tension, emotional stress.  Help the individual and their family to plan their life so as to avoid unnecessary strain.
  • 35. Seven simple ideas to be healthy 1. Having a purpose in life. 2. Maintaining positive attitude. 3. Using one’s own ability. 4. Having the will to be whole and healthy. 5. Being adaptable. 6. Co-operating with other people. 7. Accepting responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions.
  • 36. Inflammation  Definition: It is defined as the local response of living mammalian tissues to injury due to any agent. It is a body defense reaction in order to eliminate or limit the spread of injurious agent as well as to remove the consequent necrosed cells and tissues. Causes of inflammation The agents causing inflammation are as follows :- 1. Physical agents: heat, cold, radiation, mechanical trauma. 2. Chemical agents: organic and inorganic poisons. 3. Infective agents: bacteria, viruses and their toxins. 4. Immunological agents: cell mediated and antigen-antibody reaction.
  • 37. SIGNS OF INFLAMMATION  The five cardinal signs of inflammation are:-  Rubor (redness)  Tumor (swelling)  Calor (heat)  Dolor (pain)  Loss of function (functio laesa)
  • 38.
  • 39. TYPES OF INFLAMMATION  Depending upon the defense capacity of the host and duration of response, inflammation can be classified as:- 1) Acute inflammation 2) Chronic inflammation
  • 40. Cont… Acute Inflammation:- It is of short duration and represents the early body reaction and is usually followed by repair. It’s main features are:-  Accumulation of fluid and plasma at the affected site.  Intravascular activation of platelets.  Polymorphonuclear neutrophils as inflammatory cells.
  • 41. Cont… Chronic Inflammation:- It is of longer duration and occurs either of the causative agent of acute inflammation persists for a long time or the stimulus is such that it induces chronic inflammation from the beginning.  The characteristic features of chronic inflammation is presence of chronic inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages.
  • 43. Pathogenesis of acute inflammation  Acute inflammatory response by the host to any agent is a continuous processes. It can be divided into following two events:- Vascular events Cellular events
  • 44.
  • 45. Vascular Events Alteration in the microvascular (arterioles, capillaries and venules) is the earliest response to the tissue injury. These alterations include:- 1) Hemodynamic changes 2) Changes in vascular permeability
  • 47. 2. Altered Vascular Permeability  In and around the inflamed tissues, there is accumulation of edema fluid in the interstitial compartment which comes from blood plasma from its escape through the endothelial wall of peripheral vascular bed.  In the initial stage, the escape of fluid is due to vasodilation and consequent elevation in hydrostatic pressure .  This is transudate in nature.
  • 48.
  • 49. Cellular Events:-  The cellular phase of inflammation consist pof two processes:- A. Exudation of leukocytes B. Phagocytosis Exudation of leukocytes:- The sequence of these leucocytic events can be divided into: Adhesion Emigration Chemotaxis
  • 50. CONT… Phagocytosis: It is defined as the process of engulfment of solid particulate material by the cells (cell-eating).The cells performing this function are called phagocytes. There are two main types of phagocytic cells :- Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) which appear early in acute inflammatory response sometimes called as “microphages’’. Circulating monocytes and fixed tissue mononuclear phagocytes called as “macrophages’’.
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  • 52.
  • 53. Defense against injury  Specific and non-specific defense mechanisms against infectious diseases.  Non specific defenses  Anatomical barriers  Physiological barrier  Inflammatory response.  Normal flora of body
  • 54. cont…  Specific mechanismof host resistance  Immunity  Vaccination  Inflammation  Fever  Skin  Mucous membrane  Eyes  Respiratory system  Intestinal tract, urinary tract and vagina  Sheltered area
  • 55. Nutritional consideration  Nutrition is defined as the sum of processes by which a living organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, uses and excrete nutrients and their metabolites.  Nutritional assessment  Observing patient’s general appearance.  Obtaining careful medical, social and dietary history.  Clinical examination: anthropometrics and biochemical data.
  • 56. General appearance  Person look  Observing body built- obese, thin, normal.  Height and weight.  Mood- happy, sad, frowning.  Dietary history  Use of dietary supplements.  Likes and dislikes.  Usual food pattern.  Response to food.  Resources for food.  Facilities for purchasing.  Appetite and intake.
  • 57. Medical andsocial history  History of current illness.  History of previous illness.  History of pregnancy.  History of blood loss and donation.  Medication use.  Psychosocial data- economic status, occupation, education level, living and cooking arrangements, level of physical activity.
  • 58. Diet modification  Protein  Fat modification  Carbohydrate modification  Liquids pureed and soft diets  Meal size and frequency.