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new participation technologies for youth
                                      Web 2.0, smart mobs, mobility, etc…

The Internet and new Participation Trends
for Young People
in Turkey and abroad                                        Dr. Özgür Uçkan
20 March 2009                                               Istanbul Bilgi University
                                              Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV)
santralistanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University
Youth is no longer a
demographic …it’s a

                       Source -
Participation technologies

•   Participation enabler tools
•   Socio-technological tools
•   ICT as an enabler
•   Virtual communities
•   Smart Mobs
•   Usability & interaction
•   Read-write web (2.0) and after…
•   Information design as an action organizer
•   Mobile internet
•   Socio-technical networks
•   …………..

                                                 Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Youth as the actor, ICT as the enabler

A demographic analysis might be just enough to
understand the significance of the global youth
population in the developing world. If one defines youth
as those who fall within the age range of 15 to 25 years
(following United Nations statistical principles), there are
1.2 billion young people in the world and 724 million
youth and children living on less than a $2 a day, a
significant number of whom are illiterate, unemployed
and living with HIV/AIDS. This youth population is also a
fast-growing group, especially in Africa and most
countries of the Middle East. While in Asia, young people
constitute over 61% of the world’s youth population.

                                                      Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Youth as the actor, ICT as the enabler

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), are
gradually changing this rigid landscape. In this context,
ICT is not only a tool, but a medium over which social,
political and economic transformations occur.
Transformations are now global, meaning that one
change in one community resonates in another
community, which initiates a process of simultaneous
and continuous change. In this context, ICT is so
powerful that we can observe a global dimension of
analysis of social interactions, in which the medium ends
up affecting and even providing meaning to the content.
ICT is definitely an enabler of change.

                                                   Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Growing Up Digital

    Today’s students – K through college –
 represent the first generation to grow up
   with technology. They have spent their
     entire lives surrounded by and using
     computers, videogames, digital music
  players, video cams, cell phones and all
   the other toys and tools of the digital
age. ..Computer games, email, the Internet,
    cell phones and instant messaging are
        integral parts of their lives.”

                         - Marc Prensky
                                       Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Youth Activities Online

        • Some 93% of teens use the internet, and more of them
          than ever are treating it as a venue for social interaction
          – a place where they can share creations, tell stories,
          and interact with others.

        •      Nearly half (47%) of online teens have posted photos
              where others can see them, and 89% of those teens who
              post photos say that people comment on the images at
              least quot;some of the time.”
        • Content creation by teenagers continues to grow, with
          64% of online teenagers ages 12 to 17 engaging in at
          least one type of content creation, up from 57% of online
          teens in 2004.
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, December 19, 2007                     Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Dr. Özgür Uçkan
new paradigm arrive...

                         Dr. Özgür Uçkan
social, economic paradigm shift

• The “network effect” of ICT
• Exploitation of ICT in favor of national interests, development
  of network economy, transition to knowledge economy, and the
  transformation to an information society
• “Information literacy”, “knowledge culture” and ‘Information
• Mobility: anywhere, anytime, anyway…
• ICT as a “socio-technical network”

• “Social embeddedness of technology”
  ( Mark Warschauer, Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the
  Digital Divide, MIT Press)

                                                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
organizational paradigm shift

• Network is, sharing… (the access, sharing and usage of
  information that creates value)
• The network precludes the very concept of the center
• The network management is based on “horizontal
• The new organizational paradigm of the “Information Age” is
  decentralized, multilayered, participatory, shared network
  governance, i.e. ‘e-governance’

• Social-economic-political value and impact pass through
  these networks and becomes culture…

                                                      Dr. Özgür Uçkan
network particiption

Networks are a social coordination mechanism as an
alternative to hierarchical bureaucratic organizations or pure
interest based organizations subject to market forces.

The horizontal coordination between network structures
facilitates participation of involved parties and increases the
social benefit coefficient.

In network-like structures, the realm of social governance
based on consensus and in search of a decentralized
coordination is usually referred to as the “network
governance” or the ‘’e-governance’’.

                                                         Dr. Özgür Uçkan
        Generation Trends
My Media Generation

                           MOTIVATING FACTORS
                                    Motivating Factors
Source – Yahoo Truly Madly Deeply Engaged Study
  While today’s youth want to stand out and express their individuality, they also
  strive to feel connected with each other (both locally and globally).
  This community is created by shared experiences and constant communication
  (IM, texting, Facebook).

  Today’s youth demand control. They are used to customizing and personalizing
  everything in their lives.
  They demand products and services that suit their moods and want to live in an
  on-demand world that they can control.

  In the hands of Gen Y, brands get articulated in more ways than the brand itself
  could ever imagine. Gen Y doesn’t wait for permission to morph a brand. They
  are constantly seeking ways to have their voices heard and put their stamp of
  self-expression on products.
  Brands can become a badge for what they stand for.
user revolution
Position of Individual Toward Media

         Spectator                          User

Behavior Passive                            Active

Function Consumer                           Producer

Location Physical Space                     Everywhere

                            Kaynak: New Paradigm Learning Corporation, 1997
Online media play catchup with traditional outlets

                                           July 2006

                                                       (cc) Lynette Webb, 2006
of consumers don’t
believe that companies
tell the truth in
advertisements Yankelowich
trends: rise of the mobile internet

• Rapid improvements in connectivity 
• Mobile to be dominant platform for
  connecting to net worldwide
• Japan: happened already (mostly surf web
  through phones)
• Voice calls powered by internet 
  SMS/Texts - IM
• Cellphones electronic wallets  banks =
  main method of payment
• Citizens vote for first time in elections via
  mobile phones?
                                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
trends: strides against digital divide

• Developing world joins digital ecosystem via mobile
• Also become part of economy via cellphone wallet
• Mobile phones cheap  broadband ubiquitous
• Illiteracy issues overcome by video  audio streams
• Creates new areas of collaboration and education

                                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
trends: the rise of the virtual universe

• Virtual worlds like Second life go mainstream
• Come to fore as graphic cards  broadband improve
• Potentially a visual alternative to the world wide web
• Standards: different worlds connect to each other
• Virtual coup d’etat by SL citizens?
• Linden Labs cedes SL to democratically elected
  virtual govt

                                                    Dr. Özgür Uçkan
trends: information pollution  overload

• Next big challenge is how to manage masses of
• People will complain about quot;digital fatigue“  digital
• Focus on developing filters  aggregators
• “Switch-offquot; holidays regularly prescribed by your
• Rise of anti-digital movements urging “get back to
• In response to clutter, a second world wide web

                                                   Dr. Özgür Uçkan
trends: decline of the nation state?

• Govt has less influence  control than ever before
• Technologies threaten existing power  economic
• Also: music industry has resisted digital audio and
• But oppressive regimes clamp down on internet
• Some countries regress into dark ages

                                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Yet then the power shifted

Anytime - Any Place - Any Way

                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
14,463,346 auctions
                                           200,000,000 blogs
      21 Nov 2006

                Almost 4,000,000          100,000,000 videos
                     articles                (65,000/day)
                 (10 languages)

                                                   1.5 million
“The workers
                   33,347,000 profiles
the means of

                                                          Dr. Özgür Uçkan
What’s the Result?
“Today’s youth think and process information
fundamentally differently than their predecessors.”

                                               Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Connecting in the Digital Age

                      Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Communicating in the Digital Age  
                                                                     Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Collaborating in the Digital Age
Digital Literacy
                      (information + media) Skill set

In addition to being able to read and write youth
need :

“ social skills that have to do with collaboration
and networking. These skills build on the
foundation of traditional literacy, research skills,
technical skills and critical analysis skills which
should have been part of the school curriculum all
the long.”
                                    -David Rheingold

                                                Dr. Özgür Uçkan
digital divide: inequality base

inequality bases:           three steps of digital divide:

  Gender                    1. Economic divide
                            2. Usability divide
  Social class / status     3. Competency divide
  Education / Culture

                                                    Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Virtual Communities

                      Dr. Özgür Uçkan
“The words community and communication have the same root.
Wherever you put a communications network, you put a community as well.
And whenever you take away that network –confiscate it, outlaw it, crash it,
raise its price beyond affordability- then you hurt that community.”
                                                      B. Strerling, The Hacker Crackdown
Virtual Communities

“When you think of a title for a book,
you are forced to think of something
short and evocative, like well, ‘The
Virtual Community,’ even though a
more accurate title might be: ‘People
who use computers to communicate,
form friendships that sometimes form
the basis of communities, but you
have to be careful to not mistake the
tool for the task and think that just
writing words on a screen is the
same thing as real community.’””
                        Howard Rheingold
Virtual Agora

“The most recent incarnation of the agora is neither
the shopping mall nor the closed electronic
environment, but may just be the Internet itself. The
agora does not necessarily provide a sense of place,
rather it provides a sense of passage, translation
and personal freedom. If the Internet can achieve
the right balance of interaction, leisure and
commerce it may in time develop into a genuine
community space. While it continues to mirror the
malls, theme parks and office buildings of the
Cartesian world it will never become the mythical
‘place of meeting’ described by Homer in the Iliad.”

                                                Michael Ostwald,
            “Virtual Urban Futures”, in The Cyberculture Readers,
             ed. By David Bell-Barbara M. Kennedy, 2000, p. 673
Smart Mobs

    Smart mobs emerge when communication and
computing technologies amplify human talents for
cooperation. The impacts of smart mob technology
already appear to be both beneficial and destructive,
used by some of its earliest adopters to support
democracy and by others to coordinate terrorist
attacks. The technologies that are beginning to make
smart mobs possible are mobile communication
devices and pervasive computing - inexpensive
microprocessors embedded in everyday objects and
environments. Already, governments have fallen, youth
subcultures have blossomed from Asia to Scandinavia,
new industries have been born and older industries
have launched furious counterattacks.

Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus
Publishing, 2002
Smart Mobs

    Street demonstrators in the 1999 anti-WTO
protests used dynamically updated websites, cell-
phones, and quot;swarmingquot; tactics in the quot;battle of
Seattle.quot; A million Filipinos toppled President Estrada
through public demonstrations organized through
salvos of text messages.

Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus
Publishing, 2002
Smart Mobs

     The people who make up smart mobs cooperate
in ways never before possible because they carry
devices that possess both communication and
computing capabilities. Their mobile devices connect
them with other information devices in the environment
as well as with other people's telephones. Dirt-cheap
microprocessors embedded in everything from box
tops to shoes are beginning to permeate furniture,
buildings, neighborhoods, products with invisible
intercommunicating smartifacts. When they connect
the tangible objects and places of our daily lives with
the Internet, handheld communication media mutate
into wearable remote control devices for the physical
Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus
Publishing, 2002
Social Networks
types of internet users
positioning of social networks

                           Dr. Özgür Uçkan
social network types

                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Web 2.0

• Read/Write, two-way, anyone can be a publisher
• Social Web
• The term “Web 2.0” defines an era; like “Dot Com”
• Search (Google, Alternative Search Engines)
• Social Networks (MySpace, Facebook, OpenSocial)
• Online Media (YouTube,
• Content Aggregation / Syndication (Bloglines, Google
  Reader, Techmeme, Topix)
• Mashups (Google Maps, Flickr, YouTube)
                                       Image credit: catspyjamasnz

                                                              Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Services, tools and resources of Web 2.0

• This new tool is being chosen to use the sharing of
  information and knowledge as a way to strengthen the
  networks formed by people with common interests
  andsimilar needs. The possibilities offered by Web 2.0
  have encouraged the important and crucial participation
  of many people who are now able to express their
  opinions, to make their own remarks, to criticize or even
  make suggestions concerning significant issues at the
  national level.
• Web 2.0 has not only enlarged the possibilities for the
  citizens to act and participate but it has also created new
  trends in the design of Web tools and applications.
  Applications are now simple, user friendly, specific and
  result inmuch more dynamic pages.
                                                       Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Dr. Özgür Uçkan
2008 Avenue , Razorfish Digital Outlook Report
where we go?
and after…
• Web 2.0                    Web3.0, 4.0, etc.
• MARC                   MARCML (or Memo MemoML)
• Search engine Semantic Web
• Descritives FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records - ), Ontologies

• User accounts Avatars
               •   217 millions users on neopet  Myspace;
               •   Habbo users  Facebook;
               •   There are more videos on CyWorld than YouTube;
               •   “Target” is always “younger”…

Source : FredCavazza :
Web 3.0?
What’s Next? (Web 3.0)
• Web Sites Become
  Web Services
     – “Unstructured information will give way
       to structured information - paving the
       road to more intelligent computing.”
        (Alex Iskold, ReadWriteWeb, Mar 07)
     – Examples: Amazon E-Commerce API, API, Twitter API, Dapper,
       Teqlo, Yahoo! Pipes (scraping
     – Pages not center of Web now, Data 
       Services are
     – 90% of Twitter activity happens
       through its API

•   Intelligent Web = data is getting smarter     (ref: Nova Spivack, Twine, Oct 07)
     – Semantic Web
     – Filters / recommendations
     – Personalization

•   Beyond PC - mobile, IPTV, physical world integration
                                                                                       Dr. Özgür Uçkan
two way of thinking
paradox: use and be used

“The fact is that a few of us saw what      “We are still enthusiastic about the
was happening and we wrestled the           Net, the way Walt Whitman was about
power of LSD away from CIA, and             trains and the telegraph. He thought
now the power of computers away             they would unite us, make us all a
from IBM, just as we rescued                community. He couldn’t predict the
psychology away from the doctors and        trains would go to concentration
analysts.”                                  camps.”
                            Timothy Leary                              Andrei Codresku
and.. a little about Turkey…

 United States
United Kingdom
   South Korea

         Russia            25
                                                   world’s 11st internet
          Spain        19

        Taiw an      14
       Malaysia     10

                                                                       Dr. Özgür Uçkan

South Korea
     Mexico            4,8
                                                      broadband use
                                                  average brodband speed
   Sw eden         2,6

Sw itzerland
   Denmark        1,9
     Finland     1,5
    Norw ay

                                                                           Dr. Özgür Uçkan



                                                         1,55%         0,39%

         16-24           25-34     35-44    45-54      55-64         65-74

66% male, 34% female                                52% own PC
average age (total) 26                              91% own mobile phone
22% university                                      84% watch TV regularly (average 3hs)
68% unmarried                                       63% listen radio regularly (average 2hs)
45% works, 37% student                              Connected Internet daily average 2,5 hs.
39% english speaking                                Connected average 22 times to the Internet.

                                                                                                  Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Dr. Özgür Uçkan

•   69.6% actively use Internet
•   39.2% blogger
•   66% own his/her profile on social networks
•   48.4% share photos
•   41.2% share videos
•   93.4% watch video online

                                         Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Turkey: some questions

• Turkish young people, they particapate, or
• Turkish young people interested in
  participation, or not?
• Turkish young people has access to participate,
  or not?
• Can Internet be an alternative medium to
  participate for Turkish young people?

                                            Dr. Özgür Uçkan
Thank you!
             Dr. Özgür Uçkan

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Participation Technologies - O. Uckan

  • 1. new participation technologies for youth Web 2.0, smart mobs, mobility, etc… CIVICWEB PANEL The Internet and new Participation Trends for Young People in Turkey and abroad Dr. Özgür Uçkan 20 March 2009 Istanbul Bilgi University Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV) santralistanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University
  • 2. Youth is no longer a demographic …it’s a mindset Source -
  • 3. Participation technologies • Participation enabler tools • Socio-technological tools • ICT as an enabler • Virtual communities • Smart Mobs • Usability & interaction • Read-write web (2.0) and after… • Information design as an action organizer • Mobile internet • Socio-technical networks • ………….. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 4. Youth as the actor, ICT as the enabler A demographic analysis might be just enough to understand the significance of the global youth population in the developing world. If one defines youth as those who fall within the age range of 15 to 25 years (following United Nations statistical principles), there are 1.2 billion young people in the world and 724 million youth and children living on less than a $2 a day, a significant number of whom are illiterate, unemployed and living with HIV/AIDS. This youth population is also a fast-growing group, especially in Africa and most countries of the Middle East. While in Asia, young people constitute over 61% of the world’s youth population. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 5. Youth as the actor, ICT as the enabler Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), are gradually changing this rigid landscape. In this context, ICT is not only a tool, but a medium over which social, political and economic transformations occur. Transformations are now global, meaning that one change in one community resonates in another community, which initiates a process of simultaneous and continuous change. In this context, ICT is so powerful that we can observe a global dimension of analysis of social interactions, in which the medium ends up affecting and even providing meaning to the content. ICT is definitely an enabler of change. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 6. Growing Up Digital Today’s students – K through college – represent the first generation to grow up with technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones and all the other toys and tools of the digital age. ..Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are integral parts of their lives.” - Marc Prensky Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 7. Youth Activities Online • Some 93% of teens use the internet, and more of them than ever are treating it as a venue for social interaction – a place where they can share creations, tell stories, and interact with others. • Nearly half (47%) of online teens have posted photos where others can see them, and 89% of those teens who post photos say that people comment on the images at least quot;some of the time.” • Content creation by teenagers continues to grow, with 64% of online teenagers ages 12 to 17 engaging in at least one type of content creation, up from 57% of online teens in 2004. Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, December 19, 2007 Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 9. new paradigm arrive... Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 10. social, economic paradigm shift • The “network effect” of ICT • Exploitation of ICT in favor of national interests, development of network economy, transition to knowledge economy, and the transformation to an information society • “Information literacy”, “knowledge culture” and ‘Information Society’ • Mobility: anywhere, anytime, anyway… • ICT as a “socio-technical network” • “Social embeddedness of technology” ( Mark Warschauer, Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide, MIT Press) Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 11. organizational paradigm shift • Network is, sharing… (the access, sharing and usage of information that creates value) • The network precludes the very concept of the center • The network management is based on “horizontal coordination” • The new organizational paradigm of the “Information Age” is decentralized, multilayered, participatory, shared network governance, i.e. ‘e-governance’ • Social-economic-political value and impact pass through these networks and becomes culture… Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 12. network particiption Networks are a social coordination mechanism as an alternative to hierarchical bureaucratic organizations or pure interest based organizations subject to market forces. The horizontal coordination between network structures facilitates participation of involved parties and increases the social benefit coefficient. In network-like structures, the realm of social governance based on consensus and in search of a decentralized coordination is usually referred to as the “network governance” or the ‘’e-governance’’. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 13. GENERATION TRENDS Generation Trends
  • 14. My Media Generation MOTIVATING FACTORS Motivating Factors Source – Yahoo Truly Madly Deeply Engaged Study
  • 15. COMMUNITY While today’s youth want to stand out and express their individuality, they also strive to feel connected with each other (both locally and globally). This community is created by shared experiences and constant communication (IM, texting, Facebook). PERSONALIZATION Today’s youth demand control. They are used to customizing and personalizing everything in their lives. They demand products and services that suit their moods and want to live in an on-demand world that they can control. SELF- SELF-EXPRESSION In the hands of Gen Y, brands get articulated in more ways than the brand itself could ever imagine. Gen Y doesn’t wait for permission to morph a brand. They are constantly seeking ways to have their voices heard and put their stamp of self-expression on products. Brands can become a badge for what they stand for.
  • 17.
  • 18. Position of Individual Toward Media Spectator User Role Behavior Passive Active Function Consumer Producer Location Physical Space Everywhere Kaynak: New Paradigm Learning Corporation, 1997
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Online media play catchup with traditional outlets July 2006 (cc) Lynette Webb, 2006
  • 22.
  • 23. 76% of consumers don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements Yankelowich
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. trends: rise of the mobile internet • Rapid improvements in connectivity screens • Mobile to be dominant platform for connecting to net worldwide • Japan: happened already (mostly surf web through phones) • Voice calls powered by internet SMS/Texts - IM • Cellphones electronic wallets banks = main method of payment • Citizens vote for first time in elections via mobile phones? Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 27. trends: strides against digital divide • Developing world joins digital ecosystem via mobile phones • Also become part of economy via cellphone wallet • Mobile phones cheap broadband ubiquitous • Illiteracy issues overcome by video audio streams • Creates new areas of collaboration and education Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 28. trends: the rise of the virtual universe • Virtual worlds like Second life go mainstream • Come to fore as graphic cards broadband improve • Potentially a visual alternative to the world wide web • Standards: different worlds connect to each other seamlessly • Virtual coup d’etat by SL citizens? • Linden Labs cedes SL to democratically elected virtual govt Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 29. trends: information pollution overload • Next big challenge is how to manage masses of information • People will complain about quot;digital fatigue“ digital noise • Focus on developing filters aggregators • “Switch-offquot; holidays regularly prescribed by your doctor • Rise of anti-digital movements urging “get back to basics” • In response to clutter, a second world wide web announced Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 30. trends: decline of the nation state? • Govt has less influence control than ever before • Technologies threaten existing power economic relationships • Also: music industry has resisted digital audio and Napster • But oppressive regimes clamp down on internet • Some countries regress into dark ages Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 31. Yet then the power shifted Anytime - Any Place - Any Way Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 32. 14,463,346 auctions 200,000,000 blogs 21 Nov 2006 Almost 4,000,000 100,000,000 videos articles (65,000/day) (10 languages) 1.5 million residents “The workers 33,347,000 profiles should appropriate the means of production” Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 33.
  • 34. What’s the Result? “Today’s youth think and process information fundamentally differently than their predecessors.” Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 35. Connecting in the Digital Age Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 36. Communicating in the Digital Age Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 37. Collaborating in the Digital Age
  • 38. Digital Literacy (information + media) Skill set In addition to being able to read and write youth need : “ social skills that have to do with collaboration and networking. These skills build on the foundation of traditional literacy, research skills, technical skills and critical analysis skills which should have been part of the school curriculum all the long.” -David Rheingold Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 39. digital divide: inequality base inequality bases: three steps of digital divide: Gender 1. Economic divide Age 2. Usability divide Ethnicity Social class / status 3. Competency divide Education / Culture Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 41. Virtual Communities Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 42. “The words community and communication have the same root. Wherever you put a communications network, you put a community as well. And whenever you take away that network –confiscate it, outlaw it, crash it, raise its price beyond affordability- then you hurt that community.” B. Strerling, The Hacker Crackdown
  • 43. Virtual Communities “When you think of a title for a book, you are forced to think of something short and evocative, like well, ‘The Virtual Community,’ even though a more accurate title might be: ‘People who use computers to communicate, form friendships that sometimes form the basis of communities, but you have to be careful to not mistake the tool for the task and think that just writing words on a screen is the same thing as real community.’”” Howard Rheingold
  • 44. Virtual Agora “The most recent incarnation of the agora is neither the shopping mall nor the closed electronic environment, but may just be the Internet itself. The agora does not necessarily provide a sense of place, rather it provides a sense of passage, translation and personal freedom. If the Internet can achieve the right balance of interaction, leisure and commerce it may in time develop into a genuine community space. While it continues to mirror the malls, theme parks and office buildings of the Cartesian world it will never become the mythical ‘place of meeting’ described by Homer in the Iliad.” Michael Ostwald, “Virtual Urban Futures”, in The Cyberculture Readers, ed. By David Bell-Barbara M. Kennedy, 2000, p. 673
  • 45. Smart Mobs Smart mobs emerge when communication and computing technologies amplify human talents for cooperation. The impacts of smart mob technology already appear to be both beneficial and destructive, used by some of its earliest adopters to support democracy and by others to coordinate terrorist attacks. The technologies that are beginning to make smart mobs possible are mobile communication devices and pervasive computing - inexpensive microprocessors embedded in everyday objects and environments. Already, governments have fallen, youth subcultures have blossomed from Asia to Scandinavia, new industries have been born and older industries have launched furious counterattacks. Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus Publishing, 2002
  • 46. Smart Mobs Street demonstrators in the 1999 anti-WTO protests used dynamically updated websites, cell- phones, and quot;swarmingquot; tactics in the quot;battle of Seattle.quot; A million Filipinos toppled President Estrada through public demonstrations organized through salvos of text messages. Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus Publishing, 2002
  • 47. Smart Mobs The people who make up smart mobs cooperate in ways never before possible because they carry devices that possess both communication and computing capabilities. Their mobile devices connect them with other information devices in the environment as well as with other people's telephones. Dirt-cheap microprocessors embedded in everything from box tops to shoes are beginning to permeate furniture, buildings, neighborhoods, products with invisible intercommunicating smartifacts. When they connect the tangible objects and places of our daily lives with the Internet, handheld communication media mutate into wearable remote control devices for the physical world. Howard Rheingold, SmartMobs / The Next Social Revolution, Perseus Publishing, 2002
  • 50. positioning of social networks Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 51. social network types Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. Web 2.0 • Read/Write, two-way, anyone can be a publisher • Social Web • The term “Web 2.0” defines an era; like “Dot Com” • Search (Google, Alternative Search Engines) • Social Networks (MySpace, Facebook, OpenSocial) • Online Media (YouTube, • Content Aggregation / Syndication (Bloglines, Google Reader, Techmeme, Topix) • Mashups (Google Maps, Flickr, YouTube) Image credit: catspyjamasnz Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 55. Services, tools and resources of Web 2.0 • This new tool is being chosen to use the sharing of information and knowledge as a way to strengthen the networks formed by people with common interests andsimilar needs. The possibilities offered by Web 2.0 have encouraged the important and crucial participation of many people who are now able to express their opinions, to make their own remarks, to criticize or even make suggestions concerning significant issues at the national level. • Web 2.0 has not only enlarged the possibilities for the citizens to act and participate but it has also created new trends in the design of Web tools and applications. Applications are now simple, user friendly, specific and result inmuch more dynamic pages. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 57. 2008 Avenue , Razorfish Digital Outlook Report
  • 58.
  • 60. and after… • Web 2.0 Web3.0, 4.0, etc. • MARC MARCML (or Memo MemoML) • Search engine Semantic Web • Descritives FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records - ), Ontologies • User accounts Avatars • 217 millions users on neopet Myspace; • Habbo users Facebook; • There are more videos on CyWorld than YouTube; • “Target” is always “younger”… Source : FredCavazza : sociales/
  • 62. What’s Next? (Web 3.0) • Web Sites Become Web Services – “Unstructured information will give way to structured information - paving the road to more intelligent computing.” (Alex Iskold, ReadWriteWeb, Mar 07) – Examples: Amazon E-Commerce API, API, Twitter API, Dapper, Teqlo, Yahoo! Pipes (scraping technologies) – Pages not center of Web now, Data Services are – 90% of Twitter activity happens through its API • Intelligent Web = data is getting smarter (ref: Nova Spivack, Twine, Oct 07) – Semantic Web – Filters / recommendations – Personalization • Beyond PC - mobile, IPTV, physical world integration Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65. two way of thinking
  • 66. paradox: use and be used “The fact is that a few of us saw what “We are still enthusiastic about the was happening and we wrestled the Net, the way Walt Whitman was about power of LSD away from CIA, and trains and the telegraph. He thought now the power of computers away they would unite us, make us all a from IBM, just as we rescued community. He couldn’t predict the psychology away from the doctors and trains would go to concentration analysts.” camps.” Timothy Leary Andrei Codresku
  • 67. and.. a little about Turkey…
  • 68. Turkey 208 United States 137 China 88 Japan 60 India 49 Germany 43 Brazil 38 United Kingdom 34 South Korea 31 France 29 Italy 26 Turkey users Russia 25 24 Canada 22 Mexico world’s 11st internet Spain 19 16 Indonesia population 15 Australia Taiw an 14 11 Poland 11 Netherlands Malaysia 10 10 Argentina Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 69. Turkey 66,2 US 27,2 Japan 17,5 Germany 14,4 South Korea 14,4 UK 14,3 France 9,3 Italy 8,1 Canada 7,5 Turkey 7,5 Spain 5,5 Netherlands Mexico 4,8 broadband use 4,7 Australia 3,0 Poland average brodband speed Sw eden 2,6 2,5 Belgium 1Mbit/sec 2,3 Sw itzerland Denmark 1,9 1,6 Portugal 1,5 Austria Finland 1,5 1,4 Norw ay Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 70. Turkey 45,03% 32,09% 14,12% 6,80% 1,55% 0,39% 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 66% male, 34% female 52% own PC average age (total) 26 91% own mobile phone 22% university 84% watch TV regularly (average 3hs) 68% unmarried 63% listen radio regularly (average 2hs) 45% works, 37% student Connected Internet daily average 2,5 hs. 39% english speaking Connected average 22 times to the Internet. Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 72. Turkey • 69.6% actively use Internet • 39.2% blogger • 66% own his/her profile on social networks • 48.4% share photos • 41.2% share videos • 93.4% watch video online Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 73. Turkey: some questions • Turkish young people, they particapate, or not? • Turkish young people interested in participation, or not? • Turkish young people has access to participate, or not? • Can Internet be an alternative medium to participate for Turkish young people? Dr. Özgür Uçkan
  • 74. Thank you! Dr. Özgür Uçkan