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© National Committee for Families and Children

November 2005

Starla Acosta, Judith Alpuche, Aimee Jex, Ava Pennill and
Stephanie Young

Families and Children’s Act 2000, Department of Human
Services Policy and Procedure Manual, The Convention
on the Rights of the Child

Photos: Starla Acosta, Cesar Villar

With the support of

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ iii

 What is Child Abuse?..............................................................................................................1
 Signs that tell your child is been abused or neglected. ............................................................4
 What can I do to prevent child abuse? .....................................................................................6
 Why did my child not tell me about the abuse? ......................................................................8
 Why did he/she abuse my child? .............................................................................................9
 The impact of child abuse on the child, parents and family. .................................................11

 What is the Child Protection System? ...................................................................................14
 Which agencies make up the Child Protection System? .......................................................15

 What is the Department of Human Services?........................................................................20
 How did DHS get a report about my child? ..........................................................................21
 Why did the DHS get involved with my family? ..................................................................24
 What type of investigation will the DHS conduct? ...............................................................25
 What are Court Orders?.........................................................................................29

 What is “substitute care”? .....................................................................................................30
 Do I give the agency any information about my child?.........................................................32

 What is a “permanency plan”? ..............................................................................................33
 What are the types of permanency plans? .............................................................................34
 When will the case be closed?...............................................................................................36

What happens to the perpetrator of the abuse?...........................................................37
How do I support my child?.......................................................................................38
Who else can help?...................................................................................................41

Purpose of the Guide
As a parent, guardian, or concerned member of the community, you
may find that it becomes very difficult when situations of abuse and
neglect take place within your home. You may feel lost, and at times
you may even give up hope, especially when you cannot understand the
system that you have come in contact with.
This guide will:
♦ Introduce you to the world of child abuse and neglect,
♦ Help you to identify signs and symptoms and what to look for
   when a child is being abused,
♦ Highlight tips for preventing child abuse and neglect.

It will also help you to answer the many questions you may have as a
parent or guardian regarding:
♦ The child protection system and what it can do for you and your
♦ The people you will meet and work with while in the child
    protection system,
♦ Your rights and responsibilities,
♦ Other organizations that can help you and your family.

Remember, this guide alone cannot solve all your problems or answer all
your questions. Let this guide become your companion as you enter the
Child Protection System.


                PLEASE STOP….STOP HURTING ME!!

  What is Child Abuse?
Child abuse occurs when a person either does something or, neglects
to do something that brings harm to a child, especially if the action was
done on purpose or if the person responsible should have known that
their behavior would cause harm. Child abuse occurs in different
ways. However, abuse and neglect, in any form, place the child’s
physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth and development in
serious danger.

There are four main types of abuse:
1. Physical Abuse
2. Sexual Abuse
3. Psychological Abuse
4. Neglect

Physical Abuse is any physical injury to a child which is not
accidental and is intended to cause pain, injury or other physical
suffering or harm. Physical abuse may include severe beating,
pinching, burning, shaking, or any other acts that may result in broken
bones, bruises and other marks on the body.

Sexual Abuse occurs when a child is involved in any sexual activity
with another person. It includes fondling a child’s private and sexual
parts, or making the child fondle the abuser’s private and sexual parts,
sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral sex or any other activity of a sexual

Exploitation of a child is another form of abuse. Exploitation refers
to the use of a child for work or other activities which harms the child
and benefits others. This includes child labour and child pornography
and prostitution.

Psychological Abuse - also known as emotional abuse , verbal
abuse or mental abuse is when children are constantly put-down, called
names or criticized so that they lose confidence in themselves. Severe
forms of psychological abuse include extreme forms of punishment
like locking the child in a closet for long periods or terrorizing the

Neglect is the failure of the parent or caregiver to provide for the
child’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical, educational, or emotional.
Physical neglect can include not providing safe shelter, adequate food
or clothing, appropriate medical care or supervision to the child. It can
also include abandonment of the child. Educational neglect includes
failure to provide adequate schooling or special educational needs,
assistance with homework or school books, or allowing the child to be
excessively absent from school. Psychological neglect involves not
attending to the child’s emotional needs, not showing love and support
toward the child.

Some types of abuse              are easier to identify than others. A child
of any age, sex, religion and socio-economic background can fall
victim to abuse and neglect. As adults in the society, it is our
responsibility to ensure that all children are being protected.

Is my child being abused or neglected?

Have you ever wondered why your child has become unusually
quiet or very violent?
Do you ever notice how that little boy or girl stays alone during
These may be signs of child abuse, but do not think that one sign can
signal abuse. It is better to stay alert and to recognize all changes in
your child’s behavior. Here are a few signs to help you look for
sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect of your child.

                              Sexual Abuse
         •   Has difficulty walking or sitting
         •   Experiences nightmares and bedwetting
         •   Is very knowledgeable about sex
         •   Displays inappropriate sexual behavior
         •   Runs away from home frequently
         •   Is very scared of adults
         •   Does not mingle with friends at school
         •   Reports sexual abuse by a parent or another adult

Emotional Abuse
         Physical Abuse                 •   Is extremely passive
•   Has unexplained burns,                  or extremely aggres-
    bites, bruises, broken                  sive
                                        •   Is delayed in physical
    bones, or black eyes
•   Does not like going home                or emotional
    and fears parents                       development
                                        •   Has attempted
•   Is scared of being around
    adults or a particular person           suicide
                                        •   Shows no sign of
                                            attachment to parents
                                        •   Behaves younger than
                                            his/her age or displays
                                            adult-like behavior

    •   Is frequently absent from school
    •   Begs or steals money or food
    •   Is usually untidy or dirty and has severe body odor
    •   Persistent health problems
    •   Lacks proper clothing for the weather
    •   States that there is no one at home to provide care.
    •   Frequently wanders the streets

What can I do to prevent child abuse?

To prevent child abuse, you can follow 8 guidelines.

1. Learn the facts and understand the risks
   The only way to know if a child is being abused is to learn about
   abuse. Most victims are close to and even trust the people who
   abuse them, and many children are related to their abuser. Most
   child victims never report the abuse because they are afraid. Many
   children are abused by older or larger children.

2. Minimize Opportunity
   You could minimize the opportunity of your child being abused by
   making sure that your child is not left alone with one person, even
   if it is someone you trust. You should know where your child is at
   all times and be sure that your child is with someone that you trust.

3. Talk about it
   Learn to talk with your child about abuse. If you are comfortable
   talking with your child, then he/she will feel comfortable enough to
   tell you if anyone wants to take advantage of him/her. You should
   teach your child about “good touch” and “bad touch” from an
   early age.

4. Be Alert
   Be alert to signs of child abuse, to notice sudden changes in your
   child’s behavior, or physical signs of abuse.

5. Make a Plan
   How would you react if you found out that your child was abused?
Think about it. You should make a plan of how you would react,
    and remember to remain calm, listen to what your child has to say,
    believe your child and protect your child from further harm.

6. Act on Suspicion
   If you suspect that a child is being abused, report it to the Police or
   Department of Human Services at 0-800-77638 or 227-2057. Trust
   your instincts.

7. Get Involved
    Become involved in your child’s life by knowing who his/her
    friends are. Encourage group activities and supervise as much as
    you can. You can also donate your time and resources to anti-
    abuse organizations such as the Department of Human Services or

8. Allow Your Child to Exercise His/Her Rights
     Your child has the right to express his/her opinion and
     feelings, and to have those feelings taken into account when
     decisions are being made that affect your child. Children who are
listened to and who feel that their opinions are valued are     more
likely to report abuse. Let your child know that he/she is
     being heard and teach your child to share his or her opinions   and
feelings in a respectful way.

Why did my child not tell me about the abuse?

As a parent, this is often the first question that you ask, mainly because you
may feel scared as you wonder why your child did not say something to
you about the abuse.

Child abuse, especially, sexual abuse is very difficult for a
child to discuss with anyone!!

The abuser is usually someone close to your child, and this makes it very
difficult for your child to talk about the abuse because the abuser often
threatens your child not to tell, or makes the child feel responsible for the
abuse. In other cases, your child may be too young and does not have the
ability to say what is happening to him/her. If your child has a disability,
this makes him/her even more vulnerable to abuse.

Your child might not know that he/she is being abused because he/she is not
aware that certain actions are wrong. It is important that you speak to your
child about inappropriate behaviours. In other instances, your child may
have been bribed by the abuser and told that the abuse is actually something
good. This happens especially in cases where a child feels unloved at home
and believes the abuse is a form of affection that he/she is yearning for.

Your child has the right to be heard!
             LISTEN to your child.
      He or She may be trying to tell you

    Why did he/she abuse my child?

This question has been asked by nearly every parent whose child has been
abused. We all want to know why a person would do such a thing to a
child, especially if that person is a parent or close relative or friend. It is
important to understand that abuse, especially sexual abuse, is an

Adults who are more powerful may find it easy to do as they please with a
child. Abuse of a child may occur as a result of excessive punishment.
Parents have a responsibility to discipline their children, and punishment
may be a part of discipline. However, punishment should NEVER lead to
the abuse of a child. The reality is that any action that causes suffering or
harm to a child is abuse.

Parents may abuse children because they lack appropriate parenting skills,
or as a result of drug and alcohol problems, marital problems, or domestic
violence. For some adults, abuse was a part of their childhood experi-
ence, and they pass on the same negative experience to their children.

    It is very important to talk with
          your child about abuse.
          Teach your child about
    “good touch” and “bad touch.”

What is the impact of child abuse?

A child cannot understand how

 Someone who is supposed to love and
  protect them ends up hurting them!

The impact of abuse on a child varies depending on the circumstances of
the abuse or neglect, and the child’s environment. However, abuse in any
form causes emotional harm to the child. Your child can develop health
problems as a result of the abuse. Stress often arises as a result of abuse.
This stress may impact your child’s eating and sleeping habits and even
school performance. Such stress can also lead to psychological problems,
including depression and in some cases, it can even lead your child to bring
harm to him/herself or to others.

Your child may live in constant fear of anticipated abuse and the abuser.
This constant fear can cause your child to withdraw from being around oth-
ers or even getting involved in new activities for fear of being abused. As
result, that child will never develop to his/her fullest potential.
Abuse also impacts the entire family. Parents are often angry, scared,
ashamed and confused at the thought of their child being abused. The
situation becomes even more complex and difficult to understand if the
abuse was done by a parent, relative or close friend.

Quite often, the non-abusing parent blames him or herself for not being
able to protect the child from being abused. Abuse, of any type, has a
strong impact on your family because your home is no longer viewed as a
safe place. Some families are ashamed of the abuse and try to keep it a se-
cret. Abuse also threatens the stability of the family and can cause the fam-
ily structure to breakdown. This usually affects the care and support that is
normally provided to the child/children.

Now, more than ever, your family needs to be strong to support the victim
of the abuse. The issue of the abuse will never go away, but you have a re-
sponsibility to your child to get him/her the help that he/she needs in order
to face and recover from this abuse. No matter what happens, keep in
mind that the abuse of a child is NEVER the child’s fault.

            Talk with your child,
             Listen to your child,
              Believe your child,
          Because you just NEVER
                  ANY child
        can become a victim of abuse!


                       HELP IS ON THE WAY

    What is the Child Protection System?
The main purpose of the child protection system is to provide a safe and
secure environment for every child. It also helps to link families to
services in order to keep families together and will support you in reuniting
with your child, if your child is removed from your home.

The Child Protection System is not just one organization; it is a group of
agencies that all work together to provide services to children and families,
such as protection, health care, education, and counseling . These
organizations include the Courts, the Department of Human Services,
Police Department, and other government and non-governmental agencies
that work together to ensure that decisions are made to achieve that which
is in your child’s best interest.

Which agencies make up the Child Protection System?

The Child Protection System is composed of 5 main agencies.
1. The Department of Human Services is the government body respon-
   sible for:
♦ Responding to and investigating all reports of child abuse and neglect,

♦ Helping families solve problems that may lead to abuse or neglect

♦ Providing services to these children and families.

The primary concern of this department is the protection of the child from
abuse and making decisions that serve your child’s best interest.

2. The Police Department is also responsible for investigating all reports
of child abuse and neglect. Reports of child abuse can be
made directly to the Police Department. However, the
Police must work along with the Department of Human
Services to ensure the protection of the child. The Police
Department is primarily concerned with gathering evi-
dence in order to determine whether or not a crime has
been committed. The evidence gathered is then passed on to the Depart-
ment of Public Prosecution for follow–up.

Diagram of Child Abuse Investigation Process conducted by
                   the Police Department

                    Child Abuse Report

                       Police Department

                    Criminal Investigation

        No Charge                            Charge


          Not Guilty                         Guilty

3. Medical Services, which includes all hospitals, clinics, and all medical
professionals, are responsible for being familiar with the signs and symp-
toms of abuse and neglect. In cases where reports are made to the Depart-
ment of Human Services or the Police Department, a medical examination
must be done if there are visible signs of abuse or enough reason to believe
the child has been abused and needs medical attention. Medical examina-
tions are necessary to determine the condition of the child at the time the
investigation is being done. Medical practitioners are also responsible for
providing treatment to victims. During medical exami-
nations, evidence of the abuse is usually collected. This
is necessary in order to bring charges against the alleged
abuser. Medical practitioners must often provide expert
testimony if the case is taken to court.

4. The Department of Public Prosecution—DPP is
responsible for bringing the abuser to justice by con-
ducting all criminal proceedings. Based on the evi-
dence submitted by the Police Department, the DPP’s
main function is to determine whether or not to file
charges against the alleged perpetrator of the abuse. Once charges are
filed, the DPP must prepare for trial. The decision whether or not criminal
charges should be initiated is based on:
♦ Whether there is sufficient substantial evidence

♦ Whether it is in the public interest to take the matter to trial

♦ Whether or not it is in the interest of the child victim that the pro-

    ceedings should be instituted.
The DPP must prove the guilt of the perpetrator/abuser.

5. The Court System is responsible for giving al-
leged perpetrators a fair trial and bringing abusers to
justice. The Criminal Court generally focuses on
the criminal act of the defendant/abuser, while the
Civil Court hears the case and makes a decision
concerning the safety and protection of the child. The Belize Family
Court performs preventive work and works to keep families together.
Quite often, officers of the Family Court must conduct assessments and
submit reports to the court regarding the welfare of children. The Belize
Family Court also reports cases of abuse and neglect to the Department of
Human Services for investigation.



What is the Department of Human Services?

  The Department of Human Services (DHS) is a branch of government
  within the Ministry of Human Development that works to assist all
  persons in the community to enjoy a better quality of life. The DHS
  provides a wide range of services to families, children, older persons
  and persons with disabilities and HIV/AIDS.
  DHS is divided into four main units. They are:
  1. Community and Parent Empowerment Project (COMPAR)
  2. Family Support Services
  3. Child Protection Services (CPS)
  4. Child Placement and Special Services (CPSS)

  Through these four units, the Department of Human Services is able to
  provide a wide range of services which include financial assistance to
  families, support services, counseling, substitute and institutional care,
  parenting education, referrals and services to special populations within
  society. The DHS is also responsible for investigating all reported
  cases of child abuse and neglect. The DHS will work along with you
  and your family to develop a plan to protect your child from harm and
  provide you with information about child abuse.

  The people who work in the DHS may be called Community
Development Officers, Children’s Services Officers or Social Service

How did the DHS get a report about my child?
                                                              The law
says that anyone who suspects that a child has been abused has a
moral duty to report the abuse. There are some persons who also have
a legal obligation to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.
They are called mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters include:
♦ Any person in charge of a public or private hospital, doctors,

    nurses and all other medical personnel who attend to a child
    exhibiting signs of abuse;
♦ Any family member, teacher, social worker, school counselor,

    employee of a certified children’s institution, school administrator
    or principal, deputy principal of any educational institution,
    probation officer, police officer or any other employee of the
    Government of Belize whose daily duties entail dealing regularly
    with children

Reports can be made by the victims themselves,
  teachers, medical personnel, family members, social
    workers, counselors, employees or officers of the
      Government, or any other concerned citizen.

Mandatory reporters do not need to have proof that a child is being
abused or neglected. They make reports based on their suspicions,
taking into consideration their training in detecting the signs and
symptoms of abuse and neglect. Reports are made to the proper
authorities so that a thorough investigation can be carried out to either
prove or disprove that your child is being abused.

                                It must also be noted that mandatory
                                reporters who fail to promptly report a
                                case of suspected child abuse can be fined
                                up to $1,000, be sent to jail or both.

We should not keep silent about abuse. We all need to protect our
children from all forms of abuse and neglect. Reports can be made by
contacting the Department of Human Services or the Police Depart-
ment, or you can also call the 24 hour hotline at

       Every child has the right to
       be protected from all forms
          of abuse and neglect.
Why did the DHS get involved with my family?
When a report of child abuse is made, a worker from the Child Protective
Services, which is a branch of the Department of Human Services, will
contact your family.

These workers respond to all suspected cases of abuse and neglect and will
conduct the proper investigation to make sure that your child is not suffering
or likely to suffer harm.

   Will I know who reported the abuse?

No. The DHS worker will inform you about the report but he/she cannot tell
you who made the report. DHS workers work confidentially, and it is their
duty to respond to any report of suspected abuse and to conduct an
investigation and safety assessment to see if your child is at risk. They
understand that not all families abuse their children on purpose, but

Do I have to allow the DHS worker into my home?

No. You do not have to allow the DHS worker into your home; however, it
is best for you to work along with the DHS worker. Whether or not you
choose to let the DHS worker into your home, he/she is still legally re-
quired to conduct an investigation of the reported abuse. If the DHS
worker has reason to believe that your child’s life or safety is in danger, the
Court will issue a Search and Production Order to enter your home and re-
move your child or order you to bring your child to Court within 48 hours.

  What type of Investigation will the DHS conduct?

When the DHS worker and the police officer visit your home, both will
conduct an investigation. This involves conducting necessary inter-
views to find out if your child has suffered any abuse or is in danger of
suffering abuse.

If your child is found to be suffering from abuse, a medical examination
will be conducted by a doctor. This examination is important as it de-
termines the extent of the abuse and the condition of the child at that
time. It is better if you, as the parent, cooperate with the authorities to
have the examination done.
If you do not cooperate, the law empowers the social worker and the
Police to have the medical examination completed without your con-

A part of the investigation also includes a safety assessment. A
safety assessment looks at whether or not a child will suffer abuse by
remaining in the home. If your child is suffering from abuse, an
emergency protection removal will take place, and your child will be
removed from your home by the Department of Human Services or
the Police. The Department of Human Services must then inform the
Magistrate or Family Court within 48 hours that they have removed
your child.

                        If your child is found to be suffering abuse
                        and it is also determined that your home is
                        not the “best” place for your child, your
                        child will be removed from your home and
                        placed in substitute care. Two separate in-
                        vestigations will then be conducted: a social
                        investigation by the DHS worker and a
                        criminal investigation by a police officer.

After the necessary interviews have been conducted, and information re-
garding your child, family, and alleged offender has been gathered and
         reviewed, a decision will then be made as to whether the child
          will return home, or be placed in substitute care. The decision
          will be made based on which is determined to be the safest
          place for your child. Once a placement decision has been
                               made, the Court will issue an order.

Diagram of Child Abuse Investigation Process conducted
             by the Department of Human Services

                        Child Abuse Report

               Department of Human Services

                       Social Investigation

   Abuse Unconfirmed               Abuse Confirmed

 Maintain at Home                      Removal

                  Substitute Care

Family Reunification                     Adoption
What are Court Orders?
 A Court Order is an instruction given by the
court, telling someone what they can or cannot do.
The Court may issue various types of orders.

1. A Supervision Order allows the child to
remain at home, under the supervision of the
Department of Human Services (DHS) . The DHS
is required to visit the home on a regular basis to
monitor the situation and to provide information
and support to parents.

2. A Care Order authorizes the DHS to remove a child from his/her
home and to place the child them in substitute care. Remember, a child
can be removed under emergency protection without a court order, but
the care order must be obtained within 48 hours.

3. A Custody Order takes away custody of the child from the parent(s)
and gives it to the DHS. The child can then be placed for adoption.

4. A Maintenance Order - when a child is placed in substitute care,
the DHS can ask the Court to issue a maintenance order. This order
instructs parents to pay child maintenance to the DHS.

                             CHAPTER 6

              WHERE IS MY CHILD GOING?

  What is “substitute care”?

You have been told by the DHS worker that your child has been placed
in substitute care. This means that your child has been placed in a
safe, nurturing environment, either in someone else’s home
or in a children’s home/institution. Your child will remain in
substitute care until a plan can be developed.

 What are the different types of substitute care?

When a decision is made to place a child in substitute care, the “best
substitute” for your child will be chosen.

First, the DHS worker will inquire about any relatives who can provide
a safe and nurturing environment for your child, and the DHS worker
will assess if your relatives can provide for the needs of your child This
is referred to as a ‘Relative Foster Home’.

The second option will be to place your child in foster care. The

families that provide foster care have to meet certain standards set by
the Department for them to qualify as foster families so as to ensure
the safety of your child.

Finally, your child may be placed in a children’s
home. The Department will do its best to place all
your children together. However, due to different
situations this may not be possible. In some cases,
such as a child needing special treatment or if the
foster family does not have enough space, your
children may be placed separately.

                  Remember, the goal is
                     to be reunited with
                   your child. It is your
                   responsibility to show
                   interest in your child
                     and work with the
 Do I need to give the DHS worker any information
                        DHS worker.

Yes. It is very important that you give the DHS worker all
the necessary information about your child.

Information regarding your child’s
     ♦    medical history
     ♦    school and learning abilities
     ♦    eating habits
     ♦    information about close friends and relatives
     ♦    any other information that will help your child
          receive the best care and make the adjustment
          to the new home easier.



 What is a “permanency plan”?

Permanency planning is a “comprehensive planning process directed
toward the goal of a permanent, stable environment for a child.”
This permanency plan should be developed along with you, the parent
and should ensure that timely decisions are made that will provide a
stable, permanent home for your child.

 How is the permanency plan developed for my child?

The permanency plan is developed after an assessment of your child and
your family has been completed. The DHS worker will then be able to
identify your child’s needs and desires and will work with you in
developing the best plan for your child. This plan will be reviewed on a
regular basis, sometimes a monthly review is recommended. However,
you should note that in no way will your child’s plan go longer than
ninety days without a review.

The DHS is also responsible for permanency planning, making sure
 that families and children receive proper counselling and support,
 and that the child is ultimately placed in a permanent and stable
 home. Permanency planning may result in your child being re
 turned home once the DHS has determined that he/she is no longer
 at risk.

What are the types of permanency plans?

 There are SIX various types of permanency plans.
 1. Maintain at home:
 Keeping your child at home is usually the first choice. This plan looks
 at providing support to families and directs them to other agencies for

 2. Return Home/Family Reunification
 This plan allows your child to return to your home. You must ensure
 that positive changes have taken place in your home and that your child
 will no longer be at risk for further abuse.

 3. Family Unification
 This plan allows for legal guardianship with a relative, placement with a
 previously unknown biological parent, or reunification with a parent
 living abroad.

 4. Adoption:
If the plan is for adoption then a court hearing will take place and a full
custody order will be granted to the department . This will occur if
you fail to meet the requirements of a plan or show no sign of
improving the conditions at home.

5. Long-term Foster Care
This is rarely done, and is usually applied to older children or children
with special needs. The Department may, however, establish a plan for
long-term foster care. If your child has lived with a foster family for
more than five years, and for economic reasons the family chooses not
to adopt, your child will stay with the foster family until adulthood.

6. Semi-independent living/independent living:
This plan is only for a child who reaches the age of 18 years while in
the care and custody of the Department. This plan provides your child
with the necessary life skills to live as independently as possible.

  When will the case be closed?

This is often the first question asked by some parents/guardians, 35
feel that their child has been away from home too long. However, a
case can only be closed if the situation improves, the goals of the
care plan have been reached, or the child is in a permanent home and
the child is no longer in need of protective custody or services. The
case is also closed when a child reaches his/her eighteenth birthday,
which is adulthood.


 What happens to the perpetrator of the                     The perpetrator
                                                            is the person
who allegedly abused the child. Once a report of abuse has been made, the
Police will conduct a thorough investigation and will gather evidence of the
crime. Once there is enough evidence that a crime has been committed, the
abuser is arrested and taken to Court.

Depending on the type of charge that the police bring against the alleged
perpetrator, the case will either be taken to the
Magistrate’s Court or the Supreme Court. The Court
will determine the alleged abuser’s guilt or innocence.
The more severe charges will go to the Supreme Court.

If the alleged perpetrator is found guilty of child
abuse, the Court will issue a sentence, and the
perpetrator will be taken to prison.

Even if the abuser is not found guilty by the criminal court, that does not
mean that you, as the parent and the Department of Human Services cannot
work together to protect your child. You can still file a civil case against
your child’s abuser.

    How do I support my child?
If you are the non-offending parent, there are many things that you can do
to support your child. Here are some tips to help along the way:

♦    Believe your child and let your child know that telling you about the
     abuse was a good thing to do.

♦    Reassure your child and let him/her know that you
     still love and care for him/her very much. Let your
     child know that he/she is not alone and that you
     will do everything in your power to help.

♦    Reinforce that the abuse is not your child’s fault.
     Emphasize that it is never okay for an adult to
     abuse a child in any way. It is not your child’s fault
     no matter what anyone else might say.

♦   Get help. Report the abuse to the proper authorities. They can help to
    give you more information and answer your questions so that you are
    better able to support your child through this
    challenging time.

♦   Provide a safe environment for your child to talk
    to you and begin to heal.

♦   Understand that your child might also need
    counseling. There is nothing wrong in getting your child and your
    family professional help.

♦   Go to Court with your child.

♦   Work along with the Department of Human Services and the Depart-
    ment of Public Prosecutions to explain the process of going to Court to
    your child.

♦   Provide a safe environment for your child by ensuring that the alleged
    perpetrator does not come in contact with your child, intimidate your
    child or try to persuade your child not to testify in Court.

♦   Work with your child and the rest of your family to develop a safety
    plan so that abuse does not reoccur.

Coping with the abuse of a child is a traumatic experience for any fam-
ily. Even if you are the parent who caused the abuse, you can work to-
ward reunification with your child. It is your responsibility to follow
the orders issued by the court and to work closely with the Department
of Human Services. If you do all that is required of you and you are
no longer a threat to your child, then the Department of Human Ser-
vices will work with you towards family reunification.

If you are the                                         non-offending par-
ent, it is your responsibility to protect your child from further abuse by
reporting the abuse to the proper authorities, and offering your child
the support that he/she needs.

Who else can help?

Child abuse isn’t just the family’s business because it affects the en-
tire society. It is an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to and
do their part to protect our most precious resource, our children.
There are other agencies who can assist you.

                    Agency                            Telephone Number
Police Family Violence Unit                              227-2222

Community Rehabilitation Department                       223-2716
Belize Family Court                                     227-4114
Belize Family Life Association                               203-1018
Young Women’s Christian Association                          203-4971
Young Men’s Christian Association                            222-5526
BCVI—Belize Council for the Visually Im-                     227-7776
CARE Belize                                                  223-5986

YES—Youth Enhancement Services                               223-0970
NOPCAN—National Organization for the
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect                        203-0441

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For further information, feel free to contact the
 Department of Human Services in your district.

                       2nd Floor
Belize City            Commercial Center
                       227-7451 or 227-2057
                       West Block Building
Belmopan City          Independence Plaza

                       5th Avenue
Corozal Town           422-2120

                       George Price Drive
Dangriga               522-2089

                       Slaughterhouse Street
Orange Walk Town       322-2283

                       18 Main Middle Street
Punta Gorda Town       722-2021

                       Busman Arnold Building
                       Corner Mossiah and Victoria
San Ignacio Town       Streets
“Championing the Rights and Welfare of
   Belizean Children and their Families”

National Committee for Families and Children
             62 Cleghorn Street
              Belize City, Belize
              Tel: 501-223-0059
              Fax: 501-223-1229

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Parents guide to Child Protection System

  • 2. © National Committee for Families and Children November 2005 Contributors: Starla Acosta, Judith Alpuche, Aimee Jex, Ava Pennill and Stephanie Young Resources: Families and Children’s Act 2000, Department of Human Services Policy and Procedure Manual, The Convention on the Rights of the Child Photos: Starla Acosta, Cesar Villar With the support of
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ iii CHAPTER 1: PLEASE STOP… STOP HURTING ME!! What is Child Abuse?..............................................................................................................1 Signs that tell your child is been abused or neglected. ............................................................4 What can I do to prevent child abuse? .....................................................................................6 Why did my child not tell me about the abuse? ......................................................................8 Why did he/she abuse my child? .............................................................................................9 The impact of child abuse on the child, parents and family. .................................................11 CHAPTER 2: HELP IS ON THE WAY. What is the Child Protection System? ...................................................................................14 Which agencies make up the Child Protection System? .......................................................15 CHAPTER 3: KNOCK, KNOCK…. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES What is the Department of Human Services?........................................................................20 How did DHS get a report about my child? ..........................................................................21 Why did the DHS get involved with my family? ..................................................................24 What type of investigation will the DHS conduct? ...............................................................25 What are Court Orders?.........................................................................................29 CHAPTER 4: WHERE IS MY CHILD GOING? What is “substitute care”? .....................................................................................................30 Do I give the agency any information about my child?.........................................................32 CHAPTER 5: WHAT PLANS DO THEY HAVE FOR MY CHILD? What is a “permanency plan”? ..............................................................................................33 What are the types of permanency plans? .............................................................................34 When will the case be closed?...............................................................................................36 CHAPTER 6: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? What happens to the perpetrator of the abuse?...........................................................37 How do I support my child?.......................................................................................38 Who else can help?...................................................................................................41 i
  • 4. ii
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Guide As a parent, guardian, or concerned member of the community, you may find that it becomes very difficult when situations of abuse and neglect take place within your home. You may feel lost, and at times you may even give up hope, especially when you cannot understand the system that you have come in contact with. This guide will: ♦ Introduce you to the world of child abuse and neglect, ♦ Help you to identify signs and symptoms and what to look for when a child is being abused, ♦ Highlight tips for preventing child abuse and neglect. It will also help you to answer the many questions you may have as a parent or guardian regarding: ♦ The child protection system and what it can do for you and your child, ♦ The people you will meet and work with while in the child protection system, ♦ Your rights and responsibilities, ♦ Other organizations that can help you and your family. Remember, this guide alone cannot solve all your problems or answer all your questions. Let this guide become your companion as you enter the Child Protection System. iii
  • 6. iv
  • 7. CHAPTER 1 PLEASE STOP….STOP HURTING ME!! What is Child Abuse? Child abuse occurs when a person either does something or, neglects to do something that brings harm to a child, especially if the action was done on purpose or if the person responsible should have known that their behavior would cause harm. Child abuse occurs in different ways. However, abuse and neglect, in any form, place the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth and development in serious danger. There are four main types of abuse: 1. Physical Abuse 2. Sexual Abuse 3. Psychological Abuse 4. Neglect Physical Abuse is any physical injury to a child which is not accidental and is intended to cause pain, injury or other physical suffering or harm. Physical abuse may include severe beating, pinching, burning, shaking, or any other acts that may result in broken bones, bruises and other marks on the body. 1
  • 8. Sexual Abuse occurs when a child is involved in any sexual activity with another person. It includes fondling a child’s private and sexual parts, or making the child fondle the abuser’s private and sexual parts, sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral sex or any other activity of a sexual nature. Exploitation of a child is another form of abuse. Exploitation refers to the use of a child for work or other activities which harms the child and benefits others. This includes child labour and child pornography and prostitution. Psychological Abuse - also known as emotional abuse , verbal abuse or mental abuse is when children are constantly put-down, called names or criticized so that they lose confidence in themselves. Severe forms of psychological abuse include extreme forms of punishment like locking the child in a closet for long periods or terrorizing the child. Neglect is the failure of the parent or caregiver to provide for the child’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical, educational, or emotional. Physical neglect can include not providing safe shelter, adequate food or clothing, appropriate medical care or supervision to the child. It can also include abandonment of the child. Educational neglect includes 2
  • 9. failure to provide adequate schooling or special educational needs, assistance with homework or school books, or allowing the child to be excessively absent from school. Psychological neglect involves not attending to the child’s emotional needs, not showing love and support toward the child. Some types of abuse are easier to identify than others. A child of any age, sex, religion and socio-economic background can fall victim to abuse and neglect. As adults in the society, it is our responsibility to ensure that all children are being protected. 3
  • 10. Is my child being abused or neglected? Have you ever wondered why your child has become unusually quiet or very violent? Do you ever notice how that little boy or girl stays alone during recess? These may be signs of child abuse, but do not think that one sign can signal abuse. It is better to stay alert and to recognize all changes in your child’s behavior. Here are a few signs to help you look for sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect of your child. Sexual Abuse • Has difficulty walking or sitting • Experiences nightmares and bedwetting • Is very knowledgeable about sex • Displays inappropriate sexual behavior • Runs away from home frequently • Is very scared of adults • Does not mingle with friends at school • Reports sexual abuse by a parent or another adult 4
  • 11. Emotional Abuse Physical Abuse • Is extremely passive • Has unexplained burns, or extremely aggres- bites, bruises, broken sive • Is delayed in physical bones, or black eyes • Does not like going home or emotional and fears parents development • Has attempted • Is scared of being around adults or a particular person suicide • Shows no sign of attachment to parents • Behaves younger than his/her age or displays adult-like behavior Neglect • Is frequently absent from school • Begs or steals money or food • Is usually untidy or dirty and has severe body odor • Persistent health problems • Lacks proper clothing for the weather • States that there is no one at home to provide care. • Frequently wanders the streets 5
  • 12. What can I do to prevent child abuse? To prevent child abuse, you can follow 8 guidelines. 1. Learn the facts and understand the risks The only way to know if a child is being abused is to learn about abuse. Most victims are close to and even trust the people who abuse them, and many children are related to their abuser. Most child victims never report the abuse because they are afraid. Many children are abused by older or larger children. 2. Minimize Opportunity You could minimize the opportunity of your child being abused by making sure that your child is not left alone with one person, even if it is someone you trust. You should know where your child is at all times and be sure that your child is with someone that you trust. 3. Talk about it Learn to talk with your child about abuse. If you are comfortable talking with your child, then he/she will feel comfortable enough to tell you if anyone wants to take advantage of him/her. You should teach your child about “good touch” and “bad touch” from an early age. 4. Be Alert Be alert to signs of child abuse, to notice sudden changes in your child’s behavior, or physical signs of abuse. 5. Make a Plan 6 How would you react if you found out that your child was abused?
  • 13. Think about it. You should make a plan of how you would react, and remember to remain calm, listen to what your child has to say, believe your child and protect your child from further harm. 6. Act on Suspicion If you suspect that a child is being abused, report it to the Police or Department of Human Services at 0-800-77638 or 227-2057. Trust your instincts. 7. Get Involved Become involved in your child’s life by knowing who his/her friends are. Encourage group activities and supervise as much as you can. You can also donate your time and resources to anti- abuse organizations such as the Department of Human Services or NOPCAN. 8. Allow Your Child to Exercise His/Her Rights Your child has the right to express his/her opinion and feelings, and to have those feelings taken into account when decisions are being made that affect your child. Children who are listened to and who feel that their opinions are valued are more likely to report abuse. Let your child know that he/she is being heard and teach your child to share his or her opinions and feelings in a respectful way. 7
  • 14. Why did my child not tell me about the abuse? As a parent, this is often the first question that you ask, mainly because you may feel scared as you wonder why your child did not say something to you about the abuse. Child abuse, especially, sexual abuse is very difficult for a child to discuss with anyone!! The abuser is usually someone close to your child, and this makes it very difficult for your child to talk about the abuse because the abuser often threatens your child not to tell, or makes the child feel responsible for the abuse. In other cases, your child may be too young and does not have the ability to say what is happening to him/her. If your child has a disability, this makes him/her even more vulnerable to abuse. Your child might not know that he/she is being abused because he/she is not aware that certain actions are wrong. It is important that you speak to your child about inappropriate behaviours. In other instances, your child may have been bribed by the abuser and told that the abuse is actually something good. This happens especially in cases where a child feels unloved at home and believes the abuse is a form of affection that he/she is yearning for. 8
  • 15. Your child has the right to be heard! LISTEN to your child. He or She may be trying to tell you something. Why did he/she abuse my child? This question has been asked by nearly every parent whose child has been abused. We all want to know why a person would do such a thing to a child, especially if that person is a parent or close relative or friend. It is important to understand that abuse, especially sexual abuse, is an Adults who are more powerful may find it easy to do as they please with a child. Abuse of a child may occur as a result of excessive punishment. Parents have a responsibility to discipline their children, and punishment may be a part of discipline. However, punishment should NEVER lead to the abuse of a child. The reality is that any action that causes suffering or harm to a child is abuse. 9
  • 16. Parents may abuse children because they lack appropriate parenting skills, or as a result of drug and alcohol problems, marital problems, or domestic violence. For some adults, abuse was a part of their childhood experi- ence, and they pass on the same negative experience to their children. It is very important to talk with your child about abuse. Teach your child about “good touch” and “bad touch.” 10
  • 17. What is the impact of child abuse? A child cannot understand how Someone who is supposed to love and protect them ends up hurting them! The impact of abuse on a child varies depending on the circumstances of the abuse or neglect, and the child’s environment. However, abuse in any form causes emotional harm to the child. Your child can develop health problems as a result of the abuse. Stress often arises as a result of abuse. This stress may impact your child’s eating and sleeping habits and even school performance. Such stress can also lead to psychological problems, including depression and in some cases, it can even lead your child to bring harm to him/herself or to others. Your child may live in constant fear of anticipated abuse and the abuser. This constant fear can cause your child to withdraw from being around oth- ers or even getting involved in new activities for fear of being abused. As result, that child will never develop to his/her fullest potential. 11
  • 18. Abuse also impacts the entire family. Parents are often angry, scared, ashamed and confused at the thought of their child being abused. The situation becomes even more complex and difficult to understand if the abuse was done by a parent, relative or close friend. Quite often, the non-abusing parent blames him or herself for not being able to protect the child from being abused. Abuse, of any type, has a strong impact on your family because your home is no longer viewed as a safe place. Some families are ashamed of the abuse and try to keep it a se- cret. Abuse also threatens the stability of the family and can cause the fam- ily structure to breakdown. This usually affects the care and support that is normally provided to the child/children. 12
  • 19. Now, more than ever, your family needs to be strong to support the victim of the abuse. The issue of the abuse will never go away, but you have a re- sponsibility to your child to get him/her the help that he/she needs in order to face and recover from this abuse. No matter what happens, keep in mind that the abuse of a child is NEVER the child’s fault. Remember, Talk with your child, Listen to your child, Believe your child, Because you just NEVER know. ANY child can become a victim of abuse! 13
  • 20. CHAPTER 2 HELP IS ON THE WAY What is the Child Protection System? The main purpose of the child protection system is to provide a safe and secure environment for every child. It also helps to link families to services in order to keep families together and will support you in reuniting with your child, if your child is removed from your home. The Child Protection System is not just one organization; it is a group of agencies that all work together to provide services to children and families, such as protection, health care, education, and counseling . These organizations include the Courts, the Department of Human Services, Police Department, and other government and non-governmental agencies that work together to ensure that decisions are made to achieve that which is in your child’s best interest. 14
  • 21. Which agencies make up the Child Protection System? The Child Protection System is composed of 5 main agencies. 1. The Department of Human Services is the government body respon- sible for: ♦ Responding to and investigating all reports of child abuse and neglect, ♦ Helping families solve problems that may lead to abuse or neglect ♦ Providing services to these children and families. The primary concern of this department is the protection of the child from abuse and making decisions that serve your child’s best interest. 2. The Police Department is also responsible for investigating all reports of child abuse and neglect. Reports of child abuse can be made directly to the Police Department. However, the Police must work along with the Department of Human Services to ensure the protection of the child. The Police Department is primarily concerned with gathering evi- dence in order to determine whether or not a crime has been committed. The evidence gathered is then passed on to the Depart- ment of Public Prosecution for follow–up. 15
  • 22. Diagram of Child Abuse Investigation Process conducted by the Police Department Child Abuse Report Police Department Criminal Investigation No Charge Charge Trial Not Guilty Guilty 16
  • 23. 3. Medical Services, which includes all hospitals, clinics, and all medical professionals, are responsible for being familiar with the signs and symp- toms of abuse and neglect. In cases where reports are made to the Depart- ment of Human Services or the Police Department, a medical examination must be done if there are visible signs of abuse or enough reason to believe the child has been abused and needs medical attention. Medical examina- tions are necessary to determine the condition of the child at the time the investigation is being done. Medical practitioners are also responsible for providing treatment to victims. During medical exami- nations, evidence of the abuse is usually collected. This is necessary in order to bring charges against the alleged abuser. Medical practitioners must often provide expert testimony if the case is taken to court. 17
  • 24. 4. The Department of Public Prosecution—DPP is responsible for bringing the abuser to justice by con- ducting all criminal proceedings. Based on the evi- dence submitted by the Police Department, the DPP’s main function is to determine whether or not to file charges against the alleged perpetrator of the abuse. Once charges are filed, the DPP must prepare for trial. The decision whether or not criminal charges should be initiated is based on: ♦ Whether there is sufficient substantial evidence ♦ Whether it is in the public interest to take the matter to trial ♦ Whether or not it is in the interest of the child victim that the pro- ceedings should be instituted. The DPP must prove the guilt of the perpetrator/abuser. 18
  • 25. 5. The Court System is responsible for giving al- leged perpetrators a fair trial and bringing abusers to justice. The Criminal Court generally focuses on the criminal act of the defendant/abuser, while the Civil Court hears the case and makes a decision concerning the safety and protection of the child. The Belize Family Court performs preventive work and works to keep families together. Quite often, officers of the Family Court must conduct assessments and submit reports to the court regarding the welfare of children. The Belize Family Court also reports cases of abuse and neglect to the Department of Human Services for investigation. 19
  • 26. CHAPTER 3 KNOCK, KNOCK…..DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES What is the Department of Human Services? The Department of Human Services (DHS) is a branch of government within the Ministry of Human Development that works to assist all persons in the community to enjoy a better quality of life. The DHS provides a wide range of services to families, children, older persons and persons with disabilities and HIV/AIDS. DHS is divided into four main units. They are: 1. Community and Parent Empowerment Project (COMPAR) 2. Family Support Services 3. Child Protection Services (CPS) 4. Child Placement and Special Services (CPSS) Through these four units, the Department of Human Services is able to provide a wide range of services which include financial assistance to families, support services, counseling, substitute and institutional care, parenting education, referrals and services to special populations within society. The DHS is also responsible for investigating all reported cases of child abuse and neglect. The DHS will work along with you and your family to develop a plan to protect your child from harm and provide you with information about child abuse. 20 The people who work in the DHS may be called Community
  • 27. Development Officers, Children’s Services Officers or Social Service Practitioners. How did the DHS get a report about my child? The law says that anyone who suspects that a child has been abused has a moral duty to report the abuse. There are some persons who also have a legal obligation to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. They are called mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters include: ♦ Any person in charge of a public or private hospital, doctors, nurses and all other medical personnel who attend to a child exhibiting signs of abuse; ♦ Any family member, teacher, social worker, school counselor, employee of a certified children’s institution, school administrator or principal, deputy principal of any educational institution, probation officer, police officer or any other employee of the Government of Belize whose daily duties entail dealing regularly with children 21
  • 28. Reports can be made by the victims themselves, teachers, medical personnel, family members, social workers, counselors, employees or officers of the Government, or any other concerned citizen. Mandatory reporters do not need to have proof that a child is being abused or neglected. They make reports based on their suspicions, taking into consideration their training in detecting the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. Reports are made to the proper authorities so that a thorough investigation can be carried out to either prove or disprove that your child is being abused. It must also be noted that mandatory reporters who fail to promptly report a case of suspected child abuse can be fined up to $1,000, be sent to jail or both. 22
  • 29. We should not keep silent about abuse. We all need to protect our children from all forms of abuse and neglect. Reports can be made by contacting the Department of Human Services or the Police Depart- ment, or you can also call the 24 hour hotline at Every child has the right to be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect. 23
  • 30. Why did the DHS get involved with my family? When a report of child abuse is made, a worker from the Child Protective Services, which is a branch of the Department of Human Services, will contact your family. These workers respond to all suspected cases of abuse and neglect and will conduct the proper investigation to make sure that your child is not suffering or likely to suffer harm. Will I know who reported the abuse? No. The DHS worker will inform you about the report but he/she cannot tell you who made the report. DHS workers work confidentially, and it is their duty to respond to any report of suspected abuse and to conduct an investigation and safety assessment to see if your child is at risk. They understand that not all families abuse their children on purpose, but 24
  • 31. Do I have to allow the DHS worker into my home? No. You do not have to allow the DHS worker into your home; however, it is best for you to work along with the DHS worker. Whether or not you choose to let the DHS worker into your home, he/she is still legally re- quired to conduct an investigation of the reported abuse. If the DHS worker has reason to believe that your child’s life or safety is in danger, the Court will issue a Search and Production Order to enter your home and re- move your child or order you to bring your child to Court within 48 hours. What type of Investigation will the DHS conduct? When the DHS worker and the police officer visit your home, both will conduct an investigation. This involves conducting necessary inter- views to find out if your child has suffered any abuse or is in danger of suffering abuse. If your child is found to be suffering from abuse, a medical examination will be conducted by a doctor. This examination is important as it de- termines the extent of the abuse and the condition of the child at that time. It is better if you, as the parent, cooperate with the authorities to have the examination done. 25
  • 32. If you do not cooperate, the law empowers the social worker and the Police to have the medical examination completed without your con- sent. A part of the investigation also includes a safety assessment. A safety assessment looks at whether or not a child will suffer abuse by remaining in the home. If your child is suffering from abuse, an emergency protection removal will take place, and your child will be removed from your home by the Department of Human Services or the Police. The Department of Human Services must then inform the Magistrate or Family Court within 48 hours that they have removed your child. If your child is found to be suffering abuse and it is also determined that your home is not the “best” place for your child, your child will be removed from your home and placed in substitute care. Two separate in- vestigations will then be conducted: a social investigation by the DHS worker and a criminal investigation by a police officer. 26
  • 33. After the necessary interviews have been conducted, and information re- garding your child, family, and alleged offender has been gathered and reviewed, a decision will then be made as to whether the child will return home, or be placed in substitute care. The decision will be made based on which is determined to be the safest place for your child. Once a placement decision has been made, the Court will issue an order. 27
  • 34. Diagram of Child Abuse Investigation Process conducted by the Department of Human Services Child Abuse Report Department of Human Services Social Investigation Abuse Unconfirmed Abuse Confirmed Maintain at Home Removal Substitute Care Family Reunification Adoption 28
  • 35. What are Court Orders? A Court Order is an instruction given by the court, telling someone what they can or cannot do. The Court may issue various types of orders. 1. A Supervision Order allows the child to remain at home, under the supervision of the Department of Human Services (DHS) . The DHS is required to visit the home on a regular basis to monitor the situation and to provide information and support to parents. 2. A Care Order authorizes the DHS to remove a child from his/her home and to place the child them in substitute care. Remember, a child can be removed under emergency protection without a court order, but the care order must be obtained within 48 hours. 3. A Custody Order takes away custody of the child from the parent(s) and gives it to the DHS. The child can then be placed for adoption. 4. A Maintenance Order - when a child is placed in substitute care, the DHS can ask the Court to issue a maintenance order. This order instructs parents to pay child maintenance to the DHS. 29 CHAPTER 6
  • 36. CHAPTER 4 WHERE IS MY CHILD GOING? What is “substitute care”? You have been told by the DHS worker that your child has been placed in substitute care. This means that your child has been placed in a safe, nurturing environment, either in someone else’s home or in a children’s home/institution. Your child will remain in substitute care until a plan can be developed. What are the different types of substitute care? When a decision is made to place a child in substitute care, the “best substitute” for your child will be chosen. First, the DHS worker will inquire about any relatives who can provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child, and the DHS worker will assess if your relatives can provide for the needs of your child This is referred to as a ‘Relative Foster Home’. The second option will be to place your child in foster care. The 30
  • 37. families that provide foster care have to meet certain standards set by the Department for them to qualify as foster families so as to ensure the safety of your child. Finally, your child may be placed in a children’s home. The Department will do its best to place all your children together. However, due to different situations this may not be possible. In some cases, such as a child needing special treatment or if the foster family does not have enough space, your children may be placed separately. Remember, the goal is to be reunited with your child. It is your responsibility to show interest in your child and work with the Do I need to give the DHS worker any information DHS worker. about Yes. It is very important that you give the DHS worker all 31
  • 38. the necessary information about your child. Information regarding your child’s ♦ medical history ♦ school and learning abilities ♦ eating habits ♦ information about close friends and relatives and ♦ any other information that will help your child receive the best care and make the adjustment to the new home easier. 32
  • 39. CHAPTER 5 WHAT PLANS DO THEY HAVE FOR MY CHILD? What is a “permanency plan”? Permanency planning is a “comprehensive planning process directed toward the goal of a permanent, stable environment for a child.” This permanency plan should be developed along with you, the parent and should ensure that timely decisions are made that will provide a stable, permanent home for your child. How is the permanency plan developed for my child? The permanency plan is developed after an assessment of your child and your family has been completed. The DHS worker will then be able to identify your child’s needs and desires and will work with you in developing the best plan for your child. This plan will be reviewed on a regular basis, sometimes a monthly review is recommended. However, you should note that in no way will your child’s plan go longer than ninety days without a review. 33
  • 40. The DHS is also responsible for permanency planning, making sure that families and children receive proper counselling and support, and that the child is ultimately placed in a permanent and stable home. Permanency planning may result in your child being re turned home once the DHS has determined that he/she is no longer at risk. What are the types of permanency plans? There are SIX various types of permanency plans. 1. Maintain at home: Keeping your child at home is usually the first choice. This plan looks at providing support to families and directs them to other agencies for assistance. 2. Return Home/Family Reunification This plan allows your child to return to your home. You must ensure that positive changes have taken place in your home and that your child will no longer be at risk for further abuse. 3. Family Unification This plan allows for legal guardianship with a relative, placement with a previously unknown biological parent, or reunification with a parent living abroad. 4. Adoption: 34
  • 41. If the plan is for adoption then a court hearing will take place and a full custody order will be granted to the department . This will occur if you fail to meet the requirements of a plan or show no sign of improving the conditions at home. 5. Long-term Foster Care This is rarely done, and is usually applied to older children or children with special needs. The Department may, however, establish a plan for long-term foster care. If your child has lived with a foster family for more than five years, and for economic reasons the family chooses not to adopt, your child will stay with the foster family until adulthood. 6. Semi-independent living/independent living: This plan is only for a child who reaches the age of 18 years while in the care and custody of the Department. This plan provides your child with the necessary life skills to live as independently as possible. When will the case be closed? This is often the first question asked by some parents/guardians, 35 who feel that their child has been away from home too long. However, a
  • 42. case can only be closed if the situation improves, the goals of the care plan have been reached, or the child is in a permanent home and the child is no longer in need of protective custody or services. The case is also closed when a child reaches his/her eighteenth birthday, which is adulthood. 36
  • 43. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? What happens to the perpetrator of the The perpetrator is the person who allegedly abused the child. Once a report of abuse has been made, the Police will conduct a thorough investigation and will gather evidence of the crime. Once there is enough evidence that a crime has been committed, the abuser is arrested and taken to Court. Depending on the type of charge that the police bring against the alleged perpetrator, the case will either be taken to the Magistrate’s Court or the Supreme Court. The Court will determine the alleged abuser’s guilt or innocence. The more severe charges will go to the Supreme Court. If the alleged perpetrator is found guilty of child abuse, the Court will issue a sentence, and the perpetrator will be taken to prison. 37
  • 44. Even if the abuser is not found guilty by the criminal court, that does not mean that you, as the parent and the Department of Human Services cannot work together to protect your child. You can still file a civil case against your child’s abuser. How do I support my child? If you are the non-offending parent, there are many things that you can do to support your child. Here are some tips to help along the way: ♦ Believe your child and let your child know that telling you about the abuse was a good thing to do. ♦ Reassure your child and let him/her know that you still love and care for him/her very much. Let your child know that he/she is not alone and that you will do everything in your power to help. ♦ Reinforce that the abuse is not your child’s fault. Emphasize that it is never okay for an adult to abuse a child in any way. It is not your child’s fault no matter what anyone else might say. 38
  • 45. Get help. Report the abuse to the proper authorities. They can help to give you more information and answer your questions so that you are better able to support your child through this challenging time. ♦ Provide a safe environment for your child to talk to you and begin to heal. ♦ Understand that your child might also need counseling. There is nothing wrong in getting your child and your family professional help. ♦ Go to Court with your child. ♦ Work along with the Department of Human Services and the Depart- ment of Public Prosecutions to explain the process of going to Court to your child. ♦ Provide a safe environment for your child by ensuring that the alleged perpetrator does not come in contact with your child, intimidate your child or try to persuade your child not to testify in Court. ♦ Work with your child and the rest of your family to develop a safety plan so that abuse does not reoccur. 39
  • 46. Coping with the abuse of a child is a traumatic experience for any fam- ily. Even if you are the parent who caused the abuse, you can work to- ward reunification with your child. It is your responsibility to follow the orders issued by the court and to work closely with the Department of Human Services. If you do all that is required of you and you are no longer a threat to your child, then the Department of Human Ser- vices will work with you towards family reunification. If you are the non-offending par- ent, it is your responsibility to protect your child from further abuse by reporting the abuse to the proper authorities, and offering your child the support that he/she needs. 40
  • 47. Who else can help? Child abuse isn’t just the family’s business because it affects the en- tire society. It is an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to and do their part to protect our most precious resource, our children. There are other agencies who can assist you. Agency Telephone Number Police Family Violence Unit 227-2222 Community Rehabilitation Department 223-2716 Belize Family Court 227-4114 Belize Family Life Association 203-1018 Young Women’s Christian Association 203-4971 Young Men’s Christian Association 222-5526 BCVI—Belize Council for the Visually Im- 227-7776 paired CARE Belize 223-5986 YES—Youth Enhancement Services 223-0970 NOPCAN—National Organization for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect 203-0441 41
  • 48. Remember... Chil to li dren ha ve v unle with th e the ri ss e gh child this is ir paren t ’s be not in ts st in the tere st. ght Children the ri be h protected ave the right to b ave nd to e nh dre inion a taken tation an from sexual expl l da oi- Chi n op nd volvemen buse, including a to ened ousto a ly. t in pros in titution a - list seri pornogra phy. nd Child re abus n have t prov ea he ide p nd negle right to and t ro ct be reatm gramme . The Go protecte ent t s v d o tho for the p ernment from se wh re s o hav vention o hall e suf f Children without a family are fered abuse entitled to special protection, abus e. and appropriate alternative Chil family or institutional care, dre with regard for the child’s prot n have t harm ected fr he righ cultural background. s om tt from them an work t o be getti d ha ng a keeps th t n ed 42 ucat em ion.
  • 49. For further information, feel free to contact the Department of Human Services in your district. 2nd Floor Belize City Commercial Center 227-7451 or 227-2057 West Block Building Belmopan City Independence Plaza 822-2161 5th Avenue Corozal Town 422-2120 George Price Drive Dangriga 522-2089 Slaughterhouse Street Orange Walk Town 322-2283 18 Main Middle Street Punta Gorda Town 722-2021 Busman Arnold Building Corner Mossiah and Victoria San Ignacio Town Streets 824-2098
  • 50. “Championing the Rights and Welfare of Belizean Children and their Families” National Committee for Families and Children 62 Cleghorn Street Belize City, Belize Tel: 501-223-0059 501-223-1180 Fax: 501-223-1229 Email: