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Dr. Abhinav Agarwal
 Median survival:
 Adults- 2.8 years
 Pediatric – 10 months
 Improved after newer therapies.
 80 -90 % at 1 year
 At 5 years: 75% in IPAH, 57% in associated PAH
 Incidence of IPAH = 0.48 per million
 Prevalence = 2.1 per million.
Clinical Presentation:
 Initial symptoms - induced by exertion.
 Shortness of breath
 Fatigue
 Weakness
 Angina
 Syncope.
 Less commonly - dry cough and exercise-induced nausea and
 Symptoms at rest occur only in advanced cases.
 RV failure. - Abdominal distension and ankle oedema
 Mechanical complications of PA
 Compression of the left recurrent
laryngeal nerve
 Large airway compression
 Compression of the left main
coronary artery.
 Haemoptysis related to rupture
of hypertrophied bronchial
 Rupture or dissection of PA.
Physical Signs:
 Left parasternal lift
 Loud P2
 RV third heart sound
 PSM of tricuspid regurgitation
 Diastolic murmur of pulmonary regurgitation
 Elevated jugular venous pressure
 Hepatomegaly, ascites, peripheral oedema
 Wheeze and crackles are usually absent.
 Digital clubbing - PVOD, cyanotic CHD, interstitial lung
disease or liver disease
 Telangiectasia, digital ulceration and sclerodactyly-
 inspiratory crackles - interstitial lung disease
 spider naevi, testicular atrophy, and palmar erythema –
 Abnormal ECG –
 severe PH.
 P pulmonale
 Right axis deviation,
 RV hypertrophy
 RV strain
 Supraventricular arrhythmias
 Upright T wave in V1 (7 days to 7 years)
 QRS and QTc prolongation - severe disease
 Ventricular Arrythmia - Rare
 ECG differential diagnosis
 Anterolateral myocardial ischaemia. - rarely cause RAD
 Central pulmonary arterial
dilatation, with ‘pruning’
 Right atrium (RA) and RV
 Signs suggesting lung disease
(group 3)
 Pulmonary venous congestion
due to LHD (group 2).
 Degree of PH does not
correlate with the extent of
radiographic abnormalities.
Pulmonary Function Test and ABG:
 Reduction of lung volumes related to disease severity.
 Decreased lung diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide
(DLCO). (May be Normal also)
 Differential diagnosis of a low DLCO in PAH
 PAH associated with scleroderma
 Parenchymal lung disease
 Alveolar hyperventilation at rest- PaO2 normal, PaCO2
 Estimation of systolic PAP
 Peak TR + RAP
 IVC diameter <2.1 cm with collapsibilty >50%  0–5 mmHg
 IVC diameter >2.1 cm with collapsibility <50% on sniff or <20% on
quiet inspiration  10–20 mmHg
 Not fitting  5–10 mmHg
 PH cannot be reliably defined by a cut-off value of TRV.
 Not suitable for screening for mild, asymptomatic PH
 Echocardiographic result is required to decide the need
for cardiac catheterization in individual patients.
Probability of PH to be judged as high,
intermediate and low:
 Systolic PA pressure:
 4(TR max)²+mean RA pressure (mRAP)
 SPAP=SBP − 4V (VSD) max² (for left to right shunts)
 SPAP=SBP+4V (VSD) max² (for right to left shunts)
 Diastolic PA pressure:
 DPAP=4V(EDV of PR)²  + RA pressure
 Mean PA pressure:
 mPAP=4V(PV of PR)² + RA pressure
Ventilation/perfusion lung scan
 To look for CTEPH.
 Higher sensitivity compared with CT pulmonary
angiogram (CTPA),
 Excludes CTEPH with a sensitivity of 90–100% and a
specificity of 94–100%
 Unmatched perfusion defects may also be seen in
 CT is preferred as readily available.
 MR - assess both ventilation and perfusion in CTEPH
High-resolution computed tomography
 Diagnose PAH - PA or RV enlargement
 Identify a cause of PH
 lung disease
 Provide prognostic information
 CT may raise a suspicion of PH in those examined for unrelated
 Collaterals from bronchial arteries can be identified
 Angiography - evaluation of possible vasculitis or pulmonary
arteriovenous malformations
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
 Identification of PAH:
 Presence of late gadolinium enhancement
 PA distensibilty
 Suspected CTEPH, in pregnant women, young patients or
when iodine-based contrast media injection is contraindicated
 CMR prognostic markers:
 Increased RV volume
 Reduced LV volume
 Reduced RV ejection fraction
 Reduced stroke volume.
Blood tests and immunology
 Identify Aetiology & end organ damage.
 Routine biochemistry, haematology
 Liver function tests may be abnormal
 High hepatic venous pressure
 liver disease
 Endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) therapy.
 Hepatitis serology
 Thyroid disease considered in cases of abrupt deterioration.
 Serological testing - CTD, hepatitis and HIV.
 CTEPH - thrombophilia screening
 HIV testing
 NT-proBNP
 Coagulation studies
 Connective tissue disease workup
Right heart catheterization:
 To confirm the diagnosis of PAH and CTEPH
 To assess the severity of haemodynamic impairment
 To undertake vasoreactivity testing of the pulmonary
 Left heart catheterization in addition to RHC:
 Clinical risk factors for coronary artery disease or heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction
 Echocardiographic signs of systolic and/or diastolic LV dysfunction.
 Specific recommendations for catheterization of patients with LHD or
lung disease
Vasoreactivity Testing:
 Pulmonary vasoreactivity testing - only for patients with IPAH, HPAH or
drug-induced PAH.
 Drugs used
 Inhaled NO at 10–20 ppm - standard of care
 i.v. epoprostenol
 i.v. adenosine
 inhaled iloprost
 The use of CCBs, O2, PDE-5 inhibitors or other vasodilators is discouraged.
 Positive acute response is defined as:
 20% decline in mPAP and PVRI (Pediatric)
 reduction of mPAP ≥10 mmHg to reach an absolute value of mPAP ≤40 mmHg.
 In patients with LHD, PAWP may be reduced to <15 mmHg with diuretics.
 A fluid bolus of 500 ml may discriminate patients with PAH from those with LV
diastolic dysfunction
 Derived variables calculated from the RHC
 Transpulmonary pressure gradient (TPG)
 PVR.
 DPG between the mean PAWP and diastolic PAP
 Coronary angiography
 presence of angina
 coronary artery compression by an enlarged PA
 risk factors for coronary artery disease
 listing for PEA or lung transplantation.
Recommendations for RHC:
 To confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial
hypertension and type of PH
 To assess the treatment effect of drugs and before
therapeutic decisions
 In patients with congenital cardiac shunts to support
decisions on correction
 In patients with left heart disease (group 2) or lung disease
(group 3) if organ transplantation is considered
Prognostic Markers in RHC:
 RA pressure
 Cardiac index (CI)
 Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)
 Acute Vasodilator Response
 PAPm provides little prognostic information (except for
CCB responders)
Genetic Testing:
 Sporadic or familial PAH or PVOD/PCH
 BMPR2 mutation screening (point mutations and large
 ACVRL1 and ENG genes screening : When BMPR2 mutation -ve
 familial PAH patients
 in IPAH patients <40 years old
 family history of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia,
 Rare mutations may be considered (KCNK3, CAV1, etc.).
 Presence of a bi-allelic EIF2AK4 mutation is sufficient to confirm a
diagnosis of PVOD/PCH without performing lung biopsy
 Systolic PAP (PAPs) at rest
 Not prognostic and not relevant for therapeutic decision
 Increase in PAPs does not necessarily reflect disease
 Decrease in PAPs does not necessarily signal improvement
 Increase of PAPs > 30 mmHg during exercise (contractile
 reflects better RV function
 better long-term outcome
Exercise Capacity:
 The 6-minute walking test (6MWT)
 Submaximal exercise test
 Must always be interpreted in the clinical context
 6MWD Influenced by: sex, age, height, weight, comorbidities, need
for O2, learning curve and motivation.
 No single threshold that is applicable for all patients
 Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET)
 Maximal exercise test
 Typical pattern:
 low end-tidal pCO2
 low peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2)
 high ventilatory efficiency ratio (VE/VCO2)
 low oxygen pulse (VO2/HR)
Biochemical Markers:
 No specific marker for PH
 Markers of vascular dysfunction
 Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA)
 Endothelin-1
 Angiopoeitins
 Von willebrand factor
 Markers of inflammation
 C-reactive protein
 Interleukin 6
 Chemokines
 Markers of low co and/or tissue hypoxia
 Pco2
 Uric acid
 Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15)
 Osteopontin
 Markers of secondary organ damage
 Creatinine
 Bilirubin
 Markers of myocardial stress
 Atrial natriuretic peptide
 Troponins
 Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)/ NT-proBNP
 Correlate with myocardial dysfunction.
 BNP have correlation with pulmonary haemodynamics and is less affected
by kidney function
 NT-proBNP seems to be a stronger predictor of prognosis
 BNP >130pg/ml – increased risk of death and transplant
Risk Assessment:
 Important questions to be addressed at each visit
 (i) is there any evidence of clinical deterioration since the last
 (ii) if so, is clinical deterioration caused by progression of PH
or by a concomitant illness?;
 (iii) is RV function stable and sufficient?
 (iv) Does the patient meet the low-risk criteria?
 Basic Assessment:
 Determination of functional capacity
 Exercise capacity : 6MWT or CPET
 RV Function: BNP/ NT ProBNP/ Echocardiography
 Complications: ECG, ABG, RFT, LFT, PT INR (if on warfarin)
 Once a year or on Clinical Deterioration:
 Troponin
 Iron Status
 Thyroid function
 RHC can be considered
Growth Failure to thrive
mPAP/mSAP <0.75 >0.75
PVRI >20WUm²
Acute Vasoreactivity present absent
 Not all variables may be in the same risk group
 The individual risk is further modified by:
 Co-morbidities
 Age
 Sex
 Background therapy
 PAH subtype
 Treatment goal : achieving a low risk status
 Three main steps:
 General measures
 Supportive Treatment
 Drug Therapy:
 High-dose CCB in vasoreactive patients
 Other drugs for non-vasoreactive patients
 Inadequate response
 Combinations of drugs
 Lung transplantation
General measures:
 Physical activity and supervised rehabilitation
 Activity within symptom limits.
 Trained PAH patients have higher levels of physical activity and better
quality of life.
 Pregnancy:
 62% pregnancies were successful
 17% Maternal mortality
 Termination of the pregnancy should be discussed.
 Contraception:
 Barrier contraception
 Progesterone-only preparations (bosentan reduces efficacy of OCP)
 Intrauterine coil may rarely lead to a vasovagal reaction, which may be
poorly tolerated in severe pah
 Elective surgery,
 Epidural is better tolerated than GA
 Infection prevention
 Pneumonia causes death in 7% patients
 Pneumococcal and influenza vaccine recommended
 RSV prophylaxis
 Psychosocial support
 Genetic counselling
 In-flight O2 administration
 Arterial PO2 < 60 mmHg
 Anaemia and iron status:
 Associated with reduced exercise capacity and with higher mortality
 Supportive therapy
 Oral anticoagulants: IPAH, HPAH and PAH due to anorexigens
 Target INR = 1.5 – 2.0
 Diuretics: signs of RV failure and fluid retention
 O2:
 Long-term O2 therapy is not beneficial
 Nocturnal O2 therapy does not modify the natural history of Eisenmenger
syndrome. (may improve symptoms)
 PO2 < 60 mmHg or < 91% SpO2.
 Digoxin: PAH who develop atrial tachyarrhythmia
Patients with RV Failure
Drug Therapy:
Drug Therapy:
 Calcium channel blockers:
 Bradycardia – Nifedipine, Amlodipine
 Tachycardia - Diltiazem
 Start with an initial lower dose and increase cautiously to the max tolerated dose
 If no response- additional PAH therapy
 Combination required if clinical deterioration on CCB withdrawal
 Vasodilator responsiveness does not predict a favourable long-term response to
CCB therapy in patients with CTD, HIV, porto-pulmonary hypertension (PoPH)
and PVOD
 C/I= low cardiac output, high RAP
 Prostacyclin analogues:
 Beraprost:
 Improvement in exercise capacity persists up to 3–6 months.
 No long-term outcome benefits.
 Epoprostenol: continuous administration by infusion pump.
 Improves symptoms, exercise capacity and haemodynamics
 Only treatment shown to reduce mortality in IPAH
 Initiated at a dose of 2–4 ng/kg/min, optimal dose 20 and 40 ng/kg/min
 Abrupt interruption of the epoprostenol infusion - rebound PH
 Iloprost: i.v., oral or aerosol administration.
 Treprostinil: i.v. and subcutaneous routes
 Prostacyclin receptor agonists: Selexipag
 Selective prostacyclin IP receptor agonist
 Reduces morbidity and mortality endpoint
 Endothelin receptor antagonists:
 Ambrisentan: binds to ER type A.
 Bosentan: Both endothelin receptor type A and B antagonist
 10% patients have reversible liver damage
 Macitentan: Dual ERA
 No liver toxicity
 Showed improvement in exercise capacity, FC, haemodynamics,
echocardiographic and Doppler variables and time to clinical worsening.
 Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors:
 Sildenafil:
 orally TDS
 Max dose: : 10 mg/dose @ wt 8–20 kg, 20 mg/dose >20 kg or 1mg/
 Tadalafil: OD Dose
 Vardenafil: BD Dose
 Down titrate from high dose
 Favourable results on exercise capacity, symptoms, haemodynamics
and time to clinical worsening
 Guanylate cyclase stimulators:
 Riociguat: Favourable results on exercise capacity, haemodynamics, WHO-
FC and time to clinical worsening.
 Experimental compounds and strategies:
 Unsatisfactory results
 Inhaled VIP
 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
 Serotonin antagonists.
 Earlier stage of development:
 Rho kinase inhibitors - Fasudil
 VEGF receptor inhibitors
 Angiopoietin-1 inhibitors
 Elastase inhibitors
 Tacrolimus
 Gene therapy
 Stem cell therapy
 PA denervation by a radiofrequency ablation catheter.
Combination therapy:
 Combination therapy may be applied sequentially or
 Goal-oriented therapy v/s non-structured approaches
 Goals:
 WHO-FC I or II,
 Near-normalization of resting CI
 Near-normalization of NT-ProBNP plasma levels
Surgical Decompression:
 Ballon Atrial Septostomy
 Ductal stenting
 Potts Shunt
Balloon Atrial Septostomy:
 Decompress the right heart chambers (decrease in RAP)
 Increase LV preload and CO
 Improves systemic O2 transport despite arterial O2 desaturation
 Decreases sympathetic hyperactivity
 Improvement in 6MWD
 Diastolic Pop off
 Avoided in
 Mean RAP >20 mmHg
 Spo2 <85% on room air at rest
 Indicated in
 NYHA IV refractory to medical therapy
 Severe syncopal symptoms
 Awaiting lung transplantation
Pott’s Shunt
 Systolic Pop off
 Decreases RV afterload
 Increases RV Function
 Maintenance of upper body saturation
 Indication:
 RH Failure not responding to other therapies
ICU Management:
 Treatment of triggering factors (anaemia, arrhythmias, infections or
other co-morbidities)
 Optimization of fluid balance (usually with i.v. diuretics)
 Reduction of RV afterload (parenteral prostacyclin analogues)
 Improvement of CO with inotropes (dobutamine)
 Maintenance of systemic blood pressure with vasopressors
 Intubation should be avoided in patients
 Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
 Survival :
 52– 75% at 5 years
 45–66% at 10 years
 Median survival = 5.8 years
 Listing:
 Inadequate clinical response on max combination therapy
 Probability of 2 year survival without transplant ≤50%
 Listed at Diagnosis:
 PAH associated with CTD
 Arrhythmias:
 Ventricular arrhythmias rare (Except LHD)
 SVT annual incidence of 2.8%
 Persistent atrial fibrillation 2-year mortality >80%
 Indication for oral anticoagulation
 Haemoptysis
 Prevalence 1% to 6%
 Bronchial artery embolization - acute emergency procedure
 Mechanical complications:
 PA aneurysms, rupture and dissection
 Compression of left main coronary artery, pulmonary veins, main
bronchi and the recurrent laryngeal nerves
Poor Prognostic Markers:
 Clinical RV failure
 Progression of symptoms
 Elevated BNP levels
 Failure to thrive
 PAP :systemic artery pressure ratio
 RAP >10 mmHg
 PVR index >20 WU/m2
 No prospective data are available on the
usefulness of vasoreactivity testing,
closure test or lung biopsy for operability
 Phlebotomy - hct >65%.
 CCBs not used in Eisenmenger
 Bosentan - improves exercise capacity and
quality of life
 ‘Treat-to-close’ concept, is not supported
 PAH completely reversible if repaired <
9month of age
 Residual PAH if operated after 2 years
PVRI< 6WU m²
PVR/SVR <0.3
PVRI > 6WUm²
PVR/SVR >0.3
Operate with
Post op PAH
Non reactive
PH therapy and
repeat cath after
3 months
High risk,
Non reactive Inoperable
PAH in Portal Hypertension:
 Different From Hepatopulmonary syndrome
 1–5% develop PAH
 Not necessarily with the presence of liver disease.
 Beta-blockers, used to lower the portal pressure
 Not to be used in patients with PAH
 Mortality rate
 100% - PAPm ≥50 mmHg
 50% - PAPm 35 - 50 mmHg
 Liver transplantation - screened for PH
 Pretreating these patients with PAH drugs might improve
the outcome after liver transplantation
PAH with HIV:
 Anticoagulation is not routinely recommended
 Non-responders to acute vasodilator challenge – No CCBs
 Sildenafil, the dose should be reduced if ritonavir and
saquinavir are co-administered
 Exclusion criterion for lung transplantation
PAH in Hemoglobinopathies:
 Sickle cell Disease- PAH 30%
 PAH increases mortality
Pulmonary Veno occlusive Disease and
Pulmonary Capillary Hemangiomatosis:
 PCH + - in 73% of PVOD , PVOD + - in 80% of PCH
 PCH could be a secondary angioproliferative process caused by post-capillary obstruction
 Bi-allelic mutations in EIF2AK4. (Autosomal Recessive) sufficient to confirm
 Lung biopsy - the gold standard
 PVOD/PCH are more severely hypoxaemic than in other forms of PAH
 PAWP is normal, because the pathological changes occur in small venule and capillaries
 Vasoreactivity testing may be complicated by acute pulmonary oedema
 No established therapy- Lung Transplantation, Interferon α- 2a (under Trial)
PH due to Left Heart Disease:
 ‘Passive’ PH - TPG <10 mmHg and PVRI < 5WUm²
 ‘Reactive’ PH - TPG ≥10 mmHg and PVRI > 5WUm²
 Superimposed component leading to vascular remodelling
 Treatment:
 PAH drugs not recommended
 Repair of valvular heart disease
 Aggressive therapy for heart failure
 Not enough evidence to support the use of drugs
PH due to Lung Disease
 Indications for RHC
 (i) Clinical detrioration not related to airway disease
 (ii) PH despite adequate t/t of lung disease
 (iii) Unexplained recurrent pulmonary edema
 (iv) Chronic PH drug therapy
 Cath done only if therapeutic consequences are expected
 Long-term O2 therapy
 Treatment of the underlying lung disease
 Drugs not recommended for patients with PH due to lung
 PAH in addition to lung diseases treated according to the
recommendations for PAH
 Incidence 0.1–9.1% within the first 2 years after a symptomatic PE event
 Routine screening for CTEPH after Pulmonary Embolism is not supported
 Paediatric cases are rare.
 Median time -14 months between symptom onset and diagnosis
 Oedema and haemoptysis more often
 Planar V/Q lung scan or CT pulmonary angiography
 RHC - pulmonary angiography
 Ring-like stenosis
 Webs (‘slits’), pouches
 Wall irregularities
 Complete vascular obstructions
 Bronchial collaterals
 Treatment:
 Pulmonary Endarterectomy
 Non operable : Riociguat.
Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty

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Pah management

  • 2.  Median survival:  Adults- 2.8 years  Pediatric – 10 months  Improved after newer therapies.  80 -90 % at 1 year  At 5 years: 75% in IPAH, 57% in associated PAH  Incidence of IPAH = 0.48 per million  Prevalence = 2.1 per million.
  • 3. Clinical Presentation:  Initial symptoms - induced by exertion.  Shortness of breath  Fatigue  Weakness  Angina  Syncope.  Less commonly - dry cough and exercise-induced nausea and vomiting.  Symptoms at rest occur only in advanced cases.  RV failure. - Abdominal distension and ankle oedema
  • 4.  Mechanical complications of PA dilatation:  Compression of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve  Large airway compression  Compression of the left main coronary artery.  Haemoptysis related to rupture of hypertrophied bronchial arteries  Rupture or dissection of PA.
  • 5.
  • 6. Physical Signs:  Left parasternal lift  Loud P2  RV third heart sound  PSM of tricuspid regurgitation  Diastolic murmur of pulmonary regurgitation  Elevated jugular venous pressure  Hepatomegaly, ascites, peripheral oedema  Wheeze and crackles are usually absent.  Digital clubbing - PVOD, cyanotic CHD, interstitial lung disease or liver disease
  • 7.  Telangiectasia, digital ulceration and sclerodactyly- scleroderma  inspiratory crackles - interstitial lung disease  spider naevi, testicular atrophy, and palmar erythema – CLD
  • 8. Electrocardiogram  Abnormal ECG –  severe PH.  P pulmonale  Right axis deviation,  RV hypertrophy  RV strain  RBBB  Supraventricular arrhythmias  Upright T wave in V1 (7 days to 7 years)  QRS and QTc prolongation - severe disease  Ventricular Arrythmia - Rare  ECG differential diagnosis  Anterolateral myocardial ischaemia. - rarely cause RAD
  • 9. CXR:  Central pulmonary arterial dilatation, with ‘pruning’  Right atrium (RA) and RV enlargement  Signs suggesting lung disease (group 3)  Pulmonary venous congestion due to LHD (group 2).  Degree of PH does not correlate with the extent of radiographic abnormalities.
  • 10. Pulmonary Function Test and ABG:  Reduction of lung volumes related to disease severity.  Decreased lung diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO). (May be Normal also)  Differential diagnosis of a low DLCO in PAH  PVOD  PAH associated with scleroderma  Parenchymal lung disease  Alveolar hyperventilation at rest- PaO2 normal, PaCO2 decreased
  • 11. ECHO:  Estimation of systolic PAP  Peak TR + RAP  RAP  IVC diameter <2.1 cm with collapsibilty >50%  0–5 mmHg  IVC diameter >2.1 cm with collapsibility <50% on sniff or <20% on quiet inspiration  10–20 mmHg  Not fitting  5–10 mmHg  PH cannot be reliably defined by a cut-off value of TRV.  Not suitable for screening for mild, asymptomatic PH  Echocardiographic result is required to decide the need for cardiac catheterization in individual patients.
  • 12. ECHO: Probability of PH to be judged as high, intermediate and low:
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  • 17.  Systolic PA pressure:  4(TR max)²+mean RA pressure (mRAP)  SPAP=SBP − 4V (VSD) max² (for left to right shunts)  SPAP=SBP+4V (VSD) max² (for right to left shunts)  Diastolic PA pressure:  DPAP=4V(EDV of PR)²  + RA pressure  Mean PA pressure:  mPAP=4V(PV of PR)² + RA pressure
  • 18.
  • 19. Ventilation/perfusion lung scan  To look for CTEPH.  Higher sensitivity compared with CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA),  Excludes CTEPH with a sensitivity of 90–100% and a specificity of 94–100%  Unmatched perfusion defects may also be seen in PVOD.  CT is preferred as readily available.  MR - assess both ventilation and perfusion in CTEPH
  • 20. High-resolution computed tomography  Diagnose PAH - PA or RV enlargement  Identify a cause of PH  CTEPH  lung disease  PVOD  PCH  Provide prognostic information  CT may raise a suspicion of PH in those examined for unrelated indications  Collaterals from bronchial arteries can be identified  Angiography - evaluation of possible vasculitis or pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
  • 21. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging  Identification of PAH:  Presence of late gadolinium enhancement  PA distensibilty  Suspected CTEPH, in pregnant women, young patients or when iodine-based contrast media injection is contraindicated  CMR prognostic markers:  Increased RV volume  Reduced LV volume  Reduced RV ejection fraction  Reduced stroke volume.
  • 22. Blood tests and immunology  Identify Aetiology & end organ damage.  Routine biochemistry, haematology  Liver function tests may be abnormal  High hepatic venous pressure  liver disease  Endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) therapy.  Hepatitis serology  Thyroid disease considered in cases of abrupt deterioration.  Serological testing - CTD, hepatitis and HIV.  CTEPH - thrombophilia screening  HIV testing  NT-proBNP  Coagulation studies  Connective tissue disease workup
  • 23. Right heart catheterization:  To confirm the diagnosis of PAH and CTEPH  To assess the severity of haemodynamic impairment  To undertake vasoreactivity testing of the pulmonary circulation  Left heart catheterization in addition to RHC:  Clinical risk factors for coronary artery disease or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction  Echocardiographic signs of systolic and/or diastolic LV dysfunction.  Specific recommendations for catheterization of patients with LHD or lung disease
  • 24. Vasoreactivity Testing:  Pulmonary vasoreactivity testing - only for patients with IPAH, HPAH or drug-induced PAH.  Drugs used  Inhaled NO at 10–20 ppm - standard of care  i.v. epoprostenol  i.v. adenosine  inhaled iloprost  The use of CCBs, O2, PDE-5 inhibitors or other vasodilators is discouraged.  Positive acute response is defined as:  20% decline in mPAP and PVRI (Pediatric)  reduction of mPAP ≥10 mmHg to reach an absolute value of mPAP ≤40 mmHg.  In patients with LHD, PAWP may be reduced to <15 mmHg with diuretics.  A fluid bolus of 500 ml may discriminate patients with PAH from those with LV diastolic dysfunction
  • 25.  Derived variables calculated from the RHC measurements:  Transpulmonary pressure gradient (TPG)  PVR.  DPG between the mean PAWP and diastolic PAP  Coronary angiography  presence of angina  coronary artery compression by an enlarged PA  risk factors for coronary artery disease  listing for PEA or lung transplantation.
  • 26. Recommendations for RHC:  To confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension and type of PH  To assess the treatment effect of drugs and before therapeutic decisions  In patients with congenital cardiac shunts to support decisions on correction  In patients with left heart disease (group 2) or lung disease (group 3) if organ transplantation is considered
  • 27. Prognostic Markers in RHC:  RA pressure  Cardiac index (CI)  Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)  PVRI  Acute Vasodilator Response  PAPm provides little prognostic information (except for CCB responders)
  • 28. Genetic Testing:  Sporadic or familial PAH or PVOD/PCH  BMPR2 mutation screening (point mutations and large rearrangements)  ACVRL1 and ENG genes screening : When BMPR2 mutation -ve  familial PAH patients  in IPAH patients <40 years old  family history of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia,  Rare mutations may be considered (KCNK3, CAV1, etc.).  Presence of a bi-allelic EIF2AK4 mutation is sufficient to confirm a diagnosis of PVOD/PCH without performing lung biopsy
  • 29.
  • 30.  Systolic PAP (PAPs) at rest  Not prognostic and not relevant for therapeutic decision  Increase in PAPs does not necessarily reflect disease progression  Decrease in PAPs does not necessarily signal improvement  Increase of PAPs > 30 mmHg during exercise (contractile reserve)  reflects better RV function  better long-term outcome
  • 31. Exercise Capacity:  The 6-minute walking test (6MWT)  Submaximal exercise test  Must always be interpreted in the clinical context  6MWD Influenced by: sex, age, height, weight, comorbidities, need for O2, learning curve and motivation.  No single threshold that is applicable for all patients  Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET)  Maximal exercise test  Typical pattern:  low end-tidal pCO2  low peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2)  high ventilatory efficiency ratio (VE/VCO2)  low oxygen pulse (VO2/HR)
  • 32. Biochemical Markers:  No specific marker for PH  Markers of vascular dysfunction  Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA)  Endothelin-1  Angiopoeitins  Von willebrand factor  Markers of inflammation  C-reactive protein  Interleukin 6  Chemokines  Markers of low co and/or tissue hypoxia  Pco2  Uric acid  Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15)  Osteopontin
  • 33.  Markers of secondary organ damage  Creatinine  Bilirubin  Markers of myocardial stress  Atrial natriuretic peptide  Troponins  Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)/ NT-proBNP  Correlate with myocardial dysfunction.  BNP have correlation with pulmonary haemodynamics and is less affected by kidney function  NT-proBNP seems to be a stronger predictor of prognosis  BNP >130pg/ml – increased risk of death and transplant
  • 34. Risk Assessment:  Important questions to be addressed at each visit  (i) is there any evidence of clinical deterioration since the last assessment?;  (ii) if so, is clinical deterioration caused by progression of PH or by a concomitant illness?;  (iii) is RV function stable and sufficient?  (iv) Does the patient meet the low-risk criteria?
  • 35.  Basic Assessment:  Determination of functional capacity  Exercise capacity : 6MWT or CPET  RV Function: BNP/ NT ProBNP/ Echocardiography  Complications: ECG, ABG, RFT, LFT, PT INR (if on warfarin)  Once a year or on Clinical Deterioration:  Troponin  Iron Status  Thyroid function  RHC can be considered
  • 36. Growth Failure to thrive mPAP/mSAP <0.75 >0.75 PVRI >20WUm² Acute Vasoreactivity present absent
  • 37.  Not all variables may be in the same risk group  The individual risk is further modified by:  Co-morbidities  Age  Sex  Background therapy  PAH subtype  Treatment goal : achieving a low risk status
  • 38. Therapy:  Three main steps:  General measures  Supportive Treatment  Drug Therapy:  High-dose CCB in vasoreactive patients  Other drugs for non-vasoreactive patients  Inadequate response  Combinations of drugs  Lung transplantation
  • 39. General measures:  Physical activity and supervised rehabilitation  Activity within symptom limits.  Trained PAH patients have higher levels of physical activity and better quality of life.  Pregnancy:  62% pregnancies were successful  17% Maternal mortality  Termination of the pregnancy should be discussed.
  • 40.  Contraception:  Barrier contraception  Progesterone-only preparations (bosentan reduces efficacy of OCP)  Intrauterine coil may rarely lead to a vasovagal reaction, which may be poorly tolerated in severe pah  Elective surgery,  Epidural is better tolerated than GA  Infection prevention  Pneumonia causes death in 7% patients  Pneumococcal and influenza vaccine recommended  RSV prophylaxis
  • 41.  Psychosocial support  Genetic counselling  In-flight O2 administration  WHO-FC III and IV  Arterial PO2 < 60 mmHg  Anaemia and iron status:  Associated with reduced exercise capacity and with higher mortality
  • 42.  Supportive therapy  Oral anticoagulants: IPAH, HPAH and PAH due to anorexigens  Target INR = 1.5 – 2.0  Diuretics: signs of RV failure and fluid retention  O2:  Long-term O2 therapy is not beneficial  Nocturnal O2 therapy does not modify the natural history of Eisenmenger syndrome. (may improve symptoms)  PO2 < 60 mmHg or < 91% SpO2.  Digoxin: PAH who develop atrial tachyarrhythmia Patients with RV Failure
  • 44. Drug Therapy:  Calcium channel blockers:  Bradycardia – Nifedipine, Amlodipine  Tachycardia - Diltiazem  Start with an initial lower dose and increase cautiously to the max tolerated dose  If no response- additional PAH therapy  Combination required if clinical deterioration on CCB withdrawal  Vasodilator responsiveness does not predict a favourable long-term response to CCB therapy in patients with CTD, HIV, porto-pulmonary hypertension (PoPH) and PVOD  C/I= low cardiac output, high RAP
  • 45.  Prostacyclin analogues:  Beraprost:  Improvement in exercise capacity persists up to 3–6 months.  No long-term outcome benefits.  Epoprostenol: continuous administration by infusion pump.  Improves symptoms, exercise capacity and haemodynamics  Only treatment shown to reduce mortality in IPAH  Initiated at a dose of 2–4 ng/kg/min, optimal dose 20 and 40 ng/kg/min  Abrupt interruption of the epoprostenol infusion - rebound PH  Iloprost: i.v., oral or aerosol administration.  Treprostinil: i.v. and subcutaneous routes
  • 46.  Prostacyclin receptor agonists: Selexipag  Selective prostacyclin IP receptor agonist  Reduces morbidity and mortality endpoint  Endothelin receptor antagonists:  Ambrisentan: binds to ER type A.  Bosentan: Both endothelin receptor type A and B antagonist  10% patients have reversible liver damage  Macitentan: Dual ERA  No liver toxicity  Showed improvement in exercise capacity, FC, haemodynamics, echocardiographic and Doppler variables and time to clinical worsening.
  • 47.  Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors:  Sildenafil:  orally TDS  Max dose: : 10 mg/dose @ wt 8–20 kg, 20 mg/dose >20 kg or 1mg/ kg/dose  Tadalafil: OD Dose  Vardenafil: BD Dose  Down titrate from high dose  Favourable results on exercise capacity, symptoms, haemodynamics and time to clinical worsening  Guanylate cyclase stimulators:  Riociguat: Favourable results on exercise capacity, haemodynamics, WHO- FC and time to clinical worsening.
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  • 49.  Experimental compounds and strategies:  Unsatisfactory results  Inhaled VIP  Tyrosine kinase inhibitors  Serotonin antagonists.  Earlier stage of development:  Rho kinase inhibitors - Fasudil  VEGF receptor inhibitors  Angiopoietin-1 inhibitors  Elastase inhibitors  Tacrolimus  Gene therapy  Stem cell therapy  PA denervation by a radiofrequency ablation catheter.
  • 50. Combination therapy:  Combination therapy may be applied sequentially or initially  Goal-oriented therapy v/s non-structured approaches  Goals:  WHO-FC I or II,  Near-normalization of resting CI  Near-normalization of NT-ProBNP plasma levels
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  • 52. Surgical Decompression:  Ballon Atrial Septostomy  Ductal stenting  Potts Shunt
  • 53. Balloon Atrial Septostomy:  Decompress the right heart chambers (decrease in RAP)  Increase LV preload and CO  Improves systemic O2 transport despite arterial O2 desaturation  Decreases sympathetic hyperactivity  Improvement in 6MWD  Diastolic Pop off  Avoided in  Mean RAP >20 mmHg  Spo2 <85% on room air at rest  Indicated in  NYHA IV refractory to medical therapy  Severe syncopal symptoms  Awaiting lung transplantation
  • 54. Pott’s Shunt  Systolic Pop off  Decreases RV afterload  Increases RV Function  Maintenance of upper body saturation  Indication:  RH Failure not responding to other therapies
  • 55. ICU Management:  Treatment of triggering factors (anaemia, arrhythmias, infections or other co-morbidities)  Optimization of fluid balance (usually with i.v. diuretics)  Reduction of RV afterload (parenteral prostacyclin analogues)  Improvement of CO with inotropes (dobutamine)  Maintenance of systemic blood pressure with vasopressors  Intubation should be avoided in patients  Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
  • 56. Transplantation:  Survival :  52– 75% at 5 years  45–66% at 10 years  Median survival = 5.8 years  Listing:  Inadequate clinical response on max combination therapy  Probability of 2 year survival without transplant ≤50%  Listed at Diagnosis:  PAH associated with CTD  PVOD  PCH
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  • 58. Complications:  Arrhythmias:  Ventricular arrhythmias rare (Except LHD)  SVT annual incidence of 2.8%  Persistent atrial fibrillation 2-year mortality >80%  Indication for oral anticoagulation  Haemoptysis  Prevalence 1% to 6%  Bronchial artery embolization - acute emergency procedure  Mechanical complications:  PA aneurysms, rupture and dissection  Compression of left main coronary artery, pulmonary veins, main bronchi and the recurrent laryngeal nerves
  • 59. Poor Prognostic Markers:  Clinical RV failure  Progression of symptoms  WHO-FC III/IV  Elevated BNP levels  Failure to thrive  PAP :systemic artery pressure ratio  RAP >10 mmHg  PVR index >20 WU/m2
  • 60. PAH in CHD:  No prospective data are available on the usefulness of vasoreactivity testing, closure test or lung biopsy for operability assessment.  Phlebotomy - hct >65%.  CCBs not used in Eisenmenger  Bosentan - improves exercise capacity and quality of life  ‘Treat-to-close’ concept, is not supported  PAH completely reversible if repaired < 9month of age  Residual PAH if operated after 2 years
  • 61. Cath PVRI< 6WU m² PVR/SVR <0.3 Operate PVRI > 6WUm² PVR/SVR >0.3 Vasoreactivity testing Reactive Operate with Post op PAH management Non reactive PH therapy and repeat cath after 3 months Reactive High risk, consider fenestration Non reactive Inoperable
  • 62. PAH in Portal Hypertension:  Different From Hepatopulmonary syndrome  1–5% develop PAH  Not necessarily with the presence of liver disease.  Beta-blockers, used to lower the portal pressure  Not to be used in patients with PAH  Mortality rate  100% - PAPm ≥50 mmHg  50% - PAPm 35 - 50 mmHg  Liver transplantation - screened for PH  Pretreating these patients with PAH drugs might improve the outcome after liver transplantation
  • 63. PAH with HIV:  Anticoagulation is not routinely recommended  Non-responders to acute vasodilator challenge – No CCBs  Sildenafil, the dose should be reduced if ritonavir and saquinavir are co-administered  Exclusion criterion for lung transplantation
  • 64. PAH in Hemoglobinopathies:  Sickle cell Disease- PAH 30%  PAH increases mortality
  • 65. Pulmonary Veno occlusive Disease and Pulmonary Capillary Hemangiomatosis:  PCH + - in 73% of PVOD , PVOD + - in 80% of PCH  PCH could be a secondary angioproliferative process caused by post-capillary obstruction  Bi-allelic mutations in EIF2AK4. (Autosomal Recessive) sufficient to confirm  Lung biopsy - the gold standard  PVOD/PCH are more severely hypoxaemic than in other forms of PAH  PAWP is normal, because the pathological changes occur in small venule and capillaries  Vasoreactivity testing may be complicated by acute pulmonary oedema  No established therapy- Lung Transplantation, Interferon α- 2a (under Trial)
  • 66. PH due to Left Heart Disease:  ‘Passive’ PH - TPG <10 mmHg and PVRI < 5WUm²  ‘Reactive’ PH - TPG ≥10 mmHg and PVRI > 5WUm²  Superimposed component leading to vascular remodelling  Treatment:  PAH drugs not recommended  Repair of valvular heart disease  Aggressive therapy for heart failure  Not enough evidence to support the use of drugs
  • 67. PH due to Lung Disease  Indications for RHC  (i) Clinical detrioration not related to airway disease  (ii) PH despite adequate t/t of lung disease  (iii) Unexplained recurrent pulmonary edema  (iv) Chronic PH drug therapy  Cath done only if therapeutic consequences are expected  Long-term O2 therapy  Treatment of the underlying lung disease  Drugs not recommended for patients with PH due to lung disease  PAH in addition to lung diseases treated according to the recommendations for PAH
  • 68. PH in CTEPH  Incidence 0.1–9.1% within the first 2 years after a symptomatic PE event  Routine screening for CTEPH after Pulmonary Embolism is not supported  Paediatric cases are rare.  Median time -14 months between symptom onset and diagnosis  Oedema and haemoptysis more often  Planar V/Q lung scan or CT pulmonary angiography  RHC - pulmonary angiography  Ring-like stenosis  Webs (‘slits’), pouches  Wall irregularities  Complete vascular obstructions  Bronchial collaterals  Treatment:  Pulmonary Endarterectomy  Non operable : Riociguat. Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty