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(Approved by the Counseling Department in June of 2012)

                                                          Almudena Bellot

                                                          Maria hermosilla

                                                      Gemma O‟hanlon

                                                   Athina Papadopoulou

                                                             Azahara Sanz
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School



        School‟s context………………………………………………………………….4

        School‟s personal counseling action point of view……………………………...5

        Technical vision of the orientation principles……………………………………5


        School‟s general aims………………………………………………………….8




                Students with academic difficulties……………………………………10

                Students with psychosocial problems………………………………..…10

                Immigrants‟ students…………………………………………………...11




                Students with academic difficulties…………………………………….12

                Students with psychosocial problems………………………………..…13

                Immigrants‟ students……………………………………………………13

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School


        Tutorial action…………………………………………………………………..15

                Family ………………………………………………………………….16


                        Students with academic difficulties …………………………….17

                        Students with psychosocial problems…………………………..18

                        Immigrants‟ students……………………………………………20

                                -Wider approach to both languages learning (trilingualism)
                                of immigrants…………………………………………21

RESOURCES ………………………………………………………………………….24

        Human resources…………………………………………………………..……24

        Material resources………………………………………………………………24

MONITORING AND EVALUATION……………………………………………...…26


School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School


Lansdowne bilingual public school is situated in the South of Cardiff, in “Norfolk

People of this neighbourhood are middle ages. Their cultural level is middle studies and
the most common job is qualified workers. There are not a lot of unemployed parents.
Parents belong to middle-lower class.

Communications within the city are good. There is a bus connecting all the parts of the

Neighbourhood is provided with good services; specially stores and banks. Besides,
there is a neighbours‟ association which organizes travels, celebrations and works to
overcome neighbourhood problems.

Families come from different districts of the city because school is considered as „a
unique zone‟ in order to allow people to have the same conditions of points.

The majority of the parents have an age between 28 and 45 years old. They are usually
employed in the sector service, and others as qualify workers or autonomous.
They usually have a medium level of studies or an “FP”. Nevertheless, almost every
      family are stable population, and the arrival of immigrants, especially from
      South America and Maghreb countries, is increasing.
The cooperation with the school, in general, is very good. The PTA (Parent-Teacher
      Association) cooperates in general activities developed in the school such as the
      Christmas Festival, the Book´s Day or the Final Course Festival.
Moreover, the PTA organizes and sorts out after the agreement with the School Board
      the voluntary extracurricular activities developed out of the school´s timetable.
Almost every family, have her own home which fulfils all the accommodation´s
The involvement of the parents in school life is really important. Not son much for the
       choice of the School Board, but it is important in the organization of the
       activities planned by the school, the assistance to the formative talks, etc.

The familiar environment where almost every student comes from is characterized by the
medium socioeconomic level, also by the parent´s interest in how the student´s
performance of his/her child is going, so the parents maintain a relationship with the tutor
through personal or guiding meetings.
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

Almost all the students attend to class properly washed and well fed.

The scholar absenteeism is not significant. The students just do not go to class due to
       illness or parent´s travels.
The admission system is concrete respecting the normative without exceptions.
It is an inclusive school so we provide schooling for student´s with psychic disabilities.


School guidance and counselling is a science of psycho-pedagogical intervention whose
aim is to promote students‟ personal, social and professional development.

The school guidance and counselling model pretended is bearing on collaboration. All
the members of school must work together in order to promote students‟ development.
Besides, we pretend to reinforce teacher‟s skills. We try to achieve a model of reflexive
teacher who is both educator and tutor but not instructor.


During the latest years, a change has been produced in the way of perceiving the
counseling. The therapeutic nature has been lost and changed by a model in which the
counseling action is orientated to social, cultural and economic changes and that is why
the new characters of this situations have to take part of it.

Following this line, we are going to remember the Hervás Avilés explanation about the
counseling principles.

Prevention principle

It is based in the necessity of getting ready the overcoming of their different developing
crisis. Its objective is to promote wealthy behaviors and personal competences, like the
ones related to the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence and which aim is the
disappearance of problems.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

The objective of the prevention would be developing the functional and social
competence of the individual person, his capacity to face situations and his inner
strengthening. Some characteristics of this action can be

-Proactive: it acts before the apparition of the problem

-For groups

-Approach having into account the context

-It‟s objective is to reduce the risk factors and improving the elements that improves the
defense and protection in a crisis.

-It assumes the multiculturalism

-It is directed to a personal strengthening

- It includes the conceptual and procedural collaboration in the intervention, in a mode
that the receivers are active agents of the change.

- It mitigates the unfavorable conditions of the context.

Development principle

The intervention of this principle involves a process in which you go with the individual
during his development with the purpose of achieve the maximum growth of his

From the mature point of view the development is understood like a personal growth
process that helps the individual to become a complex being. This complicity is been
forming by diverse qualitative changes that favor an interpretation of the world that
each time is more comprehensive and the experience integration each time wider and
more complex.

From a wider perspective which has into account the “vita cycle” contributions, the
development depend on biological and environment factors in interaction and of
multiple relationships due to chronologic, historical and son on patterns. It is near to a
development of the personality idea. It has a double objective: firstly it tries to give the
needed competences to the person so that he can face the demand of the evolutionary
stages (mature focus) and secondly, it has to provide learning situations that make easier
the rebuilding and progress of the conceptual diagram (constructivist focus).

Social intervention principle

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

It is focused since a perspective in which it must be included in all intervention the
contextual and environmental conditions of the individual because these are the
conditions which infer in his decision taking and personal development. The context is
considerer like a reference element essential of the counseling action.

The assumption this principle involves that:

-the counseling intervention must lead to modify aspects related to the organization and
working of the school like the social context of the student.

 -the person who receives the counseling has to be aware of the necessity of act against
the environmental factors that are blocking the achievement of his personal objectives.
Been aware of is essential to get in this person an active attitude that helps to change
these factors.

The empowerment like intervention principle

Empowerment is the process in which the people, the organization or the groups get the
self-control about their own interest issues. The ones that have not fortitude, that do not
believe them competent or that are marginalized get to know the dynamics of power that
act in their vital context, develop the abilities and capacities to take the control of their
own lives without infer in other‟s rights and support and reinforce the personal strength
of the others members of the group. We can consider five conditions to favor the
personal strength:

-Collaboration to insulate the problems the problems and make an actuation plan.

-Context, the recognition of the context elements that stop the personal fortitude that
make difficult the overcome of the problems.

-Critic knowledge that allows differ the problem, organize and classify the relevant
information for the solution.

-Competence, the necessary for the resolution of the problems.

-Community, referring to the join of the people who share the same objectives and are
participle of a common identity leaning on the personal strength of everyone and each
community member.

Only the counseling for the personal strength will be successful when the counsellor
makes a personal commitment to change the structures and systems that are stopping the
development of the disadvantaged.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School



We expect the harmonic formation of our students in every aspect of the person
(affective, motor, social and cognitive) which allows the acquisition of the adequate
autonomy of his age and are eligible for the next educative levels.

ACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE                      PARTICIPATION          OF     ALL     THE

We understand that the educative process is based in the maximum collaboration
between the children, the parents and the teachers. This triangle must maintain a
permanent collaboration to reach the marked objectives.


We consider very important the values education and we pretend to get that the child
understands and acts in values like: acceptation of himself, tolerance, responsibility,
respect for the differences, autonomy, justice, solidarity, wealth, consume, and critic


We have like our priority the formation in democratic values that is why the education
and coexistence will be develop in a frame of tolerance and respect to the liberty of each
one, his personality and his convictions. Our School is a democratic school, what
implies the necessity of a real and effective participation of all the groups which
compose it in its management by the chosen people by each of them.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

RESPECT  TO              THE        DIFFERENCES:        DIVERSITY,         NO-RELIGION,

We have into account the student‟s diversity and we do not do differences because of
reason of sex, religion, believes, nationality, social disparities, special educative needs,
etc. We favor the attitudes development which gives us to a situation of solidarity,
tolerant and respect to the rest.


Our school has to be an open institution, being participle in the daily life of the
neighborhood, opening the educative place of the school, and placing the child in the
physic and social environment which is around him.

We have our interest focused in the permanent formation of our teachers and in the
development of innovative programs for a constant improvement of our educative


We try to assure the constructions of significant learning, that is why the curricular
activity will be develop in an active, participative, globalizing, scientific and critic way.


The school considers a Project which is about the knowledge and control of the Greek,
which objective is that the students are able to express themselves at the end of their
schooling process in two languages: English and Greek, in a natural mode. The will
have acquired the basic ideas about the Greek culture to be able to access to the majority
of cultural and universal wealth.

The bilingual education taught in the school is done in an integrated curriculum to the
intention of having the knowledge of the Greek and also apply to the double
qualification. The development of the curricular integrated projects that gets to the
achievement of the academics certificates of both countries: United Kingdom and
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

                                    TARGET GROUPS

The counseling program includes also the involvement of the parents or guardians of the
students in order to be more effective regarding to its goals, which all lead to children‟s
development. By the term involvement we mean their participation in student‟s
academic course and planning, choices and decisions concerning the educational
process and finally their participation in the whole learning and educational planning.

Particularly, the parents‟ opinion is very important and this is the reason for which it is
taken into account during the planning process of the support system. Parents most of
the times, are aware of the problems, special needs or difficulties that may their children
have, but also aware of their preferences and their potentials. So they can provide the
counselors useful information in order to help at the preparation of the most suitable
counseling and guide program for their children.

Students with academic difficulties

Our whole purpose is to provide intensive individualized instruction in order to get the
best of every student and develop his or her maximum potential.

The problem, however, is that in classrooms can wind up with students who have a wide
range of skill levels. How can teachers provide intensive instruction to all students when
they are each trying to learn different things at the same time? Along with teaching
basic skills such as study skills and organization tools, there are strategies to use to
individualize and still not give up instruction time for any student. Students have
different styles of learning and there are some aspects that are not homogeneous to
every student and that should be taken into account as the capacity of learning and
developmental level, schooling and previous learning, rhythms, expectances, interests
and motivation.

Students with psychosocial problems
We can talk about different types of psychosocial problems in students as internalizing
disorders which could be turned inward; emotional and cognitive symptoms and some
examples of them are depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders or externalizing
disorders as turned outward; behavioral problems or acting out. In this case we would
be talking about delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

Immigrants’ students
Everybody have the right of receiving an education which respect their personal and
cultural identity. For this reason and because of the great increase of foreigner students,
school has needed to carry out some measures in order to adapt schools to cultural

All these measures are based upon the principle of intercultural. Understanding by
intercultural the favorable disposition within members of one Society to interact, share
experiences and cooperate with members of other cultures.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School



Some situations that do not go well in school with the student can be duty of the
families and we have to take them in account as school attendance.

The counseling and guidance is also intended to parents in order to detect any of the
problems that may the family has, (they can be personal, financial…) which affect the
academic achievement of the students. These problems for example may be:

-Financial problems like unemployment or low income.

-Problems regarding the relationships among the members of the family as could be
family abuse, harassment issues, a new born baby, divorce or death of a family member.

-Health problems like depression, alcoholism and substance abuse, serious or incurable


The diversity plan is in charge of adapting the education system to the different
characteristics, necessities and capacities of each student. It requires specific dedication
of the department of guidance and counseling, in order to achieve these goals:

-To promote the inclusion of all the students in general (not all have the same

-To draw up an appropriate answer to the especial necessities.

-Make invidualized advice.


-Develop preventive programs of learning difficulties.

-Evaluate and develop programs to improve students „motivation.

-Evaluate and develop programs to improve abilities for the daily life.

-Diagnose cases, apply the relevant measures and evaluate the process
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

-Make the psychopedagogic assessments and start if necessary the corresponding
curricular adjustment.


Due to the types of psychosocial problems the students would need different objectives
depending on the specific case, some of them are:

    -Become self-disciplined.

    -Make decisions.

    -Help them overcome personal, financial, family or other problems.

    -Get life satisfaction.

    -Improve their school attitudes and behavior.

    -Improve their social skills and their interpersonal relationship.

    -Develop their self-confidence.

    -Control and manage their feelings.

    -Set goals and find ways to achieve them.

    -Improve their skills about resolving problems and finding solutions on their own.

    -Develop their critical thinking.

    -Improve their leadership skills.

    -Learn to cooperate with others efficiently.


Because of the great increase of foreigner students, school has needed to carry out some
measures in order to adapt schools to cultural diversity.

The basic aims beyond our measures are the following ones:

        -   To make school community be aware of the cultural diversity positive value.

        -   To respect each student‟s cultural identity and learn to cooperate with others
            students from different cultures efficiently.
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

        -   To help foreigner students to have access to the receiving society. Develop a
            critical thinking in all our students since young about multiculturalism.

        -   To avoid immigrant exclusion by improving students social skills and their
            interpersonal relationships.

        -   Believe and make real a truly equal possibility of opportunities focusing in
            the bilingual education in Spain for foreign students.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School



Tutorial action is the joint of interventions which are developed with students, families
and educative team of each group. It is aimed to:

-Favor and improve the coexistence within the group, the personal development and the
integration and participation of all the students in the school‟s life.

-Diminish scholar‟s conflicts and to promote respect towards others.

-Carry out a personalized monitoring for the learning process of each student, putting
special attention to scholar failure.

-Facilitate decisions taking regarding academic and professional future.

Objectives of tutorial action

Towards students:

-To facilitate students‟ integration within the group/class and in the scholar dimension,
favoring team work…

-To facilitate change from primary education to secondary education.

-To develop values and attitudes of democratic participation, where respect and peace
and no violence are values to take into account in any aspect of life.

-To mediate those conflicts among students or other members of the educative

-To inform and release right and obligations of students and the school‟s coexistence

-To communicate students the decisions taken within reunions made by the docent team
and to make students, as a group, assume their own commitments.

-To promote processes of vocational maturation and scholar and professional
orientation in order to help students to make their own decisions.

-To collaborate with teachers in the detection of students‟ learning difficulties and to
communicate them to the orientation department, in order to solve it among everyone.
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

-To achieve a good knowledge about students as people and as a group.

Towards families

-To establish fluid relations with parents.

-To release parents about coexistence rules.

-To involve parents in their children‟s support activities, learning and orientation.

-To release parents about all the aspects related with their children‟s education.

Towards teachers

-To facilitate to all the teachers who ask for it, all the information and available
materials as in the tutorials as in the orientation department.

- To make possible to establish a cooperative action among teachers.



    In order to avoid as much as possible family problems, some activities which could
    be carried out for parents could be activities in order to inform parents about the
    school running and about its features, in order to make their election adequate and
    responsible. Information activities like general reunions with all the parents of the
    group, in order to make them know since the beginning of the course, the group
    features, school rules, pedagogic commitment and as well to promote a good
    relation between parents and teachers. Activities for making parents participate in
    their children‟s studies and in the scholar centre‟s organization. Activities of
    individual meetings with parents in order to keep the relation among teachers and
    families growing.

    Parents and family involvement in education is essential to the intellectual growth
    and academic achievement of their children.

    Reunions with parents where there are commented aspects about the scholar period,
    the collaboration of parents in the educative process and the most meaningful
    aspects about the running and organization of the course.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

    Parents of new students should do an initial informative questionnaire before
    registering their children in the school.

    Then an analysis of the dates obtained in the questionnaire should be done by
    educative teams in order to search for relevant information.

          OBJECTIVES                                          ACTIVITIES

To know if parents‟ expectances      - To do an initial informative questionnaire before registering
coincide with schools‟ features.    their children in the school.

                                    - To do an analysis of the dates obtained in the questionnaire
                                    should be done by educative teams in order to search for
                                    relevant information.

-To avoid parents‟ lack of          - Parents have access to preview guidance program and
knowledge about children‟s          materials that may be used with their children
                                    - Interviews with teachers.

                                    - Activities for making parents participate in their children‟s
                                    studies and in the scholar centre‟s organization.


    Among the children who can show academic problems, we can found those with
    deficient intelligence and those who are high gifted.

    Curricular interventions and adaptations are necessary when a child with academic
    problems is detected. These changes are not for the particular child, but for all the
    class. Quarterly reunions in order to value the program done are also necessary.

    In order to carry out the tutorial action, a great quantity of information should be
    collected from all students. This is going to be academic and professional
    information, necessary to orientate the teaching and learning process.

    For achieving this, it could be created a personal record of each student.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

          OBJETIVES                                          ACTIVITIES

To promote organization and         - Work planning activities, to elaborate a study schedule, or
responsibilities within the         group controls.

To be aware of problems and         - Reunions between courses and cycles in order to transmit
to establish the better way to      information to the future teachers of a group.
face them
                                    -An initial evaluation of students to detect difficulties or

                                    - Quarterly reunions in order to value the program done are
                                    also necessary.

                                    - To reserve within students schedule enough time for
                                    carrying out the tutorial activities.

                                    - To do a personal record of each student.

To promote help between             - The group of 4 approaches.
peers for diminishing
intellectual differences


This kind of people need motivation, so he or she could propose develop some
educative games time to time and always congratulate these children when they do
something well or do a progress, even though if the progress is not very significant.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

To avoid peer problems              - Activities in order to facilitate student‟s integration within
between students and                their group or class and to improve their communication
promote integration                 skills: course presentation, welcoming activities, elaboration
                                    together of the basic rules within the group…

                                    - Group dynamics with activities like the round table, the
                                    ideas‟ twister, role playing, Phillips 66…

To promote team work and            - Theatre representations within a topic of a subject.
social abilities.
                                    -To create quizzes in groups.

To avoid children‟s academic -To elaborate an academic plan based on formative
anxiety because of academic performance rather than in a summative one.
competence between
students.                    - To always congratulate these children when they do
                             something well or do a progress, even though if the progress
                             is not very significant.

To avoid conducts that can be - Alcohol talks or adolescence talks.
dangerous for health

To detect as soon as possible       - To start the course with a couple of games or works in
psychosocial problems in            group.
order to avoid extreme

To get the more information -Regular talks with parents.
as possible about familiar
context of those children with -Questionnaires for parents about their expectances on their
psychosocial problems          children and familiar atmosphere.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

Immigrant’s students

In order to help the students and their families face all of the problems mentioned
above, measures can be applied such as financial aid and psychological support,
depending on the problem of each case.

But in order to detect and then make efforts to overcome these problems, as mentioned
also above, the parental involvement is essential. For this reason, it is proposed to
organize counseling meetings for parents and guardians. The meetings will take place at
a time and in places convenient for the parents, even out of the school hours for
example. The meetings could also be organized for all of the parents together or in
separated groups with members that have to face similar problems or even individually,
if it is necessary. Furthermore, the parents have the opportunity to discuss on their own
about their concerns and worries as regard to their children, and also benefit themselves
by participating in the counseling as regard to their personal problems.

Finally, the parents will be able to have access to previous counseling program in which
their children participated and to the material used for their children‟s developmental
and comprehensive guidance.

OBJECTIVE                                     ACTIVITIES

                                              -   Search for information about other cultures.

To make school community be aware of -            Make an exposition with photos of different
the cultural diversity positive value             cultural traditions.

                                              -   Promote meetings. Families and teachers
                                                  should participate. They have to share
                                                  experiences and know themselves.

We pretend to get the child respect for the -     Talk in class about likeness and hobbies in
differences, solidarity and justice.              order to know that all children have the same

To respect each student‟s cultural identity   -   Not try to impose our culture but try to learn
                                                  about other ones.

To help foreigner students to have access -       Heterogenic disposition on class. All students
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

to the receiving society.                         must be sit together; foreigner children and
                                                  national ones.

To avoid immigrant exclusion                  -   Promote cooperative learning creating mixed
                                                  working groups. (Foreigner and Spanish)

                                              -   Avoid prejudices and stereotypes by discussing
                                                  language use in papers referring to immigrant


In an increasingly global society, the ability to speak and write in several languages is
becoming necessary to effectively compete in the job market. Apart from the basic
effectiveness that bilingual fluency has, since it widens the communication between
people, it also preserves children's sense of pride in the language of their parents and
protects their sense of identity, which is also strongly linked to the language and culture
of their family and heritage. There are also economic advantages in bilingual fluency
and literacy, since many jobs pay higher salaries to their bilingual employees.

According to psychological and educational research children learn more effectively the
foreign language, if they learn it through the use of their native language, which
provides a contextual basis for learning and allows them to keep pace with their peer
group. But this is a problem for the immigrant students, since the native language is also
foreign for them. In addition, immigrant students have the same rights regarding to the
educational opportunities and this is the reason for which the bilingual schools have to
apply measures to help not only these disadvantaged students, but also their parents,
whose role is significant at the learning process.

Such measures could be:

    -   Teaching using also visual material, gestures, imitating methods of learning etc
        in order to help all students to perceive the new concepts.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

    -   Give the opportunity to children to learn and work in collaborative groups in
        order to help each other, ensuring that the immigrant students are members of
        different groups.
    -   Provide extra help to immigrant children by giving them the chance to attend
        more specific lessons by special educated teachers, in order to acquire the native
        language more efficiently and more quickly. Such lessons can also be provided
        to the parents of these students in order to help them get involved in the learning
    -   Give the chance to the immigrant students to get involved with extra-curricular
        activities depending on their personal interests such as music lessons, dancing
        class, sports, painting courses etc. By this way it is easier for them to pick up the
        native language, without actually realizing it.


       1. Create a sense of group.
The students should feel that they belong to a group

        2. Observe the different styles of learning, levels of knowledge and autonomy.
We consider that teach does not mean to apply exceptional measures with the
problematic students not all the students have the same style of learning and our
objective is to favor everyone‟s´ learning.

       3. Get a cooperative view about teaching and learning.
Once we know this diversity, the teacher can organize the work in groups according to
this diversity. By this way, the students will have the chance to develop their
competences learning from each other. The sense of group will help here to the wish of
helping the one who knows less.


This consists in assigning a partner-tutor to the new student. The partner will help
him/her during the first period with all the possible difficulties and avoiding his/her
 We consider that this practice can is beneficial for both. While we avoid the new
students sense of isolation, the partner- tutor will increase his/her sense of competence
and self-esteem. We consider that it could be especially useful in our program, for those
students who do not know the language.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

It pretends to facilitate the introduction of the new student in the school.

    -   We first do an initial evaluation to decide in which course should be incorporate
        and see if he/she will need special support or any curricular adaptations.

    -   It is also convenient to have a conference with the family. First of all, to
        introduce them in the school context and how it is organized but also to find out
        information about the family and the students that could affect his/her school
        performance (causes of migration, socio-economic situation, previous schooling,
        difficulties in learning, behavior problems…).

    -   Announce the arrival of the new student to the school community. To promote
        positive attitudes towards the students and avoid uncomfortable situations with
        the surprise if it arrives for example a child with a physical disability.

    -   Preparing welcoming activities to make the student feel accepted.

A factor to take into account is that nowadays the arrival of new students, specially
immigrants, can occur at any moment of the course, so the school is always ready for
this welcoming.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School


The staff of the educational centre is forms by 30 teachers, most of them permanent

-   7 teachers of Infants Education, 6 tutors and a Learning Support Teacher
-   4 specialists in Primary Education
-   9 English teachers.
-   2 gym‟s teachers
-   1 music teacher
-   “Guidance Counselor”
-   1 “PT”
-   1 “AL”
-   4 English teachers coming from the agreement “MEC – British Council”
-   1 religion teacher and another one shared with other school for to 3-4 year old students.

Staff not teaching

The educational center has a canteen service which a company from this sector is in
charge of making a menu in the schools kitchen.

The company employs the kitchen staff as well as the career in charge of the student‟s
vigilance during the meals.

We also have a custodian who is in charge of activity such as the opening of the
educational centre.

The cleaning staff depends on the company employed by the city council.


    School installations:

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School has two buildings:
        -One placed in Norfolk Street. It is focussed on infant education (5 years old
        children) and Primary.

        -Another one „Games‟ placed in Layna Street. It is directed to infant education (3-4
        years old). This building has four classes with its services: tutorials, wide places
        where corners activities are developed, and a park.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

Norfolk building has two floors:
        Ground floor:
            -   7 classes for pre-school ( 5 years old) and Primary (1º,2º,3º).
            -   Music class.
            -   Library.
            -   Staff room.
            -   Audition and Language class.
            -   Therapeutic Pedagogy class
            -   Parents of the students Association Office Counseling Department Office
            -   Canteen.
            -   Toilets.
            -   2 sport courts.
            -   Gym.
            -   A porch in the courtyard downstairs with bathrooms

        -   First floor:
            - 7 classrooms: ( 4º, 5º, 6º)
            - English class.
            - Class for different things.
            - Informatics class.
            - Laboratory.
            - Toilets.
            - Secretary‟s office and headmaster‟s office.
            - Tutorial classrooms.

Lansdowne Bilingual Public school also has some installations out of school place.

        -   A community centre where cultural activities and recreational activities are
        -   Municipal Park „Friendship‟, with skate rolling court and Sports facilities,
            meeting places for children and their families.
        -   Private school.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

                       MONITORING AND EVALUATION
These are the areas that we should evaluate:

                Measures the progress of a guidance project/action plan.
                Examines the impact of a guidance project or action plan.
                Identifies areas of success or areas that require further attention.
                Keeps the focus on ongoing guidance planning.
                Prevents a guidance plan from sitting untouched on a shelf.
                Helps to keep guidance planning to the forefront of planning in a school.

In order to get it, evaluation is carried out as follows:

    -   Assess the preventive and supportive measures that the tutors carried out
        (interchange session)
    -   Fill a questionnaire after the observation of teachers „practices.
    -   Collect students´ opinion about this measures (interchange session between
        students and tutors) and also about the information given through tutorial action.
    -   Collectparents´opinion.

We provide here and example of a questionnaire that we use for collecting students´ and
parents opinion as well as their suggestions. They are asked for their views, so the data
collated and analyzed, and the findings communicated are used to inform future

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School


Respond to the next items with Yes/ No /Not sure according to your opinion.

1. Students in my school need help in the following areas

    -   Interpersonal and social skills (getting along with peers, parents and authority
    -   Self-awareness (understanding and appreciating the self)
    -   Conflictresolution
    -   Understanding the emotional and physical dangers of abuses e.g. substance,
        sexual, physical
    -   Coping with peer pressure and managing life‟s events
    -   Overcoming trauma
    -   HIV/AIDS/Sex education/ Sexual issues
    -   Time management
    -   Studyskillstechniques
    -   Careerexploration and planning
    -   Relationship between personal qualities and work
    -   Relationshipbetweeneducation and work
    -   Investigating the world of work in relation to the knowledge of self
    -   Subjectchoice
    -   Dating/relationshipissues
    -   School adjustment (making friends, getting along with teachers)
    -   Copingwith stress
    -   Handling crisis situations
    -   Copingwithemotion
    -   Peer counseling/helping
    -   Test takingskills
    -   Problemsolvingskills
    -   Multicultural/diversityawareness
    -   Acquiring skill, attitudes and knowledge to learn effectively
    -   Academicpersistence
    -   Job seeking and job keeping skills
    -   Academic/Educationalplanningskills
    -   Decisionmakingskills

2. List any areas not included in the list above you feel students in your school would
need help in.
School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School


3.Below is a list of the major service areas of a guidance and counseling program. After
reading the list, circle the number that shows what priority that service area should
receive in your school guidance and counseling program.

Top Priority (1) Moderate Priority (2) Fairly Low Priority (3)Very Low Priority (4)

    -   Counseling Services (Designed to offer individuals an opportunity for self-
        knowledge and self-development through individual & group counseling,
        support services, referral services) 4 3 2 1

    -   Appraisal Services (Provides essential facts about the learner through career
        interests inventories, achievement tests, personality inventories, special needs
        assessment)4 3 2 1

    -   Information Services (student records, post secondary catalogs, handbooks) 4 3

    -   Placement Services (Designed to enhance student development by assisting them
        to select and use opportunities inside and out side the school through career
        advising, attachment, referral to agencies, course selection, college/university
        admission) 4 3 2 1

    -   Consultation Services (Getting the opinion of people who can contribute and
        have an interest in the student‟s welfare e.g. other teachers, parents,
        administrators) 4 3 2 1

    -   Curricular Services (Organization of materials for classroom teacher adoption,
        group and classroom presentation of guidance topics) 4 3 2 1

4. School guidance counselors/teachers in my school need assistance/training in the
following areas and answer. Answer according to your opinion: Yes/ No/Not Sure.

    -   Ways in which the school guidance and counseling is delivered (e.g. classroom
        activities, group activities, parent education).
    -   Guidance and counseling resource identification.
    -   Developing a school guidance and counseling calendar.
    -   Responsive services to students‟ needs (counseling, referral, consultation,
        appraisal, placement and follow up, research and evaluation services)
    -   Identifying and understanding students‟ abilities, problem solving abilities,
        aptitudes and goal setting strategies.

School guidance plan

Lansdowne Bilingual Public School

    -   Program administration (planning, designing, implementing and evaluating
        school guidance and counseling program.
    -   Specific guidance and counseling skills (relationship building, asking questions,
        listening, information provision, confrontation).



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Our school guidance plan

  • 1. LANSDOWNE BILINGUAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Cardiff SCHOOL GUIDANCE PLAN (Approved by the Counseling Department in June of 2012) Almudena Bellot Maria hermosilla Gemma O‟hanlon Athina Papadopoulou Azahara Sanz
  • 2. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School INDEX INTRODUCTION School‟s context………………………………………………………………….4 School‟s personal counseling action point of view……………………………...5 Technical vision of the orientation principles……………………………………5 AIMS School‟s general aims………………………………………………………….8 TARGET GROUPS Family…………………………………………………………………………..10 Students………………………………………………………………………...10 Students with academic difficulties……………………………………10 Students with psychosocial problems………………………………..…10 Immigrants‟ students…………………………………………………...11 OBJECTIVES FOR EACH TARGET GROUP Family………………………………………………………………….………12 Students…………………………………………………………………..……12 Students with academic difficulties…………………………………….12 Students with psychosocial problems………………………………..…13 Immigrants‟ students……………………………………………………13 2
  • 3. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School ACTIVITIES TO REACH THE TARGET GROUPS‟S OBJECTIVES Tutorial action…………………………………………………………………..15 Family ………………………………………………………………….16 Students…………………………………………………………………17 Students with academic difficulties …………………………….17 Students with psychosocial problems…………………………..18 Immigrants‟ students……………………………………………20 -Wider approach to both languages learning (trilingualism) of immigrants…………………………………………21 RESOURCES ………………………………………………………………………….24 Human resources…………………………………………………………..……24 Material resources………………………………………………………………24 MONITORING AND EVALUATION……………………………………………...…26 Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………...27 3
  • 4. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School INTRODUCTION OUR CONTEXT Lansdowne bilingual public school is situated in the South of Cardiff, in “Norfolk Street” People of this neighbourhood are middle ages. Their cultural level is middle studies and the most common job is qualified workers. There are not a lot of unemployed parents. Parents belong to middle-lower class. Communications within the city are good. There is a bus connecting all the parts of the city. Neighbourhood is provided with good services; specially stores and banks. Besides, there is a neighbours‟ association which organizes travels, celebrations and works to overcome neighbourhood problems. Families come from different districts of the city because school is considered as „a unique zone‟ in order to allow people to have the same conditions of points. The majority of the parents have an age between 28 and 45 years old. They are usually employed in the sector service, and others as qualify workers or autonomous. They usually have a medium level of studies or an “FP”. Nevertheless, almost every family are stable population, and the arrival of immigrants, especially from South America and Maghreb countries, is increasing. The cooperation with the school, in general, is very good. The PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) cooperates in general activities developed in the school such as the Christmas Festival, the Book´s Day or the Final Course Festival. Moreover, the PTA organizes and sorts out after the agreement with the School Board the voluntary extracurricular activities developed out of the school´s timetable. Almost every family, have her own home which fulfils all the accommodation´s requirements. The involvement of the parents in school life is really important. Not son much for the choice of the School Board, but it is important in the organization of the activities planned by the school, the assistance to the formative talks, etc. The familiar environment where almost every student comes from is characterized by the medium socioeconomic level, also by the parent´s interest in how the student´s performance of his/her child is going, so the parents maintain a relationship with the tutor through personal or guiding meetings. 4
  • 5. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School Almost all the students attend to class properly washed and well fed. The scholar absenteeism is not significant. The students just do not go to class due to illness or parent´s travels. The admission system is concrete respecting the normative without exceptions. It is an inclusive school so we provide schooling for student´s with psychic disabilities. SCHOOL’S PERSONAL COUNSELING ACTION POINT OF VIEW School guidance and counselling is a science of psycho-pedagogical intervention whose aim is to promote students‟ personal, social and professional development. The school guidance and counselling model pretended is bearing on collaboration. All the members of school must work together in order to promote students‟ development. Besides, we pretend to reinforce teacher‟s skills. We try to achieve a model of reflexive teacher who is both educator and tutor but not instructor. PRINCIPLES OF THE ORIENTATION During the latest years, a change has been produced in the way of perceiving the counseling. The therapeutic nature has been lost and changed by a model in which the counseling action is orientated to social, cultural and economic changes and that is why the new characters of this situations have to take part of it. Following this line, we are going to remember the Hervás Avilés explanation about the counseling principles. Prevention principle It is based in the necessity of getting ready the overcoming of their different developing crisis. Its objective is to promote wealthy behaviors and personal competences, like the ones related to the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence and which aim is the disappearance of problems. 5
  • 6. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School The objective of the prevention would be developing the functional and social competence of the individual person, his capacity to face situations and his inner strengthening. Some characteristics of this action can be -Proactive: it acts before the apparition of the problem -For groups -Approach having into account the context -It‟s objective is to reduce the risk factors and improving the elements that improves the defense and protection in a crisis. -It assumes the multiculturalism -It is directed to a personal strengthening - It includes the conceptual and procedural collaboration in the intervention, in a mode that the receivers are active agents of the change. - It mitigates the unfavorable conditions of the context. Development principle The intervention of this principle involves a process in which you go with the individual during his development with the purpose of achieve the maximum growth of his potentialities. From the mature point of view the development is understood like a personal growth process that helps the individual to become a complex being. This complicity is been forming by diverse qualitative changes that favor an interpretation of the world that each time is more comprehensive and the experience integration each time wider and more complex. From a wider perspective which has into account the “vita cycle” contributions, the development depend on biological and environment factors in interaction and of multiple relationships due to chronologic, historical and son on patterns. It is near to a development of the personality idea. It has a double objective: firstly it tries to give the needed competences to the person so that he can face the demand of the evolutionary stages (mature focus) and secondly, it has to provide learning situations that make easier the rebuilding and progress of the conceptual diagram (constructivist focus). Social intervention principle 6
  • 7. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School It is focused since a perspective in which it must be included in all intervention the contextual and environmental conditions of the individual because these are the conditions which infer in his decision taking and personal development. The context is considerer like a reference element essential of the counseling action. The assumption this principle involves that: -the counseling intervention must lead to modify aspects related to the organization and working of the school like the social context of the student. -the person who receives the counseling has to be aware of the necessity of act against the environmental factors that are blocking the achievement of his personal objectives. Been aware of is essential to get in this person an active attitude that helps to change these factors. The empowerment like intervention principle Empowerment is the process in which the people, the organization or the groups get the self-control about their own interest issues. The ones that have not fortitude, that do not believe them competent or that are marginalized get to know the dynamics of power that act in their vital context, develop the abilities and capacities to take the control of their own lives without infer in other‟s rights and support and reinforce the personal strength of the others members of the group. We can consider five conditions to favor the personal strength: -Collaboration to insulate the problems the problems and make an actuation plan. -Context, the recognition of the context elements that stop the personal fortitude that make difficult the overcome of the problems. -Critic knowledge that allows differ the problem, organize and classify the relevant information for the solution. -Competence, the necessary for the resolution of the problems. -Community, referring to the join of the people who share the same objectives and are participle of a common identity leaning on the personal strength of everyone and each community member. Only the counseling for the personal strength will be successful when the counsellor makes a personal commitment to change the structures and systems that are stopping the development of the disadvantaged. 7
  • 8. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School AIMS SCHOOL’S GENERAL AIMS BUILT-IN STUDENT‟S EDUCATION We expect the harmonic formation of our students in every aspect of the person (affective, motor, social and cognitive) which allows the acquisition of the adequate autonomy of his age and are eligible for the next educative levels. ACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE PARTICIPATION OF ALL THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY We understand that the educative process is based in the maximum collaboration between the children, the parents and the teachers. This triangle must maintain a permanent collaboration to reach the marked objectives. VALUES EDUCATION We consider very important the values education and we pretend to get that the child understands and acts in values like: acceptation of himself, tolerance, responsibility, respect for the differences, autonomy, justice, solidarity, wealth, consume, and critic view. DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT AND COEXISTENCE We have like our priority the formation in democratic values that is why the education and coexistence will be develop in a frame of tolerance and respect to the liberty of each one, his personality and his convictions. Our School is a democratic school, what implies the necessity of a real and effective participation of all the groups which compose it in its management by the chosen people by each of them. 8
  • 9. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School RESPECT TO THE DIFFERENCES: DIVERSITY, NO-RELIGION, COEDUCATION We have into account the student‟s diversity and we do not do differences because of reason of sex, religion, believes, nationality, social disparities, special educative needs, etc. We favor the attitudes development which gives us to a situation of solidarity, tolerant and respect to the rest. OPEN TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND SITUATIONS AND INNOVATIONS THAT HELPS THE IMPROVEMENT. AKWARDED SCHOOL WITH THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Our school has to be an open institution, being participle in the daily life of the neighborhood, opening the educative place of the school, and placing the child in the physic and social environment which is around him. We have our interest focused in the permanent formation of our teachers and in the development of innovative programs for a constant improvement of our educative action. METHODOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: ACTIVE, PARTICIPATIVE, GLOBALIZING, SCIENTIFIC AND CRITIC. We try to assure the constructions of significant learning, that is why the curricular activity will be develop in an active, participative, globalizing, scientific and critic way. BILINGUAL EDUCATION The school considers a Project which is about the knowledge and control of the Greek, which objective is that the students are able to express themselves at the end of their schooling process in two languages: English and Greek, in a natural mode. The will have acquired the basic ideas about the Greek culture to be able to access to the majority of cultural and universal wealth. The bilingual education taught in the school is done in an integrated curriculum to the intention of having the knowledge of the Greek and also apply to the double qualification. The development of the curricular integrated projects that gets to the achievement of the academics certificates of both countries: United Kingdom and Greece. 9
  • 10. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School TARGET GROUPS Family The counseling program includes also the involvement of the parents or guardians of the students in order to be more effective regarding to its goals, which all lead to children‟s development. By the term involvement we mean their participation in student‟s academic course and planning, choices and decisions concerning the educational process and finally their participation in the whole learning and educational planning. Particularly, the parents‟ opinion is very important and this is the reason for which it is taken into account during the planning process of the support system. Parents most of the times, are aware of the problems, special needs or difficulties that may their children have, but also aware of their preferences and their potentials. So they can provide the counselors useful information in order to help at the preparation of the most suitable counseling and guide program for their children. Students with academic difficulties Our whole purpose is to provide intensive individualized instruction in order to get the best of every student and develop his or her maximum potential. The problem, however, is that in classrooms can wind up with students who have a wide range of skill levels. How can teachers provide intensive instruction to all students when they are each trying to learn different things at the same time? Along with teaching basic skills such as study skills and organization tools, there are strategies to use to individualize and still not give up instruction time for any student. Students have different styles of learning and there are some aspects that are not homogeneous to every student and that should be taken into account as the capacity of learning and developmental level, schooling and previous learning, rhythms, expectances, interests and motivation. Students with psychosocial problems We can talk about different types of psychosocial problems in students as internalizing disorders which could be turned inward; emotional and cognitive symptoms and some examples of them are depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders or externalizing disorders as turned outward; behavioral problems or acting out. In this case we would be talking about delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy 10
  • 11. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School Immigrants’ students Everybody have the right of receiving an education which respect their personal and cultural identity. For this reason and because of the great increase of foreigner students, school has needed to carry out some measures in order to adapt schools to cultural diversity. All these measures are based upon the principle of intercultural. Understanding by intercultural the favorable disposition within members of one Society to interact, share experiences and cooperate with members of other cultures. 11
  • 12. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School OBJETIVES FOR EACH TARGET GROUP FAMILY Some situations that do not go well in school with the student can be duty of the families and we have to take them in account as school attendance. The counseling and guidance is also intended to parents in order to detect any of the problems that may the family has, (they can be personal, financial…) which affect the academic achievement of the students. These problems for example may be: -Financial problems like unemployment or low income. -Problems regarding the relationships among the members of the family as could be family abuse, harassment issues, a new born baby, divorce or death of a family member. -Health problems like depression, alcoholism and substance abuse, serious or incurable diseases. STUDENTS WITH ACADEMIC DIFFICULTIES The diversity plan is in charge of adapting the education system to the different characteristics, necessities and capacities of each student. It requires specific dedication of the department of guidance and counseling, in order to achieve these goals: -To promote the inclusion of all the students in general (not all have the same necessities) -To draw up an appropriate answer to the especial necessities. -Make invidualized advice. -Assessstudents´competences. -Develop preventive programs of learning difficulties. -Evaluate and develop programs to improve students „motivation. -Evaluate and develop programs to improve abilities for the daily life. -Diagnose cases, apply the relevant measures and evaluate the process 12
  • 13. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School -Make the psychopedagogic assessments and start if necessary the corresponding curricular adjustment. STUDENTS WITH PSYCHOSOCIAL PROBLEMS Due to the types of psychosocial problems the students would need different objectives depending on the specific case, some of them are: -Become self-disciplined. -Make decisions. -Help them overcome personal, financial, family or other problems. -Get life satisfaction. -Improve their school attitudes and behavior. -Improve their social skills and their interpersonal relationship. -Develop their self-confidence. -Control and manage their feelings. -Set goals and find ways to achieve them. -Improve their skills about resolving problems and finding solutions on their own. -Develop their critical thinking. -Improve their leadership skills. -Learn to cooperate with others efficiently. IMMIGRANT’S STUDENTS Because of the great increase of foreigner students, school has needed to carry out some measures in order to adapt schools to cultural diversity. The basic aims beyond our measures are the following ones: - To make school community be aware of the cultural diversity positive value. - To respect each student‟s cultural identity and learn to cooperate with others students from different cultures efficiently. 13
  • 14. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School - To help foreigner students to have access to the receiving society. Develop a critical thinking in all our students since young about multiculturalism. - To avoid immigrant exclusion by improving students social skills and their interpersonal relationships. - Believe and make real a truly equal possibility of opportunities focusing in the bilingual education in Spain for foreign students. 14
  • 15. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School ACTIVITIES TO REACH OUR OBJECTIVES TUTORIAL ACTION Tutorial action is the joint of interventions which are developed with students, families and educative team of each group. It is aimed to: -Favor and improve the coexistence within the group, the personal development and the integration and participation of all the students in the school‟s life. -Diminish scholar‟s conflicts and to promote respect towards others. -Carry out a personalized monitoring for the learning process of each student, putting special attention to scholar failure. -Facilitate decisions taking regarding academic and professional future. Objectives of tutorial action Towards students: -To facilitate students‟ integration within the group/class and in the scholar dimension, favoring team work… -To facilitate change from primary education to secondary education. -To develop values and attitudes of democratic participation, where respect and peace and no violence are values to take into account in any aspect of life. -To mediate those conflicts among students or other members of the educative community. -To inform and release right and obligations of students and the school‟s coexistence rules. -To communicate students the decisions taken within reunions made by the docent team and to make students, as a group, assume their own commitments. -To promote processes of vocational maturation and scholar and professional orientation in order to help students to make their own decisions. -To collaborate with teachers in the detection of students‟ learning difficulties and to communicate them to the orientation department, in order to solve it among everyone. 15
  • 16. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School -To achieve a good knowledge about students as people and as a group. Towards families -To establish fluid relations with parents. -To release parents about coexistence rules. -To involve parents in their children‟s support activities, learning and orientation. -To release parents about all the aspects related with their children‟s education. Towards teachers -To facilitate to all the teachers who ask for it, all the information and available materials as in the tutorials as in the orientation department. - To make possible to establish a cooperative action among teachers. ACORDING TO OUR TARGET GROUPS Family In order to avoid as much as possible family problems, some activities which could be carried out for parents could be activities in order to inform parents about the school running and about its features, in order to make their election adequate and responsible. Information activities like general reunions with all the parents of the group, in order to make them know since the beginning of the course, the group features, school rules, pedagogic commitment and as well to promote a good relation between parents and teachers. Activities for making parents participate in their children‟s studies and in the scholar centre‟s organization. Activities of individual meetings with parents in order to keep the relation among teachers and families growing. Parents and family involvement in education is essential to the intellectual growth and academic achievement of their children. Reunions with parents where there are commented aspects about the scholar period, the collaboration of parents in the educative process and the most meaningful aspects about the running and organization of the course. 16
  • 17. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School Parents of new students should do an initial informative questionnaire before registering their children in the school. Then an analysis of the dates obtained in the questionnaire should be done by educative teams in order to search for relevant information. OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES To know if parents‟ expectances - To do an initial informative questionnaire before registering coincide with schools‟ features. their children in the school. - To do an analysis of the dates obtained in the questionnaire should be done by educative teams in order to search for relevant information. -To avoid parents‟ lack of - Parents have access to preview guidance program and knowledge about children‟s materials that may be used with their children performance. - Interviews with teachers. - Activities for making parents participate in their children‟s studies and in the scholar centre‟s organization. Academic Among the children who can show academic problems, we can found those with deficient intelligence and those who are high gifted. Curricular interventions and adaptations are necessary when a child with academic problems is detected. These changes are not for the particular child, but for all the class. Quarterly reunions in order to value the program done are also necessary. In order to carry out the tutorial action, a great quantity of information should be collected from all students. This is going to be academic and professional information, necessary to orientate the teaching and learning process. For achieving this, it could be created a personal record of each student. 17
  • 18. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School OBJETIVES ACTIVITIES To promote organization and - Work planning activities, to elaborate a study schedule, or responsibilities within the group controls. group To be aware of problems and - Reunions between courses and cycles in order to transmit to establish the better way to information to the future teachers of a group. face them -An initial evaluation of students to detect difficulties or necessities. - Quarterly reunions in order to value the program done are also necessary. - To reserve within students schedule enough time for carrying out the tutorial activities. - To do a personal record of each student. To promote help between - The group of 4 approaches. peers for diminishing intellectual differences Psychosocial This kind of people need motivation, so he or she could propose develop some educative games time to time and always congratulate these children when they do something well or do a progress, even though if the progress is not very significant. 18
  • 19. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School To avoid peer problems - Activities in order to facilitate student‟s integration within between students and their group or class and to improve their communication promote integration skills: course presentation, welcoming activities, elaboration together of the basic rules within the group… - Group dynamics with activities like the round table, the ideas‟ twister, role playing, Phillips 66… To promote team work and - Theatre representations within a topic of a subject. social abilities. -To create quizzes in groups. To avoid children‟s academic -To elaborate an academic plan based on formative anxiety because of academic performance rather than in a summative one. competence between students. - To always congratulate these children when they do something well or do a progress, even though if the progress is not very significant. To avoid conducts that can be - Alcohol talks or adolescence talks. dangerous for health To detect as soon as possible - To start the course with a couple of games or works in psychosocial problems in group. order to avoid extreme situations To get the more information -Regular talks with parents. as possible about familiar context of those children with -Questionnaires for parents about their expectances on their psychosocial problems children and familiar atmosphere. 19
  • 20. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School Immigrant’s students In order to help the students and their families face all of the problems mentioned above, measures can be applied such as financial aid and psychological support, depending on the problem of each case. But in order to detect and then make efforts to overcome these problems, as mentioned also above, the parental involvement is essential. For this reason, it is proposed to organize counseling meetings for parents and guardians. The meetings will take place at a time and in places convenient for the parents, even out of the school hours for example. The meetings could also be organized for all of the parents together or in separated groups with members that have to face similar problems or even individually, if it is necessary. Furthermore, the parents have the opportunity to discuss on their own about their concerns and worries as regard to their children, and also benefit themselves by participating in the counseling as regard to their personal problems. Finally, the parents will be able to have access to previous counseling program in which their children participated and to the material used for their children‟s developmental and comprehensive guidance. OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES - Search for information about other cultures. To make school community be aware of - Make an exposition with photos of different the cultural diversity positive value cultural traditions. - Promote meetings. Families and teachers should participate. They have to share experiences and know themselves. We pretend to get the child respect for the - Talk in class about likeness and hobbies in differences, solidarity and justice. order to know that all children have the same likeness. To respect each student‟s cultural identity - Not try to impose our culture but try to learn about other ones. To help foreigner students to have access - Heterogenic disposition on class. All students 20
  • 21. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School to the receiving society. must be sit together; foreigner children and national ones. To avoid immigrant exclusion - Promote cooperative learning creating mixed working groups. (Foreigner and Spanish) - Avoid prejudices and stereotypes by discussing language use in papers referring to immigrant people WIDER APPROACH TO LAGUAGES LEARNING (TRILINGUILISM) OF IMMIGRANTS In an increasingly global society, the ability to speak and write in several languages is becoming necessary to effectively compete in the job market. Apart from the basic effectiveness that bilingual fluency has, since it widens the communication between people, it also preserves children's sense of pride in the language of their parents and protects their sense of identity, which is also strongly linked to the language and culture of their family and heritage. There are also economic advantages in bilingual fluency and literacy, since many jobs pay higher salaries to their bilingual employees. According to psychological and educational research children learn more effectively the foreign language, if they learn it through the use of their native language, which provides a contextual basis for learning and allows them to keep pace with their peer group. But this is a problem for the immigrant students, since the native language is also foreign for them. In addition, immigrant students have the same rights regarding to the educational opportunities and this is the reason for which the bilingual schools have to apply measures to help not only these disadvantaged students, but also their parents, whose role is significant at the learning process. Such measures could be: - Teaching using also visual material, gestures, imitating methods of learning etc in order to help all students to perceive the new concepts. 21
  • 22. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School - Give the opportunity to children to learn and work in collaborative groups in order to help each other, ensuring that the immigrant students are members of different groups. - Provide extra help to immigrant children by giving them the chance to attend more specific lessons by special educated teachers, in order to acquire the native language more efficiently and more quickly. Such lessons can also be provided to the parents of these students in order to help them get involved in the learning process. - Give the chance to the immigrant students to get involved with extra-curricular activities depending on their personal interests such as music lessons, dancing class, sports, painting courses etc. By this way it is easier for them to pick up the native language, without actually realizing it. ORGANIZATION IN COOPERATIVE LEARNING 1. Create a sense of group. The students should feel that they belong to a group 2. Observe the different styles of learning, levels of knowledge and autonomy. We consider that teach does not mean to apply exceptional measures with the problematic students not all the students have the same style of learning and our objective is to favor everyone‟s´ learning. 3. Get a cooperative view about teaching and learning. Once we know this diversity, the teacher can organize the work in groups according to this diversity. By this way, the students will have the chance to develop their competences learning from each other. The sense of group will help here to the wish of helping the one who knows less. A PARTNER-TUTOR This consists in assigning a partner-tutor to the new student. The partner will help him/her during the first period with all the possible difficulties and avoiding his/her exclusion. We consider that this practice can is beneficial for both. While we avoid the new students sense of isolation, the partner- tutor will increase his/her sense of competence and self-esteem. We consider that it could be especially useful in our program, for those students who do not know the language. 22
  • 23. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School WELCOME PROGRAM It pretends to facilitate the introduction of the new student in the school. - We first do an initial evaluation to decide in which course should be incorporate and see if he/she will need special support or any curricular adaptations. - It is also convenient to have a conference with the family. First of all, to introduce them in the school context and how it is organized but also to find out information about the family and the students that could affect his/her school performance (causes of migration, socio-economic situation, previous schooling, difficulties in learning, behavior problems…). - Announce the arrival of the new student to the school community. To promote positive attitudes towards the students and avoid uncomfortable situations with the surprise if it arrives for example a child with a physical disability. - Preparing welcoming activities to make the student feel accepted. A factor to take into account is that nowadays the arrival of new students, specially immigrants, can occur at any moment of the course, so the school is always ready for this welcoming. 23
  • 24. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES The staff of the educational centre is forms by 30 teachers, most of them permanent - 7 teachers of Infants Education, 6 tutors and a Learning Support Teacher - 4 specialists in Primary Education - 9 English teachers. - 2 gym‟s teachers - 1 music teacher - “Guidance Counselor” - 1 “PT” - 1 “AL” - 4 English teachers coming from the agreement “MEC – British Council” - 1 religion teacher and another one shared with other school for to 3-4 year old students. Staff not teaching The educational center has a canteen service which a company from this sector is in charge of making a menu in the schools kitchen. The company employs the kitchen staff as well as the career in charge of the student‟s vigilance during the meals. We also have a custodian who is in charge of activity such as the opening of the educational centre. The cleaning staff depends on the company employed by the city council. MATERIAL RESOURCES School installations: Lansdowne Bilingual Public School has two buildings: -One placed in Norfolk Street. It is focussed on infant education (5 years old children) and Primary. -Another one „Games‟ placed in Layna Street. It is directed to infant education (3-4 years old). This building has four classes with its services: tutorials, wide places where corners activities are developed, and a park. 24
  • 25. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School Norfolk building has two floors: Ground floor: - 7 classes for pre-school ( 5 years old) and Primary (1º,2º,3º). - Music class. - Library. - Staff room. - Audition and Language class. - Therapeutic Pedagogy class - Parents of the students Association Office Counseling Department Office - Canteen. - Toilets. - 2 sport courts. - Gym. - A porch in the courtyard downstairs with bathrooms - First floor: - 7 classrooms: ( 4º, 5º, 6º) - English class. - Class for different things. - Informatics class. - Laboratory. - Toilets. - Secretary‟s office and headmaster‟s office. - Tutorial classrooms. Lansdowne Bilingual Public school also has some installations out of school place. - A community centre where cultural activities and recreational activities are developed. - Municipal Park „Friendship‟, with skate rolling court and Sports facilities, meeting places for children and their families. - Private school. 25
  • 26. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School MONITORING AND EVALUATION These are the areas that we should evaluate: Measures the progress of a guidance project/action plan. Examines the impact of a guidance project or action plan. Identifies areas of success or areas that require further attention. Keeps the focus on ongoing guidance planning. Prevents a guidance plan from sitting untouched on a shelf. Helps to keep guidance planning to the forefront of planning in a school. In order to get it, evaluation is carried out as follows: - Assess the preventive and supportive measures that the tutors carried out (interchange session) - Fill a questionnaire after the observation of teachers „practices. - Collect students´ opinion about this measures (interchange session between students and tutors) and also about the information given through tutorial action. - Collectparents´opinion. We provide here and example of a questionnaire that we use for collecting students´ and parents opinion as well as their suggestions. They are asked for their views, so the data collated and analyzed, and the findings communicated are used to inform future planning. 26
  • 27. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School QUESTIONNAIRE TO EVALUATE OUR GUIDANCE PLAN Respond to the next items with Yes/ No /Not sure according to your opinion. 1. Students in my school need help in the following areas - Interpersonal and social skills (getting along with peers, parents and authority figures) - Self-awareness (understanding and appreciating the self) - Conflictresolution - Understanding the emotional and physical dangers of abuses e.g. substance, sexual, physical - Coping with peer pressure and managing life‟s events - Overcoming trauma - HIV/AIDS/Sex education/ Sexual issues - Time management - Studyskillstechniques - Careerexploration and planning - Relationship between personal qualities and work - Relationshipbetweeneducation and work - Investigating the world of work in relation to the knowledge of self - Subjectchoice - Dating/relationshipissues - School adjustment (making friends, getting along with teachers) - Copingwith stress - Handling crisis situations - Copingwithemotion - Peer counseling/helping - Test takingskills - Problemsolvingskills - Multicultural/diversityawareness - Acquiring skill, attitudes and knowledge to learn effectively - Academicpersistence - Job seeking and job keeping skills - Academic/Educationalplanningskills - Decisionmakingskills 2. List any areas not included in the list above you feel students in your school would need help in. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 27
  • 28. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3.Below is a list of the major service areas of a guidance and counseling program. After reading the list, circle the number that shows what priority that service area should receive in your school guidance and counseling program. Top Priority (1) Moderate Priority (2) Fairly Low Priority (3)Very Low Priority (4) - Counseling Services (Designed to offer individuals an opportunity for self- knowledge and self-development through individual & group counseling, support services, referral services) 4 3 2 1 - Appraisal Services (Provides essential facts about the learner through career interests inventories, achievement tests, personality inventories, special needs assessment)4 3 2 1 - Information Services (student records, post secondary catalogs, handbooks) 4 3 21 - Placement Services (Designed to enhance student development by assisting them to select and use opportunities inside and out side the school through career advising, attachment, referral to agencies, course selection, college/university admission) 4 3 2 1 - Consultation Services (Getting the opinion of people who can contribute and have an interest in the student‟s welfare e.g. other teachers, parents, administrators) 4 3 2 1 - Curricular Services (Organization of materials for classroom teacher adoption, group and classroom presentation of guidance topics) 4 3 2 1 4. School guidance counselors/teachers in my school need assistance/training in the following areas and answer. Answer according to your opinion: Yes/ No/Not Sure. - Ways in which the school guidance and counseling is delivered (e.g. classroom activities, group activities, parent education). - Guidance and counseling resource identification. - Developing a school guidance and counseling calendar. - Responsive services to students‟ needs (counseling, referral, consultation, appraisal, placement and follow up, research and evaluation services) - Identifying and understanding students‟ abilities, problem solving abilities, aptitudes and goal setting strategies. 28
  • 29. School guidance plan Lansdowne Bilingual Public School - Program administration (planning, designing, implementing and evaluating school guidance and counseling program. - Specific guidance and counseling skills (relationship building, asking questions, listening, information provision, confrontation). 29