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Wisdom Literature and
Poetry in the Old
Wisdom Literature
 Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of
Solomon. They don’t relate historical experiences.
Rather they relate the experiences of heart.
 Unlike the Pentateuch and twelve historical books,
the wisdom books do not advance the story of the
nation Israel. Instead, they delve deeply into crucial
questions about pain, God, wisdom, life, and love—
all in the present tense.
Wisdom Literature
 The Hebrew word for wisdom is translated
“skill for living,” because the Jews regarded
wisdom in very practical terms.
 Wisdom is defined as “knowledge and good
judgment based on experience.”
 This literature provided guidance for moral
behavior and everyday living. It helped people
know how to cope with day-to-day living.
Wisdom Literature
 Hebrew wisdom literature, as distinguished from
the wisdom writings of other cultures, was
centered on God.
 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and
instruction.” (Prov. 1:7)
 “Solomon is revered in the Hebrew Bible as the
father of the wisdom tradition.”
Wisdom Literature
The Old Testament Contains three types of
Wisdom literature:
• Popular proverbs that express practical
• Riddles or parables with a spiritual meaning.
• Discussions of the problems of life.
Wisdom Literature
There are two characteristics of wisdom
 It originated in and was nurtured by the
family or tribe.
 It was oral in its earliest forms.
Types of Wisdom Teachings
Practical Wisdom:
1) Proverbs – short, easily remembered saying with
one main point.
2) Fable – Story with a moral giving human qualities
to animals or plants.
3) Short poetic discourses – longer proverbs with one
main point.
Song of Solomon
The Book of Suffering
An Integrative Study
Objectives of this Study
 To demonstrate that God is worthy of love apart from
the blessings he provides.
 To explain that God may allow suffering as a means to
purify and strengthen a person in godliness.
 To explore the justice of God who treats the righteous
with suffering.
Theme: Blessings through suffering
Date Written: 2000 – 1800 B.C.
Author: Unknown ...
Setting: Land of Uz
Setting for the
Job - Introduction
 The book of Job is considered by many Bible
scholars to be the oldest book in the Bible. Job
probably lived during the same time period as
Abraham. Like Abraham, Job is a wealthy and
upright man who fears God.
 The Book begins with a heavenly debate between
God and Satan, moves through three cycles of earthly
debates between Job and his friends, and concludes
with a dramatic “divine diagnosis” of Job’s problem.
If God is good
and if God is
then why does
evil exist?
• Job is a classic examination of the problems of
evil and human suffering. (1:8-12; 38:1 – 39:30;
• The book of Job examines the question: “Can God
be trusted?”
• Job’s friends address him from the orthodox view
of traditional wisdom which provides no comfort.
• Job comes to understand that wisdom is
ultimately found in God alone, and human
wisdom cannot on its own fathom the ways of
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 42
Job’s test
God speaks Historical
restorationDialogue & Discourse
Overview of the book of Job
 Job
 Mrs. Job
 God
 Satan
 Three Friends
 Eliphaz
 Bildad
 Zophar
 Elihu
Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
Job’s wife
Job And The Problem of
Why do the righteous suffer?
• Often, we wonder why a
loving God would allow
suffering to exist in the
• Further, we ask, why do
the righteous suffer?
• In the book of Job, we
have an example of a
righteous man who
suffered greatly
• Why does God allow Job to
• What can we learn from Job
that will encourage us today
while suffering?
• Many so-called Christians
teach that God has promised
Christians would be healthy
and rich
• If we are not healthy and rich,
then we lack faith
• Account of job denies such
• Sabeans attacked and took oxen
and donkeys (1:13-15)
• Fire from heaven burned up sheep
and servants (1:16)
• Chaldeans took camels (1:17)
• Wind caused house to collapse on
sons and daughters (1:18-19)
The Dilemma of Job (1:1-2:13)
 Job is not a logical candidate for disaster (see
1:1, 8). His moral integrity and his selfless
service to God heighten the dilemma. Behind
the scene, Satan ("accuser") charges that no
one loves God from pure motives, but only for
material blessings (1:10). To refute Satan's
accusations, God allows him to strike Job
with two series of assaults. In his sorrow Job
laments the day of his birth but does not deny
God (1:21; 2:10).
The problem for Job
His friends’ wrong views
Job’s understanding
The Lord answers Job
The Lord restores Job
Job And The Problem of
 The reasons for suffering in a believers life
are not necessarily related to human
explanations of personal unrighteousness,
but are within the scope of God’s good and
powerful providence resulting in the defeat
of evil and glory to himself.
A Blind Man Is Healed
 Another Example Of An
Afflicted Person In Scripture
Was A Man Born Blind.
John 9:1-3
“As he went along, he saw a man
blind from birth.
His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who
sinned, this man or his parents, that
he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents
sinned," said Jesus, "but this
happened so that the work of God
might be displayed in his life”.
God’s Work Is Seen
 Some Thought This Man’s Blindness Was
Punishment For Sins Committed.
 Jesus Said The Blindness Happened So That
God’s Work Could Be Seen.
 This Man Suffered The Affliction Of Blindness
From Birth So God’s Power Could Be
Demonstrated When Jesus Healed Him.
 We, Too, Might Face Suffering So That God May
Be Glorified In The End.
A Study of Positions
What is a position?
A position is a theological or philosophical
stand regarding an issue.
Who had positions in the book of Job?
Satan, Mrs. Job, Job’s friend, Job, Elihu,
and God.
Satan’s Position
“Does Job fear God for nothing?” 1:9
“Skin for skin, a man will give up all he has for his
own life”2:4
“Are you still
holding on to
curse God
and die”
Chap 2: 9
Mrs. Job’s
Wife’s Position
Position of Job’s Friends
In three cycles of speeches they
rebuke Job:
1) Cycle 1 of Speeches and Job's
God Punishes the Wicked
and Blesses the Good: 4:1--
2) Cycle 2 of Speeches and Job's
Response- -
The Wicked Suffer and
Perish because They Are
against God: 15:1--21:34
3) Cycle 3 of Speeches and Job's
Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
Eliphaz versus Job
 Eliphaz 1: Eliphaz accused Job
of being inconsistent since
suffering results from sin and no
one is pure before God; thus he
urged Job to ask God to help
him and affirmed that God would
deliver him after He had
disciplined him 4:1--5:27
 Eliphaz 2: Eliphaz affirms that
Job's words are meaningless,
that he is guilty, and that he is
like the wicked because he is in
distress 15:1-35
 Eliphaz 3: Proclaiming God's
disinterest in Job for his social
deviations and spiritual defiance,
Eliphaz urges him to repent for
God is great 22:1-20
 Job: Job responded by affirming
that his suffering was causing his
rash desire to die, Eliphaz's
response has disappointed him, and
by asking for forgiveness if he has
sinned 6:1--7:21
 Job: Job responds rebuking his
friends for being no help, desiring to
plead his case with God, and
affirming is situation of despair
16:1-- 17:16
 Job: Job longs to plead his case
before God 23:1--24:25
Bildad versus Job
 Bildad 1: Bildad affirmed that history
has confirmed that if Job is righteous
God will restore him, unlike the
ungodly who perish 8:1-22
 Bildad 2: Bildad rebukes Job for his
arrogant words about them, and
affirms that the wicked, like he, are
weakened, ensnared, diseased,
insecure, forgotten, hated, and alone
 Bildad 3: Bildad affirmed that because
God is great and man is small and
impure there was no hope for Job to
be just and clean 25:1-6
 Job: Job responds by affirming
God's wisdom and power, asking
why He is against him, and
requesting to die 9:1--10:22
 Job: Job rebukes his friends for
tormenting and insulting him,
affirms that God has wronged him,
urges his friends to have pity on
him, and affirms that God will prove
his innocence after his death and
judge his friends 19:1-29
 Job: Job affirms that his friends are
not help to him since he knows that
God is great and powerful over
nature 26:1-14
Zophar versus Job
 Zophar 1: Zophar rebukes
Job by affirming that God
should show him true
wisdom and by affirming
that if he would turn to
God, he would be blessed
 Zophar 2: Zophar
accuses Job of insulting
him and reminds him that
the wicked may be
blessed, but they will
then loose their riches
 Job: Job responds by
criticizing Zophar for not
telling him anything new,
not helping him, and not
representing God well,
whereupon, he again asks
God to let him die 12:1--
 Job: Job retorts that his
impatience is excusable
and reminds Zophar that
the wicked prosper and
live (unlike he) 21:1-34
Job’s Final Remarks
 Job affirms that although man is skillful in
mining, wisdom is harder to find for it is God
who knows where wisdom is 28:1-28
 Job wishes that he was in his former days
of spiritual blessing, material prosperity and
social prestige which occurred because he
helped the needy, exercised justice and
counseled others 29:1-25
 Job proclaims his misery as he is mocked
by poor young men and vagabonds, and his
humiliation as he is in pain and nobody helps
him 30:1-31.
 Job's Ultimate Challenge--An Oath of
Innocence which 'Legally' Calls God to
Answer" 31:1-40
Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
Elihu’s Position
i. Four Speeches by Elihu: 32:1--37:24
ii. Introduction of Elihu: 32:1-5
iii. Elihu's First Speech- God Instructs people
through Affliction: 32:6--33:33
iv. Elihu's Second Speech to the Three Friends
and Job—God is Just and Prudence is
Vindicated: 34:1-37
v. Elihu's Third Speech to Job—There are
Advantages to Piety: 35:1-16
vi. Elihu's Fourth Speech to Job (and Friends)–
God is Great and Job is Ignorant: 36:1--
God’s Position
God interviews Job in two speeches:
1. First Interview with Yahweh-- Job is Limited in
Knowledge: 38:1--40:5
1) Yahweh Challenged Job: 38:1-3
2) Yahweh Questioned Job Regarding Two Areas of
Creation: the physical and animal world.
Here God asks Job to listen.
2. Second Interview with God –Job is Limited in
Power: 40:6--42:6
1) Yahweh Challenged Job to Listen: 40:6-14
2) Yahweh questioned Job Regarding Two animals of
Creation: the Behemoth and the Leviathan
“Brace yourself like a man, I will question you and you
shall answer….” 38:9
Job’s Reply
 Job Replied with Repentance: 42:1-6
 “…Surely I spoke of things I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me to know.
4 "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.'
5 My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you.
6 Therefore I despise myself
and repent in dust and ashes."
God’s Response
 Once Job has seen God, admitted God’s charges,
worshiped Him, the test is over.
 God then praises Job, humbles his friends.
 Job’s other “friends” come back.
 God gives Job double what he lost.
Two times the wealth
Same number more children
 God is no cheapskate.
Though we serve Him for nothing …
… He will not send us away empty-handed.
But the full reward cannot come till the test is over.
Romans 8:18
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth
comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”.
God Wants Us To See Our
Suffering As Small Compared
To How Wonderful Heaven
Will Be.
Lessons from Job
• Tragedy can serve as a wake-up call
• God has not remained distant from us in
our pain
Open Forum
Questions and Comments
to the
book of Psalms
A collection of 150 poems containing many
emotions, including: love and adoration toward
God, sorrow over sin, dependence on God in
desperate circumstances, the battle of fear and
trust, walking with God even when the way
seems dark, thankfulness for God’s care,
devotion to the word of God, and confidence in
the eventual triumph of God’s purposes for the
• Psalms is the hymnbook of God’s people.
• Many of the Psalms address the feelings,
understandings, and struggles of God’s
 Meaning of Book of Psalms (‫:)תהילים‬
 Hebrew – Book of Hymns, Book of Praises
 Greek – Poems sung to the accompaniment of
musical instruments; songs
Who wrote it?
 David wrote 75 Psalms
 Other authors include Asaph,
the sons of Korah, Solomon,
Moses, Heman, and Ethan.
 Fifty of the Psalms are
Authorship of Psalms
•David (73)
•Moses (1; Ps. 90)
•Solomon (2; Ps. 72, 127)
•Asaph (12; Ps. 50, 73-83)
•Korah sons (10; Ps. 42, 44-45, 47-49, 84-85,
•Heman (1; Ps. 88)
•Ethan (1; Ps. 89)
 Date of writing:
 The book of Psalms was compiled
over time beginning as early as
the 1400’s B.C., and was most
probably completed during the
time of Ezra and Nehemiah in
450-425 B.C.
 Key Term: Hallelujah
 The Psalms became Israel’s
hymnal. Not all psalms were
hymns (songs honoring or
about God), but praise to God
was their dominant theme.
Studying the Book of Psalms
Structure of the Psalter
Book I: Psalms 1-41
Book II: Psalms 42-72
Book III: Psalms 73-89
Book IV: Psalms 90-106
Book V: Psalms 107-150
Each ends with a doxology
Entire book climaxes in 150
 General Outline:
 The five books of Psalms correspond to the five books
of Moses (the Pentateuch), each section ending with a
 Book 1 – Psalms 1-41 (41 Psalms)
 Genesis – Man and Creation
 Book 2 – Psalms 42-72 (31 Psalms)
 Exodus – Deliverance and Redemption
 Book 3 – Psalms 73-89 (17 Psalms)
 Leviticus – Worship and Sanctuary
 Book 4 – Psalms 90-106 (17 Psalms)
 Numbers – Wilderness and Wandering
 Book 5 – Psalms 107-150 (44 Psalms)
 Deuteronomy – Scripture and Praise
Types of Psalms
•Thanksgiving (Ps. 36, Jonah 2)
•Wisdom (Ps 1, 73)
•Royal (Ps 2, 110)
•Imprecatory (Ps 35, 69, 137)
•Lament (Ps 3, 4, 6)
•Messianic (Ps 8, 22)
 Summary in one sentence:
 God, the true and glorious King, is
worthy of all praise, thanksgiving, and
confidence, whatever the occasion in
personal or community life.
Verse to Remember
“Let everything that has breath praise
the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
(Psalm 150:6)
 Interesting Facts:
 The shortest Psalm is Psalm 117 with just two verses. It
is also the midpoint of the bible with 594 chapter before
it and 594 after.
 Psalm 119 is both the longest psalm and the longest
chapter in the Bible with 176 verses.
 Its 176 verses are divided into 22 stanzas, one for each of the 22
characters that make up the Hebrew alphabet.
 Each stanza contains 8 verses.
 Home Study
 Read a psalm daily in Psalms this week.
 Study the One Sentence Summary.
 Recite your memory verses daily.
Book of
• This book seeks to describe true wisdom
and helps God’s people to put it into
• The source of this wisdom is the “fear of
the Lord.”
• This wisdom is very practical and is
designed to develop proper attitudes
and godly behavior (1:7, 2:6-8, 3:1-6).
Proverbs in brief
Chapter 1-24
Solomon (See 1:1, 10:1)
Chapter 25-29
Probably also written by Solomon,
collected by the “men of Hezekiah” (715-686 B.C.)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
King Lemuel
Ecclesiastes in brief
•1:1 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king
in Jerusalem
Problems with Solomon as Author
•Book never names Solomon
•Author describes oppression in the Kingdom
(3:16; 4:1-3; 5:8-9). Solomon would have used his
influence to implement justice.
•Hebrew is of much later date that 930 B.C.
• Ecclesiastes is concerned with imparting
wisdom and knowledge to the people of God
(12:9–11) and teaching them to fear the Lord.
• The book offers a philosophical discussion of
the emptiness of life without God and how to
find fulfillment in life. (1:2-3, 1: 12-18, 12:13-
• The theme of Ecclesiastes is the necessity of
fearing God in a fallen, and therefore
frequently confusing and frustrating, world.
Song of
Song of Songs
• This book contains marvelous poetry expressing
romantic love between a young man (a shepherd,
1:7) and a young woman (a shepherdess, 1:8) in
ancient Israel.
1. Literal interpretation - a celebration of
sexual intimacy in marriage
Guards against prudishness (sexless love)
and promiscuity (loveless sex)
2. Spiritual interpretations – allegory or a
reflection of the love between The
Lord/Israel; Christ/Church;
Jesus/Individual Believer
Ways to Interpret Song of Songs
OT Survey: The Book of Job
OT Survey: The Book of Job
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OT Survey: The Book of Job

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Wisdom Literature and Poetry in the Old Testament
  • 4. Wisdom Literature  Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. They don’t relate historical experiences. Rather they relate the experiences of heart.  Unlike the Pentateuch and twelve historical books, the wisdom books do not advance the story of the nation Israel. Instead, they delve deeply into crucial questions about pain, God, wisdom, life, and love— all in the present tense.
  • 5. Wisdom Literature  The Hebrew word for wisdom is translated “skill for living,” because the Jews regarded wisdom in very practical terms.  Wisdom is defined as “knowledge and good judgment based on experience.”  This literature provided guidance for moral behavior and everyday living. It helped people know how to cope with day-to-day living.
  • 6. Wisdom Literature  Hebrew wisdom literature, as distinguished from the wisdom writings of other cultures, was centered on God.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Prov. 1:7)  “Solomon is revered in the Hebrew Bible as the father of the wisdom tradition.”
  • 7. Wisdom Literature The Old Testament Contains three types of Wisdom literature: • Popular proverbs that express practical truths. • Riddles or parables with a spiritual meaning. • Discussions of the problems of life.
  • 8. Wisdom Literature There are two characteristics of wisdom literature:  It originated in and was nurtured by the family or tribe.  It was oral in its earliest forms.
  • 9. Types of Wisdom Teachings Practical Wisdom: 1) Proverbs – short, easily remembered saying with one main point. 2) Fable – Story with a moral giving human qualities to animals or plants. 3) Short poetic discourses – longer proverbs with one main point.
  • 11. The Book of Suffering
  • 13. Objectives of this Study  To demonstrate that God is worthy of love apart from the blessings he provides.  To explain that God may allow suffering as a means to purify and strengthen a person in godliness.  To explore the justice of God who treats the righteous with suffering.
  • 14.
  • 15. JOB Theme: Blessings through suffering Date Written: 2000 – 1800 B.C. Author: Unknown ... Setting: Land of Uz
  • 17. Job - Introduction  The book of Job is considered by many Bible scholars to be the oldest book in the Bible. Job probably lived during the same time period as Abraham. Like Abraham, Job is a wealthy and upright man who fears God.  The Book begins with a heavenly debate between God and Satan, moves through three cycles of earthly debates between Job and his friends, and concludes with a dramatic “divine diagnosis” of Job’s problem.
  • 18. If God is good and if God is all-powerful, then why does evil exist?
  • 19. Job • Job is a classic examination of the problems of evil and human suffering. (1:8-12; 38:1 – 39:30; 42:1-6) • The book of Job examines the question: “Can God be trusted?” • Job’s friends address him from the orthodox view of traditional wisdom which provides no comfort. • Job comes to understand that wisdom is ultimately found in God alone, and human wisdom cannot on its own fathom the ways of God.
  • 20. Chapter 1-2 Chapters 3-31 Chapters 32-37 Chapters 38-41 Chapter 42 Historical Prologue: Job’s test Job’s three friends Elihu’s speeches God speaks Historical Epilogue: Job’s restorationDialogue & Discourse Overview of the book of Job
  • 21. Characters  Job  Mrs. Job  God  Satan  Three Friends  Eliphaz  Bildad  Zophar  Elihu Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar Job’s wife
  • 22. Job And The Problem of Suffering Why do the righteous suffer?
  • 23. Introduction • Often, we wonder why a loving God would allow suffering to exist in the world • Further, we ask, why do the righteous suffer? • In the book of Job, we have an example of a righteous man who suffered greatly
  • 24. • Why does God allow Job to suffer? • What can we learn from Job that will encourage us today while suffering? • Many so-called Christians teach that God has promised Christians would be healthy and rich • If we are not healthy and rich, then we lack faith • Account of job denies such claims
  • 25. Disaster! • Sabeans attacked and took oxen and donkeys (1:13-15) • Fire from heaven burned up sheep and servants (1:16) • Chaldeans took camels (1:17) • Wind caused house to collapse on sons and daughters (1:18-19)
  • 26. The Dilemma of Job (1:1-2:13)  Job is not a logical candidate for disaster (see 1:1, 8). His moral integrity and his selfless service to God heighten the dilemma. Behind the scene, Satan ("accuser") charges that no one loves God from pure motives, but only for material blessings (1:10). To refute Satan's accusations, God allows him to strike Job with two series of assaults. In his sorrow Job laments the day of his birth but does not deny God (1:21; 2:10).
  • 27. The problem for Job His friends’ wrong views Job’s understanding The Lord answers Job The Lord restores Job Job And The Problem of Suffering
  • 28. Theme(verdict):  The reasons for suffering in a believers life are not necessarily related to human explanations of personal unrighteousness, but are within the scope of God’s good and powerful providence resulting in the defeat of evil and glory to himself.
  • 29. A Blind Man Is Healed  Another Example Of An Afflicted Person In Scripture Was A Man Born Blind. John 9:1-3 “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life”.
  • 30. God’s Work Is Seen  Some Thought This Man’s Blindness Was Punishment For Sins Committed.  Jesus Said The Blindness Happened So That God’s Work Could Be Seen.  This Man Suffered The Affliction Of Blindness From Birth So God’s Power Could Be Demonstrated When Jesus Healed Him.  We, Too, Might Face Suffering So That God May Be Glorified In The End.
  • 31. A Study of Positions What is a position? A position is a theological or philosophical stand regarding an issue. Who had positions in the book of Job? Satan, Mrs. Job, Job’s friend, Job, Elihu, and God.
  • 32. Satan’s Position “Does Job fear God for nothing?” 1:9 “Skin for skin, a man will give up all he has for his own life”2:4
  • 33. “Are you still holding on to your integrity, curse God and die” Chap 2: 9 Mrs. Job’s Position Wife’s Position
  • 34. Position of Job’s Friends In three cycles of speeches they rebuke Job: 1) Cycle 1 of Speeches and Job's Response- God Punishes the Wicked and Blesses the Good: 4:1-- 14:22 2) Cycle 2 of Speeches and Job's Response- - The Wicked Suffer and Perish because They Are against God: 15:1--21:34 3) Cycle 3 of Speeches and Job's Response— Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
  • 35. Eliphaz versus Job  Eliphaz 1: Eliphaz accused Job of being inconsistent since suffering results from sin and no one is pure before God; thus he urged Job to ask God to help him and affirmed that God would deliver him after He had disciplined him 4:1--5:27  Eliphaz 2: Eliphaz affirms that Job's words are meaningless, that he is guilty, and that he is like the wicked because he is in distress 15:1-35  Eliphaz 3: Proclaiming God's disinterest in Job for his social deviations and spiritual defiance, Eliphaz urges him to repent for God is great 22:1-20  Job: Job responded by affirming that his suffering was causing his rash desire to die, Eliphaz's response has disappointed him, and by asking for forgiveness if he has sinned 6:1--7:21  Job: Job responds rebuking his friends for being no help, desiring to plead his case with God, and affirming is situation of despair 16:1-- 17:16  Job: Job longs to plead his case before God 23:1--24:25
  • 36. Bildad versus Job  Bildad 1: Bildad affirmed that history has confirmed that if Job is righteous God will restore him, unlike the ungodly who perish 8:1-22  Bildad 2: Bildad rebukes Job for his arrogant words about them, and affirms that the wicked, like he, are weakened, ensnared, diseased, insecure, forgotten, hated, and alone 18:1-21  Bildad 3: Bildad affirmed that because God is great and man is small and impure there was no hope for Job to be just and clean 25:1-6  Job: Job responds by affirming God's wisdom and power, asking why He is against him, and requesting to die 9:1--10:22  Job: Job rebukes his friends for tormenting and insulting him, affirms that God has wronged him, urges his friends to have pity on him, and affirms that God will prove his innocence after his death and judge his friends 19:1-29  Job: Job affirms that his friends are not help to him since he knows that God is great and powerful over nature 26:1-14
  • 37. Zophar versus Job  Zophar 1: Zophar rebukes Job by affirming that God should show him true wisdom and by affirming that if he would turn to God, he would be blessed 11:1-20  Zophar 2: Zophar accuses Job of insulting him and reminds him that the wicked may be blessed, but they will then loose their riches 20:1-29  Job: Job responds by criticizing Zophar for not telling him anything new, not helping him, and not representing God well, whereupon, he again asks God to let him die 12:1-- 14:22  Job: Job retorts that his impatience is excusable and reminds Zophar that the wicked prosper and live (unlike he) 21:1-34
  • 38. Job’s Final Remarks  Job affirms that although man is skillful in mining, wisdom is harder to find for it is God who knows where wisdom is 28:1-28  Job wishes that he was in his former days of spiritual blessing, material prosperity and social prestige which occurred because he helped the needy, exercised justice and counseled others 29:1-25  Job proclaims his misery as he is mocked by poor young men and vagabonds, and his humiliation as he is in pain and nobody helps him 30:1-31.  Job's Ultimate Challenge--An Oath of Innocence which 'Legally' Calls God to Answer" 31:1-40 Job & Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
  • 39. Elihu’s Position i. Four Speeches by Elihu: 32:1--37:24 ii. Introduction of Elihu: 32:1-5 iii. Elihu's First Speech- God Instructs people through Affliction: 32:6--33:33 iv. Elihu's Second Speech to the Three Friends and Job—God is Just and Prudence is Vindicated: 34:1-37 v. Elihu's Third Speech to Job—There are Advantages to Piety: 35:1-16 vi. Elihu's Fourth Speech to Job (and Friends)– God is Great and Job is Ignorant: 36:1-- 37:24
  • 40. God’s Position God interviews Job in two speeches: 1. First Interview with Yahweh-- Job is Limited in Knowledge: 38:1--40:5 1) Yahweh Challenged Job: 38:1-3 2) Yahweh Questioned Job Regarding Two Areas of Creation: the physical and animal world. Here God asks Job to listen. 2. Second Interview with God –Job is Limited in Power: 40:6--42:6 1) Yahweh Challenged Job to Listen: 40:6-14 2) Yahweh questioned Job Regarding Two animals of Creation: the Behemoth and the Leviathan “Brace yourself like a man, I will question you and you shall answer….” 38:9
  • 41. Job’s Reply  Job Replied with Repentance: 42:1-6  “…Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. 4 "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' 5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6 Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."
  • 42. God’s Response  Once Job has seen God, admitted God’s charges, worshiped Him, the test is over.  God then praises Job, humbles his friends.  Job’s other “friends” come back.  God gives Job double what he lost. Two times the wealth Same number more children  God is no cheapskate. Though we serve Him for nothing … … He will not send us away empty-handed. But the full reward cannot come till the test is over.
  • 43. Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”. God Wants Us To See Our Suffering As Small Compared To How Wonderful Heaven Will Be.
  • 44.
  • 45. Lessons from Job • Tragedy can serve as a wake-up call • God has not remained distant from us in our pain
  • 48. Psalms A collection of 150 poems containing many emotions, including: love and adoration toward God, sorrow over sin, dependence on God in desperate circumstances, the battle of fear and trust, walking with God even when the way seems dark, thankfulness for God’s care, devotion to the word of God, and confidence in the eventual triumph of God’s purposes for the world.
  • 49. Psalms • Psalms is the hymnbook of God’s people. • Many of the Psalms address the feelings, understandings, and struggles of God’s people.
  • 50.  Meaning of Book of Psalms (‫:)תהילים‬  Hebrew – Book of Hymns, Book of Praises  Greek – Poems sung to the accompaniment of musical instruments; songs 5/8/2020
  • 51. Who wrote it?  David wrote 75 Psalms  Other authors include Asaph, the sons of Korah, Solomon, Moses, Heman, and Ethan.  Fifty of the Psalms are anonymous. 5/8/2020
  • 52. Authorship of Psalms •David (73) •Moses (1; Ps. 90) •Solomon (2; Ps. 72, 127) •Asaph (12; Ps. 50, 73-83) •Korah sons (10; Ps. 42, 44-45, 47-49, 84-85, 87-88) •Heman (1; Ps. 88) •Ethan (1; Ps. 89)
  • 53.  Date of writing:  The book of Psalms was compiled over time beginning as early as the 1400’s B.C., and was most probably completed during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah in 450-425 B.C. 5/8/2020
  • 54.  Key Term: Hallelujah  The Psalms became Israel’s hymnal. Not all psalms were hymns (songs honoring or about God), but praise to God was their dominant theme. 5/8/2020
  • 55. Studying the Book of Psalms Structure of the Psalter Book I: Psalms 1-41 Book II: Psalms 42-72 Book III: Psalms 73-89 Book IV: Psalms 90-106 Book V: Psalms 107-150 Each ends with a doxology Entire book climaxes in 150
  • 56.  General Outline:  The five books of Psalms correspond to the five books of Moses (the Pentateuch), each section ending with a doxology.  Book 1 – Psalms 1-41 (41 Psalms)  Genesis – Man and Creation  Book 2 – Psalms 42-72 (31 Psalms)  Exodus – Deliverance and Redemption  Book 3 – Psalms 73-89 (17 Psalms)  Leviticus – Worship and Sanctuary  Book 4 – Psalms 90-106 (17 Psalms)  Numbers – Wilderness and Wandering  Book 5 – Psalms 107-150 (44 Psalms)  Deuteronomy – Scripture and Praise 5/8/2020
  • 57. Types of Psalms •Thanksgiving (Ps. 36, Jonah 2) •Wisdom (Ps 1, 73) •Royal (Ps 2, 110) •Imprecatory (Ps 35, 69, 137) •Lament (Ps 3, 4, 6) •Messianic (Ps 8, 22)
  • 58.  Summary in one sentence:  God, the true and glorious King, is worthy of all praise, thanksgiving, and confidence, whatever the occasion in personal or community life. 5/8/2020
  • 59. Verse to Remember “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6) 5/8/2020
  • 60.  Interesting Facts:  The shortest Psalm is Psalm 117 with just two verses. It is also the midpoint of the bible with 594 chapter before it and 594 after.  Psalm 119 is both the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses.  Its 176 verses are divided into 22 stanzas, one for each of the 22 characters that make up the Hebrew alphabet.  Each stanza contains 8 verses. 5/8/2020
  • 61.  Home Study  Read a psalm daily in Psalms this week.  Study the One Sentence Summary.  Recite your memory verses daily. 5/8/2020
  • 63. Proverbs • This book seeks to describe true wisdom and helps God’s people to put it into practice. • The source of this wisdom is the “fear of the Lord.” • This wisdom is very practical and is designed to develop proper attitudes and godly behavior (1:7, 2:6-8, 3:1-6).
  • 64. Proverbs in brief Author(s) Chapter 1-24 Solomon (See 1:1, 10:1) Chapter 25-29 Probably also written by Solomon, collected by the “men of Hezekiah” (715-686 B.C.) Chapter 30 Agur Chapter 31 King Lemuel
  • 65. Ecclesiastes in brief Author Solomon? •1:1 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem Problems with Solomon as Author •Book never names Solomon •Author describes oppression in the Kingdom (3:16; 4:1-3; 5:8-9). Solomon would have used his influence to implement justice. •Hebrew is of much later date that 930 B.C.
  • 66. Ecclesiastes • Ecclesiastes is concerned with imparting wisdom and knowledge to the people of God (12:9–11) and teaching them to fear the Lord. • The book offers a philosophical discussion of the emptiness of life without God and how to find fulfillment in life. (1:2-3, 1: 12-18, 12:13- 14) • The theme of Ecclesiastes is the necessity of fearing God in a fallen, and therefore frequently confusing and frustrating, world.
  • 68. Song of Songs • This book contains marvelous poetry expressing romantic love between a young man (a shepherd, 1:7) and a young woman (a shepherdess, 1:8) in ancient Israel.
  • 69. 1. Literal interpretation - a celebration of sexual intimacy in marriage Guards against prudishness (sexless love) and promiscuity (loveless sex) 2. Spiritual interpretations – allegory or a reflection of the love between The Lord/Israel; Christ/Church; Jesus/Individual Believer Ways to Interpret Song of Songs