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Topic: The naming of cats
Main idea: A cat must have three different names
Pattern: Listing
Main signal word: Three different (names)
Signal words: // Details:
First of all // there is the name that family use daily
But //a cat needs a name that’s particular
( not so obvious signal word) so it has an other helping
This kind //( second type of name which is particular)
But above and beyond/ there is still one name left over
• The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT
First of all, there's the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey--
All of them sensible everyday names.
There are fancier names if you think they sound
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter--
But all of them sensible everyday names.
But I tell you, a cat needs a name that's particular,
A name that's peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum-
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there's still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;
The name that no human research can discover--
But the cat hİmself knows, and will never confess.
When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his
His ineffable effable
Deep and inscrutable singular Name. 1
Topic: Definition of brainstorming.
Main idea: Brainstorming is a group
method for finding solutions.
Pattern: Extended definition.
Supporting facts and ideas:
Explanation or description:
What is brainstorming, what is
essential during brainstorming, How
long should a brainstorming activity
Main signal word and detail :
begining with a dictionary definition.
Signal words: is
Brainstorming is a group method for
finding solutions. Brainstorming allows
everyone involve to express their ideas
without being directly criticized and
encourages creative and innovative
During brainstorming it is crucial to
create and maintain an enviroment of
encouragement rather than
discouragement or blame.
Brainstorming is an excellent team
building activity and when performed
correctly it allows all parties to be
involved in the decision making process
and walk away if they are disrespected
and valueless to the contribution.
A typical brainstoming session should
not last long unless the issue is
esspecially complex or there are many
persons or factors to be taken into
“The best solution can usually be found in the best definition of the
problem” – Chip Kidd
Topic: speed bumps
Main idea: Speed bumps followed by
signs solved the problem of cars’
ignoring to slow down.
Pattern: Problem Solution
Main signal words:
obvious signal words: Problem, solution
indirect signal phrases: what is going to
make them slow down?( means solution)
Supporting facts and ideas:
Problem: people are driving too fast in
suburbian areas where there are a lot of
Solution: graphical design signs warning
the driver about the speed bump ahead.
The speed bump and the history of it which
was in the mid 1950s and people were driving
too fast in the suburbian area and he wanted to
slow them down.
Problem is; people are driving too fast in an
area where you have a lot of pedestrians. So
why is that a problem? It’s because people can
get hit so you just want the cars to slow down.
What is going to make them slow down?
We will put a sign.
What if they ignore the sign?
What is going to make them slow down, that
they can’t ignore even if they want to?
A bump in the road. Again then I have to back
track and say this is a briliant solution. It is not
necessarily graphic design solution.
The graphic design solution is “SLOW, BUMP
AHEAD”. But if you don’t pay attention to that
then look, the bump. There you go.
Bruce Thuckman’s theoretical model
Topic: Four stages of Bruce Thuckman’s
theoretical model.
Main idea: The four stages of Thuckman’s
theoretical model can be applied to conflict
Pattern : Sequential
Main signal word: it involves four stages
Signal words // details
First stage // Forming involves stages of conflict
Second stage // storming, is where the most of
the group conflict will happen
The third stage // norming is where
brainstorming and compromise first takes place.
The final stage // Performing, also helps the
stages of brainstorming and decision making
In 1965 Bruce Thuckman developed a theoretical model which
can be applied to conflict management. It involves four
stages. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.
The first stage forming involves stages of conflict we have
already discussed in previous models (?). In forming group
members meet and discuss the relevant issues and the
members determine what their resources and limitations
are.During the stage, the level of productivity may be very low.
The second stage , Stormig is where the most of the group
conflict will hapen. During this stage, personal and goal related
issues are present and while the goal and motivations are
being discovered, the group may come at a conflict over what
the true goal of the group should be.During the stage , all
group members should be encouraged to participate so that
noone feels their opinions are unneeded or unwanted.
Norming, the third stage is where brainstorming and
compromise first take place. Group members will begin to
establish thei places in the group and hopefully in this stage ,
trust will begin to develop between the group
members.Openness and information exchange should increase
as group members become more comfortable sharing their
opinions and ideas. During this stage common characteristics
will become clear and compromise should be more eagerly
The final stage, performing, also helps the stage of (?)
brainstorming and decision making. During this stage the
group members will become more willing to compromise and
find an equitable decision as the members become more
comfortable with eachother. These stages are primarily
characterized by problem solving.
What is a Tsunami?
Topic: Tsunamies
Main idea : Tsunamy is a series of
fast waves triggered by an
underwater shock.
Pattern : Extended definiton
Main signal word and detail :
begining with a dictionary definition
Signal Words: is, were called, are
Supporting facts and ideas:
Explanation or description: What is
a tsunami, How and why tsunami
A tsunami is a series of fast moving waves triggered by
an underwater shock. Tsunamis are usually caused by
earthquakes or volcanic activity, but landslides or
underwater explosions can also be the cause.
Tsunamis were once called tidal waves, but this name
isn’t very accurate because tsunamis aren’t related to
earth’s normal tides. Instead, tsunamis form when
water is somehow displaced by force. Let’s look at an
Shifting lava beneath the earth’s crust can cause the
ocean floor to bulge, and then suddenly flatten. As
this occurs, energy is released into the water, creating
a series of waves. In deep water, the waves have a
small height, or amplitude, a very long length, and
move at an extremely high rate of speed – up to 500
miles per hour. Because these waves are usually less
than a foot high, tsunamis are barely noticeable at this
Tsunamis gain their power when they get close to
shore. As the water gets shallower, the rapidly moving
waves are forced to suddenly slow down, and the
energy that has been carrying the tsunami causes the
wave to increase in amplitude.
Six Principles of the U.S Constitution
Topic: the six principles of U.S Constitution
Main İdea: The U.S Constitution is built around
six basic principles.
Pattern: Listing
Main Signal word/ phrase: Six basic principles
Signal words // Details
The first principle / is popular sovereignity
The next principle // is limited government
the principle // this is the principle of
seperation of powers
( when there is no obvious signal words, the
repeated words of main idea and main signal
word can help such as principle)
This is the principle of// checks and balances
This process // is known as judicial review
( Paraphrasing may be used to name the same
The sixth and the last principle// is Federalism
The United States Constitution is the backbone of our
government and it is built around six basic principles. The first
words of the const. Are “ we, the people”. These words describe
the first principle “popular sovereignity”; this means the
government’s power is given by to it by the people.
The next principle is limited government. Similar to popular
sovereignity , limited government means that no government is
all powerful and it may only perform duties that the people have
given it to do, in other words, no one and no government is above
the law. Another word for this is constitutionalism.
The U. S government is divided into three branches. Legislative,
Executive and judicial. This is the principle of seperation of
powers. Each branch has its own function and these functions are
reserved for that branch alone. In essence, legislative branch
writes the law, the executive branch enforces the law and the
judicial branch interprets the law. Each of these branches can be
checked by one another to be sure that no branch becomes too
powerful. This is the principle of checks and balances. For ex; the
president or chief executive may reject or veto any bill written by
the legislative branch. Likewise the judcial branch can determine a
law passed by any legislative and the executive as
unconsitutional. This process is known as Judicial review.
The sixth and the last principle is Federalism. Federalism means
that the power is divided between the central gov and the state
governments. All power that is not granted to central or federal
governments is left to the states.
What Happens when you quit smoking?
Topic: Consequences of quitting smoking
Main Idea: Your body begins a series of changes after you
quit smoking.
Pattern: Sequential
Main signal word: begins
Signal words // Details
within 20 minutes after quitting// heart rate drops
within 12 hours after quitting// carbon monoxide level
drops to normal
within 2 weeks to 3 months// your heart attack risk
begins to drop
Within 1 to 9 months// your coughing decreases
within 1 year after quitting// your added risk of CHD is
half that of a nonsmoker
Within 5 years// your stroke risk is reduced to that of a
non smoker
Within 10 years// your lung cancer death rate is half that
of a smoker’s
Within 15 years // Your risk of CHD is back to that of a
No surprise that veryone who has ever given up
cigarettes has asked themselves the question
what happens when I quit smoking. Now the
truth is, instead of focusing on th negative
implications of givinp cigarettes you need to
focus on the immediate positive effects that you
are going to experince. Within 20 minutes after
you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins
a series of changes that willcontinue for years.
And that is what we are oing to cover today.
Within 20 Minutes After Quitting cigarettes
Your heart rate drops.Within 12 hours After
Quitting ,carbon monoxide level in your blood
drops to normal.Within 2 Weeks to 3 Months
After QuittingYour heart attack risk begins to
drop.Your lung function begins to
improve.Within 1 to 9 Months After Quitting
Your coughing and shortness of breath
decrease.Within; 1 Year After Quitting Your
added risk of coronary heart disease is half that
of a smoker’s.Within 5 Years After Quitting your
stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s 5-
15 years after quitting.Within 10 Years After
Quitting your lung cancer death rate is about
half that of a smoker’s.Your risk of cancers of the
mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and
pancreas decreases.Within 15 Years After
Quitting your risk of coronary heart disease is
back to that of a nonsmoker’s.
Five stages of conflict
Topic: five stages of conflict
Main idea : the conflict management model
that will be worked around includes five
stages of conflict
Pattern: Sequential
Main signal words: five stages of conflict
Signal words // details
In the first stage // the latern stage people
are not aware of the conflict
The perceived stage is when //the people are
fully aware of the conflict
During the Felt stage // stress and anxiety are
felt by participants
Manifest stage during which// the conflict
can be observed.
The final stage Aftermath stage takes place//
when there is some outcome of the conflict
such as resolution.
We will be working around a model that includes five
stages of conflict. In the first stage, the "Latent
Stage," the people who are in conflict are not yet
aware that a conflict may exist. For example a project
may have been turned in late to a client, but the
manager is not aware of it yet so the participants are
not aware there is a conflict brewing. The "Perceived
Stage" is when the people involved in a conflict
become fully aware that there is a conflict, such as
when the manager discovers that the project has
been delivered late and goes to speak to the
employee about it. During the "Felt Stage" stress
and anxiety are felt by one or more of the
participants due to the conflict, and this leads to the
"Manifest Stage," during which the conflict can be
observed. The Manifest Stage can take a number of
shapes including: e-mails, phone calls, phone
messages, face-to-face meetings, or any situation in
which the conflict could be observed. The final stage
is the "Aftermath Stage," which takes place when
there is some outcome of the conflict, such as a
resolution to, or dissolution of, the problem.
Smoking and its effects on health
Topic: Effects of smoking on health
Main idea: Smoking harms nearly every
organ in the body and reduces your
health and causes many diseases.
Pattern : Cause and Effect
One cause and multiple effects
Main signal word: causes
signal words: causes, effects
Cause: smoking
Effects: diseases, cancers, infection,
hairloss, cataracts and osteoporosis.
Smoking causes sickness and disability
and it kills. There are more than 4000
chemicals in tobacco smoke 60 of which
are known to cause cancer. Smoking
harms nearly every organ in the body,
reduces your health and causes many
diseases. It causes oral and lung cancer
and increases the risk of dangerous
Smokers have more of a chance of
having a heart attack and are twice as
likely to have stroke.
Smoking can even accelerate hair loss.
Smoking also effects the eyes and
smokers are more likely to develop
cataracts as they age and it raises the
risk of developing weakened bone or
The B.C government tore up its contract with teachers
Topic: Overcrowded classrooms with kids of
special needs educated by teachers
inadequate in quantity in BC
Main Idea: A new agreement can solve the
educational problem in BC caused by the BC
Main sinal words: Problem, solution
(We may also say that there is a second
pattern of cause and effect with the signal
word “SO” as the result/effect of the first
paragraph which is the cause of today’s
Problem : BC government’s tearing up the
contract with teachers illegally
Solution: A new fair and respected ,investive
Here is the problem. The B.C
government eliminated class size
limits and support for the kids with
special needs when it illegally tore
up its contract with teachers.
So today in BC we have 12000 over
crowded classrooms and 700 fewer
special needs teachers. Our kids are
losing out and our teachers are
paying a price.
Here is the solution; a new
agreement that is fair and respected
that invests in classrooms, teachers
and kids again.
That is why teachers are taking
A message from BC teachers.
There are more old people in the world today
Topic: increase in the number of old people
Main dea: there are more old people in the
world today because of the increase in
medical services.
Pattern: cause and effect
Main signal word: Because
Signal words: As a result, causes, because of
this, As a result
Cause : increase in medical services
Effect: increase in the numbr of old people
living in the world today
There are more old people in the
world today because of an increase
in medical services. Today, more
people can get medical services from
doctors and nurses in hospitals and
clinics. As a result, fewer people get
fatal disease such as yellow fever,
malaria, cholera, and typhoid. This
decrease in fatal diseases causes a
decrease in the number of people
who die from these diseases.
Because of this decrease in number
of deaths, people can live longer
today. As a result, there has been an
increase in the number of old people
living in the world today.
Earth differs from Venus and Mars
Topic: earth comparison with venus and
Main idea: earth differs from Venus and
Pattern: Comparison/ Contrast
Differences only
Main signal word: differs from
Signal Words // Details
while // almost entirely carbondioxide
while very little
major// almost nonexistent
In contrast // %70 water in contrast dry
Earth differs greatly from its two closest
neighboring planets, Venus and Mars.
The Venusian and Martian atmospheres
are composed almost entirely of carbon
dioxide, while Earth’s atmosphere
contains very little. The dominant
material in our atmosphere is nitrogen
(77 percent). The other major
component of Earth’s atmosphere is
oxygen (21 percent), a gas that is almost
nonexistent on Venus and Mars. Our
planet has an abundance’ of water,
which covers about 70 percent of Earth’s
surface and supports life on our planet.
In contrast, Venus and Mars are
extremely dry planets and incapable of
supporting life.
Gerald Ford and Harry Truman
Topic: Ford and Truman
Main idea: Gerald Ford has many
resemblances to Harry Truman
Pattern: Comparison Contrast
Similarities Only
Main signal word: resemblance
Signal words // Details
Like // Ford Truman had been a president
by chance
Resembled /circumstances of Truman’s taking
over and Ford’s ascent
Like // Ford, Truman was not an intellectual
Both // Ford and Truman came to office at a
difficult time
When Gerald Ford, the thirty-eighth president
of the U.S., came to office, he was fond of
emphasizing his resemblance to one of his
famous predecessors, Harry S. Truman. Like
Ford, Truman had been a vice president who
became president only by chance. Truman
took over when Franklin Roosevelt died in
office, a circumstance that resembled Ford’s
own ascent to the presidency when Richard
Nixon resigned from office. Truman, like Ford,
was not an intellectual, and he tended to
exaggerate his lack of learning, insisting that
he was just a simple man with simple tastes.
Ford also like to emphasize that both he and
Truman came to office at a difficult time.
Truman led the nation during the final months
of World War II, and Ford entered office after
the nation had been faced with the Watergate
Political events in Poland between 1918 and 1945
Topic : political events in Poland between 1918
and 1945
Main idea: The years between 1918 and 1945
brought violence and upheaval to the newly
formed Polish nation
Pattern : sequential
Main signal word : brought upheaaval ( turn
round began)
Signal words // Details
In 1918 // poland was declared independent
After 1926 // the government became a
First // under Pilsudski
Later// under officers
In 1939 // Germany and Russia invaded Poland
During the war years that followed// Germans
murdered a half million Polish jews
The years between 1918 and 1945 brought
violence and upheaval to the newly formed
Polish nation. In 1918, Poland was declared
independent, and army officer Jozef
Pilsudski took control of the government.
After 1926, the government became a
dictatorship, first under Pilsudski and later,
after his death in 1935, under officers loyal
to him. The officers, however, did not rule
for long. In 1939, Germany and Russia
invaded Poland, and both powers divided
up the country. During the war years that
followed, the Germans murdered anywhere
from three to five and a half million Polish
Jews; they killed more than half of the
population of Warsaw, and the capital itself
was completely destroyed. Warsaw, once
one of the most beautiful capitals in
Europe, was reduced to rubble.
A Pill’s Journey
Topic : swallowed pill
Main idea: After being swallowed a pill goes
through a few processes.
Pattern : Sequential
Main signal word: happens
Signal words // details
After // being swallowed it travels down the
Once// the pil reaches to stomach, it gets
Then // it is absorbed in to blood vessel
Once// the medication enters the blood
stream, it circulates.
When you swallow a pill, what happens
to it?
After being swallowed, a pill travels
down the esophagus which connects the
mouth to the stomach.
Once the pill reaches the stomach,
stomach acid dissolves it. The dissolved
medication passes from the stomach
into the small intestine.
It’s then absorbed into the blood vessel
surrounding the small intestine.
Once the medication enters th blood
stream, it circulates and is carried to all
organs of the body to help the healing

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Organizational patterns of audiotexts

  • 1. T.S ELIOT “THE NAMING OF CATS” Topic: The naming of cats Main idea: A cat must have three different names Pattern: Listing Main signal word: Three different (names) Signal words: // Details: First of all // there is the name that family use daily But //a cat needs a name that’s particular ( not so obvious signal word) so it has an other helping detail This kind //( second type of name which is particular) But above and beyond/ there is still one name left over • The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter, It isn't just one of your holiday games; You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES. First of all, there's the name that the family use daily, Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James, Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey-- All of them sensible everyday names. There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter, Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames: Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter-- But all of them sensible everyday names. But I tell you, a cat needs a name that's particular, A name that's peculiar, and more dignified, Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular, Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride? Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum, Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat, Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum- Names that never belong to more than one cat. But above and beyond there's still one name left over, And that is the name that you never will guess; The name that no human research can discover-- But the cat hİmself knows, and will never confess. When you notice a cat in profound meditation, The reason, I tell you, is always the same: His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name: His ineffable effable Effanineffable Deep and inscrutable singular Name. 1
  • 2. WHAT IS BRAINSTORMING? Topic: Definition of brainstorming. Main idea: Brainstorming is a group method for finding solutions. Pattern: Extended definition. Supporting facts and ideas: Explanation or description: Explanation: What is brainstorming, what is essential during brainstorming, How long should a brainstorming activity last. Main signal word and detail : begining with a dictionary definition. Signal words: is Brainstorming is a group method for finding solutions. Brainstorming allows everyone involve to express their ideas without being directly criticized and encourages creative and innovative ideas. During brainstorming it is crucial to create and maintain an enviroment of encouragement rather than discouragement or blame. Brainstorming is an excellent team building activity and when performed correctly it allows all parties to be involved in the decision making process and walk away if they are disrespected and valueless to the contribution. A typical brainstoming session should not last long unless the issue is esspecially complex or there are many persons or factors to be taken into consideration. 2
  • 3. “The best solution can usually be found in the best definition of the problem” – Chip Kidd Topic: speed bumps Main idea: Speed bumps followed by signs solved the problem of cars’ ignoring to slow down. Pattern: Problem Solution Main signal words: obvious signal words: Problem, solution indirect signal phrases: what is going to make them slow down?( means solution) Supporting facts and ideas: Problem: people are driving too fast in suburbian areas where there are a lot of suburbians. Solution: graphical design signs warning the driver about the speed bump ahead. The speed bump and the history of it which was in the mid 1950s and people were driving too fast in the suburbian area and he wanted to slow them down. Problem is; people are driving too fast in an area where you have a lot of pedestrians. So why is that a problem? It’s because people can get hit so you just want the cars to slow down. What is going to make them slow down? We will put a sign. What if they ignore the sign? What is going to make them slow down, that they can’t ignore even if they want to? A bump in the road. Again then I have to back track and say this is a briliant solution. It is not necessarily graphic design solution. The graphic design solution is “SLOW, BUMP AHEAD”. But if you don’t pay attention to that then look, the bump. There you go. 3
  • 4. Bruce Thuckman’s theoretical model Topic: Four stages of Bruce Thuckman’s theoretical model. Main idea: The four stages of Thuckman’s theoretical model can be applied to conflict management. Pattern : Sequential Main signal word: it involves four stages Signal words // details First stage // Forming involves stages of conflict Second stage // storming, is where the most of the group conflict will happen The third stage // norming is where brainstorming and compromise first takes place. The final stage // Performing, also helps the stages of brainstorming and decision making In 1965 Bruce Thuckman developed a theoretical model which can be applied to conflict management. It involves four stages. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. The first stage forming involves stages of conflict we have already discussed in previous models (?). In forming group members meet and discuss the relevant issues and the members determine what their resources and limitations are.During the stage, the level of productivity may be very low. The second stage , Stormig is where the most of the group conflict will hapen. During this stage, personal and goal related issues are present and while the goal and motivations are being discovered, the group may come at a conflict over what the true goal of the group should be.During the stage , all group members should be encouraged to participate so that noone feels their opinions are unneeded or unwanted. Norming, the third stage is where brainstorming and compromise first take place. Group members will begin to establish thei places in the group and hopefully in this stage , trust will begin to develop between the group members.Openness and information exchange should increase as group members become more comfortable sharing their opinions and ideas. During this stage common characteristics will become clear and compromise should be more eagerly reached. The final stage, performing, also helps the stage of (?) brainstorming and decision making. During this stage the group members will become more willing to compromise and find an equitable decision as the members become more comfortable with eachother. These stages are primarily characterized by problem solving. 4
  • 5. What is a Tsunami? Topic: Tsunamies Main idea : Tsunamy is a series of fast waves triggered by an underwater shock. Pattern : Extended definiton Main signal word and detail : begining with a dictionary definition Signal Words: is, were called, are Supporting facts and ideas: Explanation or description: What is a tsunami, How and why tsunami occurs. A tsunami is a series of fast moving waves triggered by an underwater shock. Tsunamis are usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic activity, but landslides or underwater explosions can also be the cause. Tsunamis were once called tidal waves, but this name isn’t very accurate because tsunamis aren’t related to earth’s normal tides. Instead, tsunamis form when water is somehow displaced by force. Let’s look at an example. Shifting lava beneath the earth’s crust can cause the ocean floor to bulge, and then suddenly flatten. As this occurs, energy is released into the water, creating a series of waves. In deep water, the waves have a small height, or amplitude, a very long length, and move at an extremely high rate of speed – up to 500 miles per hour. Because these waves are usually less than a foot high, tsunamis are barely noticeable at this stage. Tsunamis gain their power when they get close to shore. As the water gets shallower, the rapidly moving waves are forced to suddenly slow down, and the energy that has been carrying the tsunami causes the wave to increase in amplitude. 5
  • 6. Six Principles of the U.S Constitution Topic: the six principles of U.S Constitution Main İdea: The U.S Constitution is built around six basic principles. Pattern: Listing Main Signal word/ phrase: Six basic principles Signal words // Details The first principle / is popular sovereignity The next principle // is limited government the principle // this is the principle of seperation of powers ( when there is no obvious signal words, the repeated words of main idea and main signal word can help such as principle) This is the principle of// checks and balances This process // is known as judicial review ( Paraphrasing may be used to name the same thing) The sixth and the last principle// is Federalism The United States Constitution is the backbone of our government and it is built around six basic principles. The first words of the const. Are “ we, the people”. These words describe the first principle “popular sovereignity”; this means the government’s power is given by to it by the people. The next principle is limited government. Similar to popular sovereignity , limited government means that no government is all powerful and it may only perform duties that the people have given it to do, in other words, no one and no government is above the law. Another word for this is constitutionalism. The U. S government is divided into three branches. Legislative, Executive and judicial. This is the principle of seperation of powers. Each branch has its own function and these functions are reserved for that branch alone. In essence, legislative branch writes the law, the executive branch enforces the law and the judicial branch interprets the law. Each of these branches can be checked by one another to be sure that no branch becomes too powerful. This is the principle of checks and balances. For ex; the president or chief executive may reject or veto any bill written by the legislative branch. Likewise the judcial branch can determine a law passed by any legislative and the executive as unconsitutional. This process is known as Judicial review. The sixth and the last principle is Federalism. Federalism means that the power is divided between the central gov and the state governments. All power that is not granted to central or federal governments is left to the states. 6
  • 7. What Happens when you quit smoking? Topic: Consequences of quitting smoking Main Idea: Your body begins a series of changes after you quit smoking. Pattern: Sequential Main signal word: begins Signal words // Details within 20 minutes after quitting// heart rate drops within 12 hours after quitting// carbon monoxide level drops to normal within 2 weeks to 3 months// your heart attack risk begins to drop Within 1 to 9 months// your coughing decreases within 1 year after quitting// your added risk of CHD is half that of a nonsmoker Within 5 years// your stroke risk is reduced to that of a non smoker Within 10 years// your lung cancer death rate is half that of a smoker’s Within 15 years // Your risk of CHD is back to that of a nonsmoker No surprise that veryone who has ever given up cigarettes has asked themselves the question what happens when I quit smoking. Now the truth is, instead of focusing on th negative implications of givinp cigarettes you need to focus on the immediate positive effects that you are going to experince. Within 20 minutes after you smoke that last cigarette, your body begins a series of changes that willcontinue for years. And that is what we are oing to cover today. Within 20 Minutes After Quitting cigarettes Your heart rate drops.Within 12 hours After Quitting ,carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.Within 2 Weeks to 3 Months After QuittingYour heart attack risk begins to drop.Your lung function begins to improve.Within 1 to 9 Months After Quitting Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease.Within; 1 Year After Quitting Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.Within 5 Years After Quitting your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s 5- 15 years after quitting.Within 10 Years After Quitting your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker’s.Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.Within 15 Years After Quitting your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker’s. 7
  • 8. Five stages of conflict Topic: five stages of conflict Main idea : the conflict management model that will be worked around includes five stages of conflict Pattern: Sequential Main signal words: five stages of conflict Signal words // details In the first stage // the latern stage people are not aware of the conflict The perceived stage is when //the people are fully aware of the conflict During the Felt stage // stress and anxiety are felt by participants Manifest stage during which// the conflict can be observed. The final stage Aftermath stage takes place// when there is some outcome of the conflict such as resolution. We will be working around a model that includes five stages of conflict. In the first stage, the "Latent Stage," the people who are in conflict are not yet aware that a conflict may exist. For example a project may have been turned in late to a client, but the manager is not aware of it yet so the participants are not aware there is a conflict brewing. The "Perceived Stage" is when the people involved in a conflict become fully aware that there is a conflict, such as when the manager discovers that the project has been delivered late and goes to speak to the employee about it. During the "Felt Stage" stress and anxiety are felt by one or more of the participants due to the conflict, and this leads to the "Manifest Stage," during which the conflict can be observed. The Manifest Stage can take a number of shapes including: e-mails, phone calls, phone messages, face-to-face meetings, or any situation in which the conflict could be observed. The final stage is the "Aftermath Stage," which takes place when there is some outcome of the conflict, such as a resolution to, or dissolution of, the problem. 8
  • 9. Smoking and its effects on health Topic: Effects of smoking on health Main idea: Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body and reduces your health and causes many diseases. Pattern : Cause and Effect One cause and multiple effects Main signal word: causes signal words: causes, effects Cause: smoking Effects: diseases, cancers, infection, hairloss, cataracts and osteoporosis. Smoking causes sickness and disability and it kills. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke 60 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, reduces your health and causes many diseases. It causes oral and lung cancer and increases the risk of dangerous infections. Smokers have more of a chance of having a heart attack and are twice as likely to have stroke. Smoking can even accelerate hair loss. Smoking also effects the eyes and smokers are more likely to develop cataracts as they age and it raises the risk of developing weakened bone or osteoporosis. 9
  • 10. The B.C government tore up its contract with teachers Topic: Overcrowded classrooms with kids of special needs educated by teachers inadequate in quantity in BC Main Idea: A new agreement can solve the educational problem in BC caused by the BC government Main sinal words: Problem, solution (We may also say that there is a second pattern of cause and effect with the signal word “SO” as the result/effect of the first paragraph which is the cause of today’s situation) Problem : BC government’s tearing up the contract with teachers illegally Solution: A new fair and respected ,investive aggrement Here is the problem. The B.C government eliminated class size limits and support for the kids with special needs when it illegally tore up its contract with teachers. So today in BC we have 12000 over crowded classrooms and 700 fewer special needs teachers. Our kids are losing out and our teachers are paying a price. Here is the solution; a new agreement that is fair and respected that invests in classrooms, teachers and kids again. That is why teachers are taking action. A message from BC teachers. 10
  • 11. There are more old people in the world today Topic: increase in the number of old people Main dea: there are more old people in the world today because of the increase in medical services. Pattern: cause and effect Main signal word: Because Signal words: As a result, causes, because of this, As a result Cause : increase in medical services Effect: increase in the numbr of old people living in the world today There are more old people in the world today because of an increase in medical services. Today, more people can get medical services from doctors and nurses in hospitals and clinics. As a result, fewer people get fatal disease such as yellow fever, malaria, cholera, and typhoid. This decrease in fatal diseases causes a decrease in the number of people who die from these diseases. Because of this decrease in number of deaths, people can live longer today. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of old people living in the world today. 11
  • 12. Earth differs from Venus and Mars Topic: earth comparison with venus and mars Main idea: earth differs from Venus and Mars Pattern: Comparison/ Contrast Differences only Main signal word: differs from Signal Words // Details while // almost entirely carbondioxide while very little major// almost nonexistent In contrast // %70 water in contrast dry planets Earth differs greatly from its two closest neighboring planets, Venus and Mars. The Venusian and Martian atmospheres are composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide, while Earth’s atmosphere contains very little. The dominant material in our atmosphere is nitrogen (77 percent). The other major component of Earth’s atmosphere is oxygen (21 percent), a gas that is almost nonexistent on Venus and Mars. Our planet has an abundance’ of water, which covers about 70 percent of Earth’s surface and supports life on our planet. In contrast, Venus and Mars are extremely dry planets and incapable of supporting life. 12
  • 13. Gerald Ford and Harry Truman Topic: Ford and Truman Main idea: Gerald Ford has many resemblances to Harry Truman Pattern: Comparison Contrast Similarities Only Main signal word: resemblance Signal words // Details Like // Ford Truman had been a president by chance Resembled /circumstances of Truman’s taking over and Ford’s ascent Like // Ford, Truman was not an intellectual Both // Ford and Truman came to office at a difficult time When Gerald Ford, the thirty-eighth president of the U.S., came to office, he was fond of emphasizing his resemblance to one of his famous predecessors, Harry S. Truman. Like Ford, Truman had been a vice president who became president only by chance. Truman took over when Franklin Roosevelt died in office, a circumstance that resembled Ford’s own ascent to the presidency when Richard Nixon resigned from office. Truman, like Ford, was not an intellectual, and he tended to exaggerate his lack of learning, insisting that he was just a simple man with simple tastes. Ford also like to emphasize that both he and Truman came to office at a difficult time. Truman led the nation during the final months of World War II, and Ford entered office after the nation had been faced with the Watergate scandals. 13
  • 14. Political events in Poland between 1918 and 1945 Topic : political events in Poland between 1918 and 1945 Main idea: The years between 1918 and 1945 brought violence and upheaval to the newly formed Polish nation Pattern : sequential Main signal word : brought upheaaval ( turn round began) Signal words // Details In 1918 // poland was declared independent After 1926 // the government became a dictatorship First // under Pilsudski Later// under officers In 1939 // Germany and Russia invaded Poland During the war years that followed// Germans murdered a half million Polish jews The years between 1918 and 1945 brought violence and upheaval to the newly formed Polish nation. In 1918, Poland was declared independent, and army officer Jozef Pilsudski took control of the government. After 1926, the government became a dictatorship, first under Pilsudski and later, after his death in 1935, under officers loyal to him. The officers, however, did not rule for long. In 1939, Germany and Russia invaded Poland, and both powers divided up the country. During the war years that followed, the Germans murdered anywhere from three to five and a half million Polish Jews; they killed more than half of the population of Warsaw, and the capital itself was completely destroyed. Warsaw, once one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe, was reduced to rubble. 14
  • 15. A Pill’s Journey Topic : swallowed pill Main idea: After being swallowed a pill goes through a few processes. Pattern : Sequential Main signal word: happens Signal words // details After // being swallowed it travels down the esophagus. Once// the pil reaches to stomach, it gets dissolved Then // it is absorbed in to blood vessel Once// the medication enters the blood stream, it circulates. When you swallow a pill, what happens to it? After being swallowed, a pill travels down the esophagus which connects the mouth to the stomach. Once the pill reaches the stomach, stomach acid dissolves it. The dissolved medication passes from the stomach into the small intestine. It’s then absorbed into the blood vessel surrounding the small intestine. Once the medication enters th blood stream, it circulates and is carried to all organs of the body to help the healing process. 15