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Optimism In Night
Hope and optimism can be a very broad topic but that all depends on how you look at it. And by no
means are they the same thing. Optimism is being confident of the future or confident in the success
of something. Hope is a feeling that something desired might happen which is completely different
from actually believing something and having confidence in it. Some say optimism is a lifestyle
choice which is completely rational. Both of these topics are shown throughout all these following
pieces of literature and in the film. Hope and optimism are both positive things to live by but these
examples can show that maybe sometimes it can backfire on you.
In Night, hope and optimism are also revealed to be dangerous.It's hard for Elie Wiesel to be ...
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Many people chose their own lifestyle and live the way they want to live. Beasts of the Southern
Wild, deepens our thinking that perhaps optimism is critically linked to our ability to come to terms
with where we are. Everyone in the bathtub lives their for a reason and that reason is they do not
want to live with a tag on them wherever they are. When people see them living in the bathtub, they
think that they need help and are stranded there, but what they don't know is that out of the places
they could live, they chose there. This gives them freedom. They can live however they want with
no boundaries. Wink, who is Hushpuppy's father, is an interesting character to the film. He is a very
strong figure who wants no help with anything. Raising his daughter is all he cares about. Wink has
some disease and only cares about showing his six year old daughter how to live on her own. One
thing we hear wink say is " I got it under control" (Zeitlin). This is a very strong quote by him
refusing help. This deepens our knowledge for him as a character by showing us how strong he is as
a character and how much dignity he has. It shows us that he really wants to live his own life.
Examples in the film of that are when he is taken to the Open Arms hospital and finds his own way
out to escape back the the bathtub and again later in
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Roots Of Optimism
Before I begin, I would thank you for your time and patience to listen to my speech about "Where
Are My Roots Of Optimism."
Optimism is the key to overcome obstacles in life. Just ask the owner of Zara, Amancio Ortega.
Even if he dropped high school, he remained optimistic and went on to become the impossible,
Amancio Ortega has become one of the richest people ever, with a net worth of more than $70
billion. Amancio would be the people to tell you optimism is huge in getting through all that life is
throwing at you.
Their many ways optimism helps you overcome obstacles is it makes you believe that you can
accomplish anything. No matter how difficult the task may seem, optimism makes you believe you
can achieve it. Optimists believe that
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Optimism Critical Thinking
What the world gains from optimism. Hellen Keller wrote in her essay titled "Optimism, Part 3: The
Practice of Optimism", "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done
without hope and confidence." Positive thinking is the true meaning of hope in the world that can
lead to many great successes and can bring confidence. For example, as my softball season started
up last year I knew I was going to struggle especially knowing my team would be getting a new
coach. The year started with anxiety at a high but as the year continued, I continued to look on it
with optimism and eventually my skills and my ability to use optimism improved. Optimism helped
to give me confidence in myself and to succeed even though I had major doubts. ... Show more
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Optimism can definitely lead to obtaining set goals such as last semester when I decided to enter for
the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Scholarship (HOBY) Award during which I had to set certain
goals to succeed in the next step. Through the entire process, I used optimism to guide me through
my challenging goals which helped me to obtain the scholarship. Not only can optimism lead to
success in educational goals but in athletic goals as well. During any athletic game, in this case for
me softball, I found that using optimism to learn from errors can lead to accomplishing any goal
easier. Instead of rejecting the goal after a few mistakes, use optimism to learn from the mistakes for
the future. Using the mentality of optimism within a goal can lead to great success in accomplishing
any set goal whether it be educational or
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Optimism Critical Thinking Essay
The relationship of optimism with psychological well–being is a well–researched topic. Maintaining
an optimistic view on life has been shown to reduce depression. The literature on optimism also
provides information on ways to measure optimism and distinguishes between the different
theoretical constructs used to define optimism. Throughout this review, these topics, as well as other
important issues related to optimism will be discussed in great detail. It is hoped that by reading this
review, the reader will become appreciative of the powerful benefits of maintaining a positive
outlook on life. Optimism is defined as the belief that upcoming occurrences will have positive
results. Optimism has been connected to numerous facets of mental health in adults (Lai, 1995;
Schweizer, Beck–Seyffer, & Schneider, 1999). The study of optimism derives ... Show more content
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Those that will be covered in this overview consist of quality of life, coping styles, unhappiness, and
faith in a fair world. Prior investigation has established that a perceived quality of life is swayed by
an individual's level of optimism. Other aspects, such as coping styles and social connections have
been positively correlated with a high quality of life. This is a very subjective phrase and has been
demarcated in many ways. One meaning states that quality of life is centered on the personal
assessment of one's possessions and contentment with these possessions (Harju & Bolen, 1998).
Harju and Bolen (1998) investigated the influence of optimism on quality of life of university
undergraduates by evaluating three sets of optimists (low, moderate, and high) The subjects, 204
pupils carried out the following measures: the Life Orientation Test–Revised (LOT–R), the Brief
Cope, which assesses numerous coping methods, and a quality of life assessment created by the
scientists that was established on previous
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Optimism Research Papers
Chasing optimism in the face of challenges is a requirement that humans must conform to in order
to live a fulfilled life. Studies prove that optimists tend to be healthier through the hardships they
face no matter how severe. Even when in the face of challenges, being optimistic will lead you to be
more successful in every aspect. Not only will you be healthier, being optimistic leads to great
achievements in life. It also guides you to have better character. This essay will outline why you
must always chase optimism even in challenges' face. According to a study conducted by Rochester
University,"Optimism had a remarkable impact on physical health." In their study, they tested all
kinds of health problems from heart disease to pain ... Show more content on ...
Well, there are many ways,but it isn't easy. I like to think of it like a game of tag. You are "it" and
optimism is the one you're trying to "tag." However it isn't easy like a game of tag. Instead it is in
the face of challenges. This is just like if you're playing the game,but being watched very closely
and you can't mess up at all. It would be much harder to play tag when you're being watched just
like in any other circumstances. The challenges would be just like the "watcher," they are the reason
why it is that much harder to chase optimism just like winning in the game of tag. However, you
have to get past the barrier that is holding you back. Don't let the challenges ever overcome you in
life. If you always chase optimism in the face of challenges,a fulfilled life is guaranteed to
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Candide, The Idea Of Optimism
Comedy of ideas, a form a satire and also known as a form of high comedy, is a when two ideas of
thoughts are put directly against each other. Typically it involves characters arguing about ideas that
involve politics, social classes, and society as a whole. Characters use wit, mockery, and clever
language as a way to mimic and mock their challenger. In the case of Candide, the idea of optimism
(Pangloss' views) and pessimism (Martin) are pinned against each other. Optimism is an attitude in
which one remains hopeful and positive despite the negative circumstances. Pangloss' view of
optimism involves his belief that everything happens for a reason. Pangloss is stuck in this particular
state of mind through out the novel. He firmly believes that the death, mishaps and misfortunes of
others are the way the world is and God has a plan. Candide also starts out in this state of mind due
to the fact that Pangloss mentored him and shaped his way of thinking. However, unlike Pangloss,
Candide progresses in his way of thought. In this novel, Pangloss represents Voltaire's attack on
philosophical optimism and the non– progressive social consequences involved with optimism.
Voltaire depicts three lifestyles in Candide. Candide starts out by living in a "Paradise", a
representation of the Garden of Eden. Then there is a "Utopia" which is his time living in El Dorado,
a place where everyone is equal and competition is nonexistent. This is essentially the most perfect
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Learned Optimism: An Analysis
In the modern times, there are multiply pressures on the people working in organizations, especially
managers. In such a scenario, optimism may just prove to be the difference and help in building the
self sustaining capabilities amidst stress, problems and ambiguities. Optimism is a generalized
expectancy that good outcome as opposed to bed will generally occur when confronted with
problems across situations. Optimism is used to denote a positive predisposition and likelihood that
good things will happen irrespective of one's ability. Over time, researchers have emphasized that
optimism is a learning style or a cognitive skill that can be learned. Optimism is different than hope,
contended Snyder (1994) as it contains a proactive component ... Show more content on ...
Learned optimism is a term Seligman and his associates first used. It was the extension of
Seligman's original work on learned helplessness that was defined as a result of learning to be
unable to control events (Seligman and Maier, 1967). According to Seligman (1991), learned
helplessness is the giving up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that
whatever you do doesn't matter. Another relevant concept in this connection is explanatory style. It
is the manner is which one habitually explains to himself why events happen. An optimistic
explanatory style stops helplessness, whereas a pessimistic explanatory style spreads helplessness.
Seligman (1972) conducted an experiment with dogs and concluded that when exposed to
circumstances beyond their control, dogs will eventually give up trying to effect change. In this
experiment, despite the shocks, dogs were just lying there because they had learned that nothing
they did matter (as they were exposed to such circumstances earlier) and they therefore expected
that no action of theirs would matter in the future also. Once this expectation was learned, they
would no longer engage in action. This is the effect of learned
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Optimism as a Theme for Candide Essay
Optimism as a Theme for Candide
Just as on the title, Candide, or Optimism, Optimism is also used as a major theme. Voltaire's satire
of philosophical optimism is one of the major issues of Candide. Throughout the story, satirical
references to "the best of all possible worlds" contrast with natural catastrophes and human
wrongdoing. According to Wikipedia, "optimism, the opposite of pessimism, is a lifeview where the
world is looked upon the as a positive place. Optimists generally believe that people are inherently
good. These people are said to have a "positive" outlook on life, believing that given time, things
will work out in the end." Also according to Wikipedia, "In philosophy, optimism is linked with the
name of Gottfried ... Show more content on ...
"Private misfortunes make for public welfare," Pangloss concludes." This is true in a optimistic
society According to
"Pangloss and his student Candide maintain that "everything is for the best in this best of all
possible worlds." This idea is a reductively simplified version of the philosophies of a number of
Enlightenment thinkers, most notably Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. To these thinkers, the
existence of any evil in the world would have to be a sign that God is either not entirely good or not
all–powerful, and the idea of an imperfect God is nonsensical. These philosophers took for granted
that God exists, and concluded that since God must be perfect, the world he created must be perfect
also. According to these philosophers, people perceive imperfections in the world only because they
do not understand God's grand plan. Because Voltaire does not accept that a perfect God (or any
God) has to exist, he can afford to mock the idea that the world must be completely good, and he
heaps merciless satire on this idea throughout the novel. The optimists, Pangloss and Candide, suffer
and witness a wide variety of horrors—floggings, rapes, robberies, unjust executions, disease, an
earthquake, betrayals, and crushing ennui. These horrors do not serve any apparent greater good, but
point only to the cruelty and folly of humanity and the indifference of the natural world. Pangloss
struggles to find justification for the terrible things in the world, but his
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Proven Benefits Of Optimism
The Proven Benefits of Optimism
Being optimistic does not consist in seeing things in a blind and blissful manner but instead from
their most favorable angle. It is all the more in your interest to be optimistic since you will derive
many advantages for your body and soul.
See your glass half full
Launching a project or seeing a situation from its most favorable angle does not mean that you are
unaware of all the positive and negative directions this project or situation can lead you to. It simply
means that you have resolutely chosen to see a given situation from its most positive angle.
By merely seeing things in a positive light, you increase your motivation, your dynamism and your
chances of success.
As time goes by, you ... Show more content on ...
You will communicate more easily and you will find it more and more easy to convince people that
they should help you or support you as you implement your projects or face difficulties.
Repercussions on your health
There is another benefit to being optimistic: it leads to a better state of mind. It is proven that
optimistic people have a better state of mind than pessimistic people.
A more optimistic state of mind reinforces your immune system. It has been observed that
pessimistic people have poorer health due to their low morale.
Here are the other advantages of being optimistic: great joie–de–vivre, better social life, greater
stamina and increased life expectancy.
Optimism, a complete "sport"
For all these reasons, it is recommended that you be optimistic in a realistic manner. Do not refuse to
see the drawbacks of a specific situation. Instead, tackle it in a positive way.
In a way, optimism can be considered as a complete "sport" since it requires the total involvement of
your body and mind, which influence each other – generating common and mutual benefits.
So, take the plunge without hesitating and follow the path leading to optimism to succeed in life!
5 Positive thought of March: let's not be afraid. Let's take action!
It often happens that we do not dare
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Examples Of Optimism In The Book Unbroken
Imagine floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean. You are famished and dehydrated and on the
brink of death. Sores cover your sunburnt skin, and sharks surround the raft waiting for you to fall
in. But somehow you remain optimistic. You find happiness in the little things. Perhaps a rain storm
passed and you were able to drink and collect water. Maybe you caught a fish or a bird to eat. It's the
little things that are keeping you alive. This is how Louie and Phil were in Laura Hillenbrand's
Unbroken. They were both very optimistic about the situation. However, their friend Mac was very
pessimistic. He would not talk, ate all the chocolate rations, and was just trying to protect himself.
All of these men were able–bodied, fit, and received ... Show more content on ...
Louie and Phil used all of their strength to overcome the obstacles they went through, both
physically and mentally. Their physical strength was tested throughout their entire journey. Being
stranded on the ocean took the initial toll on Louie and Phil's bodies by diminishing them down to
67–87 and 80 pounds, respectively. Both of them had weighed around 150 pounds when they had
crashed. Louie's mental strength was tested as well. He started to have hallucinations of people
singing in the clouds, most likely due to dehydration. The two retained their strength though, by
focusing on their survival and trying to remain sane. Their optimism also had a great influence on
how strong they were. In Ruth Robertson's (2016) article "The Strength of Optimism" she states,
"There are many benefits to having a more optimistic mindset. Research tells us that it can lengthen
your life, determine how you overcome life's obstacles, build resilience and manage the risks of
developing depressive disorders and other mental health issues" (para. 3). Robertson is saying that
optimism can help you through the hard times that life throws at us. A positive mindset can
transform a life or death situation. Louie even retained a lot of physical strength while he was in the
prisoner of war camps. Near the end of his imprisonment he would have to carry literal tons back
and forth for hours. The Bird, one of the Japanese guards and Louie's worst
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The Pessimism Bias : The Optimism Bias
The optimism bias
Jazmin Arias
California State University, Fresno
____ Podcast ___X__ TED talk or video
Name of Podcast, TED talk, or video: The optimism bias
URL Link:
Topic Introduction
This Ted Talk is about optimism bias which is the tendency to think more positively about a person's
life than to think negatively. We have these high expectations that good things would happen than
bad ones. It is a positive bias towards an event before the event actually happens. The optimism bias
is a naturally occurring phenomenon that seems to become part of human nature because it is an
overall tendency to bring upon good things in life over a pessimistic bias (Sharot, 2011).
In this Ted Talk cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot shared with us the concept of optimism bias and
the research that she has been doing on the very topic. She spoke about it as being an illusion. Her
description of optimism bias is that we tend to think we will have more positive things happen in our
life than bad one. We overestimate the good and underestimate the bad. Optimism bias is something
that people throughout the world experience from young to old people. She gave marriage as an
example of this kind of bias and stated that forty percent of people that get married will get a
divorce but people who just got married will say that there it is unlikely they will end up divorcing.
Despite the facts people
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Essay on Optimism and Personality Trait
Optimism could be considered a condition of the mind that makes one believe that the best things
will always happen to them. A common idiom used to illustrate optimism versus pessimism is a
glass with water at the halfway point, where the optimist is said to see the glass as half full, but the
pessimist sees the glass as half empty. Optimists tend to see adversity as temporary; more
specifically they view the obstacle as limited to the situation and not generalized.
1) How does the personality trait develop in humans? Where does it appear to come from? (20 pts)
According to Alan Carr, author of Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human
Strengths, "the development of optimism may be determined by parental mental health, the ... Show
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Parents also reinforce optimism and perseverance by encouraging their children to deal with any
type of obstacle in a positive way. Life is full of hurdles but it's the way we deal with these
difficulties that shape our expectations of things.
2) What purpose or function does the trait appear to serve? (20 pts)
Optimism can be a powerful tool to motivate people to do things that we might have reservations
about. Humans have the intellectual power to look ahead and anticipate any likely outcomes. In our
everyday lives we take on numerous tasks a throughout our live whether it is studying for finals,
starting a new project at work or starting a new diet. An article by Annie Paul in Psychology Today
gave the example of how even an ordinary effort like going on a diet can benefit from dose of
optimism. A review of dieting studies show that more than two–thirds of dieters gain back more
weight than they initially thought. With such a grim outlook on dieting, optimism gives people the
much needed motivation to believe that their goal is achievable (Paul 2011). If you stopped and took
a minute to think about how much work you had to put in or how much of a risk you could be
taking, you might never even make the attempt. Optimism has such a commanding force that it has
the ability to convince you that things will work out just long enough to take the step forward and
make an effort to accomplish that task. For example, a student in medical school will put a
tremendous amount
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Corruption Of Optimism In Voltaire's 'Candide'
The humourous perspective upon philosophy and the general follies of life constructs Candide as a
novel to transcend Voltaire's society and remain relevant to current day. As it is for his satirization of
various ideology, specially optimism and pessimism, that makes Voltaire's purpose apparent to
present day. As there is no perfect philosophy in which to partake in life, especially each one with
their own benefits and downfalls. And that a mixture of these beliefs result in a better line of
thinking. Thus, the characters in Candide demonstrate each stereotypical philosophy by alluding to
their respecting philosopher to portray Voltaire's overall purpose.
Furthermore, Pangloss, as characterized by Voltaire for representing the affinity of optimism, ...
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And since he values himself above Leibniz and Rousseau, Voltaire alludes to himself as the form of
Cacambo and James the Anabaptist. These characters demonstrate rational lines of thinking for
asserting "wise" courses of actions, resonating their reputations as "being worthy fellows" for the
other characters within (Candide, 87). Rather than always see the best or worse within situations,
these realists, or Voltaire himself, sees the events as hand as rational beings. To the reader, these
approaches are appropriate as compared to the outrageousness of Pangloss's or Leibniz's everything
always being for the best and Martin's or Rousseau's perspective upon men were created by the
forces of evil. And it's by Voltaire's major stereotyping these philosophies can the reader make the
distinctive difference between the two and where their faults lie. His allusions within these
characters satirizes the unsound thought patterns within the philosophies, pointing to the
disadvantages to each side of the spectrum. While optimism saw everything as always being right
and pessimism seeing everything as always having a corrupted source, the realist ideal fits between
the two to persuade the reader as this approach is more sound than the other
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What Is Optimism Essay
As a human being living in this ruthless world, the perspective of how we see life plays great role in
the success and happiness of a person. Optimism is seeing positive aspects of life. I as an immigrant
I have had experienced the ups and downs of life to an extent where all I have to hold unto was hope
and faith. My motto in life is seeing the light in all the darkness that was surrounding me. That is
how I lived and will live. Being an optimist person has helped me to be more peaceful to myself and
more confident. Living as an immigrant in the US is really hard especially for a teenager who was
growing up in a totally different culture, experience, life, and people, custom not to mention the
language barriers that make it worse. Optimism
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Optimism And Pessimism In The Great Gatsby
I believe that the three texts that I have studied contained moments of optimism and pessimism
which in turn have shaped my opinion of the general vision and viewpoint. This alludes to the
feelings and emotions portrayed through the omniscient camera in "The King's Speech", the morally
inclined narrator Nick Caraway in "The Great Gatsby" and the protagonist in the novel "Foster". I
was very intrigued to find out more about these societies and the vision the author/director hoped to
"The Great Gatsby" opens in the boom years in the summer of 1922, commonly known as the "Jazz
Age". The opening is conveyed as a mix of optimism and pessimism. At first we are introduced to
Nick Caraway,
A young man in the "bond business" who is ebullient ... Show more content on ...
In T.K.S, Bertie faced a barbaric upbringing which he solemnly shared with Logue. This is evident
when he revealed how cruel his nanny was, tunelessly singing "She pinch me so I'd cry, and be sent
away at once, then she wouldn't feed me, far far away." (speaks) Took three years for my parents to
notice. As you can imagine, it caused some stomach problems." This left me feeling much more
sympathetic towards Bertie and further implemented my pessimistic opinion of the portrayal of
children in the past. This is also seen in T.G.G as Pammy, Daisy's daughter is only seen once during
the entire 1920's novel and we realise that she, like Bertie, had nannies who took care off her rather
than her parents. A sense of negativity is also conveyed towards children here as Gatsby ,when first
introduced to Pammy, was described as "looking at the child with surprise. I don't think he had ever
believed in its existence." she is described as an "it" and Gatsby then realises that he can't repeat the
past with Daisy and that his obsessive longing for her was a waste of time. I believe that this
pessimistic feeling was a factor in his volatility towards Tom in the Plaza. Similarly in "Foster",
Mildred like a predator, pounced on the innocent protagonist and questioned her about the Kinsella's
personal affairs such as "where does the old dog sleep, Is she allowed to spend....". Mildred then
inconsiderately informed the little girl of the Kinsella's boy's passing, stating " sure didn't he follow
that auld hound of theirs into the slurry tank and drown...... The soft–hearted fool." in a callous tone.
Personally I feel that each of the narrators set out to portray children's lives in a negative
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Optimism And Relationships
Optimism's relationship with well–being and satisfaction with life has been well studied, even
before positive psychology was seen as a major topic in psychology. Optimism is positively
correlated with life satisfaction (Szczesniak & Soares, 2011). A students degree of optimism is a
predictor of satisfaction with life and distress in college (Brissette, Scheier, & Carver, 2002; Yalcin,
2011). Newlyweds who were higher in optimism solved problems more constructively, had lower
decline in marital well–being in the first year of marriage, and were better able to handle
relationship trouble (Andersson, 2012a; Neff & Geers, 2013). A husbands optimism is associated
with marital satisfaction early on while a wife's optimism is associated with greater ... Show more
content on ...
There are differences and problems that still need to be clarified. For the sake of this article,
optimism and pessimism are shown as one dimension, with someone low in optimism being high in
pessimism. However, there are contradictory ideas about whether optimism and pessimism are
unidimensional or two dimensions. There is evidence to support the theory that they are
unidimensional with low optimism being the same as high pessimism and vise versa (Rauch,
Schweizer, & Moosebougger, 2007). However, there is evidence to support the theory that they are
two separate dimensions and people can be high or low in both optimism and pessimism (Herzberg,
Glaesmer, & Hoyer, 2006). Additionally, optimism studies are largely done on European Americans
so there is no clarification on the universality of the results. People from eastern cultures experience
more positive emotions when they are experiencing negative emotions so they might be more
optimistic than western
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Optimism : Optimism Over Pessimism
Optimism can be defined as "Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of
something" (, n.d.) or more specifically as "extent to which
people hold generalized favorable expectancies for their future" (Birkeland, Blix, & Heir, 2007). It's
a characteristic trait which is unique and observed in certain individuals. It's a form of mental state
in which, one believes that the outcome of some specific task or result, will be positive or good. A
widely used idiom for explaining optimism over pessimism, in a simplified manner is by illustrating
the example of a glass with water at the half point. In this specific scenario, an optimistic person is
said to observe the glass as half full because of ... Show more content on ...
The individual will mentally prepare themselves to tackle the pain and hardship, they are going
through. All these can only be accomplished by having an optimistic way of thinking. Worst case
scenario, in case of a terminal illness, during their last few days, rather than being depressed and
filled with regrets, a positive mindset can work wonders by making the individual realize that he
should cherish each and every second of his life and moment is precious and valuable.
Another perspective of being optimistic, is its importance and necessity in work space. It is almost a
near disaster to imagine a lack of optimistic attitude in an organizational set up. "The limited
research on optimism shows that it boosts the performance of employees in certain kind of jobs. If
research shows significant relationship between optimism levels and job productivity, the
management must consider measuring optimism during their selection process and hire employees
with high levels of optimism by filtering out the pessimistic ones" (Rana & Chadha, 2017).
Optimistic employees are a crucial component of any team or a work force. The productivity and
efficiency of an organization is also primarily affected by the character, behavior and attitude of the
employees. It is essential to ensure that a positive work space is maintained in an organization and
various activities and strategies must be adopted in order to promote an optimistic work force. This
further enhances the creativity of
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The Disillusionment Of Optimism In Candide, By Voltaire
In the novel Candide, Voltaire satirizes the disillusionment of optimism by depicting a multitude of
hardships seen around the world. Candide, the open–minded protagonist, has been exposed to
Pangloss's optimistic philosophy for the majority of his life. However, throughout the course of the
novel, it becomes increasingly difficult to see the positive side of all the catastrophe surrounding
him. It is only after he starts doubting this philosophy that Candide starts to become influenced by
the teachings of Martin. Although Candide resides in security at the conclusion, Voltaire draws on
the disastrous events seen throughout the novel and utilizes Martin's pessimistic point of view to
claim that human nature is incomplete without suffering. ... Show more content on
In a way, Martin acts as the embodiment of Voltaire's opinions, as the author constantly satirizes
optimism in the novel. For example, when Candide sees Vanderdendur's ship sink after stealing
Candide's money, he comments that "crime is sometimes punished" (Voltaire 93). This statement
itself inherently points to the loss of optimism within Candide, as he admits that some crime does go
unpunished. Furthermore, Martin draws truth the innate evil of the world by pointing out that "the
devil has drowned the rest" (94) of the ship's members. Even though the bad deed of the Dutch
captain had been punished, it came with the effect of killing a larger amount of innocent men.
Through this sequence of events, Voltaire thus states that a righteous event can only occur at the
expense of inflicting suffering upon others. The end of the novel places Pangloss and Martin
together on the farm in Constantinople, and it is in this tranquil setting that readers find the most
revealing truths of humanity. At this point, the pessimism of Martin has become such a large
influence that even Cacambo and the old woman draw similar conclusions about humanity. While
on the farm, Martin makes his final judgment and states that "the restlessness of anxiety or ... the
lethargy of boredom" (140) are the only choices man could make in life. Both of these choices
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Stereotypes Of Optimism
Optimism. What is it really? Many people misjudge what it really means to be optimistic. As
someone who likes to think of themselves as an optimistic person, I understand how you could be
stereotyped. Someone who is optimistic doesn't necessarily fall under the guidelines, stereotyped by
society. The first thing that comes to most people's minds when they think of someone being
optimistic might be, unrealistic, cheesy, or "sounds like a guidance counselor". But being optimistic
doesn't mean you are unrealistic, simply hopeful. I'm not talking Snow and Charming from Once
Upon a Time, it is not humanly possible to be that hopeful. Hopefulness comes with the territory
when one is optimistic. If you are thinking right now that hope ... Show more content on ...
Are you ready? Optimistic people have doubts about things too. "OH. MY. GOD." –Janice Litman
(FRIENDS). I know such a shock. But in all seriousness, just because someone is optimistic about
life does not mean they aren't human, I mean "Nobody's Perfect" (Hannah Montana). So, those of
you who think you can't classify yourselves as being optimistic because you have doubts, go ahead
and change your Facebook/Instagram statuses now. Just because you are not techniquly optimistic
all the time, doesn't mean you can't be optimistic. Some people use optimism for reassurance.
Though they may not be optimistic on the inside, in able to seem confident, they use it. Most of the
time those who are insecure don't appear it because they use optimism to cover it up. Take a bully
for example, they might appear tough on the outside, but they really are struggling deep within. Just
as many optimistic people are at first. The thing with this is, happy thoughts lead to a happy
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Examples Of Optimism And Courage
Using Optimism to Defeat Conflict
As philosopher Nicholas M. Butler states, "Optimism is the foundation of courage." Keeping this in
mind, "Dear Miss Breed", written by Joanne Oppenheim, tells the story of a young girl named
Louise who was interned, but had an optimistic outlook on life, leading her to appreciate everything
around her. In Susan Campbell Bartoletti's "Hitler Youth", Sophie Scholl had the courage to stand up
and do what she believed was right. And in Elie Wiesel's "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech", he
emphasized the need to be optimistic in times of conflict. All of these great leaders have had great
courage and chosen to be optimistic in depressing times. Although it can be argued that optimism
and courage are irrelevant to ... Show more content on ...
In Sophie Scholl's story, she writes to her boyfriend "'I don't like to think about it, but soon there is
going to be nothing left but politics, and as long as it's so confused and evil, it's cowardly to turn
away from it'" (Bartoletti). In Sophie's point of view, cowardliness leads no no resolutions. She
believes people must face the conflict and accept the consequences. According to the article, "The
Neutral Basis of Optimism and Pessimism", "The pessimist . . . observes mainly the negative
aspects of everything around. Thinking of all the potential dangers and pitfalls on the way, the
pessimist is likely to have little hope for the future"(Hect). Pessimism shows weakness in one's
ability to resolve conflict successfully. Allowing fear and discouragement into one's mind tends to
curtail the ability to reach full potential. University of Notre Dame College writes, "Avoiding or
withdrawing from a conflict requires no courage or consideration for the other party. By avoiding
the conflict, you essentially pretend that it never happened or doesn't exist." Turning away from
conflict is inadvisable because it means are turning away from an opportunity to grow. One does not
learn if they cannot face conflict. Therefore, expressing a pessimistic or fearful outlook on life does
not lead to growth, learning, or successful conflict
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Persuasive Essay On Optimism
Looking at the bright side and noticing what is right as opposed to what is wrong is not normal for
most people. It is commonly thought that being optimistic is not being realistic and even though that
is true for some people, there are ways to be optimistic in a healthy manner that can help one see
life's challenges realistically even when times get tough. Being optimistic is a skill that takes effort
and thought but spending the time to work on cultivating optimism can be life changing. Cultivating
optimism is one of the happiness enhancing strategies that has been shown to increase happiness
levels and positive thoughts about the future, which is the concept which I experimented with when
I conducted the Best Possible Selves activity. ... Show more content on ...
This has had an impact on my life growing up because I was bullied for a majority of my life and
going to Disney was the one place where I did not feel judged. I want to be able to spread that magic
and joy to other children, especially those who have similar stories, by making them feel special and
included because I know how life changing that was for me.
The third goal I have is to lead an authentic life with a partner who cares about me and allows me to
be my true self. I believe that in society people work too hard to please others and fit into the mold
of what is viewed as "normal." I know that this lifestyle does not allow for authenticity or creativity
because I have adhered to it for several years and am now starting to face the consequences of not
being my true self around my family and friends. I want to be with someone who makes me feel
celebrated and special for who I am whether it be having funky colored hair, going to Disney World
as an adult, saying sarcastic funny comments, or whatever other aspects make up my being.
While creating these goals for myself I was able to think about more cohesive steps that will lead me
in the right direction towards achieving them. In order to become a successful journalist, I plan to
continue studying journalism in college and write for
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World Gains From Optimism
What the world gains from Optimism:
Usually, when you think of an optimist, you might think of a bright cheery person wearing bright
happy colors skipping happily down a sidewalk, right? And while that sounds like a wonderful way
to live, that's not quite how optimism always looks. (But hey, if it works for you, be my guest!)
Optimism is often overlooked and misunderstood in today's society. We really have no idea how
beneficial the effects of optimism are for us. From healthier hearts to even living longer, optimism
sure is a helpful tool that's easily accessible and makes the journey of life a lot more fun!
Optimism shockingly,has a direct correlation to physical health as seen in many researches
conducted by multiple people. A healthier ... Show more content on ...
Researchers actually found that individual factors – like age, income level, education, gender, etc. –
had a smaller–than–expected impact on optimism, and that national factors – like GDP and life
expectancy – didn't really have an impact on optimism at all. So really no matter how harsh the
circumstances, we all can be positive.
Findings from a study conducted a few years ago by neuroscientist Elizabeth Phelps suggest that
directing our thoughts of the future toward the positive is a result of our frontal cortex
communicating with subcortical regions deep in our brain. The frontal cortex, a large area behind
the forehead, is the most recently evolved part of the brain. It is larger in humans than in other
primates and is critical for many complex human functions such as language and goal setting. We
just have to use that frontal cortex and decide to choose the positive route.
So now we know how beneficial it is for us to use that daily optimistic thinking. From heart health,
boosted immune systems, and longer lives optimism can do it all for us. Lots of people in our
society don't always adapt to this system because of older primal habit, but as proven, anyone can
change to the positive side as long as their willing. So are you ready to smile nonstop, wear bright
clothes, and skip everywhere? Let's be
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Roots Of Optimism
As I was pondering on where my roots of optimism came from, I came to a realization that my
optimism comes in many forms. First off, it is all about mindset and practice. If a person is
constantly thinking negatively, the only thing radiating off of that person is negative energy. Not
everything in life will all be happy, and a part of being optimistic is understanding this and learning
to deal with negative situations with a positive outlook. For example, just before the start my
freshman year of high school, my family got relocated from Northwest Indiana to Southwest Ohio,
and making the adjustment was harder than I initially thought. I was struggling to make any friends,
I would come home crying, and be upset with my parents for making us
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Optimism is a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as being best
(optimized), meaning that in some way for factors that may not be fully comprehended, the present
moment is in an optimum state. The concept is typically extended to include the attitude of hope for
future conditions unfolding as optimal as well. The more broad concept of optimism is the
understanding that all of nature, past, present and future, operates by laws of optimization along the
lines of Hamilton's principle of optimization in the realm of physics. This understanding, although
criticized by counter views such as pessimism, idealism and realism, leads to a state of mind that ...
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He hoped that society would eventually reach the state where calm reason would replace all
violence and force, that mind could eventually make matter subservient to it, and that intelligence
could discover the secret of immortality. Much of this philosophy is exemplified in the Houyhnhnms
of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
The term "panglossianism" describes baseless optimism of the sort exemplified by the beliefs of
Pangloss from Voltaire's Candide, which are the opposite of his fellow traveller Martin's pessimism
and emphasis on free will. The phrase "panglossian pessimism" has been used to describe the
pessimistic position that, since this is the best of all possible worlds, it is impossible for anything to
get any better.
The panglossian paradigm is a term coined by Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin to refer to
the notion that everything has specifically adapted to suit specific purposes. Instead, they argue,
accidents and exaptation (the use of old features for new purposes) play an important role in the
process of evolution. Some other scientists however argue the implication that many (or most)
adaptionists are panglossians is a straw man.
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
Michael Shermer relates Frank J. Tipler to Voltaire's character Pangloss to show how clever people
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Optimism And Racism
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." This quote by Ralph Waldo
Emerson appears to be a charming, quaint sentiment, although a sentiment which is seemingly not
applicable to modern society. However, is it possible that each individual could establish an
optimisitc, sanguine attitude throught all the days of their life? In retrospect, I sincerely believe that
this is attainable, through a conscious, caring attitude to our thoughts.
Genuinely unadulterated optimisim and joy is so recherere in modern society. However, optimisim
and an audcaious thrist for a jovial life is wildly infectious. The significant question still stands.
How do we obtain this unshakeable optimism through the storms of life, through clossal challenges,
through unfair critisim and rejection?
When we see unabashedly optimisic indivudals who rejoice in life and modify the way we look at
this immense, vast, capacious world, we wonder how to procure what they have acquired? We
concede. We convince ourselves that they posess something we ... Show more content on ...
A commonly practiced technique includes observing an atrocious, unpreposessing situation and
detecting one outstanding, reedeming quality in the most horrendous situation. However, there are
numerous ways to stay optimsitic. There are no limits, as it all depends upon the individual.
Optimisitic inviduals are typically empthatic and compassionate. They view situations through the
eyes of others, which allows them to realize the magnitude of things they have to be thankful for.
This motivates and fuels their splendid attitudes. There are scads of ways optimists stay optimsitic
and keep their loving, joyful countenance in tact every day of the week, even through the trials,
tribulations, and storms of their life. It is important to strive to live optimistically, even if it is not
our innate
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Dispositional Optimism Research Paper
Utilizing Dispositional Optimism Life is tough. Life forces humans to endure in a universe that may
be completely random and nothing in it may hold any meaning aside from the arbitrary value that I
attribute. Moreover, if nothing means anything in life, then there is no true reason in living. We are
all just postponing the inevitable great equalizer we call 'death.' Why not just skip the hardship, pain,
and suffering that exists in this world and get straight to a place where we cannot feel its horrors
anymore? When thinking thoughts such as these, I expect to find that such a negative, pessimistic
disposition might not yield beneficial results. Conversely, one might infer that an host weilding an
optimistic disposition will have a greater ... Show more content on ...
My chosen empirical articles, relevant course material, as well as personal experience have all
produced evidence which supported the idea that practicing dispositional optimism would benefit
me. I indeed have improved the way in which I attain a goal that I want to achieve. I plan to further
establish this mindset while continually striving toward and improving how I realize my goals.
Sustaining this optimistic mindset might be a difficult task; I expect to reap a constructive outcome
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On the Roads optimism Essay example
In Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road, the narrator, Sal Paradise offers up to us what seems to be a
very optimistic view on life. He is forever singing the praises of how wonderful his adventures will
be and his high expectations for the future. To Sal, the novel is defined by youthful exuberance and
unabashed optimism for the new experiences that he sets out to find. A deeper look into the novel, as
well as a look at some of the critics who have written on it, reveals a much darker side, a more
pessimistic and sad aspect that Sal simply fails to realize until the very close of the action. Whether
Sal is hopped up on the optimism of jazz music, secure in his belief that he is off to find 'IT,' or just
excited ... Show more content on ...
The influence of Dean Moriarty on the novel, in terms of everything from plot to general tone to the
thoughts and dreams of Sal, is immeasurable. Most importantly though, he is the catalyst for much
of this blind optimism – for in a sense, he personifies blind optimism. During the long introduction
of Dean in the first chapter, Sal shows the vast impression that Dean will have on the tone of the
novel: all my New York friends were in their negative, nightmare position of putting down society
and giving their bookish or psychoanalytical reasons, but Dean just raced in society, eager for bread
and love; he didn't care one way or the other (Kerouac, 7).
Dean's refusal to look at the world with a disapproving eye and always having hope for simple
things like food and sex exemplify his personification of optimism. This early passage of the novel
shows that Dean will – and eventually does – become the driving force in the optimism that marks
much of the book. Dean's lust for life guides himself and Sal to places such as jazz clubs, old
friends' houses, and even Mexico. But with Dean as well as the cohorts that follow his madness,
(Sal, Ed Dunkel, Carlo Marx and many more) the result ends up being much less than ideal, despite
the fact that they sometimes happen to receive that
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Seligman's Theory Of Optimism
Notwithstanding the numerous advantages of pessimism, proven by studies, society continues to
condemn it. This is particularly due to the fact that optimism is viewed as more superior, compared
to pessimism. Author, Jon Gordon, reports, "'Whether we feed ourselves each day with negative fuel
or positive fuel ... our optimism has a big impact on our day'" (Gordon). Gordon conveys the fact
that, ultimately, optimism determines success, not pessimism. Additionally, Adam Sinicki, a
psychology graduate, comments that remaining optimistic during strenuous times will help alleviate
the situation because an individual is believing that matters will only mend (Sinicki). While there
may be research to support these claims, the truth is, they fail to shed ... Show more content on ...
However, what happens when there is too much hope, or cheerfulness is enforced among
individuals? Believe it or not, a forced and inordinate amount of optimism can be cataclysmic. As
aforementioned, Seligman's theory of learned optimism, the belief that optimism can be inculcated
through the avoidance of pessimistic reflections, optimism has afflicted the military in a negative
manner. Psychiatrist, Keith Ablow states that "the armed services' psychological stance is now
influenced by ... learned optimism––wherein soldiers are actually taught to deny stress and trauma,
and false bravado is actually encouraged...'" (Ablow). In a The New Yorker article, Maria
Konnikova writes, "learned helplessness [learned optimism] can indeed be a severe form of torture.
The inability to control one's environment has repeatedly been shown to create not only anger and
frustration but, eventually, deep and often insurmountable depression" (Konnikova). United States
Sergeant Robert Bales' story is one of many of how a forced and abundant amount of optimism has
negatively affected the military. Bales had been deployed to Iraq multiple times, one of which he
had suffered a traumatic head injury. While on a deployment, Bales killed 16 civilians in
Afghanistan. Reports show that Bales was showing psychiatric symptoms, prior to the massacre, but
Ablow quarrels that the philosophical belief, learned optimism, should be the one to blame (Ablow).
When society pressurizes optimism upon people during stressful times, it merely induces for more
disputes and obstacles. Similar to Konnikova's statement, if a person is already experiencing
arduous sensations, obliging optimism only creates false impressions, and that is the allure of
pessimism. Pessimism does not necessarily always mean being blunt or straightforward during
fraught times, but possessing the ability to be
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Optimism In Dark Inside
The Importance of Optimism as a Character Trait What is a character trait that everyone needs in
order to overcome obstacles? In the novel Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts, five characters named
Mason, Aries, Chickadee, Evans, and Michael try to survive in an apocalyptic world with optimism.
An earthquake strikes each character's neighbourhood and many citizens die as a result. Although
these five characters do not know each other and are situated in different locations in the beginning,
they eventually encounter one another. Their main goal is to survive this obnoxious disaster. Each
character goes through a different adventure optimistically, and perseveres despite the myriad of
problems they face. Therefore, the novel Dark Inside shows that ... Show more content on ...
There are multiple protagonists in the story, and they all go through different adventures. A character
named Chickadee, who Mason encounters, develops from being very dependant into a more
independent and optimistic character. She has diabetes, so she cannot live without insulin. Since the
earthquake was so destructive, there are no doctors left to treat her. Chickadee becomes pessimistic
when she realizes she will inevitably die if she does not get treated. However, before Chickadee
dies, she explains, "There are different types of people in this world. There are people who accept
what's in front of them unquestioningly... Then there are people like me. Optimists. They too live in
the dark, in times like these, but dream of the light" (219). Chickadee admits she is an optimist, and
advises Mason to be optimistic as well. He also starts looking at the positive side of situations. Even
when Chickadee dies, instead of mourning her death, Mason decides to fulfil her final wish: to go to
Vancouver and feel the ocean for her. Furthermore, another main character, Michael, begins as
ignorant and passive, but becomes more optimistic. When Evans tells Michael that he needs to find
his daughter and wife, Michael volunteers to help. He reassures Evans, "We'll get through this. We'll
find your wife and child" (85). This proves that Michael becomes a positive and diligent character,
who is determined to help Evans find his family members during these egregious times. In addition,
Aries also undergoes dramatic changes throughout the novel. For instance, she is a very scared and
pessimistic character when she finds out that her friend, Sarah, has died. As the story progresses,
Aries develops into an exceptional leader who others admire and treat respectfully. Aries thinks to
herself, "No matter how much of a leader she didn't think she was, she'd get them
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Positive Optimism Outlook On Life
Life can be full of surprises and is not always an easy journey. However, having an optimism
outlook on life can make one's life journey more enjoyable. Positive emotion is very important to
enhance a progressive life. (Slegiman, 2009). It is one's choice to choose not to have a negative
attitude towards challenges in life but to instead have a positive attitude towards all trials. Recently,
the author's husband was sentenced to six and half years to federal prison and it was a devastating
event for their family of six which included four children. Initially, depression along with a flood of
negative thoughts began to rush through their minds. However, choosing to stand positively and
have an optimistic outlook allowed them to get through this hard time.
The court case was difficult and full of surprises. There were times when they felt like giving up but
chose to hold onto hope and faith. They stopped all hopelessness and negativity that tried to play
through their min. Instead they withstood by knowing and believing ... Show more content on ...
Finally, a plea agreement of serving six and half years in federal prison was made. But why and how
would this be able to pass? Negative thoughts tried to overcome the husband who was sentenced and
the wife who would have to raise the four children alone while her husband would have to be in
prison. But instead this couple decided to see this as only a temporary setback. Soon they received
good news that with good time and other credit, the husband would only have to serve four years.
Time would pass and this debt of prison time would be completed and defeated. There was no room
to allow sorrow of depression to set in. A positive mindset had to overcome their thoughts and stand
knowing that this will soon pass. According to Seligman optimism aids in individual well–being.
Therefore, while having to face this horrible prison sentence, having a positive outlook brought
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Essay on A Handful of Optimism
A Handful of Optimism
Despite race, religion, sex, or age the world can be divided into two different groups. Those who see
the glass as being half full and those who see the glass as being half empty. In other words, being
either that of an optimist or a pessimist. Though a simple question, often times people find it
difficult to answer. Just when one thinks they have decided that they are one or the other, they come
across a song, poem, or an experience that makes them reevaluate the mind frame from that which
they have normally embraced. T. S. Eliot's famous quote from The Waste Land, "I can show you
fear in a handful of dust," is one that has been the trigger, for many, in this self–evaluation process
Quite often, ... Show more content on ...
For many Christians it is a verse found in the Bible that changed their fear of death to one of an
acceptance of death. "For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not parish perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. The belief of having eternal
life is what keeps the fear of death at bay. Not only do Christians beliefs promote optimism, but they
encourage others to seek a similar level of self realization.
Nevertheless, some people are unaware and apathetic to the endless possibilities that life holds. It is
a woman in Eliot's poem that conveys the image of a person who is living, yet fails to see the
richness in her life. It is after the departure of her lover that she states, "'Well now that's done: and
I'm glad it's over'" (3.252). Most would be overcome with joy and contentment at having just
completed, what is thought to be, one of the most intimate and cherished part of ones life. Not only
does she respond to this occasion with rigidness, in her previous comment, but Eliot proceeds to say
that "She smoothes her hair with an automatic hand" (3.255). Thus implicating the meaninglessness
and emptiness of her life. Not only does Eliot portray the pessimism with this woman but does so in
a broader sense when he writes:
"Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken
images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the
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Speech On Optimism
Jon Jusufi 8th grade
Sir Winston Churchill once said: " A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist
sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
If I think I cannot do something, after a while I will not be capable of doing it. And vice versa if I
truly believe that I can do something, I will try my best to do it. And this is not only about actions
we are capable of doing or not. Most importantly, it is about what we think we are. If you are an
optimist you love your life and think of yourself and the others around you as great people. If you
are a pessimist you do not really care about who you are and you do not give your life a meaning.
Optimism makes us have dreams. Those dreams eventually turn into goals and to accomplish those
goals we get perseverant, we care about the people around us and we try to live a healthy live.
Optimism leads to perseverance. If we really believe that what we think is right, optimism us protect
it with all we have because we are what we ... Show more content on ...
It is in human nature to work and live together with other people and to give a part of ourselves to
the others around us. Optimism is very important here because an optimist tries to make the world a
better place by making the people better people. Optimists help everyone in their community as
much as they can in every possible way. Sometimes people just need to hear some good words and
that is what optimists are great at. You have probably heard the story about the one bad apple that
turned all the good apples bad. Optimism is the exact opposite because one optimist has the power
to make all the people around him or her to see life from a positive point of view. This is one of my
favorite things about optimism because optimists do not only help themselves, they help the world.
And by helping the world they help themselves because the people that you once helped will help
you achieve your
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Roots Of Optimism
From your first breath to your first word, you are taught something everyday. Maybe from your
mom, or your dad. Your first smile or clap, optimism comes from that. You learn that smiling makes
everyone else smile, so you do it. You learn that your parents want you to to clap, so they will laugh.
They taught you at a young age to do positive things. You grow up and take those things with you
wherever you go. You see, your root of optimism comes from the simplest things you don't even
realize. My root of optimism comes from many things. One of which, is all of the things around me.
The media, Life lessons, and different perspectives are the roots of my optimsm. I believe that the
roots of my optimism have made me who i am today, Some people think the media is true, and some
people think different. It all depends on the person. In my opinion there are true and false
advertisements in the media. I grew up only looking at the writer or pop stars opinion, and not
focusing on my own. As i got older the media taught me some important things,to focus on my own
opinion, and not on anyone else's. When i used to drive on the highway, i would look at the signs of
the ... Show more content on ...
I was praised when I needed to be praised, and scolded when I needed to be. This is a process that
shapes a good child. For example, if a child threw their trash away, they might get a piece of candy.
When they said a naughty word, they might have to go to time out. My parents taught me these
lessons, but in a more optimistic way. Focusing on the bright side, even in a bad situation. This
brought a lot of positivity to my life, threw an optimistic way. It helps me as an older child to not be
frustrated as much. Jimmy Dean once said " I can't change the direction of the wind, but i can adjust
my sails to always reach my destination." This quote reminds me of the life lessons i was taught. If
one solution doesn't work, try
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Optimism Research Paper
Melissa Ryan
Capella University
Is the glass half full or half empty? Does every cloud truly have a silver lining? These are a few
quotes that are as old as the ages. I have always found myself to look at the brighter and lighter side
of every situation. I find that not dwelling on the negative or pondering on the downside keeps me in
a better place and state of mind.
I recently took an optimism test administered, this test can be taken by anyone and found at Authentic Happiness is the homepage of Dr. Martin
Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania and founder
of positive psychology, a branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical ... Show more
content on ...
Others let one problem bleed all over everything. They catastrophize. When one thread of their lives
breaks the whole fabric unravels. It comes down to this: People who make universal explanations
for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one area. People who make specific
explanations may become helpless in that one part of their lives, yet march stalwartly on in the
others...Now for the converse. The optimistic explanatory style for good events is opposite that for
bad events. The optimist believes good events will enhance everything he does, while the pessimist
believes good events are caused by specific factors." (Seligman M.E.P., 2002, p. 90–91).
Hope. "...Whether or not we have hope, depends on two dimensions taken together. Finding
permanent and universal causes of good events along with temporary and specific causes for
misfortune is the art of hope; finding permanent and universal causes for misfortune and temporary
and specific causes of good events is the practice of despair...People who make permanent and
universal explanations for good events, as well as temporary and specific explanations for bad
events, bounce back from troubles briskly and get on a roll easily when they succeed once. People
who make temporary and specific explanations for success, and permanent and universal
explanations for setbacks, tend to collapse under pressure–both for a long time and across
situations–and rarely get on a roll." (Seligman M.E.P.,
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The Influence Of Optimism In Fitness Camps
Louie was a rebellious child who turned into something great, an Olympic athlete. Later, he went
into the war and fought for his country. During a rescue mission, his plane crashed and almost
everyone died except for Louie, Phil, and Mac. Louie and Phil survived the raft and went into a
POW camps. There Louie was being stripped of his dignity and was being dehumanized, but still
survived. Some characteristic of Louie that helped him get through the camps were optimism and
Through his journey on the raft and at camps, he was very optimistic and hopeful of surviving.
Optimism is very helpful and needed in situation like Louie's, because he needed hope he was going
to stay alive. With that optimism and hopefulness he survived. On ... Show more content on ...
When Louie and Phil first arrived at the first camp they went through many beatings and pain. One
of them was very bad, "In the last, a full pint of fluid was pumped into their veins. They were lucky
to survive" (143). This was when they got a fluid put into them and it caused rash and dizziness. In
the text it said that 1,000 of people died from this and that they were lucky to survive. To survive
that they needed to be vigor and they both did even after 47 days out at sea. Next example of when
Louie was resilient was on page 145, "Louie's nose was badly broken. He'd pushed the bones back
in place with his fingers." If anybody's nose got broken it was be very painful to get put it back and
it was broken, but Louie did it. That shows that Louie was strong and that he could do that. Final
example is "For weeks, Louie was deaf in one ear. The Bird beat him daily" (186). The Bird was
fascinated with Louie and how Louie was everything the Bird wanted to be. The Bird beat Louie all
the time and sometimes the Bird would feel bad, but he would still continue. Also Louie was strong
and never stopped fighting for his life. Although the Bird beat him daily, Louie still survived and
went on to be a
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Optimism In Romeo And Juliet
Being optimistic is being hopeful and having a positive attitude about the future. One can be
optimistic in any situations with any emotions, it depends on the view and personality of the person
in mind. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, two individuals from different worlds find a
way to come together even in the face of their families altercations to find true love. The play,
Romeo and Juliet, expresses a rather optimistic view of life. In the play, the two lovers try to keep
their lives positive despite what is going on in their personal lives. Juliet is in disbelief when she
learns that her love Romeo is a montague and she is not allowed with him. While at the feast in the
Capulet house, Juliet talks to the nurse after meeting ... Show more content on ...
The Nurse acts like a messenger for Juliet and is out of breath from having to walk through Verona.
After receiving good news from Romeo the Nurse heads back to the Capulet home and says to
Juliet, "I am aweary. Give me leave awhile. Fie, how my bones ache! What a jaunt have I!"(2.5.25).
This represents that the Nurse has become tired and needs to relax after Juliet's requests for her to
speak with Romeo. Though the nurse feels weak and needs some time to settle down a bit but
instead she explains all of what happened to Juliet. This is an example of staying calm and happy
when you are stressed or down. Romeo's new love interest brings a sense of distress to the Friar. As
Romeo tells Friar Lawrence he is in love with the forbidden the Friar says, " But come, young
waverer, come, go with me, In one respect I'll thy assistant be, For this alliance may so happy prove
To turn your households' rancor to pure love" (2.3.85). The Friar is aware of the feud between the
families, but instead of becoming worried about this situation the Friar although feeling stressed
agrees to marry the two. The Friar has hope that the marriage could reunite the Capulet and
Montague. He always keeps his hope throughout the play. The Friar acts as a friend to Juliet when
Romeo was exiled. When Friar Lawrence hears the news that Romeo has been exiled he comes up
with a plan for Juliet and says, "Hold. Get you gone. Be strong and prosperous In this resolve"
(4.1.126). The Friars only son like figure has been sent away indefinitely and still instead of being
full of anger he simply helps Juliet without a thought of his own feelings. Friar Lawrence sees only
the good in every situation and figures out way to make it better, like giving Juliet the potion in
hopes of bringing Romeo back so they can run away. Through all of the stress the Friar and the
... Get more on ...
Optimism Bias Analysis
The optimism bias pushes people towards positive change because most people want positive
change and according to Tali Sharot to make changes in our life we must believe that the changes
are possible. Even rather pessimistic people want to change there for they believe it is possible.
When a person believes in change and anticipates the change it releases serotonin in the brain and
brings about a happy feeling, there for improving their overall wellbeing. When I enrolled in college
I remember the good feeling it brought and still brings. The optimistic bias is hard at work in my
mind when it comes to my success in school. I believe I will be a great counselor, even though my
criminal history shuts door after door in my face I keep believing
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Optimism Vs Pessimism
Optimists and pessimists look at the world and life in very different ways. It's factual that optimism
and pessimism are both views, however, that's where the similarities ultimately end, and the
differences start to show. Optimists look at the world and life with joy, heart, and determination, and
pessimists, people who see the world and life negatively, just can't seem to muster the sort of
positivity that optimists have. The differences between the two views is most commonly seen when
it comes to romantic relationships, school, and work. Romantic relationships are difficult for
anyone. They are great things, and make life a little easier, however, romantic relationships can be
trying and often times hard to maintain. An optimist goes into a relationship knowing that it will be
hard, but they are far from afraid to push forward and weather the coming storm. Optimists keep
their positivity throughout a relationship, which helps eliminate jealousy and other things that would
eventually tear a relationship asunder. An optimists can maintain a relationship without negativity
eating at their mind, telling them that they should be worried, or angry, or afraid. On the other hand,
when a pessimist enters a romantic relationship they do not see it lasting, and often times will put far
too much pressure on their partner, because of their own insecurities to keep a relationship going.
Pessimists are constantly worried about their partner losing interest and cheating or leaving
... Get more on ...
The Importance Of Perpetual Optimism
"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier (Oren, 1996)." Optimism has played a major role
throughout my career. Optimism has gotten me through some very tough times. I don't know where
I would be without being optimistic. My way of thinking caused those around me to think and act
the same way. During times of duress such as conducting field training exercises, my Soldiers notice
when I think about the better things to get us through it. There has been several times when missions
has caused a higher stress level than normal. As leaders we have to find ways to get out of difficult
times. Instead of complaining I always try to find ways think about the outcome of the situation. I
always think how the situation could always be worst. When I let those around me "the situation can
always be worst", they always tend to agree with me. I look forward to the challenging times
because the challenging times make us stronger. Optimism also pertains to life outside the Army. I'm
a true believer in looking at things in a positive way. Every time I am put in situations where the
odds may be against me, optimism is my best friend. Optimism never seems to fail me. With my
optimism comes others to perform better and look at things a different way. I can truly say my life is
surrounded with optimism. Everything that comes up usually causes me to be optimistic.
"Have fun in your command. Don't always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you've earned
it. Spend time with your families."
... Get more on ...

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Optimism In Night

  • 1. Optimism In Night Hope and optimism can be a very broad topic but that all depends on how you look at it. And by no means are they the same thing. Optimism is being confident of the future or confident in the success of something. Hope is a feeling that something desired might happen which is completely different from actually believing something and having confidence in it. Some say optimism is a lifestyle choice which is completely rational. Both of these topics are shown throughout all these following pieces of literature and in the film. Hope and optimism are both positive things to live by but these examples can show that maybe sometimes it can backfire on you. In Night, hope and optimism are also revealed to be dangerous.It's hard for Elie Wiesel to be ... Show more content on ... Many people chose their own lifestyle and live the way they want to live. Beasts of the Southern Wild, deepens our thinking that perhaps optimism is critically linked to our ability to come to terms with where we are. Everyone in the bathtub lives their for a reason and that reason is they do not want to live with a tag on them wherever they are. When people see them living in the bathtub, they think that they need help and are stranded there, but what they don't know is that out of the places they could live, they chose there. This gives them freedom. They can live however they want with no boundaries. Wink, who is Hushpuppy's father, is an interesting character to the film. He is a very strong figure who wants no help with anything. Raising his daughter is all he cares about. Wink has some disease and only cares about showing his six year old daughter how to live on her own. One thing we hear wink say is " I got it under control" (Zeitlin). This is a very strong quote by him refusing help. This deepens our knowledge for him as a character by showing us how strong he is as a character and how much dignity he has. It shows us that he really wants to live his own life. Examples in the film of that are when he is taken to the Open Arms hospital and finds his own way out to escape back the the bathtub and again later in ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Roots Of Optimism Before I begin, I would thank you for your time and patience to listen to my speech about "Where Are My Roots Of Optimism." Optimism is the key to overcome obstacles in life. Just ask the owner of Zara, Amancio Ortega. Even if he dropped high school, he remained optimistic and went on to become the impossible, Amancio Ortega has become one of the richest people ever, with a net worth of more than $70 billion. Amancio would be the people to tell you optimism is huge in getting through all that life is throwing at you. Their many ways optimism helps you overcome obstacles is it makes you believe that you can accomplish anything. No matter how difficult the task may seem, optimism makes you believe you can achieve it. Optimists believe that ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Optimism Critical Thinking What the world gains from optimism. Hellen Keller wrote in her essay titled "Optimism, Part 3: The Practice of Optimism", "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Positive thinking is the true meaning of hope in the world that can lead to many great successes and can bring confidence. For example, as my softball season started up last year I knew I was going to struggle especially knowing my team would be getting a new coach. The year started with anxiety at a high but as the year continued, I continued to look on it with optimism and eventually my skills and my ability to use optimism improved. Optimism helped to give me confidence in myself and to succeed even though I had major doubts. ... Show more content on ... Optimism can definitely lead to obtaining set goals such as last semester when I decided to enter for the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Scholarship (HOBY) Award during which I had to set certain goals to succeed in the next step. Through the entire process, I used optimism to guide me through my challenging goals which helped me to obtain the scholarship. Not only can optimism lead to success in educational goals but in athletic goals as well. During any athletic game, in this case for me softball, I found that using optimism to learn from errors can lead to accomplishing any goal easier. Instead of rejecting the goal after a few mistakes, use optimism to learn from the mistakes for the future. Using the mentality of optimism within a goal can lead to great success in accomplishing any set goal whether it be educational or ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Optimism Critical Thinking Essay The relationship of optimism with psychological well–being is a well–researched topic. Maintaining an optimistic view on life has been shown to reduce depression. The literature on optimism also provides information on ways to measure optimism and distinguishes between the different theoretical constructs used to define optimism. Throughout this review, these topics, as well as other important issues related to optimism will be discussed in great detail. It is hoped that by reading this review, the reader will become appreciative of the powerful benefits of maintaining a positive outlook on life. Optimism is defined as the belief that upcoming occurrences will have positive results. Optimism has been connected to numerous facets of mental health in adults (Lai, 1995; Schweizer, Beck–Seyffer, & Schneider, 1999). The study of optimism derives ... Show more content on ... Those that will be covered in this overview consist of quality of life, coping styles, unhappiness, and faith in a fair world. Prior investigation has established that a perceived quality of life is swayed by an individual's level of optimism. Other aspects, such as coping styles and social connections have been positively correlated with a high quality of life. This is a very subjective phrase and has been demarcated in many ways. One meaning states that quality of life is centered on the personal assessment of one's possessions and contentment with these possessions (Harju & Bolen, 1998). Harju and Bolen (1998) investigated the influence of optimism on quality of life of university undergraduates by evaluating three sets of optimists (low, moderate, and high) The subjects, 204 pupils carried out the following measures: the Life Orientation Test–Revised (LOT–R), the Brief Cope, which assesses numerous coping methods, and a quality of life assessment created by the scientists that was established on previous ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Optimism Research Papers Chasing optimism in the face of challenges is a requirement that humans must conform to in order to live a fulfilled life. Studies prove that optimists tend to be healthier through the hardships they face no matter how severe. Even when in the face of challenges, being optimistic will lead you to be more successful in every aspect. Not only will you be healthier, being optimistic leads to great achievements in life. It also guides you to have better character. This essay will outline why you must always chase optimism even in challenges' face. According to a study conducted by Rochester University,"Optimism had a remarkable impact on physical health." In their study, they tested all kinds of health problems from heart disease to pain ... Show more content on ... Well, there are many ways,but it isn't easy. I like to think of it like a game of tag. You are "it" and optimism is the one you're trying to "tag." However it isn't easy like a game of tag. Instead it is in the face of challenges. This is just like if you're playing the game,but being watched very closely and you can't mess up at all. It would be much harder to play tag when you're being watched just like in any other circumstances. The challenges would be just like the "watcher," they are the reason why it is that much harder to chase optimism just like winning in the game of tag. However, you have to get past the barrier that is holding you back. Don't let the challenges ever overcome you in life. If you always chase optimism in the face of challenges,a fulfilled life is guaranteed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Candide, The Idea Of Optimism Comedy of ideas, a form a satire and also known as a form of high comedy, is a when two ideas of thoughts are put directly against each other. Typically it involves characters arguing about ideas that involve politics, social classes, and society as a whole. Characters use wit, mockery, and clever language as a way to mimic and mock their challenger. In the case of Candide, the idea of optimism (Pangloss' views) and pessimism (Martin) are pinned against each other. Optimism is an attitude in which one remains hopeful and positive despite the negative circumstances. Pangloss' view of optimism involves his belief that everything happens for a reason. Pangloss is stuck in this particular state of mind through out the novel. He firmly believes that the death, mishaps and misfortunes of others are the way the world is and God has a plan. Candide also starts out in this state of mind due to the fact that Pangloss mentored him and shaped his way of thinking. However, unlike Pangloss, Candide progresses in his way of thought. In this novel, Pangloss represents Voltaire's attack on philosophical optimism and the non– progressive social consequences involved with optimism. Voltaire depicts three lifestyles in Candide. Candide starts out by living in a "Paradise", a representation of the Garden of Eden. Then there is a "Utopia" which is his time living in El Dorado, a place where everyone is equal and competition is nonexistent. This is essentially the most perfect ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Learned Optimism: An Analysis In the modern times, there are multiply pressures on the people working in organizations, especially managers. In such a scenario, optimism may just prove to be the difference and help in building the self sustaining capabilities amidst stress, problems and ambiguities. Optimism is a generalized expectancy that good outcome as opposed to bed will generally occur when confronted with problems across situations. Optimism is used to denote a positive predisposition and likelihood that good things will happen irrespective of one's ability. Over time, researchers have emphasized that optimism is a learning style or a cognitive skill that can be learned. Optimism is different than hope, contended Snyder (1994) as it contains a proactive component ... Show more content on ... Learned optimism is a term Seligman and his associates first used. It was the extension of Seligman's original work on learned helplessness that was defined as a result of learning to be unable to control events (Seligman and Maier, 1967). According to Seligman (1991), learned helplessness is the giving up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that whatever you do doesn't matter. Another relevant concept in this connection is explanatory style. It is the manner is which one habitually explains to himself why events happen. An optimistic explanatory style stops helplessness, whereas a pessimistic explanatory style spreads helplessness. Seligman (1972) conducted an experiment with dogs and concluded that when exposed to circumstances beyond their control, dogs will eventually give up trying to effect change. In this experiment, despite the shocks, dogs were just lying there because they had learned that nothing they did matter (as they were exposed to such circumstances earlier) and they therefore expected that no action of theirs would matter in the future also. Once this expectation was learned, they would no longer engage in action. This is the effect of learned ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Optimism as a Theme for Candide Essay Optimism as a Theme for Candide Just as on the title, Candide, or Optimism, Optimism is also used as a major theme. Voltaire's satire of philosophical optimism is one of the major issues of Candide. Throughout the story, satirical references to "the best of all possible worlds" contrast with natural catastrophes and human wrongdoing. According to Wikipedia, "optimism, the opposite of pessimism, is a lifeview where the world is looked upon the as a positive place. Optimists generally believe that people are inherently good. These people are said to have a "positive" outlook on life, believing that given time, things will work out in the end." Also according to Wikipedia, "In philosophy, optimism is linked with the name of Gottfried ... Show more content on ... "Private misfortunes make for public welfare," Pangloss concludes." This is true in a optimistic society According to "Pangloss and his student Candide maintain that "everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." This idea is a reductively simplified version of the philosophies of a number of Enlightenment thinkers, most notably Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. To these thinkers, the existence of any evil in the world would have to be a sign that God is either not entirely good or not all–powerful, and the idea of an imperfect God is nonsensical. These philosophers took for granted that God exists, and concluded that since God must be perfect, the world he created must be perfect also. According to these philosophers, people perceive imperfections in the world only because they do not understand God's grand plan. Because Voltaire does not accept that a perfect God (or any God) has to exist, he can afford to mock the idea that the world must be completely good, and he heaps merciless satire on this idea throughout the novel. The optimists, Pangloss and Candide, suffer and witness a wide variety of horrors—floggings, rapes, robberies, unjust executions, disease, an earthquake, betrayals, and crushing ennui. These horrors do not serve any apparent greater good, but point only to the cruelty and folly of humanity and the indifference of the natural world. Pangloss struggles to find justification for the terrible things in the world, but his ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Proven Benefits Of Optimism The Proven Benefits of Optimism Being optimistic does not consist in seeing things in a blind and blissful manner but instead from their most favorable angle. It is all the more in your interest to be optimistic since you will derive many advantages for your body and soul. See your glass half full Launching a project or seeing a situation from its most favorable angle does not mean that you are unaware of all the positive and negative directions this project or situation can lead you to. It simply means that you have resolutely chosen to see a given situation from its most positive angle. By merely seeing things in a positive light, you increase your motivation, your dynamism and your chances of success. As time goes by, you ... Show more content on ... You will communicate more easily and you will find it more and more easy to convince people that they should help you or support you as you implement your projects or face difficulties. Repercussions on your health There is another benefit to being optimistic: it leads to a better state of mind. It is proven that optimistic people have a better state of mind than pessimistic people. A more optimistic state of mind reinforces your immune system. It has been observed that pessimistic people have poorer health due to their low morale. Here are the other advantages of being optimistic: great joie–de–vivre, better social life, greater stamina and increased life expectancy. Optimism, a complete "sport" For all these reasons, it is recommended that you be optimistic in a realistic manner. Do not refuse to see the drawbacks of a specific situation. Instead, tackle it in a positive way.
  • 34. In a way, optimism can be considered as a complete "sport" since it requires the total involvement of your body and mind, which influence each other – generating common and mutual benefits. So, take the plunge without hesitating and follow the path leading to optimism to succeed in life! 5 Positive thought of March: let's not be afraid. Let's take action! It often happens that we do not dare ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Examples Of Optimism In The Book Unbroken Imagine floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean. You are famished and dehydrated and on the brink of death. Sores cover your sunburnt skin, and sharks surround the raft waiting for you to fall in. But somehow you remain optimistic. You find happiness in the little things. Perhaps a rain storm passed and you were able to drink and collect water. Maybe you caught a fish or a bird to eat. It's the little things that are keeping you alive. This is how Louie and Phil were in Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken. They were both very optimistic about the situation. However, their friend Mac was very pessimistic. He would not talk, ate all the chocolate rations, and was just trying to protect himself. All of these men were able–bodied, fit, and received ... Show more content on ... Louie and Phil used all of their strength to overcome the obstacles they went through, both physically and mentally. Their physical strength was tested throughout their entire journey. Being stranded on the ocean took the initial toll on Louie and Phil's bodies by diminishing them down to 67–87 and 80 pounds, respectively. Both of them had weighed around 150 pounds when they had crashed. Louie's mental strength was tested as well. He started to have hallucinations of people singing in the clouds, most likely due to dehydration. The two retained their strength though, by focusing on their survival and trying to remain sane. Their optimism also had a great influence on how strong they were. In Ruth Robertson's (2016) article "The Strength of Optimism" she states, "There are many benefits to having a more optimistic mindset. Research tells us that it can lengthen your life, determine how you overcome life's obstacles, build resilience and manage the risks of developing depressive disorders and other mental health issues" (para. 3). Robertson is saying that optimism can help you through the hard times that life throws at us. A positive mindset can transform a life or death situation. Louie even retained a lot of physical strength while he was in the prisoner of war camps. Near the end of his imprisonment he would have to carry literal tons back and forth for hours. The Bird, one of the Japanese guards and Louie's worst ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Pessimism Bias : The Optimism Bias The optimism bias Jazmin Arias California State University, Fresno Information ____ Podcast ___X__ TED talk or video Name of Podcast, TED talk, or video: The optimism bias URL Link: Topic Introduction This Ted Talk is about optimism bias which is the tendency to think more positively about a person's life than to think negatively. We have these high expectations that good things would happen than bad ones. It is a positive bias towards an event before the event actually happens. The optimism bias is a naturally occurring phenomenon that seems to become part of human nature because it is an overall tendency to bring upon good things in life over a pessimistic bias (Sharot, 2011). Description In this Ted Talk cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot shared with us the concept of optimism bias and the research that she has been doing on the very topic. She spoke about it as being an illusion. Her description of optimism bias is that we tend to think we will have more positive things happen in our life than bad one. We overestimate the good and underestimate the bad. Optimism bias is something that people throughout the world experience from young to old people. She gave marriage as an example of this kind of bias and stated that forty percent of people that get married will get a divorce but people who just got married will say that there it is unlikely they will end up divorcing. Despite the facts people ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Essay on Optimism and Personality Trait Optimism could be considered a condition of the mind that makes one believe that the best things will always happen to them. A common idiom used to illustrate optimism versus pessimism is a glass with water at the halfway point, where the optimist is said to see the glass as half full, but the pessimist sees the glass as half empty. Optimists tend to see adversity as temporary; more specifically they view the obstacle as limited to the situation and not generalized. 1) How does the personality trait develop in humans? Where does it appear to come from? (20 pts) According to Alan Carr, author of Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths, "the development of optimism may be determined by parental mental health, the ... Show more content on ... Parents also reinforce optimism and perseverance by encouraging their children to deal with any type of obstacle in a positive way. Life is full of hurdles but it's the way we deal with these difficulties that shape our expectations of things. 2) What purpose or function does the trait appear to serve? (20 pts) Optimism can be a powerful tool to motivate people to do things that we might have reservations about. Humans have the intellectual power to look ahead and anticipate any likely outcomes. In our everyday lives we take on numerous tasks a throughout our live whether it is studying for finals, starting a new project at work or starting a new diet. An article by Annie Paul in Psychology Today gave the example of how even an ordinary effort like going on a diet can benefit from dose of optimism. A review of dieting studies show that more than two–thirds of dieters gain back more weight than they initially thought. With such a grim outlook on dieting, optimism gives people the much needed motivation to believe that their goal is achievable (Paul 2011). If you stopped and took a minute to think about how much work you had to put in or how much of a risk you could be taking, you might never even make the attempt. Optimism has such a commanding force that it has the ability to convince you that things will work out just long enough to take the step forward and make an effort to accomplish that task. For example, a student in medical school will put a tremendous amount ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Corruption Of Optimism In Voltaire's 'Candide' The humourous perspective upon philosophy and the general follies of life constructs Candide as a novel to transcend Voltaire's society and remain relevant to current day. As it is for his satirization of various ideology, specially optimism and pessimism, that makes Voltaire's purpose apparent to present day. As there is no perfect philosophy in which to partake in life, especially each one with their own benefits and downfalls. And that a mixture of these beliefs result in a better line of thinking. Thus, the characters in Candide demonstrate each stereotypical philosophy by alluding to their respecting philosopher to portray Voltaire's overall purpose. Furthermore, Pangloss, as characterized by Voltaire for representing the affinity of optimism, ... Show more content on ... And since he values himself above Leibniz and Rousseau, Voltaire alludes to himself as the form of Cacambo and James the Anabaptist. These characters demonstrate rational lines of thinking for asserting "wise" courses of actions, resonating their reputations as "being worthy fellows" for the other characters within (Candide, 87). Rather than always see the best or worse within situations, these realists, or Voltaire himself, sees the events as hand as rational beings. To the reader, these approaches are appropriate as compared to the outrageousness of Pangloss's or Leibniz's everything always being for the best and Martin's or Rousseau's perspective upon men were created by the forces of evil. And it's by Voltaire's major stereotyping these philosophies can the reader make the distinctive difference between the two and where their faults lie. His allusions within these characters satirizes the unsound thought patterns within the philosophies, pointing to the disadvantages to each side of the spectrum. While optimism saw everything as always being right and pessimism seeing everything as always having a corrupted source, the realist ideal fits between the two to persuade the reader as this approach is more sound than the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. What Is Optimism Essay As a human being living in this ruthless world, the perspective of how we see life plays great role in the success and happiness of a person. Optimism is seeing positive aspects of life. I as an immigrant I have had experienced the ups and downs of life to an extent where all I have to hold unto was hope and faith. My motto in life is seeing the light in all the darkness that was surrounding me. That is how I lived and will live. Being an optimist person has helped me to be more peaceful to myself and more confident. Living as an immigrant in the US is really hard especially for a teenager who was growing up in a totally different culture, experience, life, and people, custom not to mention the language barriers that make it worse. Optimism ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Optimism And Pessimism In The Great Gatsby I believe that the three texts that I have studied contained moments of optimism and pessimism which in turn have shaped my opinion of the general vision and viewpoint. This alludes to the feelings and emotions portrayed through the omniscient camera in "The King's Speech", the morally inclined narrator Nick Caraway in "The Great Gatsby" and the protagonist in the novel "Foster". I was very intrigued to find out more about these societies and the vision the author/director hoped to convey. "The Great Gatsby" opens in the boom years in the summer of 1922, commonly known as the "Jazz Age". The opening is conveyed as a mix of optimism and pessimism. At first we are introduced to Nick Caraway, A young man in the "bond business" who is ebullient ... Show more content on ... In T.K.S, Bertie faced a barbaric upbringing which he solemnly shared with Logue. This is evident when he revealed how cruel his nanny was, tunelessly singing "She pinch me so I'd cry, and be sent away at once, then she wouldn't feed me, far far away." (speaks) Took three years for my parents to notice. As you can imagine, it caused some stomach problems." This left me feeling much more sympathetic towards Bertie and further implemented my pessimistic opinion of the portrayal of children in the past. This is also seen in T.G.G as Pammy, Daisy's daughter is only seen once during the entire 1920's novel and we realise that she, like Bertie, had nannies who took care off her rather than her parents. A sense of negativity is also conveyed towards children here as Gatsby ,when first introduced to Pammy, was described as "looking at the child with surprise. I don't think he had ever believed in its existence." she is described as an "it" and Gatsby then realises that he can't repeat the past with Daisy and that his obsessive longing for her was a waste of time. I believe that this pessimistic feeling was a factor in his volatility towards Tom in the Plaza. Similarly in "Foster", Mildred like a predator, pounced on the innocent protagonist and questioned her about the Kinsella's personal affairs such as "where does the old dog sleep, Is she allowed to spend....". Mildred then inconsiderately informed the little girl of the Kinsella's boy's passing, stating " sure didn't he follow that auld hound of theirs into the slurry tank and drown...... The soft–hearted fool." in a callous tone. Personally I feel that each of the narrators set out to portray children's lives in a negative ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Optimism And Relationships Optimism's relationship with well–being and satisfaction with life has been well studied, even before positive psychology was seen as a major topic in psychology. Optimism is positively correlated with life satisfaction (Szczesniak & Soares, 2011). A students degree of optimism is a predictor of satisfaction with life and distress in college (Brissette, Scheier, & Carver, 2002; Yalcin, 2011). Newlyweds who were higher in optimism solved problems more constructively, had lower decline in marital well–being in the first year of marriage, and were better able to handle relationship trouble (Andersson, 2012a; Neff & Geers, 2013). A husbands optimism is associated with marital satisfaction early on while a wife's optimism is associated with greater ... Show more content on ... There are differences and problems that still need to be clarified. For the sake of this article, optimism and pessimism are shown as one dimension, with someone low in optimism being high in pessimism. However, there are contradictory ideas about whether optimism and pessimism are unidimensional or two dimensions. There is evidence to support the theory that they are unidimensional with low optimism being the same as high pessimism and vise versa (Rauch, Schweizer, & Moosebougger, 2007). However, there is evidence to support the theory that they are two separate dimensions and people can be high or low in both optimism and pessimism (Herzberg, Glaesmer, & Hoyer, 2006). Additionally, optimism studies are largely done on European Americans so there is no clarification on the universality of the results. People from eastern cultures experience more positive emotions when they are experiencing negative emotions so they might be more optimistic than western ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Optimism : Optimism Over Pessimism Optimism can be defined as "Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something" (, n.d.) or more specifically as "extent to which people hold generalized favorable expectancies for their future" (Birkeland, Blix, & Heir, 2007). It's a characteristic trait which is unique and observed in certain individuals. It's a form of mental state in which, one believes that the outcome of some specific task or result, will be positive or good. A widely used idiom for explaining optimism over pessimism, in a simplified manner is by illustrating the example of a glass with water at the half point. In this specific scenario, an optimistic person is said to observe the glass as half full because of ... Show more content on ... The individual will mentally prepare themselves to tackle the pain and hardship, they are going through. All these can only be accomplished by having an optimistic way of thinking. Worst case scenario, in case of a terminal illness, during their last few days, rather than being depressed and filled with regrets, a positive mindset can work wonders by making the individual realize that he should cherish each and every second of his life and moment is precious and valuable. Another perspective of being optimistic, is its importance and necessity in work space. It is almost a near disaster to imagine a lack of optimistic attitude in an organizational set up. "The limited research on optimism shows that it boosts the performance of employees in certain kind of jobs. If research shows significant relationship between optimism levels and job productivity, the management must consider measuring optimism during their selection process and hire employees with high levels of optimism by filtering out the pessimistic ones" (Rana & Chadha, 2017). Optimistic employees are a crucial component of any team or a work force. The productivity and efficiency of an organization is also primarily affected by the character, behavior and attitude of the employees. It is essential to ensure that a positive work space is maintained in an organization and various activities and strategies must be adopted in order to promote an optimistic work force. This further enhances the creativity of ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Disillusionment Of Optimism In Candide, By Voltaire In the novel Candide, Voltaire satirizes the disillusionment of optimism by depicting a multitude of hardships seen around the world. Candide, the open–minded protagonist, has been exposed to Pangloss's optimistic philosophy for the majority of his life. However, throughout the course of the novel, it becomes increasingly difficult to see the positive side of all the catastrophe surrounding him. It is only after he starts doubting this philosophy that Candide starts to become influenced by the teachings of Martin. Although Candide resides in security at the conclusion, Voltaire draws on the disastrous events seen throughout the novel and utilizes Martin's pessimistic point of view to claim that human nature is incomplete without suffering. ... Show more content on ... In a way, Martin acts as the embodiment of Voltaire's opinions, as the author constantly satirizes optimism in the novel. For example, when Candide sees Vanderdendur's ship sink after stealing Candide's money, he comments that "crime is sometimes punished" (Voltaire 93). This statement itself inherently points to the loss of optimism within Candide, as he admits that some crime does go unpunished. Furthermore, Martin draws truth the innate evil of the world by pointing out that "the devil has drowned the rest" (94) of the ship's members. Even though the bad deed of the Dutch captain had been punished, it came with the effect of killing a larger amount of innocent men. Through this sequence of events, Voltaire thus states that a righteous event can only occur at the expense of inflicting suffering upon others. The end of the novel places Pangloss and Martin together on the farm in Constantinople, and it is in this tranquil setting that readers find the most revealing truths of humanity. At this point, the pessimism of Martin has become such a large influence that even Cacambo and the old woman draw similar conclusions about humanity. While on the farm, Martin makes his final judgment and states that "the restlessness of anxiety or ... the lethargy of boredom" (140) are the only choices man could make in life. Both of these choices represent ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Stereotypes Of Optimism Optimism. What is it really? Many people misjudge what it really means to be optimistic. As someone who likes to think of themselves as an optimistic person, I understand how you could be stereotyped. Someone who is optimistic doesn't necessarily fall under the guidelines, stereotyped by society. The first thing that comes to most people's minds when they think of someone being optimistic might be, unrealistic, cheesy, or "sounds like a guidance counselor". But being optimistic doesn't mean you are unrealistic, simply hopeful. I'm not talking Snow and Charming from Once Upon a Time, it is not humanly possible to be that hopeful. Hopefulness comes with the territory when one is optimistic. If you are thinking right now that hope ... Show more content on ... Are you ready? Optimistic people have doubts about things too. "OH. MY. GOD." –Janice Litman (FRIENDS). I know such a shock. But in all seriousness, just because someone is optimistic about life does not mean they aren't human, I mean "Nobody's Perfect" (Hannah Montana). So, those of you who think you can't classify yourselves as being optimistic because you have doubts, go ahead and change your Facebook/Instagram statuses now. Just because you are not techniquly optimistic all the time, doesn't mean you can't be optimistic. Some people use optimism for reassurance. Though they may not be optimistic on the inside, in able to seem confident, they use it. Most of the time those who are insecure don't appear it because they use optimism to cover it up. Take a bully for example, they might appear tough on the outside, but they really are struggling deep within. Just as many optimistic people are at first. The thing with this is, happy thoughts lead to a happy ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Examples Of Optimism And Courage Using Optimism to Defeat Conflict As philosopher Nicholas M. Butler states, "Optimism is the foundation of courage." Keeping this in mind, "Dear Miss Breed", written by Joanne Oppenheim, tells the story of a young girl named Louise who was interned, but had an optimistic outlook on life, leading her to appreciate everything around her. In Susan Campbell Bartoletti's "Hitler Youth", Sophie Scholl had the courage to stand up and do what she believed was right. And in Elie Wiesel's "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech", he emphasized the need to be optimistic in times of conflict. All of these great leaders have had great courage and chosen to be optimistic in depressing times. Although it can be argued that optimism and courage are irrelevant to ... Show more content on ... In Sophie Scholl's story, she writes to her boyfriend "'I don't like to think about it, but soon there is going to be nothing left but politics, and as long as it's so confused and evil, it's cowardly to turn away from it'" (Bartoletti). In Sophie's point of view, cowardliness leads no no resolutions. She believes people must face the conflict and accept the consequences. According to the article, "The Neutral Basis of Optimism and Pessimism", "The pessimist . . . observes mainly the negative aspects of everything around. Thinking of all the potential dangers and pitfalls on the way, the pessimist is likely to have little hope for the future"(Hect). Pessimism shows weakness in one's ability to resolve conflict successfully. Allowing fear and discouragement into one's mind tends to curtail the ability to reach full potential. University of Notre Dame College writes, "Avoiding or withdrawing from a conflict requires no courage or consideration for the other party. By avoiding the conflict, you essentially pretend that it never happened or doesn't exist." Turning away from conflict is inadvisable because it means are turning away from an opportunity to grow. One does not learn if they cannot face conflict. Therefore, expressing a pessimistic or fearful outlook on life does not lead to growth, learning, or successful conflict ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Persuasive Essay On Optimism Looking at the bright side and noticing what is right as opposed to what is wrong is not normal for most people. It is commonly thought that being optimistic is not being realistic and even though that is true for some people, there are ways to be optimistic in a healthy manner that can help one see life's challenges realistically even when times get tough. Being optimistic is a skill that takes effort and thought but spending the time to work on cultivating optimism can be life changing. Cultivating optimism is one of the happiness enhancing strategies that has been shown to increase happiness levels and positive thoughts about the future, which is the concept which I experimented with when I conducted the Best Possible Selves activity. ... Show more content on ... This has had an impact on my life growing up because I was bullied for a majority of my life and going to Disney was the one place where I did not feel judged. I want to be able to spread that magic and joy to other children, especially those who have similar stories, by making them feel special and included because I know how life changing that was for me. The third goal I have is to lead an authentic life with a partner who cares about me and allows me to be my true self. I believe that in society people work too hard to please others and fit into the mold of what is viewed as "normal." I know that this lifestyle does not allow for authenticity or creativity because I have adhered to it for several years and am now starting to face the consequences of not being my true self around my family and friends. I want to be with someone who makes me feel celebrated and special for who I am whether it be having funky colored hair, going to Disney World as an adult, saying sarcastic funny comments, or whatever other aspects make up my being. While creating these goals for myself I was able to think about more cohesive steps that will lead me in the right direction towards achieving them. In order to become a successful journalist, I plan to continue studying journalism in college and write for ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. World Gains From Optimism What the world gains from Optimism: Usually, when you think of an optimist, you might think of a bright cheery person wearing bright happy colors skipping happily down a sidewalk, right? And while that sounds like a wonderful way to live, that's not quite how optimism always looks. (But hey, if it works for you, be my guest!) Optimism is often overlooked and misunderstood in today's society. We really have no idea how beneficial the effects of optimism are for us. From healthier hearts to even living longer, optimism sure is a helpful tool that's easily accessible and makes the journey of life a lot more fun! Optimism shockingly,has a direct correlation to physical health as seen in many researches conducted by multiple people. A healthier ... Show more content on ... Researchers actually found that individual factors – like age, income level, education, gender, etc. – had a smaller–than–expected impact on optimism, and that national factors – like GDP and life expectancy – didn't really have an impact on optimism at all. So really no matter how harsh the circumstances, we all can be positive. Findings from a study conducted a few years ago by neuroscientist Elizabeth Phelps suggest that directing our thoughts of the future toward the positive is a result of our frontal cortex communicating with subcortical regions deep in our brain. The frontal cortex, a large area behind the forehead, is the most recently evolved part of the brain. It is larger in humans than in other primates and is critical for many complex human functions such as language and goal setting. We just have to use that frontal cortex and decide to choose the positive route. So now we know how beneficial it is for us to use that daily optimistic thinking. From heart health, boosted immune systems, and longer lives optimism can do it all for us. Lots of people in our society don't always adapt to this system because of older primal habit, but as proven, anyone can change to the positive side as long as their willing. So are you ready to smile nonstop, wear bright clothes, and skip everywhere? Let's be ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Roots Of Optimism As I was pondering on where my roots of optimism came from, I came to a realization that my optimism comes in many forms. First off, it is all about mindset and practice. If a person is constantly thinking negatively, the only thing radiating off of that person is negative energy. Not everything in life will all be happy, and a part of being optimistic is understanding this and learning to deal with negative situations with a positive outlook. For example, just before the start my freshman year of high school, my family got relocated from Northwest Indiana to Southwest Ohio, and making the adjustment was harder than I initially thought. I was struggling to make any friends, I would come home crying, and be upset with my parents for making us ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Optimism ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Optimism Optimism is a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as being best (optimized), meaning that in some way for factors that may not be fully comprehended, the present moment is in an optimum state. The concept is typically extended to include the attitude of hope for future conditions unfolding as optimal as well. The more broad concept of optimism is the understanding that all of nature, past, present and future, operates by laws of optimization along the lines of Hamilton's principle of optimization in the realm of physics. This understanding, although criticized by counter views such as pessimism, idealism and realism, leads to a state of mind that ... Show more content on ... He hoped that society would eventually reach the state where calm reason would replace all violence and force, that mind could eventually make matter subservient to it, and that intelligence could discover the secret of immortality. Much of this philosophy is exemplified in the Houyhnhnms of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Panglossianism The term "panglossianism" describes baseless optimism of the sort exemplified by the beliefs of Pangloss from Voltaire's Candide, which are the opposite of his fellow traveller Martin's pessimism and emphasis on free will. The phrase "panglossian pessimism" has been used to describe the pessimistic position that, since this is the best of all possible worlds, it is impossible for anything to get any better. The panglossian paradigm is a term coined by Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin to refer to the notion that everything has specifically adapted to suit specific purposes. Instead, they argue, accidents and exaptation (the use of old features for new purposes) play an important role in the process of evolution. Some other scientists however argue the implication that many (or most) adaptionists are panglossians is a straw man. Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time Michael Shermer relates Frank J. Tipler to Voltaire's character Pangloss to show how clever people deceive ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Optimism And Racism "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson appears to be a charming, quaint sentiment, although a sentiment which is seemingly not applicable to modern society. However, is it possible that each individual could establish an optimisitc, sanguine attitude throught all the days of their life? In retrospect, I sincerely believe that this is attainable, through a conscious, caring attitude to our thoughts. Genuinely unadulterated optimisim and joy is so recherere in modern society. However, optimisim and an audcaious thrist for a jovial life is wildly infectious. The significant question still stands. How do we obtain this unshakeable optimism through the storms of life, through clossal challenges, through unfair critisim and rejection? When we see unabashedly optimisic indivudals who rejoice in life and modify the way we look at this immense, vast, capacious world, we wonder how to procure what they have acquired? We concede. We convince ourselves that they posess something we ... Show more content on ... A commonly practiced technique includes observing an atrocious, unpreposessing situation and detecting one outstanding, reedeming quality in the most horrendous situation. However, there are numerous ways to stay optimsitic. There are no limits, as it all depends upon the individual. Optimisitic inviduals are typically empthatic and compassionate. They view situations through the eyes of others, which allows them to realize the magnitude of things they have to be thankful for. This motivates and fuels their splendid attitudes. There are scads of ways optimists stay optimsitic and keep their loving, joyful countenance in tact every day of the week, even through the trials, tribulations, and storms of their life. It is important to strive to live optimistically, even if it is not our innate ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Dispositional Optimism Research Paper Utilizing Dispositional Optimism Life is tough. Life forces humans to endure in a universe that may be completely random and nothing in it may hold any meaning aside from the arbitrary value that I attribute. Moreover, if nothing means anything in life, then there is no true reason in living. We are all just postponing the inevitable great equalizer we call 'death.' Why not just skip the hardship, pain, and suffering that exists in this world and get straight to a place where we cannot feel its horrors anymore? When thinking thoughts such as these, I expect to find that such a negative, pessimistic disposition might not yield beneficial results. Conversely, one might infer that an host weilding an optimistic disposition will have a greater ... Show more content on ... My chosen empirical articles, relevant course material, as well as personal experience have all produced evidence which supported the idea that practicing dispositional optimism would benefit me. I indeed have improved the way in which I attain a goal that I want to achieve. I plan to further establish this mindset while continually striving toward and improving how I realize my goals. Sustaining this optimistic mindset might be a difficult task; I expect to reap a constructive outcome ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. On the Roads optimism Essay example In Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road, the narrator, Sal Paradise offers up to us what seems to be a very optimistic view on life. He is forever singing the praises of how wonderful his adventures will be and his high expectations for the future. To Sal, the novel is defined by youthful exuberance and unabashed optimism for the new experiences that he sets out to find. A deeper look into the novel, as well as a look at some of the critics who have written on it, reveals a much darker side, a more pessimistic and sad aspect that Sal simply fails to realize until the very close of the action. Whether Sal is hopped up on the optimism of jazz music, secure in his belief that he is off to find 'IT,' or just excited ... Show more content on ... The influence of Dean Moriarty on the novel, in terms of everything from plot to general tone to the thoughts and dreams of Sal, is immeasurable. Most importantly though, he is the catalyst for much of this blind optimism – for in a sense, he personifies blind optimism. During the long introduction of Dean in the first chapter, Sal shows the vast impression that Dean will have on the tone of the novel: all my New York friends were in their negative, nightmare position of putting down society and giving their bookish or psychoanalytical reasons, but Dean just raced in society, eager for bread and love; he didn't care one way or the other (Kerouac, 7). Dean's refusal to look at the world with a disapproving eye and always having hope for simple things like food and sex exemplify his personification of optimism. This early passage of the novel shows that Dean will – and eventually does – become the driving force in the optimism that marks much of the book. Dean's lust for life guides himself and Sal to places such as jazz clubs, old friends' houses, and even Mexico. But with Dean as well as the cohorts that follow his madness, (Sal, Ed Dunkel, Carlo Marx and many more) the result ends up being much less than ideal, despite the fact that they sometimes happen to receive that ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Seligman's Theory Of Optimism Notwithstanding the numerous advantages of pessimism, proven by studies, society continues to condemn it. This is particularly due to the fact that optimism is viewed as more superior, compared to pessimism. Author, Jon Gordon, reports, "'Whether we feed ourselves each day with negative fuel or positive fuel ... our optimism has a big impact on our day'" (Gordon). Gordon conveys the fact that, ultimately, optimism determines success, not pessimism. Additionally, Adam Sinicki, a psychology graduate, comments that remaining optimistic during strenuous times will help alleviate the situation because an individual is believing that matters will only mend (Sinicki). While there may be research to support these claims, the truth is, they fail to shed ... Show more content on ... However, what happens when there is too much hope, or cheerfulness is enforced among individuals? Believe it or not, a forced and inordinate amount of optimism can be cataclysmic. As aforementioned, Seligman's theory of learned optimism, the belief that optimism can be inculcated through the avoidance of pessimistic reflections, optimism has afflicted the military in a negative manner. Psychiatrist, Keith Ablow states that "the armed services' psychological stance is now influenced by ... learned optimism––wherein soldiers are actually taught to deny stress and trauma, and false bravado is actually encouraged...'" (Ablow). In a The New Yorker article, Maria Konnikova writes, "learned helplessness [learned optimism] can indeed be a severe form of torture. The inability to control one's environment has repeatedly been shown to create not only anger and frustration but, eventually, deep and often insurmountable depression" (Konnikova). United States Sergeant Robert Bales' story is one of many of how a forced and abundant amount of optimism has negatively affected the military. Bales had been deployed to Iraq multiple times, one of which he had suffered a traumatic head injury. While on a deployment, Bales killed 16 civilians in Afghanistan. Reports show that Bales was showing psychiatric symptoms, prior to the massacre, but Ablow quarrels that the philosophical belief, learned optimism, should be the one to blame (Ablow). When society pressurizes optimism upon people during stressful times, it merely induces for more disputes and obstacles. Similar to Konnikova's statement, if a person is already experiencing arduous sensations, obliging optimism only creates false impressions, and that is the allure of pessimism. Pessimism does not necessarily always mean being blunt or straightforward during fraught times, but possessing the ability to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Optimism In Dark Inside The Importance of Optimism as a Character Trait What is a character trait that everyone needs in order to overcome obstacles? In the novel Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts, five characters named Mason, Aries, Chickadee, Evans, and Michael try to survive in an apocalyptic world with optimism. An earthquake strikes each character's neighbourhood and many citizens die as a result. Although these five characters do not know each other and are situated in different locations in the beginning, they eventually encounter one another. Their main goal is to survive this obnoxious disaster. Each character goes through a different adventure optimistically, and perseveres despite the myriad of problems they face. Therefore, the novel Dark Inside shows that ... Show more content on ... There are multiple protagonists in the story, and they all go through different adventures. A character named Chickadee, who Mason encounters, develops from being very dependant into a more independent and optimistic character. She has diabetes, so she cannot live without insulin. Since the earthquake was so destructive, there are no doctors left to treat her. Chickadee becomes pessimistic when she realizes she will inevitably die if she does not get treated. However, before Chickadee dies, she explains, "There are different types of people in this world. There are people who accept what's in front of them unquestioningly... Then there are people like me. Optimists. They too live in the dark, in times like these, but dream of the light" (219). Chickadee admits she is an optimist, and advises Mason to be optimistic as well. He also starts looking at the positive side of situations. Even when Chickadee dies, instead of mourning her death, Mason decides to fulfil her final wish: to go to Vancouver and feel the ocean for her. Furthermore, another main character, Michael, begins as ignorant and passive, but becomes more optimistic. When Evans tells Michael that he needs to find his daughter and wife, Michael volunteers to help. He reassures Evans, "We'll get through this. We'll find your wife and child" (85). This proves that Michael becomes a positive and diligent character, who is determined to help Evans find his family members during these egregious times. In addition, Aries also undergoes dramatic changes throughout the novel. For instance, she is a very scared and pessimistic character when she finds out that her friend, Sarah, has died. As the story progresses, Aries develops into an exceptional leader who others admire and treat respectfully. Aries thinks to herself, "No matter how much of a leader she didn't think she was, she'd get them ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Positive Optimism Outlook On Life Life can be full of surprises and is not always an easy journey. However, having an optimism outlook on life can make one's life journey more enjoyable. Positive emotion is very important to enhance a progressive life. (Slegiman, 2009). It is one's choice to choose not to have a negative attitude towards challenges in life but to instead have a positive attitude towards all trials. Recently, the author's husband was sentenced to six and half years to federal prison and it was a devastating event for their family of six which included four children. Initially, depression along with a flood of negative thoughts began to rush through their minds. However, choosing to stand positively and have an optimistic outlook allowed them to get through this hard time. The court case was difficult and full of surprises. There were times when they felt like giving up but chose to hold onto hope and faith. They stopped all hopelessness and negativity that tried to play through their min. Instead they withstood by knowing and believing ... Show more content on ... Finally, a plea agreement of serving six and half years in federal prison was made. But why and how would this be able to pass? Negative thoughts tried to overcome the husband who was sentenced and the wife who would have to raise the four children alone while her husband would have to be in prison. But instead this couple decided to see this as only a temporary setback. Soon they received good news that with good time and other credit, the husband would only have to serve four years. Time would pass and this debt of prison time would be completed and defeated. There was no room to allow sorrow of depression to set in. A positive mindset had to overcome their thoughts and stand knowing that this will soon pass. According to Seligman optimism aids in individual well–being. Therefore, while having to face this horrible prison sentence, having a positive outlook brought ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Essay on A Handful of Optimism A Handful of Optimism Despite race, religion, sex, or age the world can be divided into two different groups. Those who see the glass as being half full and those who see the glass as being half empty. In other words, being either that of an optimist or a pessimist. Though a simple question, often times people find it difficult to answer. Just when one thinks they have decided that they are one or the other, they come across a song, poem, or an experience that makes them reevaluate the mind frame from that which they have normally embraced. T. S. Eliot's famous quote from The Waste Land, "I can show you fear in a handful of dust," is one that has been the trigger, for many, in this self–evaluation process (1.30) Quite often, ... Show more content on ... For many Christians it is a verse found in the Bible that changed their fear of death to one of an acceptance of death. "For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. The belief of having eternal life is what keeps the fear of death at bay. Not only do Christians beliefs promote optimism, but they encourage others to seek a similar level of self realization. Nevertheless, some people are unaware and apathetic to the endless possibilities that life holds. It is a woman in Eliot's poem that conveys the image of a person who is living, yet fails to see the richness in her life. It is after the departure of her lover that she states, "'Well now that's done: and I'm glad it's over'" (3.252). Most would be overcome with joy and contentment at having just completed, what is thought to be, one of the most intimate and cherished part of ones life. Not only does she respond to this occasion with rigidness, in her previous comment, but Eliot proceeds to say that "She smoothes her hair with an automatic hand" (3.255). Thus implicating the meaninglessness and emptiness of her life. Not only does Eliot portray the pessimism with this woman but does so in a broader sense when he writes: "Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Speech On Optimism Jon Jusufi 8th grade Sir Winston Churchill once said: " A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." If I think I cannot do something, after a while I will not be capable of doing it. And vice versa if I truly believe that I can do something, I will try my best to do it. And this is not only about actions we are capable of doing or not. Most importantly, it is about what we think we are. If you are an optimist you love your life and think of yourself and the others around you as great people. If you are a pessimist you do not really care about who you are and you do not give your life a meaning. Optimism makes us have dreams. Those dreams eventually turn into goals and to accomplish those goals we get perseverant, we care about the people around us and we try to live a healthy live. Optimism leads to perseverance. If we really believe that what we think is right, optimism us protect it with all we have because we are what we ... Show more content on ... It is in human nature to work and live together with other people and to give a part of ourselves to the others around us. Optimism is very important here because an optimist tries to make the world a better place by making the people better people. Optimists help everyone in their community as much as they can in every possible way. Sometimes people just need to hear some good words and that is what optimists are great at. You have probably heard the story about the one bad apple that turned all the good apples bad. Optimism is the exact opposite because one optimist has the power to make all the people around him or her to see life from a positive point of view. This is one of my favorite things about optimism because optimists do not only help themselves, they help the world. And by helping the world they help themselves because the people that you once helped will help you achieve your ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Roots Of Optimism From your first breath to your first word, you are taught something everyday. Maybe from your mom, or your dad. Your first smile or clap, optimism comes from that. You learn that smiling makes everyone else smile, so you do it. You learn that your parents want you to to clap, so they will laugh. They taught you at a young age to do positive things. You grow up and take those things with you wherever you go. You see, your root of optimism comes from the simplest things you don't even realize. My root of optimism comes from many things. One of which, is all of the things around me. The media, Life lessons, and different perspectives are the roots of my optimsm. I believe that the roots of my optimism have made me who i am today, Some people think the media is true, and some people think different. It all depends on the person. In my opinion there are true and false advertisements in the media. I grew up only looking at the writer or pop stars opinion, and not focusing on my own. As i got older the media taught me some important things,to focus on my own opinion, and not on anyone else's. When i used to drive on the highway, i would look at the signs of the ... Show more content on ... I was praised when I needed to be praised, and scolded when I needed to be. This is a process that shapes a good child. For example, if a child threw their trash away, they might get a piece of candy. When they said a naughty word, they might have to go to time out. My parents taught me these lessons, but in a more optimistic way. Focusing on the bright side, even in a bad situation. This brought a lot of positivity to my life, threw an optimistic way. It helps me as an older child to not be frustrated as much. Jimmy Dean once said " I can't change the direction of the wind, but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." This quote reminds me of the life lessons i was taught. If one solution doesn't work, try ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Optimism Research Paper PSCY1000 Melissa Ryan Capella University Is the glass half full or half empty? Does every cloud truly have a silver lining? These are a few quotes that are as old as the ages. I have always found myself to look at the brighter and lighter side of every situation. I find that not dwelling on the negative or pondering on the downside keeps me in a better place and state of mind. I recently took an optimism test administered, this test can be taken by anyone and found at Authentic Happiness is the homepage of Dr. Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of positive psychology, a branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical ... Show more content on ... Others let one problem bleed all over everything. They catastrophize. When one thread of their lives breaks the whole fabric unravels. It comes down to this: People who make universal explanations for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one area. People who make specific explanations may become helpless in that one part of their lives, yet march stalwartly on in the others...Now for the converse. The optimistic explanatory style for good events is opposite that for bad events. The optimist believes good events will enhance everything he does, while the pessimist believes good events are caused by specific factors." (Seligman M.E.P., 2002, p. 90–91). Hope. "...Whether or not we have hope, depends on two dimensions taken together. Finding permanent and universal causes of good events along with temporary and specific causes for misfortune is the art of hope; finding permanent and universal causes for misfortune and temporary and specific causes of good events is the practice of despair...People who make permanent and universal explanations for good events, as well as temporary and specific explanations for bad events, bounce back from troubles briskly and get on a roll easily when they succeed once. People who make temporary and specific explanations for success, and permanent and universal explanations for setbacks, tend to collapse under pressure–both for a long time and across situations–and rarely get on a roll." (Seligman M.E.P., ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Influence Of Optimism In Fitness Camps Louie was a rebellious child who turned into something great, an Olympic athlete. Later, he went into the war and fought for his country. During a rescue mission, his plane crashed and almost everyone died except for Louie, Phil, and Mac. Louie and Phil survived the raft and went into a POW camps. There Louie was being stripped of his dignity and was being dehumanized, but still survived. Some characteristic of Louie that helped him get through the camps were optimism and resiliency. Through his journey on the raft and at camps, he was very optimistic and hopeful of surviving. Optimism is very helpful and needed in situation like Louie's, because he needed hope he was going to stay alive. With that optimism and hopefulness he survived. On ... Show more content on ... When Louie and Phil first arrived at the first camp they went through many beatings and pain. One of them was very bad, "In the last, a full pint of fluid was pumped into their veins. They were lucky to survive" (143). This was when they got a fluid put into them and it caused rash and dizziness. In the text it said that 1,000 of people died from this and that they were lucky to survive. To survive that they needed to be vigor and they both did even after 47 days out at sea. Next example of when Louie was resilient was on page 145, "Louie's nose was badly broken. He'd pushed the bones back in place with his fingers." If anybody's nose got broken it was be very painful to get put it back and it was broken, but Louie did it. That shows that Louie was strong and that he could do that. Final example is "For weeks, Louie was deaf in one ear. The Bird beat him daily" (186). The Bird was fascinated with Louie and how Louie was everything the Bird wanted to be. The Bird beat Louie all the time and sometimes the Bird would feel bad, but he would still continue. Also Louie was strong and never stopped fighting for his life. Although the Bird beat him daily, Louie still survived and went on to be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Optimism In Romeo And Juliet Being optimistic is being hopeful and having a positive attitude about the future. One can be optimistic in any situations with any emotions, it depends on the view and personality of the person in mind. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, two individuals from different worlds find a way to come together even in the face of their families altercations to find true love. The play, Romeo and Juliet, expresses a rather optimistic view of life. In the play, the two lovers try to keep their lives positive despite what is going on in their personal lives. Juliet is in disbelief when she learns that her love Romeo is a montague and she is not allowed with him. While at the feast in the Capulet house, Juliet talks to the nurse after meeting ... Show more content on ... The Nurse acts like a messenger for Juliet and is out of breath from having to walk through Verona. After receiving good news from Romeo the Nurse heads back to the Capulet home and says to Juliet, "I am aweary. Give me leave awhile. Fie, how my bones ache! What a jaunt have I!"(2.5.25). This represents that the Nurse has become tired and needs to relax after Juliet's requests for her to speak with Romeo. Though the nurse feels weak and needs some time to settle down a bit but instead she explains all of what happened to Juliet. This is an example of staying calm and happy when you are stressed or down. Romeo's new love interest brings a sense of distress to the Friar. As Romeo tells Friar Lawrence he is in love with the forbidden the Friar says, " But come, young waverer, come, go with me, In one respect I'll thy assistant be, For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your households' rancor to pure love" (2.3.85). The Friar is aware of the feud between the families, but instead of becoming worried about this situation the Friar although feeling stressed agrees to marry the two. The Friar has hope that the marriage could reunite the Capulet and Montague. He always keeps his hope throughout the play. The Friar acts as a friend to Juliet when Romeo was exiled. When Friar Lawrence hears the news that Romeo has been exiled he comes up with a plan for Juliet and says, "Hold. Get you gone. Be strong and prosperous In this resolve" (4.1.126). The Friars only son like figure has been sent away indefinitely and still instead of being full of anger he simply helps Juliet without a thought of his own feelings. Friar Lawrence sees only the good in every situation and figures out way to make it better, like giving Juliet the potion in hopes of bringing Romeo back so they can run away. Through all of the stress the Friar and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Optimism Bias Analysis The optimism bias pushes people towards positive change because most people want positive change and according to Tali Sharot to make changes in our life we must believe that the changes are possible. Even rather pessimistic people want to change there for they believe it is possible. When a person believes in change and anticipates the change it releases serotonin in the brain and brings about a happy feeling, there for improving their overall wellbeing. When I enrolled in college I remember the good feeling it brought and still brings. The optimistic bias is hard at work in my mind when it comes to my success in school. I believe I will be a great counselor, even though my criminal history shuts door after door in my face I keep believing ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Optimism Vs Pessimism Optimists and pessimists look at the world and life in very different ways. It's factual that optimism and pessimism are both views, however, that's where the similarities ultimately end, and the differences start to show. Optimists look at the world and life with joy, heart, and determination, and pessimists, people who see the world and life negatively, just can't seem to muster the sort of positivity that optimists have. The differences between the two views is most commonly seen when it comes to romantic relationships, school, and work. Romantic relationships are difficult for anyone. They are great things, and make life a little easier, however, romantic relationships can be trying and often times hard to maintain. An optimist goes into a relationship knowing that it will be hard, but they are far from afraid to push forward and weather the coming storm. Optimists keep their positivity throughout a relationship, which helps eliminate jealousy and other things that would eventually tear a relationship asunder. An optimists can maintain a relationship without negativity eating at their mind, telling them that they should be worried, or angry, or afraid. On the other hand, when a pessimist enters a romantic relationship they do not see it lasting, and often times will put far too much pressure on their partner, because of their own insecurities to keep a relationship going. Pessimists are constantly worried about their partner losing interest and cheating or leaving ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Importance Of Perpetual Optimism "Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier (Oren, 1996)." Optimism has played a major role throughout my career. Optimism has gotten me through some very tough times. I don't know where I would be without being optimistic. My way of thinking caused those around me to think and act the same way. During times of duress such as conducting field training exercises, my Soldiers notice when I think about the better things to get us through it. There has been several times when missions has caused a higher stress level than normal. As leaders we have to find ways to get out of difficult times. Instead of complaining I always try to find ways think about the outcome of the situation. I always think how the situation could always be worst. When I let those around me "the situation can always be worst", they always tend to agree with me. I look forward to the challenging times because the challenging times make us stronger. Optimism also pertains to life outside the Army. I'm a true believer in looking at things in a positive way. Every time I am put in situations where the odds may be against me, optimism is my best friend. Optimism never seems to fail me. With my optimism comes others to perform better and look at things a different way. I can truly say my life is surrounded with optimism. Everything that comes up usually causes me to be optimistic. "Have fun in your command. Don't always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you've earned it. Spend time with your families." ... Get more on ...