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• An Introduction to Derek Naude
• My Learning Style according to Kolb
• Framework Contextualisation
• Input
• The Managers Role as a conduit
• The dual role of the manager
• Throughput – the core and the mantle
• The core - An Integral Management Coaching Model
• The roadmap (mantle)
• Throughput summary
• Output (what do I bring to the coaching conversation)
An Introduction to Derek Naude

Experience and competencies :

• 20 years - Financial Services Sector experience in the People’
• “People’s practices” / Human Resources
• Training and Development and Talent Management.
• Masters degree in Industrial Psychology
• Masters degree in Management Coaching

A short summary of my core functions is :

   • Currently : Head of Learning and Development for Woolworths
     Financial Services
      • Leadership Training
      • Soft Skills Training
      • Product, process, systems training
      • Competency Matrix
      • Succession planning and career development
      • Project Management
      • E learning campus
• Trust your experience
• Trust the learning process
• Redefine your relationship to
• Let go of strong emotional
  responses in order to learn from
• Reassess your beliefs about how
  you learn and what you good at
• Monitor the messages you send
• Balance you success /failure
Personal Introduction - Learning Style

 My Kolb Learning Style :

 I am a Diverger and my style characteristics are :

 • Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation
 • Greatest strength lies in imaginative ability
 • Excels in the ability to view concrete situations from many perspectives
 • Performs better in situations that call for generation of idea’s –
 • Interested in people and inclined to be imaginative and emotional
 • Broad cultural interests and tend to specialize in the arts
 • Imaginative , innovative , easy going , observer, listener , questioner
Personal Introduction

  I would like to present my framework by way of :

  • Input
     – What informs me as a coach?

  • Throughput
     – Discuss my authentic coaching model in detail, looking at
       the core and the mantle

  • Output
     – What are the intended outcomes of integrated coaching

  Life Purpose

  • What do I assume about myself?
    – I have an incredibly interest in behaviour and people’s
    – I am constantly amazed by other cultures and languages
      and all that I can learn from our differences
    – I am professional and have a strong corporate orientation
    – I am highly committed to people development and potential
    – I have a keen interest in motivation
    – I believe that I am here to teach
Input continued..

  • What do I assume about others?

     – Everybody has self esteem challenges, we all wonder if we
       are really good enough
     – People are helpful and want to be the best they can, we are
       all trying to overcome something

  • Beliefs

     – About Life
        • We will never fully understand everything but we must
          never stop learning and striving and trying
        • There is a master plan
        • We are fully responsible for everything that happens in
          our lives (life is fair)
Input continued..

     – About People

         • We all have choices
         • We all have talents and abilities beyond our wildest
         • We all have hopes and dreams
         • We all want to be happy and we always wish the best for
           those we love
         • We all have judgments and prejudices about ourselves
           and others
         • We all have an inherent ability and will to survive
Input continued..

     • Values

          –   Continuous Self Improvement
          –   To continue to learn about myself
          –   To be respectful and compliant
          –   To trust the processes happening in my life
Input continued..    Input continued..
   • Who informs me?
Who Informs me :
       – Karl Jung (Client-Centered Therapy 1951)
• Carl Jung • All organisms have an actualizing tendency (all creatures strive
                 to make the very best of their existence)
              • We value positive regard (love, affection, attention and
Freud said that nurturance)
                 the goal of therapy was to make the unconscious conscious
              • One technique that Rogerians are known for..Reflection; the
A younger colleague of Freud, Carl Jung, was to make the exploration of "inner
                 mirroring of emotional communication
              • work.
space" his life'sA therapist must have three special qualities to be effective:
                 – Congruence; genuineness and honesty with the client.
                 – Empathy; the ability to feel what the of course, and
He went equipped with a background in Freudian theory, client feels. with an
                 – Respect; acceptance and unconditional positive regard
apparently inexhaustible knowledge of mythology, religion, and philosophy. towards
                   the client.

Jung was especially professionals years I was asking of complex mysticalcan I treat, or
      “In my early knowledgeable in the symbolism the question: How traditions
such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala,Now similar traditions in question in this way: How
      cure, or change this person? and I would phrase the Hinduism and
Buddhism. I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal
      growth?” Carl Rogers

 If anyone could make sense of the unconscious and its habit of revealing itself only
                      in symbolic form, it would be Carl Jung.
Input continued..   Input continued..
• Who informs me?
     – Karl Jung (Client-Centered Therapy 1951)
         • All organisms have an actualizing tendency (all creatures strive
           to make the very best of their existence)
         • We value positive regard (love, affection, attention and
         • One technique that Rogerians are known for..Reflection; the
           mirroring of emotional communication
         • A therapist must have three special qualities to be effective:
              – Congruence; genuineness and honesty with the client.
              – Empathy; the ability to feel what the client feels.
              – Respect; acceptance and unconditional positive regard towards
                the client.

    “In my early professionals years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or
    cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How
    can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal
    growth?” Carl Rogers
The Limbic Brain

                     emotion, behavior,
                     motivation, long-
                     term memory, and

Dr Dorrian Aiken
Input continued..

My coaching model focuses on doing research to determine the impact that coaching
can have on middle managers who are often referred to as operational or line managers
or even the backbone of the business.

• The fundamental purpose of this topic is to unearth and investigate a business case and
business need for an integrated coaching model aimed at middle managers.
• These managers are the executers, the team that makes it all happen. Middle
managers are expected to lead and to manage and they function within a highly
demanding competency model and people management framework.
•Middle managers get the work done and deliver desired results.
•They are expected to build a team culture which includes a commitment to diversity,
relationship building and relationship management, it also includes conflict management
but most importantly middle managers have to foster responsibility. A key deliverable or
performance area against which middle managers are measured is developing people
and this includes: on the job training and development, providing informal feedback and
career development for team members.
• Because middle managers get the job done it is imperative that they are skilled at
prioritizing and allocating work and what this means is that they need to be able to
delegate work, manage project goals and prioritize time and resources
Input continued..

  • Middle managers are expected to assess and reward performance, a very
  critical key performance area, especially during economically challenging

  • It can be argued that it is at this point that managers need coaching the
  most. Assessing and rewarding performance involves providing reward and
  recognition to the team members by equitably applying criteria for
  promotion and financial reward.

  • Middle managers must visibly champion the accomplishments of the team
  members to the senior management team and of course reward individuals
  and indeed the whole team for their service to the business and to the
Input continued..
  According to Scholtes (1998 : 21)

  • Manage performance to deliver results

  • Coach and provide feedback

  • Communicate

  • Delegate and empower

  • Create an inclusive environment

  • Select Talented People

  • Deliver the business

  • Plan and Improve

  • Work cross functionally
Input cont…

 According to the Corporate Leadership Council : Corporate Leadership Council (2008), “Managing
 for Performance and Retention” [Internet] Available from : [accessed 26/12/10]

 • Effective people management leads to improved performance. Why focus on people
 management then ? Since line managers control many of the most effective drivers of employee
 performance they can act to improve the performance of their employees substantially, making
 effective people management critical for organizational success.

 • Effective people management leads to increased retention. Effective people management has a
 sizeable impact not only on performance but also on retention. Excellence in people management
 directly influences intent to stay with the organization and thereby reduces probability of

 The manager’s role is actually that of a “conduit”, what that means is that managers not only
 generate commitment to themselves but also play a crucial role in building employee commitment
 to day to day work, teams and the organization. Managers through their role as the primary
 connection between the employee and the organization, directly shape an employee’s perception
 of teams, the organization, and their job. Through this influence , managers magnify (or diminish)
 employee commitment , thereby serving as a critical leverage point for maximizing the impact that
 teams, the organization and day to day work have on employee performance and retention (intent
 to stay).
The Managers Role as a Conduit

There are two types of employee commitments : rational commitment and
emotional commitment.

These commitments act through four focal points, namely: day to day work, the
team, the direct manager and the organisation as a whole. Employees can
commit in two principle ways, put simply rational commitment is commitment
of the mind while emotional commitment is commitment of the heart.

For the individual employee, commitment affects their level of discretionary
effort and intent to stay at the organization and these outcomes translate into
increased performance and retention for the business overall.
The Dual Role of the Manager
“The leader of the past knew how to
tell, the leader of the future will know
how to ask.”

Peter Drucker
What is Performance Coaching ?
A way of working with people that improves performance, accelerates
learning, and facilitates development

A skill that relies on effective communication and interpersonal skills as well
as an understanding of the coaching situation

A process that can be used to maximize effectiveness by helping managers
and coaches motivate, develop, instruct and collaborate with individual
employees and teams to get the most out of their current performance and
address development needs
Types of Coaching

   “Designated” - defined relationship
   Clear parameters for outcomes, follow-up, measures
   Individual or group
   Coaching a non-direct report
   No specific agreement/parameters
   Individual or group
   Manager coaching a direct report
   Within context of supervisory relationship
   Focus on learning/development; manager does not want to be directive
A simple but effective Performance Coaching Model
Process Steps :

Process   Establish    Assess               Define          Determine,        Follow-up/       On-going
Step:     the          Situation            Desired         Commit to         Measure          Coaching
          Coaching                          Outcomes        Take              Success
          Relationship                                      Actions

Need:     Reciprocal        Identify root   Identify desired Determine        Indications of   Reinforce
          relationship      cause           goals and        possible         success          positive
                                            outcomes         actions                           change
          Establish trust   Match
                            coaching to                     Identify                           Sustain
                            need (skill,                    enablers and                       commitment
                            motivation or                   obstacles
                            gap)                            Achieve
                                                            desired results
Effective Feedback
• Reinforcement:
    Context: What was the situation, when did this occur?
    Action: What exactly did you do/say?
    Result: What was the impact?

• Corrective:
    Context: What was the situation, when did this occur?
    Action: What exactly did you do/say?
    Result: What was the impact?
    Alternative: What could you say/do instead?
    Result: What would be the result of that?
Coaching Competencies

     Building trusting, credible
    Asking effective questions
          Listening actively
   Identifying patterns, themes
    Providing helpful feedback
   Defining goals and outcomes
    Eliciting possible solutions
  Anticipating possible problems
   Empowering and motivating
      Ensuring follow through
         Measuring success
   Seizing coachable moments
The Core
Throughput – The Core (An Integrated Management Coaching Model)
Throughput – Roadmap “You are always already enlightened”
Throughput – How do I coach “You are always already enlightened”

What is important to
you?: Personally /
                                                       Which business
                                                      challenges are you
                                                     facing? (What is the
                                                        situation now?)

What resources do
you need to make
    changes                                             What keeps you
                                                        from getting the
                                                       results you want?
                                                          (What is the
                                                        situation as you
                                                          want it to be)
       What action steps
                                                  What will keep the
        can you take?
                                                   situation from
Throughput – The Mantle
“If you don’t have much going wrong
with your life, then you don’t have much
going on in your life.”
Larry Winget
Throughput – How do I coach ( a linear view )

                                            Coach and client find each
                                              other, determine what
                Contracting                 regulates their relationship
                                             Brief client on framework
                                                       and fees
                                           Active Listening
         Current Reality – Business        The Heart of the matter
                Challenges                 The Individual, team and the

            Explore the future             Goals
        What is the situation as you       Reality
        want it to be (your vision of      Options
                 the future)               Will (what will you do)

           Challenges of Change                 What is stopping you ?
Throughput – How do I coach

        What Action Steps can you
           take (commitment)         Create a vision for the future

        Resources (what resources
       do you have and what do you      People Development
                  need)                  Tools and systems

       What is important to you :           Self Exploration
       personally                                Values
       and professionally

                                      Summary of discussion
           Intervention Review        What is the plan of action
Integral Coaching Model : A case study of implementation

Case Study:
Senior Project Manager on Project Union
Female – 16 years experience in Financial Services, BComm Honours
Team of 8 people : Project Managers, Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, Communications

    Motivation                                                  Observable behaviours :
    Confidence                                                  client centricity, relationship
    Drivers                                                     management, employee
    Determination                                               perceptions

  The Team
  The organisation                                            Economic Sectors
  The Task Teams                                              The Financial Markets
  Risk                                                        Communities of Practice
  Compliance                                                  The Legal Framework
  Systems (Performance                                        Standard Operating
  Management                                                  Procedures
                                                              Service Level agreements
Output (what do I bring to the coaching conversation)

  The client can expect the following from a coaching intervention

  •    A contractual arrangement which focuses on relationship
  •    Intervening : clear meaningful contact , a story telling opportunity
  •    Unit of work focus : the heart of matter, beginning, middle and end,
       incisive questions will play a role here
  •    As the coach I will “see the process” not work with the content, this
       is about a “thinking partnership”
  •    A learning contract and discussion of learning styles
  •    Psychometric Assessment
  •    Reflection techniques
  •    Coaching Ethics and confidentiality
Output – what are the outcomes of coaching using an integral model

 •   A higher level of self awareness
 •   Relationship Management awareness and considerations
 •   Team behaviour exploration
 •   Management Skills
 •   Levels of motivation (what enthuses you to get up in the morning)
 •   Values, beliefs, feelings (the heart and the head)
 •   Goals and performance
 •   Improved performance
 •   Continuous reflection – learning and practice
 •   Happiness audit
 •   Identifying preference behaviours
Ethical considerations

The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers :

•Every person is doing the best that they can given the field conditions they

•There are no “good guys” and “bad guys”: all people have created patterns of
functioning in the world (their “contact style”) in order to survive and negotiate
their existence

•The reality of each person is valid and as such, worthy of attention and
affirmation; this constitutes a profoundly humanitarian approach to people

•We openly and intentionally take time to create a relationship appropriate for
the work

•We work with the client’s process in the here and now
Ethical considerations

The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers cont :

•Our intention is to raise and heighten the client’s awareness of themselves and
their perception of the issue/problem they are working on

•Heightened awareness brings more data to a client‟s decision-making, and
thereby gives more / different choices for action

•Supporting a change process in our clients means supporting them to be more
fully who/what they are, not from trying to be something different

•We raise awareness by observing and selecting phenomenological data and
feeding this back to the client (the science of our work)
Ethical considerations

The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers cont :

•We give feedback in ways that can be heard and absorbed by the client, using
succinct, clear, direct expression, sometimes using metaphors (the artistry of
our work)

•We keep ourselves on the boundary / margin of the client's process, we are
not an actor in their drama, but a stage manager of the coaching session

•Change is the choice of the client

•Resistance to change is healthy and part of the change process

•Action is not the purpose of the process, but is in service of an overall process
designed for learning and change
“Remember, no matter what your background
is and what your current circumstances are, you
have the capacity to take action.

This is one of the golden threads of humanity -
we all have the power to act in a way that will
improve the quality of our lives.”

Robin Sharma

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Omni coaching presentation derek naude

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents • An Introduction to Derek Naude • My Learning Style according to Kolb • Framework Contextualisation • Input • The Managers Role as a conduit • The dual role of the manager • Throughput – the core and the mantle • The core - An Integral Management Coaching Model • The roadmap (mantle) • Throughput summary • Output (what do I bring to the coaching conversation)
  • 3. An Introduction to Derek Naude Experience and competencies : • 20 years - Financial Services Sector experience in the People’ • “People’s practices” / Human Resources • Training and Development and Talent Management. • Masters degree in Industrial Psychology • Masters degree in Management Coaching A short summary of my core functions is : • Currently : Head of Learning and Development for Woolworths Financial Services • Leadership Training • Soft Skills Training • Product, process, systems training • Competency Matrix • Succession planning and career development • Project Management • E learning campus
  • 4. • Trust your experience • Trust the learning process • Redefine your relationship to failure • Let go of strong emotional responses in order to learn from failure • Reassess your beliefs about how you learn and what you good at • Monitor the messages you send yourself • Balance you success /failure accounts
  • 5. Personal Introduction - Learning Style My Kolb Learning Style : I am a Diverger and my style characteristics are : • Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation • Greatest strength lies in imaginative ability • Excels in the ability to view concrete situations from many perspectives • Performs better in situations that call for generation of idea’s – brainstorming • Interested in people and inclined to be imaginative and emotional • Broad cultural interests and tend to specialize in the arts • Imaginative , innovative , easy going , observer, listener , questioner
  • 6.
  • 7. Personal Introduction I would like to present my framework by way of : • Input – What informs me as a coach? • Throughput – Discuss my authentic coaching model in detail, looking at the core and the mantle • Output – What are the intended outcomes of integrated coaching
  • 8. Input Life Purpose • What do I assume about myself? – I have an incredibly interest in behaviour and people’s responses – I am constantly amazed by other cultures and languages and all that I can learn from our differences – I am professional and have a strong corporate orientation – I am highly committed to people development and potential – I have a keen interest in motivation – I believe that I am here to teach
  • 9. Input continued.. • What do I assume about others? – Everybody has self esteem challenges, we all wonder if we are really good enough – People are helpful and want to be the best they can, we are all trying to overcome something • Beliefs – About Life • We will never fully understand everything but we must never stop learning and striving and trying • There is a master plan • We are fully responsible for everything that happens in our lives (life is fair)
  • 10. Input continued.. – About People • We all have choices • We all have talents and abilities beyond our wildest imagination • We all have hopes and dreams • We all want to be happy and we always wish the best for those we love • We all have judgments and prejudices about ourselves and others • We all have an inherent ability and will to survive
  • 11. Input continued.. • Values – Continuous Self Improvement – To continue to learn about myself – To be respectful and compliant – To trust the processes happening in my life
  • 12. Input continued.. Input continued.. • Who informs me? Who Informs me : – Karl Jung (Client-Centered Therapy 1951) • Carl Jung • All organisms have an actualizing tendency (all creatures strive to make the very best of their existence) • We value positive regard (love, affection, attention and Freud said that nurturance) the goal of therapy was to make the unconscious conscious • One technique that Rogerians are known for..Reflection; the A younger colleague of Freud, Carl Jung, was to make the exploration of "inner mirroring of emotional communication • work. space" his life'sA therapist must have three special qualities to be effective: – Congruence; genuineness and honesty with the client. – Empathy; the ability to feel what the of course, and He went equipped with a background in Freudian theory, client feels. with an – Respect; acceptance and unconditional positive regard apparently inexhaustible knowledge of mythology, religion, and philosophy. towards the client. Jung was especially professionals years I was asking of complex mysticalcan I treat, or “In my early knowledgeable in the symbolism the question: How traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala,Now similar traditions in question in this way: How cure, or change this person? and I would phrase the Hinduism and Buddhism. I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal can growth?” Carl Rogers If anyone could make sense of the unconscious and its habit of revealing itself only in symbolic form, it would be Carl Jung.
  • 13. Input continued.. Input continued.. • Who informs me? – Karl Jung (Client-Centered Therapy 1951) • All organisms have an actualizing tendency (all creatures strive to make the very best of their existence) • We value positive regard (love, affection, attention and nurturance) • One technique that Rogerians are known for..Reflection; the mirroring of emotional communication • A therapist must have three special qualities to be effective: – Congruence; genuineness and honesty with the client. – Empathy; the ability to feel what the client feels. – Respect; acceptance and unconditional positive regard towards the client. “In my early professionals years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?” Carl Rogers
  • 14. The Limbic Brain emotion, behavior, motivation, long- term memory, and olfaction. Dr Dorrian Aiken
  • 15. Input continued.. My coaching model focuses on doing research to determine the impact that coaching can have on middle managers who are often referred to as operational or line managers or even the backbone of the business. • The fundamental purpose of this topic is to unearth and investigate a business case and business need for an integrated coaching model aimed at middle managers. • These managers are the executers, the team that makes it all happen. Middle managers are expected to lead and to manage and they function within a highly demanding competency model and people management framework. •Middle managers get the work done and deliver desired results. •They are expected to build a team culture which includes a commitment to diversity, relationship building and relationship management, it also includes conflict management but most importantly middle managers have to foster responsibility. A key deliverable or performance area against which middle managers are measured is developing people and this includes: on the job training and development, providing informal feedback and career development for team members. • Because middle managers get the job done it is imperative that they are skilled at prioritizing and allocating work and what this means is that they need to be able to delegate work, manage project goals and prioritize time and resources
  • 16. Input continued.. • Middle managers are expected to assess and reward performance, a very critical key performance area, especially during economically challenging times. • It can be argued that it is at this point that managers need coaching the most. Assessing and rewarding performance involves providing reward and recognition to the team members by equitably applying criteria for promotion and financial reward. • Middle managers must visibly champion the accomplishments of the team members to the senior management team and of course reward individuals and indeed the whole team for their service to the business and to the clients.
  • 17. Input continued.. According to Scholtes (1998 : 21) • Manage performance to deliver results • Coach and provide feedback • Communicate • Delegate and empower • Create an inclusive environment • Select Talented People • Deliver the business • Plan and Improve • Work cross functionally
  • 18. Input cont… According to the Corporate Leadership Council : Corporate Leadership Council (2008), “Managing for Performance and Retention” [Internet] Available from : [accessed 26/12/10] • Effective people management leads to improved performance. Why focus on people management then ? Since line managers control many of the most effective drivers of employee performance they can act to improve the performance of their employees substantially, making effective people management critical for organizational success. • Effective people management leads to increased retention. Effective people management has a sizeable impact not only on performance but also on retention. Excellence in people management directly influences intent to stay with the organization and thereby reduces probability of departure. The manager’s role is actually that of a “conduit”, what that means is that managers not only generate commitment to themselves but also play a crucial role in building employee commitment to day to day work, teams and the organization. Managers through their role as the primary connection between the employee and the organization, directly shape an employee’s perception of teams, the organization, and their job. Through this influence , managers magnify (or diminish) employee commitment , thereby serving as a critical leverage point for maximizing the impact that teams, the organization and day to day work have on employee performance and retention (intent to stay).
  • 19. The Managers Role as a Conduit
  • 20. Commitment There are two types of employee commitments : rational commitment and emotional commitment. These commitments act through four focal points, namely: day to day work, the team, the direct manager and the organisation as a whole. Employees can commit in two principle ways, put simply rational commitment is commitment of the mind while emotional commitment is commitment of the heart. For the individual employee, commitment affects their level of discretionary effort and intent to stay at the organization and these outcomes translate into increased performance and retention for the business overall.
  • 21. The Dual Role of the Manager
  • 22. “The leader of the past knew how to tell, the leader of the future will know how to ask.” Peter Drucker
  • 23. What is Performance Coaching ? A way of working with people that improves performance, accelerates learning, and facilitates development A skill that relies on effective communication and interpersonal skills as well as an understanding of the coaching situation A process that can be used to maximize effectiveness by helping managers and coaches motivate, develop, instruct and collaborate with individual employees and teams to get the most out of their current performance and address development needs
  • 24. Types of Coaching Formal “Designated” - defined relationship Clear parameters for outcomes, follow-up, measures Individual or group Informal Coaching a non-direct report No specific agreement/parameters Individual or group Management Manager coaching a direct report Within context of supervisory relationship Focus on learning/development; manager does not want to be directive
  • 25. A simple but effective Performance Coaching Model
  • 26. Process Steps : Process Establish Assess Define Determine, Follow-up/ On-going Step: the Situation Desired Commit to Measure Coaching Coaching Outcomes Take Success Relationship Actions Need: Reciprocal Identify root Identify desired Determine Indications of Reinforce relationship cause goals and possible success positive outcomes actions change Establish trust Match coaching to Identify Sustain need (skill, enablers and commitment motivation or obstacles opportunity gap) Achieve desired results
  • 27. Effective Feedback • Reinforcement:  Context: What was the situation, when did this occur?  Action: What exactly did you do/say?  Result: What was the impact? • Corrective:  Context: What was the situation, when did this occur?  Action: What exactly did you do/say?  Result: What was the impact?  Alternative: What could you say/do instead?  Result: What would be the result of that?
  • 28. Coaching Competencies Building trusting, credible relationships Asking effective questions Listening actively Identifying patterns, themes Providing helpful feedback Defining goals and outcomes Eliciting possible solutions Anticipating possible problems Empowering and motivating Ensuring follow through Measuring success Seizing coachable moments
  • 29.
  • 31. Throughput – The Core (An Integrated Management Coaching Model)
  • 32. Throughput – Roadmap “You are always already enlightened”
  • 33. Throughput – How do I coach “You are always already enlightened” Questioning What is important to Techniques you?: Personally / Which business Professionally challenges are you facing? (What is the situation now?) What resources do you need to make changes What keeps you from getting the results you want? (What is the situation as you want it to be) What action steps What will keep the can you take? situation from (commitment) changing
  • 35. “If you don’t have much going wrong with your life, then you don’t have much going on in your life.” Larry Winget
  • 36. Throughput – How do I coach ( a linear view ) Coach and client find each other, determine what Contracting regulates their relationship Brief client on framework and fees Active Listening Current Reality – Business The Heart of the matter Challenges The Individual, team and the organization GROW Explore the future Goals What is the situation as you Reality want it to be (your vision of Options the future) Will (what will you do) Challenges of Change What is stopping you ?
  • 37. Throughput – How do I coach What Action Steps can you take (commitment) Create a vision for the future Resources (what resources do you have and what do you People Development need) Tools and systems What is important to you : Self Exploration personally Values Aspirations and professionally Hopes Summary of discussion Intervention Review What is the plan of action Reflection
  • 38. Integral Coaching Model : A case study of implementation Case Study: Senior Project Manager on Project Union Female – 16 years experience in Financial Services, BComm Honours Team of 8 people : Project Managers, Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, Communications Manager Motivation Observable behaviours : Confidence client centricity, relationship Drivers management, employee Determination perceptions Goals The Team The organisation Economic Sectors The Task Teams The Financial Markets Risk Communities of Practice Compliance The Legal Framework Systems (Performance Standard Operating Management Procedures Service Level agreements
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Output (what do I bring to the coaching conversation) The client can expect the following from a coaching intervention • A contractual arrangement which focuses on relationship management • Intervening : clear meaningful contact , a story telling opportunity • Unit of work focus : the heart of matter, beginning, middle and end, incisive questions will play a role here • As the coach I will “see the process” not work with the content, this is about a “thinking partnership” • A learning contract and discussion of learning styles • Psychometric Assessment • Reflection techniques • Coaching Ethics and confidentiality
  • 42.
  • 43. Output – what are the outcomes of coaching using an integral model • A higher level of self awareness • Relationship Management awareness and considerations • Team behaviour exploration • Management Skills • Levels of motivation (what enthuses you to get up in the morning) • Values, beliefs, feelings (the heart and the head) • Goals and performance • Improved performance • Continuous reflection – learning and practice • Happiness audit • Identifying preference behaviours
  • 44.
  • 45. Ethical considerations The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers : •Every person is doing the best that they can given the field conditions they experience •There are no “good guys” and “bad guys”: all people have created patterns of functioning in the world (their “contact style”) in order to survive and negotiate their existence •The reality of each person is valid and as such, worthy of attention and affirmation; this constitutes a profoundly humanitarian approach to people •We openly and intentionally take time to create a relationship appropriate for the work •We work with the client’s process in the here and now
  • 46. Ethical considerations The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers cont : •Our intention is to raise and heighten the client’s awareness of themselves and their perception of the issue/problem they are working on •Heightened awareness brings more data to a client‟s decision-making, and thereby gives more / different choices for action •Supporting a change process in our clients means supporting them to be more fully who/what they are, not from trying to be something different •We raise awareness by observing and selecting phenomenological data and feeding this back to the client (the science of our work)
  • 47. Ethical considerations The underlying principles of the work of a coach with middle managers cont : •We give feedback in ways that can be heard and absorbed by the client, using succinct, clear, direct expression, sometimes using metaphors (the artistry of our work) •We keep ourselves on the boundary / margin of the client's process, we are not an actor in their drama, but a stage manager of the coaching session •Change is the choice of the client •Resistance to change is healthy and part of the change process •Action is not the purpose of the process, but is in service of an overall process designed for learning and change
  • 48. “Remember, no matter what your background is and what your current circumstances are, you have the capacity to take action. This is one of the golden threads of humanity - we all have the power to act in a way that will improve the quality of our lives.” Robin Sharma