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Marine Life and
Adaptations to
the Marine
 More than 250,000 identified marine species
 Most live in sunlit surface seawater
Classification of living organisms
 Three domains of Life
 Archaea
 Prokaryotic, includes
 Bacteria
 Prokaryotic, includes
what used to be in
Kingdom Monera
 Eukarya
 Eukaryotic cells
 Includes Protists,
Fungi, Plants, and
Domain Archaea
 Bacteria - Prokaryotic cells
 Cell wall differs from those bacteria in
Domain Bacteria
 Includes extremophile bacteria
○ Acidophiles
○ Halophiles
○ Thermophiles
○ Etc.
○ These bacteria are found to chemosynthesize in
hydrothermal vents
Domain Bacteria
 Bacteria – prokaryotic cells
 Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
 Includes Staphylococcus, Bacillus,
Vibrio, Pseudomonas, etc.
○ Only a very small % of bacteria are
○ Bacteria are very important in things like
nitrogen cycle, decomposition, food making,
 Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic
 Archaea and Bacteria
○ Most numerous organisms on Earth!!
- Think about how much bacteria lives just on you
- Viruses are thought to out number bacteria but if you
are just talking about “live” organisms then bacteria
are the most numerous
○ Simplest of organisms
- But, can live in every thinkable habitat, even those
once thought to be unsuitable to life, very successful
 Now we will talk about Domain Eukarya
○ Includes protists, fungi, plants, animals
Domain Eukarya
 Protists:
 Algae
○ Photosynthetic
○ Can be unicellular, colonial, or multicellular
- Multicellular - “seaweed” – kelp, sargassum, sea lettuce
- Unicellular – phytoplankton, produce majority of oxygen
in atmosphere comes from our phytoplankton, can cause
red tides (examples are dinoflagellates and diatoms)
 Protozoans
○ Heterotrophic
○ Unicellular
○ Amoeba, paramecium
Domain Eukarya
 Fungi
 Heterotrophic
 Secrete enzymes and absorb nutrition
 Since they are heterotrophic, they are more closely
related to animals than to plants
 Multicellular (mold) or unicellular (yeast)
Domain Eukarya
 Plants
 Autotrophic, multicellular
 Many plant species cannot tolerate saltwater
○ Very few species grow in/near ocean
 Sea grasses
 Mangroves
 Dune plants
Domain Eukarya
 Animals
 Heterotrophic, multicellular, have motility
at some point in life cycle
 Wide variety
○ From simplest of animals (sponges) to most
complex (mammals)
 Acellular entities
○ Are they “alive”??? – many scientists say no
○ Do not have the machinery for life processes,
have to take over host cell
○ The ultimate “parasites”
○ Viruses very prevalent in the marine
Taxonomic classification
 Systemized classification of organisms
 Kingdom
 Phylum
 Class
 Order
 Family
 Genus
 Species
 Fundamental unit
 Population of genetically similar, interbreeding
 With new molecular methods (comparing
DNA sequence and amino acid sequences
of certain proteins), traditional taxonomy
is changing
○ Taxonomists are discovering new relationships
between species
○ Molecular data gives a clearer picture of
relatedness as opposed to the traditional ways
of classifying organisms:
- Morphology, embryology, behavior, habitat, etc.
 Let’s take a closer look at Plant and
Animal taxonomy
 Kingdom Plantae
○ Nonvascular Plants – mosses, etc
○ Vascular Plants
 Seedless Vascular Plants – ferns, etc
 Seed Vascular Plants
- Gymnosperms – “naked” seeds
- Angiosperms – flowering plants (in the marine
environment these include mangroves, sea
grasses, etc.)
 Kingdom Animalia
 Parazoa – no true embryonic tissues
○ Sponges
 Eumetazoa – true embryonic tissues
○ 2 true tissues – radial symmetry; Cnidarians,
○ 3 embryonic tissues – bilateral symmetry; all
other animals
 Acoelomate – only flatworms
 Coelomates:
- Protostomes
- Deuterostomes
 Radially Symmetrical Animals, 2
true embryonic tissues
 Cnidarians
○ Class Anthozoa – sea anemones, corals
○ Hydrozoa – Hydra
○ Scyphozoa – “jellies”
 Ctenophores – no stinging cells,
complete gut unlike in the Cnidarians
 What are the embryonic tissue layers?
 Tissue layers that form during development
○ Ectoderm
○ Mesoderm
○ Endoderm
 What is radial symmetry?
 What is bilateral symmetry?
 What is an acoelomate?
 What is a coelomate?
 Bilaterally symmetrical animals are divided
into 2 groups
 Protostomes – 1st blastopore that forms during
development becomes the mouth
○ Includes Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs
 Deuterostomes – 1st blastopore that forms
during development becomes the anus
○ Includes the Echinoderms, Chordates
 Bilaterally symmetrical animals
 Platyhelminthes – flatworms
 Protostomes
○ Annelids
○ Mollusks
○ Nematods
○ Arthropods
 Deuterostomes
○ Echinoderms
○ Chordates
 Platyhelminthes – flatworms
 Class Turbellaria – free-living flatworms
 Class Trematoda – flukes
 Class Cestoda - tapeworms
 Mullusca
 Class Polyplacaphora - chitins
 Class Gastropoda – snails, conchs
 Class Bivalvia – oysers, scallops
 Class Cephalopoda – squid, octopus
 Annelida
 Class Oligochaeta – earthworms
 Class Polychaeta – many marine species,
sand worms, feather dusters
 Class Hirudinea - leeches
Marine feather duster worm
 Nematoda – round worms
○ Many of these are parasitic
 Arthropoda
 Largest group of animals on the planet!!!!
 Chelicerates – horseshoe crabs and arachnids
 Crustaceans – marine and freshwater, crabs,
lobster, shrimp, barnacles
 Insects and relatives
Limulus polyphemus Callinectes sapidus
 Echinodermata
 Adults have pentahedral symmetry but
larvae are bilaterally symmetrical
 Class Ophiuroidea – brittle stars
 Class Echinodea – sea urchins
 Class Holothuroidea – sea cucumber
 Class Crinodea – sea lillies
Sea cucumber from IRL
 Chordata
 Characteristics: dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord, post-anal tail,
pharyngeal gill slits
 Subphylum Urochordata – tunicates
 Larvae have bilateral symmetry, look like tadpole
 Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets
 Subphylum Vertebrata
○ Superclass Agnatha – jawless fishes
○ Superclass Gnathostoma – jaws
 Class Chondrichthyes
 Class Osteichthyes
 Class Amphibia
 Class Reptilia
 Class Mammalia
 Class Chondrichthyes
 Sharks, rays
 Class Osteichthyes
 Bony fish, ray-finned fish
 Great diversity in the ocean!
○ Very small to very large
○ Large tuna, grouper, sailfish
○ Deep sea fish
○ Flattened fish – flounder
○ Seahorses
○ Eels
 Class Reptilia
 Includes birds now!!!
 Sea turtles, sea snakes, pelicans, penguins,
osprey, sea gulls
 Class Mammalia
 What are the characteristics of mammals?
 Carnivores: Sea otters, Polar bears, pinnepeds
(walruses, seals, sea lions)
 Sirenians: manatees
 Cetacea
○ Odontocetes – toothed whales: dolphins,
porpoises, sperm whale
○ Mysticetes: baleen whales: gray whale, right
whale, blue whale (largest animal to roam the
Classification in the marine
environment by habitat and mobility
 Plankton (floaters)
 Nekton (swimmers)
 Benthos (bottom dwellers)
 Most biomass on Earth consists of plankton
 Phytoplankton
 Microscopic algae, Autotrophic
 Zooplankton
 Heterotrophic
 Protozoans, tiny animals, larvae of larger
 Bacterioplankton
 Virioplankton
 Viruses that infect bacteria and eukaryotic cells
o Holoplankton
o Entire lives as plankton
o Example is algae, protozoans, small microscopic
o Meroplankton
o Part of lives as plankton
o Juvenile or larval stages in the plankton
o Examples are lobsters, some fish species, etc.
o Macroplankton
o Large floaters such as jellyfish or Sargassum
o Picoplankton
o Very small floaters such as bacterioplankton
 Independent
 Most adult fish
and squid
 Marine reptiles
 Marine mammals
 Epifauna live on surface
of sea floor
 Infauna live buried in
 Nektobenthos swim or
crawl through water
above seafloor
 Most abundant in
shallower water
Number of marine species
 More land species than marine species
 Ocean relatively uniform conditions
 Therefore, less adaptation required, less speciation
 Don’t get this fact confused with # of individual organisms
 There are fewer different species in the ocean but greater # of individuals
 Majority of life on Earth lives in the ocean!!
 Diversity in the ocean is high, also – think about different types of fish
(seahorses to sharks, for example)
 Marine species overwhelmingly benthic rather than
○ Most of these will be in shallow coastal benthic areas where
there is light and a lot of primary productivity
 Marine organisms have a lot of
adaptations for living in the marine
 Let’s take a look at some of these
Adaptations of marine organisms
 Physical support
 Buoyancy
 How to resist sinking
 Different support structures in cold (fewer)
rather than warm (more appendages)
 Smaller size
Adaptations to marine life
 Oil in micro-organisms to
increase buoyancy
○ Over-time, if these
organisms die and sink to
○ Can become offshore oil
Fish egg with oil droplet
Fig. 12.9
Adaptations to marine life
 Streamlining important for
larger organisms
 Less resistance to fluid flow
 Flattened body
 Tapering back end –
Fin designs in fish
 Vertical fins as stabilizers
○ dosral and anal fins
 Paired fins for “steering” and balance
○ Pelvic and pectoral
 Tail fin (caudal) for thrust
Adaptations to marine life
 Narrow range temperature in oceans
 Smaller variations (daily, seasonally, annually)
 Remember it takes longer to change water temp
than air temp
 Deep ocean nearly isothermal
Adaptations to marine life
 Cold- versus warm-water species
 Smaller in cooler seawater
 More appendages in warmer seawater
 Why?
 Tropical organisms grow faster, live shorter,
reproduce more often
 Higher # of species in warmer seawater
 Not necessarily higher # of individuals
 More biomass in cooler seawater (upwelling)
 Polar waters are much more productive
(more plankton growth) than tropical
Adaptations to finding prey
 Most fish cold-
blooded but some
are warm-blooded
 Homeothermic-
body temperature
above sea water
 Modifications in
 Mainly in fast-
swimming fish
Adaptations of deep-water nekton
 Mainly fish that consume detritus or each
 Lack of abundant food
 Bioluminescence
 Fishing lures
 Large, sensitive eyes
Anglerfish w/ males
Adaptations to marine life
 Stenothermal
 Organisms withstand small variation in
 Typically live in open ocean
 Eurythermal
 Organisms withstand large variation in
 Typically live in coastal waters
Adaptations to marine life
 Stenohaline
 Organisms withstand only small variation in
 Typically live in open ocean
 Euryhaline
 Organisms withstand large variation in salinity
 Typically live in coastal waters, e.g., estuaries
Adaptations to marine life
 Extracting minerals from seawater
 High concentration to low concentration
 Diffusion
 Cell membrane permeable to nutrients, for
 Waste passes from cell to ocean
Adaptations to marine life
 Osmotic pressure
 Less concentrated
to more
 Isotonic
 Hypertonic
 Hypotonic
Adaptations to marine life
 Dissolved gases
 Some animals extract dissolved oxygen (O2)
from seawater through gills
Fig. 12.15
Adaptations to marine life
 Water’s transparency
 Many marine organisms see well
 Some marine organisms are nearly
transparent to avoid predation
Adaptations to marine life
 Camouflage through color patterns
 Countershading
 Disruptive coloring
Adaptations to marine life
 Water pressure
 Increases about 1 atmosphere (1 kg/cm2) with
every 10 m (33 ft) deeper
 Many marine organisms do not have inner air
 Collapsible rib cage (e.g., sperm whale)
Main divisions of the marine environment
 Pelagic (open sea)
 Neritic (< 200 m) and oceanic
 Benthic (sea floor)
 Subneritic and suboceanic
 Another classification scheme:
 Euphotic
 Disphotic
 Aphotic
Pelagic environments – Open ocean
 Epipelagic
 Mesopelagic
 Bathypelagic
 Abyssopelagic
Fig. 12.19
Benthic environments – ocean floor
 Supralittoral
 Transition from land to seafloor
 Subneritic (under neritic)
 Littoral (intertidal zone)
 Sublittoral (shallow tidal
zone to 200m)
 Suboceanic
 Bathyal (200-4,000m)
 Abyssal (4000-6000m)
 Hadal (below 6000m)
Fig. 12.19
Distribution of benthic organisms
 More benthic productivity when closely beneath areas of
high surface primary productivity
 Mainly on continental shelves
 Affected by surface ocean currents
Fig. 15.1
Humans and coral reefs
 Activities such as fishing,
tourist collecting, sediment
influx due to shore
development harm coral reefs
 Sewage discharge and
agricultural fertilizers increase
nutrients in reef waters
 corals thrive at low nutrient levels
 Phytoplankton overwhelm at high
nutrient levels, limit light reaching
the corals
 Bioerosion of coral reef by algae-
eating organisms
Coral covered with macroalgae
Ocean Literacy Principles
 3.e - The ocean dominates the Earth’s carbon cycle. Half the primary productivity on Earth
takes place in the sunlit layers of the ocean and the ocean absorbs roughly half of all
carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere.
 5.a - Ocean life ranges in size from the smallest virus to the largest animal that has lived
on Earth, the blue whale.
 5.b - Most life in the ocean exists as microbes. Microbes are the most important primary
producers in the ocean. Not only are they the most abundant life form in the ocean, they
have extremely fast growth rates and life cycles.
 5c. - Some major groups are found exclusively in the ocean. The diversity of major groups
of organisms is much greater in the ocean than on land.
 5.e - The ocean is three-dimensional, offering vast living space and diverse habitats from
the surface through the water column to the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is
in the ocean.
 5.f - Ocean habitats are defined by environmental factors. Due to interactions of abiotic
factors such as salinity, temperature, oxygen, pH, light, nutrients, pressure, substrate and
circulation, ocean life is not evenly distributed temporally or spatially, i.e., it is “patchy”.
Some regions of the ocean support more diverse and abundant life than anywhere on
Earth, while much of the ocean is considered a desert.
 5.g - There are deep ocean ecosystems that are independent of energy from sunlight and
photosynthetic organisms. Hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, methane cold
seeps, and whale falls rely only on chemical energy and chemosynthetic organisms to
support life.
Sunshine State Standards
 SC.6.L.14.3 - Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar
processes to maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from food, getting
rid of waste, and reproducing.
 SC.7.L.17.3 - Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local
ecosystem and their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water,
space, disease, parasitism, predation, and nesting sites.
 SC.912.L.15.5 - Explain the reasons for changes in how organisms are classified.
 SC.912.L.15.6 - Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and
kingdoms of living organisms.
 SC.912.L.17.2 - Explain the general distribution of life in aquatic systems as a
function of chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and temperature.
 SC.912.L.17.7 - Characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define
freshwater systems, marine systems and terrestrial systems.

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  • 1. Marine Life and Adaptations to the Marine Environment
  • 2. Overview  More than 250,000 identified marine species  Most live in sunlit surface seawater
  • 3. Classification of living organisms  Three domains of Life  Archaea  Prokaryotic, includes “extremophile” bacteria  Bacteria  Prokaryotic, includes what used to be in Kingdom Monera  Eukarya  Eukaryotic cells  Includes Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals
  • 4. Domain Archaea  Bacteria - Prokaryotic cells  Cell wall differs from those bacteria in Domain Bacteria  Includes extremophile bacteria ○ Acidophiles ○ Halophiles ○ Thermophiles ○ Etc. ○ These bacteria are found to chemosynthesize in hydrothermal vents
  • 5. Domain Bacteria  Bacteria – prokaryotic cells  Cell wall made of peptidoglycan  Includes Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Vibrio, Pseudomonas, etc. ○ Only a very small % of bacteria are pathogenic ○ Bacteria are very important in things like nitrogen cycle, decomposition, food making, etc.  Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria
  • 6.  Archaea and Bacteria ○ Most numerous organisms on Earth!! - Think about how much bacteria lives just on you - Viruses are thought to out number bacteria but if you are just talking about “live” organisms then bacteria are the most numerous ○ Simplest of organisms - But, can live in every thinkable habitat, even those once thought to be unsuitable to life, very successful organisms!!
  • 7.  Now we will talk about Domain Eukarya ○ Includes protists, fungi, plants, animals
  • 8. Domain Eukarya  Protists:  Algae ○ Photosynthetic ○ Can be unicellular, colonial, or multicellular - Multicellular - “seaweed” – kelp, sargassum, sea lettuce - Unicellular – phytoplankton, produce majority of oxygen in atmosphere comes from our phytoplankton, can cause red tides (examples are dinoflagellates and diatoms)  Protozoans ○ Heterotrophic ○ Unicellular ○ Amoeba, paramecium
  • 9. Domain Eukarya  Fungi  Heterotrophic  Secrete enzymes and absorb nutrition  Since they are heterotrophic, they are more closely related to animals than to plants  Multicellular (mold) or unicellular (yeast)
  • 10. Domain Eukarya  Plants  Autotrophic, multicellular  Many plant species cannot tolerate saltwater ○ Very few species grow in/near ocean  Sea grasses  Mangroves  Dune plants
  • 11. Domain Eukarya  Animals  Heterotrophic, multicellular, have motility at some point in life cycle  Wide variety ○ From simplest of animals (sponges) to most complex (mammals)
  • 12. Viruses  Acellular entities ○ Are they “alive”??? – many scientists say no ○ Do not have the machinery for life processes, have to take over host cell ○ The ultimate “parasites” ○ Viruses very prevalent in the marine environment
  • 13. Taxonomic classification  Systemized classification of organisms  Kingdom  Phylum  Class  Order  Family  Genus  Species  Fundamental unit  Population of genetically similar, interbreeding individuals
  • 14.  With new molecular methods (comparing DNA sequence and amino acid sequences of certain proteins), traditional taxonomy is changing ○ Taxonomists are discovering new relationships between species ○ Molecular data gives a clearer picture of relatedness as opposed to the traditional ways of classifying organisms: - Morphology, embryology, behavior, habitat, etc.
  • 15.  Let’s take a closer look at Plant and Animal taxonomy
  • 16.  Kingdom Plantae ○ Nonvascular Plants – mosses, etc ○ Vascular Plants  Seedless Vascular Plants – ferns, etc  Seed Vascular Plants - Gymnosperms – “naked” seeds - Angiosperms – flowering plants (in the marine environment these include mangroves, sea grasses, etc.)
  • 17.  Kingdom Animalia  Parazoa – no true embryonic tissues ○ Sponges  Eumetazoa – true embryonic tissues ○ 2 true tissues – radial symmetry; Cnidarians, Ctenophores ○ 3 embryonic tissues – bilateral symmetry; all other animals  Acoelomate – only flatworms  Coelomates: - Protostomes - Deuterostomes
  • 18.  Radially Symmetrical Animals, 2 true embryonic tissues  Cnidarians ○ Class Anthozoa – sea anemones, corals ○ Hydrozoa – Hydra ○ Scyphozoa – “jellies”  Ctenophores – no stinging cells, complete gut unlike in the Cnidarians
  • 19.  What are the embryonic tissue layers?  Tissue layers that form during development ○ Ectoderm ○ Mesoderm ○ Endoderm
  • 20.  What is radial symmetry?  What is bilateral symmetry?
  • 21.  What is an acoelomate?  What is a coelomate?
  • 22.  Bilaterally symmetrical animals are divided into 2 groups  Protostomes – 1st blastopore that forms during development becomes the mouth ○ Includes Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs  Deuterostomes – 1st blastopore that forms during development becomes the anus ○ Includes the Echinoderms, Chordates
  • 23.  Bilaterally symmetrical animals  Platyhelminthes – flatworms  Protostomes ○ Annelids ○ Mollusks ○ Nematods ○ Arthropods  Deuterostomes ○ Echinoderms ○ Chordates
  • 24.  Platyhelminthes – flatworms  Class Turbellaria – free-living flatworms  Class Trematoda – flukes  Class Cestoda - tapeworms
  • 25. Protostomes  Mullusca  Class Polyplacaphora - chitins  Class Gastropoda – snails, conchs  Class Bivalvia – oysers, scallops  Class Cephalopoda – squid, octopus
  • 26. Protostomes  Annelida  Class Oligochaeta – earthworms  Class Polychaeta – many marine species, sand worms, feather dusters  Class Hirudinea - leeches Marine feather duster worm
  • 27. Protostomes  Nematoda – round worms ○ Many of these are parasitic
  • 28. Protostomes  Arthropoda  Largest group of animals on the planet!!!!  Chelicerates – horseshoe crabs and arachnids  Crustaceans – marine and freshwater, crabs, lobster, shrimp, barnacles  Insects and relatives
  • 30. Deuterostomes  Echinodermata  Adults have pentahedral symmetry but larvae are bilaterally symmetrical  Class Ophiuroidea – brittle stars  Class Echinodea – sea urchins  Class Holothuroidea – sea cucumber  Class Crinodea – sea lillies Sea cucumber from IRL
  • 31. Deuterostomes  Chordata  Characteristics: dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord, post-anal tail, pharyngeal gill slits  Subphylum Urochordata – tunicates  Larvae have bilateral symmetry, look like tadpole  Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets  Subphylum Vertebrata ○ Superclass Agnatha – jawless fishes ○ Superclass Gnathostoma – jaws  Class Chondrichthyes  Class Osteichthyes  Class Amphibia  Class Reptilia  Class Mammalia
  • 33. Vertebrates  Class Osteichthyes  Bony fish, ray-finned fish  Great diversity in the ocean! ○ Very small to very large ○ Large tuna, grouper, sailfish ○ Deep sea fish ○ Flattened fish – flounder ○ Seahorses ○ Eels
  • 34. Vertebrates  Class Reptilia  Includes birds now!!!  Sea turtles, sea snakes, pelicans, penguins, osprey, sea gulls
  • 36. Vertebrates  Class Mammalia  What are the characteristics of mammals?  Carnivores: Sea otters, Polar bears, pinnepeds (walruses, seals, sea lions)  Sirenians: manatees  Cetacea ○ Odontocetes – toothed whales: dolphins, porpoises, sperm whale ○ Mysticetes: baleen whales: gray whale, right whale, blue whale (largest animal to roam the Earth)
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  • 41. Classification in the marine environment by habitat and mobility  Plankton (floaters)  Nekton (swimmers)  Benthos (bottom dwellers)
  • 42. Plankton  Most biomass on Earth consists of plankton  Phytoplankton  Microscopic algae, Autotrophic  Zooplankton  Heterotrophic  Protozoans, tiny animals, larvae of larger animals  Bacterioplankton  Virioplankton  Viruses that infect bacteria and eukaryotic cells
  • 43. Plankton o Holoplankton o Entire lives as plankton o Example is algae, protozoans, small microscopic animals o Meroplankton o Part of lives as plankton o Juvenile or larval stages in the plankton o Examples are lobsters, some fish species, etc. o Macroplankton o Large floaters such as jellyfish or Sargassum o Picoplankton o Very small floaters such as bacterioplankton
  • 44. Nekton  Independent swimmers  Most adult fish and squid  Marine reptiles  Marine mammals
  • 45. Benthos  Epifauna live on surface of sea floor  Infauna live buried in sediments  Nektobenthos swim or crawl through water above seafloor  Most abundant in shallower water
  • 46. Number of marine species  More land species than marine species  Ocean relatively uniform conditions  Therefore, less adaptation required, less speciation  Don’t get this fact confused with # of individual organisms  There are fewer different species in the ocean but greater # of individuals  Majority of life on Earth lives in the ocean!!  Diversity in the ocean is high, also – think about different types of fish (seahorses to sharks, for example)  Marine species overwhelmingly benthic rather than pelagic ○ Most of these will be in shallow coastal benthic areas where there is light and a lot of primary productivity
  • 47.  Marine organisms have a lot of adaptations for living in the marine environment  Let’s take a look at some of these adaptations
  • 48. Adaptations of marine organisms  Physical support  Buoyancy  How to resist sinking  Different support structures in cold (fewer) rather than warm (more appendages) seawater  Smaller size
  • 49. Adaptations to marine life  Oil in micro-organisms to increase buoyancy ○ Over-time, if these organisms die and sink to bottom ○ Can become offshore oil deposits Fish egg with oil droplet Fig. 12.9
  • 50. Adaptations to marine life  Streamlining important for larger organisms  Less resistance to fluid flow  Flattened body  Tapering back end – fusiform
  • 51. Fin designs in fish  Vertical fins as stabilizers ○ dosral and anal fins  Paired fins for “steering” and balance ○ Pelvic and pectoral  Tail fin (caudal) for thrust
  • 52. Adaptations to marine life  Narrow range temperature in oceans  Smaller variations (daily, seasonally, annually)  Remember it takes longer to change water temp than air temp  Deep ocean nearly isothermal
  • 53. Adaptations to marine life  Cold- versus warm-water species  Smaller in cooler seawater  More appendages in warmer seawater  Why?  Tropical organisms grow faster, live shorter, reproduce more often  Higher # of species in warmer seawater  Not necessarily higher # of individuals  More biomass in cooler seawater (upwelling)  Polar waters are much more productive (more plankton growth) than tropical waters
  • 54. Adaptations to finding prey  Most fish cold- blooded but some are warm-blooded  Homeothermic- body temperature above sea water temperature  Modifications in circulatory system  Mainly in fast- swimming fish
  • 55. Adaptations of deep-water nekton  Mainly fish that consume detritus or each other  Lack of abundant food  Bioluminescence ○ _in_an_underwater_world.html  Fishing lures  Large, sensitive eyes Lanternfish Anglerfish w/ males
  • 56. Adaptations to marine life  Stenothermal  Organisms withstand small variation in temperature  Typically live in open ocean  Eurythermal  Organisms withstand large variation in temperature  Typically live in coastal waters
  • 57. Adaptations to marine life  Stenohaline  Organisms withstand only small variation in salinity  Typically live in open ocean  Euryhaline  Organisms withstand large variation in salinity  Typically live in coastal waters, e.g., estuaries
  • 58. Adaptations to marine life  Extracting minerals from seawater  High concentration to low concentration  Diffusion  Cell membrane permeable to nutrients, for example  Waste passes from cell to ocean
  • 59. Adaptations to marine life  Osmotic pressure  Less concentrated to more concentrated solutions  Isotonic  Hypertonic  Hypotonic
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  • 61. Adaptations to marine life  Dissolved gases  Some animals extract dissolved oxygen (O2) from seawater through gills Fig. 12.15
  • 62. Adaptations to marine life  Water’s transparency  Many marine organisms see well  Some marine organisms are nearly transparent to avoid predation
  • 63. Adaptations to marine life  Camouflage through color patterns  Countershading  Disruptive coloring  MwM
  • 64. Adaptations to marine life  Water pressure  Increases about 1 atmosphere (1 kg/cm2) with every 10 m (33 ft) deeper  Many marine organisms do not have inner air pockets  Collapsible rib cage (e.g., sperm whale)
  • 65. Main divisions of the marine environment  Pelagic (open sea)  Neritic (< 200 m) and oceanic  Benthic (sea floor)  Subneritic and suboceanic  Another classification scheme:  Euphotic  Disphotic  Aphotic
  • 66. Pelagic environments – Open ocean  Epipelagic  Mesopelagic  Bathypelagic  Abyssopelagic Fig. 12.19
  • 67. Benthic environments – ocean floor  Supralittoral  Transition from land to seafloor  Subneritic (under neritic)  Littoral (intertidal zone)  Sublittoral (shallow tidal zone to 200m)  Suboceanic  Bathyal (200-4,000m)  Abyssal (4000-6000m)  Hadal (below 6000m) Fig. 12.19
  • 68. Distribution of benthic organisms  More benthic productivity when closely beneath areas of high surface primary productivity  Mainly on continental shelves  Affected by surface ocean currents Fig. 15.1
  • 69. Humans and coral reefs  Activities such as fishing, tourist collecting, sediment influx due to shore development harm coral reefs  Sewage discharge and agricultural fertilizers increase nutrients in reef waters  corals thrive at low nutrient levels  Phytoplankton overwhelm at high nutrient levels, limit light reaching the corals  Bioerosion of coral reef by algae- eating organisms Coral covered with macroalgae
  • 70. Ocean Literacy Principles  3.e - The ocean dominates the Earth’s carbon cycle. Half the primary productivity on Earth takes place in the sunlit layers of the ocean and the ocean absorbs roughly half of all carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere.  5.a - Ocean life ranges in size from the smallest virus to the largest animal that has lived on Earth, the blue whale.  5.b - Most life in the ocean exists as microbes. Microbes are the most important primary producers in the ocean. Not only are they the most abundant life form in the ocean, they have extremely fast growth rates and life cycles.  5c. - Some major groups are found exclusively in the ocean. The diversity of major groups of organisms is much greater in the ocean than on land.  5.e - The ocean is three-dimensional, offering vast living space and diverse habitats from the surface through the water column to the seafloor. Most of the living space on Earth is in the ocean.  5.f - Ocean habitats are defined by environmental factors. Due to interactions of abiotic factors such as salinity, temperature, oxygen, pH, light, nutrients, pressure, substrate and circulation, ocean life is not evenly distributed temporally or spatially, i.e., it is “patchy”. Some regions of the ocean support more diverse and abundant life than anywhere on Earth, while much of the ocean is considered a desert.  5.g - There are deep ocean ecosystems that are independent of energy from sunlight and photosynthetic organisms. Hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, methane cold seeps, and whale falls rely only on chemical energy and chemosynthetic organisms to support life.
  • 71. Sunshine State Standards  SC.6.L.14.3 - Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar processes to maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from food, getting rid of waste, and reproducing.  SC.7.L.17.3 - Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local ecosystem and their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water, space, disease, parasitism, predation, and nesting sites.  SC.912.L.15.5 - Explain the reasons for changes in how organisms are classified.  SC.912.L.15.6 - Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of living organisms.  SC.912.L.17.2 - Explain the general distribution of life in aquatic systems as a function of chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and temperature.  SC.912.L.17.7 - Characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define freshwater systems, marine systems and terrestrial systems. 