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metabolic syndrome,
Medical Lecture Notes – All Subjects
USMLE Exam (America) – Practice
• A BMI of 25.0 to 29.9
kg per m2 is defined
as overweight;
• a BMI of 30.0 kg per
m2 or more is
defined as obesity.
Historical Perspective
Paleolithic Era > 25,000 years ago
Obesity - How Big A
• 1.7 billion worldwide are
overweight or obese
• The US has the highest
percentage of obese
• By 2012, only four states
had a prevalence of
obesity less than 35%.
And the numbers are
Epidemiology of Obesity
• 31.3% of U.S. males 34.7% of U.S. females
• 30% increase in the last 10 years obesity
• (BMI 40) has also increased and affects 4.7% of
the population.
• It is predicted that in 2045 the number of obese
OSB is 1  2 populations
• Health care costs - >$100 billion/year
• Results in 300,000 preventable deaths each year
in the U.S.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
• the most
• widely used method to gauge obesity is
the Body Massindex (BMI) (in kg/m2),
• which is equal to
height 2
A circumference of
waist is the
mediated index of
amount of visceral
fat, or abdominal
Чоловіки >102 см. > 94
Жінки >88 см> 80cm
Obesity and Life Expectancy
If current rates of obesity
are left unchecked, the
current generation of
American children will be
the first in two centuries to
have a shorter life
expectancy than their
Olshansky SJ, et al. A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy
in the United States in the 21st
Century. NEJM, 352(11):1138-
1145, 2005
Classification of Overweight
and Obesity
BMIBMI ClassificationClassification
<18.5 Underweight
– 18.5-24.9 Normal weight
– 25-29.9 Overweight
– 30-34.9 Obesity Class I
– 35-39.9 Obesity Class II
– 40-49.9 Obesity Class III
– 50 and above Super Obesity
What causes Obesity?
• Nutrient and Energy model of
Appetite regulation
Energy expenditure
Behavioral and cultural factors
Contributors to weight gain
• Socio-economic status
• Smoking cessation
• Hormonal
• Inactivity
• Psychosocial/emotions
• Medications
Medical Complications of
Pulmonary disease
abnormal function
obstructive sleep apnea
hypoventilation syndrome
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Gall bladder disease
Gynecologic abnormalities
abnormal menses
venous stasis
breast, uterus, cervix
colon, esophagus, pancreas
kidney, prostate
Severe pancreatitis
Nutrient and Energy
Model of Obesity
Obesity results from increased intake of energy or
decreased expenditure of energy, as required
by the first law of thermodynamics.
Central controllers
of appetite
Central controllers
of appetite
Gut peptides
NPY, neuropeptide Y; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone;
AgRP, Agouti-related peptide; MSH, melanocyte-stimulating
hormone; CART, cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript;
GLP-1, glucagon-related peptide-1; CCK, cholecystokinin.
Signals that impinge on the hypothalamic center
include neural afferents, hormones, and metabolites.
Vagal inputs are particularly important, bringing
information from viscera, such as gut distention.
Hormonal signals include leptin, insulin, cortisol,
and gut peptides.
Among the latter are ghrelin, which is made in the
stomach and stimulates feeding, and peptidemass
increases by enlargement of adipose cells through
lipid deposition, as well as by an increase in the
Appetite is influenced by many
factors that are integrated by the
brain, most importantly within the
The growth of adipose tissue
• The process by which adipose cells are
derived from a mesenchymal
preadipocyte involves an orchestrated
series of differentiation steps mediated by
a cascade of specific transcription
One of the key transcription factors is
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
• The fact that intraabdominal adipocytes
are more lipolytically active than those
from other depots.
• Release of free fatty acids into the portal
circulation has adverse metabolic
actions, especially on the liver.
• The adipokines and cytokines secreted
by visceral adipocytes play an additional
role in systemic complications of obesity
The growth of adipose tissue
1970 1980 1990 2000 2013
The adipocyte is an endocrine cell that
releases numerous regulated molecules
• These include the energy balance-regulating hormone
leptin, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)and interleukin
(IL)-6, complement factors such as factor D (also known as
adipsin), prothrombotic agents such as plasminogen activator
inhibitor I, and a component of the blood pressure regulating
system, angiotensinogen.
• Adiponectin, an abundant adipose-derived protein whose levels are
reduced in obesity, enhances insulin sensitivity and lipid oxidation
and it has vascular protective effects,
• whereas resistin and RBP4, whose levels are increased in obesity,
may induce insulin resistance.
These factors, and others not yet identified, play a role in the
physiology oflipid homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure
control, coagulation, and vascular health, and are likely to
contributeto obesity-related pathologies.
Function adypotcyts
Complement factors
Factor D/adipsin
Free fatty acids
Adipocyte Resistin
• A major regulator of adaptive responses is the
adipocytederived hormone leptin, which acts through brain
circuits (predominantly in the hypothalamus) to influence
appetite, energy expenditure, and neuroendocrine function
The peptide leptin, a name derived from the Greek root leptos, meaning
• Protein hormone produced by fat cells.
• Experiment: Leptin deficient mice:
Insulin resistant
• Leptin administration reversed all the symptoms.
Energy expenditure
includes the following components:
(1) resting or basal metabolic rate;
(2) the energy cost of metabolizing and storing food;
(3) the thermic effect of exercise;
(4)adaptive thermogenesis, which varies in
response to chronic caloric intake
Basal metabolic rate accounts for ~70% of daily
energy expenditure,
whereas active physical activity contributes 5–10%.
Thus, a significant component of daily energy
consumption is fixed.
Adaptive thermogenesis
occurs in brown adipose tissue (BAT), which plays
an important role in energy metabolism in many
In contrast to white adipose tissue(WAT), which is
used to store energy in the form of lipids, BAT
expends stored energy as heat. A mitochondrial
uncoupling protein (UCP-1) in BAT dissipates the
hydrogen ion gradient in the oxidative respiration
chain and releases energy as heat. The metabolic
activity of BAT is increased by a central action of
leptin, acting through the sympathetic nervous
system, which heavily innervates this tissue.
Metabolic Syndrome X?
Syndrome ("New World")
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (or breach of
tolerance to carbohydrates) and insuli
 Obesity (in android type)
Coronary Artery Disease
Hiperleptynemiya and resistance to
Violation of blood rheology
Insulin Resistance and Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus
• Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance
are pervasive features of obesity,
• Insulin resistance is more strongly linked
to intraabdominal fat than to fat in other
Determination of insulin resistance (IR)?
(Formula HOMA)
rate - 59 – 161
insulin resistance - below 59%
Defining the function of beta cell
20 x insulin x 100 %
(glucose - 3.5)
rate - 70 -150
below 70% - a decline of beta-cell function
IP =
(insulin) x (glucose)
Х 100%
How to determine the type of distribution
of adipose tissue?
capacity waist, - measured by the smallest circumference below
the rib cage on the navel
capacity hips - for the largest circumference at the buttocks
Diagnostic value of the IVT
0,8 – 0,9
An intermediate type of distribution of
adipose tissue
< 0,8
Hinoid (peripheral) type distribution of
adipose tissue
> 0,9 m
> 0,85 F
Android (abdominal, visceral, central)
type distribution of adipose tissue
Treatment of metabolic
syndrome X
Weight loss
Increased physical activity
Treatment of hypertension
Antyhiperhlikemichna therapy
lipid-lowering therapy
The criteria for compensation of carbohydrate metabolism in
patients with type 2 diabetes (WHO, 1998)
Indicators norm
HbAlc (%)
< 6,5 >6,5 >7,5
Capillary blood
After fasting
food within 2
hours (peak)
< 5,5
< 7,5
> 5,5
> 7,5
> 6,1
> 9,0
How activation of PPAR γ enhances the action
of insulin and normalizes blood glucose
and insulinand insulin
formation of
in the liver
lipolysis and
circulating free
fatty acids
sensitivity and
the capacity for
disposal /
deposition of
lipids Skeletal muscleSkeletal muscle
Blood glucose
after meals
↓ Metformin
Capture glucose
 Metformin
 Rozihlitazon
Synthesis of
 Metformin
 Rozihlitazon
insulin secretion
 Rozihlitazon
 sulfonyl urea
 repaglinide
• Obesity in males is associated with higher
mortalityfrom cancer, including cancer of the
esophagus, colon,rectum, pancreas, liver, and
prostate; obesity in females isassociated with
higher mortality from cancer of the allbladder,bile
ducts, breasts, endometrium, cervix, andovaries.
• Some of the latter may be due to increased
ratesof conversion of androstenedione to estrone
in adiposetissue of obese individuals.
• It was recently estimated that obesity accounts
for 14% of cancer
Bone, Joint, and Cutaneous
Obesity is associated with an increased risk of
osteoarthritis, no doubt partly due to the trauma of
added weight bearing and joint malalignment.
The prevalence of gout may also be increased.
Among the skin problems associated with obesity
is acanthosis nigricans, manifested by darkening and
thickening of the skin folds on the neck, elbows,
and dorsal interphalangeal spaces. Acanthosis
reflects the severity ofunderlying insulin resistance
and diminishes with weight loss.
Friability of skin may be increased, especially in skin
folds, enhancing the risk of fungal and yeast
Finally, venous stasis is increased in the obese.
Pulmonary Disease
• Obesity may be associated with a number of
pulmonary abnormalities.
• These include reduced chest wall compliance,
increased work of breathing, increased minute
ventilation due to increased metabolic rate, and
decreased functional residual capacity and
expiratory reserve volume.
Severe obesity may be associated with obstructive
sleep apnea and the “obesity hypoventilation
syndrome” with attenuated hypoxic and
hypercapnic ventilatory responses.
Sleep apnea can be obstructive (most common),
central, or mixed and is associated with
Reproductive Disorders
Disorders that affect the reproductive axis are associated
with obesity in both men and women.
Male hypogonadism is associated with increased adipose tissue, often
distributed in a pattern more typical of females. In men >160% ideal body
weight, plasma testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
are often reduced, and estrogen levels (derived from conversion of
adrenal androgens in adipose tissue) are increased. Gynecomastia may
be seen.
Obesity has long been associated with menstrual
in women, particularly in women with upper body obesity. Common
findings are increased androgenproduction, decreased SHBG, and
increased peripheral conversion of androgen to estrogen.
Most obese women with oligomenorrhea have the polycystic ovarian
syndrome (PCOS), with its associated anovulation and ovarian
hyperandro genism; 40% of women with PCOS are obese.
Cardiovascular Disease
• Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, is
associated with an atherogenic lipid profile; with
increased low-density lipoprotein
(LDL)cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein,
and triglyceride;and with decreased high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol and decreased levels of
the vascular protectiveadipokine adiponectin.
• Obesity is also associated with hypertension.
Measurement of blood pressure in theobese
requires use of a larger cuff size to avoid
artifactual increases.
• Obesity-induced hypertension is associated with
increased peripheral resistance and cardiac
output, increased sympathetic nervous system
tone, increased salt sensitivity, and insulin-
mediated salt retention; it is often responsive to
modest weight loss.
A chronic, focal lesions of the
arteries characterized by
accumulation in the inner wall of
arteries apoproteyin-B-containing
lipoproteins and cholesterol,
reactive growth of connective
tissue with the formation of fibrous
plaques and their rupture,
thrombosis, calcification.
Адаптовано з E.Topol. Atlas of Atherothrombosis.- 2005
Consequences of obliterating
atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
What Is Cholesterol?
• We may associate cholesterol
with fatty foods, but most of the
waxy substance is made by
our own bodies.
• The liver produces 75% of the
cholesterol that circulates in
our blood.
• The other 25% comes from
• At normal levels, cholesterol
actually plays an important
role in helping cells do their
jobs. But cholesterol levels are
precariously high in more than
100 million Americans.
Symptoms of High Cholesterol
• High cholesterol does not
cause any symptoms. But it
does cause damage deep
within the body.
• Over time, too much
cholesterol may lead to a
buildup of plaque inside the
arteries. Known as
atherosclerosis, this
condition narrows the space
available for blood flow and
can trigger heart disease.
• The good news is high
cholesterol is simple to
detect, and there are many
ways to bring it down.
Most of the cholesterol in the
blood is carried by proteins
called low density ipoproteins
or LDL.
This is known as the bad
cholesterol because it
combines with other
substances to clog the
'Good' Cholesterol
Up to a third of blood
cholesterol is carried by
high-density lipoproteins
or HDL.
This is called good
cholesterol because it
helps remove bad
cholesterol, preventing it
from building up inside the
The higher the level of HDL
cholesterol, the better.
People with too little are
more likely to develop
heart disease.
Eating healthy fats, such as
olive oil, may help boost
HDL cholesterol.
The body converts excess
calories, sugar, and alcohol into
triglycerides, a type of fat that is
carried in the blood and stored in
fat cells throughout the body.
People who are overweight,
inactive, smokers, or heavy
drinkers tend to have high
triglycerides, as do those who
eat a very high-carb diet.
A triglycerides score of 150 or
higher puts you at risk for
metabolic syndrome, which is
linked to heart disease and
cholesterol plasma 5.2 mmol / l,
triacylglycerol - 2.3 mmol / l,
beta-lipoprotein - 6000 mg / l.
Land Surveying basic level of blood
total cholesterol - 5,2-6,2 mmol / l,
triacylglycerol - 2,3-4,5 mmol / l.
Elevated levels of major blood lipids:
total cholesterol -> 6.3 mmol / l,
triacylglycerol -> 4.5 mmol / l.
The relative
size, nm
ol esters
l esters
В-48, Сs,
Е, А-І, А-ІІ
Cs, Е
В-100А-І, А-ІІ,
Е, Cs
Major classes of lipoproteins
XM and VLDL - vehicles for transfer to tissue triacylglycerol, and LDL –
for carrying cholesterol to tissues, HDL - are responsible for reverse
cholesterol transport (for textiles). Fraction LPVH3 more active for reverse
cholesterol transport of tissues.
Cholesterol in Food
Cholesterol-rich foods, like
eggs, shrimp, and lobster
are no longer completely
Research shows that the
cholesterol we eat has only a
small effect on blood
cholesterol levels for most
Daily cholesterol limits are 300
mg for healthy people and
200 mg for those at higher
One egg has 186 mg of
Drugs with predominant effect on plasma total cholesterol and low
density lipoprotein cholesterol:
- Inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase;
- Bile acid sequestrants;
- Probucol.
II. Drugs with predominant effect on the level of plasma
tryatsylahlitseryniv tryatsylahlitseryniv and very low density
- Fibrates;
- Nicotinic acid;
- Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids - eykozopentayenova
and dokozoheksayenova; maksepa.
Lipid lowering agents.
Lipid-lowering drugs should be taken for patients with life-time
detection of lipid metabolism. It is imperative that lipid-lowering
agents, lowering levels of LDL and VLDL in the blood, reduced to,
and better yet, improved antiatherogenic HDL levels.
Lipid lowering agents
Statins – inhibitors HMG-CoA
reduction of intracellular cholesterol concentration leads to an increase /
restore function of cell receptors for LDL, LDL cholesterol decreased by
25-40%, triglycerides - by 10-40%, and HDL - increased by 5-15%.
Lovastatin and Simvastatin - lipophilic
Pravastatin and Fluvastatin - hydrophilic
Lovastatin - taken from the fungus Aspergillus terrus
natural C
Atorvastatin - active in the initial state
Natural statins are only in the liver and peripheral
tissues reach
Dose dependency:
10 mg - small doses
20-40 mg - average dose
80-100 mg - high doses
Effective average
doses of statins!
Therapeutic Cascade statins:
The first level of the therapeutic cascade: the
earliest action (weeks / months) → improved
endothelial function, reduced vascular
inflammation processes - the stabilization of
atherosclerotic plaques (vasodilation, "shrinkage")
The second level of the therapeutic cascade: stop
the progression of the old plaques and the
appearance of new, existing regression (30%!)
The third level of therapeutic cascade: reached
c / o 4 years or more since the beginning of the
application, to 18-30% reduced cardiac and total
• The fourth level of
therapeutic cascade: a
beneficial effect on
nekardialnu pathology - a
30% lower incidence of
diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease, vascular
Вихідний 6 місяців 12 місяців
Вихідний 6 місяців 12 місяців 12 місяцівВихідний 6 місяців
Results 12 month statin therapyResults 12 month statin therapy
T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• Practical significance
clofibrate, fenofibrate (lipantyn)
gemfibrozil, ufibrat.
Fibrates increase the activity of lipoprotein lipase and
thus accelerate the catabolism of VLDL, increase the
synthesis of LDL receptors, inhibit the formation of
VLDL in the liver.
In type III HLP, they are the drugs of choice.
Fibrates are used in daily doses of 300-400 mg to 2 g
May cause gastrointestinal tract, myositis, hepatitis,
cholelithiasis.The most common stones formed in the
gallbladder when using clofibrate.
- contain omega-3 and omega-eykozopentayenovu 3
dokozoheksayenovu acid.
taken at a daily dose of 2-3 g, which reduces the
formation of VLDL in the liver and to a reduction of
this class of lipoproteins in patients with type IV and
inhibit platelet aggregation, improve blood rheology.
The preparation of fish oil has proven to be an
effective mullion when combined
hipertryatsylhlitsernemiyi with hypercholesterolemia
(type IIb HLP).
Products of unsaturated fatty acids
Consequences of
recognized that :
“sudden death is more
common in those who
are naturally fat than
in lean.”
Treating Obesity
• Measure height and weight (BMI)
• Calculate waist circumference
• Assess comorbidities
• What labs does the patient need?
• Is the patient ready and motivated
enough to loose weight?
• Which diet should you recommend?
• Discuss a physical activity goal
Weight Loss Strategies
• Diet therapy
• Increased Physical Activity
• Pharmacotherapy
• Behavioral Therapy
• Surgery
• Any combination of the above
Rate Of Weight Loss
• A realistic goal is from 5% to 15% from baseline
in 6 months of obesity treatment.
• Weight should be lost at the rate of 1-2 lbs per
week, based on the caloric deficit between 500-
1000 Kcal/day.
• Dieting is highly
ineffective - 95%
long term failure
• Often results in
higher weight than
before the diet
You can eat in atherosclerosis?You can eat in atherosclerosis?
Meat - up to three times a
Low-fat cheese, meat
and fish pies - once a week.
Homemade cakes, cookies or
cakes, dress-ted using
margarine or oil – twice a
Potato chips or potatoes,
fried in butter – once every
two weeks.
Principles Of Dieting
• Women should consume atleast 1200 kcal/day,
men 1500 kcal/day.
• Select a diet that has:
>75g/day proteins (15% of total calories)
> 55% total calories from carbs
▪ Fat should contribute 30% or less of total calories
Atleast 3 meals/day.
High fiber (20-30g/day), fruits and vegetables.
Supplement the diet with multivitamis and minerals.
Avoid sugar containing beverages and fat spreads.
What about all the diets that are out there?
How much does a diet
• Weight Watchers ($13 registration
fee, $15 weekly fee)
• Jenny Craig (consultation $200-370,
$65 meals/week)
• Tops Club ($20/week)
• ($50/week) Atkins
A) Serotonin Nor-epinephrine Reuptake
Inhibitor: reduces food intake.
Sibutramine: initial dose 10mg/day, max
B) Orlistat: Lipase inhibitor. Alters
metabolism, dec absorption of dietary fat.
120mg PO TID
• Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
• Lap band procedure
Criteria: a) BMI > 40 or >35 with 2 comorbidities.
b) Failure of non surgical methods
c) Presence of 2 or more medical
conditions that would benefit with weight loss.

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Obesity Metabolic Syndrome

  • 2. Sponsored Medical Lecture Notes – All Subjects USMLE Exam (America) – Practice
  • 3. 3 Definition • A BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg per m2 is defined as overweight; • a BMI of 30.0 kg per m2 or more is defined as obesity.
  • 5. 5 Obesity - How Big A Problem… • 1.7 billion worldwide are overweight or obese • The US has the highest percentage of obese people. • By 2012, only four states had a prevalence of obesity less than 35%. And the numbers are growing…
  • 6.
  • 7. 7 Epidemiology of Obesity • 31.3% of U.S. males 34.7% of U.S. females • 30% increase in the last 10 years obesity • (BMI 40) has also increased and affects 4.7% of the population. • It is predicted that in 2045 the number of obese OSB is 1 2 populations • Health care costs - >$100 billion/year • Results in 300,000 preventable deaths each year in the U.S.
  • 8.
  • 9. Body Mass Index (BMI) • the most • widely used method to gauge obesity is the Body Massindex (BMI) (in kg/m2), • which is equal to weight height 2
  • 10. A circumference of waist is the mediated index of amount of visceral fat, or abdominal obesity. Чоловіки >102 см. > 94 сm Жінки >88 см> 80cm
  • 11. 11 Obesity and Life Expectancy If current rates of obesity are left unchecked, the current generation of American children will be the first in two centuries to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Olshansky SJ, et al. A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States in the 21st Century. NEJM, 352(11):1138- 1145, 2005
  • 12. 12 Classification of Overweight and Obesity BMIBMI ClassificationClassification <18.5 Underweight – 18.5-24.9 Normal weight – 25-29.9 Overweight – 30-34.9 Obesity Class I – 35-39.9 Obesity Class II – 40-49.9 Obesity Class III – 50 and above Super Obesity
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14 What causes Obesity? • Nutrient and Energy model of obesity: Metabolism Appetite regulation Energy expenditure Genetics Behavioral and cultural factors
  • 15. 15 Contributors to weight gain • Socio-economic status • Smoking cessation • Hormonal • Inactivity • Psychosocial/emotions • Medications
  • 16.
  • 17. 17 Medical Complications of Obesity Pulmonary disease abnormal function obstructive sleep apnea hypoventilation syndrome Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease steatosis steatohepatitis cirrhosis Gall bladder disease Gynecologic abnormalities abnormal menses infertility PCOS Osteoarthritis Gout Phlebitis venous stasis Cancer breast, uterus, cervix colon, esophagus, pancreas kidney, prostate Severe pancreatitis CHD Diabetes Dyslipidemia Hypertension Cataracts Stroke
  • 18. 18 Nutrient and Energy Model of Obesity Obesity results from increased intake of energy or decreased expenditure of energy, as required by the first law of thermodynamics. EnergyEnergy IntakeIntake AdiposeAdipose tissuetissue EnergyEnergy ExpenditureExpenditure
  • 20. Central controllers of appetite Increase factors NPY MCH AgRP Orexin Endocan nabinoid Decrease factors α-MSH CART GLP-1 Serotonin Psychological factors Neural afferents (vagal) Gut peptides CCK, PYY Ghrelin Metabolites Glucose Ketones Hormones Leptin Insulin Cortisol Cultural factors NPY, neuropeptide Y; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone; AgRP, Agouti-related peptide; MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone; CART, cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript; GLP-1, glucagon-related peptide-1; CCK, cholecystokinin.
  • 21. Signals that impinge on the hypothalamic center include neural afferents, hormones, and metabolites. Vagal inputs are particularly important, bringing information from viscera, such as gut distention. Hormonal signals include leptin, insulin, cortisol, and gut peptides. Among the latter are ghrelin, which is made in the stomach and stimulates feeding, and peptidemass increases by enlargement of adipose cells through lipid deposition, as well as by an increase in the number Appetite is influenced by many factors that are integrated by the brain, most importantly within the hypothalamus
  • 22. The growth of adipose tissue • The process by which adipose cells are derived from a mesenchymal preadipocyte involves an orchestrated series of differentiation steps mediated by a cascade of specific transcription factors. One of the key transcription factors is peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-),
  • 23.
  • 24. • The fact that intraabdominal adipocytes are more lipolytically active than those from other depots. • Release of free fatty acids into the portal circulation has adverse metabolic actions, especially on the liver. • The adipokines and cytokines secreted by visceral adipocytes play an additional role in systemic complications of obesity The growth of adipose tissue
  • 25. 1970 1980 1990 2000 2013
  • 26. The adipocyte is an endocrine cell that releases numerous regulated molecules • These include the energy balance-regulating hormone leptin, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)and interleukin (IL)-6, complement factors such as factor D (also known as adipsin), prothrombotic agents such as plasminogen activator inhibitor I, and a component of the blood pressure regulating system, angiotensinogen. • Adiponectin, an abundant adipose-derived protein whose levels are reduced in obesity, enhances insulin sensitivity and lipid oxidation and it has vascular protective effects, • whereas resistin and RBP4, whose levels are increased in obesity, may induce insulin resistance. These factors, and others not yet identified, play a role in the physiology oflipid homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure control, coagulation, and vascular health, and are likely to contributeto obesity-related pathologies.
  • 27. Function adypotcyts Adipocyte Others PAI-1 Angiotensinogen RBP4 Complement factors Factor D/adipsin Enzymes Aromatase 11-HSD-1 Substrates Free fatty acids Glycerol Cytokines TFN- IL-6 Hormones Leptin Adiponectin Adipocyte Resistin
  • 28. 28 Leptin • A major regulator of adaptive responses is the adipocytederived hormone leptin, which acts through brain circuits (predominantly in the hypothalamus) to influence appetite, energy expenditure, and neuroendocrine function The peptide leptin, a name derived from the Greek root leptos, meaning thin. • Protein hormone produced by fat cells. • Experiment: Leptin deficient mice: Hyperphasic Insulin resistant Infertile • Leptin administration reversed all the symptoms.
  • 29. Energy expenditure includes the following components: (1) resting or basal metabolic rate; (2) the energy cost of metabolizing and storing food; (3) the thermic effect of exercise; (4)adaptive thermogenesis, which varies in response to chronic caloric intake Basal metabolic rate accounts for ~70% of daily energy expenditure, whereas active physical activity contributes 5–10%. Thus, a significant component of daily energy consumption is fixed.
  • 30. Adaptive thermogenesis occurs in brown adipose tissue (BAT), which plays an important role in energy metabolism in many mammals. In contrast to white adipose tissue(WAT), which is used to store energy in the form of lipids, BAT expends stored energy as heat. A mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP-1) in BAT dissipates the hydrogen ion gradient in the oxidative respiration chain and releases energy as heat. The metabolic activity of BAT is increased by a central action of leptin, acting through the sympathetic nervous system, which heavily innervates this tissue.
  • 31. Metabolic Syndrome X? Syndrome ("New World") Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (or breach of tolerance to carbohydrates) and insuli resistance  Obesity (in android type) Dyslipidemia Coronary Artery Disease hypertension Microalbuminuria Hiperurikemiya Hiperleptynemiya and resistance to leptin Violation of blood rheology
  • 32. Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus • Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are pervasive features of obesity, • Insulin resistance is more strongly linked to intraabdominal fat than to fat in other depots.
  • 33. 33
  • 34. Determination of insulin resistance (IR)? (Formula HOMA) rate - 59 – 161 insulin resistance - below 59% Defining the function of beta cell 20 x insulin x 100 % (glucose - 3.5) rate - 70 -150 below 70% - a decline of beta-cell function IP = (insulin) x (glucose) Х 100% 22,5
  • 35. How to determine the type of distribution of adipose tissue? IVH = CV (sм) СH capacity waist, - measured by the smallest circumference below the rib cage on the navel capacity hips - for the largest circumference at the buttocks Diagnostic value of the IVT 0,8 – 0,9 An intermediate type of distribution of adipose tissue < 0,8 Hinoid (peripheral) type distribution of adipose tissue > 0,9 m > 0,85 F Android (abdominal, visceral, central) type distribution of adipose tissue
  • 36. Treatment of metabolic syndrome X Weight loss Increased physical activity Treatment of hypertension Antyhiperhlikemichna therapy aspirin lipid-lowering therapy
  • 37. The criteria for compensation of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes (WHO, 1998) Indicators norm risk makroanhio patiy risk microangio pathies Glycated hemoglobin HbAlc (%) < 6,5 >6,5 >7,5 Capillary blood glucose (mmol) After fasting food within 2 hours (peak) < 5,5 < 7,5 > 5,5 > 7,5 > 6,1 > 9,0
  • 38. How activation of PPAR γ enhances the action of insulin and normalizes blood glucose levels?increased differentiation preadipotcytes adipocytesadipocytes PPAR γ AvandiyaAvandiya and insulinand insulin liver Decrease formation of glucose in the liver EuhlykemiyaEuhlykemiya Reduced lipolysis and circulating free fatty acids ↑insulin sensitivity and the capacity for glucose disposal / deposition of lipids Skeletal muscleSkeletal muscle PPAR γγ
  • 39. Hyperglyce mia Blood glucose after meals ↓Acarbose ↓ Metformin Capture glucose  Metformin  Rozihlitazon Synthesis of glucose  Metformin  Rozihlitazon insulin secretion  Rozihlitazon  sulfonyl urea  repaglinide
  • 40. Cancer • Obesity in males is associated with higher mortalityfrom cancer, including cancer of the esophagus, colon,rectum, pancreas, liver, and prostate; obesity in females isassociated with higher mortality from cancer of the allbladder,bile ducts, breasts, endometrium, cervix, andovaries. • Some of the latter may be due to increased ratesof conversion of androstenedione to estrone in adiposetissue of obese individuals. • It was recently estimated that obesity accounts for 14% of cancer
  • 41. Bone, Joint, and Cutaneous Disease Obesity is associated with an increased risk of osteoarthritis, no doubt partly due to the trauma of added weight bearing and joint malalignment. The prevalence of gout may also be increased. Among the skin problems associated with obesity is acanthosis nigricans, manifested by darkening and thickening of the skin folds on the neck, elbows, and dorsal interphalangeal spaces. Acanthosis reflects the severity ofunderlying insulin resistance and diminishes with weight loss. Friability of skin may be increased, especially in skin folds, enhancing the risk of fungal and yeast infections Finally, venous stasis is increased in the obese.
  • 42. Pulmonary Disease • Obesity may be associated with a number of pulmonary abnormalities. • These include reduced chest wall compliance, increased work of breathing, increased minute ventilation due to increased metabolic rate, and decreased functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume. Severe obesity may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea and the “obesity hypoventilation syndrome” with attenuated hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responses. Sleep apnea can be obstructive (most common), central, or mixed and is associated with hypertension.
  • 43. Reproductive Disorders Disorders that affect the reproductive axis are associated with obesity in both men and women. Male hypogonadism is associated with increased adipose tissue, often distributed in a pattern more typical of females. In men >160% ideal body weight, plasma testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) are often reduced, and estrogen levels (derived from conversion of adrenal androgens in adipose tissue) are increased. Gynecomastia may be seen. Obesity has long been associated with menstrual abnormalities in women, particularly in women with upper body obesity. Common findings are increased androgenproduction, decreased SHBG, and increased peripheral conversion of androgen to estrogen. Most obese women with oligomenorrhea have the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), with its associated anovulation and ovarian hyperandro genism; 40% of women with PCOS are obese.
  • 44. Cardiovascular Disease • Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, is associated with an atherogenic lipid profile; with increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL)cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein, and triglyceride;and with decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and decreased levels of the vascular protectiveadipokine adiponectin. • Obesity is also associated with hypertension. Measurement of blood pressure in theobese requires use of a larger cuff size to avoid artifactual increases. • Obesity-induced hypertension is associated with increased peripheral resistance and cardiac output, increased sympathetic nervous system tone, increased salt sensitivity, and insulin- mediated salt retention; it is often responsive to modest weight loss.
  • 45. AteroselerozAteroseleroz A chronic, focal lesions of the arteries characterized by accumulation in the inner wall of arteries apoproteyin-B-containing lipoproteins and cholesterol, reactive growth of connective tissue with the formation of fibrous plaques and their rupture, thrombosis, calcification.
  • 46.
  • 47. Адаптовано з E.Topol. Atlas of Atherothrombosis.- 2005 Consequences of obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
  • 48. What Is Cholesterol? • We may associate cholesterol with fatty foods, but most of the waxy substance is made by our own bodies. • The liver produces 75% of the cholesterol that circulates in our blood. • The other 25% comes from food. • At normal levels, cholesterol actually plays an important role in helping cells do their jobs. But cholesterol levels are precariously high in more than 100 million Americans.
  • 49. Symptoms of High Cholesterol • High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms. But it does cause damage deep within the body. • Over time, too much cholesterol may lead to a buildup of plaque inside the arteries. Known as atherosclerosis, this condition narrows the space available for blood flow and can trigger heart disease. • The good news is high cholesterol is simple to detect, and there are many ways to bring it down.
  • 50. Cholesterol Most of the cholesterol in the blood is carried by proteins called low density ipoproteins or LDL. This is known as the bad cholesterol because it combines with other substances to clog the arteries.
  • 51. 'Good' Cholesterol Up to a third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoproteins or HDL. This is called good cholesterol because it helps remove bad cholesterol, preventing it from building up inside the arteries. The higher the level of HDL cholesterol, the better. People with too little are more likely to develop heart disease. Eating healthy fats, such as olive oil, may help boost HDL cholesterol.
  • 52. Triglycerides The body converts excess calories, sugar, and alcohol into triglycerides, a type of fat that is carried in the blood and stored in fat cells throughout the body. People who are overweight, inactive, smokers, or heavy drinkers tend to have high triglycerides, as do those who eat a very high-carb diet. A triglycerides score of 150 or higher puts you at risk for metabolic syndrome, which is linked to heart disease and diabetes.
  • 53. Normally: cholesterol plasma 5.2 mmol / l, triacylglycerol - 2.3 mmol / l, beta-lipoprotein - 6000 mg / l. Land Surveying basic level of blood lipids: total cholesterol - 5,2-6,2 mmol / l, triacylglycerol - 2,3-4,5 mmol / l. Elevated levels of major blood lipids: total cholesterol -> 6.3 mmol / l, triacylglycerol -> 4.5 mmol / l. Атеросклероз
  • 54. 500432210 The relative size, nm Exogenous tryatsyl- glycerol Endogenous triacylglycerol cholester ol esters cholestero l esters Lipids core В-48, Сs, Е, А-І, А-ІІ В-100, Cs, Е В-100А-І, А-ІІ, Е, Cs lipoproteins chylomicronsLPVLDLPLDLPHD Major classes of lipoproteins XM and VLDL - vehicles for transfer to tissue triacylglycerol, and LDL – for carrying cholesterol to tissues, HDL - are responsible for reverse cholesterol transport (for textiles). Fraction LPVH3 more active for reverse cholesterol transport of tissues.
  • 55. Cholesterol in Food Cholesterol-rich foods, like eggs, shrimp, and lobster are no longer completely forbidden. Research shows that the cholesterol we eat has only a small effect on blood cholesterol levels for most people. Daily cholesterol limits are 300 mg for healthy people and 200 mg for those at higher risk. One egg has 186 mg of cholesterol.
  • 56. Drugs with predominant effect on plasma total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol: - Inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase; - Bile acid sequestrants; - Probucol. II. Drugs with predominant effect on the level of plasma tryatsylahlitseryniv tryatsylahlitseryniv and very low density lipoproteins - Fibrates; - Nicotinic acid; - Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids - eykozopentayenova and dokozoheksayenova; maksepa. Атеросклероз Lipid lowering agents. Lipid-lowering drugs should be taken for patients with life-time detection of lipid metabolism. It is imperative that lipid-lowering agents, lowering levels of LDL and VLDL in the blood, reduced to, and better yet, improved antiatherogenic HDL levels.
  • 57. Lipid lowering agents Statins – inhibitors HMG-CoA reductase reduction of intracellular cholesterol concentration leads to an increase / restore function of cell receptors for LDL, LDL cholesterol decreased by 25-40%, triglycerides - by 10-40%, and HDL - increased by 5-15%. Lovastatin and Simvastatin - lipophilic Pravastatin and Fluvastatin - hydrophilic Lovastatin - taken from the fungus Aspergillus terrus natural C Atorvastatin - active in the initial state Natural statins are only in the liver and peripheral tissues reach
  • 58. VII NATIONAL CONGRESS OF CARDIOLOGY UKRAINE Dose dependency: 10 mg - small doses 20-40 mg - average dose 80-100 mg - high doses Effective average doses of statins! Therapeutic Cascade statins: The first level of the therapeutic cascade: the earliest action (weeks / months) → improved endothelial function, reduced vascular inflammation processes - the stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques (vasodilation, "shrinkage") The second level of the therapeutic cascade: stop the progression of the old plaques and the appearance of new, existing regression (30%!) The third level of therapeutic cascade: reached c / o 4 years or more since the beginning of the application, to 18-30% reduced cardiac and total mortality • The fourth level of therapeutic cascade: a beneficial effect on nekardialnu pathology - a 30% lower incidence of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia
  • 59. Вихідний 6 місяців 12 місяців Вихідний 6 місяців 12 місяців 12 місяцівВихідний 6 місяців Results 12 month statin therapyResults 12 month statin therapy T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • 60. Атеросклероз Fibrates. • Practical significance clofibrate, fenofibrate (lipantyn) gemfibrozil, ufibrat. Fibrates increase the activity of lipoprotein lipase and thus accelerate the catabolism of VLDL, increase the synthesis of LDL receptors, inhibit the formation of VLDL in the liver. In type III HLP, they are the drugs of choice. Fibrates are used in daily doses of 300-400 mg to 2 g • May cause gastrointestinal tract, myositis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis.The most common stones formed in the gallbladder when using clofibrate.
  • 61. - contain omega-3 and omega-eykozopentayenovu 3 dokozoheksayenovu acid. taken at a daily dose of 2-3 g, which reduces the formation of VLDL in the liver and to a reduction of this class of lipoproteins in patients with type IV and V HLP. inhibit platelet aggregation, improve blood rheology. The preparation of fish oil has proven to be an effective mullion when combined hipertryatsylhlitsernemiyi with hypercholesterolemia (type IIb HLP). Атеросклероз Products of unsaturated fatty acids
  • 62. 63 Consequences of Obesity Hippocrates recognized that : “sudden death is more common in those who are naturally fat than in lean.”
  • 63. 64 Treating Obesity • Measure height and weight (BMI) • Calculate waist circumference • Assess comorbidities • What labs does the patient need? • Is the patient ready and motivated enough to loose weight? • Which diet should you recommend? • Discuss a physical activity goal
  • 64.
  • 65. 66 Weight Loss Strategies • Diet therapy • Increased Physical Activity • Pharmacotherapy • Behavioral Therapy • Surgery • Any combination of the above
  • 66. 67 Rate Of Weight Loss • A realistic goal is from 5% to 15% from baseline in 6 months of obesity treatment. • Weight should be lost at the rate of 1-2 lbs per week, based on the caloric deficit between 500- 1000 Kcal/day.
  • 67. 68
  • 68. 69 Dieting • Dieting is highly ineffective - 95% long term failure rate • Often results in higher weight than before the diet
  • 69. WHAT AND HOW OFTENWHAT AND HOW OFTEN You can eat in atherosclerosis?You can eat in atherosclerosis? Meat - up to three times a week. Low-fat cheese, meat and fish pies - once a week. Homemade cakes, cookies or cakes, dress-ted using margarine or oil – twice a week. Potato chips or potatoes, fried in butter – once every two weeks.
  • 70. 71 Principles Of Dieting • Women should consume atleast 1200 kcal/day, men 1500 kcal/day. • Select a diet that has: >75g/day proteins (15% of total calories) > 55% total calories from carbs ▪ Fat should contribute 30% or less of total calories Atleast 3 meals/day. High fiber (20-30g/day), fruits and vegetables. Supplement the diet with multivitamis and minerals. Avoid sugar containing beverages and fat spreads.
  • 71. What about all the diets that are out there? How much does a diet • Weight Watchers ($13 registration fee, $15 weekly fee) • Jenny Craig (consultation $200-370, $65 meals/week) • Tops Club ($20/week) • ($50/week) Atkins Diet 72
  • 72.
  • 73. Medications A) Serotonin Nor-epinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor: reduces food intake. Sibutramine: initial dose 10mg/day, max 20mg/day. B) Orlistat: Lipase inhibitor. Alters metabolism, dec absorption of dietary fat. 120mg PO TID 74
  • 74. Surgery • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. • Lap band procedure Criteria: a) BMI > 40 or >35 with 2 comorbidities. b) Failure of non surgical methods c) Presence of 2 or more medical conditions that would benefit with weight loss. 75
  • 75.
  • 76.

Editor's Notes

  1. In 1997, the International Obesity Task Force,10 convened by the World Health Organization (WHO), recommended a standard classification of adult overweight and obesity
  2. Paleolithic: the first period in the development of human technology of the Stone Age
  3. Obesity is a complex, multifactorial condition in which excess body fat may put a person at health risk. According to the U.S. surgeon general, approximately 25 percent of American adults are completely sedentary, and more than 60 percent are not regularly active at the recommended level of 30 minutes per day.5 About 14 percent of young people between 12 and 21 years of age report no recent physical activity. Nearly one half of young persons between these ages are not vigorously active. An estimated 300,000 preventable deaths occur each year in the United States because of unhealthy diet and physical inactivity,6 which are known contributors to obesity.
  4. Presently, there is no precise clinical definition of obesity based on the degree of excess body fat that places an individual at increased health risk. General consensus exists for an indirect measure of body fatness, called the weight-for-height index or body mass index (BMI). The BMI is an easily obtained and reliable measurement for overweight and obesity and is defined as a person&amp;apos;s weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of the person&amp;apos;s height (in meters) Other Measurements Waist Circumference &amp;gt;35 inches in women or 40 inches in men indicates hazardous fat distribution Waist/Hip Ratios &amp;gt;0.8 indicates hazardous fat distribution
  5. The search for genetic factors involved in obesity should not obscure the truth that the environmental factors probably more important.
  6. In most cases, however, the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity reflects changes in society and behaviors over the past 20 to 30 years. Lifestyle patterns are influenced by an overabundance of energy-dense food choices and decreased opportunities and motivation for physical activity. Loss of ovarian function results in: Reduced resting metabolic rate Reduced muscle mass Increased fat mass Increased accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue
  7. Waist circumference measurements greater than 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (89 cm) in women also indicate an increased risk of obesity-related comorbidities.
  8. Excess body fat results from an imbalance of energy intake and energy expenditure (total energy expenditure includes energy expended at rest, in physical activity and for metabolism)
  9. Leptin, a hormone secreted by fat cells that was discovered in 1994, was found to not only control food intake, but also to impact other functions that are affected by energy balance which could relate to obesity. High leptin levels trigger growth and readiness for reproduction. Research has shown that overweight individuals have high concentrations of leptin in the blood, indicating that these individuals do not respond to leptin by reducing food intake. Furthermore, endocrine research has found that obese patients respond poorly to leptin, suggesting the presence of leptin resistance.
  10. The recent increases in the prevalence of overweight and obesity are reflected across all ages, racial and ethnic groups, and education levels in the U.S. In reviewing the following three charts, for instance, one can see that the “average” American categorized under obesity is aged 50-59, Black/non-Hispanic with less than a high school diploma
  11. Figure 6.23. The effects of cholesterol lowering can be measured in humans by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study, statin effects are significant after 12 months both in aorta (left plots, lower pictures) and carotid arteries (right plots), by reducing plaque burden (assessed by the vessel wall area and thickness) but not the lumen area, as in a reverse Glagov effect. Reproduced with permission from (63]. Рисунок 6.23. Эффекты понизить холестерина могут быть измерены в humans магнитным изображением резонанса (MRI). В этом изучении, эффекты statin существенны после 12 месяцев как в аорте (левые планы, низшие картины), так и артерии (правильные планы) сонной артерии, сокращая груз (оцененный областью стены сосуда и толщиной) настенной тарелки, но область люмена, как в обратном эффекте Glagov. Воспроизведенный с разрешения от (63].
  12. A 100 kg woman is at the same risk for coronary artery heart disease as a woman who smokes 1 ppd 40% of coronary artery disease is attributed to being overweight
  13. Waist circumference should be measured at a level midway between the lower rib margin and iliac crest with the tape all around the body in horizontal position
  14. No. 1 = Germany (58% of the population) No. 2 = United States of Amerika (57%) No. 3 = Australia (56%)
  15. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure involves creating a stomach pouch out of a small portion of the stomach and attaching it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and duodenum. Not only is the stomach pouch too small to hold large amounts of food, but by skipping the duodenum, fat absorption is substantially reduced.