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Ober Test
Introduction 29–year–old male patient referred to physical therapy with complaints of gradually
developed right knee pain, increased stiffness with activity, mild swelling, and occasional popping
sound while climbing stairs. Patient is a long distance runner covering 10 miles 4 days a week. Also,
patient does biking occasionally. Patient denies any recent injuries or fall. Patient medical history is
not significant except with diagnosis of renal stones 3 years ago. Patient lives alone and perform all
functional activities. However, right knee pain is affecting his normal exercise routine and currently
he is not able to run more than 3 miles due to knee pain and discomfort. Physical therapist is
suspecting a possible right Iliotibial ... Show more content on ...
As per Reese & Brady, 2013, the study demonstrated the ICC values calculated and the intrarater
reliability was 0.90 for the Ober test and 0.91 for the modified Ober test. Results of the dependent t
test indicated a significant difference (P <.001) in the range of motion of the hip between the Ober
test and the modified Ober test. As per the CEBM 2011 levels of evidence, this study falls under
Level 4 since the evidence was from a single descriptive or qualitative study. Conclusion Even
though the dependent t test indicated a significantly greater range of motion of the hip in adduction
using the modified Ober test as compared to the Ober test, the study concluded that the Ober and
modified Ober tests should not be used interchangeably for the measurement of the flexibility of the
IT band. Based on the information received from this article, the author will try to perform modified
Ober test by stabilizing the pelvis to avoid any unnecessary motion that would apparently increase
the hip range of motion. According to Wang, Jan, Lin & Wang, 2006, both the modified Ober test
might be more effective in treating and stretching the iliotibial
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Socm Study Guide Essay
Chapter 1 ELO's Describe the basic functions of living organisms. A. Responsiveness – organisms
respond to changes in their immediate environment (long term changes is adaptability) B. Growth –
over a lifetime, organisms grow larger through an increase in size or number of cells. Differentiation
is when cells have specialized functions C. Reproduction – Organisms reproduce, creating
subsequent generations of similar organisms D. Movement – Organisms are capable of movement a.
Internal – moving food, blood, or other materials internally b. External – moving through
environment E. Metabolism – Organisms rely on complex chemical reactions to provide the energy
for responsiveness, growth, ... Show more content on ...
To survive every living organism must maintain homeostasis. Describe how positive (+) and
negative (–) feedback are involved in homeostatic regulation * Negative feedback provides longterm
regulatory control that results in relatively stable internal conditions * Positive feedback is important
in driving a potentially dangerous or stressful process to completion. * Negative feedback opposes
stimuli, positive feedback reinforces stimuli Use anatomical terms to describe body sections, body
regions, and relative positions. Body regions– – Cephalon (head) – axillia (armpit) – Cervicis (neck)
– Brachium (arm) – Thoracis (chest) – Ante Brachium (forearm) – Abdomen – Manus (hand) –
Pelvis – Thigh – Loin (lower back) – leg (anterior) – Buttock – Calf – Pubis (anterior pelvis) – Pes
(foot) – Groin Body sections– Transverse plane – cuts the body parallel to the ground as the person
is standing. Positions are referred to as superior (top) or inferior (bottom). Frontal plane – or coronal
plane, cuts the body length wise and is dividing it into a anterior (front) and posterior (back) section.
Sagittal Plane – also cuts the body length wise, but divides it into a right and left half A cut the
produces an equal left and right half is a midsagittal section *
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Essay Sports Massage- Case Study
This essay will explore the value of massage in the overall management of an athlete with lateral
knee pain, and a diagnosis of Ilio tibial band syndrome.
It will explore the use of massage generally then focus on specific techniques used in myofascial
pathologies. It will also describe the techniques employed, the clinical reasoning for their choice and
the relevant supporting evidence.
The relevant anatomy will be discussed as well as the proposed influences of massage on these
structures using current literature to support these hypotheses.
Massage has been used around the world for thousands of years for rehabilitation and relaxation
(Weerapong et al, 2005). Massage is the treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body ...
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Distally it attaches to Gerdy's tubercle on the anterolateral aspect of the tibia having passed over the
lateral femoral condyle (Fairclough et al, 2006).
Miller et al (2007) showed greater knee flexion and internal hip rotation in runners with ITBS at
heel strike. Using a simple biomechanical they showed that both factors increased stress on the ITB.
Biomechanical studies show that maximum compression of the ITB over the lateral femoral condyle
occurs at 30 degrees flexion of the knee (Orchard, 1996) hence it has been assumed that the band
actually moves over the condyle.
MRI findings in a study by Nishimura et al (1997) suggest soft tissue inflammation and /or oedema
rather than focal fluid collection. This study also showed no alteration to the structure of the ITB
itself, and that the posterior fibres are tighter against the femur. A further study involving cadavers
and MRI by Fairclough et al (2006) show ITBS is more likely to be highly innervated fat
compression beneath the tract as different parts of the distal ITB come under tension– i.e. anterior
and posterior sections.
One of the commonly quoted conservative interventions for ITBS is massage or more precisely
myofascial release techniques (Brukner and Khan, 2006; Chaitow and DeLany, 2002; Pettit and
Dolski, 2000). Indeed Fredericson (2005), states "Identifying and eliminating these myofascial
components complements physical therapy and should precede strengthening and muscle
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Common Running Injuries Research Paper
How to Prevent Running Injuries
Runners are prone to a lot of injuries. Overusing of their feet and overtraining are the main culprits
for common running injuries. Other causes include ill–fitting footwear, irregular biomechanics and
the lack of flexibility and strength.
Runner's knee
It is a condition that causes pain in the knee and is characterized by the wear away of the back of the
Reduced strength of the quadriceps muscles
Ill–fitted shoes with no proper support for the inside of the forefoot.
Treatment and prevention:
Strengthening exercise which focuses on quad muscles.
Use of sports orthotics.
Preventive measures include hip strengthening and quad–strengthening exercises to keep the
alignment of the kneecap.
Physical therapy ... Show more content on ...
Stress fractures
These are fractures brought about by too much or repeated mechanical stress. It can also occur in
several locations like the leg inner bone, bone at the base of the spine, thigh bone, and bones of the
Improper running style
Lack of calcium
Treatment and prevention:
Wear proper footwear.
Run only on flat and hard surfaces. It will absorb some of the shock that running created.
General preventive tips
The best way to stay away from these running injuries is through prevention.
1. Wear footwear with proper fitting. You should also wear footwear that is appropriate on the
activity that you will be doing. The only available protective gear for runners that can save them
from having injuries are running shoes.
2. Consider your running routine like training schedules, strengthening and flexibility. These things
should be considered and adjusted to your running needs to help maximize your running time while
minimizing the possibility of injury.
3. Do stretching exercises before and after a run as it enables your muscles to have greater flexibility
and lesser chance of getting an
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper
Iliotibial Band Syndrome, sometimes referred to as IT band or ITBS is an injury common among
runners that effects the tendon by the knee. If you think you are suffering from iliotibial band
syndrome, this article can help you form a plan of action to combat the pain and restriction that this
syndrome can bring to your life. What is ITBS? The IT band runs from your hip, across your thigh,
to the outside of your knee and connects to the top of your tibia. When running your hip muscles
work to stabilize your pelvis. As you rung for long periods of time, these muscles get tired and your
hips begin to drop side to side with each forward moving step. As this happens, your knee is forced
inward and out of alignment with your foot. Running with your hips dipping side to side and your
knee turning inward, your IT band becomes inflamed. This ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately this does not mean you are healed. The inflammation will occur again once your set
out on your next run as soon as the hip muscles become fatigued. Causes of ITBS There can be
many contributing factors to ITBS. The easiest to rule out are running in old shoes, down steep hills
or extremely tight turns. If you are suffering from ITBS, rule out these factors first. If you find the
pain is still recurring, the problem likely lies in the strength of your hip abductor and external rotator
muscle. If these muscles aren't strong enough to endure long distance running, your hips will
eventually start sagging during your runs. Once this begins to happen, the cycle repeats itself and the
inflammation returns. Correcting ITBS The first step in correcting ITBS is limiting your running
once fatigue sets in. This may mean cutting back your long distance running dramatically. If the IT
band is continually inflammed, this will give it time to heal. While you are healing the inflammation
you can replace your running
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Allen Hendrick's Paths To Strengthen Sport In The United...
Allen Hendrick held a podcast with Professor Benjamin Reuter discussing endurance sports in the
United States. The podcast did a good job covering the rise in endurance sports, common injuries,
and ways to prevent injuries. Overall, the podcast was insightful and provided a great deal of
information for the listener. According to Hendrick (n.d.), "There were over 400,000 people in the
United States who completed a marathon [in 2007 and in 2008,] ... there were over 40 triathlons that
were half– Ironman distance or longer" (p. 1). Activity and charity are the reasons why endurance
sports are getting so popular in the United States. With obesity leading the current epidemic, many
Americans want to be more active and healthier. In addition, more ... Show more content on ...
The reason people still get hurt with endurance sports is due to the repetitive action of the sports.
Hendrick (n.d.) provides a good example, "A cyclist who's cycling at 90 revolutions per minute
cycling cadence, ... [is] pedaling their bike over 5,000 times an hour (Hendrick, n.d., p. 2). Think
about how many times the muscles are contracting, even if it is sub–maximal contraction. How
about runners training for a marathon, how many miles does the typical athlete average per week?
Most people training for a marathon will probably clock in about 40–50 miles a week. Plantar
fasciitis is just waiting to happen to those athletes due to the overuse of certain muscles and feet.
Therefore, some common injuries in endurance sports are tendon and muscular injuries (Hendrick,
n.d., p. 2). For example, according to Cosca & Navazio (2007), "Common overuse injuries in
runners and other endurance athletes include patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band friction
syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome, Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and lower
extremity stress fractures" (p. 237). These types of injuries are prevented with rest accompanied by
rehabilitative exercise programs, icing, stretching, knee sleeves, and eccentric strength training to
name a few. The biggest form of prevention is proper progression and rest in between exercises.
Endurance events occur every single month; prevent overtraining and work up to each event with an
achievable realistic training plan. Again, great podcast focusing on the rise of endurance sports and
common injuries with prevention
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The Effects Of Soccer On The World 's Most Common Sport
A total of 2738 injuries during 6010 matches were registered. This statement was made by a soccer
program stating how many injuries occurs threw out the 6010 players have been injured, which is
Soccer is a game played with 200 countries. It has 11 players per side and the team has to try and
score in the opposing team's goal. It is the world's most common sport played amongst 250 million
players.The field's structure is rectangular shaped with a goal at the end of both sides of the field.
There are goalkeepers and they are the only players that are allowed to touch the ball because they
are the ones trying to block the person who is trying to score's shot. This is one of the most contact
sports in the world and more people get ... Show more content on ...
Tenderness. Bruising,
Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful condition in which connective tissue rubs against the
Muscle cramps is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles.
Blisters are a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other
Delayed onset muscle soreness is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after
unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is is pain in the front of the knee. It frequently occurs in teenagers,
manual laborers, and athletes. It sometimes is caused by wearing down, roughening, or softening of
the cartilage under the kneecap.
Plantar fasciitis is really a stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot.
Pulled or strained calf muscle is damage to its muscle or attaching tendons.
Shin splints are acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard
Sprains and strains are injuries in the muscle tendon and indirect trauma.
Stress fractures is a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress.
Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection or
rheumatic disease.
Ruptured tendon is when a tendon in the body snaps
Torn knee cartilage occurs when
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The Effects Of Regular Exercise On Our Health And Longevity
INTRODUCTION If we as Americans are to believe what we often hear–that the majority of us are
unhealthy and overweight–then a fair, mostly logical conclusion may be drawn about the
recommendations our doctors make when they see us: eat better, and get more exercise. Lifestyle
changes, more so than any medical intervention or medication, can have the greatest impacts on our
health and longevity and, although initially they can be difficult to instill, once they are ingrained,
they become routine and sharpened over time. Nevertheless, tremendous satisfaction is reaped from
engaging in those same healthy activities and eating habits that our physicians would recommend
we do, but without them actually having to tell us to do so. To be ... Show more content on ...
For many, having as few doctor visits as possible or as needed is ideal, but they do not envision
having none. It is precisely this dichotomy of a very healthy life activity such as running and patient
engagement that I wished to explore further in this paper. To what extent, if at all, do runners use
running as an excuse to be less than fully engaged in their own health (and the healthcare space in
general), and do runners use running as a substitute for traditional engagement? Furthermore, do
runners use their running as a method of justifying or counterbalancing the other unhealthy choices
they make in their lives? When it comes to healthcare, are runners sprinting off in the opposite
RUNNING AND ITS ASSOCIATED HEALTH BELIEFS To be clear, no research affirmatively
finds a direct correlation between runners and their disengagement in their own health and/or the
healthcare system. Individuals who are not much engaged may also happen to run, but we cannot
say with any degree of certainty that it is because they run that they feel less compelled to
participate in their health. We can (and will) attempt to draw a link, but before we do, we must first
understand what runners believe about running itself, and why the myriad of health benefits gained
from running would, in a runner's opinion,
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A Healthy Form Of Recreation
Bicycling is a healthy form of recreation that people all over the world participate in to various
degrees. As an exercise activity, cycling is recognized as a low impact sport that minimizes the
potential for damaged muscles or inflammation and soreness in the joints. That said, it's important to
be aware that cycling involves a repetitive motion, roughly 4000 pedal revolutions per hour for the
average recreational cyclist, in the hip, knee and ankle joints during the pedal stroke. Like all
repetitive activities, there is a potential for overuse injuries to develop if the proper mechanics of the
action are not identified and practiced. This report analyzes the proper mechanics of the pedal
stroke, identifies the main biomechanical causes attributed to overuse injuries in the hip, knee and
ankle joints and provides suggestions on how to correct those biomechanical differences through
muscle development and flexibility exercises.
Phases of the Pedal Stroke
The bicycle pedal stroke involving the lower limb consists of four phases within a 360–degree
rotation. As a point of reference, the top of the pedal stroke begins at 12 o'clock, or 0 degrees,
moving clockwise. The focus here is to analyzing the three joints, hip, knee and ankle along the
sagittal and frontal planes. When viewing the three joints from the frontal plane, there should be
vertical alignment between the medial joints of the hip, knee and ankle. Angles of the three joints
during pedal rotation are
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Patella Case Study
Discuss the shadows around the patella: A Tangential View of the knee provides the clinician
information for interpretation of the patellofemoral joint integrity. There is joint space narrowing
between the patellae and femoral condyles more significant in the lateral aspect of the joint with the
left more involved than the right, indicative of degenerative changes occurring in the patellofemoral
joint. This therapist is a novice at interpretation, though the shadows around the superioanterior
aspect of both patellae appear tooth like with the left more significant than the right. This typically
indicates degenerative enthesophyte formation usually seen at the site of the insertion of the
quadriceps tendon (Luijkx & Rezaee, n.d). This is a ... Show more content on ...
Patient education would include informing the patient that she may need to take a break from the
activities causing the patellofemoral pain, and temporarily switch to lower impact activities that
achieve the same benefit, such as the elliptical. Advise the patient that when she returns to running,
she will need to work into it gradually, educate her on the correct postural alignment and movement
when she is running, and that she may benefit from icing afterward. Additional education would
include information on effective knee bracing. In the physical exam if abnormal ankle movement is
assessed causing increase pressure on the knees, the patient can be advised on proper footwear
and/or orthotics. Traditional treatment would include strengthening of the quadriceps, iliotibial band
and hamstring stretching. However, there has been a shift toward treatment to include controlling
the femur and strengthening the hip musculature, particular the hip abductors, extensors and external
rotators due to an apparent weakness in these muscles in patients who have PFPS. (Powers, Bolgla,
Callaghan, Collins, & Sheehan, 2012). This patient could also benefit from core strengthening
exercise. When trunk musculature is activated it stiffens the spine to provide a foundation for
functional movement (Tofte, 2013). Strengthening the core
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Most Common Injuries In Youth Athletics
5 Most common Injuries in Youth Athletics
In COR, we have a wide range of individuals who seek treatment from injuries. A commonality has
been young athletes with overuse injuries. As we all know young children are always moving
around and having fun. They do sometimes get over excited and hurt themselves. It's important to be
conscious of the possible injuries they might experience. There are factors that contribute to injury
like age and history of chronic pain. This article will explain 5 most common injuries in youth
athletics who sought treatment in our facility.
Gymnast's wrist/distal radius epiphysiolysis
Doing activities involving applying too much pressure on wrist such as doing a lot of handstands.
Will cause inflamed tendons ... Show more content on ...
There is no method that is more effective than the other. Some athletes will lower the frequency of
training while others will need more time to rest. Immobilization of the extremity may occur to heal
muscle tissue.Treatment for a stress fracture will depend on the location of the fracture. In severe
conditions, some treatments are up to 2 – 4 months and the athlete would use crutches. The athlete
can resume activity as long as they are pain–free. Physical therapy will explain biomechanics of the
movement with injury. Also will provide self myofascial release SMR to the shin, and provide
exercises to strengthen the
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Kumar Case Study
Dr Vijay Kumar Works with Iliotibial Band Syndrome Patients in Ogemaw County
Though it is not as common in his Ogemaw practice, Physical Therapist Dr Vijay Kumar has treated
patients for Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS). This painful condition presents itself as severe pain in
the knee or hip. It is most commonly found in active people, athletes, and those to do aerobic
exercises often. The Iliotibial band is a tissue grouping that runs the length of the outer thigh, from
the hip to the knee joint, and eventually connects to the tibia at the front. Due to its positioning, the
IT Band stretches across the knee itself. Through constant movement, the band may become
compressed near the knee, and rubbing on the protruding bones may occur.
People ... Show more content on ...
Dr Vijay Kumar Ogemaw Helps Ogemaw Patients Heal Their Ankle Sprains
Sprained ankles are an average occurrence treated by Ogemaw Physical Therapist, Dr Vijay Kumar.
These injuries are so common, nearly twenty five thousand people sprain their ankle each day.
Sometimes called a twisted ankle, a sprain happens when the ligaments on either side of the ankle
are pulled or overextended in an incorrect manner. Many athletes suffer from sprained ankles. Even
more people get a sprained ankle simply from stepping wrong. This could be the result of missing a
step on a set of stairs, or even stepping off of a curb and twisting the ankle at the wrong angle.
There are two forms of sprained ankle, lateral and medial sprains. The lateral ligament runs along
the outside of the ankle into the foot. When the poor step happens, the foot may twist or roll inward,
spraining this ligament. The medial ligament rests along the inside of the ankle. If the misstep rolls
the foot outward in a sideways motion, a medial sprain happens. If not treated correctly, this rather
mundane injury can become a chronic issue within the ankle and surrounding tissues. Most
physicians agree that the best first course of action is to apply the RICE treatment. RICE stands for
Rest, Ice Compression, and Elevation. Essentially you will want to stay off of the injured joint,
apply ice packs, keep it wrapped at a moderate tightness, and keep it elevated. Dr Vijay Kumar helps
his Ogemaw patients to do this, along with exercises
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Essay On Insoles
One important part of keeping up to date within a field of study is to read published literature. In
order to exemplify this, I will be summarizing a research article titled "Clinical effectiveness of
customized sport shoe orthoses for overuse injuries in runners: a randomized controlled study" and
was performed by A. Hirschmüller, H. Baur, S. Müller, P. Helwig, H.–H. Dickhuth, and F. Mayer.
This article was published in the 2009. For this study, the researchers were interested in evaluating
running injuries, which are the main pathological conditions that prevent competitive athletes from
training or competing. Although treatment for these conditions is a multifaceted approach, shoe
insoles pose to offer promise in the correction of ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, runners were chosen if they presented with a unilateral chronic overuse injury
consisting of patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis,
and tendinopathies with a duration of greater than three months. Additionally, the runners had to be
between 18 and 60 and run more than 20 miles per week. Besides this, if any of the following
criteria were met the runners were excluded: history of surgery to lower extremities and lumbar
spine, signs or symptoms suggestive of an acute injury, any parallel therapies including
physiotherapy, insoles, nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid injections during the
previous 6 months. Upon screening for these criteria, a total of 50 men and 49 women partook in the
study. For these participants they were randomly assigned to one of two categories. These were
either a control group or a group that received customized insoles. The insoles were made of
polyurethane foam and were customized based on the participant's dynamic barefoot plantar
pressure distribution. Next, the researchers got baseline measures of the three quantitative variables.
These consisted of a pain disability index (0–70 scale), a subjective pain experience scale (24–96
scale), and a comfort index of orthoses (0–100 scale). After baseline measures, the next
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Snapping Hip Syndrome Research Paper
Snapping Hip Exercises
Snapping hip syndrome, also known as dancer's hip, is a medical condition where you feel a
snapping sensation, or hear a snapping sound, in the hip when you are running, walking, or swinging
your leg around. For many people, the problem is little more than a nuisance, and the only
symptoms are the snapping sensation, and sound itself. However, for athletes or dancers, snapping
hip exercises may help alleviate the weakness, or pain that sometimes interfere with their
Why does It Happen?
In many cases, the snapping symptom is caused by the movement of a tendon or muscle over the
bony surface in the hip, and snapping hip syndrome is often the result of tightness in the muscles
and tendons surrounding the hip.
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How Swimming Is Better Than Running
It's better to swim than to run for exercise
Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or
running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms
and legs, and their heart rates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a
better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body
through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving
quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr.
Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the
human body was not meant to move quickly through water (NY Times, Gina Kolata). Swimming is
better than running because it gives the body a good workout without over working, it has very good
benefits on the body and an ideal workout for people with certain health problems, it improves
mental health and burns calories, it doesn't have so much negative effects as opposed to running.
Swimmers swim better than they run and runners can't swim at all and unlike some other sports,
swimming is not taken as seriously as it should.
Most people believe that it's harder to run than to swim, but the fact is that it's harder to swim. In
swimming, water acts as the resistance while running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than
air, which makes
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Overcoming Barriers To Running
Barriers to engagement in a general sense have more to do with factors like age and gender (and to
some extent, race) than they do specifically with running. But running is not irrelevant when it
comes to the avoidance of physicians. As previously stated, running provides a whole host of health
benefits, but also induces hormonal response that literally makes runners feel good about
themselves. In the midst of that bliss, however, runners can develop bad habits or get an inflated
sense of how healthy they actually are, or worse, a stubbornness to treat the injuries they receive
directly from running. Kara Mayer Robinson, a runner and contributor to Runners World Magazine,
writes: "We runners are often hyperaware of our bodies, and when ... Show more content on ...
The practice of annual or biannual checkups is firmly rooted in the lifeblood of American medicine,
but also has practical application: if one goes through the trouble of selecting a primary care doctor,
what sense does it make to almost never see said doctor? Nevertheless, author Brian Palmer offers
insight into the uselessness of most annual checkups in the United States: "Annual checkups account
for more than 8 percent of doctor visits and cost the health care system $8 billion annually–more
than the total health care spending of several states. Each visit takes around 23 minutes, which
means doctors in the United States spend approximately 17 million hours each year running their
stethoscopes over 45 million completely healthy people." (Palmer 2013) Also, when preventive care
is offered at annual checkups (which is only about 20% of the time), the potential for overscreening
and overtesting exists, and this can cause patients to manufacture illness based on something only
minor or because of a false positive (Palmer 2013). In other words, the more one visits her doctor,
the more likely she is to feel ill even when she is perfectly
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Snapping Hip Syndrome With Rehab Essay
Snapping Hip Syndrome With Rehab
Snapping hip syndrome is a condition that causes a "snapping" or "popping" feeling in your hip,
especially when you walk, stand up from a chair, or swing your leg. Strong bands of tissue (tendons)
attach the muscles in your buttocks, thighs, and pelvis to the bones of your hip. Snapping hip
syndrome typically happens when a muscle or tendon moves across a bony part of your hip.
Snapping hip can also involve torn or loose structures within the joint. This is less common.
Snapping hip syndrome can affect different areas of your hip, including the front, side, or back.
This condition is typically caused by tight tendons or muscles around the hip. This often happens
from overuse.
This condition is more likely to develop in people who:
Are under the age of 40.
Are a dancer, runner, weight–lifter, gymnast, or soccer player.
Have had an injury to their hip or pelvis.
Have an abnormally shaped pelvis or leg (deformity).
Symptoms of this condition include:
A "snapping" or "popping" sensation in the front, side, or back of the hip when moving your leg.
This can cause pain. The pain typically goes away when you stop moving.
Tightness in the hip.
Swelling in the front or side of the hip.
Leg weakness, especially when trying to lift it up or sideways.
Difficulty getting out of low chairs.
This condition is diagnosed based on
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Hip Bursitis Research Paper
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
The medical definition of bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of the bursa, which is a small,
fluid–filled sac found in articulation. Inflammation occurs from the decrease of friction of the bursa
between the bones, muscles, and skin. Bursitis can be an acute or chronic condition. Acute bursitis
are often a result from an infection or injury, while chronic bursitis are caused by long periods of
repetitive motion or use of the affected joint. The most common sites include the elbow, hip,
shoulder, knee, heel and even the base of the big toe.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (formally known as Trochanteric Bursitis, or GTPS for short)
is a hip bursitis which distresses the superficial trochanteric bursa located over the greater trochanter
of the femur. Inflammation of the trochanteric bursa is due to muscles and tendons rubbing over the
bursa causing friction against the femur. This ... Show more content on ...
Rest, cold therapy and non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and
ibuprofen, are most effective to reduce inflammation stemming from injury and overuse.
Combination of physical therapy and activity modification are recommended for proper stretching
and strengthening of the hip and to avoid activities which may aggravate the area. In the event of a
septic hip bursitis, an infection of the bursa, the doctor may perform an aspiration, in which a needle
and syringe is used to remove fluid from the bursa followed by a prescription of antibiotics to
prevent the spread of infection. If rest, physical therapy and NSAIDs are no longer effective in
relieving the pain, then corticosteroid injections are administered. Although surgery is rarely needed,
it may be warranted with some chronic hip bursitis. The three types of surgery most often used are
tendon repair and iliotibial band release, osteotomy of the greater trochanter and
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Swimming Is Not A Natural Act
Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or
running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms
and legs, and their heartrates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a
better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body
through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving
quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr.
Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the
human body was not meant to move quickly through water.
Most people believe that its harder to run than to swim but the fact is that it's harder to swim. In
swimming water acts as the resistance while in running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker
than air which makes it harder to move through. When running, performance peters out as the
distances get longer but in swimming the pace is consistent regardless of the distance.
Swimming has a lot of benefits which most people don't know about. Swimming keeps your
heartrate up without overstressing the body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular
fitness. Swimming also keeps the heart and the lungs healthy. All the muscles are used while
swimming so it's a good all–over body workout. Also, according to research done
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Negative Effects Of Running Marathons
For most, running 26.2 miles just for fun is not appealing; however, others do want to run marathons
for the excitement of a race or to prove to themselves that they can do it. For many reasons, runners
are on board to hit the pavement, whether it is for the challenge or for the numerous health benefits
that come along with it, including weight loss and fitness. Because of the positive effects of running,
the negative aspects of running long distances are sometimes overlooked. Before deciding to just get
up one day and start training for a marathon, know that running this lengthy race has both desirable
and undesirable physical consequences.
Often, running is a route to weight loss and, thus, motivates individuals to get out and exercise, to
burn calories. The activity does burn calories. For example, running at a 6–mph pace burns 372
calories in 30 minutes for a 155–pound person, according to Andrea Cespedes a freelance wellness
expert. However, since calories are needed for performance during long runs, one must increase
calorie intake to fuel the run, especially if the runner's mileage is lengthy (Cespedes). In addition,
some uneducated runners believe that the exercise can be an excuse to eat unhealthy food, saying
that their running makes up for what they eat. This, however, is a myth because often the calories
are empty and do not promote general health. "You ran 10 miles, therefore you deserve the fries,
shake and burger. Calories still count and running doesn't
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Similarities And Differences Between Football And Soccer
Arguments about football and soccer have been ongoing since both sports gained popularity over a
hundred years ago, which leads us to the controversies commonly seen today. To begin with, the
question over the name of the sports has been viewed as a major issue since football and soccer
became widely known. I experienced this issue first hand when I traveled to Germany and Sweden
last summer for a soccer tournament and instantly noticed the difference from the moment I arrived.
All of the signs and the people called soccer 'football' and it came as a complete surprise to me, but
their passion for the game remained just as strong or even stronger than seen in North America.
Soccer, also termed 'the beautiful game', was first given the name ... Show more content on ...
In order to score, the team with the ball must cross the end zone without having an illegal play,
otherwise known as a "flag." The team is awarded 6 points and the kicker must either kick a 'Point
After Touchdown'(PAT) for an additional point or the team can attempt to score two points by
attempting to again cross the end zone, but this time starting from the two–yard line. The rules of
soccer, however, completely differ from those of American football. Like football there are 11
players on the field with specific positions, but the "object of soccer is for a player to get the ball
into the other team's goal by using any part of the body except the player's hands and arms. The
goalie is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the hands and arms and then only while he is
located in his own penalty area" ( If any of these rules are broken by the
players, the referee gives the player either a yellow card as a warning or a red card for an automatic
ejection from the game. So, as you can see, whereas football primarily utilizes your hands, soccer
leverages everything but your hands. In addition to this, all soccer players are required to wear shin
guards and soccer cleats, but if it is organized soccer, a team jersey, team shorts, and long socks are
also required. In football, however, the players are required to wear much more: football cleats,
shoulder pads, thigh pads, knee pads, hip pads, mouthguard, jockstrap, cup, neck
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Evaluation Of Rehabilitation For Patellar Dislocation
This paper is a review of rehabilitation for patellar dislocation. Patellar dislocation occurs when the
patella slips out of the patellofemoral (trochlear) groove, most often laterally (Cheatham, Kolber, &
Hanney, 2014; Enix, Sudkamp, & Scali, 2015). This can occur from direct trauma such as sudden
mechanical forces exerted on the patella (Respizzi, & Cavallin, 2014; Duignan & McGibney,
2016). The injury can also be the result of indirect trauma such as when the foot is fixed on the
ground and biomechanical abnormalities of the lower leg come into effect (Respizzi & Cavallin, 2014, 2014; Duignan & McGibney, 2016). Lateral patellar dislocation primarily
affects younger active populations (between 10 and 17 years old) and usually occurs due to injury
during physical activity (Balcarek, Oberthür, Frosch, Schüttrumpf, & Stürmer 2014; Ménétrey,
Putman, & Gard, 2014; Tsai, Hsu, Hung, & Hsu, 2012; Lehman, Beckman, & Craig, 1989;
Calapodopulos, Nogueira, Eustáquio, Calapodopulos Júnior, & Rodrigues, 2016; Petri, 2015;
Cheatham, 2014; Enix, 2015). 55%–72% of first–time patellar dislocations occur from
sports (Tsai, 2012; Petri, 2015). Studies have also shown that women are more prone to
patellar dislocations than men (Vitale, 2016; Tsai, 2012; Duignan & McGibney, 2016;
Calapodopulos, 2016; Cheatham, 2014; Enix, 2015). In a statistical analysis of sports
medicine clinics, 30% of the patients had
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Essay On Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
As the mother of a pre–teen ballerina, I have heard my fair share of complaints about knee pain
from my daughter. Until recently, I simply attributed her complaints of pain to growing pains or
even muscular fatigue caused by lengthy practices in pointe shoes. That is until I heard one of my
instructors mention patellofemoral pain syndrome, and the fact that it is usually young female
athletes that are afflicted with the disorder. I wondered if this could be what was troubling my
daughter. With that thought, my investigation into patellofemoral pain syndrome began. In an effort
to shed some light on what was causing my child's knee pain, and more importantly, in an attempt to
identify effective physical therapy interventions to help relieve the knee pain she frequently
complained of, I examined the etiology; pathology and physiology; signs and symptoms; ... Show
more content on ...
1698). In the article, "Effectiveness of Exercise Therapy in Treatment of Patients with
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Systematic Review and Meta–Analysis", researchers looked at the
available data to see if therapeutic exercise is an effective intervention for decreasing pain caused by
patellofemoral dysfunction. Researchers combined data from 15 different studies, with a total of 748
participants, in an effort to summarize the data and develop a strong conclusion regarding the
effectiveness of exercise in pain reduction. According to this meta–analysis, or systematic
combining of data, the authors determined that significant reductions in pain levels were noted in
PFPS patients who performed therapeutic exercises. The authors concluded, "based on the results of
the present study, exercise therapy appears to be an important strategy to achieve pain and patient
reported measures of activity limitations and participation restriction relief in patients with PFPS"
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Common Running Injuries Research Paper
The most common running injuries today are avoidable by making simple adjustments to the
alignment of the body position, proper foot positioning, shoes and the running cadence/stride.
Running has fast become a popular physical activity and is enjoyed by most everyone. People are
finding a healthier lifestyle by controlling their weight and improving cardio capacity from running,
however, running is a high impact exercise that can lead to injuries. In addition to high impact
injuries, overuse injuries due to the amount of runs, the duration and distance along with speed are
the most common. Environmental factors such as running surfaces, grass, concrete, blacktop,
rock/dirt terrain can contribute to these injuries. Despite the health benefits ... Show more content on ...
This forces the impact to a smaller concentrated area on the outside of the foot, and again causes
issues with supporting the body weight. The smaller toes on the outside of the foot are providing the
push off phase. This can lead to the common injuries called iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS),
Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. Under pronation require shoes that provide more support to
the midsole and outsole.
Special shoes are designed to meet the biomechanics of the runner. If running shoes have advanced
to meet the biomechanics, one would think running injuries would be reduced. However, statistics
for running injuries are on the rise.
Overuse injuries are more common than acute injuries such as ligament or muscle sprains. In a
survey from Australia Sports Commission in 2006, 70% of runners, competitive and recreational
sustain overuse injuries
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Athletic Training Research Paper
In the field of athletic training, music can be used for psychological purposes, and athletic trainers
are now entering performing arts for injury prevention and rehabilitation. As athletic trainers have
been emerging in the performing arts area within the last 25 years, they can play an important role in
the lives of dancers. Music can be found in the injury prevention and rehabilitation of dancers and
has psychological benefits for athletes. Athletic trainers often use SOAP notes as the basic outline
for diagnosing an issue that an athlete or dancer may have. The purpose is to get the history of the
dancer's medical issues. The "S" portion is subjective, which is what the dancer may feel and their
history. Their history would include the ... Show more content on ...
There are many options a dancer can take, but under an athletic trainer's supervision, the process is a
lot easier on the dancer. An athletic trainer can assist in diagnosing a dancer with a labral tear
through special tests that apply some pressure to the location of the labrum. Though it is difficult to
officially diagnose a tear without an MRI, the special test gives an athletic trainer an idea of how to
help the athlete prevent further tears and control the pain that comes from the torn, irritated tissue. A
lot of labral tears come from a hip impingement that pinches the labrum. A hip impingement can be
natural from birth, or excessive exercise or training could potentially turn the hip inward. Ballet
dancers more specifically are prone to hip impingements because of their en pointe position and
walking on the en pointe position. Hip impingements can continue to pinch the labrum whether they
are dancing, walking, or sitting. Athletic trainers often step in to provide a weekly treatment specific
to the athlete. The rehabilitation can include hot pads, ice baths, stretching, and drills. Other forms
of cryotherapy, which is something used to help treat an injury, can also be used when an athletic
trainer deems it necessary depending on the severity of the dancer's injury and the dancer's pain
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Muscle Epidemiology Essay
2) All sports and activities can cause pain and eventually overwork a muscle. Many runners undergo
and experience pain or some sort of problem in their lower extremities. For runners, the agonist
muscles are the gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliotibial band, and tibialis anterior
muscles. Muscle tightness in these areas occur because of the following.
a) A lack of flexibility in general
b) Fatigued calf muscles
c) Inappropriate footwear
d) Wearing high heels daily
e) Running too much, too soon
f) Inadequate warm–up / cool–down
g) Muscle imbalances elsewhere
h) Running form
a) Hip flexors (Psoas major, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, pectineus, adductor
longus, adductor brevis, gracilis) ... Show more content on ...
Manual muscle testing will be tested to assess the strength in muscles used for running such as the
prime/strong muscles which are the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, and tibialis
anterior. This will also determine the weakness in muscles such as the plantarflexors, dorsiflexors,
knee flexion, and knee extension. Also, range of motion will be tested on the tight muscles such as
the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, quadriceps, and tibialis anterior. When the muscles are tight, the
runner will increase the risk of injury (Schipper, 2009). Gait analysis will be used to examine
deficits to body function, stability, and describe how the patient will be running. This will help
determine the patient's biomechanics and achieve adequate mobility. Lastly, we will perform a pain
assessment to see what pain level the patient is at when running. This will help determine whether
the patient is minimizing stress on the body to achieve no pain at all while running. To monitor
progress of these assessments, we must know that if these "muscles are weak or become fatigued
easily, there is less control of the leg and the risk of injury increases" (Schipper, 2009, paragraph
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The Effects Of Sports On The Practice Of Sports
Pain in Runners During the last decades and at the global level, there was an increase in the practice
of sport. Within these practices, yoga, spinning, Pilates, Zumba, and running are popular. Running is
the one that highlights in recent years as a economic practicing, to be able to be carried out at the
recreational and/or professional, and the time for being the one that appropriate fits in the schedule.
Considering that each day we have less free time to live under a tight schedule of school activities or
work that limits our time in the area recreative, the running, emerged as the alternative recreational
or sports provide great benefits such as are to prevent cardiovascular problems, lose weight,
strengthen the muscles, and relieve the stress among others. Running is one of the inherent activities
of human beings. There is no need of techniques or deep knowledge to begin to run. However, the
run as a sporting activity requires some preparation for muscular avoid injury. Throughout the
practice of sports may occur two types of lesions: acute or accidental lesion as falls, typical injuries
of the sporting activity produced by overload, muscular problems, or inflammation of the tendon.
Etiology One of lesions more communes in running is the syndrome of the iliotibial band which is
tendinitis or inflammation of the tract iliotibial. The iliotibial band is formed by the tendon of the
Tensor of the Fascia Lata and Gluteus Greater muscle, having its origin in the Spina
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Left Knee Pain Case Study
Reason for Visit: Left Knee Pain
S: TM works in GA, running 05R. He runs O5R, which requires turning and pushing with his left
leg, then, 07L standing on his toes process. On 1/10/2017, he felt sharp, burning pain in his left outer
lateral knee, while he was working with radiator hoses. When he turns on his left leg, on his left
toes, he felt a sharp pain below outer lateral left knee. Since then there were several incidents, where
he felt the burning or locking up sensations in his left outer lateral knee, when he turn his left foot to
the right, on unleveled ground, and/or getting up from a sitting position. TM reports pain level is
5/10, when the symptoms occur and denies previous injury to the location. TM takes BC power
PRN. TM wants
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Patellofemoral Syndrome Essay
Patellofemoral syndrome, often called "runner's knee", is deep pain anterior to the patella usually
caused by excessive running, especially downhill. This may be due to a multitude of abnormal
biomechanics or tendencies. Although running is a common and popular exercise, the knee joint is
an extremely mobile and unstable joint. And those who initially develop patellofemoral pain usually
end up with chronic knee pain (Willy et al., 2012). The patella, only being held in place by
ligaments and tendons, is easily manipulated by the pull of muscles attached to these ligaments and
tendons. However, there are gender differences between males and females in how they each
develop patellofemoral tracking and pain. The patella is held to the knee joint, connecting to the
tibia and femur by the quadriceps tendon as the proximal attachment, and the ... Show more content
on ...
It has been observed that females are more likely to develop genu valgum than men. This genu
valgum is a direct cause of lateral patella tracking, which is the major cause of patellofemoral pain.
This explains why females are more predominantly affected by patellofemoral syndrome than men
(Willy et al., 2012). It was also found that women have "decreased relative hip abduction strength in
comparison with males", which also explains female patellofemoral pain (Wolf et al., 2014). It was
found that males actually have a decrease in the Q–angle, which causes genu varum. This causes
medial patella tracking and patellofemoral pain. Although it is much more rare for males to
experience patella tracking, medial patella tracking was found to have a greater decrease in contact
to the patellofemoral joint than lateral patella tracking. Therefore, "decreasing the quadriceps angle
can have an even larger effect on patellofemoral joint stresses than increasing quadriceps angle an
equal amount" (Willy et al.,
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Lateral Epicondylitis (DTF)
Begovic et al,. (2016) explains deep transverse frictions has often been used for conditions such as
chronic lateral epicondylitis, iliotibial syndrome and patella tendinitis. Furthermore, DTF aids
analgesia, hyperaemia and the breakdown of scar adhesions to ligaments, tendons and muscles.
Coninck (2015) states that DTF should not be used on patients with the following conditions: local
sepsis, rheumatoid tendinous lesions and skin disease.
Joseph et al,. (2012) Agrees that deep transverse frictions has beneficial effects are as followed:
blood flow is increased, mechanoreceptor is stimulated, reduced pain, and the breakdown of scar
adhesions. On the other hand, Brosseau (2002) explains that there is no significance to the effect
DTF has on pain reduction or strength. Furthermore, deep transverse frictions is manually applied
for the advantageous effects of removing damage and scaring caused by the inflammation phase,
vascularity is increased to the treated area which in turn speeds up the rate of healing as more
oxygen and nutrients can be ... Show more content on ...
(2012) reviews four difference case studies involving DTF, One randomised study applies DTF with
corticosteroid injection to see if there is a significant difference in grip strength again lateral
epicondylitis, the results prove there is a significant difference in improved maximum grip strength
with injections compared to DTF. However, Joseph et al,. 2012) states that DTF alone showed
overall advanced strength. Senbursa et al (2007) also uses a randomised study involving DTF in
conjunction with exercises to treat supraspinatus impingement of the tendon, the study proves to be
a success by increasing the strength and decreasing pain of the patients. Another advantageous study
was carried out by Nagrale et al,. (2009), the study assessed DTF with electro laser therapy and
concluded that the patients were able to complete a pain–free grip strength test and functional status
once the treatment has been
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Orthotics Essay
If you've ever experienced foot pain or seen a podiatrist, you may be familiar with the term
'orthotics.' At Treat Your Feet in Dallas, TX, we specialize in orthotics and shoes that are designed to
lessen pain and make walking easier. Orthotics are custom–made shoe inserts, prescribed by a
physician – usually, but not always, a doctor of podiatric medicine – that are made to accommodate
or correct an abnormal or irregular walking pattern. Walking pattern changes can happen as a result
of a variety of foot and leg conditions that include:
▪ Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is heel pain that results from overuse of the plantar fascia, which is a band of fibrous
tissue that extends from the heel and connects to the base of the toes. In ... Show more content on ...
Neuromas are described as pinched nerves or nerve tumors that are benign but that can cause pain,
tingling, a burning sensation and numbness between the toes and in the ball of the foot.
Metatarsalgia is a general term for pain in the ball of the foot. It's sometimes called a 'stone bruise.'
▪ IT Band Syndrome
The iliotibial band of tissue runs down the outside of each hip to below the knee and can become
painful if overused or if stress is placed on it. IT band syndrome is common in runners whose feet
hit the ground at odd angles, which can radiate pain and strain up the side of the leg. The structure of
the foot and wearing shoes that are worn out are just two of the reasons that feet may hit the ground
at angles that cause IT band pain.
▪ Shin Splints
Shin splints or periostitis is an inflammation of the dense membrane of connective tissue that
surrounds the bones. Shin splints present as pain along the shin or tibia, that can develop over the
course of several weeks. It is usually considered a runner's injury and happens for a variety of
reasons including poor training, poor running technique, poor equipment or problems with the
structure of the
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a condition that often causes knee pain. It can also cause pain in
the outside of your hip, thigh, and knee. The iliotibial band is a strip of tissue that runs from the
outside of your hip and down your thigh to the outside of your knee.
Repeatedly bending and straightening your knee can irritate the iliotibial band.
This condition is caused by inflammation and irritation from the friction of the iliotibial band
moving over the thigh bone (femur) when you repeatedly bend and straighten your knee.
This condition is more likely to develop in people who:
Frequently change elevation during their workouts.
Run very long distances.
Recently increased ... Show more content on ...
A "snapping" sensation over your knee.
Swelling on the outside of your knee.
Pain or a feeling of tightness in your hip.
This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical exam. You may
also see a health care provider who specializes in reducing pain and increasing mobility (physical
therapist). A physical therapist may do an exam to check your balance, movement, and way of
walking or running (gait) to see whether the way you move could contribute to your injury. You may
also have tests to measure your strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
Treatment for this condition includes:
Resting and limiting exercise.
Returning to activities gradually.
Doing range–of–motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy) as told by your health care
Varying your workout to include low–impact activities, such as swimming and cycling.
If directed, apply ice to the injured area.
Put ice in a plastic
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome
DOI: 12/28/2014. Patient is a 31–year–old male rebar installer who sustained injury while he was
installing a rebar when he twisted his right knee. Per OMNI, he was initially diagnosed with right
knee strain/sprain. MRI showed positive for a tear and he underwent surgery on 02/10/15 and
subsequent MRI revealed teat versus scar tissue and he underwent right knee arthroscopic lateral
meniscal debridement and synovectomy on 12/22/15.
Based on the medical report dated 04/20/16, the patient continues to report pain over the lateral
aspect of his knee as a result of a consequential injury, iliotibial band friction syndrome. The
iliotibial friction syndrome occurred because of long–term mechanical alteration of IW's gait
resulting in stress of the iliotibial band leading to inflammation of the iliotibial band which crosses
the lateral femoral epicondyle causing painful snapping on an intermittent basis, which is preventing
the patient from returning to work. The patient has no chance of returning to work until the iliotibial
band syndrome is properly addressed. The patient has had a previous corticosteroid injection and PT
which provided no relief. ... Show more content on ...
Examination of the right knee reveals pain to palpation over the iliotibial band with intermittent
clicking over the lateral femoral epicondyle. He continues to exhibit an altered gait without a gait
aid. Biomechanics of gait are altered in the right lower
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Medial And Lateral Knee Bursitis With Rehab
Medial and Lateral Knee Bursitis With Rehab
Medial and lateral knee bursitis is inflammation of the fluid–filled sacs on the inside or outside of
the knee. These sacs (bursae) act as shock absorbers, cushions, and gliders to help tendons move
smoothly over the knee. Tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones.
Medial bursitis is on the inside of the knee. A bursa is located beneath the tendon that connects
muscles of the upper leg to the inside of the shin bone. This condition is also called pes anserine
Lateral bursitis is on the outside of the knee. A bursa is located beneath a long tendon that connects
muscles of the buttock, hip, and upper leg to the outside of the shin bone. This condition is also
called iliotibial band friction syndrome.
This condition is caused by repeated rubbing of a tendon over a bursa that occurs with repetitive
activity. This friction causes fluid to build up inside the bursa. The bursa swells and becomes
The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition:
Doing athletic activities that involve repetitive squatting, running, cutting, and side–to–side
Overtraining, or starting a new athletic activity without gradually increasing your time and distance.
Participating in certain sports, such as:
○ Basketball.
○ Cross country running.
○ Football.
○ Rugby.
○ Racquet sports.
○ Soccer.
○ Volleyball.
○ Cycling.
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Knee Injuries: A Case Study
Many athletes obtain injuries that restrict their movements in some way. The restricted movements
of an individual are usually sourced from one area of the body, but this location may not be near the
muscles used during that movement. For example, baseball pitchers may suffer hip injuries over
many years of pitching however this injury can cause restricted movement in the pitching arm and
shoulder (Cheatham, Kumagai Shimamura, & Kolber, 2016). Physical therapists use multiple
physical tests to be able to restore maximum mobility in the affected areas (American Physical
Therapy Association, 2015). The type of physical therapy that would be dealing with restoring
mobility in the body from an injury would be rehabilitation (World Confederation ... Show more
content on ...
Dry needling is the action of inserting a thin filament needle into a muscle at the location of a trigger
point to try and relive the pain there and untighten the muscle (Oxford Physical Therapy Centers,
n.d.). A trigger point is a point in the muscle that is highly sensitive and tender, and usually if there
is a trigger point then the injury is very centralized and dry needling works best with a single source
muscle injury (Neurosport Physical Therapy, n.d.). The needle entering the injury location causes
the body to speed up the healing process and increase blood flow to the error because it sees the
needle as a foreign invader (Oxford Physical Therapy Centers, n.d.). Low Level Laser Therapy. Low
level laser therapy helps speed up the inflammation process that follows a sports injury through the
heating up or cooling down of the muscle directly by a focused laser that is run over the muscle
(Bassett, 2012). Although the benefits of laser therapy have been proven through research, the
clinical community and insurances are still reluctant to accept it as a normal treatment in physical
therapy (Bassett,
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Ballet : A Unique Form Of Dance
Research Paper Ballet signifies a unique form of dance that helps relieve stress and shows the love
of dance through the body. Dance performances happens to be a great way to entertain people while
the dancers enjoy showing off their talents. Children of all ages are able to become fantastic dancers
with amazing talents that could lead to bight futures but, what some people don't know proves that
ballet can cause serious health and joint issues. Although there are many benefits of ballet, there are
also issues involving health and joint such as arthritis that is the outcome of years of dancing. The
history of ballet was originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries.
From Italy to France, ballet was spreading by the talented Catherine de' Medici. Aristocrat money
was royal money that dictated the ideas of music and literature that were used in the ballet to
entertain the aristocrats at the time. 'Ballet des Polonais' was the first ever staged ballet in 1573
which was commissioned under Catherine de' Medici. It was held to honor the Polish Ambassadors
who were visiting Paris. 'Ballet Comique de la Reine' was the second ballet court commissioned by
Catherine with the help of her compatriot Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx in 1581. However, it was the
first court ballet to display poetry, dance, music, and set design to convey a storyline. Ballet was
produced by aristocrats for their entertainment and political propaganda needs. The Paris Opera
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Ober Test

  • 1. Ober Test Introduction 29–year–old male patient referred to physical therapy with complaints of gradually developed right knee pain, increased stiffness with activity, mild swelling, and occasional popping sound while climbing stairs. Patient is a long distance runner covering 10 miles 4 days a week. Also, patient does biking occasionally. Patient denies any recent injuries or fall. Patient medical history is not significant except with diagnosis of renal stones 3 years ago. Patient lives alone and perform all functional activities. However, right knee pain is affecting his normal exercise routine and currently he is not able to run more than 3 miles due to knee pain and discomfort. Physical therapist is suspecting a possible right Iliotibial ... Show more content on ... As per Reese & Brady, 2013, the study demonstrated the ICC values calculated and the intrarater reliability was 0.90 for the Ober test and 0.91 for the modified Ober test. Results of the dependent t test indicated a significant difference (P <.001) in the range of motion of the hip between the Ober test and the modified Ober test. As per the CEBM 2011 levels of evidence, this study falls under Level 4 since the evidence was from a single descriptive or qualitative study. Conclusion Even though the dependent t test indicated a significantly greater range of motion of the hip in adduction using the modified Ober test as compared to the Ober test, the study concluded that the Ober and modified Ober tests should not be used interchangeably for the measurement of the flexibility of the IT band. Based on the information received from this article, the author will try to perform modified Ober test by stabilizing the pelvis to avoid any unnecessary motion that would apparently increase the hip range of motion. According to Wang, Jan, Lin & Wang, 2006, both the modified Ober test might be more effective in treating and stretching the iliotibial ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Socm Study Guide Essay Chapter 1 ELO's Describe the basic functions of living organisms. A. Responsiveness – organisms respond to changes in their immediate environment (long term changes is adaptability) B. Growth – over a lifetime, organisms grow larger through an increase in size or number of cells. Differentiation is when cells have specialized functions C. Reproduction – Organisms reproduce, creating subsequent generations of similar organisms D. Movement – Organisms are capable of movement a. Internal – moving food, blood, or other materials internally b. External – moving through environment E. Metabolism – Organisms rely on complex chemical reactions to provide the energy for responsiveness, growth, ... Show more content on ... To survive every living organism must maintain homeostasis. Describe how positive (+) and negative (–) feedback are involved in homeostatic regulation * Negative feedback provides longterm regulatory control that results in relatively stable internal conditions * Positive feedback is important in driving a potentially dangerous or stressful process to completion. * Negative feedback opposes stimuli, positive feedback reinforces stimuli Use anatomical terms to describe body sections, body regions, and relative positions. Body regions– – Cephalon (head) – axillia (armpit) – Cervicis (neck) – Brachium (arm) – Thoracis (chest) – Ante Brachium (forearm) – Abdomen – Manus (hand) – Pelvis – Thigh – Loin (lower back) – leg (anterior) – Buttock – Calf – Pubis (anterior pelvis) – Pes (foot) – Groin Body sections– Transverse plane – cuts the body parallel to the ground as the person is standing. Positions are referred to as superior (top) or inferior (bottom). Frontal plane – or coronal plane, cuts the body length wise and is dividing it into a anterior (front) and posterior (back) section. Sagittal Plane – also cuts the body length wise, but divides it into a right and left half A cut the produces an equal left and right half is a midsagittal section * ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay Sports Massage- Case Study This essay will explore the value of massage in the overall management of an athlete with lateral knee pain, and a diagnosis of Ilio tibial band syndrome. It will explore the use of massage generally then focus on specific techniques used in myofascial pathologies. It will also describe the techniques employed, the clinical reasoning for their choice and the relevant supporting evidence. The relevant anatomy will be discussed as well as the proposed influences of massage on these structures using current literature to support these hypotheses. Massage has been used around the world for thousands of years for rehabilitation and relaxation (Weerapong et al, 2005). Massage is the treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body ... Show more content on ... Distally it attaches to Gerdy's tubercle on the anterolateral aspect of the tibia having passed over the lateral femoral condyle (Fairclough et al, 2006). Miller et al (2007) showed greater knee flexion and internal hip rotation in runners with ITBS at heel strike. Using a simple biomechanical they showed that both factors increased stress on the ITB. Biomechanical studies show that maximum compression of the ITB over the lateral femoral condyle occurs at 30 degrees flexion of the knee (Orchard, 1996) hence it has been assumed that the band actually moves over the condyle. MRI findings in a study by Nishimura et al (1997) suggest soft tissue inflammation and /or oedema rather than focal fluid collection. This study also showed no alteration to the structure of the ITB itself, and that the posterior fibres are tighter against the femur. A further study involving cadavers and MRI by Fairclough et al (2006) show ITBS is more likely to be highly innervated fat compression beneath the tract as different parts of the distal ITB come under tension– i.e. anterior and posterior sections. One of the commonly quoted conservative interventions for ITBS is massage or more precisely myofascial release techniques (Brukner and Khan, 2006; Chaitow and DeLany, 2002; Pettit and Dolski, 2000). Indeed Fredericson (2005), states "Identifying and eliminating these myofascial components complements physical therapy and should precede strengthening and muscle ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Common Running Injuries Research Paper How to Prevent Running Injuries Runners are prone to a lot of injuries. Overusing of their feet and overtraining are the main culprits for common running injuries. Other causes include ill–fitting footwear, irregular biomechanics and the lack of flexibility and strength. Runner's knee It is a condition that causes pain in the knee and is characterized by the wear away of the back of the kneecap. Causes: Reduced strength of the quadriceps muscles Ill–fitted shoes with no proper support for the inside of the forefoot. Treatment and prevention: Strengthening exercise which focuses on quad muscles. Use of sports orthotics. Preventive measures include hip strengthening and quad–strengthening exercises to keep the alignment of the kneecap. Physical therapy ... Show more content on ... Stress fractures These are fractures brought about by too much or repeated mechanical stress. It can also occur in several locations like the leg inner bone, bone at the base of the spine, thigh bone, and bones of the toe. Causes: Improper running style Lack of calcium Overtraining Treatment and prevention: Wear proper footwear. Run only on flat and hard surfaces. It will absorb some of the shock that running created. General preventive tips The best way to stay away from these running injuries is through prevention. 1. Wear footwear with proper fitting. You should also wear footwear that is appropriate on the activity that you will be doing. The only available protective gear for runners that can save them from having injuries are running shoes. 2. Consider your running routine like training schedules, strengthening and flexibility. These things should be considered and adjusted to your running needs to help maximize your running time while minimizing the possibility of injury.
  • 8. 3. Do stretching exercises before and after a run as it enables your muscles to have greater flexibility and lesser chance of getting an ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper Iliotibial Band Syndrome, sometimes referred to as IT band or ITBS is an injury common among runners that effects the tendon by the knee. If you think you are suffering from iliotibial band syndrome, this article can help you form a plan of action to combat the pain and restriction that this syndrome can bring to your life. What is ITBS? The IT band runs from your hip, across your thigh, to the outside of your knee and connects to the top of your tibia. When running your hip muscles work to stabilize your pelvis. As you rung for long periods of time, these muscles get tired and your hips begin to drop side to side with each forward moving step. As this happens, your knee is forced inward and out of alignment with your foot. Running with your hips dipping side to side and your knee turning inward, your IT band becomes inflamed. This ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately this does not mean you are healed. The inflammation will occur again once your set out on your next run as soon as the hip muscles become fatigued. Causes of ITBS There can be many contributing factors to ITBS. The easiest to rule out are running in old shoes, down steep hills or extremely tight turns. If you are suffering from ITBS, rule out these factors first. If you find the pain is still recurring, the problem likely lies in the strength of your hip abductor and external rotator muscle. If these muscles aren't strong enough to endure long distance running, your hips will eventually start sagging during your runs. Once this begins to happen, the cycle repeats itself and the inflammation returns. Correcting ITBS The first step in correcting ITBS is limiting your running once fatigue sets in. This may mean cutting back your long distance running dramatically. If the IT band is continually inflammed, this will give it time to heal. While you are healing the inflammation you can replace your running ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. Allen Hendrick's Paths To Strengthen Sport In The United... Allen Hendrick held a podcast with Professor Benjamin Reuter discussing endurance sports in the United States. The podcast did a good job covering the rise in endurance sports, common injuries, and ways to prevent injuries. Overall, the podcast was insightful and provided a great deal of information for the listener. According to Hendrick (n.d.), "There were over 400,000 people in the United States who completed a marathon [in 2007 and in 2008,] ... there were over 40 triathlons that were half– Ironman distance or longer" (p. 1). Activity and charity are the reasons why endurance sports are getting so popular in the United States. With obesity leading the current epidemic, many Americans want to be more active and healthier. In addition, more ... Show more content on ... The reason people still get hurt with endurance sports is due to the repetitive action of the sports. Hendrick (n.d.) provides a good example, "A cyclist who's cycling at 90 revolutions per minute cycling cadence, ... [is] pedaling their bike over 5,000 times an hour (Hendrick, n.d., p. 2). Think about how many times the muscles are contracting, even if it is sub–maximal contraction. How about runners training for a marathon, how many miles does the typical athlete average per week? Most people training for a marathon will probably clock in about 40–50 miles a week. Plantar fasciitis is just waiting to happen to those athletes due to the overuse of certain muscles and feet. Therefore, some common injuries in endurance sports are tendon and muscular injuries (Hendrick, n.d., p. 2). For example, according to Cosca & Navazio (2007), "Common overuse injuries in runners and other endurance athletes include patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome, Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and lower extremity stress fractures" (p. 237). These types of injuries are prevented with rest accompanied by rehabilitative exercise programs, icing, stretching, knee sleeves, and eccentric strength training to name a few. The biggest form of prevention is proper progression and rest in between exercises. Endurance events occur every single month; prevent overtraining and work up to each event with an achievable realistic training plan. Again, great podcast focusing on the rise of endurance sports and common injuries with prevention ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. The Effects Of Soccer On The World 's Most Common Sport A total of 2738 injuries during 6010 matches were registered. This statement was made by a soccer program stating how many injuries occurs threw out the 6010 players have been injured, which is 2738. Soccer is a game played with 200 countries. It has 11 players per side and the team has to try and score in the opposing team's goal. It is the world's most common sport played amongst 250 million players.The field's structure is rectangular shaped with a goal at the end of both sides of the field. There are goalkeepers and they are the only players that are allowed to touch the ball because they are the ones trying to block the person who is trying to score's shot. This is one of the most contact sports in the world and more people get ... Show more content on ... Tenderness. Bruising, Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful condition in which connective tissue rubs against the thighbone. Muscle cramps is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles. Blisters are a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage. Delayed onset muscle soreness is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is is pain in the front of the knee. It frequently occurs in teenagers, manual laborers, and athletes. It sometimes is caused by wearing down, roughening, or softening of the cartilage under the kneecap. Plantar fasciitis is really a stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot. Pulled or strained calf muscle is damage to its muscle or attaching tendons. Shin splints are acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard surfaces. Sprains and strains are injuries in the muscle tendon and indirect trauma. Stress fractures is a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress. Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection or rheumatic disease. Ruptured tendon is when a tendon in the body snaps Torn knee cartilage occurs when ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. The Effects Of Regular Exercise On Our Health And Longevity INTRODUCTION If we as Americans are to believe what we often hear–that the majority of us are unhealthy and overweight–then a fair, mostly logical conclusion may be drawn about the recommendations our doctors make when they see us: eat better, and get more exercise. Lifestyle changes, more so than any medical intervention or medication, can have the greatest impacts on our health and longevity and, although initially they can be difficult to instill, once they are ingrained, they become routine and sharpened over time. Nevertheless, tremendous satisfaction is reaped from engaging in those same healthy activities and eating habits that our physicians would recommend we do, but without them actually having to tell us to do so. To be ... Show more content on ... For many, having as few doctor visits as possible or as needed is ideal, but they do not envision having none. It is precisely this dichotomy of a very healthy life activity such as running and patient engagement that I wished to explore further in this paper. To what extent, if at all, do runners use running as an excuse to be less than fully engaged in their own health (and the healthcare space in general), and do runners use running as a substitute for traditional engagement? Furthermore, do runners use their running as a method of justifying or counterbalancing the other unhealthy choices they make in their lives? When it comes to healthcare, are runners sprinting off in the opposite direction? RUNNING AND ITS ASSOCIATED HEALTH BELIEFS To be clear, no research affirmatively finds a direct correlation between runners and their disengagement in their own health and/or the healthcare system. Individuals who are not much engaged may also happen to run, but we cannot say with any degree of certainty that it is because they run that they feel less compelled to participate in their health. We can (and will) attempt to draw a link, but before we do, we must first understand what runners believe about running itself, and why the myriad of health benefits gained from running would, in a runner's opinion, ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. A Healthy Form Of Recreation Bicycling is a healthy form of recreation that people all over the world participate in to various degrees. As an exercise activity, cycling is recognized as a low impact sport that minimizes the potential for damaged muscles or inflammation and soreness in the joints. That said, it's important to be aware that cycling involves a repetitive motion, roughly 4000 pedal revolutions per hour for the average recreational cyclist, in the hip, knee and ankle joints during the pedal stroke. Like all repetitive activities, there is a potential for overuse injuries to develop if the proper mechanics of the action are not identified and practiced. This report analyzes the proper mechanics of the pedal stroke, identifies the main biomechanical causes attributed to overuse injuries in the hip, knee and ankle joints and provides suggestions on how to correct those biomechanical differences through muscle development and flexibility exercises. Phases of the Pedal Stroke The bicycle pedal stroke involving the lower limb consists of four phases within a 360–degree rotation. As a point of reference, the top of the pedal stroke begins at 12 o'clock, or 0 degrees, moving clockwise. The focus here is to analyzing the three joints, hip, knee and ankle along the sagittal and frontal planes. When viewing the three joints from the frontal plane, there should be vertical alignment between the medial joints of the hip, knee and ankle. Angles of the three joints during pedal rotation are ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Patella Case Study Discuss the shadows around the patella: A Tangential View of the knee provides the clinician information for interpretation of the patellofemoral joint integrity. There is joint space narrowing between the patellae and femoral condyles more significant in the lateral aspect of the joint with the left more involved than the right, indicative of degenerative changes occurring in the patellofemoral joint. This therapist is a novice at interpretation, though the shadows around the superioanterior aspect of both patellae appear tooth like with the left more significant than the right. This typically indicates degenerative enthesophyte formation usually seen at the site of the insertion of the quadriceps tendon (Luijkx & Rezaee, n.d). This is a ... Show more content on ... Patient education would include informing the patient that she may need to take a break from the activities causing the patellofemoral pain, and temporarily switch to lower impact activities that achieve the same benefit, such as the elliptical. Advise the patient that when she returns to running, she will need to work into it gradually, educate her on the correct postural alignment and movement when she is running, and that she may benefit from icing afterward. Additional education would include information on effective knee bracing. In the physical exam if abnormal ankle movement is assessed causing increase pressure on the knees, the patient can be advised on proper footwear and/or orthotics. Traditional treatment would include strengthening of the quadriceps, iliotibial band and hamstring stretching. However, there has been a shift toward treatment to include controlling the femur and strengthening the hip musculature, particular the hip abductors, extensors and external rotators due to an apparent weakness in these muscles in patients who have PFPS. (Powers, Bolgla, Callaghan, Collins, & Sheehan, 2012). This patient could also benefit from core strengthening exercise. When trunk musculature is activated it stiffens the spine to provide a foundation for functional movement (Tofte, 2013). Strengthening the core ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Most Common Injuries In Youth Athletics 5 Most common Injuries in Youth Athletics In COR, we have a wide range of individuals who seek treatment from injuries. A commonality has been young athletes with overuse injuries. As we all know young children are always moving around and having fun. They do sometimes get over excited and hurt themselves. It's important to be conscious of the possible injuries they might experience. There are factors that contribute to injury like age and history of chronic pain. This article will explain 5 most common injuries in youth athletics who sought treatment in our facility. Gymnast's wrist/distal radius epiphysiolysis Doing activities involving applying too much pressure on wrist such as doing a lot of handstands. Will cause inflamed tendons ... Show more content on ... There is no method that is more effective than the other. Some athletes will lower the frequency of training while others will need more time to rest. Immobilization of the extremity may occur to heal muscle tissue.Treatment for a stress fracture will depend on the location of the fracture. In severe conditions, some treatments are up to 2 – 4 months and the athlete would use crutches. The athlete can resume activity as long as they are pain–free. Physical therapy will explain biomechanics of the movement with injury. Also will provide self myofascial release SMR to the shin, and provide exercises to strengthen the ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Kumar Case Study Dr Vijay Kumar Works with Iliotibial Band Syndrome Patients in Ogemaw County Though it is not as common in his Ogemaw practice, Physical Therapist Dr Vijay Kumar has treated patients for Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS). This painful condition presents itself as severe pain in the knee or hip. It is most commonly found in active people, athletes, and those to do aerobic exercises often. The Iliotibial band is a tissue grouping that runs the length of the outer thigh, from the hip to the knee joint, and eventually connects to the tibia at the front. Due to its positioning, the IT Band stretches across the knee itself. Through constant movement, the band may become compressed near the knee, and rubbing on the protruding bones may occur. People ... Show more content on ... Dr Vijay Kumar Ogemaw Helps Ogemaw Patients Heal Their Ankle Sprains Sprained ankles are an average occurrence treated by Ogemaw Physical Therapist, Dr Vijay Kumar. These injuries are so common, nearly twenty five thousand people sprain their ankle each day. Sometimes called a twisted ankle, a sprain happens when the ligaments on either side of the ankle are pulled or overextended in an incorrect manner. Many athletes suffer from sprained ankles. Even more people get a sprained ankle simply from stepping wrong. This could be the result of missing a step on a set of stairs, or even stepping off of a curb and twisting the ankle at the wrong angle. There are two forms of sprained ankle, lateral and medial sprains. The lateral ligament runs along the outside of the ankle into the foot. When the poor step happens, the foot may twist or roll inward, spraining this ligament. The medial ligament rests along the inside of the ankle. If the misstep rolls the foot outward in a sideways motion, a medial sprain happens. If not treated correctly, this rather mundane injury can become a chronic issue within the ankle and surrounding tissues. Most physicians agree that the best first course of action is to apply the RICE treatment. RICE stands for Rest, Ice Compression, and Elevation. Essentially you will want to stay off of the injured joint, apply ice packs, keep it wrapped at a moderate tightness, and keep it elevated. Dr Vijay Kumar helps his Ogemaw patients to do this, along with exercises ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Essay On Insoles One important part of keeping up to date within a field of study is to read published literature. In order to exemplify this, I will be summarizing a research article titled "Clinical effectiveness of customized sport shoe orthoses for overuse injuries in runners: a randomized controlled study" and was performed by A. Hirschmüller, H. Baur, S. Müller, P. Helwig, H.–H. Dickhuth, and F. Mayer. This article was published in the 2009. For this study, the researchers were interested in evaluating running injuries, which are the main pathological conditions that prevent competitive athletes from training or competing. Although treatment for these conditions is a multifaceted approach, shoe insoles pose to offer promise in the correction of ... Show more content on ... Specifically, runners were chosen if they presented with a unilateral chronic overuse injury consisting of patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and tendinopathies with a duration of greater than three months. Additionally, the runners had to be between 18 and 60 and run more than 20 miles per week. Besides this, if any of the following criteria were met the runners were excluded: history of surgery to lower extremities and lumbar spine, signs or symptoms suggestive of an acute injury, any parallel therapies including physiotherapy, insoles, nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid injections during the previous 6 months. Upon screening for these criteria, a total of 50 men and 49 women partook in the study. For these participants they were randomly assigned to one of two categories. These were either a control group or a group that received customized insoles. The insoles were made of polyurethane foam and were customized based on the participant's dynamic barefoot plantar pressure distribution. Next, the researchers got baseline measures of the three quantitative variables. These consisted of a pain disability index (0–70 scale), a subjective pain experience scale (24–96 scale), and a comfort index of orthoses (0–100 scale). After baseline measures, the next ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Snapping Hip Syndrome Research Paper Snapping Hip Exercises Snapping hip syndrome, also known as dancer's hip, is a medical condition where you feel a snapping sensation, or hear a snapping sound, in the hip when you are running, walking, or swinging your leg around. For many people, the problem is little more than a nuisance, and the only symptoms are the snapping sensation, and sound itself. However, for athletes or dancers, snapping hip exercises may help alleviate the weakness, or pain that sometimes interfere with their performance. Why does It Happen? In many cases, the snapping symptom is caused by the movement of a tendon or muscle over the bony surface in the hip, and snapping hip syndrome is often the result of tightness in the muscles and tendons surrounding the hip. ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. How Swimming Is Better Than Running It's better to swim than to run for exercise Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms and legs, and their heart rates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr. Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the human body was not meant to move quickly through water (NY Times, Gina Kolata). Swimming is better than running because it gives the body a good workout without over working, it has very good benefits on the body and an ideal workout for people with certain health problems, it improves mental health and burns calories, it doesn't have so much negative effects as opposed to running. Swimmers swim better than they run and runners can't swim at all and unlike some other sports, swimming is not taken as seriously as it should. Most people believe that it's harder to run than to swim, but the fact is that it's harder to swim. In swimming, water acts as the resistance while running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than air, which makes ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Overcoming Barriers To Running Barriers to engagement in a general sense have more to do with factors like age and gender (and to some extent, race) than they do specifically with running. But running is not irrelevant when it comes to the avoidance of physicians. As previously stated, running provides a whole host of health benefits, but also induces hormonal response that literally makes runners feel good about themselves. In the midst of that bliss, however, runners can develop bad habits or get an inflated sense of how healthy they actually are, or worse, a stubbornness to treat the injuries they receive directly from running. Kara Mayer Robinson, a runner and contributor to Runners World Magazine, writes: "We runners are often hyperaware of our bodies, and when ... Show more content on ... The practice of annual or biannual checkups is firmly rooted in the lifeblood of American medicine, but also has practical application: if one goes through the trouble of selecting a primary care doctor, what sense does it make to almost never see said doctor? Nevertheless, author Brian Palmer offers insight into the uselessness of most annual checkups in the United States: "Annual checkups account for more than 8 percent of doctor visits and cost the health care system $8 billion annually–more than the total health care spending of several states. Each visit takes around 23 minutes, which means doctors in the United States spend approximately 17 million hours each year running their stethoscopes over 45 million completely healthy people." (Palmer 2013) Also, when preventive care is offered at annual checkups (which is only about 20% of the time), the potential for overscreening and overtesting exists, and this can cause patients to manufacture illness based on something only minor or because of a false positive (Palmer 2013). In other words, the more one visits her doctor, the more likely she is to feel ill even when she is perfectly ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Snapping Hip Syndrome With Rehab Essay Snapping Hip Syndrome With Rehab Snapping hip syndrome is a condition that causes a "snapping" or "popping" feeling in your hip, especially when you walk, stand up from a chair, or swing your leg. Strong bands of tissue (tendons) attach the muscles in your buttocks, thighs, and pelvis to the bones of your hip. Snapping hip syndrome typically happens when a muscle or tendon moves across a bony part of your hip. Snapping hip can also involve torn or loose structures within the joint. This is less common. Snapping hip syndrome can affect different areas of your hip, including the front, side, or back. CAUSES This condition is typically caused by tight tendons or muscles around the hip. This often happens from overuse. RISK FACTORS This condition is more likely to develop in people who: Are under the age of 40. Are a dancer, runner, weight–lifter, gymnast, or soccer player. Have had an injury to their hip or pelvis. Have an abnormally shaped pelvis or leg (deformity). SYMPTOMS Symptoms of this condition include: A "snapping" or "popping" sensation in the front, side, or back of the hip when moving your leg. This can cause pain. The pain typically goes away when you stop moving. Tightness in the hip. Swelling in the front or side of the hip. Leg weakness, especially when trying to lift it up or sideways. Difficulty getting out of low chairs. DIAGNOSIS This condition is diagnosed based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Hip Bursitis Research Paper Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome The medical definition of bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid–filled sac found in articulation. Inflammation occurs from the decrease of friction of the bursa between the bones, muscles, and skin. Bursitis can be an acute or chronic condition. Acute bursitis are often a result from an infection or injury, while chronic bursitis are caused by long periods of repetitive motion or use of the affected joint. The most common sites include the elbow, hip, shoulder, knee, heel and even the base of the big toe. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (formally known as Trochanteric Bursitis, or GTPS for short) is a hip bursitis which distresses the superficial trochanteric bursa located over the greater trochanter of the femur. Inflammation of the trochanteric bursa is due to muscles and tendons rubbing over the bursa causing friction against the femur. This ... Show more content on ... Rest, cold therapy and non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are most effective to reduce inflammation stemming from injury and overuse. Combination of physical therapy and activity modification are recommended for proper stretching and strengthening of the hip and to avoid activities which may aggravate the area. In the event of a septic hip bursitis, an infection of the bursa, the doctor may perform an aspiration, in which a needle and syringe is used to remove fluid from the bursa followed by a prescription of antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection. If rest, physical therapy and NSAIDs are no longer effective in relieving the pain, then corticosteroid injections are administered. Although surgery is rarely needed, it may be warranted with some chronic hip bursitis. The three types of surgery most often used are tendon repair and iliotibial band release, osteotomy of the greater trochanter and ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Swimming Is Not A Natural Act Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms and legs, and their heartrates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr. Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the human body was not meant to move quickly through water. Most people believe that its harder to run than to swim but the fact is that it's harder to swim. In swimming water acts as the resistance while in running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than air which makes it harder to move through. When running, performance peters out as the distances get longer but in swimming the pace is consistent regardless of the distance. Swimming has a lot of benefits which most people don't know about. Swimming keeps your heartrate up without overstressing the body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming also keeps the heart and the lungs healthy. All the muscles are used while swimming so it's a good all–over body workout. Also, according to research done ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Negative Effects Of Running Marathons For most, running 26.2 miles just for fun is not appealing; however, others do want to run marathons for the excitement of a race or to prove to themselves that they can do it. For many reasons, runners are on board to hit the pavement, whether it is for the challenge or for the numerous health benefits that come along with it, including weight loss and fitness. Because of the positive effects of running, the negative aspects of running long distances are sometimes overlooked. Before deciding to just get up one day and start training for a marathon, know that running this lengthy race has both desirable and undesirable physical consequences. Often, running is a route to weight loss and, thus, motivates individuals to get out and exercise, to burn calories. The activity does burn calories. For example, running at a 6–mph pace burns 372 calories in 30 minutes for a 155–pound person, according to Andrea Cespedes a freelance wellness expert. However, since calories are needed for performance during long runs, one must increase calorie intake to fuel the run, especially if the runner's mileage is lengthy (Cespedes). In addition, some uneducated runners believe that the exercise can be an excuse to eat unhealthy food, saying that their running makes up for what they eat. This, however, is a myth because often the calories are empty and do not promote general health. "You ran 10 miles, therefore you deserve the fries, shake and burger. Calories still count and running doesn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Similarities And Differences Between Football And Soccer Arguments about football and soccer have been ongoing since both sports gained popularity over a hundred years ago, which leads us to the controversies commonly seen today. To begin with, the question over the name of the sports has been viewed as a major issue since football and soccer became widely known. I experienced this issue first hand when I traveled to Germany and Sweden last summer for a soccer tournament and instantly noticed the difference from the moment I arrived. All of the signs and the people called soccer 'football' and it came as a complete surprise to me, but their passion for the game remained just as strong or even stronger than seen in North America. Soccer, also termed 'the beautiful game', was first given the name ... Show more content on ... In order to score, the team with the ball must cross the end zone without having an illegal play, otherwise known as a "flag." The team is awarded 6 points and the kicker must either kick a 'Point After Touchdown'(PAT) for an additional point or the team can attempt to score two points by attempting to again cross the end zone, but this time starting from the two–yard line. The rules of soccer, however, completely differ from those of American football. Like football there are 11 players on the field with specific positions, but the "object of soccer is for a player to get the ball into the other team's goal by using any part of the body except the player's hands and arms. The goalie is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the hands and arms and then only while he is located in his own penalty area" ( If any of these rules are broken by the players, the referee gives the player either a yellow card as a warning or a red card for an automatic ejection from the game. So, as you can see, whereas football primarily utilizes your hands, soccer leverages everything but your hands. In addition to this, all soccer players are required to wear shin guards and soccer cleats, but if it is organized soccer, a team jersey, team shorts, and long socks are also required. In football, however, the players are required to wear much more: football cleats, shoulder pads, thigh pads, knee pads, hip pads, mouthguard, jockstrap, cup, neck ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Evaluation Of Rehabilitation For Patellar Dislocation This paper is a review of rehabilitation for patellar dislocation. Patellar dislocation occurs when the patella slips out of the patellofemoral (trochlear) groove, most often laterally (Cheatham, Kolber, & Hanney, 2014; Enix, Sudkamp, & Scali, 2015). This can occur from direct trauma such as sudden mechanical forces exerted on the patella (Respizzi, & Cavallin, 2014; Duignan & McGibney, 2016). The injury can also be the result of indirect trauma such as when the foot is fixed on the ground and biomechanical abnormalities of the lower leg come into effect (Respizzi & Cavallin, 2014, 2014; Duignan & McGibney, 2016). Lateral patellar dislocation primarily affects younger active populations (between 10 and 17 years old) and usually occurs due to injury during physical activity (Balcarek, Oberthür, Frosch, Schüttrumpf, & Stürmer 2014; Ménétrey, Putman, & Gard, 2014; Tsai, Hsu, Hung, & Hsu, 2012; Lehman, Beckman, & Craig, 1989; Calapodopulos, Nogueira, Eustáquio, Calapodopulos Júnior, & Rodrigues, 2016; Petri, 2015; Cheatham, 2014; Enix, 2015). 55%–72% of first–time patellar dislocations occur from sports (Tsai, 2012; Petri, 2015). Studies have also shown that women are more prone to patellar dislocations than men (Vitale, 2016; Tsai, 2012; Duignan & McGibney, 2016; Calapodopulos, 2016; Cheatham, 2014; Enix, 2015). In a statistical analysis of sports medicine clinics, 30% of the patients had ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Essay On Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome As the mother of a pre–teen ballerina, I have heard my fair share of complaints about knee pain from my daughter. Until recently, I simply attributed her complaints of pain to growing pains or even muscular fatigue caused by lengthy practices in pointe shoes. That is until I heard one of my instructors mention patellofemoral pain syndrome, and the fact that it is usually young female athletes that are afflicted with the disorder. I wondered if this could be what was troubling my daughter. With that thought, my investigation into patellofemoral pain syndrome began. In an effort to shed some light on what was causing my child's knee pain, and more importantly, in an attempt to identify effective physical therapy interventions to help relieve the knee pain she frequently complained of, I examined the etiology; pathology and physiology; signs and symptoms; ... Show more content on ... 1698). In the article, "Effectiveness of Exercise Therapy in Treatment of Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Systematic Review and Meta–Analysis", researchers looked at the available data to see if therapeutic exercise is an effective intervention for decreasing pain caused by patellofemoral dysfunction. Researchers combined data from 15 different studies, with a total of 748 participants, in an effort to summarize the data and develop a strong conclusion regarding the effectiveness of exercise in pain reduction. According to this meta–analysis, or systematic combining of data, the authors determined that significant reductions in pain levels were noted in PFPS patients who performed therapeutic exercises. The authors concluded, "based on the results of the present study, exercise therapy appears to be an important strategy to achieve pain and patient reported measures of activity limitations and participation restriction relief in patients with PFPS" (6, ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Common Running Injuries Research Paper The most common running injuries today are avoidable by making simple adjustments to the alignment of the body position, proper foot positioning, shoes and the running cadence/stride. Running has fast become a popular physical activity and is enjoyed by most everyone. People are finding a healthier lifestyle by controlling their weight and improving cardio capacity from running, however, running is a high impact exercise that can lead to injuries. In addition to high impact injuries, overuse injuries due to the amount of runs, the duration and distance along with speed are the most common. Environmental factors such as running surfaces, grass, concrete, blacktop, rock/dirt terrain can contribute to these injuries. Despite the health benefits ... Show more content on ... This forces the impact to a smaller concentrated area on the outside of the foot, and again causes issues with supporting the body weight. The smaller toes on the outside of the foot are providing the push off phase. This can lead to the common injuries called iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. Under pronation require shoes that provide more support to the midsole and outsole. Special shoes are designed to meet the biomechanics of the runner. If running shoes have advanced to meet the biomechanics, one would think running injuries would be reduced. However, statistics for running injuries are on the rise. Overuse injuries are more common than acute injuries such as ligament or muscle sprains. In a survey from Australia Sports Commission in 2006, 70% of runners, competitive and recreational sustain overuse injuries ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Athletic Training Research Paper In the field of athletic training, music can be used for psychological purposes, and athletic trainers are now entering performing arts for injury prevention and rehabilitation. As athletic trainers have been emerging in the performing arts area within the last 25 years, they can play an important role in the lives of dancers. Music can be found in the injury prevention and rehabilitation of dancers and has psychological benefits for athletes. Athletic trainers often use SOAP notes as the basic outline for diagnosing an issue that an athlete or dancer may have. The purpose is to get the history of the dancer's medical issues. The "S" portion is subjective, which is what the dancer may feel and their history. Their history would include the ... Show more content on ... There are many options a dancer can take, but under an athletic trainer's supervision, the process is a lot easier on the dancer. An athletic trainer can assist in diagnosing a dancer with a labral tear through special tests that apply some pressure to the location of the labrum. Though it is difficult to officially diagnose a tear without an MRI, the special test gives an athletic trainer an idea of how to help the athlete prevent further tears and control the pain that comes from the torn, irritated tissue. A lot of labral tears come from a hip impingement that pinches the labrum. A hip impingement can be natural from birth, or excessive exercise or training could potentially turn the hip inward. Ballet dancers more specifically are prone to hip impingements because of their en pointe position and walking on the en pointe position. Hip impingements can continue to pinch the labrum whether they are dancing, walking, or sitting. Athletic trainers often step in to provide a weekly treatment specific to the athlete. The rehabilitation can include hot pads, ice baths, stretching, and drills. Other forms of cryotherapy, which is something used to help treat an injury, can also be used when an athletic trainer deems it necessary depending on the severity of the dancer's injury and the dancer's pain ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Muscle Epidemiology Essay 2) All sports and activities can cause pain and eventually overwork a muscle. Many runners undergo and experience pain or some sort of problem in their lower extremities. For runners, the agonist muscles are the gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliotibial band, and tibialis anterior muscles. Muscle tightness in these areas occur because of the following. Tight a) A lack of flexibility in general b) Fatigued calf muscles c) Inappropriate footwear d) Wearing high heels daily e) Running too much, too soon f) Inadequate warm–up / cool–down g) Muscle imbalances elsewhere h) Running form Overstretched a) Hip flexors (Psoas major, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis) ... Show more content on ... Manual muscle testing will be tested to assess the strength in muscles used for running such as the prime/strong muscles which are the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, and tibialis anterior. This will also determine the weakness in muscles such as the plantarflexors, dorsiflexors, knee flexion, and knee extension. Also, range of motion will be tested on the tight muscles such as the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, quadriceps, and tibialis anterior. When the muscles are tight, the runner will increase the risk of injury (Schipper, 2009). Gait analysis will be used to examine deficits to body function, stability, and describe how the patient will be running. This will help determine the patient's biomechanics and achieve adequate mobility. Lastly, we will perform a pain assessment to see what pain level the patient is at when running. This will help determine whether the patient is minimizing stress on the body to achieve no pain at all while running. To monitor progress of these assessments, we must know that if these "muscles are weak or become fatigued easily, there is less control of the leg and the risk of injury increases" (Schipper, 2009, paragraph ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Effects Of Sports On The Practice Of Sports Pain in Runners During the last decades and at the global level, there was an increase in the practice of sport. Within these practices, yoga, spinning, Pilates, Zumba, and running are popular. Running is the one that highlights in recent years as a economic practicing, to be able to be carried out at the recreational and/or professional, and the time for being the one that appropriate fits in the schedule. Considering that each day we have less free time to live under a tight schedule of school activities or work that limits our time in the area recreative, the running, emerged as the alternative recreational or sports provide great benefits such as are to prevent cardiovascular problems, lose weight, strengthen the muscles, and relieve the stress among others. Running is one of the inherent activities of human beings. There is no need of techniques or deep knowledge to begin to run. However, the run as a sporting activity requires some preparation for muscular avoid injury. Throughout the practice of sports may occur two types of lesions: acute or accidental lesion as falls, typical injuries of the sporting activity produced by overload, muscular problems, or inflammation of the tendon. Etiology One of lesions more communes in running is the syndrome of the iliotibial band which is tendinitis or inflammation of the tract iliotibial. The iliotibial band is formed by the tendon of the Tensor of the Fascia Lata and Gluteus Greater muscle, having its origin in the Spina ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Left Knee Pain Case Study Reason for Visit: Left Knee Pain S: TM works in GA, running 05R. He runs O5R, which requires turning and pushing with his left leg, then, 07L standing on his toes process. On 1/10/2017, he felt sharp, burning pain in his left outer lateral knee, while he was working with radiator hoses. When he turns on his left leg, on his left toes, he felt a sharp pain below outer lateral left knee. Since then there were several incidents, where he felt the burning or locking up sensations in his left outer lateral knee, when he turn his left foot to the right, on unleveled ground, and/or getting up from a sitting position. TM reports pain level is 5/10, when the symptoms occur and denies previous injury to the location. TM takes BC power PRN. TM wants ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Patellofemoral Syndrome Essay Patellofemoral syndrome, often called "runner's knee", is deep pain anterior to the patella usually caused by excessive running, especially downhill. This may be due to a multitude of abnormal biomechanics or tendencies. Although running is a common and popular exercise, the knee joint is an extremely mobile and unstable joint. And those who initially develop patellofemoral pain usually end up with chronic knee pain (Willy et al., 2012). The patella, only being held in place by ligaments and tendons, is easily manipulated by the pull of muscles attached to these ligaments and tendons. However, there are gender differences between males and females in how they each develop patellofemoral tracking and pain. The patella is held to the knee joint, connecting to the tibia and femur by the quadriceps tendon as the proximal attachment, and the ... Show more content on ... It has been observed that females are more likely to develop genu valgum than men. This genu valgum is a direct cause of lateral patella tracking, which is the major cause of patellofemoral pain. This explains why females are more predominantly affected by patellofemoral syndrome than men (Willy et al., 2012). It was also found that women have "decreased relative hip abduction strength in comparison with males", which also explains female patellofemoral pain (Wolf et al., 2014). It was found that males actually have a decrease in the Q–angle, which causes genu varum. This causes medial patella tracking and patellofemoral pain. Although it is much more rare for males to experience patella tracking, medial patella tracking was found to have a greater decrease in contact to the patellofemoral joint than lateral patella tracking. Therefore, "decreasing the quadriceps angle can have an even larger effect on patellofemoral joint stresses than increasing quadriceps angle an equal amount" (Willy et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Lateral Epicondylitis (DTF) Begovic et al,. (2016) explains deep transverse frictions has often been used for conditions such as chronic lateral epicondylitis, iliotibial syndrome and patella tendinitis. Furthermore, DTF aids analgesia, hyperaemia and the breakdown of scar adhesions to ligaments, tendons and muscles. Coninck (2015) states that DTF should not be used on patients with the following conditions: local sepsis, rheumatoid tendinous lesions and skin disease. Joseph et al,. (2012) Agrees that deep transverse frictions has beneficial effects are as followed: blood flow is increased, mechanoreceptor is stimulated, reduced pain, and the breakdown of scar adhesions. On the other hand, Brosseau (2002) explains that there is no significance to the effect DTF has on pain reduction or strength. Furthermore, deep transverse frictions is manually applied for the advantageous effects of removing damage and scaring caused by the inflammation phase, vascularity is increased to the treated area which in turn speeds up the rate of healing as more oxygen and nutrients can be ... Show more content on ... (2012) reviews four difference case studies involving DTF, One randomised study applies DTF with corticosteroid injection to see if there is a significant difference in grip strength again lateral epicondylitis, the results prove there is a significant difference in improved maximum grip strength with injections compared to DTF. However, Joseph et al,. 2012) states that DTF alone showed overall advanced strength. Senbursa et al (2007) also uses a randomised study involving DTF in conjunction with exercises to treat supraspinatus impingement of the tendon, the study proves to be a success by increasing the strength and decreasing pain of the patients. Another advantageous study was carried out by Nagrale et al,. (2009), the study assessed DTF with electro laser therapy and concluded that the patients were able to complete a pain–free grip strength test and functional status once the treatment has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Orthotics Essay If you've ever experienced foot pain or seen a podiatrist, you may be familiar with the term 'orthotics.' At Treat Your Feet in Dallas, TX, we specialize in orthotics and shoes that are designed to lessen pain and make walking easier. Orthotics are custom–made shoe inserts, prescribed by a physician – usually, but not always, a doctor of podiatric medicine – that are made to accommodate or correct an abnormal or irregular walking pattern. Walking pattern changes can happen as a result of a variety of foot and leg conditions that include: ▪ Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is heel pain that results from overuse of the plantar fascia, which is a band of fibrous tissue that extends from the heel and connects to the base of the toes. In ... Show more content on ... Neuromas are described as pinched nerves or nerve tumors that are benign but that can cause pain, tingling, a burning sensation and numbness between the toes and in the ball of the foot. Metatarsalgia is a general term for pain in the ball of the foot. It's sometimes called a 'stone bruise.' ▪ IT Band Syndrome The iliotibial band of tissue runs down the outside of each hip to below the knee and can become painful if overused or if stress is placed on it. IT band syndrome is common in runners whose feet hit the ground at odd angles, which can radiate pain and strain up the side of the leg. The structure of the foot and wearing shoes that are worn out are just two of the reasons that feet may hit the ground at angles that cause IT band pain. ▪ Shin Splints Shin splints or periostitis is an inflammation of the dense membrane of connective tissue that surrounds the bones. Shin splints present as pain along the shin or tibia, that can develop over the course of several weeks. It is usually considered a runner's injury and happens for a variety of reasons including poor training, poor running technique, poor equipment or problems with the structure of the ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper Iliotibial Band Syndrome Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a condition that often causes knee pain. It can also cause pain in the outside of your hip, thigh, and knee. The iliotibial band is a strip of tissue that runs from the outside of your hip and down your thigh to the outside of your knee. Repeatedly bending and straightening your knee can irritate the iliotibial band. CAUSES This condition is caused by inflammation and irritation from the friction of the iliotibial band moving over the thigh bone (femur) when you repeatedly bend and straighten your knee. RISK FACTORS This condition is more likely to develop in people who: Frequently change elevation during their workouts. Run very long distances. Recently increased ... Show more content on ... A "snapping" sensation over your knee. Swelling on the outside of your knee. Pain or a feeling of tightness in your hip. DIAGNOSIS This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical exam. You may also see a health care provider who specializes in reducing pain and increasing mobility (physical therapist). A physical therapist may do an exam to check your balance, movement, and way of walking or running (gait) to see whether the way you move could contribute to your injury. You may also have tests to measure your strength, flexibility, and range of motion. TREATMENT Treatment for this condition includes: Resting and limiting exercise. Returning to activities gradually. Doing range–of–motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy) as told by your health care provider. Varying your workout to include low–impact activities, such as swimming and cycling. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS
  • 65. If directed, apply ice to the injured area. Put ice in a plastic ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Iliotibial Band Syndrome DOI: 12/28/2014. Patient is a 31–year–old male rebar installer who sustained injury while he was installing a rebar when he twisted his right knee. Per OMNI, he was initially diagnosed with right knee strain/sprain. MRI showed positive for a tear and he underwent surgery on 02/10/15 and subsequent MRI revealed teat versus scar tissue and he underwent right knee arthroscopic lateral meniscal debridement and synovectomy on 12/22/15. Based on the medical report dated 04/20/16, the patient continues to report pain over the lateral aspect of his knee as a result of a consequential injury, iliotibial band friction syndrome. The iliotibial friction syndrome occurred because of long–term mechanical alteration of IW's gait resulting in stress of the iliotibial band leading to inflammation of the iliotibial band which crosses the lateral femoral epicondyle causing painful snapping on an intermittent basis, which is preventing the patient from returning to work. The patient has no chance of returning to work until the iliotibial band syndrome is properly addressed. The patient has had a previous corticosteroid injection and PT which provided no relief. ... Show more content on ... Examination of the right knee reveals pain to palpation over the iliotibial band with intermittent clicking over the lateral femoral epicondyle. He continues to exhibit an altered gait without a gait aid. Biomechanics of gait are altered in the right lower ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Medial And Lateral Knee Bursitis With Rehab Medial and Lateral Knee Bursitis With Rehab Medial and lateral knee bursitis is inflammation of the fluid–filled sacs on the inside or outside of the knee. These sacs (bursae) act as shock absorbers, cushions, and gliders to help tendons move smoothly over the knee. Tendons are strong bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Medial bursitis is on the inside of the knee. A bursa is located beneath the tendon that connects muscles of the upper leg to the inside of the shin bone. This condition is also called pes anserine bursitis. Lateral bursitis is on the outside of the knee. A bursa is located beneath a long tendon that connects muscles of the buttock, hip, and upper leg to the outside of the shin bone. This condition is also called iliotibial band friction syndrome. CAUSES This condition is caused by repeated rubbing of a tendon over a bursa that occurs with repetitive activity. This friction causes fluid to build up inside the bursa. The bursa swells and becomes painful. RISK FACTORS The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition: Doing athletic activities that involve repetitive squatting, running, cutting, and side–to–side movements. Overtraining, or starting a new athletic activity without gradually increasing your time and distance. Participating in certain sports, such as: ○ Basketball. ○ Cross country running. ○ Football. ○ Rugby. ○ Racquet sports. ○ Soccer. ○ Volleyball. ○ Cycling. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Knee Injuries: A Case Study Many athletes obtain injuries that restrict their movements in some way. The restricted movements of an individual are usually sourced from one area of the body, but this location may not be near the muscles used during that movement. For example, baseball pitchers may suffer hip injuries over many years of pitching however this injury can cause restricted movement in the pitching arm and shoulder (Cheatham, Kumagai Shimamura, & Kolber, 2016). Physical therapists use multiple physical tests to be able to restore maximum mobility in the affected areas (American Physical Therapy Association, 2015). The type of physical therapy that would be dealing with restoring mobility in the body from an injury would be rehabilitation (World Confederation ... Show more content on ... Dry needling is the action of inserting a thin filament needle into a muscle at the location of a trigger point to try and relive the pain there and untighten the muscle (Oxford Physical Therapy Centers, n.d.). A trigger point is a point in the muscle that is highly sensitive and tender, and usually if there is a trigger point then the injury is very centralized and dry needling works best with a single source muscle injury (Neurosport Physical Therapy, n.d.). The needle entering the injury location causes the body to speed up the healing process and increase blood flow to the error because it sees the needle as a foreign invader (Oxford Physical Therapy Centers, n.d.). Low Level Laser Therapy. Low level laser therapy helps speed up the inflammation process that follows a sports injury through the heating up or cooling down of the muscle directly by a focused laser that is run over the muscle (Bassett, 2012). Although the benefits of laser therapy have been proven through research, the clinical community and insurances are still reluctant to accept it as a normal treatment in physical therapy (Bassett, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Ballet : A Unique Form Of Dance Research Paper Ballet signifies a unique form of dance that helps relieve stress and shows the love of dance through the body. Dance performances happens to be a great way to entertain people while the dancers enjoy showing off their talents. Children of all ages are able to become fantastic dancers with amazing talents that could lead to bight futures but, what some people don't know proves that ballet can cause serious health and joint issues. Although there are many benefits of ballet, there are also issues involving health and joint such as arthritis that is the outcome of years of dancing. The history of ballet was originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries. From Italy to France, ballet was spreading by the talented Catherine de' Medici. Aristocrat money was royal money that dictated the ideas of music and literature that were used in the ballet to entertain the aristocrats at the time. 'Ballet des Polonais' was the first ever staged ballet in 1573 which was commissioned under Catherine de' Medici. It was held to honor the Polish Ambassadors who were visiting Paris. 'Ballet Comique de la Reine' was the second ballet court commissioned by Catherine with the help of her compatriot Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx in 1581. However, it was the first court ballet to display poetry, dance, music, and set design to convey a storyline. Ballet was produced by aristocrats for their entertainment and political propaganda needs. The Paris Opera Ballet ... Get more on ...