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Demographics And Its Impact On Health And Health
In my research, I discovered that population trends will dramatically impact healthcare. Simply put
the more people who exists the more healthcare that is required. Population is not the only factor
and other sub factors of population such as age, race, and ethnicity or demographics and they also
have an impact on Healthcare. For example, the population of people in the U.S. over the age of 65
in 1950 was only 8.1% of the total population. The trend of that number is expected to rise to 20.2%
by 2050. Geographic trends can assist healthcare professionals where to focus their educational
efforts in terms of healthcare availability. Psychographics' examines the consumer or the factors that
motive them such as values, attitudes, beliefs, motions, interests, and personalities.
Demographic trends can be used to target specific gender and ethnic groups from a healthcare
perspective. An example of this targeted healthcare is research showed that males, both non–
Hispanic and Hispanic, in the Michigan area where "disproportionately affected by cancer"
(Kodjebacheva, Blankenship, Hayman Jr, & Parker, 2016). The application of this is by knowing
this data and data similar to it, we will be able to have focused HealthCare to the demographics that
statistically need it more than others.
The study of Geographic trends will allow us to better understand physically where healthcare
resources are lacking compared to other typically developed areas. An example of application here
is a study
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Demographic Shift In America Essay
The demographic revolution that has taken place in the United States between 1965 and the present
was one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in history. People coming into the United States
from all around the world seeked economic opportunities, but it wasn't until after the Cold War that
the U.S opened their doors. Nonetheless, the population in the U.S. has been leaning towards
becoming a majority minority, which means that the minority groups will soon become the majority
instead of Whites dominating. Laws and socioeconomic factors have influenced this dramatic shift
because it helped many more immigrants move into the US seeking jobs and financial stability. As a
result of people from other countries seeking jobs and economic opportunities, and the high demand
for professional jobs, such as doctors and engineer. For that reason, the national demographic shift
for Latinos shifted from 8.9 million in the year 1970 to 50 million in 2010. (Lecture, Demographic
Revolution) A piece of legislation that allowed those who were able to provide certain labor to fulfill
certain jobs and professions is known as the Hart Cellar Act. This act was established in 1965 and it
opened the doors further for immigrants to come into the U.S. Consequently, this act unintentionally
caused a demographic shift in California. As the ... Show more content on ...
by storm in the 1980s. According to a chart in the Demographic Revolution essay on Globalyceum,
as immigration from Europe decreased, immigration from Latin America and also Asia increased.
They started taking jobs from agricultural work to high paying jobs such as engineers and nurses. 44
percent of people working in the medical sciences and 34 percent of software engineers were
immigrants. (Lecture, May 9) Interestingly enough, after the US saying that they would become
more democratic, there were a few propositions that the US Supreme Court struck down because
they proposed racist
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Driver-Demographics: Predicting Future
Driver– Demographics
Predicting future is always important as it identifies whether the changes are likely to benefit human
kind or annihilate them. Demographics gives people a basic insight about how their past and future
are inter twinned. One of the key drivers that has been assigned to me by my group is
Demographics. Although there are many trends that may fully/partially have impact on personal
transport. The key factors that I would like to focus on in this summary are
Global Population/ worldwide populace
TREND 1 – GLOBAL POPULATION – Population is likely going to increase in 2070
In 2070 the human population will be at its extreme levels. During the past couple of years the
world has dramatically changed in terms ... Show more content on ...
From the past 18th century to the present 21st century. The developments and improvisation in all
primary and secondary sectors brought humans under one urban roof, where things are easy to
access ranging from sanitation to electricity and internet. The world's urban population has increased
form 733 million in 1975 to 2,857 million in 2000 and is estimated to reach 4,945 million by 2030
(storage). This pattern over the past 50 years gives us an insight about the net gain in urban
population. Urban dwellings has transformed current cities into mega cities with population
emerging up to 10 million. This rapid urbanization growth brings us a question about transportation.
According to the information provided by PRB the number of megacities increased from 4 in 1975
to 22 in 2015(PRB). This trend indicated that in future there will be more cities entering into
megacity categories, where the need for development of public transport sectors. Every two people
in United States now have a car. If this is going to continue there would be 5.3 billion cars on roads
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Essay on Demographics and Data Collection Methodology
Reading Research Literature #3 – Week 6
(2 Pages)
Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar,
spelling and syntax. Click "Save as" and save the file with your last name and assignment,
e.g.,"NR_RRL3_Smith" Submit to the Reading Research Literature #3 basket in the Dropbox by
11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 6.
Title: RRL#3
Name: Jennifer Shrader
The following questions pertain to: McMillan, S. C., & Small, B. J. (2007). Using the COPE
intervention for family caregivers to improve symptoms of hospice homecare patients. Oncology
Nursing Forum, 34(2), 313–21. 1) Describe the data collection methodology. What instruments were
used? Within 24–48 hours after hospice admission, ... Show more content on ...
To ensure that questionnaires were answered completely, data collectors were instructed to review
each form as the patient completed it and gently point out any omissions. The RA HHA and RA data
collector nurses exchanged forms before leaving the home and checked one another's forms to
ensure that no data were omitted.
3) What limitations did the authors face in data collection? How could these have been lessened or
minimized? A limitation of the study is that the protocol as funded did not involve auditing the
behaviors of caregivers to determine whether their symptom management changed and whether any
changes that were made were appropriate and effective. Patients who were admitted to the hospice
often were too ill to participate in the study, and despite careful screening, those who did participate
were likely to die before all data were collected. Starting the study with patients just prior to their
hospice admission could minimize the loss of patients during the data collection. Questioning the
caregivers about their symptom management strategies at the initial interview and during follow ups
can lessen the chance that caregivers changed their symptom management strategies unknowingly to
the researchers.
4) What demographic information was reported? On average, the hospice patients were aged
approximately 70 and mostly male and had a high school education, PPS
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Society's Demographic Transition
Demographic Transition To begin with a demographic transition is basically the changes that occur
within a society's population whereby these are changes from high levels of crude birth and death
rates with a low rate of natural increase to lower levels of crude death and birth rates yet still having
a low rate of natural increase and having a higher total population, and all of these changes that
occurs goes back to either developments in economy or changes in standard of living. Now as we all
know each and every country has once experienced and witnessed changes in their population either
having transformations in favor of the population or the opposite thus causing many disadvantages
to the population. This process of the transition consists ... Show more content on ...
In ancient times up until today humans were still in stage one though now no country is any longer
in that stage, as every nation has now moved at least to stage two and has therefore experienced
many changes in their population according to().usually during the first stage people used to live on
hunting and gathering to get food and when there was enough food for everyone population used to
increase on the other hand if food was hard to find they usually saw a decline in their population.
Whereas stage two it's a stage of high growth which means there is a rapid decline in death rate yet
having a rapid growth in the population, therefore having a high natural increase, this is mainly
because of improvements in medicine or access to cleaner and healthier life. Usually, countries that
experience an improvement in their standard of living for example because of industrial revolutions
they tend to enter such a stage, such countries that entered this stage were North America and
Europe. Then comes the third stage is known as the stage of decreasing growth whereby BR
declines while DR stays declining and according to () NIR begins to moderate. In this stage, there
still is growth though slower than stage two a society enters this stage when people decide to have
fewer children which goes back to access to contraception and a better economic condition. Usually
developed countries with a good job and standard of living are in such stages which according to ()
that their economic conditions encourage them to have fewer children. Finally stage four the stage
of low growth in which there's a very low BR and CR and the possibility of even a low NIR, A
country reaches such a stage when CBR is equal to CDR and the NIR is almost zero. This happens
because women enter the labor force and people will have a
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Demographic Transition
1) Demographic transition: A demographic transition is when a country or population moves from a
state where there is a high birth and death rate, to a state where there is a low birth and death rate.
2) My online example is a Ted talk by Hans Rosling about global population growth. Within it,
Rosling maps the history of human population growth in industrialized and developing countries,
discusses how the wealth gap between the richest countries and the poorest contributes to population
growth, and counsels that increasing child survival rates in the poorest countries will be the only
way to halt population growth.
3) This talk connects to the key term of demographic transition because in order for the population
of the world to cease growing
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Is Canada Headed For Demographic Failure Analysis
David Foot, a Canadian demographer puts forward some economic prediction in the aspect of
demographics in his recent research. He states his opinion that which countries will success and
which countries will be in trouble in the next 20 years are predictable, based on the number of old
and young people they have. An adequate amount of young people who are ready to work is the key
for economies growth. Lack of enough young people to work will result in underproduction, while
too many of them will lead to youth unemployment and unrest. In the article "Is Canada Headed for
Demographic Disaster," the author Diane Francis makes some predictions based on demographics.
Countries such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Egypt are in danger since their birth ... Show more
content on ...
But it only provides success to a small amount of smart businessman. Looked from the
macroeconomics perspective, Canada is not in good shape for future economic development. There
are too many old people existing the work force while the supply of young workers is not enough to
offset. And the new workers entering the labour force are not well experienced and skilled as the
exiting baby boomers. The losing of large amount of experts is not easy to solve. Government is also
facing challenges to deal with the rapidly increasing demand for health care and social support
services to the old people. Looking at Japan's experience of demographic greying, they are now
making little, almost no economic growth due to the large amount of old people retiring from jobs.
Without immediate and correct policy regulation, Canada will be in the same or worse situation.
Using immigration alone cannot solve this problem, Canada needs to find out more strategies to deal
with this real problem, which is already
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Change In Population Demographics
Demographics are statistics of given populations or groups of people. These statistics can be in
numerous areas including, but not limited to population, age, race/diversity, gender, military,
politics, religion, and education. The changes in statistics of these demographic areas, are the areas
that this essay will review. V Changes in population demographics occur approximately 8 seconds in
the United States. This is how often a baby is born. These changes also occur every 11 seconds,
when there is a death. The population demographic is also altered every 32 seconds as a new
international immigrant enters the United States. These numbers have been averaged out and
according to the United States Census Bureau, there is a net gain of one ... Show more content on ...
The changes in racial diversity, a younger generation, and equal rights for women. The increase in
racial diversity has led to many changes in political leaders. Racial diversity our first black president
and others have come close to running as a candidate, like Dr. Ben Carson. This diversity is coming
with the younger generations causing the electoral vote to shift in swing states and is moving and
changing the way political parties and candidates gain momentum and present their issues
(Bowman, 2016). Age has become a changing demographic over the years with trending gaps
having a large curve in the young old gap. In 1972 during the election between Nixon/McGovern
there was a +16 young/old gap, in 1992 during the Clinton/Bush election there was a –7 young/old
gap, in 2004 during the Bush/Kerry election there was a +7 young/old gap, and in 2008 during the
Obama/McCain election there was a +21 young/old gap. These numbers have trended from highs to
lows and back up again over the course of almost 40 years (Taylor,
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This Paper Will Describe The Sociocultural And Demographic
This paper will describe the sociocultural and demographic trends of grocery retailing. The
sociocultural and demographic trends are a part of the external environmental analysis of a company
or industry. One popular trend in the sociocultural environment of grocery retailing is the trend of
becoming healthier and wanting grocery stores to offer organic and fresh foods rather than
processed foods. The demographic trend will focus on how grocery retailers market to different age
groups in the United States, as well as around the world. Grocery retailers around the world can take
into consideration these two trends and work towards a better understanding of what their
consumers want and desire. General Environmental ... Show more content on ...
One trend that seems to come to mind when talking about grocery retailing in a sociocultural sense
is the trend of offering fresh and organic items in supermarkets as well as in local grocery stores.
The everyday consumer is starting to realize that being healthy is not entirely about working out, but
it is also about what kinds of food you put into your body. Therefore, people in today's day and time,
will do whatever it takes to make sure they are their healthiest, and that they look the best.
According to the article, "Consumers Want Healthy Foods–And They Will Pay More for Them,"
about 88% of consumers are willing to pay the higher prices for the fresh and organic foods that
grocery stores supply (Gagliardi, 2015). This could be because the health fad that has presented
itself today is much stronger than those in years past. According to an article that was published by
the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, many grocers are finding that customers are
changing their preferences about their food, and are now wanting fresh foods and organic foods in
their local supermarkets. This paired with increasing transportation costs are causing grocers to
rethink the ideas and processes of large centralized distribution centers (Ernst & Woods, 2012).
Demographic Forces A second general external environment is the demographic force. This force
includes different things such as age, race, gender, and social class (Hill, Schilling, Jones,
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Mattel Demographics
For Mattel, the demographic most often used is children, ages 0–15. Mattel is a toy manufacturer,
providing toys and games for children. The demographic ages 2–6 is a good range because these
ages provide a lot of the toys related to playing, but also to toys based on movies, television, and
education. For this demographic I would first look at the birth rates in the overall global market to
identify if the number of children is expanding or contracting. Looking at a five year trend, 2013–
2018, the trend will most likely continue its downward movement.
Birth rates worldwide have been falling. In 2000, the birth rate was twenty two births per one
thousand people ( This number is the crude birth rate and is used to gauge
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How Demographic Characteristics Influences The Provision...
In this report I will be describing and investigating how demographic characteristics influences the
provision of Spalding's local health and social services. The demographic factors underpin how
services are planned and carried out. Understanding and examining the demographic characteristics
helps the Lincolnshire council to plan the delivery of the health, social and early years' services that
best suites the local services users within Lincolnshire. If the care, social and early year practises
and services are well planned they respond to the aims of the evolving needs and priorities of the of
the service users at a local level while also combating the national problems. It is fundamentally
important that all service users work in ... Show more content on ...
summarily planning also considers the national targets, objectives and care standards which are
produced by the English government.
The demographic could be defined at a national and local area, these factors could include: the
number of single parents; the number of children under 4 years old (under schooling age); the
number of people unemployed, employed or retired; the death rate and the ages of those people who
die; the number of people who are registered as disabled. The number of these people are considered
and also the distribution across the UK and within the local area. During the investigation in this
report I will be focusing on two local demographic influences these will include the age and the
health requirements of Lincolnshire.
Local governments plan health, social and childcare initiatives by developing them around
established targets, national service frameworks, local health strategy targets and national health
authority targets that are set by the government. Not only do these set standards give a guidance as
to the standard of care that needs to be given, they also serve as standard for which successful
improvement that the initiatives are having.
Age distribution of the population
The proportion of people in different age ranges is a significant factor that
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Relationship Between Teacher 's Assessment And Demographic...
CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology
The purpose of this non–experimental quantitative study will be to examine the relationship between
teacher's assessment of their school's implementation of EBS, teacher's demographic information,
and student referrals. This chapter will discuss the proposed research methods of this study. First,
the research design and rationale of the study will be discussed, followed by a restatement of the
research questions. Next, data collection and analysis will be discussed.
Research Design and Rationale The present study will utilize a non–experimental quantitative
predictive design. The non–experimental design is appropriate, as random assignment, control
groups, and manipulation of an independent variable will not be employed (Cramer, D., 1998). A
quantitative design was chosen over a qualitative design, as this study seeks to make inferences
based on quantifiable results rather than assess individuals' experiences (Craighead & Nemeroff,
2001). Because the aim of this study is to use several variables to predict student behavior, the
predictive design is most appropriate (Craighead & Nemeroff, 2001). This study will use a multiple
linear regression to evaluate the relationship between teacher's assessment of their school's EBS
implementation, teacher demographics, and student behavior in an urban middle school. The
predictor variables for this analysis will be teacher's assessment of their school's EBS
implementation, as well as the
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Demographic Diversity And Cultural Diversity
Demographic and Cultural Diversity
The research is concerning Organizational Behavior which includes unusual types of Organizations
with dissimilar types of public behaviors. Among that Demographic Diversity and Cultural
Diversity of an Organization is extremely significant to turn into a triumphant organization or
company in the marketplace Especially the Demographic and Cultural Diversity show the in good
physical shape relationship with all kinds of Employees in special positions like Managers,
Accountants, and Engineers etc. exclusive of any intolerance among them similar to age, gender,
race, religion, and physical abilities. Understanding how these personality figure Organizational
behavior is significant.
The long–term accomplishment of whichever trade calls for a miscellaneous remains of capacity
that preserve convey unmarked ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge that
assortment poses, consequently, is enable your manager to take advantage of on the mixture of
genders, cultural backgrounds, ages and lifestyles to act in response to trade opportunities more
quickly and imaginatively.
With the developing social, cultural, and political norms, as well as changing demographics,
migration patterns and globalization have had an impact on the piece of music of the people. This
still impacts the commerce practices which make them to stay pace with the altering
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Demographic Variables
My first demographic variable is "Age", which is classified as interval level of measurement. The
descriptive statistics for age includes the mean which is 2.6093, (SD=.65814) and lastly, the range
which is 5.00. Meanwhile, the second demographic variable is "Employment Status", which is
classified as a nominal level of measurement. The descriptive statistics for employment status
includes the frequency which is 278 (91.4%) and the mode which is 1.00 for this demographic
variable. The last demographic variable is "Ethnicity" and it is once again a nominal level of
measurement. We use frequency and mode as out descriptive statistics for this variable. The
frequency is 277 (91.1%), but there is no mode for the variable ethnicity. My independent variable
asks about gender which is classified as a nominal level of measurement. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, my dependent variable asks if you have used Ecstasy, and that is an ordinal level of
measurement. The frequency is 142 (46.7%) students with 121 (39.8%) students answering "No",
while 4 (1.3%) answered "Yes" as well as in the last 30 days and the 17 (5.68%) that are left also
answered "Yes", but not in the last 30 days. The mode for the usage of Ecstasy is 1.00. For my
research study, I performed the chi–square test because both my independent and dependent
variables were nominal and ordinal. My chi–square test states: X^2(9) =19.105, p=.024. The
inferential statistics is X^2, the degrees of freedom is 9 and the significance level is .024, which is
less than .05 and makes my result significant. In conclusion, there was a significant associated
between gender and the usage of Ecstasy. X^2(9) =19.105,
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Demographic Transition
The demographic transition is compiled of four stages that attempt to summarize the population
shifts and economic development of countries. It is based on the levels of human fertility and
mortality, birth rates, and death rates to be precise. These levels of birth and death have correlated
with the evolution of industrialization and urbanization of areas. It illustrates the idea that over time
there has been a shift from high birth rates and death rates to low rates of birth and death. It
originated to describe the Western Experience in Europe, that first moved throughout the four stages.
To begin, in stage one the birth rates and death rates are both high. Birth rates can average 37 per
1000 births during the first stage and death rates ... Show more content on ...
This decline in birth rates seems to be the result of adults starting to control their family size or even
government action. With the implementation of urban societies and an industrialized culture, the
want and need for many children had become less evident as children are seen as a hassle than a
benefit. Urbanization and industrialization are more common with more developed countries so
these countries have the ability to provide opportunities that are more attracting than raising
children. These countries have the money to invest in controlling birth rates, unlike poorer countries
that can't afford to help their people as much. It seems to be a pattern, that developed countries has
already gone through each stage because of their power to shape and implement technology into
their people daily lives, but it has lowered birth rates severely as well. The Demographic Transition
model will end with the fourth and final stage, which is characterized by low birth rates and low
death rates. This accounts for a very small increase in population and will add up to possibly over a
thousand years of doubling time to replace the current
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Demographic Characteristics Affecting Communities In Canada
In What Ways Do Demographic Characteristics Affect Communities in Canada?
Demographic characteristics play a major role, affecting communities in Canada. Three main
demographic characteristics that affect a country are population growth rate, population density, and
the dependency load of a country. These characteristics can have a beneficial impact, as well as a
negative impact, on communities in Canada.
Have you ever wondered why some country's population is not as large as others, or why some are
increasing while others are decreasing? The population growth rate definitely affects communities in
an area. It is a measurement that combines both natural increase rate and net migration rate to
calculate the total population increase of ... Show more content on ...
Adults that work support the country and people who are not working. The dependency load is the
people who are not working; ages 0 to 14 and over the age of 65. The dependency ratio compares
the number of people not working to the number of people working. The more working people a
country has, the greater the economical growth. With more money being given to the government,
the effect is that the region could have better technology, transportation, healthcare, and food quality
as the government has the money to buy, build, and repair. In Canada, because of our decrease in
population, (figure 1.4) there future dependency load will be greater than our workforce causing
economical problems. (Patterns and Trends: Although Canada's population is decreasing over time,
this could change as another "baby boom" could happen.) Since we have less people working, it will
eventually cause problems such as our economy will go down. To solve a problem like this, the
government could raise the taxes to keep the money going in, or increase the population by
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Part A: Demographic Transition Model
Part A) Demographic Transition Model
In Stage one, birth and death rates high, but have a low total population due to the high death rates.
In Stage two, the birth rates take a very minor dip in the graph, but maintains its birth rate. The death
rate is decreasing due to increasing amounts of knowledge towards medicine as time goes by. The
total population is increasing due to the death rates decreasing.
In Stage three, the total population is increasing at a greater rate than in the previous stages. The
birth rates and death rates are decreasing because of many factors in society, but the most prevalent
factor is due to the increase use of birth control.
In Stage four, the population is increasing, and is soon approaching ... Show more content on ...
This Pyramid is similar to Stable Pyramids, but has a lower birth and death rate. Contracting
Pyramids have slightly longer life expectancies, and has an older average population in comparison
to the Stable Pyramid.
Part D – Population Distribution, Consumption and Sustainability
a) At the current world population growth rate, I believe there won 't be sufficient resource to help
support this rate due to limited resources such as water, farming area, housing, etc with our current
technology. However, I do believe that after a breakthrough in technology, there would be more
population growth in the world, but would slowly come to a point where it simply can't sustain any
more and this cycle would go on until technology stops advancing. It is difficult to maintain this at a
constant rate without decreases at any point with the expanding number of people while Earth has
only finite resources. Theoretically though, if we were to able to constantly increase efficiency with
our land space, and colonize other planets, the population of the human species would always
b) The world population is not equally distributed. There are few countries that have high population
densities. Places situated on the coast have good climate conditions for vegetation, which is the
reason why there are usually high population densities situated on the coastline in population density
geographical maps.
c) There are many key things that determine population density in a certain area.
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Demographic Transition
Demographic transition is a model based on birth rate and death rate in a populace. As indicated by
this theory, each nation progresses through three distinct phases of population development. In the
first stage, the birth rate and the death rate are high and the growth rate of population is low. In the
second stage, the birth rate remains steady but the death rate decreases swiftly. Therefore, the
growth rate of the population rises rapidly. In the last stage, the birth rate begins falling and tends to
parallel the death rate. The growth rate of population is lingering.
The first stage is described by high birth rate and high death rate, giving a low growth rate of
population. Individuals mostly live in rural areas and their main occupation is agriculturally
dominated. In this stage, birth rates are high due to the lack and/or restriction of family planning
methods, traditional social and religious belief encouraging large families. Parents have more
children to adjust for high infant mortality and children begin working at an early age to add to the
family salary. Causes of a high death rate include diseases, famine and malnutrition, an absence of
clean drinking water and ... Show more content on ...
The population starts to rise and the economy enters the period of economic expansion. Death rates
decline because of an increase in food supply due to agricultural revolution and improvement in
health and sanitation also causing reduction in child mortality. Citizens do not seek to regulate the
amount of their family as it is difficult to break with the past social or cultural traditions and
convictions towards family planning. Also, work opportunities increase and children can add more
to the family wage. As a product, the birth rate rests at the preceding high level. With enhancements
in the way of life and the dietary propensities for the general population, the life expectancy also
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The Influence of Demographic Factors and Values on the...
I.INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background Nowadays, people have become more aware of their
environment. They try to slow down the process of global warming in many different ways. One of
the efforts to slow down the process of global warming is that now people try to create, produce, and
market the environmental–friendly products or, also known as, green products. People who pay
attention to green products are called green consumers. According to Rodriguez and Ibeas (2006),
"Green consumers" are those who care about the environmental attributes, and are willing to pay a
premium for products manufactured in environmental–friendly ... Show more content on ...
2. Do consumers' values (individualism or collectivism and security or fun/enjoyment) influence the
consumers' willingness to pay more for green products?
1.3. Problem Areas This study focuses to know the relation between demographics factors with the
consumers' willingness to pay more for green products and the influence of values (individualism or
collectivism and security or fun/enjoyment) towards the consumers' willingness to pay more for
green products. The respondents of this research are people from any demographics background
living in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and who are
willing to fill in the questionnaires. And the research questionnaires are distributed only in Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta.
II.HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Hypotheses Development Part 1. Hypotheses related to
Demographic Factors H1. Consumers' gender is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more
for green products. H2. Consumers' age is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for
green products. H3. Consumers' level of education is related to the consumers' willingness to pay
more for green products. H4. Consumers' income is related the consumers' willingness to pay more
for green products H5. Consumers' employment status is related to the consumers' willingness to
pay more for green products. H6. Consumers' house ownership is related to the consumers'
willingness to pay more for green products. H7. Consumers' marital status is related to the
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The Demographic Transition Theory
Unlike society a few decades before, the life expectancy has increased and now America is seeing
an exponential growth to the elderly population. There are many factors that could be the cause of
this. Looking at the demographic transition theory in conjunction with the Malthusian theory
brought valuable insight for me. The demographic theory says there are four stages to population
growth that are predictable. Those who are in their late 80's and above were capable of seeing all
four of these stages in America. As they aged and the stages for population advanced so did
technology. Malthusian theory claims that there are three factors that prevents the human population
exceed its carrying capacity, which are food, disease, and war. Those who lived through the four
stages of America were lucky enough to see technology advance to prevent those factors in being
lethal to our population. It became possible for adults to live on to see their grandchildren and
eventually their great grandchildren. However, having life for so long isn't always the best. There's a
quote from the movie The Dark Knight which I believe applies to this situation, "You either die a
hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.". This quote is evident in the film
"Living Old", because eventually you reach an age where your body and mind regresses, which
hurts your love ones. For example, in the film Mary Ann DiBerardino daughter of Chester and
Rosemary Haak has suffered seeing her parents
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Essay on Demographic Factors Research
Demographic Factors Research
University of Phoenix
Managing in a Cross–Cultural Environment
October 19, 2009
Organizations around the world are experiencing the effects of cultural and global diversity.
Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Arbor are four companies introduced in this paper. They have
been researched in order to identify how each company is affected by demographic factors, how
these factors are managed, and what systems are implemented to enhance the success of the
business; thus, this paper illustrates the key course concepts and their application to the best
practices of these companies. The dynamics and dimensions of diversity in an increasingly ... Show
more content on ...
While remaining a superior global food company, Kellogg's management realized that they had to
have the strongest possible resources to support their business growth in a diverse and competitive
environment (Kellogg, 2009). Likewise, Starbucks is managing its competition challenges; the
current economic conditions are factors that Starbucks needs to consider in order to market the new
products to preserve its clientele and bring in new customers. Hence, Starbucks is wise to use the
four P's model; Price, Product, Place, and Promotion, to determine the course of action best suited to
stay ahead of the competition. To be clear, both Kellogg and Starbucks are managing the effects of
postmodernity; that is, "postmodertnity describes our time and situation–today's world in flux, with
people on the move who have learned to manage multiple identities depending on place and
context" (Kottak & Kozaitis, 2003, Ch. p. 29). To manage the influence of postmodernity within the
context of demographic factors, Kellogg and Starbucks are implementing strategic approaches to aid
them in their success involving global and cultural diversity. For example, Kellogg committed itself
to developing a comprehensive and ground–breaking supplier diversity program. This program was
to cultivate strategic procurement relationships with W/MBE–owned, controlled and operated
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Examples Of Community Demographics
Community Demographics
Anson High School is located in Wadesboro, North Carolina in the rural county of Anson. In the
past, the major economic opportunities in the county were textile factories and farming, as times
have changed and factories closed down, Anson County has been left with empty buildings and
fewer jobs. Currently, the biggest employers in the county are Anson County School District,
Carolinas Health Care System, Wal–Mart, and various fast food restaurants. For this and other
reasons, Anson County is a low socioeconomic community, qualifying Anson High School as a Title
I school.
Anson County spans 527 square miles; Anson County School District serves the educational needs
of students in Wadesboro, Polkton, Peachland, Morven,
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Understanding The Environment Of Demographics
Demographic Environment
Understanding Demographics:
The Business Dictionary defines Demographics as "Socioeconomic characteristics of a population
expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation,
religion, birth rate, death rate, average size of a family, average age at marriage, etc." Demographics
imply to people, people become customers, they eventually buy the products, and that is when the
company really works.
From a business or marketing point of view, demographic data plays a very essential role in
understanding people, their behaviour patterns, and their interests or preferences. Collection and
analysis of data is more often than not, the first step towards every business venture, expansion, and
promotion. It helps the retailers and marketers to segment the population and choose their target
audience, which provides the basis for developing an attractive product mix for their clientele or
creating an appealing marketing campaign.
Demographic Segmentation:
One of the main reasons why demographic segmentation is the most popular form of segmenting the
customer market is because majority of the demographic data required to make business decisions is
easily available in the form of census. Census is the official collection of data for every member of a
population. It is not just a count of individuals, but also a recording of various details of those
Demographic Segmentation is the method of dividing the
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Diversity And Demographic Characteristics Paper
Diversity and Demographic Characteristics Introduction Diversity relates to gender, age, language,
ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief, including that people
are different in other respects such as educational level, job function, socio–economic background,
personality profile, marital status and whether or not one has family. Diversity and demographic
differences can impact individual behavior by creating conflict in the workplace. The success of an
organization depends on the workforce of the organization. A workforce made up of diverse
individuals from different backgrounds can bring the best talent to an organization. There are many
types of diversity and demographic characteristics ... Show more content on ...
Historically speaking, women truly have not been a part of the workforce for very long yet they
often bring new and refreshing ideas and approaches. Debra Burrell, the regional training director of
the Mars–Venus Institute in New York says, "Women managers tend to have more of a desire to
build than a desire to win. Women are more willing to explore, compromise, and to solicit other
people's opinions." By contrast, men often think if they ask other people for advice, they'll be
perceived as unsure or as a leader who doesn't have answers. Debra Burrell says, "Men tend to be
quicker at making decisions, compared to women. Male managers are also more adept at forming
what management psychologist Ken Siegel calls "navigational relationships," or temporary teams
set up to achieve short term goals." Men also tend to be decisive, logical, aggressive, and often more
independent than woman. As men and woman work more closely together, they are learning from
one another and picking up characteristics from one another; thus improving the quality of working
relationships and becoming more productive. Age With the fact that today's workplace has
individuals that vary in age; most employees can be placed into one of 4 categories: Mature, Baby
Boomer, Generation X'ers and Millenials. The members of each group, based on age, are generally
easy to identify; however definitely have different characteristics. The
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Demographic Trends And Its Effects On Health Care
Demography is the study of the population grounded on various factors such as sex, economic
status, age, race, and the level of technology, the level of income, the level of education,
employment, and so forth. Demographics are primarily used by the governments, non–government
organizations, and corporations to get the adequate information about the characteristics of the
population for the purpose of development of policy, and the research of the economic market. On
the other hand, demographic trends are also imperative because the demographic sizes of various
ethnic groups would change over the period as the result of political, economic, and cultural
circumstances. At the end of this essay, the reader would understand demographic trends lead to
social changes in the US, its effects on the health care in the US, and how some of such
demographic trends would be reduced to drive down the cost of health care (Coulter, 2012).
Tracking the demographic trend is challenging because the availability of data does not usually keep
up with the social changes pace, or due to the constant change of its definition over time. For
instance, the U.S Census Bureau (USCB) commenced providing the reporting counts for a couple of
the same–sex and cohabiting couples in 1976 and the individuals of more than one race in 1990
(Cutle, 2007). According to the research that was carried out by the USCB in 1997, the demographic
projections revealed three primary trends that affect the U.S as far as
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What Type Of Business Will Fit With The Demographic And...
We are living in a world where new things get invented essentially every day. Almost everything we
do is involved technology. Due to this fast–paced lifestyle, having a successful business, where you
can please the customers and making profits, isn't as easy as before. There are myriad factors that
can affect your business: financial, competitive, employment, etc. Having said that, one of the first
things that can decide whether it 's going to be a prosperous business or not is the knowledge about
the area that you want to place the business. In another word, is this the best location for your
business? Thus, I will be using my professional analysis skills in this assignment to determine what
type of business would fit with the demographic and geographic of San Diego.
San Diego's population is made up of the majority of young adults. As I mentioned earlier, because
of this fast–moving style of living; sometimes, we fail to remember to take a break and take in what
life's giving us. Especially the young generation, we spend most of our time on social media; more
specifically, our phones. We forget to look back to our pasts: the things that we did as we were
young, the games that we played, or the food that we had. For this reason, I think that a 90s–theme
coffee shop would be a great fit for the city.
To fully understand about the city's life and culture, I went to the city's website to find any
information that can help me know more about the
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Demographic Transition
A demographic transition is the transition from a populace with high conception rates and passing
rates to a populace that is steady, yet with a much lower level of conception and demise rates. stage.
Amid this stage, the conception rates start to decay for some reasons. Generally, individuals
understand that they probably won't need to deliver expansive quantities of posterAmid the first
stage, the preindustrial stage, populace becomes gradually due to a high conception rate and a high
passing rate. These high demise rates are brought on by poor nourishment and starvation, poor levels
of cleanliness, and high measures of sickness. The high conception rates were because of a few
nations having constrained anticonception medication which prompts more kids. High newborn
child death rates support the conception of more youngsters. Kids are likewise seen as an issue
source in wage, hence it would be all the more financially advantageous to have more children.
Because of these variables populace development is little. ... Show more content on
These progressions lead to the control of sicknesses, the creation of more nourishment, better
employments, and enhanced restorative consideration and sanitation. As the passing rates diminish,
the conception rates stay high on the grounds that individuals are still usual to creating more
youngsters, and amid this stage they have more nourishment and assets to help bigger families. As
an issue of the declining passing rates and high conception rates, the human populace will increment
at a fast
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Demographic Segmentation
Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to 25 years
Saneel Gaonkar IBS Gurgaon
Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to 25 years
Different kinds of people display different buying patterns even in a segment of age group 18 years
to 25 years. This truth is well understood by those people who are responsible for market research,
product development, pricing, sales and strategy. Market segmentation is the identification of
portions of market that are different from one another. Every individual falls under one or other
demographic segment ... Show more content on ...
(The Registrar General & Census Commissioner, 2011)Sixteen major languages of India are also
spoken in Mumbai, most common being Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English. The religions
followed in Mumbai include Hindus (67.39) , Muslims (18.56%), Buddhists (5.22%), Jain (3.99%),
Christians (4.2%), Sikhs (0.58%), Parsis and Jews making the rest of the population. (Mehta, 2004)
Mumbai is also home to the largest population of Parsi Zoroastrians in the world, with about 80,000
Parsis in Mumbai. ("The world's successful diasporas") Looking at the data it is clear fact that
Mumbai is a large market with intelligent customer. Amount of exposure to brands and products a
person goes through in Mumbai is vast.
This Research also includes finding new potential markets in the age group of 18 to 25 years, for
this purpose knowing the culture of Mumbai is also essential. The culture of any place is always
determined from its people, cuisine, religion, language and festivals. Mumbai has a mixture of
people from various communities and subsequently they follow different religions. The metropolitan
observes modern trends; here people enjoy participating in all festivals irrespective of caste, creed
and color. Mumbai is the birthplace of Indian cinema. The influence of the Bollywood in the cities
culture is observed. The cultural
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Demographic Perspectives
Barbecue. NASCAR. Pig statues. These are the first things that come to mind whenever someone
asks me about my hometown in Lexington, NC. Attending university in Chapel Hill gave me a
glimpse of the distinctions areas can have from their surroundings. This paper will discuss my
hometown from a demographic perspective. I will briefly explain the various data I utilized
followed by several analyses of sample components of my hometown that demography examines.
These components include projections thirty years from now in addition to the socioeconomic and
demographic changes from 1990 to the present. In addition to interpreting these values, I will also
explain how these variables influenced myself and my family living in this area.
Data and Methods ... Show more content on ...
Lexington is known as the "Barbecue Capital of the World" and known for its legacy in furniture
making, as well as textiles, in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina (). This is something
residents can see throughout town from various barbecue restaurants to some factories in downtown.
Food and beverage stores accounted for $14.1 million in sales and clothing and clothing accessories
stores $9.5 in sales based on a 2011 consumer survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics ().
Unfortunately, you are also able to drive by abandoned ones as well, in addition to hearing news
reports on closings and layoffs. Why is this the case? I believe that the competitive markets and the
Great Recession resulted in outsourcing for cost savings. The size of the labor force for individuals
aged sixteen and older declined from 7,015 in 1990 to 4,706 by 2013 (). My family members do not
work in these areas, but clients at the shop will often experience or know someone going through the
struggle of layoffs and unemployment. Experiencing these situations may be why I noticed a push
for individuals my age and future generations being encouraged to obtain as much education as
possible. The general trend for education has progressively increased for District 612 following the
2000 census with roughly half the individuals aged twenty–five and older holding at least
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The Demographic Characteristics Of The Senior Population...
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The demographic characteristics of the senior population has been
changing over time. The rise in diversity and the geographic placement of seniors can provide an
opportunity to examine their use of the social program SNAP. Characteristics of food insecurity
such a geography and race correlate with higher rates of food insecurity and as these same
characteristics continue to grow in the senior population. Since seniors have the lowest rates of
SNAP participation versus other age groups, and their rates of food insecurity continue to grow it is
important to examine what characteristics impact the likelihood of SNAP take up among this
Demographic Shifts
With increases in longevity, improved quality of life ... Show more content on ...
In 2003 close to 12% of those aged 70–79 years of age faced the threat of hunger, and that rate grew
to about 14% in 2013. For those aged 80 and older there was about a 2% increase in those facing the
threat of hunger from 2003 to 2013, moving from around 9% to close to 11%. All three age groups
saw sharp increases from 2007 to 2008, though the growth was more pronounced in the younger age
group (Ziliak & Gundersen, 2013, 2014).
The pattern of higher rates among younger age groups of seniors also occurs in SNAP participation.
There is a clear age gradient in SNAP participation among seniors. In 2009, older age categories had
lower take–up rates among seniors. Seniors aged 60–64 had 34% take–up rate, those aged 65–69
had 33% take–up, seniors aged 70–74 had 29% take–up, those age 75–79 had 30% take up, and
those older than 80 years of age had 28% take–up (Leftin, 2011).
Like longevity trends, racial trends among the elderly are an important aspect when looking at
demographics of the aging population. The growing aging population is also changing in
composition. The aging populace is moving to be a more racially and ethnically diverse population
than previous aging populations (Ortman & Velkoff, 2014). In 2010, non–Hispanic whites made up
80% of adults aged 65 years or older, by 2030 that percent will decrease to 71.2% of the population
65 and older. It is predicted that by 2050 non–Hispanic whites will make up fewer than 60% of the
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The Brisbane Good Food And Wine Show's Patron Demographics
In the mid–1960s, research has come a long way when the first developments in the identification
and description of a tourism subject area (Tribe & Airey, 2007). In fact, the major function of food
and wine event is to deliver new flavors and traditions during their vacations, and present an
authentic lifestyle from the local to visitors in a pleasant context (Getz, 2000). Which is become
necessary to conduct a study of the event. The objective of this quantitative research is to identify
the Brisbane good food and wine show's patron demographics, motivations for attendees to join this
event, and analysis the correlation from attendees' satisfaction and willing to attend the event in
2017. There are three recommendations will ... Show more content on ...
There is another major reason may explain why events have become an increasingly important of
inner–urban competition attract by event attendee and visitors in the last few years is the cost of
building a city landmark (Paddison, 1993). Because visitors are fascinated by cities' landmark and
people will be encouraged to visit the same place more than one time by hosting different events at
the landmark area for visitors interests of exploring the new culture. They usually represent a less
costly to distinguish places and normally generates a significant media interests (Paddison, 1993).
The consequence is the cities are competing with each other for the honour of hosing large events to
promote themselves to a greater market (Hall, 1992).
Since tourism is one of the largest multination economy activities (Friedman, 1994). To compete in
a globe marketplace require hosts' abilities of good responds to a culturally different tourism which
is the main factor to determine positive tourism holiday experience and satisfaction (Plangmarn,
Mujtaba & Pirani, 2012). Therefore, the operation of cultural events will be considered as a very
efficient respond to motive visitors and event attendee experience from a culturally different
environment consist of good local food and wine.
Research questions
1. What is the demographic profile of event attendees?
2. What are the key
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Demographic And Socio Economic Changes
Demographic and socio–economic changes effect cities, its economy and ultimately the country as a
whole. Changes in demographics tells us if an area is losing or gaining population and may act
accordingly to help it survive. Family patterns change over a period of time as more women go out
for jobs rather than stay at home. As medical field advances, the life span of human increases and
these changes can show that the median age of the population is growing. Setting up of new
industries or business houses in a city might bring in the working population and help in improving
the economic condition of the area.
This report presents some of the demographic and socio–economic data collected from American
Community Survey 1 Year Estimates for the years 2006, 2009 and 2012 w.r.t. 203 Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (MSA) in United States of America. These MSA have been selected as the most
populated MSA in USA for the year 2012.
The most populous MSA in USA included a few MSA from Puerto Rico and Alaska and was
removed to focus only on Mainland USA. It was also observed that most of the MSA when plotted
on the map of USA are in East USA (155 MSA). Montana and Wyoming did not have any MSA
among these 203 MSA. For the purpose of this report, Microsoft Excel and Tableau where used to
store, clean and plot the data. Summary Tables for the parameters which were selected to compare
these MSA are presented in Table 1.
Total Population: Figure 1.1 represents the Total Population
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Demographic Trends And Its Effects On Health Care
Demographic Trends
Demography is the study of the population grounded on various factors such as sex, economic
status, age, race, and the level of technology, the level of income, the level of education,
employment, and so forth. Demographics are primarily used by the governments, non–government
organizations, and corporations to get the adequate information about the characteristics of the
population for the purpose of development of policy, and the research of the economic market. On
the other hand, demographic trends are also imperative because the demographic sizes of various
ethnic groups would change over the period as the result of political, economic, and cultural
circumstances. At the end of this essay, the reader would understand demographic trends lead to
social changes in the US, its effects on the health care in the US, and how some of such
demographic trends would be reduced to drive down the cost of health care (Coulter, 2012).
Demographic Trends Underlying Social Changes
Tracking the demographic trend is challenging because the availability of data does not usually keep
up with the social changes pace, or due to the constant change of its definition over time. For
instance, the U.S Census Bureau (USCB) commenced providing the reporting counts for a couple of
the same–sex and cohabiting couples in 1976 and the individuals of more than one race in 1990
(Cutle, 2007). According to the research that was carried out by the USCB in 1997, the demographic
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Demographics Of Aging Workers
The demographics of the workforce is changing, and companies are scrambling for a succession
plan for an aging workforce with vast amounts of knowledge and experience. According to HR
professionals, older workers are more professional, more productive with stronger work ethics,
reliable, and loyal than their younger counterparts (Coombs, 2018).
In my experience, I have worked with every generational group except the Nexters. It may be true
that older workers such as the Silent Generation, and Baby Boomers have all the qualities like being
more professional, more productive with strong work ethics, reliability, and loyalty, they did not
mention the descriptions that stand out most to me from my experience, and those are greed and
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Essay On Age Demographics And Its Effects On The Global...
MGMT 450: Exam 1
Age Demographics and Its Effect on the Global Economy
Humanity as a whole is growing exponentially and this growth is anything but consistent. Many
nations will be experiencing population decreases while other experience intense population growth.
The impending impact of that fact is scaring a multitude of countries on the international market. In
this essay I will answer three of the major pressing questions facing the world as they try to prepare
themselves for this drastic change. In developed nations, corporations and governments alike are
realizing that with an aging population there will be more stress applied to social programs
especially those pertaining to retirement. This stress is stemming from a shrinking labor ... Show
more content on ...
One way they can lessen the blow is to privatize their pension funds by encouraging businesses,
through tax breaks most likely, to absorb the cost of retirement. As mentioned earlier, these
governments may also want to increase the retiring age. Another suggestion would be to assess, the
idea of encouraging immigration. While this may be the most politically controversial suggestion it
may also be the most effective way to support an aging workforce. An increase in immigrants can
compensate for the decrease in the working–age population. This course of action may also be one
of the most viable options because those in developing nations see countries like the UK as a place
of endless opportunity for social ability and are already motivated to move. While none of these
strategies can completely impede the challenges of a shrinking workforce, they will certainly lessen
the economic experienced blow experienced by both companies and
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Essay on Population Demographics
Population Growth Rate: Highest to Lowest Rate
Nigeria: 1st Egypt: 2nd Mexico: 3rd
India: 4th USA: 5th China: 6th
Italy: 7th
1.How do you suppose living conditions differ between the countries furthest along in the
demographic transition compared to the country earliest in the transition? How would living
conditions in these two countries affect both birth and death rates?
The living condition for countries earlier in the demographic transitions such as health and food
supply are improving. Thus better health conditions decrease death rates and more food supply can
lead to increasing birth rates. Since living conditions (health and ... Show more content on ...
Italy reached a stable population much earlier than Nigeria. While the total population for Italy
stayed small, Nigeria has approximately 7–9 times more population for each age group. Italy is
further in the demographic transition and already had a declining growth rate keeping the population
fairly small. In contrast, Nigeria is barely a developing country with a much higher growth rate thus
creating a greater ending population. In terms of land and rural area, Nigeria has more land to
expand and sustain this population size.
6. Many Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees who have
multiple children. Why would they do this? How would a baby boom change Italy's demographics?
Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees with multiple children
because their population is decreasing and they want the population to increase. The average birth
rate is 1.28 children per woman, not enough children are born to replace their parents. A baby boom
would increase the population in Italy, that generation will then have more babies and cause an
increase in population. 7. What would Egypt have to do in order to reach a zero growth rate? What
kinds of challenges might the Egyptian government face in trying to implement these measures?
Egypt would have to decrease their average birth rate to around 1.69 children per woman or increase
the age group at which they
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Demographic Trends Of The Demographic Transition Model
The demographic transition model shows historical population trends of two demographic
characteristics such as birth rate and death rate. (Grover, D. 2014). In 1929 a demographic observer
named Warren Thompson decided to make a chart that showed transitions in death and birth rates
changed in an industrialized society of the last two hundred years. (Montgomery, K. 2015). The
demographic model shows if population increased or decreased in all countries due to their economy
stability. If there were countries with high death and birth rate, what the factors that contributed to
the high or low rates such as not enough food, or what diseases people were getting to make those
rates increase. There are four phases of demographic transition. Stage 1 is known as the Pre–
transition stage. This is characterized by birth rates, and high fluctuating death rates. Stage 2 is
known as the Early Transition stage. During this stage rate begins to fall, while the birth rates
remain high, and the population begins to grow. Stage 3 is known as the Late Transition stage. In
this stage birth rate starts to decline, and the population growth begins to decline. Stage 4 is known
as the Post Transition stage. In this stage there is low birth and death rate, and population also
declines. According to demographers, the factors that lead to a decline in CDR during stage 2 and
stage 3 of the demographic transition stages was high birth rate, which mean the population
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Demographic Differences Are Associated With Job Satisfaction
Prior to Bush, Moch, and Pooyan's popular study in 1987, research indicated that demographic
differences are associated with job satisfaction, but the evidence had been inconsistent and there was
still much to learn about the stability of the reported relationships. To fill the gap that was missing in
previous research, Bush et al. (1987) conducted a meta–analysis which collected results across
numerous independent samples to better understand existing relationships among populations. The
authors included age, race, gender, education, job tenure, and organizational tenure in their
demographic variables. Data was collected from 21 organizations where the mean age was 36.8 and
over half of the participants had a college education. Participants averaged 7.3 years in their current
job and 10.3 years at the organization.
The authors followed the Hunter et al. meta–analysis procedure. Three main steps were taken. First,
Chronbach's alpha was calculated for each measure of job satisfaction. Next, the correlations which
involved the dichotomous variables of race and gender were corrected for unequal sample size using
the formula by Hunter et al. Finally, the p value, or significance value, was estimated by calculating
the weighted mean correlation across studies. Correlations from samples with higher number of
participants often are more reliable compared to those of smaller samples so weight is adjusted
The relationship between age and job satisfaction was
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Demographic Trends
Demographic trends are important for businesses and investors if they are to thrive. It is the main
indication of how successful a business can be. Businesses that ignore demographic trends put their
companies at risk. Trends in demographic are changing and have an impact on the future of
businesses. The increase in the U.S. aging population, Millennials, the rise in female leadership, the
rapid growth of immigrants, are all changing the business and social environment. For this reason,
this shift must be addressed by businesses with a vigilant approach. For example, the aging
population, will more than double by 2050. The aging population will induce growth in the
healthcare industry as 40% of health care cost is already incurred by the aged. Millennials are more
interested in technology, digital communication, social media, and constant innovative products and
services. Immigrant will most likely have different tastes in products and services. Actually, the
number of females in the workplace has increased considerably compared to decades ago, not to
even mention those who are now in a leadership position. That will certainly lead to new business
opportunities and economic growth. Trends ... Show more content on ...
Nowadays, companies are inclined more toward employees who have good strategic thinking
abilities. It sets our value proposition and sets us apart from competitors and others. It is the ability
to able to predict and appropriately plan the future while taking into consideration the vision, the
mission, the values, and the goals of the organization. It is, being able to solve problems
systematically to drive results. It is a long view approach that involves not only creativity, but also
flexibility as things will need to be adjusted throughout the business process. Also the idea of
curiosity is a great quality that will allow knowing the competitors better and knowing the trends in
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Demographics And Its Impact On Health And Health

  • 1. Demographics And Its Impact On Health And Health In my research, I discovered that population trends will dramatically impact healthcare. Simply put the more people who exists the more healthcare that is required. Population is not the only factor and other sub factors of population such as age, race, and ethnicity or demographics and they also have an impact on Healthcare. For example, the population of people in the U.S. over the age of 65 in 1950 was only 8.1% of the total population. The trend of that number is expected to rise to 20.2% by 2050. Geographic trends can assist healthcare professionals where to focus their educational efforts in terms of healthcare availability. Psychographics' examines the consumer or the factors that motive them such as values, attitudes, beliefs, motions, interests, and personalities. Demographic trends can be used to target specific gender and ethnic groups from a healthcare perspective. An example of this targeted healthcare is research showed that males, both non– Hispanic and Hispanic, in the Michigan area where "disproportionately affected by cancer" (Kodjebacheva, Blankenship, Hayman Jr, & Parker, 2016). The application of this is by knowing this data and data similar to it, we will be able to have focused HealthCare to the demographics that statistically need it more than others. The study of Geographic trends will allow us to better understand physically where healthcare resources are lacking compared to other typically developed areas. An example of application here is a study ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Demographic Shift In America Essay The demographic revolution that has taken place in the United States between 1965 and the present was one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in history. People coming into the United States from all around the world seeked economic opportunities, but it wasn't until after the Cold War that the U.S opened their doors. Nonetheless, the population in the U.S. has been leaning towards becoming a majority minority, which means that the minority groups will soon become the majority instead of Whites dominating. Laws and socioeconomic factors have influenced this dramatic shift because it helped many more immigrants move into the US seeking jobs and financial stability. As a result of people from other countries seeking jobs and economic opportunities, and the high demand for professional jobs, such as doctors and engineer. For that reason, the national demographic shift for Latinos shifted from 8.9 million in the year 1970 to 50 million in 2010. (Lecture, Demographic Revolution) A piece of legislation that allowed those who were able to provide certain labor to fulfill certain jobs and professions is known as the Hart Cellar Act. This act was established in 1965 and it opened the doors further for immigrants to come into the U.S. Consequently, this act unintentionally caused a demographic shift in California. As the ... Show more content on ... by storm in the 1980s. According to a chart in the Demographic Revolution essay on Globalyceum, as immigration from Europe decreased, immigration from Latin America and also Asia increased. They started taking jobs from agricultural work to high paying jobs such as engineers and nurses. 44 percent of people working in the medical sciences and 34 percent of software engineers were immigrants. (Lecture, May 9) Interestingly enough, after the US saying that they would become more democratic, there were a few propositions that the US Supreme Court struck down because they proposed racist ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Driver-Demographics: Predicting Future Summary Driver– Demographics Predicting future is always important as it identifies whether the changes are likely to benefit human kind or annihilate them. Demographics gives people a basic insight about how their past and future are inter twinned. One of the key drivers that has been assigned to me by my group is Demographics. Although there are many trends that may fully/partially have impact on personal transport. The key factors that I would like to focus on in this summary are Global Population/ worldwide populace Urbanization Migration TREND 1 – GLOBAL POPULATION – Population is likely going to increase in 2070 In 2070 the human population will be at its extreme levels. During the past couple of years the world has dramatically changed in terms ... Show more content on ... From the past 18th century to the present 21st century. The developments and improvisation in all primary and secondary sectors brought humans under one urban roof, where things are easy to access ranging from sanitation to electricity and internet. The world's urban population has increased form 733 million in 1975 to 2,857 million in 2000 and is estimated to reach 4,945 million by 2030 (storage). This pattern over the past 50 years gives us an insight about the net gain in urban population. Urban dwellings has transformed current cities into mega cities with population emerging up to 10 million. This rapid urbanization growth brings us a question about transportation. According to the information provided by PRB the number of megacities increased from 4 in 1975 to 22 in 2015(PRB). This trend indicated that in future there will be more cities entering into megacity categories, where the need for development of public transport sectors. Every two people in United States now have a car. If this is going to continue there would be 5.3 billion cars on roads by ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Essay on Demographics and Data Collection Methodology Reading Research Literature #3 – Week 6 (2 Pages) Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling and syntax. Click "Save as" and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g.,"NR_RRL3_Smith" Submit to the Reading Research Literature #3 basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 6. Title: RRL#3 Name: Jennifer Shrader The following questions pertain to: McMillan, S. C., & Small, B. J. (2007). Using the COPE intervention for family caregivers to improve symptoms of hospice homecare patients. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(2), 313–21. 1) Describe the data collection methodology. What instruments were used? Within 24–48 hours after hospice admission, ... Show more content on ... To ensure that questionnaires were answered completely, data collectors were instructed to review each form as the patient completed it and gently point out any omissions. The RA HHA and RA data collector nurses exchanged forms before leaving the home and checked one another's forms to ensure that no data were omitted. 3) What limitations did the authors face in data collection? How could these have been lessened or minimized? A limitation of the study is that the protocol as funded did not involve auditing the behaviors of caregivers to determine whether their symptom management changed and whether any changes that were made were appropriate and effective. Patients who were admitted to the hospice often were too ill to participate in the study, and despite careful screening, those who did participate were likely to die before all data were collected. Starting the study with patients just prior to their hospice admission could minimize the loss of patients during the data collection. Questioning the caregivers about their symptom management strategies at the initial interview and during follow ups can lessen the chance that caregivers changed their symptom management strategies unknowingly to the researchers. 4) What demographic information was reported? On average, the hospice patients were aged approximately 70 and mostly male and had a high school education, PPS ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Society's Demographic Transition Demographic Transition To begin with a demographic transition is basically the changes that occur within a society's population whereby these are changes from high levels of crude birth and death rates with a low rate of natural increase to lower levels of crude death and birth rates yet still having a low rate of natural increase and having a higher total population, and all of these changes that occurs goes back to either developments in economy or changes in standard of living. Now as we all know each and every country has once experienced and witnessed changes in their population either having transformations in favor of the population or the opposite thus causing many disadvantages to the population. This process of the transition consists ... Show more content on ... In ancient times up until today humans were still in stage one though now no country is any longer in that stage, as every nation has now moved at least to stage two and has therefore experienced many changes in their population according to().usually during the first stage people used to live on hunting and gathering to get food and when there was enough food for everyone population used to increase on the other hand if food was hard to find they usually saw a decline in their population. Whereas stage two it's a stage of high growth which means there is a rapid decline in death rate yet having a rapid growth in the population, therefore having a high natural increase, this is mainly because of improvements in medicine or access to cleaner and healthier life. Usually, countries that experience an improvement in their standard of living for example because of industrial revolutions they tend to enter such a stage, such countries that entered this stage were North America and Europe. Then comes the third stage is known as the stage of decreasing growth whereby BR declines while DR stays declining and according to () NIR begins to moderate. In this stage, there still is growth though slower than stage two a society enters this stage when people decide to have fewer children which goes back to access to contraception and a better economic condition. Usually developed countries with a good job and standard of living are in such stages which according to () that their economic conditions encourage them to have fewer children. Finally stage four the stage of low growth in which there's a very low BR and CR and the possibility of even a low NIR, A country reaches such a stage when CBR is equal to CDR and the NIR is almost zero. This happens because women enter the labor force and people will have a ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Demographic Transition 1) Demographic transition: A demographic transition is when a country or population moves from a state where there is a high birth and death rate, to a state where there is a low birth and death rate. 2) My online example is a Ted talk by Hans Rosling about global population growth. Within it, Rosling maps the history of human population growth in industrialized and developing countries, discusses how the wealth gap between the richest countries and the poorest contributes to population growth, and counsels that increasing child survival rates in the poorest countries will be the only way to halt population growth. 3) This talk connects to the key term of demographic transition because in order for the population of the world to cease growing ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Is Canada Headed For Demographic Failure Analysis David Foot, a Canadian demographer puts forward some economic prediction in the aspect of demographics in his recent research. He states his opinion that which countries will success and which countries will be in trouble in the next 20 years are predictable, based on the number of old and young people they have. An adequate amount of young people who are ready to work is the key for economies growth. Lack of enough young people to work will result in underproduction, while too many of them will lead to youth unemployment and unrest. In the article "Is Canada Headed for Demographic Disaster," the author Diane Francis makes some predictions based on demographics. Countries such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Egypt are in danger since their birth ... Show more content on ... But it only provides success to a small amount of smart businessman. Looked from the macroeconomics perspective, Canada is not in good shape for future economic development. There are too many old people existing the work force while the supply of young workers is not enough to offset. And the new workers entering the labour force are not well experienced and skilled as the exiting baby boomers. The losing of large amount of experts is not easy to solve. Government is also facing challenges to deal with the rapidly increasing demand for health care and social support services to the old people. Looking at Japan's experience of demographic greying, they are now making little, almost no economic growth due to the large amount of old people retiring from jobs. Without immediate and correct policy regulation, Canada will be in the same or worse situation. Using immigration alone cannot solve this problem, Canada needs to find out more strategies to deal with this real problem, which is already ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Change In Population Demographics Demographics are statistics of given populations or groups of people. These statistics can be in numerous areas including, but not limited to population, age, race/diversity, gender, military, politics, religion, and education. The changes in statistics of these demographic areas, are the areas that this essay will review. V Changes in population demographics occur approximately 8 seconds in the United States. This is how often a baby is born. These changes also occur every 11 seconds, when there is a death. The population demographic is also altered every 32 seconds as a new international immigrant enters the United States. These numbers have been averaged out and according to the United States Census Bureau, there is a net gain of one ... Show more content on ... The changes in racial diversity, a younger generation, and equal rights for women. The increase in racial diversity has led to many changes in political leaders. Racial diversity our first black president and others have come close to running as a candidate, like Dr. Ben Carson. This diversity is coming with the younger generations causing the electoral vote to shift in swing states and is moving and changing the way political parties and candidates gain momentum and present their issues (Bowman, 2016). Age has become a changing demographic over the years with trending gaps having a large curve in the young old gap. In 1972 during the election between Nixon/McGovern there was a +16 young/old gap, in 1992 during the Clinton/Bush election there was a –7 young/old gap, in 2004 during the Bush/Kerry election there was a +7 young/old gap, and in 2008 during the Obama/McCain election there was a +21 young/old gap. These numbers have trended from highs to lows and back up again over the course of almost 40 years (Taylor, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. This Paper Will Describe The Sociocultural And Demographic This paper will describe the sociocultural and demographic trends of grocery retailing. The sociocultural and demographic trends are a part of the external environmental analysis of a company or industry. One popular trend in the sociocultural environment of grocery retailing is the trend of becoming healthier and wanting grocery stores to offer organic and fresh foods rather than processed foods. The demographic trend will focus on how grocery retailers market to different age groups in the United States, as well as around the world. Grocery retailers around the world can take into consideration these two trends and work towards a better understanding of what their consumers want and desire. General Environmental ... Show more content on ... One trend that seems to come to mind when talking about grocery retailing in a sociocultural sense is the trend of offering fresh and organic items in supermarkets as well as in local grocery stores. The everyday consumer is starting to realize that being healthy is not entirely about working out, but it is also about what kinds of food you put into your body. Therefore, people in today's day and time, will do whatever it takes to make sure they are their healthiest, and that they look the best. According to the article, "Consumers Want Healthy Foods–And They Will Pay More for Them," about 88% of consumers are willing to pay the higher prices for the fresh and organic foods that grocery stores supply (Gagliardi, 2015). This could be because the health fad that has presented itself today is much stronger than those in years past. According to an article that was published by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, many grocers are finding that customers are changing their preferences about their food, and are now wanting fresh foods and organic foods in their local supermarkets. This paired with increasing transportation costs are causing grocers to rethink the ideas and processes of large centralized distribution centers (Ernst & Woods, 2012). Demographic Forces A second general external environment is the demographic force. This force includes different things such as age, race, gender, and social class (Hill, Schilling, Jones, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Mattel Demographics For Mattel, the demographic most often used is children, ages 0–15. Mattel is a toy manufacturer, providing toys and games for children. The demographic ages 2–6 is a good range because these ages provide a lot of the toys related to playing, but also to toys based on movies, television, and education. For this demographic I would first look at the birth rates in the overall global market to identify if the number of children is expanding or contracting. Looking at a five year trend, 2013– 2018, the trend will most likely continue its downward movement. Birth rates worldwide have been falling. In 2000, the birth rate was twenty two births per one thousand people ( This number is the crude birth rate and is used to gauge population ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. How Demographic Characteristics Influences The Provision... In this report I will be describing and investigating how demographic characteristics influences the provision of Spalding's local health and social services. The demographic factors underpin how services are planned and carried out. Understanding and examining the demographic characteristics helps the Lincolnshire council to plan the delivery of the health, social and early years' services that best suites the local services users within Lincolnshire. If the care, social and early year practises and services are well planned they respond to the aims of the evolving needs and priorities of the of the service users at a local level while also combating the national problems. It is fundamentally important that all service users work in ... Show more content on ... summarily planning also considers the national targets, objectives and care standards which are produced by the English government. The demographic could be defined at a national and local area, these factors could include: the number of single parents; the number of children under 4 years old (under schooling age); the number of people unemployed, employed or retired; the death rate and the ages of those people who die; the number of people who are registered as disabled. The number of these people are considered and also the distribution across the UK and within the local area. During the investigation in this report I will be focusing on two local demographic influences these will include the age and the health requirements of Lincolnshire. Local governments plan health, social and childcare initiatives by developing them around established targets, national service frameworks, local health strategy targets and national health authority targets that are set by the government. Not only do these set standards give a guidance as to the standard of care that needs to be given, they also serve as standard for which successful improvement that the initiatives are having. Age distribution of the population The proportion of people in different age ranges is a significant factor that ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Relationship Between Teacher 's Assessment And Demographic... CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology Introduction The purpose of this non–experimental quantitative study will be to examine the relationship between teacher's assessment of their school's implementation of EBS, teacher's demographic information, and student referrals. This chapter will discuss the proposed research methods of this study. First, the research design and rationale of the study will be discussed, followed by a restatement of the research questions. Next, data collection and analysis will be discussed. Research Design and Rationale The present study will utilize a non–experimental quantitative predictive design. The non–experimental design is appropriate, as random assignment, control groups, and manipulation of an independent variable will not be employed (Cramer, D., 1998). A quantitative design was chosen over a qualitative design, as this study seeks to make inferences based on quantifiable results rather than assess individuals' experiences (Craighead & Nemeroff, 2001). Because the aim of this study is to use several variables to predict student behavior, the predictive design is most appropriate (Craighead & Nemeroff, 2001). This study will use a multiple linear regression to evaluate the relationship between teacher's assessment of their school's EBS implementation, teacher demographics, and student behavior in an urban middle school. The predictor variables for this analysis will be teacher's assessment of their school's EBS implementation, as well as the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Demographic Diversity And Cultural Diversity DEMOGRAPHIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY GOPI KRISHNA CHALLA RIVIER UNIVERSITY Demographic and Cultural Diversity ABSTRACT The research is concerning Organizational Behavior which includes unusual types of Organizations with dissimilar types of public behaviors. Among that Demographic Diversity and Cultural Diversity of an Organization is extremely significant to turn into a triumphant organization or company in the marketplace Especially the Demographic and Cultural Diversity show the in good physical shape relationship with all kinds of Employees in special positions like Managers, Accountants, and Engineers etc. exclusive of any intolerance among them similar to age, gender, race, religion, and physical abilities. Understanding how these personality figure Organizational behavior is significant. The long–term accomplishment of whichever trade calls for a miscellaneous remains of capacity that preserve convey unmarked ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge that assortment poses, consequently, is enable your manager to take advantage of on the mixture of genders, cultural backgrounds, ages and lifestyles to act in response to trade opportunities more quickly and imaginatively. With the developing social, cultural, and political norms, as well as changing demographics, migration patterns and globalization have had an impact on the piece of music of the people. This still impacts the commerce practices which make them to stay pace with the altering ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Demographic Variables My first demographic variable is "Age", which is classified as interval level of measurement. The descriptive statistics for age includes the mean which is 2.6093, (SD=.65814) and lastly, the range which is 5.00. Meanwhile, the second demographic variable is "Employment Status", which is classified as a nominal level of measurement. The descriptive statistics for employment status includes the frequency which is 278 (91.4%) and the mode which is 1.00 for this demographic variable. The last demographic variable is "Ethnicity" and it is once again a nominal level of measurement. We use frequency and mode as out descriptive statistics for this variable. The frequency is 277 (91.1%), but there is no mode for the variable ethnicity. My independent variable asks about gender which is classified as a nominal level of measurement. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, my dependent variable asks if you have used Ecstasy, and that is an ordinal level of measurement. The frequency is 142 (46.7%) students with 121 (39.8%) students answering "No", while 4 (1.3%) answered "Yes" as well as in the last 30 days and the 17 (5.68%) that are left also answered "Yes", but not in the last 30 days. The mode for the usage of Ecstasy is 1.00. For my research study, I performed the chi–square test because both my independent and dependent variables were nominal and ordinal. My chi–square test states: X^2(9) =19.105, p=.024. The inferential statistics is X^2, the degrees of freedom is 9 and the significance level is .024, which is less than .05 and makes my result significant. In conclusion, there was a significant associated between gender and the usage of Ecstasy. X^2(9) =19.105, ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Demographic Transition The demographic transition is compiled of four stages that attempt to summarize the population shifts and economic development of countries. It is based on the levels of human fertility and mortality, birth rates, and death rates to be precise. These levels of birth and death have correlated with the evolution of industrialization and urbanization of areas. It illustrates the idea that over time there has been a shift from high birth rates and death rates to low rates of birth and death. It originated to describe the Western Experience in Europe, that first moved throughout the four stages. To begin, in stage one the birth rates and death rates are both high. Birth rates can average 37 per 1000 births during the first stage and death rates ... Show more content on ... This decline in birth rates seems to be the result of adults starting to control their family size or even government action. With the implementation of urban societies and an industrialized culture, the want and need for many children had become less evident as children are seen as a hassle than a benefit. Urbanization and industrialization are more common with more developed countries so these countries have the ability to provide opportunities that are more attracting than raising children. These countries have the money to invest in controlling birth rates, unlike poorer countries that can't afford to help their people as much. It seems to be a pattern, that developed countries has already gone through each stage because of their power to shape and implement technology into their people daily lives, but it has lowered birth rates severely as well. The Demographic Transition model will end with the fourth and final stage, which is characterized by low birth rates and low death rates. This accounts for a very small increase in population and will add up to possibly over a thousand years of doubling time to replace the current ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Demographic Characteristics Affecting Communities In Canada In What Ways Do Demographic Characteristics Affect Communities in Canada? Demographic characteristics play a major role, affecting communities in Canada. Three main demographic characteristics that affect a country are population growth rate, population density, and the dependency load of a country. These characteristics can have a beneficial impact, as well as a negative impact, on communities in Canada. Have you ever wondered why some country's population is not as large as others, or why some are increasing while others are decreasing? The population growth rate definitely affects communities in an area. It is a measurement that combines both natural increase rate and net migration rate to calculate the total population increase of ... Show more content on ... Adults that work support the country and people who are not working. The dependency load is the people who are not working; ages 0 to 14 and over the age of 65. The dependency ratio compares the number of people not working to the number of people working. The more working people a country has, the greater the economical growth. With more money being given to the government, the effect is that the region could have better technology, transportation, healthcare, and food quality as the government has the money to buy, build, and repair. In Canada, because of our decrease in population, (figure 1.4) there future dependency load will be greater than our workforce causing economical problems. (Patterns and Trends: Although Canada's population is decreasing over time, this could change as another "baby boom" could happen.) Since we have less people working, it will eventually cause problems such as our economy will go down. To solve a problem like this, the government could raise the taxes to keep the money going in, or increase the population by ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Part A: Demographic Transition Model Part A) Demographic Transition Model 1) In Stage one, birth and death rates high, but have a low total population due to the high death rates. In Stage two, the birth rates take a very minor dip in the graph, but maintains its birth rate. The death rate is decreasing due to increasing amounts of knowledge towards medicine as time goes by. The total population is increasing due to the death rates decreasing. In Stage three, the total population is increasing at a greater rate than in the previous stages. The birth rates and death rates are decreasing because of many factors in society, but the most prevalent factor is due to the increase use of birth control. In Stage four, the population is increasing, and is soon approaching ... Show more content on ... This Pyramid is similar to Stable Pyramids, but has a lower birth and death rate. Contracting Pyramids have slightly longer life expectancies, and has an older average population in comparison to the Stable Pyramid. Part D – Population Distribution, Consumption and Sustainability a) At the current world population growth rate, I believe there won 't be sufficient resource to help support this rate due to limited resources such as water, farming area, housing, etc with our current technology. However, I do believe that after a breakthrough in technology, there would be more population growth in the world, but would slowly come to a point where it simply can't sustain any more and this cycle would go on until technology stops advancing. It is difficult to maintain this at a constant rate without decreases at any point with the expanding number of people while Earth has only finite resources. Theoretically though, if we were to able to constantly increase efficiency with our land space, and colonize other planets, the population of the human species would always increase. b) The world population is not equally distributed. There are few countries that have high population densities. Places situated on the coast have good climate conditions for vegetation, which is the reason why there are usually high population densities situated on the coastline in population density geographical maps. c) There are many key things that determine population density in a certain area. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Demographic Transition Demographic transition is a model based on birth rate and death rate in a populace. As indicated by this theory, each nation progresses through three distinct phases of population development. In the first stage, the birth rate and the death rate are high and the growth rate of population is low. In the second stage, the birth rate remains steady but the death rate decreases swiftly. Therefore, the growth rate of the population rises rapidly. In the last stage, the birth rate begins falling and tends to parallel the death rate. The growth rate of population is lingering. The first stage is described by high birth rate and high death rate, giving a low growth rate of population. Individuals mostly live in rural areas and their main occupation is agriculturally dominated. In this stage, birth rates are high due to the lack and/or restriction of family planning methods, traditional social and religious belief encouraging large families. Parents have more children to adjust for high infant mortality and children begin working at an early age to add to the family salary. Causes of a high death rate include diseases, famine and malnutrition, an absence of clean drinking water and ... Show more content on ... The population starts to rise and the economy enters the period of economic expansion. Death rates decline because of an increase in food supply due to agricultural revolution and improvement in health and sanitation also causing reduction in child mortality. Citizens do not seek to regulate the amount of their family as it is difficult to break with the past social or cultural traditions and convictions towards family planning. Also, work opportunities increase and children can add more to the family wage. As a product, the birth rate rests at the preceding high level. With enhancements in the way of life and the dietary propensities for the general population, the life expectancy also ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Influence of Demographic Factors and Values on the... "THE INFLUENCE OF DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS AND VALUES ON THE CONSUMERS' WILLINGNESS TO PAY MORE FOR GREEN PRODUCTS" I.INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background Nowadays, people have become more aware of their environment. They try to slow down the process of global warming in many different ways. One of the efforts to slow down the process of global warming is that now people try to create, produce, and market the environmental–friendly products or, also known as, green products. People who pay attention to green products are called green consumers. According to Rodriguez and Ibeas (2006), "Green consumers" are those who care about the environmental attributes, and are willing to pay a premium for products manufactured in environmental–friendly ... Show more content on ... 2. Do consumers' values (individualism or collectivism and security or fun/enjoyment) influence the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products? 1.3. Problem Areas This study focuses to know the relation between demographics factors with the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products and the influence of values (individualism or collectivism and security or fun/enjoyment) towards the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. The respondents of this research are people from any demographics background living in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and who are willing to fill in the questionnaires. And the research questionnaires are distributed only in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. II.HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Hypotheses Development Part 1. Hypotheses related to Demographic Factors H1. Consumers' gender is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. H2. Consumers' age is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. H3. Consumers' level of education is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. H4. Consumers' income is related the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products H5. Consumers' employment status is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. H6. Consumers' house ownership is related to the consumers' willingness to pay more for green products. H7. Consumers' marital status is related to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Demographic Transition Theory Unlike society a few decades before, the life expectancy has increased and now America is seeing an exponential growth to the elderly population. There are many factors that could be the cause of this. Looking at the demographic transition theory in conjunction with the Malthusian theory brought valuable insight for me. The demographic theory says there are four stages to population growth that are predictable. Those who are in their late 80's and above were capable of seeing all four of these stages in America. As they aged and the stages for population advanced so did technology. Malthusian theory claims that there are three factors that prevents the human population exceed its carrying capacity, which are food, disease, and war. Those who lived through the four stages of America were lucky enough to see technology advance to prevent those factors in being lethal to our population. It became possible for adults to live on to see their grandchildren and eventually their great grandchildren. However, having life for so long isn't always the best. There's a quote from the movie The Dark Knight which I believe applies to this situation, "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.". This quote is evident in the film "Living Old", because eventually you reach an age where your body and mind regresses, which hurts your love ones. For example, in the film Mary Ann DiBerardino daughter of Chester and Rosemary Haak has suffered seeing her parents ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay on Demographic Factors Research Running head: DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS RESEARCH Demographic Factors Research University of Phoenix MMPBL 560 Managing in a Cross–Cultural Environment October 19, 2009 Organizations around the world are experiencing the effects of cultural and global diversity. Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Arbor are four companies introduced in this paper. They have been researched in order to identify how each company is affected by demographic factors, how these factors are managed, and what systems are implemented to enhance the success of the business; thus, this paper illustrates the key course concepts and their application to the best practices of these companies. The dynamics and dimensions of diversity in an increasingly ... Show more content on ... While remaining a superior global food company, Kellogg's management realized that they had to have the strongest possible resources to support their business growth in a diverse and competitive environment (Kellogg, 2009). Likewise, Starbucks is managing its competition challenges; the current economic conditions are factors that Starbucks needs to consider in order to market the new products to preserve its clientele and bring in new customers. Hence, Starbucks is wise to use the four P's model; Price, Product, Place, and Promotion, to determine the course of action best suited to stay ahead of the competition. To be clear, both Kellogg and Starbucks are managing the effects of postmodernity; that is, "postmodertnity describes our time and situation–today's world in flux, with people on the move who have learned to manage multiple identities depending on place and context" (Kottak & Kozaitis, 2003, Ch. p. 29). To manage the influence of postmodernity within the context of demographic factors, Kellogg and Starbucks are implementing strategic approaches to aid them in their success involving global and cultural diversity. For example, Kellogg committed itself to developing a comprehensive and ground–breaking supplier diversity program. This program was to cultivate strategic procurement relationships with W/MBE–owned, controlled and operated ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Examples Of Community Demographics Community Demographics Anson High School is located in Wadesboro, North Carolina in the rural county of Anson. In the past, the major economic opportunities in the county were textile factories and farming, as times have changed and factories closed down, Anson County has been left with empty buildings and fewer jobs. Currently, the biggest employers in the county are Anson County School District, Carolinas Health Care System, Wal–Mart, and various fast food restaurants. For this and other reasons, Anson County is a low socioeconomic community, qualifying Anson High School as a Title I school. Anson County spans 527 square miles; Anson County School District serves the educational needs of students in Wadesboro, Polkton, Peachland, Morven, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Understanding The Environment Of Demographics Demographic Environment Understanding Demographics: The Business Dictionary defines Demographics as "Socioeconomic characteristics of a population expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, average size of a family, average age at marriage, etc." Demographics imply to people, people become customers, they eventually buy the products, and that is when the company really works. From a business or marketing point of view, demographic data plays a very essential role in understanding people, their behaviour patterns, and their interests or preferences. Collection and analysis of data is more often than not, the first step towards every business venture, expansion, and promotion. It helps the retailers and marketers to segment the population and choose their target audience, which provides the basis for developing an attractive product mix for their clientele or creating an appealing marketing campaign. Demographic Segmentation: One of the main reasons why demographic segmentation is the most popular form of segmenting the customer market is because majority of the demographic data required to make business decisions is easily available in the form of census. Census is the official collection of data for every member of a population. It is not just a count of individuals, but also a recording of various details of those individuals. Demographic Segmentation is the method of dividing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Diversity And Demographic Characteristics Paper Diversity and Demographic Characteristics Introduction Diversity relates to gender, age, language, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief, including that people are different in other respects such as educational level, job function, socio–economic background, personality profile, marital status and whether or not one has family. Diversity and demographic differences can impact individual behavior by creating conflict in the workplace. The success of an organization depends on the workforce of the organization. A workforce made up of diverse individuals from different backgrounds can bring the best talent to an organization. There are many types of diversity and demographic characteristics ... Show more content on ... Historically speaking, women truly have not been a part of the workforce for very long yet they often bring new and refreshing ideas and approaches. Debra Burrell, the regional training director of the Mars–Venus Institute in New York says, "Women managers tend to have more of a desire to build than a desire to win. Women are more willing to explore, compromise, and to solicit other people's opinions." By contrast, men often think if they ask other people for advice, they'll be perceived as unsure or as a leader who doesn't have answers. Debra Burrell says, "Men tend to be quicker at making decisions, compared to women. Male managers are also more adept at forming what management psychologist Ken Siegel calls "navigational relationships," or temporary teams set up to achieve short term goals." Men also tend to be decisive, logical, aggressive, and often more independent than woman. As men and woman work more closely together, they are learning from one another and picking up characteristics from one another; thus improving the quality of working relationships and becoming more productive. Age With the fact that today's workplace has individuals that vary in age; most employees can be placed into one of 4 categories: Mature, Baby Boomer, Generation X'ers and Millenials. The members of each group, based on age, are generally easy to identify; however definitely have different characteristics. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Demographic Trends And Its Effects On Health Care Demography is the study of the population grounded on various factors such as sex, economic status, age, race, and the level of technology, the level of income, the level of education, employment, and so forth. Demographics are primarily used by the governments, non–government organizations, and corporations to get the adequate information about the characteristics of the population for the purpose of development of policy, and the research of the economic market. On the other hand, demographic trends are also imperative because the demographic sizes of various ethnic groups would change over the period as the result of political, economic, and cultural circumstances. At the end of this essay, the reader would understand demographic trends lead to social changes in the US, its effects on the health care in the US, and how some of such demographic trends would be reduced to drive down the cost of health care (Coulter, 2012). Tracking the demographic trend is challenging because the availability of data does not usually keep up with the social changes pace, or due to the constant change of its definition over time. For instance, the U.S Census Bureau (USCB) commenced providing the reporting counts for a couple of the same–sex and cohabiting couples in 1976 and the individuals of more than one race in 1990 (Cutle, 2007). According to the research that was carried out by the USCB in 1997, the demographic projections revealed three primary trends that affect the U.S as far as ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. What Type Of Business Will Fit With The Demographic And... Scope We are living in a world where new things get invented essentially every day. Almost everything we do is involved technology. Due to this fast–paced lifestyle, having a successful business, where you can please the customers and making profits, isn't as easy as before. There are myriad factors that can affect your business: financial, competitive, employment, etc. Having said that, one of the first things that can decide whether it 's going to be a prosperous business or not is the knowledge about the area that you want to place the business. In another word, is this the best location for your business? Thus, I will be using my professional analysis skills in this assignment to determine what type of business would fit with the demographic and geographic of San Diego. Objectives San Diego's population is made up of the majority of young adults. As I mentioned earlier, because of this fast–moving style of living; sometimes, we fail to remember to take a break and take in what life's giving us. Especially the young generation, we spend most of our time on social media; more specifically, our phones. We forget to look back to our pasts: the things that we did as we were young, the games that we played, or the food that we had. For this reason, I think that a 90s–theme coffee shop would be a great fit for the city. Methodology To fully understand about the city's life and culture, I went to the city's website to find any information that can help me know more about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Demographic Transition A demographic transition is the transition from a populace with high conception rates and passing rates to a populace that is steady, yet with a much lower level of conception and demise rates. stage. Amid this stage, the conception rates start to decay for some reasons. Generally, individuals understand that they probably won't need to deliver expansive quantities of posterAmid the first stage, the preindustrial stage, populace becomes gradually due to a high conception rate and a high passing rate. These high demise rates are brought on by poor nourishment and starvation, poor levels of cleanliness, and high measures of sickness. The high conception rates were because of a few nations having constrained anticonception medication which prompts more kids. High newborn child death rates support the conception of more youngsters. Kids are likewise seen as an issue source in wage, hence it would be all the more financially advantageous to have more children. Because of these variables populace development is little. ... Show more content on ... These progressions lead to the control of sicknesses, the creation of more nourishment, better employments, and enhanced restorative consideration and sanitation. As the passing rates diminish, the conception rates stay high on the grounds that individuals are still usual to creating more youngsters, and amid this stage they have more nourishment and assets to help bigger families. As an issue of the declining passing rates and high conception rates, the human populace will increment at a fast ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Demographic Segmentation Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to 25 years Saneel Gaonkar IBS Gurgaon Study of a demographic segment and its sub segment falling in the age group 18 year to 25 years Introduction Different kinds of people display different buying patterns even in a segment of age group 18 years to 25 years. This truth is well understood by those people who are responsible for market research, product development, pricing, sales and strategy. Market segmentation is the identification of portions of market that are different from one another. Every individual falls under one or other demographic segment ... Show more content on ... (The Registrar General & Census Commissioner, 2011)Sixteen major languages of India are also spoken in Mumbai, most common being Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English. The religions followed in Mumbai include Hindus (67.39) , Muslims (18.56%), Buddhists (5.22%), Jain (3.99%), Christians (4.2%), Sikhs (0.58%), Parsis and Jews making the rest of the population. (Mehta, 2004) Mumbai is also home to the largest population of Parsi Zoroastrians in the world, with about 80,000 Parsis in Mumbai. ("The world's successful diasporas") Looking at the data it is clear fact that Mumbai is a large market with intelligent customer. Amount of exposure to brands and products a person goes through in Mumbai is vast. Culture This Research also includes finding new potential markets in the age group of 18 to 25 years, for this purpose knowing the culture of Mumbai is also essential. The culture of any place is always determined from its people, cuisine, religion, language and festivals. Mumbai has a mixture of people from various communities and subsequently they follow different religions. The metropolitan observes modern trends; here people enjoy participating in all festivals irrespective of caste, creed and color. Mumbai is the birthplace of Indian cinema. The influence of the Bollywood in the cities culture is observed. The cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Demographic Perspectives Barbecue. NASCAR. Pig statues. These are the first things that come to mind whenever someone asks me about my hometown in Lexington, NC. Attending university in Chapel Hill gave me a glimpse of the distinctions areas can have from their surroundings. This paper will discuss my hometown from a demographic perspective. I will briefly explain the various data I utilized followed by several analyses of sample components of my hometown that demography examines. These components include projections thirty years from now in addition to the socioeconomic and demographic changes from 1990 to the present. In addition to interpreting these values, I will also explain how these variables influenced myself and my family living in this area. Data and Methods ... Show more content on ... Lexington is known as the "Barbecue Capital of the World" and known for its legacy in furniture making, as well as textiles, in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina (). This is something residents can see throughout town from various barbecue restaurants to some factories in downtown. Food and beverage stores accounted for $14.1 million in sales and clothing and clothing accessories stores $9.5 in sales based on a 2011 consumer survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (). Unfortunately, you are also able to drive by abandoned ones as well, in addition to hearing news reports on closings and layoffs. Why is this the case? I believe that the competitive markets and the Great Recession resulted in outsourcing for cost savings. The size of the labor force for individuals aged sixteen and older declined from 7,015 in 1990 to 4,706 by 2013 (). My family members do not work in these areas, but clients at the shop will often experience or know someone going through the struggle of layoffs and unemployment. Experiencing these situations may be why I noticed a push for individuals my age and future generations being encouraged to obtain as much education as possible. The general trend for education has progressively increased for District 612 following the 2000 census with roughly half the individuals aged twenty–five and older holding at least ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Demographic Characteristics Of The Senior Population... CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The demographic characteristics of the senior population has been changing over time. The rise in diversity and the geographic placement of seniors can provide an opportunity to examine their use of the social program SNAP. Characteristics of food insecurity such a geography and race correlate with higher rates of food insecurity and as these same characteristics continue to grow in the senior population. Since seniors have the lowest rates of SNAP participation versus other age groups, and their rates of food insecurity continue to grow it is important to examine what characteristics impact the likelihood of SNAP take up among this population. Demographic Shifts With increases in longevity, improved quality of life ... Show more content on ... In 2003 close to 12% of those aged 70–79 years of age faced the threat of hunger, and that rate grew to about 14% in 2013. For those aged 80 and older there was about a 2% increase in those facing the threat of hunger from 2003 to 2013, moving from around 9% to close to 11%. All three age groups saw sharp increases from 2007 to 2008, though the growth was more pronounced in the younger age group (Ziliak & Gundersen, 2013, 2014). The pattern of higher rates among younger age groups of seniors also occurs in SNAP participation. There is a clear age gradient in SNAP participation among seniors. In 2009, older age categories had lower take–up rates among seniors. Seniors aged 60–64 had 34% take–up rate, those aged 65–69 had 33% take–up, seniors aged 70–74 had 29% take–up, those age 75–79 had 30% take up, and those older than 80 years of age had 28% take–up (Leftin, 2011). Like longevity trends, racial trends among the elderly are an important aspect when looking at demographics of the aging population. The growing aging population is also changing in composition. The aging populace is moving to be a more racially and ethnically diverse population than previous aging populations (Ortman & Velkoff, 2014). In 2010, non–Hispanic whites made up 80% of adults aged 65 years or older, by 2030 that percent will decrease to 71.2% of the population 65 and older. It is predicted that by 2050 non–Hispanic whites will make up fewer than 60% of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Brisbane Good Food And Wine Show's Patron Demographics Introduction In the mid–1960s, research has come a long way when the first developments in the identification and description of a tourism subject area (Tribe & Airey, 2007). In fact, the major function of food and wine event is to deliver new flavors and traditions during their vacations, and present an authentic lifestyle from the local to visitors in a pleasant context (Getz, 2000). Which is become necessary to conduct a study of the event. The objective of this quantitative research is to identify the Brisbane good food and wine show's patron demographics, motivations for attendees to join this event, and analysis the correlation from attendees' satisfaction and willing to attend the event in 2017. There are three recommendations will ... Show more content on ... There is another major reason may explain why events have become an increasingly important of inner–urban competition attract by event attendee and visitors in the last few years is the cost of building a city landmark (Paddison, 1993). Because visitors are fascinated by cities' landmark and people will be encouraged to visit the same place more than one time by hosting different events at the landmark area for visitors interests of exploring the new culture. They usually represent a less costly to distinguish places and normally generates a significant media interests (Paddison, 1993). The consequence is the cities are competing with each other for the honour of hosing large events to promote themselves to a greater market (Hall, 1992). Since tourism is one of the largest multination economy activities (Friedman, 1994). To compete in a globe marketplace require hosts' abilities of good responds to a culturally different tourism which is the main factor to determine positive tourism holiday experience and satisfaction (Plangmarn, Mujtaba & Pirani, 2012). Therefore, the operation of cultural events will be considered as a very efficient respond to motive visitors and event attendee experience from a culturally different environment consist of good local food and wine. Research questions 1. What is the demographic profile of event attendees? 2. What are the key ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Demographic And Socio Economic Changes Demographic and socio–economic changes effect cities, its economy and ultimately the country as a whole. Changes in demographics tells us if an area is losing or gaining population and may act accordingly to help it survive. Family patterns change over a period of time as more women go out for jobs rather than stay at home. As medical field advances, the life span of human increases and these changes can show that the median age of the population is growing. Setting up of new industries or business houses in a city might bring in the working population and help in improving the economic condition of the area. This report presents some of the demographic and socio–economic data collected from American Community Survey 1 Year Estimates for the years 2006, 2009 and 2012 w.r.t. 203 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in United States of America. These MSA have been selected as the most populated MSA in USA for the year 2012. The most populous MSA in USA included a few MSA from Puerto Rico and Alaska and was removed to focus only on Mainland USA. It was also observed that most of the MSA when plotted on the map of USA are in East USA (155 MSA). Montana and Wyoming did not have any MSA among these 203 MSA. For the purpose of this report, Microsoft Excel and Tableau where used to store, clean and plot the data. Summary Tables for the parameters which were selected to compare these MSA are presented in Table 1. Total Population: Figure 1.1 represents the Total Population ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Demographic Trends And Its Effects On Health Care Demographic Trends Demography is the study of the population grounded on various factors such as sex, economic status, age, race, and the level of technology, the level of income, the level of education, employment, and so forth. Demographics are primarily used by the governments, non–government organizations, and corporations to get the adequate information about the characteristics of the population for the purpose of development of policy, and the research of the economic market. On the other hand, demographic trends are also imperative because the demographic sizes of various ethnic groups would change over the period as the result of political, economic, and cultural circumstances. At the end of this essay, the reader would understand demographic trends lead to social changes in the US, its effects on the health care in the US, and how some of such demographic trends would be reduced to drive down the cost of health care (Coulter, 2012). Demographic Trends Underlying Social Changes Tracking the demographic trend is challenging because the availability of data does not usually keep up with the social changes pace, or due to the constant change of its definition over time. For instance, the U.S Census Bureau (USCB) commenced providing the reporting counts for a couple of the same–sex and cohabiting couples in 1976 and the individuals of more than one race in 1990 (Cutle, 2007). According to the research that was carried out by the USCB in 1997, the demographic projections ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Demographics Of Aging Workers The demographics of the workforce is changing, and companies are scrambling for a succession plan for an aging workforce with vast amounts of knowledge and experience. According to HR professionals, older workers are more professional, more productive with stronger work ethics, reliable, and loyal than their younger counterparts (Coombs, 2018). In my experience, I have worked with every generational group except the Nexters. It may be true that older workers such as the Silent Generation, and Baby Boomers have all the qualities like being more professional, more productive with strong work ethics, reliability, and loyalty, they did not mention the descriptions that stand out most to me from my experience, and those are greed and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay On Age Demographics And Its Effects On The Global... MGMT 450: Exam 1 Age Demographics and Its Effect on the Global Economy Humanity as a whole is growing exponentially and this growth is anything but consistent. Many nations will be experiencing population decreases while other experience intense population growth. The impending impact of that fact is scaring a multitude of countries on the international market. In this essay I will answer three of the major pressing questions facing the world as they try to prepare themselves for this drastic change. In developed nations, corporations and governments alike are realizing that with an aging population there will be more stress applied to social programs especially those pertaining to retirement. This stress is stemming from a shrinking labor ... Show more content on ... One way they can lessen the blow is to privatize their pension funds by encouraging businesses, through tax breaks most likely, to absorb the cost of retirement. As mentioned earlier, these governments may also want to increase the retiring age. Another suggestion would be to assess, the idea of encouraging immigration. While this may be the most politically controversial suggestion it may also be the most effective way to support an aging workforce. An increase in immigrants can compensate for the decrease in the working–age population. This course of action may also be one of the most viable options because those in developing nations see countries like the UK as a place of endless opportunity for social ability and are already motivated to move. While none of these strategies can completely impede the challenges of a shrinking workforce, they will certainly lessen the economic experienced blow experienced by both companies and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Essay on Population Demographics Population Growth Rate: Highest to Lowest Rate Nigeria: 1st Egypt: 2nd Mexico: 3rd India: 4th USA: 5th China: 6th Italy: 7th 1.How do you suppose living conditions differ between the countries furthest along in the demographic transition compared to the country earliest in the transition? How would living conditions in these two countries affect both birth and death rates? The living condition for countries earlier in the demographic transitions such as health and food supply are improving. Thus better health conditions decrease death rates and more food supply can lead to increasing birth rates. Since living conditions (health and ... Show more content on ... Italy reached a stable population much earlier than Nigeria. While the total population for Italy stayed small, Nigeria has approximately 7–9 times more population for each age group. Italy is further in the demographic transition and already had a declining growth rate keeping the population fairly small. In contrast, Nigeria is barely a developing country with a much higher growth rate thus creating a greater ending population. In terms of land and rural area, Nigeria has more land to expand and sustain this population size. 6. Many Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees who have multiple children. Why would they do this? How would a baby boom change Italy's demographics? Western European countries are giving monetary incentives to employees with multiple children because their population is decreasing and they want the population to increase. The average birth rate is 1.28 children per woman, not enough children are born to replace their parents. A baby boom would increase the population in Italy, that generation will then have more babies and cause an increase in population. 7. What would Egypt have to do in order to reach a zero growth rate? What kinds of challenges might the Egyptian government face in trying to implement these measures? Egypt would have to decrease their average birth rate to around 1.69 children per woman or increase the age group at which they ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Demographic Trends Of The Demographic Transition Model The demographic transition model shows historical population trends of two demographic characteristics such as birth rate and death rate. (Grover, D. 2014). In 1929 a demographic observer named Warren Thompson decided to make a chart that showed transitions in death and birth rates changed in an industrialized society of the last two hundred years. (Montgomery, K. 2015). The demographic model shows if population increased or decreased in all countries due to their economy stability. If there were countries with high death and birth rate, what the factors that contributed to the high or low rates such as not enough food, or what diseases people were getting to make those rates increase. There are four phases of demographic transition. Stage 1 is known as the Pre– transition stage. This is characterized by birth rates, and high fluctuating death rates. Stage 2 is known as the Early Transition stage. During this stage rate begins to fall, while the birth rates remain high, and the population begins to grow. Stage 3 is known as the Late Transition stage. In this stage birth rate starts to decline, and the population growth begins to decline. Stage 4 is known as the Post Transition stage. In this stage there is low birth and death rate, and population also declines. According to demographers, the factors that lead to a decline in CDR during stage 2 and stage 3 of the demographic transition stages was high birth rate, which mean the population ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Demographic Differences Are Associated With Job Satisfaction Prior to Bush, Moch, and Pooyan's popular study in 1987, research indicated that demographic differences are associated with job satisfaction, but the evidence had been inconsistent and there was still much to learn about the stability of the reported relationships. To fill the gap that was missing in previous research, Bush et al. (1987) conducted a meta–analysis which collected results across numerous independent samples to better understand existing relationships among populations. The authors included age, race, gender, education, job tenure, and organizational tenure in their demographic variables. Data was collected from 21 organizations where the mean age was 36.8 and over half of the participants had a college education. Participants averaged 7.3 years in their current job and 10.3 years at the organization. The authors followed the Hunter et al. meta–analysis procedure. Three main steps were taken. First, Chronbach's alpha was calculated for each measure of job satisfaction. Next, the correlations which involved the dichotomous variables of race and gender were corrected for unequal sample size using the formula by Hunter et al. Finally, the p value, or significance value, was estimated by calculating the weighted mean correlation across studies. Correlations from samples with higher number of participants often are more reliable compared to those of smaller samples so weight is adjusted accordingly. The relationship between age and job satisfaction was ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Demographic Trends Demographic trends are important for businesses and investors if they are to thrive. It is the main indication of how successful a business can be. Businesses that ignore demographic trends put their companies at risk. Trends in demographic are changing and have an impact on the future of businesses. The increase in the U.S. aging population, Millennials, the rise in female leadership, the rapid growth of immigrants, are all changing the business and social environment. For this reason, this shift must be addressed by businesses with a vigilant approach. For example, the aging population, will more than double by 2050. The aging population will induce growth in the healthcare industry as 40% of health care cost is already incurred by the aged. Millennials are more interested in technology, digital communication, social media, and constant innovative products and services. Immigrant will most likely have different tastes in products and services. Actually, the number of females in the workplace has increased considerably compared to decades ago, not to even mention those who are now in a leadership position. That will certainly lead to new business opportunities and economic growth. Trends ... Show more content on ... Nowadays, companies are inclined more toward employees who have good strategic thinking abilities. It sets our value proposition and sets us apart from competitors and others. It is the ability to able to predict and appropriately plan the future while taking into consideration the vision, the mission, the values, and the goals of the organization. It is, being able to solve problems systematically to drive results. It is a long view approach that involves not only creativity, but also flexibility as things will need to be adjusted throughout the business process. Also the idea of curiosity is a great quality that will allow knowing the competitors better and knowing the trends in the ... Get more on ...