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Nyeri/imami2007 0
Imami Nur Rachmawati, SKp, MSc.
Nyeri/imami2007 1
Sasaran Pembelajaran
• Membandingkan nyeri persalinan dengan jenis nyeri
yang lain
• Menggambarkan bagaimana nyeri memberikan
dampak bagi ibu dan janinnya
• Memeriksa bagaimana aspek fisik dan psikis
memperkuat pengaruh pada pengalaman nyeri klien
• Menerangkan penggunaan manajemen nyeri secara
nonfarmakologis dalam persalinan
• Menjelaskan implikasi keperawatan dalam
penanganan nyeri secara nonfarmakologis
Nyeri/imami2007 2
• Persalinan tanpa nyeri hanya dialami sedikit wanita
• Sebanyak 78% primipara :
– 28 % nyeri sedang
– 37% nyeri hebat
– 35% nyeri sangat hebat (intolerable)
• Setiap perempuan: harapan tentang persalinan yang unik,
tmsk tentang nyeri dan pengelolaannya, jika berhasil
pengalaman yang positif
• Pengelolaan nyeri secara nonfarmakologis dan farmakologis
memberikan pilihan bagi ibu dan klien
Nyeri/imami2007 3
Pain (Keele, 1983)
• An unpleasant sensory experience distinct from other sensory modalities
such as touch, warmth or cold
• Nyeri pengalaman universal tetapi sulit didefinisikan, sensasi yang
tidak menyenangkan akibat rangsangan saraf sensory
• Nyeri 2 komponen
– Fisiologis: stimuli yang diterima oleh saraf sensori & ditansmisi oleh
– Psikologis: pengenalan sensasi, interpretasi, reaksi thd intepretasi
• Nyeri personal, unik
• Melzack & Wall (1991) indeks nyeri (0 – 50) MPI (McGill Pan Index)
– Primipara 38
– Multipara 30
– Amputasi 25
– Kanker 28
Nyeri/imami2007 4
Nyeri persalinan berbeda karakteristik dgn jenis nyeri yang lain
• Bagian dari proses normal
• Ada waktu untuk mempersiapkan
• Berhenti dengan sendirinya (self limiting) berlangsung
singkat, bersifat intermitten, dengan perbedaan karakteristik dan
– Kala I penipisan dan pembukaan serviks
– Pada Ǿ 0 – 3 cm: sakit, tidak nyaman
4 – 7 cm : terasa agak menusuk
7 – 10 cm: terasa berat, parah, menusuk, kaku
• Berhubungan dengan kelahiran bayi, dan kondisi janin yang
berkaitan dengan emosional
Nyeri/imami2007 5
Pain locations &
intensity during labor
The nurse can use this
illustrations to anticipate
and monitor the client’s
pain during labor. In each
picture, darker color
indicates more intense
pain. During most stage 1,
pain centers around the
pelvic girdle. During stage
late 1 and early stage 2,
pain spread to the upper
leg and perineum. During
the late stage 2 and
childbirth, intense pain
develops at the perineum
Nyeri/imami2007 6
• The Gate Control Theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965)
• Endogenous Opiate Theory
Nyeri/imami2007 7
The Gate Control Theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965)
• Pain signals arrive from the pain fibers (A-delta and C) at the
spinal cord, along with signals from other peripheral fibers (A-
beta) and the brain. The solid arrows depict stimulation
conditions that tend to open the gate and send pain signals
through. The dotted arrows indicate inhibition conditions. Pain
signals enter the spinal cord and pass through a gating
mechanism before activating transmission cells, which send
impulses to the brain (from text by Sarafino EP. Health
Psychology, Biopsychosocical Interactions, Third Edition. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York: 1998.)
Nyeri/imami2007 8
• Transmisi nyeri dapat dimodifikasi/diblok oleh
counterstimulation. Selama persalinan, impuls nyeri berjalan
dari uterus sepanjang serat saraf halus (C-fibers) ke arah atas
menuju substansi gelatinosa di dalam spinal column. Kemudian
sel transmisi memproyeksikan pesan nyeri ke otak.
• Stimulasi taktil seperti pijatan, kompres panas/dingin
mengakibatkan pesan yang berlawanan yang lebih kuat, cepat
dan berjalan sepanjang serat saraf besar (A-delta fibers).
Pesan yang ini menutup gate di substansi gelatinosa kemudian
memblok pesan nyeri. Otak tidak akan mencatat pesan nyeri
yang dihalangi tersebut/ persepsi nyeri tidak dimodifikasi.
• Kegiatan yang melibatkan cortex cerebral, seperti kontrol
pernapasan, distraksi dan imagery juga mengaktifkan
mekanisme gate oleh pengiriman impuls ke arah bawah melalui
spinal column untuk menutup gate pada substansi gelatinosa
Nyeri/imami2007 9
Gate-Control Theory
Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord
Gate is open Gate is closed
Nyeri/imami2007 10
Nyeri/imami2007 11
Gate Control Theory
1. The projection neuron (P) carries both nociceptive
stimulation from small fibers (S) and non-nociceptive
simulation from large fibers (L) on the way to the brain.
2. With no stimulation, the inhibitory neuron (I) keeps the gate
"closed," and there is no painful sensation.
3. With painful stimulation, the small fiber (S) blocks the
inhibitory neuron (I), "opening" the gate for the projection
neuron (P) to send on the painful stimulus.
4. With the addition of non-painful stimulation, the large fiber
(L) activates the inhibitory neuron (I), partially or completely
closing the gate depending on the strength of the
stimulation, and competes with the painful stimulation for
access to the projection neuron (P).
Nyeri/imami2007 12
Endogenous Opiate Theory
• Pada saat nyeri dirasakan terdapat reseptor opiate pada
otak dan tulang belakang yang menentukan SSP untuk
melepaskan zat seperti morfin (endorphin & enkephalins).
Endogenous opiates menjepit reseptor dan mengganggu
persepsi nyeri
• Teori ini sangat berhubungan dengan pengurangan nyeri
dengan menggunakan accupressure dan accupuncture
yang merangsang pengeluaran endogenous opiates
Nyeri/imami2007 13
Appetite for repetition of
positive feelings
dopamine Action
Pleasurable feelings (reduced sensitifity to
pain; feelings of warmth, satisfaction,
nurturant behaviour)
Individual differences in endorphin levels – higher production of endorphins less
pain, smaller production more pain.
Nyeri/imami2007 14
Efek fisiologis
• Takut & cemas ↑aktifitas sistem saraf simpatik ↑ sekresi katekolamin
(epinefrin & norepinefrin)
• Katekolamin epinefrin menstimulasi reseptor α dan β, norepihefrin:
reseptor α
• Stimulasi reseptor α vasokonstriksi dan ↑tonus uterus ↓aliran darah
uterus sambil me ↑ aliran darah & tekanan darah maternal
• Stimulasi reseptor β relaksasi otot uterus & vasodilatasi pembuluh
darah, namun pembuluh darah uterus sudah dilatasi, dilatasi pd pembuluh
darah lain darah mengumpul perfusi plasenta ↓
• ↓ aliran darah ke & dari plasenta oksigen janin & sirkulasi zat sampah
• keefektifan kontraksi uterus ↓, memperlambat persalinan
Nyeri/imami2007 15
• Persalinan = aktifitas ↑ metabolisme rate ↑kebutuhan O2
• Nyeri & kecemasan = metabolisme rate tinggi ↑RR pengeluaran
CO2 ↑↑
• Perub PaO2, PaCO2 dan pH arteri maternal gangguan sirkulasi
plasenta ↓ O2 janin, krg dpt melepas CO2 metabolisme
anaerobik janin ↑ risiko asidosis, jika tdk segera ditangani bayi
lahir dgn asidosis respiratory
• Kurangnya pengurangan nyeri kurangnya kebahagiaan pada event
penting kehidupan pasangan
• Kesulitan partus menyebabkan gangguan interaksi ibu & bayi
• Kenangan persalinan yang buruk akan mengakibatkan gangguan
terhadap respon aktifitas seksual atau persalinan yang lain
• Pasangan merasa tidak cukup mampu memberikan dukungan pd saat
Nyeri/imami2007 16
(May & Mahlmeister, 1994)
Nyeri/imami2007 17
• VISCERAL : Lambat, dalam lokasi tidak jelas Kala I
(kontraksi uterus & pembukaan serviks
• SOMATIK : Cepat, tajam, lokasi jelas Akhir kala I, kala II
– Iskemi jaringan
– Pembukaan serviks dilatasi & peregangan serviks dan segmen
bawah uterus, nyeri melalui plexus hypogastric, masuk ke tl
belakang (T10, T11, T12 dan L1)
– Penekanan dan penarikan struktur pada panggul (ligamentum,
tuba falopii, ovarium, vesica urinaria, peritoneum nyeri visceral
terasa menjalar di punggung dan kaki
– Distensi pada vagina & perineum karena penurunan janin
sensasi terbakar, robek, terpisah (nyeri somatik) masuk ke tl
belakang pd S2, S3 dan S4
Nyeri/imami2007 18
– Intensitas persalinan
– Kesiapan serviks
– Posisi janin
– Karakteristik panggul
– Kelelahan
– Tindakan tenaga kesehatan
– Budaya
– Kecemasan & ketakutan
– Pengalaman nyeri sebelumnya
– Persiapan persalinan
– Sistem pendukung
Nyeri/imami2007 19
•Latar belakang budaya stereotype
•Kelelahan menakutkan
•Konsep diri menyenangkan
• hukuman
•Pengalaman yang lalu
•Kecemasan tension nyeri
•Perhatian belaian
serabut saraf besar
•menutup gate
Nyeri/imami2007 20
Rasa sakit, lelah & ketergantungan
komunikasi langsung
Interaksi pasangan & staf singkat
Kehilangan perhatian lingkungan
Respon dramatik info sedikit
Iritabel istirahat & menghindar dari aktifitas
Nyeri/imami2007 21
Ketakutan tercurah pada istri & anak
Tidak tenang & tidak aman
Perlu persiapan dalam kelas prenatal partisipasi pada persalinan
Sibling dipersiapkan utk mencegah kecemburuan, namun
tidak menghadiri persalinan trauma
Nyeri/imami2007 22
• Keuntungan
– Tidak memperlambat persalinan
– Tidak ada efek samping dan alergi ibu & janin/bayi
– Alternatif dan dukungan untuk obat-obatan
– Dapat menjadi pilihan untuk ibu yg masuk dgn persalinan yg cepat
tidak cukup waktu untuk mendapatkan reaksi obat-obatan
• Keterbatasan
Memerlukan sikap kooperatif dan motivasi klien efek yang optimal
• Persiapan
– Waktu yang ideal sebelum inpartu: ibu dan support person
– Waktu kala I laten
– Gunakan variasi cara
Nyeri/imami2007 23
Aplikasi Tehnik Nonfarmakologik
Relaksasi menyebabkan:
• Aliran darah uterus ↑ oksigenasi janin ↑
• me↑ efisiensi kontraksi uterus
• me↓ ketegangan yang me ↑ persepsi nyeri, menghambat
penurunan presentasi
– Lingkungan yang nyaman: penerangan, suara, suhu,
– Kenyamanan umum tergantung individu
– me ↓ kecemasan & ketakutan ↑ kontrol diri
– Tehnik relaksasi yang lain, mis posisi dan gerakan
Nyeri/imami2007 24
– Self massage menggosok abdomen, kaki, punggung
(effleurage), telapak tangan
– Massase dibantu (pasangan, ners), mis counterpressure,
abdomen lifting, effleurage, knee press, bilateral hip
pressure/ double hip squeeze
– Stimulasi thermal: kompres dingin/panas, mandi shower,
waterbirth, hydrotherapy
– Acupressure
– Acupuncture
– Mesin TENS (transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation)
menghalangi transmisi
– Intradermal Injection sterile water
Nyeri/imami2007 25
– Imagery
– Focal point
– Yoga
– Pernapasan
• Lamaze
• Dick-Read
• Bradley
– Aromatherapy
– Music
– Edukasi persalinan
– hypnotherapy
Nyeri/imami2007 26
• Manfaat didapatkan melalui beberapa cara:
– Menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan me↓ nyeri,
relaksasi tingkat kecemasan & stress ↓
– Kebut obat ↓ terpengaruh persepsi nyeri
– Meredakan nausea & vomiting
– me ↓ kebutuhan induksi persalinan.
• Aromatherapy dapat digunakan dgn berbagai cara,
terutama melalui inhalasi & absorpsi melalui kulit.
– Massage
– Inhalation from an aroma stone
– Drop on taper / tissue
– Footbath
– Bath / Birthing pool
– Hot / cold compress
– Inhalation from a bowl of hot water
– Perineal wash
Nyeri/imami2007 27
• Warm water immersion during labor &
birth to help alleviate pain &
discomfort. It offers warmth,
weightlessness & relaxation especially
when the laboring mother is able to
submerge her belly & lower body. This
is accomplished easily with the use of a
birthing tub.
• Water immersion during early labor can
slow down progress sometimes
wait until active labor to get into the
tub. During active labor water
immersion has been known to speed
up progress, perhaps due to the
profound relaxation experienced.
Nyeri/imami2007 28
• Waterbirth a gentle transition from mother’s womb to the
outside world. Waterborn babies are birthed into an
environment much the same as the amniotic sac- warm and
watery. It is an intermediate step that allows the baby to adjust
slowly to this new life. Babies do not begin the breathing
process until they sense a change from a watery environment
into the air. It is for this reason along with others that there is
no risk of drowning for healthy waterborn babies. It is also for
this reason that waterborn babies take a little longer than dry
land birthed babies to initiate the breathing process. They may
be a bit bluer in color at first, but are fine when they “catch up”.
bring the baby to the surface of the water as soon as the
body is born.
Nyeri/imami2007 29
• Benefits of waterbirth include:
– Pain relief and relaxation for mom- ↓ need for pain
– Less perineal tearing.
– High satisfaction rating from moms.
– Gentle transition for babies.
• Waterbirth does not:
– Increase maternal infections or illness.
– Increase infections or illness in babies.
Nyeri/imami2007 30
Nyeri/imami2007 31
Two types of effleurage
Firm counterpressure of the
fist on the lower back, while
the mother is in the tailor
sitting position, effectively
relieves back labor Counter pressure
Nyeri/imami2007 32
Knee press
Double hip squeeze
Nyeri/imami2007 33
Deep back massage, while the mother lies on her side,
relieves back pain between contraction
Nyeri/imami2007 34
Abdominal lifting
Nyeri/imami2007 35
Text used by nurses to encourage relaxation
1. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath
2. As you breath out, yourself relax and the tension draining
out of your body
3. Breathe slowly comfortably from your abdomen
4. Think about your breathing. Feel the air enter your nose
and your lungs and feel the air go out your lungs. Feel
yourself relaxing as you breathe out
5. To help you breathe slowly and rhythmically, as you inhale I
will say, ‘In, one two’ and as you exhale, ‘Out, one two’.
(say these phrases in co-ordination with the patient’s
breathing. Repeat this two or three times to help the patient
to slow the rate of breathing and keep it regular).
Nyeri/imami2007 36
6. Feel yourself relax each time you breath out. Just let the
air flow from the lungs and let the tension flow from your
7. As you breathe in you may say silently to yourself, ‘In, one,
two’. As you breathe out you may say silently to yourself,
‘Relax’. (say these two or three times in co-ordination with
the patient’s breathing. A word other than ‘relax’ may have
been chosen by the patient before using the technique).
8. I am going to pause now let you concentrate on your
breathing (Watch the patient and, if tension or difficulty
arises, begin counting out loud and repeat the instructions
in the step7).
9. When you are ready to end this relaxation you may do so
yourself. When you are ready, count silently from one to
three. At the count of three, inhale deeply, silently say to
yourself, ‘I feel alert and relaxed’, and open your eyes.
Nyeri/imami2007 37
Intradermal Injection Sterile Water
Intradermal injections of 0.1 mL of
sterile water in the treatment of
women with back pain during
labor. Sterile water is injected into
four locations on the lower back,
two over each posterior superior
iliac spine (PSIS) & two 3 cm
below & 1 cm medial to the PSIS.
The injections should raise a bleb
below the skin. Simultaneous
injections administered by two
clinicians will decrease the pain of
the injections.
Nyeri/imami2007 38
Nyeri/imami2007 39
• Yoga designed specifically for pregnant women way to keep
the body in peak shape as the mother get closer to labor while
also serving as a foundation to begin yoga soon after the mother
give birth.
• Here are some of the rewards:
– The stretching & strengthening of the muscles will help to lessen the
aches & pains due to added weight & the mother shifting center of
– The strength building & added flexibility, obtained by holding various
yoga postures, tones muscles, improves posture, and helps to
maintain a sense of control as the body changes.
– Yoga helps to relieve stress and tension by training the body to relax,
which can be very helpful during labor.
– The focus on breathing, an integral part of yoga, is both energizing
and relaxing and can be applied in many different contexts, from
simple stress management to breathing during child birth.
Nyeri/imami2007 40
Nyeri/imami2007 41
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
• TENS works by stimulating the body's
own natural defences against pain
transmits gentle, electrical impulses
through the skin via four self-adhesive
electrode pads positioned on the mother’s
• These gentle impulses attack pain in
two ways:
– By stimulating the release of
endorphins, the body’s own pain-
relieving hormones.
– By stimulating the nerves to block pain
signals before they reach the brain
Nyeri/imami2007 42
• Persiapan persalinan pada masa prenatal
• Observasi
• Pengkajian
– Pengkajian intranatal secara umum (ibu & bayi)
– Manajemen nyeri yang dipilih
– Status kehamilan (direncanakan/tidak)
– Respon terhadap kehamilan
– Hub dengan suami
– Sistem pendukung
– Nyeri (lokasi, tingkat, bentuk nyeri): ungkapan
– verbal, permintaan pain relief, ungkapan non verbal,
– posture tubuh, ekspresi wajah, Mis:
• sakit pinggang bawah occiput posterior tahap II
• Perut tegang infeksi intrauterine, abruptio plasenta
Nyeri/imami2007 43
• Pertanyaan:
– Dimana yang paling nyeri? Menjalar? Terus menerus?
– Kapan nyeri mulai
– Apakah ikut kelas prenatal?
– Membutuhkan obat?
• Komponen:
– Rangsangan
– Ambang takut, capai, tegang & dehidrasi
– Reaksi
Nyeri/imami2007 44
• Ibu mampu menjelaskan rasa nyerinya
• Ibu mampu menggunakan tehnik relaksasi & pernapasan
mengurangi sakit tetapi tetap sadar tanpa mengganggu
proses persalinannya
• Ibu dan bayi bebas dari depresi
Nyeri b.d. efek kontraksi uterus, penipisan dan pembukaan
serviks, penurunan janin
Nyeri/imami2007 45
TINDAKAN Mengurangi rasa sakit, dengan cara:
– Parental (naloxon, demerol) conduction anesthesia (pudendal
paracervikal, perineal block, epidural block),
– inhalation anesthesia (entonox)
– Relaksasi
• Lingkungan
• Personal
• ↓ kecemasan dan ketakutan
• Tehnik spesifik, mis posisi
– Stimulasi cutaneus
• Massase sendiri
• Massase dibantu, mis counter pressure, abdomen lifting, effleurage
• Stimulasi thermal: kompres dingin/panas, mandi shower, water birth,
Nyeri/imami2007 46
• Stimulasi mental
– Imagery
– Focal point
• Pernapasan
– Lamaze
– Yoga
• Cognitive approach
• Lain-lain
– Mesin TENS (transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation) menghalangi
– Hypnotherapy
– Acupuncture
– Acupressure
– Aromatherapy
Nyeri/imami2007 47
• Memahami faktor fisiologis nyeri
• Memahami perjalanan nyeri
• Memahami efek nyeri thd ibu, janin & persalinan
Intervensi ↓ nyeri
Nyeri/imami2007 48
•Pembukaan dan penipisan serviks
•Segmen bawah uterus tegang
•Ligament uterus meregang
•Peritoneum tertarik
•Kandung kemih, uretra tertekan
•Hipoksia uterus
•Ganglion di uterus & vagina tertekan
•Multi/ primipara
Nyeri/imami2007 49
Saraf simpatis sumsum tulang belakang tulang belakang
• Abdomen bagian bawah
• Kulit lumbal bagian bawah
• Sacrum bagian atas
Bagian post. Med. Spinalis sumsum tulang belakang Med.Oblongata, pons Mid
• Distensi vagina dan perineum
• n.Pudendal n.sacral II, III, I
mid brain corteks
Akut : serabut A delta perih
Kronik : serabut C terbakar
Nyeri/imami2007 50
IBU : ↑Cardiac Output
↑ Tekanan Darah
↓ darah ke otak & uterus
Janin: Epinefrin vasokonstriksi
Menghambat persalinan (fetal descent melambat )
Efek Nyeri
Nyeri/imami2007 51
• Ketakutan
• Panik
• ↓harga diri
• Kurang percaya diri
• Marah pada bayi
• Takut hamil
• Gangguan aktifitas seksual
Nyeri/imami2007 52
Pathways of pain
transmission during
Nyeri/imami2007 53

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Nyeri mannonfarmakologik

  • 2. Nyeri/imami2007 1 Sasaran Pembelajaran • Membandingkan nyeri persalinan dengan jenis nyeri yang lain • Menggambarkan bagaimana nyeri memberikan dampak bagi ibu dan janinnya • Memeriksa bagaimana aspek fisik dan psikis memperkuat pengaruh pada pengalaman nyeri klien • Menerangkan penggunaan manajemen nyeri secara nonfarmakologis dalam persalinan • Menjelaskan implikasi keperawatan dalam penanganan nyeri secara nonfarmakologis
  • 3. Nyeri/imami2007 2 Pendahuluan • Persalinan tanpa nyeri hanya dialami sedikit wanita • Sebanyak 78% primipara : – 28 % nyeri sedang – 37% nyeri hebat – 35% nyeri sangat hebat (intolerable) • Setiap perempuan: harapan tentang persalinan yang unik, tmsk tentang nyeri dan pengelolaannya, jika berhasil pengalaman yang positif • Pengelolaan nyeri secara nonfarmakologis dan farmakologis memberikan pilihan bagi ibu dan klien
  • 4. Nyeri/imami2007 3 NYERINYERI Pain (Keele, 1983) • An unpleasant sensory experience distinct from other sensory modalities such as touch, warmth or cold • Nyeri pengalaman universal tetapi sulit didefinisikan, sensasi yang tidak menyenangkan akibat rangsangan saraf sensory • Nyeri 2 komponen – Fisiologis: stimuli yang diterima oleh saraf sensori & ditansmisi oleh SSP – Psikologis: pengenalan sensasi, interpretasi, reaksi thd intepretasi • Nyeri personal, unik • Melzack & Wall (1991) indeks nyeri (0 – 50) MPI (McGill Pan Index) – Primipara 38 – Multipara 30 – Amputasi 25 – Kanker 28
  • 5. Nyeri/imami2007 4 KEUNIKAN NYERI PERSALINANKEUNIKAN NYERI PERSALINAN Nyeri persalinan berbeda karakteristik dgn jenis nyeri yang lain • Bagian dari proses normal • Ada waktu untuk mempersiapkan • Berhenti dengan sendirinya (self limiting) berlangsung singkat, bersifat intermitten, dengan perbedaan karakteristik dan penyebab – Kala I penipisan dan pembukaan serviks – Pada Ǿ 0 – 3 cm: sakit, tidak nyaman 4 – 7 cm : terasa agak menusuk 7 – 10 cm: terasa berat, parah, menusuk, kaku • Berhubungan dengan kelahiran bayi, dan kondisi janin yang berkaitan dengan emosional
  • 6. Nyeri/imami2007 5 Pain locations & intensity during labor The nurse can use this illustrations to anticipate and monitor the client’s pain during labor. In each picture, darker color indicates more intense pain. During most stage 1, pain centers around the pelvic girdle. During stage late 1 and early stage 2, pain spread to the upper leg and perineum. During the late stage 2 and childbirth, intense pain develops at the perineum
  • 7. Nyeri/imami2007 6 TEORI NYERI PERSALINAN • The Gate Control Theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965) • Endogenous Opiate Theory
  • 8. Nyeri/imami2007 7 The Gate Control Theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965) • Pain signals arrive from the pain fibers (A-delta and C) at the spinal cord, along with signals from other peripheral fibers (A- beta) and the brain. The solid arrows depict stimulation conditions that tend to open the gate and send pain signals through. The dotted arrows indicate inhibition conditions. Pain signals enter the spinal cord and pass through a gating mechanism before activating transmission cells, which send impulses to the brain (from text by Sarafino EP. Health Psychology, Biopsychosocical Interactions, Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York: 1998.)
  • 9. Nyeri/imami2007 8 • Transmisi nyeri dapat dimodifikasi/diblok oleh counterstimulation. Selama persalinan, impuls nyeri berjalan dari uterus sepanjang serat saraf halus (C-fibers) ke arah atas menuju substansi gelatinosa di dalam spinal column. Kemudian sel transmisi memproyeksikan pesan nyeri ke otak. • Stimulasi taktil seperti pijatan, kompres panas/dingin mengakibatkan pesan yang berlawanan yang lebih kuat, cepat dan berjalan sepanjang serat saraf besar (A-delta fibers). Pesan yang ini menutup gate di substansi gelatinosa kemudian memblok pesan nyeri. Otak tidak akan mencatat pesan nyeri yang dihalangi tersebut/ persepsi nyeri tidak dimodifikasi. • Kegiatan yang melibatkan cortex cerebral, seperti kontrol pernapasan, distraksi dan imagery juga mengaktifkan mekanisme gate oleh pengiriman impuls ke arah bawah melalui spinal column untuk menutup gate pada substansi gelatinosa
  • 10. Nyeri/imami2007 9 Gate-Control Theory Brain Spinal Cord Gating Mechanism Transmission Cells From pain fibers From other Peripheral fibers To brain Brain Spinal Cord Gating Mechanism Transmission Cells From pain fibers From other Peripheral fibers To brain Gate is open Gate is closed
  • 12. Nyeri/imami2007 11 Gate Control Theory 1. The projection neuron (P) carries both nociceptive stimulation from small fibers (S) and non-nociceptive simulation from large fibers (L) on the way to the brain. 2. With no stimulation, the inhibitory neuron (I) keeps the gate "closed," and there is no painful sensation. 3. With painful stimulation, the small fiber (S) blocks the inhibitory neuron (I), "opening" the gate for the projection neuron (P) to send on the painful stimulus. 4. With the addition of non-painful stimulation, the large fiber (L) activates the inhibitory neuron (I), partially or completely closing the gate depending on the strength of the stimulation, and competes with the painful stimulation for access to the projection neuron (P).
  • 13. Nyeri/imami2007 12 Endogenous Opiate Theory • Pada saat nyeri dirasakan terdapat reseptor opiate pada otak dan tulang belakang yang menentukan SSP untuk melepaskan zat seperti morfin (endorphin & enkephalins). Endogenous opiates menjepit reseptor dan mengganggu persepsi nyeri • Teori ini sangat berhubungan dengan pengurangan nyeri dengan menggunakan accupressure dan accupuncture yang merangsang pengeluaran endogenous opiates
  • 14. Nyeri/imami2007 13 ENDORPHINS Reinforces behaviour Endorphin production Prolactin Appetite for repetition of positive feelings Blocks dopamine Action Depressive feelings Pleasurable feelings (reduced sensitifity to pain; feelings of warmth, satisfaction, nurturant behaviour) Stress Individual differences in endorphin levels – higher production of endorphins less pain, smaller production more pain.
  • 15. Nyeri/imami2007 14 EFEK MERUGIKAN DARI NYERI Efek fisiologis • Takut & cemas ↑aktifitas sistem saraf simpatik ↑ sekresi katekolamin (epinefrin & norepinefrin) • Katekolamin epinefrin menstimulasi reseptor α dan β, norepihefrin: reseptor α • Stimulasi reseptor α vasokonstriksi dan ↑tonus uterus ↓aliran darah uterus sambil me ↑ aliran darah & tekanan darah maternal • Stimulasi reseptor β relaksasi otot uterus & vasodilatasi pembuluh darah, namun pembuluh darah uterus sudah dilatasi, dilatasi pd pembuluh darah lain darah mengumpul perfusi plasenta ↓ KOMBINASI EFEK SEKRESI KATEKOLAMIN YG BERLEBIHAN • ↓ aliran darah ke & dari plasenta oksigen janin & sirkulasi zat sampah terbatas • keefektifan kontraksi uterus ↓, memperlambat persalinan
  • 16. Nyeri/imami2007 15 • Persalinan = aktifitas ↑ metabolisme rate ↑kebutuhan O2 • Nyeri & kecemasan = metabolisme rate tinggi ↑RR pengeluaran CO2 ↑↑ • Perub PaO2, PaCO2 dan pH arteri maternal gangguan sirkulasi plasenta ↓ O2 janin, krg dpt melepas CO2 metabolisme anaerobik janin ↑ risiko asidosis, jika tdk segera ditangani bayi lahir dgn asidosis respiratory EFEK PSIKOLOGIS • Kurangnya pengurangan nyeri kurangnya kebahagiaan pada event penting kehidupan pasangan • Kesulitan partus menyebabkan gangguan interaksi ibu & bayi • Kenangan persalinan yang buruk akan mengakibatkan gangguan terhadap respon aktifitas seksual atau persalinan yang lain • Pasangan merasa tidak cukup mampu memberikan dukungan pd saat persalinan
  • 17. Nyeri/imami2007 16 PERUBAHAN FISIOLOGIS SEKUNDER TERHADAP NYERI PERSALINAN (May & Mahlmeister, 1994)
  • 18. Nyeri/imami2007 17 VARIABEL NYERI PERSALINAN FAKTOR FISIK PADA NYERI PERSALINAN: • VISCERAL : Lambat, dalam lokasi tidak jelas Kala I (kontraksi uterus & pembukaan serviks • SOMATIK : Cepat, tajam, lokasi jelas Akhir kala I, kala II • SUMBER NYERI: – Iskemi jaringan – Pembukaan serviks dilatasi & peregangan serviks dan segmen bawah uterus, nyeri melalui plexus hypogastric, masuk ke tl belakang (T10, T11, T12 dan L1) – Penekanan dan penarikan struktur pada panggul (ligamentum, tuba falopii, ovarium, vesica urinaria, peritoneum nyeri visceral terasa menjalar di punggung dan kaki – Distensi pada vagina & perineum karena penurunan janin sensasi terbakar, robek, terpisah (nyeri somatik) masuk ke tl belakang pd S2, S3 dan S4
  • 19. Nyeri/imami2007 18 • FAKTOR YANG M’PENGARUHI PERSEPSI/TOLERANSI TERHADAP NYERI – Intensitas persalinan – Kesiapan serviks – Posisi janin – Karakteristik panggul – Kelelahan – Tindakan tenaga kesehatan • FAKTOR PSIKOSOSIAL – Budaya – Kecemasan & ketakutan – Pengalaman nyeri sebelumnya – Persiapan persalinan – Sistem pendukung
  • 20. Nyeri/imami2007 19 RESPON NYERIRESPON NYERI •Latar belakang budaya stereotype •Kelelahan menakutkan •Konsep diri menyenangkan • hukuman •Pengalaman yang lalu •Kecemasan tension nyeri •Perhatian belaian serabut saraf besar •menutup gate ↓ NYERI
  • 21. Nyeri/imami2007 20 EFEK PSIKOLOGIS IBU PERSALINAN Rasa sakit, lelah & ketergantungan FOKUS PADA PERSALINAN komunikasi langsung Interaksi pasangan & staf singkat sentuhan Kehilangan perhatian lingkungan Respon dramatik info sedikit Iritabel istirahat & menghindar dari aktifitas
  • 22. Nyeri/imami2007 21 RESPON SUAMI Ketakutan tercurah pada istri & anak Tidak tenang & tidak aman Perlu persiapan dalam kelas prenatal partisipasi pada persalinan RESPON ANGGOTA KELUARGA Sibling dipersiapkan utk mencegah kecemburuan, namun tidak menghadiri persalinan trauma
  • 23. Nyeri/imami2007 22 MANAJEMEN NYERI SECARA NON FARMAKOLOGIK • Keuntungan – Tidak memperlambat persalinan – Tidak ada efek samping dan alergi ibu & janin/bayi – Alternatif dan dukungan untuk obat-obatan – Dapat menjadi pilihan untuk ibu yg masuk dgn persalinan yg cepat tidak cukup waktu untuk mendapatkan reaksi obat-obatan • Keterbatasan Memerlukan sikap kooperatif dan motivasi klien efek yang optimal • Persiapan – Waktu yang ideal sebelum inpartu: ibu dan support person – Waktu kala I laten – Gunakan variasi cara
  • 24. Nyeri/imami2007 23 Aplikasi Tehnik Nonfarmakologik • RELAKSASI Relaksasi menyebabkan: • Aliran darah uterus ↑ oksigenasi janin ↑ • me↑ efisiensi kontraksi uterus • me↓ ketegangan yang me ↑ persepsi nyeri, menghambat penurunan presentasi – Lingkungan yang nyaman: penerangan, suara, suhu, pemandangan – Kenyamanan umum tergantung individu – me ↓ kecemasan & ketakutan ↑ kontrol diri – Tehnik relaksasi yang lain, mis posisi dan gerakan
  • 25. Nyeri/imami2007 24 • CUTANEUS STIMULATION – Self massage menggosok abdomen, kaki, punggung (effleurage), telapak tangan – Massase dibantu (pasangan, ners), mis counterpressure, abdomen lifting, effleurage, knee press, bilateral hip pressure/ double hip squeeze – Stimulasi thermal: kompres dingin/panas, mandi shower, waterbirth, hydrotherapy – Acupressure – Acupuncture – Mesin TENS (transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation) menghalangi transmisi – Intradermal Injection sterile water
  • 26. Nyeri/imami2007 25 • SENSORY/ MENTAL STIMULATION – Imagery – Focal point – Yoga – Pernapasan • Lamaze • Dick-Read • Bradley – Aromatherapy – Music • COGNITIVE APPROACH – Edukasi persalinan – hypnotherapy
  • 27. Nyeri/imami2007 26 Aromatherapy • Manfaat didapatkan melalui beberapa cara: – Menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan me↓ nyeri, relaksasi tingkat kecemasan & stress ↓ – Kebut obat ↓ terpengaruh persepsi nyeri – Meredakan nausea & vomiting – me ↓ kebutuhan induksi persalinan. • Aromatherapy dapat digunakan dgn berbagai cara, terutama melalui inhalasi & absorpsi melalui kulit. Contoh: – Massage – Inhalation from an aroma stone – Drop on taper / tissue – Footbath – Bath / Birthing pool – Hot / cold compress – Inhalation from a bowl of hot water – Perineal wash
  • 28. Nyeri/imami2007 27 Waterbirth • Warm water immersion during labor & birth to help alleviate pain & discomfort. It offers warmth, weightlessness & relaxation especially when the laboring mother is able to submerge her belly & lower body. This is accomplished easily with the use of a birthing tub. • Water immersion during early labor can slow down progress sometimes wait until active labor to get into the tub. During active labor water immersion has been known to speed up progress, perhaps due to the profound relaxation experienced.
  • 29. Nyeri/imami2007 28 • Waterbirth a gentle transition from mother’s womb to the outside world. Waterborn babies are birthed into an environment much the same as the amniotic sac- warm and watery. It is an intermediate step that allows the baby to adjust slowly to this new life. Babies do not begin the breathing process until they sense a change from a watery environment into the air. It is for this reason along with others that there is no risk of drowning for healthy waterborn babies. It is also for this reason that waterborn babies take a little longer than dry land birthed babies to initiate the breathing process. They may be a bit bluer in color at first, but are fine when they “catch up”. bring the baby to the surface of the water as soon as the body is born.
  • 30. Nyeri/imami2007 29 • Benefits of waterbirth include: – Pain relief and relaxation for mom- ↓ need for pain medications – Less perineal tearing. – High satisfaction rating from moms. – Gentle transition for babies. • Waterbirth does not: – Increase maternal infections or illness. – Increase infections or illness in babies.
  • 32. Nyeri/imami2007 31 Massage Two types of effleurage Firm counterpressure of the fist on the lower back, while the mother is in the tailor sitting position, effectively relieves back labor Counter pressure
  • 34. Nyeri/imami2007 33 Deep back massage, while the mother lies on her side, relieves back pain between contraction
  • 36. Nyeri/imami2007 35 RELAXATION Text used by nurses to encourage relaxation 1. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath 2. As you breath out, yourself relax and the tension draining out of your body 3. Breathe slowly comfortably from your abdomen 4. Think about your breathing. Feel the air enter your nose and your lungs and feel the air go out your lungs. Feel yourself relaxing as you breathe out 5. To help you breathe slowly and rhythmically, as you inhale I will say, ‘In, one two’ and as you exhale, ‘Out, one two’. (say these phrases in co-ordination with the patient’s breathing. Repeat this two or three times to help the patient to slow the rate of breathing and keep it regular).
  • 37. Nyeri/imami2007 36 6. Feel yourself relax each time you breath out. Just let the air flow from the lungs and let the tension flow from your body. 7. As you breathe in you may say silently to yourself, ‘In, one, two’. As you breathe out you may say silently to yourself, ‘Relax’. (say these two or three times in co-ordination with the patient’s breathing. A word other than ‘relax’ may have been chosen by the patient before using the technique). 8. I am going to pause now let you concentrate on your breathing (Watch the patient and, if tension or difficulty arises, begin counting out loud and repeat the instructions in the step7). 9. When you are ready to end this relaxation you may do so yourself. When you are ready, count silently from one to three. At the count of three, inhale deeply, silently say to yourself, ‘I feel alert and relaxed’, and open your eyes.
  • 38. Nyeri/imami2007 37 Intradermal Injection Sterile Water Intradermal injections of 0.1 mL of sterile water in the treatment of women with back pain during labor. Sterile water is injected into four locations on the lower back, two over each posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) & two 3 cm below & 1 cm medial to the PSIS. The injections should raise a bleb below the skin. Simultaneous injections administered by two clinicians will decrease the pain of the injections.
  • 40. Nyeri/imami2007 39 Yoga • Yoga designed specifically for pregnant women way to keep the body in peak shape as the mother get closer to labor while also serving as a foundation to begin yoga soon after the mother give birth. • Here are some of the rewards: – The stretching & strengthening of the muscles will help to lessen the aches & pains due to added weight & the mother shifting center of gravity. – The strength building & added flexibility, obtained by holding various yoga postures, tones muscles, improves posture, and helps to maintain a sense of control as the body changes. – Yoga helps to relieve stress and tension by training the body to relax, which can be very helpful during labor. – The focus on breathing, an integral part of yoga, is both energizing and relaxing and can be applied in many different contexts, from simple stress management to breathing during child birth.
  • 42. Nyeri/imami2007 41 TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) • TENS works by stimulating the body's own natural defences against pain transmits gentle, electrical impulses through the skin via four self-adhesive electrode pads positioned on the mother’s back. • These gentle impulses attack pain in two ways: – By stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s own pain- relieving hormones. – By stimulating the nerves to block pain signals before they reach the brain
  • 43. Nyeri/imami2007 42 MANAJEMEN NYERI PADA PERSALINANMANAJEMEN NYERI PADA PERSALINAN • Persiapan persalinan pada masa prenatal • Observasi • Pengkajian – Pengkajian intranatal secara umum (ibu & bayi) – Manajemen nyeri yang dipilih – Status kehamilan (direncanakan/tidak) – Respon terhadap kehamilan – Hub dengan suami – Sistem pendukung – Nyeri (lokasi, tingkat, bentuk nyeri): ungkapan – verbal, permintaan pain relief, ungkapan non verbal, – posture tubuh, ekspresi wajah, Mis: • sakit pinggang bawah occiput posterior tahap II • Perut tegang infeksi intrauterine, abruptio plasenta
  • 44. Nyeri/imami2007 43 • Pertanyaan: – Dimana yang paling nyeri? Menjalar? Terus menerus? – Kapan nyeri mulai – Apakah ikut kelas prenatal? – Membutuhkan obat? • Komponen: – Rangsangan – Ambang takut, capai, tegang & dehidrasi – Reaksi
  • 45. Nyeri/imami2007 44 DIAGNOSIS KEPERAWATAN PERENCANAAN TUJUAN • Ibu mampu menjelaskan rasa nyerinya • Ibu mampu menggunakan tehnik relaksasi & pernapasan mengurangi sakit tetapi tetap sadar tanpa mengganggu proses persalinannya • Ibu dan bayi bebas dari depresi Nyeri b.d. efek kontraksi uterus, penipisan dan pembukaan serviks, penurunan janin
  • 46. Nyeri/imami2007 45 TINDAKAN Mengurangi rasa sakit, dengan cara: • FARMAKOLOGIK – Parental (naloxon, demerol) conduction anesthesia (pudendal paracervikal, perineal block, epidural block), – inhalation anesthesia (entonox) • NON FARMAKOLOGIK – Relaksasi • Lingkungan • Personal • ↓ kecemasan dan ketakutan • Tehnik spesifik, mis posisi – Stimulasi cutaneus • Massase sendiri • Massase dibantu, mis counter pressure, abdomen lifting, effleurage • Stimulasi thermal: kompres dingin/panas, mandi shower, water birth, hydrotherapy
  • 47. Nyeri/imami2007 46 • Stimulasi mental – Imagery – Focal point • Pernapasan – Lamaze – Yoga • Cognitive approach • Lain-lain – Mesin TENS (transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation) menghalangi transmisi – Hypnotherapy – Acupuncture – Acupressure – Aromatherapy
  • 48. Nyeri/imami2007 47 PERAN PERAWAT DALAM MEPERAN PERAWAT DALAM ME↓↓ NYERINYERI PERSALINANPERSALINAN • Memahami faktor fisiologis nyeri • Memahami perjalanan nyeri • Memahami efek nyeri thd ibu, janin & persalinan Intervensi ↓ nyeri
  • 49. Nyeri/imami2007 48 FAKTOR FISIOLOGIS NYERI •Pembukaan dan penipisan serviks •Segmen bawah uterus tegang •Ligament uterus meregang •Peritoneum tertarik •Kandung kemih, uretra tertekan •Hipoksia uterus •Ganglion di uterus & vagina tertekan •Multi/ primipara
  • 50. Nyeri/imami2007 49 PAIN PATHWAYS TAHAP I Saraf simpatis sumsum tulang belakang tulang belakang • Abdomen bagian bawah • Kulit lumbal bagian bawah • Sacrum bagian atas TAHAP II Bagian post. Med. Spinalis sumsum tulang belakang Med.Oblongata, pons Mid Brain • Distensi vagina dan perineum • n.Pudendal n.sacral II, III, I TAHAP III mid brain corteks Akut : serabut A delta perih Kronik : serabut C terbakar
  • 51. Nyeri/imami2007 50 NYERI IBU : ↑Cardiac Output ↑ Tekanan Darah Hiperrventilasi ↓ darah ke otak & uterus ACIDOCIS Janin: Epinefrin vasokonstriksi Hipoksia Menghambat persalinan (fetal descent melambat ) Efek Nyeri
  • 52. Nyeri/imami2007 51 EFEK PSIKOLOGIS • Ketakutan • Panik • ↓harga diri • Kurang percaya diri • Marah pada bayi • Takut hamil • Gangguan aktifitas seksual
  • 53. Nyeri/imami2007 52 Pathways of pain transmission during labor