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Youth Gardening and
Nutrition Initiative
Spring Curriculum
Keshav Rao
Stanford University
Integrated 6 class curriculum covering:
   Key nutritional concepts (40 min/class)
   Gardening experiences (20 min/class)
   Healthy recipes and cooking demonstrations (20

Target Audience: East Palo Alto students in the 4th
Grade – 8th Grade

Weekly classes will be offered at the Ecumenical
Hunger Program in EPA
Table of Contents
           Nutrition                 Gardening                  Recipes
Module 1   Intro to Healthy Eating   Planning “Pizza Garden”    Yogurt Parfait
           and Gardening             and Mini-Greenhouse        with granola
                                     Seed Trays                 and fruit
Module 2   Dangers of Added Fats Setting up the “Pizza          Chicken
           and Sugars            Garden”                        Fingers
Module 3   Fruits & Veggies: Key     Placing & Installing the   Fruit
           Sources of Vitamins       Plants                     Smoothies
Module 4   Grains & Proteins         Create Your Own            Fritatta
Module 5   Portion Control &         Maintaining & Growing the Hummus
           Healthy Snacking          Garden
Module 6   Eating Healthy When       Harvesting &               Garden Pizza
           Eating Out                Transplanting Seedlings to
Module 1
Introduction of Healthy Eating and Gardening
Classroom Material
   Concept of Energy Balance
   “Go, Slow, Whoa” Foods
   How to read nutrition labels

Gardening Material
   Review edible parts of plants
   Decide on what seeds to plant for “Pizza Garden”
   Plant seeds in mini-greenhouse tray

Healthy Recipe: Yogurt Parfait with granola and fruit
Energy Balance

    Weight Gain:

ENERGY IN (Calories consumed) > ENERGY OUT (Calories burned)

    Same Weight:

ENERGY IN (Calories consumed) = ENERGY OUT (Calories burned)

    Weight Loss:

Energy IN (Calories consumed) < Energy Out (Calories burned)

Activity: Given a one day sample diet and an estimate of calories
    burned, determine if the individual is gaining or losing weight
Go, Slow, Whoa!
                                     Review foods that kids can
                                     always eat (Go), sometimes
                                     eat (Slow), and rarely eat

                                     Discuss the significant
                                     differences in calories, added
                                     sugars, and fats

                                     Discuss recommended
                                     serving sizes for each type of
                                     major food group (based on
                                     USDA estimates)

                                     Activity: Use American Heart
                                     Association age-specific
                                     caloric requirement chart to
Source: NIH (National Heart, Lung,   help students craft sample,
and Blood Institute)                 healthy diets using a
How to Read Nutrition
                                           Discuss serving sizes

                                           Limit saturated fats, trans fats,
                                           cholesterol, and sodium

                                           Get enough of potassium, fiber,
                                           vitamins A & C, calcium, and iron

                                           Use the Percent Daily Value (%
                                           DV) column when possible; 5% DV
                                           or less is low, 20% DV or more is

                                           Activity: Read the nutritional labels
                                           for Cheetos. Ask the students to
                                           discuss why Cheetos are a “whoa”
Source: NIH (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
Gardening Material (1)
          Review edible parts of plants
     Roots       Stems      Leaves        Fruits      Flowers       Seeds
     Beets                Cabbage         Apple       Artichoke     Beans
     Carrots     Celery     Chard         Avocado     Broccoli      Chocolate
     Jicama      Garlic
                            Herbs         Banana      Cauliflower   Corn
     (tuber)     (bulb)
     Parsnips    Kohlrabi   Lettuce       Cucumbers   Nasturtium    Nuts
     Potato      Onion
                            Spinach       Eggplant    Violets       Peas
     (tuber)     (bulb)
     Radishes    Turnips    Bell Pepper   Rice
     Squash      Wheat
Source: Nutrition to Grow on Curriculum
Gardening Material (2)
        Discuss “Pizza Garden”
        with students and choose
        from the following
        toppings (seeds to plant)
               Bell pepper

Source: HGTV
Gardening Material (3)
      Activity 1: Plant seeds
      in mini-greenhouse
          Filling cells loosely
          with soil, planting at
          the appropriate
          depth, watering
          seeds, etc.

      Have students draw
      predictions of plant
      growth from seeds

Source: Nutrition to Grow on Curriculum
Healthy Recipe: Yogurt
        ½ cup granola, low-fat
        ¾ cup (6-oz container) vanilla or
        plain yogurt, low-fat
        ½ cup fresh blueberries,
        raspberries, or sliced
        strawberries or bananas

    Set-up/Prep: Have students
    construct a healthy parfait by
    combining granola, yogurt, and
    fresh fruit
    Key Nutritional Information:
        Serving Size: 1 ¾ cups
        15 g protein, 6 g fat, 2.5 g saturated
Module 2
Dangers of Added Sugars and Fats
Classroom Material
   Fats: Functions and Types
   Moderation of Fats
   Case Study: Nutritional Differences in Milk
   Added Sugar: Rethink Your Drink

Gardening Material
   Setting up the “Pizza Garden”

Healthy Recipe: Chicken Fingers
Fats: Functions and Types
    Role of Fats
       Most concentrated source of energy (2x kcal of proteins,
       Necessary for growth, healthy skin, and metabolism
       But excess fats lead to higher cholesterol and risk of
       heart disease, as well as other conditions
Type of Fat           Food Source                   Impact
Unsaturated Fats      Olives, Nuts, Avocados, Olive Lower cholesterol
                      oil, Corn, Sesame
Omega-3-Fatty-        Cold-water fish, flaxseed, soy Lower risk for heart
Acids                                                attack, improve immune
Saturated Fats        Meat, butter, cheese, most    Increase cholesterol,
                      milk                          raise risk of heart
Transfat              Margarine, hydrogenated       disease and other
Source: Kidshealth.orgoils, packaged/fried foods
Moderation of Fats
      Rule of thumb: 30% of calories should be from fat
      Sample Meal:
         Two slices of bread = 13% fat (30 of 230 calories from
         Two tablespoons of peanut butter = 75% fat (140 of
         190 calories from fat)
         One tablespoon of jelly = 0% fat (0 of 50 calories from
         One cup of 1% milk = 18 % (20 of 110 calories from fat)
         Apple = 0% (0 of 80 calories from fat)
         Total = 29% fat (190 of 660 calories from fat)
      Activity: Ask students to recall their lunch and identify the
      approx. percentage of calories from fat

Rethinking Milk
 Type of Milk       Calories   Total Fat   Protein   Calcium (% DV)
                               (g)         (g)
 Fat Free Milk      90         0           9         30%

 1% Low-fat Milk    120        2.5         11        35%

 2% Reduced Fat     130        5           10        30%
 Whole Milk         160        9           8         25%

• Activity: Ask students to sample different types of milk. Show
  them that 3 glasses of low-fat milk would still have less total
  fat than one glass of whole milk, while having over 4x the
  protein and calcium.
 Source: California WIC
Added Sugars: Rethink Your Drink
Type of Beverage          Calories in 12 ounces   Calories in 20 ounces
Fruit punch                       192                     320
100% apple juice                  192                     300
100% orange juice                 168                     280
Lemonade                          168                     280
Regular lemon/lime soda           148                     247
Regular cola                      136                     227
Sweetened lemon iced
                                  135                     225
Tonic water                       124                     207
Regular ginger ale                124                     207
Sports drink                       99                     165
Unsweetened iced tea               2                       3
Diet soda (with
                                   0                       0

Water Centers for Disease
Source:                            0                       0
Gardening Material
Activity: Preparing the Pizza
    Choose the size and location of the
       Ensure maximum sun exposure
       Create a circular bed with enough
       room for individual plants to grow
       based on requirements
    Prepare the soil
       Remove weeds
       Add in composted material to
       create a nutrient-rich growing
    Install the edging
        Plastic edge for outer circle, with
Source: wooden dividers for individual
        “slices” or growing areas
Healthy Recipe: Chicken
    1 4-oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast,
    rinsed, patted dry, and sliced into strips or 4
    1-oz boneless, skinless chicken tenders
    1 egg or ¼ cup egg substitute or ¼ cup skim
    1/3 cup cereal flakes, crushed (preferably
    cereal with 3g or more of fiber per serving)

    Preheat oven to 350º F (176º C).
    Dip chicken strips into egg, egg substitute, or
    skim milk.
    Roll dipped chicken in high-fiber cereal to
    Place coated strips on nonstick baking
    Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, turning after 9
    minutes, until chicken is done (it must be
    white, not pink, inside).

Key Nutritional Info:
    Serving size: 1 tender                            Source:
Module 3
Fruits & Vegetables: Key Sources of Vitamins
Classroom Material
   Fruits and Veggies: Student Recognition and
   Initial Preferences
   Nutritional Information and Serving Sizes

Gardening Material
   Placing the plants
   Installing the plants

Healthy Recipe: Mango & Banana Smoothie
Fruits and Veggies: Student
          Recognition and Initial
        Ask students to list fruits and
        veggies that they know. Fill
        in responses that were not
        discussed in class to get a
        complete list.
        Then have each student rate
        how much they like each
        fruit/vegetable on a scale of
        1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
        Finally, ask each student
        how often they eat major
        fruits and vegetables on a
        scale of 1 (never) to 5
California WIC and FDA Nutritional
Fruits and Veggies: Nutritional
    Information and Serving Sizes
       Ask students to write down
       all fruits they ate in the last
       24 hours with approx.
       serving sizes
       Hand out the color cards
       that correspond with fruits
       and veggies eaten by the
       Review the nutritional
       benefits from each group,
       show the importance of
       eating fruits of different
       colors, and go through
       proper serving sizes

    Activity: Have students
    identify best sources of
    Vitamin A, C, Potassium,
Source: FDA Nutrition FDA
    etc. based on Information
Gardening Material (1)
   Activity: Placing the Plants
       The tomato plants should
       have an entire “slice”, while up
       to three other plants can share
       a section

Source: HGTV
Gardening Material (2)
   Activity: Installing the Plants
       With one hand, gently grasp the
       main stems of each plant, and with
       the other hand, tip the container
       upside down and gently squeeze or
       shake the container (Image 1) until
       the plant is released.
       If the plant is root-bound, gently
       tease the outer roots apart (Image
       Plant the transplants at the same
       depth as they were in their
       containers, and firm the soil around
       the roots. Top-dress each plant with
       a handful or two of compost (Image
       Note: Plant tomatoes a little deeper
       than they were in the pot / bend and
       bury part of the stem for “trenching”
Source: HGTV Pizza Garden Guide
Healthy Recipe: Fruit
           2 cups 1% milk
           1 fresh pitted mango
           1 small banana
           2 ice cubes

           Put all ingredients into a
           blender and blend until foamy.
           Kids can add more fruit and/or

       Key Nutritional Information:
           Serving Size: ¾ Cup
           106 Calories, 2 g total fat, 1 g
           saturated fat, 157 mg calcium

Source: Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino
Module 4
Grains & Proteins
Classroom Material
   Why whole grains?
   Sources and key nutrients
   Importance of proteins and natural sources
   Proteins: Daily Requirements and Dietary

Gardening Material
   Create Your Own Compost

Healthy Recipe: Fritatta
Why Whole Grains?
        Whole grains retain the fiber rich bran, the heart healthy
        germ, and the starchy endosperm while other grains
        only keep the endosperm after processing

Source: Whole Foods Market
Whole Grains: Sources and
               Key Nutrients
      Types of whole grains include:
          Brown Rice
          Whole wheat bread/tortillas

      Health Benefits: Great source of
      fiber & vitamins, can reduce the risk
      of heart disease, diabetes, and
      some forms of cancer

      Goal: 50% of all grains should be

      Activity: Teach students how to
      identify whole grain tortillas, breads,
      and cereals (cheerios vs. cornflakes)
      based on ingredients (WIC)

Source: California WIC
Proteins: Importance and
Activity: Ask students to describe the importance of
proteins as well as key sources in our diet

Role of Proteins: Supply the amino acid building
blocks our cells need for growth, development, and
other processes

Primary Sources:
   Meats, poultry, and fish
   Legumes (dry beans and peas)
   Tofu, nuts, grains
   Milk and milk products
Proteins: Daily Requirements
         and Recommendations
Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein
Age Group                         Grams of protein (daily)
Children ages 1 – 3                                 13
Children ages 4 – 8                                 19
Children ages 9 – 13                                34
Girls ages 14 – 18                                  46
Boys ages 14 – 18                                   52

    Most individuals easily reach target levels, but need to make
    lower-fat protein choices
        Choose lean poultry & fish, trim excess fat, remove skin
        Substitute pinto or black beans for meat in chili and
        Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, cheese
Source: CDC
Gardening Material
  Review significance of composting to build nutrient rich

  Activity: Create Your Own Compost
      Take a 2-liter plastic soda bottle, cut its top off, and
      remove all labels. Poke holes around the middle section
      (to provide air to worms) and the bottom (to allow for
      Place approximately 1 to 2 inches of moist, shredded
      newspaper in the bottle. Then place 1 to 2 inches of
      shredded lettuce on top of the newspaper. Continue
      alternating the layers until you reach the top of the bottle.
      Don’t pack the layers down or make the bedding too wet.
      Add 10 to 12 red worms on top. Wrap black construction
      paper around the bottle and tape the ends together to form
      a tube that can be slipped on and off for viewing purposes.
      Cover the top of the bottle with dark cloth and secure it
      with a rubber band to prevent light and flies from entering
      the compost.
      Place the worm bottle on a tray for drainage purposes.
      Add new food every three to four days and cover with
      more shredded newspaper. Spray to keep moist. You can
      add fruit and vegetable peels as well, but do not add foot
      faster than the worms can digest.
      Add the compost/worm castings to the garden after a
      month or two. Lightly sprinkle them in the holes in which
Source: Nutritionto replenish thearound bottle to keep the cycle
      seeds are to to Grow On Curriculum seedlings.
                    be planted or
                                           the new
Healthy Recipe: Frittata

Source: Edible Schoolyard Project
Module 5
Portion Control & Healthy Snacking
Classroom Material
   Portion Control: Survey
   What are appropriate portions for various foods?
   Guide to Healthy Snacking
   Build Your Own Healthy Snacks

Gardening Material
   Maintaining and Growing the Garden

Healthy Recipe: Hummus
Portion Control: Opening
      a)     Always
1. How often do you Value-size, Supersize, Mega-size or “whatever-size” your burgers, sodas or fries?

      b)     Sometimes
      c)     Never

2. When you eat a packaged snack or dessert (like chips, crackers, cookies, or ice cream) do you usually:
      a)     Take out what you want and then put the package away
      b)     Take out what you want, but leave the package out, in case you want more.
      c)     Eat straight out of the package, sometimes until nothing is left.

3. How often do you read the label on food packages to see what the serving size is?
      a)     Usually
      b)     Sometimes
      c)     Never

4. How often do you check the label to see how many calories are in a serving”?
      a)     Usually
      b)     Sometimes
      c)     Never

5. When you go to the movies, what size popcorn do you get?
      a)     The biggest tub they have
      b)     Medium size
      c)     Smallest
      d)     Don’t buy food at the movies                          Source: Texas WIC Portion Control
Appropriate Portion Sizes
      “Eating with Our Eyes” leads to excess calories
      Demonstration 1: Ask students to pour recommended serving size
      of juice (4-6 oz) into a pitcher and see how close they come
      Demonstration 2: Ask students to make a PB&J sandwich with only
      2 tablespoons of peanut butter (normal serving) and ask them to
      compare to their usual portion
      Demonstration 3: Ask students to look at different tortilla sizes.
      Compare calories between tortillas (including whole grain options)
      and encourage students to eat smaller tortillas
      Demonstration 4: Ask students how many serving sizes are in
      microwavable popcorn bags (2.5). Show how this compares to the
      whole bag of popcorn, which people eat individually
      Activity: Have students select one area to improve portion sizes

Source: Texas
Guide to Healthy Snacking
         Snacks are small meals that should add vitamins, minerals,
         and other nutrients with a low amount of added fat and sugar

         Activity: Ask students what their favorite snacks are, how
         often they eat them, and if they are healthy/unhealthy.
         Review the table below for more comprehensive list of
         healthy and unhealthy snacks
                          Healthy Snacks                           Unhealthy Snacks
                        Yogurt (high in calcium)               French fries (high fat, high salt)

                     Fruits (Vitamins A & C, fiber)             Twinkie (high sugar, high fat)

                         Cheese (highcalcium)                    Sunny delight (high sugar)

                    WIC Cereal (low sugar, low fat)             Cookies (high fat, high sugar)

              Vegetables (low in sugar, low fat, high fiber,
                       vitamins A, C, folic acid)

              Nuts (low sugar, high protein, vitamins and
Source:                        minerals)
California     Hard boiled eggs (low sugar, high protein,
WIC                     vitamins and minerals)
Building Healthy, Tasty
        Activity: Have students work together to make healthy
        and tasty snacks from different combinations of food
        groups        Meat Group               Milk Group
                                 (for growth)                    (for bones and teeth)
                Hardboiled egg                  Milk
                Leftover meat                   Cheese Slices
                Chicken leg                     Cheese Sticks
                Peanut butter                   Cottage Cheese
                Nuts or seeds                   Yogurt
                Tofu                            Soy Milk

                                 Grain Group                     Fruits and Vegetables
                                 (for energy)                         (for vitality)
                Pretzels                        Fresh Fruit slices-Apple, Orange, melon
                Cheerios                        Banana, Pear, grapes
                Kix cereals                     Canned fruit., applesauce
                Bagels                          Strawberries
                Rice cakes                      Steamed cold vegetables-broccoli,
                Graham Crackers                 cauliflower
                Tortillas                       Fresh celery sticks
                Bread, various kinds            Fresh vegies-celery sticks, cucumber,
                Popcorn, plain                  snow peas, carrots
                                                Cherry tomatoes Frozen juice sticks
                                                Juice- fruit and tomato

Source: Snacks Count Pictures by Food Group (California WIC)
Gardening Material
      Activity: Maintaining & Growing the
          Water the plants properly
             Tomatoes need more water than the
             other plants, followed by basil and
             peppers; rosemary and thyme will need
             less water
          Adding fertilizer
             Diluted liquid fish emulsion to replace soil
          Remove weeds
             Students should actively look for harmful
          Support tomatoes
Source: Nutrition toplant stem HGTV or wooden stake
                Tie Grow On, to cage
Healthy Recipe: Hummus
              2 cups canned garbanzo beans, drainer
              1/3 cup tahini, ¼ cup lemon juice
              1 tsp salt, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil
              1 pinch paprika, 1 tsp fresh parsley

              Place the garbanzo beans, tahini,
              lemon juice, salt and garlic in a blender
              or food processor. Blend until smooth.
              Transfer mixture to a serving bowl.
              Drizzle olive oil over the garbanzo bean
              mixture. Sprinkle with paprika and

          Key Nutrition Info:
              Serving Size: 1/16 of recipe
              77 calories, 4.3 g fat, 0.6 g sat fat, 5%
              DV protein, 12% DV folate
Module 6
Eating healthy when eating out

Classroom Material
   How bad is fast food?
   Checklist for Eating Healthy Away from Home

Gardening Material
   Harvesting & Transplanting Seedlings

Healthy Recipe: Garden Pizza
How bad is fast food?
               Ask students where they get fast food, how often
               they go, and what they typically order
               Show students that there are 16 sugar cubes in a
               “small” 20 oz. soda
               Show students that a Big Mac has 6 teaspoons of
               shortening fat (30 g total)

Source: Texas WIC
Eat Healthy Away from

             Order a kids meal

             Share a meal with friends/family

             Ask for no mayo, dressing on the side

             Pack up half of a lunch/dinner in a to-go box
             before even starting the meal

             Ask if you could get the lunch-sized portion of
             dinner dishes

             Supersize your meals unless you plan to
            Order the largest size of drinks or main
Source: Texas WIC
Gardening Material
   For the final lesson, students
   should gather whatever
   vegetables and herbs are
   ready to be harvested
   They also should transplant
   seedlings from the greenhouse
   trays to garden plots in
   preparation for the next cycle
Healthy Recipe: Garden
Ingredients      Pizza
     1 pint cherry tomatoes, 2 tbsp tomato paste
     8 fresh basil leaves, 2 tsp fresh oregano
     ¼ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper, yellow cornmeal dusting
     1 pound Easy Whole-Wheat dough
     4 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese
     3 tbsp grated parmesan cheese
     4 baby zucchinis, 1 medium yellow bell pepper

     Place a pizza stone on the lowest rack; preheat
     oven to 450°F for at least 20 minutes
     Roll out the dough and place on a cornmeal-
     dusted pizza peel or inverted baking sheet, using
     enough cornmeal so that the dough slides easily
     .Slide the dough onto the preheated stone and
     cook until the bottom begins to crisp, about 3
     minutes. Remove the crust, making sure the
     underside is covered with cornmeal
      Quickly add the toppings and slide the pizza back
     onto the stone. Continue baking until the toppings
     are hot and the bottom of the crust has browned,
     12 to 15 minutes.

Key Nutritional Information:375 calories; 9 g fat (5 g
sat, 1 g mono ); 26 mg cholesterol; 58 g
carbohydrates; 17 g protein; 8 g fiber; 531 mg
sodium;                                                   Source: Eatingwell,com
Key Sources
AHA Caloric/Dietary Requirements Table for Children and Adolescents:

California WIC:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Nutrition:

Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino Recipes :

Edible Schoolyard

FDA Nutritional Labeling:


Kids Health:

NIH (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute):

Nutrition to Grow On:

Texas WIC:

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Nutrition Curriculum (Ver 1.0)

  • 1. Youth Gardening and Nutrition Initiative Spring Curriculum Keshav Rao Stanford University
  • 2. Overview Integrated 6 class curriculum covering: Key nutritional concepts (40 min/class) Gardening experiences (20 min/class) Healthy recipes and cooking demonstrations (20 min/class) Target Audience: East Palo Alto students in the 4th Grade – 8th Grade Weekly classes will be offered at the Ecumenical Hunger Program in EPA
  • 3. Table of Contents Nutrition Gardening Recipes Module 1 Intro to Healthy Eating Planning “Pizza Garden” Yogurt Parfait and Gardening and Mini-Greenhouse with granola Seed Trays and fruit Module 2 Dangers of Added Fats Setting up the “Pizza Chicken and Sugars Garden” Fingers Module 3 Fruits & Veggies: Key Placing & Installing the Fruit Sources of Vitamins Plants Smoothies Module 4 Grains & Proteins Create Your Own Fritatta Compost Module 5 Portion Control & Maintaining & Growing the Hummus Healthy Snacking Garden Module 6 Eating Healthy When Harvesting & Garden Pizza Eating Out Transplanting Seedlings to Garden
  • 4. Module 1 Introduction of Healthy Eating and Gardening Classroom Material Concept of Energy Balance “Go, Slow, Whoa” Foods How to read nutrition labels Gardening Material Review edible parts of plants Decide on what seeds to plant for “Pizza Garden” Plant seeds in mini-greenhouse tray Healthy Recipe: Yogurt Parfait with granola and fruit
  • 5. Energy Balance Weight Gain: ENERGY IN (Calories consumed) > ENERGY OUT (Calories burned) Same Weight: ENERGY IN (Calories consumed) = ENERGY OUT (Calories burned) Weight Loss: Energy IN (Calories consumed) < Energy Out (Calories burned) Activity: Given a one day sample diet and an estimate of calories burned, determine if the individual is gaining or losing weight
  • 6. Go, Slow, Whoa! Review foods that kids can always eat (Go), sometimes eat (Slow), and rarely eat (Whoa) Discuss the significant differences in calories, added sugars, and fats Discuss recommended serving sizes for each type of major food group (based on USDA estimates) Activity: Use American Heart Association age-specific caloric requirement chart to Source: NIH (National Heart, Lung, help students craft sample, and Blood Institute) healthy diets using a
  • 7. How to Read Nutrition Labels Discuss serving sizes Limit saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium Get enough of potassium, fiber, vitamins A & C, calcium, and iron Use the Percent Daily Value (% DV) column when possible; 5% DV or less is low, 20% DV or more is high Activity: Read the nutritional labels for Cheetos. Ask the students to discuss why Cheetos are a “whoa” food. Source: NIH (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
  • 8. Gardening Material (1) Review edible parts of plants Roots Stems Leaves Fruits Flowers Seeds Asparagu Beets Cabbage Apple Artichoke Beans s Carrots Celery Chard Avocado Broccoli Chocolate Jicama Garlic Herbs Banana Cauliflower Corn (tuber) (bulb) Parsnips Kohlrabi Lettuce Cucumbers Nasturtium Nuts Potato Onion Spinach Eggplant Violets Peas (tuber) (bulb) Radishes Turnips Bell Pepper Rice Squash Wheat Strawberr y Source: Nutrition to Grow on Curriculum
  • 9. Gardening Material (2) Discuss “Pizza Garden” with students and choose from the following toppings (seeds to plant) Tomato Bell pepper Onions Eggplant Rosemary Basil Oregano Parsley Source: HGTV
  • 10. Gardening Material (3) Activity 1: Plant seeds in mini-greenhouse tray Filling cells loosely with soil, planting at the appropriate depth, watering seeds, etc. Have students draw predictions of plant growth from seeds Source: Nutrition to Grow on Curriculum
  • 11. Healthy Recipe: Yogurt Parfait Ingredients ½ cup granola, low-fat ¾ cup (6-oz container) vanilla or plain yogurt, low-fat ½ cup fresh blueberries, raspberries, or sliced strawberries or bananas Set-up/Prep: Have students construct a healthy parfait by combining granola, yogurt, and fresh fruit Key Nutritional Information: Serving Size: 1 ¾ cups 15 g protein, 6 g fat, 2.5 g saturated Source:
  • 12. Module 2 Dangers of Added Sugars and Fats Classroom Material Fats: Functions and Types Moderation of Fats Case Study: Nutritional Differences in Milk Added Sugar: Rethink Your Drink Gardening Material Setting up the “Pizza Garden” Healthy Recipe: Chicken Fingers
  • 13. Fats: Functions and Types Role of Fats Most concentrated source of energy (2x kcal of proteins, carbs) Necessary for growth, healthy skin, and metabolism But excess fats lead to higher cholesterol and risk of heart disease, as well as other conditions Type of Fat Food Source Impact Unsaturated Fats Olives, Nuts, Avocados, Olive Lower cholesterol oil, Corn, Sesame Omega-3-Fatty- Cold-water fish, flaxseed, soy Lower risk for heart Acids attack, improve immune system Saturated Fats Meat, butter, cheese, most Increase cholesterol, milk raise risk of heart Transfat Margarine, hydrogenated disease and other conditions Source: Kidshealth.orgoils, packaged/fried foods
  • 14. Moderation of Fats Rule of thumb: 30% of calories should be from fat Sample Meal: Two slices of bread = 13% fat (30 of 230 calories from fat) Two tablespoons of peanut butter = 75% fat (140 of 190 calories from fat) One tablespoon of jelly = 0% fat (0 of 50 calories from fat) One cup of 1% milk = 18 % (20 of 110 calories from fat) Apple = 0% (0 of 80 calories from fat) Total = 29% fat (190 of 660 calories from fat) Activity: Ask students to recall their lunch and identify the approx. percentage of calories from fat Source:
  • 15. Rethinking Milk Type of Milk Calories Total Fat Protein Calcium (% DV) (g) (g) Fat Free Milk 90 0 9 30% 1% Low-fat Milk 120 2.5 11 35% 2% Reduced Fat 130 5 10 30% Milk Whole Milk 160 9 8 25% • Activity: Ask students to sample different types of milk. Show them that 3 glasses of low-fat milk would still have less total fat than one glass of whole milk, while having over 4x the protein and calcium. Source: California WIC
  • 16. Added Sugars: Rethink Your Drink Type of Beverage Calories in 12 ounces Calories in 20 ounces Fruit punch 192 320 100% apple juice 192 300 100% orange juice 168 280 Lemonade 168 280 Regular lemon/lime soda 148 247 Regular cola 136 227 Sweetened lemon iced 135 225 tea Tonic water 124 207 Regular ginger ale 124 207 Sports drink 99 165 Unsweetened iced tea 2 3 Diet soda (with 0 0 aspartame) Water Centers for Disease Source: 0 0
  • 17. Gardening Material Activity: Preparing the Pizza Garden Choose the size and location of the bed Ensure maximum sun exposure Create a circular bed with enough room for individual plants to grow based on requirements Prepare the soil Remove weeds Add in composted material to create a nutrient-rich growing environment Install the edging Plastic edge for outer circle, with Source: wooden dividers for individual HGTV “slices” or growing areas
  • 18. Healthy Recipe: Chicken Ingredients: Fingers 1 4-oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast, rinsed, patted dry, and sliced into strips or 4 1-oz boneless, skinless chicken tenders 1 egg or ¼ cup egg substitute or ¼ cup skim milk 1/3 cup cereal flakes, crushed (preferably cereal with 3g or more of fiber per serving) Set-up/Prep: Preheat oven to 350º F (176º C). Dip chicken strips into egg, egg substitute, or skim milk. Roll dipped chicken in high-fiber cereal to coat. Place coated strips on nonstick baking sheet. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, turning after 9 minutes, until chicken is done (it must be white, not pink, inside). Key Nutritional Info: Serving size: 1 tender Source:
  • 19. Module 3 Fruits & Vegetables: Key Sources of Vitamins Classroom Material Fruits and Veggies: Student Recognition and Initial Preferences Nutritional Information and Serving Sizes Gardening Material Placing the plants Installing the plants Healthy Recipe: Mango & Banana Smoothie
  • 20. Fruits and Veggies: Student Recognition and Initial Preferences Activity: Ask students to list fruits and veggies that they know. Fill in responses that were not discussed in class to get a complete list. Then have each student rate how much they like each fruit/vegetable on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) Finally, ask each student how often they eat major fruits and vegetables on a scale of 1 (never) to 5 (always) California WIC and FDA Nutritional
  • 21. Fruits and Veggies: Nutritional Information and Serving Sizes Activity: Ask students to write down all fruits they ate in the last 24 hours with approx. serving sizes Hand out the color cards that correspond with fruits and veggies eaten by the students. Review the nutritional benefits from each group, show the importance of eating fruits of different colors, and go through proper serving sizes Activity: Have students identify best sources of Vitamin A, C, Potassium, Source: FDA Nutrition FDA etc. based on Information
  • 22. Gardening Material (1) Activity: Placing the Plants The tomato plants should have an entire “slice”, while up to three other plants can share a section Source: HGTV
  • 23. Gardening Material (2) Activity: Installing the Plants With one hand, gently grasp the main stems of each plant, and with the other hand, tip the container upside down and gently squeeze or shake the container (Image 1) until the plant is released. If the plant is root-bound, gently tease the outer roots apart (Image 2) Plant the transplants at the same depth as they were in their containers, and firm the soil around the roots. Top-dress each plant with a handful or two of compost (Image 3). Note: Plant tomatoes a little deeper than they were in the pot / bend and bury part of the stem for “trenching” Source: HGTV Pizza Garden Guide
  • 24. Healthy Recipe: Fruit Smoothie Ingredients 2 cups 1% milk 1 fresh pitted mango 1 small banana 2 ice cubes Set-up/Prep Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until foamy. Kids can add more fruit and/or vegetables. Key Nutritional Information: Serving Size: ¾ Cup 106 Calories, 2 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat, 157 mg calcium Source: Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino
  • 25. Module 4 Grains & Proteins Classroom Material Why whole grains? Sources and key nutrients Importance of proteins and natural sources Proteins: Daily Requirements and Dietary Recommendations Gardening Material Create Your Own Compost Healthy Recipe: Fritatta
  • 26. Why Whole Grains? Whole grains retain the fiber rich bran, the heart healthy germ, and the starchy endosperm while other grains only keep the endosperm after processing Source: Whole Foods Market
  • 27. Whole Grains: Sources and Key Nutrients Types of whole grains include: Brown Rice Barley Whole wheat bread/tortillas Oatmeal Health Benefits: Great source of fiber & vitamins, can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer Goal: 50% of all grains should be whole Activity: Teach students how to identify whole grain tortillas, breads, and cereals (cheerios vs. cornflakes) based on ingredients (WIC) Source: California WIC
  • 28. Proteins: Importance and Sources Activity: Ask students to describe the importance of proteins as well as key sources in our diet Role of Proteins: Supply the amino acid building blocks our cells need for growth, development, and other processes Primary Sources: Meats, poultry, and fish Legumes (dry beans and peas) Tofu, nuts, grains Milk and milk products
  • 29. Proteins: Daily Requirements and Recommendations Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein Age Group Grams of protein (daily) Children ages 1 – 3 13 Children ages 4 – 8 19 Children ages 9 – 13 34 Girls ages 14 – 18 46 Boys ages 14 – 18 52 Most individuals easily reach target levels, but need to make lower-fat protein choices Choose lean poultry & fish, trim excess fat, remove skin Substitute pinto or black beans for meat in chili and tacos. Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, cheese Source: CDC
  • 30. Gardening Material Review significance of composting to build nutrient rich soil Activity: Create Your Own Compost Take a 2-liter plastic soda bottle, cut its top off, and remove all labels. Poke holes around the middle section (to provide air to worms) and the bottom (to allow for drainage). Place approximately 1 to 2 inches of moist, shredded newspaper in the bottle. Then place 1 to 2 inches of shredded lettuce on top of the newspaper. Continue alternating the layers until you reach the top of the bottle. Don’t pack the layers down or make the bedding too wet. Add 10 to 12 red worms on top. Wrap black construction paper around the bottle and tape the ends together to form a tube that can be slipped on and off for viewing purposes. Cover the top of the bottle with dark cloth and secure it with a rubber band to prevent light and flies from entering the compost. Place the worm bottle on a tray for drainage purposes. Add new food every three to four days and cover with more shredded newspaper. Spray to keep moist. You can add fruit and vegetable peels as well, but do not add foot faster than the worms can digest. Add the compost/worm castings to the garden after a month or two. Lightly sprinkle them in the holes in which Source: Nutritionto replenish thearound bottle to keep the cycle seeds are to to Grow On Curriculum seedlings. Remember be planted or worm the new
  • 31. Healthy Recipe: Frittata Source: Edible Schoolyard Project
  • 32. Module 5 Portion Control & Healthy Snacking Classroom Material Portion Control: Survey What are appropriate portions for various foods? Guide to Healthy Snacking Build Your Own Healthy Snacks Gardening Material Maintaining and Growing the Garden Healthy Recipe: Hummus
  • 33. Portion Control: Opening a) Always Survey 1. How often do you Value-size, Supersize, Mega-size or “whatever-size” your burgers, sodas or fries? b) Sometimes c) Never 2. When you eat a packaged snack or dessert (like chips, crackers, cookies, or ice cream) do you usually: a) Take out what you want and then put the package away b) Take out what you want, but leave the package out, in case you want more. c) Eat straight out of the package, sometimes until nothing is left. 3. How often do you read the label on food packages to see what the serving size is? a) Usually b) Sometimes c) Never 4. How often do you check the label to see how many calories are in a serving”? a) Usually b) Sometimes c) Never 5. When you go to the movies, what size popcorn do you get? a) The biggest tub they have b) Medium size c) Smallest d) Don’t buy food at the movies Source: Texas WIC Portion Control
  • 34. Appropriate Portion Sizes “Eating with Our Eyes” leads to excess calories Demonstration 1: Ask students to pour recommended serving size of juice (4-6 oz) into a pitcher and see how close they come Demonstration 2: Ask students to make a PB&J sandwich with only 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (normal serving) and ask them to compare to their usual portion Demonstration 3: Ask students to look at different tortilla sizes. Compare calories between tortillas (including whole grain options) and encourage students to eat smaller tortillas Demonstration 4: Ask students how many serving sizes are in microwavable popcorn bags (2.5). Show how this compares to the whole bag of popcorn, which people eat individually Activity: Have students select one area to improve portion sizes Source: Texas
  • 35. Guide to Healthy Snacking Snacks are small meals that should add vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients with a low amount of added fat and sugar Activity: Ask students what their favorite snacks are, how often they eat them, and if they are healthy/unhealthy. Review the table below for more comprehensive list of healthy and unhealthy snacks Healthy Snacks Unhealthy Snacks Yogurt (high in calcium) French fries (high fat, high salt) Fruits (Vitamins A & C, fiber) Twinkie (high sugar, high fat) Cheese (highcalcium) Sunny delight (high sugar) WIC Cereal (low sugar, low fat) Cookies (high fat, high sugar) Vegetables (low in sugar, low fat, high fiber, vitamins A, C, folic acid) Nuts (low sugar, high protein, vitamins and Source: minerals) California Hard boiled eggs (low sugar, high protein, WIC vitamins and minerals)
  • 36. Building Healthy, Tasty Snacks Activity: Have students work together to make healthy and tasty snacks from different combinations of food groups Meat Group Milk Group (for growth) (for bones and teeth) Hardboiled egg Milk Leftover meat Cheese Slices Chicken leg Cheese Sticks Peanut butter Cottage Cheese Nuts or seeds Yogurt Tofu Soy Milk Beans Grain Group Fruits and Vegetables (for energy) (for vitality) Pretzels Fresh Fruit slices-Apple, Orange, melon Cheerios Banana, Pear, grapes Kix cereals Canned fruit., applesauce Bagels Strawberries Rice cakes Steamed cold vegetables-broccoli, Graham Crackers cauliflower Tortillas Fresh celery sticks Bread, various kinds Fresh vegies-celery sticks, cucumber, Popcorn, plain snow peas, carrots Cherry tomatoes Frozen juice sticks Juice- fruit and tomato Source: Snacks Count Pictures by Food Group (California WIC)
  • 37. Gardening Material Activity: Maintaining & Growing the Garden Water the plants properly Tomatoes need more water than the other plants, followed by basil and peppers; rosemary and thyme will need less water Adding fertilizer Diluted liquid fish emulsion to replace soil nutrients Remove weeds Students should actively look for harmful weeds Support tomatoes Source: Nutrition toplant stem HGTV or wooden stake Tie Grow On, to cage
  • 38. Healthy Recipe: Hummus Ingredients: 2 cups canned garbanzo beans, drainer 1/3 cup tahini, ¼ cup lemon juice 1 tsp salt, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil 1 pinch paprika, 1 tsp fresh parsley Set-up/Prep: Place the garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, salt and garlic in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. Transfer mixture to a serving bowl. Drizzle olive oil over the garbanzo bean mixture. Sprinkle with paprika and parsley Key Nutrition Info: Serving Size: 1/16 of recipe 77 calories, 4.3 g fat, 0.6 g sat fat, 5% DV protein, 12% DV folate Source:
  • 39. Module 6 Eating healthy when eating out Classroom Material How bad is fast food? Checklist for Eating Healthy Away from Home Gardening Material Harvesting & Transplanting Seedlings Healthy Recipe: Garden Pizza
  • 40. How bad is fast food? Activity: Ask students where they get fast food, how often they go, and what they typically order Show students that there are 16 sugar cubes in a “small” 20 oz. soda Show students that a Big Mac has 6 teaspoons of shortening fat (30 g total) Source: Texas WIC
  • 41. Eat Healthy Away from Home Do Order a kids meal Share a meal with friends/family Ask for no mayo, dressing on the side Pack up half of a lunch/dinner in a to-go box before even starting the meal Ask if you could get the lunch-sized portion of dinner dishes Don’t Supersize your meals unless you plan to share Order the largest size of drinks or main courses Source: Texas WIC
  • 42. Gardening Material Activity: For the final lesson, students should gather whatever vegetables and herbs are ready to be harvested They also should transplant seedlings from the greenhouse trays to garden plots in preparation for the next cycle
  • 43. Healthy Recipe: Garden Ingredients Pizza 1 pint cherry tomatoes, 2 tbsp tomato paste 8 fresh basil leaves, 2 tsp fresh oregano ¼ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper, yellow cornmeal dusting 1 pound Easy Whole-Wheat dough 4 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese 3 tbsp grated parmesan cheese 4 baby zucchinis, 1 medium yellow bell pepper Set-up/Prep Place a pizza stone on the lowest rack; preheat oven to 450°F for at least 20 minutes Roll out the dough and place on a cornmeal- dusted pizza peel or inverted baking sheet, using enough cornmeal so that the dough slides easily .Slide the dough onto the preheated stone and cook until the bottom begins to crisp, about 3 minutes. Remove the crust, making sure the underside is covered with cornmeal Quickly add the toppings and slide the pizza back onto the stone. Continue baking until the toppings are hot and the bottom of the crust has browned, 12 to 15 minutes. Key Nutritional Information:375 calories; 9 g fat (5 g sat, 1 g mono ); 26 mg cholesterol; 58 g carbohydrates; 17 g protein; 8 g fiber; 531 mg sodium; Source: Eatingwell,com
  • 44. Key Sources AHA Caloric/Dietary Requirements Table for Children and Adolescents: Children_UCM_303886_Article.jsp California WIC: Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Nutrition: Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino Recipes : Edible Schoolyard FDA Nutritional Labeling: HGTV: Kids Health: NIH (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute): Nutrition to Grow On: Texas WIC:

Editor's Notes

  1. AHA Caloric/Dietary Requirements Table for Children and Adolescents:
  3. California WIC Program has the color-coded cards for fruits and vegetables to be used in the second activity The FDA provides nutritional estimates for fruits and vegetables (
  5. Can also add whole grain toast for emphasis.
  6. Source: California WIC material
  7. Source: Snacks Count Pictures by Food Group (California WIC)
  8. Source: Nutrition to Grow On, HGTV
  9. Can add whole wheat pita bread/tortillas, sliced red peppers, feta cheese, and olives Source: