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Nutrition by expert
Why Nutrition?
 Food supplements/Nutraceutical products for adults are complementary or
alternative treatment of ailments
 Food supplements/Nutraceutical products are concentrated source of all
desired macro and micro nutrients to derive ones daily dose
 Food supplements/Nutraceutical products play a vital role with the insurance
of daily nutritional requirements in today's busy life.
Nutraceuticals in Market
Nutraceuticals is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe any product
derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic
nutritional value found in foods.
 Syrup
 Tablet
 Gel capsule
 Sachet
What is Nutrition
 Nutrition
 Essential Nutrients
 Macronutrients
 Micronutrients
 Carbohydrate
 Protein
 Fat
 Vitamins
 Minerals
Recent Trends
 Advance Nutrition
 Medicine Nutrition
For Example
 Prebiotics like Inulin
 Active Probiotic like in fermented products e.g yogurt
 Vitamins are organic compounds that people need in small quantities.
 Recommended amounts of different types of vitamins may be expressed in
milligrams (mg), micrograms (mcg), or international units (IU), depending on the
The 13 known vitamins fall into two categories:
 Fat soluble Vitamins
 Water soluble Vitamins
Water Soluble Vitamins
Water soluble vitamins include
 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
 B1 Thiamin
 B2 Riboflavin
 B3 Niacin
 B5 Pantothenic acid
 B6 Vitamin (pyridoxine, Pyridoxal and pyridoxamine)
 B7 Biotin
 B9 Folacin
 B12 vitamin
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
 Fat soluble vitamin include
 vitamin A
 D
 E
 K
because they are soluble in organic solvents and are absorbed and transported in
manner similar to that of fats.
Causes of Deficiencies General
 1. Failure to take the proper quantity and quality of foods to meet individual
 2. Inadequate intake of food because of gastrointestinal disorders e.g. acidity
 3. Defective absorption or utilization of food because of gastrointestinal disorders
e.g. chronic diarrhea, intestinal parasitism.
Causes of Deficiencies General
 4. Increased need for food in conditional cases
 5. Impaired metabolism of nutrients, hereditary or acquired (liver damage, drugs).
 6. Interaction of drugs and nutrients.
Water – Soluble Vitamins
Thiamin B1
Although thiamine is needed for the
metabolism of fats, protein and nucleic acids,
it is most strongly linked with carbohydrate
The decarboxylation of pyruvate, which is
concerned only with carbohydrate
metabolism, is the first to suffer from thiamine
Deficiencies of Vitamin B1
 Clinical signs of thiamine deficiency primarily involve the nervous and cardiovascular
systems, eventually expressed in the deficiency disease of beriberi.
 Symptoms include mental confusion, muscular wasting, edema (wet beriberi)
peripheral paralysis, tachycardia and enlarged heart.
 In dry beriberi symptoms are peripheral neuropathy with loss of function or paralysis of
the lower extremities.
 Neuropathy in diabetics
 Cause fatigue and malaise in old age
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mg Females 11-50 years 1.1 mg
7-12 months 0.4 mg 50+ years 1.0 mg
Children 1-3 years 0.7 mg Pregnant 1.5 mg
4-6 years 0.9 mg Lactating 1.6 mg
7-10 years 1.0 mg
Males 11-14 years 1.3 mg
15-50 years 1.5 mg
51+ years 1.2 mg
*Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th edition, c. 1989 byNAS.
Riboflavin B2
Riboflavin combines with
phosphoric acid to become part
of the structure of co-enzymes,
FMN and FAD.
These co-enzymes catalyze
oxidation-reduction reactions in
the cells and function as
hydrogen carriers in the
mitochondrial electron transport
Deficiencies of Vitamin B2
 Early deficiency symptoms include burning and itching of the eyes, loss of visual
acuity, and soreness and burning of lips, mouth and tongue.
 Riboflavinosis is characterized by the development of cheilosis (fissuring of the
lips) angular stomatitis (cracks in the skin at the corners of the mouth) a greasy
eruption of the skin of vagina; a purple swollen tongue; and capillary overgrowth
around the cornea of the eye.
 Cell repair and energy metabolism.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
1 year
0.4-0.5 mg
Children 1-10 years 0.8-1.2 mg
11-14 years
15-18 years
19-50 years
51+ years
Lactating(1st 6 months)
Lactating(2nd 6 months)
1.5 mg
1.8 mg
1.7 mg
1.4 mg
1.6 mg
1.8 mg
1.7 mg
Pyridoxine B6
co-enzyme that function primarily
in transamination and other
reactions related to protein
As a co-enzyme for phosphorylase
pyridoxine facilitates the release of
glycogen from the liver and muscle
as glucose-1-phosphate.
The formation of sphingolipids
(phospholipids), involved in the
development of the myelin sheath
surrounding nerve cells is also
vitamin B6 dependent.
Deficiencies of Vitamin B6
 Vitamin B6 deficiency may accompany alcoholism because alcohol and alcoholic
liver disease can interfere with normal vitamin B6 metabolism.
 Extreme pyridoxine deficiency leads to CNS abnormalities.
 A deficiency syndrome has been identified in mentally retarded children with
uncontrollable convulsions from birth due to an inborn error of vitamin B6
 It is thought that these children are unable to synthesize GABA (neurotransmitter)
Recommended Dietary Allowance
1-6 months 0.3 mg
7-12 months 0.6 mg
1-3 years 1.0 mg
4-6 years 1.1 mg
7-10 years 1.4 mg
11-14 years 1.7 mg
15 + years 2.0 mg
11-14 years 1.4 mg
15-18 years 1.5 mg
19 + years 1.6 mg
Pregnant 2.2 mg
Lactating 2.1 mg *From Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, NAS.
Cobalamin is essential for normal
function in the metabolism of all
cells, especially those of the G.I.
tract, bone marrow, and nervous
Vitamin B12 affects myelin
It is also effective as extrinsic
factor in the treatment of
pernicious anemia
Deficiencies of Vitamin B12
 Impaired DNA synthesis results in defective proliferation of rapidly dividing cells
and is manifested by megaloblastic anemia, glossitis. Distortion of intestinal
architecture results in G.I. disorders.
 A lack of Vitamin B12 results in subacute degeneration of cerebral white matter,
optic nerves, spinal cord and peripheral nerves in diabetics. Symptoms include
numbness, tingling, and burning of the feet as well as stiffness and generalized
weakness of the legs.
 Many believe Vitamin B12 deficiency to be a common disorder in the elderly.
 Breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers may also be at risk.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mcg
7-12 months 0.5 mcg
Children 1-3 years 0.7 mcg
4-6 years 1.0 mcg
7-10 years 1.4 mcg
Males 11-51 years 2.0 mcg
51 + years 2.0 mcg
Females 11-50 years 2.0 mcg
51 + years 2.0 mcg
Pregnant 2.2 mcg
Lactating 2.6 mcg
* From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS, RDA, 10th edition, 1989
Niacin B3
Functions in the body as a
component of the co-enzyme NAD
and NADP.
These co-enzymes are essential in
the oxidation-reduction reactions
and boost Immunity
involved in the release of energy
from carbohydrates, fats and
proteins, where they serve as
hydrogen acceptors capable of
accepting and releasing hydrogen
atoms as they are removed by the
dehydrogenase enzyme.
Deficiencies of Niacin
 Symptoms of niacin deficiency in the early stages include muscular weakness,
anorexia, indigestion, and skin eruptions.
 Severe deficiency of niacin leads to pellagra, which is characterized by dermatitis,
dementia, diarrhea, tremors and sore tongue. The skin develops a cracked
pigmented, scaly dermatitis in the areas exposed to sun.
 Lesion in the central nervous system leads to confusion, disorientation, and
 Digestive abnormalities cause irritation and inflammation of the mucous
membranes of the mouth and the gastro-intestinal tract.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mg
7-12 months 0.6 mg
Children 1-3 years 1.0 mg
4-6 years 1.1 mg
Males 11-14 years 1.7 mg
15 + years 2.0 mg
Females 11-14 years 1.4 mg
15-18 years 1.5 mg
19 + years 1.6 mg
Pregnant 2.2 mg
* RDA 10th edition, c. 1989 by NAS.
Lactating 2.1 mg
Pantothenic Acid
The primary role of pantothenic
acid is as a constituent of co-
enzyme A and as such it is
essential to many areas of
cellular metabolism.
As a part of acetyl CoA, it is
involved in the release of energy
from carbohydrate and in the
degradation and metabolism of
fatty acids.
Deficiencies of Pantothenic Acid
 The primary role of pantothenic acid is as a constituent of co-enzyme A and as
such it is essential to many areas of cellular metabolism.
 As a part of acetyl CoA, it is involved in the release of energy from carbohydrate
and in the degradation and metabolism of fatty acids.
 Fatigue and malaise
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 2 mg All males & Females above 11 years 4-7 mg
3 mg
Children 1-3 years 3 mg
4-6 years 3-4 mg
7-10 years 4-5 mg
* From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS. RDA, 10th edition,1989.
Folic Acid B9
Folic acid is necessary for the
synthesis of nucleic acids, which
form DNA and RNA.
Folate is essential for the formation
of both red and white blood cells in
the bone marrow and for their
It serves as a single carbon carrier
in the formation of heme.
Folic acid acts as co-enzyme in the
biotransformation of amino acids.
Deficiencies of Folic Acid
 Anemia
 Weakness/fatigue
 Infertility both in males and females
 Neural tube irregularity during pregnancy
 Irritability, headache, SOB, Depression
 Change in color of skin and hair
 Autism
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Males 11-14 years 150 mcg
15 + years 200 mcg
Females 11-14 years 150 mcg
15 + years 180 mcg
Pregnant 400 mcg
Lactating (1st 6 months)
Lactating (2nd 6 months)
280 mcg
260 mcg
* From Food and Nutrition Research Council, NAS. RDA, 10th edition,1989.
Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid has multiple functions either
as coenzyme or cofactor. Its ability to lose
and take on hydrogen gives it an essential
role in metabolism.
Reduces ferric to ferrous iron in the
intestinal tract to facilitate its absorption.
-Involved in the transfer of iron from
plasma transferrin to liver ferritin.
Involved in the hydroxylation of proline to
form hydroxyproline in the synthesis of
collagen, a protein substance upon which
the integrity of cellular structure in all
fibrous tissues depends.
Deficiencies of Vitamin C
 During periods of emotional, psychological or physiological stress, the urinary
excretion of ascorbic acid is increased.
 Severe deficiency of ascorbic acid causes scurvy, symptoms include follicular
hyperkeratosis, swollen and inflamed gums, loosening of teeth, dryness of the
mouth and eyes, loss of hair, dry itchy skin
 Wounds fail to heal, growth retardation in infants and children, anemia, increased
susceptibility to infections, irritability, neurotic disturbances
 Manifestations of deficiency also include hemorrhage under the skin and into
 Immunity
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 30 mg
7-12 months 35 mg
Children 1-3 years 40 mg
4-10 years 45 mg
Males 11-14 years 50 mg
15 + years 60 mg
Females 11-14 years 50 mg
15 + years 60 mg
Pregnant 70 mg
Lactating(1st 6 months) 95 mg
Lactating(2nd 6 months) 90 mg
* From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS. RDA 10th edition, 1989
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A carotene
mroducts, egg yolk.
Vitamin A has a number of
important functions in the body.
It plays an essential role in the
function of the retina.
it is essential for the integrity of
epithelial cells, formation of
visual pigments (major
constituent of rhodopsin).
Vitamin A is also needed for
synthesis of
Deficiencies of Vitamin A
 Night blindness, xerophthalmia (Keratinization of corneal tissue), skin lesions,
allergies, dry hair, fatigue, failure of skeletal growth, reproductive disorders.
 Vitamin A is readily absorbed from the normal gastrointestinal tract. The
absorption of vitamin A is also disturbed in hepatic disease.
 Carotenes (alpha, Beta) synthesized by plants, are provitamins of vitamin A, which
is converted into active form by the human body.
 A year’s supply of vitamin A can be stored in the liver.
 Good for immunity
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants Upto 1 year 375 mcg
Children 1-3 years 400 mcg
4-6 years 500 mcg
7-10 years 700 mcg
Males Adults 1000 mcg
Females Adults 800 mcg
Pregnant 800 mcg
Lactating (1st 6 months)
Lactating (2nd 6 months)
1300 mcg
1200 mcg
From Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, NAS
Vitamin D
Normal calcium and phosphate
metabolism are dependent on
proper levels of vitamin D.
Bile production
Deficiencies of Vitamin D
 Vitamin D deficiency in infants and children rapidly leads to a serious metabolic
bone disease known as rickets. In the adult, only small amounts of calcium are
necessary to maintain balance and vitamin serves a much less important function.
 Vitamin D is usually given by mouth, and gastrointestinal absorption is adequate
under most circumstances.
 Bile is essential for adequate intestinal absorption and deoxycholic acid is the
most important constituent of bile in this regard.
 The chief therapeutic uses of Vitamin D are in infant feeding for the prophylaxis
of rickets and in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Infants 1-6 months 7.5 mcg
6-12 months 10 mcg
Children 1-10 years 10 mcg
Males 11-24 years 10 mcg
25 + years 5 mcg
Females 11-24 years 10 mcg
25 + years 5 mcg
Pregnant 10 mcg
Lactating 10 mcg
• 1 International Unit (IU) = 0.025 mcg of calciferol (vitamin D3)
• 1 mcg cholecalciferol = 40 IU vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin.
Vitamin E is recognized as
having a fundamental role in the
normal metabolism of all cells.
Therefore, its deficiency can
affect several different organ
Renowned antioxidant
Deficiencies of Vitamin E
 In the neuromuscular system vitamin E deficiency is manifested clinically as loss of
deep tendon reflexes, impaired vibratory and position sensation, changes in balance
and coordination, muscles weakness, and visual disturbances.
 Vitamin E needs some fat for the digestive system to absorb it.
 Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling
in the arms and legs, loss of body movement control, muscle weakness, and vision
 Another sign of deficiency is a weakened immune system.
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Age RDA (mg a-Tocopherol equivalents/d)
Males 11-51 + 10
Females 11-50 + 8
Pregnant 10
Lactating(1-6 months) 12
Lactating(7-9 months) 11
ED. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K plays a key role in
helping the blood clot,
preventing excessive bleeding.
Unlike many other vitamins,
vitamin K is not typically used as
a dietary supplement.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Low levels of vitamin K can raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding.
 While vitamin K deficiencies are rare in adults, they are very common in newborn
 A single injection of vitamin K for newborns is standard. Vitamin K is also used to
counteract an overdose of the blood thinner coumadin.
 80mcg
 Minerals can be described as inorganic solid chemical compounds usually found
as constituent of the earth’s crust.
The two kinds of minerals are:
 Macrominerals
 trace minerals.
Needed by body in larger amounts than trace minerals macromineral group includes
 Calcium
 Phosphorus
 Magnesium
 Sodium
 Potassium
 Chloride
 Sulfur
Trace Minerals
Needed by body in very smaller amounts, trace minerals include
 Iron
 Manganese
 Copper
 Iodine
 Zinc
 Cobalt
 Fluoride
 Selenium
Iodine is an essential component
of thyroxine and tri- iodo -
thyronine molecules that are
secreted by thyroid gland and
are essential for a number of
metabolic processes in the body.
Iodine has long been
established as a dietary essential
and evidence of deficiency can
be rather readily detected.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Deficiency effects:
Iodine deficiency leads to simple goiter and in severe case, cretinism.
 Daily Requirement:
The daily requirement of the adult is very small, 3 mcg per Kg or a total of 200
mcg daily.
Copper has a role in the
oxidation of iron prior to
transport in the plasma and in
the cross-linking of collagen
necessary for its tensile strength.
It also has role in mitochondrial
energy production
protection from oxidants
synthesis of melamine and
Deficiencies of Copper
 Deficiency leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia.
 Neutropenia, leukopenia, and bone demineralization follow, with subperiosteal
hemorrhages, hair and skin depigmentation, defective elastin formation, and bone
Recommended Dietary Allowance
INFANTS 1 - 6 months 0.4 - 0.6 mg
6 -12 months 0.6 - 0.7 mg
CHILDREN 1 - 3 years 0.7 - 1.0 mg
4 - 6 years 1.0 - 1.5 mg
7 -10 years 1.0 - 2.0 mg
11 + years 1.5 - 2.5 mg
ADULTS 1.5 - 3.0 mg
* RDAs, 10th edition, c. 1989 by National Academy ofSciences
It is an important participant in
many enzyme systems and lack
of it causes a variety of structural
and functional disturbances.
Most of the magnesium is in the
Extensive loss of this element
may occur in diarrhea.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Muscle twitching and cramping
 Meatal Disorders
 Osteoporosis
 Fatigue and Muscle weakness
 High blood pressure
 Asthma
 Irregular hear beat
 2 mg
Zinc is known to participate in
reactions involving either synthesis or
degradation of major metabolites
such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
and nucleic acids.
More than 200 zinc enzymes have
been isolated from various species.
Involved in the stabilization of protein
and nucleic acid structure and the
integrity of cellular organelles
In transport processes, immune
function, and expression of genetic
Deficiencies and Recommendations
Additional symptoms of zinc deficiency include:
 Delayed sexual development, infertility, poor sperm quality
 Reduced height and weight and fatigue and malaise
 Enlarged spleen
 Hypogeusia (decreased taste acuity)
 Delayed wound healing in diabetic patients
 Alopecia, hair loss
 Diverse forms of skin and nail lesions
 Zinc responsive night blindness has also been documented (Solomons, 1988).
 Zinc deficiency results in a variety of immunologic defects
Bone health
Antioxidant good for disease risk
Reduce inflammation
Regulate BSL
Lowers incidence of epileptic
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Poor bone growth
 Skeletal defects
 Slow or impaired growth
 Low fertility
 Impaired glucose intolerance
 Abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and energy
 2mg
Good for vital functions
Good for immune system
Good for gastrointestinal
Regulate body treatment
Iron is an essential constituent of
the human blood.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Extreme fatigue
 Weakness
 Pale skin
 Chest pain, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath.
 Headache, dizziness
 Cold hands and feet
 Inflammation or soreness of your tongue
 Brittle nails
 18 mg
Calcium is essential for the
integrity of the nervous and
muscular systems where it has a
major influence on the integrity
and excitability of these tissues.
Calcium is necessary for normal
cardiac function & is one of the
factors that operate in the
mechanisms involved in the
coagulation of blood.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Deficiency:
 Calcium deficiency diseases are rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis. The
normal serum calcium levels, between 9 and 11mg per 100 ml must be maintained
for many functions. Tetany may arise if the calcium concentration in the serum
rapidly decreases to very low level.
 RDA:
 The National Research Council recommended dietary allowance of calcium for
normal children and adult between 0.7G to 1.4G per day.
Maintain weight
Maintain BSL
Aids the action of insulin
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Chromium deficiency is a wide spread problem.
 Many people such as athletes, diabetics, pregnant women, and the elderly are
especially at risk of chromium deficiency leading to impaired insulin function,
inhibition of protein synthesis and energy production, and to type 2 diabetes and
heart disease.
 120 mcg
Supports the metabolism lower
the cholesterol
Regulate the BSL
Good for hair loss
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 Biotin is a B vitamin found in food.
 It helps the body convert food into energy and plays many other important roles
in health in diabetics especially
 Biotin boosts the health of the hair and nails, supports a healthy pregnancy, and
helps manage blood sugar levels, among other benefits.
 300 mcg
Coenzyme Q10
 Coenzyme Q is well defined as a crucial
component of the oxidative phosphorylation
process in mitochondria which converts the
energy in carbohydrates and fatty acids into
ATP to drive cellular machinery and synthesis.
 New roles for coenzyme Q in other cellular
functions are only becoming recognized.
Coenzyme Q10 is an important
vitamin-like substance required
for the proper function of many
organs and chemical reactions in
the body.
It helps provide energy to cells
Coenzyme Q10 also seems to
have antioxidant activity.
Deficiencies and Recommendations
 A lack of functional protein produced from any one of the COQ genes decreases
the normal production of coenzyme Q10.
 Studies suggest that a shortage (deficiency) of coenzyme Q10 impairs oxidative
phosphorylation and increases the vulnerability of cells to damage from free
 Infertility in males
 De arranged lipid profile leading to cardiac complications.
 90–200 mg
Molybdenum is a co-factor for a
number of flavoprotein enzymes
and is found in xanthine oxidase,
which converts xanthine to uric
Excess will result in symptoms of
copper deficiency.
75 mcg
Phosphorus has important and
multifaced functions in the
biochemistry of the body.
It is of great significance in a
host of reactions throughout
virtually all organs and tissues.
The bulk of body phosphorus is
located in the bones, where it
plays a key role in osteoblastic
and osteoclastic activities.
1,000 mg
Cobalt administration in man
may improve hematocrit,
hemoglobin and erythrocyte
values in some patient with
refractory anemia of various
Cobalt is an essential part of
vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 is
essential for maturation of red
blood cells.
5 - 8 mcg
 Oligofructose-enriched inulin is made by
combining two substances that occur
naturally in many plants, including chicory
root, wheat, bananas, onion, and garlic
 Oligofructose-enriched inulin helps healthy
bacteria grow in the intestines and helps the
body absorb calcium and magnesium.
Oligofructose has a sweet,
pleasant flavor and is highly
It can be used to fortify foods
with fiber without contributing
any deleterious organoleptic
effects, to improve the flavor and
sweetness of low calorie foods
and to improve the texture of
fat-reduced foods.
Benfotiamine It inhibits the three main pathways leading to
hyperglycemic damage
These pathways increase superoxide production
 Hexosamine pathway
 Diacylgleycerol protein kinase C pathway
 Advance glycation pathway
Benfotiamine is a lab made
version of Vitamin B1.
Helpful in Diabetes related nerve
damage , Alzheimer’s disease
and alcohol dependence.
Dill Oil
 Dill seed is sometimes applied to the mouth
and throat for pain and swelling
 Rich in antioxidants and a good source of
vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin A.
 Dill may have several benefits for health,
including protection against heart disease and
cancer. However, it's important to keep in
mind that most studies looking at the benefits
of dill use dill extracts.
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is the
perfect plant to have on hand at
this time of the year because it is
so good at soothing indigestion.
Both the seeds and leaves can be
made into a tea that will ease a
stomach-ache caused by wind,
and dill water will relieve colic.
Fennel Oil
 Fennel's dried ripe seeds and oil are used to
make medicine. Fennel is used by mouth for
excessive crying in infants (colic), indigestion
(dyspepsia), menstrual cramps
(dysmenorrhea), and symptoms of
menopause, but there is no good scientific
evidence to support these uses.
Fennel is a digestive tract savior.
The seeds have a compound that
relaxes GI spasms, which allows gas
to pass and relieve bloating
In foods and beverages, fennel oil
and fennel seed are used as
flavoring agents.
used as a flavoring agent in certain
laxatives, and as a fragrance
component in soaps and cosmetics.
 Cost effecting
 Price effecting
 Shelf Life

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  • 2. Why Nutrition?  Food supplements/Nutraceutical products for adults are complementary or alternative treatment of ailments  Food supplements/Nutraceutical products are concentrated source of all desired macro and micro nutrients to derive ones daily dose  Food supplements/Nutraceutical products play a vital role with the insurance of daily nutritional requirements in today's busy life.
  • 3. Nutraceuticals in Market Nutraceuticals is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe any product derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods.  Syrup  Tablet  Gel capsule  Sachet
  • 4. What is Nutrition  Nutrition  Essential Nutrients  Macronutrients  Micronutrients
  • 7. Recent Trends  Advance Nutrition  Medicine Nutrition For Example  Prebiotics like Inulin  Active Probiotic like in fermented products e.g yogurt
  • 9. Vitamins  Vitamins are organic compounds that people need in small quantities.  Recommended amounts of different types of vitamins may be expressed in milligrams (mg), micrograms (mcg), or international units (IU), depending on the nutrient. The 13 known vitamins fall into two categories:  Fat soluble Vitamins  Water soluble Vitamins
  • 10. Water Soluble Vitamins Water soluble vitamins include  Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)  B1 Thiamin  B2 Riboflavin  B3 Niacin  B5 Pantothenic acid  B6 Vitamin (pyridoxine, Pyridoxal and pyridoxamine)  B7 Biotin  B9 Folacin  B12 vitamin
  • 11. Fat-Soluble Vitamins  Fat soluble vitamin include  vitamin A  D  E  K because they are soluble in organic solvents and are absorbed and transported in manner similar to that of fats.
  • 12. Causes of Deficiencies General  1. Failure to take the proper quantity and quality of foods to meet individual requirements  2. Inadequate intake of food because of gastrointestinal disorders e.g. acidity  3. Defective absorption or utilization of food because of gastrointestinal disorders e.g. chronic diarrhea, intestinal parasitism.
  • 13. Causes of Deficiencies General  4. Increased need for food in conditional cases  5. Impaired metabolism of nutrients, hereditary or acquired (liver damage, drugs).  6. Interaction of drugs and nutrients.
  • 14. Water – Soluble Vitamins
  • 15. Thiamin B1 Although thiamine is needed for the metabolism of fats, protein and nucleic acids, it is most strongly linked with carbohydrate metabolism. The decarboxylation of pyruvate, which is concerned only with carbohydrate metabolism, is the first to suffer from thiamine deficiency.
  • 16. Deficiencies of Vitamin B1  Clinical signs of thiamine deficiency primarily involve the nervous and cardiovascular systems, eventually expressed in the deficiency disease of beriberi.  Symptoms include mental confusion, muscular wasting, edema (wet beriberi) peripheral paralysis, tachycardia and enlarged heart.  In dry beriberi symptoms are peripheral neuropathy with loss of function or paralysis of the lower extremities.  Neuropathy in diabetics  Cause fatigue and malaise in old age
  • 17. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Age RDA Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mg Females 11-50 years 1.1 mg 7-12 months 0.4 mg 50+ years 1.0 mg Children 1-3 years 0.7 mg Pregnant 1.5 mg 4-6 years 0.9 mg Lactating 1.6 mg 7-10 years 1.0 mg Males 11-14 years 1.3 mg 15-50 years 1.5 mg 51+ years 1.2 mg *Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th edition, c. 1989 byNAS.
  • 18. Riboflavin B2 Riboflavin combines with phosphoric acid to become part of the structure of co-enzymes, FMN and FAD. These co-enzymes catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions in the cells and function as hydrogen carriers in the mitochondrial electron transport system.
  • 19. Deficiencies of Vitamin B2  Early deficiency symptoms include burning and itching of the eyes, loss of visual acuity, and soreness and burning of lips, mouth and tongue.  Riboflavinosis is characterized by the development of cheilosis (fissuring of the lips) angular stomatitis (cracks in the skin at the corners of the mouth) a greasy eruption of the skin of vagina; a purple swollen tongue; and capillary overgrowth around the cornea of the eye.  Cell repair and energy metabolism.
  • 20. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Infants Age 1 year RDA 0.4-0.5 mg Children 1-10 years 0.8-1.2 mg Males Females 11-14 years 15-18 years 19-50 years 51+ years Pregnant Lactating(1st 6 months) Lactating(2nd 6 months) 1.5 mg 1.8 mg 1.7 mg 1.4 mg 1.6 mg 1.8 mg 1.7 mg
  • 21. Pyridoxine B6 co-enzyme that function primarily in transamination and other reactions related to protein metabolism. As a co-enzyme for phosphorylase pyridoxine facilitates the release of glycogen from the liver and muscle as glucose-1-phosphate. The formation of sphingolipids (phospholipids), involved in the development of the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells is also vitamin B6 dependent.
  • 22. Deficiencies of Vitamin B6  Vitamin B6 deficiency may accompany alcoholism because alcohol and alcoholic liver disease can interfere with normal vitamin B6 metabolism.  Extreme pyridoxine deficiency leads to CNS abnormalities.  A deficiency syndrome has been identified in mentally retarded children with uncontrollable convulsions from birth due to an inborn error of vitamin B6 metabolism.  It is thought that these children are unable to synthesize GABA (neurotransmitter)
  • 23. Recommended Dietary Allowance Age RDA 1-6 months 0.3 mg 7-12 months 0.6 mg 1-3 years 1.0 mg 4-6 years 1.1 mg 7-10 years 1.4 mg 11-14 years 1.7 mg 15 + years 2.0 mg 11-14 years 1.4 mg 15-18 years 1.5 mg 19 + years 1.6 mg Pregnant 2.2 mg Lactating 2.1 mg *From Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, NAS.
  • 24. Cyanocobalamin B12 Cobalamin is essential for normal function in the metabolism of all cells, especially those of the G.I. tract, bone marrow, and nervous tissue. Vitamin B12 affects myelin formation. It is also effective as extrinsic factor in the treatment of pernicious anemia
  • 25. Deficiencies of Vitamin B12  Impaired DNA synthesis results in defective proliferation of rapidly dividing cells and is manifested by megaloblastic anemia, glossitis. Distortion of intestinal architecture results in G.I. disorders.  A lack of Vitamin B12 results in subacute degeneration of cerebral white matter, optic nerves, spinal cord and peripheral nerves in diabetics. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and burning of the feet as well as stiffness and generalized weakness of the legs.  Many believe Vitamin B12 deficiency to be a common disorder in the elderly.  Breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers may also be at risk.
  • 26. Recommended Dietary Allowance Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mcg 7-12 months 0.5 mcg Children 1-3 years 0.7 mcg 4-6 years 1.0 mcg 7-10 years 1.4 mcg Males 11-51 years 2.0 mcg 51 + years 2.0 mcg Females 11-50 years 2.0 mcg 51 + years 2.0 mcg Pregnant 2.2 mcg Lactating 2.6 mcg * From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS, RDA, 10th edition, 1989
  • 27. Niacin B3 Functions in the body as a component of the co-enzyme NAD and NADP. These co-enzymes are essential in the oxidation-reduction reactions and boost Immunity involved in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, where they serve as hydrogen acceptors capable of accepting and releasing hydrogen atoms as they are removed by the dehydrogenase enzyme.
  • 28. Deficiencies of Niacin  Symptoms of niacin deficiency in the early stages include muscular weakness, anorexia, indigestion, and skin eruptions.  Severe deficiency of niacin leads to pellagra, which is characterized by dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, tremors and sore tongue. The skin develops a cracked pigmented, scaly dermatitis in the areas exposed to sun.  Lesion in the central nervous system leads to confusion, disorientation, and neuritis.  Digestive abnormalities cause irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and the gastro-intestinal tract.
  • 29. Recommended Dietary Allowance Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 0.3 mg 7-12 months 0.6 mg Children 1-3 years 1.0 mg 4-6 years 1.1 mg Males 11-14 years 1.7 mg 15 + years 2.0 mg Females 11-14 years 1.4 mg 15-18 years 1.5 mg 19 + years 1.6 mg Pregnant 2.2 mg * RDA 10th edition, c. 1989 by NAS. Lactating 2.1 mg
  • 30. Pantothenic Acid B5 The primary role of pantothenic acid is as a constituent of co- enzyme A and as such it is essential to many areas of cellular metabolism. As a part of acetyl CoA, it is involved in the release of energy from carbohydrate and in the degradation and metabolism of fatty acids.
  • 31. Deficiencies of Pantothenic Acid  The primary role of pantothenic acid is as a constituent of co-enzyme A and as such it is essential to many areas of cellular metabolism.  As a part of acetyl CoA, it is involved in the release of energy from carbohydrate and in the degradation and metabolism of fatty acids.  Fatigue and malaise
  • 32. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Age RDA Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 2 mg All males & Females above 11 years 4-7 mg 7-12 months 3 mg Children 1-3 years 3 mg 4-6 years 3-4 mg 7-10 years 4-5 mg * From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS. RDA, 10th edition,1989.
  • 33. Folic Acid B9 Folic acid is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, which form DNA and RNA. Folate is essential for the formation of both red and white blood cells in the bone marrow and for their maturation. It serves as a single carbon carrier in the formation of heme. Folic acid acts as co-enzyme in the biotransformation of amino acids.
  • 34. Deficiencies of Folic Acid  Anemia  Weakness/fatigue  Infertility both in males and females  Neural tube irregularity during pregnancy  Irritability, headache, SOB, Depression  Change in color of skin and hair  Autism  Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • 35. Recommended Dietary Allowance Age RDA Males 11-14 years 150 mcg 15 + years 200 mcg Females 11-14 years 150 mcg 15 + years 180 mcg Pregnant 400 mcg Lactating (1st 6 months) Lactating (2nd 6 months) 280 mcg 260 mcg * From Food and Nutrition Research Council, NAS. RDA, 10th edition,1989.
  • 36. Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C Ascorbic acid has multiple functions either as coenzyme or cofactor. Its ability to lose and take on hydrogen gives it an essential role in metabolism. Reduces ferric to ferrous iron in the intestinal tract to facilitate its absorption. -Involved in the transfer of iron from plasma transferrin to liver ferritin. Involved in the hydroxylation of proline to form hydroxyproline in the synthesis of collagen, a protein substance upon which the integrity of cellular structure in all fibrous tissues depends.
  • 37. Deficiencies of Vitamin C  During periods of emotional, psychological or physiological stress, the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid is increased.  Severe deficiency of ascorbic acid causes scurvy, symptoms include follicular hyperkeratosis, swollen and inflamed gums, loosening of teeth, dryness of the mouth and eyes, loss of hair, dry itchy skin  Wounds fail to heal, growth retardation in infants and children, anemia, increased susceptibility to infections, irritability, neurotic disturbances  Manifestations of deficiency also include hemorrhage under the skin and into joints.  Immunity
  • 38. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table: Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 30 mg 7-12 months 35 mg Children 1-3 years 40 mg 4-10 years 45 mg Males 11-14 years 50 mg 15 + years 60 mg Females 11-14 years 50 mg 15 + years 60 mg Pregnant 70 mg Lactating(1st 6 months) 95 mg Lactating(2nd 6 months) 90 mg * From Food and Nutrition Board, NRC, NAS. RDA 10th edition, 1989
  • 40. Vitamin A carotene mroducts, egg yolk. Vitamin A has a number of important functions in the body. It plays an essential role in the function of the retina. it is essential for the integrity of epithelial cells, formation of visual pigments (major constituent of rhodopsin). Vitamin A is also needed for synthesis of mucopolysaccharides.
  • 41. Deficiencies of Vitamin A  Night blindness, xerophthalmia (Keratinization of corneal tissue), skin lesions, allergies, dry hair, fatigue, failure of skeletal growth, reproductive disorders.  Vitamin A is readily absorbed from the normal gastrointestinal tract. The absorption of vitamin A is also disturbed in hepatic disease.  Carotenes (alpha, Beta) synthesized by plants, are provitamins of vitamin A, which is converted into active form by the human body.  A year’s supply of vitamin A can be stored in the liver.  Good for immunity
  • 42. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Age RDA Infants Upto 1 year 375 mcg Children 1-3 years 400 mcg 4-6 years 500 mcg 7-10 years 700 mcg Males Adults 1000 mcg Females Adults 800 mcg Pregnant 800 mcg Lactating (1st 6 months) Lactating (2nd 6 months) 1300 mcg 1200 mcg From Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, NAS
  • 43. Vitamin D Normal calcium and phosphate metabolism are dependent on proper levels of vitamin D. Bile production
  • 44. Deficiencies of Vitamin D  Vitamin D deficiency in infants and children rapidly leads to a serious metabolic bone disease known as rickets. In the adult, only small amounts of calcium are necessary to maintain balance and vitamin serves a much less important function.  Vitamin D is usually given by mouth, and gastrointestinal absorption is adequate under most circumstances.  Bile is essential for adequate intestinal absorption and deoxycholic acid is the most important constituent of bile in this regard.  The chief therapeutic uses of Vitamin D are in infant feeding for the prophylaxis of rickets and in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism.
  • 45. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Age RDA Infants 1-6 months 7.5 mcg 6-12 months 10 mcg Children 1-10 years 10 mcg Males 11-24 years 10 mcg 25 + years 5 mcg Females 11-24 years 10 mcg 25 + years 5 mcg Pregnant 10 mcg Lactating 10 mcg • 1 International Unit (IU) = 0.025 mcg of calciferol (vitamin D3) • 1 mcg cholecalciferol = 40 IU vitamin D
  • 46. Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin E is recognized as having a fundamental role in the normal metabolism of all cells. Therefore, its deficiency can affect several different organ systems. Renowned antioxidant
  • 47. Deficiencies of Vitamin E  In the neuromuscular system vitamin E deficiency is manifested clinically as loss of deep tendon reflexes, impaired vibratory and position sensation, changes in balance and coordination, muscles weakness, and visual disturbances.  Vitamin E needs some fat for the digestive system to absorb it.  Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling in the arms and legs, loss of body movement control, muscle weakness, and vision problems.  Another sign of deficiency is a weakened immune system.
  • 48. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table Age RDA (mg a-Tocopherol equivalents/d) Males 11-51 + 10 Females 11-50 + 8 Pregnant 10 Lactating(1-6 months) 12 Lactating(7-9 months) 11 *NAS, RDA, 10TH ED. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989.
  • 49. Vitamin K Vitamin K plays a key role in helping the blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding. Unlike many other vitamins, vitamin K is not typically used as a dietary supplement.
  • 50. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Low levels of vitamin K can raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding.  While vitamin K deficiencies are rare in adults, they are very common in newborn infants.  A single injection of vitamin K for newborns is standard. Vitamin K is also used to counteract an overdose of the blood thinner coumadin.  80mcg
  • 51. Minerals  Minerals can be described as inorganic solid chemical compounds usually found as constituent of the earth’s crust. The two kinds of minerals are:  Macrominerals  trace minerals.
  • 52. Macrominerals Needed by body in larger amounts than trace minerals macromineral group includes  Calcium  Phosphorus  Magnesium  Sodium  Potassium  Chloride  Sulfur
  • 53. Trace Minerals Needed by body in very smaller amounts, trace minerals include  Iron  Manganese  Copper  Iodine  Zinc  Cobalt  Fluoride  Selenium
  • 54. Iodine Iodine is an essential component of thyroxine and tri- iodo - thyronine molecules that are secreted by thyroid gland and are essential for a number of metabolic processes in the body. Iodine has long been established as a dietary essential and evidence of deficiency can be rather readily detected.
  • 55. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Deficiency effects: Iodine deficiency leads to simple goiter and in severe case, cretinism.  Daily Requirement: The daily requirement of the adult is very small, 3 mcg per Kg or a total of 200 mcg daily.
  • 56. Copper Copper has a role in the oxidation of iron prior to transport in the plasma and in the cross-linking of collagen necessary for its tensile strength. It also has role in mitochondrial energy production protection from oxidants synthesis of melamine and catecholamines.
  • 57. Deficiencies of Copper  Deficiency leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia.  Neutropenia, leukopenia, and bone demineralization follow, with subperiosteal hemorrhages, hair and skin depigmentation, defective elastin formation, and bone demineralization.
  • 58. Recommended Dietary Allowance Table AGE ESADDI INFANTS 1 - 6 months 0.4 - 0.6 mg 6 -12 months 0.6 - 0.7 mg CHILDREN 1 - 3 years 0.7 - 1.0 mg 4 - 6 years 1.0 - 1.5 mg 7 -10 years 1.0 - 2.0 mg 11 + years 1.5 - 2.5 mg ADULTS 1.5 - 3.0 mg * RDAs, 10th edition, c. 1989 by National Academy ofSciences
  • 59. Magnesium It is an important participant in many enzyme systems and lack of it causes a variety of structural and functional disturbances. Most of the magnesium is in the skeleton. Extensive loss of this element may occur in diarrhea.
  • 60. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Muscle twitching and cramping  Meatal Disorders  Osteoporosis  Fatigue and Muscle weakness  High blood pressure  Asthma  Irregular hear beat  2 mg
  • 61. Zinc Zinc is known to participate in reactions involving either synthesis or degradation of major metabolites such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. More than 200 zinc enzymes have been isolated from various species. Involved in the stabilization of protein and nucleic acid structure and the integrity of cellular organelles In transport processes, immune function, and expression of genetic information.
  • 62. Deficiencies and Recommendations Additional symptoms of zinc deficiency include:  Delayed sexual development, infertility, poor sperm quality  Reduced height and weight and fatigue and malaise  Enlarged spleen  Hypogeusia (decreased taste acuity)  Delayed wound healing in diabetic patients  Alopecia, hair loss  Diverse forms of skin and nail lesions  Zinc responsive night blindness has also been documented (Solomons, 1988).  Zinc deficiency results in a variety of immunologic defects
  • 63. Manganese Bone health Antioxidant good for disease risk Reduce inflammation Regulate BSL Lowers incidence of epileptic seizures
  • 64. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Poor bone growth  Skeletal defects  Slow or impaired growth  Low fertility  Impaired glucose intolerance  Abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and energy  2mg
  • 65. Iron Good for vital functions Good for immune system Good for gastrointestinal process Regulate body treatment Iron is an essential constituent of the human blood.
  • 66. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Extreme fatigue  Weakness  Pale skin  Chest pain, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath.  Headache, dizziness  Cold hands and feet  Inflammation or soreness of your tongue  Brittle nails  18 mg
  • 67. Calcium Calcium is essential for the integrity of the nervous and muscular systems where it has a major influence on the integrity and excitability of these tissues. Calcium is necessary for normal cardiac function & is one of the factors that operate in the mechanisms involved in the coagulation of blood.
  • 68. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Deficiency:  Calcium deficiency diseases are rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis. The normal serum calcium levels, between 9 and 11mg per 100 ml must be maintained for many functions. Tetany may arise if the calcium concentration in the serum rapidly decreases to very low level.  RDA:  The National Research Council recommended dietary allowance of calcium for normal children and adult between 0.7G to 1.4G per day.
  • 70. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Chromium deficiency is a wide spread problem.  Many people such as athletes, diabetics, pregnant women, and the elderly are especially at risk of chromium deficiency leading to impaired insulin function, inhibition of protein synthesis and energy production, and to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  120 mcg
  • 71. Biotin Supports the metabolism lower the cholesterol Regulate the BSL Good for hair loss
  • 72. Deficiencies and Recommendations  Biotin is a B vitamin found in food.  It helps the body convert food into energy and plays many other important roles in health in diabetics especially  Biotin boosts the health of the hair and nails, supports a healthy pregnancy, and helps manage blood sugar levels, among other benefits.  300 mcg
  • 73. Coenzyme Q10  Coenzyme Q is well defined as a crucial component of the oxidative phosphorylation process in mitochondria which converts the energy in carbohydrates and fatty acids into ATP to drive cellular machinery and synthesis.  New roles for coenzyme Q in other cellular functions are only becoming recognized. Coenzyme Q10 is an important vitamin-like substance required for the proper function of many organs and chemical reactions in the body. It helps provide energy to cells Coenzyme Q10 also seems to have antioxidant activity.
  • 74. Deficiencies and Recommendations  A lack of functional protein produced from any one of the COQ genes decreases the normal production of coenzyme Q10.  Studies suggest that a shortage (deficiency) of coenzyme Q10 impairs oxidative phosphorylation and increases the vulnerability of cells to damage from free radicals.  Infertility in males  De arranged lipid profile leading to cardiac complications.  90–200 mg
  • 75. Molybdenum Molybdenum is a co-factor for a number of flavoprotein enzymes and is found in xanthine oxidase, which converts xanthine to uric acid. Excess will result in symptoms of copper deficiency. 75 mcg
  • 76. Phosphorus Phosphorus has important and multifaced functions in the biochemistry of the body. It is of great significance in a host of reactions throughout virtually all organs and tissues. The bulk of body phosphorus is located in the bones, where it plays a key role in osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities. 1,000 mg
  • 77. Cobalt Cobalt administration in man may improve hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocyte values in some patient with refractory anemia of various types. Cobalt is an essential part of vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 is essential for maturation of red blood cells. 5 - 8 mcg
  • 78. Oligofructose  Oligofructose-enriched inulin is made by combining two substances that occur naturally in many plants, including chicory root, wheat, bananas, onion, and garlic  Oligofructose-enriched inulin helps healthy bacteria grow in the intestines and helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium. Oligofructose has a sweet, pleasant flavor and is highly soluble. It can be used to fortify foods with fiber without contributing any deleterious organoleptic effects, to improve the flavor and sweetness of low calorie foods and to improve the texture of fat-reduced foods.
  • 79. Benfotiamine It inhibits the three main pathways leading to hyperglycemic damage These pathways increase superoxide production  Hexosamine pathway  Diacylgleycerol protein kinase C pathway  Advance glycation pathway Benfotiamine is a lab made version of Vitamin B1. Helpful in Diabetes related nerve damage , Alzheimer’s disease and alcohol dependence. 600mg
  • 80. Dill Oil  Dill seed is sometimes applied to the mouth and throat for pain and swelling (inflammation).  Rich in antioxidants and a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin A.  Dill may have several benefits for health, including protection against heart disease and cancer. However, it's important to keep in mind that most studies looking at the benefits of dill use dill extracts. Dill (Anethum graveolens) is the perfect plant to have on hand at this time of the year because it is so good at soothing indigestion. Both the seeds and leaves can be made into a tea that will ease a stomach-ache caused by wind, and dill water will relieve colic.
  • 81. Fennel Oil  Fennel's dried ripe seeds and oil are used to make medicine. Fennel is used by mouth for excessive crying in infants (colic), indigestion (dyspepsia), menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea), and symptoms of menopause, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Fennel is a digestive tract savior. The seeds have a compound that relaxes GI spasms, which allows gas to pass and relieve bloating In foods and beverages, fennel oil and fennel seed are used as flavoring agents. used as a flavoring agent in certain laxatives, and as a fragrance component in soaps and cosmetics.
  • 82. Possibility  Cost effecting  Price effecting  Shelf Life