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Teachers’ Standards:
              Characteristics of Performance

  Based on guidance produced by UCET (the Universities Council for the Education of
Teachers), NASBTT (the National Association of School Based Teacher Trainers) and the
  Higher Education Academy and the outcomes of workshops at the NTU Partnership
                                  Conference 2012
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                      Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the                  Trainees achieving the
                                     standards at a level that is not     standards at a satisfactory           standards at a good level may           standards at an outstanding
                                     yet satisfactory may                 level will demonstrate as a           demonstrate these                       level may demonstrate these
                                     demonstrate these                    minimum that:                         characteristics:                        characteristics:

S1 Set high expectations             They are inconsistent in their       They are able to encourage pupils     They are reliable in encouraging        They constantly encourage pupils
which inspire, motivate and          encouragement of pupils to           to participate and contribute in an   pupils to participate and               to participate and contribute in an
challenge pupils                     participate and contribute in an     atmosphere conducive to learning.     contribute in an atmosphere             atmosphere highly conducive to
                                     atmosphere conducive to learning.    In the course of differing school     conducive to learning. They             learning. They consistently set
   establish a safe and             The expectations they set are        experiences they have shown that      consistently set high expectations      high expectations of pupils in
    stimulating environment for      often not well matched to pupils’    they have set appropriately high      of pupils in their different training   different training contexts. There
    pupils, rooted in mutual         potential to make progress. They     expectations, believing that all      contexts. They are well respected       are high levels of mutual respect
    respect;                         are not able to confidently build    pupils have the potential to make     by learners and effectively             between the trainee and pupils.
   set goals that stretch and       and sustain positive, respectful     progress. They are able to develop    promote pupils’ resilience,             They are very effective in
    challenge pupils of all          working relationships with           a rapport with a range of             confidence and independence             promoting learners’ resilience,
    backgrounds, abilities and       individuals or groups. As a result   individuals and groups. As a          when tackling challenging               confidence and independence
    dispositions;                    of this learners can sometimes       consequence of this most pupils       activities. As a result of this most    when tackling challenging
   demonstrate consistently the     become disengaged and                are engaged in their learning.        learners are enthused and               activities. They generate high
    positive attitudes, values and   demotivated. This is characterised   They consistently demonstrate         motivated to participate.               levels of enthusiasm, participation
    behaviour which are expected     by such trainees, at times,          professional behaviour, respect for                                           and commitment to learning.
    of pupils.                       appearing unenthusiastic and         pupils, colleagues, parents and
                                     demotivated themselves.              carers and support the ethos of
                                                                          the school. They demonstrate
                                                                          enthusiasm for working with
                                                                          children and young people and for
                                                                          teaching and learning.
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                    Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the
                                   standards at a level that is not     standards at a satisfactory          standards at a good level may         standards at an outstanding
                                   yet satisfactory may                 level will demonstrate as a          demonstrate these                     level may demonstrate these
                                   demonstrate these                    minimum that:                        characteristics:                      characteristics:

S2 Promote good progress           They understand that teachers are    They understand how teachers are     They assume responsibility for the    They assume a high level of
and outcomes by pupils             accountable for the attainment,      accountable for the attainment,      attainment, progress and              responsibility for the attainment
                                   progress and outcomes of pupils,     progress and outcomes of pupils      outcomes of the pupils they teach.    progress and outcomes of the
   be accountable for             but are not taking responsibility    and have taken some                  They demonstrate a sound              pupils they teach. They
    attainment, progress and       for this. Their short- and medium-   responsibility for this with         understanding of the need to          demonstrate confident judgement
    outcomes of the pupils;        term planning and teaching           guidance from the usual class        develop pupil learning over time.     in planning for pupil progression
   plan teaching to build on      demonstrate inconsistent             teacher or other professional.       Their short- and medium-term          both within individual lessons and
    pupils’ capabilities and prior understanding of, and provision      Their short- and medium-term         planning consistently takes into      over time and are able to
    knowledge;                     for, pupil progression and the       planning and teaching                account the prior learning of the     articulate a clear and well-justified
   guide pupils to reflect on the need to take into account prior      demonstrate some understanding       pupils. They regularly provide        rationale as to how they are
    progress they have made and achievement. Their support for          of, and provision for, pupil         pupils with the opportunity to        building on prior achievement.
    their emerging needs;          pupils in reflecting on their        progression taking into account      reflect on their own learning and     They actively promote engaging
   demonstrate knowledge and      learning and identifying their       prior achievement. They support      use this, along with other forms of   and effective methods that
    understanding of how pupils    progress and emerging needs is       pupils in reflecting on their        assessment, to inform their future    support pupils in reflecting on
    learn and how this impacts on underdeveloped and, as a              learning and identifying their       planning and teaching. They use       their learning. They are able to set
    teaching;                      consequence, learners are given      progress and emerging learning       their knowledge of effective          appropriately challenging tasks,
   encourage pupils to take a     insufficient opportunity to          needs. When planning lessons         teaching strategies to encourage      drawing on a sound knowledge of
    responsible and conscientious evaluate and improve their own        they devise suitable opportunities   independent learning and they set     the pupils’ prior attainment which
    attitude to their own work     performance. The teaching            for learners to evaluate and         appropriately challenging tasks       has been obtained through
    and study.                     strategies they adopt can lack an    improve their performance. They      which enable the learners to make     systematic and accurate
                                   understanding of how pupils learn    are able to explain how effective    progress. As a result the majority    assessment. They regularly create
                                   and a rationale for choices made.    teaching strategies are informed     of pupils make good progress.         opportunities for independent and
                                   As a consequence too few pupils      by an understanding of how pupils                                          autonomous learning. As a result
                                   make sufficient progress.            learn and offer a rationale for                                            the majority of pupils make very
                                                                        choices made in the context of                                             good progress.
                                                                        practice. They plan teaching and
                                                                        learning activities which
                                                                        encourage independent and
                                                                        autonomous learning. As a
                                                                        consequence all groups of pupils
                                                                        make at least satisfactory
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                    Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the                  Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the
                                   standards at a level that is not       standards at a satisfactory             standards at a good level may          standards at an outstanding
                                   yet satisfactory may                   level will demonstrate as a             demonstrate these                      level may demonstrate these
                                   demonstrate these                      minimum that:                           characteristics:                       characteristics:

S3 Demonstrate good                Their subject knowledge is not         They have sufficiently secure           They have well-developed               They draw on their in-depth
subject and curriculum             sufficiently secure for teaching to    knowledge and understanding of          knowledge and understanding of         subject and curriculum knowledge
knowledge                          be effective. They also                the relevant subject/ curriculum        the relevant subject/ curriculum       to plan confidently for progression
                                   demonstrate insufficient knowledge     areas to teach effectively in the       areas they are training to teach       and to stimulate and capture
   have a secure knowledge        of how learning progresses and         age phase for which they are            and use this effectively to maintain   pupils’ interest. They demonstrate
    of the relevant subject(s)     cannot always respond                  training to teach. They know how        and develop pupils’ interest. They     very well-developed pedagogical
    and curriculum areas,          appropriately to key questions,        learning progresses within and          make good use of their secure          subject knowledge, by anticipating
    foster and maintain pupils’    common errors and                      across the subject/curriculum age       curriculum and pedagogical subject     common errors and
    interest in the subject, and   misconceptions. There is little        phases they are training to teach,      knowledge to deepen learners’          misconceptions in their planning.
    address                        evidence of appropriate and/or         in terms of the development of key      knowledge and understanding,           They are astutely aware of their
    misunderstandings;             effective research of subject and      concepts and of learners’ common        addressing common errors and           own development needs in terms
   demonstrate a critical         curriculum knowledge to underpin       misconceptions. They are able to        misconceptions effectively in their    of extending and updating their
    understanding of               teaching. They demonstrate a lack      respond appropriately to subject        teaching. They are critically aware    subject, curriculum and
    developments in the            of understanding or consistency in     specific questions which learners       of the need to extend and update       pedagogical knowledge in their
    subject and curriculum         their promotion of high standards      ask and they use subject specific       their subject, curriculum and          early career and have been
    areas, and promote the         of literacy and articulacy.            language accurately and                 pedagogical knowledge and know         proactive in developing these
    value of scholarship;                                                 consistently in order to help           how to employ appropriate              effectively during their training.
   demonstrate an                 In relation to early reading:          learners develop knowledge,             professional development               They model very high standards of
    understanding of and take      primary trainees demonstrate           understanding and skills in the         strategies to further develop these    written and spoken communication
    responsibility for promoting   insufficient understanding of the      subject. They recognise the need        in their early career. They model      in all professional activities. They
    high standards of literacy,    principles and practices of teaching   to extend and update their subject      good standards of written and          successfully identify and exploit
    articulacy and the correct     and assessing reading and writing,     and pedagogical knowledge as a          spoken communication in all            opportunities to develop learners’
    use of standard English,       including systematic synthetic         key element of continuing               professional activities and            skills, in communication, reading
    whatever the teacher’s         phonics, in their planning and         professional development and have       encourage and support learners to      and writing.
    specialist subject;            teaching.                              shown the ability and readiness to      develop these skills in their
   if teaching early reading,                                            do so. They demonstrate an              lessons.                               In relation to early reading:
    demonstrate a clear            In relation to early maths:            understanding of the need to                                                   primary trainees draw on their
    understanding of               primary trainees demonstrate           promote high standards of           In relation to early reading:              very strong understanding of
    systematic synthetic           insufficient understanding of the      communication, reading and          primary trainees have a very               synthetic systematic phonics and
    phonics;                       principles and practices of teaching   writing for all learners and begin to
                                                                                                              secure knowledge and                       its role in teaching and assessing
   if teaching early              and assessing early mathematics        build this into lessons.            understanding of synthetic                 reading and writing to teach
    mathematics, demonstrate       in their planning and teaching.                                            systematic phonics and its role in         literacy very effectively across the
    a clear understanding of                                              In relation to early reading: all   teaching and assessing reading             age-phases they are training to
    appropriate teaching                                                  primary trainees will demonstrate   and writing in the context of the          teach.
    strategies.                                                           sufficient knowledge and            age-phases they are training to
                                                                          understanding of the principles and teach.                                     In relation to early
                                                                          practices of teaching and assessing                                            mathematics: primary trainees
                                                                          reading and writing, including the  In relation to early                       draw on their very strong
                                                                          use of systematic synthetic         mathematics: primary trainees              knowledge and understanding of
                                                                          phonics, to be able to apply this   have a very secure knowledge and           the principles and practices of
                                                                          effectively across the specific age understanding of the principles and        teaching early mathematics to
phases they are training to            practices of teaching early         select and employ highly effective
teach. (See Systematic Synthetic       mathematics and employ effective teaching strategies across the age-
Phonics in ITT: Guidance and           teaching strategies across the age- ranges they are training to teach.
Support Materials for further          ranges they are training to teach.

In relation to early
mathematics: all primary trainees
will know and understand the
principles and practices of teaching
and assessing early mathematics,
to be able to apply this effectively
across the specific age phases they
are training to teach.
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                  Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the
                                 standards at a level that is not       standards at a satisfactory           standards at a good level may          standards at an outstanding
                                 yet satisfactory may                   level will demonstrate as a           demonstrate these                      level may demonstrate these
                                 demonstrate these                      minimum that:                         characteristics:                       characteristics:

S4 Plan and teach well            The range of strategies and           They employ a range of teaching       They show a willingness to try out     They plan lessons that often use
structured lessons                resources employed in teaching        strategies and resources. They        a range of approaches to teaching      well-chosen, imaginative and
                                  are limited. The structure of their   plan individual lessons that are      and learning. They plan lessons        creative strategies, and that match
   impart knowledge and          lessons often does not support        appropriately structured to support                                          individuals’ needs and interests.
                                                                                                              that take account of the needs of
    develop understanding         pupils in developing their            pupils in developing their                                                   They are highly reflective in
    through effective use of      knowledge, skills, understanding      knowledge, skills, understanding,     groups of learners and individuals,    critically evaluating their practice.
    lesson time;                  and attitudes. The pace of learning   interest and positive attitudes.      through the setting of                 They can accurately judge the
   promote a love of learning and teaching is often inappropriate      When teaching they maintain the       differentiated learning outcomes,      impact of their practice on
    and children’s intellectual   for the needs and abilities of the    pace of the learning, are able to     carefully matching teaching and        individual and groups of learners
    curiosity;                    pupils. The classroom environment     respond flexibly to what is           learning activities and resources to   and can use their evaluation to
   set homework and plan         and ethos are not conducive to        happening in the classroom and        support learners in achieving these    inform future planning, teaching
    other out-of-class activities learning and pupil progress.          have the confidence to adapt their                                           and learning. They show initiative
                                                                                                              intended learning outcomes. They
    to consolidate and extend     Review and evaluation of planning     teaching in order to respond to the                                          in contributing to curriculum
    the knowledge and             is inconsistently applied and         needs of the learners. They can       know how to learn from both            planning and developing and
    understanding pupils have opportunities to collaborate with         create an environment in which the    successful and less effective          producing effective learning
    acquired;                     more experienced colleagues on a      learners are usually engaged.         lessons through their systematic       resources in their placement
   reflect systematically on     range of projects have often been     They understand how homework or       evaluation of the effectiveness of     settings.
    the effectiveness of lessons missed.                                other out-of-class work can sustain   their practice, including its impact
    and approaches to                                                   learners’ progress and consolidate    on learners. They make a positive
    teaching;                                                           learning and can design and set
                                                                                                              contribution to the development of
   contribute to the design                                            appropriate tasks. They review and
    and provision of an                                                 reflect on their own planning and     curriculum and resources in their
    engaging curriculum within                                          teaching to prepare future            placement settings.
    the relevant subject                                                activities and tasks which build on
    area(s).                                                            and sustain progression in pupils’
                                                                        learning. They work collaboratively
                                                                        with more experienced colleagues,
                                                                        where appropriate, to adapt and/or
                                                                        develop the school’s medium-term
                                                                        plans, schemes of work, curriculum
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                     Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the
                                    standards at a level that is not     standards at a satisfactory           standards at a good level may         standards at an outstanding
                                    yet satisfactory may                 level will demonstrate as a           demonstrate these                     level may demonstrate these
                                    demonstrate these                    minimum that:                         characteristics:                      characteristics:

S5 Adapt teaching to                They are not sufficiently aware of   They know the pupils well enough      They consistently adapt their         They quickly and accurately
respond to the strengths            the different needs and strengths    to recognise the different needs      teaching to meet the needs of         discern their learners’ strengths
and needs of all pupils             of individuals and groups to adapt   and strengths of individuals and      individual and groups of learners     and needs and are proactive in
                                    their teaching to support learners   groups and begin to adapt their       to support progression in learning.   differentiating and employing a
   know when and how to            to progress. They show some          teaching to address those needs       They know how to secure progress      range of effective intervention
    differentiate appropriately,    awareness of key barriers to         and strengths so that learners are    for learners and how to identify      strategies to secure progression
    using approaches which          pupils’ achievement but lack         supported towards achieving their     when groups and individuals have      for individuals and groups. They
    enable pupils to be taught      understanding of strategies that     potential. They are aware of a        made progress. They have a range      have an astute understanding of
    effectively;                    experienced teachers use to          range of factors that are potential   of effective strategies that they     how effective different teaching
   have a secure                   overcome these barriers. There is    barriers to achievement and           can apply to reduce barriers and      approaches are in terms of impact
    understanding of how a          little account taken in their        understand how experienced            respond to the strengths and          on learning and engagement of
    range of factors can inhibit    teaching of how children and         teachers use a range of strategies    needs of their pupils. They clearly   learners.
    pupils’ ability to learn, and   young people develop or of how to    to reduce these barriers. They        recognise how to deal with any
    how best to overcome            support pupils with particular       begin to deploy these strategies      potential barriers to learning
    these;                          needs, including EAL and SEND.       themselves, working alongside         through their application of well-
   demonstrate an awareness                                             experienced teachers and support      targeted interventions and the
    of the physical, social and                                          staff as appropriate. They show       appropriate deployment of
    intellectual development of                                          awareness of how children and         available support staff.
    children, and know how to                                            young people develop and take
    adapt teaching to support                                            account of this in their teaching.
    pupils’ education at                                                 They have some understanding of
    different stages of                                                  the challenges and opportunities of
    development;                                                         teaching in a diverse society. They
   have a clear understanding                                           have a developing understanding
    of the needs of all pupils,                                          of the needs of all pupils and are
    including those with special                                         able to articulate distinctive
    educational needs; those                                             teaching approaches and strategies
    of high ability; those with                                          needed to engage and support
    English as an additional                                             pupils with particular needs,
    language; those with                                                 including EAL and SEND. When the
    disabilities; and be able to                                         opportunity has arisen they have
    use and evaluate                                                     used these successfully and are
    distinctive teaching                                                 able to evaluate the impact of the
    approaches to engage and                                             adaptations employed, on the
    support them.                                                        progress of individual learners.
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                  Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the               Trainees achieving the
                                 standards at a level that is not       standards at a satisfactory          standards at a good level may        standards at an outstanding
                                 yet satisfactory may                   level will demonstrate as a          demonstrate these                    level may demonstrate these
                                 demonstrate these                      minimum that:                        characteristics:                     characteristics:

S6 Make accurate and             They have an insecure                  They have a secure understanding     They are able to assess pupils’      They can confidently and
productive use of                understanding of the statutory         of the statutory assessment          attainment accurately against        accurately assess pupils’
assessment                       assessment requirements for the        requirements for the                 national benchmarks. They employ     attainment against national
                                 subject/curriculum in the age          subject/curriculum in the age        a range of appropriate formative     benchmarks. They use a range of
   know and understand how      phases they are preparing to           phases they are preparing to teach   assessment strategies effectively    assessment strategies very
    to assess the relevant       teach. Their planning is               and are able to make broadly         and can adapt their teaching         effectively in their day to day
    subject and curriculum       characterised by underdeveloped        accurate assessments against         within lessons in light of pupils’   practice to monitor progress and to
    areas, including statutory   assessment strategies that are not     national benchmarks. Their           responses. They maintain             inform future planning.
    assessment requirements;     sufficiently effective to support      planning is characterised by the     accurate records of pupils’          They systematically and effectively
   make use of formative and    pupils in making progress. They        use of a range of formative and      progress and use these to set        check learners’ understanding
    summative assessment to      show little awareness of how to        summative assessment strategies,     appropriately challenging targets.   throughout lessons, anticipating
    secure pupils’ progress;     modify their teaching and              designed to support pupils in        They assess learners’ progress       where intervention may be needed
   use relevant data to         classroom practice in the light of     making progress. They deploy         regularly and accurately and         and do so with notable impact on
    monitor progress, set        formative assessment information       these strategies effectively in      discuss assessments with them so     the quality of learning. They
    targets, and plan            or of how summative data is used       lessons, both to evaluate the        that learners know how well they     assess learners’ progress regularly
    subsequent lessons;          to set targets for groups and          impact of teaching on the progress   have done and what they need to      and work with them to accurately
   give pupils regular          individuals. Their record-keeping is   of learners and as a basis for       do to improve.                       target further improvement and
    feedback, both orally and    not used to support the monitoring     modifying their teaching and                                              secure rapid progress.
    through accurate marking,    of pupil progress and target-          classroom practice when
    and encourage pupils to      setting. Their marking and             necessary. They understand how
    respond to the feedback.     feedback to pupils are, too often,     school- and pupil-level summative
                                 untimely and not focused on            data is used to set targets for
                                 making progress.                       groups and individuals and they
                                                                        use that knowledge to monitor
                                                                        progress in the groups they teach.
                                                                        With guidance from experienced
                                                                        teachers, they monitor pupil
                                                                        progress and maintain accurate
                                                                        records, setting new targets for
                                                                        individuals and groups. They mark
                                                                        pupils’ work constructively and
                                                                        provide appropriate oral feedback
                                                                        to pupils to help them to make
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                  Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the                Trainees achieving the
                                 standards at a level that is not       standards at a satisfactory            standards at a good level may         standards at an outstanding
                                 yet satisfactory may                   level will demonstrate as a            demonstrate these                     level may demonstrate these
                                 demonstrate these                      minimum that:                          characteristics:                      characteristics:

S7 Manage behaviour              They attempt to work within the        They work within the school’s          They work within the school’s         They rapidly adapt to the different
effectively to ensure a good     school’s framework for behaviour,      framework for behaviour and can        framework for behaviour and apply     circumstances in which they train,
and safe learning                but find it difficult to apply rules   apply rules and routines               rules and routines consistently and   working confidently within the
environment                      and routines with consistency and      consistently and fairly. They have     fairly. They consistently have high   frameworks established in different
                                 fairness. Expectations have been       high expectations and are aware of     expectations and understand a         settings and applying rules and
   have clear rules and         insufficiently high for positive       the range of strategies that           range of strategies that              routines consistently and fairly.
    routines for behaviour in    behaviour to be maintained.            experienced teachers use to            experienced teachers use to           They consistently have high
    classrooms, and take         Problems have arisen from              promote positive behaviour. They       promote positive behaviour and        expectations and understand a
    responsibility for promoting planning and teaching which do         are able to apply these                apply these effectively, including    range of strategies that
    good and courteous           not challenge learners, coupled        appropriately, in the context of the   use of school sanctions and           experienced teachers use to
    behaviour both in            with a narrow range of strategies      schools policy using sanctions and     rewards and use of praise, in order   promote positive behaviour and
    classrooms and around the to promote positive behaviour.            rewards, including praise, in order    to create an environment              apply these very effectively,
    school, in accordance with Support in addressing challenging        to create an environment               supportive of learning. They          including use of school sanctions
    the school’s behaviour       behaviour from experienced             supportive of learning. They           manage behaviour effectively so       and rewards and use of praise, in
    policy;                      teachers and support staff is not      understand when to seek                that learners demonstrate positive    order to create an environment
   have high expectations of    sought in a timely fashion. Too        additional support in addressing       attitudes towards the teacher,        highly supportive of learning. They
    behaviour, and establish a often, the emphasis in the               the needs of pupils where              their learning and each other         manage pupil behaviour with ease
    framework for discipline     classroom is on the management         significantly challenging behaviour    allowing lessons to flow smoothly     so that learners display very high
    with a range of strategies, of behaviour rather than on             is demonstrated. They recognise        so that disruption is unusual. They   levels of engagement, courtesy,
    using praise, sanctions and engaging pupils in their learning       that planning appropriate lessons      actively seek additional support in   collaboration and cooperation.
    rewards consistently and     and moving their learning forward.     which challenge learners, teaching     addressing the needs of pupils        They actively seek additional
    fairly;                                                             using a variety of strategies which    where significantly challenging       support in addressing the needs of
   manage classes effectively,                                         address pupils’ needs and              behaviour is demonstrated.            pupils where significantly
    using approaches which                                              employing appropriate assessment                                             challenging behaviour is
    are appropriate to pupils’                                          strategies will all contribute to                                            demonstrated.
    needs in order to involve                                           successful behaviour management.
    and motivate them;                                                  They show understanding of how
   maintain good                                                       barriers to learning can impact on
    relationships with pupils,                                          pupil behaviour and have begun to
    exercise appropriate                                                apply strategies to address these,
    authority, and act                                                  working alongside experienced
    decisively when necessary.                                          teachers and support staff as
                                                                        appropriate. They understand that
                                                                        behaviour management is context-
                                                                        dependent and are able to
                                                                        articulate which factors may
                                                                        contribute to more challenging
                                                                        behaviour being exhibited within
                                                                        their classes.
PART ONE: Teaching

A teacher must:                   Trainees achieving the                   Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the                 Trainees achieving the
                                  standards at a level that is not         standards at a satisfactory            standards at a good level may          standards at an outstanding
                                  yet satisfactory may                     level will demonstrate as a            demonstrate these                      level may demonstrate these
                                  demonstrate these                        minimum that:                          characteristics:                       characteristics:

S8 Fulfil wider professional      They lack understanding of the           They understand and are able to        They are proactive in seeking out      They are proactive in seeking out
responsibilities                  ethos of the school and therefore        support the ethos of the school and    opportunities to contribute to the     opportunities to contribute in a
                                  find it difficult to support it or to    show an inclination to contribute to   wider life and ethos of the school.    significant way to the wider life
   make a positive               contribute to the wider life of the      the wider life of the school in        They are effective in building good    and ethos of the school. They build
    contribution to the wider     school community in appropriate          appropriate ways. They can build       professional relationships with        strong professional relationships
    life and ethos of the         ways. They are not able to               effective professional relationships   colleagues and demonstrate that        and demonstrate that they are
    school;                       confidently build effective and          with various colleagues and have       they can work well collaboratively     able to work collaboratively with
   develop effective             purposeful professional                  the skills required to work            when required to do so. They take      colleagues on a regular basis. They
    professional relationships    relationships and are still              collaboratively. They communicate      responsibility for deploying support   take responsibility for deploying
    with colleagues, knowing      developing the skills required to        with and direct any support staff      staff in their lessons and for         support staff in their lessons and
    how and when to draw on       work collaboratively. They miss          deployed in their lessons, to assist   seeking advice from relevant           for seeking advice from relevant
    advice and specialist         opportunities to seek specialist         in supporting the progress and         professionals in relation to pupils    professionals in relation to pupils
    support;                      help from staff with expertise in        achievement of individuals and of      with individual needs. They are        with individual needs. They
   deploy support staff          the needs of specific pupils. They       groups of pupils. They understand      pro-active in terms of their own       deliberately seek out opportunities
    effectively;                  find it difficult to identify personal   when to ask for information and        professional learning and value the    to develop their own professional
   take responsibility for       professional development targets         advice from specialist staff about     feedback they receive from more        learning and respond positively to
    improving teaching            or to act upon targets that have         individual pupils with specific        experienced colleagues, using it to    all the feedback they receive. They
    through appropriate           been identified for them through         needs. They seek out and are           develop their own teaching further.    communicate very effectively, both
    professional development,     advice and feedback. This leads to       responsive to advice from more         They communicate effectively,          verbally and in writing, with
    responding to advice and      a lack of meaningful and                 experienced colleagues. In             both verbally and in writing, with     parents and carers in relation to
    feedback from colleagues;     measurable progress. The need for        evaluating their own practice they     parents and carers in relation to      pupils’ achievements and well-
   communicate effectively       communication with parents is            are able to identify subsequent or     pupils’ achievements and well-         being, both when required to do so
    with parents with regard to   undervalued and, where present,          on-going personal professional         being. They assume some                formally and are proactive in
    pupils’ achievements and      opportunities are missed to              development targets and identify       responsibility for doing so in         communicating in relation to
    well-being.                   communicate with and involve             opportunities to address and meet      response to individual pupils’         individual pupils’ emergent needs.
                                  parents and carers in supporting         these targets. They recognise the      emergent needs.
                                  pupils’ achievement, monitoring          importance of communicating with
                                  pupils’ well-being and responding        parents and carers in supporting
                                  to individual pupils’ emergent           pupils’ achievement and
                                  needs.                                   monitoring pupils’ well-being. They
                                                                           communicate effectively at set
                                                                           points in the school year, including
                                                                           at parents’ evenings and through
                                                                           written reports. They understand
                                                                           the need to communicate at other
                                                                           points in response to individual
                                                                           pupils’ emergent needs.
PART TWO: Personal and professional conduct
A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high                    All trainees to be awarded QTS will have demonstrated high standards of professional
standards of personal and professional conduct. The following             behaviour and that:
statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the
required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career.
Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high          They have a commitment to the teaching profession, and are able to develop appropriate professional
standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by:         relationships with colleagues and pupils. They have regard to the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in
                                                                          accordance with statutory provisions. They understand that by law that schools are required to teach a
   treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual broad and balanced curriculum and they are beginning to develop learners’ wider understanding of social
    respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate and cultural diversity.
    to a teacher’s professional position;
   having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in        They are willing to assume an appropriate degree of responsibility for the implementation of workplace
    accordance with statutory provisions;                                 policies in the different settings in which they have trained. They adhere to school policies and practices,
   showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others;            including those for attendance and punctuality
   not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy,
    the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and           They have a broad understanding of their statutory professional responsibilities, including the requirement
    tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs;                 to promote equal opportunities and to provide reasonable adjustments for pupils with disabilities, as
   ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which        provided for in current equality legislation. They are aware of the professional duties of teachers as set out
    exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law.    in the statutory School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document.

Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos,
policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain
high standards of attendance and punctuality.

Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the
statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and

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Ntu characteristics of performance

  • 1. Teachers’ Standards: Characteristics of Performance Based on guidance produced by UCET (the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers), NASBTT (the National Association of School Based Teacher Trainers) and the Higher Education Academy and the outcomes of workshops at the NTU Partnership Conference 2012
  • 2. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S1 Set high expectations They are inconsistent in their They are able to encourage pupils They are reliable in encouraging They constantly encourage pupils which inspire, motivate and encouragement of pupils to to participate and contribute in an pupils to participate and to participate and contribute in an challenge pupils participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning. contribute in an atmosphere atmosphere highly conducive to atmosphere conducive to learning. In the course of differing school conducive to learning. They learning. They consistently set  establish a safe and The expectations they set are experiences they have shown that consistently set high expectations high expectations of pupils in stimulating environment for often not well matched to pupils’ they have set appropriately high of pupils in their different training different training contexts. There pupils, rooted in mutual potential to make progress. They expectations, believing that all contexts. They are well respected are high levels of mutual respect respect; are not able to confidently build pupils have the potential to make by learners and effectively between the trainee and pupils.  set goals that stretch and and sustain positive, respectful progress. They are able to develop promote pupils’ resilience, They are very effective in challenge pupils of all working relationships with a rapport with a range of confidence and independence promoting learners’ resilience, backgrounds, abilities and individuals or groups. As a result individuals and groups. As a when tackling challenging confidence and independence dispositions; of this learners can sometimes consequence of this most pupils activities. As a result of this most when tackling challenging  demonstrate consistently the become disengaged and are engaged in their learning. learners are enthused and activities. They generate high positive attitudes, values and demotivated. This is characterised They consistently demonstrate motivated to participate. levels of enthusiasm, participation behaviour which are expected by such trainees, at times, professional behaviour, respect for and commitment to learning. of pupils. appearing unenthusiastic and pupils, colleagues, parents and demotivated themselves. carers and support the ethos of the school. They demonstrate enthusiasm for working with children and young people and for teaching and learning.
  • 3. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S2 Promote good progress They understand that teachers are They understand how teachers are They assume responsibility for the They assume a high level of and outcomes by pupils accountable for the attainment, accountable for the attainment, attainment, progress and responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of pupils, progress and outcomes of pupils outcomes of the pupils they teach. progress and outcomes of the  be accountable for but are not taking responsibility and have taken some They demonstrate a sound pupils they teach. They attainment, progress and for this. Their short- and medium- responsibility for this with understanding of the need to demonstrate confident judgement outcomes of the pupils; term planning and teaching guidance from the usual class develop pupil learning over time. in planning for pupil progression  plan teaching to build on demonstrate inconsistent teacher or other professional. Their short- and medium-term both within individual lessons and pupils’ capabilities and prior understanding of, and provision Their short- and medium-term planning consistently takes into over time and are able to knowledge; for, pupil progression and the planning and teaching account the prior learning of the articulate a clear and well-justified  guide pupils to reflect on the need to take into account prior demonstrate some understanding pupils. They regularly provide rationale as to how they are progress they have made and achievement. Their support for of, and provision for, pupil pupils with the opportunity to building on prior achievement. their emerging needs; pupils in reflecting on their progression taking into account reflect on their own learning and They actively promote engaging  demonstrate knowledge and learning and identifying their prior achievement. They support use this, along with other forms of and effective methods that understanding of how pupils progress and emerging needs is pupils in reflecting on their assessment, to inform their future support pupils in reflecting on learn and how this impacts on underdeveloped and, as a learning and identifying their planning and teaching. They use their learning. They are able to set teaching; consequence, learners are given progress and emerging learning their knowledge of effective appropriately challenging tasks,  encourage pupils to take a insufficient opportunity to needs. When planning lessons teaching strategies to encourage drawing on a sound knowledge of responsible and conscientious evaluate and improve their own they devise suitable opportunities independent learning and they set the pupils’ prior attainment which attitude to their own work performance. The teaching for learners to evaluate and appropriately challenging tasks has been obtained through and study. strategies they adopt can lack an improve their performance. They which enable the learners to make systematic and accurate understanding of how pupils learn are able to explain how effective progress. As a result the majority assessment. They regularly create and a rationale for choices made. teaching strategies are informed of pupils make good progress. opportunities for independent and As a consequence too few pupils by an understanding of how pupils autonomous learning. As a result make sufficient progress. learn and offer a rationale for the majority of pupils make very choices made in the context of good progress. practice. They plan teaching and learning activities which encourage independent and autonomous learning. As a consequence all groups of pupils make at least satisfactory progress.
  • 4. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S3 Demonstrate good Their subject knowledge is not They have sufficiently secure They have well-developed They draw on their in-depth subject and curriculum sufficiently secure for teaching to knowledge and understanding of knowledge and understanding of subject and curriculum knowledge knowledge be effective. They also the relevant subject/ curriculum the relevant subject/ curriculum to plan confidently for progression demonstrate insufficient knowledge areas to teach effectively in the areas they are training to teach and to stimulate and capture  have a secure knowledge of how learning progresses and age phase for which they are and use this effectively to maintain pupils’ interest. They demonstrate of the relevant subject(s) cannot always respond training to teach. They know how and develop pupils’ interest. They very well-developed pedagogical and curriculum areas, appropriately to key questions, learning progresses within and make good use of their secure subject knowledge, by anticipating foster and maintain pupils’ common errors and across the subject/curriculum age curriculum and pedagogical subject common errors and interest in the subject, and misconceptions. There is little phases they are training to teach, knowledge to deepen learners’ misconceptions in their planning. address evidence of appropriate and/or in terms of the development of key knowledge and understanding, They are astutely aware of their misunderstandings; effective research of subject and concepts and of learners’ common addressing common errors and own development needs in terms  demonstrate a critical curriculum knowledge to underpin misconceptions. They are able to misconceptions effectively in their of extending and updating their understanding of teaching. They demonstrate a lack respond appropriately to subject teaching. They are critically aware subject, curriculum and developments in the of understanding or consistency in specific questions which learners of the need to extend and update pedagogical knowledge in their subject and curriculum their promotion of high standards ask and they use subject specific their subject, curriculum and early career and have been areas, and promote the of literacy and articulacy. language accurately and pedagogical knowledge and know proactive in developing these value of scholarship; consistently in order to help how to employ appropriate effectively during their training.  demonstrate an In relation to early reading: learners develop knowledge, professional development They model very high standards of understanding of and take primary trainees demonstrate understanding and skills in the strategies to further develop these written and spoken communication responsibility for promoting insufficient understanding of the subject. They recognise the need in their early career. They model in all professional activities. They high standards of literacy, principles and practices of teaching to extend and update their subject good standards of written and successfully identify and exploit articulacy and the correct and assessing reading and writing, and pedagogical knowledge as a spoken communication in all opportunities to develop learners’ use of standard English, including systematic synthetic key element of continuing professional activities and skills, in communication, reading whatever the teacher’s phonics, in their planning and professional development and have encourage and support learners to and writing. specialist subject; teaching. shown the ability and readiness to develop these skills in their  if teaching early reading, do so. They demonstrate an lessons. In relation to early reading: demonstrate a clear In relation to early maths: understanding of the need to primary trainees draw on their understanding of primary trainees demonstrate promote high standards of In relation to early reading: very strong understanding of systematic synthetic insufficient understanding of the communication, reading and primary trainees have a very synthetic systematic phonics and phonics; principles and practices of teaching writing for all learners and begin to secure knowledge and its role in teaching and assessing  if teaching early and assessing early mathematics build this into lessons. understanding of synthetic reading and writing to teach mathematics, demonstrate in their planning and teaching. systematic phonics and its role in literacy very effectively across the a clear understanding of In relation to early reading: all teaching and assessing reading age-phases they are training to appropriate teaching primary trainees will demonstrate and writing in the context of the teach. strategies. sufficient knowledge and age-phases they are training to understanding of the principles and teach. In relation to early practices of teaching and assessing mathematics: primary trainees reading and writing, including the In relation to early draw on their very strong use of systematic synthetic mathematics: primary trainees knowledge and understanding of phonics, to be able to apply this have a very secure knowledge and the principles and practices of effectively across the specific age understanding of the principles and teaching early mathematics to
  • 5. phases they are training to practices of teaching early select and employ highly effective teach. (See Systematic Synthetic mathematics and employ effective teaching strategies across the age- Phonics in ITT: Guidance and teaching strategies across the age- ranges they are training to teach. Support Materials for further ranges they are training to teach. information). In relation to early mathematics: all primary trainees will know and understand the principles and practices of teaching and assessing early mathematics, to be able to apply this effectively across the specific age phases they are training to teach.
  • 6. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S4 Plan and teach well The range of strategies and They employ a range of teaching They show a willingness to try out They plan lessons that often use structured lessons resources employed in teaching strategies and resources. They a range of approaches to teaching well-chosen, imaginative and are limited. The structure of their plan individual lessons that are and learning. They plan lessons creative strategies, and that match  impart knowledge and lessons often does not support appropriately structured to support individuals’ needs and interests. that take account of the needs of develop understanding pupils in developing their pupils in developing their They are highly reflective in through effective use of knowledge, skills, understanding knowledge, skills, understanding, groups of learners and individuals, critically evaluating their practice. lesson time; and attitudes. The pace of learning interest and positive attitudes. through the setting of They can accurately judge the  promote a love of learning and teaching is often inappropriate When teaching they maintain the differentiated learning outcomes, impact of their practice on and children’s intellectual for the needs and abilities of the pace of the learning, are able to carefully matching teaching and individual and groups of learners curiosity; pupils. The classroom environment respond flexibly to what is learning activities and resources to and can use their evaluation to  set homework and plan and ethos are not conducive to happening in the classroom and support learners in achieving these inform future planning, teaching other out-of-class activities learning and pupil progress. have the confidence to adapt their and learning. They show initiative intended learning outcomes. They to consolidate and extend Review and evaluation of planning teaching in order to respond to the in contributing to curriculum the knowledge and is inconsistently applied and needs of the learners. They can know how to learn from both planning and developing and understanding pupils have opportunities to collaborate with create an environment in which the successful and less effective producing effective learning acquired; more experienced colleagues on a learners are usually engaged. lessons through their systematic resources in their placement  reflect systematically on range of projects have often been They understand how homework or evaluation of the effectiveness of settings. the effectiveness of lessons missed. other out-of-class work can sustain their practice, including its impact and approaches to learners’ progress and consolidate on learners. They make a positive teaching; learning and can design and set contribution to the development of  contribute to the design appropriate tasks. They review and and provision of an reflect on their own planning and curriculum and resources in their engaging curriculum within teaching to prepare future placement settings. the relevant subject activities and tasks which build on area(s). and sustain progression in pupils’ learning. They work collaboratively with more experienced colleagues, where appropriate, to adapt and/or develop the school’s medium-term plans, schemes of work, curriculum frameworks.
  • 7. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S5 Adapt teaching to They are not sufficiently aware of They know the pupils well enough They consistently adapt their They quickly and accurately respond to the strengths the different needs and strengths to recognise the different needs teaching to meet the needs of discern their learners’ strengths and needs of all pupils of individuals and groups to adapt and strengths of individuals and individual and groups of learners and needs and are proactive in their teaching to support learners groups and begin to adapt their to support progression in learning. differentiating and employing a  know when and how to to progress. They show some teaching to address those needs They know how to secure progress range of effective intervention differentiate appropriately, awareness of key barriers to and strengths so that learners are for learners and how to identify strategies to secure progression using approaches which pupils’ achievement but lack supported towards achieving their when groups and individuals have for individuals and groups. They enable pupils to be taught understanding of strategies that potential. They are aware of a made progress. They have a range have an astute understanding of effectively; experienced teachers use to range of factors that are potential of effective strategies that they how effective different teaching  have a secure overcome these barriers. There is barriers to achievement and can apply to reduce barriers and approaches are in terms of impact understanding of how a little account taken in their understand how experienced respond to the strengths and on learning and engagement of range of factors can inhibit teaching of how children and teachers use a range of strategies needs of their pupils. They clearly learners. pupils’ ability to learn, and young people develop or of how to to reduce these barriers. They recognise how to deal with any how best to overcome support pupils with particular begin to deploy these strategies potential barriers to learning these; needs, including EAL and SEND. themselves, working alongside through their application of well-  demonstrate an awareness experienced teachers and support targeted interventions and the of the physical, social and staff as appropriate. They show appropriate deployment of intellectual development of awareness of how children and available support staff. children, and know how to young people develop and take adapt teaching to support account of this in their teaching. pupils’ education at They have some understanding of different stages of the challenges and opportunities of development; teaching in a diverse society. They  have a clear understanding have a developing understanding of the needs of all pupils, of the needs of all pupils and are including those with special able to articulate distinctive educational needs; those teaching approaches and strategies of high ability; those with needed to engage and support English as an additional pupils with particular needs, language; those with including EAL and SEND. When the disabilities; and be able to opportunity has arisen they have use and evaluate used these successfully and are distinctive teaching able to evaluate the impact of the approaches to engage and adaptations employed, on the support them. progress of individual learners.
  • 8. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S6 Make accurate and They have an insecure They have a secure understanding They are able to assess pupils’ They can confidently and productive use of understanding of the statutory of the statutory assessment attainment accurately against accurately assess pupils’ assessment assessment requirements for the requirements for the national benchmarks. They employ attainment against national subject/curriculum in the age subject/curriculum in the age a range of appropriate formative benchmarks. They use a range of  know and understand how phases they are preparing to phases they are preparing to teach assessment strategies effectively assessment strategies very to assess the relevant teach. Their planning is and are able to make broadly and can adapt their teaching effectively in their day to day subject and curriculum characterised by underdeveloped accurate assessments against within lessons in light of pupils’ practice to monitor progress and to areas, including statutory assessment strategies that are not national benchmarks. Their responses. They maintain inform future planning. assessment requirements; sufficiently effective to support planning is characterised by the accurate records of pupils’ They systematically and effectively  make use of formative and pupils in making progress. They use of a range of formative and progress and use these to set check learners’ understanding summative assessment to show little awareness of how to summative assessment strategies, appropriately challenging targets. throughout lessons, anticipating secure pupils’ progress; modify their teaching and designed to support pupils in They assess learners’ progress where intervention may be needed  use relevant data to classroom practice in the light of making progress. They deploy regularly and accurately and and do so with notable impact on monitor progress, set formative assessment information these strategies effectively in discuss assessments with them so the quality of learning. They targets, and plan or of how summative data is used lessons, both to evaluate the that learners know how well they assess learners’ progress regularly subsequent lessons; to set targets for groups and impact of teaching on the progress have done and what they need to and work with them to accurately  give pupils regular individuals. Their record-keeping is of learners and as a basis for do to improve. target further improvement and feedback, both orally and not used to support the monitoring modifying their teaching and secure rapid progress. through accurate marking, of pupil progress and target- classroom practice when and encourage pupils to setting. Their marking and necessary. They understand how respond to the feedback. feedback to pupils are, too often, school- and pupil-level summative untimely and not focused on data is used to set targets for making progress. groups and individuals and they use that knowledge to monitor progress in the groups they teach. With guidance from experienced teachers, they monitor pupil progress and maintain accurate records, setting new targets for individuals and groups. They mark pupils’ work constructively and provide appropriate oral feedback to pupils to help them to make progress.
  • 9. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S7 Manage behaviour They attempt to work within the They work within the school’s They work within the school’s They rapidly adapt to the different effectively to ensure a good school’s framework for behaviour, framework for behaviour and can framework for behaviour and apply circumstances in which they train, and safe learning but find it difficult to apply rules apply rules and routines rules and routines consistently and working confidently within the environment and routines with consistency and consistently and fairly. They have fairly. They consistently have high frameworks established in different fairness. Expectations have been high expectations and are aware of expectations and understand a settings and applying rules and  have clear rules and insufficiently high for positive the range of strategies that range of strategies that routines consistently and fairly. routines for behaviour in behaviour to be maintained. experienced teachers use to experienced teachers use to They consistently have high classrooms, and take Problems have arisen from promote positive behaviour. They promote positive behaviour and expectations and understand a responsibility for promoting planning and teaching which do are able to apply these apply these effectively, including range of strategies that good and courteous not challenge learners, coupled appropriately, in the context of the use of school sanctions and experienced teachers use to behaviour both in with a narrow range of strategies schools policy using sanctions and rewards and use of praise, in order promote positive behaviour and classrooms and around the to promote positive behaviour. rewards, including praise, in order to create an environment apply these very effectively, school, in accordance with Support in addressing challenging to create an environment supportive of learning. They including use of school sanctions the school’s behaviour behaviour from experienced supportive of learning. They manage behaviour effectively so and rewards and use of praise, in policy; teachers and support staff is not understand when to seek that learners demonstrate positive order to create an environment  have high expectations of sought in a timely fashion. Too additional support in addressing attitudes towards the teacher, highly supportive of learning. They behaviour, and establish a often, the emphasis in the the needs of pupils where their learning and each other manage pupil behaviour with ease framework for discipline classroom is on the management significantly challenging behaviour allowing lessons to flow smoothly so that learners display very high with a range of strategies, of behaviour rather than on is demonstrated. They recognise so that disruption is unusual. They levels of engagement, courtesy, using praise, sanctions and engaging pupils in their learning that planning appropriate lessons actively seek additional support in collaboration and cooperation. rewards consistently and and moving their learning forward. which challenge learners, teaching addressing the needs of pupils They actively seek additional fairly; using a variety of strategies which where significantly challenging support in addressing the needs of  manage classes effectively, address pupils’ needs and behaviour is demonstrated. pupils where significantly using approaches which employing appropriate assessment challenging behaviour is are appropriate to pupils’ strategies will all contribute to demonstrated. needs in order to involve successful behaviour management. and motivate them; They show understanding of how  maintain good barriers to learning can impact on relationships with pupils, pupil behaviour and have begun to exercise appropriate apply strategies to address these, authority, and act working alongside experienced decisively when necessary. teachers and support staff as appropriate. They understand that behaviour management is context- dependent and are able to articulate which factors may contribute to more challenging behaviour being exhibited within their classes.
  • 10. PART ONE: Teaching A teacher must: Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the Trainees achieving the standards at a level that is not standards at a satisfactory standards at a good level may standards at an outstanding yet satisfactory may level will demonstrate as a demonstrate these level may demonstrate these demonstrate these minimum that: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: S8 Fulfil wider professional They lack understanding of the They understand and are able to They are proactive in seeking out They are proactive in seeking out responsibilities ethos of the school and therefore support the ethos of the school and opportunities to contribute to the opportunities to contribute in a find it difficult to support it or to show an inclination to contribute to wider life and ethos of the school. significant way to the wider life  make a positive contribute to the wider life of the the wider life of the school in They are effective in building good and ethos of the school. They build contribution to the wider school community in appropriate appropriate ways. They can build professional relationships with strong professional relationships life and ethos of the ways. They are not able to effective professional relationships colleagues and demonstrate that and demonstrate that they are school; confidently build effective and with various colleagues and have they can work well collaboratively able to work collaboratively with  develop effective purposeful professional the skills required to work when required to do so. They take colleagues on a regular basis. They professional relationships relationships and are still collaboratively. They communicate responsibility for deploying support take responsibility for deploying with colleagues, knowing developing the skills required to with and direct any support staff staff in their lessons and for support staff in their lessons and how and when to draw on work collaboratively. They miss deployed in their lessons, to assist seeking advice from relevant for seeking advice from relevant advice and specialist opportunities to seek specialist in supporting the progress and professionals in relation to pupils professionals in relation to pupils support; help from staff with expertise in achievement of individuals and of with individual needs. They are with individual needs. They  deploy support staff the needs of specific pupils. They groups of pupils. They understand pro-active in terms of their own deliberately seek out opportunities effectively; find it difficult to identify personal when to ask for information and professional learning and value the to develop their own professional  take responsibility for professional development targets advice from specialist staff about feedback they receive from more learning and respond positively to improving teaching or to act upon targets that have individual pupils with specific experienced colleagues, using it to all the feedback they receive. They through appropriate been identified for them through needs. They seek out and are develop their own teaching further. communicate very effectively, both professional development, advice and feedback. This leads to responsive to advice from more They communicate effectively, verbally and in writing, with responding to advice and a lack of meaningful and experienced colleagues. In both verbally and in writing, with parents and carers in relation to feedback from colleagues; measurable progress. The need for evaluating their own practice they parents and carers in relation to pupils’ achievements and well-  communicate effectively communication with parents is are able to identify subsequent or pupils’ achievements and well- being, both when required to do so with parents with regard to undervalued and, where present, on-going personal professional being. They assume some formally and are proactive in pupils’ achievements and opportunities are missed to development targets and identify responsibility for doing so in communicating in relation to well-being. communicate with and involve opportunities to address and meet response to individual pupils’ individual pupils’ emergent needs. parents and carers in supporting these targets. They recognise the emergent needs. pupils’ achievement, monitoring importance of communicating with pupils’ well-being and responding parents and carers in supporting to individual pupils’ emergent pupils’ achievement and needs. monitoring pupils’ well-being. They communicate effectively at set points in the school year, including at parents’ evenings and through written reports. They understand the need to communicate at other points in response to individual pupils’ emergent needs.
  • 11. PART TWO: Personal and professional conduct A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high All trainees to be awarded QTS will have demonstrated high standards of professional standards of personal and professional conduct. The following behaviour and that: statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career. Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high They have a commitment to the teaching profession, and are able to develop appropriate professional standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by: relationships with colleagues and pupils. They have regard to the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. They understand that by law that schools are required to teach a  treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual broad and balanced curriculum and they are beginning to develop learners’ wider understanding of social respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate and cultural diversity. to a teacher’s professional position;  having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in They are willing to assume an appropriate degree of responsibility for the implementation of workplace accordance with statutory provisions; policies in the different settings in which they have trained. They adhere to school policies and practices,  showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others; including those for attendance and punctuality  not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and They have a broad understanding of their statutory professional responsibilities, including the requirement tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; to promote equal opportunities and to provide reasonable adjustments for pupils with disabilities, as  ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which provided for in current equality legislation. They are aware of the professional duties of teachers as set out exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. in the statutory School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document. Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality. Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.