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                                                                                          17th September 2009
                                                                                                                                     Issue No.41

Term Dates
Autumn Term 2009
Year R start full time: Monday 21st September.
                                                                          Teacher Feature
                                                                          Our roving reporters were on the trail of another new teacher this week.
Coffee Morning Macmillan Appeal: Friday 25th September from 9.15 am.      Their target was Miss Wainwright, who has recently joined Norwood as
Half Term: Monday 26th - Friday 30th October (inc).                       2W’s class teacher.
Harvest Assembly: Tuesday 6th October - Time – TBC
Parents of children in Infants invited.
School closed: Staff Training day - Monday 2nd November.
KS2 Carol Concert at Leyland Road Methodist Church: Tuesday 8th
Year 1 Nativity Play: Tuesday 8th December at 2 pm.
Christmas Dinner: Wednesday 9th December.
Year R Nativity Play: Thursday 10th December at 2 pm.
Year 2 Nativity Play: Friday 11th December at 2 pm.
Jack & The Beanstalk Pantomime: Monday 14th December.
Christmas Fun Day: Thursday 17th December.
School closes for Christmas holiday: at 2 pm Friday 18th December.
Spring Term 2010
Children return to school: Tuesday 5th January 2010.
Half Term: Monday 15th – Friday 19th February (inc).
School closes for Easter holiday: at 2pm on Friday 26th March.
Summer Term 2010
Children return to school: Tuesday 13th April.
Bank Holiday: Monday 3rd May.
Half Term: Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June (inc).                       Q. What are your hobbies?           Q. Who is your favourite singer
School Closed: Staff Training day - Monday 5th July.                      A. Drawing, painting and swimming      or group?
School closes for summer holiday: at 2 pm on Wednesday 21st July.                                             A. James Morrison
         Remember you can check out the dates on the website!             Q. What did you want to be when
                                                                             you were little?                 Q. What pop concerts have you
                                                                          A. A teacher                           been to in the past?
Morrison’s Let’s Grow Vouchers                                            Q. What do you most like about
                                                                                                              A. The Killers and The Magic
We are now collecting the Morrison ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers. Last year we        being a teacher?
collected enough vouchers to allow us to buy gardening tools, equipment   A. Meeting so many lovely children. Q. What was the last movie
and a small greenhouse. These items have been really useful for classes                                          you saw?
and the Green Planet gardening club.                                      Q. What is your favourite food?     A. Funny People.
                                                                          A. I like pizza even though it’s
The 2009 vouchers are being given out to shoppers at Morrisons now and       really unhealthy.                Q. Do you have a favourite actor?
we would be really grateful for any vouchers collected.                                                       A. Johnny Depp

     Children in the Spotlight                                                                     Anya Day took part in a gymnastics
                                                                                                  competition & was awarded 3rd place overall,
                                                                                               having come 2nd on the vaults & 3rd on the
                                                                                                  floor. Congratulations!
                                                                                                   Lucy Pettifer was awarded the
                                                                                                  Scientist’s badge from the cubs. Well done!
                                                                                                   Emily, Lucy & David Berry have had
                                                                                                  success in ballroom, Latin & Hip Hop dancing.

 Norwood Crescent, Southport, PR9 7DU. Tel: 01704 211960. Fax: 01704 232712
                Head Teacher: Mr Lee Dumbell. Email:
Come Dine With Us Forgotten
Last term parents and a grandparent of
the current Year 3 children were invited                                           We have had a number of children
to “Come Dine With Us” to sample our                                               at the office, who have asked us
delicious healthy meals and see how our                                            to contact parents, as they have
lunchtimes are organised. After dining out                                         forgotten their swimming kit, Forest
on Chicken Tikka and sponge and custard,                                           Schools clothes or football kit.
the response from the children and the 12                                          Because it has been the first couple
adults who attended, was overwhelmingly                                            of weeks of these activities, we have
positive with comments particularly about                                          telephoned parents to send the kit
the high quality of food and the variety of                                        in. However this is not standard procedure and we will not be able
choice. One of the suggestions was about                                           to do this from Monday. Please ensure your child has the required
having photographs of the meal on offer to                                         clothing for whichever activity they are doing, as they will be extremely
help the children with their choices and was such a good one that it has been      disappointed to miss out on the super activities on offer.
passed onto Sefton Catering Services.

                                                                                   Coffee Morning
Thank you to all those who were able to attend and we will try to offer this
event to other year groups every term.

 Reports Feedback                                                                                                   We are having a coffee morning next
                                                                                                                    Friday, 25th September from 9.15
 We were really delighted to receive a high number of returned report slips at                                      – 11.00 am, in aid of the national
 the end of last term with 80% of parents responding. Of that number less than                                      fund raising event for the ‘Macmillan
 1% were disappointed with the report. A good number added comments and                                             Appeal’. It would be great to see
 we feel it is very important to acknowledge the time and effort parents have                                       parents, grandparents and carers
 put into writing comments and every slip has been read. A few of the more                                          supporting this event.
 common themes were:
 • Closer monitoring of pupil’s punctuality and making parents aware of our                                         This is an opportunity for parent
 concerns                                                                                                           helpers old and new to come along
 • Acknowledging children with 100% attendance                                                                      and meet with Mrs Taylor, one of our
 • What the Foundation Stage Profile scores mean                                                                    Parental Coordinators and chat with
 Such comments help us to continually evaluate our role in supporting children     her about how they can support us in school this year. We are looking
 and parents and we will look at how we can respond to the general and             for people who are willing to donate some of their spare time and
 individual questions.                                                             energy to help out with all aspects of school life.

Parental Support                                                                   If you really can’t come along you can help in a number of ways by
                                                                                   either donating a raffle prize, sending in some cakes for the cake stall
Over the last year, we have been very      times every week for an informal        or by sending in a donation. Felicity Knight would be very grateful to
pleased with the improvements in           chat, so please approach them as        hear from you.
our communication and support for          they are very willing to help.
parents. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Piggott      • Wed 8.45 am - Mrs. Piggott            So please support us, this is a great opportunity for everyone to get
are Norwood’s Parental Support             • Fri 8.45 am - Mrs. Taylor             together and show their support for a very worthy cause.
Co-ordinators and their role is to         • Fri 3.15 pm - Mrs. Taylor
offer support/ideas/suggestions/
information to parents on any number
                                           If none of these times are suitable,
                                           please contact the office, who will     Asthma
of matters. They will be available
on the playground at specific
                                           pass on the information to them.
                                                                                   Last year the staff received an asthma update
Be In and Be On Time                                                               from our school nurse Hayley Taylor. We would
                                                                                   like to remind you that if your child has been
                                                                                   diagnosed with asthma and they have a brown
Next week’s assembly theme is                                                      ‘preventer’ inhaler at home it is essential that
looking at the importance of good                                                  you send in a named blue ‘reliever’ inhaler to
attendance and good punctuality.                                                   school.
It is in your child’s best interests and
educational future for you to ensure                                               If you only have one inhaler please go back to your GP to ask for
that they attend school all the time, as                                           another one which can be kept in school.
last year a number of children missed
nearly 6 weeks of school taking into                                               If you have any questions about asthma or any other medical issue
account family holidays and illnesses.                                             you can contact Hayley on 544766 or catch her on Fridays, in school
Please try to plan appointments                                                    starting Friday 25th September after dropping your child off. If you
and trips after school or at weekends,                                             would like a copy of our asthma policy please ask at the school office.
and to arrange family holidays during
school breaks.                             arriving after 8.55 am will receive a
As a reminder, Mr. Dumbell or a
member of staff is on the playground
                                           ‘late’ mark.
                                           Please encourage your child to be on
from at least 8.45 am. The whistle         the playground before 8.50 am as it      No medicines should be sent into school. If your child needs to be
is blown at 8.50 am and the                gives them to play and socialise with    given medicine during the day we ask that parents arrange to call
register marked at 8.55 am. Children       their friends before school.             in at lunchtime to give the dose.
Stars of the week Headlice                                                                     We have a policy here at Norwood that if headlice
                                                                                               are seen crawling across your child’s hair, we will be
                                                                                               contacting you to take your child home to treat the hair.
We would like to congratulate the following
  children for being Stars of the Week!                                                        Remember you must check hair regularly paying
     1D Naomi Mckee                                                                            particular attention to the hair behind your child’s ears
                                                                                               and in the nape of their neck – the warmest areas - for
     1B Adam Diss                                                                              live lice and eggs. Use conditioner and a fine toothed
     2W Morgan Dodsworth                                                                       comb to dislodge the eggs and this will ensure that
                                                                                               the live lice cannot grip the hair. Be patient, have a
     2M Ryan Graham                                                                            routine when you can check your child’s hair regularly,
     3B Ollie Rimmer                                                                           comb it through with conditioner and this will act as
                                                                                               a preventative measure - it’s worth it! Or, see your
     3K Ben Drummond                                                                           chemist for further information about using lotions.
     4CP Lauren Morgan
     4CP Matthew Gregson
     4JP Joshua Thistlethwaite
                                                      Wet Play                                            School
     5P Samantha Curry                               DVD Appeal                                        Photographer
     5P Joseph Edmunds
     5M Thea Moore
     6C James Ashton
     6M Abigail Knapton
     Gold and silver is awarded to children who
     have previously received star of the week

  Welcome to
                                                  We are purchasing some DVDs to
                                                  add to the range of activities available

  Competition time
                                                  for use during lunchtimes when the
                                                  weather is wet. If you have any suitable
                                                  DVDs, which you no longer need, that          The photographer will be in school on Tuesday
  This is Norwood’s weekly radio competition      could become part of our library we          29th September to take individual photographs.
  set by Mrs Bennet.                              would really appreciate it if you donate        Children should be in full school uniform.
  The 8th September is International Literacy     them to our resources.
  Day. The International Reading Association

                                                                  SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES
  estimates that more than 780 million of the
  world’s adults (nearly two-thirds of whom
  are women) do not know how to read or
  write, and between 94 and 115 million
  children lack access to education.
  So this week’s competition is using
  newspapers to go global — it is a
  scavenger hunt for country names. You
  need newspapers to find and cut out the
  names of as many different countries as          Monday 7th Sept                           Rules and Promises
  you can. Don’t forget to ask permission          Monday 14th Sept                          New Beginnings (SEAL)
  before chopping up today’s newspaper!
  The winner will be the person who has            Monday 21st Sept                          Be In and Be On Time
  collected, cut and stuck, the names of most
  countries they have found in newspapers.         Monday 28th Sept                          Responsibility
  Pop your entry in the competition post box       Monday 5th Oct                            Harvest
  outside the hall, with your name and class
  on the back by the morning of Tues 22nd          Monday 12th Oct                           Heroes and Villains
  September. Good luck!                            Monday 19th Oct                           Diwali and Hindu Stories
  Remember these competitions are an               Tues 3rd Nov                              Firework Safety
  opportunity for parents, carers and even
  grandparents to complete a learning activity     Mon 9th Nov                               Remembrance
  which has a fun element. You don’t always
  have to win the competition in order to          Mon 16th Nov                              Say No to Bullying (SEAL)
  benefit! Go on, get involved with your child,    Mon 23rd Nov                              Road Safety
  enjoy and learn together!
                                                   Mon 30th Nov                              St. Andrew’s Day
 Thank you to the Champion Newspaper for
                                                                                             and Scottish Stories
 their support in developing our newsletter.       Mon 7th Dec                               Christmas Round the World

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Essentials of Automations: The Art of Triggers and Actions in FME

41 (2009)

  • 1. Norwood NEWS 17th September 2009  Issue No.41 Term Dates Autumn Term 2009 Year R start full time: Monday 21st September. Teacher Feature Our roving reporters were on the trail of another new teacher this week. Coffee Morning Macmillan Appeal: Friday 25th September from 9.15 am. Their target was Miss Wainwright, who has recently joined Norwood as Half Term: Monday 26th - Friday 30th October (inc). 2W’s class teacher. Harvest Assembly: Tuesday 6th October - Time – TBC Parents of children in Infants invited. School closed: Staff Training day - Monday 2nd November. KS2 Carol Concert at Leyland Road Methodist Church: Tuesday 8th December. Year 1 Nativity Play: Tuesday 8th December at 2 pm. Christmas Dinner: Wednesday 9th December. Year R Nativity Play: Thursday 10th December at 2 pm. Year 2 Nativity Play: Friday 11th December at 2 pm. Jack & The Beanstalk Pantomime: Monday 14th December. Christmas Fun Day: Thursday 17th December. School closes for Christmas holiday: at 2 pm Friday 18th December. Spring Term 2010 Children return to school: Tuesday 5th January 2010. Half Term: Monday 15th – Friday 19th February (inc). School closes for Easter holiday: at 2pm on Friday 26th March. Summer Term 2010 Children return to school: Tuesday 13th April. Bank Holiday: Monday 3rd May. Half Term: Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June (inc). Q. What are your hobbies? Q. Who is your favourite singer School Closed: Staff Training day - Monday 5th July. A. Drawing, painting and swimming or group? School closes for summer holiday: at 2 pm on Wednesday 21st July. A. James Morrison Remember you can check out the dates on the website! Q. What did you want to be when you were little? Q. What pop concerts have you A. A teacher been to in the past? Morrison’s Let’s Grow Vouchers Q. What do you most like about A. The Killers and The Magic Numbers. We are now collecting the Morrison ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers. Last year we being a teacher? collected enough vouchers to allow us to buy gardening tools, equipment A. Meeting so many lovely children. Q. What was the last movie and a small greenhouse. These items have been really useful for classes you saw? and the Green Planet gardening club. Q. What is your favourite food? A. Funny People. A. I like pizza even though it’s The 2009 vouchers are being given out to shoppers at Morrisons now and really unhealthy. Q. Do you have a favourite actor? we would be really grateful for any vouchers collected. A. Johnny Depp Children in the Spotlight  Anya Day took part in a gymnastics competition & was awarded 3rd place overall,    having come 2nd on the vaults & 3rd on the floor. Congratulations!  Lucy Pettifer was awarded the Scientist’s badge from the cubs. Well done!  Emily, Lucy & David Berry have had success in ballroom, Latin & Hip Hop dancing. Fantastic! Norwood Crescent, Southport, PR9 7DU. Tel: 01704 211960. Fax: 01704 232712 Head Teacher: Mr Lee Dumbell. Email:
  • 2. Come Dine With Us Forgotten Kits Last term parents and a grandparent of the current Year 3 children were invited We have had a number of children to “Come Dine With Us” to sample our at the office, who have asked us delicious healthy meals and see how our to contact parents, as they have lunchtimes are organised. After dining out forgotten their swimming kit, Forest on Chicken Tikka and sponge and custard, Schools clothes or football kit. the response from the children and the 12 Because it has been the first couple adults who attended, was overwhelmingly of weeks of these activities, we have positive with comments particularly about telephoned parents to send the kit the high quality of food and the variety of in. However this is not standard procedure and we will not be able choice. One of the suggestions was about to do this from Monday. Please ensure your child has the required having photographs of the meal on offer to clothing for whichever activity they are doing, as they will be extremely help the children with their choices and was such a good one that it has been disappointed to miss out on the super activities on offer. passed onto Sefton Catering Services. Coffee Morning Thank you to all those who were able to attend and we will try to offer this event to other year groups every term. Reports Feedback We are having a coffee morning next Friday, 25th September from 9.15 We were really delighted to receive a high number of returned report slips at – 11.00 am, in aid of the national the end of last term with 80% of parents responding. Of that number less than fund raising event for the ‘Macmillan 1% were disappointed with the report. A good number added comments and Appeal’. It would be great to see we feel it is very important to acknowledge the time and effort parents have parents, grandparents and carers put into writing comments and every slip has been read. A few of the more supporting this event. common themes were: • Closer monitoring of pupil’s punctuality and making parents aware of our This is an opportunity for parent concerns helpers old and new to come along • Acknowledging children with 100% attendance and meet with Mrs Taylor, one of our • What the Foundation Stage Profile scores mean Parental Coordinators and chat with Such comments help us to continually evaluate our role in supporting children her about how they can support us in school this year. We are looking and parents and we will look at how we can respond to the general and for people who are willing to donate some of their spare time and individual questions. energy to help out with all aspects of school life. Parental Support If you really can’t come along you can help in a number of ways by either donating a raffle prize, sending in some cakes for the cake stall Over the last year, we have been very times every week for an informal or by sending in a donation. Felicity Knight would be very grateful to pleased with the improvements in chat, so please approach them as hear from you. our communication and support for they are very willing to help. parents. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Piggott • Wed 8.45 am - Mrs. Piggott So please support us, this is a great opportunity for everyone to get are Norwood’s Parental Support • Fri 8.45 am - Mrs. Taylor together and show their support for a very worthy cause. Co-ordinators and their role is to • Fri 3.15 pm - Mrs. Taylor offer support/ideas/suggestions/ information to parents on any number If none of these times are suitable, please contact the office, who will Asthma of matters. They will be available on the playground at specific pass on the information to them. Reminder Last year the staff received an asthma update Be In and Be On Time from our school nurse Hayley Taylor. We would like to remind you that if your child has been diagnosed with asthma and they have a brown Next week’s assembly theme is ‘preventer’ inhaler at home it is essential that looking at the importance of good you send in a named blue ‘reliever’ inhaler to attendance and good punctuality. school. It is in your child’s best interests and educational future for you to ensure If you only have one inhaler please go back to your GP to ask for that they attend school all the time, as another one which can be kept in school. last year a number of children missed nearly 6 weeks of school taking into If you have any questions about asthma or any other medical issue account family holidays and illnesses. you can contact Hayley on 544766 or catch her on Fridays, in school Please try to plan appointments starting Friday 25th September after dropping your child off. If you and trips after school or at weekends, would like a copy of our asthma policy please ask at the school office. and to arrange family holidays during school breaks. arriving after 8.55 am will receive a As a reminder, Mr. Dumbell or a member of staff is on the playground ‘late’ mark. Please encourage your child to be on Medicines from at least 8.45 am. The whistle the playground before 8.50 am as it No medicines should be sent into school. If your child needs to be is blown at 8.50 am and the gives them to play and socialise with given medicine during the day we ask that parents arrange to call register marked at 8.55 am. Children their friends before school. in at lunchtime to give the dose.
  • 3. Stars of the week Headlice We have a policy here at Norwood that if headlice are seen crawling across your child’s hair, we will be contacting you to take your child home to treat the hair. We would like to congratulate the following children for being Stars of the Week! Remember you must check hair regularly paying 1D Naomi Mckee particular attention to the hair behind your child’s ears and in the nape of their neck – the warmest areas - for 1B Adam Diss live lice and eggs. Use conditioner and a fine toothed 2W Morgan Dodsworth comb to dislodge the eggs and this will ensure that the live lice cannot grip the hair. Be patient, have a 2M Ryan Graham routine when you can check your child’s hair regularly, 3B Ollie Rimmer comb it through with conditioner and this will act as a preventative measure - it’s worth it! Or, see your 3K Ben Drummond chemist for further information about using lotions. 4CP Lauren Morgan 4CP Matthew Gregson 4JP Joshua Thistlethwaite Wet Play School 5P Samantha Curry DVD Appeal Photographer 5P Joseph Edmunds 5M Thea Moore 6C James Ashton 6M Abigail Knapton Gold and silver is awarded to children who have previously received star of the week Welcome to Shinewaves We are purchasing some DVDs to add to the range of activities available Competition time for use during lunchtimes when the weather is wet. If you have any suitable DVDs, which you no longer need, that The photographer will be in school on Tuesday This is Norwood’s weekly radio competition could become part of our library we 29th September to take individual photographs. set by Mrs Bennet. would really appreciate it if you donate Children should be in full school uniform. The 8th September is International Literacy them to our resources. Day. The International Reading Association SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES estimates that more than 780 million of the world’s adults (nearly two-thirds of whom are women) do not know how to read or write, and between 94 and 115 million children lack access to education. So this week’s competition is using newspapers to go global — it is a scavenger hunt for country names. You need newspapers to find and cut out the names of as many different countries as Monday 7th Sept Rules and Promises you can. Don’t forget to ask permission Monday 14th Sept New Beginnings (SEAL) before chopping up today’s newspaper! The winner will be the person who has Monday 21st Sept Be In and Be On Time collected, cut and stuck, the names of most countries they have found in newspapers. Monday 28th Sept Responsibility Pop your entry in the competition post box Monday 5th Oct Harvest outside the hall, with your name and class on the back by the morning of Tues 22nd Monday 12th Oct Heroes and Villains September. Good luck! Monday 19th Oct Diwali and Hindu Stories Remember these competitions are an Tues 3rd Nov Firework Safety opportunity for parents, carers and even grandparents to complete a learning activity Mon 9th Nov Remembrance which has a fun element. You don’t always have to win the competition in order to Mon 16th Nov Say No to Bullying (SEAL) benefit! Go on, get involved with your child, Mon 23rd Nov Road Safety enjoy and learn together! Mon 30th Nov St. Andrew’s Day Thank you to the Champion Newspaper for and Scottish Stories their support in developing our newsletter. Mon 7th Dec Christmas Round the World