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• Value Creation Society
• A lay association based on the
teaching of the Nichiren School of
Mahayana Buddhism
• More than 12 million members in
192 countries and territories
• Non-governmental member of the
United Nations.
Nichiren Buddhism is a Japanese Buddhist movement in the Mahayana tradition. It is
also popular in the West and has a fast-growing membership in the UK.
Nichiren Buddhism differs from other schools of Buddhism in focusing on this world, and
in its view that it is the only correct tradition. It also emphasizes the importance of
individuals taking responsibility for improving themselves.
Although it can be seen as a highly self-focused religion, followers of Nichiren Buddhism
believe that individual empowerment and inner transformation contribute, in turn, to a
better and more peaceful world.
This is one of the key elements of Nichiren Buddhism. It teaches that enlightenment is
available to everybody. One writer has encapsulated this idea as a "shortcut to
The essence of enlightenment is opening a person's innate Buddha-nature in this world.
• Activities:
• Peace activities through UN
• Promotion of culture between countries.
• Education – kindergartens, school systems
in Japan and universities in Japan and
• Daisaku Ikeda – SGI President and Buddhist
• Nichiren (1222-1282)
• Japanese Buddhist teacher and reformer.
• Founder of the Buddhist teaching upon
which the Soka Gakkai International (SGI)
bases its activities.
• Inscribed the object of devotion for
observing one’s mind (Gohonzon) and
established the invocation of Nam-myoho-
renge-kyo as the universal practice for
attaining enlightenment.
- Birth name is Zennichi – maro
- Is a child of a Sendala Family. Sendala means a person from
the lowest cast in ancient India whose profession is killins of
- The Daishonin held no social status in the society of his
day. But in the form of a common mortal, the Daishonin’s
behavior was that of the true Buddha in the Latter day of
the Law. Out of his great compassion, the Daishonin
demonstrated that anyone, regardless of social station,
has equal potential to attain Buddhahood just as he is..
- Entered priesthood at age of 12 in 1233.
- After four years, 1237, he was 16, he officially became priest,
shaving his head and changing his name to Zzesho-bo-Rencho.
- The world of Buddhism at that time fully manifested the
characteristics of the Latter Day of the Law when the Pure Law had
been lost. Although all the predominant sects of the day; Nembutsu,
Zen, Shingon, Ritsu and Tendai derived from Shakyamuni’s
teachings, it was not clear which Buddhist religion was correct.
Amidst such chaos in the Buddhist world, Rencho believed that the
true teaching of the Buddha must be only one. Motivated by a great
desire to liberate all people from their illusions and sufferings he
sought the true religion. To this end, two years after he entered the
priesthood, Rencho embarked upon a journey of advanced study.
- at, 32, after mastering the the doctrines of Buddhism, he returned
and he powerfully chanted the Daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for
the first time.With this he declared to the universe the establishment of
true Buddhism. At that time he changed his name to “Nichiren” (Sun
- he gave a first sermon to his parents and his older fellow disciples, In this
sermon the Daishonin made clear by citing documentary proofs that
Nembutsu, Zen, and other sects prevalent at that time, are erroneous
teachings, which go against the true intention of Shakyamuni.
- Because of this, numbers of execution and exile were planned for
him. On 1271, was arrested and secretly approached beheading.
But, the moment the executioner raised his sword to strike, a brilliant
light as bright as the moon came from the direction of Enoshima Island
shooting across the sky towards the northwest.
- The executioner was blinded by the light and dropped to the ground.
Frightened, the other soldiers fell from their horses or rode away. No one
was able to take the Daishonin’s life.
- From that time forward, he revealed his true original identity as theTrue
Buddha who appears in the Latter Day of the Law to establish the true
Buddhism which will enable all mankind to attain Buddhahood.
1. Faith
- Each of us has enormous potential, Buddhahood, which can be revealed in
this lifetime; internal life force, wisdom, courage and compassion.
2. Practice
- for yourself: Chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo (daimoku) in front of
gohonzon (the scroll with chinese diargams and some names in sanscrit)
and gongyo - reading aloud two chapters of lotus sutra (morning and
for others: help others to become happier
3. Study
– religion without study is fanatic
Everyone can be a buddha!
Nichiren further taught:
1. The only difference between a buddha and a common
mortal is that a common mortal is deluded (deceived by false
beliefs) and buddha is enlightened (awaken).
2. A buddha is one who perceives the true nature of life and
leads others to attain the same enlightenment.
3. Chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo allows people to directly
tap their enlightened nature and is the primary practice of SGI
• Why “secret”?
– because they are “hidden” within and “between the lines” of the 16th chapter of the
lotus sutra
– because they cannot be understood by the intellect alone
– because they were not revealed before Nichiren
• Although the significance of these three great laws is not easy to appreciate at first, this
is something that becomes clearer as one continues to practise and so experiences their
workings within own life and circumstances.
1. The invocation - the chanting of nam-myoho-renge-kyo
2. The object of devotion - the gohonzon (honzon - ‘object of fundamental respect’, go
- worthy of honour)
3. The sanctuary - place where the object of worship is enshrined (our homes).
Practice - actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed
to theories about such application or use
– repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire
or maintain proficiency in it.
To practice: perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly
in order to improve or maintain ones proficiency
– carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or
- the basic objective of any practice is to get better at something• the
purpose of a buddhist practice is to become better in building a happy life
for yourself and those around you.
• Buddhism says that problems are integral part of our lives. How happy and
successful we will be depends on how we see problems - as threat or as
opportunity. The reality does not change. We should change our perception
of the reality.
- So, the buddhist practice is about changing our perception.
- This change is not purely intellectual process. We cannot simply think our
way into a radical new approach to life. We have to work at it, to train
ourselves to acquire different prospective. This is true for any change. If I
want to change my job, I can’t only think of what I want, I need to apply
myself to make it reality.
The buddhist practice is about change
All sentient beings can attain perfect
enlightenment, or buddhahood, and
nothing less than this is the appropriate
final goal of believers;
The buddha is eternal, having existed
from the infinite past and appearing in
many forms throughout the ages to guide
and assist living beings through the
teaching of the wondrous dharma;
The noblest form of buddhist practice is
the way of the bodhisattvas, those who
devote themselves to attaining
enlightenment not only for themselves but
for all sentient beings.
- The gohonzon is the prime point of faith, practice and study in
nichiren daishonin’s buddhism.
- Ta call any object of worship “true” may sound somewhat dogmatic,
but this is based simply on the effect that chanting to the gohonzon
has on our lives.
- The gohonzon is called the true object of worship because it is able
to reorientate the lives and enable happiness to all people.
- This is because it is an embodiment of very profound principles.
- It is vital to understand that it is not A god, nor any form of external
force which grants wishes like a genie.
- It is simply an object, which draws out from deep within us qualities
that we already possess - namely, buddhahood.
“Never seek the gohonzon outside yourself. The gohonzon exists only within the
mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the lotus sutra and chant nam-
myoho-renge-kyo” Nichiren Daishonin
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo on the Gohonzon
Daimoku - Title
- Lotus Sutra title in sanskrit - saddharmapundarikasutra = “sutra of the wonderful law of
lotus flower”
- translated in classic chinese - miao-fa lien-hua ching
- Buddhism and sutras propagated to Japan through Korea, kept its classic chinese
writing, was pronounced according to Japanese Phonetics - myoho renge kyo
-the word nam added by Nichiren, which means “to devote one’s life to”
- literal translation of nam myoho renge kyo - “I devote my life to the wonderful law of the
lotus sutra”
- Nichiren describes it as the universal law of life that expresses the relationship
between human life and the entire universe
- each character contains a universe of thoughts, chinese is very concise language with
each pictogram carrying many meanings.
Other Meanings:
- I devote myself to bring out the best of me
and those who are around me.
- I devote myself to sending the energy to:
- transform darkness (Ho) into light (Myo),
sickness into health, worry into joy, etc.
- by means of “Renge” – the Absolute Law
of Cause and Effect.
- using “Kyo” which is sound, vibration, the
energy, frequency of the ultimate reality.
- Nam (shortened from namu) comes from sanskrit word namas commonly
translated as to devote oneself to. It has very wide range of meanings, some of
– to summon up
– to awaken
– to draw force
– to make great effort
- why is knowing about these different meanings helpful? They express differences
in our approach or in our state of mind when we are chanting at different times.
- Facing the crisis, we may think of summoning up or making great effort rather then
just awakening.
-Myoho describes a relationship between the very essence of life
and millions of physical forms in which this life force manifest. The
LAW is the relation between myo and ho.
• Myo is the name given to the mystic nature of life and ho - to its
manifestations – myo - unseen or spiritual element – ho - tangible
physical manifestation that we can perceive with our senses
- In buddhism, all things, all phenomena have a myo aspect and a
ho aspect - different but inseparable.
- Renge means lotus flower. It has a particular meaning in Buddhism
• It is a plant with beautiful flower that grows and flourishes most strongly in
muddy environments – it is taken to symbolise a great potential locked up in
every human life. A promise that we can build strong, positive and
flourishing lives however difficult are circumstances and environment we
find ourselves.
• Lotus flower carries blossoms and seeds at the same time, simultaneously
– symbolize one of the fundamental and most important principles in
buddhism - simultaneity of cause and effect. It argues that every cause we
make plants a balancing effects in our lives, which sooner or later will be
Kyo - many meanings (again)
• literal translation is sutra or teaching of the buddha
• It also means - vibration or sound
• In Chinese, Kyo originally meant the warp or thread that links all
together, symbolizing the continuity of life throughout past, present
and future.
• Buddhism is about ordinary daily lives of ordinary human beings it has to
cope with this feature of our lives. An the concept of the ten worlds is a
• The ten worlds are not objective places, they are subjective states inside
our head, states of mind.
• It could seem implausible to reduce a vast range of our constantly shifting
responses to just 10 states:
– structure that undoubtedly stood the test of time
– passed a test of practicality, not for bookshelves
- it is for our daily lives
• A road map - helps us to interpret where we are in our subjective or
emotional life
• As far as buddhism teaches that happiness and suffering come not from
external factors of our lives but from deep within, then knowing more clearly
where we as opposed to where we would like to be is a crucial piece of
• The life state where we in from moment to moment effects everything in our
life: how we feel, think, act, how we look, not to mention how environment
responds. Think of anger.
• State of suffering and despair
• Filled with frustration, rage, helplessness and
destructive impulses
• We perceive we have no freedom of action
• A feeling of being imprisoned by one's circumstances
• There are graduations of this state: from unbearable
day at work to the grief for a lost relative
+ Having experienced hell helps us maintain a desire
to better our circumstances. Empathy, understanding
the sufferings of others.
• Permanent dissatisfaction of how your life is now, because
your desires are out of control
• “Out of control” part is a problem
• Always craving for something: money, power, status or
whatever. But the feeling doesn't go away.
• While desires are inherent in any of the Ten Worlds, in this
state we are at the mercy of our cravings and cannot control
them. We end up chasing one desire after another without
feeling fulfilment or satisfaction. As soon as the desire has
been achieved, a hunger seeks for another object to be
• It is an addiction and as most addictions it is associated with
suffering not only for oneself but also for those around us.
+ Huge amount of drive and energy is locked up in a Hunger
state. If redirected to the needs of others, can achieve great
good. For example, people fighting tirelessly for nuclear
disarmament are hungry for peace.
• Driven by instinct, lacking in reason and moral
• Those who are strong (or who knows) take advantage of
those who are week (or unaware) in order to satisfy own
ends regardless of the rights or the morality of the situation
• Described as the Law of the jungles. Nowadays also
mindless hooliganism and anti-social behaviour. No
consideration on the anxiety or sufferings inflicted on those
around them.
• Absence of humanity is fundamental to this life state.
• Absence of wisdom and lack of judgement, no adherence
to rules and regulations
• + Protective instincts, for example, that we need more
sleep. Preservation of self or others.
• As a Buddhist text describes it: "Since those in the
world of Anger desire in every instance to be superior
to everyone else and cannot bear to be inferior to
anyone. At the same time, outwardly they seek to
display the virtues of benevolence, justice, propriety,
wisdom and fidelity."
• • Not simply the domination of the external
manifestations of anger: shouting, threats storms of
temper, but constant demands of one’s ego.
• At its heart there is a sense of the superiority over
others with all the distortions of prospective
• There will the sudden outburst of the anger, that may
seem come from nowhere often surprising the owner of
the anger as much as the victim
• + Anger is a great achiever. Can be powerful driver
towards change, fighter for injustice, dignity of the
individual or the passion to fight authoritarian
behaviour. The key to overcome the destructive side of
the anger has to come from self- awareness. It can’t be
just switched off or redirected from outside.
• Life state when we are calm and in control of
• Neutral state where nothing is excited or upset or
requires a passionate response
• It’s also called a state of rest, recharging our
• Positive qualities like reasonableness and self-
judgement , consideration for others, ability to see
clearly between truth and false
• Actively seeking to achieve compromise, rather than
conflict. For example, it might be a moment of
apology after fly of temper or perhaps working hard
not to loose your temper when somebody is being
totally unreasonable - Negative aspect is certain
amount of apathy revealed in a long-term acceptance
of one’s status quo or unwillingness to make an
• Heaven represents what is described in Buddhism as
relative happiness
• It’s a wonderful act of joy and exhilaration, which we
experience when we achieve something that we desire
• It bring with it a sense of personal fulfilment, the zest for
life and outburst of energy e.g. setting on a holiday of
falling in love.
• But however wonderful exhilaration might be, however it
enriches our lives the reality is that by its own nature the
rapture is short-lived. A sudden pick of joy in a normal
curve of our lives.
• Although some people equate this transient state with the
highest possible state of life, trying to make it permanent in
their lives, Buddhism teaches that the idea of permanent
rapture is simply unreal.
• The desire to make this life state permanent leads to
• Learning is mainly about studying, seeking the truth through the
teachings or experience of others
• We take knowledge and insight of others and apply them to our
own life
• It is also an attitude of wanting to learn, desire to discuss, ability
to absorb knowledge:
– A practical skill
– A mastery of our work
– The development of an interest
• It can be dual. It can lead:
– To immensely beneficial findings if based on the desire to improve
human conditions
– To exploitation of others, destruction of the environment and life
itself if based on the desire of a profit
• The process of inner reflection or consideration
that enables us to work on the knowledge that
we have acquired or the experiences we have
been through to achieve a different level of
understanding of life. In this sense it may be
equated with wisdom or intuition
• Having a wisdom or insight, an understanding of
an aspect of life from our own observations and
• Self-awakening to some truth or principle.
• It’s a technical term from Buddhist texts: Bodhi (enlightenment) and sattva
(beings) - aspired to achieve enlightenment
• The meaning behind this term is caring for others.
• Giving yourself to support and improve the lives of others
• This is a primary quality that modern psychological research suggests that
is fundamental to the happiness in this life
• Not simply to help other people but to alleviate the cause of their pain or
suffering and to replace it with a greater sense of wellbeing
• The immediate path out of the life states such as hell, hunger and anger is
to find some way to contribute to the lives of others
• Determined to enable all other beings to do the same
• Bodhisattvas receive little public reward or recognition for their work and
may pass most of their lives in relatively poor circumstances. Recognition
and reward is clearly not their motivation. They are driven by a powerful
compassion. This is the source of the greatest joy and fulfilment.
• Buddhism teaches that Bodhisattva state should not be a self sacrificial.
• This brings us to a life state of Buddhahood.
• The highest state of life of which the human being is capable.
• Overlaid by huge amount of misconception and
misunderstanding. It can be difficult for us to believe that this
life state can be attained by ordinary people going about their
ordinary daily lives.
• It is Nichiren who by studying Buddhist scripts brought
Buddhahood down to Earth. Buddha was a human and his
awakening was not a superhuman state.
• Buddhahood is not elevation, a higher plane of our lives to
which one can step.
• It is a deeper and richer understanding of a mainstream of
our life as it already is - everything that we already involved,
even a suffering and struggling as well as happiness.
• Find fulfilment in our daily activities and come to understand
the purpose of being alive
• A condition in which we enjoy: the highest life force, wisdom,
compassion, courage, together with a good fortune
Nichiren Buddhism Principle

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Nichiren Buddhism - Its Background

  • 2. • Value Creation Society • A lay association based on the teaching of the Nichiren School of Mahayana Buddhism • More than 12 million members in 192 countries and territories worldwide. • Non-governmental member of the United Nations. SOKA GAKKAI INTERNATIONAL (SGI)
  • 3. NICHIREN BUDDHISM Nichiren Buddhism is a Japanese Buddhist movement in the Mahayana tradition. It is also popular in the West and has a fast-growing membership in the UK. Nichiren Buddhism differs from other schools of Buddhism in focusing on this world, and in its view that it is the only correct tradition. It also emphasizes the importance of individuals taking responsibility for improving themselves. Although it can be seen as a highly self-focused religion, followers of Nichiren Buddhism believe that individual empowerment and inner transformation contribute, in turn, to a better and more peaceful world. This is one of the key elements of Nichiren Buddhism. It teaches that enlightenment is available to everybody. One writer has encapsulated this idea as a "shortcut to salvation". The essence of enlightenment is opening a person's innate Buddha-nature in this world.
  • 4. • Activities: • Peace activities through UN • Promotion of culture between countries. • Education – kindergartens, school systems in Japan and universities in Japan and America. • Daisaku Ikeda – SGI President and Buddhist philosopher SOKA GAKKAI INTERNATIONAL (SGI)
  • 5. NICHIREN DAISHONIN • Nichiren (1222-1282) • Japanese Buddhist teacher and reformer. • Founder of the Buddhist teaching upon which the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) bases its activities. • Inscribed the object of devotion for observing one’s mind (Gohonzon) and established the invocation of Nam-myoho- renge-kyo as the universal practice for attaining enlightenment.
  • 6. HE LIFE OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN - Birth name is Zennichi – maro - Is a child of a Sendala Family. Sendala means a person from the lowest cast in ancient India whose profession is killins of animals. - The Daishonin held no social status in the society of his day. But in the form of a common mortal, the Daishonin’s behavior was that of the true Buddha in the Latter day of the Law. Out of his great compassion, the Daishonin demonstrated that anyone, regardless of social station, has equal potential to attain Buddhahood just as he is..
  • 7. HE LIFE OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN - Entered priesthood at age of 12 in 1233. - After four years, 1237, he was 16, he officially became priest, shaving his head and changing his name to Zzesho-bo-Rencho. - The world of Buddhism at that time fully manifested the characteristics of the Latter Day of the Law when the Pure Law had been lost. Although all the predominant sects of the day; Nembutsu, Zen, Shingon, Ritsu and Tendai derived from Shakyamuni’s teachings, it was not clear which Buddhist religion was correct. Amidst such chaos in the Buddhist world, Rencho believed that the true teaching of the Buddha must be only one. Motivated by a great desire to liberate all people from their illusions and sufferings he sought the true religion. To this end, two years after he entered the priesthood, Rencho embarked upon a journey of advanced study.
  • 8. HE LIFE OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN - at, 32, after mastering the the doctrines of Buddhism, he returned and he powerfully chanted the Daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for the first time.With this he declared to the universe the establishment of true Buddhism. At that time he changed his name to “Nichiren” (Sun Lotus) - he gave a first sermon to his parents and his older fellow disciples, In this sermon the Daishonin made clear by citing documentary proofs that Nembutsu, Zen, and other sects prevalent at that time, are erroneous teachings, which go against the true intention of Shakyamuni.
  • 9. HE LIFE OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN - Because of this, numbers of execution and exile were planned for him. On 1271, was arrested and secretly approached beheading. But, the moment the executioner raised his sword to strike, a brilliant light as bright as the moon came from the direction of Enoshima Island shooting across the sky towards the northwest. - The executioner was blinded by the light and dropped to the ground. Frightened, the other soldiers fell from their horses or rode away. No one was able to take the Daishonin’s life. - From that time forward, he revealed his true original identity as theTrue Buddha who appears in the Latter Day of the Law to establish the true Buddhism which will enable all mankind to attain Buddhahood.
  • 10. THREE ELEMENTS OF BUDDHISM 1. Faith - Each of us has enormous potential, Buddhahood, which can be revealed in this lifetime; internal life force, wisdom, courage and compassion. 2. Practice - for yourself: Chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo (daimoku) in front of gohonzon (the scroll with chinese diargams and some names in sanscrit) and gongyo - reading aloud two chapters of lotus sutra (morning and evening) for others: help others to become happier 3. Study – religion without study is fanatic
  • 12. Everyone can be a buddha! Nichiren further taught: 1. The only difference between a buddha and a common mortal is that a common mortal is deluded (deceived by false beliefs) and buddha is enlightened (awaken). 2. A buddha is one who perceives the true nature of life and leads others to attain the same enlightenment. 3. Chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo allows people to directly tap their enlightened nature and is the primary practice of SGI members.
  • 13. THE THREE GREAT SECRET LAWS • Why “secret”? – because they are “hidden” within and “between the lines” of the 16th chapter of the lotus sutra – because they cannot be understood by the intellect alone – because they were not revealed before Nichiren • Although the significance of these three great laws is not easy to appreciate at first, this is something that becomes clearer as one continues to practise and so experiences their workings within own life and circumstances. THE THREE GREAT LAWS ARE: 1. The invocation - the chanting of nam-myoho-renge-kyo 2. The object of devotion - the gohonzon (honzon - ‘object of fundamental respect’, go - worthy of honour) 3. The sanctuary - place where the object of worship is enshrined (our homes).
  • 14. Practice - actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use – repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it. To practice: perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain ones proficiency – carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly. - the basic objective of any practice is to get better at something• the purpose of a buddhist practice is to become better in building a happy life for yourself and those around you.
  • 15. • Buddhism says that problems are integral part of our lives. How happy and successful we will be depends on how we see problems - as threat or as opportunity. The reality does not change. We should change our perception of the reality. - So, the buddhist practice is about changing our perception. - This change is not purely intellectual process. We cannot simply think our way into a radical new approach to life. We have to work at it, to train ourselves to acquire different prospective. This is true for any change. If I want to change my job, I can’t only think of what I want, I need to apply myself to make it reality. The buddhist practice is about change
  • 16. LUTOS SUTRA All sentient beings can attain perfect enlightenment, or buddhahood, and nothing less than this is the appropriate final goal of believers; The buddha is eternal, having existed from the infinite past and appearing in many forms throughout the ages to guide and assist living beings through the teaching of the wondrous dharma; The noblest form of buddhist practice is the way of the bodhisattvas, those who devote themselves to attaining enlightenment not only for themselves but for all sentient beings.
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  • 18. - The gohonzon is the prime point of faith, practice and study in nichiren daishonin’s buddhism. - Ta call any object of worship “true” may sound somewhat dogmatic, but this is based simply on the effect that chanting to the gohonzon has on our lives. - The gohonzon is called the true object of worship because it is able to reorientate the lives and enable happiness to all people. - This is because it is an embodiment of very profound principles. - It is vital to understand that it is not A god, nor any form of external force which grants wishes like a genie. - It is simply an object, which draws out from deep within us qualities that we already possess - namely, buddhahood. “Never seek the gohonzon outside yourself. The gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the lotus sutra and chant nam- myoho-renge-kyo” Nichiren Daishonin Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo on the Gohonzon
  • 19. Daimoku - Title - Lotus Sutra title in sanskrit - saddharmapundarikasutra = “sutra of the wonderful law of lotus flower” - translated in classic chinese - miao-fa lien-hua ching - Buddhism and sutras propagated to Japan through Korea, kept its classic chinese writing, was pronounced according to Japanese Phonetics - myoho renge kyo -the word nam added by Nichiren, which means “to devote one’s life to” - literal translation of nam myoho renge kyo - “I devote my life to the wonderful law of the lotus sutra” - Nichiren describes it as the universal law of life that expresses the relationship between human life and the entire universe - each character contains a universe of thoughts, chinese is very concise language with each pictogram carrying many meanings.
  • 20. Other Meanings: - I devote myself to bring out the best of me and those who are around me. - I devote myself to sending the energy to: - transform darkness (Ho) into light (Myo), sickness into health, worry into joy, etc. - by means of “Renge” – the Absolute Law of Cause and Effect. - using “Kyo” which is sound, vibration, the energy, frequency of the ultimate reality.
  • 21. NAM - Nam (shortened from namu) comes from sanskrit word namas commonly translated as to devote oneself to. It has very wide range of meanings, some of them: – to summon up – to awaken – to draw force – to make great effort - why is knowing about these different meanings helpful? They express differences in our approach or in our state of mind when we are chanting at different times. - Facing the crisis, we may think of summoning up or making great effort rather then just awakening.
  • 22. MYOHO -Myoho describes a relationship between the very essence of life and millions of physical forms in which this life force manifest. The LAW is the relation between myo and ho. • Myo is the name given to the mystic nature of life and ho - to its manifestations – myo - unseen or spiritual element – ho - tangible physical manifestation that we can perceive with our senses - In buddhism, all things, all phenomena have a myo aspect and a ho aspect - different but inseparable.
  • 23. RENGE - Renge means lotus flower. It has a particular meaning in Buddhism • It is a plant with beautiful flower that grows and flourishes most strongly in muddy environments – it is taken to symbolise a great potential locked up in every human life. A promise that we can build strong, positive and flourishing lives however difficult are circumstances and environment we find ourselves. • Lotus flower carries blossoms and seeds at the same time, simultaneously – symbolize one of the fundamental and most important principles in buddhism - simultaneity of cause and effect. It argues that every cause we make plants a balancing effects in our lives, which sooner or later will be manifested.
  • 24. KYO Kyo - many meanings (again) • literal translation is sutra or teaching of the buddha • It also means - vibration or sound • In Chinese, Kyo originally meant the warp or thread that links all together, symbolizing the continuity of life throughout past, present and future.
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  • 26. • Buddhism is about ordinary daily lives of ordinary human beings it has to cope with this feature of our lives. An the concept of the ten worlds is a result. • The ten worlds are not objective places, they are subjective states inside our head, states of mind. • It could seem implausible to reduce a vast range of our constantly shifting responses to just 10 states: – structure that undoubtedly stood the test of time – passed a test of practicality, not for bookshelves - it is for our daily lives • A road map - helps us to interpret where we are in our subjective or emotional life • As far as buddhism teaches that happiness and suffering come not from external factors of our lives but from deep within, then knowing more clearly where we as opposed to where we would like to be is a crucial piece of information. • The life state where we in from moment to moment effects everything in our life: how we feel, think, act, how we look, not to mention how environment responds. Think of anger.
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  • 28. HELL • State of suffering and despair • Filled with frustration, rage, helplessness and destructive impulses • We perceive we have no freedom of action • A feeling of being imprisoned by one's circumstances • There are graduations of this state: from unbearable day at work to the grief for a lost relative + Having experienced hell helps us maintain a desire to better our circumstances. Empathy, understanding the sufferings of others.
  • 29. HUNGER • Permanent dissatisfaction of how your life is now, because your desires are out of control • “Out of control” part is a problem • Always craving for something: money, power, status or whatever. But the feeling doesn't go away. • While desires are inherent in any of the Ten Worlds, in this state we are at the mercy of our cravings and cannot control them. We end up chasing one desire after another without feeling fulfilment or satisfaction. As soon as the desire has been achieved, a hunger seeks for another object to be possessed. • It is an addiction and as most addictions it is associated with suffering not only for oneself but also for those around us. + Huge amount of drive and energy is locked up in a Hunger state. If redirected to the needs of others, can achieve great good. For example, people fighting tirelessly for nuclear disarmament are hungry for peace.
  • 30. ANIMALITY • Driven by instinct, lacking in reason and moral considerations • Those who are strong (or who knows) take advantage of those who are week (or unaware) in order to satisfy own ends regardless of the rights or the morality of the situation • Described as the Law of the jungles. Nowadays also mindless hooliganism and anti-social behaviour. No consideration on the anxiety or sufferings inflicted on those around them. • Absence of humanity is fundamental to this life state. • Absence of wisdom and lack of judgement, no adherence to rules and regulations • + Protective instincts, for example, that we need more sleep. Preservation of self or others.
  • 31. ANGER • As a Buddhist text describes it: "Since those in the world of Anger desire in every instance to be superior to everyone else and cannot bear to be inferior to anyone. At the same time, outwardly they seek to display the virtues of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and fidelity." • • Not simply the domination of the external manifestations of anger: shouting, threats storms of temper, but constant demands of one’s ego. • At its heart there is a sense of the superiority over others with all the distortions of prospective • There will the sudden outburst of the anger, that may seem come from nowhere often surprising the owner of the anger as much as the victim • + Anger is a great achiever. Can be powerful driver towards change, fighter for injustice, dignity of the individual or the passion to fight authoritarian behaviour. The key to overcome the destructive side of the anger has to come from self- awareness. It can’t be just switched off or redirected from outside.
  • 32. HUMANITY • Life state when we are calm and in control of ourselves • Neutral state where nothing is excited or upset or requires a passionate response • It’s also called a state of rest, recharging our batteries • Positive qualities like reasonableness and self- judgement , consideration for others, ability to see clearly between truth and false • Actively seeking to achieve compromise, rather than conflict. For example, it might be a moment of apology after fly of temper or perhaps working hard not to loose your temper when somebody is being totally unreasonable - Negative aspect is certain amount of apathy revealed in a long-term acceptance of one’s status quo or unwillingness to make an effort.
  • 33. RAPTURE OR HEAVEN • Heaven represents what is described in Buddhism as relative happiness • It’s a wonderful act of joy and exhilaration, which we experience when we achieve something that we desire strongly • It bring with it a sense of personal fulfilment, the zest for life and outburst of energy e.g. setting on a holiday of falling in love. • But however wonderful exhilaration might be, however it enriches our lives the reality is that by its own nature the rapture is short-lived. A sudden pick of joy in a normal curve of our lives. • Although some people equate this transient state with the highest possible state of life, trying to make it permanent in their lives, Buddhism teaches that the idea of permanent rapture is simply unreal. • The desire to make this life state permanent leads to suffering
  • 34. LEARNING • Learning is mainly about studying, seeking the truth through the teachings or experience of others • We take knowledge and insight of others and apply them to our own life • It is also an attitude of wanting to learn, desire to discuss, ability to absorb knowledge: – A practical skill – A mastery of our work – The development of an interest • It can be dual. It can lead: – To immensely beneficial findings if based on the desire to improve human conditions – To exploitation of others, destruction of the environment and life itself if based on the desire of a profit
  • 35. REALISATION • The process of inner reflection or consideration that enables us to work on the knowledge that we have acquired or the experiences we have been through to achieve a different level of understanding of life. In this sense it may be equated with wisdom or intuition • Having a wisdom or insight, an understanding of an aspect of life from our own observations and experiences. • Self-awakening to some truth or principle.
  • 36. BODHISATTRA • It’s a technical term from Buddhist texts: Bodhi (enlightenment) and sattva (beings) - aspired to achieve enlightenment • The meaning behind this term is caring for others. • Giving yourself to support and improve the lives of others • This is a primary quality that modern psychological research suggests that is fundamental to the happiness in this life • Not simply to help other people but to alleviate the cause of their pain or suffering and to replace it with a greater sense of wellbeing • The immediate path out of the life states such as hell, hunger and anger is to find some way to contribute to the lives of others • Determined to enable all other beings to do the same • Bodhisattvas receive little public reward or recognition for their work and may pass most of their lives in relatively poor circumstances. Recognition and reward is clearly not their motivation. They are driven by a powerful compassion. This is the source of the greatest joy and fulfilment. • Buddhism teaches that Bodhisattva state should not be a self sacrificial. • This brings us to a life state of Buddhahood.
  • 37. BUDDHAHOOD • The highest state of life of which the human being is capable. • Overlaid by huge amount of misconception and misunderstanding. It can be difficult for us to believe that this life state can be attained by ordinary people going about their ordinary daily lives. • It is Nichiren who by studying Buddhist scripts brought Buddhahood down to Earth. Buddha was a human and his awakening was not a superhuman state. • Buddhahood is not elevation, a higher plane of our lives to which one can step. • It is a deeper and richer understanding of a mainstream of our life as it already is - everything that we already involved, even a suffering and struggling as well as happiness. • Find fulfilment in our daily activities and come to understand the purpose of being alive • A condition in which we enjoy: the highest life force, wisdom, compassion, courage, together with a good fortune
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