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NHS Essay Sample
Throughout my life I've been a part of 4h where you're constantly learning, teaching and growing.
You are gaining knowledge by being tested, writing speeches and gaining communication skills.
Being around livestock teaches you a lot of about being responsible, caring and respectful. The
life I have with livestock and 4h has helped me fine my passion in teaching. The people I've met
from showing livestock has impacted my life. I plan to have a positive impact on my student's
lives. Being a teacher you need to be responsible, caring and respectful. I am a caring, dependable
and energetic person. Throughout life you are constantly learning. There are many ways to learn
and many ways to teach. I plan to be an effective teacher while making more content...
I'm going to be aware of the minorities in my classroom to help them fit in and make friends
because it is difficult to be singled out because you're different. I plan to teach my students about
diversity by recognizing different holidays and exposing them to the celebrations. I will incorporate
diversity into my teaching whenever possible by recognizing accomplishment of different racist.
With my instructions I plan for students to be successful when taking my assessments. I will use
different forms of assessment such as quizzes, text, projects, portfolios, ect. I favor short quizzes
given more often. Because I want to teach in a hands on way I value projects as an assessment. By
using projects according to Piaget children learn best when they are actually doing the work
themselves and creating their own understanding of what's going on. Students learn best through
hands on evolvement. An effective teacher will have her students actively engage in station, centers
and projects. An effective teacher makes her students feel like they belong and are disciplined fairly.
It is important to welcome the diversity of all students. It is important to assess students in an
appropriate manner. This creates a positive learning environment for the students. I am a responsible,
dependable, caring and energetic teacher who will be an asset to your school
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Nhs Essay Examples
I am deeply honored to be recognized as an eligible candidate for the National Honors Society.
After learning about the National Honor Society, and what the organization represented, I knew it
was something I wanted to participate in. This organization works hard to better educational
opportunities for students across the nation, and that is something I would like to play a part in
to further the outstanding reputation of the NHS. I believe that this is an opportunity I deserve
due to my recognizable hard work. I am aware that the NHS is known for recognizing students
with outstanding grades and commendable characteristics, which is something I believe I have
obtained throughout my years of hard work. I have desirable characteristics that would be
beneficial to the NHS. I am an enthusiastic, strong spirited, and a friendly person who also has
strong work ethics and poise. I am someone who feels strongly about my opinion, but will always
graciously accept criticism. I am a responsible and reliable person who portrays integrity, honesty,
and respect for other people and for the rules. I am someone who greatly treasures school and
everything it has more content...
I hope to prove myself to be a good mentor for those who seek help and guidance. My leadership in
my church played a large role in my life. I have led many activities for the religious youth group at
St. John the Baptist, talent shows, fests, and lock–ins. I currently aid in some activities my school
has to offer. I attend all class meetings, offer ideas to improve events, promote school activities,
donate supplies to any events, decorate for dances and spirit weeks, do photography for the
Science Olympiad team, and help my teachers in any way possible. As I participate in activities
where I am the leader I make sure that I consult with my peers and listen to their ideas in hopes that
we can come together to devise a plan of
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Benefits Of The NHS
The NHS provides a service that provides good healthcare to all people, regardless of wealth.
Every 36 hours the NHS deals with over 1 million patients across England. The service is based
on three core principles: firstly, it must meet the needs of everyone, secondly, it must be free at the
point of delivery and thirdly it is based on clinical need, not the ability to pay. Some specific NHS
services do however require a financial contribution from the patient, for example eye tests, dental
care, prescriptions, and aspects of long–term care. However, these charges are often free to
vulnerable or low income groups, and when not free, often lower than equivalent services provided
by a private provider. The services that the NHS provides are that
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NHS Application Essay Sample
Dear Midwestern University – Downers Grove Campus,
I am one of the applicants who had the pleasure of interviewing at your phenomenal institution on
March 14 and would like to thank you for considering me as a potential candidate to join the
upcoming class for your Doctor of Dental Medicine program. Additionally, I would like to send this
update to include onto the experiences I already listed on my application in hopes that the admission
committee will arrive at an admission decision that best reflects my current compentency and
repetoire as an applicant.
CDA Cares
My participation with CDA Cares is described on my main AADSAS application. I am still
volunteering with CDA Cares by going to the event at Stockton, CA on October 14–16
more content...
The description of this experience is nearly the same, but I would like to add that this is a private
office that work closely with the patient to practice preventive dentistry through patient education.
This office showed me that one on one counseling with the patient often results in a change of the
patient's lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the oral health disorder such as cavity or gingivitis.
Ultimately, this dental office taught me the importance of providing dental education to patients.
AADSAS listed hours: 12. Total current hours: approximately 30
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Why I Want To Be An NHS
My life has always rested on the foundation of knowledge because of the way learning has always
been treasured in my household. My parents have taught me to pursue curiosity and expand the
corners of my mind, rather than confining my potential to self–induced limitations. These ideas
engraved themselves into my core as a person, and I continue to grow as somebody with an
unconditional pursuit of learning. Therefore, 'Scholarship' is not a pillar I struggle to achieve.
As for 'Service', I am more of an... inactive person in my community, to which I am not proud of.
My years in school have been spent focusing mostly on my education, and I have neglected my
desires to help the school and the community as an individual. For this pillar, I cannot say that my
life experiences prove my qualifications because they can't. However, my personality is that of
resilience and passion. In the present, I am determined to giving my all to the school and
community, whether it be as a member of NHS or as an average citizen of more
In the past, I never really saw myself as a leader because they were described as people who had
charisma and a very strong presence, while I stood as the polar opposite. It wasn't until high school
that I learned more of what makes a leader a leader, and that outward appearance is merely the
shallow end of the ocean. My nature of yielding my personal interests for the needs of others and
willingness to hear all opinions were long developed skills that I never labelled as part of that
ocean, until now. I might not be the center of attention in most settings, but that does not make me
any less of a leader. In this way, I fit the pillar of
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Essay about The National Health Services
The National health services (NHS) provides a comprehensive healthcare services across the
entire nation. It is considered to be UK's proudest institution, and is envied by many other
countries because of its free of cost health delivery to its population. Nevertheless, it is often seen
as a 'political football' as it affects all of us in some way and hence everyone carry an opinion
about it (Cass, 2006). Factors such as government policies, funding, number of service users,
taxation etc all make up small parts of this large complex organisation. Therefore, any imbalances
within one sector can pose a substantial risk on the overall NHS (Wheeler & Grice, 2000). This
essay will discuss whether the NHS aim of reducing the nations more content...
However, a healthy lifestyle was seen to prevail among the rich population (Webster, 2002;
Geoffrey, 2011). Later, findings from a series of reports including report from Royal commission on
National Health Insurance in 1926; The Sankey Commission on Voluntary Hospitals in 1937; and
reports from British Medical Association (BMA) in 1930 and 1938, all collectively indicated that
inadequacy existed in the pattern of the services (Christopher, 2004; Webster, 2002). Evident were
reports of conflicting care and duplication of work between the municipal and voluntary hospitals
(Wheeler & Grice, 2000). Additionally, world war had a huge impact on the health services and the
conditions in which hospitals, theatres, radiology and pathology department operated was very poor.
Thus, no machinery existed that supported running of a coordinated healthcare system, hence a need
for unified, simplified and cohesive system was felt (Smith, 2007). Furthermore, Royal
Commission's report suggested that funding for the health services might benefit from general
taxation rather than its basis on insurance principle (Christopher, 2004). However, it was not until
the Beveridge report in 1942, which provided a huge drive and momentum for a movement of
change in the health services. And within subsequent years seen were the proposals for NHS drawn
through the White Paper in 1944, then in 1946 the National Health Service Act and at last in 1948 the
establishment of the NHS
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Examples Of Nhs Application Essay
The opportunities that NHS provides and would provide me if I was to be accepted are vast.
NHS would provide me an extra element I would be able to add to my transcript to help me get
into a university that I would like to join. I believe that if I were to join NHS it would greatly
help me get into that college and that program. NHS would not only help me get into college but it
would also recognize the effort I put into my school work and my sports. I have always taken the
hardest and the most rigorous courses and excelled at them as well.
Character is presumably the most important trait that anyone can have. People judge based on
character and it can shape who you are. I believe that I have good character and that I am a good
person. In my opinion being a good person, doing what is right, and doing well in school are the
three main things that shape your character from the beginning of preschool all the more
It takes time out of your day and usually goes unpaid. In my life I have been involved in many
service "projects". One service that I have always participated in and enjoy doing is helping the boys
in sixth grade and below. I have worked many boys basketball tournaments and helped out at these
tournaments. I have also went to the saturday morning boys basketball practices as well as the
camps that have taken place over the years. At these practices and the camps I lead the boys in
drills, help them out, and teach them. I have also helped out at the preschool, the dinners, and
other celebrations at the Landeck Church. I believe that I do posses the qualities of service and that
I always will. For me NHS is a great accomplishment and is something that I have always strived to
be in. Being a possible candidate is an honor, but being able to join NHS would be a very big deal to
me. I hope I will be able to join, be able to say that I am a NHS member, and be able to have it on
my transcript for
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NHS Application
) What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about playing music, being successful academically, and lastly I am passionate
about using my strengths to help others. I am a member of our very own Stockdale High School
Marching Band, and I am also a member of the Stockdale Jazz Band. Music is like an escape for me.
Whenever I am feeling down, I will play some music and instantly feel better. I want to show
people how music can be an outlet for anyone. I am quite the perfectionist so it is very important to
me that I remain academically successful in all my classes. I enjoy using my strengths in academics
to help others achieve academic success.
2.) Describe a time when you feel like you made a positive impact. I
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Leader In NHS
To be a leader, by definition, means to lead or command a group or an organization. In the recent
years, however, I have come to realize that being a leader can not be defined so simply. In fact, it
is nearly impossible to define, given that each and every person has a different idea of what
makes a leader, and who is qualified. For myself, a leader is someone whom I trust to make good
and just decisions, listens and has a genuine care for the ideas and opinions of others, and leads
by example, setting a good example and being role model for those around them. By becoming
apart of the NHS, I hope that I myself can become this great leader, and further inspire my peers to
achieve their goals and obtain greatness in education as well as
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Nhs Application Essay Sample
My academic background is unique coming from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program and the
Campuswide Honors Program at UCI. Very few students have completed both rigorous programs.
The CHP is the best honors program in the UC system and the Pharm Sci curriculum is designed to
give students exceptional preparation for pharmacy school. This has pushed me to be one of the most
well–rounded Pharmaceutical Sciences students at UCI. I believe this gives me unique preparation
for new and challenging curriculum in pharmacy school. It has also nurtured my love for learning
in all disciplines and exposed me to topics outside of my major. Never have I been satisfied with
completing the minimum requirements. I have always been the type of student that pushes myself
to improve and consider new possibilities I have spent more time than most of my peers developing more content...
To me, being a leader is not just about innovation, but about being an optimist and being supportive
of those around you. When I am leading a group I always have a plan, a back–up plan, and a smile
on my face. My hope is to be the type of person that others will look forward to working with. I am
very open about my strengths and weaknesses because I think it makes me a better team member.
In my time as a dancer, I learned to take criticism well and apply it to my actions in a timely
manner. I think this is important when working in a team. Dance also taught me that your
weaknesses are what you need to spend the most time addressing even though it may be
uncomfortable. That willingness to step out of my comfort zone is always valuable when I face new
challenges. When I work independently, I have initiative and self–discipline. This means I am
confident in my decisions and hold myself accountable when I make goals. Many people make
goals and lose accountability somewhere along the way. I always follow–up and this makes me
reliable even when I do not have close
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NHS Essay For The NHS
Being a candidate for the NHS is an honor itself, this shows how much I have progressed towards
my academic goals, and it also shows that my hard work is finally being taken into consideration.
Thanks to the NHS if I am given the opportunity to become a member, my devoted time and effort
into my grades as well as my character will be recognized and be taken into the next level of
success. Joining the NHS is very significant for me because it will take me a step closer to my
future career goals. I think I should be admitted to such a prestigious group of academic
achievement, because I show characteristics that will make a great nominee for the NHS, such as.
My GPA has remained no lower than a 3.97 throughout the entire year, I did research on the
college I wish to assist and according to the college if I keep the same effort that I give now there
is not a doubt that I could attend my dream college. By joining the NHS I will probably get a
higher chance of attending that university and I can assure this because I recently completed a
personal project named "The Dream Board", which is the career path I more content...
When I was working with a student he will have the right concept, but he will hesitate in which
answer choice to pick. In order to help him overcome this I told him to not overthink it and to
trust his guts. At first I thought this was a very basic way to approach the situation, but when the
next test he approached me and told me how he took my advice and incorporated it whenever he
was in doubt. I was later informed that he began helping other scholars in different ways, and many
people were soon gaining confidence and it became very noticeable. This is the time were one
simple concept/advice impacted various people in a beneficial
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Nhs Essay Examples
I believe I deserve to be inducted into the National Honors Society because I am a dedicated, hard
working, caring individual. I focus most of my free time on volunteering in the theatre community.
Over the past six years, I have been a very active member in the theatre community. I have
performed in 22 productions, 8 of which were in my high school career. I became a member of the
Alamance Children's Theatre board in 2011. Ever since, I have helped volunteer to paint sets,
promote productions, make playbills, and even act in the shows themselves. At Studio 1, they have
days each month to go out and clean the costume rooms, declutter, move furniture, and make Studio
1 into a better theatre. I volunteer my Saturdays to go clean and more content...
Marks Church, I have participated in numerous Pack–A–Thons with Feed the Hunger to provide
food for people living in poverty. We pack hundreds of bags of food to be shipped to people in
need. I participated in the 30 Hour Famine with Feed the Hunger. We raised about $16,000 for
people living in poverty and did not eat for 30 hours straight. Helping those in need is also a big
part of my life. I like to volunteer my time to help those in need who I may not necessarily know. I
may not know how exactly my volunteering helps them but I know that my work has made an
impact on their life. I think it is important to help those in need even if you do not know them. I
being helping and giving back to the community has helped me become more understanding and
selfless. Creative writing is another major component in my life. Writing has helped me know
my strengths and weaknesses and has helped me become more independent. Independence is a
big part of who I am. I do not feel as though I have to follow the crowd. I do what I feel is right and I
feel as though that makes me a better leader. Although I have strong opinions, I am open to
people opposing my ideas. Part of being a leader is being accepting of all people that may come your
way. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say. I am a very accepting person, which
makes me a better
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Nhs Application Essay Sample
1. Why do you feel that you would be a strong candidate for the MaCS Program? I feel that I will
be a strong candidate for the MaCS program due to my interest and previous studies in the subjects
that are enriched in the MaCS program (math, science and English). I frequently work on grade
10–11 math and science. At the time of writing, I'm studying quadratic relations, and anatomy
/ physiology. Furthermore, at the information night, upon learning about the various clubs offered
at WLM, my interest in the school was piqued. If I was to be accepted and thus attend WLM, I
know that I would become a contributor to the school. At the information night, I learnt about three
or four different clubs that I hope to become a part of. Aside from extracurriculars, I also will be
beneficial to the academics of the school, as I am an earnest, studious student. In both sixth and
seventh grade, I was on the honour roll, along with the academic more content...
Provide details of leadership and extracurricular activities that you have been involved with in the
past two years. Activities may include, but are not limited to, school and community involvement.
Include approx. hours/week for each item. Use the summary sheet provided. At the time of writing,
I am involved in Student Council, Office helpers, morning announcements, Eco Club and Senior
Band at my school. Outside of school, I am a swimmer, and am in RCM level 7 for piano. In the
school, I frequently help out. such as with the grade sevens in music, who were new to their
instruments. I also helped out at our school's parent–teacher interviews last week by guiding them
around to where they needed to
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The Creation Of The NHS
brought about major change in how hospital and GP services were managed. The NHS
nationalised health services but local councils still ran a variety of clinics and services for children.
Soon after prescription charges were introduced. The NHS helped to organise hospital services so
that areas that were lacking could be identified.
The ideological and social factors concerning the creation of the NHS were part of a post war
aspiration as World War II had created a need for needs and recognition of more social needs such as
mental health and long term rehabilitation.
Doctors were unwilling to join the NHS at first and this lead to a shortage of GP's but with practice
mangers being appointed and a change in the training of nurses, hospitals
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Nhs Essay Examples
It is an honor to have been selected as an eligible candidate for the National Honor Society. It
would be a privilege to be a part of such an amazing group, and if I am accepted into this society I
promise to uphold to its standards. I would like to be a part of NHS because I do not just excel
academically. I have a excellent balance between school, extracurricular activities, and my social
life. I believe that by keeping this balance I exemplify service, leadership, and character. My
freshman year I was introduced to the Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.
I wanted to be as involved as possible, especially since cancer has taken the lives of many family
members and friends, so I became team captain for both my freshman and sophomore year and
raised a total of about $5,000. This year I have taken the position of Survivor Chair Shadow so that
I can take the position of Survivor Chair my senior year, and be even more involved. Just by taking
part in this amazing fundraiser I am serving my community, building my character, and
demonstrating strong leadership skills. The personal gratification from making more
I first became involved with the sport when I was 9–years–old and will probably continue with the
sport until I graduate. Being a part of this team has shaped me into the person I am today. I have
become a role model for my younger teammates. I am someone who can motivate them to work
their hardest and help them achieve their goals by guiding them. I have spent many hours, whether
it be during practice or after, coaching these younger teammates, or girls trying out for my team, in
order to help out my coaches and show these girls that if they ever need any help I will always be
available. This has taught me to step up and be a leader, which is something 9–year–old me would
have never
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Essay On NHS Application
Originally, I joined NHS out of curiosity. I had an acquaintance in the club who suggested I
apply–however I was perplexed by the two–essay application. I wanted to know if NHS was
selective because it was really great to be a member, or because it was great to say I was one. I also,
quite frankly, wondered if I would be accepted. However, since then I've realized NHS expects
commitment from its members for the sake of commitment– rather than for the sake of membership.
NHS has high expectations of its members, so that they can have high expectations for themselves.
For me, the requirements for NHS both detracted from, and added to, the club. For instance, NHS
requires more hours per member than most other service clubs on campus. This meant I had to
commit to NHS over other organizations; however giving more time to NHS also helped me place
more value in my membership. Similarly, the NHS application both discouraged, and sparked my
interest in joining. I find personally reflective writing–like that requested in the NHS application–
difficult, so for me the application required dedication to the club without the promise of return.
While this was manageable for me as a sophomore, if I had more content...
Since I haven't been to many social events, I can't really say if NHS would benefit from hosting
more of them. However, I remember being slightly intimidated by the socials that were held because
I didn't know many other NHS members well. I found it easier to meet other members through
volunteering because volunteering gave me an excuse to interact–I didn't feel pressure to get to
know people like I might have at a social. If NHS was to have more socials next year, it would be
nice if they were directed around something other than just socializing– bowling, laser tag, a
dinner–something that could bring people together but still provide a crutch to interact
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NHS Reflection Essay
Reflective Essay
High school, for many, is commonly termed as "the greatest four years of your life." It is stopping
for coffee with your friends while listening to your favorite songs on the way to school in the
morning. It is staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring to finally go to your favorite class of
the day. It is staying after a long day of class for meetings, clubs, or sports, or it is spending Friday
nights with your best friends performing under the football field lights. High school can be many
different experiences for different people, but most importantly, for me, it was learning essential
values of life while shaping me into the person that I am today.
Throughout high school, I stayed very involved. I worked on staff at the wellness center of my
school, I was a member of the varsity dance team, and I also participated in the National Honor
Society where I served on the executive board. My days were long and exhausting, and at many
times I wanted to give up, but with this, I gained motivation and will power to put behind all of my
Before school, I worked three days a week supervising the weight room as teachers and community
members came to workout. Sometimes when I more content...
We prepared monthly meetings to gather all 200 participants into the cafeteria after school to talk to
them about their academics as well as their service to our community. We then planned the service
opportunities for the students to participate in such as going to read books to elementary students,
packing potatoes at a local food pantry, or collecting soup cans outside the neighborhood grocery
store. I enjoyed getting involved in my community and learning the value of service, which made me
decide to do the same in college. I spent much of my first semester at Mizzou volunteering
throughout Columbia by canning, working 5K walks and runs, and volunteering at the local
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NHS Sustainability Report
Health is increasingly becoming a key consideration for sustainability as it becomes more integrated
into the concept. A sustainable lifestyle can enhance your physical and mental well–being through a
range of different activities. The NHS supports this link between sustainability and health, which is
why they hold an annual NHS Sustainability Day of Action, to engage staff, patients and the public
on sustainable living. This day of action was supported in our region by The Norfolk and Norwich
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Norwich encourages an active lifestyle and a healthy urban environment through a variety of
initiatives, groups and events. Walk Norwich and the Pedalways are initiatives aimed at making
local journeys by foot
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Nhs Mission Statement Examples
1.Description a.National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Mission Statement: Honoring and
inspiring academic excellence with engaged citizenship for a lifetime. Number of members:
E–board– 8; Overall Members– about 110 Web Address: b.President A typical
day as the President for NSCS is occasionally busy. The E–board meets every other week, to discuss
different topics. The topics can range from volunteering opportunities, to member engagement. As
the president, my job is to check in with everyone and make sure they've complete led the task they
were assigned. The delegating of task is what makes my position run smoothly. When everyone does
what they are supposed to do our days/ meetings go smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some times
that everything doesn't get done and we can become frustrated. NSCS is an all year–round
organization. Although we do not hold meetings during the summer, I still plan for the semester to
come. more content...
The two values that best describe NSCS would be, people and teamwork. According to the slides
"people" means fairness, supportiveness, and respecting individuals. People best fits NSCS because
we respect each other's suggestions and ideas. Also, the voting system we have in place ensures
"fairness" for everyone. Team work is the second value which NSCS demonstrates. According to the
slides, teamwork means collaboration and cooperation. The E–board collaborates on many different
topics whether it be general body meeting ideas or the committees we want to implement into the
organization. I believe the family oriented attitude we have makes it easier for everyone to
cooperate and listen to one another. People and team work complement one another because
without people there isn't team work. Cooperation and respect within a group of people can make a
big difference when decisions need to be made. The collaboration of people can take an idea from
something that was just said to an actual thing or
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Nhs Application Essay Examples
What makes you passionate about this role? Personally, I feel like possessing a passion for this
role means possessing a passion for leadership, for being a voice, for making a difference, for
representing others and for creating a better community in which everyone has a say and in
which everyone is comfortable. Those are things I'm passionate about. I want to have the ability
to make a change and to make others feel like their opinions and ideas really do matter. I enjoy
representing people and I want people to know that they can come and talk to me, that I can get
their suggestions across to others. Also, SRC executive is one of the leadership positions for my
year level and being a leader is one of the few things that I have a natural talent for. It's something I
know that if given the opportunity I can more content...
Commitment, organisation and professionalism are three of the qualities that I possess which
make me very suitable for this role. My slight obsessiveness with planning and organisation is
definitely something that most people don't have but it's also a quality that makes sure I get
everything that I need to do, done. You will rarely find that I haven't done my work or fulfilled
my responsibilities. I also like to be thorough and make sure that I've achieved as much as I can.
For example, I actually read through the whole 'How to write an Application' document that was
attached to the email sent to us. This was a way for me to ensure that I've done everything that I
could do to make sure I met the application criteria. The other thing I believe makes me stand out
from other applicants is the amount of experience I've had with positions that require some similar
qualities as this role does like house captain, student ambassador, src representative and assembly
team member. What is your vision for next year with respect to this
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Nhs Essay Ideas

  • 1. NHS Essay Sample Throughout my life I've been a part of 4h where you're constantly learning, teaching and growing. You are gaining knowledge by being tested, writing speeches and gaining communication skills. Being around livestock teaches you a lot of about being responsible, caring and respectful. The life I have with livestock and 4h has helped me fine my passion in teaching. The people I've met from showing livestock has impacted my life. I plan to have a positive impact on my student's lives. Being a teacher you need to be responsible, caring and respectful. I am a caring, dependable and energetic person. Throughout life you are constantly learning. There are many ways to learn and many ways to teach. I plan to be an effective teacher while making more content... I'm going to be aware of the minorities in my classroom to help them fit in and make friends because it is difficult to be singled out because you're different. I plan to teach my students about diversity by recognizing different holidays and exposing them to the celebrations. I will incorporate diversity into my teaching whenever possible by recognizing accomplishment of different racist. With my instructions I plan for students to be successful when taking my assessments. I will use different forms of assessment such as quizzes, text, projects, portfolios, ect. I favor short quizzes given more often. Because I want to teach in a hands on way I value projects as an assessment. By using projects according to Piaget children learn best when they are actually doing the work themselves and creating their own understanding of what's going on. Students learn best through hands on evolvement. An effective teacher will have her students actively engage in station, centers and projects. An effective teacher makes her students feel like they belong and are disciplined fairly. It is important to welcome the diversity of all students. It is important to assess students in an appropriate manner. This creates a positive learning environment for the students. I am a responsible, dependable, caring and energetic teacher who will be an asset to your school Get more content on
  • 2. Nhs Essay Examples I am deeply honored to be recognized as an eligible candidate for the National Honors Society. After learning about the National Honor Society, and what the organization represented, I knew it was something I wanted to participate in. This organization works hard to better educational opportunities for students across the nation, and that is something I would like to play a part in to further the outstanding reputation of the NHS. I believe that this is an opportunity I deserve due to my recognizable hard work. I am aware that the NHS is known for recognizing students with outstanding grades and commendable characteristics, which is something I believe I have obtained throughout my years of hard work. I have desirable characteristics that would be beneficial to the NHS. I am an enthusiastic, strong spirited, and a friendly person who also has strong work ethics and poise. I am someone who feels strongly about my opinion, but will always graciously accept criticism. I am a responsible and reliable person who portrays integrity, honesty, and respect for other people and for the rules. I am someone who greatly treasures school and everything it has more content... I hope to prove myself to be a good mentor for those who seek help and guidance. My leadership in my church played a large role in my life. I have led many activities for the religious youth group at St. John the Baptist, talent shows, fests, and lock–ins. I currently aid in some activities my school has to offer. I attend all class meetings, offer ideas to improve events, promote school activities, donate supplies to any events, decorate for dances and spirit weeks, do photography for the Science Olympiad team, and help my teachers in any way possible. As I participate in activities where I am the leader I make sure that I consult with my peers and listen to their ideas in hopes that we can come together to devise a plan of Get more content on
  • 3. Benefits Of The NHS The NHS provides a service that provides good healthcare to all people, regardless of wealth. Every 36 hours the NHS deals with over 1 million patients across England. The service is based on three core principles: firstly, it must meet the needs of everyone, secondly, it must be free at the point of delivery and thirdly it is based on clinical need, not the ability to pay. Some specific NHS services do however require a financial contribution from the patient, for example eye tests, dental care, prescriptions, and aspects of long–term care. However, these charges are often free to vulnerable or low income groups, and when not free, often lower than equivalent services provided by a private provider. The services that the NHS provides are that Get more content on
  • 4. NHS Application Essay Sample Dear Midwestern University – Downers Grove Campus, I am one of the applicants who had the pleasure of interviewing at your phenomenal institution on March 14 and would like to thank you for considering me as a potential candidate to join the upcoming class for your Doctor of Dental Medicine program. Additionally, I would like to send this update to include onto the experiences I already listed on my application in hopes that the admission committee will arrive at an admission decision that best reflects my current compentency and repetoire as an applicant. CDA Cares My participation with CDA Cares is described on my main AADSAS application. I am still volunteering with CDA Cares by going to the event at Stockton, CA on October 14–16 more content... The description of this experience is nearly the same, but I would like to add that this is a private office that work closely with the patient to practice preventive dentistry through patient education. This office showed me that one on one counseling with the patient often results in a change of the patient's lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the oral health disorder such as cavity or gingivitis. Ultimately, this dental office taught me the importance of providing dental education to patients. AADSAS listed hours: 12. Total current hours: approximately 30 Get more content on
  • 5. Why I Want To Be An NHS My life has always rested on the foundation of knowledge because of the way learning has always been treasured in my household. My parents have taught me to pursue curiosity and expand the corners of my mind, rather than confining my potential to self–induced limitations. These ideas engraved themselves into my core as a person, and I continue to grow as somebody with an unconditional pursuit of learning. Therefore, 'Scholarship' is not a pillar I struggle to achieve. As for 'Service', I am more of an... inactive person in my community, to which I am not proud of. My years in school have been spent focusing mostly on my education, and I have neglected my desires to help the school and the community as an individual. For this pillar, I cannot say that my life experiences prove my qualifications because they can't. However, my personality is that of resilience and passion. In the present, I am determined to giving my all to the school and community, whether it be as a member of NHS or as an average citizen of more content... In the past, I never really saw myself as a leader because they were described as people who had charisma and a very strong presence, while I stood as the polar opposite. It wasn't until high school that I learned more of what makes a leader a leader, and that outward appearance is merely the shallow end of the ocean. My nature of yielding my personal interests for the needs of others and willingness to hear all opinions were long developed skills that I never labelled as part of that ocean, until now. I might not be the center of attention in most settings, but that does not make me any less of a leader. In this way, I fit the pillar of Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about The National Health Services The National health services (NHS) provides a comprehensive healthcare services across the entire nation. It is considered to be UK's proudest institution, and is envied by many other countries because of its free of cost health delivery to its population. Nevertheless, it is often seen as a 'political football' as it affects all of us in some way and hence everyone carry an opinion about it (Cass, 2006). Factors such as government policies, funding, number of service users, taxation etc all make up small parts of this large complex organisation. Therefore, any imbalances within one sector can pose a substantial risk on the overall NHS (Wheeler & Grice, 2000). This essay will discuss whether the NHS aim of reducing the nations more content... However, a healthy lifestyle was seen to prevail among the rich population (Webster, 2002; Geoffrey, 2011). Later, findings from a series of reports including report from Royal commission on National Health Insurance in 1926; The Sankey Commission on Voluntary Hospitals in 1937; and reports from British Medical Association (BMA) in 1930 and 1938, all collectively indicated that inadequacy existed in the pattern of the services (Christopher, 2004; Webster, 2002). Evident were reports of conflicting care and duplication of work between the municipal and voluntary hospitals (Wheeler & Grice, 2000). Additionally, world war had a huge impact on the health services and the conditions in which hospitals, theatres, radiology and pathology department operated was very poor. Thus, no machinery existed that supported running of a coordinated healthcare system, hence a need for unified, simplified and cohesive system was felt (Smith, 2007). Furthermore, Royal Commission's report suggested that funding for the health services might benefit from general taxation rather than its basis on insurance principle (Christopher, 2004). However, it was not until the Beveridge report in 1942, which provided a huge drive and momentum for a movement of change in the health services. And within subsequent years seen were the proposals for NHS drawn through the White Paper in 1944, then in 1946 the National Health Service Act and at last in 1948 the establishment of the NHS Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Nhs Application Essay The opportunities that NHS provides and would provide me if I was to be accepted are vast. NHS would provide me an extra element I would be able to add to my transcript to help me get into a university that I would like to join. I believe that if I were to join NHS it would greatly help me get into that college and that program. NHS would not only help me get into college but it would also recognize the effort I put into my school work and my sports. I have always taken the hardest and the most rigorous courses and excelled at them as well. Character is presumably the most important trait that anyone can have. People judge based on character and it can shape who you are. I believe that I have good character and that I am a good person. In my opinion being a good person, doing what is right, and doing well in school are the three main things that shape your character from the beginning of preschool all the more content... It takes time out of your day and usually goes unpaid. In my life I have been involved in many service "projects". One service that I have always participated in and enjoy doing is helping the boys in sixth grade and below. I have worked many boys basketball tournaments and helped out at these tournaments. I have also went to the saturday morning boys basketball practices as well as the camps that have taken place over the years. At these practices and the camps I lead the boys in drills, help them out, and teach them. I have also helped out at the preschool, the dinners, and other celebrations at the Landeck Church. I believe that I do posses the qualities of service and that I always will. For me NHS is a great accomplishment and is something that I have always strived to be in. Being a possible candidate is an honor, but being able to join NHS would be a very big deal to me. I hope I will be able to join, be able to say that I am a NHS member, and be able to have it on my transcript for Get more content on
  • 8. NHS Application ) What are you passionate about? I am passionate about playing music, being successful academically, and lastly I am passionate about using my strengths to help others. I am a member of our very own Stockdale High School Marching Band, and I am also a member of the Stockdale Jazz Band. Music is like an escape for me. Whenever I am feeling down, I will play some music and instantly feel better. I want to show people how music can be an outlet for anyone. I am quite the perfectionist so it is very important to me that I remain academically successful in all my classes. I enjoy using my strengths in academics to help others achieve academic success. 2.) Describe a time when you feel like you made a positive impact. I Get more content on
  • 9. Leader In NHS To be a leader, by definition, means to lead or command a group or an organization. In the recent years, however, I have come to realize that being a leader can not be defined so simply. In fact, it is nearly impossible to define, given that each and every person has a different idea of what makes a leader, and who is qualified. For myself, a leader is someone whom I trust to make good and just decisions, listens and has a genuine care for the ideas and opinions of others, and leads by example, setting a good example and being role model for those around them. By becoming apart of the NHS, I hope that I myself can become this great leader, and further inspire my peers to achieve their goals and obtain greatness in education as well as Get more content on
  • 10. Nhs Application Essay Sample My academic background is unique coming from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program and the Campuswide Honors Program at UCI. Very few students have completed both rigorous programs. The CHP is the best honors program in the UC system and the Pharm Sci curriculum is designed to give students exceptional preparation for pharmacy school. This has pushed me to be one of the most well–rounded Pharmaceutical Sciences students at UCI. I believe this gives me unique preparation for new and challenging curriculum in pharmacy school. It has also nurtured my love for learning in all disciplines and exposed me to topics outside of my major. Never have I been satisfied with completing the minimum requirements. I have always been the type of student that pushes myself to improve and consider new possibilities I have spent more time than most of my peers developing more content... To me, being a leader is not just about innovation, but about being an optimist and being supportive of those around you. When I am leading a group I always have a plan, a back–up plan, and a smile on my face. My hope is to be the type of person that others will look forward to working with. I am very open about my strengths and weaknesses because I think it makes me a better team member. In my time as a dancer, I learned to take criticism well and apply it to my actions in a timely manner. I think this is important when working in a team. Dance also taught me that your weaknesses are what you need to spend the most time addressing even though it may be uncomfortable. That willingness to step out of my comfort zone is always valuable when I face new challenges. When I work independently, I have initiative and self–discipline. This means I am confident in my decisions and hold myself accountable when I make goals. Many people make goals and lose accountability somewhere along the way. I always follow–up and this makes me reliable even when I do not have close Get more content on
  • 11. NHS Essay For The NHS Being a candidate for the NHS is an honor itself, this shows how much I have progressed towards my academic goals, and it also shows that my hard work is finally being taken into consideration. Thanks to the NHS if I am given the opportunity to become a member, my devoted time and effort into my grades as well as my character will be recognized and be taken into the next level of success. Joining the NHS is very significant for me because it will take me a step closer to my future career goals. I think I should be admitted to such a prestigious group of academic achievement, because I show characteristics that will make a great nominee for the NHS, such as. My GPA has remained no lower than a 3.97 throughout the entire year, I did research on the college I wish to assist and according to the college if I keep the same effort that I give now there is not a doubt that I could attend my dream college. By joining the NHS I will probably get a higher chance of attending that university and I can assure this because I recently completed a personal project named "The Dream Board", which is the career path I more content... When I was working with a student he will have the right concept, but he will hesitate in which answer choice to pick. In order to help him overcome this I told him to not overthink it and to trust his guts. At first I thought this was a very basic way to approach the situation, but when the next test he approached me and told me how he took my advice and incorporated it whenever he was in doubt. I was later informed that he began helping other scholars in different ways, and many people were soon gaining confidence and it became very noticeable. This is the time were one simple concept/advice impacted various people in a beneficial Get more content on
  • 12. Nhs Essay Examples I believe I deserve to be inducted into the National Honors Society because I am a dedicated, hard working, caring individual. I focus most of my free time on volunteering in the theatre community. Over the past six years, I have been a very active member in the theatre community. I have performed in 22 productions, 8 of which were in my high school career. I became a member of the Alamance Children's Theatre board in 2011. Ever since, I have helped volunteer to paint sets, promote productions, make playbills, and even act in the shows themselves. At Studio 1, they have days each month to go out and clean the costume rooms, declutter, move furniture, and make Studio 1 into a better theatre. I volunteer my Saturdays to go clean and more content... Marks Church, I have participated in numerous Pack–A–Thons with Feed the Hunger to provide food for people living in poverty. We pack hundreds of bags of food to be shipped to people in need. I participated in the 30 Hour Famine with Feed the Hunger. We raised about $16,000 for people living in poverty and did not eat for 30 hours straight. Helping those in need is also a big part of my life. I like to volunteer my time to help those in need who I may not necessarily know. I may not know how exactly my volunteering helps them but I know that my work has made an impact on their life. I think it is important to help those in need even if you do not know them. I being helping and giving back to the community has helped me become more understanding and selfless. Creative writing is another major component in my life. Writing has helped me know my strengths and weaknesses and has helped me become more independent. Independence is a big part of who I am. I do not feel as though I have to follow the crowd. I do what I feel is right and I feel as though that makes me a better leader. Although I have strong opinions, I am open to people opposing my ideas. Part of being a leader is being accepting of all people that may come your way. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say. I am a very accepting person, which makes me a better Get more content on
  • 13. Nhs Application Essay Sample 1. Why do you feel that you would be a strong candidate for the MaCS Program? I feel that I will be a strong candidate for the MaCS program due to my interest and previous studies in the subjects that are enriched in the MaCS program (math, science and English). I frequently work on grade 10–11 math and science. At the time of writing, I'm studying quadratic relations, and anatomy / physiology. Furthermore, at the information night, upon learning about the various clubs offered at WLM, my interest in the school was piqued. If I was to be accepted and thus attend WLM, I know that I would become a contributor to the school. At the information night, I learnt about three or four different clubs that I hope to become a part of. Aside from extracurriculars, I also will be beneficial to the academics of the school, as I am an earnest, studious student. In both sixth and seventh grade, I was on the honour roll, along with the academic more content... Provide details of leadership and extracurricular activities that you have been involved with in the past two years. Activities may include, but are not limited to, school and community involvement. Include approx. hours/week for each item. Use the summary sheet provided. At the time of writing, I am involved in Student Council, Office helpers, morning announcements, Eco Club and Senior Band at my school. Outside of school, I am a swimmer, and am in RCM level 7 for piano. In the school, I frequently help out. such as with the grade sevens in music, who were new to their instruments. I also helped out at our school's parent–teacher interviews last week by guiding them around to where they needed to Get more content on
  • 14. The Creation Of The NHS brought about major change in how hospital and GP services were managed. The NHS nationalised health services but local councils still ran a variety of clinics and services for children. Soon after prescription charges were introduced. The NHS helped to organise hospital services so that areas that were lacking could be identified. The ideological and social factors concerning the creation of the NHS were part of a post war aspiration as World War II had created a need for needs and recognition of more social needs such as mental health and long term rehabilitation. Doctors were unwilling to join the NHS at first and this lead to a shortage of GP's but with practice mangers being appointed and a change in the training of nurses, hospitals Get more content on
  • 15. Nhs Essay Examples It is an honor to have been selected as an eligible candidate for the National Honor Society. It would be a privilege to be a part of such an amazing group, and if I am accepted into this society I promise to uphold to its standards. I would like to be a part of NHS because I do not just excel academically. I have a excellent balance between school, extracurricular activities, and my social life. I believe that by keeping this balance I exemplify service, leadership, and character. My freshman year I was introduced to the Relay for Life fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. I wanted to be as involved as possible, especially since cancer has taken the lives of many family members and friends, so I became team captain for both my freshman and sophomore year and raised a total of about $5,000. This year I have taken the position of Survivor Chair Shadow so that I can take the position of Survivor Chair my senior year, and be even more involved. Just by taking part in this amazing fundraiser I am serving my community, building my character, and demonstrating strong leadership skills. The personal gratification from making more content... I first became involved with the sport when I was 9–years–old and will probably continue with the sport until I graduate. Being a part of this team has shaped me into the person I am today. I have become a role model for my younger teammates. I am someone who can motivate them to work their hardest and help them achieve their goals by guiding them. I have spent many hours, whether it be during practice or after, coaching these younger teammates, or girls trying out for my team, in order to help out my coaches and show these girls that if they ever need any help I will always be available. This has taught me to step up and be a leader, which is something 9–year–old me would have never Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On NHS Application Originally, I joined NHS out of curiosity. I had an acquaintance in the club who suggested I apply–however I was perplexed by the two–essay application. I wanted to know if NHS was selective because it was really great to be a member, or because it was great to say I was one. I also, quite frankly, wondered if I would be accepted. However, since then I've realized NHS expects commitment from its members for the sake of commitment– rather than for the sake of membership. NHS has high expectations of its members, so that they can have high expectations for themselves. For me, the requirements for NHS both detracted from, and added to, the club. For instance, NHS requires more hours per member than most other service clubs on campus. This meant I had to commit to NHS over other organizations; however giving more time to NHS also helped me place more value in my membership. Similarly, the NHS application both discouraged, and sparked my interest in joining. I find personally reflective writing–like that requested in the NHS application– difficult, so for me the application required dedication to the club without the promise of return. While this was manageable for me as a sophomore, if I had more content... Since I haven't been to many social events, I can't really say if NHS would benefit from hosting more of them. However, I remember being slightly intimidated by the socials that were held because I didn't know many other NHS members well. I found it easier to meet other members through volunteering because volunteering gave me an excuse to interact–I didn't feel pressure to get to know people like I might have at a social. If NHS was to have more socials next year, it would be nice if they were directed around something other than just socializing– bowling, laser tag, a dinner–something that could bring people together but still provide a crutch to interact Get more content on
  • 17. NHS Reflection Essay Reflective Essay High school, for many, is commonly termed as "the greatest four years of your life." It is stopping for coffee with your friends while listening to your favorite songs on the way to school in the morning. It is staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring to finally go to your favorite class of the day. It is staying after a long day of class for meetings, clubs, or sports, or it is spending Friday nights with your best friends performing under the football field lights. High school can be many different experiences for different people, but most importantly, for me, it was learning essential values of life while shaping me into the person that I am today. Throughout high school, I stayed very involved. I worked on staff at the wellness center of my school, I was a member of the varsity dance team, and I also participated in the National Honor Society where I served on the executive board. My days were long and exhausting, and at many times I wanted to give up, but with this, I gained motivation and will power to put behind all of my efforts. Before school, I worked three days a week supervising the weight room as teachers and community members came to workout. Sometimes when I more content... We prepared monthly meetings to gather all 200 participants into the cafeteria after school to talk to them about their academics as well as their service to our community. We then planned the service opportunities for the students to participate in such as going to read books to elementary students, packing potatoes at a local food pantry, or collecting soup cans outside the neighborhood grocery store. I enjoyed getting involved in my community and learning the value of service, which made me decide to do the same in college. I spent much of my first semester at Mizzou volunteering throughout Columbia by canning, working 5K walks and runs, and volunteering at the local Get more content on
  • 18. NHS Sustainability Report Health is increasingly becoming a key consideration for sustainability as it becomes more integrated into the concept. A sustainable lifestyle can enhance your physical and mental well–being through a range of different activities. The NHS supports this link between sustainability and health, which is why they hold an annual NHS Sustainability Day of Action, to engage staff, patients and the public on sustainable living. This day of action was supported in our region by The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Norwich encourages an active lifestyle and a healthy urban environment through a variety of initiatives, groups and events. Walk Norwich and the Pedalways are initiatives aimed at making local journeys by foot Get more content on
  • 19. Nhs Mission Statement Examples 1.Description a.National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Mission Statement: Honoring and inspiring academic excellence with engaged citizenship for a lifetime. Number of members: E–board– 8; Overall Members– about 110 Web Address: b.President A typical day as the President for NSCS is occasionally busy. The E–board meets every other week, to discuss different topics. The topics can range from volunteering opportunities, to member engagement. As the president, my job is to check in with everyone and make sure they've complete led the task they were assigned. The delegating of task is what makes my position run smoothly. When everyone does what they are supposed to do our days/ meetings go smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some times that everything doesn't get done and we can become frustrated. NSCS is an all year–round organization. Although we do not hold meetings during the summer, I still plan for the semester to come. more content... The two values that best describe NSCS would be, people and teamwork. According to the slides "people" means fairness, supportiveness, and respecting individuals. People best fits NSCS because we respect each other's suggestions and ideas. Also, the voting system we have in place ensures "fairness" for everyone. Team work is the second value which NSCS demonstrates. According to the slides, teamwork means collaboration and cooperation. The E–board collaborates on many different topics whether it be general body meeting ideas or the committees we want to implement into the organization. I believe the family oriented attitude we have makes it easier for everyone to cooperate and listen to one another. People and team work complement one another because without people there isn't team work. Cooperation and respect within a group of people can make a big difference when decisions need to be made. The collaboration of people can take an idea from something that was just said to an actual thing or Get more content on
  • 20. Nhs Application Essay Examples What makes you passionate about this role? Personally, I feel like possessing a passion for this role means possessing a passion for leadership, for being a voice, for making a difference, for representing others and for creating a better community in which everyone has a say and in which everyone is comfortable. Those are things I'm passionate about. I want to have the ability to make a change and to make others feel like their opinions and ideas really do matter. I enjoy representing people and I want people to know that they can come and talk to me, that I can get their suggestions across to others. Also, SRC executive is one of the leadership positions for my year level and being a leader is one of the few things that I have a natural talent for. It's something I know that if given the opportunity I can more content... Commitment, organisation and professionalism are three of the qualities that I possess which make me very suitable for this role. My slight obsessiveness with planning and organisation is definitely something that most people don't have but it's also a quality that makes sure I get everything that I need to do, done. You will rarely find that I haven't done my work or fulfilled my responsibilities. I also like to be thorough and make sure that I've achieved as much as I can. For example, I actually read through the whole 'How to write an Application' document that was attached to the email sent to us. This was a way for me to ensure that I've done everything that I could do to make sure I met the application criteria. The other thing I believe makes me stand out from other applicants is the amount of experience I've had with positions that require some similar qualities as this role does like house captain, student ambassador, src representative and assembly team member. What is your vision for next year with respect to this Get more content on