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Re-Discovering Our National
     Our Declaration of Independence is the
     theory of and philosophy of our Republic
        form of government. The Form or
          Mechanics is our United States

   Who are we? Why are we different? How
    did we become who we are?
   WHAT did we declare and WHY did we
    declare it?
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared

Ruler’s Law         People’s Law                                 No

     100% Tyranny                             100% Anarchy

                       With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited

Ruler’s Law         People’s Law                                 No

     100% Tyranny                             100% Anarchy

                       With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
The WHAT that our Declaration of
        Independence Declared
We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited
   Political parties
   Right vs Left

Ruler’s Law             People’s Law                                 No

       100% Tyranny                               100% Anarchy

                           With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
The WHAT that our Declaration of
        Independence Declared
We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited
TODAY                          Founding Era
                                Power degrees
   Political parties
                                Anarchy vs Tyranny
   Right vs Left

Ruler’s Law             People’s Law                                 No

       100% Tyranny                               100% Anarchy

                           With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
The What of our Declaration of
 Ruler’s Law
The What of our Declaration of
                  Authority through force,
 Ruler’s Law       violence, conquest
                  People are not equal but
                   divided by class
                  Government power is top/
                  Based on ruler’s interpretive
                   standards rather than rule of
                  Problems solved through
                   increased government power
                   via regulation, taxation, etc.
                  Freedom is never viable
The What of our Declaration of
People’s Law
The What of our Declaration of
People’s Law      A commonwealth of free
                   men and women
                  Decisions and leadership
                   selection is with the
                   consent of the majority of
                  Power not consolidated
                   into any one group or
                  Problems addressed
                   locally first
                  Individual rights are
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law

Cicero – Political philosopher in Rome (106-43 BC)
   Definition – Natural Law deals with absolute reality. “True law is…
   unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands,
   and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…it is impossible to
   abolish it entirely.”
The WHAT that our Declaration of
      Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law

 Cicero – Political philosopher in Rome (106-43 BC)
    Definition – Natural Law deals with absolute reality. “True law is…
    unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands,
    and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…it is impossible to
    abolish it entirely.”

• Man is rational as is God
• Nature abhors a vacuum (consolidation of control)
• Nature finds a balance (reacts violently to a lack of equilibrium)
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

“…with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we
  mutually pledge…” – Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

“…with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we
  mutually pledge…” – Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

America was the first modern form of government where a
  sovereign, self-governing people formed a government
   and placed themselves voluntarily under the ultimate
          authority of a metaphysical sovereign.
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)
The WHAT that our Declaration of
      Independence Declared
 We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be
The WHAT that our Declaration of
      Independence Declared
 We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be
a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot
   be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute
   stability that insures the integrity of the entire system.
The WHAT that our Declaration of
      Independence Declared
 We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be
a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot
   be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute
   stability that insures the integrity of the entire system.
b) The focus of political power shifts from control to management (Principle
of Physics found in the nature of “matter”)
The WHAT that our Declaration of
       Independence Declared
 We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)

Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be
 a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot
    be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute
    stability that insures the integrity of the entire system.
b) The focus of political power shifts from control to management (Principle
of Physics found in the nature of “matter”)

Man cannot own anything but man can be owned by anything. The one who
sets ownership of something as his ultimate goal will inevitably become
consumed by that which he seeks to consume. – Author Unknown
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Declared…A Nation of Laws
• Our laws are based on Natural Law and Laws of Human Nature.

“…upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of
revelation, depend all human laws…” – William Blackstone (Author and
legal scholar)
“…No man will contend that a nation can be free that is not governed
by fixed laws. All other government than that of permanent known laws
is the government of mere will and pleasure.” (John Adams, American
“The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and
enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of
laws, where there is no law there is no freedom.” (John Locke, English
political philosopher, author)
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…All men created equal
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Declared…All men created equal

What was meant by equality?
•Equal opportunity, not necessarily equal results.
•Guaranteed through equal treatment in the sight of God, the Law and the
protection of rights.
• Reinforce by the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…All men created equal
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Declared…All men created equal
Slavery in America
Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The
existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration,
not the intention of our nation.
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Declared…All men created equal
Slavery in America
Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The
existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration,
not the intention of our nation.

“…It [is] a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty
  years may terminate forever, within these States [slavery]…[in that
  period] it will receive a considerable discouragement from the federal
  government and may be totally abolished by a concurrence of the few
  States…” James Madison (Federalist Papers)
The WHAT that our Declaration of
       Independence Declared
 We Declared…All men created equal
 Slavery in America
 Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The
 existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration,
 not the intention of our nation.

 “…It [is] a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty
   years may terminate forever, within these States [slavery]…[in that
   period] it will receive a considerable discouragement from the federal
   government and may be totally abolished by a concurrence of the few
   States…” James Madison (Federalist Papers)

• The first draft of the Declaration of Independence presented on July 1st included a
denouncement of slavery both in the States and by King George III
• The direct indictments were removed in a compromise to gain support from northern and
southern slave holding delegates to present a unified front against British.
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
The WHAT that our Declaration of
    Independence Declared
We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have
Personal Responsibility
The WHAT that our Declaration of
     Independence Declared
We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have
Personal Responsibility
•The Founders Believed
• A Sovereign People are only capable of self government and choosing
virtuous representatives when they have personal responsibility.
• Personal responsibility can only be maintained with a high level of moral
virtue and education.
The WHAT that our Declaration of
      Independence Declared
 We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have
 Personal Responsibility
 •The Founders Believed
 • A Sovereign People are only capable of self government and choosing
 virtuous representatives when they have personal responsibility.
 • Personal responsibility can only be maintained with a high level of moral
 virtue and education.

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become
  corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin
“…If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be
  exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon
  their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to
  choose them.” – James Madison
The WHY of our Declaration of
The WHY of our Declaration of
Why did we declare our independence?
The WHY of our Declaration of
Why did we declare our independence?
• A list of tyrannical activities from King George III
King George’s Laundry List of Bad Behavior
       - Created insurmountable beaucracy
       - Has not governed by the laws established
       - Silenced opposition to his trampling of people’s rights
       - Thrown up road blocks to population growth and development
       - Obstructed the Administration of Justice
       - Disturbed the peace through standing armies, confiscations
       - Cutting off trade with outside world
       - Taxation without representation
       - Micromanaging government from abroad
       - Plundered ships, torched cities, attacked Coasts
       - Transported armies to wage war against the colonists
       - Stirred up domestic quarrels and violence
       - Ignored We The People…and We the People don’t like to be ignored.
The WHY of our Declaration of
The WHY of our Declaration of
Why did we declare our independence?
The WHY of our Declaration of
Why did we declare our independence?
• An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and
their repercussions
The WHY of our Declaration of
Why did we declare our independence?
• An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and
their repercussions
“We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and
  examined the different forms of those republics…And we have viewed
  modern states all round Europe.” – Benjamin Franklin,
                                            Constitutional Convention
The WHY of our Declaration of
 Why did we declare our independence?
 • An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and
 their repercussions
 “We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and
   examined the different forms of those republics…And we have viewed
   modern states all round Europe.” – Benjamin Franklin,
                                             Constitutional Convention

History Studied and Cited by Founders

Italian Republic – Roman Empire
Greek Republic – Athens, Sparta, Achaen League, Amphictyonic Council
(Illustrated long history of extremes between tyranny and anarchy)
Ottomon Empire – Turks, Persia
Russia, France, United Netherlands, Germany
Who We Are? Why are We
Different? How did we become
         Who We Are?
Who We Are? Why are We
    Different? How did we become
             Who We Are?

What is government but a way to manage society?
Who We Are? Why are We
    Different? How did we become
             Who We Are?

What is government but a way to manage society?
What is political science but ideas for applying the
best possible management practices for society
given our understanding of the ways humans relate
to one another?
Who We Are? Why are We
    Different? How did we become
             Who We Are?

What is government but a way to manage society?
What is political science but ideas for applying the
best possible management practices for society
given our understanding of the ways humans relate
to one another?
What is our United States Constitution but that,
management practices, the mechanics of our
Republic Form of Government?
The Constitution
The Constitution

  The FORM or MECHANICS to implement the
philosophy of Republican Government is found in
                our Constitution.
The Constitution
The Constitution

Why are you here at this event?
The Constitution

Why are you here at this event?

Did you come as a response to my agenda or did
you have an agenda for me?
The Constitution

Why are you here at this event?

Did you come as a response to my agenda or did
you have an agenda for me?

If you have an agenda for me, what is the worst
possible thing I could do with this time?
The Constitution
The Truth about why you’re here
The Constitution
  The Truth about why you’re here
The Truth of the Matter is...
The Constitution
  The Truth about why you’re here
The Truth of the Matter is...

Why is this true...?
The Constitution
  The Truth about why you’re here
The Truth of the Matter is...

Why is this true...?
You have no time for anything...
The Constitution
   The Truth about why you’re here
The Truth of the Matter is...

Why is this true...?
You have no time for anything...
except the possibility of being left out.
The Constitution
   The Truth about why you’re here
The Truth of the Matter is...

Why is this true...?
You have no time for anything...
except the possibility of being left out.

What is at issue with interest in civic literacy/
The Constitution
   System Whiplash! What is our
      Constitutional Identity?

Who represents us in the government?
The Constitution
The History - Why we created it?
The Constitution
   The History - Why we created it?
The Constitutional Convention was formed to
resolve problems within the Articles of
The Constitution
      The History - Why we created it?
The Constitutional Convention was formed to
resolve problems within the Articles of

 Problems to be addressed

 No   Judiciary
 No   Power of Taxation
 No   Executive Branch
 No   Power of Enforcement
The Constitution
      The History - Why we created it?
The Constitutional Convention was formed to
resolve problems within the Articles of
                             The Big Question for the Founders:
 Problems to be addressed
                             Could a Constitution be designed with a form
                             of government that has no power other than
 No   Judiciary
                             that given it by its member states and still
 No   Power of Taxation
                             have a central government strong enough to
 No   Executive Branch
                             support a stable union?
 No   Power of Enforcement
The Constitution
What we Constituted?
The Constitution
                 What we Constituted?
The Preamble...
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Constitution
                 What we Constituted?
The Preamble...
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

What was done?

Who done it?

The Constitution
                 What we Constituted?
The Preamble...
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

What was done?
                                  The individual states united to form a
Who done it?
                                  government limited to taking care of
                                      matters they could not handle
                                   individually that held bearing on the
The Constitution
         What we Constituted?
A 3 Branch System of Government
The Constitution
                What we Constituted?
A 3 Branch System of Government
Legislative - Creates Law
(House, Senate)

Executive - Enforces Law
(Cabinet, Federal Depts.)

Judicial - Applies Law
(Independent Judiciary of 9 Supreme
Court Justices)
The Constitution
                     What we Constituted?
A 3 Branch System of Government
Legislative - Creates Law
(House, Senate)

Executive - Enforces Law
(Cabinet, Federal Depts.)

Judicial - Applies Law
(Independent Judiciary of 9 Supreme
Court Justices)

     The 3 co-equal branches come in order of
   levels of authority within the system. That is
   determined by the level of direct connection
     of the people to the given branch and its
        level of direct impact on the people.
The Constitution
                 What we Constituted?
Separation of Powers - Distinct
What inspired the system design?
3 Primary Sources

1) Polybius (Greek historian 204-122 BC)
2) Charles de Montesquieu (French scholar)
3) Hebraic Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah
The Constitution
What we Constituted?
The Constitution
         What we Constituted?
Checks and Balances - Connected
How does the design function?
The Constitution
                    What we Constituted?
Checks and Balances - Connected
How does the design function?

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether
one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced
the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison (Federalist #47)
The Constitution
                    What we Constituted?
Checks and Balances - Connected
How does the design function?

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether
one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced
the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison (Federalist #47)

Examples of Checks/Balances to Keep’em Honest
The Constitution
What we Constituted?
The Constitution
     What we Constituted?
Limits on Federal Government
How did the system emphasize local control?
The Constitution
           What we Constituted?
Limits on Federal Government
How did the system emphasize local control?
“Let the national government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and its foreign and
federal relations; the State governments with the civil rights, laws, police, and administration of
what concerns the State generally; the counties with the local concerns of the counties, and each
ward [township] direct the interests within itself.” - Thomas Jefferson
                                                       Writings of Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution
            What we Constituted?
Limits on Federal Government
How did the system emphasize local control?
 “Let the national government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and its foreign and
 federal relations; the State governments with the civil rights, laws, police, and administration of
 what concerns the State generally; the counties with the local concerns of the counties, and each
 ward [township] direct the interests within itself.” - Thomas Jefferson
                                                        Writings of Thomas Jefferson

Article 5 - The States can get in on the amendment process “The 2/3 - 3/4 Rule”
Amendment 10 - When in doubt, choose State!
What We Constituted?
The Role of We the People

What We Constituted?
The Role of We the People
Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.”

What We Constituted?
        The Role of We the People
       Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.”

The Dirty Little Secret - You can’t keep it!
The Law of Team-Based Community

The Reason YOU Can’t Keep It

The Reason WE Can NOW -
GLOCAL emphasis in our culture

What We Constituted?
        The Role of We the People
       Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.”

The Dirty Little Secret - You can’t keep it!
The Law of Team-Based Community

The Reason YOU Can’t Keep It

The Reason WE Can NOW -
GLOCAL emphasis in our culture

A Constitution of We The

You will receive 2 THINGS...

A certificate as a member of the Task Force of Ambassadors

An invitation to join and grow THE network our Founders
articulated that we’ve been only a few steps away from all

Americans for Prosperity

  Grassroots Training School
AFP Mission
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;

   mobilize citizens to achieve
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;

   mobilize citizens to achieve
     fiscal and regulatory restraint
     by state governments,
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;

   mobilize citizens to achieve
     fiscal and regulatory restraint
     by state governments,
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;

   mobilize citizens to achieve
     fiscal and regulatory restraint
     by state governments,
AFP Mission
   Educate citizens about economic policy;

   mobilize citizens to achieve
     fiscal and regulatory restraint
     by state governments,

   and return the federal government
AFP Vision
AFP Vision
   Greater economic growth, opportunity,
    and prosperity for all citizens
   through strong ethical foundations,
    government restraint,
   and private sector productivity and
Why AFP Georgia?
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues

   State Legislation
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues

   State Legislation
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues

   State Legislation
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues

   State Legislation

   Federal Overspending
Why AFP Georgia?
   Local Issues

   State Legislation

   Federal Overspending
    and Overregulation
What AFP GA Does
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to

   Affect fiscal policy by
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to

   Affect fiscal policy by
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to

   Affect fiscal policy by

   Communicating w/ elected officials and
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to

   Affect fiscal policy by

   Communicating w/ elected officials and
What AFP GA Does
   Train grassroots activists to

   Affect fiscal policy by

   Communicating w/ elected officials and

   Targeted media messages
Join AFP
Join AFP
   Sign up,
Join AFP
   Sign up,
Join AFP
   Sign up,

   Regular updates
Join AFP
   Sign up,

   Regular updates
Join AFP
   Sign up,

   Regular updates

   Free membership
Join AFP
   Sign up,

   Regular updates

   Free membership
Join AFP
   Sign up,

   Regular updates

   Free membership

   Special events
How NOT to Communicate w/
     Elected Leaders
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake

   Ramble
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake

   Ramble
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake

   Ramble
How NOT to Communicate w/
         Elected Leaders

   Don’t Shake

   Ramble

   Or Roll
Communicate Effectively
   Letters

   E-mail

   Phone calls

   Visits
Working with the Media

   Letters to the Editor
   Writing an Article
   Working w/ Reporters
   Websites
   Blogs
   Talk Radio
New Media

 Networking   Sites: Facebook, LinkedIn

 Blogs: writing, radio

 Twitter, texting, etc.
Event To Do List
1)   Decide place and time
2)   CLEARLY COMMUNICATE event theme and range – Limited Government! Personal Responsibility! A Return to Constitutional
3)   Secure permits
4)   Get traditional media involved (print, tv, radio)
5)   Secure audiovisual services
6)   Find partners immediately to share in the work – delegate to committees (see next page for suggested committees)
7)   Contact leaders of other grassroots, church, civic groups to form coalitions
8)   Contact speakers that service theme – local celebrities, political leaders
9)   Bill the event as non partisan – it is so don’t limit your reach!
10) Determine expenses and then ask for sponsors to cover expenses
11) Cooperate with other locales to cross market on event
12) Social media viral marketing – blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, EventBrite, e-newsletters, etc
13) Collect data
14) You may do a voter registration at your event
15) Incorporate the Pocket Constitutions or a take home for something that re-inforces the theme for attendees
16) Make sure to give the attendees a CALL TO ACTION with the Next Step prepared (ex. “We need you to share what you’ve
    experienced tonight with your network. We have several Next Step Training for this We The People REVOLUTION coming
    up on...”)
Suggested Committees
Choose Committee Chairs and Assign Committee Members (cat herding experience

•   Program – Contacts speakers; musicians; video production company for license to show content;
    Color Guard; etc
•   Marketing/PR – Press releases; media; social media
•   Sponsorship – Design sponsor package (levels of sponsorship, etc); Advertising; vendors; signage
•   Security – Police, EMS; determine personnel access and create staff passes (All Access, Limited
    Access, General Access)
•   Audio visual (A/V) – Determine level of A/V needs; Collect bids from A/V companies; Contract; site
    walks; etc
•   Logistics – Parking; front gate; donation; program guides; etc

Pull your hair out and have fun!
A Constitution of We The
Presentation of Ambassador Task Force Certificates

Family Resolution Challenge - All American Citizen Team
      1) Take home a copy of Family Resolution
      2) Need more info? - Watch All American Citizen Team
      Part 1 and 2 of video at
      under “Message Vlogs”
      3) Present to your family members for commitment
      4) Share with your Family Mutual Associations
      5) Send an email to
      with your ZIP CODE when your family signs so we can
      all track where the network is growing on an interactive
      online map.
Ce!ificate of Completion

                                                awarded to

                    Presented By
                     We The People REVOLUTION and
                         Americans for Prosperity

                      On This ____ Day of _____, 2009
This Certificate of Completion is to recognize that the aforementioned TASK FORCE AMBASSADOR has completed the “Next Steps
 Training” material and is now commissioned as an AMBASSADOR to teach the Next Step Training materials, coordinate events built
around these themes and to spread the message and spirit of the We The People REVOLUTION in a peaceful and non-violent spirit of
                                          good citizenship and Republic American ideals.
Next Steps Training Presentation

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Next Steps Training Presentation

  • 1.
  • 2. Re-Discovering Our National Identity Our Declaration of Independence is the theory of and philosophy of our Republic form of government. The Form or Mechanics is our United States Constitution.  Who are we? Why are we different? How did we become who we are?  WHAT did we declare and WHY did we declare it?
  • 3. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared Ruler’s Law People’s Law No Law 100% Tyranny 100% Anarchy With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
  • 4. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited Government Ruler’s Law People’s Law No Law 100% Tyranny 100% Anarchy With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
  • 5. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited Government TODAY  Political parties  Right vs Left Ruler’s Law People’s Law No Law 100% Tyranny 100% Anarchy With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
  • 6. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Defined Acceptable Terms for Liberty – Limited Government TODAY Founding Era  Power degrees  Political parties  Anarchy vs Tyranny  Right vs Left Ruler’s Law People’s Law No Law 100% Tyranny 100% Anarchy With respects to The 5,000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen
  • 7. The What of our Declaration of Independence Ruler’s Law
  • 8. The What of our Declaration of Independence  Authority through force, Ruler’s Law violence, conquest  People are not equal but divided by class  Government power is top/ down  Based on ruler’s interpretive standards rather than rule of law  Problems solved through increased government power via regulation, taxation, etc.  Freedom is never viable solution
  • 9. The What of our Declaration of Independence People’s Law
  • 10. The What of our Declaration of Independence People’s Law  A commonwealth of free men and women  Decisions and leadership selection is with the consent of the majority of people  Power not consolidated into any one group or person  Problems addressed locally first  Individual rights are unalienable
  • 11. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared
  • 12. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law
  • 13. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law Cicero – Political philosopher in Rome (106-43 BC) Definition – Natural Law deals with absolute reality. “True law is… unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…it is impossible to abolish it entirely.”
  • 14. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in Natural Law Cicero – Political philosopher in Rome (106-43 BC) Definition – Natural Law deals with absolute reality. “True law is… unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…it is impossible to abolish it entirely.” • Man is rational as is God • Nature abhors a vacuum (consolidation of control) • Nature finds a balance (reacts violently to a lack of equilibrium)
  • 15. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) “…with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge…” – Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
  • 16. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) “…with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge…” – Jefferson, Declaration of Independence America was the first modern form of government where a sovereign, self-governing people formed a government and placed themselves voluntarily under the ultimate authority of a metaphysical sovereign.
  • 17. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared
  • 18. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence)
  • 19. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be metaphysical?
  • 20. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be metaphysical? a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute stability that insures the integrity of the entire system.
  • 21. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be metaphysical? a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute stability that insures the integrity of the entire system. b) The focus of political power shifts from control to management (Principle of Physics found in the nature of “matter”)
  • 22. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Belief in God (Divine Providence) Why did they consider it essential that the ultimate authority be metaphysical? a) Something that lies outside the physical realm represents rule of law, cannot be manipulated, only responded to and therefore represents an absolute stability that insures the integrity of the entire system. b) The focus of political power shifts from control to management (Principle of Physics found in the nature of “matter”) Man cannot own anything but man can be owned by anything. The one who sets ownership of something as his ultimate goal will inevitably become consumed by that which he seeks to consume. – Author Unknown
  • 23. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Nation of Laws • Our laws are based on Natural Law and Laws of Human Nature. “…upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws…” – William Blackstone (Author and legal scholar) “…No man will contend that a nation can be free that is not governed by fixed laws. All other government than that of permanent known laws is the government of mere will and pleasure.” (John Adams, American Founder) “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom.” (John Locke, English political philosopher, author)
  • 24. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared
  • 25. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal
  • 26. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal What was meant by equality? •Equal opportunity, not necessarily equal results. •Guaranteed through equal treatment in the sight of God, the Law and the protection of rights. • Reinforce by the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments
  • 27. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared
  • 28. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal
  • 29. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal Slavery in America Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration, not the intention of our nation.
  • 30. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal Slavery in America Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration, not the intention of our nation. “…It [is] a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty years may terminate forever, within these States [slavery]…[in that period] it will receive a considerable discouragement from the federal government and may be totally abolished by a concurrence of the few States…” James Madison (Federalist Papers)
  • 31. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…All men created equal Slavery in America Slavery was set up for abolition from the foundation of the nation. The existence of slavery after the founding of the nation represents an aberration, not the intention of our nation. “…It [is] a great point gained in favor of humanity that a period of twenty years may terminate forever, within these States [slavery]…[in that period] it will receive a considerable discouragement from the federal government and may be totally abolished by a concurrence of the few States…” James Madison (Federalist Papers) FACTS • The first draft of the Declaration of Independence presented on July 1st included a denouncement of slavery both in the States and by King George III • The direct indictments were removed in a compromise to gain support from northern and southern slave holding delegates to present a unified front against British.
  • 32. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared
  • 33. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have Personal Responsibility
  • 34. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have Personal Responsibility •The Founders Believed • A Sovereign People are only capable of self government and choosing virtuous representatives when they have personal responsibility. • Personal responsibility can only be maintained with a high level of moral virtue and education.
  • 35. The WHAT that our Declaration of Independence Declared We Declared…A Sovereign People Must Have Personal Responsibility •The Founders Believed • A Sovereign People are only capable of self government and choosing virtuous representatives when they have personal responsibility. • Personal responsibility can only be maintained with a high level of moral virtue and education. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin “…If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them.” – James Madison
  • 36. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence
  • 37. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence?
  • 38. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence? • A list of tyrannical activities from King George III King George’s Laundry List of Bad Behavior - Created insurmountable beaucracy - Has not governed by the laws established - Silenced opposition to his trampling of people’s rights - Thrown up road blocks to population growth and development - Obstructed the Administration of Justice - Disturbed the peace through standing armies, confiscations - Cutting off trade with outside world - Taxation without representation - Micromanaging government from abroad - Plundered ships, torched cities, attacked Coasts - Transported armies to wage war against the colonists - Stirred up domestic quarrels and violence - Ignored We The People…and We the People don’t like to be ignored.
  • 39. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence
  • 40. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence?
  • 41. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence? • An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and their repercussions
  • 42. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence? • An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and their repercussions “We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those republics…And we have viewed modern states all round Europe.” – Benjamin Franklin, Constitutional Convention
  • 43. The WHY of our Declaration of Independence Why did we declare our independence? • An excellent historical perspective on the political theories of history and their repercussions “We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those republics…And we have viewed modern states all round Europe.” – Benjamin Franklin, Constitutional Convention History Studied and Cited by Founders Italian Republic – Roman Empire Greek Republic – Athens, Sparta, Achaen League, Amphictyonic Council (Illustrated long history of extremes between tyranny and anarchy) Ottomon Empire – Turks, Persia Russia, France, United Netherlands, Germany
  • 44. Who We Are? Why are We Different? How did we become Who We Are?
  • 45. Who We Are? Why are We Different? How did we become Who We Are? What is government but a way to manage society?
  • 46. Who We Are? Why are We Different? How did we become Who We Are? What is government but a way to manage society? What is political science but ideas for applying the best possible management practices for society given our understanding of the ways humans relate to one another?
  • 47. Who We Are? Why are We Different? How did we become Who We Are? What is government but a way to manage society? What is political science but ideas for applying the best possible management practices for society given our understanding of the ways humans relate to one another? What is our United States Constitution but that, management practices, the mechanics of our Republic Form of Government?
  • 48.
  • 50. The Constitution The FORM or MECHANICS to implement the philosophy of Republican Government is found in our Constitution.
  • 52. The Constitution Why are you here at this event?
  • 53. The Constitution Why are you here at this event? Did you come as a response to my agenda or did you have an agenda for me?
  • 54. The Constitution Why are you here at this event? Did you come as a response to my agenda or did you have an agenda for me? If you have an agenda for me, what is the worst possible thing I could do with this time?
  • 55. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here
  • 56. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here The Truth of the Matter is...
  • 57. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here The Truth of the Matter is... Why is this true...?
  • 58. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here The Truth of the Matter is... Why is this true...? You have no time for anything...
  • 59. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here The Truth of the Matter is... Why is this true...? You have no time for anything... except the possibility of being left out.
  • 60. The Constitution The Truth about why you’re here The Truth of the Matter is... Why is this true...? You have no time for anything... except the possibility of being left out. What is at issue with interest in civic literacy/ engagement?
  • 61. The Constitution System Whiplash! What is our Constitutional Identity? Who represents us in the government?
  • 62. The Constitution The History - Why we created it?
  • 63. The Constitution The History - Why we created it? The Constitutional Convention was formed to resolve problems within the Articles of Confederation.
  • 64. The Constitution The History - Why we created it? The Constitutional Convention was formed to resolve problems within the Articles of Confederation. Problems to be addressed No Judiciary No Power of Taxation No Executive Branch No Power of Enforcement
  • 65. The Constitution The History - Why we created it? The Constitutional Convention was formed to resolve problems within the Articles of Confederation. The Big Question for the Founders: Problems to be addressed Could a Constitution be designed with a form of government that has no power other than No Judiciary that given it by its member states and still No Power of Taxation have a central government strong enough to No Executive Branch support a stable union? No Power of Enforcement
  • 66. The Constitution What we Constituted?
  • 67. The Constitution What we Constituted? The Preamble... We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
  • 68. The Constitution What we Constituted? The Preamble... We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What was done? Who done it? Why?
  • 69. The Constitution What we Constituted? The Preamble... We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What was done? The individual states united to form a Who done it? government limited to taking care of matters they could not handle Why? individually that held bearing on the whole.
  • 70. The Constitution What we Constituted? A 3 Branch System of Government
  • 71. The Constitution What we Constituted? A 3 Branch System of Government Legislative - Creates Law (House, Senate) Executive - Enforces Law (Cabinet, Federal Depts.) Judicial - Applies Law (Independent Judiciary of 9 Supreme Court Justices)
  • 72. The Constitution What we Constituted? A 3 Branch System of Government Legislative - Creates Law (House, Senate) Executive - Enforces Law (Cabinet, Federal Depts.) Judicial - Applies Law (Independent Judiciary of 9 Supreme Court Justices) The 3 co-equal branches come in order of levels of authority within the system. That is determined by the level of direct connection of the people to the given branch and its level of direct impact on the people.
  • 73. The Constitution What we Constituted? Separation of Powers - Distinct What inspired the system design? 3 Primary Sources 1) Polybius (Greek historian 204-122 BC) 2) Charles de Montesquieu (French scholar) 3) Hebraic Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah
  • 74. The Constitution What we Constituted?
  • 75. The Constitution What we Constituted? Checks and Balances - Connected How does the design function?
  • 76. The Constitution What we Constituted? Checks and Balances - Connected How does the design function? “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison (Federalist #47)
  • 77. The Constitution What we Constituted? Checks and Balances - Connected How does the design function? “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison (Federalist #47) Examples of Checks/Balances to Keep’em Honest Legislative Executive Judicial
  • 78. The Constitution What we Constituted?
  • 79. The Constitution What we Constituted? Limits on Federal Government How did the system emphasize local control?
  • 80. The Constitution What we Constituted? Limits on Federal Government How did the system emphasize local control? “Let the national government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and its foreign and federal relations; the State governments with the civil rights, laws, police, and administration of what concerns the State generally; the counties with the local concerns of the counties, and each ward [township] direct the interests within itself.” - Thomas Jefferson Writings of Thomas Jefferson
  • 81. The Constitution What we Constituted? Limits on Federal Government How did the system emphasize local control? “Let the national government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and its foreign and federal relations; the State governments with the civil rights, laws, police, and administration of what concerns the State generally; the counties with the local concerns of the counties, and each ward [township] direct the interests within itself.” - Thomas Jefferson Writings of Thomas Jefferson Article 5 - The States can get in on the amendment process “The 2/3 - 3/4 Rule” Amendment 10 - When in doubt, choose State!
  • 82. What We Constituted? The Role of We the People 27
  • 83. What We Constituted? The Role of We the People Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.” 27
  • 84. What We Constituted? The Role of We the People Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.” The Dirty Little Secret - You can’t keep it! The Law of Team-Based Community The Reason YOU Can’t Keep It The Reason WE Can NOW - GLOCAL emphasis in our culture 27
  • 85. What We Constituted? The Role of We the People Franklin’s Challenge - “ A Republic madam, if you can KEEP it.” The Dirty Little Secret - You can’t keep it! The Law of Team-Based Community The Reason YOU Can’t Keep It The Reason WE Can NOW - GLOCAL emphasis in our culture 27
  • 86. A Constitution of We The People LATER TONIGHT! You will receive 2 THINGS... A certificate as a member of the Task Force of Ambassadors An invitation to join and grow THE network our Founders articulated that we’ve been only a few steps away from all along! 28
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89. Americans for Prosperity Grassroots Training School
  • 90.
  • 92. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;
  • 93. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;  mobilize citizens to achieve
  • 94. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;  mobilize citizens to achieve  fiscal and regulatory restraint  by state governments,
  • 95. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;  mobilize citizens to achieve  fiscal and regulatory restraint  by state governments,
  • 96. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;  mobilize citizens to achieve  fiscal and regulatory restraint  by state governments,
  • 97. AFP Mission  Educate citizens about economic policy;  mobilize citizens to achieve  fiscal and regulatory restraint  by state governments,  and return the federal government
  • 99. AFP Vision  Greater economic growth, opportunity, and prosperity for all citizens  through strong ethical foundations,  government restraint,  and private sector productivity and competition
  • 100.
  • 102. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues
  • 103. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues
  • 104. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues
  • 105. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues  State Legislation
  • 106. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues  State Legislation
  • 107. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues  State Legislation
  • 108. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues  State Legislation  Federal Overspending
  • 109. Why AFP Georgia?  Local Issues  State Legislation  Federal Overspending  and Overregulation
  • 110.
  • 111. What AFP GA Does
  • 112. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to
  • 113. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to
  • 114. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to  Affect fiscal policy by
  • 115. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to  Affect fiscal policy by
  • 116. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to  Affect fiscal policy by  Communicating w/ elected officials and
  • 117. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to  Affect fiscal policy by  Communicating w/ elected officials and
  • 118. What AFP GA Does  Train grassroots activists to  Affect fiscal policy by  Communicating w/ elected officials and  Targeted media messages
  • 119.
  • 121. Join AFP  Sign up,
  • 122. Join AFP  Sign up,
  • 123. Join AFP  Sign up,  Regular updates
  • 124. Join AFP  Sign up,  Regular updates
  • 125. Join AFP  Sign up,  Regular updates  Free membership
  • 126. Join AFP  Sign up,  Regular updates  Free membership
  • 127. Join AFP  Sign up,  Regular updates  Free membership  Special events
  • 128.
  • 129. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders
  • 130. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake
  • 131. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake
  • 132. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake
  • 133. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake  Ramble
  • 134. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake  Ramble
  • 135. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake  Ramble
  • 136. How NOT to Communicate w/ Elected Leaders  Don’t Shake  Ramble  Or Roll
  • 137.
  • 138. Communicate Effectively  Letters  E-mail  Phone calls  Visits
  • 139.
  • 140. Working with the Media  Letters to the Editor  Writing an Article  Working w/ Reporters  Websites  Blogs  Talk Radio
  • 141. New Media  Networking Sites: Facebook, LinkedIn  Blogs: writing, radio  Twitter, texting, etc.
  • 142.
  • 143. Event To Do List 1) Decide place and time 2) CLEARLY COMMUNICATE event theme and range – Limited Government! Personal Responsibility! A Return to Constitutional Roots. 3) Secure permits 4) Get traditional media involved (print, tv, radio) 5) Secure audiovisual services 6) Find partners immediately to share in the work – delegate to committees (see next page for suggested committees) 7) Contact leaders of other grassroots, church, civic groups to form coalitions 8) Contact speakers that service theme – local celebrities, political leaders 9) Bill the event as non partisan – it is so don’t limit your reach! 10) Determine expenses and then ask for sponsors to cover expenses 11) Cooperate with other locales to cross market on event 12) Social media viral marketing – blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, EventBrite, e-newsletters, etc 13) Collect data 14) You may do a voter registration at your event 15) Incorporate the Pocket Constitutions or a take home for something that re-inforces the theme for attendees 16) Make sure to give the attendees a CALL TO ACTION with the Next Step prepared (ex. “We need you to share what you’ve experienced tonight with your network. We have several Next Step Training for this We The People REVOLUTION coming up on...”)
  • 144. Suggested Committees Choose Committee Chairs and Assign Committee Members (cat herding experience recommended) • Program – Contacts speakers; musicians; video production company for license to show content; Color Guard; etc • Marketing/PR – Press releases; media; social media • Sponsorship – Design sponsor package (levels of sponsorship, etc); Advertising; vendors; signage production • Security – Police, EMS; determine personnel access and create staff passes (All Access, Limited Access, General Access) • Audio visual (A/V) – Determine level of A/V needs; Collect bids from A/V companies; Contract; site walks; etc • Logistics – Parking; front gate; donation; program guides; etc Pull your hair out and have fun!
  • 145. A Constitution of We The People Presentation of Ambassador Task Force Certificates Family Resolution Challenge - All American Citizen Team 1) Take home a copy of Family Resolution 2) Need more info? - Watch All American Citizen Team Part 1 and 2 of video at under “Message Vlogs” 3) Present to your family members for commitment 4) Share with your Family Mutual Associations 5) Send an email to with your ZIP CODE when your family signs so we can all track where the network is growing on an interactive online map. 43
  • 146. Ce!ificate of Completion awarded to ___________________________________ TASK FORCE AMBASSADOR Presented By We The People REVOLUTION and Americans for Prosperity On This ____ Day of _____, 2009 This Certificate of Completion is to recognize that the aforementioned TASK FORCE AMBASSADOR has completed the “Next Steps Training” material and is now commissioned as an AMBASSADOR to teach the Next Step Training materials, coordinate events built around these themes and to spread the message and spirit of the We The People REVOLUTION in a peaceful and non-violent spirit of good citizenship and Republic American ideals.

Editor's Notes

  1. Jefferson railed against King George III for creating and sustaining the slave trade, describing it as "a cruel war against human nature." Congress was prohibited until 1808 from blocking the migration and importation "of such Persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit" (Art. I, Sec. 9). Although protection of the slave trade was a major concession demanded by pro-slavery delegates, the final clause was only a temporary exemption from a recognized federal power for the existing states. Moreover, it did not prevent states from restricting or outlawing the slave trade, which many had already done. "If there was no other lovely feature in the Constitution but this one," James Wilson observed, "it would diffuse a beauty over its whole countenance. Yet the lapse of a few years, and Congress will have power to exterminate slavery from within our borders." Congress passed such a national prohibition effective January 1, 1808, and President Jefferson signed it into law.
  2. Jefferson railed against King George III for creating and sustaining the slave trade, describing it as "a cruel war against human nature." Congress was prohibited until 1808 from blocking the migration and importation "of such Persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit" (Art. I, Sec. 9). Although protection of the slave trade was a major concession demanded by pro-slavery delegates, the final clause was only a temporary exemption from a recognized federal power for the existing states. Moreover, it did not prevent states from restricting or outlawing the slave trade, which many had already done. "If there was no other lovely feature in the Constitution but this one," James Wilson observed, "it would diffuse a beauty over its whole countenance. Yet the lapse of a few years, and Congress will have power to exterminate slavery from within our borders." Congress passed such a national prohibition effective January 1, 1808, and President Jefferson signed it into law.
  3. Jefferson railed against King George III for creating and sustaining the slave trade, describing it as "a cruel war against human nature." Congress was prohibited until 1808 from blocking the migration and importation "of such Persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit" (Art. I, Sec. 9). Although protection of the slave trade was a major concession demanded by pro-slavery delegates, the final clause was only a temporary exemption from a recognized federal power for the existing states. Moreover, it did not prevent states from restricting or outlawing the slave trade, which many had already done. "If there was no other lovely feature in the Constitution but this one," James Wilson observed, "it would diffuse a beauty over its whole countenance. Yet the lapse of a few years, and Congress will have power to exterminate slavery from within our borders." Congress passed such a national prohibition effective January 1, 1808, and President Jefferson signed it into law.
  4. Jefferson railed against King George III for creating and sustaining the slave trade, describing it as "a cruel war against human nature." Congress was prohibited until 1808 from blocking the migration and importation "of such Persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit" (Art. I, Sec. 9). Although protection of the slave trade was a major concession demanded by pro-slavery delegates, the final clause was only a temporary exemption from a recognized federal power for the existing states. Moreover, it did not prevent states from restricting or outlawing the slave trade, which many had already done. "If there was no other lovely feature in the Constitution but this one," James Wilson observed, "it would diffuse a beauty over its whole countenance. Yet the lapse of a few years, and Congress will have power to exterminate slavery from within our borders." Congress passed such a national prohibition effective January 1, 1808, and President Jefferson signed it into law.
  5. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensible supports.” – George Washington, Farewell Address “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
  6. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensible supports.” – George Washington, Farewell Address “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
  7. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensible supports.” – George Washington, Farewell Address “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
  8. Hamilton addressed the Italian and Greek Republics in Federalist #9. Appealed to the writings of French author Charles de Montesquieu and the new political tools (separation of powers, representative government, Judicial terms based on good behavior, etc) when he was building on the improvements in republic building. Madison addresses in Federalist #38 the uniqueness of the American experiment among nation builders where deliberation and consent was involved, that the formation of the forms of gvrnmt were entrusted to an assembly of men instead of a single citizen. Ottomon Empire – long history of conquests, Discussed the dangers of oligarchy, direct democracy, monarchy (Britain, Germany), confederacy (Amphictyonic)
  9. Hamilton addressed the Italian and Greek Republics in Federalist #9. Appealed to the writings of French author Charles de Montesquieu and the new political tools (separation of powers, representative government, Judicial terms based on good behavior, etc) when he was building on the improvements in republic building. Madison addresses in Federalist #38 the uniqueness of the American experiment among nation builders where deliberation and consent was involved, that the formation of the forms of gvrnmt were entrusted to an assembly of men instead of a single citizen. Ottomon Empire – long history of conquests, Discussed the dangers of oligarchy, direct democracy, monarchy (Britain, Germany), confederacy (Amphictyonic)
  10. Hamilton addressed the Italian and Greek Republics in Federalist #9. Appealed to the writings of French author Charles de Montesquieu and the new political tools (separation of powers, representative government, Judicial terms based on good behavior, etc) when he was building on the improvements in republic building. Madison addresses in Federalist #38 the uniqueness of the American experiment among nation builders where deliberation and consent was involved, that the formation of the forms of gvrnmt were entrusted to an assembly of men instead of a single citizen. Ottomon Empire – long history of conquests, Discussed the dangers of oligarchy, direct democracy, monarchy (Britain, Germany), confederacy (Amphictyonic)
  11. Hamilton addressed the Italian and Greek Republics in Federalist #9. Appealed to the writings of French author Charles de Montesquieu and the new political tools (separation of powers, representative government, Judicial terms based on good behavior, etc) when he was building on the improvements in republic building. Madison addresses in Federalist #38 the uniqueness of the American experiment among nation builders where deliberation and consent was involved, that the formation of the forms of gvrnmt were entrusted to an assembly of men instead of a single citizen. Ottomon Empire – long history of conquests, Discussed the dangers of oligarchy, direct democracy, monarchy (Britain, Germany), confederacy (Amphictyonic)
  12. Why are you here? A friend invited you? Marketing? You heard something is going on? Your agenda for me is much more important than my agenda for you. Your agenda for me tonight is that you want a formula from me. What is the worst thing I could do with this time? Waste it. Not give you anything EX: Story; “You are not going to believe this” type story where you never give the punchline...
  13. Why are you here? A friend invited you? Marketing? You heard something is going on? Your agenda for me is much more important than my agenda for you. Your agenda for me tonight is that you want a formula from me. What is the worst thing I could do with this time? Waste it. Not give you anything EX: Story; “You are not going to believe this” type story where you never give the punchline...
  14. Why are you here? A friend invited you? Marketing? You heard something is going on? Your agenda for me is much more important than my agenda for you. Your agenda for me tonight is that you want a formula from me. What is the worst thing I could do with this time? Waste it. Not give you anything EX: Story; “You are not going to believe this” type story where you never give the punchline...
  15. The Truth of the Matter - The MATTER does not matter. The RESULTS of the matter do not matter. All that matters is WHO’S DOING it, SAYING it, INVOLVED in the matter. Why? You have no time for anything... POLL THE ROOM - How many times have you been texted/looked down at your phone since we started this session? What is the problem with interest in civic literacy? It’s not that it’s not interesting. It’s that, as a general rule, we don’t understand we have a role and what that role is. We’re uninspired. Because we don’t understand the system. The dynamics of the team we are on. We believe that WHO is doing “it” (government) are our elected representatives. We believe our work ends at the voter booth, not that it begins there. And it’s because we don’t understand the system and our position on the team.
  16. The Truth of the Matter - The MATTER does not matter. The RESULTS of the matter do not matter. All that matters is WHO’S DOING it, SAYING it, INVOLVED in the matter. Why? You have no time for anything... POLL THE ROOM - How many times have you been texted/looked down at your phone since we started this session? What is the problem with interest in civic literacy? It’s not that it’s not interesting. It’s that, as a general rule, we don’t understand we have a role and what that role is. We’re uninspired. Because we don’t understand the system. The dynamics of the team we are on. We believe that WHO is doing “it” (government) are our elected representatives. We believe our work ends at the voter booth, not that it begins there. And it’s because we don’t understand the system and our position on the team.
  17. The Truth of the Matter - The MATTER does not matter. The RESULTS of the matter do not matter. All that matters is WHO’S DOING it, SAYING it, INVOLVED in the matter. Why? You have no time for anything... POLL THE ROOM - How many times have you been texted/looked down at your phone since we started this session? What is the problem with interest in civic literacy? It’s not that it’s not interesting. It’s that, as a general rule, we don’t understand we have a role and what that role is. We’re uninspired. Because we don’t understand the system. The dynamics of the team we are on. We believe that WHO is doing “it” (government) are our elected representatives. We believe our work ends at the voter booth, not that it begins there. And it’s because we don’t understand the system and our position on the team.
  18. The Truth of the Matter - The MATTER does not matter. The RESULTS of the matter do not matter. All that matters is WHO’S DOING it, SAYING it, INVOLVED in the matter. Why? You have no time for anything... POLL THE ROOM - How many times have you been texted/looked down at your phone since we started this session? What is the problem with interest in civic literacy? It’s not that it’s not interesting. It’s that, as a general rule, we don’t understand we have a role and what that role is. We’re uninspired. Because we don’t understand the system. The dynamics of the team we are on. We believe that WHO is doing “it” (government) are our elected representatives. We believe our work ends at the voter booth, not that it begins there. And it’s because we don’t understand the system and our position on the team.
  19. The Truth of the Matter - The MATTER does not matter. The RESULTS of the matter do not matter. All that matters is WHO’S DOING it, SAYING it, INVOLVED in the matter. Why? You have no time for anything... POLL THE ROOM - How many times have you been texted/looked down at your phone since we started this session? What is the problem with interest in civic literacy? It’s not that it’s not interesting. It’s that, as a general rule, we don’t understand we have a role and what that role is. We’re uninspired. Because we don’t understand the system. The dynamics of the team we are on. We believe that WHO is doing “it” (government) are our elected representatives. We believe our work ends at the voter booth, not that it begins there. And it’s because we don’t understand the system and our position on the team.
  20. Who represents us in the government? COMMON ANSWER: Our elected representatives? The question was incorrect. Real question is “Who represents the government?” ANSWER: We the People represent the government. Our elected representatives represent us in the government affairs and whatever they do, in total, WE are responsible for. It’s not THEIR reputation on the line, it’s OURS. Who is the President? COMMON ANSWER: Obama The question was incorrect. Real question is “Is there a President of the United States?” ANSWER: YES and NO. The role given by the Const does not match what the title infers. In order for such to be true, he would have to preside directly over the indep. states united. He does not.
  21. Articles of Nov 15 1777 said that the central government would have no power except that given it by the states. The states dropped the ball and the central government ended up with no power. They did not authorize power.This activity nearly lost the Revolution through want of supplies (Valley Forge in 1777 w/ Washington’s Army losing over 2,500 men in the winter). Big Bro vs Little Bro/Big State vs Little State - inequality of resources; no common defense after war; no ability to pay debts through taxation; no force of law Madison addressed the problem in Federalist # 37 - the most reasonable decision making is needed when regarding issues of the utmost importance. it is those very issues that usually engender the least reasonable feelings.
  22. Articles of Nov 15 1777 said that the central government would have no power except that given it by the states. The states dropped the ball and the central government ended up with no power. They did not authorize power.This activity nearly lost the Revolution through want of supplies (Valley Forge in 1777 w/ Washington’s Army losing over 2,500 men in the winter). Big Bro vs Little Bro/Big State vs Little State - inequality of resources; no common defense after war; no ability to pay debts through taxation; no force of law Madison addressed the problem in Federalist # 37 - the most reasonable decision making is needed when regarding issues of the utmost importance. it is those very issues that usually engender the least reasonable feelings.
  23. Articles of Nov 15 1777 said that the central government would have no power except that given it by the states. The states dropped the ball and the central government ended up with no power. They did not authorize power.This activity nearly lost the Revolution through want of supplies (Valley Forge in 1777 w/ Washington’s Army losing over 2,500 men in the winter). Big Bro vs Little Bro/Big State vs Little State - inequality of resources; no common defense after war; no ability to pay debts through taxation; no force of law Madison addressed the problem in Federalist # 37 - the most reasonable decision making is needed when regarding issues of the utmost importance. it is those very issues that usually engender the least reasonable feelings.
  24. What was done? A Constitution was ordained. Who done it? We the People of the United States of America Why? A MORE perfect Union, establish Justice, domestic Tranquillity, provide common defense, promote general Welfare Ex. uniform measurements (baseball game played w/ different rules in different cities);
  25. What was done? A Constitution was ordained. Who done it? We the People of the United States of America Why? A MORE perfect Union, establish Justice, domestic Tranquillity, provide common defense, promote general Welfare Ex. uniform measurements (baseball game played w/ different rules in different cities);
  26. What was done? A Constitution was ordained. Who done it? We the People of the United States of America Why? A MORE perfect Union, establish Justice, domestic Tranquillity, provide common defense, promote general Welfare Ex. uniform measurements (baseball game played w/ different rules in different cities);
  27. Legislative - House elected by popular vote; represents the interest of the populace; Senate (originally elected by State Legislature); designed to represent the affairs of the State at the Federal level. Executive - Made up of President of Executive Branch overseeing a Cabinet; power to nominate/appoint certain positions within Cabinet, depts of the Executive Branch; oversees administrative depts; Judicial - made up of indep judiciary; members nominated by presid of execut and confirmed by senate
  28. Legislative - House elected by popular vote; represents the interest of the populace; Senate (originally elected by State Legislature); designed to represent the affairs of the State at the Federal level. Executive - Made up of President of Executive Branch overseeing a Cabinet; power to nominate/appoint certain positions within Cabinet, depts of the Executive Branch; oversees administrative depts; Judicial - made up of indep judiciary; members nominated by presid of execut and confirmed by senate
  29. Polybius - Greek historian - became a friend of Rome traveling on diplomatic missions; visualized 3 depts of co-equal importance - the strength of a monarchy in an executive branch, the interests of wealth (the controlling class) in a Senate and the interests of the General populace represented in a popular Assembly. Montesquieu - picked up Polybius research 18th century; identified 3 separate branches of Execut, Legisl, Judicial that are subject to checks/balances to prevent abuse) Hebraic Prophets - (3 Branches Isaiah 33:22) - “For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King...” (Separation of Powers Jeremiah 17:9) - “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond curse. Who can understand it?”
  30. A phenomenal list is given on page 211 of The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
  31. A phenomenal list is given on page 211 of The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
  32. A phenomenal list is given on page 211 of The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
  33. A phenomenal list is given on page 211 of The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen Article 5 - when 2/3 of the States request it, Congress calls a Convention for amendment proposing, and all amendments will be made legite when ratified by 3/4 of the States. Amendment 10 - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.