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The BDPA Monthly Newsletter
                                                                                   BDPA MISSION
                                                                       BDPA is a global member focused organization that
                                                                      positions its members at the forefront of the IT industry.
                                                                       BDPA is committed to delivering IT excellence to our
                                                                            members, strategic partners, and community.

        The official newsletter of the BDPA Information Technology Thought Leaders

                                  President’s Message
                            Corporate Citizenship
                       BDPA has sustained mutually beneficial relationships with                         BDPA
                       great corporate citizens for many years. This is one of the
                       main reasons BDPA is the Premier Organization for African                  WELCOMES
                       Americans in Information Technology. These relationships
                       help BDPA to position its members at the forefront of the
                       information technology industry, which is very important in                    Its newest
   Milt Haynes
                       this current economic climate. These great corporate citizens
                       support BDPA with dollars, people, equipment and facilities.
       BDPA            It is through their generous support that BDPA continues to
 National President    broaden the Information Technology knowledge of the
                       African American community as a whole.                                       CITY
Great corporate citizens help BDPA achieve its mission by participating in
Corporate Sponsorship programs designed to offer standard ways to invest in BDPA.
These programs are predicated on the notion that corporations invest in BDPA as a
means to meet their own corporate objectives. Some of the reasons that corporations
invest in BDPA are:                                                                              “Good corporate
    •    Technical Development and Skill Enhancement                                               citizens help
    •    Opportunities for Employee Development                                                  African American
    •    Recruiting Mechanism                                                                       people help
    •    Community Recognition and Public Relations                                               themselves by
    •    Networking Opportunities and Technology Exchanges                                      supporting African
    •    Assist in Closing the Digital Divide
What does it take to be a good corporate citizen? Good corporate citizens help                     businesses”
African American people help themselves by supporting African American
businesses, associations and community outreach programs. Good corporate citizens
                                                                                                 associations and
understand that giving back to the community is the right thing to do. Good                         community
corporate citizens target their IT budget to African American businesses and African                  outreach
American businesses in turn support community outreach programs. Corporations                        programs”
benefit in so many ways by being actively involved in BDPA, it is only fitting that
they reciprocate.
Allstate Insurance is a perfect example. Allstate has been a consistent and stalwart          Contents:
BDPA supporter over time. Allstate engages Computer Resource Solutions (CRS),                 Letter from the President 1
an African American owned business that supports BDPA. By providing high                      Black Family Awareness
quality and consistent service over time, CRS has the distinction of being one of five          Week                    3
IT vendors on Allstate’s prestigious preferred vendors list. Allstate donates                 Corporate Ad              4
equipment and computers and human resources to support community outreach                     Professional Development 5
programs. For example, when BPDA Chicago built the BDPA Technology Center                     Blackwell Speaks          6
and accompanying office space, Allstate donated a fine conference table and chairs            ITSMF                     6
                                                                    (Continued on page 2)
Volume 1 Number 2      February 2002
There are several other corporate supporters of note.
             (Continued from page 1 -        President’s        Special thanks to Bob Blackwell, newly appointed Outside
                                              Message)          Director for the National BDPA Board of Directors for
                                                                sponsoring this issue of the National BDPA Monthly
from excess inventory. Allstate has donated equipment to        Newsletter and for sharing his perspectives in an
build 2 community technology centers.                           accompanying article. And thanks to Michael
Not only has Allstate donated equipment in support of           McCrimmon, National BDPA CIO and Director of Travel
BDPA community outreach programs, Allstate has also             and Transportation at IBM Global Services for providing
provided technical staff to conduct train-the-trainer           conference call support for the National BDPA Executive
programs to make the technology centers self-sufficient.        Committee and 2002 Internal Conference Team.
Allstate provided an Executive on Loan, to work full time       Would you like more information on how to become a
to develop a community technology center program at             great corporate citizen? To find a local chapter to support,
Bontemps Elementary School in Chicago. This center is           visit To find out more
being used to pilot an online tutoring program and              about corporate participation opportunities for the
technical resource center called Homework911 that is            upcoming BDPA 2002 24th Annual National Conference,
being shared with BDPA Chapters around the country.             please visit and if you
This phenomenal program will help thousands of students         would like information on the new Corporate Partners
improve their grade point averages and standardized test        program, please send email to me at
scores.                                                         Working together we can do great things!
Allstate employees roll up their sleeves and get involved.      Milt Haynes
An Allstate employee served as the Chair of BDPA                National BDPA President
Education and Technology Foundation. Three Executive            February 2002
Committee members of the BDPA Chicago Chapter are
Allstate employees. The BDPA Chicago Corporate
Advisory Council Chair is an Allstate employee. An                                   Welcome to the
Allstate employee serves on the National BDPA Executive                                 BDPA
Committee. Allstate employees run the BDPA Chicago
and National BDPA Student Internship programs.                            Monthly Newsletter
Allstate’s CIO served as an Honorary Chair for the 2001                      Our new monthly newsletter
National BDPA Conference and enthusiastically
volunteered to serve again as Honorary Chair for the 2002         As a service to our members, the BDPA Monthly
Conference.                                                       Newsletter is distributed to provide pertinent
                                                                  information on National BDPA activities.
For several years, Allstate has consistently donated
printing services to BDPA in support of the National              The BDPA Monthly Newsletter will entail such
Conference that has resulted in an annual savings of over         things as: Career and Professional Development
$50,000. Allstate has consistently donated $25,000 each           guidelines, “hot” technical skills, job
year to the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation              opportunities, member profiles, upcoming
in support of BDPA National and local chapter programs.           Professional and Social events, vision and
Allstate’s investment in BDPA not only helps Allstate             thought leadership articles from the National
employees to develop technical, leadership and                    Executive Committee as well as other BDPA
interpersonal skills, Allstate knows that by reaching back        members.
into the community to support elementary school, high             Hopefully, you will find this publication to be
school and college programs, an endless supply of future          informative and insightful. We welcome your
employment candidates will be available.                          input on the newsletter.
Allstate Insurance is a great corporate citizen and there are     Comments, suggestions, and opinions can be sent
many others too. Abbott Laboratories, ABN AMRO, Bank              to:
of America, Boeing, Cap Gemini Ernst and Young,                   ENJOY!
Compuware, Computer Resource Solutions, DePaul
University, ES Technology, First Union, Hewitt                    Respectfully,
Associates, Hill's Pet Nutrition, IBM, KeySpan Energy,            Reginald J. Gardner
Kraft Foods, Mayo Clinic, Lucent Technologies,                    National BDPA Vice President, Member Services
Microsoft, Merck and Company, Prudential Financial, R.
R. Donnelley & Sons, SAP, Sears Roebuck and Company,                              Publications Committee
Toyota Motor Manufacturing of North America, Walt
                                                                       Christopher A. Williams (DeVry Institute)
Disney World have all sponsored BDPA programs in a
                                                                               Letitia Andrews (Nokia)
major way.
                                                                               Reggie Gardner (Sears)
                                                                                                  Volume 1 Number 2
      Volume 1 Number 1
                      2       February 2002
                              January 2002                                                                                     2
dren to grandparents", said Bill Benyard, BFTAW Project
BDPA Focuses on Technology                                     Coordinator.
During Black History Month!                                    He noted, "We want to highlight positive role models and
                                                               celebrate leaders in the field of technology. Urban com-
      4th Annual Black Family                                  munities across the nation will be encouraged to create or
     Technology Awareness Week                                 expand local programs that train and motivate Black
                                                               youngsters and adults currently in the workforce to be-
Bill Benyard, BFTAW Project Coordinator for Black Data         come the technological workforce of tomorrow."
Processing Associates (BDPA) Information Technology
Thought Leaders ( announced that           Other BDPA Chapters involved in the 2002 BFTAW ini-
seven local BDPA chapters received national funding to         tiative include: Atlanta, Boston, Chattanooga, Charlotte,
bring the 4th Annual Black Family Technology Aware-            Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Greater San Fernando Valley,
ness Week (BFTAW) to their urban communities on                Houston, New York, Olympia, Philadelphia, Seattle and
February 10-16, 2002.                                          Southern Minnesota.

BDPA was awarded funding ranging from $500 to $1000            It is worth noting that BDPA is the premier organization
for chapter delivery of BFTAW programs in Cincinnati           for African-American professionals in the Information
OH, Greater Columbia SC, Los Angeles CA, Newark NJ,            Technology industry. Milt Haynes, National BDPA Presi-
Orlando FL, Richmond VA, and St. Louis MO. There has           dent stated, "For over 25 years, BPDA has fulfilled its
been great progress within the last few years to bridge the    mission and worked to "bridge the digital divide" by pro-
so-called Digital Divide. However, there still remains a       viding career growth opportunities for its members. We
significant gap between the access & usage of technology       have increased technology awareness in our communities
for people of color in our community. BDPA wishes to           by providing educational and professional development
use the start of Black History Month to focus on getting       opportunities through various programs in our chapters
the Black family to use technology as a tool for educa-        across the country. Our decision to promote BFTAW is
tional and economic equality. We live in an information        another example of our commitment to our community &
age. Those that have the best information will do the best     membership."
in the workplace, in school and at home. Utilization of
technology leads to knowledge and knowledge is power.          Learn about the BFTAW programs in your community
BDPA wants to use Black Family Technology Awareness            from the national BFTAW website at http://www.
Week ( as a catalyst to em- and show your support!
power the community for the new millennium.
                                                               The Black Data Processing Associates national headquar-
BFTAW is a national event that was first brought to the        ters is located in Largo, Maryland. Earl Pace and the late
public by Career Communications Group [publisher of US         David Wimberly founded the organization in 1975.
Black Engineer Magazine & Hispanic Engineer Maga-              BDPA has over 40 chapters in the US. Contact 800-727-
zine] in 1999. IBM provides generous support. Organiza-        BDPA or for additional information.
tions throughout the country will participate in wide range
of educational and fun activities related to technology dur-
ing the week of February 10-16, 2002.

Each day of the week has a suggested theme and recom-
mended activities: High Tech Sunday (Sunday); Technol-
ogy in the Home and Community (Monday); Family Tech
Night (Tuesday); Software Applications for the Home and
Small Business (Wednesday); Internet Day (Thursday);
Corporate Open House Day (Friday); and BFTAW Clos-
ing Festival (Saturday). BDPA has requested that
churches and corporations in over a dozen urban commu-
nities support BFTAW. Also, BDPA is requesting that
organizations sponsor a day at their facilities or identify
individuals (old and young) that can benefit from this in-

"BDPA plans to demonstrate how technologies, such as
the Internet, reach all parts of the future workforce and
household affecting all generations from preschool chil-

Volume 1 Number 1
                2   February 2002
                    January 2002
Professional Development                                             Security Policies, Guidelines, and JOBS! If IT security is a career
                                                                     option for you, are you prepared?
IT Security                                                          According to Computerworld, Business Careers, IT Security
This month’s article, “IT Security”, is not so much on the
various forms of security breaches that can occur (Nimba worm,
“I love you” virus, firewall intrusions, personal privacy
invasions, etc.), but more on the growing need for IT Security
Professionals. As we attempt to “Bridge the Digital Divide”,
the need for IT Security Professionals should be seriously
In today’s heightened awareness of security, IT is more
important than ever. Estimates place the IT Security market
(authentication, authorization, and security administration) at $8
Billion over the next three years. Companies recognize their
data as an extremely valuable resource. Security of that
resource is critical. As a result, I would view the $8 Billion
estimate as rather conservative.
Within the last 100 days, proposals and suggestions for IT
security enhancements have come from three prominent figures
that I would like to emphasize.                                      Professionals’ salaries range from $60K/year for Network Security
First, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D – Conn.), also Chairman of        Administrators, to $140K/year for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, has called for the        Project Managers.
creation of a $1 Billion IT fund that “would enhance homeland        For more information on careers in IT Security, as well as other IT
and information security while providing a much needed boost         professions, stay abreast of opportunities at
to the sagging economy.” Although Senator Liberman did NOT           jobs.
go into details on specific allocation percentages, he did                                                              Reginald J. Gardner
mention four key areas the funding would cover: air travel, bio-                                NBDPA Vice President, Member Services
terrorism, transportation, and border control.
As an example, part of the money could fund and “early
warning detection system” for the airlines industry. This system
                                                                                             The BDPA
would identify suspected terrorists if they tried to book flights.
It would also fund the use of bio metric-enabled “smart cards”
to confirm passengers’ identities. Furthermore, the funds could
pay for explosive scanner equipment for airports.
Second, Mr. Harris Miller, President of the IT Association of                   NEWSLETTER
America (ITAA) has suggested “at least $10 Billion in federal
funding is needed to ensure adequate homeland cyber                     is mailed and electronically forwarded
defenses.” (ITAA is an industry group that represents more                          to over 10,000
than 500 IT companies around the United States).
Mr. Miller suggests the government provide $4 Billion in loans
                                                                        of our members, friends and supporters
to small and medium sized businesses to allow for increased
training and tools to solidify IT systems, and lessen the impact
of cyber attacks on businesses.” Mr. Miller proposes $3 Billion
to go into government grants for upgrades to state and local
government critical systems, and enhance information security
                                                                             Ad Space is
training for state and local officials. Miller urged the
government to utilize approximately $2.5 Billion to upgrade
federal systems and security, as well as increase the IT security
education and training offered to government employees.
Finally, Miller suggests $500 Million in grants should be made
available to public and private universities to establish more IT
                                                                             in several 2002 issues
security programs.                                                                    One-page rate $1500.00
Third, Mr. Richard Clarke, Chairman of the U. S. President’s                          1/2-page rate $1000.00
Critical Infrastructure Board suggest that cyber attacks on the
nations’ critical IT infrastructure could potentially cause               Two page limit on ad space each month
“catastrophic damage to the economy.” Although Clarke does                           Act right away!
not give specific amounts, he does state that “…spending on IT
security and infrastructure protection has to increase in both the                    For information contact
private and public sectors.”                                               LaCresha Lightfoot, BDPA Corporate Relations
                                                                            (800) 727-BDPA
Whatever the final outcome of these proposals and suggestions,
I’m sure we can all look forward to seeing more National

The BDPA Monthly Newsletter Speaks to:                     necessary to turn
                                                            these ideas into
            Bob Blackwell                                   wealth producing
                                                            companies. They
              Chairman and CEO                              need to understand
Blackwell Consulting Services                               the grammar of busi-
                                                            ness which is busi-
                                                            ness planning, sales,
Blackwell Consulting Services (BCS) is one of Chi-          marketing, finance,
cago’s premier information technology companies. It         etc. They also need to
opened its doors on October 1, 1992 with four employ-       think big. We need
ees and at the close of business on December 31,            companies teeming
2002 it had almost 250 people in its employ. Although       with people not sole
its focus is on Application Development, Networking,        proprietorships.
and Package Integration, Blackwell Consulting Services
is best known for its unusual ability to get projects or-   On Corporate Responsibility and firms like
ganized and done on time. This article however, is not      Blackwell Consulting Services:
going to focus on Blackwell Consulting Services but         W. E. B. Dubois once said that “Life was not a push but
rather is going to focus on its owner, Bob Blackwell who    rather was a pull”. This was part of his “talented tenth”
is an “Outside Director” of the Black Data Processing       argument that says that once a firm like Blackwell Con-
Associates (BDPA).                                          sulting Services has made it then it had an absolute re-
BDPA has asked Bob to speak to several questions: 1.        sponsibility to reach back and “pull” someone else up
The value of organizations like Black Data Processing       thereby improving the entire lot of our people. This is
Associates (BDPA) and the Information Technology            my view of Corporate Responsibility.
Senior Managers Forum (ITSMF), 2. Entrepreneurship
in the Black Community, and 3. The corporate respon-
sibility of firms like Blackwell Consulting Services.                The Information Technology
On the value of BDPA and ITSMF:                                      Senior Management Forum
Most Americans, this includes African-Americans, don’t
associate African-Americans with Information Technol-
ogy and given the daily drumbeat of the “failing public
schools” code words for the dumbing down of black           African-Americans represent only 3% of the senior IT
kids have no expectation that this will change. The job     executives nationwide. ITSMF is dedicated to creating
of BDPA and ITSMF is to change this perception by or-       a future for African-American IT professionals as
ganizing and rallying those African-Americans who are       senior managers by building the pipeline. Cultivating
in the field and by helping our children understand and
                                                            tomorrow’s IT executives through mentoring will
master this technology. It is also our job to help our
kids understand that they cannot master information
                                                            enlarge and diversify the talent pool for the industry.
technology unless they can read, write, count and think.    ITSMF focuses on developing skills and competency
Lastly we must show our kids the thrill and excitement
                                                            among African-American IT professionals so career
of our business so they can grow to love it as we do.
                                                            advancement does not stop at middle management.
On Entrepreneurship in the Black Community:
                                                            ITSMF supports BDPA through seminars and panel
Small business is the economic engine of America and
African-Americans are not participating at the rate that
                                                            discussions at the National Conference and through its
we should. We are also confused about the nature of         mentoring program.
business. 97% of African-American businesses are            ITSMF members are senior managers throughout the IT
sole proprietorships with no employees. We have so
                                                            industry. Membership is extended by invitation of an
many people who got in business because it was a last
resort. They lost their job and they are trying to make     existing member only.
ends meet. That’s fine for them but we need a different                          ITSMF
model if the community is to benefit from Entrepreneur-                      PO Box 641675
                                                                       Chicago, Illinois 60664-1675
We need bright, young people who are well trained to                          708-557-1858
jump off the high income, low wealth train of the big
corporation and involve themselves in the wealth creat-                Email:
ing world of the Entrepreneur. We need Entrepreneurs            
with good ideas who are willing to make the sacrifices

   Volume 1 Number 2    February 2002
                                     24 ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERNCE

   “Changing the Culture of IT: From                                               Sponsorship Opportunities
        Access to Ownership”                                               Contact BDPA Corporate Relations at (800) 727-BDPA
                                                                                           For more information
BDPA, the premier organization for African
Americans in Information Technology, is hosting its
                                                                                    Visit our web-site
24th Annual National Conference at Disney’s
Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL,                               CONFERENCE and CAREER FAIR
August 7-11, 2002. The 2002 National Conference                                                     Sponsorship Packages
will prove to be one of the most dynamic events in
the organization’s history. The conference serves as
a catalyst for youth, high school students, college                                                       Advertising
students, IT professionals, entrepreneurs, IT Senior                                              Program Guide     B/W
Managers, corporations, educational institutions and                                              Career Fair Guide BW
government agencies, to explore information                                                   ***************************
technology opportunities for professional growth and
technical development.                                                                            Conference Promotion
                                                                        Post Card Sponsorship             Newsletter Sponsorship
This conference provides an opportunity for                             E-mail Banner                     Web Banner
employers, professionals, students and career                           Conference Tote Bags              Conference Registration
seekers to network and pursue resources for starting                    Golf Outing                       Workshop Proceedings Book
and growing businesses. The conference provides
critical information on technology trends, business                                          Receptions & Meal Functions
skills, management training, and IT career skills                       Chapter Presidents’ Breakfast   Board of Directors’ Luncheon
development.                                                            Dignitaries Reception           Executive Reception
                                                                        Hospitality Receptions          Opening Reception
                     EXPERIENCE…                                        Youth/HSCC Conference Breakfast
 LEADING EDGE SEMINAR TRACKS:                                           Youth/HSCC Lunch                Youth/HSCC Dinner
        I.     INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                   Plenary Session (3)             Prayer Breakfast
       II.     LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT                                   Awards Banquet (10 per table)
      IV.      CAREER DEVELOPMENT                                       Awards Banquet Package          Prayer Breakfast (10 per table)
       V.      ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT                                     * Ten (10) invitations to Awards Banquet Executive Reception, one (1) banquet ta-
 IT SENIOR MANAGEMENT FORUM (ITSMF)                                     ble, prime location for banquet table, 1 full-page ad in the banquet program book
     Network with CIOs and Senior Management                            (deadlines apply)
     Professionals                                                                                IN-KIND
     Experience the excitement as high school students from over 25     Youth Conference Computers and printers
     urban communities display their skills and expertise in            HSCC Computers and printers
     programming and technical presentations.                           Workshop/Internet Computers and printers
 YOUTH CONFERENCE                                                       Cyber Cafe
     Hands-on training and workshops in technology, PC
     Building Race and IT Knowledge Quiz Bowl
                                                                        HSCC Program Support
 NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES                                               Youth Conference Program Support
     Meet IT Professionals from 45 BDPA chapters across the nation.
             TOWN HALL MEETING
                                                                                           CAREER FAIR
         •   AWARDS BANQUET sponsored by Walt Disney World®                                                       &
                                                                                          TECHNOLOGY EXPO
                                                                               Friday and Saturday, August 9th and 10th, 2002
                                                              B D P A 20 0 2
                                       2 4 A N N U A L N A T IO N A L C O N F E R E N C E
                              “ C h a n g in g th e C u ltu re o f IT : F ro m A ccess to O w n ersh ip ”
                                                          A ug ust 7 -1 1 , 2 0 0 2
                                                  D isn ey ’s C o n tem po ra ry R esort
                                                       L a ke B ue n a V ista , F L
                           P H O N E : (8 0 0) 7 27-B D P A        F A X : (3 0 1) 3 50 -0 05 2 W E B S IT E : W W W .B D P A .O R G
                                                  9 3 15 L a r g o D r ive , Suite 2 60 – L ar g o, M D 207 7 4

                                                    Information Technology
                                                        Thought Leaders
             UPCOMING EVENTS                           The newsletter designed to keep our members
                                                    informed of news, events and perspectives important
     Black Family Technology Awareness Week                         to our community
                February 10—16, 2002                 We welcome your comments:
         Check the website for programs near you.

       24th Annual National Conference                       Also read our Online Journal
          August 7—11, 2002 Walt Disney World
                    Orlando, Florida                   for breaking news, information and updates:

BDPA Information Technology Thought Leaders
National Headquarters
9315 Largo Drive West, Suite 260
Largo, MD 20774

  The BDPA Monthly Newsletter


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Newsletter: National BDPA (Feb 2002)

  • 1. The BDPA Monthly Newsletter BDPA MISSION BDPA is a global member focused organization that positions its members at the forefront of the IT industry. BDPA is committed to delivering IT excellence to our members, strategic partners, and community. The official newsletter of the BDPA Information Technology Thought Leaders President’s Message Corporate Citizenship BDPA has sustained mutually beneficial relationships with BDPA great corporate citizens for many years. This is one of the main reasons BDPA is the Premier Organization for African WELCOMES Americans in Information Technology. These relationships help BDPA to position its members at the forefront of the information technology industry, which is very important in Its newest Milt Haynes this current economic climate. These great corporate citizens support BDPA with dollars, people, equipment and facilities. Chapter BDPA It is through their generous support that BDPA continues to National President broaden the Information Technology knowledge of the OKLAHOMA African American community as a whole. CITY Great corporate citizens help BDPA achieve its mission by participating in Corporate Sponsorship programs designed to offer standard ways to invest in BDPA. These programs are predicated on the notion that corporations invest in BDPA as a means to meet their own corporate objectives. Some of the reasons that corporations invest in BDPA are: “Good corporate • Technical Development and Skill Enhancement citizens help • Opportunities for Employee Development African American • Recruiting Mechanism people help • Community Recognition and Public Relations themselves by • Networking Opportunities and Technology Exchanges supporting African • Assist in Closing the Digital Divide American What does it take to be a good corporate citizen? Good corporate citizens help businesses” African American people help themselves by supporting African American businesses, associations and community outreach programs. Good corporate citizens associations and understand that giving back to the community is the right thing to do. Good community corporate citizens target their IT budget to African American businesses and African outreach American businesses in turn support community outreach programs. Corporations programs” benefit in so many ways by being actively involved in BDPA, it is only fitting that they reciprocate. Allstate Insurance is a perfect example. Allstate has been a consistent and stalwart Contents: BDPA supporter over time. Allstate engages Computer Resource Solutions (CRS), Letter from the President 1 an African American owned business that supports BDPA. By providing high Black Family Awareness quality and consistent service over time, CRS has the distinction of being one of five Week 3 IT vendors on Allstate’s prestigious preferred vendors list. Allstate donates Corporate Ad 4 equipment and computers and human resources to support community outreach Professional Development 5 programs. For example, when BPDA Chicago built the BDPA Technology Center Blackwell Speaks 6 and accompanying office space, Allstate donated a fine conference table and chairs ITSMF 6 (Continued on page 2) Volume 1 Number 2 February 2002
  • 2. There are several other corporate supporters of note. (Continued from page 1 - President’s Special thanks to Bob Blackwell, newly appointed Outside Message) Director for the National BDPA Board of Directors for sponsoring this issue of the National BDPA Monthly from excess inventory. Allstate has donated equipment to Newsletter and for sharing his perspectives in an build 2 community technology centers. accompanying article. And thanks to Michael Not only has Allstate donated equipment in support of McCrimmon, National BDPA CIO and Director of Travel BDPA community outreach programs, Allstate has also and Transportation at IBM Global Services for providing provided technical staff to conduct train-the-trainer conference call support for the National BDPA Executive programs to make the technology centers self-sufficient. Committee and 2002 Internal Conference Team. Allstate provided an Executive on Loan, to work full time Would you like more information on how to become a to develop a community technology center program at great corporate citizen? To find a local chapter to support, Bontemps Elementary School in Chicago. This center is visit To find out more being used to pilot an online tutoring program and about corporate participation opportunities for the technical resource center called Homework911 that is upcoming BDPA 2002 24th Annual National Conference, being shared with BDPA Chapters around the country. please visit and if you This phenomenal program will help thousands of students would like information on the new Corporate Partners improve their grade point averages and standardized test program, please send email to me at scores. Working together we can do great things! Allstate employees roll up their sleeves and get involved. Milt Haynes An Allstate employee served as the Chair of BDPA National BDPA President Education and Technology Foundation. Three Executive February 2002 Committee members of the BDPA Chicago Chapter are Allstate employees. The BDPA Chicago Corporate Advisory Council Chair is an Allstate employee. An Welcome to the Allstate employee serves on the National BDPA Executive BDPA Committee. Allstate employees run the BDPA Chicago and National BDPA Student Internship programs. Monthly Newsletter Allstate’s CIO served as an Honorary Chair for the 2001 Our new monthly newsletter National BDPA Conference and enthusiastically volunteered to serve again as Honorary Chair for the 2002 As a service to our members, the BDPA Monthly Conference. Newsletter is distributed to provide pertinent information on National BDPA activities. For several years, Allstate has consistently donated printing services to BDPA in support of the National The BDPA Monthly Newsletter will entail such Conference that has resulted in an annual savings of over things as: Career and Professional Development $50,000. Allstate has consistently donated $25,000 each guidelines, “hot” technical skills, job year to the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation opportunities, member profiles, upcoming in support of BDPA National and local chapter programs. Professional and Social events, vision and Allstate’s investment in BDPA not only helps Allstate thought leadership articles from the National employees to develop technical, leadership and Executive Committee as well as other BDPA interpersonal skills, Allstate knows that by reaching back members. into the community to support elementary school, high Hopefully, you will find this publication to be school and college programs, an endless supply of future informative and insightful. We welcome your employment candidates will be available. input on the newsletter. Allstate Insurance is a great corporate citizen and there are Comments, suggestions, and opinions can be sent many others too. Abbott Laboratories, ABN AMRO, Bank to: of America, Boeing, Cap Gemini Ernst and Young, ENJOY! Compuware, Computer Resource Solutions, DePaul University, ES Technology, First Union, Hewitt Respectfully, Associates, Hill's Pet Nutrition, IBM, KeySpan Energy, Reginald J. Gardner Kraft Foods, Mayo Clinic, Lucent Technologies, National BDPA Vice President, Member Services Microsoft, Merck and Company, Prudential Financial, R. R. Donnelley & Sons, SAP, Sears Roebuck and Company, Publications Committee Toyota Motor Manufacturing of North America, Walt Christopher A. Williams (DeVry Institute) Disney World have all sponsored BDPA programs in a Letitia Andrews (Nokia) major way. Reggie Gardner (Sears) Volume 1 Number 2 Volume 1 Number 1 2 February 2002 January 2002 2
  • 3. dren to grandparents", said Bill Benyard, BFTAW Project BDPA Focuses on Technology Coordinator. During Black History Month! He noted, "We want to highlight positive role models and celebrate leaders in the field of technology. Urban com- 4th Annual Black Family munities across the nation will be encouraged to create or Technology Awareness Week expand local programs that train and motivate Black youngsters and adults currently in the workforce to be- Bill Benyard, BFTAW Project Coordinator for Black Data come the technological workforce of tomorrow." Processing Associates (BDPA) Information Technology Thought Leaders ( announced that Other BDPA Chapters involved in the 2002 BFTAW ini- seven local BDPA chapters received national funding to tiative include: Atlanta, Boston, Chattanooga, Charlotte, bring the 4th Annual Black Family Technology Aware- Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Greater San Fernando Valley, ness Week (BFTAW) to their urban communities on Houston, New York, Olympia, Philadelphia, Seattle and February 10-16, 2002. Southern Minnesota. BDPA was awarded funding ranging from $500 to $1000 It is worth noting that BDPA is the premier organization for chapter delivery of BFTAW programs in Cincinnati for African-American professionals in the Information OH, Greater Columbia SC, Los Angeles CA, Newark NJ, Technology industry. Milt Haynes, National BDPA Presi- Orlando FL, Richmond VA, and St. Louis MO. There has dent stated, "For over 25 years, BPDA has fulfilled its been great progress within the last few years to bridge the mission and worked to "bridge the digital divide" by pro- so-called Digital Divide. However, there still remains a viding career growth opportunities for its members. We significant gap between the access & usage of technology have increased technology awareness in our communities for people of color in our community. BDPA wishes to by providing educational and professional development use the start of Black History Month to focus on getting opportunities through various programs in our chapters the Black family to use technology as a tool for educa- across the country. Our decision to promote BFTAW is tional and economic equality. We live in an information another example of our commitment to our community & age. Those that have the best information will do the best membership." in the workplace, in school and at home. Utilization of technology leads to knowledge and knowledge is power. Learn about the BFTAW programs in your community BDPA wants to use Black Family Technology Awareness from the national BFTAW website at http://www. Week ( as a catalyst to em- and show your support! power the community for the new millennium. The Black Data Processing Associates national headquar- BFTAW is a national event that was first brought to the ters is located in Largo, Maryland. Earl Pace and the late public by Career Communications Group [publisher of US David Wimberly founded the organization in 1975. Black Engineer Magazine & Hispanic Engineer Maga- BDPA has over 40 chapters in the US. Contact 800-727- zine] in 1999. IBM provides generous support. Organiza- BDPA or for additional information. tions throughout the country will participate in wide range of educational and fun activities related to technology dur- ing the week of February 10-16, 2002. Each day of the week has a suggested theme and recom- mended activities: High Tech Sunday (Sunday); Technol- ogy in the Home and Community (Monday); Family Tech Night (Tuesday); Software Applications for the Home and Small Business (Wednesday); Internet Day (Thursday); Corporate Open House Day (Friday); and BFTAW Clos- ing Festival (Saturday). BDPA has requested that churches and corporations in over a dozen urban commu- nities support BFTAW. Also, BDPA is requesting that organizations sponsor a day at their facilities or identify individuals (old and young) that can benefit from this in- formation. "BDPA plans to demonstrate how technologies, such as the Internet, reach all parts of the future workforce and household affecting all generations from preschool chil- 3
  • 4. BLACKWELL AD Page 4 Volume 1 Number 1 2 February 2002 January 2002
  • 5. Professional Development Security Policies, Guidelines, and JOBS! If IT security is a career option for you, are you prepared? IT Security According to Computerworld, Business Careers, IT Security This month’s article, “IT Security”, is not so much on the various forms of security breaches that can occur (Nimba worm, “I love you” virus, firewall intrusions, personal privacy invasions, etc.), but more on the growing need for IT Security Professionals. As we attempt to “Bridge the Digital Divide”, the need for IT Security Professionals should be seriously considered. In today’s heightened awareness of security, IT is more important than ever. Estimates place the IT Security market (authentication, authorization, and security administration) at $8 Billion over the next three years. Companies recognize their data as an extremely valuable resource. Security of that resource is critical. As a result, I would view the $8 Billion estimate as rather conservative. Within the last 100 days, proposals and suggestions for IT security enhancements have come from three prominent figures that I would like to emphasize. Professionals’ salaries range from $60K/year for Network Security First, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D – Conn.), also Chairman of Administrators, to $140K/year for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, has called for the Project Managers. creation of a $1 Billion IT fund that “would enhance homeland For more information on careers in IT Security, as well as other IT and information security while providing a much needed boost professions, stay abreast of opportunities at to the sagging economy.” Although Senator Liberman did NOT jobs. go into details on specific allocation percentages, he did Reginald J. Gardner mention four key areas the funding would cover: air travel, bio- NBDPA Vice President, Member Services terrorism, transportation, and border control. As an example, part of the money could fund and “early warning detection system” for the airlines industry. This system The BDPA would identify suspected terrorists if they tried to book flights. It would also fund the use of bio metric-enabled “smart cards” to confirm passengers’ identities. Furthermore, the funds could MONTHLY pay for explosive scanner equipment for airports. Second, Mr. Harris Miller, President of the IT Association of NEWSLETTER America (ITAA) has suggested “at least $10 Billion in federal funding is needed to ensure adequate homeland cyber is mailed and electronically forwarded defenses.” (ITAA is an industry group that represents more to over 10,000 than 500 IT companies around the United States). Mr. Miller suggests the government provide $4 Billion in loans of our members, friends and supporters to small and medium sized businesses to allow for increased training and tools to solidify IT systems, and lessen the impact of cyber attacks on businesses.” Mr. Miller proposes $3 Billion to go into government grants for upgrades to state and local government critical systems, and enhance information security Ad Space is training for state and local officials. Miller urged the government to utilize approximately $2.5 Billion to upgrade federal systems and security, as well as increase the IT security education and training offered to government employees. available Finally, Miller suggests $500 Million in grants should be made available to public and private universities to establish more IT in several 2002 issues security programs. One-page rate $1500.00 Third, Mr. Richard Clarke, Chairman of the U. S. President’s 1/2-page rate $1000.00 Critical Infrastructure Board suggest that cyber attacks on the nations’ critical IT infrastructure could potentially cause Two page limit on ad space each month “catastrophic damage to the economy.” Although Clarke does Act right away! not give specific amounts, he does state that “…spending on IT security and infrastructure protection has to increase in both the For information contact private and public sectors.” LaCresha Lightfoot, BDPA Corporate Relations (800) 727-BDPA Whatever the final outcome of these proposals and suggestions, I’m sure we can all look forward to seeing more National 5
  • 6. The BDPA Monthly Newsletter Speaks to: necessary to turn these ideas into Bob Blackwell wealth producing companies. They Chairman and CEO need to understand Blackwell Consulting Services the grammar of busi- ness which is busi- ness planning, sales, Blackwell Consulting Services (BCS) is one of Chi- marketing, finance, cago’s premier information technology companies. It etc. They also need to opened its doors on October 1, 1992 with four employ- think big. We need ees and at the close of business on December 31, companies teeming 2002 it had almost 250 people in its employ. Although with people not sole its focus is on Application Development, Networking, proprietorships. and Package Integration, Blackwell Consulting Services is best known for its unusual ability to get projects or- On Corporate Responsibility and firms like ganized and done on time. This article however, is not Blackwell Consulting Services: going to focus on Blackwell Consulting Services but W. E. B. Dubois once said that “Life was not a push but rather is going to focus on its owner, Bob Blackwell who rather was a pull”. This was part of his “talented tenth” is an “Outside Director” of the Black Data Processing argument that says that once a firm like Blackwell Con- Associates (BDPA). sulting Services has made it then it had an absolute re- BDPA has asked Bob to speak to several questions: 1. sponsibility to reach back and “pull” someone else up The value of organizations like Black Data Processing thereby improving the entire lot of our people. This is Associates (BDPA) and the Information Technology my view of Corporate Responsibility. Senior Managers Forum (ITSMF), 2. Entrepreneurship in the Black Community, and 3. The corporate respon- sibility of firms like Blackwell Consulting Services. The Information Technology On the value of BDPA and ITSMF: Senior Management Forum Most Americans, this includes African-Americans, don’t associate African-Americans with Information Technol- ogy and given the daily drumbeat of the “failing public ITSMF schools” code words for the dumbing down of black African-Americans represent only 3% of the senior IT kids have no expectation that this will change. The job executives nationwide. ITSMF is dedicated to creating of BDPA and ITSMF is to change this perception by or- a future for African-American IT professionals as ganizing and rallying those African-Americans who are senior managers by building the pipeline. Cultivating in the field and by helping our children understand and tomorrow’s IT executives through mentoring will master this technology. It is also our job to help our kids understand that they cannot master information enlarge and diversify the talent pool for the industry. technology unless they can read, write, count and think. ITSMF focuses on developing skills and competency Lastly we must show our kids the thrill and excitement among African-American IT professionals so career of our business so they can grow to love it as we do. advancement does not stop at middle management. On Entrepreneurship in the Black Community: ITSMF supports BDPA through seminars and panel Small business is the economic engine of America and African-Americans are not participating at the rate that discussions at the National Conference and through its we should. We are also confused about the nature of mentoring program. business. 97% of African-American businesses are ITSMF members are senior managers throughout the IT sole proprietorships with no employees. We have so industry. Membership is extended by invitation of an many people who got in business because it was a last resort. They lost their job and they are trying to make existing member only. ends meet. That’s fine for them but we need a different ITSMF model if the community is to benefit from Entrepreneur- PO Box 641675 ship. Chicago, Illinois 60664-1675 We need bright, young people who are well trained to 708-557-1858 jump off the high income, low wealth train of the big corporation and involve themselves in the wealth creat- Email: ing world of the Entrepreneur. We need Entrepreneurs with good ideas who are willing to make the sacrifices Volume 1 Number 2 February 2002
  • 7. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY THOUGHT LEADERS th 24 ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERNCE “Changing the Culture of IT: From Sponsorship Opportunities Access to Ownership” Contact BDPA Corporate Relations at (800) 727-BDPA For more information BDPA, the premier organization for African Americans in Information Technology, is hosting its Visit our web-site 24th Annual National Conference at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL, CONFERENCE and CAREER FAIR August 7-11, 2002. The 2002 National Conference Sponsorship Packages will prove to be one of the most dynamic events in the organization’s history. The conference serves as a catalyst for youth, high school students, college Advertising students, IT professionals, entrepreneurs, IT Senior Program Guide B/W Managers, corporations, educational institutions and Career Fair Guide BW government agencies, to explore information *************************** technology opportunities for professional growth and technical development. Conference Promotion Post Card Sponsorship Newsletter Sponsorship This conference provides an opportunity for E-mail Banner Web Banner employers, professionals, students and career Conference Tote Bags Conference Registration seekers to network and pursue resources for starting Golf Outing Workshop Proceedings Book and growing businesses. The conference provides critical information on technology trends, business Receptions & Meal Functions skills, management training, and IT career skills Chapter Presidents’ Breakfast Board of Directors’ Luncheon development. Dignitaries Reception Executive Reception Hospitality Receptions Opening Reception EXPERIENCE… Youth/HSCC Conference Breakfast LEADING EDGE SEMINAR TRACKS: Youth/HSCC Lunch Youth/HSCC Dinner I. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Plenary Session (3) Prayer Breakfast II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Awards Banquet (10 per table) III. ENTREPRENEURS & SMALL BUSINESS IV. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Awards Banquet Package Prayer Breakfast (10 per table) V. ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT * Ten (10) invitations to Awards Banquet Executive Reception, one (1) banquet ta- IT SENIOR MANAGEMENT FORUM (ITSMF) ble, prime location for banquet table, 1 full-page ad in the banquet program book Network with CIOs and Senior Management (deadlines apply) Professionals IN-KIND HIGH SCHOOL COMPUTER COMPETITION (HSCC) Experience the excitement as high school students from over 25 Youth Conference Computers and printers urban communities display their skills and expertise in HSCC Computers and printers programming and technical presentations. Workshop/Internet Computers and printers YOUTH CONFERENCE Cyber Cafe Hands-on training and workshops in technology, PC Building Race and IT Knowledge Quiz Bowl HSCC Program Support NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Youth Conference Program Support Meet IT Professionals from 45 BDPA chapters across the nation. • DIGNITARIES RECEPTION & CIO ROUNDTABLE • ENTREPRENEUR SHOWCASE • • COLLEGE & HBCU ROUNDTABLE TOWN HALL MEETING CAREER FAIR • AWARDS BANQUET sponsored by Walt Disney World® & • EXECUTIVE GOLF OUTING • PRAYER BREAKFAST TECHNOLOGY EXPO Friday and Saturday, August 9th and 10th, 2002 B D P A 20 0 2 th 2 4 A N N U A L N A T IO N A L C O N F E R E N C E “ C h a n g in g th e C u ltu re o f IT : F ro m A ccess to O w n ersh ip ” A ug ust 7 -1 1 , 2 0 0 2 D isn ey ’s C o n tem po ra ry R esort L a ke B ue n a V ista , F L P H O N E : (8 0 0) 7 27-B D P A F A X : (3 0 1) 3 50 -0 05 2 W E B S IT E : W W W .B D P A .O R G 9 3 15 L a r g o D r ive , Suite 2 60 – L ar g o, M D 207 7 4
  • 8. FEBRUARY 2002 ISSUE BDPA Information Technology Thought Leaders MONTHLY NEWSLETTER UPCOMING EVENTS The newsletter designed to keep our members informed of news, events and perspectives important Black Family Technology Awareness Week to our community (BFTAW) February 10—16, 2002 We welcome your comments: Check the website for programs near you. 24th Annual National Conference Also read our Online Journal August 7—11, 2002 Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida for breaking news, information and updates: BDPA Information Technology Thought Leaders National Headquarters 9315 Largo Drive West, Suite 260 Largo, MD 20774 The BDPA Monthly Newsletter FEBRUARY 2002 ISSUE