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Medicinal Plants for Diseases
A series of Lectures
Mr. Allah Dad Khan
former DG Agriculture Extension KP Province and Visiting
ProfessortheUniversity of Agriculture Peshawar
What is Gastritis?
• Gastritis is essentially an inflammation of the
stomach’s inner lining. The symptoms can range
from mild irritation in the abdomen that we can
easily ignore to severe pain that could be
indicative of perforations in the lining. The inner
lining of the stomach can get eroded away due to
a bacterial onslaught or anaemia, leading to
ulcers. In some acute cases, these may even lead
to cancer. But the picture is not nearly as gloomy.
If you don’t actively ignore the signs your body is
giving you about the battered stomach lining, you
should be able to combat the problem quite well.
Symptoms of Gastritis:
• The most common symptoms of a troubled
stomach and gastritis include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Tarry stools
• Incessant hiccups
• Abdominal pain and bloating
What Causes a Bad Case of Gastritis?
• Unhealthy eating habit is the biggest
culprit behind gastritis. Habits like
excessive smoking, drinking and
unchecked popping of pain killer pills can
also lead to gastritis. Instead of resorting
to over the counter medicines when
gastritis rears its ugly head, try these time
tested home remedies that can fight
gastritis effectively.
for Gastritis
• Lemon
• There is a belief that
lemon and lemon juice
should be avoided while
having gastritis.
However, lemon or
lemon juice or other
fruit juice consumption
will let you prevent and
get rid of gastritis. You
will need to add a pinch
of salt in lemon juice to
naturally treat gastritis.
• Marigold is another
highly effective herb
to treat gastritis. Take
1 tablespoon of this
herb two times a day
to fight gastritis.
Herbal Teas
Gastritis refers to a condition in
which the lining of the stomach
becomes inflamed. In some
cases, this condition can develop
suddenly. In other situations, it
comes about gradually and in a
more chronic state of
development. The condition is
often caused by bacteria,
specifically H. pylori (Helicobacter
pylori) but may be caused by
other viruses and infections as
well. Gastritis may also be the
result of damage or distress to the
stomach such as that caused
from excessive alcohol, drug or
medication use and irritation from
other general causes
• Amla Saar is the nature's richest
source of natural vitamin C. Amla
(Emblica officinalis) contains
standardized extract of Amla fruit
pulp which has the highest content
of vitamin C of any natural
occurring substances in nature.
Amla is most useful treatment of
ulcers and hyperacidity. Amla, in a
raw or natural form, reduces
cholesterol and cholesterol
induced atherosclerosis
(Obstruction of the arteries),
making it a useful natural product
to fight obesity. Ayurveda
describes it as one of the best
herbs for Diabetes, bleeding
disorders, strength and stamina
promoter. Read More
• Thyme features
antimicrobial properties that
are thought to be able to
inhibit bacterial growth,
including that of gastritis
producing H. pylori bacteria.
In addition, thyme has also
been used for the
therapeutic relief of a wide
variety of digestive dramas.
No other herbal tea recipes
are complete without this
tummy soothing herb due to
its unique and notably
savory flavor.
Cranberry –
this delicious treatment fights
the H. pylori infections that
cause gastritis. In more detail,
it keeps the bacteria from
attaching to the lining of the
stomach and its tissues. You
can either drink cranberry
juice, make tea out of the dried
fruits or take pills based on the
cranberry extract, because
they all work. Remember you
need to ingest as much as 400
mg every day, twice a day for
this home remedy to work.
this is a type of resin that
comes from the mastic tree.
You can find it in drugstores
and health shops under the
names ‘Yemen gum’ or ‘Arabic
gum’. It looks like little yellow
or white crystals, and it tastes
a bit bitter at first. However,
after some mastication, it
releases a very fresh and
lovely piny or even cedar-like
Take between 1000 and 2000
mg of it every day in 2 or 3
doses, if you want these home
remedies for gastritis to work.
Coconut Water:
Drinking the sweet water of
tender, green coconut is
said to be very beneficial for
those suffering from
gastritis. It is chock full of
vitamins and minerals,
which help the stomach
function better. Try to drink a
glass of this water three to
four times a day. Also, be
sure that the coconut water
is not slightly tangy as that
can cause acid reflux.
• Ginger is one of the useful home remedies
for gastritis too. It contains antibacterial
andanti-inflammatory properties which can
reduce inflammation as well as treat the
infection or alleviate symptoms such as gas,
nausea, bloating, indigestion, and stomach
pain. So if you want to use ginger to get rid of
gastritis, you had better follow these steps
• First, add a teaspoon of chopped ginger root
into a cup of hot water
• Then, cover and let it steep for about 10
• After that, strain the liquid
• Next, add honey if you want
• Finally, slowly sip the tea
• Drink it two or three times per day in a week
Fennel Seeds:
• With the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
antispasmodic and stomachic inside, fennel
seeds can help to relieve gastritis’ symptoms
like vomiting, heartburn, intestinal gas,
bloating, and indigestion. Plus, they may help
to relax the muscles which are in the
gastrointestinal tract along with soothing the
digestive system. Now if you want to treat
gastritis by using fennel seeds, you just need
to follow the detailed instruction here:
• First, take a teaspoon of fennel seeds
• Then, add to a cup of hot water
• Next, cover and let it steep for about 10
• After straining, add a little honey if you want
• Finally, drink this tea three times per day
• Continue doing this remedy in a week
Papaya is full of beta
carotene, which has
digestive properties and
helps in regenerating the
inner mucous lining of the
stomach. It also contains
a unique enzyme called
papain that helps in easy
digestion of food. Now
you know why Indian
cuisine uses chunks of
papaya in its mutton and
lamb dishes!
Pine Apple
• Like papaya, pineapple too
contains digestive enzymes
that help in digesting food
without causing irritation. If
you suffer from gastritis, try
and consume alkaline food.
Pineapple is an alkaline fruit
so including it in your diet
will help combat gastritis.
But be sure to eat very ripe
pineapples because unripe
pineapples sometimes
aggravate the problem in
some patients.
If you suffer from repeated bouts of
gastritis, it maybe because of
allowed digestion. With our
increasingly protein based diet and
the vanishing vegetables from our
menu, the digestion process has
taken a trip to the south. Lack of
fibre has led to a slower digestion
process, which in turn leads to over
secretion of acidic juices in the
stomach. Artichokes are rich in fibre
and also are a good alkaline dietary
source. Not only does it help in
mobilizing food in your stomach, but
also keeps the pH level of your
pyloric juices balanced.
Potato Juice:
• Thanks to the healing and antacid
properties, potato juice can relieve
the symptoms such as excess gas,
bloating, cramping and so on. And
here is the detailed direction of using
this remedy to treat gastritis:
• First, peel one or two potatoes and
grate them
• Then, put them into a strainer
• Next, press in order to extract the
juice by using a spoon
• After that, pour a little warm water
so as to dilute a half cup of juice
• Finally, drink this mixture three times
per day and before eating meal 30
• Continue in one or two weeks
• If you have trouble with gastritis and want to
get rid of it, why don’t you try licorice? It
contains soothing and anti-inflammatory
properties which can help to cure the
symptoms such as indigestion, burning in the
stomach or heartburn. Thus, let’s carry out
this remedy to get rid of gastritis according to
the detailed direction here:
• First, take a teaspoon of licorice powder
• Then, add to a cup of hot water
• Next, cover and allow it to steep for about 10
• After that, strain it
• Finally, drink this liquid two or three times
per day
• Repeat this remedy in a week
• No, by marshmallow we
don’t mean the gooey
sweet treat, but the herb
Athena Officinalis.
Marshmallow is beneficial
in soothing the inner
lining of the digestive
tract and stomach. This
herb contains a lot of
mucilage, which makes
the tract slippery and
allows easy passage of
food and treats reflux and
heartburn as well.
• This herbal remedy for
gastritis is good in cases
where the reason behind
the inflammation of
digestive mucosa is most
likely a bacterial
interference. Goldenseal
contains a chemical
named berberine, which
has adverse effects on
bacteria and fungi, which
reduces the possibility of
gastritis, duodenal ulcers,
colitis and liver
• When talking about home remedies for
gastritis, peppermint should be mentioned
too. Thanks to the antibacterial,
antispasmodic, soothing, and anti-
inflammatory properties, peppermint is able
to decrease inflammatory in the stomach
lining. Additionally, it may reduce
indigestion, heartburn and nausea. So when
using peppermint, you should choose one of
the methods below
• You should take coated peppermint tablets.
You just take 1 tablet two or three times per
day which is recommended. If you want to
get the best result, you should the doctor
• You are able to chew peppermint leaves
• Besides, you can add peppermint to your
smoothie, soup, and salad
Long Pepper Powder:
Although spicy food
should be cut down,
having half a gram of long
pepper powder with a
tablespoon of honey can
help relieve gastritis
related problem
Boiled Ash Gourd:
Gourds of all varieties
are great for cooling
down your system, but
ash gourd, especially
helps in reducing
gastritis related
problems. You can boil
it with jaggery to reduce
bloating and acid reflux.
Cardamom Seeds, Fennel Seeds And
• If you want to treat gastritis fast, why
don’t you try the mixture between
cardamon seeds, fennel seeds and
cinnamon? This mixture can reduce all
the symptoms which are caused by
gastritis. And here is the detailed
instruction you are able to follow:
• First take the same equal of cardamom
seeds, fennel seeds and cinnamon
• Then fry them in a dry pan for about 20 –
30 minutes
• Next add vegetable oil to the fried seeds
• After that, crush them in order to make a
• Finally, take a half teaspoon of this
powder after your meals
• And keep doing every day until your
condition is better
Holy basil is also one of the effective
home remedies for gastritis. It can be
used to treat the symptoms of gastritis
such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion
and stomach pain due to its antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus,
when using this herb as a treatment, you
ought to follow these steps below:
• First, prepare a teaspoon of basil
• Then, add them to a cup of hot water
• Next, allow it to steep for 5 minutes
• After that, train the liquid
• Finally, drink this tea 3 times per day.
You can also add a little honey to
make it more delicious.
• Keep doing in a few weeks
Black Pepper With Honey
• One of the useful home
remedies for gastritis is black
pepper. If you want to treat
your gastritis by using this
remedy, you should follow
these steps as following:
• First take one pinch of black
pepper powder and a
teaspoon of honey
• Then mix them well together
• Finally, consume the mixture
twice a day
• Do this remedy daily until your
situation is improved
• In a study, it is said that strawberries can
reduce the harm which alcohol often
causes to the mucous membrane in the
stomach if you eat strawberries.
Additionally, they can heal gastritis
thanks to their antioxidant properties. So
if you want to use them as a remedy to
treat gastritis, you should follow these
steps below:
• First, take a teaspoon of dried strawberry
• Then, add them to a cup of hot water
• After that, allow it to steep for 5 minutes
• Next, strain it
• Finally, drink this liquid twice or thrice per
• Keep doing this remedy every day until
all the symptoms of gastritis are taken
• Alternatively, you should take
strawberries ev
Chamomile Tea:
• Chamomile tea is also a good solution to
treat gastritis. It includes the essential oil
which can be beneficial for the digestive
system. Even it may soothe the intestinal
walls, eliminate gas and provide a relief from
the sudden pains. Plus, it reduces the
stomach inflammation. So to make this tea,
you need to follow these steps here:
• First, take one or two teaspoons of dried
chamomile flower
• Then, add them to a cup of boiling water
• Next, cover and let it steep for 5 or 10
• After that, strain the liquid
• Add a little honey
• Finally, drink this tea several times per day as
• Do this remedy in a week
Cabbage Juice
• Cabbage is a popular vegetable. It
is very good for your health. And it
also is a good remedy which can
be used to treat gastritis fast at
home. In order to use cabbage to
treat the symptoms of gastritis,
you should make cabbage juice as
the following direction below:
• First, take some cabbage leaves
• Then, blend them with a half cup
of water
• Finally, take it when there is
nothing on your stomach
• Do this remedy once or twice per
• Keep doing every day until all the
symptoms are taken away
Peach Leaves Tea
• Peach leaves are also
mentioned here. In order to
make this tea, you had
better follow these steps
• First prepare two teaspoons
of peach leaves
• Then add a cup of boiling
• Next cover and allow it to
steep for about 10 minutes
• Finally, drink this tea three
times a day
• Repeat every day until your
condition is bette
• Another home remedy you can
apply is parsley. Therefore, to
make this tea, you ought to
consult the instruction below:
• First, prepare 3 or 4 teaspoons
of chopped parsley root
• Then, pour a glass of boiling
• Next, let it steep for 15 minutes
• Finally, drink this tea slowly
• Do this remedy 2 or 3 times
per day daily until all the
symptoms are gone away
Olive Oil And Milk
• Olive oil is one of the best and the
most effective home remedies for
gastritis too. It can decrease the
irritation in the stomach walls. And
here is the detailed instruction you
can consult when using this
• First take a tablespoon of olive oil
• Then add a cup of hot milk or
sometimes you can use hot water
• Finally, drink this mixture once a
day when your stomach is empty
• Do this remedy every day until all
the symptoms are taken away
Flax seed
• The next home remedy which
can help you treat gastritis is
flaxseed. And you should do
this remedy as the detailed
instruction here:
• First, take a tablespoon of
• Then, put it into a glass of
warm water
• Next, leave it for about 12
• Finally, drink this liquid as tea
once or twice a day
• Repeat every day until your
condition is better
Rosemary is bursting with
analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, anti-viral
and anti-septic properties
all of which worls together
to manage the symptoms
of gastritis. It can be
infused in tea or
consumed in the form of
capsules or tincture and
essential oils.
• Cumin seeds are also one of the
natural home remedies for
gastritis. So when applying this
remedy, you need to follow these
steps below:
• First, crush cumin seeds into a
fine paste
• Then, add a half teaspoon of
crushed cumin seeds into a liter of
• Next, boil cumin seeds with water
for about 2 minutes
• After that, filter the liquid
• Finally, drink this liquid as needed
• Repeat every day until your
situation is improved
Turmeric contains
curcumin, an anti-
inflammatory, anti-fungal
and anti-bacterial
polyphenol, which
soothes the gastric
mucosa and reduces
irritation in the gastro-
intestinal tract. You can
make a paste of turmeric
and have a tablespoon
with banana and yoghurt
every day.
This is another spice that
works wonders on
gastritis patients. You can
simply chew the cloves to
get relief from nausea,
heartburn and acid reflux.
You can have a mix clove
powder and honey or
drink it with water to
relieve nausea and
Carom seeds
• Carom seeds are known as a natural
antacid. They will give you a relief to the
mucous membrane in the stomach from
hyperacidity and acidity. Also, carom
seeds can treat bloating, indigestion and
nausea. So if you want to do this remedy,
you should follow these steps below:
• First, take 4 teaspoons of carom seeds
• Then, put them into 2 cups of water
• Next, boil them until the water decrease
• After that, strain it
• Finally, drink a half cup of this liquid twice
a day
• Keep doing until all the symptoms are
gone away
Medicinal plants and  gastratis A series of PresentationByMr. Allah D ad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension KP Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan

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Medicinal plants and gastratis A series of Presentation By Mr. Allah D ad Khan Former DG Agriculture Extension KP Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan

  • 1.
  • 2. Medicinal Plants for Diseases “Gastratis” ” A series of Lectures By Mr. Allah Dad Khan former DG Agriculture Extension KP Province and Visiting ProfessortheUniversity of Agriculture Peshawar
  • 3.
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  • 6. What is Gastritis? • Gastritis is essentially an inflammation of the stomach’s inner lining. The symptoms can range from mild irritation in the abdomen that we can easily ignore to severe pain that could be indicative of perforations in the lining. The inner lining of the stomach can get eroded away due to a bacterial onslaught or anaemia, leading to ulcers. In some acute cases, these may even lead to cancer. But the picture is not nearly as gloomy. If you don’t actively ignore the signs your body is giving you about the battered stomach lining, you should be able to combat the problem quite well.
  • 7. Symptoms of Gastritis: • The most common symptoms of a troubled stomach and gastritis include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Tarry stools • Incessant hiccups • Abdominal pain and bloating •
  • 8. What Causes a Bad Case of Gastritis? • Unhealthy eating habit is the biggest culprit behind gastritis. Habits like excessive smoking, drinking and unchecked popping of pain killer pills can also lead to gastritis. Instead of resorting to over the counter medicines when gastritis rears its ugly head, try these time tested home remedies that can fight gastritis effectively.
  • 10. Lemon • Lemon • There is a belief that lemon and lemon juice should be avoided while having gastritis. However, lemon or lemon juice or other fruit juice consumption will let you prevent and get rid of gastritis. You will need to add a pinch of salt in lemon juice to naturally treat gastritis.
  • 11. Marigold • Marigold is another highly effective herb to treat gastritis. Take 1 tablespoon of this herb two times a day to fight gastritis.
  • 12. Herbal Teas Gastritis refers to a condition in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. In some cases, this condition can develop suddenly. In other situations, it comes about gradually and in a more chronic state of development. The condition is often caused by bacteria, specifically H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) but may be caused by other viruses and infections as well. Gastritis may also be the result of damage or distress to the stomach such as that caused from excessive alcohol, drug or medication use and irritation from other general causes
  • 13. AMLA JUICE • Amla Saar is the nature's richest source of natural vitamin C. Amla (Emblica officinalis) contains standardized extract of Amla fruit pulp which has the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Amla is most useful treatment of ulcers and hyperacidity. Amla, in a raw or natural form, reduces cholesterol and cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product to fight obesity. Ayurveda describes it as one of the best herbs for Diabetes, bleeding disorders, strength and stamina promoter. Read More
  • 14. Thyme • Thyme features antimicrobial properties that are thought to be able to inhibit bacterial growth, including that of gastritis producing H. pylori bacteria. In addition, thyme has also been used for the therapeutic relief of a wide variety of digestive dramas. No other herbal tea recipes are complete without this tummy soothing herb due to its unique and notably savory flavor.
  • 15. Cranberry – this delicious treatment fights the H. pylori infections that cause gastritis. In more detail, it keeps the bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach and its tissues. You can either drink cranberry juice, make tea out of the dried fruits or take pills based on the cranberry extract, because they all work. Remember you need to ingest as much as 400 mg every day, twice a day for this home remedy to work.
  • 16. Mastic this is a type of resin that comes from the mastic tree. You can find it in drugstores and health shops under the names ‘Yemen gum’ or ‘Arabic gum’. It looks like little yellow or white crystals, and it tastes a bit bitter at first. However, after some mastication, it releases a very fresh and lovely piny or even cedar-like aroma. Take between 1000 and 2000 mg of it every day in 2 or 3 doses, if you want these home remedies for gastritis to work.
  • 17. Coconut Water: Drinking the sweet water of tender, green coconut is said to be very beneficial for those suffering from gastritis. It is chock full of vitamins and minerals, which help the stomach function better. Try to drink a glass of this water three to four times a day. Also, be sure that the coconut water is not slightly tangy as that can cause acid reflux.
  • 18. Ginger: • Ginger is one of the useful home remedies for gastritis too. It contains antibacterial andanti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation as well as treat the infection or alleviate symptoms such as gas, nausea, bloating, indigestion, and stomach pain. So if you want to use ginger to get rid of gastritis, you had better follow these steps here: • First, add a teaspoon of chopped ginger root into a cup of hot water • Then, cover and let it steep for about 10 minutes • After that, strain the liquid • Next, add honey if you want • Finally, slowly sip the tea • Drink it two or three times per day in a week
  • 19. Fennel Seeds: • With the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and stomachic inside, fennel seeds can help to relieve gastritis’ symptoms like vomiting, heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, and indigestion. Plus, they may help to relax the muscles which are in the gastrointestinal tract along with soothing the digestive system. Now if you want to treat gastritis by using fennel seeds, you just need to follow the detailed instruction here: • First, take a teaspoon of fennel seeds • Then, add to a cup of hot water • Next, cover and let it steep for about 10 minutes • After straining, add a little honey if you want • Finally, drink this tea three times per day • Continue doing this remedy in a week
  • 20. Papaya: Papaya is full of beta carotene, which has digestive properties and helps in regenerating the inner mucous lining of the stomach. It also contains a unique enzyme called papain that helps in easy digestion of food. Now you know why Indian cuisine uses chunks of papaya in its mutton and lamb dishes!
  • 21. Pine Apple • Like papaya, pineapple too contains digestive enzymes that help in digesting food without causing irritation. If you suffer from gastritis, try and consume alkaline food. Pineapple is an alkaline fruit so including it in your diet will help combat gastritis. But be sure to eat very ripe pineapples because unripe pineapples sometimes aggravate the problem in some patients.
  • 22. Artichoke: If you suffer from repeated bouts of gastritis, it maybe because of allowed digestion. With our increasingly protein based diet and the vanishing vegetables from our menu, the digestion process has taken a trip to the south. Lack of fibre has led to a slower digestion process, which in turn leads to over secretion of acidic juices in the stomach. Artichokes are rich in fibre and also are a good alkaline dietary source. Not only does it help in mobilizing food in your stomach, but also keeps the pH level of your pyloric juices balanced.
  • 23. Potato Juice: • Thanks to the healing and antacid properties, potato juice can relieve the symptoms such as excess gas, bloating, cramping and so on. And here is the detailed direction of using this remedy to treat gastritis: • First, peel one or two potatoes and grate them • Then, put them into a strainer • Next, press in order to extract the juice by using a spoon • After that, pour a little warm water so as to dilute a half cup of juice • Finally, drink this mixture three times per day and before eating meal 30 minutes • Continue in one or two weeks
  • 24. Licorice: • If you have trouble with gastritis and want to get rid of it, why don’t you try licorice? It contains soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to cure the symptoms such as indigestion, burning in the stomach or heartburn. Thus, let’s carry out this remedy to get rid of gastritis according to the detailed direction here: • First, take a teaspoon of licorice powder • Then, add to a cup of hot water • Next, cover and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes • After that, strain it • Finally, drink this liquid two or three times per day • Repeat this remedy in a week .
  • 25. Marshmallow: • No, by marshmallow we don’t mean the gooey sweet treat, but the herb Athena Officinalis. Marshmallow is beneficial in soothing the inner lining of the digestive tract and stomach. This herb contains a lot of mucilage, which makes the tract slippery and allows easy passage of food and treats reflux and heartburn as well.
  • 26. Goldenseal: • This herbal remedy for gastritis is good in cases where the reason behind the inflammation of digestive mucosa is most likely a bacterial interference. Goldenseal contains a chemical named berberine, which has adverse effects on bacteria and fungi, which reduces the possibility of gastritis, duodenal ulcers, colitis and liver inflammation.
  • 27. Peppermint: • When talking about home remedies for gastritis, peppermint should be mentioned too. Thanks to the antibacterial, antispasmodic, soothing, and anti- inflammatory properties, peppermint is able to decrease inflammatory in the stomach lining. Additionally, it may reduce indigestion, heartburn and nausea. So when using peppermint, you should choose one of the methods below • You should take coated peppermint tablets. You just take 1 tablet two or three times per day which is recommended. If you want to get the best result, you should the doctor first. • You are able to chew peppermint leaves • Besides, you can add peppermint to your smoothie, soup, and salad
  • 28. Long Pepper Powder: Although spicy food should be cut down, having half a gram of long pepper powder with a tablespoon of honey can help relieve gastritis related problem
  • 29. Boiled Ash Gourd: Gourds of all varieties are great for cooling down your system, but ash gourd, especially helps in reducing gastritis related problems. You can boil it with jaggery to reduce bloating and acid reflux.
  • 30. Cardamom Seeds, Fennel Seeds And Cinnamon • If you want to treat gastritis fast, why don’t you try the mixture between cardamon seeds, fennel seeds and cinnamon? This mixture can reduce all the symptoms which are caused by gastritis. And here is the detailed instruction you are able to follow: • First take the same equal of cardamom seeds, fennel seeds and cinnamon • Then fry them in a dry pan for about 20 – 30 minutes • Next add vegetable oil to the fried seeds • After that, crush them in order to make a powder • Finally, take a half teaspoon of this powder after your meals • And keep doing every day until your condition is better
  • 31. Basil: Holy basil is also one of the effective home remedies for gastritis. It can be used to treat the symptoms of gastritis such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion and stomach pain due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, when using this herb as a treatment, you ought to follow these steps below: • First, prepare a teaspoon of basil leaves • Then, add them to a cup of hot water • Next, allow it to steep for 5 minutes • After that, train the liquid • Finally, drink this tea 3 times per day. You can also add a little honey to make it more delicious. • Keep doing in a few weeks
  • 32. Black Pepper With Honey • One of the useful home remedies for gastritis is black pepper. If you want to treat your gastritis by using this remedy, you should follow these steps as following: • First take one pinch of black pepper powder and a teaspoon of honey • Then mix them well together • Finally, consume the mixture twice a day • Do this remedy daily until your situation is improved
  • 33. Strawberries • In a study, it is said that strawberries can reduce the harm which alcohol often causes to the mucous membrane in the stomach if you eat strawberries. Additionally, they can heal gastritis thanks to their antioxidant properties. So if you want to use them as a remedy to treat gastritis, you should follow these steps below: • First, take a teaspoon of dried strawberry leaves • Then, add them to a cup of hot water • After that, allow it to steep for 5 minutes • Next, strain it • Finally, drink this liquid twice or thrice per day • Keep doing this remedy every day until all the symptoms of gastritis are taken away • Alternatively, you should take strawberries ev
  • 34. Chamomile Tea: • Chamomile tea is also a good solution to treat gastritis. It includes the essential oil which can be beneficial for the digestive system. Even it may soothe the intestinal walls, eliminate gas and provide a relief from the sudden pains. Plus, it reduces the stomach inflammation. So to make this tea, you need to follow these steps here: • First, take one or two teaspoons of dried chamomile flower • Then, add them to a cup of boiling water • Next, cover and let it steep for 5 or 10 minutes • After that, strain the liquid • Add a little honey • Finally, drink this tea several times per day as needed • Do this remedy in a week .
  • 35. Cabbage Juice • Cabbage is a popular vegetable. It is very good for your health. And it also is a good remedy which can be used to treat gastritis fast at home. In order to use cabbage to treat the symptoms of gastritis, you should make cabbage juice as the following direction below: • First, take some cabbage leaves • Then, blend them with a half cup of water • Finally, take it when there is nothing on your stomach • Do this remedy once or twice per day • Keep doing every day until all the symptoms are taken away
  • 36. Peach Leaves Tea • Peach leaves are also mentioned here. In order to make this tea, you had better follow these steps here: • First prepare two teaspoons of peach leaves • Then add a cup of boiling water • Next cover and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes • Finally, drink this tea three times a day • Repeat every day until your condition is bette
  • 37. Parsley • Another home remedy you can apply is parsley. Therefore, to make this tea, you ought to consult the instruction below: • First, prepare 3 or 4 teaspoons of chopped parsley root • Then, pour a glass of boiling water • Next, let it steep for 15 minutes • Finally, drink this tea slowly • Do this remedy 2 or 3 times per day daily until all the symptoms are gone away
  • 38. Olive Oil And Milk • Olive oil is one of the best and the most effective home remedies for gastritis too. It can decrease the irritation in the stomach walls. And here is the detailed instruction you can consult when using this remedy: • First take a tablespoon of olive oil • Then add a cup of hot milk or sometimes you can use hot water instead • Finally, drink this mixture once a day when your stomach is empty • Do this remedy every day until all the symptoms are taken away
  • 39. Flax seed • The next home remedy which can help you treat gastritis is flaxseed. And you should do this remedy as the detailed instruction here: • First, take a tablespoon of flaxseed • Then, put it into a glass of warm water • Next, leave it for about 12 hours • Finally, drink this liquid as tea once or twice a day • Repeat every day until your condition is better
  • 40. Rosemary: Rosemary is bursting with analgesic, anti- inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-septic properties all of which worls together to manage the symptoms of gastritis. It can be infused in tea or consumed in the form of capsules or tincture and essential oils.
  • 41. Cumin: • Cumin seeds are also one of the natural home remedies for gastritis. So when applying this remedy, you need to follow these steps below: • First, crush cumin seeds into a fine paste • Then, add a half teaspoon of crushed cumin seeds into a liter of water • Next, boil cumin seeds with water for about 2 minutes • After that, filter the liquid • Finally, drink this liquid as needed • Repeat every day until your situation is improved
  • 42. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, an anti- inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial polyphenol, which soothes the gastric mucosa and reduces irritation in the gastro- intestinal tract. You can make a paste of turmeric and have a tablespoon with banana and yoghurt every day.
  • 43. Cloves: This is another spice that works wonders on gastritis patients. You can simply chew the cloves to get relief from nausea, heartburn and acid reflux. You can have a mix clove powder and honey or drink it with water to relieve nausea and vomiting.
  • 44. Carom seeds • Carom seeds are known as a natural antacid. They will give you a relief to the mucous membrane in the stomach from hyperacidity and acidity. Also, carom seeds can treat bloating, indigestion and nausea. So if you want to do this remedy, you should follow these steps below: • First, take 4 teaspoons of carom seeds • Then, put them into 2 cups of water • Next, boil them until the water decrease half • After that, strain it • Finally, drink a half cup of this liquid twice a day • Keep doing until all the symptoms are gone away