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   Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks,
   Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)
   The learning process,
   Supervised and unsupervised learning,
   Reinforcement learning,
   Applications Development and Portfolio
   The McCulloch-Pitts Model of Neuron,
   A simple network layers, Multilayer networks
   Perceptron,
   Back propagation algorithm,
   Recurrent networks,
   Associative memory,
   Self Organizing maps,
   Support Vector Machine and PCA,
   Applications to speech, vision and control problems.
   Main text books:
   “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation”, S. Haykin (very good -theoretical)
   “Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks”, C. Bishop (very good-more accessible)
   “Neural Network Design” by Hagan, Demuth and Beale (introductory)

   Books emphasizing the practical aspects:
   “Neural Smithing”, Reeds and Marks
   “Practical Neural Network Recipees in C++”’ T. Masters

   Seminal Paper:
   “Parallel Distributed Processing” Rumelhart and McClelland et al.

   Other:
   “Neural and Adaptive Systems”, J. Principe, N. Euliano, C. Lefebvre

   Review Articles:
   R. P. Lippman, “An introduction to Computing with Neural Nets”’ IEEE ASP
    Magazine, 4-22, April 1987.
   T. Kohonen, “An Introduction to Neural Computing”, Neural Networks, 1, 3-
    16, 1988.
   A. K. Jain, J. Mao, K. Mohuiddin, “Artificial Neural Networks: A Tutorial”’
    IEEE Computer, March 1996’ p. 31-44.

   Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks,
   Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)
   The learning process,
   Supervised and unsupervised learning,
   Reinforcement learning,
   Applications Development and Portfolio
   The McCulloch-Pitts Model of Neuron,
   A simple network layers, Multilayer networks
   Perceptron,
   Back propagation algorithm,
   Recurrent networks,
   Associative memory,
   Self Organizing maps,
   Support Vector Machine and PCA,
   Applications to speech, vision and control problems.

Introduction to Artificial Neural
Part I:
1. Artificial Neural Networks
2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)
3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs

Part II:
1. Learning in Biological Systems
2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks

Digital Computers                                   Artificial Neural Networks
 Analyze the problem to be solved                   No requirements of an explicit
                                                       description of the problem.
   Deductive Reasoning. We apply                    Inductive Reasoning. Given input
    known rules to input data to                      and output data (training
    produce output.                                   examples), we construct the rules.

   Computation is centralized,                        Computation is collective,
    synchronous, and serial.
                                                        asynchronous, and parallel.
   Not fault tolerant. One transistor
    goes and it no longer works.                       Fault tolerant and sharing of
   Static connectivity.
                                                       Dynamic connectivity.
   Applicable if well defined rules
    with precise input data.                           Applicable if rules are unknown or
                                                        complicated, or if data are noisy or

Artificial Neural Networks (1)

   Branch of "Artificial Intelligence". It is a system modeled based on the human brain. ANN goes
    by many names, such as connectionism, parallel distributed processing, neuro-computing,
    machine learning algorithms, and finally, artificial neural networks.
   Developing ANNs date back to the early 1940s. It experienced a wide popularity in the late
    1980s. This was a result of the discovery of new techniques and developments in PCs.
   Some ANNs are models of biological neural networks and some are not.
   ANN is a processing device (An algorithm or Actual hardware) whose design was motivated by
    the design and functioning of human brain.

Inside ANN:
   ANN’s design is what distinguishes neural networks from other mathematical techniques
   ANN is a network of many simple processors ("units“ or “neurons”), each unit has a small
    amount of local memory.
   The units are connected by unidirectional communication channels ("connections"), which
    carry numeric (as opposed to symbolic) data.
   The units operate only on their local data and on the inputs they receive via the connections.

Artificial Neural Networks (2)
ANNs Operation
 ANNs normally have great potential for parallelism (multiprocessor-friendly architecture), since
  the computations of the units are independent of each other. Same like biological neural
 Most neural networks have some kind of "training" rule whereby the weights of connections are
  adjusted on the basis of presented patterns.
 In other words, neural networks "learn" from examples, just like children…and exhibit some
  structural capability for generalization.

Artificial Neural Networks (3)
ANNs are a powerful technique (Black Box) to solve many real world problems. They
 have the ability to learn from experience in order to improve their performance
 and to adapt themselves to changes in the environment.
In addition, they are able to deal with incomplete information or noisy data and can
 be very effective especially in situations where it is not possible to define the
 rules or steps that lead to the solution of a problem.
Once trained, the ANN is able to recognize similarities when presented with a new
 input pattern, resulting in a predicted output pattern.

What can a ANN do?
 Compute a known function
 Approximate an unknown function
 Pattern Recognition
 Signal Processing
 Learn to do any of the above

Introduction to Artificial Neural
Part I:
1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)
3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs

Part II:
1. Learning in Biological Systems
2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks

Biological Neural Networks (BNN) are much more
complicated in their elementary structures than the
      mathematical models we use for ANNs

Animals are able to react adaptively to changes in their
external and internal environment, and they use their
nervous system to perform these behaviours.

An appropriate model/simulation of the nervous system
should be able to produce similar responses and
behaviours in artificial systems.

The nervous system is build by relatively simple units,
the neurons, so copying their behaviour and functionality
should be the solution!

    An artificial neural network
                                                            (ANN) is
                                                a massively parallel distributed
ANN as a model of brain-                          processor that has a natural
                                                     propensity for storing
    like Computer                                experimental knowledge and
                                                 making it available for use. It
                                                          means that:

                                                Knowledge is acquired by the
               Brain                              through a learning (training)
The human brain is still not well             process;
understood and indeed its behavior              The strength of the
is very complex!                               interconnections
There are about 10-11 billion
                                                  between neurons is
neurons in the human cortex each               implemented by
connected to , on average, 10000
others. In total 60 trillion synapses             means of the synaptic weights
of connections.                                used to
The brain is a highly complex,                   store the knowledge.
nonlinear and parallel computer
                                               The learning process is a procedure
(information-processing system)
                                               of the adapting the weights with a
                                                  learning algorithm in order to
How our brain                                                A process of pattern
              manipulates                                               recognition and pattern
             with patterns ?                                           manipulation is based on:

Massive parallelism                      Connectionism                            Associative
   Brain computer as an information       Brain computer is a highly         distributed memory
or signal processing system, is       interconnected neurons system in
composed of a large number of a        such a way that the state of one      Storage of information in a brain is
simple processing elements, called    neuron affects the potential of the    supposed to be concentrated in
neurons. These neurons are              large number of other neurons        synaptic connections of brain
interconnected by numerous direct     which are connected according to       neural network, or more precisely,
links, which are called connection,   weights or strength. The key idea      in the pattern of these connections
and cooperate which other to           of such principle is the functional   and strengths (weights) of the
perform a parallel distributed         capacity of biological neural nets    synaptic connections.
processing (PDP) in order to soft a     deters mostly not so of a single
desired computation tasks.               neuron but of its connections 

           - The simple

   Cell structures
     Cellbody
     Dendrites
     Axon
     Synaptic terminals


The information transmission happens at the synapses, i.e
Synaptic connection strengths among neurons are used to
store the acquired knowledge.
In a biological system, learning involves adjustments to the
synaptic connections between neurons
1. Soma or body cell - is a large, round
   central body in which almost all the
   logical functions of the neuron are
   realized (i.e. the processing unit).
2. The axon (output), is a nerve fibre
   attached to the soma which can serve
   as a final output channel of the
   neuron. An axon is usually highly
                                                                           Axon from
3. The dendrites (inputs)- represent a                                       other
   highly branching tree of fibers. These                                   neuron
   long irregularly shaped nerve fibers                             Soma
   (processes) are attached to the soma
   carrying electrical signals to the cell
                                                                           Axon    from
4. Synapses are the point of contact                                               other
   between the axon of one cell and the      Dendrites
   dendrite of another, regulating a
   chemical connection whose strength                 The schematic
   affects the input to the cell.                       model of a
                                                     biological neuron
   Learning from examples
     labeled or unlabeled

   Adaptivity
     changing the connection strengths to learn things

   Non-linearity
     the non-linear activation functions are essential

   Fault tolerance
     if one of the neurons or connections is damaged,
      the whole network still works quite well

Introduction to Artificial Neural
Part I:
1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)
3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs

Part II:
1. Learning in Biological Systems
2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks

   Classification
     In marketing: consumer spending pattern classification
     In defence: radar and sonar image classification
     In agriculture & fishing: fruit, fish and catch grading
     In medicine: ultrasound and electrocardiogram image classification, EEGs, medical
   Recognition and Identification
     In general computing and telecommunications: speech, vision and handwriting
     In finance: signature verification and bank note verification
   Assessment
      In engineering: product inspection monitoring and control
      In defence: target tracking
      In security: motion detection, surveillance image analysis and fingerprint matching
   Forecasting and Prediction
      In finance: foreign exchange rate and stock market forecasting
      In agriculture: crop yield forecasting , Deciding the category of potential food items
                       (e.g., edible or non-edible)
      In marketing: sales forecasting
      In meteorology: weather prediction

   Computer scientists want to find out about the properties of non-symbolic
    information processing with neural nets and about learning systems in
   Statisticians use neural nets as flexible, nonlinear regression and
    classification models.
   Engineers of many kinds exploit the capabilities of neural networks in many
    areas, such as signal processing and automatic control.
   Cognitive scientists view neural networks as a possible apparatus to describe
    models of thinking and consciousness (High-level brain function).
   Neuro-physiologists use neural networks to describe and explore medium-
    level brain function (e.g. memory, sensory system, motorics).
   Physicists use neural networks to model phenomena in statistical mechanics
    and for a lot of other tasks.
   Biologists use Neural Networks to interpret nucleotide sequences.
   Philosophers and some other people may also be interested in Neural
    Networks for various reasons

The spikes travelling along the axon of the pre-synaptic
neuron trigger the release of neurotransmitter
substances at the synapse.
The neurotransmitters cause excitation or inhibition in
the dendrite of the post-synaptic neuron.
The integration of the excitatory and inhibitory signals
may produce spikes in the post-synaptic neuron.
The contribution of the signals depends on the strength
of the synaptic connection.

• Excitation means positive product between the incoming
  spike rate and the corresponding synaptic weight;
• Inhibition means negative product between the incoming
  spike rate and the corresponding synaptic weight;


  An artificial neural network is composed of many
 artificial neurons that are linked together according
 to a specific network architecture. The objective of
  the neural network is to transform the inputs into
                  meaningful outputs.
Neurons are arranged in layers. Neurons work by processing information. They
receive and provide information in form of spikes.
The artificial neuron receives one or more inputs (representing the one or more
At each neuron, every input has an associated weight which modifies the
strength of each input and sums them together,
The sum of each neuron is passed through a function known as an
activation function or transfer function in order to produce an output
(representing a biological neuron's axon)

   Inputs                                                     Output

         x2                   w1
                                             n                      Output
         x3              w2             z = ∑ wi xi ; y = H ( z )

                                            i =1                        y
                ..       w3
         xn-1            wn-1
Each neuron takes one or more inputs and produces an output. At each
neuron, every input has an associated weight which modifies the strength of
each input. The neuron simply adds together all the inputs and calculates an
output to be passed on.

Three elements:
1.   A set of synapses, or connection link: each of
     which is characterized by a weight or strength of its own
     wkj. Specifically, a signal xj at the input synapse ‘j’
     connected to neuron ‘k’ is multiplied by the synaptic wkj
2.   An adder: For summing the input signals, weighted by
     respective synaptic strengths of the neuron in a linear
3.   Activation function: For limiting of the amplitude of
     the output of the neuron to limited range. The activation
     function is referred to as a Squashing (i.e. limiting)
     function {interval [0,1], or, alternatively [-1,1]}

The bias has the effect of increasing or lowering the net
input of the activation function depending on whether it is

                yk = Ø(vk) = Ø(uk + bk) = Ø(Σ wkjxj + bk)
An   artificial neuron:
-computes   the weighted sum of its input (called its net input)
-adds its bias (the effect of applying affine transformation to the output vk)

-passes   this value through an activation function
We  say that the neuron “fires” (i.e. becomes
active) if its outputs is above zero.
This extra free variable (bias) makes the neuron
more powerful.

   It defines the output of the neuron given an input or set of inputs. A
    standard computer chip circuit can be seen as a digital network of
    activation functions that can be "ON" (1) or "OFF" (0), depending on input,
   The best activation function is the non-linear function. Linear functions are
    limited because the output is simply proportional to the input.

    Three basic types of activation
    1. Threshold function,
    2. Linear function,
    3. Sigmoid function.

Activation functions (2)

McColloch-Pitts Model
 Threshold Logic Unit
  (TLU), since 1943

Activation functions (3)

Activation functions (4)
- A fairly simple non-linear function, such as the logistic function.
- As the slop parameter approaches infinity the sigmoid function becomes a
threshold function

Where “a” is the slope parameter of
      the sigmoid function

   Early ANN Models:
    McCulloch-Pitts , Perceptron, ADALINE, Hopfield

   Current Models:
    Multilayer feed forward networks (Multilayer
     perceptrons- Back propagation )
    Radial Basis Function networks
    Self Organizing Networks
    ...

   Feedback is a dynamic system whenever occurs
    in almost every part of the nervous system,

   Feedback is giving one or more closed path for
    transmission of signals around the system,

   It plays important role in study of special class
    of neural networks known as Recurrent

The system is assumed to be linear and has a forward path (A)
and a feedback path (B),
The output of the forward channel determines its own output
through the feedback channel.

E.g. consider A is a fixed weight and B is a unit delay operator z-1 .

Then, we may express yk(n) as an infinite weighted summation of
present and past samples of the input signal xj(n).

Therefore, feedback systems are controlled by weight.

Feedback systems are controlled
by weight.

1.    For positive weight, we have
     stable systems, i,e, convergent
     output y,

2. For negative weight, we have,
   unstable systems, i.e divergent
   output y.. (Linear and

Three different classes of network architectures:

1. Single-layer feed forward networks,
2. Multilayer feed forward networks,
3. Recurrent networks.

- Input layer of source nodes that projects directly
  onto an output layer of neurons.
- “Single-layer” referring to the output layer of
computation nodes (neuron).

It contains one or more hidden
layers (hidden neurons).
“Hidden” refers to the part of
the neural network is not seen
directly from either input or
output of the network .
The function of hidden neuron is
to intervene between input and
By adding one or more hidden
layers, the network is able to
extract higher-order statistics
from input

It is different from feed forward
neural network in that it has at
least one feedback loop.
Recurrent network may consist
of single layer of neuron with
each neuron feeding its output
signal back to the inputs of all
the other neurons. Note: There
are no self-feedback.
Feedback loops have a profound
impact on learning and overall

   What transfer function should be used?
   How many inputs does the network need?
   How many hidden layers does the network need?
   How many hidden neurons per hidden layer?
   How many outputs should the network have?
    There is no standard methodology to determinate these values.
         Even there is some heuristic points, final values are
              determinate by a trial and error procedure.

Knowledge is referred to the stored information or models used
by a person or machine to interpret, predict and, appropriately,
respond to the outside.

     A good solution depends on a good representation of
The main characteristic of knowledge representation has
two folds:
1) What information is actually made explicit?
2) How the information is physically encoded for
subsequent use?
There are two kinds of
 1) The known world states, or
facts, (prior knowledge),
 2) Observations (measurements)
of the world, obtained by sensors to
 These observations
probe thepool of
 represent the environment.
 information, from
 which examples are
 used to train the NN

These Examples can be
              labeled or unlabeled
In labeled examples
 Each example representing an input signal is paired with
a corresponding desired response,
Labeled examples may be expensive to collect, as they
require availability of a “teacher” to provide a desired
response for each labeled example.
Un labeled examples
Unlabeled examples are usually abundant as there is no
need for supervision.

Design of neural network may
proceed as follow:
An appropriate architecture for the neural network, with
an input layer consisting of source nodes equal in number
to the pixels of an input image.
The recognition performance of trained network is
tested with data not seen before (testing).

      This phase of the network design called

There are four rules for knowledge representation:

Rule 1:
Similar inputs (i.e., patterns) drawn from similar
classes    should     usually    produce   similar
representation inside the network, and should
therefore be classified as belonging to the same

          There are plethora (many) of
          measures for determining the
           similarity between inputs

A commonly used measure of similarity is the Euclidian Distance
Let xi denotes an m -by-1 vector


Another measure is the dot product or inner product com
Given a pair of vectors xi a nd xj of the same dimension, their
inner product will be (the projection of vector xi onto
vector xj)

Please note that:

The smaller the Euclidean distance ║x i - xj ║(i.e. the more similar
the vector xi a nd xj are), the larger the inner product xiT xj will
 To formalize this relationship, we normalize
 the vectors x i and xj to have a unit length, i.e.:

 Using Eq.(1) to write

The minimization of the Euclidean distance d (x i , xj ) corresponds
 to maximization of the inner product (x i , xj )..and, therefore, the
           similarity between the vectors x i and xj
If the vectors x i and xj are stochastic (drown from
   different population of data)

Where C-1 is the inverse of the covariance
matrix C. It is supposed that the
covariance matrix is the same for both
  For a prescribed C, the smaller the distance d is
  the more similar the vectors xi a nd xj will be

Rule 2:
Item to be categorized as separate classes should be given
widely different representation in work.
Rule 3:
If a particular feature is important, then there should be
large number of neurons involved in the representation of
that item in the network.
Rule 4:
Prior information and invariance should be built into the
design of a neural network when ever they are available,
so as to simplify the network design by its not having to
learn them.
       Rule 4 is particularly important and highly
Rule 4 is particularly important and highly desirable
   because it results in an NN with a Specialized
                  Structure (SS)

1)   Biological visual and auditory networks are very specialized,

2) NN with SS has a smaller number of free parameters available for

     adjustment than other networks. Then, they need a small

     training dataset, learns faster and generalize better.

3)    Rate of information transmission through a specialized network

     is faster,

4)    Cost of building a specialized network is minimum, due to small
There are currently no well-defined rules for doing this; but we
have some procedure are known to yield useful rules. In
particular, we may use a combination of two techniques:
1. Restricting the network architecture (using local connections)
2. Constraining the choice of synaptic weight (using the weight

   The latter tech is
     so important
  because it leads to
  significantly free

Consider any of the following:
1) When an object rotates, the perceived image, by observer, will
    change as well,
2) The utterance of a spoken person may be soft or loud..slower or
         A classifier should be invariant to different
3) …..
     A class estimate represented by an output of the
  classifier MUST not be affected by transformations of
  the observed signal applied to the classifier input
There are three technique for rendering classifier-type NNs
invariant to transformations:
1. Invariance by structure.
2. Invariance by training.
3. Invariance by feature space
Learning approach based on modeling adaptation in
biological neural systems

    Learning = learning by adaptation
The young animal learns that the green fruits are sour,
while the yellowish/reddish ones are sweet. The
learning happens by adapting the fruit picking

   From experience: examples / training data
   Learning happens by changing of the synaptic
   Synapses change size and strength with experience
    (or examples or training data),
   Strength of connection between the neurons is
    stored as a weight-value for the specific connection,
   Learning the solution to a problem = changing the
    connection weights

Hebbian Learning
   When two connected neurons are firing at the
 same time, the strength of the synapse between
 them increases,

       “Neurons that fire together, wire together”

We may categorize the learning process through
Neural Networks function as follows:

1. Learning with a teacher,
   - Supervised Learning

2. Learning without a teacher,
   - Unsupervised Learning
   - Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning
   In supervised learning, both the
    inputs and the outputs are
    provided. The network then
    processes the inputs and
    compares its resulting outputs
    against the desired outputs
   Errors are then calculated,
    causing the system to adjust
    the weights which control the
    network. This process occurs
    over and over as the weights
    are continually improved.
         Supervised learning process
       constitutes a closed-loop
       feedback system but unknown
       environment is outside the
Supervised Learning
   It is based on a labeled
    training set.                (2)
   The class of each piece of                                        ε Class
    data in training set is
                                                ε Class
   Class labels are pre-                            B                     λ Class

    determined and provided           λ Class
    in the training phase.                      A
                                                                  A        ε Class

                                                λ Class   B

A        B
        B A
A   B   A              B   B   B

                       A       A
A   B   B                  A

Various steps have to be considered:
1. Determine the type of training examples,
2. Gather a training data set that satisfactory describe the given
3. After the training process we can test the performance of
learned artificial neural network with the test (validation) data set,
4. Test data set consist of data that has not been introduced to
artificial neural network while learning.

   The learning of input –output
    mapping is performed through
    continued interaction with the
    environment in order to
    minimize a scalar index of
    A machine learning technique
    that sets parameters of an
    artificial neural network,
    where data is usually not
    given, but generated by
    interactions with the

Reinforcement learning is built around critic that converts primary
reinforcement signal received from the environment into a higher
                  quality reinforcement signal

   No help from the outside,
   No information available on the desired output,
   Input: set of patterns P, from n-dimensional space S, but
    little / no information about their classification,
    evaluation, interesting features, etc.
                  It must learn these by itself!
                        Learning by doing
   Tasks: Used to pick out structure in the input
     Clustering - Group patterns based on similarity,
     Vector Quantization - Fully divide up S into a small set
      of regions (defined by codebook vectors) that also helps
      cluster P,
     Feature Extraction - Reduce dimensionality of S by
      removing unimportant features (i.e. those that do not
      help in clustering P)

   Task performed                  Task performed
    Classification                   Clustering, Pattern
    Pattern Recognition              Recognition
   NN model                          Feature Extraction, VQ
                                    NN Model
    Feed-Forward NN                  Self Organizing Maps,


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neural networks

  • 2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks,  Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)  The learning process,  Supervised and unsupervised learning,  Reinforcement learning,  Applications Development and Portfolio  The McCulloch-Pitts Model of Neuron,  A simple network layers, Multilayer networks  Perceptron,  Back propagation algorithm,  Recurrent networks,  Associative memory,  Self Organizing maps,  Support Vector Machine and PCA,  Applications to speech, vision and control problems. 02/13/13
  • 3. Main text books:  “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation”, S. Haykin (very good -theoretical)  “Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks”, C. Bishop (very good-more accessible)  “Neural Network Design” by Hagan, Demuth and Beale (introductory)  Books emphasizing the practical aspects:  “Neural Smithing”, Reeds and Marks  “Practical Neural Network Recipees in C++”’ T. Masters  Seminal Paper:  “Parallel Distributed Processing” Rumelhart and McClelland et al.  Other:  “Neural and Adaptive Systems”, J. Principe, N. Euliano, C. Lefebvre 02/13/13
  • 4. Review Articles:  R. P. Lippman, “An introduction to Computing with Neural Nets”’ IEEE ASP Magazine, 4-22, April 1987.  T. Kohonen, “An Introduction to Neural Computing”, Neural Networks, 1, 3- 16, 1988.  A. K. Jain, J. Mao, K. Mohuiddin, “Artificial Neural Networks: A Tutorial”’ IEEE Computer, March 1996’ p. 31-44. 02/13/13
  • 5. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks,  Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration)  The learning process,  Supervised and unsupervised learning,  Reinforcement learning,  Applications Development and Portfolio  The McCulloch-Pitts Model of Neuron,  A simple network layers, Multilayer networks  Perceptron,  Back propagation algorithm,  Recurrent networks,  Associative memory,  Self Organizing maps,  Support Vector Machine and PCA,  Applications to speech, vision and control problems. 02/13/13
  • 6. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Part I: 1. Artificial Neural Networks 2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration) 3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs Part II: 1. Learning in Biological Systems 2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks 02/13/13
  • 7. Digital Computers Artificial Neural Networks  Analyze the problem to be solved  No requirements of an explicit description of the problem.  Deductive Reasoning. We apply  Inductive Reasoning. Given input known rules to input data to and output data (training produce output. examples), we construct the rules.  Computation is centralized,  Computation is collective, synchronous, and serial. asynchronous, and parallel.  Not fault tolerant. One transistor goes and it no longer works.  Fault tolerant and sharing of responsibilities.  Static connectivity.  Dynamic connectivity.  Applicable if well defined rules with precise input data.  Applicable if rules are unknown or complicated, or if data are noisy or partial. 02/13/13
  • 9. Artificial Neural Networks (1)  Branch of "Artificial Intelligence". It is a system modeled based on the human brain. ANN goes by many names, such as connectionism, parallel distributed processing, neuro-computing, machine learning algorithms, and finally, artificial neural networks.  Developing ANNs date back to the early 1940s. It experienced a wide popularity in the late 1980s. This was a result of the discovery of new techniques and developments in PCs.  Some ANNs are models of biological neural networks and some are not.  ANN is a processing device (An algorithm or Actual hardware) whose design was motivated by the design and functioning of human brain. Inside ANN:  ANN’s design is what distinguishes neural networks from other mathematical techniques  ANN is a network of many simple processors ("units“ or “neurons”), each unit has a small amount of local memory.  The units are connected by unidirectional communication channels ("connections"), which carry numeric (as opposed to symbolic) data.  The units operate only on their local data and on the inputs they receive via the connections. 02/13/13
  • 10. Artificial Neural Networks (2) ANNs Operation  ANNs normally have great potential for parallelism (multiprocessor-friendly architecture), since the computations of the units are independent of each other. Same like biological neural networks.   Most neural networks have some kind of "training" rule whereby the weights of connections are adjusted on the basis of presented patterns.  In other words, neural networks "learn" from examples, just like children…and exhibit some structural capability for generalization. 02/13/13
  • 11. Artificial Neural Networks (3) ANNs are a powerful technique (Black Box) to solve many real world problems. They have the ability to learn from experience in order to improve their performance and to adapt themselves to changes in the environment. In addition, they are able to deal with incomplete information or noisy data and can be very effective especially in situations where it is not possible to define the rules or steps that lead to the solution of a problem. Once trained, the ANN is able to recognize similarities when presented with a new input pattern, resulting in a predicted output pattern. 02/13/13
  • 12. What can a ANN do? Compute a known function Approximate an unknown function Pattern Recognition Signal Processing ……. Learn to do any of the above 02/13/13
  • 13. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Part I: 1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) 2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration) 3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs Part II: 1. Learning in Biological Systems 2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks 02/13/13
  • 14. Biological Neural Networks (BNN) are much more complicated in their elementary structures than the mathematical models we use for ANNs Animals are able to react adaptively to changes in their external and internal environment, and they use their nervous system to perform these behaviours. An appropriate model/simulation of the nervous system should be able to produce similar responses and behaviours in artificial systems. The nervous system is build by relatively simple units, the neurons, so copying their behaviour and functionality should be the solution! 02/13/13
  • 15. An artificial neural network (ANN) is a massively parallel distributed ANN as a model of brain- processor that has a natural propensity for storing like Computer experimental knowledge and making it available for use. It means that:    Knowledge is acquired by the network Brain through a learning (training) The human brain is still not well process; understood and indeed its behavior  The strength of the is very complex! interconnections There are about 10-11 billion between neurons is neurons in the human cortex each implemented by connected to , on average, 10000 others. In total 60 trillion synapses means of the synaptic weights of connections. used to The brain is a highly complex, store the knowledge. nonlinear and parallel computer The learning process is a procedure (information-processing system) of the adapting the weights with a 02/13/13 learning algorithm in order to
  • 16. How our brain  A process of pattern manipulates  recognition and pattern with patterns ? manipulation is based on: Massive parallelism Connectionism Associative Brain computer as an information  Brain computer is a highly distributed memory or signal processing system, is interconnected neurons system in composed of a large number of a such a way that the state of one Storage of information in a brain is simple processing elements, called neuron affects the potential of the supposed to be concentrated in neurons. These neurons are large number of other neurons synaptic connections of brain interconnected by numerous direct which are connected according to neural network, or more precisely, links, which are called connection, weights or strength. The key idea in the pattern of these connections and cooperate which other to of such principle is the functional and strengths (weights) of the perform a parallel distributed capacity of biological neural nets synaptic connections. processing (PDP) in order to soft a deters mostly not so of a single desired computation tasks. neuron but of its connections  02/13/13
  • 17. Biological Neuron - The simple “arithmetic computing” element 02/13/13
  • 18. Cell structures  Cellbody  Dendrites  Axon  Synaptic terminals 02/13/13
  • 19. dendrites axon synapses The information transmission happens at the synapses, i.e Synaptic connection strengths among neurons are used to store the acquired knowledge. In a biological system, learning involves adjustments to the synaptic connections between neurons 02/13/13
  • 20. 1. Soma or body cell - is a large, round central body in which almost all the logical functions of the neuron are realized (i.e. the processing unit). 2. The axon (output), is a nerve fibre attached to the soma which can serve as a final output channel of the neuron. An axon is usually highly Synapses branched. Axon from 3. The dendrites (inputs)- represent a other highly branching tree of fibers. These neuron long irregularly shaped nerve fibers Soma (processes) are attached to the soma carrying electrical signals to the cell Dendrite Axon from 4. Synapses are the point of contact other between the axon of one cell and the Dendrites dendrite of another, regulating a chemical connection whose strength The schematic affects the input to the cell. model of a 02/13/13 biological neuron
  • 21. Learning from examples  labeled or unlabeled  Adaptivity  changing the connection strengths to learn things  Non-linearity  the non-linear activation functions are essential  Fault tolerance  if one of the neurons or connections is damaged, the whole network still works quite well 02/13/13
  • 22. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Part I: 1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) 2. Artificial and human neurons (Biological Inspiration) 3. Tasks & Applications of ANNs Part II: 1. Learning in Biological Systems 2. Learning with Artificial Neural Networks 02/13/13
  • 23. Classification In marketing: consumer spending pattern classification In defence: radar and sonar image classification In agriculture & fishing: fruit, fish and catch grading In medicine: ultrasound and electrocardiogram image classification, EEGs, medical diagnosis  Recognition and Identification In general computing and telecommunications: speech, vision and handwriting recognition In finance: signature verification and bank note verification  Assessment In engineering: product inspection monitoring and control In defence: target tracking In security: motion detection, surveillance image analysis and fingerprint matching  Forecasting and Prediction In finance: foreign exchange rate and stock market forecasting In agriculture: crop yield forecasting , Deciding the category of potential food items (e.g., edible or non-edible) In marketing: sales forecasting In meteorology: weather prediction 02/13/13
  • 24. Computer scientists want to find out about the properties of non-symbolic information processing with neural nets and about learning systems in general.  Statisticians use neural nets as flexible, nonlinear regression and classification models.  Engineers of many kinds exploit the capabilities of neural networks in many areas, such as signal processing and automatic control.  Cognitive scientists view neural networks as a possible apparatus to describe models of thinking and consciousness (High-level brain function).  Neuro-physiologists use neural networks to describe and explore medium- level brain function (e.g. memory, sensory system, motorics).  Physicists use neural networks to model phenomena in statistical mechanics and for a lot of other tasks.  Biologists use Neural Networks to interpret nucleotide sequences.  Philosophers and some other people may also be interested in Neural Networks for various reasons 02/13/13
  • 25. The spikes travelling along the axon of the pre-synaptic neuron trigger the release of neurotransmitter substances at the synapse. The neurotransmitters cause excitation or inhibition in the dendrite of the post-synaptic neuron. The integration of the excitatory and inhibitory signals may produce spikes in the post-synaptic neuron. The contribution of the signals depends on the strength of the synaptic connection. • Excitation means positive product between the incoming spike rate and the corresponding synaptic weight; • Inhibition means negative product between the incoming spike rate and the corresponding synaptic weight; 02/13/13
  • 26. Output Inputs An artificial neural network is composed of many artificial neurons that are linked together according to a specific network architecture. The objective of the neural network is to transform the inputs into meaningful outputs. 02/13/13
  • 27. Neurons are arranged in layers. Neurons work by processing information. They receive and provide information in form of spikes. The artificial neuron receives one or more inputs (representing the one or more dendrites), At each neuron, every input has an associated weight which modifies the strength of each input and sums them together, The sum of each neuron is passed through a function known as an activation function or transfer function in order to produce an output (representing a biological neuron's axon) Inputs Output 02/13/13
  • 28. x1 x2 w1 n Output x3 w2 z = ∑ wi xi ; y = H ( z ) Inputs i =1 y .. w3 … . xn-1 wn-1 wn xn Each neuron takes one or more inputs and produces an output. At each neuron, every input has an associated weight which modifies the strength of each input. The neuron simply adds together all the inputs and calculates an output to be passed on. 02/13/13
  • 31. Three elements: 1. A set of synapses, or connection link: each of which is characterized by a weight or strength of its own wkj. Specifically, a signal xj at the input synapse ‘j’ connected to neuron ‘k’ is multiplied by the synaptic wkj 2. An adder: For summing the input signals, weighted by respective synaptic strengths of the neuron in a linear operation. 3. Activation function: For limiting of the amplitude of the output of the neuron to limited range. The activation function is referred to as a Squashing (i.e. limiting) function {interval [0,1], or, alternatively [-1,1]} 02/13/13
  • 32. The bias has the effect of increasing or lowering the net input of the activation function depending on whether it is +/- yk = Ø(vk) = Ø(uk + bk) = Ø(Σ wkjxj + bk) An artificial neuron: -computes the weighted sum of its input (called its net input) -adds its bias (the effect of applying affine transformation to the output vk) -passes this value through an activation function We say that the neuron “fires” (i.e. becomes active) if its outputs is above zero. This extra free variable (bias) makes the neuron more powerful. 02/13/13
  • 33. It defines the output of the neuron given an input or set of inputs. A standard computer chip circuit can be seen as a digital network of activation functions that can be "ON" (1) or "OFF" (0), depending on input,  The best activation function is the non-linear function. Linear functions are limited because the output is simply proportional to the input. Three basic types of activation function: 1. Threshold function, 2. Linear function, 3. Sigmoid function. 02/13/13
  • 34. Activation functions (2) McColloch-Pitts Model Threshold Logic Unit (TLU), since 1943 02/13/13
  • 36. Activation functions (4) - A fairly simple non-linear function, such as the logistic function. - As the slop parameter approaches infinity the sigmoid function becomes a threshold function Where “a” is the slope parameter of the sigmoid function 02/13/13
  • 37. Early ANN Models:  McCulloch-Pitts , Perceptron, ADALINE, Hopfield Network,  Current Models:  Multilayer feed forward networks (Multilayer perceptrons- Back propagation )  Radial Basis Function networks  Self Organizing Networks  ... 02/13/13
  • 38. Feedback is a dynamic system whenever occurs in almost every part of the nervous system,  Feedback is giving one or more closed path for transmission of signals around the system,  It plays important role in study of special class of neural networks known as Recurrent networks. 02/13/13
  • 39. The system is assumed to be linear and has a forward path (A) and a feedback path (B), The output of the forward channel determines its own output through the feedback channel. 02/13/13
  • 40. E.g. consider A is a fixed weight and B is a unit delay operator z-1 . 02/13/13
  • 41. Then, we may express yk(n) as an infinite weighted summation of present and past samples of the input signal xj(n). Therefore, feedback systems are controlled by weight. 02/13/13
  • 42. Feedback systems are controlled by weight. 1. For positive weight, we have stable systems, i,e, convergent output y, 2. For negative weight, we have, unstable systems, i.e divergent output y.. (Linear and Exponential) 02/13/13
  • 43. Three different classes of network architectures: 1. Single-layer feed forward networks, 2. Multilayer feed forward networks, 3. Recurrent networks. 02/13/13
  • 44. - Input layer of source nodes that projects directly onto an output layer of neurons. - “Single-layer” referring to the output layer of computation nodes (neuron). 02/13/13
  • 45. It contains one or more hidden layers (hidden neurons). “Hidden” refers to the part of the neural network is not seen directly from either input or output of the network . The function of hidden neuron is to intervene between input and output. By adding one or more hidden layers, the network is able to extract higher-order statistics from input 02/13/13
  • 46. It is different from feed forward neural network in that it has at least one feedback loop. Recurrent network may consist of single layer of neuron with each neuron feeding its output signal back to the inputs of all the other neurons. Note: There are no self-feedback. Feedback loops have a profound impact on learning and overall performance. 02/13/13
  • 47. What transfer function should be used?  How many inputs does the network need?  How many hidden layers does the network need?  How many hidden neurons per hidden layer?  How many outputs should the network have? There is no standard methodology to determinate these values. Even there is some heuristic points, final values are determinate by a trial and error procedure. 02/13/13
  • 48. Knowledge is referred to the stored information or models used by a person or machine to interpret, predict and, appropriately, respond to the outside. A good solution depends on a good representation of knowledge The main characteristic of knowledge representation has two folds: 1) What information is actually made explicit? 2) How the information is physically encoded for subsequent use? 02/13/13
  • 49. There are two kinds of Knowledge: 1) The known world states, or facts, (prior knowledge), 2) Observations (measurements) of the world, obtained by sensors to These observations probe thepool of represent the environment. information, from which examples are used to train the NN 02/13/13
  • 50. These Examples can be labeled or unlabeled In labeled examples  Each example representing an input signal is paired with a corresponding desired response, Labeled examples may be expensive to collect, as they require availability of a “teacher” to provide a desired response for each labeled example. Un labeled examples Unlabeled examples are usually abundant as there is no need for supervision. 02/13/13
  • 51. Design of neural network may proceed as follow: An appropriate architecture for the neural network, with an input layer consisting of source nodes equal in number to the pixels of an input image. The recognition performance of trained network is tested with data not seen before (testing). This phase of the network design called learning 02/13/13
  • 52. There are four rules for knowledge representation: Rule 1: Similar inputs (i.e., patterns) drawn from similar classes should usually produce similar representation inside the network, and should therefore be classified as belonging to the same class. There are plethora (many) of measures for determining the similarity between inputs 02/13/13
  • 53. A commonly used measure of similarity is the Euclidian Distance Let xi denotes an m -by-1 vector (1) 02/13/13
  • 54. Another measure is the dot product or inner product com Given a pair of vectors xi a nd xj of the same dimension, their inner product will be (the projection of vector xi onto vector xj) Please note that: 02/13/13
  • 55. The smaller the Euclidean distance ║x i - xj ║(i.e. the more similar the vector xi a nd xj are), the larger the inner product xiT xj will be. To formalize this relationship, we normalize the vectors x i and xj to have a unit length, i.e.: Using Eq.(1) to write The minimization of the Euclidean distance d (x i , xj ) corresponds to maximization of the inner product (x i , xj )..and, therefore, the similarity between the vectors x i and xj 02/13/13
  • 56. If the vectors x i and xj are stochastic (drown from different population of data) Where C-1 is the inverse of the covariance matrix C. It is supposed that the covariance matrix is the same for both For a prescribed C, the smaller the distance d is the more similar the vectors xi a nd xj will be 02/13/13
  • 57. Rule 2: Item to be categorized as separate classes should be given widely different representation in work. Rule 3: If a particular feature is important, then there should be large number of neurons involved in the representation of that item in the network. Rule 4: Prior information and invariance should be built into the design of a neural network when ever they are available, so as to simplify the network design by its not having to learn them. Rule 4 is particularly important and highly desirable 02/13/13
  • 58. Rule 4 is particularly important and highly desirable because it results in an NN with a Specialized Structure (SS) 1) Biological visual and auditory networks are very specialized, 2) NN with SS has a smaller number of free parameters available for adjustment than other networks. Then, they need a small training dataset, learns faster and generalize better. 3) Rate of information transmission through a specialized network is faster, 4) Cost of building a specialized network is minimum, due to small 02/13/13 size.
  • 59. There are currently no well-defined rules for doing this; but we have some procedure are known to yield useful rules. In particular, we may use a combination of two techniques: 1. Restricting the network architecture (using local connections) 2. Constraining the choice of synaptic weight (using the weight sharing) The latter tech is so important because it leads to reducing significantly free parameters 02/13/13
  • 60. Consider any of the following: 1) When an object rotates, the perceived image, by observer, will change as well, 2) The utterance of a spoken person may be soft or loud..slower or quicker, A classifier should be invariant to different 3) ….. transformation Or A class estimate represented by an output of the classifier MUST not be affected by transformations of the observed signal applied to the classifier input There are three technique for rendering classifier-type NNs invariant to transformations: 1. Invariance by structure. 2. Invariance by training. 3. Invariance by feature space 02/13/13
  • 62. Learning approach based on modeling adaptation in biological neural systems Learning = learning by adaptation The young animal learns that the green fruits are sour, while the yellowish/reddish ones are sweet. The learning happens by adapting the fruit picking behaviour 02/13/13
  • 63. From experience: examples / training data  Learning happens by changing of the synaptic strengths,  Synapses change size and strength with experience (or examples or training data),  Strength of connection between the neurons is stored as a weight-value for the specific connection,  Learning the solution to a problem = changing the connection weights 02/13/13
  • 64. Hebbian Learning When two connected neurons are firing at the same time, the strength of the synapse between them increases, “Neurons that fire together, wire together” 02/13/13
  • 65. We may categorize the learning process through Neural Networks function as follows: 1. Learning with a teacher, - Supervised Learning 2. Learning without a teacher, - Unsupervised Learning - Reinforcement Learning 02/13/13
  • 66. Supervised Learning  In supervised learning, both the inputs and the outputs are provided. The network then processes the inputs and compares its resulting outputs against the desired outputs  Errors are then calculated, causing the system to adjust the weights which control the network. This process occurs over and over as the weights are continually improved. Supervised learning process constitutes a closed-loop feedback system but unknown environment is outside the loop, 02/13/13
  • 67. Supervised Learning  It is based on a labeled training set. (2)  The class of each piece of ε Class data in training set is known. ε Class A  Class labels are pre- B λ Class determined and provided λ Class B in the training phase. A A ε Class λ Class B 02/13/13
  • 68. B A B A B A 02/13/13
  • 69. A B A B B B A A A B B A 02/13/13
  • 70. Various steps have to be considered: 1. Determine the type of training examples, 2. Gather a training data set that satisfactory describe the given problem, 3. After the training process we can test the performance of learned artificial neural network with the test (validation) data set, 4. Test data set consist of data that has not been introduced to artificial neural network while learning. 02/13/13
  • 71. The learning of input –output mapping is performed through continued interaction with the environment in order to minimize a scalar index of performance. Or  A machine learning technique that sets parameters of an artificial neural network, where data is usually not given, but generated by interactions with the environment. 02/13/13
  • 72. Reinforcement learning is built around critic that converts primary reinforcement signal received from the environment into a higher quality reinforcement signal 02/13/13
  • 73. No help from the outside,  No information available on the desired output,  Input: set of patterns P, from n-dimensional space S, but little / no information about their classification, evaluation, interesting features, etc. It must learn these by itself! Learning by doing  Tasks: Used to pick out structure in the input  Clustering - Group patterns based on similarity,  Vector Quantization - Fully divide up S into a small set of regions (defined by codebook vectors) that also helps cluster P,  Feature Extraction - Reduce dimensionality of S by removing unimportant features (i.e. those that do not help in clustering P) 02/13/13
  • 74. Task performed  Task performed Classification Clustering, Pattern Pattern Recognition Recognition  NN model Feature Extraction, VQ Preceptron,  NN Model Feed-Forward NN Self Organizing Maps, ART 02/13/13

Editor's Notes

  1. Propensity ميل
  2. Axon is like محور عصبى Dendrite is like الغصن Synapse is like مشبك
  3. The brain basically learns from experience. Neural networks are sometimes called machine learning algorithms, because changing of its connection weights (training) causes the network to learn the solution to a problem . The strength of connection between the neurons is stored as a weight-value for the specific connection. The system learns new knowledge by adjusting these connection weights . The learning ability of a neural network is determined by its architecture and by the algorithmic method chosen for training .
  4. Unsupervised learning The hidden neurons must find a way to organize themselves without help from the outside. In this approach, no sample outputs are provided to the network against which it can measure its predictive performance for a given vector of inputs. This is learning by doing .