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For Developers:
   More information on
  (and how it helps you build
         better apps)

Lauren Cooney
Director, Developer & Product Marketing
Juniper Networks
Why Should I Care?
  Programmability allows you use software to change the behavior of
    the existing box, rather than adding additional equipment to your
       network. You are no longer limited to the imagination of the
     network equipment vendor, you are free to innovate and extend
                         anything you can imagine.

   For Developers, you can now take advantage of rich data that was
   previously trapped within the network. With programmability the
                   power of creation belongs to you.

Opportunities include:
- Better, Smarter, & Real-time Data for your Applications
- Faster Applications
- New Services & Opportunities for Revenue
Challenges Overshadow Opportunities
 - Increased Opex Costs & Reduced Budget
 - Software offerings fragmented & stuck in
   organizational silos; limited access to network
 - Lack of developer tools accessible to many
   limits innovation at the network level; hardware
   companies not able to make products for
   specific web-based companies.
 - Revenue opportunity creation complex & not
   easy to integrate into existing infrastructures.
Current versus Emerging

- Limited Extensibility: Software,            - Open & Extensible: Open Application
Applications & APIs control just devices.     Models to control devices and redefine
- Legacy Systems: Hardware, not software,     software behavior & communication;
driven efficiency and economics. Scale        creation of value-added services. New Tools
through boxes, not software                   for simplification of data extraction.
- Vendor Lock-in: Network software comes      - New Architectures & Better Efficiencies: A
from the network hardware vendor.             combination of both centralized and
                                              distributed architecture models for simple &
- Massive inefficiencies: Siloed and          scalable communication.
disparate systems with limited methods of
communication, paths and protocols by         - Vendor agnostic: Software & Applications
which to communicate with systems.            that run across networks of all types &
                                              brands. Economics defined by software
- Limited extensibility & growth              allowing for massive scalability at lower
opportunity: Limited scale & simplification   costs.
for virtualized & cloud-based systems.
                                              - Opportunities for Growth: Ability to alter,
                                              simplify, and scale network paths & protocols
                                              not only to systems but to the cloud & more

                Network Programmability Redefines Software Behavior
                        Enabling New & Integrated Solutions
Why Does Programmability Matter?
To help make network value easily accessible to developers, and allow
    developers to create more intelligent & smarter applications.

   Network-Aware          Application-Aware          Programmable
    Applications            Applications               Networks

                          Using code to make        Making network
Coding to use network
                         the network adapt to        infrastructure
 value natively inside
                             the needs of             accessible to
                              applications            developers.

  Network can provide information to Applications

Applications can provide information to the Network
Programmability Changes how the
              Networks Works
                The New Network is Programmable.
  The New Network allows you use software to change the behavior of the existing box,
rather than adding additional equipment to your network. You are no longer limited to the
    imagination of the network equipment vendor, you are free to innovate and extend
anything you can imagine. With programmability implemented in your network the power
                                of creation belongs to you.

The only way to make your network more intelligent is to give you great software
platforms, tools, technologies, and products to extract valuable network data and
use it to optimize your network’s operation. You can build amazing software that
               helps you run your network better than ever before.

  The Programmable Network drastically changes network economics through
customizable software, allowing for massive scalability, resource efficiencies, and
    unprecedented extensibility – across networks, devices, and to the cloud.
                   Simply, Efficiently, and Cost-Effectively.
Why Do We Need a Programmable Network?
Every IT department and enterprise has a unique combination of
  applications, network architecture, efficiency constraints and
   goals, so out out-of-the box solutions rarely fit your needs.

                IT and Development often live separate lives

                                 Information   Developers

    Enterprises / Customers                                   Developers

           Information                                              Telecom
           Technology                                            Infrastructure

    Application/Network divide                              OSS/Network divide
Programmable Networks
                      Solve This
       Innovation needs to sit inside your organization. Juniper
      makes that a reality by providing the tools, technologies &
                      products you trust with a
                  Software platform that offers:

•   New architectures, new tools & new approaches that define the Network.
•   A network platform that is application-aware, allowing for the network to be
    controlled, optimized and informed by applications.
•   Allowing developers to create the software (network-aware applications) that
    utilize the network optimally, rather than the vendor providing custom-fit
•   The ability to extend this to program to devices through data flow intelligence.

Network Programmability allow the fine-tuning & control that customers want,
    with the decoupling of software from systems that developers desire.
Current Network Application Capabilities
  • Allows Flexibility of Service Placement
      – Place your services where you want, not necessarily where the user is
        physically connected

  • Control of Resources from Applications
      – Customize network behavior to better meet user/application needs
      – Introduce non-configured device behavior changes: ephemeral

  • Lowering of operational barriers
      – Decrease dependency on the traditional provisioning workflow
      – Enable automation and dynamic adaptability within constraints

 Juniper is extending this to help customers, partners, developers, and
more take advantage of new technologies. Customers should be able to
              take advantage of more than just the above.
We Are Introducing More.
 Open Application Models

                    Decoupling of Software from Systems

Real-time Data, Analytics, and Better Reporting

              Visibility of Applications in the Network

New Protocols & Communication Methods

                      New Service & Revenue Opportunities

You Need to Make your Applications Smarter, More Flexible & Faster
Juniper’s New Network Is Programmable
                   Network Programmability
  Network-Aware                        Application-Aware                     Programmability
   Applications                            Networks                         A networking device with a
                                                                            published set of APIs or SDK
   Network visibility in an        Real-time data capture and extraction
                                                                                 that is enabled with
application or delivery service    & correlation of information from the
                                                                               standardized protocols
used to build enhancements.          network to be used in applications,
                                                                              allowing Applications to
 Focus is on location of the       services, & solutions. Allows for new
                                                                              program the forwarding,
end user and proximity to the      service topologies, new paths, ability
                                                                              control or management
   server/cache. Examples           to dilate or constrict bandwidth on a
                                                                            plane of the device. Include
include services for network        link, path, take preventive measures
                                                                              orchestration (OSS/BSS),
 performance management,              and protect network assets in real
                                                                             Routing Signaling Activity,
WAN Optimization, customer        time. Allows developer to create better
                                                                              Analytics, and Perimeter
  experience management,                services such as Bandwidth &
                                                                                   Service Control.
content filtering, and internal       Resource Optimization, Quality of
     billing of networked           Service (QoS), Content-Based Billing,
          applications.               Quality of Experience (QoE), VoIP
                                      Fraud Monitoring and Regulatory
Programmable Networks
          New Opportunities for Developers
  Open Data             Programmable                  New                    Future
   Access                 Perimeters              Standards &              Innovation
    Get data about        Security, services,      Protocols                   Language
network flows, users,    devices: make them                                  independent,
                                                   Provide fine-grain
   applications, and       more functional,                                   scalable and
                                                  control over where
network topologies to   flexible, and valuable                             accessible to the
                                                 services and content
 inform applications,     through data flow                                general purpose
                                                    are placed in the
and have applications        intelligence.                                 developer: meet
                                                  network, and how
 inform the network                                                       disruption where it
                                                   traffic is routed to
                                                    and from them.

                            Intelligent. Open. Efficient.
  Programmability allows for developer customization and provides services &
   solutions enabling flexible business models and innovative service delivery.
Open Data Access
                     Network-Aware Applications

• Extraction of data from the network with massively simplified tools to define policy,
communication methods (protocols), resource optimization, control data and more in the
form of Applications.

• Creating resources for developers with REST APIs, exposing resources for manipulation
(persisted, cached, copied, queried, and more).

• Control of resources from applications including:
    •Customization of network behavior to better meet user/application needs
    •Introduce non-configured (ephemeral) device behavior changes.

• Juniper is putting APIs on services, and our services go deeper into the network
elements, giving network operators a level of inspection and control that’s highly valuable
– down to the network flow or packet level.
     •By extending this abstraction from the single network element to an entire network
     with the programmable network platform it enables developers to go deep into
     networking stack and focus on their value add without the need to know intricacies
     of networking hardware and protocols.
Programmable Perimeters
                    Ability to simply program to new devices through new

• The perimeter is no longer defined by devices, but by APIs and interfaces.

• Programmable Device plays open up much richer off-network element computation
as part of the network processing.

•Flexibility of service placement
     • Place your services where you want, not necessarily where the user or service
     client is physically connected.

• Control of resources from applications
     • Customize network behavior to better meet user/application needs
     Introduce non-configured device behavior changes: ephemeral classifiers

• Lowering of operational barriers
     •Decrease dependency on the traditional provisioning workflow
     • Static configurations are maintenance heavy & expensive to change
     • Enable automation and dynamic adaptability within constraints
New Standards & Protocols:
                  Application-Aware Networks

• Scalable infrastructure able to influence and adapt to applications, content and
     • Enables new business models
     • Enables continuous service adjustment between the customer & operator

• Makes network more relevant to applications, content & end-users
    • Enables in-network placement of applications & content
    • Simplifies interfacing with network entities
         • Communicates to application how fast it can/should run
         • Triangulates content, distance, and utilization for end-user.

• Traditional network models are defined by a north/south operational model,
while the programmable network expands applications east/west, allowing new
services to be inserted and monetized with finer-grain control over flows between
service and network elements.
Future Innovation
                   Limitless Opportunities

  The Programmable Network Enables:

  •New business models

  • New revenue-generating services

  •Faster movement to scale and control data & applications

  • Software to provide massive cost-savings

Programmability gives developers the keys to jump-start innovation (along with
directions to drive it), at all levels, with all the tools, platforms & products they
                                 need to be successful.
New Ideas, New Technology:
       What You Need to Know
• OpenFlow: takes network information &
  exposes it to make new things possible;
  selecting traffic to “steer”
• ALTO – location (where is my app in the
• PCE – what’s the best path for my application
  to use across the network?
• BGP-TE – let me balance traffic across that
  path (get my app there the best way possible)
How Do You Make This Happen?
THE APPLICATION WORLD                                                         THE APPLICATION WORLD

                                                  Real-time topology
                                                   (ALTO, BGP-TE)               SI        ISV      Service             Research            Enterprise
                                                                              Partner   Partner   Provider            Institution          Customer

                                               Steering traffic through                    Web Services API
                                                   optimal paths
                               Network                                             Orchestration Across Networks
                                               Selecting specific traffic



                                                                              Network APIs

                                               Opening more touchpoints
                                              to control: Gateways, billing
                                                   collectors, service
                                               appliances, CDN, DPI/IDP

THE NETWORK WORLD                                                             THE NETWORK WORLD
  Programmable Networking is SFW
Types of Developer Applications
                             • Identify cost savings or operational improvements based on
                               network element, subscriber and flow data. Applications that
                               improve the security, policy enforcement or end to end reliability of
     Efficiency:               the network are other efficiency-driven models.
                             • Converge networks & layers by integrating functions for increased
  Save Money, Use Less         performance.
                             • Simplify: Reduce number of network elements and the number of
                               control points into the network.

                             • Maximize utilization of existing resources, creating opportunities
  Optimization:                for customer-specific or fine-grain services, or end user experience
                               improvement. The network becomes a valued ingredient brand in
                               the end user mobile or desktop experience.
    Improve systems &        • Integration of core functions to increase performance. Drastically
software you already have.     reduce number of network elements and the number of control
                               points into the network.

                             • Added Value through Services: Reduce network data to context
                               specific information, create delivery paths for new services, and
      Creation:                integrate multiple external data sources that increase in value as
                               they are correlated with network-centric data.
New services & Revenue       • Opportunities for customers and partners to create revenue-
                               generating services with the programmable network – from
Generating Opportunities       subscriber-centric services to in-depth services specific to each
                               customer needs.
Customer Opportunities
                    • Resource optimization through software, saving money by optimizing what you have,
Enterprise:           reducing the need to purchase more by utilizing what you already have.
                    • Identify cost savings or operational improvements by integrating functions and increasing
                      performance. Create applications that improve the security, policy enforcement and end to
Simplification,       end reliability of the network.
Optimization &      • User experience, resource optimization and efficiency are delivered through the fine-grain
 Cost-Savings         control of new network elements to streamline service placement, path engineering, and
                      policy decisions, simplifying your IT organizations.

 Service-           • Unique & New Service Creation: the ability to insert services at multiple points in the data
                      or control paths of the network, and the ability to open these entry points to Juniper’s and
 Provider:            our customers’ software and services partners.
                    • Monetization: Traditional network models are defined by a north/south operational model,
                      while the programmable network expands applications east/west, allowing new services to
  New Service         be inserted and monetized with finer-grain control over flows between service and network
  Creation &          elements.
   Revenue          • Customization: Freedom & Ability to program & customize services based on customer
 Opportunities        needs: ie: subscriber-centric services to in-depth services specific to each customer needs.

                    • Simplicity: Focus value add without the need to know intricacies of networking hardware
Developer:            and protocols due to new tools & technologies.
                    • Easy Access to Core APIs: Creating resources for developers with REST APIs, exposing
                      resources for manipulation (persisted, cached, copied, queried, and more).
Simple access to    • Up-leveling of Data: Network level access as well as innovation in how information can be
 intelligent data     transferred and delivered across networks, transforms the type of solutions that can be built
with great tools      – up-leveling applications and services to be more intelligent, scalable, accessible to
New Opportunities & Benefits
    Reduce Cost &            Create & Differentiate         Provide Simple &             Generate Revenue for
  Improve Efficiency                Services              Integrated Solutions            Customers, Partners
                                                              for Business                   & Developers
-Converge networks and       -Improve service velocity   -No longer about the            -Reduce network data to
layers                                                   hardware or software,           context specific
                             -Reduce time to service,    focus on solutions &            information
-Integrate functions and     lower new service intro     service creation.
increase performance         cost                                                        - Create delivery paths for
                                                         - Create a differentiated       new services, and integrate
-Reduce number of            -Improve effectiveness of   solutions platform enabling     multiple external data
network elements and the     service delivery            flexible business models        sources that increase in
number of control points                                 and service delivery.           value as they are correlated
into the network             -No compromise on service   Provide a full solution for     with network-centric data.
                             quality                     specific services (e.g.
-Simplify service delivery                               caching, cloud CPE, etc).       - Freedom & Ability to
                             -E2E restoration with                                       program & customize
-Reduce number of service    transparency of network     -Network level access as        services based on customer
touchpoints                  failures to service layer   well as innovation in how       needs: ie: subscriber-
                                                         information can be              centric services to in-depth
- Automate service           - Enable quality of         transferred and delivered       services specific to each
topological Relocation.      Experience guarantees       across networks,                customer needs.
                                                         transforms the type of
                                                         solutions that can be built –
                                                         up-leveling applications
                                                         and services to be more
                                                         intelligent, scalable, and
                                                         pertinent to business.
                  Rapid Development of Differentiated Apps

                                                            Focus on innovation
 Expensive and
                                                            Decrease production costs
  inefficient                                Application
                                                            Increases speed of
 Consistency,
                               Platform                     Decouple velocity of
  security and
                            Interfaces and                   application innovation from
  performance lapses
                              Foundation                     platform innovation

                                             Junos SDK
                                              & Junos
                                             Space SDK     Unlock Intelligent Data

                       APPS + SERVICES       APPS + SERVICES
                       O L D W AY            NEW WAY
                             Network Programmability
3rd   party applications &                                                                                  will
           SDKs                                                                                             you
                               SI Partner        ISV               Service      Research     Enterprise
                                               Partner            Provider     Institution   Customer      Build?

        Juniper Programmable
        Network Platform
                                                                               Pulse - Endpoint
      Web Services APIs

                       Junos Space - Across the network
            CDN                                                                              Data Center

                              Control   Management     Data /
        Network APIs           API          API      Packet API
                                                                    OpenFlow    ALTO

         Junos SDK

                              Network device
Where Juniper Plays
        3rd Party            3rd Party
          App                  App                                               Experience governed through
                                                                                 data insight & ephemeral state
                                                                                 control: make network aware of

                                                              Flow             Content            Subscriber
                 Existing Systems                            Analysis         Placement            Analytics

                               Junos Space APIs

    Make applications                                        Junos Space
   aware of network:
resources, integration
      points, services                             Control   Management     Data /
                                                                                       OpenFlow    ALTO
              exposed                               API          API      Packet API

                                    Network APIs

                                     Junos SDK     Network device

   Big Switch    API
                       Web UI
•Content / Service Routing
    •Locate best copy of content for the end
    user; using customer rules
•Managed content distribution
    •Content prepositioning to caches
    •Live events
•Map-Reduce class of applications
    •High-end distributed computing
•Cloud OS network operations
    •Move VMs / Apps / Storage between
    •Flexibly, on-demand allocate cloud &
    network capacity to customers
    •DDoS attack prevention
Spark new customer conversations
        Inspire new partnerships
Ignite Service & Application innovation
More Benefits of
Network Programmability
                    Network Data-Driven Intelligence Unlocked
•New services can be created and inserted into the transactional and data flows of the
network and stimulate a shift equivalent to that of building websites on application servers
rather than static content servers.

• Extraction of data from the network to define policy, communication methods (protocols),
resource optimization, and more.

• Ability to alter, simplify, and scale network paths and protocols not only to systems but to
the cloud – via simple to use software tools.

• Juniper has created massively simplified tools to extract data from the network for
changes to policy, communication methods, control, security, and more.

• Juniper is putting APIs on services, and our services go deeper into the network
elements, giving network operators a level of inspection and control that’s highly valuable.
By extending this abstraction from the single network element to an entire network with the
programmable network platform it enables developers to go deep into networking stack and
focus on their value add without the need to know intricacies of networking hardware and
                   APIs and New Protocols provide development

• Simple & Powerful APIs: Elimination of information & hardware silos, allowing the
ability to communicate with different systems and servers that were previously

• Data about consumption, users, subscribers, flows and policies is available -
created, annotated, and aggregated across every single point at which the network
comes into contact with a customer, employee or partner.

• The ultimate “social media” play for businesses that thrive on the economics of
their own expertise, content and services – the value is conveyed in the graph of data

• The network has to be extendable in terms of services, their location, and the
optimization of resources to deliver them.

• Visibility: Exposing Network elements and allowing insight into formerly closed
                   Software Scalability & Performance Optimization
                   with Cost-savings

• Easy to use OpenAPIs and North/South-bound interfaces for connectivity to a multitude
of devices

•User experience, resource optimization and efficiency are delivered through the fine-
grain control of network elements to effect service placement, path engineering, and
policy decisions.

• Far from the fixed function, cost-driven component of the data center, the
programmable network is the dominant term in defining IT value. Everything from
central office to data center to mobile device is connected to one or more networks.

• Identify cost savings or operational improvements based on network element,
subscriber and flow data. Applications that improve the security, policy enforcement or
end to end reliability of the network are other efficiency-driven models.

• Integration of core functions to increase performance. Drastically Reduce number of
network elements and the number of control points into the network.
                    Programmable Networks are limitless, and allow you to
                    innovate & plan for the future.

• The programmable network approach adds unique value propositions for Juniper
and our customers: the creation of new services, the ability to insert services at
multiple points in the data or control paths of the network, and the ability to open
these entry points to Juniper’s and our customers’ software and services partners.

• There is a further multiplicative effect when third parties can insert and leverage
network services.

• Opportunities for customers and partners to create revenue-generating services
with the programmable network – from subscriber-centric services to in-depth
services specific to each customer needs.
Thank you!
For Help Building an Application

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  • 1. For Developers: More information on Network Programmability (and how it helps you build better apps) Lauren Cooney Director, Developer & Product Marketing Juniper Networks
  • 2. Why Should I Care? Programmability allows you use software to change the behavior of the existing box, rather than adding additional equipment to your network. You are no longer limited to the imagination of the network equipment vendor, you are free to innovate and extend anything you can imagine. For Developers, you can now take advantage of rich data that was previously trapped within the network. With programmability the power of creation belongs to you. Opportunities include: - Better, Smarter, & Real-time Data for your Applications - Faster Applications - New Services & Opportunities for Revenue
  • 3. Challenges Overshadow Opportunities - Increased Opex Costs & Reduced Budget - Software offerings fragmented & stuck in organizational silos; limited access to network data. - Lack of developer tools accessible to many limits innovation at the network level; hardware companies not able to make products for specific web-based companies. - Revenue opportunity creation complex & not easy to integrate into existing infrastructures.
  • 4. Current versus Emerging - Limited Extensibility: Software, - Open & Extensible: Open Application Applications & APIs control just devices. Models to control devices and redefine - Legacy Systems: Hardware, not software, software behavior & communication; driven efficiency and economics. Scale creation of value-added services. New Tools through boxes, not software for simplification of data extraction. - Vendor Lock-in: Network software comes - New Architectures & Better Efficiencies: A from the network hardware vendor. combination of both centralized and distributed architecture models for simple & - Massive inefficiencies: Siloed and scalable communication. disparate systems with limited methods of communication, paths and protocols by - Vendor agnostic: Software & Applications which to communicate with systems. that run across networks of all types & brands. Economics defined by software - Limited extensibility & growth allowing for massive scalability at lower opportunity: Limited scale & simplification costs. for virtualized & cloud-based systems. - Opportunities for Growth: Ability to alter, simplify, and scale network paths & protocols not only to systems but to the cloud & more efficiently. Network Programmability Redefines Software Behavior Enabling New & Integrated Solutions
  • 5. Why Does Programmability Matter? To help make network value easily accessible to developers, and allow developers to create more intelligent & smarter applications. Network-Aware Application-Aware Programmable Applications Applications Networks Using code to make Making network Coding to use network the network adapt to infrastructure value natively inside the needs of accessible to applications. applications developers. Network can provide information to Applications Applications can provide information to the Network
  • 6. Programmability Changes how the Networks Works The New Network is Programmable. The New Network allows you use software to change the behavior of the existing box, rather than adding additional equipment to your network. You are no longer limited to the imagination of the network equipment vendor, you are free to innovate and extend anything you can imagine. With programmability implemented in your network the power of creation belongs to you. The only way to make your network more intelligent is to give you great software platforms, tools, technologies, and products to extract valuable network data and use it to optimize your network’s operation. You can build amazing software that helps you run your network better than ever before. The Programmable Network drastically changes network economics through customizable software, allowing for massive scalability, resource efficiencies, and unprecedented extensibility – across networks, devices, and to the cloud. Simply, Efficiently, and Cost-Effectively.
  • 7. Why Do We Need a Programmable Network? Every IT department and enterprise has a unique combination of applications, network architecture, efficiency constraints and goals, so out out-of-the box solutions rarely fit your needs. IT and Development often live separate lives Information Developers Technology Enterprises / Customers Developers Information Telecom Technology Infrastructure Application/Network divide OSS/Network divide
  • 8. Programmable Networks Solve This Innovation needs to sit inside your organization. Juniper makes that a reality by providing the tools, technologies & products you trust with a Software platform that offers: • New architectures, new tools & new approaches that define the Network. • A network platform that is application-aware, allowing for the network to be controlled, optimized and informed by applications. • Allowing developers to create the software (network-aware applications) that utilize the network optimally, rather than the vendor providing custom-fit software. • The ability to extend this to program to devices through data flow intelligence. Network Programmability allow the fine-tuning & control that customers want, with the decoupling of software from systems that developers desire.
  • 9. Current Network Application Capabilities • Allows Flexibility of Service Placement – Place your services where you want, not necessarily where the user is physically connected • Control of Resources from Applications – Customize network behavior to better meet user/application needs – Introduce non-configured device behavior changes: ephemeral classifiers • Lowering of operational barriers – Decrease dependency on the traditional provisioning workflow – Enable automation and dynamic adaptability within constraints Juniper is extending this to help customers, partners, developers, and more take advantage of new technologies. Customers should be able to take advantage of more than just the above.
  • 10. We Are Introducing More. Open Application Models Decoupling of Software from Systems Real-time Data, Analytics, and Better Reporting Visibility of Applications in the Network New Protocols & Communication Methods New Service & Revenue Opportunities You Need to Make your Applications Smarter, More Flexible & Faster
  • 11. Juniper’s New Network Is Programmable Network Programmability Network-Aware Application-Aware Programmability Applications Networks A networking device with a published set of APIs or SDK Network visibility in an Real-time data capture and extraction that is enabled with application or delivery service & correlation of information from the standardized protocols used to build enhancements. network to be used in applications, allowing Applications to Focus is on location of the services, & solutions. Allows for new program the forwarding, end user and proximity to the service topologies, new paths, ability control or management server/cache. Examples to dilate or constrict bandwidth on a plane of the device. Include include services for network link, path, take preventive measures orchestration (OSS/BSS), performance management, and protect network assets in real Routing Signaling Activity, WAN Optimization, customer time. Allows developer to create better Analytics, and Perimeter experience management, services such as Bandwidth & Service Control. content filtering, and internal Resource Optimization, Quality of billing of networked Service (QoS), Content-Based Billing, applications. Quality of Experience (QoE), VoIP Fraud Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance.
  • 12. Programmable Networks New Opportunities for Developers Open Data Programmable New Future Access Perimeters Standards & Innovation Get data about Security, services, Protocols Language network flows, users, devices: make them independent, Provide fine-grain applications, and more functional, scalable and control over where network topologies to flexible, and valuable accessible to the services and content inform applications, through data flow general purpose are placed in the and have applications intelligence. developer: meet network, and how inform the network disruption where it traffic is routed to happens and from them. Intelligent. Open. Efficient. Programmability allows for developer customization and provides services & solutions enabling flexible business models and innovative service delivery.
  • 13. Open Data Access Network-Aware Applications • Extraction of data from the network with massively simplified tools to define policy, communication methods (protocols), resource optimization, control data and more in the form of Applications. • Creating resources for developers with REST APIs, exposing resources for manipulation (persisted, cached, copied, queried, and more). • Control of resources from applications including: •Customization of network behavior to better meet user/application needs •Introduce non-configured (ephemeral) device behavior changes. • Juniper is putting APIs on services, and our services go deeper into the network elements, giving network operators a level of inspection and control that’s highly valuable – down to the network flow or packet level. •By extending this abstraction from the single network element to an entire network with the programmable network platform it enables developers to go deep into networking stack and focus on their value add without the need to know intricacies of networking hardware and protocols.
  • 14. Programmable Perimeters Ability to simply program to new devices through new methods. • The perimeter is no longer defined by devices, but by APIs and interfaces. • Programmable Device plays open up much richer off-network element computation as part of the network processing. •Flexibility of service placement • Place your services where you want, not necessarily where the user or service client is physically connected. • Control of resources from applications • Customize network behavior to better meet user/application needs Introduce non-configured device behavior changes: ephemeral classifiers • Lowering of operational barriers •Decrease dependency on the traditional provisioning workflow • Static configurations are maintenance heavy & expensive to change • Enable automation and dynamic adaptability within constraints
  • 15. New Standards & Protocols: Application-Aware Networks • Scalable infrastructure able to influence and adapt to applications, content and end-users • Enables new business models • Enables continuous service adjustment between the customer & operator • Makes network more relevant to applications, content & end-users • Enables in-network placement of applications & content • Simplifies interfacing with network entities • Communicates to application how fast it can/should run • Triangulates content, distance, and utilization for end-user. • Traditional network models are defined by a north/south operational model, while the programmable network expands applications east/west, allowing new services to be inserted and monetized with finer-grain control over flows between service and network elements.
  • 16. Future Innovation Limitless Opportunities The Programmable Network Enables: •New business models • New revenue-generating services •Faster movement to scale and control data & applications • Software to provide massive cost-savings Programmability gives developers the keys to jump-start innovation (along with directions to drive it), at all levels, with all the tools, platforms & products they need to be successful.
  • 17. New Ideas, New Technology: What You Need to Know • OpenFlow: takes network information & exposes it to make new things possible; selecting traffic to “steer” • ALTO – location (where is my app in the network?) • PCE – what’s the best path for my application to use across the network? • BGP-TE – let me balance traffic across that path (get my app there the best way possible)
  • 18. How Do You Make This Happen? THE APPLICATION WORLD THE APPLICATION WORLD Real-time topology understanding (ALTO, BGP-TE) SI ISV Service Research Enterprise Partner Partner Provider Institution Customer Steering traffic through Web Services API optimal paths (PCE) Network Orchestration Across Networks Programmability Selecting specific traffic OpenFlow BGP-TE (OpenFlow) ALTO Mgmt PCE Network APIs … Opening more touchpoints to control: Gateways, billing collectors, service appliances, CDN, DPI/IDP THE NETWORK WORLD THE NETWORK WORLD Programmable Networking is SFW
  • 19. Types of Developer Applications • Identify cost savings or operational improvements based on network element, subscriber and flow data. Applications that improve the security, policy enforcement or end to end reliability of Efficiency: the network are other efficiency-driven models. • Converge networks & layers by integrating functions for increased Save Money, Use Less performance. • Simplify: Reduce number of network elements and the number of control points into the network. • Maximize utilization of existing resources, creating opportunities Optimization: for customer-specific or fine-grain services, or end user experience improvement. The network becomes a valued ingredient brand in the end user mobile or desktop experience. Improve systems & • Integration of core functions to increase performance. Drastically software you already have. reduce number of network elements and the number of control points into the network. • Added Value through Services: Reduce network data to context specific information, create delivery paths for new services, and Creation: integrate multiple external data sources that increase in value as they are correlated with network-centric data. New services & Revenue • Opportunities for customers and partners to create revenue- generating services with the programmable network – from Generating Opportunities subscriber-centric services to in-depth services specific to each customer needs.
  • 20. Customer Opportunities • Resource optimization through software, saving money by optimizing what you have, Enterprise: reducing the need to purchase more by utilizing what you already have. • Identify cost savings or operational improvements by integrating functions and increasing performance. Create applications that improve the security, policy enforcement and end to Simplification, end reliability of the network. Optimization & • User experience, resource optimization and efficiency are delivered through the fine-grain Cost-Savings control of new network elements to streamline service placement, path engineering, and policy decisions, simplifying your IT organizations. Service- • Unique & New Service Creation: the ability to insert services at multiple points in the data or control paths of the network, and the ability to open these entry points to Juniper’s and Provider: our customers’ software and services partners. • Monetization: Traditional network models are defined by a north/south operational model, while the programmable network expands applications east/west, allowing new services to New Service be inserted and monetized with finer-grain control over flows between service and network Creation & elements. Revenue • Customization: Freedom & Ability to program & customize services based on customer Opportunities needs: ie: subscriber-centric services to in-depth services specific to each customer needs. • Simplicity: Focus value add without the need to know intricacies of networking hardware Developer: and protocols due to new tools & technologies. • Easy Access to Core APIs: Creating resources for developers with REST APIs, exposing resources for manipulation (persisted, cached, copied, queried, and more). Simple access to • Up-leveling of Data: Network level access as well as innovation in how information can be intelligent data transferred and delivered across networks, transforms the type of solutions that can be built with great tools – up-leveling applications and services to be more intelligent, scalable, accessible to developers.
  • 21. New Opportunities & Benefits Reduce Cost & Create & Differentiate Provide Simple & Generate Revenue for Improve Efficiency Services Integrated Solutions Customers, Partners for Business & Developers -Converge networks and -Improve service velocity -No longer about the -Reduce network data to layers hardware or software, context specific -Reduce time to service, focus on solutions & information -Integrate functions and lower new service intro service creation. increase performance cost - Create delivery paths for - Create a differentiated new services, and integrate -Reduce number of -Improve effectiveness of solutions platform enabling multiple external data network elements and the service delivery flexible business models sources that increase in number of control points and service delivery. value as they are correlated into the network -No compromise on service Provide a full solution for with network-centric data. quality specific services (e.g. -Simplify service delivery caching, cloud CPE, etc). - Freedom & Ability to -E2E restoration with program & customize -Reduce number of service transparency of network -Network level access as services based on customer touchpoints failures to service layer well as innovation in how needs: ie: subscriber- information can be centric services to in-depth - Automate service - Enable quality of transferred and delivered services specific to each topological Relocation. Experience guarantees across networks, customer needs. transforms the type of solutions that can be built – up-leveling applications and services to be more intelligent, scalable, and pertinent to business.
  • 22. JUNIPER’S DEVELOPER-CENTRIC APPROACH Rapid Development of Differentiated Apps Application Innovation  Focus on innovation  Expensive and  Decrease production costs inefficient Application  Increases speed of Innovation development  Consistency, Platform  Decouple velocity of security and Interfaces and application innovation from performance lapses Foundation platform innovation development Junos SDK & Junos Space SDK Unlock Intelligent Data APPS + SERVICES APPS + SERVICES O L D W AY NEW WAY
  • 23. JUNIPER VISION: Network Programmability What 3rd party applications & will SDKs you SI Partner ISV Service Research Enterprise Partner Provider Institution Customer Build? Juniper Programmable Network Platform Pulse - Endpoint Web Services APIs Junos Space - Across the network CDN Data Center Control Management Data / Network APIs API API Packet API OpenFlow ALTO Junos SDK Network device
  • 24. Where Juniper Plays 3rd Party 3rd Party App App Experience governed through data insight & ephemeral state control: make network aware of applications Flow Content Subscriber Existing Systems Analysis Placement Analytics Junos Space APIs Make applications Junos Space aware of network: resources, integration points, services Control Management Data / OpenFlow ALTO exposed API API Packet API Network APIs Junos SDK Network device
  • 26. OTHER APPLICATIONS WE’RE SEEING •Content / Service Routing •Locate best copy of content for the end user; using customer rules •Managed content distribution •Content prepositioning to caches •Live events •Map-Reduce class of applications •High-end distributed computing •Cloud OS network operations •Move VMs / Apps / Storage between locations •Cloudburst •Flexibly, on-demand allocate cloud & network capacity to customers •Security •DDoS attack prevention
  • 27. Spark new customer conversations Inspire new partnerships Ignite Service & Application innovation
  • 28. More Benefits of Network Programmability
  • 29. Intelligent: Network Data-Driven Intelligence Unlocked •New services can be created and inserted into the transactional and data flows of the network and stimulate a shift equivalent to that of building websites on application servers rather than static content servers. • Extraction of data from the network to define policy, communication methods (protocols), resource optimization, and more. • Ability to alter, simplify, and scale network paths and protocols not only to systems but to the cloud – via simple to use software tools. • Juniper has created massively simplified tools to extract data from the network for changes to policy, communication methods, control, security, and more. • Juniper is putting APIs on services, and our services go deeper into the network elements, giving network operators a level of inspection and control that’s highly valuable. By extending this abstraction from the single network element to an entire network with the programmable network platform it enables developers to go deep into networking stack and focus on their value add without the need to know intricacies of networking hardware and protocols.
  • 30. Open: APIs and New Protocols provide development opportunities • Simple & Powerful APIs: Elimination of information & hardware silos, allowing the ability to communicate with different systems and servers that were previously unavailable. • Data about consumption, users, subscribers, flows and policies is available - created, annotated, and aggregated across every single point at which the network comes into contact with a customer, employee or partner. • The ultimate “social media” play for businesses that thrive on the economics of their own expertise, content and services – the value is conveyed in the graph of data exposed. • The network has to be extendable in terms of services, their location, and the optimization of resources to deliver them. • Visibility: Exposing Network elements and allowing insight into formerly closed systems.
  • 31. Efficient: Software Scalability & Performance Optimization with Cost-savings • Easy to use OpenAPIs and North/South-bound interfaces for connectivity to a multitude of devices •User experience, resource optimization and efficiency are delivered through the fine- grain control of network elements to effect service placement, path engineering, and policy decisions. • Far from the fixed function, cost-driven component of the data center, the programmable network is the dominant term in defining IT value. Everything from central office to data center to mobile device is connected to one or more networks. • Identify cost savings or operational improvements based on network element, subscriber and flow data. Applications that improve the security, policy enforcement or end to end reliability of the network are other efficiency-driven models. • Integration of core functions to increase performance. Drastically Reduce number of network elements and the number of control points into the network.
  • 32. Extensible: Programmable Networks are limitless, and allow you to innovate & plan for the future. • The programmable network approach adds unique value propositions for Juniper and our customers: the creation of new services, the ability to insert services at multiple points in the data or control paths of the network, and the ability to open these entry points to Juniper’s and our customers’ software and services partners. • There is a further multiplicative effect when third parties can insert and leverage network services. • Opportunities for customers and partners to create revenue-generating services with the programmable network – from subscriber-centric services to in-depth services specific to each customer needs.
  • 33. Thank you! For Help Building an Application

Editor's Notes

  1. Hal: edited third bullet since it overlapped fourth a bit, and focused on the tools part, which is a great point
  2. Hal: I still think the “to the cloud” is misplaced. Could we play it with the centralized vs distributed control? there’s distributed (all over the net), centralized (one master brain) and then “cloud based” (it’s remote, could be either one)
  3. You’re thinking you can already do this, right? But you can’t. We’re making development move up a level – by giving you access to new technologies, products and platforms that will up-level your development abilities for new applications & services. Network-Aware ApplicationsNetwork visibility in an application or delivery service used to build enhancements. Focus is on location of the end user and proximity to the server/cache. Examples include services for network performance management, WAN Optimization, customer experience management, content filtering, and internal billing of networked applications. Application-Aware NetworksReal-time data capture and extraction & correlation of information from the network to be used in applications, services, & solutions. Allows for new service topologies, new paths, ability to dilate or constrict bandwidth on a link, path,  take preventive measures and protect network assets in real time. Allows developer to create better services such as Bandwidth & Resource Optimization, Quality of Service (QoS), Content-Based Billing, Quality of Experience (QoE), VoIP Fraud Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance.Programmable NetworksA networking device with a published set of APIs or SDK that is enabled with standardized protocols allowing Applications to program the forwarding, control or management plane of the device. Include orchestration (OSS/BSS), Routing Signaling Activity, Analytics, and Perimeter Service Control.
  4. Hal: this went back into data focus and running the network. I believe we need to keep that bi-drectional data up from the netowrk control down to the network flow; it’s about the closed loop. Edit what I did obviously….
  5. There is a divide between IT and developers that doesn’t allow for innovation. Demands on the network drive massive scale, including increased bandwidth for content, streaming, videos, and more. Difficult to solve deep network problems, such as how to content distribution, protocol compatibility, performance, security issues, and more. Need to be able to control networks in new ways with specialized customization. Web-based organizations unable to take advantage of rigid, OOB hardware offerings. Lower barriers to entry needed for new services or offerings, whether in-house developed or from a partner or third party.Adding boxes to solve problems is not economical nor operationally efficient; Economies of scale are creating constraints that typical networking platforms cannot fix.
  6. There is more out there that can be offered. Here is what you want as a developer.
  7. hal: attempting marketing here
  8. Hal: again, can we either merge this into the “value pillars” or into the types of apps? seems like we have five or more different views of TPN, and I think we need four: techincal, what and why; value/business what/why, for developers, what/why and customers, what/why This content should be merged into developer/business, I think.
  9. Objective of this slide:One of the common fears of developers is the amount of net new investment s/he has to make on the platform. “HOW MUCH time do I have to invest in getting started here”. The Goal here is to emphasize the strengths of our SDKs – in that our SDKs come out of the box, comprehensive and enables the developers to focus on INNOVATION and NOT on the plumbing. Goal here is also to stress that we enable GTM faster and efficiently. Re-iterate 3 principles.===In the past developers are forced to create the plumbing before they can start building applications. Much time was spent and wasted in focusing heavily on the foundation aspects than the business and innovation aspects of application development.That’s the reason at Juniper we decided to take a different approach. Where Juniper Platform exposes the needed plumbing thru the SDK and APIs so developers can focus more on innovation and less on the plumbing aspects. Thereby enabling the developers to unlock and expose the network intelligence thru their applications easily, effectively and efficiently.Some of the key benefits our developers are already seeing :Faster development timeGTM quickerMore intelligent applications at a faster time. Less time on the plumbingTransition to the next slideTo summarize in one slide, you as a network developer now have the capability of building a variety of solns on our platform
  10. Speaker notes and backup informationJuniper is a strong proponent of open networks & programmability and has been so for many yearsKey benefit of programmability is to enable value creation on the new network, e.g., for the creation of value added services or apps that simplify network managementExamples of Juniper’s open stance include: Juniper enables the use of 3rd party optics on Juniper products and several companies OEM Juniper products, incl. Ericsson.Juniper is also actively creating a developer ecosystem, Junos Developer Network, with over 100 partner companies signed up to dateJuniper provides unique end-to-end programmabilityStarting with on-device: JunosJunos Software Development Kit (SDK) offering programmability; OpenFlow is one of the APIs that enable programmabilityCross-device: Junos SpaceWith Space SDK to enable orchestration and management, incl. mash-ups of networking apps with non-networking appsOn the Endpoint: Junos PulseJunos Pulse available for iPhone and iPad among othersUse cases include handset and data securityOpenFlow enriches programmability of the deviceHelping make apps network-aware and networks app-awareOpenFlow adds new incremental method for programmable filter-based forwardingJuniper utilizes several mediation layers, ALTO, PCE, OF – all leveraging industry standards.As such, OF is one of many elements of network programmability and in line with Juniper’s vision for the programmable new networkFAQ:Do all Juniper products have SDKs?No, not all Juniper products have SDKs at this point in time but we plan to roll out SDKs to all platforms expanding on the MX SDK offeringPossible use cases for SDKsJunos SDK: “Embedded” apps: packet processing, proximity, data collection API examples: DMI, OpenFlow, ProximityJunos Space: widgets, content-oriented applications, network management (network data pre-processing & presentation), higher-level APIs to Junos SDK apps, workflow orchestration, etc.; mashups with non-networking appsPulse APIs: security
  11. A simple example as in the case of Joulex, a partner of Juniper the goal is to enable and automate a bidirectional energy management of network assets.However there is no easy way to do this due to lack of standards.Junos Space SDK provides a clear path to Joulex to access the device energy usage uniformly and control devices intelligently.
  12. IT LevelAccessCloudMobileCrowdsharing (inside stadium)
  13. Hal: emphasis on 3rd bullet point