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Nervosa Family Therapy
Family Based Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa, otherwise stated as anorexia, is an eating disorder that occurs when an individual
restricts themselves from necessary energy intake which leads to significantly low body weight.
Other characteristics of this disorder include: intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight,
persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain, and disturbances of perception and experience
of their own body weight and shape (DSM V, 2013). Effective treatments are still trying to be
researched for this disorder, as there is not a "one size fits all" for people of all age groups, living
situations, etc. Since adolescents with anorexia are such a vulnerable population, ... Show more
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Lock, who studied and advocated for FBT, decided to gather all the randomized clinical trials that
have been performed on adolescents and analyze their results. He looked at 5 randomized clinical
trials for adolescents, and found that FBT was the most effective than any other form of treatment
along each trial (2005). His discussion on Individual Based Therapy versus Family Based Therapy
was similar to Robin et al. (1999). Upon looking at Robin's results, he agreed that FBT was more
effective but not by much. Even though the benefits of FBT were seen on a small margin compared
to Individual Based Therapy, Lock (2005) states that FBT is a convincing treatment overall. In other
words, he claims this type of treatment is all that is available right now, even if it may not be 100%
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Family Therapy Research Paper
Family treatment is considered a necessity when they are the family of a recovering substance
abuser. What types of treatment are out their? Why do families need therapy, they aren't the ones
with the problem? As we know from studying system theory, all things within a system even though
they are independent are also interrelated. This means that the action of one causes a reaction of the
rest of the things within the system. This is why family therapy is a crucial component of a recovery
addict achieving and maintaining sobriety.
As we see from the system theory family are an important part of what contributes to a person
addiction. It's not done maliciously, more so to cope and survive the dysfunctional environment they
must survive in. Unfortunately some "treatment facilities don't have the qualified staff or resources
to provide the kind of therapy a family needs" ((Stevens & Smith, pg. 253). It's proven that family
therapy can be a "powerful adjunct in the treatment of substance abusers" (Stevens & Smith, pg.
253). If the family receives treatment then the substance abuser will go back to a "different
environment where the enabling and silence has stopped" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 253). ... Show more
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251). The first stage is early in the individuals alcoholism and the family is developing an identity"
(Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). During this stage the family "may or may not react to alcohol related
problems" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). The second stage is the middle stage where the family
identity is in tack, abuse may be occurring and they are trying to maintain homeostasis that allows
the chemical use in the family system" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). The last stage, the late stage is
when a family member will try to resolve the substance abuse issues from there past before bringing
children into the family" (Stevens & Smith, pg.
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Marriage And Family Therapy Essay
My understanding of morality in the context of marriage and family therapy present an engagement
of emotional behavior toward what him/her believe when others doesn't find credence in him/her
truth or belief. Morality in its composition is structured on the foundation of a person values, social
norms, belief, experiences with his/her own rationale that is considered to be true. It is through these
elements which create the process of moral reasoning and justification especially when a person
defy another person truth creating a moral dilemma. In the context of marriage and family therapy, a
therapist morality is gaged within the boundaries of ethical codes, laws, and regulations. I believe
the ethical codes, laws, and regulations helps the ... Show more content on ...
I believe there are several elements in the framework of morality that could be considered
controversial in the field Marriage and Family Therapy. I think one of the controversial challenges
people may face in the field of marriage and family therapy when dealing with morality, is when we
begin to explore spirituality and religion into a conversation causing individuals seeing or
understanding this topic from various spiritual viewpoints based on his/her own spiritual or religious
beliefs. In the past fifteen years or more spirituality and religion was basically strayed in the process
of marriage and family counseling. Typically, it was because it was considered inappropriate to
address this uncharted territory issues in therapy with clients (Carlson, Kirkpatrick, Hecker, &
Killmer, 2002). In today world, spirituality is considered to be a more suitable topic in conversation
even though spirituality and religion is reference interchangeably as well as other biblical term.
Controversial issues reveal its self when one belief clashes with another belief. People with their
belief holes true belief through the framework of his/her norms, values, and experiences
constructing his/her moral reasoning. It is when conflict occurs when belief goes against another,
when this happen people tries to interject their moral reasoning through their own justification about
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Family Systems Therapy
Introduction Family systems therapy has been around for years, but it was not until the 1950s that
the theory really took root (Corey, 2017). Family systems therapy looks at the relational part of
humans and sees them as being an individual as apart of a bigger system. Murray Bowen, developer
of family systems theory, believed that "the causes of an individual's problems can be understood by
viewing the role of the family as an emotional unit" (Corey, 2017, p. 407). As a counselor, I would
like take into consideration that the client's family impacts them as an individual. Having an
understanding that any change made to any person in the family can impact the others. Families are
our first form of relationships. Having a better understanding of our client's families will be able to
help me understand their current behaviors and how they function. (Corey, 2017) This paper will
break down family system therapy and explain how I could use the techniques and terms into daily
practice. Differences An important part of family systems therapy is understanding the difference
between systemic and individual approaches. Family systems therapists can still do individual
counseling. The difference is they just focus on how the individuals family system is impacting
them. The family systems therapist would also want to look at the larger system to be able to
understand how change will not only help the individual, but the larger system as well (Corey,
2017). As a counselor it is
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Structural Family Therapy
Models of Therapy Structural Family Therapy Theory: Structural Family Therapy (SFT) has a few
interventions within the theoretical model that I could see myself using with clients (families) from
diverse backgrounds with diverse presenting problems. I am in agreement with the way this model
looks at the different types of families and the types of issues they present with such as the patterns
common to troubled families; some being "enmeshed," chaotic and tightly interconnected, while
others are "disengaged," isolated and seemingly unrelated. This model also helped me understand
that families are structured in "subsystems" with "boundaries," their members not seeing these
complexities and problems that are going on ... Show more content on ...
In my personal opinion and experience, I find that the field of psychology is lacking in diverse
cultural competencies as much as the society is diverse in its population. I believe that as with using
any theoretical model, the therapists' cultural knowledge needs to include understanding of the many
cultural considerations influencing the effectiveness of treatment when dealing with clients from
diverse backgrounds. When servicing the individuals in the family, care and attention needs to be
directed towards family and community norms and values around help seeking, secrecy and
confidentiality, family roles, child rearing and spiritual practices.
One of the main interventions of Functional Family Therapy that resonates with me is that one of the
prime goals of this model is to identify the primary focus of intervention (the family) and reflect an
understanding that positive and negative behaviors both influence and are influenced by the
relationships each family member has with one another. Therefore, making functional therapy a
multi systemic program, meaning that it focuses on the multiple domains and systems within which
families live and interact with one another. Within this context, FFT works first to develop family
members' inner strengths and sense of being
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Family Therapy
Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy employed to assist members of a family in improving
communication systems, conflict resolution, and to help the family to deal with certain problems
that manifest in the behavior of members. In most cases, deviance in a family member is an
indication of underlying family dysfunctions. This paper looks the counselling procedure that can be
applied to help the Kline family solve their problems. It answers certain questions including those of
the expected challenges during therapy and ways of dealing with the challenges.
1. What are your initial reactions after reading the intake interview? What are the themes that
interest you the most in this case? Why?
From the intake interview, I can ... Show more content on ...
The counselor will ask questions to clarify and summarize the family's concerns. I will answer any
questions and address any concerns raised by the family about the therapy process. I will also assist
in laying down parental authority and a sense of impartiality among the children. This will reinstate
equilibrium in the family and motivate all members to participate in the therapy.
Each family member will be taught on the importance of listening to the issues raised other
members of the family. This will lay down the foundation for the future sessions. I will also coach
the members of the Kline household on how to provide suitable feedback on issues raised by other
family members. The session shall also entail a discussion of the expectations of each family
member. It is a good point to begin instructing the family on the necessary required in order for
those changes to be achieved.
3. George does not seem very open to looking at his role in contributing to the problems within his
family. If you were to see him as your client, how would you go about establishing a relationship
with him?
Resistance of certain clients to group therapy is among the many challenges that therapists
commonly face. George seeks to detach himself from the problem and sees his role in the family as
that of a saint. Being the apparent head of the family
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Marriage and Family Therapy Essay example
Marriage and Family Counseling Research Paper
COUN 501–B43–Couselor Professional Identity, Function, and Ethics
Denna Harrison
Liberty University
Master of Arts in Professional Counseling
Fall 2012
The purpose of this paper is to examine the field of marriage and family counseling beginning with
the history and development of the profession and its importance in the field of counseling. This
paper will also evaluate five major themes relevant to Marriage and Family Therapy which include:
ethical dilemmas in marriage and family counseling, premarital counseling qualifications of
marriage and family therapists including licensure and certification. The biblical insight related to
marriage and family therapy will also be ... Show more content on ...
From a biblical aspect Family is described as a social system that progressed by forming a set of
rules, roles, power structure. Forms of communication and way to solve problems. There are four
key principles that a Christian counselors point out when approaching any family. The first one is
"The family, in is social dimensions, reflects God". Meaning that The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all
have unique distinctiveness however they are "one" as God; this is compared to the Family. A family
can consist of a mother, father and children or a mother and husband. If thought they are their own
persons, they are considered "one". The second key principle that is describe is "Family health,
individual health, and maturity are inseparably entwined". This key principle entails that the powers
of family identity and socialization is significant for growth and development among each family
member, which can ultimately lead to healthy family living. "The Family is also like the church is
that next basic principle, meaning that a family has functions like the church. Finally, the last key
principle describes states that "Trouble is reproduced, but can also be stopped, in families and in
generations of families". This key principle indicates that there is a psychosocial and spiritual
relation among family reproduction pertaining to alcoholism and other issues as describes in
Competent Christian Counseling as "generational curses". Christians believe that
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Bowen Family Therapy Paper
The Bowen Family Systems Therapy Counseling Process and Key Goals The primary unit of
treatment is the family. The Bowen Family Systems therapy consists of three phases within the
counseling process. The first is the phases in the initial assessment. This includes the evaluation of
symptoms within the family, the initial family contact, the family history, and background
information related to the issues(s). The second phase is the Genogram. This is where the client and
therapist piece together a family diagram or genogram. The Genogram is then evaluated in terms of
symptoms, stress, emotional reactivity, stability, emotional cutoff, therapeutic focus, and nuclear
family emotional process (Gehart & Tuttle, 2005). Differentiation is the third ... Show more content
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Process Questions are a technique which explores the family emotional processes. Process
Questions also help individuals to rationalize their situations. Coaching is another method in the
Bowen Theory. This method uses the I–position for a family member to express themselves by
stating I instead of you. An example would be instead of saying you never listen to what I have to
say, replace you with I and state that I do not feel like you hear what I have to say. This method
helps to alleviate the potential for reactivity from family members. The Nature of the Counselor–
Client Relationship and its Relative Importance The nature of the counselor–client relationship is
significant. It is the geneuiness, and rapport of the counselor–client relatiohsp which will help to
identify issues, and eventually empower the client for effective results. The Role of the Marriage,
Couple, and Family Therapist In using the Bowen Theory, the role of the therapist is aligned with
that of a coach or consultant (, n.d.). The counselor role is to guide the family to
an understanding of their issues without becoming emotionally reactive to their situation. It is also
important for the therapist to not allow themselves to be pulled into a triangle situation with the
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Importance Of Structural Family Therapy
Key Concepts and Terms The first theory selected for Alberto is structural family therapy. Structural
family therapy was developed by Salvador Minuchin. The foundation of Structural family therapy is
based on family structure. To gain insight about a family's structure, a therapist must observe
interactional patterns of the family (Gallin, 2011). Minuchin found that structural family change is
required in order to reduce problematic symptoms (Cory, 2013). According to Minuchin, family
structure is considered the unspoken rules within a family that determines how a family will interact.
To understand the different types of interactional patterns, the following terms are used to help guide
the structural family therapist: coalitions, subsystems, boundaries, triangulation, roles, rules, and
power (Gladdin, 2011). The first term coalition is used to help identify two people who have teamed
up against another person within the family. The second term subsystem helps the therapist to
recognize small groups within the family system and what tasks they complete for the family. The
third term is boundaries which are rules and guidelines within the family. Boundaries within a
family can be clear, rigid, or diffused. If a family has clear boundaries, they have a clear
understanding of the rules and guidelines within the family and have flexibility to communicate with
one another when something is not working. If a family has rigid boundaries, the family rules and
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Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Essay
The two theories chosen are the relational gestalt therapy and cognitive–behavioral family therapy
where both of them are considered to be important in the psychotherapy world. The reason why they
were chosen is because both of them are designed in a special way to address and explain the roots
of dysfunction, and to impact change in individuals and family units. However, what is interesting
the most is the basic principles of these two theories, connected interventions, and basic assumptions
and explains about dysfunction. Cognitive behavioral therapy is type of therapy that was first
developed for individuals who are suffering from eating disorders (Biblarz T. & Stacey, 2008).
However, it is now used for several issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, family issues, and even
anger problems. On the other hand, gestalt therapy is a unique type of psychotherapy that places an
emphasis on personal responsibility and the experience of individuals in a certain moment, instead
of focusing on the past. The reason I like them is because they address the root of ... Show more
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The aim is to assist patients in changing their behaviour patterns, especially when it comes to
dysfunctional thinking. When behaviour and thought patterns are changed, mood is changed as well
(Silver, 2011).
The main and perhaps most important role involve assessing patients. This is what will determine
the diagnosis and suitable treatment for the patient. Therapist should understand from the evaluation
the reason behind the behavior, how severe it is, and its impact on the patient and people around
him. When a diagnosis is successfully made, treatment will have to start. In this case, it is going to
be psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and implementation of the Bowen's family systems
theory (Biblarz T. & Stacey,
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Structural Family Therapy
I pledge, on my honor, that I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this
The goal of therapy is to have individuals, families and/or groups examine their current level of
functioning. Clients are in therapy to resolve challenging beliefs, feelings, and behaviors about
themselves or others. The goal of the therapist is to guide the client to make changes. Not all therapy
modalities work for everyone because people function at different levels and people needs are
In comparing and contrasting Structural theory, Solution focus therapy and cognitive behavior
therapy all three modalities share a lot of similarities as well as differences. The role of the therapist
also changes as treatment ... Show more content on ...
As a Division of Child Protection and Permanency worker I often join with the family I am working
with. This is the only way I can learn what the family needs and how they can learn to meet their
own needs by using their own abilities and strengths. A lot of times I do a lot of restructuring with
families as roles of children and parents changes, children become less parentified and parents
learned to established appropriate boundaries with their children. In my work with families, I often
find myself helping clients change their way of thinking. Something clients have a distorted way of
viewing themselves and others. Utilizing techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has helped
clients challenge that all or nothing thinking which is detrimental to goal achievement.
I find that Solution Focus Therapy is the most prevalent in my work with families. I prefer using this
Solution Focus Therapy. I feel that is has become second nature for me to ask clients questions. I
learned that incorporating miracle questions, past success questions and scaling questions really has
helped me to learn about strengths and future goals of the clients I
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Structural Family Therapy Essay
Structural family therapy is a model of treatment based on systems theory that was developed by
Salvador Minuchin. Structural family therapy features emphasis is mostly on structural change as
the main goal of therapy; it pays close attention to the individual but also acknowledges the
importance of family in the healing process of the individual.
Structural family therapy focuses on encouraging proactive healthy change within the family, with
an emphasis on structure, subsystems, and boundaries. Family Structure is invisible set of rules that
organize the ways family members relate to each other. Structure resists change. The therapist will
essentially be a change agent to facilitate this reorganization (Minuchin, ... Show more content on ...
One goal for the therapist is to determine what the structure is, and then decide whether it is
problematic for the family or not. According to Minuchin (1974), "Family structure is the invisible
set of functional demands that organizes the ways in which family members interact" (Minuchin p.
51). Additionally, Gladding (2007) suggested:
In some families, structure is well organized in a hierarchical pattern and members easily
Relate to one another. In other, there is little structure and few arrangements are provided by which
family members can easily and meaningfully interact (Gladding p. 203). The essence of family
structure is greatly influenced by culture; it defines the role of men and women, children, and it also
create cross–generational influences unique to every family. In using this example of Asian
American families, Brooks (2008) suggested:
Families are organized with fathers as the figures in control and the mothers are subordinate to them.
Mothers, however, take compete charge of the children, and so from a child's point of view, mothers
appear to be authority figures as well. Children are obligated to respect and obey these authoritative
figures. (p. 103) Bowen theory is not about families, but more about life. Bowen emphasized that
humans have more in common "with other forms of protoplasm, and that traditional social science
to emphasize differences have, increased our denial about what really makes us
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Role Of Values In Family Therapy
The Role of Values in Marriage and in Family Therapy
Student's Name
Institution Affiliation
The Role of Values in Marriage and in Family Therapy
Ethics and therapy are closely intertwined. It is important that healthcare professionals dealing in
therapy adhere to strict professional standards and values that help define expectations and also
prevent harm to those who seek therapy. Although the application of such values can sometimes be
somewhat complicated when such therapists are dealing with individual clients, the complexity is
even more heightened in the context of having multiple family members under therapy. Advancing
conversations regarding values and marriage and family therapy is important to enable professionals
grapple with the complexities of the topic as well as support their clients better.
The Role of Values Values play an integral role when it comes to matters concerning therapy. Corey,
Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2015) noted that values permeates every facet of therapy since
therapists' values can affect the clients, clients' values can impact the therapist, and a conflict of
values may arise between the two parties. Values are simply items of worth. Individuals define
themselves by the values that they attach to different things such as family, relationships, love, and
so forth. Since values help individuals to find worth in their pursuits, they play a central role in
marriage and family therapy as they can help the therapist to chart
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Marriage and Family Therapy Essay
Marriage and Family Therapy Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the field of marriage
and family counseling beginning with the history and development of the profession and its
importance in the field of counseling. This paper will also evaluate five major themes relevant to
Marriage and Family Therapy which include: roles of Marriage and Family Therapists; licensure
requirements and examinations; methods of supervision; client advocacy; multiculturalism and
diversity. The author will discuss significant aspects to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy
such as MFT identity, function, and ethics of the profession. This paper will assess biblical values in
relation to Marriage and Family Therapists and to the field ... Show more content on
A marriage and family therapist may work in collaboration with other health care professionals, be
involved in research, or use the family perspective to analyze public policies. Marriage and family
therapists are very much needed and are growing in demand. The stigma of seeing a therapist for
marital and family problems is disappearing thus making people more likely to seek help for issues
they cannot resolve on their own. There has also been an increased recognition of the field of
marriage and family therapy ( Over half of managed health care providers and
employee assistance programs employ or contract with MFTs and 91% of graduates in 1992 from
COAMFTE accredited programs were employed not long after graduation (
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
the field of marriage and family therapy is expected to see a growth of 30% by 2016 making it one
of the fastest growing of all occupations ( Education Lee and Nichols (2010)
distinguished education which they deemed coursework that provided "theory, science, and
empirical discoveries" from training which they considered "the
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Harry Goolishian Family Therapy Summary
The historical collaborations of Harry Goolishian, Harlene Anderson, and Tom Andersen paved the
way to the conception of collaborative therapy, also known as "collaborative language systems
[CLS] therapy. In the 1970s Harlene Anderson took a position in the pediatric department at the
University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
In the following text Harlene Anderson talks about how: 'I heard about the family seminar in the
psychiatry department, taught be Harry Goolishian and his colleagues. I did not know how fortunate
I was at the time; I had stepped into one of the pioneering efforts in family therapy: Multiple Impact
Therapy (MIT)'.
Harold A. Goolishian saw therapy as collaborative storytelling and himself as a therapeutic
conversationalist, ... Show more content on ...
Their content and outcome may differ, but the relationship between the participants and the process
of collaborative inquiry, exploring together the familiar and constructing the new, is essentially the
same. Anderson (2001) states that the central question of collaborative therapy is, "How can
therapists create the kinds of conversations and relationships with others that allow all the
participants to access their creativities and develop possibilities where none seemed to exist before?
The idea of reflecting was developed by Tom Andersen, who developed the idea of the reflecting
team, for theoretical use in CT adapted from the Milan approach. Influenced by the Milan therapy
movement, Anderson was tired of the hierarchical nature of the Milan and other family therapy
models, and accordingly sought to create non–hierarchical approaches to family
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Integrated Systemic Family Therapy Essay
Narrative Therapy An Integrated Outcome? Introduction Systemic therapy was based on Minuchin's
Structural Therapy model (1968) followed by Bateson's cybernetic model (1972) The first order
cybernetic model considerd that problems within a family system should be focused on by
strategically solving problems, meeting family goals and help change a person's dysfunctional
behaviour. D Shazer (1985). These concepts in Systemic therapy were known as the major
paradigms and were taught by therapists such as Minuchin in Milan until the information–
processing systems were introduced. They were characterized by the therapist's observation of the
system from the external social world. Minuchin S & Fisherman,HC (1981) Systemic Family ...
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White, (1997, p.15–16).Michael White terms this as "doubly listening" White, (2004, p. 53).
Through exploration and the discovery of alternative stories in Client's lives creates a new
dimension for the client, they can begin to see new possibilities and positive ways of re–constructing
their lives in relation to the problem that they have. McNamee S & Gergan KJ eds (1994).
Externalization 'The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem is a widely known
paradigm among systemic therapists and seeks to separate the person from the problem quite
adequately. This in effect allows the Client an opportunity to see himself/herself differently without
being labeled or blamed for the problem. The problem is then 'externalized by the Therapist who
through an abstract process will aim to treat the problem as an entity external to the client and will
also give the problem a name. White & Epston (1990) For example, in relation to a child's
'unwanted behavior' it is discussed between the Client/family and Therapist in terms of the unwanted
behavior existing 'outside' of the Client and his family, and is inevitably 'trying to influence' the
child i.e. by causing say anger and aggression to occur and manifest itself in the child's
behaviour.Morgan A (2000)
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Family Therapy Research Paper
The Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board is a compilation of the Indiana Code
and Administrative Code for all social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health
counselors, and addiction counselors. This reflection paper examines the Indiana Code and focuses
on the specific requirements to become a family and marriage therapist associate, and what
requirements need met to become a fully licensed therapist. In addition, to move from an associate
to a licensed therapist one must obtain a number of supervised hours that will be further examined in
detail. First, to become a family and marriage therapist associate a student must complete a master's
or doctor's degree in marriage and family therapy, or in a related field ... Show more content on ...
If a marriage and family therapist associate is under "supervised practice", then I believe the
supervisor should be as involved as possible. Potentially, the associate could not receive any real
"supervision." Which also brings me to my next complaint that again, individuals who have
probably never experienced supervision wrote the rules about it. I believe competent individuals
who are practicing and have real life experience should be the individuals to write the code. I think
it should be a collaborative effort by the different helping disciplines to put together an essential
"state rule book". In that being said, I understand that the Indiana Code of Licensure was produced
to protect the state of Indiana and it's employees. The state officials writing the code were more
concerned about ways of avoiding lawsuits rather than researching and creating all rules that were
realistically effective to those individuals in the
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Strategic Family Therapy: Cloe Madanes
Cloe Madanes once said psychotherapy is the art of finding the angel of hope in the midst of terror,
despair and madness.
Cloe Madanes was born in Argentina in 1945. She studied psychology and became licensed twenty
years later. After that, Madanes became associated with the Mental Research Institute in California,
and her work was strongly influenced by her mentors Gregory Bateson, Salvador Minuchin, and
Milton Erickson (Madanes, 2004). In 1976, Madanes and her ex–husband, J. Haley, established the
Family Therapy Institute of Washington, DC. Madanes belongs to the American Association of
Marriage and Family Therapy. In 1996, she was awarded the Egner Foundation Award for
Distinguished Contribution in the fields of philosophy, ... Show more content on ...
Problems may arise when messages at the content level conflict with nonverbal messages at another
level. An example of this can be "I love you" and "I despise you". A child that is continually exposed
to a mixed style of communication like this may feel helpless and can respond by withdrawing.
Haley and Madanes' approach to strategic family therapy argues that change occurs through the
process of the family carrying out assignments issued by the therapist. As described in Madanes'
Strategic Family Therapy (1981), "strategic therapists attempt to design a therapeutic strategy for
each specific problem." Therapists issue directives that are designed to shift the framework of the
family to resolve the displaying problem. Treatment of these issues would include intense
involvement, carefully planned interventions designed to reach clear goals, frequent use of
therapist–generated directives or assignments, and paradoxical procedures.
Bateson, Erikson and Minuchin heavily influence the Haley and Madanes Strategic approach.
Erikson believed the unconscious was full of wisdom – thus, he didn't need to give people insight,
just help them get access to it on their own.
Haley and Madanes paid attention to the function a symptom served, as it marked a payoff in the
system that resulted due to the structure of the system. Haley was mainly concerned with power
struggles, and often prescribed the symptom such that the cost of
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Family Therapy
Davis (2016) asserted that previous paper that family system therapy has a 3–way communication
commitment between parents and children. Although it is not always 3 ways, it can be multiple
depending on how big the family may be:
A triangle relationship is a 3–way commitment. It starts with the parents and their emotions for one
another. The ability to become attached and connected starts the pattern for the couple to build a
healthy and loving relationship to start a family. The triangulation relationships consist of levels
high, medium, and low. The high tension level is when outsiders try to interfere with your
relationship that you had to struggle and fight through the ups and downs (p.6). For example, my
mom would cheat on my dad or have
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Family Therapy Summary
Sutherland, O., Dienhart, A., & Turner, J. (2013). Responsive Persistence Part II. Practices of
Postmodern Therapists. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 39(4), 488–501. (2013, October 1).
Retrieved August 29, 2014, from Ebsochost.
This is a follow up article discussing the ways in which three distinct postmodern therapist address
the issues of persistence with clients (Michael White, Harlene Anderson, and Bill O'Hanlon).
Particularly, this persistence is referring to the ways in which counselors can communicate their
ideas and proposals in ways the client will accept and respond to. Family therapists are faced with
the delicate challenge of becoming involved in a family system without appearing to be the
dominant person in the room (power struggle). Therapists must also make decisions about when to
move on from a situation a client does not understand. Each therapist is examined separately, by
siting theory, techniques and dialog examples ways in which they address this predicament.
Sydow, K., Beher, S., Schweitzer, J., & Retzlaff, R. (2010). The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy With
Adult Patients: A Meta–Content Analysis of 38 Randomized Controlled Trials. Family Process,
49(4), 457–485. ... Show more content on ...
The sample was comprised of 33 couples participating in approximately 10 emotion–focused
therapy sessions, which focused on resolving emotional injuries. In addition to relationship
outcomes, researchers focused on explaining how interpersonal forgiveness is achieved in a couple's
therapy setting. Hypotheses regarding shame, forgiveness and acceptance were tested using
measures including The Interpersonal Trust Scale and the Enright Forgiveness Inventory. Results
answered research questions and posed a range of further work to be done, including developing
definitions of shame and
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The Structural Family Therapy On The Family
The identified problems in the family are the lack communication, rigid boundaries, and weak
subsystems within the family. The structural family therapy focuses on the interactions with the
family rather than focusing exclusively on the identified person or patient (Nichols, and Tafuri,
2013). In addition, through utilizing, the structuralism approach, the family will be able to think
beyond symptomatic behaviors and see their choices and process relationships between group
members and other systems (Vetere, 2003). The family will also be able to broaden their
understanding of how each family member contributes to the problem or communication patterns
within the family (Nicols et al., 2013). Furthermore, based on the research structionalism will
encourage the family to problem solve in a safe therapeutic environment (Vetere, 2003). In therapy,
the family will be able to express their feelings and thoughts without judgments or bias from the
Moreover, for this particular family, the objectives and treatment will focus on boundaries and
subsystems. "Boundaries are useful guidance for the assessment of interactions among family
members." (Ryan, p. 133, 1997). When boundaries become clear the family is able to function
healthier between subsystems. Another objective in treatment will be learning conflict resolution
skills. Structural therapy will focus on encouraging the family to learn to respect one another's
opinions and thoughts. Families can learn the
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Bowenian Family Therapy
The goal of each session is to manage anxiety and increase the client's level of differentiation,
incorporating "I–statements" (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 227). The evaluation interview
begins with a telephone call between a combination of family members (Goldenberg, Goldenberg,
2013, p. 223). A therapist is to remain neutral and avoid being triangled into family issues. Sessions
focus on symptoms in relation to the presenting problem (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 223).
The counselor gages each member's perspective of the issue, while remaining aware of patterns of
emotional functioning (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 223). Sessions conclude with intentions to
understand third–generation family systems. This part of the technique ... Show more content on ...
Bohlinger (n.d.) states, "The Bowenian therapist would work to impart three important lessons to
their clients: self–determination, self–advocacy, and re–engaging with the self in relationship"
(Bohlinger, n.d.). The structural therapist is interested in boundaries between the client and the
others around them, as oppose to the client's intrinsic self. (Bohlinger, n.d.). Bowenian therapists
work to help clients maintain and balance relationships, unlike the experimental therapist, who
confronts the client on strengths and weaknesses, in hopes that they will accept both aspects of
individuality (Bohlinger, n.d). Also, Bowenian therapy is interested in "historical" processes, instead
of historical emotions and problems (Bohlinger, n.d.). An interesting aspect of Bowenian therapy is
the lack of termination. Bowen believed differentiation is an ongoing process, unlike majority of
family therapies (Walsh, Harrigan, 2003, p.
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Family Therapy Reflection Papers
My future work As a counselor, I would like to work with a few different populations who struggle
with a variety of mental illnesses. I have specifically wanted to work with anyone who has suffered
from any form of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression or other mental illnesses. Recently I have
really enjoyed working with college students as a mentor. Through my work with college students
and my personal life, I believe that the family system plays a huge role into who we are as
individuals. I would still like to work mainly as an individual counselor, but I think it is important to
be able to understand how the family system plays a role into the client's life. I also think it is
important to understand how families work and who is a part of a bigger system. If I end up working
with children, the family will be involved in some way. Having the knowledge I would have by
practicing family systems therapy will allow me to best help all my clients. An article by Jacob B.
Priest (2015) discusses how generalized anxiety disorder and romantic relationship distress could be
impacted by a person's past exposure to abuse in their childhood. The article states, "As predicted,
associations were found between family abuse/violence and committed romantic relationship
distress and between family abuse/violence and GAD" (Priest, 2015, p. 349) The article also states
"the results reported here support this assertion and suggest that if a person is exposed to violence or
is a victim of abuse
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Narrative Therapy and Family Therapy
Research Question
Why is externalising a central technique in narrative therapy today, and what are the limitations and
successes of this technique?
The research complied for this report was gathered from various Journals dedicated to the discourse
surrounding the practices of narrative therapy and family therapy. Search terms used to collect
relevant articles were 'narrative therapy', 'Michael White' and 'externalising'. The results from these
terms were extensive and required narrowing further by way of peer reviewed status, content type
and discipline. Data gathered was then critically analysed to explicate firstly, the socially
constructed knowledge surrounding the process of narrative therapy, and the technique of ... Show
more content on ...
Due to the fact that externalising creates a deeper meaning of the object being externalised, the
technique is also applied to positive aspects of an individual's experiences or solution based
initiatives (Carey & Russell 2002, p.82; Ramey et al 2009, p.263). This process encourages the
individual to see clearer the positive aspects of their life. The richer understanding of these agencies
enables the individual to incorporate them into the new narratives, and utilise them in a manner
which empowers the individual in overcoming the negative theme of their problem saturated story.
Once the externalisations are deemed as successful and the individual perceives themselves as
experiencing a relationship with a problem rather than being the problem (Carr 1998, p. 492), the
story is re–narrated incorporating unique outcomes in which the individual sees themselves as the
more powerful force and where desired and fulfilling results are obtained. These unique outcomes
are then enriched and thickened in the individual's discourse and linked to past situations as well as
future depictions. In order to keep the new thickened plots actively current in the individuals mind,
outsiders are called upon to understand the problem and the progress made during therapy, as well
as to
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Transgenerational Family Therapy
Trans generational Family Therapy
Erika Jefferson
February 18, 2013
Becca Myers
BSHS 312
University of Phoenix
Trans generational Family Therapy originated from the work of pioneers named Murray Bowen,
Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy, James Framo, Norman Paul, and Donald Williamson. Those theorists
shared the common belief that the problems in the present day with marriage are related to the issues
from a person's family origin. The theorists had different practices but their beliefs was the road to
problem resolution involved working with more than one generation in therapy. The misconception
of the theory was that most of people's problems were caused by their family of origin. The beliefs
in which ... Show more content on ...
Donald Williamson believed in the fact that family life cycle occurs about the fourth decade of life
and the goal is to terminate the hierarchical power governing relationships between adults and their
older parents. His process involved the redistribution of power between the two generations. The
multicultural issues that arise during the trans generational family therapy process is called
acculturation, it is the accommodation process that occurs when groups from two distinct cultures
are in contact over a sustained period of time. Some of the issues that come up with different
cultures are when a person may have isolation and alienation from their new culture because they
are trying to hold on and continue to practice native cultures beliefs. Another issue is when the
person starts to denigrate and reject their old cultures dress, diet, values and sometimes name. There
is also the problem of uneven adaption from other family members which lead to conflict between
other family members. The integration to the new culture trying to hold on to the old culture can and
will cause problems to arise. As the therapist you have to be very careful when working with a
family from a different culture, it is already a rough transition. In my research I found that working
with immigrant families they have the most issue with acculturation. It also states that when
working with families from minority
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Questions On Strategic Family Therapy Essay
Strategic Summary Paper
What are the basic tenets of this approach to therapy?
Overall, the basic approach to Strategic Family Therapy is to understand the ways in which power
and the role each person plays in a relationship are associated and connected to one another
(Awosan, 2015). Essentially, the clinician will evoke more of the given behavior in order to have a
break through and initiate a new solution to the given problem. By performing reverse psychology
in a sense, the clinician is exhausting the couple or family 's prior way of solving the problem in
order to alter their views and transform their methods. Similarly, the clinician is held responsible for
designing a suitable environment to promote and encourage change for all clients. From a
communications outlook, the strategic models are responsible for looking at "what is occurring
rather than why it is occurring;" they are "less focused on the meaning of the symptom or its
origins" and more focused on the given behavior and its governing symptoms (Goldenberg &
Goldenberg, 2013, p. 302).
How does this approach understand health and pathology?
When looking specifically at the Mental Research Institute 's (MRI) Interactional Family Therapy, it
is stated that "researchers zeroed in on the family interaction sequences in all families in an effort to
understand how faulty communication patterns might lead to family dysfunction" (Goldenberg &
Goldenberg, 2013, p. 304). From a health and pathological standpoint,
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Family Functional Family Therapy
Family Functional Therapy (FFT) is a contemporary family therapy based on the work of James
Alexander and Bruce Parsons. FFT is an integration of systematic and behavioral approaches
focused on the function or purpose of the family member's behavior. All Behavior can create and/or
define interpersonal behaviors. Behavior helps create or distance intimacy in family relationships. It
generates and maintains intimacy and other relationship dimensions. The main goal of FFT is for the
family to improve communication and change risky and damaging behavior while showing support
and working to address the behavior through different alternative means. FFT helps decrease intense
negativity, develops positive behavior, and adopts constructive solutions.
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Therapist In Family Therapy
These exchange of feelings through feedback from the other family members help gain an
understanding and support that each family members must truly have for one another. Therapist in
family therapy also give family members an opportunity to reciprocate help, to offer other empathy,
warmth, acceptance, support and genuineness. As a result, family members will feel an increase
sense of his or her own self–worth. There are many family therapy approaches such as structural
family therapy, strategic family therapy, experiential approaches, psychodynamic approaches,
narrative therapy, collaborative therapy, witnessing, solution–focused therapy, and feminist therapies
just to name a few. Some of these models have changed over time. For example,
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Family Therapy Paper
There are multiple therapy approaches in therapy. Therapy approaches are methods clinicians apply
to guide their clients through their times of crisis in order for them to accept the changes in their
lifestyles. It is also helpful in developing a good client and clinician relationship by allowing the
clinician to understand the client's perspective. There is no right or wrong way in applying the
therapeutic framework in therapy. Most therapist develop their own style in therapy over time in the
industry. However, it is important for clinicians to understand multiple therapeutic approaches to
have a variety to choose from in different circumstances. This paper will compare and contrast the
humanistic and the family systems approaches to counseling. The humanistic approach to therapy is
a client–centered therapy tool. Carl Rogers developed this technique believing that people will aim
for progress and significant positive growth when they are receiving unconditional positive regard
from those around them, similar to the nurturing love of a mother towards her child. In doing so it is
prudent for the clinician to be ... Show more content on ...
However, instead of just focusing on the viewpoint of the client, the clinician views the client's
family as a whole. This supports the belief that "individuals do not have emotional or behavioral
symptoms in a vacuum," (Flasher & Fogle 2012). This approach is beneficial for situations where
the family or the people around the client is affected by the disability. Instead of nurturing just the
client, the clinician nurtures the family and their relationship with one another. A disability may
disrupt the natural homeostasis of a family. This can result in the family becoming enmeshed,
disengaged, and triangulated. In these cases, clinicians should help the family reestablish the
boundaries and the interrelationships of the
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History And Future Of Marriage And Family Therapy
After reading two articles it was interesting to note the differences and similarities between the two
intellectual and highly respected individuals within the field of Marriage and Family Therapy
(MFT). Each makes many valid points yet with such opposing viewpoints. By taking a closer look at
some specific areas one may see that though these men have different beliefs on how treatment
should be conducted, there are also some parallels. Some of the topics will include the history and
future of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), what they agree and disagree on along with the
challenges each has dealt with. Finally the author of this paper will provide insight as to what this
means for her as she begins her journey to becoming a Marriage and Family therapist.
Mr. Framo being one of the earlier advocates for MFT had several challenges throughout his career.
He was particularly interested in intergenerational roles along with the family origin issues. During
1950's the thought of treating the source of the problem was highly unorthodox, and he faced many
issues while attempting to focus on this issues. Another belief was that if a marriage were in trouble
then the children of that marriage could then have issues because of it. These things caused many to
obstacles that he eventually managed to bypass becoming a very influential person and a forerunner
in the arena of marriage and family therapy.
Mr. Fraenkel appears to have come up against many walls through
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A Research On Family Therapy
Family therapy has many advantages, but should not be a blanket strategy in helping clients. In
researching the purpose of family therapy, and it's history in helping people, it has a significant place
in bringing healing to both individuals and families. Nevertheless, it comes with its own set of risks
and issues. In this discussion, the purpose is to work through some of the general advantages and
disadvantages of using family therapy, while also looking at the experience needed and role of a
counselor in family therapy. Finally, we will discuss the potential challenges I will face in doing
family therapy.
To begin with, one of the primary advantages of family therapy is its ability to help deal with not
only an individual's issue, but the environment which may be creating or sustaining this issues.
Alfred Adler talks about a propensity for external forces to significantly impact a person's
personality (Neukrug, 2016). If thoughtfully considered, this makes sense. Every person seems to be
informed in a significant way by his or her surroundings. People born into a hard working family
would seem to grow up with a tendency to work harder, because this was modeled for them.
Moreover, a person born into a neglectful home would grow up with certain issues and tendencies
because of this upbringing. Family therapy appears to help in addressing one of the most significant
environments which form human beings. In family therapy, a person can find healing not only for
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Experiential Family Therapy (of Carl Whitaker)
Experiential therapy emerged from the humanistic wing of psychology that was focussed on the
immediate, here–and–now experience, which was most popular in the 1960's and 70's. Therapists
focussed on the needs of the individual as they attempt to facilitate family interaction, resulting in
the individuality of each member. As Becvar and Becvar (2000) asserted, the hallmarks of
experiential family therapy were the importance of individuality, personal freedom and self–
fulfillment (pp.181).
Thus, efforts to reduce defensiveness and unlock deeper levels of experiencing rested on an
assumption of the basic goodness of human nature.
Many of the basic theories were borrowed from individual and group therapy. It borrowed
techniques ... Show more content on ...
These goals should remain unconscious during therapy, identified only in looking back. The therapy
should also improve behavioural congruence, enhance independence and free choice, and expand
the experiencing of emotions.
Basic Model
Whitaker believed that the active and forceful personal involvement and caring of the therapist was
the best way to bring about changes in the family and promote flexibility among family members.
He relied on his own personality and wit rather than any kind of fixed techniques to stir up issues in
families and to help them open up and be themselves. He also did this to confuse the family. In his
words, "I revel in non–organization. I think that's part of what my therapy has to do with. It has to
do with disorganizing whatever the family brings in and enjoying my disorganization as well." (pp.
In doing this he tried to get the families to go somewhere in order to get them unstuck. During this
part of the therapy the therapist and the family learned to express anxiety more openly during the
Techniques that were commonly used to activate the underlying anxiety of the therapy included
waiting, challenging roles, amplifying family deviations and highlighting differences. If successful,
families should experience their will to fight, push and disagree.
Theoretical Concepts
There are 3 stages of therapy: 1)
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Jay Haley: A Pioneer In Family Therapy
Jay Haley was a pioneer in family therapy. Inspired by his work with the communication patterns of
schizophrenic patients and their family environments, he was a disciple of no less than three of the
most prominent figures in family therapy evolution: Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, and
Salvador Minuchin. He synthesized elements from all three, and developed his own form of therapy.
He is also credited with being essential in the development of the communication model from the
celebrated Palo Alto Group. Amazingly, he accomplished all this without being clinically
credentialed (Nichols, 2013).
Haley, in his time, was wildly popular and innovative. Haley was known as a scathing critic and an
annoyance to psychology, while simultaneously altering the field in powerful ways. Haley, and later
alongside the equally influential Cloe Madanes, incorporated elements from Erickson's strategic
therapy, Minuchin's structural therapy, Bateson's cybernetic theory, the MRI model of brief therapy,
and Jackson's communication theory into a brand of strategic problem solving family therapy
(Standish, 2013). Today, this therapy exists as strategic humanism, and retains many of the same
aspects, such as providing directives, albeit the directives are not as manipulative as in the past
(Nichols, 2013).
The following vignette is addressed utilizing a strategic family therapy approach, and specifically an
approach based on the Haley strategic family therapy model.
Early phase goals for therapy
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Family Therapy
Module 1: Discussion 1
Family therapy is substantial; it offers different techniques such as resolving conflict within a family
system. Price, Price, and Mckenry (2010) comments on refreshing the family, this allows each
family member to rely on one another working towards change. According to Nichols, (2014) family
therapy can be the greatest source of support for health crisis, marital conflict, mental sickness, or
teenage rebellion threatening to rip a family asunder.
Awosan and Sandberg (2011) talk about black clients distribute stresses through familiar patterns.
Therefore, a therapist may have a challenge when working with African American clients, due to a
lack of trust when dealing with a counselor. According to Gladding (2015), the goal of family
therapy is to break down dysfunctional communication; the therapist becomes the teacher who
focusses on boundary and differentiation events. Gladding (2015) refer to changes in the scheme of
limitations, constructions, aims, development, heroes, or morals producing stress, is an essential
factor in understanding a families strength and deficits.
Primarily, I am pursuing a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I took this class to learn the
set of functional demands that organize ways in applying different theories when counseling clients
and families ... Show more content on ...
Under that circumstance, a good resource would be volunteering at Hospice, obtaining knowledge in
serving those in end–of–life care; then, a mentor to help with the emotions that arise from a client's
death. As a result, the experience will increase my ability to support the client in their decision for
care, as well as supporting the family through their decision–making and planning for the loss of
their loved one. If we wish anything to improve, we must authentically see
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History of Marriage and Family Therapy
The history of family therapy began around 1960 when Gregory Bateson came up with the term,
"system thinking." This type of therapy was a daring departure, from traditional and individual
treatment during the 1960s. He was involved in the schizophrenia research project in Palo Alto,
California, which had a strong impact in shaping the course of family therapy. Along with his
colleagues Jay Haley, John Weakland, William Fry, Don Jackson and later Virginia Satir, Paul
Watzlawick, Bateson developed a communication theory which aim was to explain development of
schizophrenic behavior within the familial environment.
The group introduced ideas from cybernetics and general systems theory into social psychology and
psychotherapy, focusing in ... Show more content on ...
Therapy focuses on issues and problems that are troubling the client at the present moment and try
to help them using brief therapy. Therapists typically ask questions about family role patterns, rules,
goals, and stages of development.
Marriage and family therapists believe that the family patterns may affect an individual's
psychological and physical well being and therefore need to be part of therapy. During a therapy
session even if only one person is being interviewed, the therapists focuses on a set of relationships
that the person is embedded in. The entire family is involved in solving clients problems regardless
of whether the issue in individual or family.
Marriage and family therapists help clients always with the help of the person's family. I too believe
that a person in order to resolve mental or emotional disorders requires the support and
understanding of those closest to them, and with the use and knowledge of family systems theory
this can be achieved. I also think that communication or lack of, very often is the seed behind
problems within the family, that is why I appreciate the fact that marriage
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Experiential Family Therapy Essay
Experiential Family Therapy (EFT) is likely the theoretical orientation of the co–therapists. The
manner in which Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D. asked open questions was remarkably similar that
when one therapist asked a question, the other therapist was able to acknowledge and reply the
family's response without changing a perspective. For that reason, co–therapists have the same
theoretical orientation. EFT tends to focus on a family issue that is entrenched on emotional
suppression, and that requires exploration of emotional experiences. Based on the dialogue
presented, both Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D. mostly asked open questions that explored meaningful
feelings associated with the family's experiences. For instance, around 36 minutes into the session,
the family disclosed that they had a son, named Victor who committed suicide 10 years ago. In
response to the disclosure, Rick Ph.D.'s question of "Can you say more about it?" clearly represents
exploration of suppressed emotions behind the words. Evidently, Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D.
focused on uncovering the family members' regrets and unpleasant feelings attached to the death of
Victor, and an issue became obvious as to their conflict to take on new roles to break out of
homeostasis after Victor's death. Both therapists continuously worked on digging out each family
member's repressed emotions from when Victor was alive and also from after Victor's death, as the
therapists likely realized that this family avoids
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Contextual Family Therapy Model. Contextual Family Therapy
Contextual Family Therapy Model Contextual family therapy model is a transgenerational mode
that is based on the assumption that a family system behavioral patterns are mostly developed from
one generation to another generation. This particular model is more of a distinct type model that is
considered to be closely compared or associated to the psychoanalytic family model (Gehart, 2014).
The major assumption for change in the contextual approach model, is to help all in the family
system to establish a greater balance in each relationship through the intervention of fairness, trust,
loyalty, and mutual support. These interventions is considered to be the focal point for the contextual
family therapy model (Gangamma, Bartle–Haring & ... Show more content on ...
This process can position the communication process for exoneration and forgiveness which give a
high probability in re–establishing a balance relationship. Establishing relational truth and
constructive entitlement which is guided by the therapist, the wrongdoer within the family system
can give insight to show evident of the hurt he/she has caused. This can lead the wrongdoer to the
process of relational trust moving to a level of restoration and mending the broken relationship
(Mauldin, & Anderson, 1998). I believe what make contextual therapy model approach different
from some of the other MFT approaches is that the contextual family model is more of an influential
approach. Also, the contextual family model deals with examining the intrapsychic and the
interpersonal dynamic to raise the awareness and give insight to the client, to create new ways to
behave and relate to others ( Gehart, 2014). Through the communication and processing, the
therapist helps the client and family to govern different aspect of family structure, beliefs, power,
and hierarchy. This model searches for intergenerational balance of justice and trustworthiness in
family based on the concept of relational ethics and forgiveness in helping conflicted families to
rebuild a level
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Career Of Marriage And Family Therapy
Career in Marriage and Family Therapy
Marriage and Family Therapy is a particularly interesting area of Psychological study. This field
offers adults and children resources to help cope with potentially damaging psychological issues
within the family unit. Marriage and Family therapist offer an opportunity for spouse to reconcile
their differences, while helping children understand the family hardships and issues. Marriage and
Family therapist help couples, families and groups that deal with issues that have affected their
mental health. This is to help redeem such problems as alcohol and drug abuse or marital stress.
Treatment for marital stress normally last over duration of time of 12–50 weeks and combines
individual and couples counseling. Most Marriage and family therapists need a license in their state
of residents. This profession does typically require a master's degree in a field related to marriage
and family therapy. According to ONET MFT requires a therapist t
Diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or behavioral,
within the context of marriage and family systems. Apply psychotherapeutic and family systems
theories and techniques in the delivery of services to individuals, couples, and families for the
purpose of treating such diagnosed nervous and mental disorders.(ONET)
Graduates with a Marriage and Family Therapist are trained mental health professionals who have a
family–oriented perspective and treatment approach.
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Reflection Paper On Family Therapy
His focus is clinical psychotherapy where he has worked in inpatient settings as well as outpatient's
settings. He deals with developmental life issues and challenges among children, adolescents and
adults. Mr. Goldstein also oversees a variety of patient overcomes illnesses such as depression,
eating disorders, anxiety as well as symptoms of unhappiness related to school, work, and personal
relationships. Mr. Goldstein has also worked at the universities at shady grove where he consulted
students in the counseling department. When Mr. Goldstein is not at the Potomac eating disorder
treatment he works part–time at Abrams and associates where he also assists patients uses a
behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic approaches in order to help the patients address their
problems and lead a happier productive lifestyle.
Although Mr. Goldstein have experience working with a variety of ethnic backgrounds he informed
me that a lot of the patients who comes in to the treatment center as well as the patients are white
individuals who comes from a middle–class background and are predominately female. However,
Mr. Goldstein informed me that children are much more difficult to work with because they have a
more abstract way of thinking. Something that Mr. Goldstein finds difficult in his field of work is
that the process of treatment can be timely and costly. Although he finds that the job can be stressful
at times, he enjoys seeing his clients grow and be successful in their treatments
Majority of the time the client will know they have a problem and call for assistance, there are no
waitlist in the organization and assistance is provided when the client is ready. There are a variety of
services is provided such as personal coaching where the client will have a list of goals and step to
reach them. For the most part, the clients know what they want but just need a little assistance
getting there. Potomac Valley Psychotherapy associate also provide individual therapy, group
psychotherapy, couples therapy, nutritional counselling provided at the treatment center. The groups
therapies are mainly focus on adult women, young girls, and mothers of the patients who are
struggling with an eating disorder. Anorexia, bulimia,
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Nervosa Family Therapy

  • 1. Nervosa Family Therapy Family Based Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa, otherwise stated as anorexia, is an eating disorder that occurs when an individual restricts themselves from necessary energy intake which leads to significantly low body weight. Other characteristics of this disorder include: intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight, persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain, and disturbances of perception and experience of their own body weight and shape (DSM V, 2013). Effective treatments are still trying to be researched for this disorder, as there is not a "one size fits all" for people of all age groups, living situations, etc. Since adolescents with anorexia are such a vulnerable population, ... Show more content on ... Lock, who studied and advocated for FBT, decided to gather all the randomized clinical trials that have been performed on adolescents and analyze their results. He looked at 5 randomized clinical trials for adolescents, and found that FBT was the most effective than any other form of treatment along each trial (2005). His discussion on Individual Based Therapy versus Family Based Therapy was similar to Robin et al. (1999). Upon looking at Robin's results, he agreed that FBT was more effective but not by much. Even though the benefits of FBT were seen on a small margin compared to Individual Based Therapy, Lock (2005) states that FBT is a convincing treatment overall. In other words, he claims this type of treatment is all that is available right now, even if it may not be 100% ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Family Therapy Research Paper Intro Family treatment is considered a necessity when they are the family of a recovering substance abuser. What types of treatment are out their? Why do families need therapy, they aren't the ones with the problem? As we know from studying system theory, all things within a system even though they are independent are also interrelated. This means that the action of one causes a reaction of the rest of the things within the system. This is why family therapy is a crucial component of a recovery addict achieving and maintaining sobriety. Treatment As we see from the system theory family are an important part of what contributes to a person addiction. It's not done maliciously, more so to cope and survive the dysfunctional environment they must survive in. Unfortunately some "treatment facilities don't have the qualified staff or resources to provide the kind of therapy a family needs" ((Stevens & Smith, pg. 253). It's proven that family therapy can be a "powerful adjunct in the treatment of substance abusers" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 253). If the family receives treatment then the substance abuser will go back to a "different environment where the enabling and silence has stopped" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 253). ... Show more content on ... 251). The first stage is early in the individuals alcoholism and the family is developing an identity" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). During this stage the family "may or may not react to alcohol related problems" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). The second stage is the middle stage where the family identity is in tack, abuse may be occurring and they are trying to maintain homeostasis that allows the chemical use in the family system" (Stevens & Smith, pg. 251). The last stage, the late stage is when a family member will try to resolve the substance abuse issues from there past before bringing children into the family" (Stevens & Smith, pg. ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Marriage And Family Therapy Essay My understanding of morality in the context of marriage and family therapy present an engagement of emotional behavior toward what him/her believe when others doesn't find credence in him/her truth or belief. Morality in its composition is structured on the foundation of a person values, social norms, belief, experiences with his/her own rationale that is considered to be true. It is through these elements which create the process of moral reasoning and justification especially when a person defy another person truth creating a moral dilemma. In the context of marriage and family therapy, a therapist morality is gaged within the boundaries of ethical codes, laws, and regulations. I believe the ethical codes, laws, and regulations helps the ... Show more content on ... I believe there are several elements in the framework of morality that could be considered controversial in the field Marriage and Family Therapy. I think one of the controversial challenges people may face in the field of marriage and family therapy when dealing with morality, is when we begin to explore spirituality and religion into a conversation causing individuals seeing or understanding this topic from various spiritual viewpoints based on his/her own spiritual or religious beliefs. In the past fifteen years or more spirituality and religion was basically strayed in the process of marriage and family counseling. Typically, it was because it was considered inappropriate to address this uncharted territory issues in therapy with clients (Carlson, Kirkpatrick, Hecker, & Killmer, 2002). In today world, spirituality is considered to be a more suitable topic in conversation even though spirituality and religion is reference interchangeably as well as other biblical term. Controversial issues reveal its self when one belief clashes with another belief. People with their belief holes true belief through the framework of his/her norms, values, and experiences constructing his/her moral reasoning. It is when conflict occurs when belief goes against another, when this happen people tries to interject their moral reasoning through their own justification about ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Family Systems Therapy Introduction Family systems therapy has been around for years, but it was not until the 1950s that the theory really took root (Corey, 2017). Family systems therapy looks at the relational part of humans and sees them as being an individual as apart of a bigger system. Murray Bowen, developer of family systems theory, believed that "the causes of an individual's problems can be understood by viewing the role of the family as an emotional unit" (Corey, 2017, p. 407). As a counselor, I would like take into consideration that the client's family impacts them as an individual. Having an understanding that any change made to any person in the family can impact the others. Families are our first form of relationships. Having a better understanding of our client's families will be able to help me understand their current behaviors and how they function. (Corey, 2017) This paper will break down family system therapy and explain how I could use the techniques and terms into daily practice. Differences An important part of family systems therapy is understanding the difference between systemic and individual approaches. Family systems therapists can still do individual counseling. The difference is they just focus on how the individuals family system is impacting them. The family systems therapist would also want to look at the larger system to be able to understand how change will not only help the individual, but the larger system as well (Corey, 2017). As a counselor it is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Structural Family Therapy Models of Therapy Structural Family Therapy Theory: Structural Family Therapy (SFT) has a few interventions within the theoretical model that I could see myself using with clients (families) from diverse backgrounds with diverse presenting problems. I am in agreement with the way this model looks at the different types of families and the types of issues they present with such as the patterns common to troubled families; some being "enmeshed," chaotic and tightly interconnected, while others are "disengaged," isolated and seemingly unrelated. This model also helped me understand that families are structured in "subsystems" with "boundaries," their members not seeing these complexities and problems that are going on ... Show more content on ... In my personal opinion and experience, I find that the field of psychology is lacking in diverse cultural competencies as much as the society is diverse in its population. I believe that as with using any theoretical model, the therapists' cultural knowledge needs to include understanding of the many cultural considerations influencing the effectiveness of treatment when dealing with clients from diverse backgrounds. When servicing the individuals in the family, care and attention needs to be directed towards family and community norms and values around help seeking, secrecy and confidentiality, family roles, child rearing and spiritual practices. Interventions: One of the main interventions of Functional Family Therapy that resonates with me is that one of the prime goals of this model is to identify the primary focus of intervention (the family) and reflect an understanding that positive and negative behaviors both influence and are influenced by the relationships each family member has with one another. Therefore, making functional therapy a multi systemic program, meaning that it focuses on the multiple domains and systems within which families live and interact with one another. Within this context, FFT works first to develop family members' inner strengths and sense of being ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Family Therapy Introduction Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy employed to assist members of a family in improving communication systems, conflict resolution, and to help the family to deal with certain problems that manifest in the behavior of members. In most cases, deviance in a family member is an indication of underlying family dysfunctions. This paper looks the counselling procedure that can be applied to help the Kline family solve their problems. It answers certain questions including those of the expected challenges during therapy and ways of dealing with the challenges. 1. What are your initial reactions after reading the intake interview? What are the themes that interest you the most in this case? Why? From the intake interview, I can ... Show more content on ... The counselor will ask questions to clarify and summarize the family's concerns. I will answer any questions and address any concerns raised by the family about the therapy process. I will also assist in laying down parental authority and a sense of impartiality among the children. This will reinstate equilibrium in the family and motivate all members to participate in the therapy. Each family member will be taught on the importance of listening to the issues raised other members of the family. This will lay down the foundation for the future sessions. I will also coach the members of the Kline household on how to provide suitable feedback on issues raised by other family members. The session shall also entail a discussion of the expectations of each family member. It is a good point to begin instructing the family on the necessary required in order for those changes to be achieved. 3. George does not seem very open to looking at his role in contributing to the problems within his family. If you were to see him as your client, how would you go about establishing a relationship with him? Resistance of certain clients to group therapy is among the many challenges that therapists commonly face. George seeks to detach himself from the problem and sees his role in the family as that of a saint. Being the apparent head of the family ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Marriage and Family Therapy Essay example Marriage and Family Counseling Research Paper COUN 501–B43–Couselor Professional Identity, Function, and Ethics Denna Harrison Liberty University Master of Arts in Professional Counseling Fall 2012 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the field of marriage and family counseling beginning with the history and development of the profession and its importance in the field of counseling. This paper will also evaluate five major themes relevant to Marriage and Family Therapy which include: ethical dilemmas in marriage and family counseling, premarital counseling qualifications of marriage and family therapists including licensure and certification. The biblical insight related to marriage and family therapy will also be ... Show more content on ... From a biblical aspect Family is described as a social system that progressed by forming a set of rules, roles, power structure. Forms of communication and way to solve problems. There are four key principles that a Christian counselors point out when approaching any family. The first one is "The family, in is social dimensions, reflects God". Meaning that The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all have unique distinctiveness however they are "one" as God; this is compared to the Family. A family can consist of a mother, father and children or a mother and husband. If thought they are their own persons, they are considered "one". The second key principle that is describe is "Family health, individual health, and maturity are inseparably entwined". This key principle entails that the powers of family identity and socialization is significant for growth and development among each family member, which can ultimately lead to healthy family living. "The Family is also like the church is that next basic principle, meaning that a family has functions like the church. Finally, the last key principle describes states that "Trouble is reproduced, but can also be stopped, in families and in generations of families". This key principle indicates that there is a psychosocial and spiritual relation among family reproduction pertaining to alcoholism and other issues as describes in Competent Christian Counseling as "generational curses". Christians believe that ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Bowen Family Therapy Paper The Bowen Family Systems Therapy Counseling Process and Key Goals The primary unit of treatment is the family. The Bowen Family Systems therapy consists of three phases within the counseling process. The first is the phases in the initial assessment. This includes the evaluation of symptoms within the family, the initial family contact, the family history, and background information related to the issues(s). The second phase is the Genogram. This is where the client and therapist piece together a family diagram or genogram. The Genogram is then evaluated in terms of symptoms, stress, emotional reactivity, stability, emotional cutoff, therapeutic focus, and nuclear family emotional process (Gehart & Tuttle, 2005). Differentiation is the third ... Show more content on ... Process Questions are a technique which explores the family emotional processes. Process Questions also help individuals to rationalize their situations. Coaching is another method in the Bowen Theory. This method uses the I–position for a family member to express themselves by stating I instead of you. An example would be instead of saying you never listen to what I have to say, replace you with I and state that I do not feel like you hear what I have to say. This method helps to alleviate the potential for reactivity from family members. The Nature of the Counselor– Client Relationship and its Relative Importance The nature of the counselor–client relationship is significant. It is the geneuiness, and rapport of the counselor–client relatiohsp which will help to identify issues, and eventually empower the client for effective results. The Role of the Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapist In using the Bowen Theory, the role of the therapist is aligned with that of a coach or consultant (, n.d.). The counselor role is to guide the family to an understanding of their issues without becoming emotionally reactive to their situation. It is also important for the therapist to not allow themselves to be pulled into a triangle situation with the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Importance Of Structural Family Therapy Key Concepts and Terms The first theory selected for Alberto is structural family therapy. Structural family therapy was developed by Salvador Minuchin. The foundation of Structural family therapy is based on family structure. To gain insight about a family's structure, a therapist must observe interactional patterns of the family (Gallin, 2011). Minuchin found that structural family change is required in order to reduce problematic symptoms (Cory, 2013). According to Minuchin, family structure is considered the unspoken rules within a family that determines how a family will interact. To understand the different types of interactional patterns, the following terms are used to help guide the structural family therapist: coalitions, subsystems, boundaries, triangulation, roles, rules, and power (Gladdin, 2011). The first term coalition is used to help identify two people who have teamed up against another person within the family. The second term subsystem helps the therapist to recognize small groups within the family system and what tasks they complete for the family. The third term is boundaries which are rules and guidelines within the family. Boundaries within a family can be clear, rigid, or diffused. If a family has clear boundaries, they have a clear understanding of the rules and guidelines within the family and have flexibility to communicate with one another when something is not working. If a family has rigid boundaries, the family rules and ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Essay The two theories chosen are the relational gestalt therapy and cognitive–behavioral family therapy where both of them are considered to be important in the psychotherapy world. The reason why they were chosen is because both of them are designed in a special way to address and explain the roots of dysfunction, and to impact change in individuals and family units. However, what is interesting the most is the basic principles of these two theories, connected interventions, and basic assumptions and explains about dysfunction. Cognitive behavioral therapy is type of therapy that was first developed for individuals who are suffering from eating disorders (Biblarz T. & Stacey, 2008). However, it is now used for several issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, family issues, and even anger problems. On the other hand, gestalt therapy is a unique type of psychotherapy that places an emphasis on personal responsibility and the experience of individuals in a certain moment, instead of focusing on the past. The reason I like them is because they address the root of ... Show more content on ... The aim is to assist patients in changing their behaviour patterns, especially when it comes to dysfunctional thinking. When behaviour and thought patterns are changed, mood is changed as well (Silver, 2011). The main and perhaps most important role involve assessing patients. This is what will determine the diagnosis and suitable treatment for the patient. Therapist should understand from the evaluation the reason behind the behavior, how severe it is, and its impact on the patient and people around him. When a diagnosis is successfully made, treatment will have to start. In this case, it is going to be psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and implementation of the Bowen's family systems theory (Biblarz T. & Stacey, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Structural Family Therapy I pledge, on my honor, that I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this assignment Introduction The goal of therapy is to have individuals, families and/or groups examine their current level of functioning. Clients are in therapy to resolve challenging beliefs, feelings, and behaviors about themselves or others. The goal of the therapist is to guide the client to make changes. Not all therapy modalities work for everyone because people function at different levels and people needs are diverse. In comparing and contrasting Structural theory, Solution focus therapy and cognitive behavior therapy all three modalities share a lot of similarities as well as differences. The role of the therapist also changes as treatment ... Show more content on ... As a Division of Child Protection and Permanency worker I often join with the family I am working with. This is the only way I can learn what the family needs and how they can learn to meet their own needs by using their own abilities and strengths. A lot of times I do a lot of restructuring with families as roles of children and parents changes, children become less parentified and parents learned to established appropriate boundaries with their children. In my work with families, I often find myself helping clients change their way of thinking. Something clients have a distorted way of viewing themselves and others. Utilizing techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has helped clients challenge that all or nothing thinking which is detrimental to goal achievement. I find that Solution Focus Therapy is the most prevalent in my work with families. I prefer using this Solution Focus Therapy. I feel that is has become second nature for me to ask clients questions. I learned that incorporating miracle questions, past success questions and scaling questions really has helped me to learn about strengths and future goals of the clients I ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Structural Family Therapy Essay | Structural family therapy is a model of treatment based on systems theory that was developed by Salvador Minuchin. Structural family therapy features emphasis is mostly on structural change as the main goal of therapy; it pays close attention to the individual but also acknowledges the importance of family in the healing process of the individual. Structural family therapy focuses on encouraging proactive healthy change within the family, with an emphasis on structure, subsystems, and boundaries. Family Structure is invisible set of rules that organize the ways family members relate to each other. Structure resists change. The therapist will essentially be a change agent to facilitate this reorganization (Minuchin, ... Show more content on ... One goal for the therapist is to determine what the structure is, and then decide whether it is problematic for the family or not. According to Minuchin (1974), "Family structure is the invisible set of functional demands that organizes the ways in which family members interact" (Minuchin p. 51). Additionally, Gladding (2007) suggested: In some families, structure is well organized in a hierarchical pattern and members easily Relate to one another. In other, there is little structure and few arrangements are provided by which family members can easily and meaningfully interact (Gladding p. 203). The essence of family structure is greatly influenced by culture; it defines the role of men and women, children, and it also create cross–generational influences unique to every family. In using this example of Asian American families, Brooks (2008) suggested: Families are organized with fathers as the figures in control and the mothers are subordinate to them. Mothers, however, take compete charge of the children, and so from a child's point of view, mothers appear to be authority figures as well. Children are obligated to respect and obey these authoritative figures. (p. 103) Bowen theory is not about families, but more about life. Bowen emphasized that humans have more in common "with other forms of protoplasm, and that traditional social science to emphasize differences have, increased our denial about what really makes us ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Role Of Values In Family Therapy The Role of Values in Marriage and in Family Therapy Student's Name Institution Affiliation The Role of Values in Marriage and in Family Therapy Ethics and therapy are closely intertwined. It is important that healthcare professionals dealing in therapy adhere to strict professional standards and values that help define expectations and also prevent harm to those who seek therapy. Although the application of such values can sometimes be somewhat complicated when such therapists are dealing with individual clients, the complexity is even more heightened in the context of having multiple family members under therapy. Advancing conversations regarding values and marriage and family therapy is important to enable professionals grapple with the complexities of the topic as well as support their clients better. The Role of Values Values play an integral role when it comes to matters concerning therapy. Corey, Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2015) noted that values permeates every facet of therapy since therapists' values can affect the clients, clients' values can impact the therapist, and a conflict of values may arise between the two parties. Values are simply items of worth. Individuals define themselves by the values that they attach to different things such as family, relationships, love, and so forth. Since values help individuals to find worth in their pursuits, they play a central role in marriage and family therapy as they can help the therapist to chart ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Marriage and Family Therapy Essay Marriage and Family Therapy Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the field of marriage and family counseling beginning with the history and development of the profession and its importance in the field of counseling. This paper will also evaluate five major themes relevant to Marriage and Family Therapy which include: roles of Marriage and Family Therapists; licensure requirements and examinations; methods of supervision; client advocacy; multiculturalism and diversity. The author will discuss significant aspects to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy such as MFT identity, function, and ethics of the profession. This paper will assess biblical values in relation to Marriage and Family Therapists and to the field ... Show more content on ... A marriage and family therapist may work in collaboration with other health care professionals, be involved in research, or use the family perspective to analyze public policies. Marriage and family therapists are very much needed and are growing in demand. The stigma of seeing a therapist for marital and family problems is disappearing thus making people more likely to seek help for issues they cannot resolve on their own. There has also been an increased recognition of the field of marriage and family therapy ( Over half of managed health care providers and employee assistance programs employ or contract with MFTs and 91% of graduates in 1992 from COAMFTE accredited programs were employed not long after graduation ( According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the field of marriage and family therapy is expected to see a growth of 30% by 2016 making it one of the fastest growing of all occupations ( Education Lee and Nichols (2010) distinguished education which they deemed coursework that provided "theory, science, and empirical discoveries" from training which they considered "the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Harry Goolishian Family Therapy Summary The historical collaborations of Harry Goolishian, Harlene Anderson, and Tom Andersen paved the way to the conception of collaborative therapy, also known as "collaborative language systems [CLS] therapy. In the 1970s Harlene Anderson took a position in the pediatric department at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. In the following text Harlene Anderson talks about how: 'I heard about the family seminar in the psychiatry department, taught be Harry Goolishian and his colleagues. I did not know how fortunate I was at the time; I had stepped into one of the pioneering efforts in family therapy: Multiple Impact Therapy (MIT)'. Harold A. Goolishian saw therapy as collaborative storytelling and himself as a therapeutic conversationalist, ... Show more content on ... Their content and outcome may differ, but the relationship between the participants and the process of collaborative inquiry, exploring together the familiar and constructing the new, is essentially the same. Anderson (2001) states that the central question of collaborative therapy is, "How can therapists create the kinds of conversations and relationships with others that allow all the participants to access their creativities and develop possibilities where none seemed to exist before? The idea of reflecting was developed by Tom Andersen, who developed the idea of the reflecting team, for theoretical use in CT adapted from the Milan approach. Influenced by the Milan therapy movement, Anderson was tired of the hierarchical nature of the Milan and other family therapy models, and accordingly sought to create non–hierarchical approaches to family ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Integrated Systemic Family Therapy Essay Narrative Therapy An Integrated Outcome? Introduction Systemic therapy was based on Minuchin's Structural Therapy model (1968) followed by Bateson's cybernetic model (1972) The first order cybernetic model considerd that problems within a family system should be focused on by strategically solving problems, meeting family goals and help change a person's dysfunctional behaviour. D Shazer (1985). These concepts in Systemic therapy were known as the major paradigms and were taught by therapists such as Minuchin in Milan until the information– processing systems were introduced. They were characterized by the therapist's observation of the system from the external social world. Minuchin S & Fisherman,HC (1981) Systemic Family ... Show more content on ... White, (1997, p.15–16).Michael White terms this as "doubly listening" White, (2004, p. 53). Through exploration and the discovery of alternative stories in Client's lives creates a new dimension for the client, they can begin to see new possibilities and positive ways of re–constructing their lives in relation to the problem that they have. McNamee S & Gergan KJ eds (1994). Externalization 'The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem is a widely known paradigm among systemic therapists and seeks to separate the person from the problem quite adequately. This in effect allows the Client an opportunity to see himself/herself differently without being labeled or blamed for the problem. The problem is then 'externalized by the Therapist who through an abstract process will aim to treat the problem as an entity external to the client and will also give the problem a name. White & Epston (1990) For example, in relation to a child's 'unwanted behavior' it is discussed between the Client/family and Therapist in terms of the unwanted behavior existing 'outside' of the Client and his family, and is inevitably 'trying to influence' the child i.e. by causing say anger and aggression to occur and manifest itself in the child's behaviour.Morgan A (2000) ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Family Therapy Research Paper The Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board is a compilation of the Indiana Code and Administrative Code for all social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, and addiction counselors. This reflection paper examines the Indiana Code and focuses on the specific requirements to become a family and marriage therapist associate, and what requirements need met to become a fully licensed therapist. In addition, to move from an associate to a licensed therapist one must obtain a number of supervised hours that will be further examined in detail. First, to become a family and marriage therapist associate a student must complete a master's or doctor's degree in marriage and family therapy, or in a related field ... Show more content on ... If a marriage and family therapist associate is under "supervised practice", then I believe the supervisor should be as involved as possible. Potentially, the associate could not receive any real "supervision." Which also brings me to my next complaint that again, individuals who have probably never experienced supervision wrote the rules about it. I believe competent individuals who are practicing and have real life experience should be the individuals to write the code. I think it should be a collaborative effort by the different helping disciplines to put together an essential "state rule book". In that being said, I understand that the Indiana Code of Licensure was produced to protect the state of Indiana and it's employees. The state officials writing the code were more concerned about ways of avoiding lawsuits rather than researching and creating all rules that were realistically effective to those individuals in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Strategic Family Therapy: Cloe Madanes Cloe Madanes once said psychotherapy is the art of finding the angel of hope in the midst of terror, despair and madness. Cloe Madanes was born in Argentina in 1945. She studied psychology and became licensed twenty years later. After that, Madanes became associated with the Mental Research Institute in California, and her work was strongly influenced by her mentors Gregory Bateson, Salvador Minuchin, and Milton Erickson (Madanes, 2004). In 1976, Madanes and her ex–husband, J. Haley, established the Family Therapy Institute of Washington, DC. Madanes belongs to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. In 1996, she was awarded the Egner Foundation Award for Distinguished Contribution in the fields of philosophy, ... Show more content on ... Problems may arise when messages at the content level conflict with nonverbal messages at another level. An example of this can be "I love you" and "I despise you". A child that is continually exposed to a mixed style of communication like this may feel helpless and can respond by withdrawing. Haley and Madanes' approach to strategic family therapy argues that change occurs through the process of the family carrying out assignments issued by the therapist. As described in Madanes' Strategic Family Therapy (1981), "strategic therapists attempt to design a therapeutic strategy for each specific problem." Therapists issue directives that are designed to shift the framework of the family to resolve the displaying problem. Treatment of these issues would include intense involvement, carefully planned interventions designed to reach clear goals, frequent use of therapist–generated directives or assignments, and paradoxical procedures. Bateson, Erikson and Minuchin heavily influence the Haley and Madanes Strategic approach. Erikson believed the unconscious was full of wisdom – thus, he didn't need to give people insight, just help them get access to it on their own. Haley and Madanes paid attention to the function a symptom served, as it marked a payoff in the system that resulted due to the structure of the system. Haley was mainly concerned with power struggles, and often prescribed the symptom such that the cost of ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Family Therapy Davis (2016) asserted that previous paper that family system therapy has a 3–way communication commitment between parents and children. Although it is not always 3 ways, it can be multiple depending on how big the family may be: A triangle relationship is a 3–way commitment. It starts with the parents and their emotions for one another. The ability to become attached and connected starts the pattern for the couple to build a healthy and loving relationship to start a family. The triangulation relationships consist of levels high, medium, and low. The high tension level is when outsiders try to interfere with your relationship that you had to struggle and fight through the ups and downs (p.6). For example, my mom would cheat on my dad or have ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Family Therapy Summary Sutherland, O., Dienhart, A., & Turner, J. (2013). Responsive Persistence Part II. Practices of Postmodern Therapists. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 39(4), 488–501. (2013, October 1). Retrieved August 29, 2014, from Ebsochost. This is a follow up article discussing the ways in which three distinct postmodern therapist address the issues of persistence with clients (Michael White, Harlene Anderson, and Bill O'Hanlon). Particularly, this persistence is referring to the ways in which counselors can communicate their ideas and proposals in ways the client will accept and respond to. Family therapists are faced with the delicate challenge of becoming involved in a family system without appearing to be the dominant person in the room (power struggle). Therapists must also make decisions about when to move on from a situation a client does not understand. Each therapist is examined separately, by siting theory, techniques and dialog examples ways in which they address this predicament. Sydow, K., Beher, S., Schweitzer, J., & Retzlaff, R. (2010). The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy With Adult Patients: A Meta–Content Analysis of 38 Randomized Controlled Trials. Family Process, 49(4), 457–485. ... Show more content on ... The sample was comprised of 33 couples participating in approximately 10 emotion–focused therapy sessions, which focused on resolving emotional injuries. In addition to relationship outcomes, researchers focused on explaining how interpersonal forgiveness is achieved in a couple's therapy setting. Hypotheses regarding shame, forgiveness and acceptance were tested using measures including The Interpersonal Trust Scale and the Enright Forgiveness Inventory. Results answered research questions and posed a range of further work to be done, including developing definitions of shame and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Structural Family Therapy On The Family The identified problems in the family are the lack communication, rigid boundaries, and weak subsystems within the family. The structural family therapy focuses on the interactions with the family rather than focusing exclusively on the identified person or patient (Nichols, and Tafuri, 2013). In addition, through utilizing, the structuralism approach, the family will be able to think beyond symptomatic behaviors and see their choices and process relationships between group members and other systems (Vetere, 2003). The family will also be able to broaden their understanding of how each family member contributes to the problem or communication patterns within the family (Nicols et al., 2013). Furthermore, based on the research structionalism will encourage the family to problem solve in a safe therapeutic environment (Vetere, 2003). In therapy, the family will be able to express their feelings and thoughts without judgments or bias from the therapist. Moreover, for this particular family, the objectives and treatment will focus on boundaries and subsystems. "Boundaries are useful guidance for the assessment of interactions among family members." (Ryan, p. 133, 1997). When boundaries become clear the family is able to function healthier between subsystems. Another objective in treatment will be learning conflict resolution skills. Structural therapy will focus on encouraging the family to learn to respect one another's opinions and thoughts. Families can learn the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Bowenian Family Therapy The goal of each session is to manage anxiety and increase the client's level of differentiation, incorporating "I–statements" (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 227). The evaluation interview begins with a telephone call between a combination of family members (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 223). A therapist is to remain neutral and avoid being triangled into family issues. Sessions focus on symptoms in relation to the presenting problem (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 223). The counselor gages each member's perspective of the issue, while remaining aware of patterns of emotional functioning (Goldenberg, Goldenberg, 2013, p. 223). Sessions conclude with intentions to understand third–generation family systems. This part of the technique ... Show more content on ... Bohlinger (n.d.) states, "The Bowenian therapist would work to impart three important lessons to their clients: self–determination, self–advocacy, and re–engaging with the self in relationship" (Bohlinger, n.d.). The structural therapist is interested in boundaries between the client and the others around them, as oppose to the client's intrinsic self. (Bohlinger, n.d.). Bowenian therapists work to help clients maintain and balance relationships, unlike the experimental therapist, who confronts the client on strengths and weaknesses, in hopes that they will accept both aspects of individuality (Bohlinger, n.d). Also, Bowenian therapy is interested in "historical" processes, instead of historical emotions and problems (Bohlinger, n.d.). An interesting aspect of Bowenian therapy is the lack of termination. Bowen believed differentiation is an ongoing process, unlike majority of family therapies (Walsh, Harrigan, 2003, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Family Therapy Reflection Papers My future work As a counselor, I would like to work with a few different populations who struggle with a variety of mental illnesses. I have specifically wanted to work with anyone who has suffered from any form of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression or other mental illnesses. Recently I have really enjoyed working with college students as a mentor. Through my work with college students and my personal life, I believe that the family system plays a huge role into who we are as individuals. I would still like to work mainly as an individual counselor, but I think it is important to be able to understand how the family system plays a role into the client's life. I also think it is important to understand how families work and who is a part of a bigger system. If I end up working with children, the family will be involved in some way. Having the knowledge I would have by practicing family systems therapy will allow me to best help all my clients. An article by Jacob B. Priest (2015) discusses how generalized anxiety disorder and romantic relationship distress could be impacted by a person's past exposure to abuse in their childhood. The article states, "As predicted, associations were found between family abuse/violence and committed romantic relationship distress and between family abuse/violence and GAD" (Priest, 2015, p. 349) The article also states "the results reported here support this assertion and suggest that if a person is exposed to violence or is a victim of abuse ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Narrative Therapy and Family Therapy Research Question Why is externalising a central technique in narrative therapy today, and what are the limitations and successes of this technique? Research The research complied for this report was gathered from various Journals dedicated to the discourse surrounding the practices of narrative therapy and family therapy. Search terms used to collect relevant articles were 'narrative therapy', 'Michael White' and 'externalising'. The results from these terms were extensive and required narrowing further by way of peer reviewed status, content type and discipline. Data gathered was then critically analysed to explicate firstly, the socially constructed knowledge surrounding the process of narrative therapy, and the technique of ... Show more content on ... Due to the fact that externalising creates a deeper meaning of the object being externalised, the technique is also applied to positive aspects of an individual's experiences or solution based initiatives (Carey & Russell 2002, p.82; Ramey et al 2009, p.263). This process encourages the individual to see clearer the positive aspects of their life. The richer understanding of these agencies enables the individual to incorporate them into the new narratives, and utilise them in a manner which empowers the individual in overcoming the negative theme of their problem saturated story. Once the externalisations are deemed as successful and the individual perceives themselves as experiencing a relationship with a problem rather than being the problem (Carr 1998, p. 492), the story is re–narrated incorporating unique outcomes in which the individual sees themselves as the more powerful force and where desired and fulfilling results are obtained. These unique outcomes are then enriched and thickened in the individual's discourse and linked to past situations as well as future depictions. In order to keep the new thickened plots actively current in the individuals mind, outsiders are called upon to understand the problem and the progress made during therapy, as well as to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Transgenerational Family Therapy Trans generational Family Therapy Erika Jefferson February 18, 2013 Becca Myers BSHS 312 University of Phoenix Trans generational Family Therapy originated from the work of pioneers named Murray Bowen, Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy, James Framo, Norman Paul, and Donald Williamson. Those theorists shared the common belief that the problems in the present day with marriage are related to the issues from a person's family origin. The theorists had different practices but their beliefs was the road to problem resolution involved working with more than one generation in therapy. The misconception of the theory was that most of people's problems were caused by their family of origin. The beliefs in which ... Show more content on ... Donald Williamson believed in the fact that family life cycle occurs about the fourth decade of life and the goal is to terminate the hierarchical power governing relationships between adults and their older parents. His process involved the redistribution of power between the two generations. The multicultural issues that arise during the trans generational family therapy process is called acculturation, it is the accommodation process that occurs when groups from two distinct cultures are in contact over a sustained period of time. Some of the issues that come up with different cultures are when a person may have isolation and alienation from their new culture because they are trying to hold on and continue to practice native cultures beliefs. Another issue is when the person starts to denigrate and reject their old cultures dress, diet, values and sometimes name. There is also the problem of uneven adaption from other family members which lead to conflict between other family members. The integration to the new culture trying to hold on to the old culture can and will cause problems to arise. As the therapist you have to be very careful when working with a family from a different culture, it is already a rough transition. In my research I found that working with immigrant families they have the most issue with acculturation. It also states that when working with families from minority ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Questions On Strategic Family Therapy Essay Strategic Summary Paper What are the basic tenets of this approach to therapy? Overall, the basic approach to Strategic Family Therapy is to understand the ways in which power and the role each person plays in a relationship are associated and connected to one another (Awosan, 2015). Essentially, the clinician will evoke more of the given behavior in order to have a break through and initiate a new solution to the given problem. By performing reverse psychology in a sense, the clinician is exhausting the couple or family 's prior way of solving the problem in order to alter their views and transform their methods. Similarly, the clinician is held responsible for designing a suitable environment to promote and encourage change for all clients. From a communications outlook, the strategic models are responsible for looking at "what is occurring rather than why it is occurring;" they are "less focused on the meaning of the symptom or its origins" and more focused on the given behavior and its governing symptoms (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 302). How does this approach understand health and pathology? When looking specifically at the Mental Research Institute 's (MRI) Interactional Family Therapy, it is stated that "researchers zeroed in on the family interaction sequences in all families in an effort to understand how faulty communication patterns might lead to family dysfunction" (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 304). From a health and pathological standpoint, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Family Functional Family Therapy Family Functional Therapy (FFT) is a contemporary family therapy based on the work of James Alexander and Bruce Parsons. FFT is an integration of systematic and behavioral approaches focused on the function or purpose of the family member's behavior. All Behavior can create and/or define interpersonal behaviors. Behavior helps create or distance intimacy in family relationships. It generates and maintains intimacy and other relationship dimensions. The main goal of FFT is for the family to improve communication and change risky and damaging behavior while showing support and working to address the behavior through different alternative means. FFT helps decrease intense negativity, develops positive behavior, and adopts constructive solutions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Therapist In Family Therapy These exchange of feelings through feedback from the other family members help gain an understanding and support that each family members must truly have for one another. Therapist in family therapy also give family members an opportunity to reciprocate help, to offer other empathy, warmth, acceptance, support and genuineness. As a result, family members will feel an increase sense of his or her own self–worth. There are many family therapy approaches such as structural family therapy, strategic family therapy, experiential approaches, psychodynamic approaches, narrative therapy, collaborative therapy, witnessing, solution–focused therapy, and feminist therapies just to name a few. Some of these models have changed over time. For example, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Family Therapy Paper There are multiple therapy approaches in therapy. Therapy approaches are methods clinicians apply to guide their clients through their times of crisis in order for them to accept the changes in their lifestyles. It is also helpful in developing a good client and clinician relationship by allowing the clinician to understand the client's perspective. There is no right or wrong way in applying the therapeutic framework in therapy. Most therapist develop their own style in therapy over time in the industry. However, it is important for clinicians to understand multiple therapeutic approaches to have a variety to choose from in different circumstances. This paper will compare and contrast the humanistic and the family systems approaches to counseling. The humanistic approach to therapy is a client–centered therapy tool. Carl Rogers developed this technique believing that people will aim for progress and significant positive growth when they are receiving unconditional positive regard from those around them, similar to the nurturing love of a mother towards her child. In doing so it is prudent for the clinician to be ... Show more content on ... However, instead of just focusing on the viewpoint of the client, the clinician views the client's family as a whole. This supports the belief that "individuals do not have emotional or behavioral symptoms in a vacuum," (Flasher & Fogle 2012). This approach is beneficial for situations where the family or the people around the client is affected by the disability. Instead of nurturing just the client, the clinician nurtures the family and their relationship with one another. A disability may disrupt the natural homeostasis of a family. This can result in the family becoming enmeshed, disengaged, and triangulated. In these cases, clinicians should help the family reestablish the boundaries and the interrelationships of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. History And Future Of Marriage And Family Therapy After reading two articles it was interesting to note the differences and similarities between the two intellectual and highly respected individuals within the field of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). Each makes many valid points yet with such opposing viewpoints. By taking a closer look at some specific areas one may see that though these men have different beliefs on how treatment should be conducted, there are also some parallels. Some of the topics will include the history and future of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), what they agree and disagree on along with the challenges each has dealt with. Finally the author of this paper will provide insight as to what this means for her as she begins her journey to becoming a Marriage and Family therapist. Challenges Mr. Framo being one of the earlier advocates for MFT had several challenges throughout his career. He was particularly interested in intergenerational roles along with the family origin issues. During 1950's the thought of treating the source of the problem was highly unorthodox, and he faced many issues while attempting to focus on this issues. Another belief was that if a marriage were in trouble then the children of that marriage could then have issues because of it. These things caused many to obstacles that he eventually managed to bypass becoming a very influential person and a forerunner in the arena of marriage and family therapy. Mr. Fraenkel appears to have come up against many walls through ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. A Research On Family Therapy Family therapy has many advantages, but should not be a blanket strategy in helping clients. In researching the purpose of family therapy, and it's history in helping people, it has a significant place in bringing healing to both individuals and families. Nevertheless, it comes with its own set of risks and issues. In this discussion, the purpose is to work through some of the general advantages and disadvantages of using family therapy, while also looking at the experience needed and role of a counselor in family therapy. Finally, we will discuss the potential challenges I will face in doing family therapy. To begin with, one of the primary advantages of family therapy is its ability to help deal with not only an individual's issue, but the environment which may be creating or sustaining this issues. Alfred Adler talks about a propensity for external forces to significantly impact a person's personality (Neukrug, 2016). If thoughtfully considered, this makes sense. Every person seems to be informed in a significant way by his or her surroundings. People born into a hard working family would seem to grow up with a tendency to work harder, because this was modeled for them. Moreover, a person born into a neglectful home would grow up with certain issues and tendencies because of this upbringing. Family therapy appears to help in addressing one of the most significant environments which form human beings. In family therapy, a person can find healing not only for their ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Experiential Family Therapy (of Carl Whitaker) Introduction Experiential therapy emerged from the humanistic wing of psychology that was focussed on the immediate, here–and–now experience, which was most popular in the 1960's and 70's. Therapists focussed on the needs of the individual as they attempt to facilitate family interaction, resulting in the individuality of each member. As Becvar and Becvar (2000) asserted, the hallmarks of experiential family therapy were the importance of individuality, personal freedom and self– fulfillment (pp.181). Thus, efforts to reduce defensiveness and unlock deeper levels of experiencing rested on an assumption of the basic goodness of human nature. Many of the basic theories were borrowed from individual and group therapy. It borrowed techniques ... Show more content on ... These goals should remain unconscious during therapy, identified only in looking back. The therapy should also improve behavioural congruence, enhance independence and free choice, and expand the experiencing of emotions. Basic Model Whitaker believed that the active and forceful personal involvement and caring of the therapist was the best way to bring about changes in the family and promote flexibility among family members. He relied on his own personality and wit rather than any kind of fixed techniques to stir up issues in families and to help them open up and be themselves. He also did this to confuse the family. In his words, "I revel in non–organization. I think that's part of what my therapy has to do with. It has to do with disorganizing whatever the family brings in and enjoying my disorganization as well." (pp. 204) In doing this he tried to get the families to go somewhere in order to get them unstuck. During this part of the therapy the therapist and the family learned to express anxiety more openly during the session. Techniques that were commonly used to activate the underlying anxiety of the therapy included waiting, challenging roles, amplifying family deviations and highlighting differences. If successful, families should experience their will to fight, push and disagree.
  • 64. Theoretical Concepts There are 3 stages of therapy: 1) ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Jay Haley: A Pioneer In Family Therapy Jay Haley was a pioneer in family therapy. Inspired by his work with the communication patterns of schizophrenic patients and their family environments, he was a disciple of no less than three of the most prominent figures in family therapy evolution: Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, and Salvador Minuchin. He synthesized elements from all three, and developed his own form of therapy. He is also credited with being essential in the development of the communication model from the celebrated Palo Alto Group. Amazingly, he accomplished all this without being clinically credentialed (Nichols, 2013). Haley, in his time, was wildly popular and innovative. Haley was known as a scathing critic and an annoyance to psychology, while simultaneously altering the field in powerful ways. Haley, and later alongside the equally influential Cloe Madanes, incorporated elements from Erickson's strategic therapy, Minuchin's structural therapy, Bateson's cybernetic theory, the MRI model of brief therapy, and Jackson's communication theory into a brand of strategic problem solving family therapy (Standish, 2013). Today, this therapy exists as strategic humanism, and retains many of the same aspects, such as providing directives, albeit the directives are not as manipulative as in the past (Nichols, 2013). The following vignette is addressed utilizing a strategic family therapy approach, and specifically an approach based on the Haley strategic family therapy model. Early phase goals for therapy ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Family Therapy Module 1: Discussion 1 Family therapy is substantial; it offers different techniques such as resolving conflict within a family system. Price, Price, and Mckenry (2010) comments on refreshing the family, this allows each family member to rely on one another working towards change. According to Nichols, (2014) family therapy can be the greatest source of support for health crisis, marital conflict, mental sickness, or teenage rebellion threatening to rip a family asunder. Awosan and Sandberg (2011) talk about black clients distribute stresses through familiar patterns. Therefore, a therapist may have a challenge when working with African American clients, due to a lack of trust when dealing with a counselor. According to Gladding (2015), the goal of family therapy is to break down dysfunctional communication; the therapist becomes the teacher who focusses on boundary and differentiation events. Gladding (2015) refer to changes in the scheme of limitations, constructions, aims, development, heroes, or morals producing stress, is an essential factor in understanding a families strength and deficits. Primarily, I am pursuing a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I took this class to learn the set of functional demands that organize ways in applying different theories when counseling clients and families ... Show more content on ... Under that circumstance, a good resource would be volunteering at Hospice, obtaining knowledge in serving those in end–of–life care; then, a mentor to help with the emotions that arise from a client's death. As a result, the experience will increase my ability to support the client in their decision for care, as well as supporting the family through their decision–making and planning for the loss of their loved one. If we wish anything to improve, we must authentically see ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. History of Marriage and Family Therapy The history of family therapy began around 1960 when Gregory Bateson came up with the term, "system thinking." This type of therapy was a daring departure, from traditional and individual treatment during the 1960s. He was involved in the schizophrenia research project in Palo Alto, California, which had a strong impact in shaping the course of family therapy. Along with his colleagues Jay Haley, John Weakland, William Fry, Don Jackson and later Virginia Satir, Paul Watzlawick, Bateson developed a communication theory which aim was to explain development of schizophrenic behavior within the familial environment. The group introduced ideas from cybernetics and general systems theory into social psychology and psychotherapy, focusing in ... Show more content on ... Therapy focuses on issues and problems that are troubling the client at the present moment and try to help them using brief therapy. Therapists typically ask questions about family role patterns, rules, goals, and stages of development. Marriage and family therapists believe that the family patterns may affect an individual's psychological and physical well being and therefore need to be part of therapy. During a therapy session even if only one person is being interviewed, the therapists focuses on a set of relationships that the person is embedded in. The entire family is involved in solving clients problems regardless of whether the issue in individual or family. Marriage and family therapists help clients always with the help of the person's family. I too believe that a person in order to resolve mental or emotional disorders requires the support and understanding of those closest to them, and with the use and knowledge of family systems theory this can be achieved. I also think that communication or lack of, very often is the seed behind problems within the family, that is why I appreciate the fact that marriage ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Experiential Family Therapy Essay Experiential Family Therapy (EFT) is likely the theoretical orientation of the co–therapists. The manner in which Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D. asked open questions was remarkably similar that when one therapist asked a question, the other therapist was able to acknowledge and reply the family's response without changing a perspective. For that reason, co–therapists have the same theoretical orientation. EFT tends to focus on a family issue that is entrenched on emotional suppression, and that requires exploration of emotional experiences. Based on the dialogue presented, both Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D. mostly asked open questions that explored meaningful feelings associated with the family's experiences. For instance, around 36 minutes into the session, the family disclosed that they had a son, named Victor who committed suicide 10 years ago. In response to the disclosure, Rick Ph.D.'s question of "Can you say more about it?" clearly represents exploration of suppressed emotions behind the words. Evidently, Rick Ph.D. and Karen Ph.D. focused on uncovering the family members' regrets and unpleasant feelings attached to the death of Victor, and an issue became obvious as to their conflict to take on new roles to break out of homeostasis after Victor's death. Both therapists continuously worked on digging out each family member's repressed emotions from when Victor was alive and also from after Victor's death, as the therapists likely realized that this family avoids ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Contextual Family Therapy Model. Contextual Family Therapy Contextual Family Therapy Model Contextual family therapy model is a transgenerational mode that is based on the assumption that a family system behavioral patterns are mostly developed from one generation to another generation. This particular model is more of a distinct type model that is considered to be closely compared or associated to the psychoanalytic family model (Gehart, 2014). The major assumption for change in the contextual approach model, is to help all in the family system to establish a greater balance in each relationship through the intervention of fairness, trust, loyalty, and mutual support. These interventions is considered to be the focal point for the contextual family therapy model (Gangamma, Bartle–Haring & ... Show more content on ... This process can position the communication process for exoneration and forgiveness which give a high probability in re–establishing a balance relationship. Establishing relational truth and constructive entitlement which is guided by the therapist, the wrongdoer within the family system can give insight to show evident of the hurt he/she has caused. This can lead the wrongdoer to the process of relational trust moving to a level of restoration and mending the broken relationship (Mauldin, & Anderson, 1998). I believe what make contextual therapy model approach different from some of the other MFT approaches is that the contextual family model is more of an influential approach. Also, the contextual family model deals with examining the intrapsychic and the interpersonal dynamic to raise the awareness and give insight to the client, to create new ways to behave and relate to others ( Gehart, 2014). Through the communication and processing, the therapist helps the client and family to govern different aspect of family structure, beliefs, power, and hierarchy. This model searches for intergenerational balance of justice and trustworthiness in family based on the concept of relational ethics and forgiveness in helping conflicted families to rebuild a level ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Career Of Marriage And Family Therapy Career in Marriage and Family Therapy Marriage and Family Therapy is a particularly interesting area of Psychological study. This field offers adults and children resources to help cope with potentially damaging psychological issues within the family unit. Marriage and Family therapist offer an opportunity for spouse to reconcile their differences, while helping children understand the family hardships and issues. Marriage and Family therapist help couples, families and groups that deal with issues that have affected their mental health. This is to help redeem such problems as alcohol and drug abuse or marital stress. Treatment for marital stress normally last over duration of time of 12–50 weeks and combines individual and couples counseling. Most Marriage and family therapists need a license in their state of residents. This profession does typically require a master's degree in a field related to marriage and family therapy. According to ONET MFT requires a therapist t Diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or behavioral, within the context of marriage and family systems. Apply psychotherapeutic and family systems theories and techniques in the delivery of services to individuals, couples, and families for the purpose of treating such diagnosed nervous and mental disorders.(ONET) Graduates with a Marriage and Family Therapist are trained mental health professionals who have a family–oriented perspective and treatment approach. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Reflection Paper On Family Therapy His focus is clinical psychotherapy where he has worked in inpatient settings as well as outpatient's settings. He deals with developmental life issues and challenges among children, adolescents and adults. Mr. Goldstein also oversees a variety of patient overcomes illnesses such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety as well as symptoms of unhappiness related to school, work, and personal relationships. Mr. Goldstein has also worked at the universities at shady grove where he consulted students in the counseling department. When Mr. Goldstein is not at the Potomac eating disorder treatment he works part–time at Abrams and associates where he also assists patients uses a behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic approaches in order to help the patients address their problems and lead a happier productive lifestyle. Although Mr. Goldstein have experience working with a variety of ethnic backgrounds he informed me that a lot of the patients who comes in to the treatment center as well as the patients are white individuals who comes from a middle–class background and are predominately female. However, Mr. Goldstein informed me that children are much more difficult to work with because they have a more abstract way of thinking. Something that Mr. Goldstein finds difficult in his field of work is that the process of treatment can be timely and costly. Although he finds that the job can be stressful at times, he enjoys seeing his clients grow and be successful in their treatments Majority of the time the client will know they have a problem and call for assistance, there are no waitlist in the organization and assistance is provided when the client is ready. There are a variety of services is provided such as personal coaching where the client will have a list of goals and step to reach them. For the most part, the clients know what they want but just need a little assistance getting there. Potomac Valley Psychotherapy associate also provide individual therapy, group psychotherapy, couples therapy, nutritional counselling provided at the treatment center. The groups therapies are mainly focus on adult women, young girls, and mothers of the patients who are struggling with an eating disorder. Anorexia, bulimia, ... Get more on ...