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Napping Argumentative Performance Task
When people work or do something too much, they get tired, so they take a nap. A nap is good thing
to because it can take the sleepy thing for you. I'm going to talk about naps being good for you. The
information that I got from is Napping Argumentative Performance Task. First, naps may provide a
alertness and performance, but that's a short–term boost of it. Not all of the benefits can provide
from taking a nap. The NASA wanting to know, if astronauts should take naps, so they did this with
volunteers. The results was that napping can improve memory, but not alertness. But, other people
that work can improve their memory, by taking a nap. I got this from Source 1 and 2. Second,
according to source 2, it says that people tend to
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Sleep Deprivation Essay
Most teens do not know what sleep deprivation is, it occurs when a person fails to receive enough
sleep at night. A teen need nine hours of sleep to not feel sleep deprived also to be well alert and
rested for the next day. It's more than important to manage enough sleep for the next day or
experiences regarding the effects of sleep deprivation will occur. Many teens definitely have
experienced sleep deprivation and may not have known how serious it is along with how bad it can
affect them. Teenagers need to be aware of what causes sleep deprivation so that they can avoid its
short term including long term effects.
There are plenty of reasons as to why teens don't receive enough sleep at night. Many students at
Fontainebleau, say that ... Show more content on ...
The common temporary effects are anxiety, drowsiness, forgetfulness, and distraction becomes
another obstacle in the life of no sleep. When sleep deprived it's more complicated to recall anything
from memory (Hocking 1). So, in order to remember what was studied the night before, it's only
right to receive the nine hours of sleep the body needs to recall anything from memory.
When the body is so tired and worn out from sleep deprivation, the mind tends to loose motivation.
Going to work, hanging with friends, and any other activity in day to day life will not be as much
fun when sleep deprivation is occurring (Hocking 3). Loss of motivation is a direct outcome of sleep
deprivation, but it can also be something a little deeper like depression and anxiety, which are both
temporary health effects of sleep deprivation.
During sleep deprivation the mind and body becomes easily irritated ("Sleep Deprivation" 2008).
When a party attempts to receive sleep and fail he or she becomes very annoyed and easily irritated,
which affects the relationship between friends, family members, and colleagues. Sleep deprivation
can begin to affect the happiness if nothing changes in mortals sleep.
High blood pressure can arise the more and more sleep is not collected, which is a long lasting effect
of sleep deprivation (Hocking 1). If the mortal is getting six hours or less, or even poor quality sleep
they're affecting the stress hormones
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Scholarship Essay Nursing Care Plan
My nurse coach assisted Self Care Plan in helping me realize that setting aside time for myself is
essential. Doing nothing for an hour or so a day, can grant me time to focus fully on myself, how
things are going whether it is in my college life or my personal life. According to the textbook
Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life Taking care of ourselves is a fundamental part of
life. My physical health should be at the top of my list yet it poses as a challenge for me. To promote
good health including my self care plan of acquiring adequate sleep, will improve my psychological
health as well by looking after my physical health. Normally, I will be consumed in the work that I
have that needs to be done alongside going to class and routine things that I do during the day, I
have little time to sleep. I've come to a realization that there aren't that many hours in the day and
my sleep schedule is unbalanced. Lack of sleep in my lifestyle leads to a decrease in the energy
needed to get through my schoolwork and personal ... Show more content on ...
As stated in the article "Self Care", "individuals who do not take care of their own emotional and
physical needs before attempting to resolve those of others may begin to experience a decline in
their own emotional or physical state." I fallen victim to this and plan to sustain positive self care in
the long term future. Now that I've created my own self care plan, I plan to keep it visible and
commit to the steps needed to reach positive well–being that is holistic to me then journaling about
how effective my plan has become. As claimed by, "checking in with
yourself allows you the opportunity to evaluate where you are in your recovery. You may find that
you need to readjust what step of your action plan you are on or try different coping
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Analysis Of Teachers, Students, And Sleep By Dave Stuart Jr.
This week's article was "Teachers, Students, and Sleep" by Dave Stuart Jr. It discusses the
importance of sleep to both teachers and students, and ways to make sure they get the best sleep to
succeed each day. According to the article, sleep can be easily thrown off, especially by late night
snacking. Also, the article states, "one of the most valuable and overlooked aspects of sleep is an
operation called memory processing," which is a part of REM sleep. The bad thing is, these snack
before bed disrupt this REM sleep, making our quality of sleep much worse. Another key role in
getting better sleep is regularity, which is "one of the most important factors in how well people
sleep." It has also been proven that sleep impacts performance. As
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Red Light Therapy Research Paper – Red Light Therapy Benefits: Help Your Body Relax and Get More Needed
Sleep This Holiday Season
The hectic holiday season stresses people out today to the point that they have trouble sleeping at
night. With all the party planning, gift buying and other holiday preparations, their minds stay in
whirl, and this keeps their bodies tense and unable to relax each night. If this scenario fits your
situation, you need to learn about the red light therapy benefits with the information that follows.
Information About Red Light Therapy Treatments
Red light does not belong to the ultra–violent range of light and you receive exposure to it through
specially designed beds. NASA developed this technology that delivers this light ... Show more
content on ...
Your sleep rejuvenates and energises you for the next day. No more will you need to suffer from
insomnia during the busy holiday season.
3. Relieves Inflammation
Red light treatments help relieve inflammation in the tissues and joints from various triggers.
4. Accelerates Healing of Skin Issues and Wounds
Red light accelerates the healing of psoriasis, acne scars, eczema and other skin issues along with
cuts and other types of wounds.
5. Offers Natural Relief for Back, Neck and Arthritis Pain
When you receive red light therapy, you will stimulate your body's ability to relieve is own neck,
arthritis or back pain. This benefit may help you avoid OTC or prescription pain medications.
6. Boosts Blood Circulation and the Production of Collagen and Elastin
Another advantage of participating in this type of therapy is the fact that it boosts blood circulation
to deliver oxygen to the various parts of the body in an effective manner. On top of this, exposure to
red light stimulates the body's production of collagen and elastin.
Call my Beauty First to schedule your appointment to discover the red light therapy benefits on your
body. You either can pay one dollar per minute or purchase a monthly pass at a lower
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Should School Start Later?
As the education of Americans continues to fail in comparison to other countries, it is imperative
that we don't further weaken our school day by making school start later. This is important to take
into consideration when deciding school start times, as well as many other facts. District officials
nationwide have been discussing or even implementing a later start time in their schools. However,
this will just cause more problems and hurt the students and everybody else concerned more than
help them. Children need to learn how to manage their time and get the amount of sleep they need.
We cannot keep enabling by starting school later. There are many reasons that schools shouldn't start
later, and they far outweigh the ones supporting the later time. One very important thing to consider
would be the problems that would transpire if we were to have after school activities going later. If
these activities were to begin later they would easily cut into suppertime. Missing or even delaying a
meal is very unhealthy for athletes or any students for that matter. In fact, in as little as four hours
after eating the glucose levels of an athlete can be so small that it can cause an extremely poor
performance. (–meals–can–have–
negative–consequences, Evelyn Tribole) Another problem that has been occurring amongst schools
with later times is the busing schedules They have been meticulously planned for the entire district
and changing
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Why High School Should Start Later Research Paper
"Teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep a night", says Jilly Dos Santos, a teenager who launched a
campaign to start her school later in Columbia, Missouri, you would think anyone– especially teens
would want to take advantage of those hours especially on a school night but, with high school times
as early as 7:05, the body itself has complications falling asleep leading students to wake up late
because of sleeping in the next morning which leads to students rushing out the door not having
time to eat breakfast. High school times should start between 8 to 9. Sleeping for a short period of
time for adolescents could lead to health risks and having loved ones affected as well.
It's better for specifically high schools to start later in the morning because the body's circadian
rhythm shifts during adolescence making it difficult for teens to fall asleep early, instead what it
does is makes adolescents sleepy after 10 which causes minimal time to sleep and making it harder
for the teen to focus the ... Show more content on ...
With high schools starting later teens would be at rest and not forcing their bodies to fall asleep at a
certain time and if they do happen to wake up before school starts with 8 or more hours of sleep, it
would be a great opportunity for them to study or add on to notes. It would also leave time for the
student to eat breakfast and feel energized.
In conclusion high schools should start later so that adolescents won't be at health risks and their
estate will be positive and well–rounded and ready to work making it easier not only for the student
but also the teachers! "well –rested kids learn better," says Heather Macintosh, of Start School Later.
"They're happier, they get better grades, and their bodies are
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The Autonomic Nervous System
Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual's mental,
emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on
sleep–wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental
consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the
average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems
have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The
National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American
lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results ... Show more content on ...
Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV
is a non–invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping & Chua, 2004).
Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual,
most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However,
the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects
parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both
parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non–autonomic factors. When interpreting
HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A
power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal's power or energy per unit time, falling within
given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency
(HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15
Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath &
Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity.
The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity
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Six Dimensions Of Health Paper
The six dimensions of health are: emotional, spiritual, physical, environmental, intellectual, and
social. Individuals who balance each of the six aspects of health are more likely to have a positive
outlook on life. Theresa Jenkins Theresa Jenkins is an elderly woman with a height of 5'4 and
weight of 154 lbs. She is currently experiencing hypertension, a poor diet, and perhaps diabetes. Her
emotional health includes depressive behaviors. Before her husband passed, she attended a Catholic
church which applies to her spiritual health. Her environmental health is not being fulfilled because
she lives with her son and rarely leaves her room. She now seldom leaves the house, but she used to
travel and shop when her husband was alive. This
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The Negative Effects Of Fatigue
Background Fatigue according to Ricci, Chee, Lorandeau, and Berger (2007) is defined as a lack of
energy with a feeling of exhaustion and lethargy. The problem is so prominent fatigue affects
approximately 7%–45% of the population (p. 1). Unfortunately, fatigue does not affect all shifts
equally, Berger and Hobbs (2005) defines night shift workers as those who work outside the
daylight hours of 6am–6pm and who are more susceptible to the deleterious effects of fatigue. Their
research found that 16.8% of the United States workforce and 24.6% of healthcare professionals
participate in night shift work, and while that percentage may seem small, the negative effects of
nightshift work related fatigue accounts for over 70% of all accidents and injuries (Scott,
Hofmeister, Rogness, & Rogers, ... Show more content on ...
233). Nurses are especially vulnerable to the ill effects of night shift fatigue because of long hours of
night shift work (usually greater than 12 hours), limited number of breaks, and inability to sleep
during daytime hours when the amount and quality of sleep is far below those who sleep at
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Erectile Dysfunction Essay
Curing erectile dysfunction in a natural way is much better than resorting to prescription impotence
medication because there aren't any adverse side effects, it can permanently cure you from
impotence and it is much cheaper. Generally these methods take much longer to work, but changes
will last much longer compared to the maximum of 36 hours you can get from Cialis.Curing
impotence by getting more sleep
Most people don't get enough sleep, and missing only an hour or two in one night can take several
days to be caught up. Sleep deprivation is seen as one of the biggest causes to people developing
any kind of disease and therefore it plays a large factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Due to
people staying up till late at night with ... Show more content on ...
Your brain also requires sleep and especially the ability to dream as a form of therapy to help you
cope with the stresses you face throughout the day. People often feel grumpy when they have not
had enough sleep and this is due to the lack of dreaming that the brain needs, if you don't dream
enough you can go psychotic.Curing impotence by eating the right food
Eating healthily allows your body to function, as it should by making sure the right nutrients are
available. Just as prescription erection medication gives your body the right chemicals to fight
erectile dysfunction, so will eating the right food over a period of time. By cutting out junk food and
replacing that with healthy vegetables and free–range meat you will quickly start noticing a
difference. Cutting out alcohol can also help tremendously since alcohol is also one of the main
causes of impotence.
These two natural cures should help a lot towards fighting erectile dysfunction. There are many
other natural cures that you can use though, the best option would be to see a doctor to figure out
what exactly is causing the problem and then finding a natural remedy that will help you fix this. It
might not be such a quick fix as taking prescription medication but the effects will last much longer
so much more worthwhile in the
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Russell Foster Sleep
Russell Foster is a British professor and a circadian neuroscientist at Brasenose College. He studies
the sleep cycles of the brain. He and his group were credited for discovering photosensitive ganglion
cells in the mammalian retina. This discovery will help to find more information about the circadian
rhythm system. In 1980, Foster graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in Zoology.
He has earned many awards for his work and is also the author of a few books. Russell Foster has an
open discussion of reasons why sleep is important to humans. He mentions that "huge sectors of
society are sleep–deprived." On average, teens need nine hours of sleep for a healthy brain
performance. But, nowadays teens are only getting about ... Show more content on
Foster states, "Essentially, all the stuff we've burned up during the day, we restore, we replace, we
rebuild during the night." Foster also explains that "Within the brain, a whole raft of genes have
been shown to be turned on only during sleep, and those genes are associated with restoration and
metabolic pathways." I agree with Foster's first explanation of why we sleep. Sleep helps repair and
renew tissue and nerve cells, the neutralization of neurotoxins, and the restoration of normal levels
of chemicals throughout our bodies. Sleep can also heal the body physically. For example, it can
heal wounds, strengthen the immune system, and increase growth hormone levels in the
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Insomnia College Essay
Suddenly you wake up in the middle of the night. Something is keeping your brain working as if it
was in the middle of the day, awake and full of energy (but is not like that happens, anyways). You
really don't know really how it feels until it's happening to you and now I know how it feels. There
is difficulty in falling or staying asleep. Then, the waking up in the morning early and being
extremely tired. This is a sleep disorder when you cannot sleep and you are awake; it's like the
awake cycle is turned on and so the sleep cycle is turned off. The strength of something being so
powerful keeps you awake without the ability to have a peaceful sleep; it is exhausting. It all started
about a year or more ago. I was diagnosed with lupus, and ... Show more content on
The impact of sleep deprivation can impact nearly every aspect of your life. In my life, it has
affected me in so many ways. Throughout the day, I feel tired, and when I'm supposed to have a
good night's rest, I am wide awake. The days I don't have the energy to do anything, are about most
days, but even though the effects of insomnia are great they won't end my life. Although insomnia is
common, most people can find a treatment that works for them. There are techniques for stress
reduction, relaxation, sleep schedule management and even sleep pills that can control insomnia.
Relaxing and scheduling a sleep pattern helps me get a better night's rest, yet sometimes it's still
tough. Besides, it is better than stressing about it or having anxiety or depression as a result of
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Synthesis Essay: How Much Sleep Is Enough?
Introduction: Your alarm clock just woke you up. It is 6:00, and you feel terrible. Last night, you
were partying your butt off at your best friends party till 1:00 in the morning. Wondering why you
feel so bad? You only got 5 hours of sleep! Every teenager should get at least 9–10 hours of sleep
for their body to function appropriately and better, and you only got half of it. But now it is time to
go to school. According to the article, "How Much Sleep is Enough?", If you continously sleep less
than needed, the sleep adds up. This means that the more and more sleep you lose, the more tired
you will be too. Many people think you can just get back that lost sleep by taking naps, but I hate to
break it to you, you can't. Researchers believe this is because you only improve memory from taking
naps, but not alertness. ... Show more content on ...
A brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don't expect it. For example, tiredness and
falling asleep at the wheel is responsible for more than 100,000 car crashes every year. When you
don't get enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident, injury or illness, and I bet no one
wants that to
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Who's Asleep Research Paper
Who's Asleep? Everyone needs to get a good night's sleep. While most adults need seven to nine
hours of sleep, school–age children should average 10 to 11 hours a night. For individuals who are
not getting enough sleep, there are a variety of tips that have been shown to help. Reasons for Sleep
Sleep is extremely important for numerous reasons. First of all, sleep provides the body with
necessary time to rest and repair damaged muscles and cells. Research shows that the human brain
sorts through the day's events, stores information, and solves problems while people are asleep.
Lastly, getting a good night's sleep helps people have sufficient energy for the next day's activities–
work, school, or recreation. Getting Better Sleep Fortunately,
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Napping Papers
Most animals, 85%, sleep in short periods during the day it will be beneficial for us to do the same.
Napping is helpful to humans, but sleeping is essential to us, however even though napping is
optional it is still along with sleeping important. Sleeping and Napping are very beneficial to human
beings. Eventually, Bad sleep habits and long term sleep loss will add up and will start to negatively
affect your health. "If you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less than needed, the sleep loss
adds up (Source 1, Paragraph 2)." Not getting enough sleep will always add up even if you only
miss an hour a day that will still add up to seven hours every week and therefore this can cause
substantial sleep debt that can't be paid back because you can only sleep at a certain time your
biological clock allows. With sleep being a prerequisite for human life and needed to live. Thus, you
will not be able to pay back the sleep debt causing your wellbeing to be negatively impacted and
will ultimately hurt you. Alongside with sleep, taking small naps can help us be more efficient
during all the task we do in everyday life. "Mark Rosekind of NASA, who conducted the research,
stated that even a 26–minute nap boosted a pilot's mental performance by 34% (Source 2, Paragraph
14)." When your mental performance increases you ... Show more content on ...
"American presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton all took frequent naps to
help them deal with the pressures of leading a powerful nation (Source 2, Paragraph 11)." Napping
helped many famous people like presidents, artist, and scientist becomes more efficient and be able
to make better decisions and to be more creative. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Leonardo Da
Vinci took short naps to be more efficient, maybe if they hadn't taken naps, we would be sitting in
the dark without knowledge of our worlds or glorious
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Simmons Research Papers
Simmons Mattress It's a fact that sleep affects productivity. If you want to get the most out of your
40 winks, try a Beautyrest mattress. Simmons, a leader in advanced sleep technology, has perfected
the art of sleep performance. The brand also makes the Westin Heavenly Bed pillow top mattress.
Simmons mattresses come equipped with innovative technologies and offer you a peaceful night's
rest. How can you tell if you need a new mattress? You can tell you need a new mattress if there are
visible signs of wear and tear. Furthermore, if you notice lumps or sags, or you can feel coils, it is
time for a new mattress. Also, watch out for these subtle replacement signs. It no longer offers the
support you need to sleep comfortably through the night. You wake up with aches and pains that
disappear during the day. You roll to ... Show more content on ...
Many factors go into choosing a mattress. First, decide the size. Next, you must consider your
comfort level. Do you prefer a plush or extra firm mattress? Finally, you should stay within your
budget. Keep these factors in mind. Pick a Size: The Simmons brand follows a standard sizing chart.
Still, you should check the measurements. For example, twin mattresses are available in 74" and 80"
long. Typically, a king mattress is 16" wider than a queen. It is 4" wider than a California King.
Choose a Comfort Level: The firmer a mattress, the more resistant it is to pressure. The Beautyrest
collection offers options from plush to extra firm. Stay within Budget: It is wise to have an idea of
how much money you want to invest in a mattress. Prices vary based upon size and materials. What
are some features of Simmons Beautyrest mattresses? Select from a variety of features from the
Beautyrest line. Within the Beautyrest Black and Beautyrest Platinum collections, for example, you
will find a variety of models with pocketed springs, memory foam, or both. There are also
Beautyrest pillow top and hybrid
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Varying Habits In Catcher In The Rye
Malnutrition occurs when people refuse to eat or have lost their appetite while lack of sleep comes
from the brain being overstimulated before bedtime. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye
shows symptoms of both these health risks. He is unable to sleep when he tries to and he avoids
eating for hours on end. Holden as a teenager, should be getting a significant amount of sleep and he
should be eating a certain amount of food but he isn't getting the nutrients or sleep his body requires.
Holden's sleeping habits are not healthy for his age. While reading about Holden, there is a
realization that his emotional problems are what leads him to possible physical problems. Holden
tells the reader that he didn't sleep for too long right after ... Show more content on
Holden depends on alcohol and cigarettes. According to A Teenagers Nutritional Needs,
"Adolescents are hungry all the time... especially boys." As Holden is an adolescent he should be
eating most of the time but he doesn't. Holden mentions that he was supposed to be on a diet
consisting of starches to gain weight but he isn't on the diet (Salinger 107). Since teenagers require
more energy than adults they are encouraged to eat starch, Holden just depends on alcohol. He
doesn't eat healthily and he is on the road to self destruction due to his overuse of alcohol. He's been
in New York for quite some time now, but it is hardly stated that he eats, Holden drinks and smokes
more than he eats food. Holden should be more aware of his health. He knows that he should be on a
diet, he acknowledges that he is skinny (Salinger 107) but yet he refuses to eat. His decision to
survive on alcohol may cost him his life if he isn't careful. He might collapse from the lack of
nutrients in the body with no one around to make certain that he is okay. Holden is depressed due to
past encounters he's had and his depression causes him to lose his appetite which leads to bad
decision making. Should Holden continues farther down this road to self– destruction, it will be
difficult to get him back which will lead to his ultimate
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The Influence Of Sleep On The Brain
Many students wake up in the morning feeling like they need another few hours of sleep. Chances
are, they're correct. Students on average are getting less sleep than necessary by an average of about
1.5–3 hours of sleep each night, which affects academic performance negatively and makes students
groggy during school, as well as influencing things like behavior, relationships, and family life as a
Many people don't understand how important sleep is. "One aspect of brain health that has been well
examined through neuroimaging and cognitive testing is the influence of sleep on the brain. The
findings are indeed a wake up call with regard to the impact on focus memory, test performance,
mood, and high risk behaviors."(Willis 1). Throughout ... Show more content on ...
Simple, the school start times push to later in the day. Through a study data has shown that school
start times have almost never been hanged in the past 15 years despite current research. It hasn't
happened because not many people know about the issue (Wolfson 47–56). Now that this research is
becoming more common knowlege, some schools have decided to try it, and the results were swift.
"A delayed school start time yielded significant improvements in attitude, less sleeping in class, and
less depression." (Yilmaz 2). So when start times were changed and students got more sleep,
attitudes changed. Wolfson's article says that when school start times were pushed back, grades
improved, attendance rates improved, and there was a small spike in students who were enrolled in
high school. It showed only positive benefits (Wolfson 47–56). After some research emerged, the
Minneapolis school system changed their start times, and the outcome amazed many. When schools
in Minneapolis changed school start times, many positive results were noticed. Grades and attitudes
both improved. Relationships with other students and even parents were improving. It was an hour
more of sleep and look at all the good it did. (Willis 5). Some people have asked about bedtimes
changing if start times change, and the answer to that is in Wolfson's article. "Minneapolis High
School students reported similar bedtimes in schools that didn't change start times, gaining
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Adventures Of A Once Homeless Girl
Adventures of a Once Homeless Girl
UXDE dot Net Wordpress Themes
by SamPac07/07/07 ( I have noticed this very odd coincidence that every night we slept on the street
was the anniversary of terrorist bombings and catastrophes, as I look back on it, I am not really sure
what to think, was it just a coincidence? or is there more than meets the eye...I hope to find the
The night I slept outside in September was definitely the worst and horrific and I could never forget
this one either.
This experience was slightly different because it was in London.
Yet again we had run out of money to pay for another night stay at a hotel. We had run out of money
the night before when we only had £60 left enough to pay for one night sharing a single room. The
hotels are usually not allowed to do this but the lady at the reception desk allowed us to stay because
we explained to her that we had no money left.
We did not have any dinner that night and had no clue of what to do the next day.
The next morning we had to check out. And still we had no money, we had no idea what to do. The
suitcases were still with us and they were so difficult to travel around London with. So I decided to
put all our luggage inside the hotel's storage room and leave it there until we knew what to do.
The hotels that we had been staying at in London were within close proximity of Hyde Park, so we
would spend hours everyday just sitting there.
Hour after hour we sat in the park that day as
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Motivated During Winter
3 Tips to Stay Motivated During Winter During winter, many struggle to sustain the fitness that they
worked so hard to obtain when the weather was warm. Cold temperatures, rain, and daylight savings
are the common factors ruining cyclists' motivation to train. However there are ways to still sustain
a high fitness level, even through bad weather. On cold winter mornings, the temptation of sleeping
through your alarm to stay warm in the comfort of your bed is often too much. A good way to force
yourself to get out of bed on these mornings is to have organised a ride with a friend. That way you
will have to get out of bed unless you want to abandon your mate. Indoor trainers are very helpful to
have when the weather goes bad but using them
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Social Jetlag
Lots of people with a day job wake up early on weekdays and like to sleep late on off days and
weekends just because they can. Those disturbances to routine sleeping patterns can increase the risk
of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, according to a brand–new research.
Sleeping In Means Worse Cholesterol
People with irregular job hours or who function something other than day hours have been shown to
have a damaging impact on health and wellness in some studies. This study specifically carried out
at the University of Pittsburgh reveals that waking up late may be bad for health and wellness.
Social jetlag is a mismatch in between a person's socially–imposed rest timetable and also their
natural circadian rhythm. Scientists said social jetlag ... Show more content on ...
Further Research is Needed to Eliminate these Risks
Patricia Wong, the lead researcher, stated future research studies will certainly have to be larger, as
well as if they show comparable outcomes it may indicate that modifications to rest routines could
aid individuals lead healthier lives. She writes that there can be benefits to scientific assistances
focused on circadian disruptions, office education and learning to aid workers and their households
make careful decisions about structuring their timetables, as well as policies to urge employers to
think about these issues.
Think about that next time you sleep in! Keeping a balanced routine of diet and sleep is the key to
good health, so it's best to monitor these patterns as closely as
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Fall Asleepnosis Research Paper
How to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep With Hypnosis
According to a recent study by Swiss researchers at the University of Fribourg, hypnosis can
improve the quality of your sleep. During the study, the participants spent 66 percent less time
awake and had 80 percent more deep sleep than the control group. While people have recognized the
power of hypnosis for insomnia for years, this is one of the first studies that looked at the
individual's actual brainwaves. Previously, many of the research studies relied on participants to
subjectively report the quality of their sleep.
A Growing Problem
In the United States, the amount of time spent sleeping and engaged in deep sleep is decreasing.
According to the Center for Disease Control, 50 to 70 million Americans have problems with a sleep
disorder like sleep apnea and insomnia. On average, 35 percent of individuals receive less than
seven hours of sleep during the night, and 37.9 percent of people admit to unintentionally falling
asleep during the day. ... Show more content on ...
The quality of your sleep can greatly impact your physical health. In just the realm of driving, an
estimated 1,550 fatalities in the United States are caused by drowsy driving each year. To remedy
this problem, researchers recommend following good sleep hygiene. Avoiding caffeine, nicotine,
large meals and alcohol near bedtime can help increase your chances of falling asleep. In addition,
regularly going to bed at the same time can help. Ion average, adults need seven to eight hours of
sleep every day. If you are not getting this, you could be hurting your physical, emotional and
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Baby Sleep Research Paper
The Importance of Baby Sleep All living creatures need sleep. Sleeping gives people and all living
creatures the time for the body to recuperate and regenerate. Lion's needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep,
while primates, ten to twelve hours of sleep. Humans need on average six to eight hours sleep to
rejuvenate. Human babies need a full eight hours of sleep and naps in between. The body uses sleep
as a way to regenerate cells and refresh the brain and overall aids in the development of our body,
mind, and health. During our sleep, the human body can regenerate hair follicles, fingernails,
toenails and even the outer covering of the skin. This happens because of the automatic pilot that is
built into our bodies. People tend to think that
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The Secret Truth About Napping Analysis
Sometimes I think that sleeping isn't important because I thought that sleep wouldn't help your body.
Well I was wrong to say that because it does help your body. The amount of sleep you get each day
impacts over the course of your life. I was asked if sleep had a huge impact on your health. Well my
answer is yes it does have a huge impact. Some people don't have enough hours of sleep, some have
too much, and some don't know how much their suppose to sleep. Despite the fact that some people
think that sleep isn't important, I'm going to prove that sleep is important According to Source 1, if
you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less then needed, the sleep loss will add up. The total
sleep loss is like your sleep debt. "For example, if you lose 2 hours of sleep each night, you'll have a
sleep debt f 14 hours after a week. "Some people night take naps as a way to deal with sleepiness.
Naps can provide a short–term boost in alertness and ... Show more content on ...
They also think that only little children should take naps. Their wrong if they think that only little
children should take naps. My reason is that there is evidence that napping can benefit people of all
ages. Many famous historical figures take naps. Napping helps people deal with stress and it could
renew a person's energy. For example, if the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein didn't take naps he
would've never had invented the light bulb. If the amazing artist Leonardo Da Vinci didn't take naps,
eh would've been too sleepy to paint the Mona Lisa. The human body operates according to the
internal clock. The clock operates in relation to the Earth's pattern of darkness at night and bright
light during the day. If a person's internal clock is in sync with his or her habits, the person can most
likely sleep well at night and remain awake and alert all
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Sleep Deprivation And Health
How does sleep affect health? Studies show that the body needs to receive 7 to 9 hours of sleep each
night. Many people especially in college, may only get half of this amount. Sleep deprivation is very
common in the United States. What exactly is sleep deprivation you may ask yourself? Sleep
deprivation is when you do not get a satisfactory amount of sleep. Effects of sleep deprivation are
fatigue, weight gain/loss, and reaction time. Sleep deprivation is very common among teens and
young adults. It effects your body and mainly your digestive system. Studies show that in the United
States about 30% of adult and 66% of adolescents are regularly sleep–deprived. Sleep deprivation is
the cause of many health issues. It effect s your ... Show more content on ...
You need to get 7–9 hours of sleep each night to perform your best the next day. Adolescents need
about 10 hours asleep while adults need around 7–9.
DNA repairs while the body is sleeping. When we lose sleep our learning, memory, mood and
reaction time are effects. Scientists have related driving while sleep deprived to driving while drunk,
because of our delayed reaction time.
Fatal familia insomnia is what causes the body to be scared of going to sleep. It worsens over time
and can cause dementia and death. It can be caused by adenosine in the brain. Adenosine builds up
in the brain and increases the urge to sleep. Caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptors
pathways. This is why you don't want to drink something with caffeine in it before going to bed.
Your brain need to clear out the build up in the brain. The glymphatic system is always working to
clear your brain but works more efficiently at night while the body is sleeping. Improving your sleep
is very important. Don't drink caffeine before you go to sleep. You should cut caffeine out about 6
hours before you go to sleep to get the best sleep. You need to sit your phone away from you and
turn off all electronics. We all need to develop a sleep route, it will help the boy know that you are
about to go to sleep. Make sure you wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day. This will
... Get more on ...
Losing Sleep Research Paper
Why are Americans losing sleep? Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans openly admit that they will feel
better if they had just one extra hour of sleep each night. "The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention has called a national sleep epidemic, U.S. adults consistently chose against getting more
sleep– even when the opportunity is given to them," states The Better Sleep Council. If Americans
are so sleep deprived and are aware of it, why are they not getting enough sleep at night? The causes
that may be contributing to this national sleep deprivation range from the access to technology, to
stress, and to even wanting to work later than office hours. Many experts state that due to the new
availability of technology and the never–ending variety
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Cycle Of Sleep Research Paper
Sleep, according to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, is described as, "the natural periodic
suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored." While this is very
true, there is so much more that goes into what people deem as "sleep". There are many types of
"sleep", as strange as it sounds. In fact, there isn't just one stage of sleep, but rather four distinct
stages that occur multiple times each time someone closes their eyes for the night. And it's only one
of them that dreams are broadcasted and (sometimes) stored in our minds to wake up to in the
morning. Not only are there multiple stages that create one sleep cycle, but there are multiple cycles
that happen each night. The average person over the age of 10 sleeps through 4–6 cycles a night, as
each cycle is completed in roughly 90–110 minutes. Stage 1 Stage one is, naturally, the first stage in
the sleep cycle. This stage and stage 3 make up up to 30% of the first cycle. The longer a person
sleeps, the more cycles of stages occur, and the shorter stage 1 gets in order ... Show more content
on ...
Alone it makes up 50% of one sleep cycle. Unlike stage one and stage three, this stage is always half
of the sleep cycle. This is what doctors consider to be the "deep sleep" stage. Here, all eye and
muscle movements stop, creating a peaceful slumber that results in heavy breathing, or snoring.
While this is the longest stage, it is where people receive most of their rest of the night. Also during
this stage does the brain activity slow, again creating the ability to have deep, tranquilized sleep. It is
recommended to not disturb the sleeping person, as it creates a disoriented person and is difficult to
continue the cycle once awoken. Sleeping tests have resulted in doctors noticing a possible
infrequent burst of brain activity occurring during this stage, although, as stated before, it is very
infrequent and is nothing to be concerned with. No dreaming happens during this
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Johnny's Short Story: An Inspector Calls
The next shift arrived way too quickly for Johnny's likening. Despite spending most of the time
sleeping, it still seemed as though he barely slept at all. On top of that, he was starting to get a
nagging headache that was making him dizzy and nauseous. For once, the idea of staying in his bed
was much more appealing than going into work. He hoped by giving into this desire for once, he'd
be able to escape any prying questions or a trip to Rampart. Seeing that it was close to 7:30 am and
Johnny called the station, knowing Captain Stanley was likely at work already. "Station 51, Captain
Hookraider speaking." "Hello, Captain, this is Gage, is Captain Stanley there?" Johnny asked,
pleading to whichever deities may be listening that he was. As ... Show more content on ...
"And don't worry, I made sure John knew to call one of our wives if he needed anything. Sounds just
like a cold starting." "Thanks," Roy said gratefully. "I'll check in and see how he's doing later today.
I should go get changed for roll call." Nodding, Captain Stanley turned back to work on some
paperwork as Roy left. For once, the day was unusually slow and considering the worry Roy felt for
his partner, he was glad that was the case. After lunch time, he made a call to Johnny. "What?" he
snapped, cursing whoever decided to bug him. "Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you," Roy was
more worried as it wasn't like his partner to immediately snap when answering the phone. "Sorry,
just tired, I'm fine, alright?" Johnny bit back a sigh, leaning back into his pillows. All he wanted at
that moment was to find a way off the phone to get some rest. "Are you sure you're fine? You
weren't feeling too good a couple days ago either and I just wanted..." "I just haven't been sleeping
well, alright. If someone would let me, I might actually get caught up!" Johnny cut Roy off,
frustration clear in his voice. "Ok, ok," Roy backed off. "Let me or Jo know if you need anything
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Should Students Start Later In The Day?
There are many different stages of a person's life. A very important stage is your basic education.
However, In most school systems students are given a specific schedule. Students wake up early in
the mornings and often start their classes tired. Although it may allow students to get more sleep,
classes should not start later in the day. First, students would not be able to adapt to the new
schedule. Schools carrying extracurricular activity programs would be forced to change their entire
schedules and practice times would run late at night. Students that work would also end up working
late at night. As a result of working late and having later practices, they would be less safe driving
late at night which would likely cause more accidents.
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How To Acid Affect My Mood
Tracked Data and Hypothesis: First, I decided to track my sleep and how it affects my mood because
I wanted to determine if there was an amount of sleep which helped me have a positive mood. This
could be useful, especially during the school year, to help me have a positive outlook amidst a
stressful atmosphere. I hypothesized that not getting enough sleep, as well as, sleeping too much
will have a negative affect on my mood. However, I also included outside influences because no
matter how much sleep I get on a certain day, if something negative happens I will most likely let it
affect my mood. While compiling my data for this assignment I also stopped taking oral
contraceptives which greatly impacted my menstrual cycle. Because of this, I also decided to track
my cycle and determine what hormones would be the highest on what days. Since my cycle was
thrown off by almost two weeks, I wanted to see if these hormones also affect my mood. I then
hypothesized that the different hormones during menstruation negatively affect my mood.
Description of Data: ... Show more content on ...
However, if I had an exciting event on or after that day, my mood would be affected in a positive
way. I could not easily determine what amount of sleep was too much. On days where I got 8 hours
of sleep or more there was a split correlation between a positive mood and a negative mood. I
missed the amount of sleep I got on the 15th because I worked an overnight shift and slept strange
times. I included any inferences I could think of to help determine if outside factors played a larger
role on my mood than the amount of sleep I
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Lucid Dreams Essay
The purpose of this study was to see if political views or your personal background has anything to
do with the types of dreams that you have. There were women and men that participated, by
personal or internet surveys. The questions were asking general questions like age and race and the
types and the frequency of your dreams. There were 700 people to do the interviews and the
researchers chose the liberal and conservative men and women. There were 234 participants in total,
conservative and liberal men and women, more liberalism. One of the reasons for this research was
how your dreams were based off things that were important to you in real life. There are four sets of
sleeping, which are general sleeping, Frequency of Memorable Dreams and ... Show more content
on ...
The tests were based on emotions and different activities, like sleep paralysis, snakes, and terrorism.
The results were very similar, but Liberal women had a higher percentage on most of the dreams.
Liberals remembered sexual experiences better and are more open to talk about them, conservatives
remembered the nightmares. Conservative men had more lucid dreams which is when you are
dreaming and you know you are dreaming. Researchers interpreted that because most men will tell
themselves that their nightmare was just a dream. The next set was the percentage of Nightmares
and Bizarre Dreams that each group had. Liberals had more bizarre dream that they could recall all
of the details, it was something that was not ordinary. Conservatives had more nightmares dealing
with negative emotions. Conservatives have more mundane dreams which are dreams that are dull
or lack interest. The last set was the Analysis of Political Dreams. Liberals had more political
dreams and they were bizarre nightmares and mean. The dreams would seem real and it had already
happened, but seemed as if the participant was living in that moment again in a different way.
Conservatives dreams about politics were good and happy dreams. For example, being friends with
the president instead of thinking of the
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Today's Exhausted Superkids Analysis
In Frank Bruni's editorial, "Today's Exhausted Superkids," he talks about the lack of sleep present in
many high school and college students. He attributes this loss in sleep to a variety of factors;
although he seems to place the blame mainly on education. He blames the stress of getting good
grades on the widespread lack of sleep. Throughout his article, Bruni used many studies and other
writings to support his points. My opinion on Bruni's editorial is that it was ineffective in getting the
main point across. I agree with many of the points that Mr. Bruni brought up, but I feel that the
information he used and the way he wrote the editorial were uneffective. He did use actual facts in
some spots, though I feel they were used at the wrong parts throughout the editorial. His main
arguments were very unorganized. The evidence used by Bruni in his editorial was not very
effective at getting his point across. Most of the evidence that he used throughout his paper were
theories; theories are not always true however. In his editorial, he placed a study about the lack of
sleep present in high schools directly above a study about the small amount of sleep that the average
college student gets each night, making the two different studies seem correlated. Throughout the
course of the paper, Bruni ... Show more content on ...
While discussing the studies done in the Silicon Valley, he brought up unrelated topics; topics
including the slogan contest at the high school. When Bruni talked about the papers that other
people wrote, he would discuss what they wrote, jump to an unrelated topic, then return to what the
person said. Bruni would also change the topic from the lack of sleep present in students to why
sleep is important for those students. I felt that he should have focused on one of those two subjects
to write about, instead of trying to talk about both. Trying to discuss both caused his ideas to appear
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How To Install A Handicapped Grab Bar
Give a Helping Hand with a Handicapped Grab Bar As people age, it becomes harder for them to do
certain things. One of the hardest for a lot of people is getting up from a sitting or a lying down
position. It means that even the simplest things can become hard for them. They may have trouble
getting out of bed in the morning, getting up from their favorite chair, taking a bath or a shower, and
even getting off the toilet. You can help them by providing them with a handicapped grab bar and
allow them all the privacy that they deserve. Why Install a Handicapped Grab Bar? The grab bar is
designed to help people get up when they are unable to do so without help. This allows them to do
things more independently. They gain privacy by not having to have help when it is time to bathe or
use the bathroom. They will no longer have to have help when getting up off their favorite chair or
out of bed, depending on where you install the grab bar. They are stainless steel bars that resist rust
and corrosion. This means that they can be put virtually anywhere that a person may need help
getting up or down. If you have a wall on one side of the toilet in their bathroom, you can put the
support bar on the other side to give them something ... Show more content on ...
You do not only need them if a person is unable to stand on their own. The purpose of a safety grab
bar is to help anyone stand without help or worry about a potential fall. This means if you know
someone who suffers from frequent dizzy spells when they stand up quickly, the bar will give them
something to hold on to for stability. If a person has broken a leg and now has trouble standing up,
they can use a bar to help them take a shower or do other things. Elderly who are not disabled, but
may benefit from having something to hang on to at times can also use them. Even a pregnant
woman who is nearing her due date may benefit from having a pole to hold onto when trying to
stand up
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Sleep Anxiety Disorders
Around seventy percent of men and women suffer from anxiety problems these days. The more you
worry about not being able to sleep, the less you will sleep through the night. And if this habit
continues you will develop insomnia in the long run. True, many people who were suffering from
sleep anxiety are now suffering from sleep troubles. They find it hard to achieve sleep or stay asleep
through the night time. Anxiety & Sleep Anxiety Anxiety refers to emotional and physical
sensations in response to certain events. Also known as 'fight or flight' it is a survival mechanism
encouraging you to fight against predators and survive. This behavior is often associated with
feelings of nervousness, sweating, faster heart rate or stomach upset. It
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Tyrone Case Analysis Essay
As for Tyrone's health, he reports to have some physical limitations; for instance, having trouble
acquiring employment that encompasses heavy lifting, climbing up and down ladders, bending and
squatting, standing on his feet for extended time periods throughout the day, and above all, not
having enough energy to be productive. As a child, he remembers having a mild case of asthma
which he grew out of. Currently, Tyrone shared that his Primary Care Provider (PCP) has placed
him on a restricted diet plan to combat his obesity. Tyrone has been diagnosed by his John Peter
Smith (JPS) PCP to be overweight/obesity – Class 3, morbid obesity, to be specific. Along with this,
Tyrone reports to be having trouble with his knees and lower back due to the extra weight/pressure
he was gained in last few years. Additionally, he has to administer high blood pressure medication
and is a borderline diabetic. Although Tyrone has a mental health diagnosis – Bipolar 1; which
entails elevated manic episodes with intermittent periods of depression. As a young adult, Tyrone ...
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Based on these notions, Tyrone's short term/long term goals are to start exercising on a regular basis
– minimum of 15 minutes per day, to his long term goal of 90 minutes a day. With this, Tyrone is
tipping the weight scale at 330lbs. and his ideal weight/goal is to be at 275lbs. Another goal for
Tyrone is to cut back on the number of cigarettes he smokes on a daily basis. He currently smokes
about forty cigarettes a day, which is equivalent to two packs and his goal is to smoke less than five
cigarettes a day. In order to prevent any further weigh gain, Tyrone has made a goal of eating a three
health meals a day along with three serving of fruits and vegetables into his daily
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The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation. How lack of sleep affects you?
I bet everyone stayed awake for 24 hours at least once a life. Why has sleep deprivation become
such a big issue? Firstly, the global human problem is that teenagers, especially high school or
college students spend their nights on parties, in front of the computers playing games or some of
them even doing their homework. As well, a lot of workers or workaholics spend their nighttime
doing tasks and willing to skip sleep in order to impress their bosses. The second thing is a modern
generation, these days people want to receive food, entertainment, and information 24/7, because of
this, consumers have to stay awake much longer and sometimes they don't even have time to sleep.
Not always it ... Show more content on ...
Some of symptoms of insomnia are easy to recognize, including mood changes, bad attention, lack
of motivation or energy during a day. Insomnia is not attributable to a psychiatric, medical or
environmental cause. There are three types of primary insomnia: "psychophysiological, idiopathic
insomnia, and sleep state misperception (paradoxical insomnia)"(Wikipedia). The main symptom of
psychological insomnia is paranoia. As regards to Idiopathic insomnia, this type of disease begins
science childhood and lasts to the rest of a person's life. Actually, it is a problem in a part of the
brain which responds for sleep–wake cycle as a result in either underactive sleep signals or
overactive wake signals. Sleep deprivation concerns to car accidents, too. "The U.S. Institute of
Medicine reports that almost 20 percent of car accidents happen because drivers are sleepy"
(Arianna Huffington). Moreover, lack of sleep is a serious problem in the medical profession.
According to the research, most of medical residents work for exceedingly long periods, some of
them work 30 hours twice a week. Twenty percent of all residents make fatigue–related mistakes
that lead to harm patients' lives and only five percent made mistakes that resulted in a patient's
death. To conclude, my standpoint is that lack of sleep has no positive effects on the human body.
Studies show that 20 percent of adults
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Acute Or Chronic Sleep Deprivation?
There are two types of sleep deprivation: acute and chronic. Acute sleep deprivation refers to not
getting any sleep or reducing the amount of time slept for one night or a couple of nights. In
contrast, chronic sleep deprivation results when an individual constantly does not get enough sleep
for multiple nights during weeks, months, or even years. In emergency medical services, a majority
of emergency medical technicians and paramedics suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. While
there are a lot of contributors to sleep deprivation, my research revealed that shift work was a major
cause. Shift work involves working outside the conventional 9 am to 5 pm day and includes early
morning shifts, evening or night shifts, and rotating shifts. This
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Driver Fatigue: A Curricular Study
As stated earlier, the main purpose of HOS is to diminish fatigue, which increases accidents caused
by drivers. Based on various studies, between the hours of midnight and six in the morning, the risk
of fatigue escalates with the total length of the driver's trip. There are three main components related
to driver fatigue: Circadian rhythm effects, sleep deprivation and cumulative effects, and lastly
industrial or "time–on–task" fatigue.
The circadian rhythm, can be described as a normal attentiveness and or sleepiness experienced
through a 24–hour day. The cycle low points, shows a decrease in attentiveness. And the high points
state the area where difficult sleep occurs. Shifting the circadian rhythm by one to two hours or
backward per day
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Napping Argumentative Performance Task

  • 1. Napping Argumentative Performance Task When people work or do something too much, they get tired, so they take a nap. A nap is good thing to because it can take the sleepy thing for you. I'm going to talk about naps being good for you. The information that I got from is Napping Argumentative Performance Task. First, naps may provide a alertness and performance, but that's a short–term boost of it. Not all of the benefits can provide from taking a nap. The NASA wanting to know, if astronauts should take naps, so they did this with volunteers. The results was that napping can improve memory, but not alertness. But, other people that work can improve their memory, by taking a nap. I got this from Source 1 and 2. Second, according to source 2, it says that people tend to ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Sleep Deprivation Essay Most teens do not know what sleep deprivation is, it occurs when a person fails to receive enough sleep at night. A teen need nine hours of sleep to not feel sleep deprived also to be well alert and rested for the next day. It's more than important to manage enough sleep for the next day or experiences regarding the effects of sleep deprivation will occur. Many teens definitely have experienced sleep deprivation and may not have known how serious it is along with how bad it can affect them. Teenagers need to be aware of what causes sleep deprivation so that they can avoid its short term including long term effects. There are plenty of reasons as to why teens don't receive enough sleep at night. Many students at Fontainebleau, say that ... Show more content on ... The common temporary effects are anxiety, drowsiness, forgetfulness, and distraction becomes another obstacle in the life of no sleep. When sleep deprived it's more complicated to recall anything from memory (Hocking 1). So, in order to remember what was studied the night before, it's only right to receive the nine hours of sleep the body needs to recall anything from memory. When the body is so tired and worn out from sleep deprivation, the mind tends to loose motivation. Going to work, hanging with friends, and any other activity in day to day life will not be as much fun when sleep deprivation is occurring (Hocking 3). Loss of motivation is a direct outcome of sleep deprivation, but it can also be something a little deeper like depression and anxiety, which are both temporary health effects of sleep deprivation. During sleep deprivation the mind and body becomes easily irritated ("Sleep Deprivation" 2008). When a party attempts to receive sleep and fail he or she becomes very annoyed and easily irritated, which affects the relationship between friends, family members, and colleagues. Sleep deprivation can begin to affect the happiness if nothing changes in mortals sleep. High blood pressure can arise the more and more sleep is not collected, which is a long lasting effect of sleep deprivation (Hocking 1). If the mortal is getting six hours or less, or even poor quality sleep they're affecting the stress hormones ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Scholarship Essay Nursing Care Plan My nurse coach assisted Self Care Plan in helping me realize that setting aside time for myself is essential. Doing nothing for an hour or so a day, can grant me time to focus fully on myself, how things are going whether it is in my college life or my personal life. According to the textbook Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life Taking care of ourselves is a fundamental part of life. My physical health should be at the top of my list yet it poses as a challenge for me. To promote good health including my self care plan of acquiring adequate sleep, will improve my psychological health as well by looking after my physical health. Normally, I will be consumed in the work that I have that needs to be done alongside going to class and routine things that I do during the day, I have little time to sleep. I've come to a realization that there aren't that many hours in the day and my sleep schedule is unbalanced. Lack of sleep in my lifestyle leads to a decrease in the energy needed to get through my schoolwork and personal ... Show more content on ... As stated in the article "Self Care", "individuals who do not take care of their own emotional and physical needs before attempting to resolve those of others may begin to experience a decline in their own emotional or physical state." I fallen victim to this and plan to sustain positive self care in the long term future. Now that I've created my own self care plan, I plan to keep it visible and commit to the steps needed to reach positive well–being that is holistic to me then journaling about how effective my plan has become. As claimed by, "checking in with yourself allows you the opportunity to evaluate where you are in your recovery. You may find that you need to readjust what step of your action plan you are on or try different coping ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Analysis Of Teachers, Students, And Sleep By Dave Stuart Jr. This week's article was "Teachers, Students, and Sleep" by Dave Stuart Jr. It discusses the importance of sleep to both teachers and students, and ways to make sure they get the best sleep to succeed each day. According to the article, sleep can be easily thrown off, especially by late night snacking. Also, the article states, "one of the most valuable and overlooked aspects of sleep is an operation called memory processing," which is a part of REM sleep. The bad thing is, these snack before bed disrupt this REM sleep, making our quality of sleep much worse. Another key role in getting better sleep is regularity, which is "one of the most important factors in how well people sleep." It has also been proven that sleep impacts performance. As ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Red Light Therapy Research Paper – Red Light Therapy Benefits: Help Your Body Relax and Get More Needed Sleep This Holiday Season The hectic holiday season stresses people out today to the point that they have trouble sleeping at night. With all the party planning, gift buying and other holiday preparations, their minds stay in whirl, and this keeps their bodies tense and unable to relax each night. If this scenario fits your situation, you need to learn about the red light therapy benefits with the information that follows. Information About Red Light Therapy Treatments Red light does not belong to the ultra–violent range of light and you receive exposure to it through specially designed beds. NASA developed this technology that delivers this light ... Show more content on ... Your sleep rejuvenates and energises you for the next day. No more will you need to suffer from insomnia during the busy holiday season. 3. Relieves Inflammation Red light treatments help relieve inflammation in the tissues and joints from various triggers. 4. Accelerates Healing of Skin Issues and Wounds Red light accelerates the healing of psoriasis, acne scars, eczema and other skin issues along with cuts and other types of wounds. 5. Offers Natural Relief for Back, Neck and Arthritis Pain When you receive red light therapy, you will stimulate your body's ability to relieve is own neck, arthritis or back pain. This benefit may help you avoid OTC or prescription pain medications. 6. Boosts Blood Circulation and the Production of Collagen and Elastin Another advantage of participating in this type of therapy is the fact that it boosts blood circulation to deliver oxygen to the various parts of the body in an effective manner. On top of this, exposure to red light stimulates the body's production of collagen and elastin.
  • 10. Call my Beauty First to schedule your appointment to discover the red light therapy benefits on your body. You either can pay one dollar per minute or purchase a monthly pass at a lower ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Should School Start Later? As the education of Americans continues to fail in comparison to other countries, it is imperative that we don't further weaken our school day by making school start later. This is important to take into consideration when deciding school start times, as well as many other facts. District officials nationwide have been discussing or even implementing a later start time in their schools. However, this will just cause more problems and hurt the students and everybody else concerned more than help them. Children need to learn how to manage their time and get the amount of sleep they need. We cannot keep enabling by starting school later. There are many reasons that schools shouldn't start later, and they far outweigh the ones supporting the later time. One very important thing to consider would be the problems that would transpire if we were to have after school activities going later. If these activities were to begin later they would easily cut into suppertime. Missing or even delaying a meal is very unhealthy for athletes or any students for that matter. In fact, in as little as four hours after eating the glucose levels of an athlete can be so small that it can cause an extremely poor performance. (–meals–can–have– negative–consequences, Evelyn Tribole) Another problem that has been occurring amongst schools with later times is the busing schedules They have been meticulously planned for the entire district and changing ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Why High School Should Start Later Research Paper "Teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep a night", says Jilly Dos Santos, a teenager who launched a campaign to start her school later in Columbia, Missouri, you would think anyone– especially teens would want to take advantage of those hours especially on a school night but, with high school times as early as 7:05, the body itself has complications falling asleep leading students to wake up late because of sleeping in the next morning which leads to students rushing out the door not having time to eat breakfast. High school times should start between 8 to 9. Sleeping for a short period of time for adolescents could lead to health risks and having loved ones affected as well. It's better for specifically high schools to start later in the morning because the body's circadian rhythm shifts during adolescence making it difficult for teens to fall asleep early, instead what it does is makes adolescents sleepy after 10 which causes minimal time to sleep and making it harder for the teen to focus the ... Show more content on ... With high schools starting later teens would be at rest and not forcing their bodies to fall asleep at a certain time and if they do happen to wake up before school starts with 8 or more hours of sleep, it would be a great opportunity for them to study or add on to notes. It would also leave time for the student to eat breakfast and feel energized. In conclusion high schools should start later so that adolescents won't be at health risks and their estate will be positive and well–rounded and ready to work making it easier not only for the student but also the teachers! "well –rested kids learn better," says Heather Macintosh, of Start School Later. "They're happier, they get better grades, and their bodies are ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Autonomic Nervous System Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual's mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on sleep–wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results ... Show more content on ... Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is a non–invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping & Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non–autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal's power or energy per unit time, falling within given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath & Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Six Dimensions Of Health Paper The six dimensions of health are: emotional, spiritual, physical, environmental, intellectual, and social. Individuals who balance each of the six aspects of health are more likely to have a positive outlook on life. Theresa Jenkins Theresa Jenkins is an elderly woman with a height of 5'4 and weight of 154 lbs. She is currently experiencing hypertension, a poor diet, and perhaps diabetes. Her emotional health includes depressive behaviors. Before her husband passed, she attended a Catholic church which applies to her spiritual health. Her environmental health is not being fulfilled because she lives with her son and rarely leaves her room. She now seldom leaves the house, but she used to travel and shop when her husband was alive. This ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Negative Effects Of Fatigue Background Fatigue according to Ricci, Chee, Lorandeau, and Berger (2007) is defined as a lack of energy with a feeling of exhaustion and lethargy. The problem is so prominent fatigue affects approximately 7%–45% of the population (p. 1). Unfortunately, fatigue does not affect all shifts equally, Berger and Hobbs (2005) defines night shift workers as those who work outside the daylight hours of 6am–6pm and who are more susceptible to the deleterious effects of fatigue. Their research found that 16.8% of the United States workforce and 24.6% of healthcare professionals participate in night shift work, and while that percentage may seem small, the negative effects of nightshift work related fatigue accounts for over 70% of all accidents and injuries (Scott, Hofmeister, Rogness, & Rogers, ... Show more content on ... 233). Nurses are especially vulnerable to the ill effects of night shift fatigue because of long hours of night shift work (usually greater than 12 hours), limited number of breaks, and inability to sleep during daytime hours when the amount and quality of sleep is far below those who sleep at ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Erectile Dysfunction Essay Curing erectile dysfunction in a natural way is much better than resorting to prescription impotence medication because there aren't any adverse side effects, it can permanently cure you from impotence and it is much cheaper. Generally these methods take much longer to work, but changes will last much longer compared to the maximum of 36 hours you can get from Cialis.Curing impotence by getting more sleep Most people don't get enough sleep, and missing only an hour or two in one night can take several days to be caught up. Sleep deprivation is seen as one of the biggest causes to people developing any kind of disease and therefore it plays a large factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Due to people staying up till late at night with ... Show more content on ... Your brain also requires sleep and especially the ability to dream as a form of therapy to help you cope with the stresses you face throughout the day. People often feel grumpy when they have not had enough sleep and this is due to the lack of dreaming that the brain needs, if you don't dream enough you can go psychotic.Curing impotence by eating the right food Eating healthily allows your body to function, as it should by making sure the right nutrients are available. Just as prescription erection medication gives your body the right chemicals to fight erectile dysfunction, so will eating the right food over a period of time. By cutting out junk food and replacing that with healthy vegetables and free–range meat you will quickly start noticing a difference. Cutting out alcohol can also help tremendously since alcohol is also one of the main causes of impotence. These two natural cures should help a lot towards fighting erectile dysfunction. There are many other natural cures that you can use though, the best option would be to see a doctor to figure out what exactly is causing the problem and then finding a natural remedy that will help you fix this. It might not be such a quick fix as taking prescription medication but the effects will last much longer so much more worthwhile in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Russell Foster Sleep Russell Foster is a British professor and a circadian neuroscientist at Brasenose College. He studies the sleep cycles of the brain. He and his group were credited for discovering photosensitive ganglion cells in the mammalian retina. This discovery will help to find more information about the circadian rhythm system. In 1980, Foster graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in Zoology. He has earned many awards for his work and is also the author of a few books. Russell Foster has an open discussion of reasons why sleep is important to humans. He mentions that "huge sectors of society are sleep–deprived." On average, teens need nine hours of sleep for a healthy brain performance. But, nowadays teens are only getting about ... Show more content on ... Foster states, "Essentially, all the stuff we've burned up during the day, we restore, we replace, we rebuild during the night." Foster also explains that "Within the brain, a whole raft of genes have been shown to be turned on only during sleep, and those genes are associated with restoration and metabolic pathways." I agree with Foster's first explanation of why we sleep. Sleep helps repair and renew tissue and nerve cells, the neutralization of neurotoxins, and the restoration of normal levels of chemicals throughout our bodies. Sleep can also heal the body physically. For example, it can heal wounds, strengthen the immune system, and increase growth hormone levels in the ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Insomnia College Essay Suddenly you wake up in the middle of the night. Something is keeping your brain working as if it was in the middle of the day, awake and full of energy (but is not like that happens, anyways). You really don't know really how it feels until it's happening to you and now I know how it feels. There is difficulty in falling or staying asleep. Then, the waking up in the morning early and being extremely tired. This is a sleep disorder when you cannot sleep and you are awake; it's like the awake cycle is turned on and so the sleep cycle is turned off. The strength of something being so powerful keeps you awake without the ability to have a peaceful sleep; it is exhausting. It all started about a year or more ago. I was diagnosed with lupus, and ... Show more content on ... The impact of sleep deprivation can impact nearly every aspect of your life. In my life, it has affected me in so many ways. Throughout the day, I feel tired, and when I'm supposed to have a good night's rest, I am wide awake. The days I don't have the energy to do anything, are about most days, but even though the effects of insomnia are great they won't end my life. Although insomnia is common, most people can find a treatment that works for them. There are techniques for stress reduction, relaxation, sleep schedule management and even sleep pills that can control insomnia. Relaxing and scheduling a sleep pattern helps me get a better night's rest, yet sometimes it's still tough. Besides, it is better than stressing about it or having anxiety or depression as a result of ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Synthesis Essay: How Much Sleep Is Enough? Introduction: Your alarm clock just woke you up. It is 6:00, and you feel terrible. Last night, you were partying your butt off at your best friends party till 1:00 in the morning. Wondering why you feel so bad? You only got 5 hours of sleep! Every teenager should get at least 9–10 hours of sleep for their body to function appropriately and better, and you only got half of it. But now it is time to go to school. According to the article, "How Much Sleep is Enough?", If you continously sleep less than needed, the sleep adds up. This means that the more and more sleep you lose, the more tired you will be too. Many people think you can just get back that lost sleep by taking naps, but I hate to break it to you, you can't. Researchers believe this is because you only improve memory from taking naps, but not alertness. ... Show more content on ... A brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don't expect it. For example, tiredness and falling asleep at the wheel is responsible for more than 100,000 car crashes every year. When you don't get enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident, injury or illness, and I bet no one wants that to ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Who's Asleep Research Paper Who's Asleep? Everyone needs to get a good night's sleep. While most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep, school–age children should average 10 to 11 hours a night. For individuals who are not getting enough sleep, there are a variety of tips that have been shown to help. Reasons for Sleep Sleep is extremely important for numerous reasons. First of all, sleep provides the body with necessary time to rest and repair damaged muscles and cells. Research shows that the human brain sorts through the day's events, stores information, and solves problems while people are asleep. Lastly, getting a good night's sleep helps people have sufficient energy for the next day's activities– work, school, or recreation. Getting Better Sleep Fortunately, ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Napping Papers Most animals, 85%, sleep in short periods during the day it will be beneficial for us to do the same. Napping is helpful to humans, but sleeping is essential to us, however even though napping is optional it is still along with sleeping important. Sleeping and Napping are very beneficial to human beings. Eventually, Bad sleep habits and long term sleep loss will add up and will start to negatively affect your health. "If you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less than needed, the sleep loss adds up (Source 1, Paragraph 2)." Not getting enough sleep will always add up even if you only miss an hour a day that will still add up to seven hours every week and therefore this can cause substantial sleep debt that can't be paid back because you can only sleep at a certain time your biological clock allows. With sleep being a prerequisite for human life and needed to live. Thus, you will not be able to pay back the sleep debt causing your wellbeing to be negatively impacted and will ultimately hurt you. Alongside with sleep, taking small naps can help us be more efficient during all the task we do in everyday life. "Mark Rosekind of NASA, who conducted the research, stated that even a 26–minute nap boosted a pilot's mental performance by 34% (Source 2, Paragraph 14)." When your mental performance increases you ... Show more content on ... "American presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton all took frequent naps to help them deal with the pressures of leading a powerful nation (Source 2, Paragraph 11)." Napping helped many famous people like presidents, artist, and scientist becomes more efficient and be able to make better decisions and to be more creative. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Leonardo Da Vinci took short naps to be more efficient, maybe if they hadn't taken naps, we would be sitting in the dark without knowledge of our worlds or glorious ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Simmons Research Papers Simmons Mattress It's a fact that sleep affects productivity. If you want to get the most out of your 40 winks, try a Beautyrest mattress. Simmons, a leader in advanced sleep technology, has perfected the art of sleep performance. The brand also makes the Westin Heavenly Bed pillow top mattress. Simmons mattresses come equipped with innovative technologies and offer you a peaceful night's rest. How can you tell if you need a new mattress? You can tell you need a new mattress if there are visible signs of wear and tear. Furthermore, if you notice lumps or sags, or you can feel coils, it is time for a new mattress. Also, watch out for these subtle replacement signs. It no longer offers the support you need to sleep comfortably through the night. You wake up with aches and pains that disappear during the day. You roll to ... Show more content on ... Many factors go into choosing a mattress. First, decide the size. Next, you must consider your comfort level. Do you prefer a plush or extra firm mattress? Finally, you should stay within your budget. Keep these factors in mind. Pick a Size: The Simmons brand follows a standard sizing chart. Still, you should check the measurements. For example, twin mattresses are available in 74" and 80" long. Typically, a king mattress is 16" wider than a queen. It is 4" wider than a California King. Choose a Comfort Level: The firmer a mattress, the more resistant it is to pressure. The Beautyrest collection offers options from plush to extra firm. Stay within Budget: It is wise to have an idea of how much money you want to invest in a mattress. Prices vary based upon size and materials. What are some features of Simmons Beautyrest mattresses? Select from a variety of features from the Beautyrest line. Within the Beautyrest Black and Beautyrest Platinum collections, for example, you will find a variety of models with pocketed springs, memory foam, or both. There are also Beautyrest pillow top and hybrid ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Varying Habits In Catcher In The Rye Malnutrition occurs when people refuse to eat or have lost their appetite while lack of sleep comes from the brain being overstimulated before bedtime. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye shows symptoms of both these health risks. He is unable to sleep when he tries to and he avoids eating for hours on end. Holden as a teenager, should be getting a significant amount of sleep and he should be eating a certain amount of food but he isn't getting the nutrients or sleep his body requires. Holden's sleeping habits are not healthy for his age. While reading about Holden, there is a realization that his emotional problems are what leads him to possible physical problems. Holden tells the reader that he didn't sleep for too long right after ... Show more content on ... Holden depends on alcohol and cigarettes. According to A Teenagers Nutritional Needs, "Adolescents are hungry all the time... especially boys." As Holden is an adolescent he should be eating most of the time but he doesn't. Holden mentions that he was supposed to be on a diet consisting of starches to gain weight but he isn't on the diet (Salinger 107). Since teenagers require more energy than adults they are encouraged to eat starch, Holden just depends on alcohol. He doesn't eat healthily and he is on the road to self destruction due to his overuse of alcohol. He's been in New York for quite some time now, but it is hardly stated that he eats, Holden drinks and smokes more than he eats food. Holden should be more aware of his health. He knows that he should be on a diet, he acknowledges that he is skinny (Salinger 107) but yet he refuses to eat. His decision to survive on alcohol may cost him his life if he isn't careful. He might collapse from the lack of nutrients in the body with no one around to make certain that he is okay. Holden is depressed due to past encounters he's had and his depression causes him to lose his appetite which leads to bad decision making. Should Holden continues farther down this road to self– destruction, it will be difficult to get him back which will lead to his ultimate ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. The Influence Of Sleep On The Brain Many students wake up in the morning feeling like they need another few hours of sleep. Chances are, they're correct. Students on average are getting less sleep than necessary by an average of about 1.5–3 hours of sleep each night, which affects academic performance negatively and makes students groggy during school, as well as influencing things like behavior, relationships, and family life as a whole. Many people don't understand how important sleep is. "One aspect of brain health that has been well examined through neuroimaging and cognitive testing is the influence of sleep on the brain. The findings are indeed a wake up call with regard to the impact on focus memory, test performance, mood, and high risk behaviors."(Willis 1). Throughout ... Show more content on ... Simple, the school start times push to later in the day. Through a study data has shown that school start times have almost never been hanged in the past 15 years despite current research. It hasn't happened because not many people know about the issue (Wolfson 47–56). Now that this research is becoming more common knowlege, some schools have decided to try it, and the results were swift. "A delayed school start time yielded significant improvements in attitude, less sleeping in class, and less depression." (Yilmaz 2). So when start times were changed and students got more sleep, attitudes changed. Wolfson's article says that when school start times were pushed back, grades improved, attendance rates improved, and there was a small spike in students who were enrolled in high school. It showed only positive benefits (Wolfson 47–56). After some research emerged, the Minneapolis school system changed their start times, and the outcome amazed many. When schools in Minneapolis changed school start times, many positive results were noticed. Grades and attitudes both improved. Relationships with other students and even parents were improving. It was an hour more of sleep and look at all the good it did. (Willis 5). Some people have asked about bedtimes changing if start times change, and the answer to that is in Wolfson's article. "Minneapolis High School students reported similar bedtimes in schools that didn't change start times, gaining ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Adventures Of A Once Homeless Girl Adventures of a Once Homeless Girl UXDE dot Net Wordpress Themes by SamPac07/07/07 ( I have noticed this very odd coincidence that every night we slept on the street was the anniversary of terrorist bombings and catastrophes, as I look back on it, I am not really sure what to think, was it just a coincidence? or is there more than meets the eye...I hope to find the answer) The night I slept outside in September was definitely the worst and horrific and I could never forget this one either. This experience was slightly different because it was in London. Yet again we had run out of money to pay for another night stay at a hotel. We had run out of money the night before when we only had £60 left enough to pay for one night sharing a single room. The hotels are usually not allowed to do this but the lady at the reception desk allowed us to stay because we explained to her that we had no money left. We did not have any dinner that night and had no clue of what to do the next day. The next morning we had to check out. And still we had no money, we had no idea what to do. The suitcases were still with us and they were so difficult to travel around London with. So I decided to put all our luggage inside the hotel's storage room and leave it there until we knew what to do. The hotels that we had been staying at in London were within close proximity of Hyde Park, so we would spend hours everyday just sitting there. Hour after hour we sat in the park that day as ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Motivated During Winter 3 Tips to Stay Motivated During Winter During winter, many struggle to sustain the fitness that they worked so hard to obtain when the weather was warm. Cold temperatures, rain, and daylight savings are the common factors ruining cyclists' motivation to train. However there are ways to still sustain a high fitness level, even through bad weather. On cold winter mornings, the temptation of sleeping through your alarm to stay warm in the comfort of your bed is often too much. A good way to force yourself to get out of bed on these mornings is to have organised a ride with a friend. That way you will have to get out of bed unless you want to abandon your mate. Indoor trainers are very helpful to have when the weather goes bad but using them ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Social Jetlag Lots of people with a day job wake up early on weekdays and like to sleep late on off days and weekends just because they can. Those disturbances to routine sleeping patterns can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, according to a brand–new research. Sleeping In Means Worse Cholesterol People with irregular job hours or who function something other than day hours have been shown to have a damaging impact on health and wellness in some studies. This study specifically carried out at the University of Pittsburgh reveals that waking up late may be bad for health and wellness. Social jetlag is a mismatch in between a person's socially–imposed rest timetable and also their natural circadian rhythm. Scientists said social jetlag ... Show more content on ... Sleeping Further Research is Needed to Eliminate these Risks Patricia Wong, the lead researcher, stated future research studies will certainly have to be larger, as well as if they show comparable outcomes it may indicate that modifications to rest routines could aid individuals lead healthier lives. She writes that there can be benefits to scientific assistances focused on circadian disruptions, office education and learning to aid workers and their households make careful decisions about structuring their timetables, as well as policies to urge employers to think about these issues. Think about that next time you sleep in! Keeping a balanced routine of diet and sleep is the key to good health, so it's best to monitor these patterns as closely as ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Fall Asleepnosis Research Paper How to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep With Hypnosis According to a recent study by Swiss researchers at the University of Fribourg, hypnosis can improve the quality of your sleep. During the study, the participants spent 66 percent less time awake and had 80 percent more deep sleep than the control group. While people have recognized the power of hypnosis for insomnia for years, this is one of the first studies that looked at the individual's actual brainwaves. Previously, many of the research studies relied on participants to subjectively report the quality of their sleep. A Growing Problem In the United States, the amount of time spent sleeping and engaged in deep sleep is decreasing. According to the Center for Disease Control, 50 to 70 million Americans have problems with a sleep disorder like sleep apnea and insomnia. On average, 35 percent of individuals receive less than seven hours of sleep during the night, and 37.9 percent of people admit to unintentionally falling asleep during the day. ... Show more content on ... The quality of your sleep can greatly impact your physical health. In just the realm of driving, an estimated 1,550 fatalities in the United States are caused by drowsy driving each year. To remedy this problem, researchers recommend following good sleep hygiene. Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, large meals and alcohol near bedtime can help increase your chances of falling asleep. In addition, regularly going to bed at the same time can help. Ion average, adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every day. If you are not getting this, you could be hurting your physical, emotional and mental ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Baby Sleep Research Paper The Importance of Baby Sleep All living creatures need sleep. Sleeping gives people and all living creatures the time for the body to recuperate and regenerate. Lion's needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep, while primates, ten to twelve hours of sleep. Humans need on average six to eight hours sleep to rejuvenate. Human babies need a full eight hours of sleep and naps in between. The body uses sleep as a way to regenerate cells and refresh the brain and overall aids in the development of our body, mind, and health. During our sleep, the human body can regenerate hair follicles, fingernails, toenails and even the outer covering of the skin. This happens because of the automatic pilot that is built into our bodies. People tend to think that ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. The Secret Truth About Napping Analysis Sometimes I think that sleeping isn't important because I thought that sleep wouldn't help your body. Well I was wrong to say that because it does help your body. The amount of sleep you get each day impacts over the course of your life. I was asked if sleep had a huge impact on your health. Well my answer is yes it does have a huge impact. Some people don't have enough hours of sleep, some have too much, and some don't know how much their suppose to sleep. Despite the fact that some people think that sleep isn't important, I'm going to prove that sleep is important According to Source 1, if you routinely lose sleep or choose to sleep less then needed, the sleep loss will add up. The total sleep loss is like your sleep debt. "For example, if you lose 2 hours of sleep each night, you'll have a sleep debt f 14 hours after a week. "Some people night take naps as a way to deal with sleepiness. Naps can provide a short–term boost in alertness and ... Show more content on ... They also think that only little children should take naps. Their wrong if they think that only little children should take naps. My reason is that there is evidence that napping can benefit people of all ages. Many famous historical figures take naps. Napping helps people deal with stress and it could renew a person's energy. For example, if the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein didn't take naps he would've never had invented the light bulb. If the amazing artist Leonardo Da Vinci didn't take naps, eh would've been too sleepy to paint the Mona Lisa. The human body operates according to the internal clock. The clock operates in relation to the Earth's pattern of darkness at night and bright light during the day. If a person's internal clock is in sync with his or her habits, the person can most likely sleep well at night and remain awake and alert all ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Sleep Deprivation And Health How does sleep affect health? Studies show that the body needs to receive 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Many people especially in college, may only get half of this amount. Sleep deprivation is very common in the United States. What exactly is sleep deprivation you may ask yourself? Sleep deprivation is when you do not get a satisfactory amount of sleep. Effects of sleep deprivation are fatigue, weight gain/loss, and reaction time. Sleep deprivation is very common among teens and young adults. It effects your body and mainly your digestive system. Studies show that in the United States about 30% of adult and 66% of adolescents are regularly sleep–deprived. Sleep deprivation is the cause of many health issues. It effect s your ... Show more content on ... You need to get 7–9 hours of sleep each night to perform your best the next day. Adolescents need about 10 hours asleep while adults need around 7–9. DNA repairs while the body is sleeping. When we lose sleep our learning, memory, mood and reaction time are effects. Scientists have related driving while sleep deprived to driving while drunk, because of our delayed reaction time. Fatal familia insomnia is what causes the body to be scared of going to sleep. It worsens over time and can cause dementia and death. It can be caused by adenosine in the brain. Adenosine builds up in the brain and increases the urge to sleep. Caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptors pathways. This is why you don't want to drink something with caffeine in it before going to bed. Your brain need to clear out the build up in the brain. The glymphatic system is always working to clear your brain but works more efficiently at night while the body is sleeping. Improving your sleep is very important. Don't drink caffeine before you go to sleep. You should cut caffeine out about 6 hours before you go to sleep to get the best sleep. You need to sit your phone away from you and turn off all electronics. We all need to develop a sleep route, it will help the boy know that you are about to go to sleep. Make sure you wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day. This will ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Losing Sleep Research Paper Why are Americans losing sleep? Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans openly admit that they will feel better if they had just one extra hour of sleep each night. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has called a national sleep epidemic, U.S. adults consistently chose against getting more sleep– even when the opportunity is given to them," states The Better Sleep Council. If Americans are so sleep deprived and are aware of it, why are they not getting enough sleep at night? The causes that may be contributing to this national sleep deprivation range from the access to technology, to stress, and to even wanting to work later than office hours. Many experts state that due to the new availability of technology and the never–ending variety ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Cycle Of Sleep Research Paper Sleep, according to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, is described as, "the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored." While this is very true, there is so much more that goes into what people deem as "sleep". There are many types of "sleep", as strange as it sounds. In fact, there isn't just one stage of sleep, but rather four distinct stages that occur multiple times each time someone closes their eyes for the night. And it's only one of them that dreams are broadcasted and (sometimes) stored in our minds to wake up to in the morning. Not only are there multiple stages that create one sleep cycle, but there are multiple cycles that happen each night. The average person over the age of 10 sleeps through 4–6 cycles a night, as each cycle is completed in roughly 90–110 minutes. Stage 1 Stage one is, naturally, the first stage in the sleep cycle. This stage and stage 3 make up up to 30% of the first cycle. The longer a person sleeps, the more cycles of stages occur, and the shorter stage 1 gets in order ... Show more content on ... Alone it makes up 50% of one sleep cycle. Unlike stage one and stage three, this stage is always half of the sleep cycle. This is what doctors consider to be the "deep sleep" stage. Here, all eye and muscle movements stop, creating a peaceful slumber that results in heavy breathing, or snoring. While this is the longest stage, it is where people receive most of their rest of the night. Also during this stage does the brain activity slow, again creating the ability to have deep, tranquilized sleep. It is recommended to not disturb the sleeping person, as it creates a disoriented person and is difficult to continue the cycle once awoken. Sleeping tests have resulted in doctors noticing a possible infrequent burst of brain activity occurring during this stage, although, as stated before, it is very infrequent and is nothing to be concerned with. No dreaming happens during this ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Johnny's Short Story: An Inspector Calls The next shift arrived way too quickly for Johnny's likening. Despite spending most of the time sleeping, it still seemed as though he barely slept at all. On top of that, he was starting to get a nagging headache that was making him dizzy and nauseous. For once, the idea of staying in his bed was much more appealing than going into work. He hoped by giving into this desire for once, he'd be able to escape any prying questions or a trip to Rampart. Seeing that it was close to 7:30 am and Johnny called the station, knowing Captain Stanley was likely at work already. "Station 51, Captain Hookraider speaking." "Hello, Captain, this is Gage, is Captain Stanley there?" Johnny asked, pleading to whichever deities may be listening that he was. As ... Show more content on ... "And don't worry, I made sure John knew to call one of our wives if he needed anything. Sounds just like a cold starting." "Thanks," Roy said gratefully. "I'll check in and see how he's doing later today. I should go get changed for roll call." Nodding, Captain Stanley turned back to work on some paperwork as Roy left. For once, the day was unusually slow and considering the worry Roy felt for his partner, he was glad that was the case. After lunch time, he made a call to Johnny. "What?" he snapped, cursing whoever decided to bug him. "Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you," Roy was more worried as it wasn't like his partner to immediately snap when answering the phone. "Sorry, just tired, I'm fine, alright?" Johnny bit back a sigh, leaning back into his pillows. All he wanted at that moment was to find a way off the phone to get some rest. "Are you sure you're fine? You weren't feeling too good a couple days ago either and I just wanted..." "I just haven't been sleeping well, alright. If someone would let me, I might actually get caught up!" Johnny cut Roy off, frustration clear in his voice. "Ok, ok," Roy backed off. "Let me or Jo know if you need anything ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Should Students Start Later In The Day? There are many different stages of a person's life. A very important stage is your basic education. However, In most school systems students are given a specific schedule. Students wake up early in the mornings and often start their classes tired. Although it may allow students to get more sleep, classes should not start later in the day. First, students would not be able to adapt to the new schedule. Schools carrying extracurricular activity programs would be forced to change their entire schedules and practice times would run late at night. Students that work would also end up working late at night. As a result of working late and having later practices, they would be less safe driving late at night which would likely cause more accidents. ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. How To Acid Affect My Mood Tracked Data and Hypothesis: First, I decided to track my sleep and how it affects my mood because I wanted to determine if there was an amount of sleep which helped me have a positive mood. This could be useful, especially during the school year, to help me have a positive outlook amidst a stressful atmosphere. I hypothesized that not getting enough sleep, as well as, sleeping too much will have a negative affect on my mood. However, I also included outside influences because no matter how much sleep I get on a certain day, if something negative happens I will most likely let it affect my mood. While compiling my data for this assignment I also stopped taking oral contraceptives which greatly impacted my menstrual cycle. Because of this, I also decided to track my cycle and determine what hormones would be the highest on what days. Since my cycle was thrown off by almost two weeks, I wanted to see if these hormones also affect my mood. I then hypothesized that the different hormones during menstruation negatively affect my mood. Description of Data: ... Show more content on ... However, if I had an exciting event on or after that day, my mood would be affected in a positive way. I could not easily determine what amount of sleep was too much. On days where I got 8 hours of sleep or more there was a split correlation between a positive mood and a negative mood. I missed the amount of sleep I got on the 15th because I worked an overnight shift and slept strange times. I included any inferences I could think of to help determine if outside factors played a larger role on my mood than the amount of sleep I ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Lucid Dreams Essay The purpose of this study was to see if political views or your personal background has anything to do with the types of dreams that you have. There were women and men that participated, by personal or internet surveys. The questions were asking general questions like age and race and the types and the frequency of your dreams. There were 700 people to do the interviews and the researchers chose the liberal and conservative men and women. There were 234 participants in total, conservative and liberal men and women, more liberalism. One of the reasons for this research was how your dreams were based off things that were important to you in real life. There are four sets of sleeping, which are general sleeping, Frequency of Memorable Dreams and ... Show more content on ... The tests were based on emotions and different activities, like sleep paralysis, snakes, and terrorism. The results were very similar, but Liberal women had a higher percentage on most of the dreams. Liberals remembered sexual experiences better and are more open to talk about them, conservatives remembered the nightmares. Conservative men had more lucid dreams which is when you are dreaming and you know you are dreaming. Researchers interpreted that because most men will tell themselves that their nightmare was just a dream. The next set was the percentage of Nightmares and Bizarre Dreams that each group had. Liberals had more bizarre dream that they could recall all of the details, it was something that was not ordinary. Conservatives had more nightmares dealing with negative emotions. Conservatives have more mundane dreams which are dreams that are dull or lack interest. The last set was the Analysis of Political Dreams. Liberals had more political dreams and they were bizarre nightmares and mean. The dreams would seem real and it had already happened, but seemed as if the participant was living in that moment again in a different way. Conservatives dreams about politics were good and happy dreams. For example, being friends with the president instead of thinking of the ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Today's Exhausted Superkids Analysis In Frank Bruni's editorial, "Today's Exhausted Superkids," he talks about the lack of sleep present in many high school and college students. He attributes this loss in sleep to a variety of factors; although he seems to place the blame mainly on education. He blames the stress of getting good grades on the widespread lack of sleep. Throughout his article, Bruni used many studies and other writings to support his points. My opinion on Bruni's editorial is that it was ineffective in getting the main point across. I agree with many of the points that Mr. Bruni brought up, but I feel that the information he used and the way he wrote the editorial were uneffective. He did use actual facts in some spots, though I feel they were used at the wrong parts throughout the editorial. His main arguments were very unorganized. The evidence used by Bruni in his editorial was not very effective at getting his point across. Most of the evidence that he used throughout his paper were theories; theories are not always true however. In his editorial, he placed a study about the lack of sleep present in high schools directly above a study about the small amount of sleep that the average college student gets each night, making the two different studies seem correlated. Throughout the course of the paper, Bruni ... Show more content on ... While discussing the studies done in the Silicon Valley, he brought up unrelated topics; topics including the slogan contest at the high school. When Bruni talked about the papers that other people wrote, he would discuss what they wrote, jump to an unrelated topic, then return to what the person said. Bruni would also change the topic from the lack of sleep present in students to why sleep is important for those students. I felt that he should have focused on one of those two subjects to write about, instead of trying to talk about both. Trying to discuss both caused his ideas to appear ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. How To Install A Handicapped Grab Bar Give a Helping Hand with a Handicapped Grab Bar As people age, it becomes harder for them to do certain things. One of the hardest for a lot of people is getting up from a sitting or a lying down position. It means that even the simplest things can become hard for them. They may have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, getting up from their favorite chair, taking a bath or a shower, and even getting off the toilet. You can help them by providing them with a handicapped grab bar and allow them all the privacy that they deserve. Why Install a Handicapped Grab Bar? The grab bar is designed to help people get up when they are unable to do so without help. This allows them to do things more independently. They gain privacy by not having to have help when it is time to bathe or use the bathroom. They will no longer have to have help when getting up off their favorite chair or out of bed, depending on where you install the grab bar. They are stainless steel bars that resist rust and corrosion. This means that they can be put virtually anywhere that a person may need help getting up or down. If you have a wall on one side of the toilet in their bathroom, you can put the support bar on the other side to give them something ... Show more content on ... You do not only need them if a person is unable to stand on their own. The purpose of a safety grab bar is to help anyone stand without help or worry about a potential fall. This means if you know someone who suffers from frequent dizzy spells when they stand up quickly, the bar will give them something to hold on to for stability. If a person has broken a leg and now has trouble standing up, they can use a bar to help them take a shower or do other things. Elderly who are not disabled, but may benefit from having something to hang on to at times can also use them. Even a pregnant woman who is nearing her due date may benefit from having a pole to hold onto when trying to stand up ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Sleep Anxiety Disorders Around seventy percent of men and women suffer from anxiety problems these days. The more you worry about not being able to sleep, the less you will sleep through the night. And if this habit continues you will develop insomnia in the long run. True, many people who were suffering from sleep anxiety are now suffering from sleep troubles. They find it hard to achieve sleep or stay asleep through the night time. Anxiety & Sleep Anxiety Anxiety refers to emotional and physical sensations in response to certain events. Also known as 'fight or flight' it is a survival mechanism encouraging you to fight against predators and survive. This behavior is often associated with feelings of nervousness, sweating, faster heart rate or stomach upset. It ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Tyrone Case Analysis Essay As for Tyrone's health, he reports to have some physical limitations; for instance, having trouble acquiring employment that encompasses heavy lifting, climbing up and down ladders, bending and squatting, standing on his feet for extended time periods throughout the day, and above all, not having enough energy to be productive. As a child, he remembers having a mild case of asthma which he grew out of. Currently, Tyrone shared that his Primary Care Provider (PCP) has placed him on a restricted diet plan to combat his obesity. Tyrone has been diagnosed by his John Peter Smith (JPS) PCP to be overweight/obesity – Class 3, morbid obesity, to be specific. Along with this, Tyrone reports to be having trouble with his knees and lower back due to the extra weight/pressure he was gained in last few years. Additionally, he has to administer high blood pressure medication and is a borderline diabetic. Although Tyrone has a mental health diagnosis – Bipolar 1; which entails elevated manic episodes with intermittent periods of depression. As a young adult, Tyrone ... Show more content on ... Based on these notions, Tyrone's short term/long term goals are to start exercising on a regular basis – minimum of 15 minutes per day, to his long term goal of 90 minutes a day. With this, Tyrone is tipping the weight scale at 330lbs. and his ideal weight/goal is to be at 275lbs. Another goal for Tyrone is to cut back on the number of cigarettes he smokes on a daily basis. He currently smokes about forty cigarettes a day, which is equivalent to two packs and his goal is to smoke less than five cigarettes a day. In order to prevent any further weigh gain, Tyrone has made a goal of eating a three health meals a day along with three serving of fruits and vegetables into his daily ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation Sleep Deprivation. How lack of sleep affects you? I bet everyone stayed awake for 24 hours at least once a life. Why has sleep deprivation become such a big issue? Firstly, the global human problem is that teenagers, especially high school or college students spend their nights on parties, in front of the computers playing games or some of them even doing their homework. As well, a lot of workers or workaholics spend their nighttime doing tasks and willing to skip sleep in order to impress their bosses. The second thing is a modern generation, these days people want to receive food, entertainment, and information 24/7, because of this, consumers have to stay awake much longer and sometimes they don't even have time to sleep. Not always it ... Show more content on ... Some of symptoms of insomnia are easy to recognize, including mood changes, bad attention, lack of motivation or energy during a day. Insomnia is not attributable to a psychiatric, medical or environmental cause. There are three types of primary insomnia: "psychophysiological, idiopathic insomnia, and sleep state misperception (paradoxical insomnia)"(Wikipedia). The main symptom of psychological insomnia is paranoia. As regards to Idiopathic insomnia, this type of disease begins science childhood and lasts to the rest of a person's life. Actually, it is a problem in a part of the brain which responds for sleep–wake cycle as a result in either underactive sleep signals or overactive wake signals. Sleep deprivation concerns to car accidents, too. "The U.S. Institute of Medicine reports that almost 20 percent of car accidents happen because drivers are sleepy" (Arianna Huffington). Moreover, lack of sleep is a serious problem in the medical profession. According to the research, most of medical residents work for exceedingly long periods, some of them work 30 hours twice a week. Twenty percent of all residents make fatigue–related mistakes that lead to harm patients' lives and only five percent made mistakes that resulted in a patient's death. To conclude, my standpoint is that lack of sleep has no positive effects on the human body. Studies show that 20 percent of adults ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Acute Or Chronic Sleep Deprivation? There are two types of sleep deprivation: acute and chronic. Acute sleep deprivation refers to not getting any sleep or reducing the amount of time slept for one night or a couple of nights. In contrast, chronic sleep deprivation results when an individual constantly does not get enough sleep for multiple nights during weeks, months, or even years. In emergency medical services, a majority of emergency medical technicians and paramedics suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. While there are a lot of contributors to sleep deprivation, my research revealed that shift work was a major cause. Shift work involves working outside the conventional 9 am to 5 pm day and includes early morning shifts, evening or night shifts, and rotating shifts. This ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Driver Fatigue: A Curricular Study As stated earlier, the main purpose of HOS is to diminish fatigue, which increases accidents caused by drivers. Based on various studies, between the hours of midnight and six in the morning, the risk of fatigue escalates with the total length of the driver's trip. There are three main components related to driver fatigue: Circadian rhythm effects, sleep deprivation and cumulative effects, and lastly industrial or "time–on–task" fatigue. The circadian rhythm, can be described as a normal attentiveness and or sleepiness experienced through a 24–hour day. The cycle low points, shows a decrease in attentiveness. And the high points state the area where difficult sleep occurs. Shifting the circadian rhythm by one to two hours or backward per day ... Get more on ...