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    HR Strategy Implementation
Quality Improvement Plan: 2012-2015

           September 2012
This Action Plan is a combination of the HR Strategy Implementation Plan and the Quality Improvement Plan. Both the HR Strategy and the HR Quality
Review was done in parallel in September 2012. There is a close correlation between the implementation plan for the HR Strategy and the Quality
Improvement Plan. The relevant HR Quality Review Report recommendations have been mapped to the appropriate strategic actions that have emerged
from the HR Strategy. Certain recommendations from the Quality Review report will not fit into the Action plan and will be dealt with separately. These
recommendations are outlined at the end of this action plan. i

It should be noted that the HR Strategy compliments this Action Plan and both documents are best read in conjunction with one another. The HR Strategy
provides context around this Action Plan and further detail around each of the objectives. The HR Strategy will be published shortly following final
consultation with the Chair person.

In terms of structure, this Action Plan is divided into 5 broad strategic objectives as reflected in the HR Strategic Plan. These are:
1. Helping the Management Team Identify Staff Priorities and Shape the HR agenda;
2. Supporting Change;
3. Managing for Success and Performance, Benefits and Recognition;
4. Continuous Service Delivery Improvement;
5. HR Team Culture and Development.

Each of the objectives is supported by a number of actions and these actions have been categorised broadly under three headings:
a. In progress already;
b. Starting within 6 months;
c. Planned for beyond 6 months.

At the end of the Action Plan, a number of emerging projects are also captured that will require immediate significant resources from HR. This list of
projects is likely to grow and as a result, further prioritization / re-prioritisation of projects listed in this document will need to take place. This plan will be
reviewed at regular intervals throughout its duration. HR Strategy Implementation Plan and Quality Improvement Plan
Summary of Actions

1. Helping the Management Team Identify Staff Priorities and Shape the HR agenda
                                    Strategic Action      Key Measures of success        Timeline and Responsibility   Relevant Quality Review         Response to Quality
                                                                                                                       Recommendations                 Review

Clarify and define                  Facilitate the MT              HR Strategy under          Overall this                     MT articulating                The first step will
Management Team priority      to clarify purpose, role        discussion with MT           objective is already in         their priorities.               be to engage with the
actions/projects for next     and objectives relating         along with individual        progress.                              HR to prioritise        MT both individually and
12-18 months and in this      to people issues.               policy changes on an on-          Strategy to be            initiatives.                    collectively regarding
context approve the HR              Monitor the              going basis.`                discussed and approved                 Completion of the       the HR strategy. This
Strategy                      implementation of the                 Extent of visible     within next 2-3 months.         HR strategy.                    process is already
                              HR strategy through the         ownership by MT                                                     Clarification of        underway. Will be
                              measures.                       members over policy                HR Head                  MT’s people strategy            completed by 2013.
                                    Use the priorities       changes and                                                  and priorities.                        Once the strategy
                              identified by the MT to         developments.                                                       Apparent                is adopted, it will be
                              help shape the HR                     Review of HR                                          disconnect between HR           published and
                              agenda.                         strategic objectives on                                      and some senior                 disseminated widely.
                                    Develop staff            an annual basis by the                                       managers needs to be                   Updates will then
                              engagement and then to          MT.                                                          addressed urgently if           be provided regularly to
                              identify and implement                Visible alignment                                     HR really is to meet            all relevant
                              tools to enhance                of the HR strategy and                                       their priorities.               stakeholders.
                              engagement.                     overall MT staff                                                    The absence of                 Engagement with
                                                              priorities.                                                  any plans for staff             MT around on-going
                                                                    Greater purpose                                       attitude surveys and            policy changes will be
                                                              and collective response                                      client satisfaction             established.
                                                              to HR challenges.                                            surveys should be                      Absence of a plan
                                                                    Clarity around                                        addressed quickly.              for staff attitude survey-
                                                              what staff engagement                                                                        Issue to be discussed at
                                                              means.                                                                                       MT level – planned to
                                                                                                                                                          bring this to MT in
                                                                                                                                                           second quarter of 2013.
Strategic Action        Key Measures of success       Timeline and Responsibility    Relevant Quality Review      Response to Quality
                                                                                                                         Recommendations              Review

Leadership Development &             Provide                         Feedback re                Most of these                   Review of Heads          A review of the
Succession Planning            leadership programmes            Leadership orientation.     actions will be ongoing.         of the Co. Induction.      Heads of the Co.
                               for the Management                     % uptake of                The main action                                      Induction programme is
                               Team (MT) and                    coaching and feedback       that has a timeframe                                        underway.
                               leadership group                 re outcomes.                beyond 6 months is                                               Coaching will be
                               including managing                     Succession           reviewing succession                                        done and monitored on
                               change.                          planning process            planning for Heads of                                       an ongoing basis.
                                     Enhance MT and            reviewed for Head of        Dept.
                               Head of dept.                    Dept group.                       The development
                               orientation programme                  Assess tools         of supports for staff
                               to ensure that needs are         developed to support        with management
                               met.                             staff with managerial       responsibilities is linked
                                     Promote coaching          responsibilities.           to development of
                               interventions specifically             Review HR            toolkits for managers.
                               to the leadership of the .       strategic plan against            Head HR will be
                                     Succession                objectives on an annual     Strategy and
                               planning for Heads of            basis                       Development along with
                               Dept.                                                        the MT / HoDs.
                                     Develop supports
                               for staff with
2. Supporting Change
                                     Strategic Action     Key Measures of success      Timeline and Responsibility     Relevant Quality Review        Response to Quality
                                                                                                                       Recommendations                Review

Developing Work Practices              Review existing            More flexible               In parallel with HR           No specific                    Work will be
                                staff flexibility             working arrangements         implementation plan –         recommendation in the            ongoing.
                                arrangements/protocols        and increases in             Employee Relations and        Quality Review Report
                                vis-à-vis the ongoing         productivity.                Diversity to be supported     as of now. However, this
                                needs of the Co.                                           by MT and HoDs.               project would link to
                                                                                                                               An improvement
                                                                                                                         activity of the Co..

Change Management                  Develop change                  Change Toolkits           Development of                 5.4.4 – Project                Change
                              management toolkits.            will be designed,          the toolkit is planned to       close out processes and        management workshop
                                   Monitor ongoing           introduced and made        take place beyond the           post implementation            be rolled out to Heads of
                              review of how policy            operational within 18      next 6 months.                  reviews need to critically     Dept in December 2013.
                              changes are                     months.                          Strategy and             assess the impact and                 Change
                              implemented.                                               Development along with          efficiency gains               management seminar
                                                                                         MT/HoDs.                              6.24 – Need for         will be developed and
                                                                                                                         training both HoDs and         rolled out to Research
                                                                                                                         HR staff in influencing        Managers in October
                                                                                                                         and consultancy skills         2013.
                                                                                                                                                               HoDs and other
                                                                                                                                                        HR staff will be trained
                                                                                                                                                        in facilitation skills 2013-
3. Managing for Success and Performance, Benefits and Recognition

                                   Strategic Action       Key Measures of success      Timeline and Responsibility    Relevant Quality Review       Response to Quality
                                                                                                                      Recommendations               Review

Managing for Success and           Review all aspects           PMS will be                  PMS Review– led               Documented                   Review of PMS
Performance                  of the Performance             reviewed and enhanced        by MT/HoDs supported           process for managers to         underway since
                             Management and                 within 12 months.            by Strategy and                deal with poor                  September 2012.
                             System (PMS) and                    Develop and            Development and                performance supported
                             introduce                      implement toolkit within     Employee Relations.            by Frequently Asked
                             improvements.                  12 months.                         Performance             Questions (FAQs).
                                   Develop and                                          Toolkit – cross dept                 The Performance
                             implement a ‘Managing                                       project between                element of PMS should
                             for Success and                                             Employee Relations (ER),       be reviewed, and
                             Performance’ Toolkit.                                       HoDs and Strategy and          strengthened
                                                                                         Development. This              appropriately for all
                                                                                         project will begin within      users.
                                                                                         6 months.

Benefits Review                    Package and                   Review will be                This project is               No specific                  Benefits review
                             promote all forms of           done and feedback is           scheduled to take place        recommendation in the         currently being looked at
                             benefits which the Co.         useful in attracting and       in 6 months plus. The          Quality Review Report.        in relation to specific
                             has at its disposal. Based     retaining staff.               priority item to be will       However, this project         policy issues e.g. “first
                             on that review, the                  Benefits are more       be the Training                would link to                 point on the scale issue”.
                             consolidation of these         fully understood by            opportunities                  recommendation 7.10 –
                             measures into a strategy       staff.                                                        an improvement activity
                             which seeks to gain the                                                                      of the unit.
                             maximum leverage from
                             such interventions.
                                   Sabbaticals;
                             Leave; Training
                             Conference Allowances
Strategic Action     Key Measures of success        Timeline and Responsibility      Relevant Quality Review      Response to Quality
                                                                                                           Recommendations              Review

Recognition            Develop staff                 Review completed             Once staff                     No specific                  Will begin with
                  recognition strategy.        and feedback reflects          engagement is defined            recommendation in the        cross dept Head/s in 6
                  Linkage of recognition       that it is useful in           by MT under Strategic            Quality Review Report.       months plus.
                  schemes to Head of           attracting and retaining       Objective One, this              However, this project
                  Dept Programme.              staff.                         project can be                   would link to
                                                                              considered in more               recommendation.
                                                                              detail. Cross dept
                                                                              project that will begin in
                                                                              6 months plus.
4. Continuous Service Delivery Improvement

                                   Strategic Action       Key Measures of success         Timeline and Responsibility      Relevant Quality Review          Response to Quality
                                                                                                                           Recommendations                  Review

Overall Service Delivery             Quality Review                Quality                        QIP co-ordinated                 Measuring and                  Quality
                               Process – Produce and          Improvement Plan (QIP)          by HR and MT/HoDs                reporting on the impact          Improvement Plan will
                               implement a quality            will be agreed and              (ongoing).                       of continuous                    be developed. It will be
                               improvement plan.              implemented.                          Engagement                improvement initiatives.         integrated with the key
                                     Review different              Different                regarding our services                  Focus on                 HR strategic objectives.
                               forms of engagement            engagement channels             done on a cross-dept             developing Service level               Engagement
                               HR has with key users of       will be identified and          basis (ongoing).                 agreements to clarify            regarding our services
                               our services.                  action plan put in place.             Key SLAs will be in       expectations and                 will be done on a cross-
                                     Appropriate SLAs              Appropriate SLAs         place within 12-18               customer service                 dept basis (ongoing).
                               to be put in place for         will be put in place.           months (HR specific).            standards.                             Key SLAs will be in
                               most frequently used                 Staff feedback re-             Customisation of                 Developing HR            place within 12-18
                               transactional services.        customisation of                Communications will be           KPIs.                            months (dept specific).
                                     Customise               communications on HR            considered and                          Ensure that HR                 Customisation of
                               communications on HR           issues                          established (12 month            staff have a presence,           Communications will be
                               issues that directly                 Communications           timeframe). This will be         both formally and                considered by a newly
                               affect staff.                  protocols wil be                with the input from              informally on the wider          established
                                     Work with               reviewed and put in             cross dept.                      Co. model.                       Communications Project
                               Relations to put               place for different                   Communication                    It would be useful       (12 month timeframe).
                               communications                 management groups               protocols to be in place         to tailor                              Comms protocols
                               protocols in place                                             within 3-6 months. HRD           communications for               to be in place within 3-6
                                                                                              and HoDs                         specific audiences.              months.
                                                                                                                                      Assessment of
                                                                                                                                      Consider
                                                                                                                               effective, low cost way
                                                                                                                               to communicate HR
                                                                                                                               activities, roles and
                                                                                                                               people within HR.
                                                                                                                                      Protocols to
Strategic Action       Key Measures of success       Timeline and Responsibility   Relevant Quality Review         Response to Quality
                                                                                                         Recommendations                 Review

HR Services             Review and agree            Set Key                      Review of HRIS                Issue of data                 The main focus
                  standard contracts of        Performance Indicators        structures is underway.       integrity needs to be           for HR Services in 2012-
                  employment                   (KPIs) for each SLA and             Data cleansing         more clearly understood         13 is data definition and
                        Review processes,     monitor until customer        project will be taken up      in order to find a solution     data cleansing. This
                  structures                   satisfaction is agreed        (HRIS, Compensation           that ensures data               project will address data
                        and priorities        and achieved.                 and Benefits, Pensions,       quality /protection.            integrity issues resulting
                  within HRIS                        Documentation          Recruitment and                      Projects and            in improved data
                        Review and            and agreement of HRIS         Training).                    initiatives need to be          quality. The outputs of
                  document core data           processes, structures               Document               prioritised so that HRIS        this project will be a
                  fields and update            and priorities                management and the            efforts can focus on the        comprehensive data
                  reports                            Core data              implementation of             most important, high            dictionary and updated
                        Roll out of key       dictionary will be agreed     recruitment/compensati        value work                      reports. HRIS will work
                  technology and               and rolled out                on and benefits                                               with the IT Services to
                  efficiency projects                                        workflow under process.                                       streamline reporting.
                        Document                                            (Doc Management                                                     Review processes,
                  Management System –                                        Manager, C&B Manager                                          structures and priorities
                  implementation of                                          and Recruitment                                               is to ensure HRIS is
                  Recruitment/C&B                                            Manager).                                                     current and emerging
                  workflow                                                         On-line                                                demands.
                        Online Timesheet                                    timesheets to be                                                    Implementation
                  project – Phase 2.                                         completed in the first                                        roadmap with a detailed
                                                                             quarter of 2013.                                              communication plan will
                                                                                                                                           be prepared and will be
                                                                                                                                           considered by HR
                                                                                                                                           management in early
Strategic Action       Key Measures of success         Timeline and Responsibility     Relevant Quality Review         Response to Quality
                                                                                                                 Recommendations                 Review

HR Relationship          Implement the HR                 New assignments                Will begin in 2012           Ensure HR staff                 New assignments
                    Partner re-assignment            implemented for                 and formalized in 2013        presence on the wider           will e given to HRs and
                    model.                           financial year 2013/14.         viz feedback                  scope                           implemented.
                         Re-affirm within                 HR Partner role          mechanisms which will               Portfolio of HRs to             Reaffirmation of
                    the function the roles of        and its fit with other HR       be led by the HR Head.        be changed                      the role of the HR and
                    HR Partners and central          roles fully clarified by                                            More clearly             central specialists
                    specialists.                     the HoDs.                                                     defining the role of the        ongoing.
                                                           Programme of                                           HR                                     Central staff
                                                     communication in HR to                                                                        presence around the
                                                     ensure that all HR staff                                                                      wider scope being
                                                     understand the HR role                                                                        encouraged and
                                                     as now defined.                                                                               developed.
                                                           Programme of
                                                     communication to
                                                     stakeholders to explain
                                                     the role of HR in the
                                                     context of an integrated
                                                     HR service delivery
                                                           Formal
                                                     mechanisms re g
                                                     feedback will be put in
                                                     place at 6 and 12 month

HR Strategy &               Explore more cost             Enhancement of                 Cost effective                Provision of                   Development
Development           effective delivery of          feedback mechanisms re          delivery of training is         evidence for the value of       pathways for
                      training solutions by          training delivery.              ongoing.                        a planned induction and         administrative staff
                      developing pathways to                                                                         develop a framework for         currently
                      enable more targeted
Strategic Action         Key Measures of success     Timeline and Responsibility   Relevant Quality Review          Response to Quality
                                                                                                                  Recommendations                  Review

Employee Relations,               Review service to             Review of ER              Review of                      Clarification of ’s           Employee
Equality & Diversity       ensure Employee                service.                    Employee Relations             philosophy and                  Relations Services review
                           Relations Services is fit             Feedback            Service will begin within      approach to managing            due to begin in early
                           for purpose.                   mechanisms to be            6 months. All other            ER issues                       2013.
                                  Develop and            established.                actions will be                       Clarification about           All other actions
                           introduce post activity               Early dispute       considered as part of          the supports available          will be considered as
                           feedback                       resolution mechanisms       this review.                   for managers to assist          part of this review.
                           system/methodology.            to be established.                (cross dept).           them in ER issues                     In terms of
                                  Develop process               Introduce e-                                              Clarifying the role     equality - training,
                           for early ER advice and        Diversity programme for                                    of an agreed internal           monitoring and e-
                           guidance                       all staff.                                                 procedure for reviewing         diversity to be
                                  Broaden early                                                                     disputes                        completed by June 2013
                           dispute resolution                                                                               The perceived           with HR Audit
                           service / internal dispute                                                                role and alleged bias           commencing
                           resolution mechanism                                                                      towards the employee
                                  Seek specific MT                                                                  of Employee Relations
                           approval for proposed                                                                     should be examined
                           approaches to individual                                                                  (also link to engagement
                           cases with high                                                                           and managing for
                           precedent making                                                                          success objectives).
                                  Seminars/training
                           for HoDs regarding
                           management and other
                           related topics
                                  ‘Managing
                           Diversity’ training for
                           HoDs and those with
                                  Develop a tailored
                           e-diversity programme
for all staff.
5. HR Team Culture & Development

                                    Strategic Action         Key Measures of success     Timeline and Responsibility   Relevant Quality Review      Response to Quality
                                                                                                                       Recommendations              Review

Strategy, Mission, Vision             Communicate and                 Shared                    Cross dept                    Development of              Values workshop
and Values                      workshop HR strategy,            understanding of            implementation co-             the HR strategy under       with staff will be planned
                                vision, mission and              strategy.                   ordinated via Strategy         process                     2013.
                                values to all HR staff and                                   and Development.
                                integrate into day to day                                    (Ongoing)
                                projects and the PMS

HR Development                         To consolidate                Number of staff            Cross dept.                   Development of           HR Mentoring
programme                       individual development         being supported;              implementation will be         the HR strategy.          scheme to be launched
                                initiatives into a HR                 Number of staff       co-ordinated via                                         in October 2013-14.
                                Development                    involved in development       Strategy and                                                  HR strategy
                                Programme: HR                  initiatives.                  Development. (Ongoing)                                   currently under process.
                                competencies, Training                Staff feedback
                                & Development,
                                Coaching, mentoring,
                                networking, cross dept

Group information sharing          Continue to                       Feedback                   Each dept                    Range of HR                  Findings from the
in HR                         improve                                                        (Ongoing)                      management meetings.        Communications Survey
                              communications within                                                                                                     will be prioritised and
                              and across depts (review                                                                                                  responded to.
                              and assess effectiveness
                              within 12 months).
                                   Wide variety of
                              work - challenge in
                              covering it all off.
Develop staff bios to
                   assist in staff
                   development and help in
                   distribution of additional

Team Culture            Enhancing                 Feedback            Each dept.            On completion of             HR events such as
                   informal and formal                             (Ongoing)              the HR strategy.             Offsite, Quarterly
                   opportunities to foster                                                                             meeting- ongoing.
                   team culture e.g. social
                   events, team events.

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My hr strategy

  • 1. HR HR Strategy Implementation & Quality Improvement Plan: 2012-2015 September 2012
  • 2. Introduction This Action Plan is a combination of the HR Strategy Implementation Plan and the Quality Improvement Plan. Both the HR Strategy and the HR Quality Review was done in parallel in September 2012. There is a close correlation between the implementation plan for the HR Strategy and the Quality Improvement Plan. The relevant HR Quality Review Report recommendations have been mapped to the appropriate strategic actions that have emerged from the HR Strategy. Certain recommendations from the Quality Review report will not fit into the Action plan and will be dealt with separately. These recommendations are outlined at the end of this action plan. i It should be noted that the HR Strategy compliments this Action Plan and both documents are best read in conjunction with one another. The HR Strategy provides context around this Action Plan and further detail around each of the objectives. The HR Strategy will be published shortly following final consultation with the Chair person. In terms of structure, this Action Plan is divided into 5 broad strategic objectives as reflected in the HR Strategic Plan. These are: 1. Helping the Management Team Identify Staff Priorities and Shape the HR agenda; 2. Supporting Change; 3. Managing for Success and Performance, Benefits and Recognition; 4. Continuous Service Delivery Improvement; 5. HR Team Culture and Development. Each of the objectives is supported by a number of actions and these actions have been categorised broadly under three headings: a. In progress already; b. Starting within 6 months; c. Planned for beyond 6 months. At the end of the Action Plan, a number of emerging projects are also captured that will require immediate significant resources from HR. This list of projects is likely to grow and as a result, further prioritization / re-prioritisation of projects listed in this document will need to take place. This plan will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout its duration. HR Strategy Implementation Plan and Quality Improvement Plan
  • 3. Summary of Actions 1. Helping the Management Team Identify Staff Priorities and Shape the HR agenda Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Clarify and define  Facilitate the MT  HR Strategy under  Overall this  MT articulating  The first step will Management Team priority to clarify purpose, role discussion with MT objective is already in their priorities. be to engage with the actions/projects for next and objectives relating along with individual progress.  HR to prioritise MT both individually and 12-18 months and in this to people issues. policy changes on an on-  Strategy to be initiatives. collectively regarding context approve the HR  Monitor the going basis.` discussed and approved  Completion of the the HR strategy. This Strategy implementation of the  Extent of visible within next 2-3 months. HR strategy. process is already HR strategy through the ownership by MT  Clarification of underway. Will be measures. members over policy  HR Head MT’s people strategy completed by 2013.  Use the priorities changes and and priorities.  Once the strategy identified by the MT to developments.  Apparent is adopted, it will be help shape the HR  Review of HR disconnect between HR published and agenda. strategic objectives on and some senior disseminated widely.  Develop staff an annual basis by the managers needs to be  Updates will then engagement and then to MT. addressed urgently if be provided regularly to identify and implement  Visible alignment HR really is to meet all relevant tools to enhance of the HR strategy and their priorities. stakeholders. engagement. overall MT staff  The absence of  Engagement with priorities. any plans for staff MT around on-going  Greater purpose attitude surveys and policy changes will be and collective response client satisfaction established. to HR challenges. surveys should be  Absence of a plan  Clarity around addressed quickly. for staff attitude survey- what staff engagement Issue to be discussed at means. MT level – planned to  bring this to MT in second quarter of 2013.
  • 4. Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Leadership Development &  Provide  Feedback re  Most of these  Review of Heads  A review of the Succession Planning leadership programmes Leadership orientation. actions will be ongoing. of the Co. Induction. Heads of the Co. for the Management  % uptake of  The main action Induction programme is Team (MT) and coaching and feedback that has a timeframe underway. leadership group re outcomes. beyond 6 months is  Coaching will be including managing  Succession reviewing succession done and monitored on change. planning process planning for Heads of an ongoing basis.  Enhance MT and reviewed for Head of Dept. Head of dept. Dept group.  The development orientation programme  Assess tools of supports for staff to ensure that needs are developed to support with management met. staff with managerial responsibilities is linked  Promote coaching responsibilities. to development of interventions specifically  Review HR toolkits for managers. to the leadership of the . strategic plan against  Head HR will be  Succession objectives on an annual Strategy and planning for Heads of basis Development along with Dept. the MT / HoDs.  Develop supports for staff with management responsibilities.
  • 5. 2. Supporting Change Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Developing Work Practices  Review existing  More flexible  In parallel with HR  No specific  Work will be staff flexibility working arrangements implementation plan – recommendation in the ongoing. arrangements/protocols and increases in Employee Relations and Quality Review Report vis-à-vis the ongoing productivity. Diversity to be supported as of now. However, this needs of the Co. by MT and HoDs. project would link to recommendation  An improvement activity of the Co.. Change Management  Develop change  Change Toolkits  Development of  5.4.4 – Project  Change management toolkits. will be designed, the toolkit is planned to close out processes and management workshop  Monitor ongoing introduced and made take place beyond the post implementation be rolled out to Heads of review of how policy operational within 18 next 6 months. reviews need to critically Dept in December 2013. changes are months.  Strategy and assess the impact and  Change implemented. Development along with efficiency gains management seminar MT/HoDs.  6.24 – Need for will be developed and training both HoDs and rolled out to Research HR staff in influencing Managers in October and consultancy skills 2013.  HoDs and other HR staff will be trained in facilitation skills 2013- 14.
  • 6. 3. Managing for Success and Performance, Benefits and Recognition Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Managing for Success and  Review all aspects  PMS will be  PMS Review– led  Documented  Review of PMS Performance of the Performance reviewed and enhanced by MT/HoDs supported process for managers to underway since Management and within 12 months. by Strategy and deal with poor September 2012. System (PMS) and  Develop and Development and performance supported introduce implement toolkit within Employee Relations. by Frequently Asked improvements. 12 months.  Performance Questions (FAQs).  Develop and Toolkit – cross dept  The Performance implement a ‘Managing project between element of PMS should for Success and Employee Relations (ER), be reviewed, and Performance’ Toolkit. HoDs and Strategy and strengthened Development. This appropriately for all project will begin within users. 6 months. Benefits Review  Package and  Review will be  This project is  No specific  Benefits review promote all forms of done and feedback is scheduled to take place recommendation in the currently being looked at benefits which the Co. useful in attracting and in 6 months plus. The Quality Review Report. in relation to specific has at its disposal. Based retaining staff. priority item to be will However, this project policy issues e.g. “first on that review, the  Benefits are more be the Training would link to point on the scale issue”. consolidation of these fully understood by opportunities recommendation 7.10 – measures into a strategy staff. an improvement activity which seeks to gain the of the unit. maximum leverage from such interventions.  Sabbaticals; Leave; Training opportunities; Conference Allowances etc.
  • 7. Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Recognition  Develop staff  Review completed  Once staff  No specific  Will begin with recognition strategy. and feedback reflects engagement is defined recommendation in the cross dept Head/s in 6 Linkage of recognition that it is useful in by MT under Strategic Quality Review Report. months plus. schemes to Head of attracting and retaining Objective One, this However, this project Dept Programme. staff. project can be would link to considered in more recommendation. detail. Cross dept project that will begin in 6 months plus.
  • 8. 4. Continuous Service Delivery Improvement Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Overall Service Delivery  Quality Review  Quality  QIP co-ordinated  Measuring and  Quality Process – Produce and Improvement Plan (QIP) by HR and MT/HoDs reporting on the impact Improvement Plan will implement a quality will be agreed and (ongoing). of continuous be developed. It will be improvement plan. implemented.  Engagement improvement initiatives. integrated with the key  Review different  Different regarding our services  Focus on HR strategic objectives. forms of engagement engagement channels done on a cross-dept developing Service level  Engagement HR has with key users of will be identified and basis (ongoing). agreements to clarify regarding our services our services. action plan put in place.  Key SLAs will be in expectations and will be done on a cross-  Appropriate SLAs  Appropriate SLAs place within 12-18 customer service dept basis (ongoing). to be put in place for will be put in place. months (HR specific). standards.  Key SLAs will be in most frequently used  Staff feedback re-  Customisation of  Developing HR place within 12-18 transactional services. customisation of Communications will be KPIs. months (dept specific).  Customise communications on HR considered and  Ensure that HR  Customisation of communications on HR issues established (12 month staff have a presence, Communications will be issues that directly  Communications timeframe). This will be both formally and considered by a newly affect staff. protocols wil be with the input from informally on the wider established  Work with reviewed and put in cross dept. Co. model. Communications Project Relations to put place for different  Communication  It would be useful (12 month timeframe). communications management groups protocols to be in place to tailor  Comms protocols protocols in place within 3-6 months. HRD communications for to be in place within 3-6 and HoDs specific audiences. months.  Assessment of communications mechanisms/channels.  Consider effective, low cost way to communicate HR activities, roles and people within HR.  Protocols to decided/agreed.
  • 9. Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review HR Services  Review and agree  Set Key  Review of HRIS  Issue of data  The main focus standard contracts of Performance Indicators structures is underway. integrity needs to be for HR Services in 2012- employment (KPIs) for each SLA and  Data cleansing more clearly understood 13 is data definition and  Review processes, monitor until customer project will be taken up in order to find a solution data cleansing. This structures satisfaction is agreed (HRIS, Compensation that ensures data project will address data  and priorities and achieved. and Benefits, Pensions, quality /protection. integrity issues resulting within HRIS  Documentation Recruitment and  Projects and in improved data  Review and and agreement of HRIS Training). initiatives need to be quality. The outputs of document core data processes, structures  Document prioritised so that HRIS this project will be a fields and update and priorities management and the efforts can focus on the comprehensive data reports  Core data implementation of most important, high dictionary and updated  Roll out of key dictionary will be agreed recruitment/compensati value work reports. HRIS will work technology and and rolled out on and benefits with the IT Services to efficiency projects workflow under process. streamline reporting.  Document (Doc Management  Review processes, Management System – Manager, C&B Manager structures and priorities implementation of and Recruitment is to ensure HRIS is Recruitment/C&B Manager). current and emerging workflow  On-line demands.  Online Timesheet timesheets to be  Implementation project – Phase 2. completed in the first roadmap with a detailed quarter of 2013. communication plan will be prepared and will be considered by HR management in early January.
  • 10. Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review HR Relationship  Implement the HR  New assignments  Will begin in 2012  Ensure HR staff  New assignments Partner re-assignment implemented for and formalized in 2013 presence on the wider will e given to HRs and model. financial year 2013/14. viz feedback scope implemented.  Re-affirm within  HR Partner role mechanisms which will  Portfolio of HRs to  Reaffirmation of the function the roles of and its fit with other HR be led by the HR Head. be changed the role of the HR and HR Partners and central roles fully clarified by  More clearly central specialists specialists. the HoDs. defining the role of the ongoing.  Programme of HR  Central staff communication in HR to presence around the ensure that all HR staff wider scope being understand the HR role encouraged and as now defined. developed.  Programme of communication to stakeholders to explain the role of HR in the context of an integrated HR service delivery model.  Formal mechanisms re g feedback will be put in place at 6 and 12 month intervals. HR Strategy &  Explore more cost  Enhancement of  Cost effective  Provision of  Development Development effective delivery of feedback mechanisms re delivery of training is evidence for the value of pathways for training solutions by training delivery. ongoing. a planned induction and administrative staff developing pathways to develop a framework for currently enable more targeted training;
  • 11. Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Employee Relations,  Review service to  Review of ER  Review of  Clarification of ’s  Employee Equality & Diversity ensure Employee service. Employee Relations philosophy and Relations Services review Relations Services is fit  Feedback Service will begin within approach to managing due to begin in early for purpose. mechanisms to be 6 months. All other ER issues 2013.  Develop and established. actions will be  Clarification about  All other actions introduce post activity  Early dispute considered as part of the supports available will be considered as feedback resolution mechanisms this review. for managers to assist part of this review. system/methodology. to be established.  (cross dept). them in ER issues  In terms of  Develop process  Introduce e-  Clarifying the role equality - training, for early ER advice and Diversity programme for of an agreed internal monitoring and e- guidance all staff. procedure for reviewing diversity to be  Broaden early disputes completed by June 2013 dispute resolution  The perceived with HR Audit service / internal dispute role and alleged bias commencing resolution mechanism towards the employee  Seek specific MT of Employee Relations approval for proposed should be examined approaches to individual (also link to engagement cases with high and managing for precedent making success objectives). significance  Seminars/training for HoDs regarding dispute resolution/conflict management and other related topics  ‘Managing Diversity’ training for HoDs and those with managerial responsibilities.  Develop a tailored e-diversity programme
  • 13. 5. HR Team Culture & Development Strategic Action Key Measures of success Timeline and Responsibility Relevant Quality Review Response to Quality Recommendations Review Strategy, Mission, Vision  Communicate and  Shared  Cross dept  Development of  Values workshop and Values workshop HR strategy, understanding of implementation co- the HR strategy under with staff will be planned vision, mission and strategy. ordinated via Strategy process 2013. values to all HR staff and and Development. integrate into day to day (Ongoing) projects and the PMS process. HR Development  To consolidate  Number of staff  Cross dept.  Development of  HR Mentoring programme individual development being supported; implementation will be the HR strategy. scheme to be launched initiatives into a HR  Number of staff co-ordinated via in October 2013-14. Development involved in development Strategy and  HR strategy Programme: HR initiatives. Development. (Ongoing) currently under process. competencies, Training  Staff feedback & Development, Coaching, mentoring, work-shadowing, networking, cross dept projects. Group information sharing  Continue to  Feedback  Each dept  Range of HR  Findings from the in HR improve (Ongoing) management meetings. Communications Survey communications within will be prioritised and and across depts (review responded to. and assess effectiveness within 12 months).  Wide variety of work - challenge in covering it all off.
  • 14. Develop staff bios to assist in staff development and help in distribution of additional work. Team Culture  Enhancing  Feedback  Each dept.  On completion of  HR events such as informal and formal (Ongoing) the HR strategy. Offsite, Quarterly opportunities to foster meeting- ongoing. team culture e.g. social events, team events.