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Music For Writing Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Music for Writing Essays" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but it presents its own set of challenges. Crafting an insightful and
engaging piece requires a delicate balance between discussing the role of music in the writing
process and providing valuable insights for readers. Here are some of the difficulties one might
encounter when tackling this subject:
1. Subjectivity: Music preferences vary widely among individuals, making it challenging to
identify universally effective genres or artists for writing essays. What inspires one
person might be distracting for another, and finding a middle ground can be complex.
2. Research: While it's essential to back up arguments with research and examples, finding
credible sources that specifically address the connection between music and essay writing
can be limited. This requires thorough exploration and critical analysis of existing
3. Maintaining Focus: Striking the right balance between discussing the influence of music
on the writing process and avoiding straying too far from the main topic of essay writing
itself can be tricky. Ensuring that the discussion remains relevant and coherent is a
constant challenge.
4. Creativity and Originality
: With numerous articles and studies on the subject,
maintaining a unique perspective and offering fresh insights is crucial. It requires
creativity to present the information in a way that captures the reader's interest and
offers something new to the discourse.
5. Organization: Organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner can be challenging,
especially when discussing various aspects of music and writing. Ensuring a smooth flow
from one idea to the next is essential for a compelling essay.
Despite these challenges, the exploration of the relationship between music and essay writing can
be a rewarding endeavor. The essay may offer valuable tips, personal experiences, and a nuanced
understanding of how music can enhance or hinder the writing process.
In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic demands careful consideration of diverse
perspectives and a commitment to providing useful insights for readers. For those seeking
assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, there are resources available, such
as, where expert help can be enlisted for a more seamless writing experience.
Music For Writing EssaysMusic For Writing Essays
Examples Of Etiquette And Introduction
Etiquette and Introductions: Jane Austen s Survival Guide
Alejandro Somarriba, Joey Haneine, Alexis Sein
Literature: Aaron Horton
Eton School
Etiquette and Introductions
Proper etiquette is the acceptable ways in which a person behaves in public. These
rules have a long time existing and have showed in all cultures. Depending on the
geographic location, these etiquettes have changed. For example: if you live in
Germany, it s totally normal to drink beer at any time of the day. On the contrary
English people would think of these as an insult. They drink only tea, and it shall be
done at specific times, like on a meeting.
The manners and ways of the nineteenth century were quite different from those of
today (as anyone ... Show more content on ...
As men were the principal gender during these time, they didn t have the rules that
ladies have, in a way, yes, they had more freedom. Anyway, they did have some
manners and actions they should follow:
When the street, while greeting, the man must bow and tip his hat, while the woman
grabs her dress bows. The man won t speak to the woman unless she speaks first.
When a man is appointed on a date with a girl, he has to invite her to walk down the
sidewalk while they talk.
While going up stairs, the man should go before the woman, when going down, he
should go after.
While on a carriage, he must not seat next to a woman unless he is a person from her
family. He must leave the carriage first and help the woman out.
When at a public event, the man must go first to find the woman a seat. If there are
elder, he has to take his hat off.
Men are introduced to women.
Men cannot smoke when ladies are around.
Although, there are some actions that one must never make. Here are some examples
(for men):
Refer to another person by their first name in public
Curse while ladies are present (also smoke)
Leave a lady you know unattended, except with
Cam Therapeutic Modalities
CAM Therapeutic Modalities
Florence Gray
SCI 201
October 18, 2010
Phil Bellefeuille
CAM Therapeutic Modalities The following paper will define alternative medicine,
complementary medicine, and integrative medicine. It will describe how
conventional medicine plays a role in these three terms. In addition, it will review the
philosophy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and how it is
different from conventional Western medicine and a description of the five domains
of therapy. Finally, it will show how CAM treatment modality Ayurveda is used as an
alternative therapy and a complementary therapy for obesity.
Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Alternative, complementary
and integrative ... Show more content on ...
CAM Treatment Modality for Obesity Currently, Ayurveda is classified as CAM
under the whole medical system. Ayurvedic integrates the mind, body, and spirit to
prevent and treat illnesses and diseases (National Institutes of Health, 2010). This
practice has limited clinical trials and it lacks the scientific evidence needed to
support its effectiveness and despite its lack of proof, it is one of the oldest healing
systems known to man. According to University of Vermont (2006), Ayurveda is both
a complementary and an alternative medicine (Ayurveda as CAM, para. 6). In
obesity, the conventional treatment is the use of drugs such as the diet pill ephedra
(University of Vermont, 2006). This method has many side effects and the weight
may come back. The alternative method focuses on a lifestyle and diet change along
with herbal treatments for a healthier transition and lasting results. The
complementary method would include an invasive approach such as bariatric
surgery. Although this procedure reduces the size of one s stomach, the above
alternative methods may be used to strength the body and ensure longer lasting
In the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM),
alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine are used in
a variety of ways and may be incorporated into conventional medicine. Although CAM
and conventional medicine have different philosophies, the
Prevalence of Masked Hypertenstion in Type 2 Diabetic...
The main finding of this study is that the serum ADMA levels were significantly
increased in MHT patients with DM compared to normotensive diabetic subjects.
ADMA levels, BMI, and low HDL levels were independent predictors of MHT in
patients with DM.
ADMA levels positively correlated with ABPM measurements, especially daytime
measurements, but were not related to office BP measurements. ADMA levels may
play a role in prediction, with a good sensitivity and negative predictive value but
poor specificity and positive predictive value. To the best of our knowledge, this is
the first study to examine the relationship between ADMA and
MHT in the current literature.
Ng et al. studied in a total of 133 DM patients, 18% of whom had
MHT. It was ... Show more content on ...
In another elegant human trial, Achan et al. demonstrated that ADMA infusion
increases systemic vascular resistance by 24%, and mean arterial BP by 6% in
healthy subjects and that a bolus dose of ADMA decreases cardiac output by 15%
[18]. In a second part of that study, it was shown that a handgrip maneuver increased
cardiac output in control subjects by 96%, but in subjects given ADMA, cardiac
output increased by only 35%.
ADMA concentration 30 min after the infusion was 2.6 mol/L, however, the baseline
value was not provided. In addition, several studies have shown that serum ADMA
levels are increased in essential hypertension about two fold and are related to
impaired endothelial function [5,16]. Perticone and colleagues found that
ADMA in essential hypertensive subjects was strongly and inversely associated with
the peak increase in forearm blood flow
[5]. These studies demonstrated that ADMA plays an important role in the
regulation of vascular tone. It is known that ADMA levels are increased among
type 2 DM patients [19]. On the contrary, in a small study, Paiva et al. reported
decreased ADMA level in diabetics due to renal hyperfiltration [20]. It seems that the
prognostic value of ADMA is more important in patients with DM [21].
Krzyzanowska et al. reported that ADMA predicted cardiovascular events and
enhanced the predictive role of CRP in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Native Americans And Conquistadors
As a new and mysterious world awaits to be discovered, daring conquistadors leave
their home country of Spain in a journey of exploration. Two men by the name of
Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca set sail to thwart the untrustworthy Cortez who, behind
the backs of Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca, sailed to the New World with half of
Narvaez s crew in search of treasures. However, the journey would prove to be
treacherous as the conquistadors would have to encounter hostile Native Americans
and strange terrain they have never seen before. Throughout the expedition, future
encounters between the Native Americans and conquistadors were heavily influenced
by the personalities of the individuals and past experiences the Native Americans
Past experiences that the Native Americans endured from earlier Spanish conquests
affected both the expedition and the encounter between the Native Americans and
Narvaez s crew. During earlier Spanish expeditions, Spanish settlers would raid
Native American tribes looking to capture the natives as slaves. These raids were
due to the Spanish believing that the Native Americans were barbarians and,
therefore, needed to be civilized. Before beginning the trek to Apalachee, Resendez
states, The explorers could see for themselves that the bay was poor and sparsely
populated. These early conquests cause the Native Americans to become hostile, and
even fearful, of the Spanish conquistadors. For example, when finally docking on
shore in Florida,
Time Spent And Attachment Research Paper
Time Spent and Attachment Daycare for infants at a young age can be a negative
or positive thing. Daycare is a place where parents can drop off their children
knowing they are in a safe environment. It is where they can trust the caregiver for
the time being, while they are away at work. While the childis at daycare they develop
different type of skills that can help them cognitively, physically, and emotionally.
Most of the skills young children acquire at the daycare usually do not pick up in
their homes. In the daycare sitting, the children can be free in their environment,
experience more things, are and able to learn more by interacting with the people in
their environment. Since children in a daycare have more of an open environment...
Show more content on ...
The child will feel betrayed and unloved, but once they spend time with another
caregiver the attachment they have for their parent will shift to the caregiver and
the child will feel stable and at ease again. As explained by Cummings (1980),
children have accept caregivers as a replacement for the mother, the child rarely
cried or followed the mother when leaving. During the time that is spent with the
caregiver the child formed some sort of relationship. Once the parents leave, the
children hardly felt distraught. This suggests that the caregivers are more than
strangers to the children they feel like can trust them like their parents. The
characteristics of a caregiver helps the children feel at ease and feel safe again once
the child is dropped off at the daycare. According to Cummings (1980), when the
child is left with their caregiver they had more a positive response to the caregiver
than to strangers. The stability of a caregiver does have an importance in a child s
life and relationship. In a more ecologically friendly environment, the results indicates
that a stable caregiver is the next best thing after the parent (Cummings, 1980). This
proves that even though the parent left the child with another caregiver they still have
the same attachment they have towards the parent to the caregiver; the feeling is
mutual. The
Cultural Studies On Race And Social Classes
In today s society, culture is impacting our everyday life, experience and social
relations; we are all categorized by our cultural groups , but this has changed rapidly
throughout the years from one generation to the next. Cultural studies were
developed in the late 1950 s, through the 1970 s by the British academic scholars.
The British scholars were able engaged cultural analysis and the developed then
transformed of the different fields, for example, politically, theoretically and
empirically that are now represented around the world.
I will explain Marxist and Stuart Hall perspective of cultural studies theory the
differences of hegemony and ideology, and then describe how people are
discriminated is based on race and social ... Show more content on ...
For example, of hegemony are African Americanand Hispanic is lazy, tall African
American men play basketball and Asians are all smart. The term ideology refers
to a system of ideas, cultural, religious beliefs that sway society over they have and
have not s. We come in contact every day with cultural diversity in the workplace,
schools and need to learn to not offend another person based on their cultural group.
Most people assume how a person is based on their appearances and their race.
In today s society, people are closed minded, and do not take the opportunity getting
to know the other person because of stereotyping and racism. Even though we all
have different opinions toward other cultures, norms, beliefs and values we should
all respect each other differences. We should consider learning from one another and
not judge a person based on their race, ethnicity, gender and religion. As a society, it
is very important; we educated ourselves in other cultures, even though we all have
different values and beliefs.
Cultural studies are influenced by the Marxist interpretation of society, but according
to, Stuart Hall believed that mass media has highlighted those people that are already
in positions of power and the media has exploited the poor keeping them powerless.
Hall says that he describes mass media as the dominance that maintain
The State Of Quality Of Primary Education
The State of Quality of Primary Education in India
The key concern about education, in any formal educational system, of all time, has
been its quality. Every stake holder, direct or indirect, of education is concerned
about its quality. Guardians or parents, irrespective of their socio economic status,
want to educate their children with best quality education which would add better
value to the degrees their wards acquire subject to the budget constraints. But what do
we mean by quality education? How this quality is being assessed? What is the status
of the quality of education in India? This paper seeks to focus on these issues with
respect to the quality of primary education in India.
There is no universally accepted definition for quality of education . In education,
perception of quality is around students (Mukhopadhyay, 2001). The performance of
the students like examination results, learning achievements, ability to apply learned
knowledge in practical life exhibit the quality of an education. For some, Quality of
education means value addition in education (Feigenbaum 1951); excellence in
education (Peters and Waterman 1982); for others, fitness of education outcomes and
experience for use (Juran and Gryna 1988). For a society, excellence and value are
most appropriate indicators for quality education. A generally accepted definition of
quality education does not exist and different end users adopt different criteria for
determining the quality of
The United States And The Soviet Union
When people refer to the space race, they often think about the development of the
negative connotation between the relations of the United States and the Soviet
Union. For three years, the United States has not had a single space mission from
their own funds, however, only fifty years ago, the space race had been largely
emphasized and referred to as a start of a new era . It was a time period where there
was an urge to achieve supremacy in the heavens, and the land. It was a seventeen
year period, which lasted from 1955 1972, where the two cold warrivals spawned
satellites, receptors, and space probes for the sole purpose to achieving new heights.
Over the span, the United Statesestablished two main goals: imperialism throughout
the... Show more content on ...
Another such harsh statement made by the Russians was that the U.S slept under the
Soviet moon and that they could throw a hydrogen bomb at will. The United States
could not bear their insult, but the throwing of hydrogen bombs was a possible
backdraw for the U.S and could hurt them. All in all, this meant that the United States
needed to take control and get matters at hand for the sake of the world, leading to
the space race.
The United States used drawings of the space race and its technology to its
advantage illustrating the unfair treatment of citizens and the urgency of being first
in the space race, leading to better their cause. The first drawings that were depicted
in the space race were around the early 1950s and illustrated by Herbert Block, who
was an American editorial cartoonist who focused his issue on foreign policies. One
of his drawings can be seen in in Appendix A. The depiction shows a politician
having a newspaper advertising the november elections and a unidentified gender
citizen working on putting together a spacecraft. The cartoonist uses the idea of a
person working
Short Story On Zeta Corvus
Get running!. Sabra yelled. We re not fighting that bear on this narrow path! Isaac
and Malessica, started sprinting with all their might. Gerard followed closely
behind them. Sabra remained in front of them, seeing the glade right up ahead. She
rushed towards it, before looking back at them. Get over here, quickly. She said.
Let me take care of it. Malessica and Isaac arrived at the glade, dropping down to
the floor to catch their breath. Once Gerard stepped into the glades, he turned
around quickly. Looking at the bear a golden aura emerged around Gerard s body.
The aura started to form next to Gerard, creating a human like avatar that stood next
to him. Fully forming, the human like avatar looked just like a monk, with typical
clothing. It sported a bead necklace similar to Gerard s and a large gauntlets around
it s arms. The monk was faceless, though it didn t have trouble moving in the bear s
direction. Zeta Corvus: Enlightenment Sphere Gerard yelled.... Show more content on ...
The projectile moved at high speeds, colliding into the bear within seconds.
Knocking the bear off of it s feet was a feat that surprised Sabra. She didn t think
Gerard possessed any skill in combat. Gerard took a deep breath, before realizing
that the bear had not given up just yet. The Monk continued strike the bear a few
times with enlightenment spheres, while Isaac and Malessica watched, still catching
their breaths. Isaac s legs were shaking the entire time, he couldn t believe how
fearless Gerard was fighting the
The Concentration Of A Solute
Colorimeter A colorimeter is a piece of equipment that is used to measure the
concentration of dilute solutions (intensity of light). The colorimeter is mainly
used to determine the concentration of a known solute (chemical that is placed into
a solvent and dissolved) in a given solution by using Beer Lambert s Law which
states that the concentration of a solute is proportional to the absorbance.
According to Beer s law, when monochromatic light passes through the coloured
solution, the amount of light transmitted decreases exponentially with increase in
concentration of the coloured solution . Equation for Beer s law = It = Ioe KC
According to Lambert s law the amount of light transmitted decreases
exponentially with increase in thickness of the colored solution . Equation for
Lambert s law = It = Ioe kt According to Beer Lambert s Law the quantity of light
absorbed by a substance dissolved in a fully transmitting solvent is directly
proportional to the concentration of the substance and the path length of the light
through the solution . Beer Lambert s Law = IE/Io = e KCT IE = intensity of
emerging light K = a constant Io = intensity of incident light C = concentration e =
base of neutral logarithm T = thickness of the solution Colorimetry can be used for
testing water quality. This process involves adding a chemical reagent to a water
sample and then measuring it to identify the chemicals present. The concentration of
certain chemicals can
Beauty Retail Concept Of Beauty
Sephora is a beauty retail concept founded in France by Dominique Mandonnaud in
1970 but is not limited to France. They continue to be a powerful presence in the
beauty industry around the world.
Sephora is often regarded as a beauty trailblazer, thanks to its unparalleled assortment
of prestige products, unbiased service from experts, interactive shopping
environment, and innovation (Sephora Inc). was launched in the U.S.
in 1999 and continues to be the foremost beauty site on the internet. The internet is
also Sephora s number one store in North America based on sale levels.
ULTA Beauty is the largest beauty retailer in the United States. Since opening its first
store 25 years ago, ULTA Beauty has grown to become the... Show more content on ...
When looking at both companies websites you can quickly gather that they are in
fact, targeting the same audience. The sites contain very similar features. uses the sophisticated standard of black and white with minimum
graphics and a classic font. What really sets the Sephora site apart is the use of red
font, popping up sporadically on the page. The classic trio of black, white and red
along with the classic font gives Sephora a glamorous, retro Hollywood impression. also utilizes the black and white motif but instead of red accents, a light
orange embellishes select text for emphasis. The font is considerably more fun;
adding to an overall youthful appearance. There are more graphics and attention
grabbing headliners on The addition of graphics and headliners does not
make the Ulta page seem more cluttered but is something a regular Sephora customer
would not expect to see on
In another similarity, both sites current ads feature a playful, flirty, spring like pink
that catches the eye immediately against the black and white backgrounds. Each site
offers richness as the products aren t just listed statically but described very well.
There are multiple links along the site that instruct customers on how to utilize
products correctly. Guides are available that are tailored to the customers unique
appearance after completing a brief questionnaire. Both sites offer a chat feature that
allows the consumer to interact
Comparing The Walking Man And T. E. U. L. A.
Dinan Guan
Art History 23
Modern Art
Dis 1J
Fixed Dynamism Two sculptures, among others, lie in the outskirts of the Franklin
D. Murphy Sculpture Garden at UCLA. One of them, The Walking Man, is a bronze
sculpture created by French sculptor Auguste Rodin in 1905. The other, made more
than 100 years later, is T.E.U.C.L.A., a large scale steel sculpturemade by minimalist
sculptor Richard Serra. Although it may seem like these works have more
differences than similarities, both emphasize the processes of their creation and are
major movements away from the classical tradition of sculpture. However, The
Walking Man and T.E.U.C.L.A. also differ in several aspects that reflect their
respective artists personal portrayals of modern sculpture. These aspects include:
mode of production, composition and the arrangement of volumes, the play of light
and shadow, and visual experience. Together these elements of formal organization
work together to convey meaning in both of these works. Rodin s deliberate
rejection of refinement and disregard for the direct translation of the unformed to
formed in The Walking Man represent the process and spontaneity of reality, while
Serra s use of curvature and aperture in T.E.U.C.L.A. models the spaces people move
through and the perceptive skills they use in life and nature. Although both of these
works are in the round, they are visually and compositionally very different. The
Walking Man is a bronze sculpture of a headless and armless figure
England became the most developed capitalist country in...
England became the most developed capitalist country in the end of the XVIII
century. Cotton, machinery and iron industries made England the leader of the world.
Development of the slave trade, the exploitation of natural resources of the colonies
and the accumulation of monetary wealth brings tremendous benefits to the
There were incredible changes in society, progress in technology and making reforms
during the nineteenth century. In the early ninetieth government sought to suppress
free political expression through fining editors and giving them prison sentences,
sensitive material had to pass official censors before being published. In the
nineteenth century the breaking point of the English press was 1855 year, when the ...
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That was the first step for the freedom of press in Britain, which will get more
changes in future.
The true meaning of The Times as a national and then an influential European
newspapers manifested only in the 19th century . In 1803 management Times goes to
John Walter 2 , cat. strengthened in The Times features respectability and made this
edition the most informed in the country. During the Napoleonic wars, England was
not only in economic but also in the information blockade foreign news came very
late. Using the situation , The Times in 1807 sent its correspondent Henry Robinson
to cover events in Europe. Reports the correspondent of The Times from Germany
and Spain continued until 1809 , becoming a kind of British window to Europe , and
the newspaper itself has increased its network of correspondents both within the
country and abroad .
The Times became a national and then an influential Eouropean newspaper only in
the 19th century.
John Walter (Second) became The Times successful editor in 1803. He made his
newspaper respectable and the most informed in the country. England was in
economical and informational blocade during Napoleonic wars, so foreign news
came very late. The times decided to use this situation and they sent their
correspondent Henry Robins to cover events in Eourope in 1807. Corrispondents of
The Times from German and Spained continued their work until 1809,
African American Culture Analysis
1. Summarize the historical background, demographics, and diversity within the
African American community in the United States.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Pride Movement
denoted another bearing in black personality. The Civil Rights Movement brought
about expanded instructive and business opportunities and dynamic political
contribution. The consolidation of the Black Pride Movement of the 1960s and 1970s
and the more present concentrate on social roots has liberated numerous African
Americans from the slave mentality that continued to haunt the African American
culture long after emancipation (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African
Americans, n.d.).
The majority of African Americans or black... Show more content on
6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.), where women are
ordinarily the leaders of the family unit. However, a genuine matriarchy is orderly
and composed, and women control property and monetary exercises. Although, that s
not entirely true and the only reason, which is true, is because of the absence of
fathers (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.). Crucially,
African American fathers normally see themselves as leaders of the family; in this
manner, any choices regarding the family ought to incorporate the father s
investment. It is insulting and disrespectful for officers to direct their questions to
and their focus on the mother when both parents are present (Ch. 6 Law
Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d). The single mother, especially
in the inner city, does not generally get the appreciation that she is due; outsiders
may be critical of the way she lives or the way they think she lives (Ch. 6 Law
Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.). Since there are so many black
households, especially in the inner city, in which the father is absent, young boys in
their middle childhood years (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African
Americans, n.d.) which is usually from 7 to 11 years of age are at danger for
genuine behavioral issues, and school is regularly where there issues appear. Among
older African American male
Reflection Of Shadow Casting
The Holter Museum, in Helena, MT, is currently displaying a series of work by
John Saurer. Saurer received his BA at Hope College in sculpture and drawing, he
continued to earn his MFA at Colorado State University in sculpture, and has been
teaching art at St. Olaf College since 1995 (Saurer). His current exhibit is called
Across Tender Land and was inspired by Saurer s surroundings while growing up
(Shadow Casting). On piece, in particular, caught my eye. His Shadow Casting
sculptureis around 75 pieces of welded steel and charred wood composed into
different shapes mounted on a wall. When I first saw this piece, I found it
interesting, but as I got closer, sensored lights came on and caused each piece to
cast a shadow on the wall behind the sculpture. This piece of art reminded me the
incense burner that has been discussed in our book (Stokstad, 4 13). I was reminded
of the incense burner that was found in Prince Liu Shengs tomb in China. Each piece
was created to be viewed with the help of an other medium; smoke and light. Shadow
Casting becomes much more aesthetically pleasing when the light casts the shadow,
just as the incense burner becomes more aesthetically pleasing when it is viewed
with smoke swirling around the mountain peaks. As I was looking at Shadow
Casting, the first piece of art that came to mind was the incense burner because of
the special way each is viewed. As I continued to think about both pieces I released
they were, by majority, different, but
Essay On Nba Players Overpaid
What s more intriguing is the fact that some question whether NBA players are
overpaid. Nathan (22) indicated that overpayment in the NBA is problematic.
Statistically some players are overpaid based on poor or sub par performance.
These players are highly sought after because they are proficient in one aspect of
their game such as three point shooting or they may be a defensive force.
However, these same specialized players may be a major liability in other areas
i.e., the three point shooter may be a poor defender and the defensive force may
be a poor free throw shooter. Whatever the issue, overpayment in the NBA is a
concern. The reason for payment is to fairly compensate a player for his play.
However, in the NBA it seems as if compensation is a reward for past performance
and anticipated or expected future performance. However, past performance and
expected performance may not be good indicators of fair compensation. NBA
owners and general managers often over spend for a player that they feel will meet
and immediate... Show more content on ...
There is a dearth of empirical literature regarding the topic of NBA player salary
determinants. Whereas there have been some articles written on NBA player
salary discrimination, the lack of empirical evidence as it relates to player
performance and its impact on player salary have been virtually non existent. This
investigation serves to contribute to the paucity of empirical literature regarding
NBA player salaries. Wage fund theory was chosen to guide this study. According
to this theory, wages are determined by the amount of capital available to pay
workers. As capital increases so do worker raises. This theory has a direct correlation
to the NBA salary cap. The salary cap is comprised of Basketball Related Income
(BRI) which consists of revenue generated from ticket sales, national and local
broadcast deals, in
New Jersey City
Jersey City, New Jersey is one of the largest cities within the state. With almost
250,000 people, the city is the seat of Hudson County, lying just south east of
Manhattan. Jersey City is located on the Bergen Neck peninsula with the Hudson
River and New York bay surrounding the east and west sides. The city is divided
into six wards, with Historic Downtown, Bergen Lafayette, and The Heights being
its most populous parts. Of its inhabitants, 33% are white, 26% are black, 28% are
Hispanic, and 24% are Asian. Almost half of all of Jersey City s workers use public
transit. This includes the Hudson Bergen Light Rail, the Hoboken Terminal New
Jersey Transit, buses, ferries, and water taxis. Jersey City has almost as many public
transit users as
Income Statement In The Case Of Bancabc Inc
Each type of financial statement has its own use to the public, shareholders and
potential investors, they perform different roles.
Cashflow Statement allows investors to monitor how BancABC uses their funds. It
also helps the potential investors to know if BancABC can be trusted to use their
money wisely and bring expected return.
Income Statement shows the company s revenue, expenses and losses, it shows how
BancABC has performed its profitability and wealth but does not include cash and
cash equivalents as these will be shown in the Cash flow statement.
The Balance sheet provides the company s financial situation at one day rather than
profitability over a period of time as in the Income statement. It shows the company s
assets, liabilities and owners equity.
The Income Statement links the Balance Sheet at the beginning and the end of the
financial period. The Balance sheet shows the ... Show more content on ...
Management account is concerned with future It is used to plan, set goals and
evaluate those goals, it focusses on the present and forecast for the future whereas
Financial accounting focuses on historic data in the prior year or half year as in the
case of BancABC,though they both depend on the same financial data. Management
accounting are more detailed.
BancABC as it was a public company,(before being delisted in February 2015), uses
Financial accounting to inform the public,stakeholders,creditors and others outside
the organization with information related to the performance of the organization so
they can make informed decision.
As previously mentioned under financial accounting section, BancABC uses the
score card to measure the performance of the organization past performance and to
see if the company s objectives were
Essay on The Battle of the Bulge
Yesterday, December 7, 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of
America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the
Empire of Japan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. December 7th 1941 marked an
event in history that everyone in the world looks back to. On that date the Imperial
Japanese Navy surprised attacked the American port of Pearl Harbor in Honolulu,
Hawaii. This marked the beginning of World War II for America. World War II
was the bloodiest war in history with over 60 million deaths. World War II started in
Europe when an Nazi controlled Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939.
Great Britain entered the war soon after along with the rest of her (Great Britain s)
allies... Show more content on ...
The battle [is also] known by different names. The Germans [called it] Operation
Watch on the Rhine , while the French [called] it Battle of the Ardennes .
[American and Britain] called it the Ardennes Counteroffensive. The main goal for
the Germans for this offensive was to split the British and American forces in half
and capture the port city of Antwerp. This would cause an encirclement of four
allied armies and [force] a peace negotiation (Cirillo). The Germans almost had
complete surprise when the offensive was launched on December 16th, 1944, at
05:30 and the offensive start with an artillery barrage of over 1,600 artillery
pieces. The assault took place across an 80 mile front [that] the 6th Panzer Army
had to cover (Quarrie 1). The attack was led by one of the best equipped German
divisions on the western front, the 1st SS Panzer Division. This was the lead unit
for the 6th Panzer Army and was the lead division for the assault. The 26th Infantry
was covering the part of the front where the push started. They were caught
completely by surprise. Equipped with only 32 M4 tanks, 57 anti tank guns and
thousands of battle weary men (MacDonald 1). The initial assault went well for the
Germans and they break through the thinly defended American lines. Just 20 hours in
[from the start of the assault] German forces are just 55 miles out from their
objective . By this time the casualty rate is below from what the
Plot Summary of Remember the Titans Essays
Remember the Titans is a film from 2000 displaying a true story of a racially
divided football team from the 1970s. The movie highlights the relationships of the
black and white people, and how they learned to interact with each other in a time
when this was not the way of life. It brings up a number of questions throughout, of
what is right and what is wrong, and really challenges the characters, making it a
very interesting movie to watch. I have seen this movie many times, and each time I
feel like I get something new out of it. It is a movie that can be used as a teaching
tool, it does a great job of interpreting not only what was happening in the United
States of America at that time, but social psychologyconcepts through real life... Show
more content on ...
The text explains that, They may label each other as enemies, view their own
group as morally superior, draw the boundaries between themselves and their
opponents more firmly, and, under extreme conditions, may come to see the
opposing group as not even human (Baron Branscombe, 2012). I would not say
that the characters in the movie took this idea as far as the text explains, but there
were many examples of this happening. The first example would be between the
coaches. Coach Boone was given Coach Yoast s coaching position, and offers him
an assistant position for the team. Coach Yoast accepts the position, only for his
players, but ensuring that his old assistant gets a job as well. Now that the teams
have integrated, there really is not enough room for all the coaches, and it seems
like each group is looking out for their own. Coach Boone also has his assistant
working with him, so now this makes four different coaches for T.C. William s
football team. With all of this happening the two white coaches and the two black
coaches are not 100% getting along. They do not agree with one another s ideas and
have clear prejudices about one another, displaying the realistic conflict theory. They
all want to be doing the same thing but there were not enough spots, so they think
negatively of each other and often butt heads. This same idea moves onto the
players. Each player, black and white, had their spot on their old team where they
The Great Recession Essay
George Santayana, a Spanish poet and philosopher said, Those who do not learn
history are doomed to repeat it. This quote applies to the Great Depression of 1929
and the Great Recession of 2008. There are many similarities between the two, like
the causes, the actual events, and the aftermaths. Several factors led to the Great
Depression, which were the following: overproduction by business and agriculture,
unequal distribution of wealth, Americans buying less, and finally, the stock market
crash of 1929. The Great Recession also had similar factors leading to it, like the
housing bubble burst and less consumer spending. In both events, the Presidents
enacted programs that they believed would help the American people. In the early...
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economy, people began buying stocks on the margin. They would borrow most of the
stock s price from a stockbroker and only pay a little bit of the price. If the stock
prices kept rising, this system would work well, but if the prices fell, people could
not pay the loan back. Near the end of the 1929 year, prices were too high, so
people wanted to sell their stocks. They thought the prices would lower soon. Stock
prices did go lower and people were not buying. They all wanted to sell their stocks.
Prices went even lower on October 29, where 16 million stocks were sold. This
caused the collapse of the market.
Similarly, the Great Recession was due to consumer spending cutbacks and a drop
in demand for the establishment of new housing. In the two decades previous to
2008, the American growth rate was very high. Their household needs also
became very high, which made demand increase. Spending was at a high. However
personal income was decreased. The consumers then had to borrow money from
the banks. This gave the consumers debt. So, when the house prices rose, banks
stopped loaning money to people and the people decreased their spending. This
happened because the people were not able to pay the banks back. People also cut
back on buying or making new houses, so household demand dropped. Many say that
this decrease caused the Great Recession. Housing was one of the main subjects that
many believe, caused the Great Recession. Subprime mortgage availability and low
And Disadvantages Of A Separate Army
Joint warfare and separate military have their advantages and disadvantages, the
benefits of the war force joining together and forming a separate and single unit.
BENEFITS OF JOINT WARFARE The benefits of joint forces to forming a single
unit includes all the members i.e. service members having the tactical knowledge,
understanding and the operational procedures and capabilities of each unit that will
be joint together. They also reduce casualties in mission that they go to due to the
joint understanding of each unit. Joint warfare and units of forces allows the forces
to be able to adapt to new and modern patterns of war. During the war, an opportunity
to grab and have an understanding of the war and the tactics and not just the
individual war departments or unit where they will have different deals and tactics
which may in turn not have any synchronization in the pattern of execution. The joint
unit can handle different aspects of war like the Navy, Air force separately through
the air, the military on the ground, and all working at the same time together will
reduce the time of operation and make it faster. Joint forces would also be
advantageous due to the monetary aspects, whereby the monetary systems ... Show
more content on ...
This can make the defense system of country weak because if a backup force is
needed, the dependence on other branches which may not be available on time due
to mobilization issues as well as their preparation which may lead to the
breakdown of warfare at large. A single command (central command) giving out
orders will be more efficient and faster. Separate warfare on the other side is not
bad but the branches may not have equal update and effective ways of operation
which is needed in the advancing world we are now. There have to be unity among
the forces so as to have same operational tactics to achieve their aim and
Schindler s List Is 1993 Oscar Nominated Movie Directed...
Schindler s List is 1993 Oscar nominated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. This
movie is based on the 1982 biographical novel published by the Australian author
Thomas Keneally. It is an R rated movie with a 185 minutes running time. The main
character of the movie, Oskar Schindler is played by Liam Neeson. The movie
portrays the story of the German businessman who tried to preserve the lives of some
Jewish refuges during the holocaust.
In times past, the Jews have been victims of ethnic prosecutions. The Jewish history
has been stained with such prosecutions right from the Bible times up to World War
II and even beyond. The most horrific and gruesome of such persecutions was
witnessed during the World War II.
Schindler s List depicts the true story of Oskar Schindler during the holocaust. Oskar
was a German industrialist and businessman who was also a strong member of Nazi
party. As a businessman, Schindler showered Nazi officers with bribes and lavish
gifts in order to overcome bureaucracies during wartime Germany. With time he
became very wealthy during the peak of the world war.
In the mist of the persecution of the Jews, Schindler was moved with compassion to
intervene. He later convenience the Nazi party to build and enamel ware factor
which will help fuel the war. He used his political connections to employ Jews who
would have otherwise been sent to concentration camps and would subsequently end
up in gas chambers.
Schindler s list clearly shows how deprave
Whopper Narrative
My That Was A Whopper moment was a 6 month lie I told when I was 10. In 5th
grade I was no stranger to the detention room and was constantly bringing home
detention slips for my parents to sign. One fateful November day, however, I
arrived at school and realized I had forgotten to get my slip signed. As my brain
raced through the possible solutions I concluded that coming clean wasn t an
option and hurriedly scribbled my father s signature. My hands shook as I walked
up to my teacher, but to my relief she didn t give the slip a second glance before
discarding it. On the way home that day a dastardly plan formed in my head. The
next week I hid my slip from my parents and repeated my forgery. For six months I
kept up my treachery, signing slip
Term Seizure Research Paper
Introduction A sudden attack of neurons is a complex neurological disorder,
deemed the term seizure. A seizure is the physical findings or changes in behavior
that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical brain activity.1 Epilepsy or seizure
disorders affect about 1.8 percent of adults 18 years or older.2 Men present with their
first seizuremore often; 58%. Symptoms associated with seizures vary according to
the brain region affected, and do not always indicate a seizure. Some symptoms
involved are drooling, brief blackout, shaking of the entire body, and sudden falls.1
According to John Hopkins Medicine, there are generalized, absence, myoclonic,
tonic clonic, atonic, and partial seizures.3 Most times individuals with seizure
activities... Show more content on ...
In certain high risk individuals, medication may be initiated after the first seizure.10
Nonpharmacological treatment that can be initiated include a special diet or
removal of the stimulus that could be causing the seizure, if it is known. If an
individual is experiencing a seizure, the most important thing to remember is to
remain calm. Seizures do not often warrant a 911 call if the person experiences them
regularly, but they should be timed for their duration. If they last longer than three
minutes, emergency personnel should be notified immediately. If the individual is
standing, try to prevent them from falling and move any furniture out of the way. If
they are already on the ground, try to position them on their side so any vomit or
saliva can leak out.10 There are currently several drugs FDA approved to treat
seizures which are each unique to their respective category.11 Seizure prophylaxis is
crucial to patients that experience them to enhance their quality of life. Some
common drugs used to treat seizures include Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine,
Levetiracetam, Valproic Acid, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Lacosamide, and the newest
addition that recently acquired FDA approval is Brivaracetam, which is a chemical
analogue of
How the Earth Was Made
The three myths Chinese, African, and Norse have the same way of the earth being
made because they all have it that men made the earth.
This story has it that the heaven and earth were integrated into one body that
reminds you of an egg, that Pangu slept inside. He slept for about 18,000 years and
then woke up. He noticed that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he made his
hands huge and cut into the darkness. After an explosion, heaven and earth started to
split. He was scared that the heaven and earth may go together again, so he held the
heaven with his hands and carefully walked on land. His body grew three meters
every day. therefore, the distance between heaven and earth became three meters
longer every day.
Another 18,000 years passed and now heaven became far away from the earth and the
earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to be a huge man.
During this time, heaven continued ascending and expanding while the earth sinking
and getting thicker until the distance between them was as far as 90,000 kilometers
which had reached the extreme. That was the situation of the universe in our eyes at
current time. Pangu gradually got weaker after he separated heaven and the earth.
After he died his body turned into all the things in the universe. His left eye became
the sun and his right eye, the moon.
The protruded parts in his body turned out to be high mountains and his blood
became rivers. His muscle became the soil field, and his hair and beard
Essay on Conflict Management
Introduction to conflict
The term conflict referred to perceived incompatible differenced resulting in some
form of interference or opposition. Conflict is a natural part of organizational life
because the goals between mangers and workers are often incompatible. If people
perceive that differences exist then conflict state exists. Conflict is not exists
between individual only, it also can exist between departments and divisions that
compete for resources or even because of overlapped authority. However, conflict
is a force that needed to be managed or to be resolved but can not be eliminated.
Unless is fully resolved, it may remain latent in the situation as a lingering basis for
future conflicts over or related to a same matter. ... Show more content on ...
The sources of Conflict The sources of conflict can be basically separated into three
categories which are communication differences, structural differences and personal
Communication differences mean the failure of two individuals to share fully the
meaning of a communicative attempt. It is arises from semantic difficulties,
misunderstandings, and noise in communication channels. There maybe
disagreements caused by different role requirement, unit goals, personalities, value
systems or other factors.
Since in an organization, people and tasks are divided into departments to accomplish
an organizationВЎВ¦s goals, departments may only concern on their own department
efficiency and cost controlling. Therefore, they have incompatible goals and time
horizons, as a result there can be conflict. For example, a production department may
have there own production plan to produce a product and avoid paying production
workers overtime in order to cut down costs. However, the Marketing department
thinks that it is important to deliver the product to their customer on time and paying
overtime to workers is a kind of responsibility to their customers. Sometimes, there are
two or more managers or departments would think that they had authority over a
certain activities or tasks, and claim authority on the same tasks. But most of
Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies Msc Thesis
MSc Thesis: Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies
Irakli Menabde
Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies
A comparative analysis of methodologies and empirical practices
MSc Thesis
MSc in International Business and Economics: Cand. Merc Finance and Strategic
Management (FSM) Copenhagen Business School
Date 09/10/2008 Author: Irakli Menabde
MSc Thesis: Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies
Irakli Menabde
The paper examines a number of empirically utilised and academically established
valuation methodologies in order to value Integrated Oil Gas Company s common
stock. By applying and comparing DCF, SOP and Real Options based valuation
methodologies with the aims of establishing both, an ... Show more content on ...
ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................40 4.1
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................40 4.1.1
BP Plc DCF Model.......................................................................................................42
4.1.3 DCF Models Robustness
Tests.....................................................................................44 4.2 SUM OF THE
PARTS VALUATION ................................................................................................49
TESTS................................................................................................................55 4.
Dan Millmin s Peaceful Warrior
Life of Dan Millmin
It doesn t matter what you do, it only matters how well you do it. (Millmin) The
main ideas in Peaceful Warrior Is what Dan went through on his team, his love life
and accomplishing his goals. Dan is always worried about what is going on around
him and he always wants to put himself first. Therefore, Dan has a reputation on
himself, one of the main themes in Peaceful Warrior.
To begin with, Dan slept with Trever s girlfriend. Trever and Dan was supposed to
be very good friends, and he found out he was sleeping with his girlfriend. Dan told
him he had no idea of the situation. They got into an argument while at the bar, Dan
stood up and so did Trever and they were about to fight but two other guys came and
broke it up. That was the end of their friendship.
Furthermore, Dan is in constant coopetition with his team. Everyone has turned on
him because of the ... Show more content on ...
Dan has been thinking about everything Socrates has been teaching him. His coach
has been telling him You can do anything if you put your mindto it. While doing his
flip, he quotes Where am I? here What time is it? Now. (Peaceful Warrior) Dan does
a magnificent job while attempting to do his triple flip. His team, the judges and his
coach was very much amazed of what Dan did.
To sum it all up, Dan puts people in a position where he could not be trusted. He
put a reputation on himself and turned everyone against him. From the moment
Dan and Trever got into an argument at the bar Dan just knew that was the end of
their friendship. Dan gets into an accident and still pushed through it. Dan took
therapy for a few months and he became one of the star Olympics. It does not
matter what you do, it s how well you do it. (Peaceful Warrior) Dan has improved in
doing everything he does. He is also one of the top Olympics. Dan has also improved
some things in his life and by the end, he is a developed character of the
Theme Of Nutting By William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth s 1798 poem Nutting was not incorporated into his later great
poem, The Prelude, but as a singular piece it reflects The Prelude s recurring themes
of reflection and memory. Considered to be the Romantic Era s great poet of
memory, Wordsworth aimed to publish an autobiographical work of poetry which
would detail events which he felt had contributed to the growth of his mind as a poet.
Nutting, written at the same timeas several other childhood recollections which would
later appear in The Prelude, details an event from his past which contributed to his
present. The past held an attraction for Wordsworth, as he believed that the child is
the father of the man, or, in other words, that childhood experiences define the...
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It exists in the temporal space between the destructive young Wordsworth and the
present Wordsworth, as this self experiences a sense of pain when I beheld/ The
silent trees, and saw the intruding sky. The pain of remorse is inconsistent with a
self which destroys mercilessly, and this regret is what defines a self which
reaffirms Wordsworth s earlier love of nature. The destructive self is a felix culpa
a phrase referring to the so called fortunate fault of Adam and Eve, which brought
about redemption as Wordsworth is able to reaffirm his love and respect for nature
after regretting its destruction. The rash actions of his previous self father a new
self, one more certain of itself. Wordsworth finds this self so crucial and valuable to
his current self that he cannot distance his present feelings from those of his past.
The new self gains the ability to sense the spirit of the place, just as the past self did,
in observing that the trees are silent and the sky intruding. The nook is no longer
speaking to him, but it is once again described with the animated qualities of silence
and intrusion. The spirit does not speak, but it has returned from whence it departed
and intrudes upon Wordsworth just as Wordsworth intruded
Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Plan
Management of diabetic neuropathy will reduce the symptoms of the pain and
improve the quality of life of an individual. However, it important that clinicians are
thorough in clinical evaluation of patients to be aware of the indirect warnings of
disease process (Cox, DeGraauw, Klein, 2016). One cannot design a treatment plan,
until a complete history and physical examination are necessary. Armed with
extensive information about diabetes, signs, complications, and cognizance to make
appropriate therapeutic intervention then it can be anticipated that we can take
account of any possibility of differential diagnosis, so as to efficiently classify the
patient for treatment or to direct patients to the proper healthcare provider, thereby
minimizing and preventing mortality and morbidity (Mathers, 2012, p. 216). There
are available interventions to employ during rehabilitation but this is dependent on
the type, symptoms and severity of the neuropathy. For instance, the physical
therapist can introduce nerve gliding activities. The said therapy gives emphasis on
the nerves so as it can move... Show more content on ...
It is also our responsibility to promote education to our patients with regards to the
importance of staying healthy by engaging patients with physical activity in
combination to their diet and compliance to their medications. Moreover, taking
intense note on medications will favorable to the individual to avoid any detrimental
side effects that may be presented during the course of their therapy. In rare cases,
patient with diabetic neuropathy go through a lot of emotional instabilities, which is
why it is critical for the physical therapist to design a positive atmosphere conducive
The Yellow Wallpaper and To Build A Fire
When we read stories, we usually get caught up in the characters, specifically the
protagonist and antagonist. The setting takes hold of our interest and we may get a
very good picture in our head of the time and place that the events are occurring.
There are some stories that we get more out of than others, but it all depends on how
much time one spends analyzing and thinking about the stories. In The Yellow
Wallpaper and To Build a Fire, there are many things that are important to the
development of the story and the plot. We see the setting being described, then the
antagonists are creating problems for the protagonist, while both of these are
determining the series of events. All of these things peak our interests in different
ways, and are all important to analyze, because they give us a deeper understanding
of the stories. One of the most important aspects of both of these stories is the
setting. However, the settings in these stories are very different in how they
appear. In The Yellow Wallpaper, we are placed in the Victorian Era, in which it is
common for women to stay in the household. This is exactly what we see take
place when the woman is confined to her room as a cause of her sickness. The
room shows a vast amount of imagery with the wallpaper being ugly and the
windows being barred, which gives the room a gloomy feeling. On the other hand, in
To Build a Fire, the main charactergoes for a hike in the cold, snowy, forest of the
Yukon. The sun is nowhere to be
A More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever-Growing...
More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever Growing Traffic Troubles
On average, an American commuter spends around 30 hours per week sitting in
traffic going to and from the job that they may or may not love. Commuters in some
cities like Washington DC, that is both near and dear to our hearts, can spend roughly
60 hours per week stuck in traffic. Not only is time wasted wasted while commuting,
but the gas that we constantly fill our cars up with may as well be flushed down the
drain. Following the gas that is going down this metaphorical drain here, is a
ridiculous amount of money from an innocent commuter s wallet. Additionally, time
wasted while commuting could ve been time well spent with one s family or even
with one s pets. The ... Show more content on ...
Because there are no drivers of the pods, there is zero chance of any casualties
caused by drunk drivers, or by drivers who are texting or plugging information into
their GPS. These pods will eliminate any chance of pedestrians or animals getting hit
due to the sensitive sensors that will be placed in each pod. Though there are
alternate means of transportation such as carpools, buses, or simply walking, these
alternatives can be just as problematic as cars themselves. With carpools, we still run
the risk of drivers that are not paying full attention to the road because they are
paying more attention to the members of their carpool. Though with the intent of
conserving gas, carpools will still pollute our fresh air with the harsh chemicals
found in gas. Buses are more or less a large scale carpool. Buses may seem to
promote mass transportation of people, they are very costly because drivers must
be paid and money must be spent on gas. Not to mention that buses can be
extremely dirty, whereas the pods are self sanitized. Not only will the Pod System
immediately solve the present issue of traffic and the load of side effects that come
with it, the Pod System brings many more positive long term effects. For starters, the
reduced commute time now allows working Americans to spend more time with their
families and other loved ones. Also, these new electronic
How To Write A Case Study In Embryo Realization
INDUSTRY POLICY 04/20/2016 Yes, I support with the authority s decision. Case
study stated that Charlie will not die if he undergoes frequent transfusions and daily
medications. With the medical care, Charlie will continue to live. The issue is that
Charlie s body is not being able to produce red blood cells and has to undergo a
bone marrow transplantation which may be helpful for the production of red blood
cells if a matching bone marrow is found. Since a transplant is a one time process, the
money is just spent on the operation and the hospitalization fee after the operation.
Other solutions such as... Show more content on ...
While many patients have insurance coverage, the extent of coverage varies widely,
and figuring the kind of insurance coverages is quite a challenge. Often clinics will
have certain financial coordinators as a staff who acts as patient advocate and helps
the patient to understand the ins and outs of their insurance coverages. It s important
to know what exactly is covered before the testing and treatments begin. In this case
the private insurances might not support as it is an immediate decision process for
IVF where they need to have the support from the government and needs to get
approved. So the burden shifts it s gear on to the family to raise on for the treatment
and for the further treatments and
Plagiarism And The Law Of The University Honor Code
Plagiarism is defined as wrongful appropriation (Webster dictionary), essentially
copying an author s work word for word. The new dilemma, re mixing is essentially
the same thing; however, instead of copying an author word for word the student
simply rewords the work, and adapts it. Re mixing and plagiarism, both involve the
appropriation or slight modification of a piece, and are in theory essentially the same
thing; thus, both should be treated as such, a violation to the Universityhonor code. In
the world of academia, a students completed assignment is a reflection of their
understanding of the materials covered in their courses. Re mixing under minds this
key concept, and allows students to excel on their assignments without ever
understanding them. This sort of academic remixing goes beyond standing on
shoulders of giants. (Newton, 1676) To do so would be to take information and the
progress and build atop that knowledge with your own. In this case students simply
changing the context, and in most cases forget the information as soon as their
exam is over. With re mixing a student with very little understanding of the course
materials could easily scrape away with a B if they found enough sources to take
information from. With students knowing this, it could causes them to lose the
incentive to learn and to focusing on doing whatever possible to get a passing grade.
It is our duty as the SJA address remixing, not only to ensure the academic
Cause And Effects On The Atomic Bomb
In all of World War II, some events stand out above the rest. Many think of the
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the worst events in the war. These
bombings, carried out by President Harry S. Truman, had an immense impact on the
history of the U.S. and the history of the world. The question is, were these
bombing a true necessity, considering how many innocent people they killed as well
as the damage they caused to Japan? By bombing these two cities, America created a
new type of warfare that could potentially destroy the world: nuclear warfare(OI). The
nuclear bomb is a horrible weapon, capable of killing tens of thousands of people
with one explosion. In this case, Little Boy took the lives of 80,000 Japanese people,
innocent or not, with another 70,000 people being injured (OI). Although devastating
events, these bombings specifically were integral to ending the war, as well as being
a military necessity.
First off, a big part of the question is how far the taking of lives goes. Although
Little Boy took tens of thousands of lives, the Japanese also killed a greater
amount of U.S. citizens. For example, in the 1940 s the Japanese hosted the Bataan
death march, in which they forced 76,000 captured allied soldiers to march about
80 miles to the Bataan peninsula without getting food or water for three days (Doc.
B). Those who fell behind were beaten and killed by the Japanese. The march lasted
for six days and there was a total death toll between 5,000 and
1984 Upper Class Analysis
The upper class desires to remain so, the middle class wishes to overthrow the
upper class, and the lower class wants a classless system. In his famous novel,
1984, George Orwell writes about the different lifestyles and effects of the social
class on the population of the world the book is set in. In this society the upper class,
known as the inner party , closely patrols and monitors the thoughts and actions of its
citizen in their world of Oceania. Winston Smith, the protagonist member of the
middle classknown as the outer party challenges these leaders with his free and
mindful thoughts that go against the party and disrupt their system. Winston feels
the lower class, the proles are the only real humans in their society and he
undermines the party s rules and laws in an attempt to escape their grasp. First of
all, the upper class mindfully controls and supervises the below classes while, at the
same time, occupies several advantages and privileges in their personal lives.
Secondly, the middle class takes advantage of the Lows while wishing they had the
life of the High despite their many benefits. Furthermore, the proles at the bottom are
seen as the most inhumane and unimportant of the society while experiencing many
hardships and disadvantages in life. Therefore, while the upper class enjoys its
many benefits and power, the middle class has a great amount of aid but wants more
and uses the Lows to get it, and the lower class suffers from poor treatment and
Short Story Of Short Stories
One thing that s great about short stories is how quickly they can ruin your life.
Maybe you start reading one over your lunch break and, if it s the right one, before
that peanut butter cup you brought for dessert even has a chance to finish its
melting shape shift into some kind of sugary cement, the whole world has been
destroyed around you and then rebuilt, and nothing is quite the same again. This
happens whether you like it or not. Great stories practice this violent beauty on you
in a variety of ways: some by making an absurd world familiar (or vice versa), some
with a slow burn, some with a voice that colonizes your thoughts. Some do it
quietly, almost without you even noticing, and some do it with high wire acts of
imagination or intellect that make you into a breathless witness. The trick, then,
is finding the right story, one that is capable of such a thing. This is no easy task.
Tastes differ, of course, and it can be confusing to spot the small boat of a great
story on the wide sea of fiction. What any reader can offer you in terms of
guidance is actually the same thing that any good writer can offer you with the
story itself: a way of saying, This is what moved me and made me feel strange and
alive in some way; here, why don t you give it a try? In that spirit and in no
particular order, here are ten short stories you might ve missed that ambushed me
with their odd wonder: 1.The Zero Meter Diving Team by Jim Shepard (BOMB
Magazine) This curious,
Plea Bargaining In Criminal Cases
Austin VanDevender Application Assignment #3 A plea bargain is an agreement
between a defendant and a prosecutor; in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty
in exchange for an agreement by the prosecutor to drop one or more charges,
reduce a charge to a less serious offense, or recommend to the judge a specific
sentence acceptable to the defense (Berman, 2016). A great majority of criminal
cases today are actually not decided in courtrooms but are decided by pleabargaining.
There are normally three different types of plea bargaining. The most common type
of plea bargaining is charge bargaining. This is where the defendant agrees to plead
guilty to a lesser charge provided that greater charges will be dismissed (Berman,
2016). An example of this could be getting charged with attempted burglary instead of
burglary. Next is sentence... Show more content on ...
Plea bargaining helps attorneys by saving time. Plea bargaining is generally fast
and efficient. It allows attorneys to focus on bigger, more important cases which
will impact society more. This relieves pressure on attorneys by not having to go
to trial. Also it can impact attorney s salaries. In some cases, it may be in their best
interest to get rid of a case quickly. Many states impose caps on the amount of
allocated to the representation of indigent clients; these amounts do not provide
adequate compensation for the time and expense of bringing a case to trial
(Guidorizzi 1998). The defendant can also benefit from a plea bargain. If the
defendant pleads guilty without a trial then the prosecutor can drop one or more
charges, reduce the charge, or recommend a specific sentence. Lastly the victim can
also benefit from plea bargaining. A plea bargain can bring closure to the victim by
knowing the person who is guilty is not getting away with the crime, Also the victim
will not have to worry about testifying. (Guidorizzi
Character Analysis Of Whistling Vivaldi
The focal subject of Whistling Vivaldi is character, and, moreover, the distinctive
ways individuals react to each other s personalities. Amid his times of research into
social brain science, Claude Steele has considered a wide range of types of
character, including, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, social introduction, class, and
age. One of the premises of his exploration is that individuals will definitely judge
each other on the premise of their personality. Moreover, Steele contends that each
one of a kind personality has a related generalization a sort of short hand for seeing
how individuals with that character will act. Stereotyping is, obviously, a typical type
of extremism. For instance, a math teacher who expect that a female understudywon t
be ready to comprehend the material is utilizing a sexist generalization that ladies
aren t great at math to judge the understudy s conduct. Steele indicates how
stereotyping, and the danger of being stereotyped, can apply an immense impact on
various individuals conduct.
Ostensibly Steele s most critical knowledge about stereotyping is that the
consciousness of generalizations (and especially the dread of being stereotyped) can
be more capable than an unequivocal instance of stereotyping. Quite a bit of Steele s
examination is revolved around the dread of being stereotyped or, put another route,
of satisfying a generalization, especially in a college setting. For instance, Steele and
his partners sorted out trials in which high contrast Stanford understudies were made
a request to take a troublesome test. Half of the understudies were informed that the
exam measured insight, while the other half were told the exam was an analytic test,
and not organized to gauge knowledge. Steele found that dark understudies who d
been informed that the exam measured knowledge did more awful than white
understudies who d gotten a similar data. In any case, dark understudies who d been
told the exam didn t quantify insight performed at an indistinguishable level from
their white partners. Steele translates his investigations to recommend that dark
understudies dread of affirming a contemptible generalization in particular, that dark
individuals are less wise than white
Determinism And Neoplatonism
In a remote medieval village, a child is born. Unfortunately, the local priest soon
claims him to be destined to an afterlife in Purgatory; no amount of virtuous action,
charity, or veneration can save the child from his fate. While certainly a hyperbole,
such an event is not a far cry from the religious beliefs of medieval Europe. During
this period, the prevailing belief of the time was a deterministic and cynical view of
human nature. Pope Innocent III describes how was formed out of earth,
conceived in guilt, born to punishment... he will become fuel for eternal fires food for
worms, a mass of rottenness (De Segni 1). Under the belief of the time, humans were
thought to be predestined to their fate; this deterministic view of human potential or
lack thereof was characteristic of the medieval era. The turning point in this belief
was the emergence of humanism in the 14th and 15th centuries. As the name
suggests, humanism emphasized the malleability and perfectibility of man, as well as
a rediscovery of antiquity. Determinism became... Show more content on ...
Neoplatonism represented a turn away from the practical concerns of civic humanists
to an exploration of the grand ideals of truth and perfection (Chambers 397). Pico
della Mirandola believed the universe to be ordered in a hierarchy, with every being
in the universe holding a compulsion to seek perfection. These ideals, along with
other ideals of Neoplatonism, were extremely prevalent within Pico della
Mirandola s work. One of Pico della Mirandola s most influential works, Oration on
the Dignity of Man, promoted many of his ideas and those of Neoplatonism; Pico s
Oration is commonly referred to as ...the Manifesto of the Renaissance [and] is
widely regarded as a beautiful declaration of the greatness of human freedom and
ability (Truglia 158). Two ideas are central to the Oration: free will and the
deification of
Trifles, By Susan Glaspell
During the 1900 s women were still in the process of fighting for their rights as
citizens. Therefore, women supposedly are less intelligent than the average man,
according to the government during the 1900 s. The men were usually responsible
for being brave, strong and fearless. Along with having the benefit of their word or
what men say goes. The 1912 play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, who was inspired to
write this play from a story she covered as a reporter. A murder case is being held
and authorities are getting down to it suspecting a womanof killing her husband in
his sleep. The character Mrs. Hale who is neighbors and friends with Mrs. Peters, the
sheriff s wife and Mrs. Wright, the woman accused of the murder of her Husband, Mr.
... Show more content on ...
She continues to examine the crime scene collecting evidence to pleat to the
convict, Mrs. Wright, as guilty or not. The entering and exiting of characters within
the play help emphasize on the details happening during each scene. Along with
that, Mrs. Hale also pointed out the birdcage in the cupboard that was damaged.
Mrs. Hale assumed the bird cage belonged to a singing canary due to living in a
giant house with no kids, which could possible become boring.
Now, during the middle of the play the focus of it starts to shifts the attention to the
women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Hale made a connection between how
Mrs. Wright previously acted from the way she dressed to the attitude she
expressed. Mrs. Hale explains that Mrs. Wright used to be into singing which Mrs.
Hale recommended why Mrs. Wright got the singing bird. In the mysterious
house, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were searching for clues to unveil the truth and
the reason why Mr. Wright was murder. In the play, Mrs. Hale was having a
conversation about the birdcage that was found in the cupboard. Mrs. Hale
reflects on the perspective of Mrs. Wright who was the owner of the house that
Mrs. Hale described as quiet and lonesome based on the location which was hidden
to where you were unable to see the main road from the house, along with, the
looks of it according to Mrs. Hale. She then does more snooping around and finds
what she claims to be a fancy sewing box according to the play. The
The Pros And Cons Of The Foster Care System
Foster care is a system were a child is put into after the parents gives them up. The
child will stay in the system until he or she is adopted. If the child is never adopted
they will be released at the age of 20. The children of the foster care system are
there because they were voluntarily given up by the parent or taken away if the
parent can t fit the role. There are many cons to the foster caresystem. One con is
that when you take in a foster child, that child will only stay with until the
biological parents are fit to have them back in the home or until there is an adopter
that is ready to adopt the child. The problem is the foster parent might grow to
attached or the child will grow to attached to the parent/parents. This can be very
heartbreaking to the parent and the child. Another con is it is very expensive to
have a foster child, although the government gives the foster parent money for the
child it tends not to be enough to support the child s needs. So if your going to
become a foster parent make sure you are financially stable. One of greatest cons is
your mental strength may be test because most of the time the child will be coming
from abusive or neglecting parents, so the child may suffer from physical and
emotional issues. Many children will show the problem by acting out physically.
Being a foster... Show more content on ...
I truly believe do to the foster system it is saving many children from a future full
of mistakes and pain. Some people believe the system is bad because it s taking
them away from full contact with there biological parents, but I think this is the right
war to go because the reason they are being taken away is because the parents and
child relationships is not a healthy relationship in this situation. By taking the child
away it is allowing the child for a better future and to get them away from the danger
the parent may implement on the
The Worst Hard Time Summary
The Worst Hard Time Egan, Timothy The Worst Hard Time was published by
Houghton Mifflin Company in the U.S. Copyright Timothy Egan in 2006. The
Worst Hard Time takes place during the Great Depression of the U.S. in the 20 s
and 30 s. It tells the story of several different people and groups of people during
this tough time in American history, at times comparing it to before and after the
time frame of the Depression. I chose this book because it shows the story of
people not only facing the economic decline, but also have been betrayed by the
Earth itself in the form of dusters . Not only are people suffering from poverty, an
entirely new problem is introduced when people get dust pneumonia from the
dusters. This book takes place primarily in the South and West coasts of the United
States (as well as central U.S.), but also includes a few excerpts from people who
had lived in New York as well as several other places affected by the economic
downfall. The story doesn t primarily look at one person s time in the Great
Depression. Rather, it looks at different people, switching around and getting a taste
of each group s individual journey. Whether that be a long trek across several... Show
more content on ...
I believe these contribute to the reader s understanding of the conditions that
people were living in at the time and it s very easy to compare their lives and ours.
For example, on page 36, there is a photo of a family alongside their house. The
photo is relevant to the topic of discussion in that chapter and can give a visual to
the conditions of each average household during America s Great Depression. From
this photo alone, without much of any context, you could analyze that the average
household for a family is one to two rooms, and money is scarce even among the
wealthy. Personally, I think the visuals are useful for further understanding the story
and gaining an image of what the average life was

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  • 1. Music For Writing Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Music for Writing Essays" may initially seem like a straightforward task, but it presents its own set of challenges. Crafting an insightful and engaging piece requires a delicate balance between discussing the role of music in the writing process and providing valuable insights for readers. Here are some of the difficulties one might encounter when tackling this subject: 1. Subjectivity: Music preferences vary widely among individuals, making it challenging to identify universally effective genres or artists for writing essays. What inspires one person might be distracting for another, and finding a middle ground can be complex. 2. Research: While it's essential to back up arguments with research and examples, finding credible sources that specifically address the connection between music and essay writing can be limited. This requires thorough exploration and critical analysis of existing literature. 3. Maintaining Focus: Striking the right balance between discussing the influence of music on the writing process and avoiding straying too far from the main topic of essay writing itself can be tricky. Ensuring that the discussion remains relevant and coherent is a constant challenge. 4. Creativity and Originality : With numerous articles and studies on the subject, maintaining a unique perspective and offering fresh insights is crucial. It requires creativity to present the information in a way that captures the reader's interest and offers something new to the discourse. 5. Organization: Organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner can be challenging, especially when discussing various aspects of music and writing. Ensuring a smooth flow from one idea to the next is essential for a compelling essay. Despite these challenges, the exploration of the relationship between music and essay writing can be a rewarding endeavor. The essay may offer valuable tips, personal experiences, and a nuanced understanding of how music can enhance or hinder the writing process. In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic demands careful consideration of diverse perspectives and a commitment to providing useful insights for readers. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, there are resources available, such as, where expert help can be enlisted for a more seamless writing experience. Music For Writing EssaysMusic For Writing Essays
  • 2. Examples Of Etiquette And Introduction Etiquette and Introductions: Jane Austen s Survival Guide Alejandro Somarriba, Joey Haneine, Alexis Sein 9В°D Literature: Aaron Horton Eton School Etiquette and Introductions Proper etiquette is the acceptable ways in which a person behaves in public. These rules have a long time existing and have showed in all cultures. Depending on the geographic location, these etiquettes have changed. For example: if you live in Germany, it s totally normal to drink beer at any time of the day. On the contrary English people would think of these as an insult. They drink only tea, and it shall be done at specific times, like on a meeting. The manners and ways of the nineteenth century were quite different from those of today (as anyone ... Show more content on ... As men were the principal gender during these time, they didn t have the rules that ladies have, in a way, yes, they had more freedom. Anyway, they did have some manners and actions they should follow: When the street, while greeting, the man must bow and tip his hat, while the woman grabs her dress bows. The man won t speak to the woman unless she speaks first. When a man is appointed on a date with a girl, he has to invite her to walk down the sidewalk while they talk. While going up stairs, the man should go before the woman, when going down, he should go after. While on a carriage, he must not seat next to a woman unless he is a person from her family. He must leave the carriage first and help the woman out. When at a public event, the man must go first to find the woman a seat. If there are elder, he has to take his hat off. Men are introduced to women. Men cannot smoke when ladies are around. Although, there are some actions that one must never make. Here are some examples (for men): Refer to another person by their first name in public Curse while ladies are present (also smoke) Leave a lady you know unattended, except with
  • 3. Cam Therapeutic Modalities CAM Therapeutic Modalities Florence Gray SCI 201 October 18, 2010 Phil Bellefeuille CAM Therapeutic Modalities The following paper will define alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine. It will describe how conventional medicine plays a role in these three terms. In addition, it will review the philosophy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and how it is different from conventional Western medicine and a description of the five domains of therapy. Finally, it will show how CAM treatment modality Ayurveda is used as an alternative therapy and a complementary therapy for obesity. Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Alternative, complementary and integrative ... Show more content on ... 4). CAM Treatment Modality for Obesity Currently, Ayurveda is classified as CAM under the whole medical system. Ayurvedic integrates the mind, body, and spirit to prevent and treat illnesses and diseases (National Institutes of Health, 2010). This practice has limited clinical trials and it lacks the scientific evidence needed to support its effectiveness and despite its lack of proof, it is one of the oldest healing systems known to man. According to University of Vermont (2006), Ayurveda is both a complementary and an alternative medicine (Ayurveda as CAM, para. 6). In obesity, the conventional treatment is the use of drugs such as the diet pill ephedra (University of Vermont, 2006). This method has many side effects and the weight may come back. The alternative method focuses on a lifestyle and diet change along with herbal treatments for a healthier transition and lasting results. The complementary method would include an invasive approach such as bariatric surgery. Although this procedure reduces the size of one s stomach, the above alternative methods may be used to strength the body and ensure longer lasting results. Conclusion In the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine are used in a variety of ways and may be incorporated into conventional medicine. Although CAM and conventional medicine have different philosophies, the
  • 4. Prevalence of Masked Hypertenstion in Type 2 Diabetic... The main finding of this study is that the serum ADMA levels were significantly increased in MHT patients with DM compared to normotensive diabetic subjects. ADMA levels, BMI, and low HDL levels were independent predictors of MHT in patients with DM. ADMA levels positively correlated with ABPM measurements, especially daytime measurements, but were not related to office BP measurements. ADMA levels may play a role in prediction, with a good sensitivity and negative predictive value but poor specificity and positive predictive value. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the relationship between ADMA and MHT in the current literature. Ng et al. studied in a total of 133 DM patients, 18% of whom had MHT. It was ... Show more content on ... In another elegant human trial, Achan et al. demonstrated that ADMA infusion increases systemic vascular resistance by 24%, and mean arterial BP by 6% in healthy subjects and that a bolus dose of ADMA decreases cardiac output by 15% [18]. In a second part of that study, it was shown that a handgrip maneuver increased cardiac output in control subjects by 96%, but in subjects given ADMA, cardiac output increased by only 35%. ADMA concentration 30 min after the infusion was 2.6 mol/L, however, the baseline value was not provided. In addition, several studies have shown that serum ADMA levels are increased in essential hypertension about two fold and are related to impaired endothelial function [5,16]. Perticone and colleagues found that ADMA in essential hypertensive subjects was strongly and inversely associated with the peak increase in forearm blood flow [5]. These studies demonstrated that ADMA plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone. It is known that ADMA levels are increased among type 2 DM patients [19]. On the contrary, in a small study, Paiva et al. reported decreased ADMA level in diabetics due to renal hyperfiltration [20]. It seems that the prognostic value of ADMA is more important in patients with DM [21]. Krzyzanowska et al. reported that ADMA predicted cardiovascular events and enhanced the predictive role of CRP in patients with type 2 diabetes. In
  • 5. Native Americans And Conquistadors As a new and mysterious world awaits to be discovered, daring conquistadors leave their home country of Spain in a journey of exploration. Two men by the name of Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca set sail to thwart the untrustworthy Cortez who, behind the backs of Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca, sailed to the New World with half of Narvaez s crew in search of treasures. However, the journey would prove to be treacherous as the conquistadors would have to encounter hostile Native Americans and strange terrain they have never seen before. Throughout the expedition, future encounters between the Native Americans and conquistadors were heavily influenced by the personalities of the individuals and past experiences the Native Americans faced. Past experiences that the Native Americans endured from earlier Spanish conquests affected both the expedition and the encounter between the Native Americans and Narvaez s crew. During earlier Spanish expeditions, Spanish settlers would raid Native American tribes looking to capture the natives as slaves. These raids were due to the Spanish believing that the Native Americans were barbarians and, therefore, needed to be civilized. Before beginning the trek to Apalachee, Resendez states, The explorers could see for themselves that the bay was poor and sparsely populated. These early conquests cause the Native Americans to become hostile, and even fearful, of the Spanish conquistadors. For example, when finally docking on shore in Florida,
  • 6. Time Spent And Attachment Research Paper Time Spent and Attachment Daycare for infants at a young age can be a negative or positive thing. Daycare is a place where parents can drop off their children knowing they are in a safe environment. It is where they can trust the caregiver for the time being, while they are away at work. While the childis at daycare they develop different type of skills that can help them cognitively, physically, and emotionally. Most of the skills young children acquire at the daycare usually do not pick up in their homes. In the daycare sitting, the children can be free in their environment, experience more things, are and able to learn more by interacting with the people in their environment. Since children in a daycare have more of an open environment... Show more content on ... The child will feel betrayed and unloved, but once they spend time with another caregiver the attachment they have for their parent will shift to the caregiver and the child will feel stable and at ease again. As explained by Cummings (1980), children have accept caregivers as a replacement for the mother, the child rarely cried or followed the mother when leaving. During the time that is spent with the caregiver the child formed some sort of relationship. Once the parents leave, the children hardly felt distraught. This suggests that the caregivers are more than strangers to the children they feel like can trust them like their parents. The characteristics of a caregiver helps the children feel at ease and feel safe again once the child is dropped off at the daycare. According to Cummings (1980), when the child is left with their caregiver they had more a positive response to the caregiver than to strangers. The stability of a caregiver does have an importance in a child s life and relationship. In a more ecologically friendly environment, the results indicates that a stable caregiver is the next best thing after the parent (Cummings, 1980). This proves that even though the parent left the child with another caregiver they still have the same attachment they have towards the parent to the caregiver; the feeling is mutual. The
  • 7. Cultural Studies On Race And Social Classes In today s society, culture is impacting our everyday life, experience and social relations; we are all categorized by our cultural groups , but this has changed rapidly throughout the years from one generation to the next. Cultural studies were developed in the late 1950 s, through the 1970 s by the British academic scholars. The British scholars were able engaged cultural analysis and the developed then transformed of the different fields, for example, politically, theoretically and empirically that are now represented around the world. I will explain Marxist and Stuart Hall perspective of cultural studies theory the differences of hegemony and ideology, and then describe how people are discriminated is based on race and social ... Show more content on ... For example, of hegemony are African Americanand Hispanic is lazy, tall African American men play basketball and Asians are all smart. The term ideology refers to a system of ideas, cultural, religious beliefs that sway society over they have and have not s. We come in contact every day with cultural diversity in the workplace, schools and need to learn to not offend another person based on their cultural group. Most people assume how a person is based on their appearances and their race. In today s society, people are closed minded, and do not take the opportunity getting to know the other person because of stereotyping and racism. Even though we all have different opinions toward other cultures, norms, beliefs and values we should all respect each other differences. We should consider learning from one another and not judge a person based on their race, ethnicity, gender and religion. As a society, it is very important; we educated ourselves in other cultures, even though we all have different values and beliefs. Cultural studies are influenced by the Marxist interpretation of society, but according to, Stuart Hall believed that mass media has highlighted those people that are already in positions of power and the media has exploited the poor keeping them powerless. Hall says that he describes mass media as the dominance that maintain
  • 8. The State Of Quality Of Primary Education The State of Quality of Primary Education in India The key concern about education, in any formal educational system, of all time, has been its quality. Every stake holder, direct or indirect, of education is concerned about its quality. Guardians or parents, irrespective of their socio economic status, want to educate their children with best quality education which would add better value to the degrees their wards acquire subject to the budget constraints. But what do we mean by quality education? How this quality is being assessed? What is the status of the quality of education in India? This paper seeks to focus on these issues with respect to the quality of primary education in India. There is no universally accepted definition for quality of education . In education, perception of quality is around students (Mukhopadhyay, 2001). The performance of the students like examination results, learning achievements, ability to apply learned knowledge in practical life exhibit the quality of an education. For some, Quality of education means value addition in education (Feigenbaum 1951); excellence in education (Peters and Waterman 1982); for others, fitness of education outcomes and experience for use (Juran and Gryna 1988). For a society, excellence and value are most appropriate indicators for quality education. A generally accepted definition of quality education does not exist and different end users adopt different criteria for determining the quality of
  • 9. The United States And The Soviet Union When people refer to the space race, they often think about the development of the negative connotation between the relations of the United States and the Soviet Union. For three years, the United States has not had a single space mission from their own funds, however, only fifty years ago, the space race had been largely emphasized and referred to as a start of a new era . It was a time period where there was an urge to achieve supremacy in the heavens, and the land. It was a seventeen year period, which lasted from 1955 1972, where the two cold warrivals spawned satellites, receptors, and space probes for the sole purpose to achieving new heights. Over the span, the United Statesestablished two main goals: imperialism throughout the... Show more content on ... Another such harsh statement made by the Russians was that the U.S slept under the Soviet moon and that they could throw a hydrogen bomb at will. The United States could not bear their insult, but the throwing of hydrogen bombs was a possible backdraw for the U.S and could hurt them. All in all, this meant that the United States needed to take control and get matters at hand for the sake of the world, leading to the space race. The United States used drawings of the space race and its technology to its advantage illustrating the unfair treatment of citizens and the urgency of being first in the space race, leading to better their cause. The first drawings that were depicted in the space race were around the early 1950s and illustrated by Herbert Block, who was an American editorial cartoonist who focused his issue on foreign policies. One of his drawings can be seen in in Appendix A. The depiction shows a politician having a newspaper advertising the november elections and a unidentified gender citizen working on putting together a spacecraft. The cartoonist uses the idea of a person working
  • 10. Short Story On Zeta Corvus Get running!. Sabra yelled. We re not fighting that bear on this narrow path! Isaac and Malessica, started sprinting with all their might. Gerard followed closely behind them. Sabra remained in front of them, seeing the glade right up ahead. She rushed towards it, before looking back at them. Get over here, quickly. She said. Let me take care of it. Malessica and Isaac arrived at the glade, dropping down to the floor to catch their breath. Once Gerard stepped into the glades, he turned around quickly. Looking at the bear a golden aura emerged around Gerard s body. The aura started to form next to Gerard, creating a human like avatar that stood next to him. Fully forming, the human like avatar looked just like a monk, with typical clothing. It sported a bead necklace similar to Gerard s and a large gauntlets around it s arms. The monk was faceless, though it didn t have trouble moving in the bear s direction. Zeta Corvus: Enlightenment Sphere Gerard yelled.... Show more content on ... The projectile moved at high speeds, colliding into the bear within seconds. Knocking the bear off of it s feet was a feat that surprised Sabra. She didn t think Gerard possessed any skill in combat. Gerard took a deep breath, before realizing that the bear had not given up just yet. The Monk continued strike the bear a few times with enlightenment spheres, while Isaac and Malessica watched, still catching their breaths. Isaac s legs were shaking the entire time, he couldn t believe how fearless Gerard was fighting the
  • 11. The Concentration Of A Solute Colorimeter A colorimeter is a piece of equipment that is used to measure the concentration of dilute solutions (intensity of light). The colorimeter is mainly used to determine the concentration of a known solute (chemical that is placed into a solvent and dissolved) in a given solution by using Beer Lambert s Law which states that the concentration of a solute is proportional to the absorbance. According to Beer s law, when monochromatic light passes through the coloured solution, the amount of light transmitted decreases exponentially with increase in concentration of the coloured solution . Equation for Beer s law = It = Ioe KC According to Lambert s law the amount of light transmitted decreases exponentially with increase in thickness of the colored solution . Equation for Lambert s law = It = Ioe kt According to Beer Lambert s Law the quantity of light absorbed by a substance dissolved in a fully transmitting solvent is directly proportional to the concentration of the substance and the path length of the light through the solution . Beer Lambert s Law = IE/Io = e KCT IE = intensity of emerging light K = a constant Io = intensity of incident light C = concentration e = base of neutral logarithm T = thickness of the solution Colorimetry can be used for testing water quality. This process involves adding a chemical reagent to a water sample and then measuring it to identify the chemicals present. The concentration of certain chemicals can
  • 12. Beauty Retail Concept Of Beauty Sephora is a beauty retail concept founded in France by Dominique Mandonnaud in 1970 but is not limited to France. They continue to be a powerful presence in the beauty industry around the world. Sephora is often regarded as a beauty trailblazer, thanks to its unparalleled assortment of prestige products, unbiased service from experts, interactive shopping environment, and innovation (Sephora Inc). was launched in the U.S. in 1999 and continues to be the foremost beauty site on the internet. The internet is also Sephora s number one store in North America based on sale levels. ULTA Beauty is the largest beauty retailer in the United States. Since opening its first store 25 years ago, ULTA Beauty has grown to become the... Show more content on ... When looking at both companies websites you can quickly gather that they are in fact, targeting the same audience. The sites contain very similar features. uses the sophisticated standard of black and white with minimum graphics and a classic font. What really sets the Sephora site apart is the use of red font, popping up sporadically on the page. The classic trio of black, white and red along with the classic font gives Sephora a glamorous, retro Hollywood impression. also utilizes the black and white motif but instead of red accents, a light orange embellishes select text for emphasis. The font is considerably more fun; adding to an overall youthful appearance. There are more graphics and attention grabbing headliners on The addition of graphics and headliners does not make the Ulta page seem more cluttered but is something a regular Sephora customer would not expect to see on In another similarity, both sites current ads feature a playful, flirty, spring like pink that catches the eye immediately against the black and white backgrounds. Each site offers richness as the products aren t just listed statically but described very well. There are multiple links along the site that instruct customers on how to utilize products correctly. Guides are available that are tailored to the customers unique appearance after completing a brief questionnaire. Both sites offer a chat feature that allows the consumer to interact
  • 13. Comparing The Walking Man And T. E. U. L. A. Dinan Guan Art History 23 Modern Art Dis 1J Fixed Dynamism Two sculptures, among others, lie in the outskirts of the Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden at UCLA. One of them, The Walking Man, is a bronze sculpture created by French sculptor Auguste Rodin in 1905. The other, made more than 100 years later, is T.E.U.C.L.A., a large scale steel sculpturemade by minimalist sculptor Richard Serra. Although it may seem like these works have more differences than similarities, both emphasize the processes of their creation and are major movements away from the classical tradition of sculpture. However, The Walking Man and T.E.U.C.L.A. also differ in several aspects that reflect their respective artists personal portrayals of modern sculpture. These aspects include: mode of production, composition and the arrangement of volumes, the play of light and shadow, and visual experience. Together these elements of formal organization work together to convey meaning in both of these works. Rodin s deliberate rejection of refinement and disregard for the direct translation of the unformed to formed in The Walking Man represent the process and spontaneity of reality, while Serra s use of curvature and aperture in T.E.U.C.L.A. models the spaces people move through and the perceptive skills they use in life and nature. Although both of these works are in the round, they are visually and compositionally very different. The Walking Man is a bronze sculpture of a headless and armless figure
  • 14. England became the most developed capitalist country in... England became the most developed capitalist country in the end of the XVIII century. Cotton, machinery and iron industries made England the leader of the world. Development of the slave trade, the exploitation of natural resources of the colonies and the accumulation of monetary wealth brings tremendous benefits to the bourgeoisie. There were incredible changes in society, progress in technology and making reforms during the nineteenth century. In the early ninetieth government sought to suppress free political expression through fining editors and giving them prison sentences, sensitive material had to pass official censors before being published. In the nineteenth century the breaking point of the English press was 1855 year, when the ... Show more content on ... That was the first step for the freedom of press in Britain, which will get more changes in future. HANNAH BARKER p.21 The true meaning of The Times as a national and then an influential European newspapers manifested only in the 19th century . In 1803 management Times goes to John Walter 2 , cat. strengthened in The Times features respectability and made this edition the most informed in the country. During the Napoleonic wars, England was not only in economic but also in the information blockade foreign news came very late. Using the situation , The Times in 1807 sent its correspondent Henry Robinson to cover events in Europe. Reports the correspondent of The Times from Germany and Spain continued until 1809 , becoming a kind of British window to Europe , and the newspaper itself has increased its network of correspondents both within the country and abroad . The Times became a national and then an influential Eouropean newspaper only in the 19th century. John Walter (Second) became The Times successful editor in 1803. He made his newspaper respectable and the most informed in the country. England was in economical and informational blocade during Napoleonic wars, so foreign news came very late. The times decided to use this situation and they sent their correspondent Henry Robins to cover events in Eourope in 1807. Corrispondents of The Times from German and Spained continued their work until 1809,
  • 15. African American Culture Analysis 1. Summarize the historical background, demographics, and diversity within the African American community in the United States. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Pride Movement denoted another bearing in black personality. The Civil Rights Movement brought about expanded instructive and business opportunities and dynamic political contribution. The consolidation of the Black Pride Movement of the 1960s and 1970s and the more present concentrate on social roots has liberated numerous African Americans from the slave mentality that continued to haunt the African American culture long after emancipation (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.). The majority of African Americans or black... Show more content on ... 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.), where women are ordinarily the leaders of the family unit. However, a genuine matriarchy is orderly and composed, and women control property and monetary exercises. Although, that s not entirely true and the only reason, which is true, is because of the absence of fathers (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.). Crucially, African American fathers normally see themselves as leaders of the family; in this manner, any choices regarding the family ought to incorporate the father s investment. It is insulting and disrespectful for officers to direct their questions to and their focus on the mother when both parents are present (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d). The single mother, especially in the inner city, does not generally get the appreciation that she is due; outsiders may be critical of the way she lives or the way they think she lives (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.). Since there are so many black households, especially in the inner city, in which the father is absent, young boys in their middle childhood years (Ch. 6 Law Enforcement Contact with African Americans, n.d.) which is usually from 7 to 11 years of age are at danger for genuine behavioral issues, and school is regularly where there issues appear. Among older African American male
  • 16. Reflection Of Shadow Casting The Holter Museum, in Helena, MT, is currently displaying a series of work by John Saurer. Saurer received his BA at Hope College in sculpture and drawing, he continued to earn his MFA at Colorado State University in sculpture, and has been teaching art at St. Olaf College since 1995 (Saurer). His current exhibit is called Across Tender Land and was inspired by Saurer s surroundings while growing up (Shadow Casting). On piece, in particular, caught my eye. His Shadow Casting sculptureis around 75 pieces of welded steel and charred wood composed into different shapes mounted on a wall. When I first saw this piece, I found it interesting, but as I got closer, sensored lights came on and caused each piece to cast a shadow on the wall behind the sculpture. This piece of art reminded me the incense burner that has been discussed in our book (Stokstad, 4 13). I was reminded of the incense burner that was found in Prince Liu Shengs tomb in China. Each piece was created to be viewed with the help of an other medium; smoke and light. Shadow Casting becomes much more aesthetically pleasing when the light casts the shadow, just as the incense burner becomes more aesthetically pleasing when it is viewed with smoke swirling around the mountain peaks. As I was looking at Shadow Casting, the first piece of art that came to mind was the incense burner because of the special way each is viewed. As I continued to think about both pieces I released they were, by majority, different, but
  • 17. Essay On Nba Players Overpaid What s more intriguing is the fact that some question whether NBA players are overpaid. Nathan (22) indicated that overpayment in the NBA is problematic. Statistically some players are overpaid based on poor or sub par performance. These players are highly sought after because they are proficient in one aspect of their game such as three point shooting or they may be a defensive force. However, these same specialized players may be a major liability in other areas i.e., the three point shooter may be a poor defender and the defensive force may be a poor free throw shooter. Whatever the issue, overpayment in the NBA is a concern. The reason for payment is to fairly compensate a player for his play. However, in the NBA it seems as if compensation is a reward for past performance and anticipated or expected future performance. However, past performance and expected performance may not be good indicators of fair compensation. NBA owners and general managers often over spend for a player that they feel will meet and immediate... Show more content on ... There is a dearth of empirical literature regarding the topic of NBA player salary determinants. Whereas there have been some articles written on NBA player salary discrimination, the lack of empirical evidence as it relates to player performance and its impact on player salary have been virtually non existent. This investigation serves to contribute to the paucity of empirical literature regarding NBA player salaries. Wage fund theory was chosen to guide this study. According to this theory, wages are determined by the amount of capital available to pay workers. As capital increases so do worker raises. This theory has a direct correlation to the NBA salary cap. The salary cap is comprised of Basketball Related Income (BRI) which consists of revenue generated from ticket sales, national and local broadcast deals, in
  • 18. New Jersey City Jersey City, New Jersey is one of the largest cities within the state. With almost 250,000 people, the city is the seat of Hudson County, lying just south east of Manhattan. Jersey City is located on the Bergen Neck peninsula with the Hudson River and New York bay surrounding the east and west sides. The city is divided into six wards, with Historic Downtown, Bergen Lafayette, and The Heights being its most populous parts. Of its inhabitants, 33% are white, 26% are black, 28% are Hispanic, and 24% are Asian. Almost half of all of Jersey City s workers use public transit. This includes the Hudson Bergen Light Rail, the Hoboken Terminal New Jersey Transit, buses, ferries, and water taxis. Jersey City has almost as many public transit users as
  • 19. Income Statement In The Case Of Bancabc Inc Each type of financial statement has its own use to the public, shareholders and potential investors, they perform different roles. Cashflow Statement allows investors to monitor how BancABC uses their funds. It also helps the potential investors to know if BancABC can be trusted to use their money wisely and bring expected return. Income Statement shows the company s revenue, expenses and losses, it shows how BancABC has performed its profitability and wealth but does not include cash and cash equivalents as these will be shown in the Cash flow statement. The Balance sheet provides the company s financial situation at one day rather than profitability over a period of time as in the Income statement. It shows the company s assets, liabilities and owners equity. The Income Statement links the Balance Sheet at the beginning and the end of the financial period. The Balance sheet shows the ... Show more content on ... Management account is concerned with future It is used to plan, set goals and evaluate those goals, it focusses on the present and forecast for the future whereas Financial accounting focuses on historic data in the prior year or half year as in the case of BancABC,though they both depend on the same financial data. Management accounting are more detailed. BancABC as it was a public company,(before being delisted in February 2015), uses Financial accounting to inform the public,stakeholders,creditors and others outside the organization with information related to the performance of the organization so they can make informed decision. As previously mentioned under financial accounting section, BancABC uses the score card to measure the performance of the organization past performance and to see if the company s objectives were
  • 20. Essay on The Battle of the Bulge Yesterday, December 7, 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. December 7th 1941 marked an event in history that everyone in the world looks back to. On that date the Imperial Japanese Navy surprised attacked the American port of Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. This marked the beginning of World War II for America. World War II was the bloodiest war in history with over 60 million deaths. World War II started in Europe when an Nazi controlled Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939. Great Britain entered the war soon after along with the rest of her (Great Britain s) allies... Show more content on ... The battle [is also] known by different names. The Germans [called it] Operation Watch on the Rhine , while the French [called] it Battle of the Ardennes . [American and Britain] called it the Ardennes Counteroffensive. The main goal for the Germans for this offensive was to split the British and American forces in half and capture the port city of Antwerp. This would cause an encirclement of four allied armies and [force] a peace negotiation (Cirillo). The Germans almost had complete surprise when the offensive was launched on December 16th, 1944, at 05:30 and the offensive start with an artillery barrage of over 1,600 artillery pieces. The assault took place across an 80 mile front [that] the 6th Panzer Army had to cover (Quarrie 1). The attack was led by one of the best equipped German divisions on the western front, the 1st SS Panzer Division. This was the lead unit for the 6th Panzer Army and was the lead division for the assault. The 26th Infantry was covering the part of the front where the push started. They were caught completely by surprise. Equipped with only 32 M4 tanks, 57 anti tank guns and thousands of battle weary men (MacDonald 1). The initial assault went well for the Germans and they break through the thinly defended American lines. Just 20 hours in [from the start of the assault] German forces are just 55 miles out from their objective . By this time the casualty rate is below from what the
  • 21. Plot Summary of Remember the Titans Essays Remember the Titans is a film from 2000 displaying a true story of a racially divided football team from the 1970s. The movie highlights the relationships of the black and white people, and how they learned to interact with each other in a time when this was not the way of life. It brings up a number of questions throughout, of what is right and what is wrong, and really challenges the characters, making it a very interesting movie to watch. I have seen this movie many times, and each time I feel like I get something new out of it. It is a movie that can be used as a teaching tool, it does a great job of interpreting not only what was happening in the United States of America at that time, but social psychologyconcepts through real life... Show more content on ... The text explains that, They may label each other as enemies, view their own group as morally superior, draw the boundaries between themselves and their opponents more firmly, and, under extreme conditions, may come to see the opposing group as not even human (Baron Branscombe, 2012). I would not say that the characters in the movie took this idea as far as the text explains, but there were many examples of this happening. The first example would be between the coaches. Coach Boone was given Coach Yoast s coaching position, and offers him an assistant position for the team. Coach Yoast accepts the position, only for his players, but ensuring that his old assistant gets a job as well. Now that the teams have integrated, there really is not enough room for all the coaches, and it seems like each group is looking out for their own. Coach Boone also has his assistant working with him, so now this makes four different coaches for T.C. William s football team. With all of this happening the two white coaches and the two black coaches are not 100% getting along. They do not agree with one another s ideas and have clear prejudices about one another, displaying the realistic conflict theory. They all want to be doing the same thing but there were not enough spots, so they think negatively of each other and often butt heads. This same idea moves onto the players. Each player, black and white, had their spot on their old team where they were
  • 22. The Great Recession Essay George Santayana, a Spanish poet and philosopher said, Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. This quote applies to the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008. There are many similarities between the two, like the causes, the actual events, and the aftermaths. Several factors led to the Great Depression, which were the following: overproduction by business and agriculture, unequal distribution of wealth, Americans buying less, and finally, the stock market crash of 1929. The Great Recession also had similar factors leading to it, like the housing bubble burst and less consumer spending. In both events, the Presidents enacted programs that they believed would help the American people. In the early... Show more content on ... economy, people began buying stocks on the margin. They would borrow most of the stock s price from a stockbroker and only pay a little bit of the price. If the stock prices kept rising, this system would work well, but if the prices fell, people could not pay the loan back. Near the end of the 1929 year, prices were too high, so people wanted to sell their stocks. They thought the prices would lower soon. Stock prices did go lower and people were not buying. They all wanted to sell their stocks. Prices went even lower on October 29, where 16 million stocks were sold. This caused the collapse of the market. Similarly, the Great Recession was due to consumer spending cutbacks and a drop in demand for the establishment of new housing. In the two decades previous to 2008, the American growth rate was very high. Their household needs also became very high, which made demand increase. Spending was at a high. However personal income was decreased. The consumers then had to borrow money from the banks. This gave the consumers debt. So, when the house prices rose, banks stopped loaning money to people and the people decreased their spending. This happened because the people were not able to pay the banks back. People also cut back on buying or making new houses, so household demand dropped. Many say that this decrease caused the Great Recession. Housing was one of the main subjects that many believe, caused the Great Recession. Subprime mortgage availability and low interest
  • 23. And Disadvantages Of A Separate Army INTRODUCTION Joint warfare and separate military have their advantages and disadvantages, the benefits of the war force joining together and forming a separate and single unit. BENEFITS OF JOINT WARFARE The benefits of joint forces to forming a single unit includes all the members i.e. service members having the tactical knowledge, understanding and the operational procedures and capabilities of each unit that will be joint together. They also reduce casualties in mission that they go to due to the joint understanding of each unit. Joint warfare and units of forces allows the forces to be able to adapt to new and modern patterns of war. During the war, an opportunity to grab and have an understanding of the war and the tactics and not just the individual war departments or unit where they will have different deals and tactics which may in turn not have any synchronization in the pattern of execution. The joint unit can handle different aspects of war like the Navy, Air force separately through the air, the military on the ground, and all working at the same time together will reduce the time of operation and make it faster. Joint forces would also be advantageous due to the monetary aspects, whereby the monetary systems ... Show more content on ... This can make the defense system of country weak because if a backup force is needed, the dependence on other branches which may not be available on time due to mobilization issues as well as their preparation which may lead to the breakdown of warfare at large. A single command (central command) giving out orders will be more efficient and faster. Separate warfare on the other side is not bad but the branches may not have equal update and effective ways of operation which is needed in the advancing world we are now. There have to be unity among the forces so as to have same operational tactics to achieve their aim and
  • 24. Schindler s List Is 1993 Oscar Nominated Movie Directed... Schindler s List is 1993 Oscar nominated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie is based on the 1982 biographical novel published by the Australian author Thomas Keneally. It is an R rated movie with a 185 minutes running time. The main character of the movie, Oskar Schindler is played by Liam Neeson. The movie portrays the story of the German businessman who tried to preserve the lives of some Jewish refuges during the holocaust. In times past, the Jews have been victims of ethnic prosecutions. The Jewish history has been stained with such prosecutions right from the Bible times up to World War II and even beyond. The most horrific and gruesome of such persecutions was witnessed during the World War II. Schindler s List depicts the true story of Oskar Schindler during the holocaust. Oskar was a German industrialist and businessman who was also a strong member of Nazi party. As a businessman, Schindler showered Nazi officers with bribes and lavish gifts in order to overcome bureaucracies during wartime Germany. With time he became very wealthy during the peak of the world war. In the mist of the persecution of the Jews, Schindler was moved with compassion to intervene. He later convenience the Nazi party to build and enamel ware factor which will help fuel the war. He used his political connections to employ Jews who would have otherwise been sent to concentration camps and would subsequently end up in gas chambers. Schindler s list clearly shows how deprave
  • 25. Whopper Narrative My That Was A Whopper moment was a 6 month lie I told when I was 10. In 5th grade I was no stranger to the detention room and was constantly bringing home detention slips for my parents to sign. One fateful November day, however, I arrived at school and realized I had forgotten to get my slip signed. As my brain raced through the possible solutions I concluded that coming clean wasn t an option and hurriedly scribbled my father s signature. My hands shook as I walked up to my teacher, but to my relief she didn t give the slip a second glance before discarding it. On the way home that day a dastardly plan formed in my head. The next week I hid my slip from my parents and repeated my forgery. For six months I kept up my treachery, signing slip
  • 26. Term Seizure Research Paper Introduction A sudden attack of neurons is a complex neurological disorder, deemed the term seizure. A seizure is the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical brain activity.1 Epilepsy or seizure disorders affect about 1.8 percent of adults 18 years or older.2 Men present with their first seizuremore often; 58%. Symptoms associated with seizures vary according to the brain region affected, and do not always indicate a seizure. Some symptoms involved are drooling, brief blackout, shaking of the entire body, and sudden falls.1 According to John Hopkins Medicine, there are generalized, absence, myoclonic, tonic clonic, atonic, and partial seizures.3 Most times individuals with seizure activities... Show more content on ... In certain high risk individuals, medication may be initiated after the first seizure.10 Nonpharmacological treatment that can be initiated include a special diet or removal of the stimulus that could be causing the seizure, if it is known. If an individual is experiencing a seizure, the most important thing to remember is to remain calm. Seizures do not often warrant a 911 call if the person experiences them regularly, but they should be timed for their duration. If they last longer than three minutes, emergency personnel should be notified immediately. If the individual is standing, try to prevent them from falling and move any furniture out of the way. If they are already on the ground, try to position them on their side so any vomit or saliva can leak out.10 There are currently several drugs FDA approved to treat seizures which are each unique to their respective category.11 Seizure prophylaxis is crucial to patients that experience them to enhance their quality of life. Some common drugs used to treat seizures include Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine, Levetiracetam, Valproic Acid, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Lacosamide, and the newest addition that recently acquired FDA approval is Brivaracetam, which is a chemical analogue of
  • 27. How the Earth Was Made The three myths Chinese, African, and Norse have the same way of the earth being made because they all have it that men made the earth. This story has it that the heaven and earth were integrated into one body that reminds you of an egg, that Pangu slept inside. He slept for about 18,000 years and then woke up. He noticed that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he made his hands huge and cut into the darkness. After an explosion, heaven and earth started to split. He was scared that the heaven and earth may go together again, so he held the heaven with his hands and carefully walked on land. His body grew three meters every day. therefore, the distance between heaven and earth became three meters longer every day. Another 18,000 years passed and now heaven became far away from the earth and the earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to be a huge man. During this time, heaven continued ascending and expanding while the earth sinking and getting thicker until the distance between them was as far as 90,000 kilometers which had reached the extreme. That was the situation of the universe in our eyes at current time. Pangu gradually got weaker after he separated heaven and the earth. After he died his body turned into all the things in the universe. His left eye became the sun and his right eye, the moon. The protruded parts in his body turned out to be high mountains and his blood became rivers. His muscle became the soil field, and his hair and beard
  • 28. Essay on Conflict Management Introduction to conflict The term conflict referred to perceived incompatible differenced resulting in some form of interference or opposition. Conflict is a natural part of organizational life because the goals between mangers and workers are often incompatible. If people perceive that differences exist then conflict state exists. Conflict is not exists between individual only, it also can exist between departments and divisions that compete for resources or even because of overlapped authority. However, conflict is a force that needed to be managed or to be resolved but can not be eliminated. Unless is fully resolved, it may remain latent in the situation as a lingering basis for future conflicts over or related to a same matter. ... Show more content on ... The sources of Conflict The sources of conflict can be basically separated into three categories which are communication differences, structural differences and personal differences. Communication differences mean the failure of two individuals to share fully the meaning of a communicative attempt. It is arises from semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, and noise in communication channels. There maybe disagreements caused by different role requirement, unit goals, personalities, value systems or other factors. Since in an organization, people and tasks are divided into departments to accomplish an organizationВЎВ¦s goals, departments may only concern on their own department efficiency and cost controlling. Therefore, they have incompatible goals and time horizons, as a result there can be conflict. For example, a production department may have there own production plan to produce a product and avoid paying production workers overtime in order to cut down costs. However, the Marketing department thinks that it is important to deliver the product to their customer on time and paying overtime to workers is a kind of responsibility to their customers. Sometimes, there are two or more managers or departments would think that they had authority over a certain activities or tasks, and claim authority on the same tasks. But most of managers
  • 29. Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies Msc Thesis MSc Thesis: Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies Irakli Menabde Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies A comparative analysis of methodologies and empirical practices MSc Thesis MSc in International Business and Economics: Cand. Merc Finance and Strategic Management (FSM) Copenhagen Business School Date 09/10/2008 Author: Irakli Menabde MSc Thesis: Valuation of Integrated Oil Gas Companies Irakli Menabde Abstract The paper examines a number of empirically utilised and academically established valuation methodologies in order to value Integrated Oil Gas Company s common stock. By applying and comparing DCF, SOP and Real Options based valuation methodologies with the aims of establishing both, an ... Show more content on ... EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................40 4.1 DCF OUTPUT AND DISCUSSION.................................................................................................40 4.1.1 BP Plc DCF Model.......................................................................................................42 4.1.3 DCF Models Robustness Tests.....................................................................................44 4.2 SUM OF THE PARTS VALUATION ................................................................................................49 4.3 REAL OPTIONS VALUATION.......................................................................................................50 4.4 ECONOMETRIC TESTS................................................................................................................55 4. CONCLUSIONS
  • 30. Dan Millmin s Peaceful Warrior Life of Dan Millmin It doesn t matter what you do, it only matters how well you do it. (Millmin) The main ideas in Peaceful Warrior Is what Dan went through on his team, his love life and accomplishing his goals. Dan is always worried about what is going on around him and he always wants to put himself first. Therefore, Dan has a reputation on himself, one of the main themes in Peaceful Warrior. To begin with, Dan slept with Trever s girlfriend. Trever and Dan was supposed to be very good friends, and he found out he was sleeping with his girlfriend. Dan told him he had no idea of the situation. They got into an argument while at the bar, Dan stood up and so did Trever and they were about to fight but two other guys came and broke it up. That was the end of their friendship. Furthermore, Dan is in constant coopetition with his team. Everyone has turned on him because of the ... Show more content on ... Dan has been thinking about everything Socrates has been teaching him. His coach has been telling him You can do anything if you put your mindto it. While doing his flip, he quotes Where am I? here What time is it? Now. (Peaceful Warrior) Dan does a magnificent job while attempting to do his triple flip. His team, the judges and his coach was very much amazed of what Dan did. To sum it all up, Dan puts people in a position where he could not be trusted. He put a reputation on himself and turned everyone against him. From the moment Dan and Trever got into an argument at the bar Dan just knew that was the end of their friendship. Dan gets into an accident and still pushed through it. Dan took therapy for a few months and he became one of the star Olympics. It does not matter what you do, it s how well you do it. (Peaceful Warrior) Dan has improved in doing everything he does. He is also one of the top Olympics. Dan has also improved some things in his life and by the end, he is a developed character of the
  • 31. Theme Of Nutting By William Wordsworth William Wordsworth s 1798 poem Nutting was not incorporated into his later great poem, The Prelude, but as a singular piece it reflects The Prelude s recurring themes of reflection and memory. Considered to be the Romantic Era s great poet of memory, Wordsworth aimed to publish an autobiographical work of poetry which would detail events which he felt had contributed to the growth of his mind as a poet. Nutting, written at the same timeas several other childhood recollections which would later appear in The Prelude, details an event from his past which contributed to his present. The past held an attraction for Wordsworth, as he believed that the child is the father of the man, or, in other words, that childhood experiences define the... Show more content on ... It exists in the temporal space between the destructive young Wordsworth and the present Wordsworth, as this self experiences a sense of pain when I beheld/ The silent trees, and saw the intruding sky. The pain of remorse is inconsistent with a self which destroys mercilessly, and this regret is what defines a self which reaffirms Wordsworth s earlier love of nature. The destructive self is a felix culpa a phrase referring to the so called fortunate fault of Adam and Eve, which brought about redemption as Wordsworth is able to reaffirm his love and respect for nature after regretting its destruction. The rash actions of his previous self father a new self, one more certain of itself. Wordsworth finds this self so crucial and valuable to his current self that he cannot distance his present feelings from those of his past. The new self gains the ability to sense the spirit of the place, just as the past self did, in observing that the trees are silent and the sky intruding. The nook is no longer speaking to him, but it is once again described with the animated qualities of silence and intrusion. The spirit does not speak, but it has returned from whence it departed and intrudes upon Wordsworth just as Wordsworth intruded
  • 32. Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Plan Management of diabetic neuropathy will reduce the symptoms of the pain and improve the quality of life of an individual. However, it important that clinicians are thorough in clinical evaluation of patients to be aware of the indirect warnings of disease process (Cox, DeGraauw, Klein, 2016). One cannot design a treatment plan, until a complete history and physical examination are necessary. Armed with extensive information about diabetes, signs, complications, and cognizance to make appropriate therapeutic intervention then it can be anticipated that we can take account of any possibility of differential diagnosis, so as to efficiently classify the patient for treatment or to direct patients to the proper healthcare provider, thereby minimizing and preventing mortality and morbidity (Mathers, 2012, p. 216). There are available interventions to employ during rehabilitation but this is dependent on the type, symptoms and severity of the neuropathy. For instance, the physical therapist can introduce nerve gliding activities. The said therapy gives emphasis on the nerves so as it can move... Show more content on ... It is also our responsibility to promote education to our patients with regards to the importance of staying healthy by engaging patients with physical activity in combination to their diet and compliance to their medications. Moreover, taking intense note on medications will favorable to the individual to avoid any detrimental side effects that may be presented during the course of their therapy. In rare cases, patient with diabetic neuropathy go through a lot of emotional instabilities, which is why it is critical for the physical therapist to design a positive atmosphere conducive for
  • 33. The Yellow Wallpaper and To Build A Fire When we read stories, we usually get caught up in the characters, specifically the protagonist and antagonist. The setting takes hold of our interest and we may get a very good picture in our head of the time and place that the events are occurring. There are some stories that we get more out of than others, but it all depends on how much time one spends analyzing and thinking about the stories. In The Yellow Wallpaper and To Build a Fire, there are many things that are important to the development of the story and the plot. We see the setting being described, then the antagonists are creating problems for the protagonist, while both of these are determining the series of events. All of these things peak our interests in different ways, and are all important to analyze, because they give us a deeper understanding of the stories. One of the most important aspects of both of these stories is the setting. However, the settings in these stories are very different in how they appear. In The Yellow Wallpaper, we are placed in the Victorian Era, in which it is common for women to stay in the household. This is exactly what we see take place when the woman is confined to her room as a cause of her sickness. The room shows a vast amount of imagery with the wallpaper being ugly and the windows being barred, which gives the room a gloomy feeling. On the other hand, in To Build a Fire, the main charactergoes for a hike in the cold, snowy, forest of the Yukon. The sun is nowhere to be
  • 34. A More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever-Growing... More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever Growing Traffic Troubles On average, an American commuter spends around 30 hours per week sitting in traffic going to and from the job that they may or may not love. Commuters in some cities like Washington DC, that is both near and dear to our hearts, can spend roughly 60 hours per week stuck in traffic. Not only is time wasted wasted while commuting, but the gas that we constantly fill our cars up with may as well be flushed down the drain. Following the gas that is going down this metaphorical drain here, is a ridiculous amount of money from an innocent commuter s wallet. Additionally, time wasted while commuting could ve been time well spent with one s family or even with one s pets. The ... Show more content on ... Because there are no drivers of the pods, there is zero chance of any casualties caused by drunk drivers, or by drivers who are texting or plugging information into their GPS. These pods will eliminate any chance of pedestrians or animals getting hit due to the sensitive sensors that will be placed in each pod. Though there are alternate means of transportation such as carpools, buses, or simply walking, these alternatives can be just as problematic as cars themselves. With carpools, we still run the risk of drivers that are not paying full attention to the road because they are paying more attention to the members of their carpool. Though with the intent of conserving gas, carpools will still pollute our fresh air with the harsh chemicals found in gas. Buses are more or less a large scale carpool. Buses may seem to promote mass transportation of people, they are very costly because drivers must be paid and money must be spent on gas. Not to mention that buses can be extremely dirty, whereas the pods are self sanitized. Not only will the Pod System immediately solve the present issue of traffic and the load of side effects that come with it, the Pod System brings many more positive long term effects. For starters, the reduced commute time now allows working Americans to spend more time with their families and other loved ones. Also, these new electronic
  • 35. How To Write A Case Study In Embryo Realization CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: IN VITRO FERTILIZATION MTIHILESH NAIDU CHALLAKONDA SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY HINF 502 A HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY POLICY 04/20/2016 Yes, I support with the authority s decision. Case study stated that Charlie will not die if he undergoes frequent transfusions and daily medications. With the medical care, Charlie will continue to live. The issue is that Charlie s body is not being able to produce red blood cells and has to undergo a bone marrow transplantation which may be helpful for the production of red blood cells if a matching bone marrow is found. Since a transplant is a one time process, the money is just spent on the operation and the hospitalization fee after the operation. Other solutions such as... Show more content on ... While many patients have insurance coverage, the extent of coverage varies widely, and figuring the kind of insurance coverages is quite a challenge. Often clinics will have certain financial coordinators as a staff who acts as patient advocate and helps the patient to understand the ins and outs of their insurance coverages. It s important to know what exactly is covered before the testing and treatments begin. In this case the private insurances might not support as it is an immediate decision process for IVF where they need to have the support from the government and needs to get approved. So the burden shifts it s gear on to the family to raise on for the treatment and for the further treatments and
  • 36. Plagiarism And The Law Of The University Honor Code Plagiarism is defined as wrongful appropriation (Webster dictionary), essentially copying an author s work word for word. The new dilemma, re mixing is essentially the same thing; however, instead of copying an author word for word the student simply rewords the work, and adapts it. Re mixing and plagiarism, both involve the appropriation or slight modification of a piece, and are in theory essentially the same thing; thus, both should be treated as such, a violation to the Universityhonor code. In the world of academia, a students completed assignment is a reflection of their understanding of the materials covered in their courses. Re mixing under minds this key concept, and allows students to excel on their assignments without ever understanding them. This sort of academic remixing goes beyond standing on shoulders of giants. (Newton, 1676) To do so would be to take information and the progress and build atop that knowledge with your own. In this case students simply changing the context, and in most cases forget the information as soon as their exam is over. With re mixing a student with very little understanding of the course materials could easily scrape away with a B if they found enough sources to take information from. With students knowing this, it could causes them to lose the incentive to learn and to focusing on doing whatever possible to get a passing grade. It is our duty as the SJA address remixing, not only to ensure the academic
  • 37. Cause And Effects On The Atomic Bomb In all of World War II, some events stand out above the rest. Many think of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the worst events in the war. These bombings, carried out by President Harry S. Truman, had an immense impact on the history of the U.S. and the history of the world. The question is, were these bombing a true necessity, considering how many innocent people they killed as well as the damage they caused to Japan? By bombing these two cities, America created a new type of warfare that could potentially destroy the world: nuclear warfare(OI). The nuclear bomb is a horrible weapon, capable of killing tens of thousands of people with one explosion. In this case, Little Boy took the lives of 80,000 Japanese people, innocent or not, with another 70,000 people being injured (OI). Although devastating events, these bombings specifically were integral to ending the war, as well as being a military necessity. First off, a big part of the question is how far the taking of lives goes. Although Little Boy took tens of thousands of lives, the Japanese also killed a greater amount of U.S. citizens. For example, in the 1940 s the Japanese hosted the Bataan death march, in which they forced 76,000 captured allied soldiers to march about 80 miles to the Bataan peninsula without getting food or water for three days (Doc. B). Those who fell behind were beaten and killed by the Japanese. The march lasted for six days and there was a total death toll between 5,000 and
  • 38. 1984 Upper Class Analysis The upper class desires to remain so, the middle class wishes to overthrow the upper class, and the lower class wants a classless system. In his famous novel, 1984, George Orwell writes about the different lifestyles and effects of the social class on the population of the world the book is set in. In this society the upper class, known as the inner party , closely patrols and monitors the thoughts and actions of its citizen in their world of Oceania. Winston Smith, the protagonist member of the middle classknown as the outer party challenges these leaders with his free and mindful thoughts that go against the party and disrupt their system. Winston feels the lower class, the proles are the only real humans in their society and he undermines the party s rules and laws in an attempt to escape their grasp. First of all, the upper class mindfully controls and supervises the below classes while, at the same time, occupies several advantages and privileges in their personal lives. Secondly, the middle class takes advantage of the Lows while wishing they had the life of the High despite their many benefits. Furthermore, the proles at the bottom are seen as the most inhumane and unimportant of the society while experiencing many hardships and disadvantages in life. Therefore, while the upper class enjoys its many benefits and power, the middle class has a great amount of aid but wants more and uses the Lows to get it, and the lower class suffers from poor treatment and
  • 39. Short Story Of Short Stories One thing that s great about short stories is how quickly they can ruin your life. Maybe you start reading one over your lunch break and, if it s the right one, before that peanut butter cup you brought for dessert even has a chance to finish its melting shape shift into some kind of sugary cement, the whole world has been destroyed around you and then rebuilt, and nothing is quite the same again. This happens whether you like it or not. Great stories practice this violent beauty on you in a variety of ways: some by making an absurd world familiar (or vice versa), some with a slow burn, some with a voice that colonizes your thoughts. Some do it quietly, almost without you even noticing, and some do it with high wire acts of imagination or intellect that make you into a breathless witness. The trick, then, is finding the right story, one that is capable of such a thing. This is no easy task. Tastes differ, of course, and it can be confusing to spot the small boat of a great story on the wide sea of fiction. What any reader can offer you in terms of guidance is actually the same thing that any good writer can offer you with the story itself: a way of saying, This is what moved me and made me feel strange and alive in some way; here, why don t you give it a try? In that spirit and in no particular order, here are ten short stories you might ve missed that ambushed me with their odd wonder: 1.The Zero Meter Diving Team by Jim Shepard (BOMB Magazine) This curious,
  • 40. Plea Bargaining In Criminal Cases Austin VanDevender Application Assignment #3 A plea bargain is an agreement between a defendant and a prosecutor; in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for an agreement by the prosecutor to drop one or more charges, reduce a charge to a less serious offense, or recommend to the judge a specific sentence acceptable to the defense (Berman, 2016). A great majority of criminal cases today are actually not decided in courtrooms but are decided by pleabargaining. There are normally three different types of plea bargaining. The most common type of plea bargaining is charge bargaining. This is where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge provided that greater charges will be dismissed (Berman, 2016). An example of this could be getting charged with attempted burglary instead of burglary. Next is sentence... Show more content on ... Plea bargaining helps attorneys by saving time. Plea bargaining is generally fast and efficient. It allows attorneys to focus on bigger, more important cases which will impact society more. This relieves pressure on attorneys by not having to go to trial. Also it can impact attorney s salaries. In some cases, it may be in their best interest to get rid of a case quickly. Many states impose caps on the amount of allocated to the representation of indigent clients; these amounts do not provide adequate compensation for the time and expense of bringing a case to trial (Guidorizzi 1998). The defendant can also benefit from a plea bargain. If the defendant pleads guilty without a trial then the prosecutor can drop one or more charges, reduce the charge, or recommend a specific sentence. Lastly the victim can also benefit from plea bargaining. A plea bargain can bring closure to the victim by knowing the person who is guilty is not getting away with the crime, Also the victim will not have to worry about testifying. (Guidorizzi
  • 41. Character Analysis Of Whistling Vivaldi The focal subject of Whistling Vivaldi is character, and, moreover, the distinctive ways individuals react to each other s personalities. Amid his times of research into social brain science, Claude Steele has considered a wide range of types of character, including, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, social introduction, class, and age. One of the premises of his exploration is that individuals will definitely judge each other on the premise of their personality. Moreover, Steele contends that each one of a kind personality has a related generalization a sort of short hand for seeing how individuals with that character will act. Stereotyping is, obviously, a typical type of extremism. For instance, a math teacher who expect that a female understudywon t be ready to comprehend the material is utilizing a sexist generalization that ladies aren t great at math to judge the understudy s conduct. Steele indicates how stereotyping, and the danger of being stereotyped, can apply an immense impact on various individuals conduct. Ostensibly Steele s most critical knowledge about stereotyping is that the consciousness of generalizations (and especially the dread of being stereotyped) can be more capable than an unequivocal instance of stereotyping. Quite a bit of Steele s examination is revolved around the dread of being stereotyped or, put another route, of satisfying a generalization, especially in a college setting. For instance, Steele and his partners sorted out trials in which high contrast Stanford understudies were made a request to take a troublesome test. Half of the understudies were informed that the exam measured insight, while the other half were told the exam was an analytic test, and not organized to gauge knowledge. Steele found that dark understudies who d been informed that the exam measured knowledge did more awful than white understudies who d gotten a similar data. In any case, dark understudies who d been told the exam didn t quantify insight performed at an indistinguishable level from their white partners. Steele translates his investigations to recommend that dark understudies dread of affirming a contemptible generalization in particular, that dark individuals are less wise than white
  • 42. Determinism And Neoplatonism In a remote medieval village, a child is born. Unfortunately, the local priest soon claims him to be destined to an afterlife in Purgatory; no amount of virtuous action, charity, or veneration can save the child from his fate. While certainly a hyperbole, such an event is not a far cry from the religious beliefs of medieval Europe. During this period, the prevailing belief of the time was a deterministic and cynical view of human nature. Pope Innocent III describes how was formed out of earth, conceived in guilt, born to punishment... he will become fuel for eternal fires food for worms, a mass of rottenness (De Segni 1). Under the belief of the time, humans were thought to be predestined to their fate; this deterministic view of human potential or lack thereof was characteristic of the medieval era. The turning point in this belief was the emergence of humanism in the 14th and 15th centuries. As the name suggests, humanism emphasized the malleability and perfectibility of man, as well as a rediscovery of antiquity. Determinism became... Show more content on ... Neoplatonism represented a turn away from the practical concerns of civic humanists to an exploration of the grand ideals of truth and perfection (Chambers 397). Pico della Mirandola believed the universe to be ordered in a hierarchy, with every being in the universe holding a compulsion to seek perfection. These ideals, along with other ideals of Neoplatonism, were extremely prevalent within Pico della Mirandola s work. One of Pico della Mirandola s most influential works, Oration on the Dignity of Man, promoted many of his ideas and those of Neoplatonism; Pico s Oration is commonly referred to as ...the Manifesto of the Renaissance [and] is widely regarded as a beautiful declaration of the greatness of human freedom and ability (Truglia 158). Two ideas are central to the Oration: free will and the deification of
  • 43. Trifles, By Susan Glaspell During the 1900 s women were still in the process of fighting for their rights as citizens. Therefore, women supposedly are less intelligent than the average man, according to the government during the 1900 s. The men were usually responsible for being brave, strong and fearless. Along with having the benefit of their word or what men say goes. The 1912 play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, who was inspired to write this play from a story she covered as a reporter. A murder case is being held and authorities are getting down to it suspecting a womanof killing her husband in his sleep. The character Mrs. Hale who is neighbors and friends with Mrs. Peters, the sheriff s wife and Mrs. Wright, the woman accused of the murder of her Husband, Mr. ... Show more content on ... She continues to examine the crime scene collecting evidence to pleat to the convict, Mrs. Wright, as guilty or not. The entering and exiting of characters within the play help emphasize on the details happening during each scene. Along with that, Mrs. Hale also pointed out the birdcage in the cupboard that was damaged. Mrs. Hale assumed the bird cage belonged to a singing canary due to living in a giant house with no kids, which could possible become boring. Now, during the middle of the play the focus of it starts to shifts the attention to the women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Hale made a connection between how Mrs. Wright previously acted from the way she dressed to the attitude she expressed. Mrs. Hale explains that Mrs. Wright used to be into singing which Mrs. Hale recommended why Mrs. Wright got the singing bird. In the mysterious house, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were searching for clues to unveil the truth and the reason why Mr. Wright was murder. In the play, Mrs. Hale was having a conversation about the birdcage that was found in the cupboard. Mrs. Hale reflects on the perspective of Mrs. Wright who was the owner of the house that Mrs. Hale described as quiet and lonesome based on the location which was hidden to where you were unable to see the main road from the house, along with, the looks of it according to Mrs. Hale. She then does more snooping around and finds what she claims to be a fancy sewing box according to the play. The
  • 44. The Pros And Cons Of The Foster Care System Foster care is a system were a child is put into after the parents gives them up. The child will stay in the system until he or she is adopted. If the child is never adopted they will be released at the age of 20. The children of the foster care system are there because they were voluntarily given up by the parent or taken away if the parent can t fit the role. There are many cons to the foster caresystem. One con is that when you take in a foster child, that child will only stay with until the biological parents are fit to have them back in the home or until there is an adopter that is ready to adopt the child. The problem is the foster parent might grow to attached or the child will grow to attached to the parent/parents. This can be very heartbreaking to the parent and the child. Another con is it is very expensive to have a foster child, although the government gives the foster parent money for the child it tends not to be enough to support the child s needs. So if your going to become a foster parent make sure you are financially stable. One of greatest cons is your mental strength may be test because most of the time the child will be coming from abusive or neglecting parents, so the child may suffer from physical and emotional issues. Many children will show the problem by acting out physically. Being a foster... Show more content on ... I truly believe do to the foster system it is saving many children from a future full of mistakes and pain. Some people believe the system is bad because it s taking them away from full contact with there biological parents, but I think this is the right war to go because the reason they are being taken away is because the parents and child relationships is not a healthy relationship in this situation. By taking the child away it is allowing the child for a better future and to get them away from the danger the parent may implement on the
  • 45. The Worst Hard Time Summary The Worst Hard Time Egan, Timothy The Worst Hard Time was published by Houghton Mifflin Company in the U.S. Copyright Timothy Egan in 2006. The Worst Hard Time takes place during the Great Depression of the U.S. in the 20 s and 30 s. It tells the story of several different people and groups of people during this tough time in American history, at times comparing it to before and after the time frame of the Depression. I chose this book because it shows the story of people not only facing the economic decline, but also have been betrayed by the Earth itself in the form of dusters . Not only are people suffering from poverty, an entirely new problem is introduced when people get dust pneumonia from the dusters. This book takes place primarily in the South and West coasts of the United States (as well as central U.S.), but also includes a few excerpts from people who had lived in New York as well as several other places affected by the economic downfall. The story doesn t primarily look at one person s time in the Great Depression. Rather, it looks at different people, switching around and getting a taste of each group s individual journey. Whether that be a long trek across several... Show more content on ... I believe these contribute to the reader s understanding of the conditions that people were living in at the time and it s very easy to compare their lives and ours. For example, on page 36, there is a photo of a family alongside their house. The photo is relevant to the topic of discussion in that chapter and can give a visual to the conditions of each average household during America s Great Depression. From this photo alone, without much of any context, you could analyze that the average household for a family is one to two rooms, and money is scarce even among the wealthy. Personally, I think the visuals are useful for further understanding the story and gaining an image of what the average life was