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Modern Music Essay
Music has been around for thousands and thousands of years. The caveman had originally started
some type of sounds in which branched off into the music that we listen to today. This prehistoric
music was started by the cavemen in order for them to express themselves, and the others who
listened were affected in the same way that people are affected by music today.
For example, if someone is upset they will listen to something that will get them into a better mood,
perhaps something mellow or soft. If they are happy, they will listen to something that is more
energetic, and so on. After I interviewed four people––friends and family––I found out what type of
music they listened to when they are upset, angry, or calm. Music touches people' more
I asked Kyle's roommate, Tim what type music he listens to when he is in certain moods. He said,
"Sometimes when I am homesick I listen to Frank Sinatra because my mother and father listen to it
all the time, so it reminds me of them." He is also a big rap fan, but not as much as Kyle. Tim can
listen to anything at any time, for instance, he could listen to Notorious BIG one minute then listen to
Marilyn Manson the next. He continues, "If I have the urge to get pumped up then I need something
that is crazy and wild to get me in that mood, like White Zombie or some sort of heavy music."
There have also been lawsuits involved with such heavy metal like Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne
, Slayer, and Judas Priest. Marilyn Manson's music had been to blame for the suicide of 13 year–old
boy from California. Another family from California sued the band Slayer because their lyrics
inspired three teenage boys to rape and murder their daughter. Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest had
lawsuits filed against them claiming their lyrics drove teens to attempt suicide in the late 80's, but
the cases were won by the artists
(Demean). Once again people or teenagers took the music too seriously, and they ended making
stupid mistakes by doing so.
These teenagers are allowed to listen to such music at an early age when they look up to certain
entertainers like––Marilyn
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Music in My Life Essay
Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and
everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it
was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person
I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined
the band in the fourth grade playing the drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because
I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher and
told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first
one my music teacher told me she had to leave because more content...
When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to
violence I would go and blare by favorite song at the time over and over again. Also after having a
hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I
had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The
songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would be hard full of hate and anger but some
songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would
not be sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs
and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my relationships I was cheated on. This caused
for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years
where trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they
have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed
out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the
rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent.
All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my
calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are
not enough
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Influence of Music Essay
Influence of Music
Hannah Ferguson
Influence of Music
Music and radio has roots in American culture and the way society is today. The different types of
music genres have shaped American culture and social behavior of Americans. Audio media has had
a major affect and influence on the attitudes of Americans and especially today's youth and young
Music and radio has given American culture its values, the way that jazz, blues, and R&B
created rock & roll, music created American culture. Music appeals to young adults, and youth
as an escape to the hard times of real life. Drawn by the explicit lyrics and beats, the youth always
searches out for music to dance to and music to connect with. more content...
A way of bringing what was different cultures together and making one culture, The American
Culture. Rock and Roll is a genre of music that has forever changed the social behavior of
Americans. Rock and roll has influenced American culture in the daily life, fashion and attitudes
of most Americans. Rock and Roll broke the race barricade, forming in a time of a civil rights
movement. Rock and roll was a new form of music that encouraged desegregation. Evolving black
artists and white artists playing black music, rock and roll changed the way American culture
accepts what was once taboo. Rock and roll put a perception of sex, drugs, and alcohol to be
accepted and what is considered "cool". Artists singing about doing drugs, or hooking up with
random woman made it something to be idolized. Rock and roll influenced young adults to
engage in risky behavior. Now is American culture, these things are almost considered normal.
Rock and roll shaped fashion and is continuously changing fashion. Fans copy styles of their
favorite artists as a way to express one's self. From ripped up, tight, or baggy pants, long hair,
colored hair, or shaved heads, the fashion is always changing. Some fashions coming back and
making another appearance in American culture, a lot of fashion comes from Rock and roll.
Piercings and tattoos once forbidden, is becoming more and more acceptable in American culture.
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Popular Music Essay
Introduction Popular music is popular afresh, and it's everywhere. Whether it's the idols, the stars,
the competitors or the academy, the burst music industry has not ever flaunted itself to such a large
extent. But how can we mark burst music? Where is its place? Many would contend that it pertains
sorely littered over the levels of teenager's bedrooms worldwide. Others would state it is most at
home recorded on the bank balance of a foremost multinational organisation. An allotment of persons
would assert that burst music has no home, and is just a fad commended by the culturally inept,
those who are only adept of enjoying a pre–formatted, formulaic merchandise of the 'culture
industry'. Or is it infects a varied and more content...
Adorno's 'On Popular Music' may recognise some intriguing points on the building and circulation
of burst music as well as highlighting widespread traits of the 'sound' of burst music but ironically
his idea is itself very rigid and has some foremost flaws. Adorno did not seem it essential to revise
any of his ideas on burst music before he passed away in 1969 even after a time span which
numerous would call the birth of 'modern' burst music (Clyne 2006).He does not unquestionably
recognise the way in which subcultures and communal assemblies adopt popular music and how
even a 'preformatted' part of music can be utilised to inspire political, communal and cultural reform.
If Adorno was correct in conversing of popular music as a normalised and conformist pattern of
amusement, we would only require mentioning succinctly a couple of demonstrations to completely
discredit this. The Spice Girls and the new type of post–feminist rebellion renowned as 'Girl Power'
they conveyed about. The early 90's glimpsed the birth of Ecstasy, glorified by Happy Hardcore,
Techno and now Dance music, while children were vocalising along to 'Ebenezer Goode' (The
Shamen 1992) the censors failed to choose up on the equitably conspicuous chorus of 'E's are good'.
The 'do–what–you–please' mind–set presented by
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Piano Music Essay
The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth
century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated their lives to this instrument. Some players
even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to
play the piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must love
music very much, have good finger techniques, and body flexibility.
To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly
understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of
music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also
more content...
In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger
techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because some music should be played quickly, this
can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help
you play piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good
finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without your finger getting sore. For a thirty
minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece
well. Having good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist.
To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a
piano player to swing their body to the beat. For example, when a piece of music has complicated
rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body
flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing
music; thus preventing the piano player from falling off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility
can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the
piano to the lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must
have body flexibility.
Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is
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World Music Essay
World Music
World music is basically any type of music from all around the world. This music is generally
noticeable from the other countries, either by instruments used, or lyrically it is different. These
things are what make it easy to tell the difference between the different countries and what type of
music it is. World music can be anything from different countries so it may sound different to how
we expect music to sound like, for example gamelan music is mainly a set of tuned bronze gongs.
This is what people from the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali are used to hearing, whereas Great
Britain and most of the rest of the world are not used to hearing. This is because we are used to more content...
The Jegagog is the lowest pitched of the gangsa, the gangsa family consists of instruments which
have brass or bronze keys suspended over a resonating bamboo tube. The Balinese gangsa differs
from the Javanese because the keys make a louder sound and are designed to be struck with
different hammers. This instrument also requires long resonating bamboo tubes so is played while
sitting on a chair or bench. It has five keys (1, 2, 3, 5, and 6). This pattern is commonly found in
both Java and Bali. It plays at submultiples of the pokok and is played particularly at important
structural points as do the gongs.
The Jublag is the next higher pitched of the gangsa, this instrument also requires long resonating
bamboo tubes so is often played while sitting on a chair or bench. The Balinese version has 5 keys
(1, 2, 3, 5, and 6) seven key Jublag are also commonly found in Bali. It usually plays at submultiples
of the pokok; the keys are struck more frequently than the jegogan and usually less frequently than
the Ugal. It is one octave above the jegogan and shares tones with the Ugal. Another name for the
Jublag is Calung.
The Kantil shares its lower octave with the Pemade. They are above the Ugal which plays the
melody. There are usually 10 keys (2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and i) so the instrument spans two octaves.
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Defining Music Essay
Nic Giordano
Comp 1
Definition Essay
Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It
is something your soul is able to reach out and touch. Music also has the power to bring us as
humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music
also controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express
ourselves through music. It can affect our personality.. someone who listens to classical, like
Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens
to rap or metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more
likely more content...
This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of
listening, one of the key skills of any musician. "Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not
Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste
in music as you, or someone that has the complete opposite taste as you. That's something I see
happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of
accepting that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all
have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create peace, not turn us against each other.
It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life.
Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or
slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your method of escape or keeping you living. Music
is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is
life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever."
"That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank
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Essay on music and emotions
How can different types of music affect people's emotions? Music has many different ways to
affect people. In some ways, it is good for the body both physically and mentally. In other ways,
people think it is nice to listen to. More detailed, music has personalities, which can express what
people feel. There are many observations involving different ways to express human emotions.
Emotions are very interesting things, especially when they involve music. Music can have many
personalities, affect people's emotions, and be used as therapy.
If music reveals emotions, it is not a normal emotion like any other (Stecker 273). The expression in
music can be considered a traditionalized phenomenon (Stecker 273). There are common questions more content...
( And can slow down when there is softer music playing such as a
lullaby ( Rhythms of the music can adjust brain waves and
breathing patterns ( The vibrations from the music have an impact
on the body, which can change peoples' moods and bodily functions (
The mind is greatly impacted by music by showing healthful changes (
/). Doctors now use music for their patients' treatments in order to help them stay healthy
( Heart patients acquired the same benefits from listening to
classical music for thirty minutes as they did from anti–anxiety medication (
/articles/). Musical therapy has been used to help people with heart problems, which worked quite
effectively. ( People who have had migraines frequently, were
trained to use music and relaxing procedures to reduce their headaches. Studies have also shown that
music helps students with their intelligence levels ( A majority of
students had higher test scores than others because they listened to Mozart before their exam. People
who listened to classical music for an hour and a half while revising manuscripts increased their
accuracy by 21% ( (Mish 725.).
Mozart has a big impact on people
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Music Essay Topics

  • 1. Modern Music Essay Music has been around for thousands and thousands of years. The caveman had originally started some type of sounds in which branched off into the music that we listen to today. This prehistoric music was started by the cavemen in order for them to express themselves, and the others who listened were affected in the same way that people are affected by music today. For example, if someone is upset they will listen to something that will get them into a better mood, perhaps something mellow or soft. If they are happy, they will listen to something that is more energetic, and so on. After I interviewed four people––friends and family––I found out what type of music they listened to when they are upset, angry, or calm. Music touches people' more content... I asked Kyle's roommate, Tim what type music he listens to when he is in certain moods. He said, "Sometimes when I am homesick I listen to Frank Sinatra because my mother and father listen to it all the time, so it reminds me of them." He is also a big rap fan, but not as much as Kyle. Tim can listen to anything at any time, for instance, he could listen to Notorious BIG one minute then listen to Marilyn Manson the next. He continues, "If I have the urge to get pumped up then I need something that is crazy and wild to get me in that mood, like White Zombie or some sort of heavy music." There have also been lawsuits involved with such heavy metal like Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne , Slayer, and Judas Priest. Marilyn Manson's music had been to blame for the suicide of 13 year–old boy from California. Another family from California sued the band Slayer because their lyrics inspired three teenage boys to rape and murder their daughter. Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest had lawsuits filed against them claiming their lyrics drove teens to attempt suicide in the late 80's, but the cases were won by the artists –3– (Demean). Once again people or teenagers took the music too seriously, and they ended making stupid mistakes by doing so. These teenagers are allowed to listen to such music at an early age when they look up to certain entertainers like––Marilyn Get more content on
  • 2. Music in My Life Essay Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave because more content... When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not enough Get more content on
  • 3. Influence of Music Essay Influence of Music Hannah Ferguson HUM/176 Influence of Music Music and radio has roots in American culture and the way society is today. The different types of music genres have shaped American culture and social behavior of Americans. Audio media has had a major affect and influence on the attitudes of Americans and especially today's youth and young adults. Music and radio has given American culture its values, the way that jazz, blues, and R&B created rock & roll, music created American culture. Music appeals to young adults, and youth as an escape to the hard times of real life. Drawn by the explicit lyrics and beats, the youth always searches out for music to dance to and music to connect with. more content... A way of bringing what was different cultures together and making one culture, The American Culture. Rock and Roll is a genre of music that has forever changed the social behavior of Americans. Rock and roll has influenced American culture in the daily life, fashion and attitudes of most Americans. Rock and Roll broke the race barricade, forming in a time of a civil rights movement. Rock and roll was a new form of music that encouraged desegregation. Evolving black artists and white artists playing black music, rock and roll changed the way American culture accepts what was once taboo. Rock and roll put a perception of sex, drugs, and alcohol to be accepted and what is considered "cool". Artists singing about doing drugs, or hooking up with random woman made it something to be idolized. Rock and roll influenced young adults to engage in risky behavior. Now is American culture, these things are almost considered normal. Rock and roll shaped fashion and is continuously changing fashion. Fans copy styles of their favorite artists as a way to express one's self. From ripped up, tight, or baggy pants, long hair, colored hair, or shaved heads, the fashion is always changing. Some fashions coming back and making another appearance in American culture, a lot of fashion comes from Rock and roll. Piercings and tattoos once forbidden, is becoming more and more acceptable in American culture. Get more content on
  • 4. Popular Music Essay Introduction Popular music is popular afresh, and it's everywhere. Whether it's the idols, the stars, the competitors or the academy, the burst music industry has not ever flaunted itself to such a large extent. But how can we mark burst music? Where is its place? Many would contend that it pertains sorely littered over the levels of teenager's bedrooms worldwide. Others would state it is most at home recorded on the bank balance of a foremost multinational organisation. An allotment of persons would assert that burst music has no home, and is just a fad commended by the culturally inept, those who are only adept of enjoying a pre–formatted, formulaic merchandise of the 'culture industry'. Or is it infects a varied and more content... Adorno's 'On Popular Music' may recognise some intriguing points on the building and circulation of burst music as well as highlighting widespread traits of the 'sound' of burst music but ironically his idea is itself very rigid and has some foremost flaws. Adorno did not seem it essential to revise any of his ideas on burst music before he passed away in 1969 even after a time span which numerous would call the birth of 'modern' burst music (Clyne 2006).He does not unquestionably recognise the way in which subcultures and communal assemblies adopt popular music and how even a 'preformatted' part of music can be utilised to inspire political, communal and cultural reform. If Adorno was correct in conversing of popular music as a normalised and conformist pattern of amusement, we would only require mentioning succinctly a couple of demonstrations to completely discredit this. The Spice Girls and the new type of post–feminist rebellion renowned as 'Girl Power' they conveyed about. The early 90's glimpsed the birth of Ecstasy, glorified by Happy Hardcore, Techno and now Dance music, while children were vocalising along to 'Ebenezer Goode' (The Shamen 1992) the censors failed to choose up on the equitably conspicuous chorus of 'E's are good'. The 'do–what–you–please' mind–set presented by Get more content on
  • 5. Piano Music Essay The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated their lives to this instrument. Some players even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to play the piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must love music very much, have good finger techniques, and body flexibility. To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also more content... In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because some music should be played quickly, this can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help you play piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without your finger getting sore. For a thirty minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece well. Having good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist. To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a piano player to swing their body to the beat. For example, when a piece of music has complicated rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing music; thus preventing the piano player from falling off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the piano to the lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must have body flexibility. Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is Get more content on
  • 6. World Music Essay World Music World music is basically any type of music from all around the world. This music is generally noticeable from the other countries, either by instruments used, or lyrically it is different. These things are what make it easy to tell the difference between the different countries and what type of music it is. World music can be anything from different countries so it may sound different to how we expect music to sound like, for example gamelan music is mainly a set of tuned bronze gongs. This is what people from the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali are used to hearing, whereas Great Britain and most of the rest of the world are not used to hearing. This is because we are used to more content... The Jegagog is the lowest pitched of the gangsa, the gangsa family consists of instruments which have brass or bronze keys suspended over a resonating bamboo tube. The Balinese gangsa differs from the Javanese because the keys make a louder sound and are designed to be struck with different hammers. This instrument also requires long resonating bamboo tubes so is played while sitting on a chair or bench. It has five keys (1, 2, 3, 5, and 6). This pattern is commonly found in both Java and Bali. It plays at submultiples of the pokok and is played particularly at important structural points as do the gongs. The Jublag is the next higher pitched of the gangsa, this instrument also requires long resonating bamboo tubes so is often played while sitting on a chair or bench. The Balinese version has 5 keys (1, 2, 3, 5, and 6) seven key Jublag are also commonly found in Bali. It usually plays at submultiples of the pokok; the keys are struck more frequently than the jegogan and usually less frequently than the Ugal. It is one octave above the jegogan and shares tones with the Ugal. Another name for the Jublag is Calung. The Kantil shares its lower octave with the Pemade. They are above the Ugal which plays the melody. There are usually 10 keys (2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and i) so the instrument spans two octaves. Get more content on
  • 7. Defining Music Essay Nic Giordano Comp 1 Definition Essay Music Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality.. someone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely more content... This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician. "Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not music" Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete opposite taste as you. That's something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create peace, not turn us against each other. It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life. Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever." "That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on music and emotions How can different types of music affect people's emotions? Music has many different ways to affect people. In some ways, it is good for the body both physically and mentally. In other ways, people think it is nice to listen to. More detailed, music has personalities, which can express what people feel. There are many observations involving different ways to express human emotions. Emotions are very interesting things, especially when they involve music. Music can have many personalities, affect people's emotions, and be used as therapy. If music reveals emotions, it is not a normal emotion like any other (Stecker 273). The expression in music can be considered a traditionalized phenomenon (Stecker 273). There are common questions more content... ( And can slow down when there is softer music playing such as a lullaby ( Rhythms of the music can adjust brain waves and breathing patterns ( The vibrations from the music have an impact on the body, which can change peoples' moods and bodily functions ( The mind is greatly impacted by music by showing healthful changes ( /). Doctors now use music for their patients' treatments in order to help them stay healthy ( Heart patients acquired the same benefits from listening to classical music for thirty minutes as they did from anti–anxiety medication ( /articles/). Musical therapy has been used to help people with heart problems, which worked quite effectively. ( People who have had migraines frequently, were trained to use music and relaxing procedures to reduce their headaches. Studies have also shown that music helps students with their intelligence levels ( A majority of students had higher test scores than others because they listened to Mozart before their exam. People who listened to classical music for an hour and a half while revising manuscripts increased their accuracy by 21% ( (Mish 725.). Mozart has a big impact on people Get more content on