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Good Parenting Essay
Good Parenting
What makes a good parent? People have always tired to find out the answer, because what makes a
good parent makes a good family and what makes a good family makes a good society and finally
what makes a good society makes the world we live in a good one. Actually it is family where all
the social ills come from. It is family that predetermines what kind of society we will have
tomorrow, because the society of tomorrow will be born to and moulded in the family of today. So
if we want to find out what makes a good parent and try to change the society we'll be living in
we've got to start right now. So let's start.
What makes a good parent? Many people think that it is impossible to answer this question, because more content...
But as soon as children start feeling that their parents care too much, they try to get back at them
and do just what their parents don't want them to do. On the other hand kids who face lack of
freedom may end up turning into introverts afraid to speak to other people or not as social (which is
not a bad thing though).
I believe that next thing any parent must not forget about is trust. Being consistent with your child is
of paramount importance because that's how trust is supported. Being consistent is not changing the
rules half way through the game. Being consistent is not promising rewards that kids will never see.
Being consistent is not threatening punishment without carrying it through. From the very first day
on Earth children put trust in their parents and it must not be betrayed because once it is, once
children find out they have been lied to, you will have to literally put yourself out to win it back.
Communication. Being able to communicate well builds confidence and charisma. Parents should
not be afraid to talk to their children. They should not jump down through their throat when they are
curious about something either no matter how stupid it may seem. Parents should be able to look
at everyday things and events through the eyes of their children who are new in this world and
have little knowledge of it. Everyday experiences can give children a wonderful chance to explore
and learn and it must not be taken from them by their
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Essay on Effective Listening
Effective Listening
The ability to listen well is an important tool for understanding others. Sadly, very few people know
how to listen well. In fact, most people can think of only one or two good listeners in their lives.
Listening is not simply agreeing – it is much more. Good listeners are able to better understand and
respond to others, complete assignments accurately, settle disagreements before they escalate, and
establish rapport with difficult people.
Listening is often confused with hearing. This serious misconception can lead us to believe that good
listening is instinctive. In fact, good listening is an active, sophisticated process – a learned behavior
– that demands focus and attention. Listening takes place more content...
Content listening can lead to serious misunderstandings and is especially deceptive because it
appears the listener is tuned in.
Superficial Listeners
Superficial listeners are often judging, daydreaming, or rehersing their response this is essentially
hearing, not listening. The listener is tuning in and out thinking little of the talker, and mainly
listening for a chance to jump in and take over the conversation. People who listen at this level are
pretending to listen and are often quiet and passive.
To achieve deep listening, the listener must take on certain responsibilities to help the talker and to
ensure that there is agreement about the interpretation and intent of a message. Specifically, the
listener must focus on the talker and pay close attention to what is being said. Strive to understand
the meaning of the message and respond accordingly. Keep in mind that the response lets the talker
know whether or not the message is getting through and allows him or her to adjust the message
Listener Responsibilities
Determine the talker's needs during the interaction. At the beginning of a conversation, the talker
may be tentative and not say what he or she means. Whether he or she continues often depends on
the listener's initial response. Stay neutral and try to listen objectively. Direct, clear communication
rarely occurs when information flows one way. Listening blocks are obstacles that interfere with our
listening they
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Essay about My Core Values
Tamneicha Mcdavid
ENC 1101
July 30, 2009
Example Essay
My Core Values
As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always
maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my "Core
Values". This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to
complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite
successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge
have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe
that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial
The more content...
To build responsibility as a child I volunteered to take care of my family dog. Even though she was
the family's pet I took it upon myself to make sure she was properly fed, watered, and walked. My
mother was very proud of my new development as an adolescent. She became very encouraging
and would come up with other special chores around the house that I could be relied upon to
handle. To some children this would seem like a punishment, but both of my parents were so
supportive and persuasive that I looked forward to having the gained accountability. My father
instituted honesty and respect as monuments for responsibility. I of course struggled at times
with taking care of my dog, and handling some of my other chores. But my father always wanted
me to not only be honest with my parents, but also with myself. He stated that a lie would not
benefit anybody and it was disrespectful to tell a lie. He would tell me that a liar was the same as
a cheater, and nobody liked either. If I knew how to respect others and be honest, than my
responsibility would only increase. I asked why I would want added responsibility and my father
told me two things that changed my perspective completely. First, it was that responsible people
always tended to be more successful. Since I had always dreamed of growing up to be rich and
famous, I guess I could accept the added responsibility. The second thing he told me was that one
day I could possibly
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Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act.
Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder,
stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk
driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically
since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being
charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even
though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors.
Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system,
felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A
misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons
convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their
sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually
bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary,
embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter
penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The
law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case.
Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter
occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually
occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies.
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Essay on Goal Setting
Goal Setting In the first article that I found It stated that Goal Setting is a formal process for
personal planning, and is a form of motivation. It is used for a target that a person works for so
they can be successful. The process of goal setting is used by many people throughout the world that
are trying to and have already achieved something in their lifetime.
Setting goals helps a person remain focused on being successful, stay away from distractions, and
will help with motivation. There are two types of goal setting:
Long–term, and Short–term goals. Short–term goals are smaller goals that are "easier" to achieve,
and will keep the person motivated and continue to strive for success. They also are goals that lead
up more content...
Also, after achieving a goal, you must look back and ask yourself if the goal was too easy for you to
achieve, if you learned something while trying to achieve the goal, and if you need to fix any of
your "skills" in trying to achieve your goal.
If you do not achieve your goals, then this does not mean that you are a failure as long as you learn
something from your mistakes. You must find where you made your mistakes and then fix them.
Some of the Key Points for goal setting is Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life,
separating what is important from what is irrelevant, motivating yourself to achievement, and
building your self–confidence based on measured achievement of goals.
In the second article that I found, it stated that Goal Setting is a very powerful technique that can
yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Setting goals allows you to decide what you want to do
with your life.
This article reiterates the previous article and states "Goal Setting Helps
Self–confidence". "By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you
have done and what you are capable of. The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement
gives you the confidence and self–belief that you need that you will be able to achieve higher and
more difficult goals".
Some of the key points that this article stresses for setting goals is that you can achieve more,
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the
basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things
like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers,
documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I
predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with
no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic
and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I
need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or
have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge
to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays,
and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in
my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to
do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex
education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will
have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I
can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am
talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that
other nurses will not
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Physical Therapy Essays
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists are members of a health care team, specially trained to improve movement and
flinction, relieve pain, and expand movement potential. Through evaluation and individualized
treatment programs, physical therapists can both treat existing problems and provide preventive
health care for people with a variety of needs (Physical Therapy–Improving 1). Physical therapists
are very knowledgeable and skillful concerning the human body. Physical therapy is a complex, but
rewarding field to pursue as a career. Specialization, working conditions, job outlook, salaries, and
education requirements need to be taken into consideration when contemplating a career as a
physical therapist.
Physical therapists more content...
Physical therapists develop specific programs for each patient's needs. They may apply therapeutic
exercise, ultrasound, massage, and applications of heat and cold to alleviate pain and restore normal
function to the body. The physical therapist is able to evaluate a patient's joint motion, muscle
strength, endurance, functional abflity, muscle tone, reflexes, and stability of walking. The physical
therapist also assesses the need and use of braces and artificial limbs, function of the heart and
lungs, integrity of sensation and perception, and performance of activities required in daily living.
("A Future" 18). Another important part of the job of a physical therapist is to maintain careful
documentation. The documentation is mainly used to keep a record of rehab used, to reflect back
on improvement, and to provide legal records.
The working conditions for physical therapists are fairly attractive, mainly because of the wide range
of choices. Physical therapists can choose the setting they want to work in. Though a large number
of physical therapists work in hospitals, now more than 70 percent of them can be found in private
physical therapy offices, community health centers, corporate or industrial health centers, sports
facilities, research institutions, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, home health agencies, schools,
pediatric centers, colleges, and universities ("A Future" 9). Most physical
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A Great Leader. Essay
Certain leaders stand out in our memories when thinking about leadership. We remember them for
their charm and charisma or maybe we remember the way they presented themselves. We
remember that important conversation we shared which was so important to us, and that speech
that left the crowd speechless and inspired. We recall the leader who picked us up when we were
down and the leader who had faith in us when no one else did. Those leaders were special and
unique. They were great and had the ability to lead like no other. Great leaders possess many
leadership traits that make them exceptional. A great leader has empathy. He will go the extra mile
to gain a better understanding of you as a person. A great leader will strive more content...
An empathetic leader will not make snap decisions on information he hears for the first time. He
will always gain knowledge of the parties involved and call upon them to gain a clarification of the
situation. He will dig into the thoughts and feelings of those involved in order to gain an overall
better understanding of the situation. The empathetic leader believes that the more information he
has, the better his decision will be. He knows that by asking for your clarity in the topic, he is
showing you that he cares about your opinion. Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader
during the movement for India's independence in the 20th century, is a person who clearly
exemplified empathy towards his followers during his time. Communication is another leadership
trait that a great leader must possess. A great leader will effectively communicate with his
personnel. Communication is one the most vital traits he must have. Even if his message is not
always positive, a great leader will know it is best to be upfront, truthful, and timely. A leader that
communicates well will use several tools in which to interconnect with his personnel. He will
always find a way to connect with his workforce through emails, meetings, speeches, phone calls,
video teleconferences, and tweets. He will share his vision, plans, and goals. A great leader will
always talk about and discuss the challenges and barriers ahead. His words of wisdom will always
motivate his
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My Personal Identity Essay
A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests
and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some
factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a
person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture
may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and
sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a
person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set
individuals apart. An individual is not a more content...
Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends
I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music'
is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of
adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart
pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I
love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be
on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics
that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly
consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering
(especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is
measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very
strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that,
although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will
not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a
person's identity. I have not had too many educational
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Example 5 Paragraph Essay

  • 1. Good Parenting Essay Good Parenting What makes a good parent? People have always tired to find out the answer, because what makes a good parent makes a good family and what makes a good family makes a good society and finally what makes a good society makes the world we live in a good one. Actually it is family where all the social ills come from. It is family that predetermines what kind of society we will have tomorrow, because the society of tomorrow will be born to and moulded in the family of today. So if we want to find out what makes a good parent and try to change the society we'll be living in we've got to start right now. So let's start. What makes a good parent? Many people think that it is impossible to answer this question, because more content... But as soon as children start feeling that their parents care too much, they try to get back at them and do just what their parents don't want them to do. On the other hand kids who face lack of freedom may end up turning into introverts afraid to speak to other people or not as social (which is not a bad thing though). I believe that next thing any parent must not forget about is trust. Being consistent with your child is of paramount importance because that's how trust is supported. Being consistent is not changing the rules half way through the game. Being consistent is not promising rewards that kids will never see. Being consistent is not threatening punishment without carrying it through. From the very first day on Earth children put trust in their parents and it must not be betrayed because once it is, once children find out they have been lied to, you will have to literally put yourself out to win it back. Communication. Being able to communicate well builds confidence and charisma. Parents should not be afraid to talk to their children. They should not jump down through their throat when they are curious about something either no matter how stupid it may seem. Parents should be able to look at everyday things and events through the eyes of their children who are new in this world and have little knowledge of it. Everyday experiences can give children a wonderful chance to explore and learn and it must not be taken from them by their Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Effective Listening Effective Listening The ability to listen well is an important tool for understanding others. Sadly, very few people know how to listen well. In fact, most people can think of only one or two good listeners in their lives. Listening is not simply agreeing – it is much more. Good listeners are able to better understand and respond to others, complete assignments accurately, settle disagreements before they escalate, and establish rapport with difficult people. Listening is often confused with hearing. This serious misconception can lead us to believe that good listening is instinctive. In fact, good listening is an active, sophisticated process – a learned behavior – that demands focus and attention. Listening takes place more content... Content listening can lead to serious misunderstandings and is especially deceptive because it appears the listener is tuned in. Superficial Listeners Superficial listeners are often judging, daydreaming, or rehersing their response this is essentially hearing, not listening. The listener is tuning in and out thinking little of the talker, and mainly listening for a chance to jump in and take over the conversation. People who listen at this level are pretending to listen and are often quiet and passive. To achieve deep listening, the listener must take on certain responsibilities to help the talker and to ensure that there is agreement about the interpretation and intent of a message. Specifically, the listener must focus on the talker and pay close attention to what is being said. Strive to understand the meaning of the message and respond accordingly. Keep in mind that the response lets the talker know whether or not the message is getting through and allows him or her to adjust the message accordingly. Listener Responsibilities Determine the talker's needs during the interaction. At the beginning of a conversation, the talker may be tentative and not say what he or she means. Whether he or she continues often depends on the listener's initial response. Stay neutral and try to listen objectively. Direct, clear communication rarely occurs when information flows one way. Listening blocks are obstacles that interfere with our listening they Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about My Core Values Tamneicha Mcdavid Prof.Beck ENC 1101 July 30, 2009 Example Essay My Core Values As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my "Core Values". This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial The more content... To build responsibility as a child I volunteered to take care of my family dog. Even though she was the family's pet I took it upon myself to make sure she was properly fed, watered, and walked. My mother was very proud of my new development as an adolescent. She became very encouraging and would come up with other special chores around the house that I could be relied upon to handle. To some children this would seem like a punishment, but both of my parents were so supportive and persuasive that I looked forward to having the gained accountability. My father instituted honesty and respect as monuments for responsibility. I of course struggled at times with taking care of my dog, and handling some of my other chores. But my father always wanted me to not only be honest with my parents, but also with myself. He stated that a lie would not benefit anybody and it was disrespectful to tell a lie. He would tell me that a liar was the same as a cheater, and nobody liked either. If I knew how to respect others and be honest, than my responsibility would only increase. I asked why I would want added responsibility and my father told me two things that changed my perspective completely. First, it was that responsible people always tended to be more successful. Since I had always dreamed of growing up to be rich and famous, I guess I could accept the added responsibility. The second thing he told me was that one day I could possibly Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Goal Setting Goal Setting In the first article that I found It stated that Goal Setting is a formal process for personal planning, and is a form of motivation. It is used for a target that a person works for so they can be successful. The process of goal setting is used by many people throughout the world that are trying to and have already achieved something in their lifetime. Setting goals helps a person remain focused on being successful, stay away from distractions, and will help with motivation. There are two types of goal setting: Long–term, and Short–term goals. Short–term goals are smaller goals that are "easier" to achieve, and will keep the person motivated and continue to strive for success. They also are goals that lead up more content... Also, after achieving a goal, you must look back and ask yourself if the goal was too easy for you to achieve, if you learned something while trying to achieve the goal, and if you need to fix any of your "skills" in trying to achieve your goal. If you do not achieve your goals, then this does not mean that you are a failure as long as you learn something from your mistakes. You must find where you made your mistakes and then fix them. Some of the Key Points for goal setting is Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life, separating what is important from what is irrelevant, motivating yourself to achievement, and building your self–confidence based on measured achievement of goals. In the second article that I found, it stated that Goal Setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life. Setting goals allows you to decide what you want to do with your life. This article reiterates the previous article and states "Goal Setting Helps Self–confidence". "By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you have done and what you are capable of. The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement gives you the confidence and self–belief that you need that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals". Some of the key points that this article stresses for setting goals is that you can achieve more, improve Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 7. Physical Therapy Essays Physical Therapy Physical therapists are members of a health care team, specially trained to improve movement and flinction, relieve pain, and expand movement potential. Through evaluation and individualized treatment programs, physical therapists can both treat existing problems and provide preventive health care for people with a variety of needs (Physical Therapy–Improving 1). Physical therapists are very knowledgeable and skillful concerning the human body. Physical therapy is a complex, but rewarding field to pursue as a career. Specialization, working conditions, job outlook, salaries, and education requirements need to be taken into consideration when contemplating a career as a physical therapist. Physical therapists more content... Physical therapists develop specific programs for each patient's needs. They may apply therapeutic exercise, ultrasound, massage, and applications of heat and cold to alleviate pain and restore normal function to the body. The physical therapist is able to evaluate a patient's joint motion, muscle strength, endurance, functional abflity, muscle tone, reflexes, and stability of walking. The physical therapist also assesses the need and use of braces and artificial limbs, function of the heart and lungs, integrity of sensation and perception, and performance of activities required in daily living. ("A Future" 18). Another important part of the job of a physical therapist is to maintain careful documentation. The documentation is mainly used to keep a record of rehab used, to reflect back on improvement, and to provide legal records. The working conditions for physical therapists are fairly attractive, mainly because of the wide range of choices. Physical therapists can choose the setting they want to work in. Though a large number of physical therapists work in hospitals, now more than 70 percent of them can be found in private physical therapy offices, community health centers, corporate or industrial health centers, sports facilities, research institutions, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, home health agencies, schools, pediatric centers, colleges, and universities ("A Future" 9). Most physical Get more content on
  • 8. A Great Leader. Essay Certain leaders stand out in our memories when thinking about leadership. We remember them for their charm and charisma or maybe we remember the way they presented themselves. We remember that important conversation we shared which was so important to us, and that speech that left the crowd speechless and inspired. We recall the leader who picked us up when we were down and the leader who had faith in us when no one else did. Those leaders were special and unique. They were great and had the ability to lead like no other. Great leaders possess many leadership traits that make them exceptional. A great leader has empathy. He will go the extra mile to gain a better understanding of you as a person. A great leader will strive more content... An empathetic leader will not make snap decisions on information he hears for the first time. He will always gain knowledge of the parties involved and call upon them to gain a clarification of the situation. He will dig into the thoughts and feelings of those involved in order to gain an overall better understanding of the situation. The empathetic leader believes that the more information he has, the better his decision will be. He knows that by asking for your clarity in the topic, he is showing you that he cares about your opinion. Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader during the movement for India's independence in the 20th century, is a person who clearly exemplified empathy towards his followers during his time. Communication is another leadership trait that a great leader must possess. A great leader will effectively communicate with his personnel. Communication is one the most vital traits he must have. Even if his message is not always positive, a great leader will know it is best to be upfront, truthful, and timely. A leader that communicates well will use several tools in which to interconnect with his personnel. He will always find a way to connect with his workforce through emails, meetings, speeches, phone calls, video teleconferences, and tweets. He will share his vision, plans, and goals. A great leader will always talk about and discuss the challenges and barriers ahead. His words of wisdom will always motivate his Get more content on
  • 9. My Personal Identity Essay A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a more content... Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music' is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering (especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that, although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a person's identity. I have not had too many educational Get more content on