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Reflection Paper On Nature
Nature is a multitude of things due to its essence as an abstract idea. At one point nature can
encompass the world, life, and everything in–between. While at the next moment, it can transform
into a qualitative description of inherent features, humans and their activities. While it holds an aura
of mystery, Nature can simultaneously be likened to concrete ideas and things. Throughout history,
nature has taken on different forms and meanings depending on which period is studied. My view of
nature closely resembles that of the current era. I believe nature is an environment devoid of human
intervention or corruption, yet a place that remains an integral spirit of humanities' interaction with
the world around them. This is due to more content...
Life and death are delicate strings that weave through our daily lives. Like a balance tipping the
scales of the cosmos, nature's life provides enrichment for future generations and civilizations.
Diverse species of plants and animals scour the Earth, each one of them strikingly different to the
very fiber of their DNA. Nature is life in its rudimentary form. From the primitive life of plankton to
the intricate behaviors displayed by primates, nature's life is present everywhere. I share the current
era's view that humanities' existence is equal in importance to the most insignificant member of an
ecosystem. The continuation of life is bound by species' interdependence for nature's resources.
Without harmonious cohabitation, nature's life would cease to progress. Even as the last plumes of
smoke die down in the burnt forest, buds and vegetation begin to sprout and flourish, giving life to
the dependents of its ecosystem. Images of greenery, saplings, and offspring cross mymind when
nature is mentioned. In recent years, nature has developed colloquial meanings as a living entity.
Phrases like, "save mother nature" or "nature is dying" are usually used to describe the state of the
ecosystem we live and share. Nature is a mother, nursing her young back to health.
Due to recent achievements in human development, the current era views intelligence as an endearing
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Personal Essay: From Nature To Landscapes
Nature isn't limited to landscapes. It can be behavior or physical, plants and animals. Wild
magnolias and ivy that grow on century old trees rooted firmly near the edge of swampy bayous
and orchards that hold fresh fruit on its branches, wild horses stampeding around canyons, and
hummingbirds flying to a sweet flower. The definition of natural is healthy and clean, it's raw and
pure. It's untouched by the hands of men and unpredictable as if it is has a mind of its own. Nature is
full of many surprises, right now we are trying to recover from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane
Irma. The thousands of people that lost their belongings, wondering how the forces of nature
could turn against them. When I used to live in Oklahoma, we were in tornado country. I
remember hurrying into our truck and jumping in with my family to, as yes as crazy as it sounds,
outrun the tornado. We had stayed out of its path and we had stopped on the side of the road to
watch it speed past us. It has spared us from being its next victim. In this moment, adrenaline is
surging through my body, and I was praying so hard to God that he would protect us. Although an
act of nature had almost killed us, there is a lesson to be learned from the fear we had felt. We
knew that we had wanted to live. The tornado had made us grateful afterwards that we had
survived it. Nature is something we have in common with everyone. Beauty doesn't just reside in
the U.S, it's global. It can bring together people of all cultures to share and glorify and preserve
earth's handiwork. What if we could promote traveling in schools to see natural beauty and it
would bring a new understanding to millennials of how broad their horizons are? Of course, not
everyone will care, but what matters is trying. Trying to educate teenagers to start young on
thinking about life as know it and if they decide to be architects or landscaping, they have
knowledge on how to avoid destroying landscapes and instead heighten natural reminences. We can
mold this world into how we want it, except we have to be careful of how we mold it and to make
it a better place for future generations. Many careers are based on agriculture, it fuels innovation, the
medical benefits we could
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The Beauty of Nature Essay examples
The Beauty of Nature
The sunset was not spectacular that day. The vivid ruby and tangerine streaks that so often caressed
the blue brow of the sky were sleeping, hidden behind the heavy mists. There are some days when
the sunlight seems to dance, to weave and frolic with tongues of fire between the blades of grass. Not
on that day. That evening, the yellow light was sickly. It diffused softly through the gray curtains
with a shrouded light that just failed to illuminate. High up in the treetops, the leaves swayed, but on
the ground, the grass was silent, limp and unmoving. The sun set and the earth waited.
On the edge of a small wood, an ancient tree sat hunched over, the gnarled, old king of a once vast
domain that had long more content...
The bees still buzzed and hummed among the flowers; the deer still grazed softly among the
undulating waves of grass, yet in that moment, their movement seemed arrested, held in check by the
waning sun.
And the winds came.
The wild west wind came down through the fields, rousing the deer from their reverie, and swaying
the bee–studded flowers. From its highest bough to the loose sand on its mighty roots, the ancient
tree quivered lightly, yet was untroubled by the breeze. Many a storm had passed over the tree, yet
no rain had managed to drown those fathomless roots, no hail had managed to bite the iron bark.
As the stars hang, unchanging in the nighttime sky, and as the sun moves in ceaseless circles around
the earth, so the tree had endured. And even as the wind rustled in its outermost boughs, the tree
looked out to the sun, as if for reassurance about its own unchanging eternity. On the horizon, no
yellow eye looked back. The sun was gone.
In a tumult of wind and rain, a hail of twigs and leaves thundered through the trees and tore the
arching grasses out by the roots. The deer bolted and hid, quivering, in the darkest thickets. The sky
boiled, and the younger saplings were bent almost to the ground. Even as the shadows bounded up
the stalks and blades of weeping grass, and the soft plink of falling rain quickened to a constant hiss
and sputter, the sun found its equal. A thousand stars came down to earth and unleashed their
pent–up fury on that wood.
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Nature as God Essay example
Nature as God God is considered a friend, parent, protector and guide. Book 1 of The Prelude, by
William Wordsworth, doesn't directly mention God but Wordsworth does talk about Nature.
Nature is all around him and becomes very significant in his past and present. Wordsworth is so
enamored with nature it's obvious that Nature is a religion to him. Parents often make others feel
safe and protected and God often plays the role of a parent figure. Wordsworth shows that he feels
at ``home'' with Nature, regardless of where he is. He questions, "In what Vale/ Shall be my
harbour? Underneath what grove/ shall I take up my home, and what sweet stream/ shall with its
murmurs lull me to rest? (Lines 11–14)." He considers all more content...
Wordsworth states that, "this hour/ Hath brought a gift that consecrates my joy;/ For I, methought,
while the sweet breath of Heaven/ Was blowing on my body, felt within/ A corresponding mild
creative breeze (lines 39–43)." To "consecrate" is to make sacred and "breath of Heaven" is usually
associated with something of greatness. This vocabulary sounds very religious yet Wordsworth
does not speak of any religion. He is using the language to describe nature. The language and
words Wordsworth uses make his audience aware that he believes Nature is bigger than anything.
He also tries to remind readers that all people should be in awe of Nature. The idea that Nature is
bigger than anyone else is an example of how Nature is given godlike qualities by Wordsworth.
He personifies Nature and it seems to become a person or identity. In line 4 Wordsworth writes,
"And seems half conscious of the joy [she] gives." Here Nature is being described as an active,
thinking being. Wordsworth writes as if Nature doesn't know the impact she has on those in her
presence. The above lines follow with the theme that Nature is Wordsworth's god. Thompson 3
Certain followers of God believe that God uses them for specific purposes. Wordsworth believes he
has a purpose, also. He says "a storm/ brings with it vernal promises, the hope/ Of active days, of
dignity and thought, / Of prowess in an honorable field, /
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Nature vs. Nurture Essay examples
Nature vs. Nurture
The human brain is not an empty vessel – right from the start it is packed with knowledge, some of
which is built into every structure. A newborn baby just knows, for instance, that crying will bring
other members of the species to its aid – it doesn't learn it or work it out.
(Carter, R. Consciousness, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, p. 143)
When Darwin's Theory of Evolution was published (See Darwin, C. (1859) On The Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection, Murray), proposing that simpler structures evolve into more
complex organisms, the old certainties were threatened because the adaptations of creatures to their
surroundings no longer needed to be explained in terms of an Almighty. Evolutionary qualities more content...
The idea has therefore developed that if an aspect of human behaviour is genetically predisposed, it
cannot be helped and, so the thinking goes; if it cannot be helped then blame cannot be apportioned.
That view is tantamount to a 'council of doom' which, if accepted, allows us to believe that the
selfish, the self–centred and egoists are most likely to succeed. It may be that in our darkest
moments we subscribe to this view but by simply looking about us, we see that human nature is
generally caring with each of us being concerned (albeit to a greater or lesser degree) for their
The Gene Machine view is a term coined by Richard Dawkins, according to whom our character is
mainly determined by those characteristics, which have led to evolutionary success. In a determined
world certain aspects of animal behaviour can be attributed solely to genetics, yet human beings at
least have free will, enabling them to choose outcomes and overrule 'basic' genetic tendencies. For
example we can ensure that our fingernails do not grow overlong (by keeping them trimmed) but we
can never prevent the tendency of our fingernails to keep growing.
There is a philosophical debate concerning the existence of free will in a determined universe. In
this essay 'free will' is defined as the ability to act free from external coercion. On the other hand
some argue that if we are determined then our 'free will' is merely illusory. If this is so human
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human nature Essay
What is human nature? It is very simple. Human nature refers to the patterns of behavior that are
typical of our species or our kind. Human undergoes change as all humans grow up they nature seems
to change; the environment someone grow up in effects that persons nature. To fully understand
human nature Dr. Marvin Harris takes us on trip to time, which makes sense because if we better
understand our past and our origin we will better understand our very existence and our nature. We
will know more about who we are where we are from and such other questions that puzzle the human
As I mentioned before our environment has a great effect on our nature. For example a theory
claimed that, the first more content...
However we don't, and that is due to time going by and the changing of the environment.
In the book Our Kind Dr. Harris mentions the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. He went to
great details about our closest living relative the chimpanzees, and how their survival was base on
they will to fight. Therefore, our willingness to fight wars and kill each other for nonsense reasons is
simply our nature.
Our behaviors that may be said to be our nature is also depend on the circumstances we encounter
in our lives. Such as, it is very rare to find someone who was raised in a dangerous area ahs the same
time of nature as someone who was raised in very nice calm area where the biggest crime one could
commit is littering.
Another issue of Human Nature that shows us how changes in time leads to changes in the way
we act and perform is Family life. I will compare family life in early America to family live today
in America. The Indian tribes that lived on in this very country we now call ours, they had a
custom where they would give away they daughters to much older men if they provided the father
of the husband labor or land which was called brides wealth. That way what they believe, what they
practice, that was simply they nature of doing things. So really, human nature could also be looked
as our way of doing every day things, our practices or
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Use of Nature in Poetry Essay example
Poetry Poets use many ways when they want to communicate something using poems. Poems are
used as a means of passing ideas, information and expression of feelings. This has made the poets
to use the natural things and images that people can relate with so that they can make these poems
understandable. The most common forms of writing that are used by the poets are the figurative
language for example imagery and metaphors. In addition, the poets use the natural landscape in
their attempt to explore the philosophical questions. Therefore, this essay will explore the forms
that have been used by the poets in writing poems using the natural landscape. The essay will be
based on poems such as 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' more content...
Shelley in his poem 'Ode to the West Wind' has used similes in his poem. He states that, "the
leaves dead are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing." He also states that, "the winged seeds
where they lie cold and low each like a corpse within its grave." As observed from these examples,
the poets will use these techniques to assist in easier interpretation of the poem. The poets also use
metaphors when writing poems. Metaphors refer to the use of certain words to mean otherwise in
the context of the poem. However, metaphors are sometimes hidden in the poem such that they
require the reader to figure out their existence in the poem. This will be easy when the poet employs
the physical environment that is well understood by the reader. In addition, metaphors will
strengthen the ideas that the poet wants to pass across. Metaphors will therefore make it easier for
the readers to interpret and understand the meaning that the poet intended to communicate. Shelley
has used a metaphor in his poem where he states '...Pestilence–stricken multitudes'. He states this to
indicate to the reader that he is not just addressing a pile of leaves. Therefore, this helps to
understand the deeper meaning of the poem. He also states about the 'wintry bed', which is meant
to show his mood in the poem. Poets also use the landscape in writing poems because of the
inspiration that they get from such places. This could be based on some memory or the history of
the place and
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Nature vs Technology
As technology proliferates day by day, it has come to our attention to question the relationship
between nature and technology. Do the benefits outweigh its consequences on nature? Do we
depend on technology too much? Technology is a part of our evolution. It is, therefore a natural
process and, it is essential for our civilized lives. However, we haven't been cautious about the way
we use technology. We carelessly spoiled nature's resources and, disrupt its balance. We jeopardize
the future of next generations. Now we ought to change the way we interact with technology and
nature by not being as dependent to our existing and limited natural resources and finding new ways
to produce renewable energy, more content...
We need here only mention matters such as the standard treatment of factory–farmed domesticated
food animals, the destruction of soils, the pollution of air and water, and the extinctions of wild
species, as these horrors are well documented. It seems unlikely that these could ever have arisen but
for an entrenched and ever–deepening trend of thinking that separates humanity from its natural
context and denies inherent worth to non–human nature."(5) Although I agree with him when he
states that the outcomes of our actions have caused the destruction of nature, I don't necessarily
think we see nature as a non–human object, a tool that is worthless if it is not used for our service. I
believe we forgot that nature's resources are not endless, therefore we haven't been cautious about
the way we use it. However, we can treat the damages we have caused. In order to stop pollution
we should reduce our carbon emission. To achieve this, we can drive less frequently. Instead we can
use public transportation, cycle or walk occasionally. Moreover, we should use less electricity and
unplug electronic appliances when we don't use them. Factories should also decrease their carbon
emission by recycling their waste or properly destroy them without causing pollution and using
filters to remove pollutants from their
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Examples Of Innate Nature
The innate nature of humans has been a controversial debate topic among Chinese philosophers
since the Warring States Period where the three most famous philosophers at the time had different
perceptions about human nature. Gaozi thinks human nature has no tendency to be good or bad
while Mengzi believes that human nature is good. In contrast, Xunzi suggests the ideology of
inherited bad human nature, at which they are born evil and self–interested. Generally speaking,
whether people are able to turn to a morally good person is dependent on the environment and
cultivation. Criminal activities are happening in every second all over the world and sometimes,
people do have the knowledge and strength to give a helping hand to the needy and stop the
disastrous events from happening; however, they usually ignore the fact so as to preserve their
comfort life and prosperity. This may suggest that there is a demon hiding within us naturally and
we are born this way. In this essay, 'human nature is evil and self–interested' suggested by Xunzi
(Lecture PPT, Week 3, page 15) will be the standpoint, while psychological, sociological and
statistical approaches will be used to explain and support Xunzi's claim 'Human nature is bad.'
more content...
Whereas, appropriate moral cuitvation is proven necessary to develop goodness from the bad
nature. All the above examples provide an insight of evil acts that includes cruelty and villainy as
well as struggle and contention. The lack of the practice of goodness through proper education,
social order, parenting and regulation implies that individual are very likely following their naturally
existing feeling of fondness for profit and hate and dislike. Therefore, the claim 'human nature is
bad' is indeed
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Nature in Literature Essay examples
Holly Stalker
Professor Loren Hoekzema
English 141–30
17 February 2015
Nature in Literature: Basho and Voltaire Nature plays a huge role in many pieces of literature, but
especially Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North and Voltaire's Candide. There is a major
difference between the two forms of literature and how nature is incorporated into each. This
Japanese form of literature has a much lighter tone than that of the European style of literature.
You can see a calmer, more relaxed intention into the nature that is in Basho's Narrow Road to the
Deep North. On page 413 in Basho's piece, it says "As the year gradually came to an end and spring
arrived, filling the sky with mist, I longed to cross the Shirakawa Barrier, the most
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In the opening paragraph on page 454, Voltaire writes "Once upon a time in Westphalia, in the castle
of Baron Thunder–ten–tronckh, there lived a young boy whom nature had endowed with the
gentlest of dispositions." This opening sentence makes you believe that it could have a similar
feel to Basho's story. When you reach page 460, there is a line that says "While he was presenting
his argument, the air grew thick, the winds blew from the four corners of the earth, and the ship
was assailed by the most terrible storm, within sight of the port of Lisbon." This passage not only
shows you that the nature of the story is a lot more dramatic, but it also shows you that Voltaire is
more focused on the weather instead of the landscape. There is a dramatic earthquake and a storm
that destroys the ship that they are on. Page 461 says "Whirlwinds of flame and ash covered the
streets and public squares: houses disintegrated, roofs were upended upon foundations, and
foundations crumbled." Voltaire writing this in his passage just shows the reader how awful and
destructive the earthquake actually was. While you understand that they encountered a massive
destructive earthquake, they do actually see some light at the end of all the horrible events. On
page 467, it says "'All will be well,' was Candide's reply. 'Already the sea in this new world is better
than those we have in Europe. It's
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Humans Nature
Human Nature
Good or Bad?
Whether human beings are instinctually good or evil in an elementary natural state is a question that
has been boggling the minds of even the greatest philosophers. There is a spectrum of theories that
support both good and evil within the human race, each with valid points that explains the range of
our interests, being either for ourselves or for others. However, my personal stance is the sensible
theory of Altruism. Past experiences and observations allow me to take the stance, and support the
argument that humans are caring and genuinely good individuals and have the will and desire to help
those around them. Philosophers such as Mengzi (4th Century BCE) also known as Mencius in the
West, more content...
These ongoing debates continue into literature and are for example the two philosophical authors
Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) and Joseph Butler (1692–1752). One philosopher fighting for the truth
of the evil nature within humans, and the other rebutting for the good. Hobbes' book the "Leviathan"
expresses harsh outlines for the nature of human and describes the human life as, "solitary, poor,
nasty, brutish and short." 1 He concluded that humans are antisocial, and that cooperation between
individuals or groups is nothing but self–interest. Joseph Butler however, wanted to reestablish his
belief and published the book "Fifteen Sermons Preached at Roll Chapel." His goal was to prove that
human nature included positive elements. Within his book, Butler states that humans have varying
characteristics pertaining to their nature and this encompasses a measure of self–interest. This
self–interest is a natural attribute that roots back to the human animalistic nature of "survival of the
fittest." This self–interest is also a human quality that does not conflict with benevolence. Butler
arranged these human attributes into a hierarchy with the top being conscience. In regards to
conscience, Hobbes maintained the opinion that acts of kindness
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My Nature Reflection
I went outside for about an hour Sunday, because that was all I could handle. Outside and I do
not mix, because I do not like dirt or bugs or wild animals. While I was outside and not thinking
about how much I did not like outside I was thinking about how I was feeling good about my
family outing later in the day and how were we going to have an exciting time together going to
Mint Hill for farm equipment and Concord Mills Mall for some shopping afterwards. During this
time I thought about why my family does not go on many outings such as this, and I came up with a
few reasons. One, my mother and father are older and cannot physically take such a long trip very
often; and two, we do not have much money to do such big trips as we once did. Reflecting on
these reasons made me feel a little down trodden about having older parents, but at the same time
I was also glad for having older parents because not going somewhere every week makes each trip
more special. Feeling grateful for my parents, since they are just about as close to perfect parents
as you could get, I started thinking about what I might do after I move out on my own. I was
thinking where I would like to move, or need to move for college and a career. I want to go into
small business and own my own bakery. The market for a specialty bakery, such as the one I want
to run, would not do well in Denton. I would have to move to a larger city, such as Charlotte or
even somewhere such as New York City, for my business to
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Nature Essay Examples

  • 1. Reflection Paper On Nature Nature is a multitude of things due to its essence as an abstract idea. At one point nature can encompass the world, life, and everything in–between. While at the next moment, it can transform into a qualitative description of inherent features, humans and their activities. While it holds an aura of mystery, Nature can simultaneously be likened to concrete ideas and things. Throughout history, nature has taken on different forms and meanings depending on which period is studied. My view of nature closely resembles that of the current era. I believe nature is an environment devoid of human intervention or corruption, yet a place that remains an integral spirit of humanities' interaction with the world around them. This is due to more content... Life and death are delicate strings that weave through our daily lives. Like a balance tipping the scales of the cosmos, nature's life provides enrichment for future generations and civilizations. Diverse species of plants and animals scour the Earth, each one of them strikingly different to the very fiber of their DNA. Nature is life in its rudimentary form. From the primitive life of plankton to the intricate behaviors displayed by primates, nature's life is present everywhere. I share the current era's view that humanities' existence is equal in importance to the most insignificant member of an ecosystem. The continuation of life is bound by species' interdependence for nature's resources. Without harmonious cohabitation, nature's life would cease to progress. Even as the last plumes of smoke die down in the burnt forest, buds and vegetation begin to sprout and flourish, giving life to the dependents of its ecosystem. Images of greenery, saplings, and offspring cross mymind when nature is mentioned. In recent years, nature has developed colloquial meanings as a living entity. Phrases like, "save mother nature" or "nature is dying" are usually used to describe the state of the ecosystem we live and share. Nature is a mother, nursing her young back to health. Due to recent achievements in human development, the current era views intelligence as an endearing Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Essay: From Nature To Landscapes Nature isn't limited to landscapes. It can be behavior or physical, plants and animals. Wild magnolias and ivy that grow on century old trees rooted firmly near the edge of swampy bayous and orchards that hold fresh fruit on its branches, wild horses stampeding around canyons, and hummingbirds flying to a sweet flower. The definition of natural is healthy and clean, it's raw and pure. It's untouched by the hands of men and unpredictable as if it is has a mind of its own. Nature is full of many surprises, right now we are trying to recover from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. The thousands of people that lost their belongings, wondering how the forces of nature could turn against them. When I used to live in Oklahoma, we were in tornado country. I remember hurrying into our truck and jumping in with my family to, as yes as crazy as it sounds, outrun the tornado. We had stayed out of its path and we had stopped on the side of the road to watch it speed past us. It has spared us from being its next victim. In this moment, adrenaline is surging through my body, and I was praying so hard to God that he would protect us. Although an act of nature had almost killed us, there is a lesson to be learned from the fear we had felt. We knew that we had wanted to live. The tornado had made us grateful afterwards that we had survived it. Nature is something we have in common with everyone. Beauty doesn't just reside in the U.S, it's global. It can bring together people of all cultures to share and glorify and preserve earth's handiwork. What if we could promote traveling in schools to see natural beauty and it would bring a new understanding to millennials of how broad their horizons are? Of course, not everyone will care, but what matters is trying. Trying to educate teenagers to start young on thinking about life as know it and if they decide to be architects or landscaping, they have knowledge on how to avoid destroying landscapes and instead heighten natural reminences. We can mold this world into how we want it, except we have to be careful of how we mold it and to make it a better place for future generations. Many careers are based on agriculture, it fuels innovation, the medical benefits we could Get more content on
  • 3. The Beauty of Nature Essay examples The Beauty of Nature The sunset was not spectacular that day. The vivid ruby and tangerine streaks that so often caressed the blue brow of the sky were sleeping, hidden behind the heavy mists. There are some days when the sunlight seems to dance, to weave and frolic with tongues of fire between the blades of grass. Not on that day. That evening, the yellow light was sickly. It diffused softly through the gray curtains with a shrouded light that just failed to illuminate. High up in the treetops, the leaves swayed, but on the ground, the grass was silent, limp and unmoving. The sun set and the earth waited. On the edge of a small wood, an ancient tree sat hunched over, the gnarled, old king of a once vast domain that had long more content... The bees still buzzed and hummed among the flowers; the deer still grazed softly among the undulating waves of grass, yet in that moment, their movement seemed arrested, held in check by the waning sun. And the winds came. The wild west wind came down through the fields, rousing the deer from their reverie, and swaying the bee–studded flowers. From its highest bough to the loose sand on its mighty roots, the ancient tree quivered lightly, yet was untroubled by the breeze. Many a storm had passed over the tree, yet no rain had managed to drown those fathomless roots, no hail had managed to bite the iron bark. As the stars hang, unchanging in the nighttime sky, and as the sun moves in ceaseless circles around the earth, so the tree had endured. And even as the wind rustled in its outermost boughs, the tree looked out to the sun, as if for reassurance about its own unchanging eternity. On the horizon, no yellow eye looked back. The sun was gone. In a tumult of wind and rain, a hail of twigs and leaves thundered through the trees and tore the arching grasses out by the roots. The deer bolted and hid, quivering, in the darkest thickets. The sky boiled, and the younger saplings were bent almost to the ground. Even as the shadows bounded up the stalks and blades of weeping grass, and the soft plink of falling rain quickened to a constant hiss and sputter, the sun found its equal. A thousand stars came down to earth and unleashed their pent–up fury on that wood. Get more content on
  • 4. Nature as God Essay example Nature as God God is considered a friend, parent, protector and guide. Book 1 of The Prelude, by William Wordsworth, doesn't directly mention God but Wordsworth does talk about Nature. Nature is all around him and becomes very significant in his past and present. Wordsworth is so enamored with nature it's obvious that Nature is a religion to him. Parents often make others feel safe and protected and God often plays the role of a parent figure. Wordsworth shows that he feels at ``home'' with Nature, regardless of where he is. He questions, "In what Vale/ Shall be my harbour? Underneath what grove/ shall I take up my home, and what sweet stream/ shall with its murmurs lull me to rest? (Lines 11–14)." He considers all more content... Wordsworth states that, "this hour/ Hath brought a gift that consecrates my joy;/ For I, methought, while the sweet breath of Heaven/ Was blowing on my body, felt within/ A corresponding mild creative breeze (lines 39–43)." To "consecrate" is to make sacred and "breath of Heaven" is usually associated with something of greatness. This vocabulary sounds very religious yet Wordsworth does not speak of any religion. He is using the language to describe nature. The language and words Wordsworth uses make his audience aware that he believes Nature is bigger than anything. He also tries to remind readers that all people should be in awe of Nature. The idea that Nature is bigger than anyone else is an example of how Nature is given godlike qualities by Wordsworth. He personifies Nature and it seems to become a person or identity. In line 4 Wordsworth writes, "And seems half conscious of the joy [she] gives." Here Nature is being described as an active, thinking being. Wordsworth writes as if Nature doesn't know the impact she has on those in her presence. The above lines follow with the theme that Nature is Wordsworth's god. Thompson 3 Certain followers of God believe that God uses them for specific purposes. Wordsworth believes he has a purpose, also. He says "a storm/ brings with it vernal promises, the hope/ Of active days, of dignity and thought, / Of prowess in an honorable field, / Get more content on
  • 5. Nature vs. Nurture Essay examples Nature vs. Nurture The human brain is not an empty vessel – right from the start it is packed with knowledge, some of which is built into every structure. A newborn baby just knows, for instance, that crying will bring other members of the species to its aid – it doesn't learn it or work it out. (Carter, R. Consciousness, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, p. 143) When Darwin's Theory of Evolution was published (See Darwin, C. (1859) On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Murray), proposing that simpler structures evolve into more complex organisms, the old certainties were threatened because the adaptations of creatures to their surroundings no longer needed to be explained in terms of an Almighty. Evolutionary qualities more content... The idea has therefore developed that if an aspect of human behaviour is genetically predisposed, it cannot be helped and, so the thinking goes; if it cannot be helped then blame cannot be apportioned. That view is tantamount to a 'council of doom' which, if accepted, allows us to believe that the selfish, the self–centred and egoists are most likely to succeed. It may be that in our darkest moments we subscribe to this view but by simply looking about us, we see that human nature is generally caring with each of us being concerned (albeit to a greater or lesser degree) for their neighbour. The Gene Machine view is a term coined by Richard Dawkins, according to whom our character is mainly determined by those characteristics, which have led to evolutionary success. In a determined world certain aspects of animal behaviour can be attributed solely to genetics, yet human beings at least have free will, enabling them to choose outcomes and overrule 'basic' genetic tendencies. For example we can ensure that our fingernails do not grow overlong (by keeping them trimmed) but we can never prevent the tendency of our fingernails to keep growing. There is a philosophical debate concerning the existence of free will in a determined universe. In this essay 'free will' is defined as the ability to act free from external coercion. On the other hand some argue that if we are determined then our 'free will' is merely illusory. If this is so human Get more content on
  • 6. human nature Essay What is human nature? It is very simple. Human nature refers to the patterns of behavior that are typical of our species or our kind. Human undergoes change as all humans grow up they nature seems to change; the environment someone grow up in effects that persons nature. To fully understand human nature Dr. Marvin Harris takes us on trip to time, which makes sense because if we better understand our past and our origin we will better understand our very existence and our nature. We will know more about who we are where we are from and such other questions that puzzle the human mind. As I mentioned before our environment has a great effect on our nature. For example a theory claimed that, the first more content... However we don't, and that is due to time going by and the changing of the environment. In the book Our Kind Dr. Harris mentions the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. He went to great details about our closest living relative the chimpanzees, and how their survival was base on they will to fight. Therefore, our willingness to fight wars and kill each other for nonsense reasons is simply our nature. Our behaviors that may be said to be our nature is also depend on the circumstances we encounter in our lives. Such as, it is very rare to find someone who was raised in a dangerous area ahs the same time of nature as someone who was raised in very nice calm area where the biggest crime one could commit is littering. Another issue of Human Nature that shows us how changes in time leads to changes in the way we act and perform is Family life. I will compare family life in early America to family live today in America. The Indian tribes that lived on in this very country we now call ours, they had a custom where they would give away they daughters to much older men if they provided the father of the husband labor or land which was called brides wealth. That way what they believe, what they practice, that was simply they nature of doing things. So really, human nature could also be looked as our way of doing every day things, our practices or Get more content on
  • 7. Use of Nature in Poetry Essay example Poetry Poets use many ways when they want to communicate something using poems. Poems are used as a means of passing ideas, information and expression of feelings. This has made the poets to use the natural things and images that people can relate with so that they can make these poems understandable. The most common forms of writing that are used by the poets are the figurative language for example imagery and metaphors. In addition, the poets use the natural landscape in their attempt to explore the philosophical questions. Therefore, this essay will explore the forms that have been used by the poets in writing poems using the natural landscape. The essay will be based on poems such as 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' more content... Shelley in his poem 'Ode to the West Wind' has used similes in his poem. He states that, "the leaves dead are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing." He also states that, "the winged seeds where they lie cold and low each like a corpse within its grave." As observed from these examples, the poets will use these techniques to assist in easier interpretation of the poem. The poets also use metaphors when writing poems. Metaphors refer to the use of certain words to mean otherwise in the context of the poem. However, metaphors are sometimes hidden in the poem such that they require the reader to figure out their existence in the poem. This will be easy when the poet employs the physical environment that is well understood by the reader. In addition, metaphors will strengthen the ideas that the poet wants to pass across. Metaphors will therefore make it easier for the readers to interpret and understand the meaning that the poet intended to communicate. Shelley has used a metaphor in his poem where he states '...Pestilence–stricken multitudes'. He states this to indicate to the reader that he is not just addressing a pile of leaves. Therefore, this helps to understand the deeper meaning of the poem. He also states about the 'wintry bed', which is meant to show his mood in the poem. Poets also use the landscape in writing poems because of the inspiration that they get from such places. This could be based on some memory or the history of the place and Get more content on
  • 8. Nature vs Technology NATURE VERSES TECHNOLOGY As technology proliferates day by day, it has come to our attention to question the relationship between nature and technology. Do the benefits outweigh its consequences on nature? Do we depend on technology too much? Technology is a part of our evolution. It is, therefore a natural process and, it is essential for our civilized lives. However, we haven't been cautious about the way we use technology. We carelessly spoiled nature's resources and, disrupt its balance. We jeopardize the future of next generations. Now we ought to change the way we interact with technology and nature by not being as dependent to our existing and limited natural resources and finding new ways to produce renewable energy, more content... We need here only mention matters such as the standard treatment of factory–farmed domesticated food animals, the destruction of soils, the pollution of air and water, and the extinctions of wild species, as these horrors are well documented. It seems unlikely that these could ever have arisen but for an entrenched and ever–deepening trend of thinking that separates humanity from its natural context and denies inherent worth to non–human nature."(5) Although I agree with him when he states that the outcomes of our actions have caused the destruction of nature, I don't necessarily think we see nature as a non–human object, a tool that is worthless if it is not used for our service. I believe we forgot that nature's resources are not endless, therefore we haven't been cautious about the way we use it. However, we can treat the damages we have caused. In order to stop pollution we should reduce our carbon emission. To achieve this, we can drive less frequently. Instead we can use public transportation, cycle or walk occasionally. Moreover, we should use less electricity and unplug electronic appliances when we don't use them. Factories should also decrease their carbon emission by recycling their waste or properly destroy them without causing pollution and using filters to remove pollutants from their Get more content on
  • 9. Examples Of Innate Nature The innate nature of humans has been a controversial debate topic among Chinese philosophers since the Warring States Period where the three most famous philosophers at the time had different perceptions about human nature. Gaozi thinks human nature has no tendency to be good or bad while Mengzi believes that human nature is good. In contrast, Xunzi suggests the ideology of inherited bad human nature, at which they are born evil and self–interested. Generally speaking, whether people are able to turn to a morally good person is dependent on the environment and cultivation. Criminal activities are happening in every second all over the world and sometimes, people do have the knowledge and strength to give a helping hand to the needy and stop the disastrous events from happening; however, they usually ignore the fact so as to preserve their comfort life and prosperity. This may suggest that there is a demon hiding within us naturally and we are born this way. In this essay, 'human nature is evil and self–interested' suggested by Xunzi (Lecture PPT, Week 3, page 15) will be the standpoint, while psychological, sociological and statistical approaches will be used to explain and support Xunzi's claim 'Human nature is bad.' more content... Whereas, appropriate moral cuitvation is proven necessary to develop goodness from the bad nature. All the above examples provide an insight of evil acts that includes cruelty and villainy as well as struggle and contention. The lack of the practice of goodness through proper education, social order, parenting and regulation implies that individual are very likely following their naturally existing feeling of fondness for profit and hate and dislike. Therefore, the claim 'human nature is bad' is indeed Get more content on
  • 10. Nature in Literature Essay examples Holly Stalker Professor Loren Hoekzema English 141–30 17 February 2015 Nature in Literature: Basho and Voltaire Nature plays a huge role in many pieces of literature, but especially Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North and Voltaire's Candide. There is a major difference between the two forms of literature and how nature is incorporated into each. This Japanese form of literature has a much lighter tone than that of the European style of literature. You can see a calmer, more relaxed intention into the nature that is in Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North. On page 413 in Basho's piece, it says "As the year gradually came to an end and spring arrived, filling the sky with mist, I longed to cross the Shirakawa Barrier, the most more content... In the opening paragraph on page 454, Voltaire writes "Once upon a time in Westphalia, in the castle of Baron Thunder–ten–tronckh, there lived a young boy whom nature had endowed with the gentlest of dispositions." This opening sentence makes you believe that it could have a similar feel to Basho's story. When you reach page 460, there is a line that says "While he was presenting his argument, the air grew thick, the winds blew from the four corners of the earth, and the ship was assailed by the most terrible storm, within sight of the port of Lisbon." This passage not only shows you that the nature of the story is a lot more dramatic, but it also shows you that Voltaire is more focused on the weather instead of the landscape. There is a dramatic earthquake and a storm that destroys the ship that they are on. Page 461 says "Whirlwinds of flame and ash covered the streets and public squares: houses disintegrated, roofs were upended upon foundations, and foundations crumbled." Voltaire writing this in his passage just shows the reader how awful and destructive the earthquake actually was. While you understand that they encountered a massive destructive earthquake, they do actually see some light at the end of all the horrible events. On page 467, it says "'All will be well,' was Candide's reply. 'Already the sea in this new world is better than those we have in Europe. It's Get more content on
  • 11. Humans Nature Human Nature Good or Bad? Whether human beings are instinctually good or evil in an elementary natural state is a question that has been boggling the minds of even the greatest philosophers. There is a spectrum of theories that support both good and evil within the human race, each with valid points that explains the range of our interests, being either for ourselves or for others. However, my personal stance is the sensible theory of Altruism. Past experiences and observations allow me to take the stance, and support the argument that humans are caring and genuinely good individuals and have the will and desire to help those around them. Philosophers such as Mengzi (4th Century BCE) also known as Mencius in the West, more content... These ongoing debates continue into literature and are for example the two philosophical authors Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) and Joseph Butler (1692–1752). One philosopher fighting for the truth of the evil nature within humans, and the other rebutting for the good. Hobbes' book the "Leviathan" expresses harsh outlines for the nature of human and describes the human life as, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." 1 He concluded that humans are antisocial, and that cooperation between individuals or groups is nothing but self–interest. Joseph Butler however, wanted to reestablish his belief and published the book "Fifteen Sermons Preached at Roll Chapel." His goal was to prove that human nature included positive elements. Within his book, Butler states that humans have varying characteristics pertaining to their nature and this encompasses a measure of self–interest. This self–interest is a natural attribute that roots back to the human animalistic nature of "survival of the fittest." This self–interest is also a human quality that does not conflict with benevolence. Butler arranged these human attributes into a hierarchy with the top being conscience. In regards to conscience, Hobbes maintained the opinion that acts of kindness Get more content on
  • 12. My Nature Reflection I went outside for about an hour Sunday, because that was all I could handle. Outside and I do not mix, because I do not like dirt or bugs or wild animals. While I was outside and not thinking about how much I did not like outside I was thinking about how I was feeling good about my family outing later in the day and how were we going to have an exciting time together going to Mint Hill for farm equipment and Concord Mills Mall for some shopping afterwards. During this time I thought about why my family does not go on many outings such as this, and I came up with a few reasons. One, my mother and father are older and cannot physically take such a long trip very often; and two, we do not have much money to do such big trips as we once did. Reflecting on these reasons made me feel a little down trodden about having older parents, but at the same time I was also glad for having older parents because not going somewhere every week makes each trip more special. Feeling grateful for my parents, since they are just about as close to perfect parents as you could get, I started thinking about what I might do after I move out on my own. I was thinking where I would like to move, or need to move for college and a career. I want to go into small business and own my own bakery. The market for a specialty bakery, such as the one I want to run, would not do well in Denton. I would have to move to a larger city, such as Charlotte or even somewhere such as New York City, for my business to Get more content on