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The Blues Music Essay examples
Different from other forms of music, blues was only recorded by memory and passed down through
generations through live performances. The blues began in the North Mississippi Delta post Civil
War times. It was heavily influenced by African roots, field hollers, ballads, church music and
rhythmic dance tunes called jump–ups. This eventually developed into music that was set up in a
call–and– response way so that the singer would sing a line and he would then respond with his
guitar. The blues, a uniquely American art form, was born on the dusty street corners of the Deep
South in the late 1800s. An evolution of West African music brought to the United States by slaves,
created the blues which was a way for black people in the more content...
This type of repetition is very common in blues composition and often resembles a form of story
telling as blues music often provides an additional narrative within the song usually dealing with the
hardships of life. Similar to the drums, the remainder of the instruments come together to create
tension, which is then followed by release. The guitar often works in unison with the vocals, acting
as a lead in the composition. Lastly, blues songs are usually set up in a 12–bar–structure, which is
divided into three segments of four bars. These 12 bars are generally made up of three chords,
whose main notes are based on the first, fourth, and fifth notes of an eight–note–scale. Additionally,
one may find certain notes that are slightly flatted, which are known as "blue notes". Blues songs are
typically played in a 4/4 time signature, meaning that four beats are found in each measure.
The blues is home to many world famous artists such as Riley B. King, also known as B.B King,
and McKinley Morganfield, also known as Muddy Waters. These artists were two very good
examples of what the blues is meant to incorporate and their legacy has and will live long passed
their deaths. B.B King is an American blue musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist, born on
September 16th, 1925 in Beclair, Mississippi. He is considered to be one of the most influential
blues musicians of all times, giving him the nicknames "The King of the Blues" as
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Coms 103: Informative Speech Outline
Specific Purpose: My audience will learn why music is healthy and beneficial to your health
Thesis Statement: Music is an essential part of our lives and is important to the development and
health of your body.
Introduction I. Attention Getter: (Start speech by playing music, turning lights off, dancing a little?)
So we all listen to music, it's apart of our everyday lives. I don't think I've ever met anyone who
said they cant stand music.. and if I ever did I would call them out for lying. II. Audience
Relevance: If your like me you cant go a day without listening to music and even when your not
songs are usually flowing in your head. When your walking to class, getting ready to more
Body I. Music Therapy: a. Music can be the best form of stress relief (if you actually enjoy
listening to it) b. Music has been used by therapists to rehabilitate i. Has been proven to induce
your brains levels of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin (feel good chemicals) ii. Can relax you
and ease your mind c. Music therapy has been used for adult cancer patients and it significantly
reduces emotional distress and boosts the patients quality of life. Same effect was had on war
veterans with PTSD II. Physical Benefits: d. Music is instrumental in brain development because it
uses both sides of your brain e. Early development teachers use music to improve the growth of a
childs brain academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. f. University of California did a
study on children who are given music lessons. The 2nd grade students that were given music
lessons scored 27% higher on proportion and fraction tests than those who did not receive lessons. g.
Mozart effect (myth) III. Emotional Benefits: h. Music can trigger happy memories or moments in
time i. Article in the Washington Post: music that we enjoy causes spikes in our dopamine and
causes us to crave more of that good feeling, which keeps us listening to that genre and persuing the
best of the best when it comes to our music taste. j. Pregnant women when listening to music share
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Descriptive Essay About Music
I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of
songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer.
Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar
strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals
appear in the song, I can only think about music and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean
that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every
place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts.
With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I
can do anything when I am blasting a song by Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am
listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be.
This way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I
know this high level of noise is not good for me, but the music is. Uniquely, music places me back
into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I
am laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child
again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover, when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from
my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the
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Personal Narrative: How Music Affects My Life
Music is a powerful force. Music strongly affects our emotions, brings back memories, changes
the way we express ourselves, and it can even affect our health. Music shapes our personality in
ways we do not notice. The following three song's show how my life has changed and how songs
can be used to retell one's own past through someone else's lyrics.
Firstly, I chose the song "Don't you worry child" by Swedish house mafia because
It's about people going through tough times in their life... It's a song meant to empower you to
keep pushing forward, living in the world around you, rather than "in the pictures on the wall"
(the past). Many parts of the song's lyrics I use to compare to my own life. I used to live in a "happy
home" when I was a younger, When I was 12–years–old, my parents separated and those days of
being in a "happy home" were gone for me; and I still think about it from time to time, just like in
the lyrics ""Those days are gone, and now the memories are on the wall"" and the words "my first
heartbreak" when my parents separated. Moving to Ohio everything changed for me; I changed
schools, changed houses, and got new friends. It was difficult dealing with the new environment,
However, friends and family would always tell me "Don't be anxious about what you can not change,
do what you can and do not worry about more content...
The first part of the song that says "Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking, when you fall,
everyone stands" describes a person who just keeps thinking negatively and doesn't know what to
do. I can compare this part of the song to when I first came to Ohio, I only thought negatively about
not being able to go back home and didn't let go of what had happened in my past. The song
explains that when you have lost hope and "all you got to keep is strong" that you should (As the
name of the song states) "Move
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Essay on Music and It's Influence
Music and it's influence
It is no doubt that music has played a vital role in our society. Everything from loud, head–banging
concerts to religious ceremonies have utilized the medium of music because of its awe–inspiring
qualities. Music is basically the control of sound. We can control this sound by varying the pitch,
tempo, octaves, dynamics and so on. There are thousands of ways that we can use music and to
shape it to how we want to hear it. But how much has music influenced the way we think today?
Why is it so popular?
Music dates right back to the prehistoric eras where primitive instruments were constructed using
items like bone and wood. These primitive musicians would not have known many of the modern
terms such as more content...
If we see a film about a jungle, normally the soundtrack is composed of instruments like bongos or
shakers. This is because we instantly associate this sort of music with jungles and indigenous tribes.
So whilst some parts of the world stayed traditionalist, other parts were taking music to the next step.
Western cultures have used music for almost every aspect of life. Music was used for entertainment,
religion, war cries and important ceremonies. Some countries have unfortunately lost their culture
and heritage thanks to more developed countries trying to expand their empires. A good example of
this is when the indigenous Mexican people were murdered in their homeland by the invading
Spanish – and replaced the traditional drums and flutes with more vibrant shakers and trumpets. It is
no doubt that the way upper countries have acted has greatly affected the distribution of music
I'm sure you'll all agree when I say that music is changing very fast. It's either that or we keep
changing our tastes in music every five minutes – which is far more probable. Today if someone put
on a record from just 10–20 years ago we'd probably think of that music as being incredibly old or
very simple. I don't know about you, but I can't stand to watch some (if not most) of the early Top
of the Pops because the music is so old. We think of this as being old, but in
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Essay Impact of Technology on Music
Impact of Technology on Music
The introduction to the internet in the early nineties and the creation of broadband, MP3, and the
file sharing network known as "peer to peer" has completely revolutionised the music industry. A
large percentage of music is today downloaded over the internet, and not bought over the counter in
a record store. This essay will address the impact of new technology on music, and how music is
distributed. To do this, the paper will first briefly explain the history of the digital revolution. Then it
will contrast the problems and the possibilities this technology has created.
Over the years, the development of new technology has caused significant changes to the world we
are living in. These more content...
Broadband cable modems are able to give high–speed Internet access to ordinary computer users.
The invention of MP3, the popular "data–reduction" software, allowed people to compresses sound
recordings into data files small enough to be stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, sent
via e–mail, or downloaded from websites. Such files can also be downloaded from "peer–to–peer"
file–sharing sites, the best known sites are sites like Kazaa, Ares, and WinMx. These sites are
web–based clearing houses that allow their users to make MP3 files available for free to all other
users. In addition, many record labels have launched or are launching online delivery systems from
which their recordings can be downloaded for a fee (Teachout, 2002).
Millions of people now download music for free and burn the songs onto blank discs. This is
illegal but available and at present because of the mass numbers of people doing it, and it's having a
very real and harmful impact on countless musicians, songwriters, and performers. Today, more that
2.6 billion files are downloaded illegally every month (, 2004). Despite its
apparent position of power, the recording industry is vulnerable on more than one front. Key
lawmakers have bluntly told the industry to find a solution to the music–sharing problem or face
arbitrary legislation. Regardless of whether the present file–sharing sites
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Descriptive Essay About Music
Nights Throughout my life I've never really had a strong connection to music. However, for
whatever reason towards the end of the sixth grade and especially now music has become
something that defines me.Listening to a one song can change how I feel the whole day whether
a song makes me super pumped and hyped for the rest of the day or incredibly gloomy and sad.
Personally, for me coming up with a song to do was easy, but the hardest part was figuring out
what song perfectly encapsulates my freshmen year. Finally, I realized that no song exists out
there that directly and perfectly represents me. That's when I decided that the perfect song for my
year is "Nights" by Frank Ocean. Not necessarily the song and the lyrics are what represents my
year. But, the song itself was my year. Every single day, my sister and I would ride to school
jamming to this song. My sister and I are extremely close, my friends and family always comment
how amazing it is how close we are. Sadly, Maddie graduated this year and will be attending
school twelve hours away in Ohio.When I look back years from now my initial thoughts about
freshmen year won't be about bowling, Boston Calling, school, or tennis my first thought would
definitely be about my last year with Maddie. So I thought the best song to represent my freshmen
year was me and Maddie's favorite song Nights by Frank Ocean. Something that only few people
know about me is that I love to dance. However for me, dancing is just crazily
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More than 2000 years have passed since humans discovered music. Music is an art of sound in time
that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody,
harmony, and color (anonymous, 2014). It started out as a simple striking of materials that produced
sounds and was later developed with the inventions of musical instruments such as stringed
instruments. The development of music evolves from prehistoric until the present period of time.
Music has been very popular to people, not only to adults but also to teenagers and children. Its
popularity can be attributed to the components of music such as lyrics, genres, artists and
specifically, being a big part of the present media. The researchers came more content...
"Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on minds and bodies, especially slow,
quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological
functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of
stress hormones" (Collingwood, 2007). This proves that music can help in the physiological
wellness of a person.
In this current industrialized world, teenagers are the most vulnerable factor of society, As teenagers,
there are a lot of negative forces affecting them such as confusion, pressure, stress, etc., that leads to
delinquency. To prevent this from happening, they devise their own way of relieving stress. With the
fast phasing domination of media today, music is one of its successful outcomes that everyone
listens to. Listening to music can serve as a stress reliever to teenagers.
According to Psychology Today (2014), Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our
physical or mental equilibrium. People view stress as something that is common, but according to
the American Psychological Association (2014), 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are
for stress–related ailments and complaints. Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart
disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. Stress can really be a
threat in one's health.
The purpose
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Many people have done research on infants and children to see what effect music has on mental and
physical development. Jeanne Akin is a professor who has research that shows having musical
activities aids in developing children 's intellect and highly improves the listening skills of students
and therefore lead to students more interested in academics and learning. She believes that a
curriculum that is music–enriched can be a factor in higher skill development and in raising IQ
scores. Frances Campbell and Craig Ramey constructed a study on children in preschool. It shows
that children who have been exposed to learning with games and songs had a higher IQ of 10 to 20
points over those taught without the games and songs. When they got to the age of 15, they also
had higher math and reading scores. It is evident from the research of these people that music can
create higher IQ scores, but it can also affect emotions and solutions for solving a social problem
situation. Bryan T., Sullivan–Burstein, and Mathur orchestrated a study researching the effect music
has on emotion and problem solving in social problem situations and what they found out was that
students using positive background music had superior constructive attitudes regarding social
situations. The social generally covered common complications middle school children face
including social and moral decisions. They proposed that music had a strong impact on them and
expanded their creativity concerning the positive
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The Evolution of Music Essay
Throughout history, music has evolved and branched off into many different categories, each of
which have distinct styles and orchestrations; there is classical music that is centuries old and
today there is modern contemporary music that is often synthesized or played with electronic
instruments. There are also many ways that the two styles can cross over each other; this is seen in
popular music and a lot of video game music. Though many people cannot see any similarities
between modern and classical music, modern music is really an evolution of classical music; the
roots of modern music go back to classical era. The term "classical music" refers to the western
influence, not the eastern influence of Asia; the two are very more content...
One of the greatest composers of music, even though it was only slightly notated at the time, was
Guillaume de Machaut (d. 1377), "one of the undisputed pinnacle geniuses of Western music..." His
most famous piece was the four–voice Mass of Notre Dame, which maintained his reputation
through the changes in fashion (Roberge). After almost a millennium's worth of music was
composed and contributed, the style of music began to change with the next era. From 1400 to
1600 A.D., the Renaissance was a period of a rediscovery of Greek ideals for musicians to
explore possibilities of their art. It was during this time that ideas were able to better circulate,
because individualism began to increase, and the printing of music helped to preserve and distribute
musical ideas (History). Also, as opposed to the medieval period, the Renaissance began to expand
upon the type of sound that was created by adding the voices of women in choirs, as well as
expanding instrumental music. The texture of music also began to change, with homophonic and
polyphonic compositions. Sacred vocal polyphony was used rather than monophony in the form of
masses and motets, while secular pieces also included madrigals and songs. Instrumental pieces
usually were short during this time, and were for dancing (History).
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Piano Music Essay
The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth
century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated their lives to this instrument. Some players
even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to
play the piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must love
music very much, have good finger techniques, and body flexibility.
To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly
understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of
music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also
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In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger
techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because some music should be played quickly, this
can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help
you play piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good
finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without your finger getting sore. For a thirty
minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece
well. Having good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist.
To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a
piano player to swing their body to the beat. For example, when a piece of music has complicated
rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body
flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing
music; thus preventing the piano player from falling off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility
can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the
piano to the lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must
have body flexibility.
Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is
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reggae music Essay
Reggae is the most internationally famous style of Caribbean music. Reggae, which is one of the
world's most influential music, was originated in Jamaica around the mid 1960's. At first reggae
was first performed by and for poor Jamaican's, but quickly became popular throughout the
Caribbean and around the world. Most reggae songs deal with social concerns and religious beliefs of
the Afro–Caribbean awareness of the Rastafarian religion. The term reggae is also applied today to
reggae's precursor styles, including mento, ska, and rock steady. (World Book encyclopedia, 2000)
The origins of reggae can be traced to the 1940s and the emergence of mento, a hybrid that combines
African folk–music traditions with calypso, the carnival music more content...
Reggae started making its name in the mid 1960's after Jamaica had just received their
independence from Britain on August 6th 1962. Reggae music is closely affiliated with the
Rastafarian religion because it does have a relationship with it and also because it's main artists
Jimmy Cliff and Robert Nesta Marley, known to the entire world as Bob Marley were Rastafarian.
Jimmy Cliff became the first reggae performer to achieve international popularity, largely because
of his lead role in the motion picture The Harder They Come (1973), for which he also performed
the title song, while Bob Marley became the most popular artist. (Microsoft Encarta 2004)
Bob Marley, became the most influential as well as the most popular reggae artist to date. Marley
combined soulful melodies with strident lyrics that were informed by the Biblical mysticism and
Afro–Caribbean awareness of the Rastafarian religion. During the 1970s, Marley and many other
Jamaican musicians sang about black unification and liberation, while advocating the smoking of
ganja (marijuana) as a religious sacrament. Marley gained mainstream recognition with his 1975
album Natty Dread. By the time of his death from cancer in 1981, Marley and his band the Wailers
had won worldwide respect for their highly melodic, spiritually moving pop songs. Marley was such
a strong influence in his native country of Jamaica,
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The Healing Power of Music Essay
In definition, music therapy is, "the clinical and evidence–based use of music interventions to
accomplish individualized goals" (American Music Therapy). Music has been an element of the
human psyche since early ancestors fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of waves lapping against
the shore and awoke to singing birds at daybreak. Theories on music therapy trace back to ancient
Egypt where it was called the "physic of soul" in other words, a healing power (Podolsky). It gained
resurgence during World Wars I and II, when volunteers played instruments and sang for wounded
soldiers in hospitals. Music is integral to our culture and emotional health. Barbara Crowe, president
of National Association for Music Therapy stated, "Music therapy more content...
It seems only obvious since people smile, tap their feet or dance to the rhythm and timing of a
song. For instance, people might hear a song on the radio and it immediately brings back memories
or moods. Music in a minor key is usually thought of as sad–sounding as opposed to that written in a
major key. "The cerebellum and amygdala work together to help differentiate between major and
minor chords" (Science News).(explain) Responses to music therapy vary from person to person, but
so does the response to many medicines. Applications and methods remain scattered and
uncoordinated inhibiting potential for refining its use. Proper use of music therapy could decrease
the dependency on prescription medicines and help the whole patient. On that note, music therapy
should be funded to develop our knowledge of its effectiveness. Music therapy is often used with
brain damaged patients with emotional issues such as anxiety in relationships, and the inability to
handle difficult situations with peers and/or authority figures. Hearing music releases endorphins
that trigger pleasant feelings in the frontal lobes of our brains that gives the satisfaction of emotions
like love, happiness, and sadness. It affects the heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and muscle
tension. Music with free style melodies like jazz is more relaxing than heavy metal rock's
screaming lyrics and driving beats. Music therapy helps patients express emotions when words
cannot. (place such as
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Positive Effects of Music Essay
Music is an art form that usually combines singing with different instruments and rhythms. Many
genres of music aid in interesting different people and different moods, so that everyone can
enjoy it. Music does two significant things for us; it increases stimulation in the brain, and assists
in coping with difficult situations. It's hard to ignore the fact that music exists and is constantly
evolving because it's everywhere; from our homes to our cars, our cars to our school, from out
school to our jobs, it's even taught and discussed in schools! { It's impossible to go through life
without music because of how it is everywhere, but I can see why people would avoid it–
Sometimes song's lyrics can be offensive, violent, bombastic, more content...
Studies have proven that brain stimulation occurs between 3,000 and 8,800 hertz, and most music
falls between his range, and classical types of music are proven to accurately do this. Some people
believe that only certain types of music do this, but studies have proven that any type of music with
a tone, rhythm, and pitch will stimulate the brain, but most people do not believe this. Regardless of
what specific type of music does this, it proves that music is important when performing tasks that
require the brain, by stimulating it. Another important use of music is to aid in coping with
situations that seem difficult. Everyone experiences many emotions, trials, and tribulations
throughout life and not having something to aid you in getting through these trials can prove to be
difficult, that's where music comes in. Listening to songs that discuss similar issues and encourage
the ability to get through, is proven to aid in this process and bands such as 'Rise Against' or
'Shinedown' are prime examples of this. This is known as relating to the music, and it makes the
music so much more real, important, and moving. Next time you find yourself feeling sad, try
listening to some music that relates to what you are going through and see how it helps! In
conclusion, I believe that everyone should listen to music despite the negative things some genres
contain such as violence, negative lyrics, and influencing
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Hip Hop Music Expository Essay
Honestly, hip hop has not been a big part of my life. I have been exposed to hip hop music
throughout my whole life; however, the first time that I was aware that I was listening to hip hop
would probably be in summer camp before first grade. Every group had to put on a routine from a
different genre, and my group got hip hop. The dance was defiantly terrible, but practicing it
taught me what hip hop was. Now, I don't really listen to hip hop much since no member of my
family is involved in hip hop, and I find the sound of songs in other genres more appealing. I
believe that hip hop is still a voice for the voiceless, it still speaks of revolution, but that does not
always mean anything. In Dakar, Senegal, kids rap about their culture, one
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Essay about Music and Society
Music and Society
There is no disputing that society is influenced by its choices of entertainment. Some ways in which
people are influenced are positive, but others are harmful. In the society we live in, the harmful
ways always outnumber the positive. If we gravitated toward the positive forms of entertainment a
little more often than the negative, then our society would have fewer problems. Popular music has a
negative effect on society and endorses a lack of creativity. Most popular music today is driven by
violence and sex. These musicians put out albums that glorify violence and promote causal sex.
When the albums are being produced, the artist does not think of how it will affect the perspective
merchant. more content...
People hate the fact of the happening, not being with the popular crowd. Few teens try to develop
independent minds because that would cause them to be creative and different. That brings us to
another point–– that most popular music is neither unique nor creative. Just about all of the music
coming out now is generally the same. It lacks creativity because artists are just in it to make
money, not for the love of music. Society is force–fed this bland music on a daily basis. Through
radio stations and the emergence of MTV, new hit songs come out every week and people digest
them, claiming to enjoy them just so that they appear to be versed on the latest "on hit wonder"
groups. Since the music is generally the same and really does not change that dramatically every
week, album after album is put out to fatten the wallets of wealthy producers. The more albums that
are put out, the more money is made, as consumers shell out millions every week for something new
to listen to, but are merely continuing to feed the frenzy of the popular music industry. Another harm
this entertainment brings to society is it gives the media an easy scapegoat. When some atrocity
gains national attention, the first thing that is thought of is music and entertainment. When a young
boy burnt down his house because he was watching Beavis and Butt–Head, and they were playing
with fire, the show was blamed. How about we blame who are really at fault here –– the
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Music And The Mind Body Connection Essay
Nathaniel Biedermann
Professor David Patterson
Music 248 OL CEO 01
28 November 2016
Music and the Mind Body Connection Throughout history, music has played a defining role, both in
the spirit and the character of many of our planet's greatest creative minds. The all–encompassing
power of music was documented as early as 428 B.C. when Plato wrote, "Music is a moral law. It
gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life
and to everything"(Plato). Music, whether produced or listened to, creates a connection that
branches the imagination, auditory system, and emotion of the end user into an enveloping
sensation of expression. It is because of the powerful influence that is used in music to encourage
individuals to relate and unite, its ability to appeal and effect the emotions and performance of both
composer and audience, and its capacity to bridge creativity in the brain with the body in the
absence of conscious thought that makes music one of most controversial and powerful tools aiding
in interlacing the body and mind. The birth of jazz music took place in New Orleans, though it soon
expanded to America 's white middle as well as Britain, France, and other areas of the Europe.
Jazz was characterized by the union of African and European music, and made way for new dance
styles. Cities like New York and Chicago were hotbeds for jazz, especially for black artists. The
"Jazz Age" was a cultural movement that took place in
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The Healing Power of Music Essay
Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental
illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over–the–counter drugs or prescribed
medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own
ipod. Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not
completely alleviate the need for drugs, it's possible that music therapy could accompany medical
drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by
patients. In order to understand how music can affect the body and mind, one needs to understand
the composition of sound itself. Don Campbell describes it more content...
It gives us the chance to feel a sense of order in a life that is so often filled with chaos. Furthermore,
singing can often help someone to come in contact with certain emotions that they have either been
suppressing, or simply could no longer feel. For
Cole 2 example, a song with slow tempo and lyrics about remembering a lost loved one can emit
feelings of deep sorrow or regret, which can be reflected and felt by the one singing, or even
listening to, the music. On the other hand, a more joyous and fast–paced song can allow one to feel
more energized and up–beat. Aside from emotions, music can also have an impact on mental
illnesses like ADHD, depression, and dementia. To combat depression, Cadena states that "music
therapy alleviates pain and promotes calmness by slowing the heart rate and other bodily
functions" (2). It provides the patient with a means of escape from the stressful and painful ordeals
of life, and can even encourage them to recover from depression. To help children with ADHD,
music therapy and medications can be used conjointly. Music, Cadena affirms, "can provide a
calming, sedative affect and assist a child with focusing on the task at hand" (2). In regards to
dementia, a study was done to investigate the effects that music would have on people with the
disease. The findings demonstrated that "mean agitation levels were significantly lower while
listening to music than before listening to the music" (3). Music can also help
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Descriptive Essay On Music
The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy
it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what
you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very
relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably
be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled
music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest
style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely
different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you
accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical
and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound
of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The
piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In
1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating
instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music
The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about
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Explain How Music Affects The Brain
Music has many affects on life whether it's the way the brain functions , emotions, helping people
learn and cope with pain/sorrow. In my paper I will explaining how music helps in everyday life
and how it affects the brain. A proven fact is that musicians have a better brain than the average
people. In a study musicians have a different brain that regular people. Musicians have a bigger
corpus callosum.
Explaining how music affects the brain , the sensory cortex is tactile feedback from playing
instruments, and dancing. Motor cortex is responsible for movement , tapping your foot , nodding
your head , dancing, and playing instruments. Amygdala is responsible for emotions and
thoughts.Visual Cortex is responsible for reading music , and performer looking at the crowd or
looking at there own movements. The cerebellum also shows emotions as well. Hippocampus is
responsible for remembering music, and musically experiences. Did more content...
Mozart music charges the brain and which makes you study and learn. The type of music you
listening also can affect the way that you study. Proven says if you're listening to rap and studying
your mostly going to pay attention the lyrics and the song to the point that really have grasp the
material that you have been study. That's why you should listening to classical music, country, or
pop music.
Finally , my point of view about the impact music has on everyday life now . The effect that
music on everyday life now is basically upbeat, and has very catchy words. Today's songs major of
rapper dont even say real words , they make up words, and becomes a hit. They also influence the
way we dress , the way we talk, and most of all our character. Songs today either are talking about
violence, drugs , and sex. Which now most of our young males look up to this stuff. How can stop
violence if in songs they're promoting it? My essay has proven how music affects in everyday life I
hope you have enjoyed my
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Expository Essay About Music

  • 1. The Blues Music Essay examples Different from other forms of music, blues was only recorded by memory and passed down through generations through live performances. The blues began in the North Mississippi Delta post Civil War times. It was heavily influenced by African roots, field hollers, ballads, church music and rhythmic dance tunes called jump–ups. This eventually developed into music that was set up in a call–and– response way so that the singer would sing a line and he would then respond with his guitar. The blues, a uniquely American art form, was born on the dusty street corners of the Deep South in the late 1800s. An evolution of West African music brought to the United States by slaves, created the blues which was a way for black people in the more content... This type of repetition is very common in blues composition and often resembles a form of story telling as blues music often provides an additional narrative within the song usually dealing with the hardships of life. Similar to the drums, the remainder of the instruments come together to create tension, which is then followed by release. The guitar often works in unison with the vocals, acting as a lead in the composition. Lastly, blues songs are usually set up in a 12–bar–structure, which is divided into three segments of four bars. These 12 bars are generally made up of three chords, whose main notes are based on the first, fourth, and fifth notes of an eight–note–scale. Additionally, one may find certain notes that are slightly flatted, which are known as "blue notes". Blues songs are typically played in a 4/4 time signature, meaning that four beats are found in each measure. The blues is home to many world famous artists such as Riley B. King, also known as B.B King, and McKinley Morganfield, also known as Muddy Waters. These artists were two very good examples of what the blues is meant to incorporate and their legacy has and will live long passed their deaths. B.B King is an American blue musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist, born on September 16th, 1925 in Beclair, Mississippi. He is considered to be one of the most influential blues musicians of all times, giving him the nicknames "The King of the Blues" as Get more content on
  • 2. Coms 103: Informative Speech Outline Specific Purpose: My audience will learn why music is healthy and beneficial to your health Thesis Statement: Music is an essential part of our lives and is important to the development and health of your body. Introduction I. Attention Getter: (Start speech by playing music, turning lights off, dancing a little?) So we all listen to music, it's apart of our everyday lives. I don't think I've ever met anyone who said they cant stand music.. and if I ever did I would call them out for lying. II. Audience Relevance: If your like me you cant go a day without listening to music and even when your not songs are usually flowing in your head. When your walking to class, getting ready to more content... Body I. Music Therapy: a. Music can be the best form of stress relief (if you actually enjoy listening to it) b. Music has been used by therapists to rehabilitate i. Has been proven to induce your brains levels of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin (feel good chemicals) ii. Can relax you and ease your mind c. Music therapy has been used for adult cancer patients and it significantly reduces emotional distress and boosts the patients quality of life. Same effect was had on war veterans with PTSD II. Physical Benefits: d. Music is instrumental in brain development because it uses both sides of your brain e. Early development teachers use music to improve the growth of a childs brain academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. f. University of California did a study on children who are given music lessons. The 2nd grade students that were given music lessons scored 27% higher on proportion and fraction tests than those who did not receive lessons. g. Mozart effect (myth) III. Emotional Benefits: h. Music can trigger happy memories or moments in time i. Article in the Washington Post: music that we enjoy causes spikes in our dopamine and causes us to crave more of that good feeling, which keeps us listening to that genre and persuing the best of the best when it comes to our music taste. j. Pregnant women when listening to music share hormones Get more content on
  • 3. Descriptive Essay About Music I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer. Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals appear in the song, I can only think about music and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts. With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I can do anything when I am blasting a song by Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be. This way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I know this high level of noise is not good for me, but the music is. Uniquely, music places me back into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I am laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover, when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Narrative: How Music Affects My Life Music is a powerful force. Music strongly affects our emotions, brings back memories, changes the way we express ourselves, and it can even affect our health. Music shapes our personality in ways we do not notice. The following three song's show how my life has changed and how songs can be used to retell one's own past through someone else's lyrics. Firstly, I chose the song "Don't you worry child" by Swedish house mafia because It's about people going through tough times in their life... It's a song meant to empower you to keep pushing forward, living in the world around you, rather than "in the pictures on the wall" (the past). Many parts of the song's lyrics I use to compare to my own life. I used to live in a "happy home" when I was a younger, When I was 12–years–old, my parents separated and those days of being in a "happy home" were gone for me; and I still think about it from time to time, just like in the lyrics ""Those days are gone, and now the memories are on the wall"" and the words "my first heartbreak" when my parents separated. Moving to Ohio everything changed for me; I changed schools, changed houses, and got new friends. It was difficult dealing with the new environment, However, friends and family would always tell me "Don't be anxious about what you can not change, do what you can and do not worry about more content... The first part of the song that says "Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking, when you fall, everyone stands" describes a person who just keeps thinking negatively and doesn't know what to do. I can compare this part of the song to when I first came to Ohio, I only thought negatively about not being able to go back home and didn't let go of what had happened in my past. The song explains that when you have lost hope and "all you got to keep is strong" that you should (As the name of the song states) "Move Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Music and It's Influence Music and it's influence It is no doubt that music has played a vital role in our society. Everything from loud, head–banging concerts to religious ceremonies have utilized the medium of music because of its awe–inspiring qualities. Music is basically the control of sound. We can control this sound by varying the pitch, tempo, octaves, dynamics and so on. There are thousands of ways that we can use music and to shape it to how we want to hear it. But how much has music influenced the way we think today? Why is it so popular? Music dates right back to the prehistoric eras where primitive instruments were constructed using items like bone and wood. These primitive musicians would not have known many of the modern terms such as more content... If we see a film about a jungle, normally the soundtrack is composed of instruments like bongos or shakers. This is because we instantly associate this sort of music with jungles and indigenous tribes. So whilst some parts of the world stayed traditionalist, other parts were taking music to the next step. Western cultures have used music for almost every aspect of life. Music was used for entertainment, religion, war cries and important ceremonies. Some countries have unfortunately lost their culture and heritage thanks to more developed countries trying to expand their empires. A good example of this is when the indigenous Mexican people were murdered in their homeland by the invading Spanish – and replaced the traditional drums and flutes with more vibrant shakers and trumpets. It is no doubt that the way upper countries have acted has greatly affected the distribution of music worldwide. I'm sure you'll all agree when I say that music is changing very fast. It's either that or we keep changing our tastes in music every five minutes – which is far more probable. Today if someone put on a record from just 10–20 years ago we'd probably think of that music as being incredibly old or very simple. I don't know about you, but I can't stand to watch some (if not most) of the early Top of the Pops because the music is so old. We think of this as being old, but in Get more content on
  • 6. Essay Impact of Technology on Music Impact of Technology on Music The introduction to the internet in the early nineties and the creation of broadband, MP3, and the file sharing network known as "peer to peer" has completely revolutionised the music industry. A large percentage of music is today downloaded over the internet, and not bought over the counter in a record store. This essay will address the impact of new technology on music, and how music is distributed. To do this, the paper will first briefly explain the history of the digital revolution. Then it will contrast the problems and the possibilities this technology has created. Over the years, the development of new technology has caused significant changes to the world we are living in. These more content... Broadband cable modems are able to give high–speed Internet access to ordinary computer users. The invention of MP3, the popular "data–reduction" software, allowed people to compresses sound recordings into data files small enough to be stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, sent via e–mail, or downloaded from websites. Such files can also be downloaded from "peer–to–peer" file–sharing sites, the best known sites are sites like Kazaa, Ares, and WinMx. These sites are web–based clearing houses that allow their users to make MP3 files available for free to all other users. In addition, many record labels have launched or are launching online delivery systems from which their recordings can be downloaded for a fee (Teachout, 2002). Millions of people now download music for free and burn the songs onto blank discs. This is illegal but available and at present because of the mass numbers of people doing it, and it's having a very real and harmful impact on countless musicians, songwriters, and performers. Today, more that 2.6 billion files are downloaded illegally every month (, 2004). Despite its apparent position of power, the recording industry is vulnerable on more than one front. Key lawmakers have bluntly told the industry to find a solution to the music–sharing problem or face arbitrary legislation. Regardless of whether the present file–sharing sites Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About Music Nights Throughout my life I've never really had a strong connection to music. However, for whatever reason towards the end of the sixth grade and especially now music has become something that defines me.Listening to a one song can change how I feel the whole day whether a song makes me super pumped and hyped for the rest of the day or incredibly gloomy and sad. Personally, for me coming up with a song to do was easy, but the hardest part was figuring out what song perfectly encapsulates my freshmen year. Finally, I realized that no song exists out there that directly and perfectly represents me. That's when I decided that the perfect song for my year is "Nights" by Frank Ocean. Not necessarily the song and the lyrics are what represents my year. But, the song itself was my year. Every single day, my sister and I would ride to school jamming to this song. My sister and I are extremely close, my friends and family always comment how amazing it is how close we are. Sadly, Maddie graduated this year and will be attending school twelve hours away in Ohio.When I look back years from now my initial thoughts about freshmen year won't be about bowling, Boston Calling, school, or tennis my first thought would definitely be about my last year with Maddie. So I thought the best song to represent my freshmen year was me and Maddie's favorite song Nights by Frank Ocean. Something that only few people know about me is that I love to dance. However for me, dancing is just crazily Get more content on
  • 8. More than 2000 years have passed since humans discovered music. Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color (anonymous, 2014). It started out as a simple striking of materials that produced sounds and was later developed with the inventions of musical instruments such as stringed instruments. The development of music evolves from prehistoric until the present period of time. Music has been very popular to people, not only to adults but also to teenagers and children. Its popularity can be attributed to the components of music such as lyrics, genres, artists and specifically, being a big part of the present media. The researchers came more content... "Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones" (Collingwood, 2007). This proves that music can help in the physiological wellness of a person. In this current industrialized world, teenagers are the most vulnerable factor of society, As teenagers, there are a lot of negative forces affecting them such as confusion, pressure, stress, etc., that leads to delinquency. To prevent this from happening, they devise their own way of relieving stress. With the fast phasing domination of media today, music is one of its successful outcomes that everyone listens to. Listening to music can serve as a stress reliever to teenagers. According to Psychology Today (2014), Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. People view stress as something that is common, but according to the American Psychological Association (2014), 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress–related ailments and complaints. Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. Stress can really be a threat in one's health. The purpose Get more content on
  • 9. Many people have done research on infants and children to see what effect music has on mental and physical development. Jeanne Akin is a professor who has research that shows having musical activities aids in developing children 's intellect and highly improves the listening skills of students and therefore lead to students more interested in academics and learning. She believes that a curriculum that is music–enriched can be a factor in higher skill development and in raising IQ scores. Frances Campbell and Craig Ramey constructed a study on children in preschool. It shows that children who have been exposed to learning with games and songs had a higher IQ of 10 to 20 points over those taught without the games and songs. When they got to the age of 15, they also had higher math and reading scores. It is evident from the research of these people that music can create higher IQ scores, but it can also affect emotions and solutions for solving a social problem situation. Bryan T., Sullivan–Burstein, and Mathur orchestrated a study researching the effect music has on emotion and problem solving in social problem situations and what they found out was that students using positive background music had superior constructive attitudes regarding social situations. The social generally covered common complications middle school children face including social and moral decisions. They proposed that music had a strong impact on them and expanded their creativity concerning the positive Get more content on
  • 10. The Evolution of Music Essay Throughout history, music has evolved and branched off into many different categories, each of which have distinct styles and orchestrations; there is classical music that is centuries old and today there is modern contemporary music that is often synthesized or played with electronic instruments. There are also many ways that the two styles can cross over each other; this is seen in popular music and a lot of video game music. Though many people cannot see any similarities between modern and classical music, modern music is really an evolution of classical music; the roots of modern music go back to classical era. The term "classical music" refers to the western influence, not the eastern influence of Asia; the two are very more content... One of the greatest composers of music, even though it was only slightly notated at the time, was Guillaume de Machaut (d. 1377), "one of the undisputed pinnacle geniuses of Western music..." His most famous piece was the four–voice Mass of Notre Dame, which maintained his reputation through the changes in fashion (Roberge). After almost a millennium's worth of music was composed and contributed, the style of music began to change with the next era. From 1400 to 1600 A.D., the Renaissance was a period of a rediscovery of Greek ideals for musicians to explore possibilities of their art. It was during this time that ideas were able to better circulate, because individualism began to increase, and the printing of music helped to preserve and distribute musical ideas (History). Also, as opposed to the medieval period, the Renaissance began to expand upon the type of sound that was created by adding the voices of women in choirs, as well as expanding instrumental music. The texture of music also began to change, with homophonic and polyphonic compositions. Sacred vocal polyphony was used rather than monophony in the form of masses and motets, while secular pieces also included madrigals and songs. Instrumental pieces usually were short during this time, and were for dancing (History). Get more content on
  • 11. Piano Music Essay The beautiful sound of piano music has captured the hearts of people since the early eighteenth century. Since then, many musicians have dedicated their lives to this instrument. Some players even play piano so well that it may seem that this instrument is easy to play. However, to be able to play the piano well isn't easy; it takes a lot of skill. To become a good piano player, one must love music very much, have good finger techniques, and body flexibility. To become a good piano player, one must love music. The love of music can help you truly understand the music you play, so that you can play it well. For example, when you play a piece of music on the piano, not only must you get the notes and the rhythm right, you must also more content... In order to become a good pianist, one must have good finger techniques. With good finger techniques, one will be able to play fast music. Because some music should be played quickly, this can help you play through the music without getting stuck. Good finger techniques can also help you play piano music very clearly so that the sound is clean and beautiful. In addition, with good finger techniques, you can play piano for a long time without your finger getting sore. For a thirty minute piece of piano music, one needs to have good finger techniques in order to play this piece well. Having good finger techniques is an important skill to have as a pianist. To be able to play piano well, one has to have body flexibility. Good body flexibility can help a piano player to swing their body to the beat. For example, when a piece of music has complicated rhythm, the player must swing his or her body to the bear in order to get the exact rhythm. Body flexibility can also help one balance him/her self when he or she moves their body while playing music; thus preventing the piano player from falling off his or her chair. Lastly, body flexibility can help you play fast music. For instance, when you need to jump from the highest note of the piano to the lowest, this can help a pianist to move quickly and with ease. A good piano player must have body flexibility. Piano music can often touch the listener's heart if it is Get more content on
  • 12. reggae music Essay Reggae is the most internationally famous style of Caribbean music. Reggae, which is one of the world's most influential music, was originated in Jamaica around the mid 1960's. At first reggae was first performed by and for poor Jamaican's, but quickly became popular throughout the Caribbean and around the world. Most reggae songs deal with social concerns and religious beliefs of the Afro–Caribbean awareness of the Rastafarian religion. The term reggae is also applied today to reggae's precursor styles, including mento, ska, and rock steady. (World Book encyclopedia, 2000) The origins of reggae can be traced to the 1940s and the emergence of mento, a hybrid that combines African folk–music traditions with calypso, the carnival music more content... Reggae started making its name in the mid 1960's after Jamaica had just received their independence from Britain on August 6th 1962. Reggae music is closely affiliated with the Rastafarian religion because it does have a relationship with it and also because it's main artists Jimmy Cliff and Robert Nesta Marley, known to the entire world as Bob Marley were Rastafarian. Jimmy Cliff became the first reggae performer to achieve international popularity, largely because of his lead role in the motion picture The Harder They Come (1973), for which he also performed the title song, while Bob Marley became the most popular artist. (Microsoft Encarta 2004) Bob Marley, became the most influential as well as the most popular reggae artist to date. Marley combined soulful melodies with strident lyrics that were informed by the Biblical mysticism and Afro–Caribbean awareness of the Rastafarian religion. During the 1970s, Marley and many other Jamaican musicians sang about black unification and liberation, while advocating the smoking of ganja (marijuana) as a religious sacrament. Marley gained mainstream recognition with his 1975 album Natty Dread. By the time of his death from cancer in 1981, Marley and his band the Wailers had won worldwide respect for their highly melodic, spiritually moving pop songs. Marley was such a strong influence in his native country of Jamaica, Get more content on
  • 13. The Healing Power of Music Essay In definition, music therapy is, "the clinical and evidence–based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals" (American Music Therapy). Music has been an element of the human psyche since early ancestors fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of waves lapping against the shore and awoke to singing birds at daybreak. Theories on music therapy trace back to ancient Egypt where it was called the "physic of soul" in other words, a healing power (Podolsky). It gained resurgence during World Wars I and II, when volunteers played instruments and sang for wounded soldiers in hospitals. Music is integral to our culture and emotional health. Barbara Crowe, president of National Association for Music Therapy stated, "Music therapy more content... It seems only obvious since people smile, tap their feet or dance to the rhythm and timing of a song. For instance, people might hear a song on the radio and it immediately brings back memories or moods. Music in a minor key is usually thought of as sad–sounding as opposed to that written in a major key. "The cerebellum and amygdala work together to help differentiate between major and minor chords" (Science News).(explain) Responses to music therapy vary from person to person, but so does the response to many medicines. Applications and methods remain scattered and uncoordinated inhibiting potential for refining its use. Proper use of music therapy could decrease the dependency on prescription medicines and help the whole patient. On that note, music therapy should be funded to develop our knowledge of its effectiveness. Music therapy is often used with brain damaged patients with emotional issues such as anxiety in relationships, and the inability to handle difficult situations with peers and/or authority figures. Hearing music releases endorphins that trigger pleasant feelings in the frontal lobes of our brains that gives the satisfaction of emotions like love, happiness, and sadness. It affects the heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and muscle tension. Music with free style melodies like jazz is more relaxing than heavy metal rock's screaming lyrics and driving beats. Music therapy helps patients express emotions when words cannot. (place such as Get more content on
  • 14. Positive Effects of Music Essay Music is an art form that usually combines singing with different instruments and rhythms. Many genres of music aid in interesting different people and different moods, so that everyone can enjoy it. Music does two significant things for us; it increases stimulation in the brain, and assists in coping with difficult situations. It's hard to ignore the fact that music exists and is constantly evolving because it's everywhere; from our homes to our cars, our cars to our school, from out school to our jobs, it's even taught and discussed in schools! { It's impossible to go through life without music because of how it is everywhere, but I can see why people would avoid it– Sometimes song's lyrics can be offensive, violent, bombastic, more content... Studies have proven that brain stimulation occurs between 3,000 and 8,800 hertz, and most music falls between his range, and classical types of music are proven to accurately do this. Some people believe that only certain types of music do this, but studies have proven that any type of music with a tone, rhythm, and pitch will stimulate the brain, but most people do not believe this. Regardless of what specific type of music does this, it proves that music is important when performing tasks that require the brain, by stimulating it. Another important use of music is to aid in coping with situations that seem difficult. Everyone experiences many emotions, trials, and tribulations throughout life and not having something to aid you in getting through these trials can prove to be difficult, that's where music comes in. Listening to songs that discuss similar issues and encourage the ability to get through, is proven to aid in this process and bands such as 'Rise Against' or 'Shinedown' are prime examples of this. This is known as relating to the music, and it makes the music so much more real, important, and moving. Next time you find yourself feeling sad, try listening to some music that relates to what you are going through and see how it helps! In conclusion, I believe that everyone should listen to music despite the negative things some genres contain such as violence, negative lyrics, and influencing Get more content on
  • 15. Hip Hop Music Expository Essay Honestly, hip hop has not been a big part of my life. I have been exposed to hip hop music throughout my whole life; however, the first time that I was aware that I was listening to hip hop would probably be in summer camp before first grade. Every group had to put on a routine from a different genre, and my group got hip hop. The dance was defiantly terrible, but practicing it taught me what hip hop was. Now, I don't really listen to hip hop much since no member of my family is involved in hip hop, and I find the sound of songs in other genres more appealing. I believe that hip hop is still a voice for the voiceless, it still speaks of revolution, but that does not always mean anything. In Dakar, Senegal, kids rap about their culture, one Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Music and Society Music and Society There is no disputing that society is influenced by its choices of entertainment. Some ways in which people are influenced are positive, but others are harmful. In the society we live in, the harmful ways always outnumber the positive. If we gravitated toward the positive forms of entertainment a little more often than the negative, then our society would have fewer problems. Popular music has a negative effect on society and endorses a lack of creativity. Most popular music today is driven by violence and sex. These musicians put out albums that glorify violence and promote causal sex. When the albums are being produced, the artist does not think of how it will affect the perspective merchant. more content... People hate the fact of the happening, not being with the popular crowd. Few teens try to develop independent minds because that would cause them to be creative and different. That brings us to another point–– that most popular music is neither unique nor creative. Just about all of the music coming out now is generally the same. It lacks creativity because artists are just in it to make money, not for the love of music. Society is force–fed this bland music on a daily basis. Through radio stations and the emergence of MTV, new hit songs come out every week and people digest them, claiming to enjoy them just so that they appear to be versed on the latest "on hit wonder" groups. Since the music is generally the same and really does not change that dramatically every week, album after album is put out to fatten the wallets of wealthy producers. The more albums that are put out, the more money is made, as consumers shell out millions every week for something new to listen to, but are merely continuing to feed the frenzy of the popular music industry. Another harm this entertainment brings to society is it gives the media an easy scapegoat. When some atrocity gains national attention, the first thing that is thought of is music and entertainment. When a young boy burnt down his house because he was watching Beavis and Butt–Head, and they were playing with fire, the show was blamed. How about we blame who are really at fault here –– the Get more content on
  • 17. Music And The Mind Body Connection Essay Nathaniel Biedermann Professor David Patterson Music 248 OL CEO 01 28 November 2016 Music and the Mind Body Connection Throughout history, music has played a defining role, both in the spirit and the character of many of our planet's greatest creative minds. The all–encompassing power of music was documented as early as 428 B.C. when Plato wrote, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything"(Plato). Music, whether produced or listened to, creates a connection that branches the imagination, auditory system, and emotion of the end user into an enveloping sensation of expression. It is because of the powerful influence that is used in music to encourage individuals to relate and unite, its ability to appeal and effect the emotions and performance of both composer and audience, and its capacity to bridge creativity in the brain with the body in the absence of conscious thought that makes music one of most controversial and powerful tools aiding in interlacing the body and mind. The birth of jazz music took place in New Orleans, though it soon expanded to America 's white middle as well as Britain, France, and other areas of the Europe. Jazz was characterized by the union of African and European music, and made way for new dance styles. Cities like New York and Chicago were hotbeds for jazz, especially for black artists. The "Jazz Age" was a cultural movement that took place in Get more content on
  • 18. The Healing Power of Music Essay Usually, when one considers what they can do to fight off a cold, relieve pain, or alleviate mental illness, the first things that comes to mind may be to take over–the–counter drugs or prescribed medications. However, the cure to these and many other infirmities may be found within your own ipod. Music, in its many forms, can and should be used as a healing instrument. While it may not completely alleviate the need for drugs, it's possible that music therapy could accompany medical drug use in order to lessen the amount of potentially harmful medications often consumed by patients. In order to understand how music can affect the body and mind, one needs to understand the composition of sound itself. Don Campbell describes it more content... It gives us the chance to feel a sense of order in a life that is so often filled with chaos. Furthermore, singing can often help someone to come in contact with certain emotions that they have either been suppressing, or simply could no longer feel. For Cole 2 example, a song with slow tempo and lyrics about remembering a lost loved one can emit feelings of deep sorrow or regret, which can be reflected and felt by the one singing, or even listening to, the music. On the other hand, a more joyous and fast–paced song can allow one to feel more energized and up–beat. Aside from emotions, music can also have an impact on mental illnesses like ADHD, depression, and dementia. To combat depression, Cadena states that "music therapy alleviates pain and promotes calmness by slowing the heart rate and other bodily functions" (2). It provides the patient with a means of escape from the stressful and painful ordeals of life, and can even encourage them to recover from depression. To help children with ADHD, music therapy and medications can be used conjointly. Music, Cadena affirms, "can provide a calming, sedative affect and assist a child with focusing on the task at hand" (2). In regards to dementia, a study was done to investigate the effects that music would have on people with the disease. The findings demonstrated that "mean agitation levels were significantly lower while listening to music than before listening to the music" (3). Music can also help Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay On Music The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music industry. The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about Get more content on
  • 20. Explain How Music Affects The Brain Music has many affects on life whether it's the way the brain functions , emotions, helping people learn and cope with pain/sorrow. In my paper I will explaining how music helps in everyday life and how it affects the brain. A proven fact is that musicians have a better brain than the average people. In a study musicians have a different brain that regular people. Musicians have a bigger corpus callosum. Explaining how music affects the brain , the sensory cortex is tactile feedback from playing instruments, and dancing. Motor cortex is responsible for movement , tapping your foot , nodding your head , dancing, and playing instruments. Amygdala is responsible for emotions and thoughts.Visual Cortex is responsible for reading music , and performer looking at the crowd or looking at there own movements. The cerebellum also shows emotions as well. Hippocampus is responsible for remembering music, and musically experiences. Did more content... Mozart music charges the brain and which makes you study and learn. The type of music you listening also can affect the way that you study. Proven says if you're listening to rap and studying your mostly going to pay attention the lyrics and the song to the point that really have grasp the material that you have been study. That's why you should listening to classical music, country, or pop music. Finally , my point of view about the impact music has on everyday life now . The effect that music on everyday life now is basically upbeat, and has very catchy words. Today's songs major of rapper dont even say real words , they make up words, and becomes a hit. They also influence the way we dress , the way we talk, and most of all our character. Songs today either are talking about violence, drugs , and sex. Which now most of our young males look up to this stuff. How can stop violence if in songs they're promoting it? My essay has proven how music affects in everyday life I hope you have enjoyed my Get more content on