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Muscle And Muscle Of Muscles
Muscle and Muscle Tissue
Through contractions, muscles perform four functions.
Movement or motion – Skeletal muscles provide movements of the body by muscle contraction,
such as walking, and running. Cardiac muscle contraction maintains the beating of the heart.
Smooth muscle contraction in the intestines, urinary bladder, and blood vessels moves substances
through the body.
Maintenance of posture – Skeletal muscles contract and make small adjustments almost
continuously to hold the body in stationary positions, such as sitting or standing. Stabilize joints –
Skeletal muscles add stability to joints that have poor reinforcement and articular surfaces that do
not fit well, such as in the shoulder and knee joints¯
Heat production – ... Show more content on ...
All muscle tissue is composed of muscle fibers which are really muscle cells.
There are three types of muscles:
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle is found attached to and covering bones.
They are classified as skeletal, striated, voluntary muscles. The muscle fibers are multinucleated
(contain many nuclei), have band–like striations, and contraction is by conscious control.
Cardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle is located in the walls of the heart and is classified as cardiac, striated, involuntary
muscle. The muscle fibers are branched, contain a single nucleus, have band–like striations, and are
not under conscious control. They have thicker striations, called intercalated discs, where one
muscle fiber joins the next fiber.
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow visceral (internal) organs such as the intestines,
stomach, urinary bladder, respiratory passages, and blood vessels. They are classified as visceral,
nonstriated, involuntary muscles. The muscle fibers contain a single nucleus, no striations, and are
not under conscious control.
Naminq of Skeletal Muscles location – the body region or bone with which the muscle is associated.
Examples: temporalis abdominus femoris tibialis shape
Examples: deltoid (triangular) trapezius (trapezoid) rhomboideus (rhomboid) splenius (bandage)
serratus (serrated)size
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Exon Junction Complex
Social activities are the most fundamental behaviors for many animal species to survive and require
memory formation. Particularly, patients with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) exhibit several core
symptoms, including impaired social activities and repetitive behaviors, often combed with
intellectual disability (ID). Memory formation entails new protein synthesis from mRNAs stored at
the synapses responding to local stimuli. Neuronal transcripts interact with various mRNA–binding
proteins (RBPs) and the RBPs ensure the targeted mRNAs to be translated only when receiving
proper environmental signals. Significant accomplishments have identified over 1000 RNA binding
proteins (RBPs) crucial for accurate post–transcriptional RNA processing. ... Show more content on ...
Our group is in the ideal position to address these problems. We are the first group to demonstrate
that the EJC factor, RBM8a, regulates anxiety–like behaviors and neuronal plasticity1. We have
developed the RBM8a conditional knockout (cKO) mice and our preliminary data demonstrated that
region specific knockout of RBM8a impairs social interaction and affect fear memory. Additionally,
RNAseq uncovered that RBM8a modulates a large set of genes overlapping with autism risk genes,
which are involved in neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. However, current knowledge gaps
include how RBM8a regulates memory and synapse development, which physiological neuronal
substrates are directly regulated by RBM8a in vivo during learning behaviors, and what happens to
these transcripts when the RBM8a level is altered. Our hypothesis is that RBM8a regulates activity
dependent neuronal plasticity and controls specific pools of transcripts in neurons that are activated
by social interaction and learning activities. Building on a novel discovery of an essential role of
RBM8a in social recognition, our goal in this proposal is to identify targets that are most relevant for
RBM8a–dependent neuronal defects and determine the effect on RNA substrates of RBM8a in the
brain. To achieve this goal, the following aims will be
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Partitioning Defective Proteins ( Par6 ) And Protein...
Partitioning defective proteins (Par3, Par6) and protein kinase C (PKC)
These proteins are components of an apical polarity complex that has also been shown to influence
TE/ICM fate choice. Par3 and Par6 are cell junction proteins that were up–regulated during morula
stage. This apical–basal polarity can be seen in the compaction of the eight–cell stage embryo and
through the localization of known polarity markers from other organisms and developmental
contexts, including partitioning defective 3 (Par–3), partitioning defective 6 (Par–6), and protein
kinase C (PKC) (Pauken and Capco, 1999; Vinot et al., 2005; Muller et al.,2001). Par3, Par6 and
PKC exist in the apical plasma membrane and tight junctions and shift their position during 8‐ ...
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Furthermore, a fluid–filled cavity, the blastocoel, is formed by merging of intercellular spaces and
water movement into the embryo. The blastocyst usually occurs around day seven in the cow.
Attachment of TJ and adjacent TE cells is essential for the integrity of epithelial cells and
blastocoelic cavity production by processing of transepithelial ion transport. Formation and
expansion of blastocoels depend on a tightly of membrane/ion transporters aggregation to both
apical and basolateral domain. Beside the membrane aggregation, the maintenance of epithelium
integrity also requires mature junctional complexes (Collins and Fleming, 1995). Many proteins
were up–regulated during blastocyst formation when compared to morula, including membrane
traffic, ion channel, electron transporter and transfer/carrier proteins. Cell cytoskeleton and cell
adhesion protein assembly combined with TJ formation is restricted to the outer cells (Pratt et al.,
1982). Blastocoelic cavity generation by processing of transepithelial ion transport is relied on TJ.
Water osmotic transport across the epithelium is suggested to be regulated by Na+/K+ ATPase
(Watson and Barcroft, 2001). It is reported that active K+ transport are found mainly at the apical
membrane. Moreover, electron transporters such as NADH dehydrogenase subunits were
characterized and that may
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Definition Of Craniovertebral Junction
The craniovertebral junction(CVJ) is a collective term that is referring to the occiput, first cervical
vertebra (atlas), second cervical vertebra (axis) and the supporting ligaments.It is a transition zone
between a mobile cranium and relatively rigid spinal column.It encloses the soft tissue structures of
the cervico–medullary junction which includes the medulla oblongata, spinal cord, and lower cranial
nerves. This region is the most mobile part of the cervical spine and functions as a funnel that
provides the twin features of stability and motionThe stability and flexibility to this region is
provided by the bony as well as and ligamentous nature of atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial joints.
Craniovertebral junction abnormalities constitute
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Neuromuscular Junction Analysis
Without the neuromuscular junction, and the action performed by exocytosis, the body simply
cannot move. The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a specialized synapse that is responsible for
commuting between the motor neuron and the muscle fiber by transmitting signals. The process of
exocytosis is important as it involves the use of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and
secreting its contents into the extracellular space. The NMJ has been extensively studied to
understand its process of synaptic transmission, one of which is the muscle relaxant called Botox.
The Botox is made up of a botulinum toxin that inhibits the exocytosis of transport vesicles. Each
botulinum toxin is made up of a light chain and a heavy chain that are connected
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Junction City: Business Analysis
Today, there are numerous types of resources that already exist. How are these businesses started?
Are there any important sources that people need to consider for starting a new business? To open a
new business, there are many services and many sources that people must consider carefully. Our
community, Junction City, is suitable for using these impacts as huge benefits. Through the
Sunflower Bank Program, I had a lot of opportunities to learn about the process of economic
development, major basic sources for a good economy, and reasons that why Junction City is a good
place for starting a business.
First of all, Junction City has a population and various opportunities for education. Fort Riley, one
of the largest army bases is located adjacent ... Show more content on ...
They commonly emphasize the importance of marketing and efforts of individual, city, and
collaboration of both. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value others. Marketing is a basic
step for a business to be able to learn a consumers' preference in the market and to make connections
with consumers. Economic development requires efforts of individual, city, and both. The individual
is the one who supports economy not only as a consumer but also as an employee. Economic
development involves a passion to the community, and understanding the usage of relationship
within the community. Under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce, all advantages of
individuals and cities can harmonize to make better Junction City. The Chamber of Commerce finds
a good opportunity for an individual to contribute his/her abilities in various job
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An Integration Center Of The Reflex Arc
An integration center in the reflex arc is a neuropathway that creates a reflex action to activating
neurons to skip the spinal cord and protect your brain. The nerve cells can be categorized by their
connections, structure, and neurotransmitters. The structural classification is depending on shape
and size of the cell body, its dendritic tree, axon length, and the nature of the connections it makes.
The neurons with one, two, or more than two neurites, are unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar
respectively. Most of neurons in vertebrate nervous systems are multipolar, but there are significant
exceptions. For illustration, bipolar neurons in the retina synapse with sensory neurons, and
photoreceptors in the dorsal root ganglion are explained as pseudo–unipolar as they begin life as
bipolar cells but their two neurites fuse. The unipolar neurons dominate in invertebrates. Collaterals
a small side branch, as of a blood vessel or nerve. A neuronal pool is a group of interconnected
neurons with specific functions. A pool may be diffuse, involving neurons in several regions of the
brain, or localized, with neurons restricted to one specific location in the brain or spinal cord.
However, the proper function of the circuit of the stretch reflex also relies on convergence and
divergence. A single sensory has multiple branches that diverge and make synaptic connections with
many individual motor neurons. Therefore, when the muscle contracts as a result of the neurologist's
tapper, it
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Neuromuscular Junction Synapse
A synapse is the space located between the motor neuron and the skeletal muscle which is also
referred to as a neuromuscular junction. The motor neurons that originate from the spinal cord, help
activate the skeletal muscle fibers. The innervation happens by the processes of the axon. The
synapses are present along with these processes and are also known as motor endplate. The
neuromuscular junction synapse has three characteristics. It consists of two membranes called the
pre and post synaptic membranes and the space between the two membranes is known as the
synaptic cleft. A high density of small spherical vesicles are present and they contain
neurotransmitter substances. A thickened post synaptic membranes is present and it contains a high
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Essay on Setting in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest...
In the short story by Ernest Hemingway, "Hills Like White Elephants," a couple is delayed at a train
station en route to Madrid and is observed in conflict over the girl's impending abortion. In his
writing, Hemingway does not offer any commentary through a specific character's point of view,
nor, in the storytelling, does he offer his explicit opinions on how to feel or think about the issues
that emerge. The narrative seems to be purely objective, somewhat like a newspaper or journal
article, and in true Hemingway form the story ends abruptly, without the couple's conflict clearly
being resolved. The ambiguity of the ending has been a subject of much debate; however, the impact
of what is not said in words can be gleaned through the ... Show more content on ...
Being at a railway junction (a parallel to the junction in their lives) they are in veritably the "middle
of nowhere" in northeastern Spain. This physical isolation The time constraints imposed by their
mode of travel only magnifies the exigency of their decision. They are only at this junction for forty
minutes, and once the train arrives they have only two minutes to board. The detail that it is the
"express from Barcelona"(142) is a contrivance employed by Hemingway to add a sense of urgency
to their situation. The two tracks, each one representing an individual and their wishes, run parallel
to each other, never crossing, and hence leave no room for compromise. It is either one track or the
The pair is sitting outside at a table facing the dry hills. The girl looks out at the bleak, arid
landscape and comments to her paramour that "[the hills] look like white elephants"(143). He
brushes off this remark as a flight of fancy; after all, the hills bear no physical resemblance to white
elephants. The girl is looking at these hills as being emblematic of their current lifestyle, and is
trying to find some good in it, perhaps to convince herself to heed her partners wishes and go
through with the abortion. She is trying to find magic in something very grim, but this self–
pacifying tactic fails. His callous response to her attempt at finding beauty only furthers the
emotional and ideological
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Investigating The Relationship Between Motor Neurons And...
The purpose of this lab is to evaluate the relationship between motor neurons and their associated
muscle's electrical activity via neuromuscular junctions through: determining the correlation
between EMG (electromyogram) activity and muscle force, observing muscle fatigue, as well as
calculating the conduction velocity associated with the Achilles tendon reflex arc. An additional
purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the effects of arm circumference and relative dominance on
muscle fatigue.
Hypothesis In the first experiment, as muscle force increases as induced by the subject, it is
expected that the EMG activity will elevate likewise due to the directly proportional relationship
between contraction strength and the muscle's amount of electrical impulses. Additionally, it is
expected that resistance to fatigue will increase with greater forearm circumference due to the
greater amount of fatigue–resistant slow oxidative fibers. In the third section of this lab, it is
anticipated that as path length of a particular reflex arc (in this case, the Achilles tendon reflex)
increases, the overall conduction velocity will decrease due to the increased reflex time necessary
for the impulse to be conducted up and down longer neurons.
Background For all aspects of this lab to be properly understood, the following principles and
associated information of the following must be known: the relationship between nerves and their
associated muscle(s), how electrical activity is
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Taking a Look at Myasthenia Gravis
After each nerve impulse, the amount of ACh released by the presynaptic motor neuron decreases
due to a temporary depletion of ACh stores. This is a normal phenomenon known as presynaptic
rundown. MG results in a reduction of the available AChR at the postsynaptic membrane as well as
a flattening of the postsynaptic folds. Therefore, even without the phenomenon of presynaptic
rundown, MG can result in an inefficient neuromuscular transmission due to a reduction in the
number of AChRs at the motor end plate. The inefficient neuromuscular transmission and
presynaptic rundown phenomenon account for the fatigability seen in MG due to the progressive
decrease in the amount of muscle fibers that are activated with each successive nerve impulse.
Patients begin to exhibit symptoms of fatigue when there is a reduction of approximately 70% of the
available AChRs. The decrease in the amount of AChRs is believed to be due to multiple
mechanisms. Anti–AchR antibodies bind to and block target receptors, increase the turnover of
receptors, and damage the postsynaptic membrane by fixing complement. Autoantibodies against
the AChR are present approximately 80% of patients with MG. However, over 40% of the patients
without antibodies to AChR will have antibodies directed against the muscle–specific receptor
tyrosine kinase (MuSK). The MuSK protein is a transmembrane component at the postsynaptic
neuromuscular junction. The MuSK complex mediates the clustering of AchR during NMJ
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Neuromuscular Junction Essay
The benefits of physical exercise for humans are known for many years and physical training can
interfere positively in the up regulation and protein expression of several molecules and growth
factors. Firstly, the physical exercise can alter the expression of Glial cell line–derived neurotropic
factor (GDNF) differently in slow and fast muscle fibers, and thereby affect peripheral motor
neurons. Wehrwein, Roskelley & Spitsbergen (2011) showed that 4 weeks of walking exercise on a
treadmill increased GDNF content in soleus, gastrocnemius and pectoralis major muscles, while
limb immobilization generated opposite effect. In addition, increased expression of Neurotrophin ...
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Thus, it is important to intervene and stop the functional denervation process caused by aging
(Krause, Ciena, Anaruma, de Souza & Gama., 2015). Also, Cheng et al. (2013) demonstrated that
when voluntary exercise training is done throughout life, it delays death expectancy and displays
more compact neuromuscular junction structure at older age. Thus, Among various strategies found
in the scientific literature, exercise and/or physical training appears as activity of easy
implementation and low cost for controlling functional
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unit 15 study guide Essay examples
The Tired Swimmer Case Study Go to this Website: Answer the Following Questions
for Parts IIV. Part I: 1. What vital signs or symptoms does Annie exhibit? Blurred vision and eye
strain, hands ache and feel weak, gasping for air, weakness & Constant fatigue 2. Can you see any
common features in Annie's signs and symptoms? Blurred vision and eyestrain we must look at the
optic nerve within the brain. Whenever you don't see well other factors will play into it, like
headaches, soreness, and fatigue. 3. Why is Annie having problems breathing? Because she has
multiple sclerosis, Annie is having degeneration of this area since it is apart of the brain and spinal
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According to Annie's EMG test, was Annie's skeletal muscle function normal? Annie's skeletal
muscle function was not normal in the EMG test. 3. Considering your answers to Questions 1 and 2,
why did activity in Annie's motor nerves produce a skeletal muscle response that fatigued during
repetitive stimulation? Annie's muscles fatigued after repetitive stimulation because there might be a
short in the nerve pathway. This would lead to a closer look at Annie's central nervous system for
possible causes. 4. Create a table that replicates Figure 1 and fill it out completely. 5. Now take each
stage in turn and discuss how sustained neural activity could create a dysfunction and result in a
decrease in muscle response during repetitive motor nerve stimulation. If the nerve impulse is not
released than it will not cause an action potential. If acetylcholine is not liberated than it would also
not cause an action potential which would not cause a muscle contraction. If the calcium and sodium
channels remain open, it would cause a uncontrolled muscle twitch. Part IV: 1. What is the role of
the thymus in the body? It processes the white blood cells T–lymphocytes which add cells in finding
and destroying bacteria, viruses, abnormal cell growth and non cell tissues. 2. What is an antigen?
An antigen is anything in the body the is non self which could include bacteria, viruses, chemicals
or abnormal cell growth.
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Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias ( Hsps )
Introduction 1.1 Hereditary spastic paraplegias Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are a group of
clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders that share the primary feature
of progressive lower limb spasticity and weakness, with sparing of the upper extremities
(Blackstone et al., 2010). Although few epidemiological studies have been carried out, the
prevalence of HSPs has been estimated to range from ~3–9 per 100,000 and the age of onset can
vary widely, from early childhood to late in life (Salinas et al., 2008). The HSPs are classified
according to the mode of inheritance (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X–linked) and
whether progressive spasticity occurs in isolation (uncomplicated HSP) or is accompanied by
additional clinical features such as ataxia, seizures, cognitive impairment and peripheral neuropathy
(complicated HSP) (Fink, 2013). The common pathological feature of HSP includes distal axonal
degeneration, which is most severe in the terminal ends of fibers within the cortico–spinal tract
(figure 1.1) (Blackstone, 2012 and Noreau et al., 2014). The cortico–spinal tract is the main pathway
involved in voluntary movement in which neurons originating within the cerebral motor cortex
travel relatively long distances to make synaptic connections with lower motor neurons terminating
in skeletal muscle (Blackstone et al., 2010). Axons within the cortico–spinal tract are therefore some
of the longest motor neurons within the body,
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Neuromuscular Junctions
Exercise leads to changes in muscle fiber size known as muscle hypertrophy, this increase in size is
a result of increasing muscle fiber diameter caused by exercise–induced genes, such as peroxisome
proliferator–activated receptor gamma coactivator 1α (PGC–1α). (Ruas, White, Rao, Kleiner,
Brannan, Harrison; 2012). As per Balice–Gordon, Breedlove, Bernstein & Lichtman (1990) the
Neuromuscular junction size is coupled, to a certain degree, to muscle fiber size. In contrast to this,
a study conducted on aged rats showed increased muscle fiber size in the soleus muscle with
exercise, but there was no increase in Neuromuscular junction size. Thus, some of the exercise–
based changes of Neuromuscular junctions cannot ... Show more content on ...
These alterations in morphologic remodeling in the aged NMJ further results in more dispersed
AChR, with greater spatial uncoupling between ACh vesicle clusters and receptor clusters. As
studied by Gonzalez, de Cabo, Studenski, & Ferrucci (2014), the morphological changes together
with physiological alterations results in a remodeling of the motor unit and in a decline of the
number of motor neurons, particularly the type II muscle fiber (fast and glycolytic muscle fibers).
These changes lead to excitation–contraction uncoupling, and a loss of communication between the
nervous and muscular system, causing a decline in skeletal muscle strength and muscle
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Junction 48 Reflection Paper
Event Reflection
Summary of the event
A narrative film, Junction 48, was screened at the Little Theater in Rochester on September 17th in
2017. This event was one of the programs of the Witness Palestine Film Festival sponsored by
Christian Witnessing for Palestine. After the screening, the audience had a chance to ask questions
of the director, Udi Aloni, through Skype.
Junction 48 is a 2016 film directed by Aloni, an Israeli and American filmmaker. This film describes
young Israeli Arab musicians' struggle against oppression from Israeli authority and nationalists and
problems within Palestinian communities such as drug deals and honor crimes. The leading actor is
Tamer Nafer, a Palestinian rapper born in a mixed Jewish–Arab city, ... Show more content on ...
A large number of Arabs were shot to death, including civilians, by Israeli soldiers (Shavit, 2013). In
July 1948, Prime Minister David Ben–Gurion required dispossession of all the Palestinians in Lydda
(Shavit, 2013). About 19,000 of the 20,000 Palestinian inhabitants were forced to migrate
(Munayyer, 2012). Now Lydda is called Lod, and about 25 percent of the residents are Arabs
(Martin, 2013). This Jewish–Arab mixed city has poor public safety (Martin, 2013).
The Arab–Israeli conflict displaced 750,000 Palestinians, and they are still not allowed to return to
their home (AFSC, n.d.) . About 1.6 million Israeli Arabs (Abdalla, 2012), in Lod, have citizenships
of Israel, but they don't have the equal rights to Jewish people. (BBC, 2009).
Analysis of the Film
This chapter analyzes Junction 48 in terms of two points: whether Israeli Arabs can be included in a
common type of force migrants, and whether culture can be the reason for refugees to return.
First, before considering the case of Israeli Arabs, those typical types of forced migrants should be
clarified; refugees are those who fled their country of origin and because they fear being persecuted
for a good reason such as race and religion; asylum seekers are those who have made a journey
abroad to get a refugee status but whose application has not adopted; internally displaced persons
(IDPs) are those who have been compelled to leave their homes with other residents
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Junction US History
The Course Overview
Junction U.S. History introduces key forces and major developments that together form the
American experience, with particular attention paid to considering issues of race, class, and gender.
The courseware provides a balanced approach to U.S. history, considering the people, events, and
ideas that have shaped the United States from both the top down (politics, economics, diplomacy)
and bottom up (eyewitness accounts, lived experience).
The Course Author
Junction courses are assembled by subject­
matter experts who select and create the best material to
meet the above objectives. Our course author for U.S. History is Paul Ringel, Ph.D., Professor of
History at High Point University. Dr. Ringel has 15 years experience teaching and developing U.S.
history courses at Harvard University, Brandeis University, Emmanuel College, and High Point
University. He has helped develop the history curriculum at High Point University, with much
emphasis on ... Show more content on ...
History is the Openstax U.S. History textbook, written by P. Scott Corbett, PhD (Ventura College),
Volker Janssen, PhD (California State University­
Fullerton), John M. Lund, PhD (Keene State
College), Todd Pfannestiel, PhD (Clarion University), Paul Vickery, PhD (Oral Roberts University),
and Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD (Lead Editor). The text is peer reviewed, and incorporate feedback
from a variety of active instructors.
Each of the 32 chapters within the text form the core of a single lesson within Junction. The 32
lessons cover both Pre­
Reconstruction and Post­
Reconstruction, and are offered in two specifically
designed courses.
The online version of the text can be found here:
The PDF version of the text can be found here: h t t p s : / / w w w . o p e n s t a x c o l l e g e . o r g /
f i l e s / t e x t b o o k _ v e r s i o n / h i _ r e s _ p d f / 4 1 / U S H i s t o r y ­O P . p d f .
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The Junction
The area I have chosen for this report is the center section of "The Junction". The Junction is located
on Dundas St. W between Runnymede Road and Keele Street, but for this report, I will be focusing
on the section between St. John's Place and Pacific Avenue. The Junction dates back to the 19th
century and is known for its railway tracks. It has been its own independent village until it joined the
City of Toronto in 1909 [1]. Today, the Junction still has a charming historical aura with many of its
original historic buildings while it continues to develop as a thriving modern community.
The Local Scale
Gentrification is a serious problem for many communities. Fortunately, it has not occurred in this
area and correspondingly, ... Show more content on ...
This area was first home to a strong European population, especially the Maltese. But as time
progressed, many historical events occurred and new transportation technologies were introduced
(Massey's concept of time–space compression), more immigrants started to settle in the Junction [6].
Currently, approximately 29% of the population are from visible minority, mostly Chinese and
South–Asians [2]. As a result, the Junction became more multicultural and it is reflected in our local
businesses, examples includes: "The North of Bombay" – an Indian restaurant and "Pho Huong" and
"Ro House" – restaurants which serve Vietnamese delicacies. Additionally, with the development of
new transportation and communication technologies, it has enabled the Junction to connect with the
rest of the world [6]. For example, the grocery stores have fruits from all over American, and many
of stores use and sell products that are manufactured from oversea. Furthermore, the easiness to
share information and to travel attracts and informs people everywhere about the Junction, making it
more thriving and busy than it already is. For example, the Junction is so well known that even the
New York Times has recognized it as a "hip" and "stylish" community
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Apache Junction Case Study
Apache junction is a complex diverse community with its own unique landscape. Apache Junction
has its own unique problems and challenges just like any community. Apache Junction is a relatively
small city compared to the other cities that make up the Phoenix metropolitan area with a population
of about 38,000 people, with a land area of about 35 square miles (United States Census Website,
2013). Exploring what makes up the social determinates, economic determinates, environmental
determinates, and physical determinates of health of the community of Apache Junction was very
Social determinates health in the community of Apache Junction. Let's get started with access to
grocery stores. Grocery stores in the community can have a positive or negative effect depending on
the availability. After driving around this community and some digging on ... Show more content on ...
If the community has lots of air and water pollution then the community is going to reflect that in its
health like cancer, asthma, and other health problems. The opposite holds true as well with a robust
health environment the community will be healthier. Apache Junction has good clean water and air.
There was no evidence that showed Apache Junction has more pollution problems than any other
city in the Phoenix metropolitan area (Nelson et al., 2006).
Physical determinates of health in Apache Junction. Driving around this community and looking at
all the different types of physical characteristics in this city was amazing to me. Apache Junction has
communities ranging from modern shopping centers right off the freeway to poverty stricken
communities, all the way up to being nestled right up against beautiful Superstition Mountains
which is the Tonto National Forest. Apache Junction is home to great award winning recreational
parks, beautiful golf courses and great plans for the future (Nelson et al.,
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Comparing The And Hetero Junctions
3.1 Homo– and Hetero–junctions
When the semiconductor materials are homogeneous throughout the entire structure is called a
semiconductor homojunction. Materials used to form a homojunction will have similar energy
bandgaps, On the other hand, when two different semiconductor materials are used to form a
junction, the junction is called a semiconducror heterojunction. The hetero junction is formed with
narrow bandgap material with wide bandgap material. Figure 1 shows three possible combinations.
When the forbidden band gap of wide bandgap material completely overlaps the bandgap of narrow
bandgap materials then it is called straddling which is applicable for most of the heterojunctions. In
staggered, a fraction of wide bandgap and narrow band gap are merged tog ether. In case of broken
gap there is a bandgap itself between energy bandgaps of different semiconductor. Fig.1. different
types of heterojunction (a) straddling (b)staggered (c) broken gap
Metal–semiconductor junction is an example of heterojunction. This junction can be created by
depositing a metal such as Al or Gold or Ag over a semiconductor (ptype/n type) wafer by different
deposition techniques (e–beam/thermal evaporation or sputtering/CVD). Depending on the work
function of the metal, this type of junction may behave as ohmic or schottky contacts. as the name
suggests if the contact is ohmic, the current –voltage relationship is linear as per Ohm's law. For
ohmic contact it is mandatory that the
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Vj Junction
1.) It can be assured that the heavy chain will create a VDJ junction but not a VJ junction because of
the 12/23 rule. A gene segment flanked by an RSS with a 12 base pair spacer typically can only be
joined to one flanked by a 23 base pair spacer RSS. So, for the heavy chain, a D segment can be
joined to a J gene segment and a V gene segment to D gene segment but the V gene segment can not
be directly joined to the J gene segment. Both the V and J gene segments are flanked by a 23 base
pair spacer and the D segments have 12 base pair spacers on both sides. The light chain VJ junction
will always be derived from a single type of light chain and not the result of κ or λ hybridization
because the κ and λ are two separate loci that are located on two different chromosomes. ... Show
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The κ loci is located on human chromosome 2, the cluster of V gene segments is followed by a
cluster of J gene segments and then a single C gene. The light chain VJ segment cannot be a product
of κ or λ hybridization because in order for that to occur, they would have to be located on the same
chromosome (Murphy 2012). Production of a complete antigen receptor includes two series of gene
segment rearrangements, one for each receptor chain locus. Each of these rearrangements continues
until a complete protein is made and the cell moves on to the next stage in development. The most
important factor is the V regions that are encoded by separate gene segments (V, D and J segments),
which are brought together by somatic recombination to create a complete V region exon. The V
region of an immunoglobulin heavy or light chain is encoded by multiple gene segments. For the
light chain, the V domain is made up of 2 gene segments, the V gene segment and the J gene
segment. The joining of the V and J segments creates an exon that encodes the entire light chain V
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Biological Response To Swimming
Swimming is an activity that demands much physical and mental attention from the partaker. Every
time I go to Hearst Memorial Gym to swim laps, a flurry of activity occurs within my physical
existence. A schedule as full as mine, after all, is stressful and exhausting. Once I enter the pool,
though, most of my academic and social anxieties evaporate. While I may feel relaxed, many
biological responses occur in my body's muscular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems to
accommodate my act of swimming. This is not to say these are the only organ systems involved in
the act of swimming. Rather, I believe they are the most interesting in the context of biological
psychology. Upon diving into the pool, skeletal muscles in the legs, arms, and torso ... Show more
content on ...
These physiological changes occur in response to the physical stresses of swimming. In the
cardiovascular system, exercise increases the pH of blood as carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations
increase and oxygen (O2) concentrations decrease. This occurs because muscle cells use O2 and
release CO2 as a byproduct; during exercise, more O2 is consumed and more CO2 is released.
Chemoreceptors in the brainstem's medulla oblongata detect increases in blood pH and respond by
triggering the release of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine (Christensen et
al., 1983). These neurotransmitters (and hormones) trigger the sympathetic nervous system to
elevate heart rate via increased synaptic input to the sinoatrial node. The sympathetic nervous
system also increases respiratory rate to equilibrate CO2 and O2 levels in the bloodstream, dilates
blood vessels to increase laminar blood flow, and increase sweating to release heat by evaporative
cooling (Morgan et al.,
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Relationship between Cognitive Disability and Mechanics of...
The purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between cognitive disability and mechanics
of timed up and go(TUG) in the individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Cognitive abilities directly
influence the performance of functional abilities; independence and social life of the individuals
with MS.1 TUG is an important measure of functional measure in healthy and diseased population.6
Cognitive disability such as memory attention, execution of task, fluency and information
processing speeds are affected in the people with MS that affects their activities of daily living.2 We
assume that variability in the mechanics of TUG will increase with increase in cognitive disability.
On the basis of result of the present research study, a protocol combining drug treatment, cognitive
rehabilitation along with physical rehabilitation can be designed for improving quality of life of
people MS.3 Methods: Participants: Ten men and women with a medical diagnosis of multiple
sclerosis will be invited to participate in the study. Individuals with MS must be able to walk up to a
distance of 15 meters without an assistive device and have a self–reported expanded disability score
(EDSS) ≤ 6.5. Participants will be recruited from the state of South Dakota. The individual with
orthopedic disability, pregnancy or recent exacerbation of symptoms in past 3 months will not be
included in the study. I. First session: During the first session all individuals will complete the
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Neuromuscular Junction Research Paper
The neuromuscular junction is where the nerve meets our muscles. To be able to move, we would
need an impulse sent from our brain to our muscles. The nerve impulse gets sent to our muscles
from the CNS, which leads to our muscles contracting. The nervous impulse that's sent to the CNS
is called the action potential, the impulse that sends a signal to our muscles is known as the motor
neurones. For our muscles to contract we need a nervous impulse, the end of our nerves are called
the synaptic knob, this hits the vesicles and releases acetylcholine. The acetylcholine then goes
through the cleft (the gap between the synaptic knob and the muscle) and tells the muscles to
contract, if it doesn't go through the cleft our muscles will not contract, this is ... Show more content
on ...
The nervous impulse will only reach the muscle fibres if the signal from the CNS is strong enough.
This also is the 'all or nothing principle' because if the strength of the signal is not strong enough the
motor unit will contract, but if the strength of the signal is strong enough then all of the motor unit
will contract. The function of the motor unit is to basically allow movement, so without these
muscle fibres we won't be able to have movement. There are two type of muscle fibres, fast twitch
and slow twitch. The slow twitch muscle fibres are good for activities such as endurance events, e.g.
the marathon. This is because these muscles don't get tired during exercise. The fast twitch muscle
fibres get tired too quickly because they are used for quick, sharp events such as 100m sprint so this
can result in fatigue and therefore can build up lactic acid which will result in cramps
( so if we
didn't have slow or fast twitch fibres, we wouldn't be able to participate in them type of
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Muscle Excitation And Contraction Case Study
Assignment D
Case Study Chapter 11 (6th)
1. D. Nerve impulses from motor neuromuscular junctions are unable to fully stimulate the affected
muscle because the antibodies target the acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. As a
result, the muscles are not told to fire properly.
2. A. Increases the availability of acetylcholine at postsynaptic receptor sites. Edrophonium chloride
blocks the breakdown of the acetylcholine and would make the muscles stronger.
3. C. Increase muscle excitation and contraction. Myasthenia gravis prevents muscles from
contracting or acting sufficiently because antibodies target the acetylcholine receptors at the
neuromuscular junction and muscles are not told to contract. The medicine blocks the breakdown ...
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B. Actin and myosin. Myosin and Tropomysin are in competition for the same binding site on actin.
For tropomysin to bind with actin, it needs troponin. Myosin will not bind to actin without energy,
therefore it can't bind when muscles are at rest.
4. C. Contraction of skeletal muscle cells. When muscles contract, ATP must be produced to contract
the muscles. With any chemical reaction, heat is produced.
5. A. Motor units. Every muscle has several motor units which are composed of muscle fibers. To
lift the shovel, she needs more muscle fibers to create more force. In order to do so, the motor units
would first be recruited.
Chapter 12 Case Study (7th)
1. C. Acetylcholine is found primarily in motor neuron connections. It's the chemical that motor
neurons release to contract muscles.
2. A. Depolarization; excitatory postsynaptic potential. Sodium would depolarize the membrane and
increase the likelihood that the post synaptic neuron would fire an action potential.
3. B. Blocking the action of acetylcholinesterase. The medicine would block that to preserve
acetylcholine and allow it to stimulate muscle movement.
Chapter 13 Case Study (7th)
1. C. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater. First is the dura mater and the arachnoid mater is right
against it. After those are punctures, the pia mater would be
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Gjb2 Protein In Gap Junction
Abstract Summary
Gap junctions are large channels which join two adjacent cells connecting their cytoplasm's
allowing direct cell to cell communication and interactions by the channeling of molecules. A gap
junction is composed of two hemichannels known as connexions, one located on the membrane of
each of the adjacent interacting cells. The binding of six connexin subunits is required for the
formation of each of the connexion hemichannels which then join together via hydrophobic
interactions forming a pore through which molecules such as metabolites, calcium and potassium
ions as well as secondary messengers (IP3, cAMP) are able to passively diffuse across between
interacting cells. This mode of cell to cell communication via the passage ... Show more content on ...
Studies have been done on the crystal structure of the channel in particular structure of its pore
suggests its importance in the regulation of its size dependant permeability by trans–junctional
voltage for specific ions and molecules between the connected adjacent cells. (Qu, Y., & Dahl, G. ,
2002 ; Maeda et al. , 2009).The permeability is regulated at the funnel of the channels pores which
is composed of 6 amino–terminal alpha helices lining the channels walls. The funnel is located on
the cytoplasmic side of either cell which are narrower than the inside of the channel itself allowing
for the selective permeability of different sized molecules and ions by trans–junctional voltage (Qu,
Y., & Dahl, G.). In the case of deafness, some mutations resulting in abnormal connexin26 subunits
result in a change in this voltage of the gated channels which in turn alter the selective permeability
of the formed connexion gap channel. (Mese et al. ,
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Tight Junctions
Although food poisoning might not seem as a critical threat, it can cause severe illness and
sometimes even lead to death. The infection is mediated by pathogens which invades the host
through utilizing the epithelial cells in organs (Schneeberger and Lynch, 2004). The epithelial cells
are composed of tight junctions, which are located between each cell. It consists of water–proof
connected proteins that act as a barrier separating the external cellular contents from the internal.
Proteins such as claudin, occludin, etc play an important role in the regulation of ions and molecules
traveling through the cells (Schneeberger and Lynch, 2004). Although tight junctions provide a
barrier for the epithelial cells, its permeability can be jeopardizing by foreign pathogens. The
purpose of this study is to ... Show more content on ...
Previous studies have shown that bacteria such as Escherichia coli have contributed to diarrhea
among children across the world (Kreisberg et al., 2010). E coli produce particular heat– liable
toxins, STb, which has been responsible for diarrheas in many farm animals through the induction
of intestinal barrier dysfunction (Kreisberg et al., 2010). Another study had also investigated the
alterations in tight junctions after E coli infection in vivo. The investigation concluded that the tight
junction proteins, claudin and occludin, were dislocated from the cellular membrane (Zhang et al.,
2010). The integrity of the tight junction proteins in vitro can be observed by utilizing the
transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). The electrical resistance determines the confluence of the
epithelial monolayer. Properly functioning tight junctions are characterized by high TER (Lu el at.,
2013). The bacterial effect on tight junction should be addressed because it emphasizes the
importance of the communication between bacteria and the intestinal epithelial cells. It allows for an
elaborate understanding of the bacterial pathogens and how it induces epithelial cell
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Neuromuscular Junction Analysis
The neuromuscular junction constitutes of three regions consisting of the presynaptic cell, the
synaptic cleft, and the post synaptic cell.
The presynaptic cell is responsible for sending the incoming potential from the axon terminal, to the
target cell. This is done by action potentials arriving tot the axon terminal.
As a result, voltage gated Ca2+ channels are opened, allowing Ca2+ to enter the cell. Ca2+ will then
bind to the synaptotagmin on the vesicles, enabling the vesicles to move through the membrane and
bind to SNARE's.
Vesicles which are not moving will fuse with the membrane, releasing neurotransmitters through
After the neurotransmitter is released, it enters the second portion of the neuromuscular junction, the
synaptic cleft. It is a rather short component, synonymous to a transition period between the
presynaptic and ... Show more content on ...
Afferent neurons are responsible for sending sensory information from the body to the central
nervous system, while interneurons communicate signals within one another within the central
nervous system. Efferent neurons transfer signals from the central nervous system to effector organs,
one of these including muscles. Integrating the three composes the peripheral nervous system.
For a muscle fiber to contract voluntarily, it must receive a signal from the motor neuron in the
nrvous system. Electrical sugnal action potential travels down pmotor neuron. At the end, synaptic
vesculs have neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine is activated, cross the synapse, physical gap between
the two, and bing to ACL receptors. Signal though the action potential is electrical, but once it
transitions tform the synapose to receptors, it becomes chemical. Once enough acl neurotransmitters
bind to muscle fuber receptors, the muiscle fiber will release calcium form the sarcoplasmic
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What Is Neuromuscular Junction?
A neuromuscular junction is a chemical conjunction formed during the contact between motor
neuron and a muscle fiber. Each branch of a motoneuron forms a single junction with a muscle fiber
(University of Minnesota, 2011). At the neuromuscular junction, the motor neuron is able to send a
signal to the muscle fiber which ultimately allows for muscle contraction. The operation, when the
neurotransmitter, are released by a neuron begins when the action potential reaches the presynaptic
terminal of the neuron, which then activates calcium channels allowing calcium ions to enter the
neurons. The calcium ions that entered the neuron then bind to a sensory protein like synaptotagmin,
releasing vesicle fusion across the cell membrane. Vesicles are ... Show more content on ...
As Lyn D. Weiss et al. (2016) states in Easy EMG: A Guide to Performing Nerve Conduction
Studies and Electromyography, the neuromuscular junction is the relay between the nerve terminal
and the skeletal muscle fiber. The neuromuscular junction as a whole is the site where the neurons
activate the muscle to actually contract. The steps of the neuromuscular junction are supposed to
happen quickly and accurately while ensuring voluntary movement of the muscles. The reliability of
transmission is aided by specialized architecture (multiple active zones, junctional folds), which has
been all studied more closely throughout the last century (Hong and Etherington, 2011). According
to "Annual Review of Neuroscience," the NMJ forms in a series of steps that involve the exchange
of signals amid its three important cellular components–nerve terminal, muscle fiber, and Schwann
cell (Cowan, 1999). All three cells of the neuromuscular junction travel long distances to meet at the
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is rationalisation a desireable strategy for junction hotel
Foundations Of Managing And Organising N0451474 Assessment 2: Discuss which approach to
managing and organising Junction Hotel would be most effective for the long –term success of the
hotel: personality and motivation 3000 words This essay will be discussing the affects that Junction
Hotel would sustain if they were to implement rationalisation as a strategy. Julien Freund (1968)
defines rationalisation as "the organization of life through a division and coordination of activities
on the basis of exact study of men 's relations with each other, with their tools and their
environment, for the purpose of achieving greater efficiency and productivity." Junction Hotel has
recently suffered a fall in ... Show more content on ...
Analysing a more humanist approach he argued how treating people as a machine is degrading
towards the human spirit. Furthermore Elton mayo (1984) investigated against rationalisation
approach using the 'Hawthorne experiments' concluding how managers or observers aswell as
colleagues can affect how well people work. Morgan (2006) also looked into human minds and
behaviour and argued that even though machines have an everyday use in society negative effects
can occur such as affecting the 'human spirit' in routinized activities. Rationalisation as an approach
towards Junction Hotel can show its advantages in efficiency levels however; even efficiency is not
always affected in a positive way as Ritzer (2011) explains using the organisation McDonald's as his
focus, constructing social theories in the organisation about how people's creativity can be restrained
in the repetitive workforce. Ritzer (2011) explains his theory upon how individuals in the workplace
are affected by a more psychological perspective. Thinking about the rationalisation approach
towards the Junction Hotel may not only limit staff member's creativity, but make the current
workplace more repetitive and therefore dull. Increasing managing customers in an efficient time
may also create a negative affect by increasing the workload per person
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Commission Junction Affiliate Marketing
One of the best ways to sell products, as well as services is through Commission Junction affiliate
marketing. It is considered as the largest marketplace of tangible products in the online business
world and a great way for you to earn a lot of money. It is very much comfortable in selling products
as well as services through this program because he is sure to get paid well and promptly.
For a Commission Junction affiliate or any other affiliate marketer in the business, it is very
important that their work is given due credit by the businesses they advertise products for. This is
why Commission Junction is a very popular payment processor for the compensation of affiliates
who are producing well and good.
It is good to know for a Comission Junction affiliate that the benefits of the program outweighs
greatly the negative ramifications ... Show more content on ...
It is always better to start with those that you are familiar with so you can give the right information
as well as the proper amount of expertise regarding the merchandise. Potential buyers are very much
interested to know the benefits of the merchandise they are interested in and you have to be able to
provide them with truthful and convincing information.
The truth about it or any other kind of affiliate program is that all the tools you need for success is
right at your fingertips. You do not have to be a whiz to figure out and master the formula that will
allow you to rake in a lot of cash in such a short period of time.
The success in affiliate marketing is founded on a strong willed affiliate who will go to
extraordinary lengths to effectively sell products and services. The income opportunity that
Commission Junction affiliate marketing presents can be for anyone who is willing to learn the
ropes of selling in its most pragmatic
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Neuromuscular Junction Case Study
Introduction The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a specialized communication synaptic area where
an electrical nerve impulse is converted into an electrical stimulation, and once this process is
executed, a muscle contraction is generated (Boron, Boulpaep, & Mocydiowski, 2012, p. 216).
Lamentably, there are autoimmune disorders that disrupt the function of the NMJ leading to various
neuromuscular disorders. In this midterm assignment, I will be presenting a rare autoimmune
disease that alters the function of the NMJ resulting in a condition known as Myasthenia Gravis
(MG). MG is an incessant autoimmune neuromuscular disease identified by fluctuating periods of a
weakness of the skeletal muscles of the body. The National Institute of Neurological ... Show more
content on ...
Nonetheless, Angelini (2011, p. 5) illustrated the following physical and laboratory testing to
solidify the diagnosis of MG: First is pharmacological testing using a drug Edrophonium which is
an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that improves MG related weakness, followed by serological
testing to check the presence of antibody associated with MG (Seronegative or seropositive MG),
followed by electrophysiological testing to assay the muscle depolarization response, for MG
patient's, this reaction is altered and reduced. And finally, using an imaging studies. As indicated by
Sathasivam (2014, p. 10), all MG patients will need an imaging studies of the thorax to investigate
for thymoma (tumor of the thymus gland) or thymic hyperplasia. Furthermore, the researcher
suggested that imaging of the mediastinum should be reassessed in the setting of an MG
deterioration following a period of dormancy of the disease since the possibility of thymoma may
occur near the latter part of the condition. Nasseri & Eftekhari (2010, p. 413) describes the
appearances of thymus on various imaging modalities. On a frontal chest x–ray of young child
(Figure 1), the thymus is notably significant but difficult to see due
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Final Exam Questions On Osmosis
Michelle Leeman Final Exam: 1) Fill in the blanks using the appropriate directional term: (in the
anatomical position) (5 pts) a) The heart is posterior to the sternum b) The manubrium is medial to
the gleno–humeral joint c) The dura mater is anterior to the spinal cord d) The cranium is superior to
the sacrum e) The calcaneus is posterior to the toes 2) What is osmosis? Is osmosis a passive or an
active process? Describe how osmosis occurs across the cell membrane. How can the solute
concentration of the interstitial fluid affect cell shape? Be specific. (5 points) Osmosis is the
movement of water molecules through a semi–permeable membrane into a region of higher solute
concentration to equalize the solute concentrations on both sides. Osmosis is a passive process and
does not require energy like an active process would. A semi–permeable membrane is a membrane
that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through, water being one of those molecules, thus
allowing water to freely flow in and out of a cell. The cell must have equal concentrations on either
side of the membrane to allow it to function, therefore water will pass in and out of the cell to
equalize the concentration of ions of both sides. Solutions of different concentrations will pass water
from the side with lower concentration to the side with higher concentration, thus changing the cell's
shape. A cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution (solution concentration that is lower than cell's
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I Have Gone At Camp
At the end of every night of church camp, there is a campfire. Your sit around it with all of your
friends as you become mesmerized by looking out in the night sky at millions of stars, and listening
to the crackling of the fire. You become content as time stops. For that short hour every night the
world is telling you that everything will be ok, just breathe. Then you realize what is right in front of
I have gone to camp for nine years now and this past year on July 1st, 2015 the campfire changed
my life.
This year at camp instead of being a camper my best friend Julia and I decided that we were going
to help cook for camp. This gave us the opportunity to go to camp, and make a little bit of money to
save up for college.
It was dark by time we got out of the kitchen and we went and got our coats and headed down to the
campfire. We saw our friends Kent and Brody. They saved us a seat in the front row, so we ran down
and sat beside them. Once everyone was there we started by singing songs. These songs were not
normal. We sang loud to the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." We danced, we sang, and we all
had smiles on our faces. Then came the slow songs. We swayed back and forth side by side and sang
from the heart. My favorite song we sang was Sanctuary because it was the song where I was
thanking the Lord for my life, and where I could think back and see what God has done for me.
After we got done singing all of these songs we sat down, got comfortable.
As Hannah, one
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Muscle Contraction Essay
Muscle contraction can be understood as the consequence of a process of transmission of action
potentials from one neuron to another. A chemical called acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter
released from the presynaptic neuron. As the postsynaptic cells on the muscle cell membrane receive
the acetylcholine, the channels for the cations sodium and potassium are opened. These cations
produce a net depolarization of the cell membrane and this electrical signal travels along the muscle
fibers. Through the movement of calcium ions, the muscle action potential is taken into actual
muscle contraction with the interaction of two types of proteins, actin and myosin. Different steps of
activities are involved in muscle contraction. The ... Show more content on ...
This activity is the critical driving force of muscle contraction. The stream of action potentials along
the muscle fiber surface is terminated as Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is broken
down by acetyl cholinesterase. The release of Calcium ions is ceased. The action of the myosin
molecule heads is obstructed because of the change in the configuration of troponin and
tropomyosin due to the absence of calcium ions. This will eventually cause the contraction to be
ceased. Together with these physical processes, an external stretching force such as gravity pulls the
muscle back to its normal length.
The Mechanism of Muscle Contraction. (n.a), (n.d) Retrieved on 26 June 2011 from
Encyclopedia of Nursing & Allied Health. Bioelectricity: Transmission of nerve impulses to
muscle. Retrieved on 26 June 2011 from–encyclopedia/bioelectricity
Skeletal Muscle Structure.The cells of skeletal muscles are long fiber–like structures. They contain
many nuclei and are subdivided into smaller structures called myofibrils. Myofibrils are composed
of 2 kinds of myofilaments. The thin filaments are made of 2 strands of the protein actin and one
strand of a regulatory protein coiled together. The thick filaments are staggered arrays of myosin
* Units of organization of skeletal muscle. The filaments are organized into
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Factors That Affect The Activity Of Contractile Activity
During prolonged activity, muscles show a decline in ability to respond to stimulation with optimal
levels of contractile activity; this is a phenomena denoted as muscle fatigue (MF) (1). The causes of
MF are not yet understood, however there are many observations of associations between metabolic
and biochemical factors with MF. In order for force to be generated by muscles, calcium ions which
are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum bind to troponin. The new troponin–Ca2+ complex
cause's tropomyosin to change shape, exposing the binding site on actin. Myosin then binds to actin,
causing cross bridge tilting, and generating contraction (1).
Lactic acid is commonly perceived as a primary cause of MF to due to its intracellular muscle
acidosis effects. Acidosis lowers the sensitivity of the contractile apparatus to calcium ions, because
the H+ ions competes against Ca2+ for binding to certain binding sites on troponin. (2).This leads to
decreased force development. However, low pH has many effects which do not favour development
of MF, such as its ability to help maintain excitability, and decreased rate of fatigue. Overall, there is
little evidence suggesting that the net effect of lactic acid results in MF.
Potassium ions is a metabolite which decreases calcium ion release from the SR. Shifts in levels of
potassium and calcium ions in and around skeletal muscle fibres will alter the membrane potential
of the muscle cell, making it more or less prone to stimulation.
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Tight Junction Lab Report
Tight Junction Function Response to Unknown Bacterium in Intestinal Epithelium
Tight junctions function as barriers in epithelial cells through the formation of protein complexes
between neighboring cells. Made up of three transmembrane protein families including the occludin
proteins, the claudin proteins, and the junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), tight junctions are able
to maintain the distinction between the apical and basolateral regions of the cell as well as maintain
the endothelial and epithelial cell sheet barrier. Tight junctions are found to work based on
properties such as size selectivity, ion permeability, concentration gradients, sensitivity to pH, and
other transport mechanisms (Tang and Goodenough, 2003). This becomes important when
recognizing that tight junctions work to prevent molecules from permeating the epithelial sheet and
transport them through a paracellular pathway. Permeation of pathogenic bacteria may cause
disruption of tight junctions which plainly leads to malfunction of the epithelium which serves to
absorb food and water and protect the body against foreign antigens. Since the discovery that
disruption could occur due to reception of certain bacteria such as enterohaemorrhagic E. coli
(EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli, much research has been done on the bacterial disruption and
effects on tight junctions due to the perceived relationship that some pathogens cause symptoms
such as diarrhea that are due to various ... Show more content on ...
Claudins are the specific proteins that control paracellular movement through the formation of a
barrier in the epithlelial monolayer. Thus, claudins are also the proteins that form the water channels
needed to facilitate transportation across the
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Battle Of Layac Junction Essay
Battle of Layac Junction
December 7, 1941, Japanese air and naval forces struck multiple areas within the Pacific to include
Kota Bharu in British Malaya, Singora in Thailand, Guam, Hong Kong, and the Philippine Islands.
One of the prominent attacks targeted Pearl Harbor, marking the United States declaration of war
against Japan, in which the United States entered World War II. The capture of the Philippine Islands
served as a crucial effort to the Empire of Japan in ensuring the control of the Southwest Pacific
during World War II. The Philippine Islands served as a natural barrier between Japan and resources
found in East and Southeast Asia. Hence, the impact of the defense of the Philippines Island in
Bataan served in effectively delaying Japan's conquest of South Asia.
Attack on the Philippines was previously contemplated by the joint Army–Navy Orange Plan of
1938, later revised and named War Plan Orange 3 (WPO–3) in 1941. The plan focused on covering
emergency situations that would arise between the US and Japan. Furthermore, a section of this plan
expanded on the element of massing U.S. Army troops to Central Luzon, Philippines, in which the
primary ... Show more content on ...
Then, after Colonel Steel's second request to withdraw based on potential disastrous outcomes, II
Corps ordered the units defending Layac Junction to withdraw at 2200 hours. Movement started at
approximately 2400 hours by the 31st Infantry regiment, in which the majority of the regiment was
out by 0130 hours, despite the amount of equipment they had to move. Then at 0230 hours, Japan
launched a night attack, which had displaced the covering force pulling out, destroying Company E,
31st Infantry as a tactical entity. Contact from the Japanese was lost after the withdrawal leading to
reorganization at positions in Pandan running from Manila
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Types And Subconscious Response By Effector
1. Reflexes are automatic and subconscious response to a stimulus. A reflex arc, the neural pathway
that a nerve impulse follows, orchestrates the operation of reflexes. The following are parts of the
reflex arc:
a) The arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor: The receptors located in a sensory neuron
detect a stimulus and generate a graded potential. If the strength of a stimulus is above the threshold,
then an action potential is generated.
b) Activation of a sensory neuron: The generated action potential is then carried to the spinal cord by
the sensory neuron.
c) Processing of information in the central nervous system (Interneuron or relay neuron): The
sensory neuron synapse with the interneuron in the spinal cord. In the central nervous system, the
responses are again graded at the synaptic junction. Now the interneuron conducts nerve impulses
from the sensory neuron to a motor neuron.
d) Activation of a motor neuron: The motor neuron now transmits nerve impulse to an effector.
e) Response by effector: Effector is usually a muscle or gland. If the effector is smooth muscle,
responses summate to produce action potentials in the smooth muscle, however, if the effector is
skeletal muscle, the graded response is enough to produce an action potential. Depending on the
situation, the effector generates an appropriate response.
2. Starling forces govern the exchange of fluids between capillaries and the interstitial space. The
following are four forces in action
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Muscle And Muscle Of Muscles

  • 1. Muscle And Muscle Of Muscles Muscle and Muscle Tissue Functions Through contractions, muscles perform four functions. Movement or motion – Skeletal muscles provide movements of the body by muscle contraction, such as walking, and running. Cardiac muscle contraction maintains the beating of the heart. Smooth muscle contraction in the intestines, urinary bladder, and blood vessels moves substances through the body. Maintenance of posture – Skeletal muscles contract and make small adjustments almost continuously to hold the body in stationary positions, such as sitting or standing. Stabilize joints – Skeletal muscles add stability to joints that have poor reinforcement and articular surfaces that do not fit well, such as in the shoulder and knee joints¯ Heat production – ... Show more content on ... All muscle tissue is composed of muscle fibers which are really muscle cells. There are three types of muscles: Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle is found attached to and covering bones. They are classified as skeletal, striated, voluntary muscles. The muscle fibers are multinucleated (contain many nuclei), have band–like striations, and contraction is by conscious control. Cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle is located in the walls of the heart and is classified as cardiac, striated, involuntary muscle. The muscle fibers are branched, contain a single nucleus, have band–like striations, and are not under conscious control. They have thicker striations, called intercalated discs, where one muscle fiber joins the next fiber. Smooth muscle Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow visceral (internal) organs such as the intestines, stomach, urinary bladder, respiratory passages, and blood vessels. They are classified as visceral, nonstriated, involuntary muscles. The muscle fibers contain a single nucleus, no striations, and are not under conscious control. Naminq of Skeletal Muscles location – the body region or bone with which the muscle is associated. Examples: temporalis abdominus femoris tibialis shape Examples: deltoid (triangular) trapezius (trapezoid) rhomboideus (rhomboid) splenius (bandage) serratus (serrated)size ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Exon Junction Complex Social activities are the most fundamental behaviors for many animal species to survive and require memory formation. Particularly, patients with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) exhibit several core symptoms, including impaired social activities and repetitive behaviors, often combed with intellectual disability (ID). Memory formation entails new protein synthesis from mRNAs stored at the synapses responding to local stimuli. Neuronal transcripts interact with various mRNA–binding proteins (RBPs) and the RBPs ensure the targeted mRNAs to be translated only when receiving proper environmental signals. Significant accomplishments have identified over 1000 RNA binding proteins (RBPs) crucial for accurate post–transcriptional RNA processing. ... Show more content on ... Our group is in the ideal position to address these problems. We are the first group to demonstrate that the EJC factor, RBM8a, regulates anxiety–like behaviors and neuronal plasticity1. We have developed the RBM8a conditional knockout (cKO) mice and our preliminary data demonstrated that region specific knockout of RBM8a impairs social interaction and affect fear memory. Additionally, RNAseq uncovered that RBM8a modulates a large set of genes overlapping with autism risk genes, which are involved in neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. However, current knowledge gaps include how RBM8a regulates memory and synapse development, which physiological neuronal substrates are directly regulated by RBM8a in vivo during learning behaviors, and what happens to these transcripts when the RBM8a level is altered. Our hypothesis is that RBM8a regulates activity dependent neuronal plasticity and controls specific pools of transcripts in neurons that are activated by social interaction and learning activities. Building on a novel discovery of an essential role of RBM8a in social recognition, our goal in this proposal is to identify targets that are most relevant for RBM8a–dependent neuronal defects and determine the effect on RNA substrates of RBM8a in the brain. To achieve this goal, the following aims will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Partitioning Defective Proteins ( Par6 ) And Protein... Partitioning defective proteins (Par3, Par6) and protein kinase C (PKC) These proteins are components of an apical polarity complex that has also been shown to influence TE/ICM fate choice. Par3 and Par6 are cell junction proteins that were up–regulated during morula stage. This apical–basal polarity can be seen in the compaction of the eight–cell stage embryo and through the localization of known polarity markers from other organisms and developmental contexts, including partitioning defective 3 (Par–3), partitioning defective 6 (Par–6), and protein kinase C (PKC) (Pauken and Capco, 1999; Vinot et al., 2005; Muller et al.,2001). Par3, Par6 and PKC exist in the apical plasma membrane and tight junctions and shift their position during 8‐ ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, a fluid–filled cavity, the blastocoel, is formed by merging of intercellular spaces and water movement into the embryo. The blastocyst usually occurs around day seven in the cow. Attachment of TJ and adjacent TE cells is essential for the integrity of epithelial cells and blastocoelic cavity production by processing of transepithelial ion transport. Formation and expansion of blastocoels depend on a tightly of membrane/ion transporters aggregation to both apical and basolateral domain. Beside the membrane aggregation, the maintenance of epithelium integrity also requires mature junctional complexes (Collins and Fleming, 1995). Many proteins were up–regulated during blastocyst formation when compared to morula, including membrane traffic, ion channel, electron transporter and transfer/carrier proteins. Cell cytoskeleton and cell adhesion protein assembly combined with TJ formation is restricted to the outer cells (Pratt et al., 1982). Blastocoelic cavity generation by processing of transepithelial ion transport is relied on TJ. Water osmotic transport across the epithelium is suggested to be regulated by Na+/K+ ATPase (Watson and Barcroft, 2001). It is reported that active K+ transport are found mainly at the apical membrane. Moreover, electron transporters such as NADH dehydrogenase subunits were characterized and that may ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Definition Of Craniovertebral Junction The craniovertebral junction(CVJ) is a collective term that is referring to the occiput, first cervical vertebra (atlas), second cervical vertebra (axis) and the supporting ligaments.It is a transition zone between a mobile cranium and relatively rigid spinal column.It encloses the soft tissue structures of the cervico–medullary junction which includes the medulla oblongata, spinal cord, and lower cranial nerves. This region is the most mobile part of the cervical spine and functions as a funnel that provides the twin features of stability and motionThe stability and flexibility to this region is provided by the bony as well as and ligamentous nature of atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial joints. Craniovertebral junction abnormalities constitute ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Neuromuscular Junction Analysis Without the neuromuscular junction, and the action performed by exocytosis, the body simply cannot move. The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a specialized synapse that is responsible for commuting between the motor neuron and the muscle fiber by transmitting signals. The process of exocytosis is important as it involves the use of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and secreting its contents into the extracellular space. The NMJ has been extensively studied to understand its process of synaptic transmission, one of which is the muscle relaxant called Botox. The Botox is made up of a botulinum toxin that inhibits the exocytosis of transport vesicles. Each botulinum toxin is made up of a light chain and a heavy chain that are connected ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Junction City: Business Analysis Today, there are numerous types of resources that already exist. How are these businesses started? Are there any important sources that people need to consider for starting a new business? To open a new business, there are many services and many sources that people must consider carefully. Our community, Junction City, is suitable for using these impacts as huge benefits. Through the Sunflower Bank Program, I had a lot of opportunities to learn about the process of economic development, major basic sources for a good economy, and reasons that why Junction City is a good place for starting a business. First of all, Junction City has a population and various opportunities for education. Fort Riley, one of the largest army bases is located adjacent ... Show more content on ... They commonly emphasize the importance of marketing and efforts of individual, city, and collaboration of both. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value others. Marketing is a basic step for a business to be able to learn a consumers' preference in the market and to make connections with consumers. Economic development requires efforts of individual, city, and both. The individual is the one who supports economy not only as a consumer but also as an employee. Economic development involves a passion to the community, and understanding the usage of relationship within the community. Under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce, all advantages of individuals and cities can harmonize to make better Junction City. The Chamber of Commerce finds a good opportunity for an individual to contribute his/her abilities in various job ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. An Integration Center Of The Reflex Arc An integration center in the reflex arc is a neuropathway that creates a reflex action to activating neurons to skip the spinal cord and protect your brain. The nerve cells can be categorized by their connections, structure, and neurotransmitters. The structural classification is depending on shape and size of the cell body, its dendritic tree, axon length, and the nature of the connections it makes. The neurons with one, two, or more than two neurites, are unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar respectively. Most of neurons in vertebrate nervous systems are multipolar, but there are significant exceptions. For illustration, bipolar neurons in the retina synapse with sensory neurons, and photoreceptors in the dorsal root ganglion are explained as pseudo–unipolar as they begin life as bipolar cells but their two neurites fuse. The unipolar neurons dominate in invertebrates. Collaterals a small side branch, as of a blood vessel or nerve. A neuronal pool is a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions. A pool may be diffuse, involving neurons in several regions of the brain, or localized, with neurons restricted to one specific location in the brain or spinal cord. However, the proper function of the circuit of the stretch reflex also relies on convergence and divergence. A single sensory has multiple branches that diverge and make synaptic connections with many individual motor neurons. Therefore, when the muscle contracts as a result of the neurologist's tapper, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Neuromuscular Junction Synapse A synapse is the space located between the motor neuron and the skeletal muscle which is also referred to as a neuromuscular junction. The motor neurons that originate from the spinal cord, help activate the skeletal muscle fibers. The innervation happens by the processes of the axon. The synapses are present along with these processes and are also known as motor endplate. The neuromuscular junction synapse has three characteristics. It consists of two membranes called the pre and post synaptic membranes and the space between the two membranes is known as the synaptic cleft. A high density of small spherical vesicles are present and they contain neurotransmitter substances. A thickened post synaptic membranes is present and it contains a high ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay on Setting in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest... In the short story by Ernest Hemingway, "Hills Like White Elephants," a couple is delayed at a train station en route to Madrid and is observed in conflict over the girl's impending abortion. In his writing, Hemingway does not offer any commentary through a specific character's point of view, nor, in the storytelling, does he offer his explicit opinions on how to feel or think about the issues that emerge. The narrative seems to be purely objective, somewhat like a newspaper or journal article, and in true Hemingway form the story ends abruptly, without the couple's conflict clearly being resolved. The ambiguity of the ending has been a subject of much debate; however, the impact of what is not said in words can be gleaned through the ... Show more content on ... Being at a railway junction (a parallel to the junction in their lives) they are in veritably the "middle of nowhere" in northeastern Spain. This physical isolation The time constraints imposed by their mode of travel only magnifies the exigency of their decision. They are only at this junction for forty minutes, and once the train arrives they have only two minutes to board. The detail that it is the "express from Barcelona"(142) is a contrivance employed by Hemingway to add a sense of urgency to their situation. The two tracks, each one representing an individual and their wishes, run parallel to each other, never crossing, and hence leave no room for compromise. It is either one track or the other. The pair is sitting outside at a table facing the dry hills. The girl looks out at the bleak, arid landscape and comments to her paramour that "[the hills] look like white elephants"(143). He brushes off this remark as a flight of fancy; after all, the hills bear no physical resemblance to white elephants. The girl is looking at these hills as being emblematic of their current lifestyle, and is trying to find some good in it, perhaps to convince herself to heed her partners wishes and go through with the abortion. She is trying to find magic in something very grim, but this self– pacifying tactic fails. His callous response to her attempt at finding beauty only furthers the emotional and ideological ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Investigating The Relationship Between Motor Neurons And... The purpose of this lab is to evaluate the relationship between motor neurons and their associated muscle's electrical activity via neuromuscular junctions through: determining the correlation between EMG (electromyogram) activity and muscle force, observing muscle fatigue, as well as calculating the conduction velocity associated with the Achilles tendon reflex arc. An additional purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the effects of arm circumference and relative dominance on muscle fatigue. Hypothesis In the first experiment, as muscle force increases as induced by the subject, it is expected that the EMG activity will elevate likewise due to the directly proportional relationship between contraction strength and the muscle's amount of electrical impulses. Additionally, it is expected that resistance to fatigue will increase with greater forearm circumference due to the greater amount of fatigue–resistant slow oxidative fibers. In the third section of this lab, it is anticipated that as path length of a particular reflex arc (in this case, the Achilles tendon reflex) increases, the overall conduction velocity will decrease due to the increased reflex time necessary for the impulse to be conducted up and down longer neurons. Background For all aspects of this lab to be properly understood, the following principles and associated information of the following must be known: the relationship between nerves and their associated muscle(s), how electrical activity is ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Taking a Look at Myasthenia Gravis After each nerve impulse, the amount of ACh released by the presynaptic motor neuron decreases due to a temporary depletion of ACh stores. This is a normal phenomenon known as presynaptic rundown. MG results in a reduction of the available AChR at the postsynaptic membrane as well as a flattening of the postsynaptic folds. Therefore, even without the phenomenon of presynaptic rundown, MG can result in an inefficient neuromuscular transmission due to a reduction in the number of AChRs at the motor end plate. The inefficient neuromuscular transmission and presynaptic rundown phenomenon account for the fatigability seen in MG due to the progressive decrease in the amount of muscle fibers that are activated with each successive nerve impulse. Patients begin to exhibit symptoms of fatigue when there is a reduction of approximately 70% of the available AChRs. The decrease in the amount of AChRs is believed to be due to multiple mechanisms. Anti–AchR antibodies bind to and block target receptors, increase the turnover of receptors, and damage the postsynaptic membrane by fixing complement. Autoantibodies against the AChR are present approximately 80% of patients with MG. However, over 40% of the patients without antibodies to AChR will have antibodies directed against the muscle–specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK). The MuSK protein is a transmembrane component at the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction. The MuSK complex mediates the clustering of AchR during NMJ formation ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Neuromuscular Junction Essay EFFECT OF EXERCISE TRAINING ON NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION MOLECULAR PATHWAYS: The benefits of physical exercise for humans are known for many years and physical training can interfere positively in the up regulation and protein expression of several molecules and growth factors. Firstly, the physical exercise can alter the expression of Glial cell line–derived neurotropic factor (GDNF) differently in slow and fast muscle fibers, and thereby affect peripheral motor neurons. Wehrwein, Roskelley & Spitsbergen (2011) showed that 4 weeks of walking exercise on a treadmill increased GDNF content in soleus, gastrocnemius and pectoralis major muscles, while limb immobilization generated opposite effect. In addition, increased expression of Neurotrophin ... Show more content on ... Thus, it is important to intervene and stop the functional denervation process caused by aging (Krause, Ciena, Anaruma, de Souza & Gama., 2015). Also, Cheng et al. (2013) demonstrated that when voluntary exercise training is done throughout life, it delays death expectancy and displays more compact neuromuscular junction structure at older age. Thus, Among various strategies found in the scientific literature, exercise and/or physical training appears as activity of easy implementation and low cost for controlling functional ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. unit 15 study guide Essay examples The Tired Swimmer Case Study Go to this Website: Answer the Following Questions for Parts IIV. Part I: 1. What vital signs or symptoms does Annie exhibit? Blurred vision and eye strain, hands ache and feel weak, gasping for air, weakness & Constant fatigue 2. Can you see any common features in Annie's signs and symptoms? Blurred vision and eyestrain we must look at the optic nerve within the brain. Whenever you don't see well other factors will play into it, like headaches, soreness, and fatigue. 3. Why is Annie having problems breathing? Because she has multiple sclerosis, Annie is having degeneration of this area since it is apart of the brain and spinal ... Show more content on ... According to Annie's EMG test, was Annie's skeletal muscle function normal? Annie's skeletal muscle function was not normal in the EMG test. 3. Considering your answers to Questions 1 and 2, why did activity in Annie's motor nerves produce a skeletal muscle response that fatigued during repetitive stimulation? Annie's muscles fatigued after repetitive stimulation because there might be a short in the nerve pathway. This would lead to a closer look at Annie's central nervous system for possible causes. 4. Create a table that replicates Figure 1 and fill it out completely. 5. Now take each stage in turn and discuss how sustained neural activity could create a dysfunction and result in a decrease in muscle response during repetitive motor nerve stimulation. If the nerve impulse is not released than it will not cause an action potential. If acetylcholine is not liberated than it would also not cause an action potential which would not cause a muscle contraction. If the calcium and sodium channels remain open, it would cause a uncontrolled muscle twitch. Part IV: 1. What is the role of the thymus in the body? It processes the white blood cells T–lymphocytes which add cells in finding and destroying bacteria, viruses, abnormal cell growth and non cell tissues. 2. What is an antigen? An antigen is anything in the body the is non self which could include bacteria, viruses, chemicals or abnormal cell growth. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias ( Hsps ) Introduction 1.1 Hereditary spastic paraplegias Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorders that share the primary feature of progressive lower limb spasticity and weakness, with sparing of the upper extremities (Blackstone et al., 2010). Although few epidemiological studies have been carried out, the prevalence of HSPs has been estimated to range from ~3–9 per 100,000 and the age of onset can vary widely, from early childhood to late in life (Salinas et al., 2008). The HSPs are classified according to the mode of inheritance (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X–linked) and whether progressive spasticity occurs in isolation (uncomplicated HSP) or is accompanied by additional clinical features such as ataxia, seizures, cognitive impairment and peripheral neuropathy (complicated HSP) (Fink, 2013). The common pathological feature of HSP includes distal axonal degeneration, which is most severe in the terminal ends of fibers within the cortico–spinal tract (figure 1.1) (Blackstone, 2012 and Noreau et al., 2014). The cortico–spinal tract is the main pathway involved in voluntary movement in which neurons originating within the cerebral motor cortex travel relatively long distances to make synaptic connections with lower motor neurons terminating in skeletal muscle (Blackstone et al., 2010). Axons within the cortico–spinal tract are therefore some of the longest motor neurons within the body, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Neuromuscular Junctions MUSCLE FIBERS AND EXERCISE: Exercise leads to changes in muscle fiber size known as muscle hypertrophy, this increase in size is a result of increasing muscle fiber diameter caused by exercise–induced genes, such as peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor gamma coactivator 1α (PGC–1α). (Ruas, White, Rao, Kleiner, Brannan, Harrison; 2012). As per Balice–Gordon, Breedlove, Bernstein & Lichtman (1990) the Neuromuscular junction size is coupled, to a certain degree, to muscle fiber size. In contrast to this, a study conducted on aged rats showed increased muscle fiber size in the soleus muscle with exercise, but there was no increase in Neuromuscular junction size. Thus, some of the exercise– based changes of Neuromuscular junctions cannot ... Show more content on ... These alterations in morphologic remodeling in the aged NMJ further results in more dispersed AChR, with greater spatial uncoupling between ACh vesicle clusters and receptor clusters. As studied by Gonzalez, de Cabo, Studenski, & Ferrucci (2014), the morphological changes together with physiological alterations results in a remodeling of the motor unit and in a decline of the number of motor neurons, particularly the type II muscle fiber (fast and glycolytic muscle fibers). These changes lead to excitation–contraction uncoupling, and a loss of communication between the nervous and muscular system, causing a decline in skeletal muscle strength and muscle ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Junction 48 Reflection Paper Event Reflection Summary of the event A narrative film, Junction 48, was screened at the Little Theater in Rochester on September 17th in 2017. This event was one of the programs of the Witness Palestine Film Festival sponsored by Christian Witnessing for Palestine. After the screening, the audience had a chance to ask questions of the director, Udi Aloni, through Skype. Junction 48 is a 2016 film directed by Aloni, an Israeli and American filmmaker. This film describes young Israeli Arab musicians' struggle against oppression from Israeli authority and nationalists and problems within Palestinian communities such as drug deals and honor crimes. The leading actor is Tamer Nafer, a Palestinian rapper born in a mixed Jewish–Arab city, ... Show more content on ... A large number of Arabs were shot to death, including civilians, by Israeli soldiers (Shavit, 2013). In July 1948, Prime Minister David Ben–Gurion required dispossession of all the Palestinians in Lydda (Shavit, 2013). About 19,000 of the 20,000 Palestinian inhabitants were forced to migrate (Munayyer, 2012). Now Lydda is called Lod, and about 25 percent of the residents are Arabs (Martin, 2013). This Jewish–Arab mixed city has poor public safety (Martin, 2013). The Arab–Israeli conflict displaced 750,000 Palestinians, and they are still not allowed to return to their home (AFSC, n.d.) . About 1.6 million Israeli Arabs (Abdalla, 2012), in Lod, have citizenships of Israel, but they don't have the equal rights to Jewish people. (BBC, 2009). Analysis of the Film This chapter analyzes Junction 48 in terms of two points: whether Israeli Arabs can be included in a common type of force migrants, and whether culture can be the reason for refugees to return. First, before considering the case of Israeli Arabs, those typical types of forced migrants should be clarified; refugees are those who fled their country of origin and because they fear being persecuted for a good reason such as race and religion; asylum seekers are those who have made a journey abroad to get a refugee status but whose application has not adopted; internally displaced persons (IDPs) are those who have been compelled to leave their homes with other residents ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Junction US History The Course Overview Junction U.S. History introduces key forces and major developments that together form the American experience, with particular attention paid to considering issues of race, class, and gender. The courseware provides a balanced approach to U.S. history, considering the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the United States from both the top down (politics, economics, diplomacy) and bottom up (eyewitness accounts, lived experience). The Course Author Junction courses are assembled by subject­ matter experts who select and create the best material to meet the above objectives. Our course author for U.S. History is Paul Ringel, Ph.D., Professor of History at High Point University. Dr. Ringel has 15 years experience teaching and developing U.S. history courses at Harvard University, Brandeis University, Emmanuel College, and High Point University. He has helped develop the history curriculum at High Point University, with much emphasis on ... Show more content on ... History is the Openstax U.S. History textbook, written by P. Scott Corbett, PhD (Ventura College), Volker Janssen, PhD (California State University­ Fullerton), John M. Lund, PhD (Keene State College), Todd Pfannestiel, PhD (Clarion University), Paul Vickery, PhD (Oral Roberts University), and Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD (Lead Editor). The text is peer reviewed, and incorporate feedback from a variety of active instructors. Each of the 32 chapters within the text form the core of a single lesson within Junction. The 32 lessons cover both Pre­ Reconstruction and Post­ Reconstruction, and are offered in two specifically designed courses. The online version of the text can be found here: The PDF version of the text can be found here: h t t p s : / / w w w . o p e n s t a x c o l l e g e . o r g / f i l e s / t e x t b o o k _ v e r s i o n / h i _ r e s _ p d f / 4 1 / U S H i s t o r y ­O P . p d f . The ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Junction Introduction The area I have chosen for this report is the center section of "The Junction". The Junction is located on Dundas St. W between Runnymede Road and Keele Street, but for this report, I will be focusing on the section between St. John's Place and Pacific Avenue. The Junction dates back to the 19th century and is known for its railway tracks. It has been its own independent village until it joined the City of Toronto in 1909 [1]. Today, the Junction still has a charming historical aura with many of its original historic buildings while it continues to develop as a thriving modern community. The Local Scale Gentrification is a serious problem for many communities. Fortunately, it has not occurred in this area and correspondingly, ... Show more content on ... This area was first home to a strong European population, especially the Maltese. But as time progressed, many historical events occurred and new transportation technologies were introduced (Massey's concept of time–space compression), more immigrants started to settle in the Junction [6]. Currently, approximately 29% of the population are from visible minority, mostly Chinese and South–Asians [2]. As a result, the Junction became more multicultural and it is reflected in our local businesses, examples includes: "The North of Bombay" – an Indian restaurant and "Pho Huong" and "Ro House" – restaurants which serve Vietnamese delicacies. Additionally, with the development of new transportation and communication technologies, it has enabled the Junction to connect with the rest of the world [6]. For example, the grocery stores have fruits from all over American, and many of stores use and sell products that are manufactured from oversea. Furthermore, the easiness to share information and to travel attracts and informs people everywhere about the Junction, making it more thriving and busy than it already is. For example, the Junction is so well known that even the New York Times has recognized it as a "hip" and "stylish" community ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Apache Junction Case Study Apache junction is a complex diverse community with its own unique landscape. Apache Junction has its own unique problems and challenges just like any community. Apache Junction is a relatively small city compared to the other cities that make up the Phoenix metropolitan area with a population of about 38,000 people, with a land area of about 35 square miles (United States Census Website, 2013). Exploring what makes up the social determinates, economic determinates, environmental determinates, and physical determinates of health of the community of Apache Junction was very interesting. Social determinates health in the community of Apache Junction. Let's get started with access to grocery stores. Grocery stores in the community can have a positive or negative effect depending on the availability. After driving around this community and some digging on ... Show more content on ... If the community has lots of air and water pollution then the community is going to reflect that in its health like cancer, asthma, and other health problems. The opposite holds true as well with a robust health environment the community will be healthier. Apache Junction has good clean water and air. There was no evidence that showed Apache Junction has more pollution problems than any other city in the Phoenix metropolitan area (Nelson et al., 2006). Physical determinates of health in Apache Junction. Driving around this community and looking at all the different types of physical characteristics in this city was amazing to me. Apache Junction has communities ranging from modern shopping centers right off the freeway to poverty stricken communities, all the way up to being nestled right up against beautiful Superstition Mountains which is the Tonto National Forest. Apache Junction is home to great award winning recreational parks, beautiful golf courses and great plans for the future (Nelson et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Comparing The And Hetero Junctions 3.1 Homo– and Hetero–junctions When the semiconductor materials are homogeneous throughout the entire structure is called a semiconductor homojunction. Materials used to form a homojunction will have similar energy bandgaps, On the other hand, when two different semiconductor materials are used to form a junction, the junction is called a semiconducror heterojunction. The hetero junction is formed with narrow bandgap material with wide bandgap material. Figure 1 shows three possible combinations. When the forbidden band gap of wide bandgap material completely overlaps the bandgap of narrow bandgap materials then it is called straddling which is applicable for most of the heterojunctions. In staggered, a fraction of wide bandgap and narrow band gap are merged tog ether. In case of broken gap there is a bandgap itself between energy bandgaps of different semiconductor. Fig.1. different types of heterojunction (a) straddling (b)staggered (c) broken gap Metal–semiconductor junction is an example of heterojunction. This junction can be created by depositing a metal such as Al or Gold or Ag over a semiconductor (ptype/n type) wafer by different deposition techniques (e–beam/thermal evaporation or sputtering/CVD). Depending on the work function of the metal, this type of junction may behave as ohmic or schottky contacts. as the name suggests if the contact is ohmic, the current –voltage relationship is linear as per Ohm's law. For ohmic contact it is mandatory that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Vj Junction 1.) It can be assured that the heavy chain will create a VDJ junction but not a VJ junction because of the 12/23 rule. A gene segment flanked by an RSS with a 12 base pair spacer typically can only be joined to one flanked by a 23 base pair spacer RSS. So, for the heavy chain, a D segment can be joined to a J gene segment and a V gene segment to D gene segment but the V gene segment can not be directly joined to the J gene segment. Both the V and J gene segments are flanked by a 23 base pair spacer and the D segments have 12 base pair spacers on both sides. The light chain VJ junction will always be derived from a single type of light chain and not the result of κ or λ hybridization because the κ and λ are two separate loci that are located on two different chromosomes. ... Show more content on ... The κ loci is located on human chromosome 2, the cluster of V gene segments is followed by a cluster of J gene segments and then a single C gene. The light chain VJ segment cannot be a product of κ or λ hybridization because in order for that to occur, they would have to be located on the same chromosome (Murphy 2012). Production of a complete antigen receptor includes two series of gene segment rearrangements, one for each receptor chain locus. Each of these rearrangements continues until a complete protein is made and the cell moves on to the next stage in development. The most important factor is the V regions that are encoded by separate gene segments (V, D and J segments), which are brought together by somatic recombination to create a complete V region exon. The V region of an immunoglobulin heavy or light chain is encoded by multiple gene segments. For the light chain, the V domain is made up of 2 gene segments, the V gene segment and the J gene segment. The joining of the V and J segments creates an exon that encodes the entire light chain V ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Biological Response To Swimming Swimming is an activity that demands much physical and mental attention from the partaker. Every time I go to Hearst Memorial Gym to swim laps, a flurry of activity occurs within my physical existence. A schedule as full as mine, after all, is stressful and exhausting. Once I enter the pool, though, most of my academic and social anxieties evaporate. While I may feel relaxed, many biological responses occur in my body's muscular, nervous, and cardiovascular systems to accommodate my act of swimming. This is not to say these are the only organ systems involved in the act of swimming. Rather, I believe they are the most interesting in the context of biological psychology. Upon diving into the pool, skeletal muscles in the legs, arms, and torso ... Show more content on ... These physiological changes occur in response to the physical stresses of swimming. In the cardiovascular system, exercise increases the pH of blood as carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations increase and oxygen (O2) concentrations decrease. This occurs because muscle cells use O2 and release CO2 as a byproduct; during exercise, more O2 is consumed and more CO2 is released. Chemoreceptors in the brainstem's medulla oblongata detect increases in blood pH and respond by triggering the release of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine (Christensen et al., 1983). These neurotransmitters (and hormones) trigger the sympathetic nervous system to elevate heart rate via increased synaptic input to the sinoatrial node. The sympathetic nervous system also increases respiratory rate to equilibrate CO2 and O2 levels in the bloodstream, dilates blood vessels to increase laminar blood flow, and increase sweating to release heat by evaporative cooling (Morgan et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Relationship between Cognitive Disability and Mechanics of... The purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between cognitive disability and mechanics of timed up and go(TUG) in the individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Cognitive abilities directly influence the performance of functional abilities; independence and social life of the individuals with MS.1 TUG is an important measure of functional measure in healthy and diseased population.6 Cognitive disability such as memory attention, execution of task, fluency and information processing speeds are affected in the people with MS that affects their activities of daily living.2 We assume that variability in the mechanics of TUG will increase with increase in cognitive disability. On the basis of result of the present research study, a protocol combining drug treatment, cognitive rehabilitation along with physical rehabilitation can be designed for improving quality of life of people MS.3 Methods: Participants: Ten men and women with a medical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis will be invited to participate in the study. Individuals with MS must be able to walk up to a distance of 15 meters without an assistive device and have a self–reported expanded disability score (EDSS) ≤ 6.5. Participants will be recruited from the state of South Dakota. The individual with orthopedic disability, pregnancy or recent exacerbation of symptoms in past 3 months will not be included in the study. I. First session: During the first session all individuals will complete the following ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Neuromuscular Junction Research Paper The neuromuscular junction is where the nerve meets our muscles. To be able to move, we would need an impulse sent from our brain to our muscles. The nerve impulse gets sent to our muscles from the CNS, which leads to our muscles contracting. The nervous impulse that's sent to the CNS is called the action potential, the impulse that sends a signal to our muscles is known as the motor neurones. For our muscles to contract we need a nervous impulse, the end of our nerves are called the synaptic knob, this hits the vesicles and releases acetylcholine. The acetylcholine then goes through the cleft (the gap between the synaptic knob and the muscle) and tells the muscles to contract, if it doesn't go through the cleft our muscles will not contract, this is ... Show more content on ... The nervous impulse will only reach the muscle fibres if the signal from the CNS is strong enough. This also is the 'all or nothing principle' because if the strength of the signal is not strong enough the motor unit will contract, but if the strength of the signal is strong enough then all of the motor unit will contract. The function of the motor unit is to basically allow movement, so without these muscle fibres we won't be able to have movement. There are two type of muscle fibres, fast twitch and slow twitch. The slow twitch muscle fibres are good for activities such as endurance events, e.g. the marathon. This is because these muscles don't get tired during exercise. The fast twitch muscle fibres get tired too quickly because they are used for quick, sharp events such as 100m sprint so this can result in fatigue and therefore can build up lactic acid which will result in cramps ( so if we didn't have slow or fast twitch fibres, we wouldn't be able to participate in them type of ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Muscle Excitation And Contraction Case Study Assignment D Case Study Chapter 11 (6th) 1. D. Nerve impulses from motor neuromuscular junctions are unable to fully stimulate the affected muscle because the antibodies target the acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. As a result, the muscles are not told to fire properly. 2. A. Increases the availability of acetylcholine at postsynaptic receptor sites. Edrophonium chloride blocks the breakdown of the acetylcholine and would make the muscles stronger. 3. C. Increase muscle excitation and contraction. Myasthenia gravis prevents muscles from contracting or acting sufficiently because antibodies target the acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction and muscles are not told to contract. The medicine blocks the breakdown ... Show more content on ... B. Actin and myosin. Myosin and Tropomysin are in competition for the same binding site on actin. For tropomysin to bind with actin, it needs troponin. Myosin will not bind to actin without energy, therefore it can't bind when muscles are at rest. 4. C. Contraction of skeletal muscle cells. When muscles contract, ATP must be produced to contract the muscles. With any chemical reaction, heat is produced. 5. A. Motor units. Every muscle has several motor units which are composed of muscle fibers. To lift the shovel, she needs more muscle fibers to create more force. In order to do so, the motor units would first be recruited. Chapter 12 Case Study (7th) 1. C. Acetylcholine is found primarily in motor neuron connections. It's the chemical that motor neurons release to contract muscles. 2. A. Depolarization; excitatory postsynaptic potential. Sodium would depolarize the membrane and increase the likelihood that the post synaptic neuron would fire an action potential. 3. B. Blocking the action of acetylcholinesterase. The medicine would block that to preserve acetylcholine and allow it to stimulate muscle movement. Chapter 13 Case Study (7th) 1. C. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater. First is the dura mater and the arachnoid mater is right against it. After those are punctures, the pia mater would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Gjb2 Protein In Gap Junction Abstract Summary Gap junctions are large channels which join two adjacent cells connecting their cytoplasm's allowing direct cell to cell communication and interactions by the channeling of molecules. A gap junction is composed of two hemichannels known as connexions, one located on the membrane of each of the adjacent interacting cells. The binding of six connexin subunits is required for the formation of each of the connexion hemichannels which then join together via hydrophobic interactions forming a pore through which molecules such as metabolites, calcium and potassium ions as well as secondary messengers (IP3, cAMP) are able to passively diffuse across between interacting cells. This mode of cell to cell communication via the passage ... Show more content on ... Studies have been done on the crystal structure of the channel in particular structure of its pore suggests its importance in the regulation of its size dependant permeability by trans–junctional voltage for specific ions and molecules between the connected adjacent cells. (Qu, Y., & Dahl, G. , 2002 ; Maeda et al. , 2009).The permeability is regulated at the funnel of the channels pores which is composed of 6 amino–terminal alpha helices lining the channels walls. The funnel is located on the cytoplasmic side of either cell which are narrower than the inside of the channel itself allowing for the selective permeability of different sized molecules and ions by trans–junctional voltage (Qu, Y., & Dahl, G.). In the case of deafness, some mutations resulting in abnormal connexin26 subunits result in a change in this voltage of the gated channels which in turn alter the selective permeability of the formed connexion gap channel. (Mese et al. , ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Tight Junctions Although food poisoning might not seem as a critical threat, it can cause severe illness and sometimes even lead to death. The infection is mediated by pathogens which invades the host through utilizing the epithelial cells in organs (Schneeberger and Lynch, 2004). The epithelial cells are composed of tight junctions, which are located between each cell. It consists of water–proof connected proteins that act as a barrier separating the external cellular contents from the internal. Proteins such as claudin, occludin, etc play an important role in the regulation of ions and molecules traveling through the cells (Schneeberger and Lynch, 2004). Although tight junctions provide a barrier for the epithelial cells, its permeability can be jeopardizing by foreign pathogens. The purpose of this study is to ... Show more content on ... Previous studies have shown that bacteria such as Escherichia coli have contributed to diarrhea among children across the world (Kreisberg et al., 2010). E coli produce particular heat– liable toxins, STb, which has been responsible for diarrheas in many farm animals through the induction of intestinal barrier dysfunction (Kreisberg et al., 2010). Another study had also investigated the alterations in tight junctions after E coli infection in vivo. The investigation concluded that the tight junction proteins, claudin and occludin, were dislocated from the cellular membrane (Zhang et al., 2010). The integrity of the tight junction proteins in vitro can be observed by utilizing the transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). The electrical resistance determines the confluence of the epithelial monolayer. Properly functioning tight junctions are characterized by high TER (Lu el at., 2013). The bacterial effect on tight junction should be addressed because it emphasizes the importance of the communication between bacteria and the intestinal epithelial cells. It allows for an elaborate understanding of the bacterial pathogens and how it induces epithelial cell ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Neuromuscular Junction Analysis The neuromuscular junction constitutes of three regions consisting of the presynaptic cell, the synaptic cleft, and the post synaptic cell. The presynaptic cell is responsible for sending the incoming potential from the axon terminal, to the target cell. This is done by action potentials arriving tot the axon terminal. As a result, voltage gated Ca2+ channels are opened, allowing Ca2+ to enter the cell. Ca2+ will then bind to the synaptotagmin on the vesicles, enabling the vesicles to move through the membrane and bind to SNARE's. Vesicles which are not moving will fuse with the membrane, releasing neurotransmitters through exocytosis. After the neurotransmitter is released, it enters the second portion of the neuromuscular junction, the synaptic cleft. It is a rather short component, synonymous to a transition period between the presynaptic and ... Show more content on ... Afferent neurons are responsible for sending sensory information from the body to the central nervous system, while interneurons communicate signals within one another within the central nervous system. Efferent neurons transfer signals from the central nervous system to effector organs, one of these including muscles. Integrating the three composes the peripheral nervous system. For a muscle fiber to contract voluntarily, it must receive a signal from the motor neuron in the nrvous system. Electrical sugnal action potential travels down pmotor neuron. At the end, synaptic vesculs have neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine is activated, cross the synapse, physical gap between the two, and bing to ACL receptors. Signal though the action potential is electrical, but once it transitions tform the synapose to receptors, it becomes chemical. Once enough acl neurotransmitters bind to muscle fuber receptors, the muiscle fiber will release calcium form the sarcoplasmic ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. What Is Neuromuscular Junction? A neuromuscular junction is a chemical conjunction formed during the contact between motor neuron and a muscle fiber. Each branch of a motoneuron forms a single junction with a muscle fiber (University of Minnesota, 2011). At the neuromuscular junction, the motor neuron is able to send a signal to the muscle fiber which ultimately allows for muscle contraction. The operation, when the neurotransmitter, are released by a neuron begins when the action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal of the neuron, which then activates calcium channels allowing calcium ions to enter the neurons. The calcium ions that entered the neuron then bind to a sensory protein like synaptotagmin, releasing vesicle fusion across the cell membrane. Vesicles are ... Show more content on ... As Lyn D. Weiss et al. (2016) states in Easy EMG: A Guide to Performing Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography, the neuromuscular junction is the relay between the nerve terminal and the skeletal muscle fiber. The neuromuscular junction as a whole is the site where the neurons activate the muscle to actually contract. The steps of the neuromuscular junction are supposed to happen quickly and accurately while ensuring voluntary movement of the muscles. The reliability of transmission is aided by specialized architecture (multiple active zones, junctional folds), which has been all studied more closely throughout the last century (Hong and Etherington, 2011). According to "Annual Review of Neuroscience," the NMJ forms in a series of steps that involve the exchange of signals amid its three important cellular components–nerve terminal, muscle fiber, and Schwann cell (Cowan, 1999). All three cells of the neuromuscular junction travel long distances to meet at the synapse(Cowan, ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. is rationalisation a desireable strategy for junction hotel Foundations Of Managing And Organising N0451474 Assessment 2: Discuss which approach to managing and organising Junction Hotel would be most effective for the long –term success of the hotel: personality and motivation 3000 words This essay will be discussing the affects that Junction Hotel would sustain if they were to implement rationalisation as a strategy. Julien Freund (1968) defines rationalisation as "the organization of life through a division and coordination of activities on the basis of exact study of men 's relations with each other, with their tools and their environment, for the purpose of achieving greater efficiency and productivity." Junction Hotel has recently suffered a fall in ... Show more content on ... Analysing a more humanist approach he argued how treating people as a machine is degrading towards the human spirit. Furthermore Elton mayo (1984) investigated against rationalisation approach using the 'Hawthorne experiments' concluding how managers or observers aswell as colleagues can affect how well people work. Morgan (2006) also looked into human minds and behaviour and argued that even though machines have an everyday use in society negative effects can occur such as affecting the 'human spirit' in routinized activities. Rationalisation as an approach towards Junction Hotel can show its advantages in efficiency levels however; even efficiency is not always affected in a positive way as Ritzer (2011) explains using the organisation McDonald's as his focus, constructing social theories in the organisation about how people's creativity can be restrained in the repetitive workforce. Ritzer (2011) explains his theory upon how individuals in the workplace are affected by a more psychological perspective. Thinking about the rationalisation approach towards the Junction Hotel may not only limit staff member's creativity, but make the current workplace more repetitive and therefore dull. Increasing managing customers in an efficient time may also create a negative affect by increasing the workload per person ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Commission Junction Affiliate Marketing One of the best ways to sell products, as well as services is through Commission Junction affiliate marketing. It is considered as the largest marketplace of tangible products in the online business world and a great way for you to earn a lot of money. It is very much comfortable in selling products as well as services through this program because he is sure to get paid well and promptly. For a Commission Junction affiliate or any other affiliate marketer in the business, it is very important that their work is given due credit by the businesses they advertise products for. This is why Commission Junction is a very popular payment processor for the compensation of affiliates who are producing well and good. It is good to know for a Comission Junction affiliate that the benefits of the program outweighs greatly the negative ramifications ... Show more content on ... It is always better to start with those that you are familiar with so you can give the right information as well as the proper amount of expertise regarding the merchandise. Potential buyers are very much interested to know the benefits of the merchandise they are interested in and you have to be able to provide them with truthful and convincing information. The truth about it or any other kind of affiliate program is that all the tools you need for success is right at your fingertips. You do not have to be a whiz to figure out and master the formula that will allow you to rake in a lot of cash in such a short period of time. The success in affiliate marketing is founded on a strong willed affiliate who will go to extraordinary lengths to effectively sell products and services. The income opportunity that Commission Junction affiliate marketing presents can be for anyone who is willing to learn the ropes of selling in its most pragmatic ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Neuromuscular Junction Case Study Introduction The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a specialized communication synaptic area where an electrical nerve impulse is converted into an electrical stimulation, and once this process is executed, a muscle contraction is generated (Boron, Boulpaep, & Mocydiowski, 2012, p. 216). Lamentably, there are autoimmune disorders that disrupt the function of the NMJ leading to various neuromuscular disorders. In this midterm assignment, I will be presenting a rare autoimmune disease that alters the function of the NMJ resulting in a condition known as Myasthenia Gravis (MG). MG is an incessant autoimmune neuromuscular disease identified by fluctuating periods of a weakness of the skeletal muscles of the body. The National Institute of Neurological ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, Angelini (2011, p. 5) illustrated the following physical and laboratory testing to solidify the diagnosis of MG: First is pharmacological testing using a drug Edrophonium which is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that improves MG related weakness, followed by serological testing to check the presence of antibody associated with MG (Seronegative or seropositive MG), followed by electrophysiological testing to assay the muscle depolarization response, for MG patient's, this reaction is altered and reduced. And finally, using an imaging studies. As indicated by Sathasivam (2014, p. 10), all MG patients will need an imaging studies of the thorax to investigate for thymoma (tumor of the thymus gland) or thymic hyperplasia. Furthermore, the researcher suggested that imaging of the mediastinum should be reassessed in the setting of an MG deterioration following a period of dormancy of the disease since the possibility of thymoma may occur near the latter part of the condition. Nasseri & Eftekhari (2010, p. 413) describes the appearances of thymus on various imaging modalities. On a frontal chest x–ray of young child (Figure 1), the thymus is notably significant but difficult to see due ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Final Exam Questions On Osmosis Michelle Leeman Final Exam: 1) Fill in the blanks using the appropriate directional term: (in the anatomical position) (5 pts) a) The heart is posterior to the sternum b) The manubrium is medial to the gleno–humeral joint c) The dura mater is anterior to the spinal cord d) The cranium is superior to the sacrum e) The calcaneus is posterior to the toes 2) What is osmosis? Is osmosis a passive or an active process? Describe how osmosis occurs across the cell membrane. How can the solute concentration of the interstitial fluid affect cell shape? Be specific. (5 points) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through a semi–permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration to equalize the solute concentrations on both sides. Osmosis is a passive process and does not require energy like an active process would. A semi–permeable membrane is a membrane that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through, water being one of those molecules, thus allowing water to freely flow in and out of a cell. The cell must have equal concentrations on either side of the membrane to allow it to function, therefore water will pass in and out of the cell to equalize the concentration of ions of both sides. Solutions of different concentrations will pass water from the side with lower concentration to the side with higher concentration, thus changing the cell's shape. A cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution (solution concentration that is lower than cell's ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. I Have Gone At Camp At the end of every night of church camp, there is a campfire. Your sit around it with all of your friends as you become mesmerized by looking out in the night sky at millions of stars, and listening to the crackling of the fire. You become content as time stops. For that short hour every night the world is telling you that everything will be ok, just breathe. Then you realize what is right in front of you. I have gone to camp for nine years now and this past year on July 1st, 2015 the campfire changed my life. This year at camp instead of being a camper my best friend Julia and I decided that we were going to help cook for camp. This gave us the opportunity to go to camp, and make a little bit of money to save up for college. It was dark by time we got out of the kitchen and we went and got our coats and headed down to the campfire. We saw our friends Kent and Brody. They saved us a seat in the front row, so we ran down and sat beside them. Once everyone was there we started by singing songs. These songs were not normal. We sang loud to the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." We danced, we sang, and we all had smiles on our faces. Then came the slow songs. We swayed back and forth side by side and sang from the heart. My favorite song we sang was Sanctuary because it was the song where I was thanking the Lord for my life, and where I could think back and see what God has done for me. After we got done singing all of these songs we sat down, got comfortable. As Hannah, one ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Muscle Contraction Essay Q1 Muscle contraction can be understood as the consequence of a process of transmission of action potentials from one neuron to another. A chemical called acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter released from the presynaptic neuron. As the postsynaptic cells on the muscle cell membrane receive the acetylcholine, the channels for the cations sodium and potassium are opened. These cations produce a net depolarization of the cell membrane and this electrical signal travels along the muscle fibers. Through the movement of calcium ions, the muscle action potential is taken into actual muscle contraction with the interaction of two types of proteins, actin and myosin. Different steps of activities are involved in muscle contraction. The ... Show more content on ... This activity is the critical driving force of muscle contraction. The stream of action potentials along the muscle fiber surface is terminated as Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is broken down by acetyl cholinesterase. The release of Calcium ions is ceased. The action of the myosin molecule heads is obstructed because of the change in the configuration of troponin and tropomyosin due to the absence of calcium ions. This will eventually cause the contraction to be ceased. Together with these physical processes, an external stretching force such as gravity pulls the muscle back to its normal length. References The Mechanism of Muscle Contraction. (n.a), (n.d) Retrieved on 26 June 2011 from Encyclopedia of Nursing & Allied Health. Bioelectricity: Transmission of nerve impulses to muscle. Retrieved on 26 June 2011 from–encyclopedia/bioelectricity Q2 Skeletal Muscle Structure.The cells of skeletal muscles are long fiber–like structures. They contain many nuclei and are subdivided into smaller structures called myofibrils. Myofibrils are composed of 2 kinds of myofilaments. The thin filaments are made of 2 strands of the protein actin and one strand of a regulatory protein coiled together. The thick filaments are staggered arrays of myosin molecules. * Units of organization of skeletal muscle. The filaments are organized into ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Factors That Affect The Activity Of Contractile Activity During prolonged activity, muscles show a decline in ability to respond to stimulation with optimal levels of contractile activity; this is a phenomena denoted as muscle fatigue (MF) (1). The causes of MF are not yet understood, however there are many observations of associations between metabolic and biochemical factors with MF. In order for force to be generated by muscles, calcium ions which are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum bind to troponin. The new troponin–Ca2+ complex cause's tropomyosin to change shape, exposing the binding site on actin. Myosin then binds to actin, causing cross bridge tilting, and generating contraction (1). Lactic acid is commonly perceived as a primary cause of MF to due to its intracellular muscle acidosis effects. Acidosis lowers the sensitivity of the contractile apparatus to calcium ions, because the H+ ions competes against Ca2+ for binding to certain binding sites on troponin. (2).This leads to decreased force development. However, low pH has many effects which do not favour development of MF, such as its ability to help maintain excitability, and decreased rate of fatigue. Overall, there is little evidence suggesting that the net effect of lactic acid results in MF. Potassium ions is a metabolite which decreases calcium ion release from the SR. Shifts in levels of potassium and calcium ions in and around skeletal muscle fibres will alter the membrane potential of the muscle cell, making it more or less prone to stimulation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Tight Junction Lab Report Tight Junction Function Response to Unknown Bacterium in Intestinal Epithelium Introduction Tight junctions function as barriers in epithelial cells through the formation of protein complexes between neighboring cells. Made up of three transmembrane protein families including the occludin proteins, the claudin proteins, and the junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), tight junctions are able to maintain the distinction between the apical and basolateral regions of the cell as well as maintain the endothelial and epithelial cell sheet barrier. Tight junctions are found to work based on properties such as size selectivity, ion permeability, concentration gradients, sensitivity to pH, and other transport mechanisms (Tang and Goodenough, 2003). This becomes important when recognizing that tight junctions work to prevent molecules from permeating the epithelial sheet and transport them through a paracellular pathway. Permeation of pathogenic bacteria may cause disruption of tight junctions which plainly leads to malfunction of the epithelium which serves to absorb food and water and protect the body against foreign antigens. Since the discovery that disruption could occur due to reception of certain bacteria such as enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli, much research has been done on the bacterial disruption and effects on tight junctions due to the perceived relationship that some pathogens cause symptoms such as diarrhea that are due to various ... Show more content on ... Claudins are the specific proteins that control paracellular movement through the formation of a barrier in the epithlelial monolayer. Thus, claudins are also the proteins that form the water channels needed to facilitate transportation across the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Battle Of Layac Junction Essay Battle of Layac Junction December 7, 1941, Japanese air and naval forces struck multiple areas within the Pacific to include Kota Bharu in British Malaya, Singora in Thailand, Guam, Hong Kong, and the Philippine Islands. One of the prominent attacks targeted Pearl Harbor, marking the United States declaration of war against Japan, in which the United States entered World War II. The capture of the Philippine Islands served as a crucial effort to the Empire of Japan in ensuring the control of the Southwest Pacific during World War II. The Philippine Islands served as a natural barrier between Japan and resources found in East and Southeast Asia. Hence, the impact of the defense of the Philippines Island in Bataan served in effectively delaying Japan's conquest of South Asia. Attack on the Philippines was previously contemplated by the joint Army–Navy Orange Plan of 1938, later revised and named War Plan Orange 3 (WPO–3) in 1941. The plan focused on covering emergency situations that would arise between the US and Japan. Furthermore, a section of this plan expanded on the element of massing U.S. Army troops to Central Luzon, Philippines, in which the primary ... Show more content on ... Then, after Colonel Steel's second request to withdraw based on potential disastrous outcomes, II Corps ordered the units defending Layac Junction to withdraw at 2200 hours. Movement started at approximately 2400 hours by the 31st Infantry regiment, in which the majority of the regiment was out by 0130 hours, despite the amount of equipment they had to move. Then at 0230 hours, Japan launched a night attack, which had displaced the covering force pulling out, destroying Company E, 31st Infantry as a tactical entity. Contact from the Japanese was lost after the withdrawal leading to reorganization at positions in Pandan running from Manila ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Types And Subconscious Response By Effector 1. Reflexes are automatic and subconscious response to a stimulus. A reflex arc, the neural pathway that a nerve impulse follows, orchestrates the operation of reflexes. The following are parts of the reflex arc: a) The arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor: The receptors located in a sensory neuron detect a stimulus and generate a graded potential. If the strength of a stimulus is above the threshold, then an action potential is generated. b) Activation of a sensory neuron: The generated action potential is then carried to the spinal cord by the sensory neuron. c) Processing of information in the central nervous system (Interneuron or relay neuron): The sensory neuron synapse with the interneuron in the spinal cord. In the central nervous system, the responses are again graded at the synaptic junction. Now the interneuron conducts nerve impulses from the sensory neuron to a motor neuron. d) Activation of a motor neuron: The motor neuron now transmits nerve impulse to an effector. e) Response by effector: Effector is usually a muscle or gland. If the effector is smooth muscle, responses summate to produce action potentials in the smooth muscle, however, if the effector is skeletal muscle, the graded response is enough to produce an action potential. Depending on the situation, the effector generates an appropriate response. 2. Starling forces govern the exchange of fluids between capillaries and the interstitial space. The following are four forces in action ... Get more on ...