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Mount Longhu Scenic Area
eographic location:Yingtan City, Jiangxi
Main scenic spot:Xianshuiyan, Shangqinggong,
Hongwuhu, Mazuyan
Suitable for the play season:Best summer
Longhushan Scenic Area is located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province,
18 kilometers away from the city center. It consists of six scenic spots
including Xianshuiyan, Longhushan, Shangqinggong, Hongwuhu,
Mazuyan and Yingtianshan. There are 55 scenic spots and 261 scenic
spots. The landscape covers an area of 200 square kilometers. In
addition, it also includes independent scenic spots (points) such as
Xiangyang Guifeng, covering an area of 40 square kilometers.
Longhushan is the eighth world natural heritage in China, the World
Geopark, the National Natural and Cultural Double Heritage Site, the
National 5A Scenic Area, the National Forest Park, and the National
Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit. The entire scenic area covers an
area of 220 square kilometers. Longhu Mountain is a typical Danxia
landform in China.
Longhu Mountain is the birthplace of Chinese Taoism. Its Taoist Holy
Land, Bishui Danshan and Ancient Cliff Tombs are known as the
“Three Musts”.
The forest area of Longhu Mountain is 62%, the rainfall is abundant,
and the climate is warm. The air negative ion content of Longhu
Mountain Scenic Spot is 15 times higher than the normal value. It is
the top natural oxygen bar in China’s domestic attractions. In
September 2017, it was awarded the title of “China Natural Oxygen
Bar”. The best global tourist destination for China National Tourism
in 2018.
Historical evolution
In 1988, it was approved by the State Council as a national key scenic
Joined the World Geopark Network in 2007.
In 2009, Longhushan was also shortlisted for the “Chinese University
Students’ Favorite Tourism Scenic Spot” Gold Award.
Longhushan is a project of China’s Danxia [Longhushan (including
Guifeng) and other six scenic spots combined projects recommended
by the State Council in 2009 approved by the State Council. It is the
only application in China in 2010. Legacy project.
On August 1, 2010, the 34th World Heritage Conference held in
Brasilia, Brazil, included “China Danxia” (Longhushan) on the World
Heritage List. Longhushan has become China’s eighth world natural
On April 27, 2012, the National Tourism Administration officially
awarded the title of “National AAAAA Grade Tourist Scenic Spot” in
Longhushan Tourist Area.
Geographic location
Longhushan Scenic Area is located 20 kilometers southwest of
Yingtan City, a transportation hub in eastern Fujian.
Geographical environment
Longhu Mountain is one of the regions with the best development
degree of Danxia landform in China, and belongs to the Xinjiang fault
basin in geological structure. The basin began to form in the late
Triassic. During the Late Jurassic period (1.5-140 million years) to the
Early Cretaceous (1.4-0.9 billion years), there were active volcanic
eruptions in the basin and sedimentary mudstone rocks. It laid a
material foundation for the formation of volcanic landforms in this
area. By the late Cretaceous (0.9-607 million years), the basin
expanded and deposited a thick layer of purple-red river-lake clastic
rocks (conglomerate, sandstone) to provide material conditions for
the formation of Danxia landforms in this area. The later crustal
movement turned the area into land, and the external geological
processes such as flowing water scoured along the rock fissures,
erosion cutting, and gravity collapse, which gradually formed the
typical Danxia landform landscape in this area. The genetic types
include: water flow erosion erosion type, collapse residual type,
collapse accumulation type, dissolution weathering type, dissolution
weathering collapse type. In terms of morphology: Shizhai, Shiqiang,
Shiliang, Shiya, Shizhu, Shifeng, Fengcong, Fenglin, Yixiantian,
Shanbianshan, Zhubeishan, honeycomb cave, vertical cave,
Tianshengqiao, Shimen, etc. And there are all kinds of mimicry and
beautiful appearances.
Climatic characteristics
The Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is a subtropical humid monsoon
climate with no summer heat, no cold in winter, warm and humid,
and distinct four seasons. The annual average temperature is 18.0 °C,
the average temperatures in January and July are 5.5 °C and 29.7 °C,
the extreme maximum temperature is 40.7 °C, and the lowest
temperature is -8.6 °C. The annual average rainfall is 1878mm, and
the annual average evaporation is 1648.4mm.
Hydrological characteristics
Longhushan is rich in groundwater resources, especially in the
development of mountainous vegetation. The bedrock fissures have
good water-rich conditions, deep terrain cutting, and good
groundwater circulation conditions. The groundwater will not be far
away from the slopes and will bleed into the rivers and valleys. From
mountainous areas to river valleys, the salinity of groundwater is
obviously improved. It is medium to weakly acidic, soft to slightly
hard water, colorless, odorless, odorless, transparent, and very little
suspended matter. The water temperature is often between 17 and 20
Natural resources
The flora of Longhushan Scenic Area belongs to the humid forest area
in southeastern China, the subtropical zone of the mid-tropical
evergreen broad-leaved forest, and the evergreen green forest of the
Wuyi Mountain. Superior natural conditions breed abundant plant
resources. According to statistics, there are 100 families, 250 genera
and 460 plants in the region.
The forest types mainly include broad-leaved forests, coniferous and
broad-leaved mixed forests and coniferous forests. Among them:
broad-leaved forest is mainly distributed at an altitude of 300-800
meters. The supernatant, ear, cold water and other places are the
main distribution areas of concentrated contiguous, and are multi-
level forest belts. The upper layer is dominated by large trees, and the
middle layer is mainly composed of yellow wood, Yangtong, Litsea
cubeba and some large trees, and the lower layer is made of
Yingrenmu, Wuyao, Rhododendron, Bovine Nose, Euonymus, and Wu.
There are more than 100 kinds of small shrubs such as rice. Among
them, there is a large area of bamboo forest, mainly distributed in the
ear, cold water and other places. In the broad-leaved forest belt, the
higher the altitude, the less the species. At an altitude of 700 to 800
meters, there are only a few species in the family Fagaceae and
Magnolia, and some of them are scattered in a small area. At an
altitude of 300-610 meters, there are more than 100 families and
more than 400 species of broad-leaved forests.
The total land area of Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is 23,218
hectares, the forest area is 14,300 hectares, the forest coverage rate
is 62%, the standing stock volume is more than 500,000 cubic
meters, and the live bamboo is more than 1.7 million. The Longhu
Mountain Scenic Area is located in a subtropical humid area with rich
biodiversity and rich vegetation. The forest vegetation distribution
belongs to the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest area. The
flora is close to Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, and it has a typical flora
and fauna distribution community in the Danxia landform. The
ecological environment is diverse and the plant species are abundant,
which provides good conditions for the reproduction and habitat of
many insects, birds and mammals. The flora of Longhu Mountain is
close to Wuyi Mountain in Fujian. Due to the high altitude and steep
mountain, the vertical distribution of vegetation is obvious. The main
types of vegetation are: evergreen broad-leaved forest, evergreen and
deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest, coniferous and
broad-leaved mixed forest, and hilltop dwarf forest. Longhushan
plant distribution: 1200 ~ 1300 meters above sea level, there are
monkey head rhododendron, Yunjin rhododendron, stem bilberry,
arrow bamboo, Huangshan rhododendron, alpine boxwood,
Huangshan pine, Manchurian red, horse silver flower, lantern flower,
flat bilberry, Fans, bamboo fans, hawthorn, purple Ding
Rhododendron, eucalyptus, water, autumn, porcupine, stone ear and
so on. From the Tianmen Mountain area at an altitude of 1000 to
1200 meters, the upper layer of trees is dominated by Huangshan
pine, accompanied by Schima, Magnolia and East China. The height of
the tree is between 7 and 20 meters. The lower arbor has lantern
tree, camellia, mountain cherry, azalea, safflower oil tea, white cedar,
sancus sylvestris, small scorpion, monkey head rhododendron, yunjin
rhododendron, Jiangnan mountain willow, pig ear thorn, Sanchawu
medicine, Huangshan 柃Wood, flat bilberry, celestial flower, arrow
bamboo, bitter bamboo, water bamboo, Fujian cypress, etc., make this
scenic spot Songtao long green, flourishing flowers.
According to the survey, there are more than 40 species of mammals
in the Longhushan Scenic Area, accounting for about 40% of the 106
species in Jiangxi Province.
There are more than 170 species of bird resources in the scenic area,
accounting for more than 40% of the 420 species of birds in the
province. In the Longhushan National Forest Park, the Chinese
merganser on the banks of the Tunxi River is a national first-class
protected animal.
The scenic area knows reptiles, mainly snakes, which account for
about one-fifth of the province’s snake species.
Among the amphibians, the giant salamander (monkey fish) is the
rarest. There are also amphibians such as amphibians and scorpions;
the amphibians of the amphibians are mainly frogs, black frogs,
money frogs, marsh frogs, frogs, rock frogs, rain frogs, and thorn
frogs (stone chicken). And tiger frogs and so on.
Famous tourist sites
Six scenic spots
Xianshuiyan is a vertical cave formed by the infiltration and erosion
of the turbulent flow along the two sets of joint intersections, and the
formation of the gravitational collapse.
Longhu Mountain was formerly known as Yunjin Mountain. In the
middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Tianshi was here to make
alchemy. “Dancheng and Longhu are now, the mountain is named
because of it”, and Longhushan has thus become the birthplace of
Chinese Taoism.
Ying Tianshan
It should be repeated in Tianshan Mountain, with waterfalls and
flowing springs, and beautiful scenery. The virgin forests cover the
sky and are an important part of the Longhushan National Forest
Park. The main landscapes include Xiangshan Jingshe Ruins, Yingtian
Temple Ruins, Yuyuan Wolong, Seven-Level Waterfall, Yunke Striving
Road, Songlin Steep Slope, Jiufeng Lianping, Bilian Pool, Suijing
Stone, Marble Stone, and Shishi.
Mazuyan is located in the north of the row of stone, also known as the
chicken cage peak. It is said that Tang Gaoqi Mazu was named after
this lecture. There are two holes in the mountain, which can
accommodate thousands of people. There are Buddhist temples built
in the caves. There is a meteorite in front of the rock, 111 meters high,
standing on the edge of the Shangqing River, such as a large pillar.
There is a monkey head stone next to it, and there is an ancient vine
connecting the two. It is called “the iron column locks the golden
Hong Wuhu
Hongwu Lake is located 1 km north of Mazu Rock, next to National
Highway 320, with an area of 37 square kilometers. It is an important
part of Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, including Honghu Reservoir
and Wuhu Reservoir. The Honghu Reservoir has a total storage
capacity of 13.26 million cubic meters and a maximum water surface
of 4,000 acres. It is a regulating reservoir for the Baita Canal. The
lake is clean, bright and clear.
Shangqing Palace
The Shangqing Palace was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is the
sanctuary of the Taoist gods. It is one of the architectural
communities formed on the basis of the worship of the gods in
ancient China. Its scale and grades vary from country to country.
Shangqing Palace not only lives in the head of the Jiangnan Palace,
but also is unparalleled in China. It is known as the “Fairy City” and
“the place where the gods are employed”.
Other attractions
Shangqing Ancient Town
In the Northern Song Dynasty Chongning four years (AD 1105), Song
Huizong ordered Jiangdong Yichen to move the Shangqing view from
Longhushan to the upper Qing Dynasty, and changed Niya City to
Shangqing City. Thirty years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (AD 1748), it
was called Shangqing Town. Located in the Shangqinggong Scenic
Area, 25 kilometers away from Yingtan City, it has a long history of
Taoist culture, characteristic historical sites and ancient folk customs,
which makes the ancient town collectors forget to return.
Positive view
Longhushan Taoist Temple View
Shuhan Tianshifu
Longhushan Tianshifu is located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. It
is called “Shanhan Tianshifu”. It is the place where Zhang Tianshi
lived and lived in the past. It is also a sect of Chinese Taoism. It has a
long history and a prominent position.
No mosquito village
No mosquito village is located in Xujia Village, Xianshuiyan Scenic
Area on the east bank of Tunxi River in the core scenic spot of Longhu
Mountain Scenic Area. There are more than 200 people in 50
households, which are recorded as descendants of Xu Zhenjun. It has
always been a matter of fishing and farming, and the village has
many longevity, so it is also known as Changshou Village. The village
is surrounded by mountains and waters, the peaks are beautiful, the
trees in the village are green, the front of the village is rippling, the
boat is moving, the winter is warm in summer and cool, and the
climate is mild. However, there is a peculiar phenomenon in the
village, that is, there is no mosquito, so it is called “mosquito-free
village” and it is an ideal summer resort.
Guifeng is located on the south bank of Nanxin River in Shuyang
County, 35 kilometers west of Yingtan, and is located between
Sanqing Mountain, Longhu Mountain and Wuyi Mountain. Guifeng
has 36 peaks and eight landscapes. Guifeng was originally named
Guifeng, because the mountains and stones are stacked like turtles,
hence the name.
Tianmen Mountain
Tianmen Mountain is located 5 kilometers south of Shangqing Town,
with the highest peak at 1,300 meters above sea level. Tianmen
Mountain belongs to the Late Jurassic volcanic rock landform. The
slopes of the whole scenic spot are steep and dangerous. The valley is
deep and the rocks are scattered. The forest is dense and spectacular.
Golden gun peak
The Golden Gun Peak is located in the east of Swan Lake, also known
as the meteorite and meteorite. The Golden Peak is 118 meters above
sea level and the peak is about 60 meters high.
Elephant Trunk Hill
Elephant Trunk Hill is a landscape of stone-beam-piercing caves that
have long been eroded by rainwater, dissolved and weathered, and
caused to collapse. The peak of about 100 meters high has a stone
beam hanging down, and the whole mountain is like a giant stone
statue in the water. The peak of the peak is about 2 kilometers long
and the highest peak is 267.5 meters. The peak of the row is
connected by multiple sets of peaks. It is a peak cluster landscape
formed by long-term erosion by water flow. The mountain is north-
south, narrow and long, with the highest peak at 267.5 meters. The
peaks from north to south include: Sanqing on the north end, Daxian
Mengxian Peak, Yuyu Peak, Zhuangyuan Peak, Candle Peak, and the
southern end of the Dadaoqifeng.
Pocket palace
The Douyi Palace is located on the top of Xianyan. It sits west to the
east, and the five pillars rise. The nine pillars support the roof. It
symbolizes the Emperor’s Palace of the Ninth Five-Year. It covers an
area of 670 square meters and is 19 meters high. The glazed tile is
surrounded by granite guardrails and is very solemn.
Economic development
In 2014, the total number of tourists received was 10.2 million, and
the direct income of tourism was 406 million yuan, an increase of
56.8% and 52.6% respectively. The increase was among the highest
in the province.
In 2015, the number of tourists and income continued to climb, and
the tourism economy maintained a booming momentum. 13.2 million
tourists were received throughout the year, and the direct income of
tourism was 510 million yuan, an increase of 30% and 28%
respectively. Forefront.
Travel Information
Scenic opening hours: 7:00-17:30
Main scenic spot fare
The price of boat trips in Xianshuiyan scenic spot (including cruise
tickets and tour guide tickets): 120 yuan/person in the off-season and
139 yuan/person in the peak season.
Longhushan bamboo raft attraction ticket price (including bamboo
ticket): 120 yuan / person in the off-season, 139 yuan / person in the
peak season.
The price of the joint ticket of the bamboo raft in the Qing Dynasty
(including the bamboo ticket): 125 yuan/person in the off-season and
145 yuan/person in the peak season.
Single attraction ticket price
Xianren City attractions: 30 yuan / person.
Elephant Trunk Hill attractions: 15 yuan / person.
Daqingqing Palace attractions: 30 yuan / person.
Tianmenshan attractions: 25 yuan / person.
Longhushan Shuiyu Film and Television Base: 30 yuan/person.
Shangqing Ancient Town + Shuhan Tianshi House: 42 yuan / person.
Preferential policy
Discount ticket
1.2-1.5 m children, full-time students, 60-69 years old seniors voucher
reservation. Voucher purchase full-time discount ticket (granting
sightseeing car 50 yuan / person): 150 yuan / person, Longhushan
tour tickets (granting sightseeing car 50 yuan / person): 75 yuan /
person, Longhushan bamboo rafting (or Xianshuiyan cruise ship ): 75
yuan / person.
Special ticket
Active military personnel, disabled persons, elders over 70 years old,
journalists who hold the “Certificate of Journalism” issued by the
State Press and Publication Administration and the State
Administration of Radio, Film and Television, members of the
“Membership Card” of the Association of Photographers above the
provincial level, and the Association of Writers above the provincial
level Member voucher for membership card: 125 yuan / person,
Longhushan tour tickets: free of charge, Longhushan sightseeing
ticket: 50 yuan / person, Longhushan bamboo rafting (or Xianshuiyan
cruise ship): 75 yuan / person.
Traffic Guide
Railway: Yingtan is located at the intersection of the three railway
lines of Zhejing, Handan and Yingxia. It can directly reach Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Fuzhou,
Xiamen, Kunming, Changsha, Nanjing, Nanchang and Jiujiang by
train. city.
Highway: Shuttle bus to the direction of Xianshuiyan on the west side
of Yingtan Railway Station (5:30-17:30, 15 minutes, fare 5 yuan, half
an hour). 206 National Highway (Yantai-Shantou) and 320 National
Highway (Shanghai-Ruili) pass through Yingtan, and the traffic to
Longhushan is also convenient.
Aviation: Longhushan is 116 kilometers from Wuyishan Airport in
Fujian and 120 kilometers from Nanchang Airport.
Waterway: You can reach Poyang Lake by boat.
Traffic Guide from Yingtan to
Yingtan Railway Station Square (on the left side of the exit direction)
has a tourist line bus to the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, which is
about every 15 minutes. From the bus station to the train station, you
can take the bus or hit it.

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Mount longhu scenic area

  • 1. G Mount Longhu Scenic Area eographic location:Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Level:AAAAA
  • 2. Main scenic spot:Xianshuiyan, Shangqinggong, Hongwuhu, Mazuyan Suitable for the play season:Best summer Longhushan Scenic Area is located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province, 18 kilometers away from the city center. It consists of six scenic spots including Xianshuiyan, Longhushan, Shangqinggong, Hongwuhu, Mazuyan and Yingtianshan. There are 55 scenic spots and 261 scenic spots. The landscape covers an area of 200 square kilometers. In addition, it also includes independent scenic spots (points) such as Xiangyang Guifeng, covering an area of 40 square kilometers. Longhushan is the eighth world natural heritage in China, the World Geopark, the National Natural and Cultural Double Heritage Site, the National 5A Scenic Area, the National Forest Park, and the National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit. The entire scenic area covers an area of 220 square kilometers. Longhu Mountain is a typical Danxia landform in China. Longhu Mountain is the birthplace of Chinese Taoism. Its Taoist Holy Land, Bishui Danshan and Ancient Cliff Tombs are known as the “Three Musts”. The forest area of Longhu Mountain is 62%, the rainfall is abundant, and the climate is warm. The air negative ion content of Longhu Mountain Scenic Spot is 15 times higher than the normal value. It is the top natural oxygen bar in China’s domestic attractions. In September 2017, it was awarded the title of “China Natural Oxygen Bar”. The best global tourist destination for China National Tourism in 2018. Historical evolution In 1988, it was approved by the State Council as a national key scenic spot.
  • 3. Joined the World Geopark Network in 2007. In 2009, Longhushan was also shortlisted for the “Chinese University Students’ Favorite Tourism Scenic Spot” Gold Award. Longhushan is a project of China’s Danxia [Longhushan (including Guifeng) and other six scenic spots combined projects recommended by the State Council in 2009 approved by the State Council. It is the only application in China in 2010. Legacy project. On August 1, 2010, the 34th World Heritage Conference held in Brasilia, Brazil, included “China Danxia” (Longhushan) on the World Heritage List. Longhushan has become China’s eighth world natural heritage. On April 27, 2012, the National Tourism Administration officially awarded the title of “National AAAAA Grade Tourist Scenic Spot” in Longhushan Tourist Area. Geographic location Longhushan Scenic Area is located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, a transportation hub in eastern Fujian.
  • 4. Geographical environment Topography Longhu Mountain is one of the regions with the best development degree of Danxia landform in China, and belongs to the Xinjiang fault basin in geological structure. The basin began to form in the late Triassic. During the Late Jurassic period (1.5-140 million years) to the Early Cretaceous (1.4-0.9 billion years), there were active volcanic eruptions in the basin and sedimentary mudstone rocks. It laid a material foundation for the formation of volcanic landforms in this area. By the late Cretaceous (0.9-607 million years), the basin expanded and deposited a thick layer of purple-red river-lake clastic rocks (conglomerate, sandstone) to provide material conditions for the formation of Danxia landforms in this area. The later crustal movement turned the area into land, and the external geological processes such as flowing water scoured along the rock fissures, erosion cutting, and gravity collapse, which gradually formed the typical Danxia landform landscape in this area. The genetic types include: water flow erosion erosion type, collapse residual type, collapse accumulation type, dissolution weathering type, dissolution weathering collapse type. In terms of morphology: Shizhai, Shiqiang, Shiliang, Shiya, Shizhu, Shifeng, Fengcong, Fenglin, Yixiantian, Shanbianshan, Zhubeishan, honeycomb cave, vertical cave, Tianshengqiao, Shimen, etc. And there are all kinds of mimicry and beautiful appearances.
  • 5. Climatic characteristics The Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is a subtropical humid monsoon climate with no summer heat, no cold in winter, warm and humid, and distinct four seasons. The annual average temperature is 18.0 °C, the average temperatures in January and July are 5.5 °C and 29.7 °C, the extreme maximum temperature is 40.7 °C, and the lowest temperature is -8.6 °C. The annual average rainfall is 1878mm, and the annual average evaporation is 1648.4mm. Hydrological characteristics Longhushan is rich in groundwater resources, especially in the development of mountainous vegetation. The bedrock fissures have good water-rich conditions, deep terrain cutting, and good groundwater circulation conditions. The groundwater will not be far
  • 6. away from the slopes and will bleed into the rivers and valleys. From mountainous areas to river valleys, the salinity of groundwater is obviously improved. It is medium to weakly acidic, soft to slightly hard water, colorless, odorless, odorless, transparent, and very little suspended matter. The water temperature is often between 17 and 20 °C. Natural resources Plant The flora of Longhushan Scenic Area belongs to the humid forest area in southeastern China, the subtropical zone of the mid-tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and the evergreen green forest of the Wuyi Mountain. Superior natural conditions breed abundant plant resources. According to statistics, there are 100 families, 250 genera and 460 plants in the region. The forest types mainly include broad-leaved forests, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests and coniferous forests. Among them: broad-leaved forest is mainly distributed at an altitude of 300-800 meters. The supernatant, ear, cold water and other places are the main distribution areas of concentrated contiguous, and are multi-
  • 7. level forest belts. The upper layer is dominated by large trees, and the middle layer is mainly composed of yellow wood, Yangtong, Litsea cubeba and some large trees, and the lower layer is made of Yingrenmu, Wuyao, Rhododendron, Bovine Nose, Euonymus, and Wu. There are more than 100 kinds of small shrubs such as rice. Among them, there is a large area of bamboo forest, mainly distributed in the ear, cold water and other places. In the broad-leaved forest belt, the higher the altitude, the less the species. At an altitude of 700 to 800 meters, there are only a few species in the family Fagaceae and Magnolia, and some of them are scattered in a small area. At an altitude of 300-610 meters, there are more than 100 families and more than 400 species of broad-leaved forests. The total land area of Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is 23,218 hectares, the forest area is 14,300 hectares, the forest coverage rate is 62%, the standing stock volume is more than 500,000 cubic meters, and the live bamboo is more than 1.7 million. The Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is located in a subtropical humid area with rich biodiversity and rich vegetation. The forest vegetation distribution belongs to the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest area. The flora is close to Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, and it has a typical flora and fauna distribution community in the Danxia landform. The ecological environment is diverse and the plant species are abundant, which provides good conditions for the reproduction and habitat of many insects, birds and mammals. The flora of Longhu Mountain is close to Wuyi Mountain in Fujian. Due to the high altitude and steep mountain, the vertical distribution of vegetation is obvious. The main types of vegetation are: evergreen broad-leaved forest, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, and hilltop dwarf forest. Longhushan plant distribution: 1200 ~ 1300 meters above sea level, there are monkey head rhododendron, Yunjin rhododendron, stem bilberry, arrow bamboo, Huangshan rhododendron, alpine boxwood, Huangshan pine, Manchurian red, horse silver flower, lantern flower, flat bilberry, Fans, bamboo fans, hawthorn, purple Ding Rhododendron, eucalyptus, water, autumn, porcupine, stone ear and so on. From the Tianmen Mountain area at an altitude of 1000 to 1200 meters, the upper layer of trees is dominated by Huangshan
  • 8. pine, accompanied by Schima, Magnolia and East China. The height of the tree is between 7 and 20 meters. The lower arbor has lantern tree, camellia, mountain cherry, azalea, safflower oil tea, white cedar, sancus sylvestris, small scorpion, monkey head rhododendron, yunjin rhododendron, Jiangnan mountain willow, pig ear thorn, Sanchawu medicine, Huangshan 柃Wood, flat bilberry, celestial flower, arrow bamboo, bitter bamboo, water bamboo, Fujian cypress, etc., make this scenic spot Songtao long green, flourishing flowers. Animal According to the survey, there are more than 40 species of mammals in the Longhushan Scenic Area, accounting for about 40% of the 106 species in Jiangxi Province. There are more than 170 species of bird resources in the scenic area, accounting for more than 40% of the 420 species of birds in the province. In the Longhushan National Forest Park, the Chinese merganser on the banks of the Tunxi River is a national first-class protected animal. The scenic area knows reptiles, mainly snakes, which account for about one-fifth of the province’s snake species. Among the amphibians, the giant salamander (monkey fish) is the rarest. There are also amphibians such as amphibians and scorpions;
  • 9. the amphibians of the amphibians are mainly frogs, black frogs, money frogs, marsh frogs, frogs, rock frogs, rain frogs, and thorn frogs (stone chicken). And tiger frogs and so on. Famous tourist sites Six scenic spots Xianshuiyan Xianshuiyan is a vertical cave formed by the infiltration and erosion of the turbulent flow along the two sets of joint intersections, and the formation of the gravitational collapse.
  • 10. Longhushan Longhu Mountain was formerly known as Yunjin Mountain. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Tianshi was here to make alchemy. “Dancheng and Longhu are now, the mountain is named because of it”, and Longhushan has thus become the birthplace of Chinese Taoism. Ying Tianshan It should be repeated in Tianshan Mountain, with waterfalls and flowing springs, and beautiful scenery. The virgin forests cover the sky and are an important part of the Longhushan National Forest Park. The main landscapes include Xiangshan Jingshe Ruins, Yingtian Temple Ruins, Yuyuan Wolong, Seven-Level Waterfall, Yunke Striving Road, Songlin Steep Slope, Jiufeng Lianping, Bilian Pool, Suijing Stone, Marble Stone, and Shishi.
  • 11. Mazuyan Mazuyan is located in the north of the row of stone, also known as the chicken cage peak. It is said that Tang Gaoqi Mazu was named after this lecture. There are two holes in the mountain, which can accommodate thousands of people. There are Buddhist temples built in the caves. There is a meteorite in front of the rock, 111 meters high, standing on the edge of the Shangqing River, such as a large pillar. There is a monkey head stone next to it, and there is an ancient vine connecting the two. It is called “the iron column locks the golden monkey”. Hong Wuhu Hongwu Lake is located 1 km north of Mazu Rock, next to National Highway 320, with an area of 37 square kilometers. It is an important part of Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, including Honghu Reservoir and Wuhu Reservoir. The Honghu Reservoir has a total storage
  • 12. capacity of 13.26 million cubic meters and a maximum water surface of 4,000 acres. It is a regulating reservoir for the Baita Canal. The lake is clean, bright and clear. Shangqing Palace The Shangqing Palace was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is the sanctuary of the Taoist gods. It is one of the architectural communities formed on the basis of the worship of the gods in ancient China. Its scale and grades vary from country to country. Shangqing Palace not only lives in the head of the Jiangnan Palace, but also is unparalleled in China. It is known as the “Fairy City” and “the place where the gods are employed”.
  • 13. Other attractions Shangqing Ancient Town In the Northern Song Dynasty Chongning four years (AD 1105), Song Huizong ordered Jiangdong Yichen to move the Shangqing view from Longhushan to the upper Qing Dynasty, and changed Niya City to Shangqing City. Thirty years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (AD 1748), it was called Shangqing Town. Located in the Shangqinggong Scenic Area, 25 kilometers away from Yingtan City, it has a long history of Taoist culture, characteristic historical sites and ancient folk customs, which makes the ancient town collectors forget to return. Positive view Longhushan Taoist Temple View
  • 14. Shuhan Tianshifu Longhushan Tianshifu is located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. It is called “Shanhan Tianshifu”. It is the place where Zhang Tianshi lived and lived in the past. It is also a sect of Chinese Taoism. It has a long history and a prominent position. No mosquito village No mosquito village is located in Xujia Village, Xianshuiyan Scenic Area on the east bank of Tunxi River in the core scenic spot of Longhu Mountain Scenic Area. There are more than 200 people in 50 households, which are recorded as descendants of Xu Zhenjun. It has always been a matter of fishing and farming, and the village has many longevity, so it is also known as Changshou Village. The village is surrounded by mountains and waters, the peaks are beautiful, the trees in the village are green, the front of the village is rippling, the boat is moving, the winter is warm in summer and cool, and the
  • 15. climate is mild. However, there is a peculiar phenomenon in the village, that is, there is no mosquito, so it is called “mosquito-free village” and it is an ideal summer resort. Guifeng Guifeng is located on the south bank of Nanxin River in Shuyang County, 35 kilometers west of Yingtan, and is located between Sanqing Mountain, Longhu Mountain and Wuyi Mountain. Guifeng has 36 peaks and eight landscapes. Guifeng was originally named Guifeng, because the mountains and stones are stacked like turtles, hence the name.
  • 16. Tianmen Mountain Tianmen Mountain is located 5 kilometers south of Shangqing Town, with the highest peak at 1,300 meters above sea level. Tianmen Mountain belongs to the Late Jurassic volcanic rock landform. The slopes of the whole scenic spot are steep and dangerous. The valley is deep and the rocks are scattered. The forest is dense and spectacular. Golden gun peak The Golden Gun Peak is located in the east of Swan Lake, also known as the meteorite and meteorite. The Golden Peak is 118 meters above sea level and the peak is about 60 meters high.
  • 17. Elephant Trunk Hill Elephant Trunk Hill is a landscape of stone-beam-piercing caves that have long been eroded by rainwater, dissolved and weathered, and caused to collapse. The peak of about 100 meters high has a stone beam hanging down, and the whole mountain is like a giant stone statue in the water. The peak of the peak is about 2 kilometers long and the highest peak is 267.5 meters. The peak of the row is connected by multiple sets of peaks. It is a peak cluster landscape formed by long-term erosion by water flow. The mountain is north- south, narrow and long, with the highest peak at 267.5 meters. The peaks from north to south include: Sanqing on the north end, Daxian Mengxian Peak, Yuyu Peak, Zhuangyuan Peak, Candle Peak, and the southern end of the Dadaoqifeng. Pocket palace The Douyi Palace is located on the top of Xianyan. It sits west to the east, and the five pillars rise. The nine pillars support the roof. It symbolizes the Emperor’s Palace of the Ninth Five-Year. It covers an area of 670 square meters and is 19 meters high. The glazed tile is surrounded by granite guardrails and is very solemn.
  • 18. Economic development In 2014, the total number of tourists received was 10.2 million, and the direct income of tourism was 406 million yuan, an increase of 56.8% and 52.6% respectively. The increase was among the highest in the province. In 2015, the number of tourists and income continued to climb, and the tourism economy maintained a booming momentum. 13.2 million tourists were received throughout the year, and the direct income of tourism was 510 million yuan, an increase of 30% and 28% respectively. Forefront.
  • 19. Travel Information Scenic opening hours: 7:00-17:30 Main scenic spot fare The price of boat trips in Xianshuiyan scenic spot (including cruise tickets and tour guide tickets): 120 yuan/person in the off-season and 139 yuan/person in the peak season. Longhushan bamboo raft attraction ticket price (including bamboo ticket): 120 yuan / person in the off-season, 139 yuan / person in the peak season. The price of the joint ticket of the bamboo raft in the Qing Dynasty (including the bamboo ticket): 125 yuan/person in the off-season and 145 yuan/person in the peak season. Single attraction ticket price Xianren City attractions: 30 yuan / person. Elephant Trunk Hill attractions: 15 yuan / person. Daqingqing Palace attractions: 30 yuan / person. Tianmenshan attractions: 25 yuan / person. Longhushan Shuiyu Film and Television Base: 30 yuan/person. Shangqing Ancient Town + Shuhan Tianshi House: 42 yuan / person. Preferential policy Discount ticket 1.2-1.5 m children, full-time students, 60-69 years old seniors voucher reservation. Voucher purchase full-time discount ticket (granting sightseeing car 50 yuan / person): 150 yuan / person, Longhushan tour tickets (granting sightseeing car 50 yuan / person): 75 yuan / person, Longhushan bamboo rafting (or Xianshuiyan cruise ship ): 75 yuan / person. Special ticket Active military personnel, disabled persons, elders over 70 years old, journalists who hold the “Certificate of Journalism” issued by the State Press and Publication Administration and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, members of the “Membership Card” of the Association of Photographers above the provincial level, and the Association of Writers above the provincial level Member voucher for membership card: 125 yuan / person,
  • 20. Longhushan tour tickets: free of charge, Longhushan sightseeing ticket: 50 yuan / person, Longhushan bamboo rafting (or Xianshuiyan cruise ship): 75 yuan / person. Traffic Guide Railway: Yingtan is located at the intersection of the three railway lines of Zhejing, Handan and Yingxia. It can directly reach Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Kunming, Changsha, Nanjing, Nanchang and Jiujiang by train. city. Highway: Shuttle bus to the direction of Xianshuiyan on the west side of Yingtan Railway Station (5:30-17:30, 15 minutes, fare 5 yuan, half an hour). 206 National Highway (Yantai-Shantou) and 320 National Highway (Shanghai-Ruili) pass through Yingtan, and the traffic to Longhushan is also convenient. Aviation: Longhushan is 116 kilometers from Wuyishan Airport in Fujian and 120 kilometers from Nanchang Airport. Waterway: You can reach Poyang Lake by boat. Traffic Guide from Yingtan to Longhushan Yingtan Railway Station Square (on the left side of the exit direction) has a tourist line bus to the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, which is about every 15 minutes. From the bus station to the train station, you can take the bus or hit it. 