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MongoDB + the JVM
                          Integrating NoSQL with the JVM
                                Brendan McAdams
                                     10gen, Inc.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Let’s Face It ...

                              SQL Sucks.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Let’s Face It ...

                                  SQL Sucks.

                          For some problems at least.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Stuffing an object graph into a relational model is
                like fitting a square peg into a round hole.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Stuffing an object graph into a relational model is
                like fitting a square peg into a round hole.

              Databases should simplify application development - they
               should present a model that fits naturally with our code

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • MongoDB is designed to fit your application

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • MongoDB is designed to fit your application
              • Flexible

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • MongoDB is designed to fit your application
              • Flexible
              • Fast

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • MongoDB is designed to fit your application
              • Flexible
              • Fast
              • Sane

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Two crucial core concepts

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Two crucial core concepts

              • Document Oriented Data

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Two crucial core concepts

              • Document Oriented Data

              • Scalability

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Document Oriented Data

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Document Oriented Data
              • Instead of flat row structures, “document oriented”
              data (similar to JSON)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

     • Document Oriented Data
              • Instead of flat row structures, “document oriented”
              data (similar to JSON)
              • Rich: Embed other documents and arrays as values

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data

            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data

            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,

            Like JSON , MongoDB Documents are made up of key and
                                value pairs.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data

            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                 "currency": "USD",
                 "discount": 24.14,
                 "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
           Values can be complex, such as embedded subdocuments...

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,
                                      Or even arrays!

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying with MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying with MongoDB

     • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying with MongoDB

     • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying with MongoDB

     • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’

              • Finding items by exact match via “key” = “value”

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying with MongoDB

     • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’

              • Finding items by exact match via “key” = “value”

              • Built-in Query Expressions for more advanced

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“author”: “Joe Armstrong”})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“author”: “Joe Armstrong”})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,
                          Basic queries consist of “key” = “value”

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“price.currency”: “USD”})
              “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
              “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
              “publicationYear”: 2007,
              “price”: {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "discount": 24.14,
                    "msrp": 36.95
              “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
              “tags”: [
                 “concurrent programming”,

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“price.currency”: “USD”})
              “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
              “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
              “publicationYear”: 2007,
              “price”: {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "discount": 24.14,
                    "msrp": 36.95
              “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
              “tags”: [
                 “concurrent programming”,
       }                  Embedded docs can be accessed by
                             “key.subkey” = “value”

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“tags”: “multicore”})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“tags”: “multicore”})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,
       }                   Embedded arrays can be accessed by
                          matching just a single value from the array

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“”: {$lt: 25.00}})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Querying With MongoDB
        > db.books.find({“”: {$lt: 25.00}})
            “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”,
            “author”: “Joe Armstrong”,
            “publicationYear”: 2007,
            “price”: {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "discount": 24.14,
                  "msrp": 36.95
            “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”,
            “tags”: [
               “concurrent programming”,
       }       Finally, MongoDB provides a set of query expressions for
                     concepts such as greater than, less than, etc.

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

              • Scalability

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

              • Scalability
                          • Database should grow and scale with our application

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

              • Scalability
                          • Database should grow and scale with our application
                             • Replica Sets: Robust, modernized Replication Model with
                             automatic failover

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB as a Database

              • Scalability
                          • Database should grow and scale with our application
                             • Replica Sets: Robust, modernized Replication Model with
                             automatic failover
                             • Sharding: n-scalable horizontal partitioning with automatic

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

     • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

     • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM
              • Java

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

     • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM
              • Java
              • Scala

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

     • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM
              • Java
              • Scala
              • Hadoop

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB on the JVM

     • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM
              • Java
              • Scala
              • Hadoop
              • Also, fantastic work occurring in Clojure community
              (see Monger - )

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less
                             • Morphia

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less
                             • Morphia
                                 • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less
                             • Morphia
                                 • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like
                             • Spring Data

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less
                             • Morphia
                                 • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like
                             • Spring Data
                                 • Spring ODM for many NoSQL databases, supports

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Java

              • Java + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver)
                             • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures
                          • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less
                             • Morphia
                                 • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like
                             • Spring Data
                                 • Spring ODM for many NoSQL databases, supports
                                 • GA Release announced today

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java
                          The Mongo class represents a connection pool

        com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo();

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java
                          The Mongo class represents a connection pool

        com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo();

                          The DB class represents a Database context

        com.mongodb.DB db = m.getDB( "bookstore" );

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java
                            The Mongo class represents a connection pool

        com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo();

                             The DB class represents a Database context

        com.mongodb.DB db = m.getDB( "bookstore" );

                          The DBCollection class represents a Collection
                                (Mongo’s version of a table) handle

        com.mongodb.DBCollection coll = db.getCollection( "books" );

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java
                          Documents are represented by DBObject

        com.mongodb.DBObject q = new BasicDBObject();
        q.put( “tag”, “scala” );
        q.put( “price”, new BasicDBObject( “$lt”, 40.00 ) );

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java
                            Documents are represented by DBObject

        com.mongodb.DBObject q = new BasicDBObject();
        q.put( “tag”, “scala” );
        q.put( “price”, new BasicDBObject( “$lt”, 40.00 ) );

                             Queries return a DBCursor, which is both
                          Iterator<DBObject> and Iterable<DBObject>

        for ( DBObject doc : coll.find( q ) ) {
           // ...

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java

                          There is also a QueryBuilder helper class for

        DBObject q = QueryBuilder.start( “price” ).lessThan( 40.00 ).
                       and( “tag” ).is( “scala” ).get();

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Core MongoDB + Java

                           There is also a QueryBuilder helper class for

        DBObject q = QueryBuilder.start( “price” ).lessThan( 40.00 ).
                       and( “tag” ).is( “scala” ).get();

                           If you don’t fancy doing everything by hand, you
                          can use tools like Morphia to map domain objects

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia
                          Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up
                           domain objects for MongoDB persistence

        @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books”
        class Book {}

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia
                            Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up
                             domain objects for MongoDB persistence

        @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books”
        class Book {}
                          Any field can be tagged as the primary key via the
                                            @Id annotation

      @Id private ObjectId id;

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia
                            Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up
                             domain objects for MongoDB persistence

        @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books”
        class Book {}
                          Any field can be tagged as the primary key via the
                                            @Id annotation

      @Id private ObjectId id;

                               List fields are automatically persisted as
                                            MongoDB arrays

     private List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia
                          Complex sub-objects can be marked to either
                             “embed” or “reference” automatically

      * Could also use "reference", which are stored to
      * their own collection and loaded automatically
      * Morphia uses the field name for where to store the value,
     @Embedded private Price price;

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping Java via Morphia
                          Complex sub-objects can be marked to either
                             “embed” or “reference” automatically

      * Could also use "reference", which are stored to
      * their own collection and loaded automatically
      * Morphia uses the field name for where to store the value,
     @Embedded private Price price;

                          It’s trivial to name a field one thing in MongoDB
                                   and another in our Morphia model

      * Can rename a field for how stored in MongoDB
      @Property("publicationYear") private int year;

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                 •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                 •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                 •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                 Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom
                             • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very
                             fast and lightweight

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom
                             • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very
                             fast and lightweight
                             • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM
                             layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom
                              • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very
                              fast and lightweight
                              • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM
                              layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern
                          •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver]

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom
                              • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very
                              fast and lightweight
                              • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM
                              layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern
                          •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver]
                              • Hammersmith - my pet project, Netty + Akka.IO interfaces, strongly
                              functional and callback based

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Scala
              • Scala + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah)
                                  •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API
                                  •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including
                                  Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom
                              • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very
                              fast and lightweight
                              • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM
                              layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern
                          •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver]
                              • Hammersmith - my pet project, Netty + Akka.IO interfaces, strongly
                              functional and callback based
                              • ReactiveMongo - from the amazing team @ Zenexity who brought us
                              the Play! Framework - new, but very promising

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                              Casbah’s version of a Document is
                          MongoDBObject, which is a full Scala MapLike

     case class Book(id: ObjectId, author: Seq[Author], isbn: String,
                     price: Price, publicationYear: Int, tags: Seq[String],
                     title: String, publisher: String, edition: Option[String]) {

            def toDBObject = MongoDBObject(
                               "author" -> { a => },
                               "_id" -> id,
                               "isbn" -> isbn,
                               "price" -> price.toDBObject,
                               "publicationYear" -> publicationYear,
                               "tags" -> tags,
                               "title" -> title,
                               "publisher" -> publisher,
                               "edition" -> edition


Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                          Because it is a full Collection implementation,
                           construction Builder style is easy as well
     val b = MongoDBObject.newBuilder
     b += "foo" -> "bar"
     b += "x" -> 5
     b += "map" -> Map("spam" -> 8.2, "eggs" -> "bacon")
     val dbObj = b.result

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                          Because it is a full Collection implementation,
                           construction Builder style is easy as well
     val b = MongoDBObject.newBuilder
     b += "foo" -> "bar"
     b += "x" -> 5
     b += "map" -> Map("spam" -> 8.2, "eggs" -> "bacon")
     val dbObj = b.result

                          It’s even easy to start with a blank DBObject

     val dbObj = MongoDBObject.empty

     dbObj must beDBObject
     dbObj must have size (0)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                            While Casbah wraps the Java Driver for the
                          Mongo protocol, its API aims to be as Scala pure
                                             as possible

     val mongo: MongoCollection = MongoConnection()("bookstore")("books")

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                            While Casbah wraps the Java Driver for the
                          Mongo protocol, its API aims to be as Scala pure
                                             as possible

     val mongo: MongoCollection = MongoConnection()("bookstore")("books")

                             Casbah’s Cursors can easily be iterated in
                                       standard Scala style

     def findAll() = for ( book <- mongo.find() ) yield newBook(book)

     findAll().foreach(b => println("<Book> " + b))

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                          Leveraging Scala’s great support for composable
                           DSLs, Casbah provides a Query DSL that feels
                                   natural to a MongoDB user...

        val q: DBObject = ("price" $lt 40.00) ++ ("tag" -> "scala")

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah
                          Leveraging Scala’s great support for composable
                           DSLs, Casbah provides a Query DSL that feels
                                   natural to a MongoDB user...

        val q: DBObject = ("price" $lt 40.00) ++ ("tag" -> "scala")

                          Like with Java, the Scala MongoDB Community
                          has created a few ways of mapping Objects as

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

                          Lift uses an ActiveRecord style API for mapping
                                         MongoDB + Scala

     class Book private() extends BsonRecord[Book] with ObjectIdPk[Book]
     { }

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift
                          Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects
                               implementing a special typed trait.

      object isbn extends StringField(this, 64)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift
                           Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects
                                implementing a special typed trait.

      object isbn extends StringField(this, 64)

                          Fields can be declared optional by overriding a
                                          trait attribute

      object edition extends StringField(this, 32) {
        override def optional_? = true

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift
                           Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects
                                implementing a special typed trait.

      object isbn extends StringField(this, 64)

                          Fields can be declared optional by overriding a
                                          trait attribute

      object edition extends StringField(this, 32) {
        override def optional_? = true

                           And Lists can be automatically handled via a
      object author extends MongoListField[Book, String](this)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift
                          Embedding objects represented by another entity
                                         is easy as well
          object price extends BsonRecordField(this, Price)

          class Price private() extends BsonRecord[Price] {
            // ...
            object currency extends StringField(this, 3)
            object discount extends DoubleField(this)
            object msrp extends DoubleField(this)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift
                          Embedding objects represented by another entity
                                         is easy as well
          object price extends BsonRecordField(this, Price)

          class Price private() extends BsonRecord[Price] {
            // ...
            object currency extends StringField(this, 3)
            object discount extends DoubleField(this)
            object msrp extends DoubleField(this)

                          To make working with Lift + MongoDB as easy as
                            possible, Foursquare has created a fantastic
                                      Query DSL called Rogue:

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Lift

                          The downside to Lift is the need to use specially
                           structured objects. For those who want a less
                                  formal API, Salat makes it easy...

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Salat

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Salat
                          Salat uses Scala’s case classes as the core of
                                their model (immutability is good!)
     case class Book(id: ObjectId, author: Seq[Author], isbn: String,
                     price: Price, publicationYear: Int, tags: Seq[String],
                     title: String, publisher: String, edition: Option[String])

     case class Author(name: String)

     case class Price(currency: String, discount: Double, msrp: Double)

     val authors = Seq( Author("Timothy Perrett") )
     val price = Price("USD", 39.99, 39.99)

     val tags = Seq("functional programming", "scala",
                     "web development", "lift", "#legendofklang")

     val liftInAction = Book(new ObjectId, authors, "9781935182801",
                             price, 2011, tags,
                             "Lift in Action",
                             "Manning Publications Co.", Some("First"))

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Salat

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Salat
                          Persistence is made simple (through Scala
                               reflection) via the Grater object
      * The Salat Grater uses runtime Scala type reflection to
      * generate a MongoDB Object.
     val dbo = grater[Book].asDBObject(liftInAction)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Object Mapping in Scala via Salat
                             Persistence is made simple (through Scala
                                  reflection) via the Grater object
      * The Salat Grater uses runtime Scala type reflection to
      * generate a MongoDB Object.
     val dbo = grater[Book].asDBObject(liftInAction)

                           Some annotations are available to mark indexed
                          fields, etc but the core ideas in Salat are elegantly

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

              • Clojure + MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

              • Clojure + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

              • Clojure + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger)
                             • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native”
                             Query API

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

              • Clojure + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger)
                             • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native”
                             Query API
                             • Not officially supported

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Clojure

              • Clojure + MongoDB
                          • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger)
                             • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native”
                             Query API
                             • Not officially supported
                             • The Monger team was nice enough to share some
                             snippets (my Clojure is a bit rusty)...

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Clojure via Monger

Tuesday, October 16, 12
Basic MongoDB + Clojure via Monger
                             Monger’s version of a Document is a simple
                                       Clojure data structure

                          A Query API similar to Casbah’s is supported, and
                                               very fluid

             (monger.collection/find-maps collection { {$lt 25.00}})

             (monger.collection/update "things" { :_id oid } { $set { :weight 20.5 } })

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                             • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                             Backup Files)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                             • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                             Backup Files)
              • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                              • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                              MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                              • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                              Backup Files)
              • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop
                          • Pig

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                             • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                             Backup Files)
              • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop
                          • Pig
                          • Streaming

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                             • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                             Backup Files)
              • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop
                          • Pig
                          • Streaming
                          • Hive & Scoobi (coming soon)

Tuesday, October 16, 12
MongoDB + Hadoop
              • Hadoop + MongoDB
                          • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects
                          at 10gen
                             • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save
                             MapReduce results directly to MongoDB
                             • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB
                             Backup Files)
              • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop
                          • Pig
                          • Streaming
                          • Hive & Scoobi (coming soon)
              • See to learn more

Tuesday, October 16, 12
[Want to Know More About MongoDB?]
                   Free Online Classes, Starting in October!


                                *Contact Me*
                                 (twitter: @rit)

Tuesday, October 16, 12

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Mongo DB on the JVM - Brendan McAdams

  • 1. MongoDB + the JVM Integrating NoSQL with the JVM Brendan McAdams 10gen, Inc. @rit Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 2. Let’s Face It ... SQL Sucks. Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 3. Let’s Face It ... SQL Sucks. For some problems at least. Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 4. Stuffing an object graph into a relational model is like fitting a square peg into a round hole. Tuesday, October 16, 12
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  • 7. MongoDB as a Database • MongoDB is designed to fit your application Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 8. MongoDB as a Database • MongoDB is designed to fit your application • Flexible Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 9. MongoDB as a Database • MongoDB is designed to fit your application • Flexible • Fast Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 10. MongoDB as a Database • MongoDB is designed to fit your application • Flexible • Fast • Sane Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 11. MongoDB as a Database Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 12. MongoDB as a Database • Two crucial core concepts Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 13. MongoDB as a Database • Two crucial core concepts • Document Oriented Data Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 14. MongoDB as a Database • Two crucial core concepts • Document Oriented Data • Scalability Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 15. MongoDB as a Database Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 16. MongoDB as a Database • Document Oriented Data Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 17. MongoDB as a Database • Document Oriented Data • Instead of flat row structures, “document oriented” data (similar to JSON) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 18. MongoDB as a Database • Document Oriented Data • Instead of flat row structures, “document oriented” data (similar to JSON) • Rich: Embed other documents and arrays as values Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 19. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 20. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, } Like JSON , MongoDB Documents are made up of key and value pairs. Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 21. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 22. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, } Values can be complex, such as embedded subdocuments... Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 23. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 24. Rich Documents Represent MongoDB Data { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] Or even arrays! } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 26. Querying with MongoDB • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’ interface Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 27. Querying with MongoDB • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’ interface Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 28. Querying with MongoDB • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’ interface • Finding items by exact match via “key” = “value” Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 29. Querying with MongoDB • Querying in MongoDB is similar to a ‘query by example’ interface • Finding items by exact match via “key” = “value” • Built-in Query Expressions for more advanced statements Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 30. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“author”: “Joe Armstrong”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 31. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“author”: “Joe Armstrong”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Basic queries consist of “key” = “value” Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 32. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“price.currency”: “USD”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 33. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“price.currency”: “USD”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Embedded docs can be accessed by “key.subkey” = “value” Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 34. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“tags”: “multicore”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 35. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“tags”: “multicore”}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Embedded arrays can be accessed by matching just a single value from the array Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 36. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“”: {$lt: 25.00}}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 37. Querying With MongoDB > db.books.find({“”: {$lt: 25.00}}) { “title”: “Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World”, “author”: “Joe Armstrong”, “publicationYear”: 2007, “price”: { "currency": "USD", "discount": 24.14, "msrp": 36.95 }, “publisher”: “The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC”, “tags”: [ “erlang”, “concurrent programming”, “multicore”, “programming” ] } Finally, MongoDB provides a set of query expressions for concepts such as greater than, less than, etc. Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 38. MongoDB as a Database Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 39. MongoDB as a Database • Scalability Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 40. MongoDB as a Database • Scalability • Database should grow and scale with our application Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 41. MongoDB as a Database • Scalability • Database should grow and scale with our application • Replica Sets: Robust, modernized Replication Model with automatic failover Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 42. MongoDB as a Database • Scalability • Database should grow and scale with our application • Replica Sets: Robust, modernized Replication Model with automatic failover • Sharding: n-scalable horizontal partitioning with automatic management Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 43. MongoDB on the JVM Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 44. MongoDB on the JVM • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 45. MongoDB on the JVM • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM • Java Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 46. MongoDB on the JVM • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM • Java • Scala Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 47. MongoDB on the JVM • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM • Java • Scala • Hadoop Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 48. MongoDB on the JVM • MongoDB has strong, wide support on the JVM • Java • Scala • Hadoop • Also, fantastic work occurring in Clojure community (see Monger - ) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 49. MongoDB + Java Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 50. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 51. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 52. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 53. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 54. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) • Morphia Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 55. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) • Morphia • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like annotations Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 56. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) • Morphia • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like annotations • Spring Data Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 57. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) • Morphia • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like annotations • Spring Data • Spring ODM for many NoSQL databases, supports MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 58. MongoDB + Java • Java + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (mongo-java-driver) • Manipulate MongoDB Docs as Map-like structures • “Object Document Mapping” (like Hibernate, but less painful) • Morphia • Map domain objects to MongoDB with JPA-like annotations • Spring Data • Spring ODM for many NoSQL databases, supports MongoDB • GA Release announced today Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 59. Core MongoDB + Java Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 60. Core MongoDB + Java The Mongo class represents a connection pool com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo(); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 61. Core MongoDB + Java The Mongo class represents a connection pool com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo(); The DB class represents a Database context com.mongodb.DB db = m.getDB( "bookstore" ); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 62. Core MongoDB + Java The Mongo class represents a connection pool com.mongodb.Mongo m = new Mongo(); The DB class represents a Database context com.mongodb.DB db = m.getDB( "bookstore" ); The DBCollection class represents a Collection (Mongo’s version of a table) handle com.mongodb.DBCollection coll = db.getCollection( "books" ); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 63. Core MongoDB + Java Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 64. Core MongoDB + Java Documents are represented by DBObject com.mongodb.DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(); q.put( “tag”, “scala” ); q.put( “price”, new BasicDBObject( “$lt”, 40.00 ) ); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 65. Core MongoDB + Java Documents are represented by DBObject com.mongodb.DBObject q = new BasicDBObject(); q.put( “tag”, “scala” ); q.put( “price”, new BasicDBObject( “$lt”, 40.00 ) ); Queries return a DBCursor, which is both Iterator<DBObject> and Iterable<DBObject> for ( DBObject doc : coll.find( q ) ) { // ... } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 66. Core MongoDB + Java Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 67. Core MongoDB + Java There is also a QueryBuilder helper class for querying DBObject q = QueryBuilder.start( “price” ).lessThan( 40.00 ). and( “tag” ).is( “scala” ).get(); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 68. Core MongoDB + Java There is also a QueryBuilder helper class for querying DBObject q = QueryBuilder.start( “price” ).lessThan( 40.00 ). and( “tag” ).is( “scala” ).get(); If you don’t fancy doing everything by hand, you can use tools like Morphia to map domain objects automatically... Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 69. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 70. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up domain objects for MongoDB persistence @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books” class Book {} Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 71. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up domain objects for MongoDB persistence @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books” class Book {} Any field can be tagged as the primary key via the @Id annotation @Id private ObjectId id; Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 72. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Morphia uses JPA-like Annotations to mark up domain objects for MongoDB persistence @Entity("books") // Book classes persist to / from “books” class Book {} Any field can be tagged as the primary key via the @Id annotation @Id private ObjectId id; List fields are automatically persisted as MongoDB arrays private List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 73. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 74. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Complex sub-objects can be marked to either “embed” or “reference” automatically /** * Could also use "reference", which are stored to * their own collection and loaded automatically * * Morphia uses the field name for where to store the value, */ @Embedded private Price price; Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 75. Object Mapping Java via Morphia Complex sub-objects can be marked to either “embed” or “reference” automatically /** * Could also use "reference", which are stored to * their own collection and loaded automatically * * Morphia uses the field name for where to store the value, */ @Embedded private Price price; It’s trivial to name a field one thing in MongoDB and another in our Morphia model /** * Can rename a field for how stored in MongoDB */ @Property("publicationYear") private int year; Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 76. MongoDB + Scala Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 77. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 78. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 79. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 80. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 81. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 82. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very fast and lightweight Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 83. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very fast and lightweight • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 84. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very fast and lightweight • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver] Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 85. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very fast and lightweight • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver] • Hammersmith - my pet project, Netty + Akka.IO interfaces, strongly functional and callback based Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 86. MongoDB + Scala • Scala + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (casbah) •Wraps the Java driver, provides strong Scala API •Documents manipulated in a 2.8+ collections Map structure including Builder, Factory and CanBuildFrom •ODMs • Salat - Case class mapping with some optional annotations, very fast and lightweight • Lift - Popular Scala web framework includes a MongoDB ODM layer based on the ActiveRecord pattern •Next-Generation Drivers (async focus) [Pure rewrites of driver] • Hammersmith - my pet project, Netty + Akka.IO interfaces, strongly functional and callback based • ReactiveMongo - from the amazing team @ Zenexity who brought us the Play! Framework - new, but very promising Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 87. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 88. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Casbah’s version of a Document is MongoDBObject, which is a full Scala MapLike collection case class Book(id: ObjectId, author: Seq[Author], isbn: String, price: Price, publicationYear: Int, tags: Seq[String], title: String, publisher: String, edition: Option[String]) { def toDBObject = MongoDBObject( "author" -> { a => }, "_id" -> id, "isbn" -> isbn, "price" -> price.toDBObject, "publicationYear" -> publicationYear, "tags" -> tags, "title" -> title, "publisher" -> publisher, "edition" -> edition ) } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 89. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 90. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Because it is a full Collection implementation, construction Builder style is easy as well val b = MongoDBObject.newBuilder b += "foo" -> "bar" b += "x" -> 5 b += "map" -> Map("spam" -> 8.2, "eggs" -> "bacon") val dbObj = b.result Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 91. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Because it is a full Collection implementation, construction Builder style is easy as well val b = MongoDBObject.newBuilder b += "foo" -> "bar" b += "x" -> 5 b += "map" -> Map("spam" -> 8.2, "eggs" -> "bacon") val dbObj = b.result It’s even easy to start with a blank DBObject val dbObj = MongoDBObject.empty dbObj must beDBObject dbObj must have size (0) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 92. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 93. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah While Casbah wraps the Java Driver for the Mongo protocol, its API aims to be as Scala pure as possible val mongo: MongoCollection = MongoConnection()("bookstore")("books") Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 94. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah While Casbah wraps the Java Driver for the Mongo protocol, its API aims to be as Scala pure as possible val mongo: MongoCollection = MongoConnection()("bookstore")("books") Casbah’s Cursors can easily be iterated in standard Scala style def findAll() = for ( book <- mongo.find() ) yield newBook(book) findAll().foreach(b => println("<Book> " + b)) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 95. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 96. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Leveraging Scala’s great support for composable DSLs, Casbah provides a Query DSL that feels natural to a MongoDB user... val q: DBObject = ("price" $lt 40.00) ++ ("tag" -> "scala") Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 97. Basic MongoDB + Scala via Casbah Leveraging Scala’s great support for composable DSLs, Casbah provides a Query DSL that feels natural to a MongoDB user... val q: DBObject = ("price" $lt 40.00) ++ ("tag" -> "scala") Like with Java, the Scala MongoDB Community has created a few ways of mapping Objects as well... Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 98. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 99. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Lift uses an ActiveRecord style API for mapping MongoDB + Scala class Book private() extends BsonRecord[Book] with ObjectIdPk[Book] { } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 100. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 101. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects implementing a special typed trait. object isbn extends StringField(this, 64) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 102. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects implementing a special typed trait. object isbn extends StringField(this, 64) Fields can be declared optional by overriding a trait attribute object edition extends StringField(this, 32) { override def optional_? = true } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 103. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Fields in Lift-Mongo are declared as objects implementing a special typed trait. object isbn extends StringField(this, 64) Fields can be declared optional by overriding a trait attribute object edition extends StringField(this, 32) { override def optional_? = true } And Lists can be automatically handled via a MongoListField object author extends MongoListField[Book, String](this) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 104. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 105. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Embedding objects represented by another entity is easy as well object price extends BsonRecordField(this, Price) class Price private() extends BsonRecord[Price] { // ... object currency extends StringField(this, 3) object discount extends DoubleField(this) object msrp extends DoubleField(this) } Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 106. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Embedding objects represented by another entity is easy as well object price extends BsonRecordField(this, Price) class Price private() extends BsonRecord[Price] { // ... object currency extends StringField(this, 3) object discount extends DoubleField(this) object msrp extends DoubleField(this) } To make working with Lift + MongoDB as easy as possible, Foursquare has created a fantastic Query DSL called Rogue: Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 107. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 108. Object Mapping in Scala via Lift The downside to Lift is the need to use specially structured objects. For those who want a less formal API, Salat makes it easy... Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 109. Object Mapping in Scala via Salat Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 110. Object Mapping in Scala via Salat Salat uses Scala’s case classes as the core of their model (immutability is good!) case class Book(id: ObjectId, author: Seq[Author], isbn: String, price: Price, publicationYear: Int, tags: Seq[String], title: String, publisher: String, edition: Option[String]) case class Author(name: String) case class Price(currency: String, discount: Double, msrp: Double) val authors = Seq( Author("Timothy Perrett") ) val price = Price("USD", 39.99, 39.99) val tags = Seq("functional programming", "scala", "web development", "lift", "#legendofklang") val liftInAction = Book(new ObjectId, authors, "9781935182801", price, 2011, tags, "Lift in Action", "Manning Publications Co.", Some("First")) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 111. Object Mapping in Scala via Salat Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 112. Object Mapping in Scala via Salat Persistence is made simple (through Scala reflection) via the Grater object /** * The Salat Grater uses runtime Scala type reflection to * generate a MongoDB Object. */ val dbo = grater[Book].asDBObject(liftInAction) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 113. Object Mapping in Scala via Salat Persistence is made simple (through Scala reflection) via the Grater object /** * The Salat Grater uses runtime Scala type reflection to * generate a MongoDB Object. */ val dbo = grater[Book].asDBObject(liftInAction) Some annotations are available to mark indexed fields, etc but the core ideas in Salat are elegantly simple Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 114. MongoDB + Clojure Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 115. MongoDB + Clojure • Clojure + MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 116. MongoDB + Clojure • Clojure + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 117. MongoDB + Clojure • Clojure + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger) • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native” Query API Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 118. MongoDB + Clojure • Clojure + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger) • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native” Query API • Not officially supported Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 119. MongoDB + Clojure • Clojure + MongoDB • “Core” MongoDB Driver (monger) • Fairly new, similarities to Casbah, including a “native” Query API • Not officially supported • The Monger team was nice enough to share some snippets (my Clojure is a bit rusty)... Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 120. Basic MongoDB + Clojure via Monger Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 121. Basic MongoDB + Clojure via Monger Monger’s version of a Document is a simple Clojure data structure A Query API similar to Casbah’s is supported, and very fluid (monger.collection/find-maps collection { {$lt 25.00}}) (monger.collection/update "things" { :_id oid } { $set { :weight 20.5 } }) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 122. MongoDB + Hadoop Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 123. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 124. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 125. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 126. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 127. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop ecosystem Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 128. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop ecosystem • Pig Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 129. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop ecosystem • Pig • Streaming Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 130. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop ecosystem • Pig • Streaming • Hive & Scoobi (coming soon) Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 131. MongoDB + Hadoop • Hadoop + MongoDB • Hadoop integration with MongoDB is one of my key projects at 10gen • Feed MongoDB data directly (“live”) into MapReduce jobs & save MapReduce results directly to MongoDB • Coming Soon: Read/Write “archived BSON” (basically, MongoDB Backup Files) • Support for “Core MapReduce” as well as the wider Hadoop ecosystem • Pig • Streaming • Hive & Scoobi (coming soon) • See to learn more Tuesday, October 16, 12
  • 132. [Want to Know More About MongoDB?] Free Online Classes, Starting in October! [Docs] *Contact Me* (twitter: @rit) Tuesday, October 16, 12