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Node.js in the Database
       Audrey Tang

PgREST is…
• JSON document store
• Running inside PostgreSQL
• Working with existing relational data
• Capable of loading Node.js modules
• Compatible with MongoLab’s REST API
• = LiveScript + PLV8 + plv8x + OneJS
{ "title":    "萌",
  "bopomofo": "ㄇㄥˊ",
  "pinyin":   "méng",
  "definitions": [
    { "type": "名", "def": "草木初生的芽。" },
    { "type": "名", "def": "事物發生的開端或徵兆。" },
    { "type": "名", "def": "人民。" } ] }
CREATE TABLE moe ( "entry" JSON );
{ "title":"萌", "bopomofo": "ㄇㄥˊ", "pinyin": "méng",
  "definitions": [ { "type": "名", "def": "草木初生的芽。" },
                   { "type": "名", "def": "事物發生的開端或徵兆。" },
                   { "type": "名", "def": "人民。" } ] } $$);

INSERT INTO moe VALUES ('這不是 ㄓㄟ ㄙㄣˇ'); -- type error
CREATE FUNCTION get_json_key(obj JSON, key TEXT) returns JSON AS $$
   return JSON.stringify( obj[key] );
$$ LANGUAGE plv8;

SELECT get_json_key(entry, 'bopomofo') FROM moe;
-- "ㄇㄥˊ"
plv8x: Operators
SELECT entry |> 'this.bopomofo' FROM moe;
-- "ㄇㄥˊ"
SELECT entry ~> '@bopomofo' FROM moe;
-- "ㄇㄥˊ"
SELECT '@bopomofo' <~ entry FROM moe;
-- "ㄇㄥˊ"
SELECT ~> 'new Date';
-- "2013-04-17T12:31:57.523Z"
plv8x: Command Line
npm i -g plv8x
export PLV8XCONN=dbname
plv8x -r # .js works too
plv8x -E 'plv8.execute("SELECT entry FROM moe").0.entry.definitions'
# [ { type: '名', def: '草木初生的芽。' },
#   { type: '名', def: '事物發生的開端或徵兆。' },
#   { type: '名', def: '人民。' } ]
plv8x: Modules
npm i -g uax11
plv8x -i uax11
plv8x -E 'require "uax11" .toFullwidth "méng"'
# meng

SELECT entry ~> 'require "uax11" .toFullwidth @pinyin' FROM moe;
-- "meng"
plv8x: Functions
plv8x -f 'text fullwidth(text)=uax11:toFullwidth'
plv8x -f 'text PINYIN(json)=:&0.pinyin.toUpperCase!'

SELECT fullwidth('Ingy döt Net');
-- Ingy dot Net
SELECT fullwidth( PINYIN(entry) ) FROM moe;
• V8 : JavaScript engine
• PLV8 : Stored procedures in JavaScript
• plv8x : Package manager for PLV8
    • Turns NPM modules into SQL functions
    • JSON expressions with ~> and <~
• Code reuse for browser + server + database !
Cutting out the Middleware
• Serve JSON API from SQL
• Shared models & validation code
• Put Business Logic into DB
• Perfect fit for Medium Data™
The Revised MoE Dictionary (1994)
The Good
• 160,000+ entries
• Official, high quality sources
• Rich etymology and historical usage
• Full text search with regular expressions
• Still frequently updated!
The Bad
• Results are not bookmarkable
• Requires N clicks to get to a definition
• Rare characters become low-res bitmaps
• Difficult to use on mobile devices
• ”Optimized for IE 5.0 and Netscape 4.7+”!?
The Sad

    本會目前只開放以超連結 (hyperlink) 的方式與
    國語辭典 首頁 連結,至於其他方式本會並未對
.…and the Very Crazy
• 不需登入的網頁,會自動把你登出!
Yeh’s Ping, 2013.1.26.

    所以我要 響應 零時政府 的活動,來做,把字、詞、成語、定義、例句等等正
    體中文資料,用開放的文字 API 釋放出來,加
Hackpad for

g0v hackath1n, 2013.1.27.
• Scrape 2741 idioms as HTML (@TonyQ, @MnO2)
• Scrape 3000 characters as raw HTML (@au)
• Design JSON schema from samples (@pingooo)
• Design SQL schema from samples (@albb0920)
• Parse HTML into JSON & SQLite (@kcwu)
• …and for those 24x24 bitmaps…
←🀝 Big-5

→🀎 UTF-8
Crowd-OCR for 1000+ glyphs
Finished in 24 hours!
Thanks to: Favonia, Jun-Yuan Yan, Yao Wei, Yaoting Huang, Poka,
Caasi Huang, Daniel Liang, Grey Lee, Irvin Chen, Gugod, Schee…

• XUL Desktop App (@racklin)
• OS X Dictionary (@yllan)
• Windows 8 App (@wenpei)
• iOS Client (@tomjpsun, @jamessa, @pct)
• iOS Offline App (@zonble)
• Rails API server (@albb0920)
• AngularJS Client+Server (@viirya)
• Chrome Extension (@tonytonyjan)
• Sublime Text plugin (@zonble)
• WinRT Component (@eriksk)
Fair Use

    為非營利之教育目的,依著作權法第 50 條,
    著作權(如果有的話)由 @kcwu 以 CC0 釋出。
CC0: Public Domain

    案,由作者 唐鳳 在法律許可的範圍內,拋棄該
5 Stars of Open Data
1. ⊙☉ Open License
2.     Structured Data
3.     Non-Proprietary Format
4. ✧ Each Item has an URI
5. ✩ Linking between Items
URI Endpoints
• 3 APIs (for non-Unicode characters):
    • /raw/文字.json          {[8ff0]}
    • /uni/文字.json          ⿰亻壯
    • /pua/文字.json          U+F8FF0
Web Fonts for Private-Use Area
• Initially based on Hán Nôm font (@YaoWei)
    • Subset everything outside Big5 range
    • Hand-drawn PUA chars like ⿰亻壯
• Later on, switched to Hanazono 花園明朝 font
    • 75,619 + 8,236 glyphs
    • From 花園大学国際禅学研究所

Live Demo
Reaching the Fifth Star
1. ⊙☉ Open License
2.     Structured Data
3.     Non-Proprietary Format
4. ✧ Each Item has an URI
5. ✩ Linking between Items
Chinese Segmentation
• Therearenowhitespacesbetweenwords
• Lots of heuristic algorithms
• Naive solution: Longest-token match
    • Requires a large dictionary
    • …wait, we just got one here
In-browser Implementation
Worked well, but…
• Freezes IE8, crashes IE7
    • Broken on Android 2.x, too
• So let’s pre-segment on server
    • Needs a tool to move JS into DB
    • …wait, we just got one here
{"h":[{"b":"ㄨㄣˊ ㄗˋ","d":[{"f":"`人類~`用來~`表示~`觀念~、
~`甚~`文字~`不了~。」"]}],"p":"wén zì"}],"t":"`文~`字~"}
Live Demo, part II
Materialized View: 160k .json files
Let’s PhoneGap it!
• Freezes XCode, crashes Eclipse
• Solution: Pack into 1024 .txt files
    • Take the first character, mod 1024
    • Related words share the same bucket
• Great success!
Google Play & App Store
User-Driven Development
• Wildcard and part-of-word searching (@esor)
• Two-column layout for tablets (@hlb)
• Toggle between Pinyin and Bopomofo (@matic)
• Volume key on Android resizes fonts (@ivan)
• Top Request: Taiwanese Bân-lâm-gi
Personal Motivation
• My main caretakers were my grandparents
    • Grandma from Lo̍k-káng, Taiwan
    • Grandpa from Sì-chuān, China
• Raised biligually as a pre-schooler
    • But only Mandarin had a writing system
    • Editing her memoir brought back memories
Taiwan Bân-lâm-gi Common Dictionary
                           (MoE, 2011)
Good Parts
• Unified Romanization system (TL)
• Standardized Ideographic characters (RHC)
• Full text search with Mandarin, TL & RHC
• MP3 pronounciations of all entries
• Licensed under CC-BY-ND 3.0
Not-so-good Parts
• Entries are in non-bookmarkable <iframe>s
• No equivalent Mandarin field for entries
• Still uses bitmaps for Ext-B+ fonts
• Easy to scrape but hard to parse
    • …as discovered by @happyman_eric
g0v hackath2n, 2013.3.23.
Crowd-OCR for 154 glyphs, 2013.3.25.
Finished over lunch!
Thanks to: @happyman, @Irvin, @hit1205, @MissleTW, @YuerLee,
@YuanChao, @clkao, @MGDesigner, @gontera…
Database received, 2013.3.27.
• 詞目總檔.xls 詞目總檔.屬性對照.xls
• 釋義.xls 釋義.詞性對照.xls
• 又音.xls 又音.屬性對照.xls
• 近義詞對應.xls 反義詞對應.xls
• 詞彙方言差.xls 語音方言差.xls
• 例句.xls
.…What about that extra request?

    資料匯入目前大致無誤。不過,twblg 網頁上
    Excel 檔中看到?


.…it’s all good.

    目前從網頁以 Big5 範圍取出的華語條目,
    共有 26274 筆對映。
    CC-BY-ND 的授權範圍。
Data Cleanup, 2013.3.30.
• Convert all .xsl to .csv with LibreOffice 4
    • 3 stars:   Non-Proprietary Format
• Replace PUA characters with mapped Unicode
    • Add x-造字.csv and x-華語對照表.csv
• Time to put PgREST to work!
PgREST: MongoLab API Server
• GET /collections/table_or_view
   • q=&c=true&f=&fo=true&s=&sk=&l=

 curl $LY/collections/bills?q={"proposal.0":"吳育昇"}
 curl $MOE/collections/entries?q={"部首":"一"}&c=1

• PUT /collections/table_or_view
PgREST: Import/Export
pgrest dbname
export MOE=
curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/csv" 
     --data-binary @uni/詞目總檔.csv $MOE/collections/entries

curl $MOE/collections/entries
# [{"主編號","1","屬性":"1","詞目":"一","音讀":"tsit",
#   "文白俗替":"替","部首":"一","部首序":"001-00-01","方言差":""}]
PgREST: JSON in 48 lines

Live Demo, part III
Lessons Learned
• Open Data is a beginning, not an end
• Keep conversations with all participants
    • Turn detractors into collaborators
        • Keep a kind heart
             • Assume the best intentions

When is Transparency Useful?

               — Aaron Swartz, «Open Government»

Thank you!
Thank you!

  “   新的轉機和閃閃星斗,


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Stories from the Future of Democracy
Audrey Tang
TEDxTaipei 2017: 社會企業
TEDxTaipei 2017: 社會企業TEDxTaipei 2017: 社會企業
TEDxTaipei 2017: 社會企業
Audrey Tang
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資訊服務採購契約範本 修正明細對照 1060713
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Audrey Tang
服務型智慧政府推動計畫 v9
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Audrey Tang
Audrey Tang
Audrey Tang
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Audrey Tang
Audrey Tang
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Audrey Tang
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報告案三 :SEWF申辦2019進度說明
報告案三 :SEWF申辦2019進度說明報告案三 :SEWF申辦2019進度說明
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Audrey Tang
2017-06-17 臺灣網路治理論壇
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Audrey Tang
Audrey Tang
DIGI⁺ 數位政府
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Stories from the Future of Democracy
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資訊服務採購契約範本 修正明細對照 1060713
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報告案三 :SEWF申辦2019進度說明
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報告案三 :SEWF申辦2019進度說明
2017-06-17 臺灣網路治理論壇
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2017-06-17 臺灣網路治理論壇
DIGI⁺ 數位政府
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DIGI⁺ 數位政府

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