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Moleque de
T H E F I R S T 1 9 Y E A R S
1. What is Moleque? p. 7
2. Moleque philosophy p. 16
2.2 A brief history of Moleque p. 19
2.3 Moleque in the press p. 21
3. Projects and activities p. 24
3.1 Professional Software p. 25
3.1.1 - The Transit Game – Jogo de Trânsito
3.1.2 - PROVON, Sistema de Provas, software for companies or
institutions to carry out tests, exams and certifications
3.1.3 - Software to ensure the quality of services in the
building industry
3.1.4 - Software for e-commerce, proxy payments
3.1.5 - Software for automatic pricing
3.16 - V-Logica
3.2 Programming p. 33
3.2.1 - Bate-Bate
3.2.2 - The Crowd
3.3 Kids and computers p. 40
3.3.1 - Names of files and folders
3.3.2 - Stagecast
3.3.3 - Lode Runner
3.4 Robotics p. 49
3.5 Film p. 51
3.6 Music p. 57
3.6.1 - Learning, rehearsal
3.6.2 - Composing (music, film, web..)
3.6.3 - Recording
3.6.4 - Performing
3.6.5 - MaKey-MaKey kit
3.6.6 - little Bits KORG synth kit
3.7 Food p. 61
3.7.1 - Cooking, baking
3.7.2 - Growing
3.7.3 - The Moleque kitchen
3.8 Sustainability p. 67
3.8.1 - Composting & Urban Agriculture
3.9 Bees p. 73
3.10 Beer p. 75
3.11 Chemistry Lab p. 77
3.12 Moleque and the Maker Movement p. 80
3.12.1 - Zometool
3.12.2 - Lego Mindstorms
3.12.3 - Atoms
3.12.4 - Eitech
3.13 Electronics lab p. 87
3.13.1 - Little bits
3.13.2 - Arduino
3.13.3 - Raspberry Pi
3.14 Graphics p. 90
3.14.1 - Works with photos
3.14.2 - Ideas with mounts and publishing
3.14.3 - Ideas with pen and tablet
3.14.4 - Ideas of cards, letters and messages
3.14.5 - Ideas with Kid Pix
3.14.6 - Graphics ideas
3.14.7 - Ideas for coloring
3.15 3-D printing p. 128
3.16 Oculus p. 129
3.17 Tools p. 130
3.18 Ideas with Microscope p. 131
3.19 Hangouts p. 135
3.19.1 - Jellyweek 2012 and the quilt
3.19.2 - Koiné
3.19.2 - Jellyweek 2013
3.20 Workshops p. 141
4. Who is Moleque? p. 145
4.1 Leila Pais de Miranda
4.2 Nilton Lessa
4.3 Luis Eugênio Pacheco
4.4 Bernardo Frederico Hasselmann
4.5 Caito Mainier
4.6 Anderson Dias Ivo
4.7 Eric Vieira de Souza
4.8 Ilnea Pais de Miranda
4.9 Georg Freiherr von Bülow
4.10 Frederico Lellis de Albuquerque
4.11 Arlete Gomes
4.12 Antonieta Caetano da Silva Souza
5 People close to Moleque p. 158
5.1 Maria João
5.2 José Pacheco
5.3 Augusto de Franco
5.4 Antonio Pedro de Souza Campos
5.5 Vinicius Braz Rocha
5.6 Michael Collan
5.7 Pablo Lemos
5.8 Cristiano Ribeiro
5.9 Gustavo Braga
5.10 Márcio Gomes Porto
5.11 Thiago Garcia da Silva
6 Who are the kids? p. 162
7. Results with the kids p. 163
8. Kids over the years p. 165
8.1 Juliana Shimada Brotto about Moleque de Ideias.
8.2 João Vitor Carvalho Gonsalves .
9. The localities of Moleque p. 172
10. The new locality p. 176
11.   Ambitions with this book p. 184
12. Links p. 185
Moleque de Ideias is a small community of dedicated and talented people
who run a place for young and old to come together and learn from each other.
There is a strong commitment not to institutionalize the various parts of all that
happens and to remain creative and to let things grow naturally.
There is also a sense that things happen for the best if you let them. There
are no strict divisions between the areas of activity and ideas flow freely from
the most unexpected sources. This is also the experience of the professional
software development, ideas and opportunities come when they do and an
open organization like Moleque de Ideias can assimilate them and make
unexpected things happen in an easy way.  
This is a story of what has happened during the first 19 years of a very
special place. Moleque de Ideias is soon moving into the first house that can
house and has been planned especially for the current activities. And there is a
lot. In the following pages you will see a multitude of activities. It can seem a bit
 confusing without a clear structure and meticulous plans. But this is perhaps
the very essence of the Moleque way.
Working together, constantly learning and evolving organically.
C H A P T E R 1
"Nobody likes to do certain work by coercion, even if, in particular, it does
not displease. Every coercive attitude is crippling."
Célestin Freinet
"Grow - This is our new task and it is complete; simple instruction is no
longer sufficient.”
Marshall McLuhan
"Moleque de ideias - A place to be.”
Juliana Shimada
Excerpt from
“O Brasil da Inovação” magazine
"I am in favor of any technology that can
be used to increase our potential
interaction with others: social media,
smoke signals, smartphones, messages on
the wall." argues, with good humor, Nilton
Lessa, company director of Moleque de
Ideias and spokesperson.
"I believe that the biological
phenomenon that we call learning is the
intrinsic result of relations between people and media and not with
technology or technological artifacts".
Although defending communication in an independent manner, Nilton
says we live in a privileged time as the cost of interaction between people or
groups is very low and therefore the potential for learning and producing
and creating is greater.
In his opinion, however, institutions, private companies and non-
governmental organizations, NGOs, still do not see the full potential of
communication through the internet; Therefore, they may have great
difficulty to use the full potential of the “interaction between people”
revolution, that is already in full swing. "Just because of the assumption that
people are not capable of producing, creating and caring for resources
without being tutored by institutional instances”, he explains. Still, he is
optimistic about the future and working together with people.
Moleque de Ideias was born as a software engineering company that
from the beginning was conceived as a space where children and teens can
attend and develop their own projects.
Children attend Moleque de Ideias as much as they can and want to
develop their own ideas, interacting with adults and other children. These
projects, when mature, can unfold into business projects.
Projects with children are varied. From complicated construction kits even
to assembling robots. For companies, in addition to software, Moleque de
Ideias works in the areas of e-commerce and of social networks. The principle
here is that every company is also a learning space having healthy human
"We believe that the separation between doing - learning - sharing is
artificial and that it creates inefficiency, is unnecessary and inhumane" says
Nilton. In the organization, projects with children, adolescents and adults are
accepted as valid and desirable. Not distinguishing by age, speciality or
gender. Innovative from conception to the form of operation, Moleque de
Ideias survives financially through servicing and creating products and does
not have public or private sponsorship. The business is working well and has
worked well for 19 years.
Our main goal is to contribute to the personal development of children
and the general happiness of families and the planet. Harmony, joy, health,
friendship, sympathy, humor, science, are ideas and ideals that guide us.
We are a company that recognizes that the power of digital technologies
exponentially expand the human potential to meet the world and interact
with it, and we believe that children from small can live with this technology
and grow with it. Not only as users of systems developed by others, but as
creators themselves.
Thus, we work with children from 4 years of age with the following main
objectives :
• That they are always fulfilled in their way of being and learning;
• That the educational environment is admittedly a nice place for all, that
the integrity of all is preserved;
• That all seek to be careful and friends with each other;
• There are interesting things to do, to build, to exercise, to enchant, to
learn, to read, to write, to associate to, to represent, to communicate, to
organize and plan, to negotiate, which is interesting for everybody and that
is useful for the development of each.
• That children (and not only the children, everyone here) increasingly
take responsibility for themselves and, consequently for their own learning,
and that constitutes lifelong learning; trying to solve their problems with
increasing autonomy; not rely on others to teach them, they themselves can
increasingly learn on their own;
• That children can use computers and related technologies consciously
and not just automatically; that Children can be the ones who understand
how technological artifacts work, can maintain them and especially
understand what are they useful for.
• To have access to several new ways to learn and put the mind to work.
To achieve these goals, we have a thorough and ongoing training of staff
to deal with children; workshops regularly
updated according to the latest findings in the
field of learning and technology for knowledge;
we have a monitoring system developed by us,
which allows us to reflect on the children and the
work we do with them in order to know them
better and better increasing our ability to help
them in their development.
We have families who, interested in the
development of children, are invited to learn
about the work we have developed with their children and to exchange
opinions with us about it.
And we have the
children. They are great,
they are curious, they
love to learn, love to
behave well and give
solutions to everything.
They are the most
responsible for all this to
work out and be one of the
most enjoyable jobs one can
have in life”.
Moleque de Ideias is a learning
space, an environment of different
activities and possibilities. It's not a
school, in the sense that nobody is a
teacher or a student, but learners
that work together. It's also a
software company.
Moleque de ideias was founded in
1996, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
As a software company, Moleque
develops and maintains e-commerce
systems, systems to manage tests
online, systems of quality to the
building industry and network
platforms for different clients.
It is also a place for children since they are 4
years old, to develop their own ideas, and
Moleque has worked with more than 1 500
children until today, some for more then 10
years. And it is also a place to gather the
community to develop ideas to foster
We are planting our own food, developing urban agriculture, making
beer, creating stingless bees, using 3D printers… we are using technology to
empower our cluster in the network society.
And how do we work with children? We have our own beliefs about what
is important here.
Moleque de ideias is:
• An environment rich in creative possibilities
• Where we listen to people’s desires (including ours)
• Where we talk to each other and work together
• Where we share our portfolios and invite the parents and the children to
think about the work and improve it
We assume that people are different and that they have many forms of
expressing themselves. And also that "No one knows everything, everybody
knows something, all knowledge resides in networks".
More than that, we believe that it is important to develop conversation
and organization skills. The way we organize the space demands that the
children choose what they want to do and talk to each other to find a way to
realize that desire. They can choose between inside or outside, tech and no-
tech activities.
They can have their own ideas and look for the material or help they
need to make them happen. There is a large spectrum of possible activities,
from taking care of worms to building modular robots.
C H A P T E R 2
We are a company that believes in people’s intelligence, in their natural
curiosity and in the power of connections.
Therefore, since 1996, we keep a companionship environment where
everyone, children, teenagers and adults, can create and manage their own
The organization emerges from each person’s interests, creating
learning networks to realize ideas.
As every person at Moleque de Ideias is stimulated to develop their own
creativity, our portfolio of projects covers a wide range of possibilities. Children
come to our company every week, bringing new ideas to realize, which inspire
adults to develop projects to help them in their creations. So these projects,
along with other ideas and requests verified by the adults, unfold, mature and
may gain a commercial or communitarian nature. 
"To make and to learn" are inseparable processes
 On our trajectory, one of the strong points is experimentation. At Moleque
de Ideias, a wide range of technologies is available so that everyone can
explore their imagination and discover new knowledge. We developed a
composting to study, together with the community around us, ways of urban
agriculture. We invest in the research of new interfaces, like devices controlled
by the thoughts, RFIDS and assisted by Augmented Reality. We create robots,
among other actions that use technology, whether it is high or low tech, to
empower people.
These approaches about new learning environments have a strong
theoretical base, anchored on a vision of a glocal (global + local) network
society, formed by people and groups that use technologies to improve the life
quality of all. Our work has already been a theme for many press stories. Some
members of Moleque are often invited to participate of important seminars
about the subject, like VivoEduca, CICI and AEL FIEP. We made presentations
about Moleque de ideias philosophy also in events in Gothenburg, Sweden and
at Copenhagen Business School. Besides we have solid partnerships with
companies and research groups such as ModRobotics and Aniomagic, among
We listen to people's desires (including ours)
This is kind of a central point in our work: desire. We work with small groups,
up to 12 children, and normally there is more than one adult with them. This is
a conscious choice - we want to listen to them and to reinforce that to
recognize and respect our interests is important. And that we can build
knowledge and social capital from there. We listen to them all the time and we
encourage them to organize time and space - talking to each other, adults
The simple fact that their desires are respected helps a lot. To learn is not
something that can always be fun. Most of the time it requires hard work and
the fact that one is following his/her passion helps a lot.
To listen to our own desires is very important too. What works very well with
one group can be a disaster with another one.
We must be always really present, listening to our feelings. Enjoying or not,
but being in the moment and going with the flow.
We talk to each other, we work together
You will not see teachers and students at Moleque de ideias. You will see
people since 4 years old learning and working together. We are always
together, sharing ideas, doubts, learning processes, developing ideas and
turning them into reality.
We appreciate that the children help each other and help us too. We help
them to develop their ideas
and knowledge and we are
living the same process. We
have our own ideas and
projects. We, the adults, we
are not there just to serve
the children, but mainly to
develop our own interests.
One of them is to make a
good learning space for
people using a network
approach to knowledge and
social capital building. We
like to mix pleasure and
work. And we do it together.
Another important aspect: we have adults and children that share common
interests. Working together with someone that share an interest with you - but
have more experience - is very important to help to grow a talent.
We share our portfolios and invite the parents and the children to think
about the work.
2.2 A brief history of Moleque
In 1996 Leila Miranda, Luís Eugênio Pacheco and Nilton Lessa founded
Moleque de Ideias, an environment of harmony, creation, learning and
producing where, since then, adults, children and teens develop their own
projects, living their wishes and ideas. Each person in Moleque de Ideias has the
right to choose what to learn and what projects they want to develop. Because
we believe that technologies, digital or not, can be strong tools and
empowerments of individuals, the Moleque de Ideias people have access to a
wide range of possibilities of expression of the most varied kind. It's worth
browsing the to know a bit what circulates here.
Obviously as there are no hierarchies in learning networks that occur in
Moleque de Ideias, the organization that naturally emerges is based on
interests: older children interacting with younger, adults interacting with them
and so on.
During these almost 20 years, everyone here had and has the opportunity to
develop. Based on long practical experience, reflections and publications on
the topics of free learning. Based on the free choice of training routes, the
possible and harmonious coexistence among adults, youth and children
learning together and the real possibility of building environments.
These environments eliminate the traditional and arbitrary boundaries
between "professional" and "amateur", and to realise unnecessary, unhelpful
dichotomies, averse to innovation. 
Nilton, Leila Miranda and other members of Moleque de Idéias also actively
participate in focus groups on new forms of articulation of learning
environments, such as  Românticos Conspiradores. The work with children has
been the subject of articles.
As in Moleque de Ideias important is the DO-LEARNING (inseparable
categories) environment, several of its members are also involved in
commercial projects, notably in the area of software engineering. The main
research work and the core interest of software engineering turns to the
development and integration of technologies for self-knowledge management
in learning environments based on free choice. But there are no preset limits on
the topics and projects in which members of Moleque work. Members working
there are reflecting on permaculture projects, urban agriculture and livestock,
democratization of communication channels and technologies, POS systems
based on augmented reality etc..
There is extensive experience in software engineering circulating in
Moleque de Ideias: developing critical systems as of pricing and payment flow
for Grupo Pão de Açúcar, the netweaving platform Koiné, for FIRJAN,
integration of hundreds of library systems for CNI system, systems for
visualization of ontologies etc. The interest is: do software engineering with
taste, science and art, and primarily building collectively with all who live here
(children, professionals, clients) an environment of knowledge exchange,
solidarity and do-because-like.
Between partners and good relationships we have developed over the years
are UNB, UFF, Fiocruz, Aniomagic-Boulder University, ModRobotics-Cornell, Inc
Stagecast, Instituto Maia Vinagre, CNI System, Grupo Pão de Açúcar,
SINDUSCOM-RJ among several others. And of course, the entire community of
hundreds of families who directly or indirectly interact with us weekly.
Jornal do Brasil 02-03 1998
Jornal do Brasil 08-02 1998
2.3 Moleque in the press
O Fluminense 14-01 2000
O Fluminense 26-11 2000
O Globo 02-02 2000
O Globo 03-10 1999
O Globo 08-02 1998
C H A P T E R 3
3.1 Professional software
Moleque de Ideias develops, since 1996, activities in the educational and
software engineering areas. On the educational area it is one of the references
in the specialized world of non-hierarchic learning and informal learning
environments. On the software engineering area it develops systems of critical
missions on the areas of civil engineering, media and social media, knowledge
management and e-commerce management.
In the e-commerce area, Moleque develops proxy systems for payments and
systems for automatic product pricing and has great experience on the daily
operations of this nature, serving clients like, e On the social media area it developed a platform of
netweaving, Koiné, which was used by the FIRJAN System.
3.1.1 The Transit Game – Jogo do Trânsito
One of the projects Moleque was involved in some years ago was the
consulting and development of a program in the field of traffic education, the
Transit Game – Jogo do Trânsito. The idea was then to develop software that
could be re-created and co-created by thousands of potential people who had
the opportunity to interact with the game. This used the concept of "crowd -
building", and collaborative construction long before the concept became
People from various cities were invited to create their proprietary software
version to answer their own questions and issues and problems that are
reflected in location.
The software featured various forms of aesthetic expression that is possible
to create by children and adults without specialized technological resources.
These creations were entered into the software. So each city and local
community could create their own version of the game.
The Transit Game was projected to be simple for the user. The player is well
guided and gives the result as chosen answers. The character is totally
customizable and may appear inserted in different landscapes or using various
The Transit Game was developed to teach coexistence in traffic in a way that
is relevant to the players.
Various situations produced in various media are presented: clay animations,
animations with puppets, digital films, PowerPoint slides, 3D animations among
others, and each is analyzed and answered by the player through a framework
of multiple responses. In cases of doubt it is possible to analyze the situation
"frame by frame" and also to consult the didactic explanations about what
would be the correct way to proceed.
And most interestingly about the Transit Game is that in addition to
engaging in a process of education for transit, the player learns that he can
reflect and produce his own situations, using varied and low cost computing
resources. Simply put, it is possible easily to insert new questions with new
information. Thus, each institution may have a custom game by the players
themselves, creating situations that are most relevant to their day-to-day.
What motivated us in the project was the fact that people can create their
own animations, movies, PowerPoints, 3D animations and so on in order to
insert them into the software. And restructure the program the way they
thought best suited to local needs.
Link to demo.
3.1.2 PROVON
Around ten years ago Moleque de Ideias was contracted to make a CD-ROM
based system with he purpose to map industrial professional activities into the
competence methodology. It needed to be updatable by the internet, so to
update, a web-based system was developed that became the core of the initial
version of the PROVON platform.
This gave rise to new opportunities such as encompassing professional
certification concepts and mapping these concepts into the competence
methodology. As the platform is easily extendable there were other related
concepts over the years. Today it is a complete certification, evaluation and
human resources and process selection framework.
Cabana Criação began to work with Moleque on this in the first version of
the online assessment module and became an associate in this project.
Provon is a complete digital assessment system able to adapt to different
needs, respecting the peculiarities that are part of the process.
Provon was created for
conducting and managing
evaluation processes in schools,
certification institutes in
companies and corporations in
selection processes and training.
With friendly and easy to
customize layout, Provon offers
great versatility for certifications
in various environments.
Practical System of Registration
The candidates will have access to a full panel where they can enroll in a
practical and intuitive way. The system itself is responsible for scheduling test
dates and notifying candidates in the tests of your institution.
Provon can be applied in any environment. Inside the classroom with
desktop applications, online via browsers or mobile via Android, Apple or
Blackberry tablets.
Tests can be synchronized with all the candidates to performing the tests at
the same time, or asynchronous, where each candidate has its own timestamp.
Detailed reports
Learn exactly the performance of
the candidates. With Provon reports
you will know, for example, questions
with greater rights and wrongs, the
average time to completion and any
other data crossing the need to
improve its methods of assessment.
Public Agencies
Examinations for public agencies require efficiency, speed and safety. We
help many industries to develop their tests within the various regulations and
Allows execution of training and
evaluation of employees of small,
medium or large corporations. Can be
used in admission tests, market
research and human development.
Teaching Institutions
Help schools and teachers to create, execute and administer exams
according to their needs and their pupils, allowing more effective methods of
“Moleque de Ideias and Cabana Criação are partner companies for a long
time, developing several projects together; since 2 years ago, we serve large
customers with a product we developed: a system to perform tests online,
helping institutions to certify people in a practical and automated way.
As the product was very efficient and replicable, now we have decided to
expand its activities. From now on, our system is available for any size of
accreditation. From big industries that need to ensure the quality of knowledge
of their employees to the teacher that needs to test his students more
‘Sistema de Provas - PROVON is a powerful software which can help your
company or institution to carry out tests, exams and certifications in a
automated and efficient manner.’
The name we chose was Provon and you can learn more by visiting the
Pablo Cabana
3.1.3 Software tool to ensure the quality of services in building industry
Some years ago Moleque started working with a modular software to help
Brazilian builders to adhere to the many regulations that govern building and
planning for this. The work was done mainly together with building engineer
Leonardo Ozenda, in his company Construtora Prisma, where they had a lot of
use for this software. He also represents this outwards in his business and it has
been used and developed in practice by him and his peers. This software has
huge potential in the business and hopes are that it can reach it.
The Moleque“Guia, Sistema de Gerenciamento da Qualidade de Processos
Construtivos”today is represented by Luis Eugenio at Moleque, Leonardo
Ozenda at Construtora Prisma and Lydio Bandeira at Sinduscon RJ.
3.1.4 - Software for e-commerce, proxy payments
The Moleque product Proxy for Payments is a powerful software and is
based on an extensible architecture in all its main points and very scalable. Has
been used by major e-commerce operations in the Brazilian and latin-american
market (,, e-hub, Leader Magazine, Barateiro, CNova
MarketPlaceL, Laselva, Latam Walmart, Walmart Global Store, Sports Interactive,
Cdiscount BR, HP LATAM) with stability and efficiency proven by years of
product maturation. The product is responsible for managing and processing
millions of online sales, every month
In short: it offers the maximum e-commerce operations strategic business
agility coupled with tools that provide strong increase in the efficiency and
effectiveness of day-to-day flow of payments.
The entire solution is developed independently of payment gateway
providers or risk; therefore, the contractor of the services of proxy does not
become hostage to a single supplier of a step of the payments flow.
3.1.5 - Software for automatic pricing
Software for automatic pricing is another product aimed for e-commerce
operations and in use by some of the biggest online retailers in Brazil:, Casas Bahia, Barateiro, and Cdiscount BR. It offers to
commercial and marketing teams a very agile tool to control and settle pricing
strategies in a very dynamic way. It can handle catalogs of millions of products,
setting up strategies that can be updated very quickly.
3.1.6 V-Logica
V-Logica is a system developed by the core members of Moleque software
engineering that enables easy management of ontologies and thesauri.
The system provides an interface for intuitive navigation and thesauri that
facilitates the inference of relationships between terms and definitions. And
several resources for maintenance and updating of thesauri.
Another important feature of the system is the ability to use visual browser
as an interface to other systems. The system is adaptable to many different
scenarios where the use of thesauri is required. For example:
• Librarians can do research through the browser on bases and library
management systems;
• Businesses can search information bases themselves directly through the
semantic visual browser;
• Professionals highly specialized areas could use the thesaurus as a learning
tool, the terms and definitions by linking the instructional modules, and other
learning objects.
The system is currently approved for use with the following databases:
Oracle Xi, SQL Server. The system can be adapted to any other system database.
Different versions of the system have been licensed for use by the National
Confederation of Industries, National Institute of Technology and the
Universidade Federal Fluminense - Dept.of Architecture.
Today V-Logica work is no longer carried out.
3.1.7 Koiné Project
Koiné Project was a project with the objective to promote collaborative and
distributed approaches to working and problem solving in the FIRJAN –
Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro State. In this context Moleque de
Idéias acted as consulting company for the project as a whole and also as the
main responsible for technlogical implementation when the activities required
The main subprojects of the Koiné Project were:

- Space Koiné, a 1-week collaborative and creative event when 80 000 visitors
could experiment with several kinds of creative activities (stop motion, e-textile
making, musical composition, etc), all of these occuring in an distributed and
non-hierarchical way of working. All of the event was conceived and operated
by the Moleque de Idéias team.
- Koiné Social Network Platform: a social media platform developed by
Moleque de Idéias for use by Firjan students, collaborators, and employees to
catalyze collaborative, informal and distributed working. More than 20 000
registered users, and 3 000 000 page-views occurred during the Project.
3.2.1 Bate-Bate
Bate-Bate is an interactive game with bumper cars on a TV screen played by
several people simultaneously using their mobile phones as gamepads through
the app Muzzley’s.
The game coding and design was
developed by a project group tied to
3.2 Programming
Thiago Da Silva Garcia created the collaborative  group on Facebook Jan 6,
2014. Together with, among others, Gabriel Cruz (3D Modeler), Diego Maia (3D
Modeler) and Michel Kendi Saito (Concept Art).
“This is a group for connecting people, ideas and everything to develop the
super collaborative game“bate bate”that is installed at Curto Café.
3.2.2 The Crowd
The Crowd is a local and online multiplayer 2D game by Moleque, where
players must cooperate to stop a moveable part, which is falling, before the
time runs out. Each player controls a character (a small dot on the screen) which
is able to push the falling part in any direction, but is unable to pull the piece,
or to hold it.
Players, ranging from 2 to 100, do not have any communication with each
other during the game and must decide their actions, taking into account the
movement of other players on the screen.
Layout for mobile:
(blue) Moving and moveable part
(grey) Static parts
(red) Player
(black) Other players
(yellow) Space that the moveable part must occupy to win the stage
(red) Path of the moveable part falling
(yellow) Path expected for fitment of the moveable path to win the stage
The character that will be controlled by
the player is the only red dot on the
screen, with a red aura around it, to
facilitate its identification from the rest
of the players.
When there is more than one local
player, the colors of the other players are
different (blue, green, yellow). All other
players in the room are represented by
small black dots, without distinguishing
between them. Screenshot 26.02.2014
The character moves up, down, left,
right and diagonally. On a Mobile
device, the character is controlled by a
virtual analog joystick that will be at the
bottom of the game screen. In a desktop
game, the character will be controlled
by the arrow keys.
Each player has a profile created at the
time of the game installation, which can be linked to a Facebook account. The
player accumulates experience points during the game and this accumulated
experience allows him to go into rooms with a larger number of participants.
The game will also display player statistics. This will help balance the phases
with good or bad players, within each category (rooms with 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 or more
The scenario of the game will be a 2D side view. The camera is fixed and
covers the entire length of the scenario, allowing players to coordinate their
actions with ease. However, there are two areas that the player does not see,
one is heaven - where the objects come from - and the other is the ground -
where the objects fall.
The ambience of the scenario is based on Greek temples, changing the
layout according to the puzzle of each phase.
The objective of the game is to reveal all the unknown areas of the map , the
proposed solving puzzles. Solving the puzzle is to place an object (a pillar, a
block, a ball, etc.) at the flash game before time runs out. One player alone can
not lift or carry objects , so they always need other players to solve puzzles.
Each player, when installing the application, receives 5 tokens to play. And
every 15 minutes, the player who has 4 or fewer chips, gains a new token. To
play a stage, each player will spend one token. If the phase is successfully
completed, the player will earn a token. If the phase is not completed, players
have up to 10 seconds to restart the stage without a new token, and this
procedure can be done up to 5 times in a row. Players, if they have more than 1
token, can donate tokens to their friends.
Before the match starts, players visualize a graph for 5 seconds showing the
phase objective and where the piece will fall. In this short period, players can
also be positioned freely.
When players can place the piece in the right place and in time, they win the
match. By winning the game each player has a fixed amount of XP according to
the difficulty of the stage. In addition to this win XP value fixed, each player will
earn a bonus for the remaining time and the correct positioning of the number
in the appropriate place, i.e the less time they spend and closer to the exact
place they put the piece, they earn more XP.
When the number is more than 60 % within the required area, the game
opens an extra count of 5 seconds, so players can adjust the best part, getting
more and more XP points. However, if the number falls in that extra time,
everyone loses.
The accumulated XP each player serves for balancing phases, and serves as a
filter for online players, if other players just want to play with more experienced
The game map is done in 2 - D, with the phases represented by numbered
circles. The phases are interconnected and the player can choose to follow any
path. Each phase resolved, conquered, reveals new phases for the player.
The background map is a terrain seen from above, with trees, mountains,
rivers, lakes, villages, houses, temples, etc. The map is divided into regions with
distinct characteristics that influence the materials and challenges posed by the
phases of that place. In a cold region, the terrain is represented by mountains
and villages covered in snow and the materials used in the stages of this region
are made of more slippery ice, making it more difficult to handle.
Regions already planned:
- The city: first plot, where everyone starts, normal materials;
- Snowy alps: ice materials;
- Distant cities; stages involving construction of objects; bridges to cross
- Forest, wood materials , things with fire;
- Desert, sand, objects that fall apart;
- Mines; phases with metal; magnets to disrupt;
- Giant baby or monster or beast; stages with live elements to disrupt;
- Sea or island, things moving, moving targets with the rolling of the sea;
- Ruins; earthquake slip, collapse;
The map is not linear, although all begin at step 1. But the following steps
are around the first and point to different directions. Phases and map
background will appear when the next phases will be completed.
If another player invites the local player to play a stage in the unknown
region of the map, and the phase is completed, this phase will be visible to the
local news, as well as all subsequent phases. Independent local player has some
connection between the phases plays and that distant stage.
There will be an area where players can build phases, which can be added to
the game, expanding the map collaboratively.
3.3.1 Names of files and folders
Procedures that promote learning: elements of word processing; the use and
care of the keyboard; directory structure, rules and techniques for organizing
information and how these influence the storage/retrieval.
Techniques to save (store) a file (digital representation of drawings, photos,
text, music...) are presented so that "save your work without printing" starts to
make sense for children.
Children themselves are encouraged to give names to the files, even if they
are not fully literate, because the files are being generated and stored by them.
Then come original, weird, funny names. Naming a file is also a form of
By filling out the field with the filename children are working with basic
elements of processing texts: the text cursor, the cursor position, direction
arrows, deletion keys, the different modes of character input, uses of Shift or
Caps Lock keys to uppercase/lowercase... Also deal with the limit of number of
characters allowed in the field and create strategies to deal with these limits.
To name a file, the basic rule is: the name of the author of the work + a name
for the job and to put the file in a predetermined folder. The children then deal
with the representation of the directory structure, by browsing structure with
aid to search and understand the concepts of storage and retrieval of
3.3 Kids and computers
3.3.2 Stagecast
Through their work with children using technology, Stagecast partner Moleque
de Ideias in Brazil has explored technologies which enhance and empower a
child's capacity of thinking, expressing and socializing. Moleque has produced
a Portuguese version of Stagecast and had a cooperation as retailers of this in
Brazil. Stagecast Creator is considered one of the most innovative software in
the educational environment.
Ninja game by Carlos
Cataldo, 6 e Leila, 2006
COPA 94 (for two) by
Davi, Henry, Victor
Bacellar, 9 e Luís Eugênio,
Máquina de ideias by
Caito, 2007
Pyramid game by
Thales Cardozo
Menezes, 13, 2006
Jogo da Mina by Monica
Cataldo, 11, 2006
Jogo do Pedro by Pedro
Botelho de Campos, 10,
Projects that promote learning: advanced commands of computer
programming; hypothesis testing, logical reasoning, creation of interface:
integrating files of different natures; gameplay concepts.
Making a game requires a lot of will and the exercise of logical thinking.
Ideating, designing and programming a game are activities that require time,
commitment and determination and are rarely easy or quick tasks.
Making a game also requires thinking about the others, who will interact
with what is being created. Creating a world where others will move. It also
requires programming an interface where the child should reprogram or
reassign the mouse and/or the keyboard. For example, if the player presses the
"M" button - which, in a word processor would make the letter M appear - in the
game could be casting a ray, or causing a sound to be emitted.
If the child likes, she can design the sets and the characters, making the
sounds and songs of the games, utilizing and developing various other skills.
Using other programs, such as drawing and music, the child should still cause
the files to be imported into the game software program, Stagecast, and so
they have to deal with file formats, sizes and basic commands for importing
and exporting information.
Using a programming language requires a logical rather intense exercise.
And a lot of organization. These are projects of medium/long term duration and
children need to keep records of their ideas and plan connections between
situations, to solve and find the solution set to each of the problems that arise.
The software used is Stagecast, which was made especially for children
working with programming by demonstration. This software was translated
into Portuguese by Moleque de Ideias.
An evaluation version can be downloaded at this link.
In Stagecast, games and simulations are programmed by demonstration.
The child creates characters and shows what the character should do in key
situations, such as mouse clicks, encounters with other characters, keyboard
commands, etc. The effects arising can be as simple as walking to the right, or
complex moves, with mathematical calculations and random events.
See other examples of games developed in Moleque using Stagecast:
Bebop by Luís Felipe Camillo,  SHOT by Hugo Sato, 8 Racing Cars by Mateus
Simôes, 10, 2005
Caito x Levy by Hélio Francisco,   Futebol by Felipe Gonçalves    Memory Game,
8 years and Leila 2006                     LTM project 2009                 LTM project 2009
Turn 5 by Bernardo F.        Simulator Edge Effect          Game of mountaineering
Hasselmann 2009              by Mateus Barreto and by Thales Cardozo
Nilton Lessa 2009 Menezes 13, 2006
Game by João Gabriel   Sample spaceship game 2012
da Costa Madeira, 14, 2011
3.3.3 Lode Runner
Stage created by Alexandre Seraphini,       Stage created by Ana Luisa,
The stage is called Crazy Chicken.           The difficulty lies in the fact that the
phase must be played in night mode,
where the player 's field of vision is limited.
This stage is by Felipe Marchi, age 8, This stage was made in partnership by
in 2006, it has more to do with Danilo Alfradique, and Pedro Carneiro,
its visual appeal, aesthetic, than 9 and 10 years in 2006.
with the game itself.                                 
The stage was full of picks, tools with a                    Partnerships are very common
pre-determined function , but here it took in Lode Runner, because the
on a new meaning when grouped as mosaic. game can be played by two
players simultaneously.
Generally, players must
cooperate to overcome obstacles and
win the stage.
Creating and scheduling stages in Lode Runner
Projects that promote learning: initial concepts of computer programming;
hypothesis testing; creating challenges; logical reasoning; gameplay concepts;
interface concepts.
To start programming a good thing is to use the phases builder of Lode Runner.
It's a cool game, stimulates thinking and children can experience aspects of the
computers in a simplified way, what makes it an excellent tool to start them in
the wide world of computer programming.
They can not create anything totally new in Lode Runner, like when using
programming software as Stagecast, but can create new situations, different
challenges and can test their solutions at every moment, to see if the stage is
well created and good to play.
This embodiment of ideas and hypotheses is an excellent tool for reflection and
is very good for the development of logical thinking of children. An impossible
stage, a ladder that leads nowhere, a door that can not be reached or a game
without players, are situations that may go unnoticed in construction, but are
evident at the time of testing, to make a stage that works.
Programming a game also requires thinking about the others, wondering who
will interact with what that is being created. Will the player discover the
solution? Is this stage very difficult or too easy? These are concerns that are
experienced by children when they build stages, or when playing stages made
by other children.
There is still, in young children, the use of the builder stages of Lode Runner as
a software design, where the goal is not to build a playable stage, but a visual
composition using the graphics available.
Stages built can be played by other children, which promotes the circulation of
ideas and the notion that they can also produce their own amusements.
As there is no possibility of playing Lode Runner over the Internet, below are
only images of stages created by the children. All games are made available in
Moleque de Ideias .
These four stages were built by two children and constitute complete games.
Lode Runner allows the children to connect one stage in the other, enabling
the creation of a very long game with up to fifty interlinked stages, each giving
access to the following. The two stages on left have been programmed by
Ulysses Viana, 10 years in 2006 and are part of a game with 16 stages. The right
were programmed by Carlos Cataldo, age 6 in 2006, and are part of a game with
6 stages.
Moleque has several robotics kits: Lego Mindstorms, Topobo, Cubelets and now
Zoob Move. There are also other mounting kits that are not programmable,
kinetic structures: Gakken (Theo Jansen), Mechano.
Daniel likes to make robots using Cubelets
The construction of robots and the use of fitting kits structures offer
opportunities for development of spatial intelligence, fine motor control and
logical reasoning. It also provides the construction of knowledge about
mechanics, joints, electricity, motors, pulleys and other gears. And when
3.4 Robotics
programming the behavior of robots, of course we have opportunities for
learning programming.
This video shows the operation of a scorpion made with the Kit Zoob Move,
a robotic kit intended for younger children. Although he only has the option of
being mounted on the motor body, its parts are easy to engage and disengage
and its movement are guided by a wireless remote control.
Animation Videos with sound
Projects that promote learning: videos as a form of expression, resources
beyond the written text, light, shadow, movement made from still images;
division relations (frames per second), time, environment, how to tell a story.
Animation videos are projects of medium and long term.
Children imagine a story individually or in groups and can make settings and
characters, modeling clay, for example, and we encourage them to make a
video that can have signs, incidental sounds, music, voice acting.
They work with digital photography cameras and get the photos one by one.
Sometimes, the photos need editing (removing some image of a line used to
suspend an object, e.g). After editing the sequence of photos, a very interesting
work begins because children deal with time and with the number of shots
required to cause the desired illusion. Chance findings on the issue will
influence the next session of photos.
Once satisfied with the sequence created, kids will be able to add sounds,
music, voice acting, visuals and signage. The end result is usually pretty good
3.5 Film
and interesting. The animated movies are great ways to tell stories, to exercise
the imagination and deal with ideas and feelings.
Two videos made at the time of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil.
First on the left is about Capoeira, brought by Africans and the second is about
how some Indian tribes were cannibals. The two videos were created by
children 8 years old in 2000. Juan and Gabriel did capoeira and Fernanda, Livia,
Jessica, Rafaela, Juliana and Luciana the one about the cannibal Indians.
These are two more examples of thematic work, where the theme is
legitimately chosen by the children. The first video is about dinosaurs, a
recurring theme in the imagery of them. Now and then, a child has an idea
related to dinosaurs. The second video, at right, was the result of the impact on
us all by the attacks of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
This video of the WTC was made by Jonas, Pedro and Filipe Goldoni in 2001.
Two videos using the technique of pixelation. The left is authored by Henrique
Vieira, 10 years. He took the pictures and then drew the effects above. The
video on the right is by Alexander Seraphini, 8 years. Alexandre configured the
software that controls the image capture of the camera to automatically take
pictures at set time intervals. Alexandre was moving from time to time, with the
intention of sync with the software.
These two videos are stop motion animation with the camera view from
above. The video on the left was made by Guido Piazzi, 8 years. The right one
was made by Julia Chaffin, age 8. Julia moved all the characters and took over
200 photos! Julia then included a soundtrack and the sound of the sea.
These two videos also are stopmotion and are themed cars and transit. The left
is from Luisa Spezia, 9, Lucas Nunes, 10, Pedro Botelho and Guido Piazzi, 9 and 8
years in 2006, and is called Batida Radical. They took photos and later dubbed
voices. The right is from Pedro Cordeiro, 10 years, Danilo Alfradique, 9 years and
Mateus Sampaio, age 9 in 2006. They made the race, took the pictures and then
narrated and commented. In the end, a still of the podium.
Left: Video made by Filipe Marchi, age 8, in 2006. Filipe took the pictures first,
then included the ball digitally, added a soundtrack and effects.
Right: Video made by Lucas Nunes, age 10, in 2006. Lucas brought the figures
from home, took all the photos, edited and then added the sound.
Left: Video made by Victor Affonso, age 8, in 2006. Vitor reproduced a rollover
with realism. He did not want to put music, made just a few sound effects.
 Right: Video made by Hélio Francisco, 9 and Filipe Marchi, 8 years in 2006. Filipe
and Helio brought 22 players, a LEGO house and even painted the football field.
Then they did the narration of the game, with the right bicycle goal and cup
Video made by Rodrigo Freitas, 14 years in 2006. Rodrigo understood the
possibilities that the pixelation technique offers.  Made a levitating rabbit, who
slipped without moving his feet and flew up. The flight was made leaping
synchronized with the software that captured photos with pre-determined
Right: Video made by Matheus Peixoto, 9 years old in 2006. He brought all
his metal cars from home. To simulate the run in the film he moved all and cars
to a different spot for each photo. Once logged, he dubbed and put
Video made by Tadeu Asevedo, 10 years, Paulo Quintans, 9 years and Breno
Meira 9 years old, in 2006. This video took three months to be complete. It has
over 400 photos, voice acting, music and text.
Moleque de Ideias is investing in basic instruments and equipment such as
software and microphones to play, learn, rehearse, record and perform
together. The basic set consists of electric bass and guitar, electronic keyboards,
an electronic drum kit and a mixer and monitor speakers. Michael Collan is
organizing the project and has contact with suppliers. The new locality will
have a studio room dedicated to audio and video work.
3.6.1 - Learning, rehearsal
There will be a possibility to play together, rehearsing for a social occasion
with an audience. Since the Moleque system is built on that those who know
something can interact and help the others, this will be a natural and good way
to communicate knowledge in music, music theory and playing technique.
3.6.2 - Composing (music, film, web..)
As with the film and other projects, many are interested to create music by
themselves or to be used in a film or video production and as a web illustration.
3.6.3   - Recording
There is a possibilitiy to record with good quality individually or in groups
for private, project or social use. Several people in the community around
Moleque will also have a possibility to record music with good quality.
3.6 Music
3.6.4  - Performing
During the year there will be numerous social activities such as ceremonies,
parties and so with for instance the crew, the kids, the parents and the
community around Moleque, near and far. There will be possibilities for groups
and individuals to perform.
3.6.5   - MaKey-MaKey kit
João Gabriel, 10 years, using
the Lego guitar to play
MaKey-MaKey is an invention
kit for the 21st century. Turn
everyday objects into
touchpads and combine them
with the internet. Kit for
Beginners and Experts doing
art, engineering, and
everything in between.
(More information on
The guitar was made by Bernardo and João Gabriel, with electronics using the
MaKey-MaKey kit.
3.6.6  little Bits KORG synth kit
The process is simple:, littleBits’tiny circuits are pre-made and snap together
with magnets.  It is possible to mix and match the synth kit with other littleBits
projects, adding motors or blinking lights or sensors. It’s definitely pricier and
more limited than using something like Arduino, but you don’t have to muck
about with breadboards, wires, code, and soldering irons. Almost everything
just works. And it could easily be a gateway – or rapid prototyping solution – to
those other systems, especially for kids.
(More information on
Let’s Cook Together - Vamos Cozinhar Juntos was an collaborative international
food event organized by Moleque:
421181244614604/ - january 2013. This was the second Jellyweek event - the
first one was the Jellyweek Quilt:
The "Let's Cook Together" event led to the
creation of an international group that
permanently "cooks together":
3.7 Food
3.7.1- Cooking, baking
Moleque has used bread machines that do the whole process of kneading,
fermenting and baking in about three hours. This has produced some very
good bread, but at the new locality there will be possibilities with a larger
learning kitchen to be used for different types of social cooking and baking.
3.7.2 - Growing
The plan is to make Moleque self-supplied when it comes to most vegetables
and many spices. Arlete Gomes has already been doing this and the system will
be run on a larger scale at the new premises with the "green roof', a system for
composting and a large outside garden.
3.7.3 - The Moleque kitchen
Every day at Moleque there is a crew of 6 - 10 people that have now decided to
eat lunch together instead of going out separately to find food. The children
usually eat at home or in the school before they come. There has been a
number of activities, such as baking together and in the future there will be
more, especially since a modern kitchen is being built at the new location
Michael Collan has taken the role of crew chef and prepares the daily meals,
that are very appreciated by the personnel. Moleque pays for the food
shopping, which takes place mainly in local markets and those who eat
contribute a small sum for this, a system for this is evolving.
Everyone agrees that is has a positive social effect to meet at the table regularly
every day. It is an occasion for discussing activities at Moleque and anything
else, since many are working alone in different functions.
The menu has been varied, from Nordic specialities to Moqueca and Churrasco
with a variety of meat, fish, chicken and seafood with fresh vegetables and fruit
from the markets and Moleque’s own production. Usually there is a vegetarian
alternative available, if not a whole course.
The new locality will offer possibilities for a better equipped kitchen and places
indoors and outside to eat together. In the kitchen there will be a possibility to
reach and interact via hangouts and events like Let’s Cook Together. There are
also ideas about having little courses and/or sandwiches available all day for
those who need it and guests from outside.
3.8.1 - Composting & Urban Agriculture
This is the third capillary bed at Moleque. The first was made by Claudio Oliver,
the second by Nilton and Mateus Barreto and the third by Nilton, Arlete and
Anderson. The first has kale and basil, the second has tomato, rúcula and kale.
In this, parsley, cilantro, peppers and carrots were planted. 7 days after planting,
they are well. Link to
3.8 Sustainability
Humus produced here in Moleque composters
is used together with organic food scraps,
coffee grounds, egg shells, etc.
This was the first day of harvesting worms, minhocas. The compost was started
in 2010 when our friend Claudio Oliver was here with us and demonstrated the
techniques of construction of the capillary bed and of the domestic waste
In the first period there were problems: at the beginning of the year our
compost was "unbalanced" (with more substances generating nitrogen
(vegetables, coffee, etc.) than carbon (dried grass and leaves) and too much
fluid being generated (water and ammonia, with the characteristic smell,
everything was "soggy". 40 worms, minhoquinhas, were managed to be saved,,
and recommence a new "box " (but we did reuse the humus generated by the
first box in the second capillary bed.
“We rely on the help of friends and Claudio Oliver to explain what had
happened and what we should do.
And we continued using dry grass as a carbon source, watching the day-to-day
life of earthworms. For this, the children helped too because they love to see
how the worms are, always ending up by taking one to the microscope (and
returning them afterwards for composting, of course).
In the meantime, we started a second box (the upstairs of the compost box)
and a second set of compost.
When we went to harvest the first box the initial 40 worms had become 800
that went to new home: the second floor of the compost box and the compost
Look at that gorgeous basil is planted in the flowerbed capillary! It probably
grew so much because the water supply is more constant. Who lives near here
and wants to take a little basil to put on pizza, in pasta, in a sandwich, or a little
tomato salad, feel free!
Leila País de Miranda says some children love to touch the worms. They
overcome fear, they follow their interests.  We always remember "take care,
these guys work here". Yes, they are responsible for the composting process:
they make earth again. Good earth to plant food..
Tomatoes, bertalha and Basil, manjericão, grown at Moleque.
Who said that those who understand computers do not know how to plant
This is an idea and initiative of friend Ignacio Perez, a resident of Santa Rosa,
Niterói. In the words of Ignacio: "We want to implement the creation of a
meliponary (is the same as an apiary, only for native stingless bees) at Moleque
so we can live closer to these wonderful animals, and we enjoy a delicious
homemade honey, learn the necessary management and care in the creation
and maintenance of native stingless bees and communicate this knowledge to
all interested parties who wish to devote to the pleasures of beekeeping.
There are other albums and communities related to this project at Facebook
and Vimeo
The Jatai bee is one of the smallest bees known, and is very sociable and
gentle, second in size only to the Bee Mosquito, very common in Amazonia.
The Jatai measures approximately 5mm, is of golden color, and found in almost
all the national territory, the colonies have 2 000-5 000 individuals, and the bee
is well adapted to urban life.
3.9 Bees
Flowers for Jataís. We are cultivating some different flowers for the bee's
meliponary. At right: New co-inhabitants here at Moleque. Masio brought hives.
Photos of the entrances of the Jataí hives we have. Notice how different they
What will be the variables involved in building an entry? Sunshine?
Temperature? Predators? Size of the hive?
We must remember that a beehive is a self-adjustable system, complex,
emergent, non-centralized organization bottom-up, local interactions,
distributed. As the human body. Like all living organisms.
3.10 Beer
“Fermentative Brotherhood (152 members) for the development and
emergence of an open source beer. Beer 2 beer moved the yeast, malt and
social capital. This is more of a social thing for the brotherhood than a
Moleque activity.”
It is a learning process that empowers this type of small communities.
It began with Nilton, Eric and Bernardo importing a kit to make a Stout. It
took six months before everyone was ready. Eric also took a course in Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gerais for what was needed to make the first brew.
There were a number of versions made by the group and there were many
mistakes, but the quality steadily arose. Today, at version 15, quality is good.
The beer was born openly and we want to keep it that way. There is a
group on Facebook for
anyone to be able to
interact and make
The process and
revenue is open. This
helped us to fix errors
and meet new people.
Today we have 8 people
participating more
actively in the beer and
the group consists of
nearly 200 people.
The original Sifteo cubes are an
interactive gaming
platform developed by Sifteo Inc.
These motion-aware 1.5-inch blocks
with full-color clickable screens
interact with users and each other
when they are shaken, tilted, rotated
and placed adjacent to one another.
They are designed for use by players
ages six and up. On August 30, 2012, Sifteo announced the second generation
of their product, Sifteo Cubes Interactive Game System, which improves upon
various perceived deficiencies of the original Sifteo cubes.
A range of games are available for the original Sifteo cubes, most created by
Sifteo. Sifteo games are designed to be fun while encouraging the
development of core thinking skills, such as spatial reasoning, strategy,
collaboration, and pattern recognition. Most games target ages 7+, though
some are for children as young as four. LoopLoop, an interactive music game
that won Best in Show at the 2012 Interaction Awards, was designed and
created by a San Francisco based interaction design and development firm,
Users start, stop, download, and create games using Siftrunner. The
Creativity Kit within Siftrunner enables users with no knowledge of
programming to create their own sorting games.
An Alpha software development kit is available for free on Sifteo's website.
Sifteo encourages users to create their own games and applications for Sifteo
cubes and, in December 2011, began accepting game submissions for inclusion
3.11 Chemistry lab
in the Sifteo store.Each Sifteo cube is a 1.5-inch wide block that has a clickable,
full color LCD screen, a variety of motion sensors and rechargeable battery.
Sifteo cubes support 4 hours of play on a single charge; they recharge in a
custom Sifteo charging dock.
(Letter from Thiago Garcia Da Silva, Moleque de Ideias, to Sifteo, the producers
of the little electronic screens)
- - -
Dear Sifteo guys,
It is with great pleasure that we announce that here in Brazil we have
thought of very interesting things using your hardware. At present we are
idealizing the creation of a virtual chemistry laboratory with the small screen of
sifteos. We are planning to create a full chemistry lab where children could play
and learn. We're not thinking of it as an game, but an "free to explore" tool for
children. Since it's virtual and not harmful they could do whenever they want.
Our goal is to build something other people can use to teach chemistry, just
using the lab.
We're planning to have a set of substances, recipients and tools, like an real
lab and people can combine the tools to create real experiences. But for our
start, to get more feedback from children, professors and anyone who is
interested we're focusing on pH. Our goal is to make an recipient, a pipette and
acid/base substances, so you can get the substances using the pipette and mix
them on the recipient. We are also using chemical pH indicators that changes
the color based on the pH.
So basically we want to see what is the reaction of people using this. We
already have an chemestry professor on the team, so we can use this to teach.
This initiative is fully open and having large acceptance, since stakeholders
on science education are laymen who never understood anything about
chemistry and see the great opportunity to that. Everything we are doing is
published at a Facebook group called Laboratório de Química Sifteo and even
this e-mail was written there.
This is the a really interesting part of how the project works, we do not have
a company building this, but a network of committed people. Anybody can
help the development of the tool. We use this to get more feedback. Even the
actual code is on so people can help us code.
One of the forms of getting feedback is to actually do the real experiments
with children.
We have some photos if you want to see: Here is the pH experiments with
color change indicators.
Here are some videos of the reactions happening. This is a video of the
children doing experiments.
 But we do not see this as an non-profit project. In fact we showed up a
prototype on an Event on São Paulo for more the 200 people and got a lot of
good feedback. One of them was an foundation wanting to use the Sifteos on
every public school at Florianopolis, a city on south of Brazil. You can watch the
presentation here.
One of our concerns is about how we can buy the Sifteos from Brazil. Is there
any chance we can resell them here? One of our partners has experience in
selling imported toys. 
Because of this we want to know how you can help us on build this. We're
really looking forward to the new generations of Sifteos. Any help will be great!
Chemistry Lab Guys, Moleque de Idéias
The maker movement is a trend in which individuals or groups of individuals
create and market products that are recreated and assembled using unused,
discarded or broken electronic, plastic, silicon or virtually any raw material and/
or product from a computer-related device.

The maker movement has led to the creation of a number of technology
products and solutions by typical individuals working without supportive
infrastructure. This is facilitated by the increasing amount of information
available to individuals and the decreasing
cost of electronic components.
The maker movement is primarily the
name given to the increasing number of
people employing do-it-yourself (DIY) and
do-it-with-others (DIWO) techniques and
3.12 Moleque and the Maker
processes to develop unique technology products. Generally, DIY and DIWO
enables individuals to create sophisticated devices and gadgets, such as
printers, robotics and electronic devices, using diagrammed, textual and or
video demonstration. With all the resources now available over the Internet,
virtually anyone can create simple devices, which in some cases are widely
adopted by users. For example, MintyBoost, a popular DIY USB charger kit built
using an Altoids tin, batteries and a few connectors, can easily be created using
instructions online, or purchased from other makers who sell their devices. 

Most of the products created under the maker movement are open source, as
anyone can access and create them using available documentation and

However, the maker movement also incorporates creations and inventions that
never existed before and were developed by individuals in their homes,
garages or a place with limited manufacturing resources.
This philosophy has always been an integral part of Moleque. To support
Kickstarter projects, to try new technology and software, electronic/
construction kits, 3-D printing, CAD-CAM and for instance CNC technology is a
process where there have been many obstacles such as not having enough
space and experience. Also having to be aware of that there are often small
children involved and that organisation and safety is importany. The new
locality is expected to give many possibilities. Experience is never wasted.
Moleque was a maker space even before this word became known.
3.12.1 Zometool
NASA started using the tool for AIDS virus research in space, and for a space
station project. After the discovery of quasicrystals, for which Dan Shechtman
was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, both Shechtman and 2-time
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling used Zometool during the debate over whether
quasicrystals were real. Zometool was and still is the only system capable of
modeling quasicrystals.  Mathematicians such as Roger Penrose of Oxford
University and John Conway of Princeton University use Zometool to model
complex geometric forms.
After publishing his“An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything”in 2007,
physicist Garret Lisi would sometimes use Zometool to illustrate the complex 8-
dimensional structure (the E8) underpinning his theory which combines
particle physics with Einstein's theory of gravitation.
None of which made Zometool any less fun for kids.
Linking the geometry of the ancient
Greeks to quantum physics, from inner
space to outer space, Zometool is
positioned to be the basis of spatial
interpretation for the new millennium.
The first Zometool kit at Moleque was a
gift from Joachim Lohkamp. Almost
immediately it became very popular, not
only with the kids, but some adults as
Kids discovered independently that pieces of Zometool could interconnect
with another kit, Zoob Challenge. This is not a rare thing with the kids. It
happens in many unpredictable ways
3.12.2 Atoms
Michael Rosenblatt, design lead behind the first iPod
touch, has a point to make about toys. Not all toys.
Just the best kind: the ones that enable children (and
grown-ups, let's be honest) to create things, be it from
LEGO, K-NEX, crayons, paints or Play-Doh. The thing is,
they're generally a little on the inert side. With ATOMS
from ATOMS Express Toys, Rosenblatt is hoping to
redress the balance with a series of modules that can
be fitted to other toys (including LEGO) to effectively turn them into moving
and sensing robots.
What are ATOMS exactly? They're a series of small plastic boxes (called
modules) which each contain electronics tailored to a specific function. Initially,
13 modules will be available, which
will include the obligatory motors,
battery brick and light sensors, as well
as such exciting fare as iOS control
bricks, infrared emitters and sensors.
They're designed to be connected
to a variety of toys. The underside is
compatible with standard LEGO studs,
the following text is from the manufacturer)
and the sides accommodate LEGO Technica pegs. Each module comes with a
Velcro pad underneath and a sticker you can attach to a surface of choice. To
communicate with each other, those modules that don't communicate
wirelessly can be connected by standard 2.5-mm jack audio leads.
The Atoms kit was a Kickstarter project that Moleque supported. The
motivation and inspiration was to put electronics and hardware into the hands
of kids. As we know there is much going on with open hardware. This
technology was however affordble only to adults or people with an
professional electronic background. Atoms is one technology that can lower
the experimentation barrier to children explore their own ideas.
3.12.3 Lego Mindstorms and Technik
The Lego Mindstorms series of kits
contain software and hardware to create
customizable, programmable robots. They
include an intelligent brick computer that
controls the system, a set of modular
sensors and motors, and LEGO parts from
the Technics line to create the mechanical
There is so much noise around LEGO
Mindstorms on the web with enthusiasts and universities all attempting to do
the NeXT big thing that it is hard for kids wanting to do more with their
Mindstorms kit to figure out what is happening.
2012 Haniel, Nina,Victoria and Beatrice
3.12.4 Eitech
With eitech Construction Sets children discover the world of technology
playfully. With the different kits have children at an early age an insight into the
technical and mechanical diversity of modeling.The boxes as well as the
accessories of the construction of cars, cranes, wind turbines and many other
models are always varied. All kits can be connected together and
Eitech offers usually a kind of construction that is very different than the
traditional plastic kits. The connections are real bolts and nuts.
Moleque kids have made a model of the Eiffel tower, that is illuminated. And
several others like cranes and Ferris wheel et cetera.
the following text is from the manufacturer)
3.13.1 LittleBits
“LittleBits make an open-source
library of electronic modules
that snap together with tiny
magnets for prototyping,
learning, and fun.
LittleBits consists of tiny circuit-
boards with specific functions
engineered to snap together
with magnets. No soldering, no
wiring, no programming, just
snap together for prototyping,
learning and fun. Each bit has a specific function (light, sound, sensors, buttons,
thresholds, pulse, motors, etc), and modules snap to make larger circuits. Just as
LEGO™ allows you to create complex structures with very little engineering
knowledge, littleBits are small, simple, intuitive, blocks that make creating with
sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together.”
This also fits the Moleque philosophy very well. We support the technology
since the beginning and will keep investing as it evolves.
3.13 Electronics lab
3.13.2 Arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on
flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers,
hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or
Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors
and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other
actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development
environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or
they can communicate with software running on a computer (e.g. Flash,
Processing, MaxMSP).
The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software
can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are
available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your
An important part in starting the open hardware movement was Arduino.
Here we have adults and teens experimenting with low-level technology.
Having Arduino felt like a must, like Raspberry Pi.
3.13.2 Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in
the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the
teaching of basic computer science in schools. Both of them became central in
a lot of new kind of projects and ideas in the Maker Movement.
3.14.1 Works with photos
The first 4 images were digitized by
children with webcam in 2004. From
left to right, Bianca, 6, Hugo and
Bernardo, 6, Gabriel, 7, Guilherme and
Rachel, both 12 at the time. The next
image was generated by capturing a
frame from a video made by Arthur
Cataldo, 9. The kid in the photo is
Thales Cardoso, 13.
3.14 Graphics
Projects that promote learning: care and use of camera / camcorders, digital
imaging, storage, retrieval, light boxes, different software for processing
images; chroma key effects (color masks); montages and collages.
Works on photos are interesting because they give opportunity for children
to work with their own images. Parents and friends can see how they feel while
they are working and learning here.
Works with photos bring up topics like family, privacy, relations with the
image itself, idolatry...
Stimulate the exchange of opinions on limits.
With regard to technology, there are jobs that may involve all stages of
learning: digitization, storage / retrieval, processing, publication. The possible
transformations of the information during these processes are varied and the
children have the opportunity to work with several different software.
Children learn to use cameras, to take care of the equipment and record the
images in files created and organized by them.
If you want to enhance photos or use them to make a case folder for
example, you must know to import the image created using new software,
suitable for what you wish to undertake, and save it with another name, or
elsewhere, so to preserve the original information. Depending on the purpose,
it is necessary to do the job in several steps that require patience and reinforce
the concepts of storage and retrieval.
Photos are also very much used in projects sites and are the basis of the
films of stop-motion animation.
These images are digitalized with camera. It's another form of scanning, they
say. Noodles, a beyblade, spinning top and a puppy.
Sample images processed by Kay's Power Goo software.
These are ideas that started with photo, transformed or integrated with
other images or scenarios. On the left, the mixture of Laish with an elephant in
2004, Mount made with Kay's Power Goo. In the middle, Bianca, also in 2004,
inside a cave with monsters and a sword to defend herself. To the right, a
dinosaur that left the actual environment to integrate with their digital friends.
Ideas of João Pedro, in 2005.
Left: Guilherme and his friends
shrink to enter the red wagon. In
the center, Paulo and the friend
of whales surfing.
Below, a
against the
Three ideas by João Pedro,
who went by the same
principle. A digital image,
cleaning the box and digital
painting over the image.
The original photo is
disappearing, and only he knows and who it was.
Intervention ideas in digital photographs. On the left, Elisa in 2004, with
painted hair and powers. In the center, Betina in 2006, began trying to paint a
tooth that had fallen, and ended up with a complete plastic! To the right pages
scanned by Giovanni and then painted
Other ideas for interventions in photographs. The images in the left column
are more complex interventions with Photoshop. Above, Tadeu and Paulo in
2006 and below Breno Leon in 2006. In the images of the medium, the
inclusion of an eye makeup on, Beatriz, and in goggles underneath, Arthur.
Right, images using stamps as decorative elements on top and bottom and
Bianca Déborah.
3.14.2 Ideas with mounts and publishing
Three distinct ideas, but with similar processes. Left, Luiza Apollinaris, eight
years in 2006, made a cover for a folder: took a photo with the camera after the
picture graced a drawing software, then imported the result into a publishing
software, included the logo of Moleque de idéias, wrote her name, date and
In the center, the idea of Felipe Chaves, seven years in 2006, who took the
photos with your digital camera, including a "tattoo ", then recovered and
imported the pictures into a document, organized space, inserted his name, the
date and then printed.
Right, the idea of Vitor Azevedo, 9 years old in 2006, who took picures with
the camera, making them into a software image, then imported the result into
a software, lined the photos, wrote: "before" and "after" and printed.
Mounts are works that bring together and reorganize the information in a
document obtained from other sources. Usually the mounts are made to be
printed on a sheet of plain paper, or adhesive paper, and contains pictures and
Children themselves have ideas of researching a subject, or to prepare a
sheet to print as stickers or as a book, for example. Children can obtain the
figures in files made by them, such as drawings or photos. These ideas imply
the need to recover previously saved files.
Or they can grab images from websites. They can also get images scanning
things with tablet and pen, or the microscope and the scanner, learning to deal
with these peripherals.
The texts can be created and inserted at the time of construction of the
document to be printed or imported to be organized together.
There is enough exercise involving the concept of the digital media used in
many software desktop publishing and graphics software. Objects are treated
as independent structures. When selected they can be grouped, rotated,
resized, moved in the document, superimposed, , multiplied, etc. .
The children also deal with issues related to file formats - when they import
figures compatible with publishing software, the recovery of information -
when they need to locate these files and print.
Montage made by Matheus Peixoto, age 8, in 2006, with cars in several
different positions. Matheus scanned images with the camera and then
organized them into a document for printing
These are examples of assemblies made from images obtained from the
internet. The first left is Victoria Santos, age 7 in 2005, using images from Polly,
captured the browser screen in doll site. Images from the center are also
screenshots, made by Arthur Bompet, 5 years in 2006 , with the results
obtained in the skateboard game on the Stuart Little 2 site.
On the right is an image by Lucca, and Vitor Fonseca, age 8 in 2005, with
snapshots of Beyblade spinning tops. Once captured, the images were
imported into the software publishing and aligned.
These assemblies are also images obtained from the internet. The left one is
Karina Moellmann 7 years in 2006, about planets.
The center is the idea of Guido Piazzi, age 8 in 2006, who made a book about
sharks, with photos and text.
On the right, an idea by Ricardo Lanna, seven years in 2005, with images of
3.14.3 Ideas with pen and tablet
The swimmer, by Ana Luisa, age 7 in 2004, illustrated a booklet by Moleque
de Idéias in 2006.
The design of Monica Cataldo, 11 years in 2006, was very interesting. The
image of the alien's head was then copied and organized for adhesives.
Marcela Miranda Schlaepfer, 12 years old in 2001, created the work on the
right in 4 parts, with a zoom effect. It involved dealing with at least two files
open at the same time: Marcela copied and pasted the original drawing in the
second file and used digital tools to reduce their size, used the copy and paste
functions again to return the drawing to decreased assembly, each completed
scene and reworked the process two more times.
from Toy Story, was a big coloring book, and needed to be digitalized with
scanner and resized in order to be copied with the pen (Gabriel, age 7 in 2001).
Spider-Man has been copied and colored by Juan Perez, age 7 in 2004.
Digitizing pen and tablet, copies, free drawings, coloring.
Projects that promote the learning of different devices for interacting with
computers, care and use of tablet and pen, relationship between points on the
monitor/mouse/tablet and scanner.
In Moleque de Ideias, children have the opportunity to learn and use tablets
and pens to digitalize images. Scanning - information representation in digital -
is fundamental to the digital language process. Copies, free drawings, figures,
coloring are not created with the mouse, but with pen, more appropriate
equipment to the design than the mouse. Both the mouse as a pen serve to
point and click. When drawing the pen is much better. We also consider it
important for children to generalize their knowledge of communication
devices with computers.
Besides knowing the equipment in digitization projects - to copy a picture to
color, for example - children have the opportunity to observe and learn how
the algorithm works the paint bucket, rather than when they are coloring a
ready figure.
When copying, they often leave gaps that form open curves: "ink bleeds"
and fills more space than desired, this is also a great opportunity to learn the
value of saving a file, and learn to undo.
Using tablets of different sizes, they have the opportunity to deal with the
concept of proportion and correspondence.
Often the figure that the child want to copy with the pen is too big for the
tablet. In this case it can use the scanner to prepare a smaller figure - scanning,
resizing and printing, and then copying with pen.
One of the first contacts of children with ballpoint pens or softcore pen is to
generate an image of the hand itself. So it is with the pen tablet. The work of
Louis Victor, Mariana and Ana Carolina, all five years in 2001, inspired Anthonio
Henry, age 7 in 2004.
Green hornet was copied by Ana Luisa, age 9, in 2006, one of the booklets in
a series of children's books. All cases in the series were copied by Ana, and the
work was very good.
The original drawing was created and printed by Marcela Schlaepfer.
Gabrielle Minghini 7 years in 2004, Marcela copied with the pen and tablet and
colored her way.
Gabriella Tavares, age 8 in 2006, took the job of Betina, who had scanned
with scanner and printed a copy of his calculating machine. A copy into the
tablet and Gabriella scanned again by copying the pen. Colored and
Julia Chaffin, age 6, in 2006. The puppet "little pony " was brought from
home. The project was for Julia to copy it with the stylus. To do this she had to
generate an image in 2 sizes that could be copied. Julia did this by scanning the
doll with the digital camera. The photo was printed in a size suitable for tablet
and copied. Carlos Cataldo, 6 years, 2005 free drawing to represent his father
and him. Larissa Alfarano, 6 years, 2004 free drawing.
Sponge Bob was a fever in 2004 /2005. Tadeu
copied and colored in 2004, at age 9, and
made a card for Father's Day
Matheus Brani, 5 years in 2005, colored drawing copied by an older colleague.
Pablo Jannuzzi, 9 years old in 2005 made this copy. The character called Shiryu
Pablo called Xuriu.
Fernando Cesar, 10 years in 2004,
made by copying a drawing with the pen. The two others were generated with
the functions of copy and paste. Matheus Brazil Ennes, 7, 2001 copy.
Morgana Vidal, 9, 2006, copy.
Miguel Angelo, 9, 2005, free Spiderman drawing.
Maria Luiza Kanbach, 5 years in 2001, did
the job on the left. Copied with a ball pen
and the other created using the copy/
paste function. She showed his drawing to
explain to Henrique as how he could do
the Snoopy side below.
Snoopy by Henrique, five years in 2001.
Hélio Francisco Levy, 8 years in 2006, free
design, a dragon.
João Pedro Gusman, 6 years in 2004,
freehand drawing, another dragon
Lucca Pereira, age 6 in 2004, Scribble,
an elephant.
Lucas, age 6 in 2002, free drawing.
3.14.4 Ideas of cards, letters and messages
Lorena Feitoza 10 years in
Déborah Figueiredo , 8 years in
Written messages give an opportunity to reflect on different aspects of the
production and processing of texts.
Projects that promote language learning time management; publishing,
printing, logical reasoning, content research.
Projects are intentionally communicating with other people - mothers,
fathers, friends - not immediate and usually with specific motivation. There are
therefore interesting projects from the point of view of personal relationships;
in addition, they are usually timed (birthdays, mothers day etc.) to make the
children have to deal with deadlines and more careful organization of resource
time. There is also a major concern with the use of formal language.
The production can be simple with the use of software design or text.
Evolves requiring use of specific software, more complex, where children have
the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about printing - A4 or letter size,
positioned vertically or horizontally divided in many different ways - folded in
four, two, front, the inside and back of the card, which leads to exercise spatial
In addition, there is research in image banks and the introduction of the
concept of working with independent graphical objects, such as plain text, text
with images, backgrounds, frames... Each of these objects can be selected,
scaled, placed in different positions or on one another, entrained duplicate,
deleted ... It is a very rich work, which reinforces the key concepts - open file,
save, cursor position... and adds several other - percentage scale, object size,
rotation, grouping, alignment, among others.
Lorena Feitoza 10 years in 2006. And inside the front of the card. Different
ways to divide the paper generate different size cards. There is opportunity to
talk about the cost of ink and communication with more sophisticated controls
that are inherent to the print job.
Children can use specific software for graphic production. Dealing with
models with image banks, with graphical objects of different types - images,
frames, text, headers, they bring forth concepts like shadow, contour, shape,
depth, resizing, position. Duplex printing adds new challenges.
Thiago Nascimento, four years in 2004, loved to play Pokémon. The card was
an opportunity to learn that what is seen on the monitor screen can be turned
into an independent file and be transformed in some way. Thiago added ants,
frogs, hearts and letters in a message to his mother. Software design serving to
card: Miguel Angelo and David Correia, age 9 in 2005, used bucket, stamps and
Design software to design serving: Anthonio Henry, Mateus and Lucas
Sampaio Nunes, age 7 in 2004, used pen to copy the Little Mermaid and offer a
message for girlfriend Laish. Software design serving to design: here, Fernando
Cesar, 10 years in 2004, used magic eraser.
3.14.5 Ideas with Kid Pix
Many ideas are carried out with the Kid Pix software. To the left, above, the
composition of stamps and letters made by Enzo Fazzi, 6 years in 2004;
underneath, mix of textures made by Danilo Alfradique, 9 years old in 2006. In
the center, horizons and perspectives, Tadeu Azevedo, 8 years in 2004 and Ana
Carolina Negreiros 8 years in 2005. Right, Tadeu again, using the stylus to make
the snowman and then several sources to write his name. And below, a
composition by Bernardo Simoes, 4 years in 2006, which made this drawing for
parent and included, besides the copied text, characters that resemble a
Drawings and compositions with Kid Pix application
(Landscapes, stories, "where?") Projects that promote learning: software
interface; menus, graphical representations of functions; storage, salvage,
undo, basic painting tools, use of the mouse, the software is quite suitable for
people in early stages of learning.
Compositions with stamps and background as free designs are widely used
by the beginner.
When using a specific software the kids are led to reflect on the organization
of important information about the tool itself: What is it? Where are the colors?
How to change color? The computer is not doing what I want! How to delete?
As the software communicates with me, how do I communicate with it?
Kid Pix, made for kids, has a graphical interface and sound, with virtually no
text. The interface helps the child to relate the functions available with its
representation; later she can generalize this knowledge to deal with the
interface of more complex programs (software) .
Besides the knowledge about tools and interface, other fundamental
concepts of Digital Language are worked, such as during execution of work,
children must save the files, so dealing with the organization of information
(folders, subfolders, creating folders, folder names, file names, updating files,
opening files) and on to word processing (cursor positioning, how to modify its
position without clearing, capital letters, accents, etc).
To work with figures of background it is necessary to open an existing file,
using commands for importing images, working with stamps opens an
opportunity to deal with figures. libraries, and possible operations such as to
mirror, enlarge, reduce, duplicate, and transform in various other ways
Children make significant use of their creations, telling stories, making
To carry out such activities, it is not necessary to have the gift to draw, or to
represent figures, they can choose between numerous ready designs. And this
choice allows children to develop their critical and aesthetic sense, deciding
what will put and place where and how, and also what not to put.
And when children are gifted, the domain of hardware and software allows
beautiful creations.
This image by Guido Piazzi, 8 years in
2006 and is called "America." It is a
composition with background ready
and stamps
This is a game of “Where is it?”Created
by Bernardo Magalhaes, 7 years in 2004.
Composition made with stamps and
painting tools.
This is an image with two different times on the same frame, day and night.
Made by Rayane Cruz and Natalia Fernandes, both 8 years in 2005.
These are drawings with many stamps, forming new structures for those
who look at them together. At top left, Matheus Fernandes, age 10 in 2004, in
the center, Victor, age 8 in 2004, right João Pedro, 5 years in 2005.
Below left, Luisa Spezia, age 8 in 2006, in the center, Felipe Chaves, seven
years in 2006 and to the right Betina Sass, age 7 in 200
These designs also bring interesting features like diagonal, asymmetrical
compositions that blend elements and free design stamps. At top left, Caio
Vargas, age 9 in 2004. Below left, Lucas Henrique, age 10 in 2004. In the center,
two drawings of Gustav Louriva,l 5 years in 2001. At the top right, Bernardo
Magalhaes, 7 years in 2004. Below right, Igor Serejo and Leonardo Borges, age
10 in 2003.
These are ideas with several elements that, when combined, make the more
abstract images. At top left, Ana Carolina Negreiros 8 years in 2004. At the top,
center, Arthur Bompet, 5 years in 2006. At the top right, Hugo Sato, 8 years in
2006. Below left, Auana Kings, 9 years old in 2003. Below, in the center, Gabriel
Schneider, 4 years in 2006. Below right, Matheus Peixoto, 6 years in 2004.
These works are by the same author: Matheus
Nóbrega, age 8 in 2006. One of the numerous statements that can be produced
by a child with tools and creative freedom. Above: left, Sand Maluca, in the
center, Different Colors, right, Mad Earth. Below: Left, Color Colorful, in the
center: Colorful Rain, right, War.
3.14.6 Graphics ideas
Example memory game with figures and
letters, made for children beginning
Book markers. The division of space is in
vertical stripes and printing paper is 180g/
m2. Luciana Abreu Segadas, 8 years in 2001
Vitor Spinola, 9 years old in 2006, made his
stickers digitalizing his own picture with a
digital camera.
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
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Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
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Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
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Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years
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Moleque de Idéias, the first 19 years

  • 1. Moleque de Idéias T H E F I R S T 1 9 Y E A R S
  • 2. Index INDEX Foreword 1. What is Moleque? p. 7 2. Moleque philosophy p. 16 2.2 A brief history of Moleque p. 19 2.3 Moleque in the press p. 21 3. Projects and activities p. 24 3.1 Professional Software p. 25 3.1.1 - The Transit Game – Jogo de Trânsito 3.1.2 - PROVON, Sistema de Provas, software for companies or institutions to carry out tests, exams and certifications 3.1.3 - Software to ensure the quality of services in the building industry 3.1.4 - Software for e-commerce, proxy payments 3.1.5 - Software for automatic pricing 3.16 - V-Logica 3.2 Programming p. 33 3.2.1 - Bate-Bate 1
  • 3. 3.2.2 - The Crowd 3.3 Kids and computers p. 40 3.3.1 - Names of files and folders 3.3.2 - Stagecast 3.3.3 - Lode Runner 3.4 Robotics p. 49 3.5 Film p. 51 3.6 Music p. 57 3.6.1 - Learning, rehearsal 3.6.2 - Composing (music, film, web..) 3.6.3 - Recording 3.6.4 - Performing 3.6.5 - MaKey-MaKey kit 3.6.6 - little Bits KORG synth kit 3.7 Food p. 61 3.7.1 - Cooking, baking 3.7.2 - Growing 3.7.3 - The Moleque kitchen 3.8 Sustainability p. 67 3.8.1 - Composting & Urban Agriculture 3.9 Bees p. 73 3.10 Beer p. 75 3.11 Chemistry Lab p. 77 3.12 Moleque and the Maker Movement p. 80 3.12.1 - Zometool 3.12.2 - Lego Mindstorms 2
  • 4. 3.12.3 - Atoms 3.12.4 - Eitech 3.13 Electronics lab p. 87 3.13.1 - Little bits 3.13.2 - Arduino 3.13.3 - Raspberry Pi 3.14 Graphics p. 90 3.14.1 - Works with photos 3.14.2 - Ideas with mounts and publishing 3.14.3 - Ideas with pen and tablet 3.14.4 - Ideas of cards, letters and messages 3.14.5 - Ideas with Kid Pix 3.14.6 - Graphics ideas 3.14.7 - Ideas for coloring 3.15 3-D printing p. 128 3.16 Oculus p. 129 3.17 Tools p. 130 3.18 Ideas with Microscope p. 131 3.19 Hangouts p. 135 3.19.1 - Jellyweek 2012 and the quilt 3.19.2 - Koiné 3.19.2 - Jellyweek 2013 3.20 Workshops p. 141 4. Who is Moleque? p. 145 3
  • 5. 4.1 Leila Pais de Miranda 4.2 Nilton Lessa 4.3 Luis Eugênio Pacheco 4.4 Bernardo Frederico Hasselmann 4.5 Caito Mainier 4.6 Anderson Dias Ivo 4.7 Eric Vieira de Souza 4.8 Ilnea Pais de Miranda 4.9 Georg Freiherr von Bülow 4.10 Frederico Lellis de Albuquerque 4.11 Arlete Gomes 4.12 Antonieta Caetano da Silva Souza 5 People close to Moleque p. 158 5.1 Maria João 5.2 José Pacheco 5.3 Augusto de Franco 5.4 Antonio Pedro de Souza Campos 5.5 Vinicius Braz Rocha 5.6 Michael Collan 5.7 Pablo Lemos 5.8 Cristiano Ribeiro 5.9 Gustavo Braga 5.10 Márcio Gomes Porto 5.11 Thiago Garcia da Silva 6 Who are the kids? p. 162 4
  • 6. 7. Results with the kids p. 163 8. Kids over the years p. 165 8.1 Juliana Shimada Brotto about Moleque de Ideias. 8.2 João Vitor Carvalho Gonsalves . 9. The localities of Moleque p. 172 10. The new locality p. 176 11.   Ambitions with this book p. 184 12. Links p. 185 5
  • 7. Foreword Moleque de Ideias is a small community of dedicated and talented people who run a place for young and old to come together and learn from each other. There is a strong commitment not to institutionalize the various parts of all that happens and to remain creative and to let things grow naturally. There is also a sense that things happen for the best if you let them. There are no strict divisions between the areas of activity and ideas flow freely from the most unexpected sources. This is also the experience of the professional software development, ideas and opportunities come when they do and an open organization like Moleque de Ideias can assimilate them and make unexpected things happen in an easy way.   This is a story of what has happened during the first 19 years of a very special place. Moleque de Ideias is soon moving into the first house that can house and has been planned especially for the current activities. And there is a lot. In the following pages you will see a multitude of activities. It can seem a bit  confusing without a clear structure and meticulous plans. But this is perhaps the very essence of the Moleque way. Working together, constantly learning and evolving organically. 6
  • 8. C H A P T E R 1 WhatisMoleque? "Nobody likes to do certain work by coercion, even if, in particular, it does not displease. Every coercive attitude is crippling." Célestin Freinet "Grow - This is our new task and it is complete; simple instruction is no longer sufficient.” Marshall McLuhan "Moleque de ideias - A place to be.” Juliana Shimada 7
  • 9. Excerpt from “O Brasil da Inovação” magazine AHEAD OF IT'S TIME "I am in favor of any technology that can be used to increase our potential interaction with others: social media, smoke signals, smartphones, messages on the wall." argues, with good humor, Nilton Lessa, company director of Moleque de Ideias and spokesperson. "I believe that the biological phenomenon that we call learning is the intrinsic result of relations between people and media and not with technology or technological artifacts". Although defending communication in an independent manner, Nilton says we live in a privileged time as the cost of interaction between people or groups is very low and therefore the potential for learning and producing and creating is greater. In his opinion, however, institutions, private companies and non- governmental organizations, NGOs, still do not see the full potential of communication through the internet; Therefore, they may have great difficulty to use the full potential of the “interaction between people” revolution, that is already in full swing. "Just because of the assumption that people are not capable of producing, creating and caring for resources without being tutored by institutional instances”, he explains. Still, he is optimistic about the future and working together with people. 8
  • 10. Moleque de Ideias was born as a software engineering company that from the beginning was conceived as a space where children and teens can attend and develop their own projects. Children attend Moleque de Ideias as much as they can and want to develop their own ideas, interacting with adults and other children. These projects, when mature, can unfold into business projects. Projects with children are varied. From complicated construction kits even to assembling robots. For companies, in addition to software, Moleque de Ideias works in the areas of e-commerce and of social networks. The principle here is that every company is also a learning space having healthy human relationships. "We believe that the separation between doing - learning - sharing is artificial and that it creates inefficiency, is unnecessary and inhumane" says Nilton. In the organization, projects with children, adolescents and adults are accepted as valid and desirable. Not distinguishing by age, speciality or gender. Innovative from conception to the form of operation, Moleque de Ideias survives financially through servicing and creating products and does not have public or private sponsorship. The business is working well and has worked well for 19 years. --- Our main goal is to contribute to the personal development of children and the general happiness of families and the planet. Harmony, joy, health, friendship, sympathy, humor, science, are ideas and ideals that guide us. We are a company that recognizes that the power of digital technologies exponentially expand the human potential to meet the world and interact with it, and we believe that children from small can live with this technology and grow with it. Not only as users of systems developed by others, but as creators themselves. 9
  • 11. Thus, we work with children from 4 years of age with the following main objectives : • That they are always fulfilled in their way of being and learning; • That the educational environment is admittedly a nice place for all, that the integrity of all is preserved; • That all seek to be careful and friends with each other; • There are interesting things to do, to build, to exercise, to enchant, to learn, to read, to write, to associate to, to represent, to communicate, to organize and plan, to negotiate, which is interesting for everybody and that is useful for the development of each. • That children (and not only the children, everyone here) increasingly take responsibility for themselves and, consequently for their own learning, and that constitutes lifelong learning; trying to solve their problems with increasing autonomy; not rely on others to teach them, they themselves can increasingly learn on their own; • That children can use computers and related technologies consciously and not just automatically; that Children can be the ones who understand how technological artifacts work, can maintain them and especially understand what are they useful for. • To have access to several new ways to learn and put the mind to work. 10
  • 12. To achieve these goals, we have a thorough and ongoing training of staff to deal with children; workshops regularly updated according to the latest findings in the field of learning and technology for knowledge; we have a monitoring system developed by us, which allows us to reflect on the children and the work we do with them in order to know them better and better increasing our ability to help them in their development. We have families who, interested in the development of children, are invited to learn about the work we have developed with their children and to exchange opinions with us about it. And we have the children. They are great, they are curious, they love to learn, love to behave well and give solutions to everything. They are the most responsible for all this to work out and be one of the most enjoyable jobs one can have in life”. 11
  • 13. Moleque de Ideias is a learning space, an environment of different activities and possibilities. It's not a school, in the sense that nobody is a teacher or a student, but learners that work together. It's also a software company. Moleque de ideias was founded in 1996, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As a software company, Moleque develops and maintains e-commerce systems, systems to manage tests online, systems of quality to the building industry and network platforms for different clients. It is also a place for children since they are 4 years old, to develop their own ideas, and Moleque has worked with more than 1 500 children until today, some for more then 10 years. And it is also a place to gather the community to develop ideas to foster sustainability. We are planting our own food, developing urban agriculture, making beer, creating stingless bees, using 3D printers… we are using technology to empower our cluster in the network society. And how do we work with children? We have our own beliefs about what is important here. 12
  • 14. Moleque de ideias is: • An environment rich in creative possibilities • Where we listen to people’s desires (including ours) • Where we talk to each other and work together • Where we share our portfolios and invite the parents and the children to think about the work and improve it We assume that people are different and that they have many forms of expressing themselves. And also that "No one knows everything, everybody knows something, all knowledge resides in networks". 13
  • 15. 14
  • 16. More than that, we believe that it is important to develop conversation and organization skills. The way we organize the space demands that the children choose what they want to do and talk to each other to find a way to realize that desire. They can choose between inside or outside, tech and no- tech activities. They can have their own ideas and look for the material or help they need to make them happen. There is a large spectrum of possible activities, from taking care of worms to building modular robots. 15
  • 17. C H A P T E R 2 We are a company that believes in people’s intelligence, in their natural curiosity and in the power of connections. Therefore, since 1996, we keep a companionship environment where everyone, children, teenagers and adults, can create and manage their own projects.  The organization emerges from each person’s interests, creating learning networks to realize ideas. As every person at Moleque de Ideias is stimulated to develop their own creativity, our portfolio of projects covers a wide range of possibilities. Children come to our company every week, bringing new ideas to realize, which inspire adults to develop projects to help them in their creations. So these projects, along with other ideas and requests verified by the adults, unfold, mature and may gain a commercial or communitarian nature.  "To make and to learn" are inseparable processes  On our trajectory, one of the strong points is experimentation. At Moleque de Ideias, a wide range of technologies is available so that everyone can explore their imagination and discover new knowledge. We developed a composting to study, together with the community around us, ways of urban agriculture. We invest in the research of new interfaces, like devices controlled 16 Molequephilosophy
  • 18. by the thoughts, RFIDS and assisted by Augmented Reality. We create robots, among other actions that use technology, whether it is high or low tech, to empower people. These approaches about new learning environments have a strong theoretical base, anchored on a vision of a glocal (global + local) network society, formed by people and groups that use technologies to improve the life quality of all. Our work has already been a theme for many press stories. Some members of Moleque are often invited to participate of important seminars about the subject, like VivoEduca, CICI and AEL FIEP. We made presentations about Moleque de ideias philosophy also in events in Gothenburg, Sweden and at Copenhagen Business School. Besides we have solid partnerships with companies and research groups such as ModRobotics and Aniomagic, among others. We listen to people's desires (including ours) This is kind of a central point in our work: desire. We work with small groups, up to 12 children, and normally there is more than one adult with them. This is a conscious choice - we want to listen to them and to reinforce that to recognize and respect our interests is important. And that we can build knowledge and social capital from there. We listen to them all the time and we encourage them to organize time and space - talking to each other, adults included. The simple fact that their desires are respected helps a lot. To learn is not something that can always be fun. Most of the time it requires hard work and the fact that one is following his/her passion helps a lot. To listen to our own desires is very important too. What works very well with one group can be a disaster with another one. We must be always really present, listening to our feelings. Enjoying or not, but being in the moment and going with the flow. 17
  • 19. We talk to each other, we work together You will not see teachers and students at Moleque de ideias. You will see people since 4 years old learning and working together. We are always together, sharing ideas, doubts, learning processes, developing ideas and turning them into reality. We appreciate that the children help each other and help us too. We help them to develop their ideas and knowledge and we are living the same process. We have our own ideas and projects. We, the adults, we are not there just to serve the children, but mainly to develop our own interests. One of them is to make a good learning space for people using a network approach to knowledge and social capital building. We like to mix pleasure and work. And we do it together. Another important aspect: we have adults and children that share common interests. Working together with someone that share an interest with you - but have more experience - is very important to help to grow a talent. We share our portfolios and invite the parents and the children to think about the work. 18
  • 20. 2.2 A brief history of Moleque In 1996 Leila Miranda, Luís Eugênio Pacheco and Nilton Lessa founded Moleque de Ideias, an environment of harmony, creation, learning and producing where, since then, adults, children and teens develop their own projects, living their wishes and ideas. Each person in Moleque de Ideias has the right to choose what to learn and what projects they want to develop. Because we believe that technologies, digital or not, can be strong tools and empowerments of individuals, the Moleque de Ideias people have access to a wide range of possibilities of expression of the most varied kind. It's worth browsing the to know a bit what circulates here. Obviously as there are no hierarchies in learning networks that occur in Moleque de Ideias, the organization that naturally emerges is based on interests: older children interacting with younger, adults interacting with them and so on. During these almost 20 years, everyone here had and has the opportunity to develop. Based on long practical experience, reflections and publications on the topics of free learning. Based on the free choice of training routes, the possible and harmonious coexistence among adults, youth and children learning together and the real possibility of building environments. These environments eliminate the traditional and arbitrary boundaries between "professional" and "amateur", and to realise unnecessary, unhelpful dichotomies, averse to innovation.  Nilton, Leila Miranda and other members of Moleque de Idéias also actively participate in focus groups on new forms of articulation of learning environments, such as  Românticos Conspiradores. The work with children has been the subject of articles. 19
  • 21.   As in Moleque de Ideias important is the DO-LEARNING (inseparable categories) environment, several of its members are also involved in commercial projects, notably in the area of software engineering. The main research work and the core interest of software engineering turns to the development and integration of technologies for self-knowledge management in learning environments based on free choice. But there are no preset limits on the topics and projects in which members of Moleque work. Members working there are reflecting on permaculture projects, urban agriculture and livestock, democratization of communication channels and technologies, POS systems based on augmented reality etc.. There is extensive experience in software engineering circulating in Moleque de Ideias: developing critical systems as of pricing and payment flow for Grupo Pão de Açúcar, the netweaving platform Koiné, for FIRJAN, integration of hundreds of library systems for CNI system, systems for visualization of ontologies etc. The interest is: do software engineering with taste, science and art, and primarily building collectively with all who live here (children, professionals, clients) an environment of knowledge exchange, solidarity and do-because-like. Between partners and good relationships we have developed over the years are UNB, UFF, Fiocruz, Aniomagic-Boulder University, ModRobotics-Cornell, Inc Stagecast, Instituto Maia Vinagre, CNI System, Grupo Pão de Açúcar, SINDUSCOM-RJ among several others. And of course, the entire community of hundreds of families who directly or indirectly interact with us weekly. 20
  • 22. Jornal do Brasil 02-03 1998 Jornal do Brasil 08-02 1998 21 2.3 Moleque in the press
  • 23. O Fluminense 14-01 2000 O Fluminense 26-11 2000 22
  • 24. O Globo 02-02 2000 O Globo 03-10 1999 O Globo 08-02 1998 23
  • 25. C H A P T E R 3 24 Projectsand activities
  • 26. 3.1 Professional software Moleque de Ideias develops, since 1996, activities in the educational and software engineering areas. On the educational area it is one of the references in the specialized world of non-hierarchic learning and informal learning environments. On the software engineering area it develops systems of critical missions on the areas of civil engineering, media and social media, knowledge management and e-commerce management. In the e-commerce area, Moleque develops proxy systems for payments and systems for automatic product pricing and has great experience on the daily operations of this nature, serving clients like, e On the social media area it developed a platform of netweaving, Koiné, which was used by the FIRJAN System. 3.1.1 The Transit Game – Jogo do Trânsito One of the projects Moleque was involved in some years ago was the consulting and development of a program in the field of traffic education, the Transit Game – Jogo do Trânsito. The idea was then to develop software that could be re-created and co-created by thousands of potential people who had the opportunity to interact with the game. This used the concept of "crowd - building", and collaborative construction long before the concept became fashionable. People from various cities were invited to create their proprietary software version to answer their own questions and issues and problems that are reflected in location. 25
  • 27. The software featured various forms of aesthetic expression that is possible to create by children and adults without specialized technological resources. These creations were entered into the software. So each city and local community could create their own version of the game. The Transit Game was projected to be simple for the user. The player is well guided and gives the result as chosen answers. The character is totally customizable and may appear inserted in different landscapes or using various uniforms. The Transit Game was developed to teach coexistence in traffic in a way that is relevant to the players. Various situations produced in various media are presented: clay animations, animations with puppets, digital films, PowerPoint slides, 3D animations among others, and each is analyzed and answered by the player through a framework 26
  • 28. of multiple responses. In cases of doubt it is possible to analyze the situation "frame by frame" and also to consult the didactic explanations about what would be the correct way to proceed. And most interestingly about the Transit Game is that in addition to engaging in a process of education for transit, the player learns that he can reflect and produce his own situations, using varied and low cost computing resources. Simply put, it is possible easily to insert new questions with new information. Thus, each institution may have a custom game by the players themselves, creating situations that are most relevant to their day-to-day. What motivated us in the project was the fact that people can create their own animations, movies, PowerPoints, 3D animations and so on in order to insert them into the software. And restructure the program the way they thought best suited to local needs. Link to demo. 3.1.2 PROVON Around ten years ago Moleque de Ideias was contracted to make a CD-ROM based system with he purpose to map industrial professional activities into the competence methodology. It needed to be updatable by the internet, so to update, a web-based system was developed that became the core of the initial version of the PROVON platform. This gave rise to new opportunities such as encompassing professional certification concepts and mapping these concepts into the competence methodology. As the platform is easily extendable there were other related concepts over the years. Today it is a complete certification, evaluation and human resources and process selection framework. 27
  • 29. 28 Cabana Criação began to work with Moleque on this in the first version of the online assessment module and became an associate in this project. Provon is a complete digital assessment system able to adapt to different needs, respecting the peculiarities that are part of the process. Provon was created for conducting and managing evaluation processes in schools, certification institutes in companies and corporations in selection processes and training. With friendly and easy to customize layout, Provon offers great versatility for certifications in various environments. Practical System of Registration The candidates will have access to a full panel where they can enroll in a practical and intuitive way. The system itself is responsible for scheduling test dates and notifying candidates in the tests of your institution.
  • 30. 29 Multiplatform Provon can be applied in any environment. Inside the classroom with desktop applications, online via browsers or mobile via Android, Apple or Blackberry tablets. Tests can be synchronized with all the candidates to performing the tests at the same time, or asynchronous, where each candidate has its own timestamp. Detailed reports Learn exactly the performance of the candidates. With Provon reports you will know, for example, questions with greater rights and wrongs, the average time to completion and any other data crossing the need to improve its methods of assessment. Public Agencies Examinations for public agencies require efficiency, speed and safety. We help many industries to develop their tests within the various regulations and requirements.
  • 31. 30 Companies Allows execution of training and evaluation of employees of small, medium or large corporations. Can be used in admission tests, market research and human development. Teaching Institutions Help schools and teachers to create, execute and administer exams according to their needs and their pupils, allowing more effective methods of evaluation.
  • 32. 31 “Moleque de Ideias and Cabana Criação are partner companies for a long time, developing several projects together; since 2 years ago, we serve large customers with a product we developed: a system to perform tests online, helping institutions to certify people in a practical and automated way. As the product was very efficient and replicable, now we have decided to expand its activities. From now on, our system is available for any size of accreditation. From big industries that need to ensure the quality of knowledge of their employees to the teacher that needs to test his students more efficiently. ‘Sistema de Provas - PROVON is a powerful software which can help your company or institution to carry out tests, exams and certifications in a automated and efficient manner.’ The name we chose was Provon and you can learn more by visiting the website” Pablo Cabana 3.1.3 Software tool to ensure the quality of services in building industry Some years ago Moleque started working with a modular software to help Brazilian builders to adhere to the many regulations that govern building and planning for this. The work was done mainly together with building engineer Leonardo Ozenda, in his company Construtora Prisma, where they had a lot of use for this software. He also represents this outwards in his business and it has been used and developed in practice by him and his peers. This software has huge potential in the business and hopes are that it can reach it. The Moleque“Guia, Sistema de Gerenciamento da Qualidade de Processos Construtivos”today is represented by Luis Eugenio at Moleque, Leonardo Ozenda at Construtora Prisma and Lydio Bandeira at Sinduscon RJ.
  • 33. 32 3.1.4 - Software for e-commerce, proxy payments The Moleque product Proxy for Payments is a powerful software and is based on an extensible architecture in all its main points and very scalable. Has been used by major e-commerce operations in the Brazilian and latin-american market (,, e-hub, Leader Magazine, Barateiro, CNova MarketPlaceL, Laselva, Latam Walmart, Walmart Global Store, Sports Interactive, Cdiscount BR, HP LATAM) with stability and efficiency proven by years of product maturation. The product is responsible for managing and processing millions of online sales, every month In short: it offers the maximum e-commerce operations strategic business agility coupled with tools that provide strong increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of day-to-day flow of payments. The entire solution is developed independently of payment gateway providers or risk; therefore, the contractor of the services of proxy does not become hostage to a single supplier of a step of the payments flow. 3.1.5 - Software for automatic pricing Software for automatic pricing is another product aimed for e-commerce operations and in use by some of the biggest online retailers in Brazil:, Casas Bahia, Barateiro, and Cdiscount BR. It offers to commercial and marketing teams a very agile tool to control and settle pricing strategies in a very dynamic way. It can handle catalogs of millions of products, setting up strategies that can be updated very quickly.
  • 34. 33 3.1.6 V-Logica V-Logica is a system developed by the core members of Moleque software engineering that enables easy management of ontologies and thesauri. The system provides an interface for intuitive navigation and thesauri that facilitates the inference of relationships between terms and definitions. And several resources for maintenance and updating of thesauri. Another important feature of the system is the ability to use visual browser as an interface to other systems. The system is adaptable to many different scenarios where the use of thesauri is required. For example: • Librarians can do research through the browser on bases and library management systems; • Businesses can search information bases themselves directly through the semantic visual browser; • Professionals highly specialized areas could use the thesaurus as a learning tool, the terms and definitions by linking the instructional modules, and other learning objects. The system is currently approved for use with the following databases: Oracle Xi, SQL Server. The system can be adapted to any other system database. Different versions of the system have been licensed for use by the National Confederation of Industries, National Institute of Technology and the Universidade Federal Fluminense - Dept.of Architecture. Today V-Logica work is no longer carried out.
  • 35. 34 3.1.7 Koiné Project Koiné Project was a project with the objective to promote collaborative and distributed approaches to working and problem solving in the FIRJAN – Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro State. In this context Moleque de Idéias acted as consulting company for the project as a whole and also as the main responsible for technlogical implementation when the activities required them. The main subprojects of the Koiné Project were:
 - Space Koiné, a 1-week collaborative and creative event when 80 000 visitors could experiment with several kinds of creative activities (stop motion, e-textile making, musical composition, etc), all of these occuring in an distributed and non-hierarchical way of working. All of the event was conceived and operated by the Moleque de Idéias team. - Koiné Social Network Platform: a social media platform developed by Moleque de Idéias for use by Firjan students, collaborators, and employees to catalyze collaborative, informal and distributed working. More than 20 000 registered users, and 3 000 000 page-views occurred during the Project. - -
  • 36. 3.2.1 Bate-Bate Bate-Bate is an interactive game with bumper cars on a TV screen played by several people simultaneously using their mobile phones as gamepads through the app Muzzley’s. The game coding and design was developed by a project group tied to Moleque.       35 3.2 Programming
  • 37. Thiago Da Silva Garcia created the collaborative  group on Facebook Jan 6, 2014. Together with, among others, Gabriel Cruz (3D Modeler), Diego Maia (3D Modeler) and Michel Kendi Saito (Concept Art). “This is a group for connecting people, ideas and everything to develop the super collaborative game“bate bate”that is installed at Curto Café. 3.2.2 The Crowd The Crowd is a local and online multiplayer 2D game by Moleque, where players must cooperate to stop a moveable part, which is falling, before the time runs out. Each player controls a character (a small dot on the screen) which is able to push the falling part in any direction, but is unable to pull the piece, or to hold it. Players, ranging from 2 to 100, do not have any communication with each other during the game and must decide their actions, taking into account the movement of other players on the screen. 36
  • 38. Layout for mobile: (blue) Moving and moveable part (grey) Static parts (red) Player (black) Other players (yellow) Space that the moveable part must occupy to win the stage Joystlck (red) Path of the moveable part falling (yellow) Path expected for fitment of the moveable path to win the stage Characters 37
  • 39. The character that will be controlled by the player is the only red dot on the screen, with a red aura around it, to facilitate its identification from the rest of the players. When there is more than one local player, the colors of the other players are different (blue, green, yellow). All other players in the room are represented by small black dots, without distinguishing between them. Screenshot 26.02.2014 The character moves up, down, left, right and diagonally. On a Mobile device, the character is controlled by a virtual analog joystick that will be at the bottom of the game screen. In a desktop game, the character will be controlled by the arrow keys. Each player has a profile created at the time of the game installation, which can be linked to a Facebook account. The player accumulates experience points during the game and this accumulated experience allows him to go into rooms with a larger number of participants. The game will also display player statistics. This will help balance the phases with good or bad players, within each category (rooms with 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 or more players). Scenario 38
  • 40. The scenario of the game will be a 2D side view. The camera is fixed and covers the entire length of the scenario, allowing players to coordinate their actions with ease. However, there are two areas that the player does not see, one is heaven - where the objects come from - and the other is the ground - where the objects fall. The ambience of the scenario is based on Greek temples, changing the layout according to the puzzle of each phase. Objective The objective of the game is to reveal all the unknown areas of the map , the proposed solving puzzles. Solving the puzzle is to place an object (a pillar, a block, a ball, etc.) at the flash game before time runs out. One player alone can not lift or carry objects , so they always need other players to solve puzzles. Rules Each player, when installing the application, receives 5 tokens to play. And every 15 minutes, the player who has 4 or fewer chips, gains a new token. To play a stage, each player will spend one token. If the phase is successfully completed, the player will earn a token. If the phase is not completed, players have up to 10 seconds to restart the stage without a new token, and this procedure can be done up to 5 times in a row. Players, if they have more than 1 token, can donate tokens to their friends. Before the match starts, players visualize a graph for 5 seconds showing the phase objective and where the piece will fall. In this short period, players can also be positioned freely. When players can place the piece in the right place and in time, they win the match. By winning the game each player has a fixed amount of XP according to the difficulty of the stage. In addition to this win XP value fixed, each player will 39
  • 41. earn a bonus for the remaining time and the correct positioning of the number in the appropriate place, i.e the less time they spend and closer to the exact place they put the piece, they earn more XP. When the number is more than 60 % within the required area, the game opens an extra count of 5 seconds, so players can adjust the best part, getting more and more XP points. However, if the number falls in that extra time, everyone loses. The accumulated XP each player serves for balancing phases, and serves as a filter for online players, if other players just want to play with more experienced players. Map The game map is done in 2 - D, with the phases represented by numbered circles. The phases are interconnected and the player can choose to follow any path. Each phase resolved, conquered, reveals new phases for the player. The background map is a terrain seen from above, with trees, mountains, rivers, lakes, villages, houses, temples, etc. The map is divided into regions with distinct characteristics that influence the materials and challenges posed by the phases of that place. In a cold region, the terrain is represented by mountains and villages covered in snow and the materials used in the stages of this region are made of more slippery ice, making it more difficult to handle. Regions already planned: - The city: first plot, where everyone starts, normal materials; - Snowy alps: ice materials; - Distant cities; stages involving construction of objects; bridges to cross objects; - Forest, wood materials , things with fire; 40
  • 42. - Desert, sand, objects that fall apart; - Mines; phases with metal; magnets to disrupt; - Giant baby or monster or beast; stages with live elements to disrupt; - Sea or island, things moving, moving targets with the rolling of the sea; - Ruins; earthquake slip, collapse; The map is not linear, although all begin at step 1. But the following steps are around the first and point to different directions. Phases and map background will appear when the next phases will be completed. If another player invites the local player to play a stage in the unknown region of the map, and the phase is completed, this phase will be visible to the local news, as well as all subsequent phases. Independent local player has some connection between the phases plays and that distant stage. There will be an area where players can build phases, which can be added to the game, expanding the map collaboratively. 41
  • 43. 3.3.1 Names of files and folders Procedures that promote learning: elements of word processing; the use and care of the keyboard; directory structure, rules and techniques for organizing information and how these influence the storage/retrieval. Techniques to save (store) a file (digital representation of drawings, photos, text, music...) are presented so that "save your work without printing" starts to make sense for children. Children themselves are encouraged to give names to the files, even if they are not fully literate, because the files are being generated and stored by them. Then come original, weird, funny names. Naming a file is also a form of expression! By filling out the field with the filename children are working with basic elements of processing texts: the text cursor, the cursor position, direction arrows, deletion keys, the different modes of character input, uses of Shift or Caps Lock keys to uppercase/lowercase... Also deal with the limit of number of characters allowed in the field and create strategies to deal with these limits. To name a file, the basic rule is: the name of the author of the work + a name for the job and to put the file in a predetermined folder. The children then deal with the representation of the directory structure, by browsing structure with aid to search and understand the concepts of storage and retrieval of information. 42 3.3 Kids and computers
  • 44. 3.3.2 Stagecast Through their work with children using technology, Stagecast partner Moleque de Ideias in Brazil has explored technologies which enhance and empower a child's capacity of thinking, expressing and socializing. Moleque has produced a Portuguese version of Stagecast and had a cooperation as retailers of this in Brazil. Stagecast Creator is considered one of the most innovative software in the educational environment. Ninja game by Carlos Cataldo, 6 e Leila, 2006 43 COPA 94 (for two) by Davi, Henry, Victor Bacellar, 9 e Luís Eugênio, 2005 Máquina de ideias by Caito, 2007 Pyramid game by Thales Cardozo Menezes, 13, 2006 Jogo da Mina by Monica Cataldo, 11, 2006 Jogo do Pedro by Pedro Botelho de Campos, 10, 2006/2007
  • 45. Projects that promote learning: advanced commands of computer programming; hypothesis testing, logical reasoning, creation of interface: integrating files of different natures; gameplay concepts. Making a game requires a lot of will and the exercise of logical thinking. Ideating, designing and programming a game are activities that require time, commitment and determination and are rarely easy or quick tasks. Making a game also requires thinking about the others, who will interact with what is being created. Creating a world where others will move. It also requires programming an interface where the child should reprogram or reassign the mouse and/or the keyboard. For example, if the player presses the "M" button - which, in a word processor would make the letter M appear - in the game could be casting a ray, or causing a sound to be emitted. If the child likes, she can design the sets and the characters, making the sounds and songs of the games, utilizing and developing various other skills. Using other programs, such as drawing and music, the child should still cause the files to be imported into the game software program, Stagecast, and so they have to deal with file formats, sizes and basic commands for importing and exporting information. Using a programming language requires a logical rather intense exercise. And a lot of organization. These are projects of medium/long term duration and children need to keep records of their ideas and plan connections between situations, to solve and find the solution set to each of the problems that arise. 44
  • 46. The software used is Stagecast, which was made especially for children working with programming by demonstration. This software was translated into Portuguese by Moleque de Ideias. An evaluation version can be downloaded at this link. In Stagecast, games and simulations are programmed by demonstration. The child creates characters and shows what the character should do in key situations, such as mouse clicks, encounters with other characters, keyboard commands, etc. The effects arising can be as simple as walking to the right, or complex moves, with mathematical calculations and random events. 45
  • 47. See other examples of games developed in Moleque using Stagecast: Bebop by Luís Felipe Camillo,  SHOT by Hugo Sato, 8 Racing Cars by Mateus Simôes, 10, 2005 Caito x Levy by Hélio Francisco,   Futebol by Felipe Gonçalves    Memory Game, 8 years and Leila 2006                     LTM project 2009                 LTM project 2009 Turn 5 by Bernardo F.        Simulator Edge Effect          Game of mountaineering Hasselmann 2009              by Mateus Barreto and by Thales Cardozo Nilton Lessa 2009 Menezes 13, 2006 46
  • 48. Game by João Gabriel   Sample spaceship game 2012 da Costa Madeira, 14, 2011 3.3.3 Lode Runner Stage created by Alexandre Seraphini,       Stage created by Ana Luisa, The stage is called Crazy Chicken.           The difficulty lies in the fact that the phase must be played in night mode, where the player 's field of vision is limited. 47
  • 49. This stage is by Felipe Marchi, age 8, This stage was made in partnership by in 2006, it has more to do with Danilo Alfradique, and Pedro Carneiro, its visual appeal, aesthetic, than 9 and 10 years in 2006. with the game itself.                                  The stage was full of picks, tools with a                    Partnerships are very common pre-determined function , but here it took in Lode Runner, because the on a new meaning when grouped as mosaic. game can be played by two players simultaneously. Generally, players must cooperate to overcome obstacles and win the stage. Creating and scheduling stages in Lode Runner Projects that promote learning: initial concepts of computer programming; hypothesis testing; creating challenges; logical reasoning; gameplay concepts; interface concepts. To start programming a good thing is to use the phases builder of Lode Runner. It's a cool game, stimulates thinking and children can experience aspects of the computers in a simplified way, what makes it an excellent tool to start them in the wide world of computer programming. They can not create anything totally new in Lode Runner, like when using programming software as Stagecast, but can create new situations, different 48
  • 50. challenges and can test their solutions at every moment, to see if the stage is well created and good to play. This embodiment of ideas and hypotheses is an excellent tool for reflection and is very good for the development of logical thinking of children. An impossible stage, a ladder that leads nowhere, a door that can not be reached or a game without players, are situations that may go unnoticed in construction, but are evident at the time of testing, to make a stage that works. Programming a game also requires thinking about the others, wondering who will interact with what that is being created. Will the player discover the solution? Is this stage very difficult or too easy? These are concerns that are experienced by children when they build stages, or when playing stages made by other children. There is still, in young children, the use of the builder stages of Lode Runner as a software design, where the goal is not to build a playable stage, but a visual composition using the graphics available. Stages built can be played by other children, which promotes the circulation of ideas and the notion that they can also produce their own amusements. As there is no possibility of playing Lode Runner over the Internet, below are only images of stages created by the children. All games are made available in Moleque de Ideias . 49
  • 51. These four stages were built by two children and constitute complete games. Lode Runner allows the children to connect one stage in the other, enabling the creation of a very long game with up to fifty interlinked stages, each giving access to the following. The two stages on left have been programmed by Ulysses Viana, 10 years in 2006 and are part of a game with 16 stages. The right were programmed by Carlos Cataldo, age 6 in 2006, and are part of a game with 6 stages. 50
  • 52. Moleque has several robotics kits: Lego Mindstorms, Topobo, Cubelets and now Zoob Move. There are also other mounting kits that are not programmable, kinetic structures: Gakken (Theo Jansen), Mechano. Daniel likes to make robots using Cubelets The construction of robots and the use of fitting kits structures offer opportunities for development of spatial intelligence, fine motor control and logical reasoning. It also provides the construction of knowledge about mechanics, joints, electricity, motors, pulleys and other gears. And when 51 3.4 Robotics
  • 53. programming the behavior of robots, of course we have opportunities for learning programming. This video shows the operation of a scorpion made with the Kit Zoob Move, a robotic kit intended for younger children. Although he only has the option of being mounted on the motor body, its parts are easy to engage and disengage and its movement are guided by a wireless remote control. 52
  • 54. Animation Videos with sound Projects that promote learning: videos as a form of expression, resources beyond the written text, light, shadow, movement made from still images; division relations (frames per second), time, environment, how to tell a story. Animation videos are projects of medium and long term. Children imagine a story individually or in groups and can make settings and characters, modeling clay, for example, and we encourage them to make a video that can have signs, incidental sounds, music, voice acting. They work with digital photography cameras and get the photos one by one. Sometimes, the photos need editing (removing some image of a line used to suspend an object, e.g). After editing the sequence of photos, a very interesting work begins because children deal with time and with the number of shots required to cause the desired illusion. Chance findings on the issue will influence the next session of photos. Once satisfied with the sequence created, kids will be able to add sounds, music, voice acting, visuals and signage. The end result is usually pretty good 53 3.5 Film
  • 55. and interesting. The animated movies are great ways to tell stories, to exercise the imagination and deal with ideas and feelings. Two videos made at the time of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil. First on the left is about Capoeira, brought by Africans and the second is about how some Indian tribes were cannibals. The two videos were created by children 8 years old in 2000. Juan and Gabriel did capoeira and Fernanda, Livia, Jessica, Rafaela, Juliana and Luciana the one about the cannibal Indians. These are two more examples of thematic work, where the theme is legitimately chosen by the children. The first video is about dinosaurs, a recurring theme in the imagery of them. Now and then, a child has an idea related to dinosaurs. The second video, at right, was the result of the impact on us all by the attacks of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. 54
  • 56. This video of the WTC was made by Jonas, Pedro and Filipe Goldoni in 2001. Two videos using the technique of pixelation. The left is authored by Henrique Vieira, 10 years. He took the pictures and then drew the effects above. The video on the right is by Alexander Seraphini, 8 years. Alexandre configured the software that controls the image capture of the camera to automatically take pictures at set time intervals. Alexandre was moving from time to time, with the intention of sync with the software. These two videos are stop motion animation with the camera view from above. The video on the left was made by Guido Piazzi, 8 years. The right one was made by Julia Chaffin, age 8. Julia moved all the characters and took over 200 photos! Julia then included a soundtrack and the sound of the sea. 55
  • 57. These two videos also are stopmotion and are themed cars and transit. The left is from Luisa Spezia, 9, Lucas Nunes, 10, Pedro Botelho and Guido Piazzi, 9 and 8 years in 2006, and is called Batida Radical. They took photos and later dubbed voices. The right is from Pedro Cordeiro, 10 years, Danilo Alfradique, 9 years and Mateus Sampaio, age 9 in 2006. They made the race, took the pictures and then narrated and commented. In the end, a still of the podium. Left: Video made by Filipe Marchi, age 8, in 2006. Filipe took the pictures first, then included the ball digitally, added a soundtrack and effects. Right: Video made by Lucas Nunes, age 10, in 2006. Lucas brought the figures from home, took all the photos, edited and then added the sound. 56
  • 58. Left: Video made by Victor Affonso, age 8, in 2006. Vitor reproduced a rollover with realism. He did not want to put music, made just a few sound effects.  Right: Video made by Hélio Francisco, 9 and Filipe Marchi, 8 years in 2006. Filipe and Helio brought 22 players, a LEGO house and even painted the football field. Then they did the narration of the game, with the right bicycle goal and cup champion. Video made by Rodrigo Freitas, 14 years in 2006. Rodrigo understood the possibilities that the pixelation technique offers.  Made a levitating rabbit, who slipped without moving his feet and flew up. The flight was made leaping synchronized with the software that captured photos with pre-determined intervals. 57
  • 59. Right: Video made by Matheus Peixoto, 9 years old in 2006. He brought all his metal cars from home. To simulate the run in the film he moved all and cars to a different spot for each photo. Once logged, he dubbed and put soundtrack. Video made by Tadeu Asevedo, 10 years, Paulo Quintans, 9 years and Breno Meira 9 years old, in 2006. This video took three months to be complete. It has over 400 photos, voice acting, music and text. 58
  • 60. Moleque de Ideias is investing in basic instruments and equipment such as software and microphones to play, learn, rehearse, record and perform together. The basic set consists of electric bass and guitar, electronic keyboards, an electronic drum kit and a mixer and monitor speakers. Michael Collan is organizing the project and has contact with suppliers. The new locality will have a studio room dedicated to audio and video work. 3.6.1 - Learning, rehearsal There will be a possibility to play together, rehearsing for a social occasion with an audience. Since the Moleque system is built on that those who know something can interact and help the others, this will be a natural and good way to communicate knowledge in music, music theory and playing technique. 3.6.2 - Composing (music, film, web..) As with the film and other projects, many are interested to create music by themselves or to be used in a film or video production and as a web illustration. 3.6.3   - Recording There is a possibilitiy to record with good quality individually or in groups for private, project or social use. Several people in the community around Moleque will also have a possibility to record music with good quality. 59 3.6 Music
  • 61. 3.6.4  - Performing During the year there will be numerous social activities such as ceremonies, parties and so with for instance the crew, the kids, the parents and the community around Moleque, near and far. There will be possibilities for groups and individuals to perform. 3.6.5   - MaKey-MaKey kit João Gabriel, 10 years, using the Lego guitar to play GuitarHero. MaKey-MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything in between. 60
  • 62. (More information on The guitar was made by Bernardo and João Gabriel, with electronics using the MaKey-MaKey kit. 61
  • 63. 3.6.6  little Bits KORG synth kit The process is simple:, littleBits’tiny circuits are pre-made and snap together with magnets.  It is possible to mix and match the synth kit with other littleBits projects, adding motors or blinking lights or sensors. It’s definitely pricier and more limited than using something like Arduino, but you don’t have to muck about with breadboards, wires, code, and soldering irons. Almost everything just works. And it could easily be a gateway – or rapid prototyping solution – to those other systems, especially for kids. (More information on 62
  • 64. Let’s Cook Together - Vamos Cozinhar Juntos was an collaborative international food event organized by Moleque: 421181244614604/ - january 2013. This was the second Jellyweek event - the first one was the Jellyweek Quilt: media_set?set=a.10200151090682962.194216.1321890453&type=3  The "Let's Cook Together" event led to the creation of an international group that permanently "cooks together": 149596218521723/ 63 3.7 Food
  • 65. 64
  • 66. 65
  • 67. 3.7.1- Cooking, baking Moleque has used bread machines that do the whole process of kneading, fermenting and baking in about three hours. This has produced some very good bread, but at the new locality there will be possibilities with a larger learning kitchen to be used for different types of social cooking and baking. 3.7.2 - Growing The plan is to make Moleque self-supplied when it comes to most vegetables and many spices. Arlete Gomes has already been doing this and the system will be run on a larger scale at the new premises with the "green roof', a system for composting and a large outside garden. 66
  • 68. 3.7.3 - The Moleque kitchen Every day at Moleque there is a crew of 6 - 10 people that have now decided to eat lunch together instead of going out separately to find food. The children usually eat at home or in the school before they come. There has been a number of activities, such as baking together and in the future there will be more, especially since a modern kitchen is being built at the new location Michael Collan has taken the role of crew chef and prepares the daily meals, that are very appreciated by the personnel. Moleque pays for the food shopping, which takes place mainly in local markets and those who eat contribute a small sum for this, a system for this is evolving. Everyone agrees that is has a positive social effect to meet at the table regularly every day. It is an occasion for discussing activities at Moleque and anything else, since many are working alone in different functions. 67
  • 69. The menu has been varied, from Nordic specialities to Moqueca and Churrasco with a variety of meat, fish, chicken and seafood with fresh vegetables and fruit from the markets and Moleque’s own production. Usually there is a vegetarian alternative available, if not a whole course. The new locality will offer possibilities for a better equipped kitchen and places indoors and outside to eat together. In the kitchen there will be a possibility to reach and interact via hangouts and events like Let’s Cook Together. There are also ideas about having little courses and/or sandwiches available all day for those who need it and guests from outside. 68
  • 70. 3.8.1 - Composting & Urban Agriculture This is the third capillary bed at Moleque. The first was made by Claudio Oliver, the second by Nilton and Mateus Barreto and the third by Nilton, Arlete and Anderson. The first has kale and basil, the second has tomato, rúcula and kale. In this, parsley, cilantro, peppers and carrots were planted. 7 days after planting, they are well. Link to 69 3.8 Sustainability
  • 71. Humus produced here in Moleque composters is used together with organic food scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc. This was the first day of harvesting worms, minhocas. The compost was started in 2010 when our friend Claudio Oliver was here with us and demonstrated the techniques of construction of the capillary bed and of the domestic waste composter. In the first period there were problems: at the beginning of the year our compost was "unbalanced" (with more substances generating nitrogen (vegetables, coffee, etc.) than carbon (dried grass and leaves) and too much fluid being generated (water and ammonia, with the characteristic smell, everything was "soggy". 40 worms, minhoquinhas, were managed to be saved,, and recommence a new "box " (but we did reuse the humus generated by the first box in the second capillary bed. 70
  • 72. “We rely on the help of friends and Claudio Oliver to explain what had happened and what we should do. And we continued using dry grass as a carbon source, watching the day-to-day life of earthworms. For this, the children helped too because they love to see how the worms are, always ending up by taking one to the microscope (and returning them afterwards for composting, of course). In the meantime, we started a second box (the upstairs of the compost box) and a second set of compost. When we went to harvest the first box the initial 40 worms had become 800 that went to new home: the second floor of the compost box and the compost bucket.” 71
  • 73. Look at that gorgeous basil is planted in the flowerbed capillary! It probably grew so much because the water supply is more constant. Who lives near here and wants to take a little basil to put on pizza, in pasta, in a sandwich, or a little tomato salad, feel free! 72
  • 74. Leila País de Miranda says some children love to touch the worms. They overcome fear, they follow their interests.  We always remember "take care, these guys work here". Yes, they are responsible for the composting process: they make earth again. Good earth to plant food.. 73
  • 75. Tomatoes, bertalha and Basil, manjericão, grown at Moleque. Who said that those who understand computers do not know how to plant tomatoes? 74
  • 76. This is an idea and initiative of friend Ignacio Perez, a resident of Santa Rosa, Niterói. In the words of Ignacio: "We want to implement the creation of a meliponary (is the same as an apiary, only for native stingless bees) at Moleque so we can live closer to these wonderful animals, and we enjoy a delicious homemade honey, learn the necessary management and care in the creation and maintenance of native stingless bees and communicate this knowledge to all interested parties who wish to devote to the pleasures of beekeeping. There are other albums and communities related to this project at Facebook and Vimeo The Jatai bee is one of the smallest bees known, and is very sociable and gentle, second in size only to the Bee Mosquito, very common in Amazonia. The Jatai measures approximately 5mm, is of golden color, and found in almost all the national territory, the colonies have 2 000-5 000 individuals, and the bee is well adapted to urban life. 75 3.9 Bees
  • 77. Flowers for Jataís. We are cultivating some different flowers for the bee's meliponary. At right: New co-inhabitants here at Moleque. Masio brought hives. Photos of the entrances of the Jataí hives we have. Notice how different they are. What will be the variables involved in building an entry? Sunshine? Temperature? Predators? Size of the hive? We must remember that a beehive is a self-adjustable system, complex, emergent, non-centralized organization bottom-up, local interactions, distributed. As the human body. Like all living organisms. 76
  • 78. 77 3.10 Beer “Fermentative Brotherhood (152 members) for the development and emergence of an open source beer. Beer 2 beer moved the yeast, malt and social capital. This is more of a social thing for the brotherhood than a Moleque activity.” It is a learning process that empowers this type of small communities. It began with Nilton, Eric and Bernardo importing a kit to make a Stout. It took six months before everyone was ready. Eric also took a course in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais for what was needed to make the first brew. There were a number of versions made by the group and there were many mistakes, but the quality steadily arose. Today, at version 15, quality is good. The beer was born openly and we want to keep it that way. There is a group on Facebook for anyone to be able to interact and make decisions. The process and revenue is open. This helped us to fix errors and meet new people. Today we have 8 people participating more actively in the beer and the group consists of nearly 200 people.
  • 79. 78
  • 80. The original Sifteo cubes are an interactive gaming platform developed by Sifteo Inc. These motion-aware 1.5-inch blocks with full-color clickable screens interact with users and each other when they are shaken, tilted, rotated and placed adjacent to one another. They are designed for use by players ages six and up. On August 30, 2012, Sifteo announced the second generation of their product, Sifteo Cubes Interactive Game System, which improves upon various perceived deficiencies of the original Sifteo cubes. A range of games are available for the original Sifteo cubes, most created by Sifteo. Sifteo games are designed to be fun while encouraging the development of core thinking skills, such as spatial reasoning, strategy, collaboration, and pattern recognition. Most games target ages 7+, though some are for children as young as four. LoopLoop, an interactive music game that won Best in Show at the 2012 Interaction Awards, was designed and created by a San Francisco based interaction design and development firm, Stimulant. Users start, stop, download, and create games using Siftrunner. The Creativity Kit within Siftrunner enables users with no knowledge of programming to create their own sorting games. An Alpha software development kit is available for free on Sifteo's website. Sifteo encourages users to create their own games and applications for Sifteo cubes and, in December 2011, began accepting game submissions for inclusion 79 3.11 Chemistry lab
  • 81. in the Sifteo store.Each Sifteo cube is a 1.5-inch wide block that has a clickable, full color LCD screen, a variety of motion sensors and rechargeable battery. Sifteo cubes support 4 hours of play on a single charge; they recharge in a custom Sifteo charging dock. (Letter from Thiago Garcia Da Silva, Moleque de Ideias, to Sifteo, the producers of the little electronic screens) - - - Dear Sifteo guys, It is with great pleasure that we announce that here in Brazil we have thought of very interesting things using your hardware. At present we are idealizing the creation of a virtual chemistry laboratory with the small screen of sifteos. We are planning to create a full chemistry lab where children could play and learn. We're not thinking of it as an game, but an "free to explore" tool for children. Since it's virtual and not harmful they could do whenever they want. Our goal is to build something other people can use to teach chemistry, just using the lab. We're planning to have a set of substances, recipients and tools, like an real lab and people can combine the tools to create real experiences. But for our start, to get more feedback from children, professors and anyone who is interested we're focusing on pH. Our goal is to make an recipient, a pipette and acid/base substances, so you can get the substances using the pipette and mix them on the recipient. We are also using chemical pH indicators that changes the color based on the pH. 80
  • 82. So basically we want to see what is the reaction of people using this. We already have an chemestry professor on the team, so we can use this to teach. This initiative is fully open and having large acceptance, since stakeholders on science education are laymen who never understood anything about chemistry and see the great opportunity to that. Everything we are doing is published at a Facebook group called Laboratório de Química Sifteo and even this e-mail was written there. This is the a really interesting part of how the project works, we do not have a company building this, but a network of committed people. Anybody can help the development of the tool. We use this to get more feedback. Even the actual code is on so people can help us code. One of the forms of getting feedback is to actually do the real experiments with children. 81
  • 83. We have some photos if you want to see: Here is the pH experiments with color change indicators. Here are some videos of the reactions happening. This is a video of the children doing experiments.  But we do not see this as an non-profit project. In fact we showed up a prototype on an Event on São Paulo for more the 200 people and got a lot of good feedback. One of them was an foundation wanting to use the Sifteos on every public school at Florianopolis, a city on south of Brazil. You can watch the presentation here. One of our concerns is about how we can buy the Sifteos from Brazil. Is there any chance we can resell them here? One of our partners has experience in selling imported toys.  Because of this we want to know how you can help us on build this. We're really looking forward to the new generations of Sifteos. Any help will be great!   Thanks, Chemistry Lab Guys, Moleque de Idéias 82
  • 84. The maker movement is a trend in which individuals or groups of individuals create and market products that are recreated and assembled using unused, discarded or broken electronic, plastic, silicon or virtually any raw material and/ or product from a computer-related device.
 The maker movement has led to the creation of a number of technology products and solutions by typical individuals working without supportive infrastructure. This is facilitated by the increasing amount of information available to individuals and the decreasing cost of electronic components. The maker movement is primarily the name given to the increasing number of people employing do-it-yourself (DIY) and do-it-with-others (DIWO) techniques and 83 3.12 Moleque and the Maker Movement
  • 85. processes to develop unique technology products. Generally, DIY and DIWO enables individuals to create sophisticated devices and gadgets, such as printers, robotics and electronic devices, using diagrammed, textual and or video demonstration. With all the resources now available over the Internet, virtually anyone can create simple devices, which in some cases are widely adopted by users. For example, MintyBoost, a popular DIY USB charger kit built using an Altoids tin, batteries and a few connectors, can easily be created using instructions online, or purchased from other makers who sell their devices. 
 Most of the products created under the maker movement are open source, as anyone can access and create them using available documentation and manuals.
 However, the maker movement also incorporates creations and inventions that never existed before and were developed by individuals in their homes, garages or a place with limited manufacturing resources. This philosophy has always been an integral part of Moleque. To support Kickstarter projects, to try new technology and software, electronic/ construction kits, 3-D printing, CAD-CAM and for instance CNC technology is a process where there have been many obstacles such as not having enough space and experience. Also having to be aware of that there are often small children involved and that organisation and safety is importany. The new locality is expected to give many possibilities. Experience is never wasted. Moleque was a maker space even before this word became known. 3.12.1 Zometool NASA started using the tool for AIDS virus research in space, and for a space station project. After the discovery of quasicrystals, for which Dan Shechtman was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, both Shechtman and 2-time 84
  • 86. Nobel laureate Linus Pauling used Zometool during the debate over whether quasicrystals were real. Zometool was and still is the only system capable of modeling quasicrystals.  Mathematicians such as Roger Penrose of Oxford University and John Conway of Princeton University use Zometool to model complex geometric forms. After publishing his“An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything”in 2007, physicist Garret Lisi would sometimes use Zometool to illustrate the complex 8- dimensional structure (the E8) underpinning his theory which combines particle physics with Einstein's theory of gravitation. None of which made Zometool any less fun for kids. Linking the geometry of the ancient Greeks to quantum physics, from inner space to outer space, Zometool is positioned to be the basis of spatial interpretation for the new millennium. The first Zometool kit at Moleque was a gift from Joachim Lohkamp. Almost immediately it became very popular, not only with the kids, but some adults as well. 85
  • 87. Kids discovered independently that pieces of Zometool could interconnect with another kit, Zoob Challenge. This is not a rare thing with the kids. It happens in many unpredictable ways 3.12.2 Atoms Michael Rosenblatt, design lead behind the first iPod touch, has a point to make about toys. Not all toys. Just the best kind: the ones that enable children (and grown-ups, let's be honest) to create things, be it from LEGO, K-NEX, crayons, paints or Play-Doh. The thing is, they're generally a little on the inert side. With ATOMS from ATOMS Express Toys, Rosenblatt is hoping to redress the balance with a series of modules that can be fitted to other toys (including LEGO) to effectively turn them into moving and sensing robots. What are ATOMS exactly? They're a series of small plastic boxes (called modules) which each contain electronics tailored to a specific function. Initially, 13 modules will be available, which will include the obligatory motors, battery brick and light sensors, as well as such exciting fare as iOS control bricks, infrared emitters and sensors. They're designed to be connected to a variety of toys. The underside is compatible with standard LEGO studs, 86 the following text is from the manufacturer)
  • 88. and the sides accommodate LEGO Technica pegs. Each module comes with a Velcro pad underneath and a sticker you can attach to a surface of choice. To communicate with each other, those modules that don't communicate wirelessly can be connected by standard 2.5-mm jack audio leads. The Atoms kit was a Kickstarter project that Moleque supported. The motivation and inspiration was to put electronics and hardware into the hands of kids. As we know there is much going on with open hardware. This technology was however affordble only to adults or people with an professional electronic background. Atoms is one technology that can lower the experimentation barrier to children explore their own ideas. 3.12.3 Lego Mindstorms and Technik The Lego Mindstorms series of kits contain software and hardware to create customizable, programmable robots. They include an intelligent brick computer that controls the system, a set of modular sensors and motors, and LEGO parts from the Technics line to create the mechanical systems. There is so much noise around LEGO Mindstorms on the web with enthusiasts and universities all attempting to do the NeXT big thing that it is hard for kids wanting to do more with their Mindstorms kit to figure out what is happening. 87 )
  • 89. 2012 Haniel, Nina,Victoria and Beatrice 88
  • 90. 3.12.4 Eitech With eitech Construction Sets children discover the world of technology playfully. With the different kits have children at an early age an insight into the technical and mechanical diversity of modeling.The boxes as well as the accessories of the construction of cars, cranes, wind turbines and many other models are always varied. All kits can be connected together and supplemented. Eitech offers usually a kind of construction that is very different than the traditional plastic kits. The connections are real bolts and nuts. Moleque kids have made a model of the Eiffel tower, that is illuminated. And several others like cranes and Ferris wheel et cetera. 89 the following text is from the manufacturer)
  • 91. 3.13.1 LittleBits “LittleBits make an open-source library of electronic modules that snap together with tiny magnets for prototyping, learning, and fun. LittleBits consists of tiny circuit- boards with specific functions engineered to snap together with magnets. No soldering, no wiring, no programming, just snap together for prototyping, learning and fun. Each bit has a specific function (light, sound, sensors, buttons, thresholds, pulse, motors, etc), and modules snap to make larger circuits. Just as LEGO™ allows you to create complex structures with very little engineering knowledge, littleBits are small, simple, intuitive, blocks that make creating with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together.” This also fits the Moleque philosophy very well. We support the technology since the beginning and will keep investing as it evolves. 90 3.13 Electronics lab
  • 92. 3.13.2 Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP). The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs. An important part in starting the open hardware movement was Arduino. Here we have adults and teens experimenting with low-level technology. Having Arduino felt like a must, like Raspberry Pi. 91
  • 93. 3.13.2 Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools. Both of them became central in a lot of new kind of projects and ideas in the Maker Movement. 92
  • 94. 3.14.1 Works with photos The first 4 images were digitized by children with webcam in 2004. From left to right, Bianca, 6, Hugo and Bernardo, 6, Gabriel, 7, Guilherme and Rachel, both 12 at the time. The next image was generated by capturing a frame from a video made by Arthur Cataldo, 9. The kid in the photo is Thales Cardoso, 13. 93 3.14 Graphics
  • 95. Projects that promote learning: care and use of camera / camcorders, digital imaging, storage, retrieval, light boxes, different software for processing images; chroma key effects (color masks); montages and collages. Works on photos are interesting because they give opportunity for children to work with their own images. Parents and friends can see how they feel while they are working and learning here. Works with photos bring up topics like family, privacy, relations with the image itself, idolatry... Stimulate the exchange of opinions on limits. With regard to technology, there are jobs that may involve all stages of learning: digitization, storage / retrieval, processing, publication. The possible transformations of the information during these processes are varied and the children have the opportunity to work with several different software. Children learn to use cameras, to take care of the equipment and record the images in files created and organized by them. If you want to enhance photos or use them to make a case folder for example, you must know to import the image created using new software, suitable for what you wish to undertake, and save it with another name, or elsewhere, so to preserve the original information. Depending on the purpose, it is necessary to do the job in several steps that require patience and reinforce the concepts of storage and retrieval. Photos are also very much used in projects sites and are the basis of the films of stop-motion animation. 94
  • 96. These images are digitalized with camera. It's another form of scanning, they say. Noodles, a beyblade, spinning top and a puppy. Sample images processed by Kay's Power Goo software. 95
  • 97. These are ideas that started with photo, transformed or integrated with other images or scenarios. On the left, the mixture of Laish with an elephant in 2004, Mount made with Kay's Power Goo. In the middle, Bianca, also in 2004, inside a cave with monsters and a sword to defend herself. To the right, a dinosaur that left the actual environment to integrate with their digital friends. Ideas of João Pedro, in 2005. Left: Guilherme and his friends shrink to enter the red wagon. In the center, Paulo and the friend of whales surfing. Below, a Helium weapon against the monster. 96
  • 98. Three ideas by João Pedro, who went by the same principle. A digital image, cleaning the box and digital painting over the image. The original photo is disappearing, and only he knows and who it was. Intervention ideas in digital photographs. On the left, Elisa in 2004, with painted hair and powers. In the center, Betina in 2006, began trying to paint a 97
  • 99. tooth that had fallen, and ended up with a complete plastic! To the right pages scanned by Giovanni and then painted Other ideas for interventions in photographs. The images in the left column are more complex interventions with Photoshop. Above, Tadeu and Paulo in 2006 and below Breno Leon in 2006. In the images of the medium, the inclusion of an eye makeup on, Beatriz, and in goggles underneath, Arthur. Right, images using stamps as decorative elements on top and bottom and Bianca Déborah. 98
  • 100. 3.14.2 Ideas with mounts and publishing Three distinct ideas, but with similar processes. Left, Luiza Apollinaris, eight years in 2006, made a cover for a folder: took a photo with the camera after the picture graced a drawing software, then imported the result into a publishing software, included the logo of Moleque de idéias, wrote her name, date and printed. In the center, the idea of Felipe Chaves, seven years in 2006, who took the photos with your digital camera, including a "tattoo ", then recovered and imported the pictures into a document, organized space, inserted his name, the date and then printed. Right, the idea of Vitor Azevedo, 9 years old in 2006, who took picures with the camera, making them into a software image, then imported the result into a software, lined the photos, wrote: "before" and "after" and printed. 99
  • 101. Mounts are works that bring together and reorganize the information in a document obtained from other sources. Usually the mounts are made to be printed on a sheet of plain paper, or adhesive paper, and contains pictures and text. Children themselves have ideas of researching a subject, or to prepare a sheet to print as stickers or as a book, for example. Children can obtain the figures in files made by them, such as drawings or photos. These ideas imply the need to recover previously saved files. Or they can grab images from websites. They can also get images scanning things with tablet and pen, or the microscope and the scanner, learning to deal with these peripherals. The texts can be created and inserted at the time of construction of the document to be printed or imported to be organized together. There is enough exercise involving the concept of the digital media used in many software desktop publishing and graphics software. Objects are treated as independent structures. When selected they can be grouped, rotated, resized, moved in the document, superimposed, , multiplied, etc. . The children also deal with issues related to file formats - when they import figures compatible with publishing software, the recovery of information - when they need to locate these files and print. 100
  • 102. Montage made by Matheus Peixoto, age 8, in 2006, with cars in several different positions. Matheus scanned images with the camera and then organized them into a document for printing 101
  • 103. These are examples of assemblies made from images obtained from the internet. The first left is Victoria Santos, age 7 in 2005, using images from Polly, captured the browser screen in doll site. Images from the center are also screenshots, made by Arthur Bompet, 5 years in 2006 , with the results obtained in the skateboard game on the Stuart Little 2 site. On the right is an image by Lucca, and Vitor Fonseca, age 8 in 2005, with snapshots of Beyblade spinning tops. Once captured, the images were imported into the software publishing and aligned. 102
  • 104. These assemblies are also images obtained from the internet. The left one is Karina Moellmann 7 years in 2006, about planets. The center is the idea of Guido Piazzi, age 8 in 2006, who made a book about sharks, with photos and text. On the right, an idea by Ricardo Lanna, seven years in 2005, with images of bats. 103
  • 105. 3.14.3 Ideas with pen and tablet The swimmer, by Ana Luisa, age 7 in 2004, illustrated a booklet by Moleque de Idéias in 2006. The design of Monica Cataldo, 11 years in 2006, was very interesting. The image of the alien's head was then copied and organized for adhesives. Marcela Miranda Schlaepfer, 12 years old in 2001, created the work on the right in 4 parts, with a zoom effect. It involved dealing with at least two files open at the same time: Marcela copied and pasted the original drawing in the second file and used digital tools to reduce their size, used the copy and paste functions again to return the drawing to decreased assembly, each completed scene and reworked the process two more times. Woody from Toy Story, was a big coloring book, and needed to be digitalized with scanner and resized in order to be copied with the pen (Gabriel, age 7 in 2001). Spider-Man has been copied and colored by Juan Perez, age 7 in 2004. 104
  • 106. Digitizing pen and tablet, copies, free drawings, coloring. Projects that promote the learning of different devices for interacting with computers, care and use of tablet and pen, relationship between points on the monitor/mouse/tablet and scanner. In Moleque de Ideias, children have the opportunity to learn and use tablets and pens to digitalize images. Scanning - information representation in digital - is fundamental to the digital language process. Copies, free drawings, figures, coloring are not created with the mouse, but with pen, more appropriate equipment to the design than the mouse. Both the mouse as a pen serve to point and click. When drawing the pen is much better. We also consider it important for children to generalize their knowledge of communication devices with computers. Besides knowing the equipment in digitization projects - to copy a picture to color, for example - children have the opportunity to observe and learn how the algorithm works the paint bucket, rather than when they are coloring a ready figure. When copying, they often leave gaps that form open curves: "ink bleeds" and fills more space than desired, this is also a great opportunity to learn the value of saving a file, and learn to undo. Using tablets of different sizes, they have the opportunity to deal with the concept of proportion and correspondence. Often the figure that the child want to copy with the pen is too big for the tablet. In this case it can use the scanner to prepare a smaller figure - scanning, resizing and printing, and then copying with pen. 105
  • 107. One of the first contacts of children with ballpoint pens or softcore pen is to generate an image of the hand itself. So it is with the pen tablet. The work of Louis Victor, Mariana and Ana Carolina, all five years in 2001, inspired Anthonio Henry, age 7 in 2004. 106
  • 108. Green hornet was copied by Ana Luisa, age 9, in 2006, one of the booklets in a series of children's books. All cases in the series were copied by Ana, and the work was very good. The original drawing was created and printed by Marcela Schlaepfer. Gabrielle Minghini 7 years in 2004, Marcela copied with the pen and tablet and colored her way. Gabriella Tavares, age 8 in 2006, took the job of Betina, who had scanned with scanner and printed a copy of his calculating machine. A copy into the tablet and Gabriella scanned again by copying the pen. Colored and embellished. Julia Chaffin, age 6, in 2006. The puppet "little pony " was brought from home. The project was for Julia to copy it with the stylus. To do this she had to generate an image in 2 sizes that could be copied. Julia did this by scanning the doll with the digital camera. The photo was printed in a size suitable for tablet and copied. Carlos Cataldo, 6 years, 2005 free drawing to represent his father and him. Larissa Alfarano, 6 years, 2004 free drawing. 107
  • 109. Sponge Bob was a fever in 2004 /2005. Tadeu copied and colored in 2004, at age 9, and made a card for Father's Day Matheus Brani, 5 years in 2005, colored drawing copied by an older colleague. Pablo Jannuzzi, 9 years old in 2005 made this copy. The character called Shiryu Pablo called Xuriu. Fernando Cesar, 10 years in 2004, made by copying a drawing with the pen. The two others were generated with the functions of copy and paste. Matheus Brazil Ennes, 7, 2001 copy. 108
  • 110. Morgana Vidal, 9, 2006, copy. Miguel Angelo, 9, 2005, free Spiderman drawing. Maria Luiza Kanbach, 5 years in 2001, did the job on the left. Copied with a ball pen and the other created using the copy/ paste function. She showed his drawing to explain to Henrique as how he could do the Snoopy side below. Snoopy by Henrique, five years in 2001. 109
  • 111. Hélio Francisco Levy, 8 years in 2006, free design, a dragon. João Pedro Gusman, 6 years in 2004, freehand drawing, another dragon Lucca Pereira, age 6 in 2004, Scribble, an elephant. Lucas, age 6 in 2002, free drawing. 110
  • 112. 3.14.4 Ideas of cards, letters and messages Lorena Feitoza 10 years in 2006                         Déborah Figueiredo , 8 years in 2006. Written messages give an opportunity to reflect on different aspects of the production and processing of texts. Projects that promote language learning time management; publishing, printing, logical reasoning, content research. Projects are intentionally communicating with other people - mothers, fathers, friends - not immediate and usually with specific motivation. There are therefore interesting projects from the point of view of personal relationships; in addition, they are usually timed (birthdays, mothers day etc.) to make the 111
  • 113. children have to deal with deadlines and more careful organization of resource time. There is also a major concern with the use of formal language. The production can be simple with the use of software design or text. Evolves requiring use of specific software, more complex, where children have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about printing - A4 or letter size, positioned vertically or horizontally divided in many different ways - folded in four, two, front, the inside and back of the card, which leads to exercise spatial reasoning. In addition, there is research in image banks and the introduction of the concept of working with independent graphical objects, such as plain text, text with images, backgrounds, frames... Each of these objects can be selected, scaled, placed in different positions or on one another, entrained duplicate, deleted ... It is a very rich work, which reinforces the key concepts - open file, save, cursor position... and adds several other - percentage scale, object size, rotation, grouping, alignment, among others. 112
  • 114. Lorena Feitoza 10 years in 2006. And inside the front of the card. Different ways to divide the paper generate different size cards. There is opportunity to talk about the cost of ink and communication with more sophisticated controls that are inherent to the print job. Children can use specific software for graphic production. Dealing with models with image banks, with graphical objects of different types - images, frames, text, headers, they bring forth concepts like shadow, contour, shape, depth, resizing, position. Duplex printing adds new challenges. 113
  • 115. Thiago Nascimento, four years in 2004, loved to play Pokémon. The card was an opportunity to learn that what is seen on the monitor screen can be turned into an independent file and be transformed in some way. Thiago added ants, frogs, hearts and letters in a message to his mother. Software design serving to card: Miguel Angelo and David Correia, age 9 in 2005, used bucket, stamps and letters. Design software to design serving: Anthonio Henry, Mateus and Lucas Sampaio Nunes, age 7 in 2004, used pen to copy the Little Mermaid and offer a message for girlfriend Laish. Software design serving to design: here, Fernando Cesar, 10 years in 2004, used magic eraser. 114
  • 116. 3.14.5 Ideas with Kid Pix Many ideas are carried out with the Kid Pix software. To the left, above, the composition of stamps and letters made by Enzo Fazzi, 6 years in 2004; underneath, mix of textures made by Danilo Alfradique, 9 years old in 2006. In the center, horizons and perspectives, Tadeu Azevedo, 8 years in 2004 and Ana Carolina Negreiros 8 years in 2005. Right, Tadeu again, using the stylus to make the snowman and then several sources to write his name. And below, a composition by Bernardo Simoes, 4 years in 2006, which made this drawing for parent and included, besides the copied text, characters that resemble a calculator. Drawings and compositions with Kid Pix application (Landscapes, stories, "where?") Projects that promote learning: software interface; menus, graphical representations of functions; storage, salvage, undo, basic painting tools, use of the mouse, the software is quite suitable for people in early stages of learning. 115
  • 117. Compositions with stamps and background as free designs are widely used by the beginner. When using a specific software the kids are led to reflect on the organization of important information about the tool itself: What is it? Where are the colors? How to change color? The computer is not doing what I want! How to delete? As the software communicates with me, how do I communicate with it? Kid Pix, made for kids, has a graphical interface and sound, with virtually no text. The interface helps the child to relate the functions available with its representation; later she can generalize this knowledge to deal with the interface of more complex programs (software) . Besides the knowledge about tools and interface, other fundamental concepts of Digital Language are worked, such as during execution of work, children must save the files, so dealing with the organization of information (folders, subfolders, creating folders, folder names, file names, updating files, opening files) and on to word processing (cursor positioning, how to modify its position without clearing, capital letters, accents, etc). To work with figures of background it is necessary to open an existing file, using commands for importing images, working with stamps opens an opportunity to deal with figures. libraries, and possible operations such as to mirror, enlarge, reduce, duplicate, and transform in various other ways Children make significant use of their creations, telling stories, making jokes. To carry out such activities, it is not necessary to have the gift to draw, or to represent figures, they can choose between numerous ready designs. And this choice allows children to develop their critical and aesthetic sense, deciding what will put and place where and how, and also what not to put. And when children are gifted, the domain of hardware and software allows beautiful creations. 116
  • 118. This image by Guido Piazzi, 8 years in 2006 and is called "America." It is a composition with background ready and stamps This is a game of “Where is it?”Created by Bernardo Magalhaes, 7 years in 2004. Composition made with stamps and painting tools. This is an image with two different times on the same frame, day and night. Made by Rayane Cruz and Natalia Fernandes, both 8 years in 2005. 117
  • 119. These are drawings with many stamps, forming new structures for those who look at them together. At top left, Matheus Fernandes, age 10 in 2004, in the center, Victor, age 8 in 2004, right João Pedro, 5 years in 2005. Below left, Luisa Spezia, age 8 in 2006, in the center, Felipe Chaves, seven years in 2006 and to the right Betina Sass, age 7 in 200 118
  • 120. These designs also bring interesting features like diagonal, asymmetrical compositions that blend elements and free design stamps. At top left, Caio Vargas, age 9 in 2004. Below left, Lucas Henrique, age 10 in 2004. In the center, two drawings of Gustav Louriva,l 5 years in 2001. At the top right, Bernardo Magalhaes, 7 years in 2004. Below right, Igor Serejo and Leonardo Borges, age 10 in 2003. 119
  • 121. These are ideas with several elements that, when combined, make the more abstract images. At top left, Ana Carolina Negreiros 8 years in 2004. At the top, center, Arthur Bompet, 5 years in 2006. At the top right, Hugo Sato, 8 years in 2006. Below left, Auana Kings, 9 years old in 2003. Below, in the center, Gabriel Schneider, 4 years in 2006. Below right, Matheus Peixoto, 6 years in 2004. 120
  • 122. These works are by the same author: Matheus Nóbrega, age 8 in 2006. One of the numerous statements that can be produced by a child with tools and creative freedom. Above: left, Sand Maluca, in the center, Different Colors, right, Mad Earth. Below: Left, Color Colorful, in the center: Colorful Rain, right, War. 121
  • 123. 3.14.6 Graphics ideas Example memory game with figures and letters, made for children beginning literacy. Book markers. The division of space is in vertical stripes and printing paper is 180g/ m2. Luciana Abreu Segadas, 8 years in 2001 Vitor Spinola, 9 years old in 2006, made his stickers digitalizing his own picture with a digital camera. 122