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Oprah Winfrey: An inspirational role model
Many people find someone in his/her life to look up to, a role model. There are many different kinds
of role models; they can be singers, public speakers, a parent, or even a friend. Role models also are
not determined by certain criteria. A role model can be a role model just because they are a leader
or have a great talent. Oprah Winfrey is considered a role model to many individuals because of her
tough childhood, wonderful charity work, her schools, and the true relationships with her fans.
Oprah stands out among many people on her ability to feel others' pain and help those people get
through their troubling times. For most people growing up is filled with memories of joy
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These characteristics make Oprah a wonderful role model for any person to follow. It is fortunate
to have someone as caring and aware of other peoples' problems in the world. She is an inspiration
to everyone, and many celebrities should follow in her footsteps to help create a better world for
those who are less fortunate. "She's famed for her charity work, and now Oprah Winfrey has been
named the world's most generous celebrity. The talk–show host gave more than $50.2 million in
charitable gifts in the past year, according to Parade Magazine" (Herald Sun, 125). This dedication
to charity has touched many peoples' hearts and made them want to make an influence on the
world as well. In addition to the variety of causes and charities that Oprah has donated to, she has
also created the Angel Network (Oprah's Angel Network, web). In this organization Oprah tries to
let people use their lives to influence the lives of others (Oprah's Angel Network). This organization
brought public awareness about Oprah's goals which made her even more well–known for her
dedication to helping the needy. Oprah works through this organization in hopes of inspiring others,
and she is accomplishing that very goal (Oprah's Angel Network). Another inspirational thing that
Oprah has created is her many schools and clubs. One example of a school that Oprah has opened is
the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Acadamy in
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Fireworks Descriptive Writing
Shivering, the children are muffled in their warm, cosy hats and and gloves. Their gloves grasped
the, close as the gathering, anticipitave crowd waited impatiently for the exuberant firework display
to begin. The damp, slippery grass was blanketed with empty crisp packed, broken plastic cups and
used sparklers. The air was flooded with the unhealthy smell of greasy hot dogs and beef burgers
enticing anyone who smelt it. The muttering and voices of the crowd dominated everyone's ear
drums. Eventually, the crowd went into silence. The crackle and pop meant only one thing. The
fireworks had begun. The crowd watched in utter fascination at the man made shooting stars
revealing elegantly in the twilight sky. The glow was illuminating the night
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Descriptive Essay : My Dream
In my dream, I am in a small boat in rough waters. It is a dark night, with a full moon, dark clouds
filling the horizon. I am sitting in a small wooden boat in the ocean or large lake. I cannot see
land in any direction. The waters are rough, with large waves rocking the boat. The waves are so
rough they are causing water is spray into my face. I am afraid that the boat will tip over and I
will drown. I hold on to the sides with both hands. Suddenly up ahead I can see large rocks in the
water, large waves crashing against the dark gray slick sides. My boat is going to hit them.
Suddenly I am traveling between the rocks standing stark and cold on both sides. My small boat
travels between several of them and into a rushing river. I am full of dread, I will certainly sink
and drown. I travel down the rushing river. There are high, dark cliffs on both sides. In the
distance I can see the cliffs ending and the river disappearing out of my sight. As I travel closer and
closer I can hear the sounds of a waterfall. I travel down the river, between the cliffs and over a large
waterfall. I fall from a great height, walking up in my bed, still filling as though I will drown.
Working With The Dream A small boat in rough water feels like I am out of control. Control is an
allusion. It is dark and I do not know where I am or where I am going. I am in a small boat alone
like life that is sometimes solitary and must be traveled alone. Life can sometimes feel rough
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Descriptive Essay About A Mall
A mall is a place where women love to go to do retail therapy. A mall can also be a place with
many personalities. Bright lights, vibrant signs, and an array of people fill the grand foyer of a
mall and bold signs and neon lights animate each store. There is over a thousand shops to browse
from, signs are as big as a giant and people from all occupations and professions are running
errands or browsing every retailer. A mall includes many civilians, Black, Asian, European, and
African ethnicities all surround the mall. People of all ages and backgrounds are here for the
same purpose, which is to deploy, to attract, and to bring in more shoppers to these stores. The
Galleria of Chaos is Teenagers are the main attraction in a mall, many bystanders stop and stare at
the boys and girls dressed in ripped jeans, bomber jackets, and Timberland boots. Walking into
Forever 21 pop music is playing in the background creating an exciting feeling for some and girls
are in small groups browsing each rack of clothing. Metal racks filled to the brim with overpriced
and cheaply made clothing. In spite of that teenage girls still flock to this store. Most girls head
towards the sale section first. The sale section is a big disaster, clothes do not have a price tag,
there's clothes laying on the floor, and everything stuffed in this tiny corner of this store. The
employees have tucked away in the break room, leaving only one register open out of all six
registers, creating chaos. Express is
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Descriptive And Prescriptive Grammar
Introduction In this essay I will discuss the definition of the concept grammar in linguistic science
and thee attitude teachers may have towards such a conceptualization of what grammar is. I will
go into detail by explaining perspective and descriptive grammar. Descriptive Grammar The first
thing that I will be discussing is the definition of descriptive grammar. A descriptive grammar is a
set of rules about language based on how it is actually used. It can relate with a prescriptive
grammar, which is a set of rules based on how people think language should be used. Specialists in
descriptive grammar (linguists) examine the principles and patterns that underlie the use of words,
phrases, clauses, and sentences. In contrast, more content...
Examples of prescriptive grammar rules can be found in practically every guide to "good"
language usage, grammar rule book, or grammar guide. Teacher's attitude towards grammar
Grammar has always been an important issue in second and foreign language learning and
teaching. Some hold the view that grammar is not essential for second/foreign language learning
and therefore have a 'zero position' regarding grammar teaching. On the other hand, some view
that grammar is necessary for second/foreign language learning. There is often confusion between
what is prescriptively correct under the rules of standard English grammar within different
varieties, which results in various options for classroom grammar teaching for second language
learners. In the classroom relating to descriptive grammar learners can be encouraged to move
away from a prescriptive approach to grammar by using a guided discovery in which they look for
examples of variations in use in authentic texts. These examples can be compared to prescriptive
rules in order to decide if they are useful or
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Descriptive Essay On Poverty
People are dying every minute because of this terrible disease. No antidotes have been found to
eliminate it. Poverty is like an epidemic with no antidote affecting the entire world. It has already
killed billions of people, and will continue killing unless we do something to stop it. Have you ever
thought what living in poverty is like? Seeing a shocking picture in which people were trying to
survive gave me a whole different perspective. That image showed me one of the poorest areas of
the planet where people were living under despicable conditions. They were working in
sweatshops, collecting garbage and living in broken down huts in order to survive. A polluted
river passes across from their humble homes, causing incomparable complication to their lives. I
could observe the terrible conditions in which this people are working, fishing and collecting
garbage. Not only pollution is shown in this photo, above of the photograph a bridge could be
observed. I imagine the noise, and the dust that this little detail brings to their lives. That
photograph made me feel angry at politicians because they could do a better job helping the
needy. Since they were almost dying, I felt sad for the circumstances they live in. A sense of
admiration for the way they are able to survive, gave me the strength to fight against this global
scourge. The author of this picture is trying to convey a message, showing us poverty in all its faces
and inviting us to be part of his fight against
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Examples Of Gibbs Model Of Reflection
As part of my ongoing professional and personal development throughout this MA course in
Counselling I need to identify a model of reflective practice that I am comfortable using and use
this framework to reflect on my own experience. I have chosen to use Gibbs' model of reflection
(1988) as the framework for my own experiences and I will therefore be looking in some depth at
a particular counselling situation and describing my thoughts and feelings around that event. I
will look at my own reactions in regard to this event to see where they have come from and I will
look at ways I could have done things differently or ways of developing things a bit further. I will
analyse what went well and what didn't and finally I will look at what I have learnt from this
situation and possibly plan for how I more content...
Gibbs' model of reflection 1988 Stage 1 of the model is where we give a Description of the event that
we wish to reflect on. This needs to be clear and concise, giving a very clear picture of what has
gone on. Here I would describe who was present, what was the context of the event – what exactly
am I reflecting on, what did I say, and what the other person said. This is a fully descriptive account
of what exactly happened.
Stage 2 of the model looks in depth at Feelings. Here I would look at what I was feeling at that
moment in time, what affected my feelings, how I felt about the outcome of the situation, did my
feelings change at all during the process, and what are my feelings now looking back on the situation.
Stage 3 looks at Evaluation – making a judgement about what has happened. What were the positive
and negative aspects of this situation? Was there anything else that might have made a difference?
This is where I would stand back and get a good sense of how it all went and examine my
judgements a bit more. Why do I think that, where has that thought come from? Where can I go from
here in my interaction with this
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Descriptive Essay On The Window In The House
Family Fun The window on the eastern side of my house in my brother's room is the most
expensive window in the house, coming in at over 125,000 dollars. It could have been a normal
window, if my family were normal. However, because of that window the entire household had to
get rabies shots. I should consider lucky we did not die a horrible and disgraceful death foaming at
the mouth, but after that experience I am certain that my family deserves to be featured on a freak
medical reality show like Untold Stories of the ER. People are always shocked to hear that all
five members of the Niklaus family took recurring visits to the emergency room because of some
silly bat. While they forget that bats are a common symbol of Halloween, my family does not.
This creature cursed my family with a calamity that none of us shall ever forget. It all began when
my dad was painting the new window in my brother's strangely green themed room. The walls
were green, the curtains and bedspread had green stripes, even the wire trash can was green. The
room practically oozed of the sick hue of Frankenstein's monster, but the window was being
painted white, so that at least the exterior of our house would appear normal. The window was
nice, but somehow a mistake was made when Lowe's ordered a bunch of these windows, so we
bought it at quite the discount. The irony of this "cheap window" was yet to be realized. My dad
took the fly screen out in order to paint it. We later realized that these
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Descriptive and Prescriptive Theories in the field of Learning have its central matter on the traits
of learning processes used by learning Agents. Such theories generate analysis and models
regarding how certain learning processes take place, and how they should actually be executed,
describing certain guidelines that these processes should follow. These theories are relevant
because they model and help optimize learning processes, which, in turn, are applied in many kinds
of business and academic applications where intelligent agents may be useful. Descriptive Theories
Descriptive Theories observe and model the instructional processes and learning effects of a target
Agent system. The development of this kind of theory is a passive process in nature, where the
researcher will observe the system and identify patterns, variables and equations that describe the
learning processes of this system, in order to better understand its behavior. Some observations of a
Descriptive Theory may be generated from practical experiences, deliberate deductions, and also
from interactions between theory–driven reflections and attempts to solve specific design issues[2].
When formulating a Descriptive Theory, there are a few pre–established properties that should be
followed in the ideal–case scenery: Properties Realism: There should be a good match between the
formal theory and the natural phenomenon being studied;[1] Convergence: The formal theory
should exhibit interesting
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Descriptive Essay On A Car
The car ride wasn't that long but it felt like forever. Once we got out of my familiar range of York
my mind drifted off the anticipation but it still stayed close behind. The music coming from the
car was blurred from my lack of attention to it. The sound of my dad's voice on another business
call coming from the front was also put to the side as all my attention was intentivly directed to my
phone. Scrolling through feeds and games the log eternity of the car ride drew more intense.
Though it was only an hour or two, boredom set in unusually fast. My mom sat quietly in the
passenger seat doing the same as I, mindlessly passing the time, ignoring the anticipation. The
distinguished right turn that my dad knew not to miss changed to cars gravity to the left shifting
everything with it. As we made our way closer to our destination the scenery started to look more
like Nebraska then the Mason Dixon Line.
The left turn onto the loud gravel driveway rumbled the car again as we pulled closer to the two
house like buildings. The feelings grew stronger though I knew that it would be a while until the
moment came. My mom was definitely the most excited of the three of us. She loved puppies. As
we stepped out of the car a pickup truck pulled in behind us. We were both parked by a small building
which I could see through the window was the info and paying register.
This breeder is renowned for producing extremely high quality hunting dogs. This was the birthplace
of our other dog
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Three Descriptive Research Methods Essay
One of of three methods used for descriptive research is the case study. The case study method is
the oldest form of research used in psychology today. To help you better understand what case
studies are I would recommend you think of an individual person case. Case study is when
someone studies one person to explain things that happen for all of us. Basically applying the
outcome to all people ; one representing all. Case studies will describe your behavior. In present
day we have noticed that although the individual cases may be accurate, it only applies to that one
person. There will always be a conflict of interest because what may happen to one person does not
necessarily happen to the next. For example you may say that more content...
This type of research gathers information from a large group of people. It will be not go into depth
as much as the case study might and involves many cases. As an example think of making you own
survey and distributing it out to various amounts of people, gathering the information and
conducting you hypothesis. We are constantly asked to participate in surveys whether its an
internet advertisement or a class handout from the college you attend. When asking you question
you have to be careful as to how you word the question. The words you choose may influence a
participant to lean toward a certain side. You may sound biased toward one issue which will effect
you survey and hypothesis. Using random sampling allows researcher to have a fair representation
of the subjects under study. Every person has an equal chance of participating. I would use this
method with very larger groups of people. Ex. school. The last from of research would be naturalistic
observation. Basically watching and recording the behavior of different subjects in the natural
environment.Much of the reality shows today could be considered a form of naturalistic observation.
Pending on how much the program actually interferes with the subject , they allow for an interesting
hypothesis. This research will describe the behavior of an subject. Now that we have the information
from the research we can evaluate the differences and similarities. When the research reveals that one
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Descriptive Essay On My Dream Car
Whether it's a lifted truck running a hemi or a suped up WRX, your dream car embodies what you
desire, the life you'd like to live, and the kind of person you'd like to be. Your real car embodies what
you have, the life you live, and the kind of person you are.
The search for your dream car entails spending months combing over different makes and models of
car, seeing which has the most horsepower, the fastest, the best for mudding or the best for racing.
Pondering what it would be like to own such a masterpiece of vehicular perfection.
The time spent imagining what your friends would think if you were to pull up to school in a
Rolls Royce, stepping out like a lavish Bill Gates. The flock of people crowding around the new
wheels just to catch a glimpse.
Instead, people walk briskly past your car to distance themselves from the smell of burning oil and
the squeaking the tranny makes anytime you shift to park.
But back to the dream car, the embodiment of fancy, adorning a leather interior, unnecessary interior
lights, top of the line dash clusters and head unit gadgets.
You look down and see your car is outfitted with an interior resembling a 1640's tavern. Seats
stuffed with a frightening combination of feathers and hay, interior lights so dim you can't see
the pedals in the dark and worst of all, the dash. The tachometer, idling dangerously close to 3,
spikes randomly if you go over 45. As we move over, we meet the fuel gage, hovering ever so
close to the dreaded E. Does your car know what a full tank of gas is like or only what $5 gets
you? But hey, I'm sure that's enough to get to school, right? Next we find the temperature gage,
where even in park the daring arrow continues to inch it's way closer and closer to H. Then we
glance over to the ominous but impending doom of the dash lights. You know what light that is, but
if you don't look maybe it will go away. A strange box with the word "CHECK" inside. It could be
anything from a faulty light, to a blown head gasket, but that's not important cause you're not fixing
it regardless.
Last but not least, we reach the coup de gras of your dash, the odometer. Dust covers the numbers,
protecting your eyes from the abomination that is the mileage.
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Descriptive Essay On Dystopia
Dystopian Setting
The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever,
was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning
breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of
despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his
utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew.
Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the
bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy
and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look.
The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this
abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable
between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of
fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content...
As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of
everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the
small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think
black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling,
blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire
roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive
air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel
nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered
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Descriptive Relational Design
This section provided thorough details about how the researchers conducted their study. Descriptive
correlational design was used. Researchers of this study used the most suitable design for this
quantitative non–experimental study based on its purpose, which is to assess prevalence and risk
factors of LBP among OR health care staff.
To enhance their interpretation of findings, univariate analysis was performed for each of general
lower back pain (LBP) risk factor initially, then, a multivariate model was built for each risky OR
activity. The chosen method of statistical analysis of this study is excellent as it will not only find
if the risk factors and risky activities relate to LBP, it will also find to which degree each of the
risky activities relate to it. As the authors aim to specify the findings related to OR staff, it is
suitable to apply multivariate model only on the risky activities of OR staff.
External validity was considered as researchers controlled environment and time by including only
participants from OR department in their working days. Based on literature reviewed for this research
, working in OR is considered a confounding variable. Researchers sought homogeneity in choosing
only OR staff to participate in the study. Therefore, more content...
Sample was described with sufficient details. Sample size was adequately estimated using the Epi
Infoв„ў version seven software to enhance sampling validity. Purposive sampling was used by the
researchers as they only included OR staff in OR department. The sample was representative of the
target population. To track and calculate the participants' response rate, questionnaires were
numbered before distribution. To avoid duplication, participants were asked to write their initials.
The questionnaire was delivered to surgeons' departments and clinics if they were not in OR in
addition to obtaining permission from the head of OR
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Descriptive Essay On Motorcycles
My love of motorcycles began as a teenager when I received a dirt bike for my fourteenth birthday.
It was a glorious day and I was so excited to finally have my own motorcycle. My neighbor and
best friend Glen already had a nice motocross bike, so we began riding together. When I started
riding it was difficult to get used to shifting gears and braking in a smooth manner. After a day of
trying, I lay in my bed that night thinking about it. I went through the motions of shifting gears
and braking with my hands and feet. I practiced in my mind about doing it over and over until I
mentally had it. I would try again the next day. The next day couldn't come soon enough, but
finally it arrived and Glen and I headed out again to conquer the world. For some reason, my
thought process night before paid off. It was like I had been riding for years. The next step was
keeping control and gaining confidence; that came with more time and experience. We quickly
became skilled and experienced riders. We were jumping huge hills near the lake and feeling the
wind on our face. I don't know how to explain it, but there is a sense of freedom and excitement
while riding motorcycles that I have never experienced with anything else. I've had many
motorcycles over the years and my taste in bikes kept getting more expensive. I switched from dirt
bikes to street bikes in my early twenties and bought my first used Harley–Davidson low rider with a
jet black paint job. I rode this bike for years
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Barack Obama Is A Great Role Model
Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and he is currently 56 years of age. He was born in
Honolulu, Hawaii. His family is a mixture of African American and Caucasian, his mother is from
Kansas and his father is from Kenya. At age two, his parents got divorced, so his dad went back to
Africa while his mom stayed with him in Hawaii. In 1995 he published an autobiography called
"Dreams from My Father": A Story of Race and Inheritance and this book is where his fame started.
I believe that Barack Obama is a great role model because he is kind, resilient, he is extremely
intelligent and he is an excellent public speaker. Barack Obama is very motivational through his
words and actions and during his presidency he inspired America to be more content...
He showed everyone he 's able to be himself, just as he is. By doing this he took a personal risk to
create a memorable message. Taking personal, public risks show how much you care about your
message as a leader.
I think the biggest event that shaped and changed Barack Obamas life was writing his first even
book, which explores the events of his early years up until his entry into law school in 1988. I
think that this book significantly guided Barack towards his Presidency because it was the start of
his rise to fame. This book was the first step towards him gaining popularity to rise to the top and
become President.
During Obamas second election to remain president he faced many challenges. Barack Obama
faced American wars and a still struggling economy which he cared so deeply about. But despite
these problems he proceeded to run his election and once again win. He cared deeply about America
and wanted to remain president so he had the power to help the citizens.
One of Barack Obamas biggest personal qualities is leadership. He has the ability to lead an entire
nation towards success and he did this without failure for 8 years. He has an inspiring personality
and everyone looks up to him.
Barack Obama follows the religion of Christianity. He claims to have been going to the same
church for the past 20 years and was sworn in with his hand on the family bible. He wants to follow
in the footsteps of Jesus
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Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful Hotel
The best of romance and pampering at Cape Sienna Hotel in Kamala Beach
Seated on a bluff overlooking the Indian Ocean is Cape Sienna Hotel in Kamala Beach – a sleepy
resort town on Thailand's Phuket Island. The hotel is not only rated by TripAdvisor as one of the
most romantic hotels in Thailand, but also in the world. From the moment you step foot into Cape
Sienna's lobby, which is up an elevator from the ground level allowing guests to glimpse pristine
views of the Indian Ocean, you realize that the hotel easily lives up to those high praises.
More like a spa than a hotel
As we sipped our rose tea, our minds quickly changed from chaotic travel mode to spa mode. The
view, with the soothing sounds from the water feature in the lobby, helps with that. Our
daydreaming was interrupted by one of the smiling staff members. She apologized profusely as
she drew us back to reality. Our room was ready and she wanted to acclimate us to the resort
grounds. We sat on one of the couches, still keeping an eye out the window, while she asked my
wife to pick the scent she would like for the room's toiletries, making Cape Sienna seem more like a
spa than a hotel.
The path to the hotel rooms is quite steep and windy as it cuts through the hillside jungle. The view
from all 98 rooms makes the journey worth it though as more content...
Remember, this is a resort though so a massage is nowhere near as cheap as you can find off
premise. You're paying more for atmosphere. For example, a 90 minute Thai massage runs 2,650
THB (73 USD) versus 500 THB (14 USD) in town. I wouldn't describe the Thai massage at Cape
Sienna as traditional either. It's more of a hybrid between a Thai and a Swedish massage. This isn't
necessarily a bad thing as it's a nice gateway into a Thai massage for someone who has never had
their body contorted like that
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Descriptive and Predictive Analysis Essay
Descriptive Analytics is about describing the historical performance. By applying these techniques
to the level of performance, information can be very specific to product, customer, channel,
supplier and other key operational areas of focus. This will help validate data to be organized and
be used in a repeatable process, in order to have confidence in the information and to make it
actionable. This will help companies to evolve from "standard cost to serve" approach to "total cost
to serve" approach thus identifying immediate cost and revenue opportunities and take confidant
action to utilize them.
Prescriptive Analysis is about identification of optimum business outcomes by combining historical
data, mathematical models, variables, more content...
Additional advantage of Big Data in future will be derived from blending the intelligence of the
people who have deep understanding of operations, with the power of increased machine driven
operational insights.
Big data used well with the analytics techniques will provide the digital SCM with great answers
and also provide valuable help in doing faster and better business in future's data driven world.
Tighter integration, management and analysis of these databases using big data can be helpful to
improve efficiencies of inventory management, sales and distribution process and continuous
monitoring of devices. Predictive maintenance of equipment is another benefit which will be given
by modern supply chains using the Big Data & Analytics.
The Internet of Things:
The Internet of Things (IoT, for short) is a phenomenon used to explain the scenario when everyday
multiple objects are connected to the internet and participating together on a system, continuously
sharing the information. It also means the convergence of conventional connected devices and
smart appliances. Kevin Ashton coined the phrase "Internet of Things" while working for Procter
& Gamble in 1999. IoT is converting the physical world into a type of information system with
sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects and linked through wired and wireless networks
via Internet Protocol. As per a Gartner Report, the "Internet of Things" is forecast to reach 26 billion
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Airplane Descriptive Essay
My Obsession I remember back to when I was a child, in which I would constantly dream of flight
and its characteristics of freedom and serenity. Throughout my younger years I collected miniature
model airplanes of metal and plastic, longing to be the pilot of the real machine; this obsession
continued until the day my grandfather introduced me to radio controlled flight. My grandfather
and I visited his model airplane flying field where he effortlessly controlled a piece of machinery
which my glowing 11 year old eyes watched in pure awe. The soothing whir of the propeller left me
with a calm sensation and a peace that settled throughout my motionless body. Ever since then, I
have endlessly been pursuing and achieving this more content...
The plane gracefully dances in the air, responding to every single slight movement made by my
cautious fingers. I perform simple aerobatics gracefully, including loops, rolls, and inverted flight. To
this point in time, I continue to experience the same adrenaline rush that was felt the moment I was
handed the controller. When flying, I feel so free; I am the miniature pilot figure in the cockpit,
spinning and turning with the aircraft every which way I control it to. Suddenly, my sweet escape
into the blue vastness of the sky is interrupted by my transmitter, emitting a sharp beep, giving me
the signal to land. I could not believe that ten minutes had already passed. It felt as though I had
taken off no less than a minute beforehand. Cutting the throttle down to about half, I remember the
same critical concept of taking–off into the wind applies for landing as well. The plane turns lazily
as I bring it closer to me and drop the throttle setting down to its lowest setting. I hear the familiar
purr of the engine at idle as it slows down to a crawl and approaches the runway at a near walking
pace. The stable airframe slips closer and closer to the unfamiliar ground until it finally, reluctantly,
touches down in the padded grass. I swiftly taxi the plane back to the car, and turn off the still
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Descriptive Essay
Descriptive Essay
It was a seemingly beautiful day as I drove on a joy ride in my bright blue sports car, with the
wind in my hair. This is an everyday activity for me. My friends would mock me saying, "You
spend more money on gas than you make working." I laughed to myself at the thought of jokes
amongst my friends. That happiness was soon halted. As I continued driving, I saw a car coming
rapidly around the curve. The car did not show any signs of slowing down as it headed towards the
intersection. The light turned yellow and then quickly red. Another object caught my eye that made
me fear what was going to happen next. A young couple started crossing the street wearing fancy
attire. The first thought that came to mind was, 'they more content...
One of the police officers came up to me introduced himself, asked me my name and started, "Have
you ever seen this driver before? On the road or around town?" I quickly responded, "No, I have not
officer." He continued, "I learned from the call back to the station that the driver, David Chrisenger,
is considered the town drunk and does not currently have a valid license due to drinking and
driving". He asked me some questions and asked me to fill out an incident report. Still shaken up by
the whole incident I gladly accepted. The officer ended our conversation. "Thank you so much for
your time, Kevin. We really appreciate it."
The only thought running through my head on my way home was how much I had not
appreciated my wife and children. To witness something of that nature makes one conscientious
about what you have and how quickly it could vanish. I vowed after that day to speak out against
drinking and driving and the terrible outcomes that can transpire from something that some do
not view as a "big deal". It is apparent that better ways have to be found for getting drunk drivers off
the road. I encourage anyone to be responsible for their lives and others by agreeing to never drink
and drive again, and to also aid your family and friends in doing so. Have a designated driver each
night or call a cab. Everyone is capable of saving a
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Model Descriptive Essay

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  • 2. Fireworks Descriptive Writing Shivering, the children are muffled in their warm, cosy hats and and gloves. Their gloves grasped the, close as the gathering, anticipitave crowd waited impatiently for the exuberant firework display to begin. The damp, slippery grass was blanketed with empty crisp packed, broken plastic cups and used sparklers. The air was flooded with the unhealthy smell of greasy hot dogs and beef burgers enticing anyone who smelt it. The muttering and voices of the crowd dominated everyone's ear drums. Eventually, the crowd went into silence. The crackle and pop meant only one thing. The fireworks had begun. The crowd watched in utter fascination at the man made shooting stars revealing elegantly in the twilight sky. The glow was illuminating the night Get more content on
  • 3. Descriptive Essay : My Dream In my dream, I am in a small boat in rough waters. It is a dark night, with a full moon, dark clouds filling the horizon. I am sitting in a small wooden boat in the ocean or large lake. I cannot see land in any direction. The waters are rough, with large waves rocking the boat. The waves are so rough they are causing water is spray into my face. I am afraid that the boat will tip over and I will drown. I hold on to the sides with both hands. Suddenly up ahead I can see large rocks in the water, large waves crashing against the dark gray slick sides. My boat is going to hit them. Suddenly I am traveling between the rocks standing stark and cold on both sides. My small boat travels between several of them and into a rushing river. I am full of dread, I will certainly sink and drown. I travel down the rushing river. There are high, dark cliffs on both sides. In the distance I can see the cliffs ending and the river disappearing out of my sight. As I travel closer and closer I can hear the sounds of a waterfall. I travel down the river, between the cliffs and over a large waterfall. I fall from a great height, walking up in my bed, still filling as though I will drown. Working With The Dream A small boat in rough water feels like I am out of control. Control is an allusion. It is dark and I do not know where I am or where I am going. I am in a small boat alone like life that is sometimes solitary and must be traveled alone. Life can sometimes feel rough Get more content on
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  • 6. Descriptive Essay On Poverty People are dying every minute because of this terrible disease. No antidotes have been found to eliminate it. Poverty is like an epidemic with no antidote affecting the entire world. It has already killed billions of people, and will continue killing unless we do something to stop it. Have you ever thought what living in poverty is like? Seeing a shocking picture in which people were trying to survive gave me a whole different perspective. That image showed me one of the poorest areas of the planet where people were living under despicable conditions. They were working in sweatshops, collecting garbage and living in broken down huts in order to survive. A polluted river passes across from their humble homes, causing incomparable complication to their lives. I could observe the terrible conditions in which this people are working, fishing and collecting garbage. Not only pollution is shown in this photo, above of the photograph a bridge could be observed. I imagine the noise, and the dust that this little detail brings to their lives. That photograph made me feel angry at politicians because they could do a better job helping the needy. Since they were almost dying, I felt sad for the circumstances they live in. A sense of admiration for the way they are able to survive, gave me the strength to fight against this global scourge. The author of this picture is trying to convey a message, showing us poverty in all its faces and inviting us to be part of his fight against Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Gibbs Model Of Reflection Introduction As part of my ongoing professional and personal development throughout this MA course in Counselling I need to identify a model of reflective practice that I am comfortable using and use this framework to reflect on my own experience. I have chosen to use Gibbs' model of reflection (1988) as the framework for my own experiences and I will therefore be looking in some depth at a particular counselling situation and describing my thoughts and feelings around that event. I will look at my own reactions in regard to this event to see where they have come from and I will look at ways I could have done things differently or ways of developing things a bit further. I will analyse what went well and what didn't and finally I will look at what I have learnt from this situation and possibly plan for how I more content... Gibbs' model of reflection 1988 Stage 1 of the model is where we give a Description of the event that we wish to reflect on. This needs to be clear and concise, giving a very clear picture of what has gone on. Here I would describe who was present, what was the context of the event – what exactly am I reflecting on, what did I say, and what the other person said. This is a fully descriptive account of what exactly happened. Stage 2 of the model looks in depth at Feelings. Here I would look at what I was feeling at that moment in time, what affected my feelings, how I felt about the outcome of the situation, did my feelings change at all during the process, and what are my feelings now looking back on the situation. Stage 3 looks at Evaluation – making a judgement about what has happened. What were the positive and negative aspects of this situation? Was there anything else that might have made a difference? This is where I would stand back and get a good sense of how it all went and examine my judgements a bit more. Why do I think that, where has that thought come from? Where can I go from here in my interaction with this Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay On The Window In The House Family Fun The window on the eastern side of my house in my brother's room is the most expensive window in the house, coming in at over 125,000 dollars. It could have been a normal window, if my family were normal. However, because of that window the entire household had to get rabies shots. I should consider lucky we did not die a horrible and disgraceful death foaming at the mouth, but after that experience I am certain that my family deserves to be featured on a freak medical reality show like Untold Stories of the ER. People are always shocked to hear that all five members of the Niklaus family took recurring visits to the emergency room because of some silly bat. While they forget that bats are a common symbol of Halloween, my family does not. This creature cursed my family with a calamity that none of us shall ever forget. It all began when my dad was painting the new window in my brother's strangely green themed room. The walls were green, the curtains and bedspread had green stripes, even the wire trash can was green. The room practically oozed of the sick hue of Frankenstein's monster, but the window was being painted white, so that at least the exterior of our house would appear normal. The window was nice, but somehow a mistake was made when Lowe's ordered a bunch of these windows, so we bought it at quite the discount. The irony of this "cheap window" was yet to be realized. My dad took the fly screen out in order to paint it. We later realized that these Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive and Prescriptive Theories in the field of Learning have its central matter on the traits of learning processes used by learning Agents. Such theories generate analysis and models regarding how certain learning processes take place, and how they should actually be executed, describing certain guidelines that these processes should follow. These theories are relevant because they model and help optimize learning processes, which, in turn, are applied in many kinds of business and academic applications where intelligent agents may be useful. Descriptive Theories Descriptive Theories observe and model the instructional processes and learning effects of a target Agent system. The development of this kind of theory is a passive process in nature, where the researcher will observe the system and identify patterns, variables and equations that describe the learning processes of this system, in order to better understand its behavior. Some observations of a Descriptive Theory may be generated from practical experiences, deliberate deductions, and also from interactions between theory–driven reflections and attempts to solve specific design issues[2]. When formulating a Descriptive Theory, there are a few pre–established properties that should be followed in the ideal–case scenery: Properties Realism: There should be a good match between the formal theory and the natural phenomenon being studied;[1] Convergence: The formal theory should exhibit interesting Get more content on
  • 10. Descriptive Essay On A Car The car ride wasn't that long but it felt like forever. Once we got out of my familiar range of York my mind drifted off the anticipation but it still stayed close behind. The music coming from the car was blurred from my lack of attention to it. The sound of my dad's voice on another business call coming from the front was also put to the side as all my attention was intentivly directed to my phone. Scrolling through feeds and games the log eternity of the car ride drew more intense. Though it was only an hour or two, boredom set in unusually fast. My mom sat quietly in the passenger seat doing the same as I, mindlessly passing the time, ignoring the anticipation. The distinguished right turn that my dad knew not to miss changed to cars gravity to the left shifting everything with it. As we made our way closer to our destination the scenery started to look more like Nebraska then the Mason Dixon Line. The left turn onto the loud gravel driveway rumbled the car again as we pulled closer to the two house like buildings. The feelings grew stronger though I knew that it would be a while until the moment came. My mom was definitely the most excited of the three of us. She loved puppies. As we stepped out of the car a pickup truck pulled in behind us. We were both parked by a small building which I could see through the window was the info and paying register. This breeder is renowned for producing extremely high quality hunting dogs. This was the birthplace of our other dog Get more content on
  • 11. Three Descriptive Research Methods Essay One of of three methods used for descriptive research is the case study. The case study method is the oldest form of research used in psychology today. To help you better understand what case studies are I would recommend you think of an individual person case. Case study is when someone studies one person to explain things that happen for all of us. Basically applying the outcome to all people ; one representing all. Case studies will describe your behavior. In present day we have noticed that although the individual cases may be accurate, it only applies to that one person. There will always be a conflict of interest because what may happen to one person does not necessarily happen to the next. For example you may say that more content... This type of research gathers information from a large group of people. It will be not go into depth as much as the case study might and involves many cases. As an example think of making you own survey and distributing it out to various amounts of people, gathering the information and conducting you hypothesis. We are constantly asked to participate in surveys whether its an internet advertisement or a class handout from the college you attend. When asking you question you have to be careful as to how you word the question. The words you choose may influence a participant to lean toward a certain side. You may sound biased toward one issue which will effect you survey and hypothesis. Using random sampling allows researcher to have a fair representation of the subjects under study. Every person has an equal chance of participating. I would use this method with very larger groups of people. Ex. school. The last from of research would be naturalistic observation. Basically watching and recording the behavior of different subjects in the natural environment.Much of the reality shows today could be considered a form of naturalistic observation. Pending on how much the program actually interferes with the subject , they allow for an interesting hypothesis. This research will describe the behavior of an subject. Now that we have the information from the research we can evaluate the differences and similarities. When the research reveals that one Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On My Dream Car Whether it's a lifted truck running a hemi or a suped up WRX, your dream car embodies what you desire, the life you'd like to live, and the kind of person you'd like to be. Your real car embodies what you have, the life you live, and the kind of person you are. The search for your dream car entails spending months combing over different makes and models of car, seeing which has the most horsepower, the fastest, the best for mudding or the best for racing. Pondering what it would be like to own such a masterpiece of vehicular perfection. The time spent imagining what your friends would think if you were to pull up to school in a Rolls Royce, stepping out like a lavish Bill Gates. The flock of people crowding around the new wheels just to catch a glimpse. Instead, people walk briskly past your car to distance themselves from the smell of burning oil and the squeaking the tranny makes anytime you shift to park. But back to the dream car, the embodiment of fancy, adorning a leather interior, unnecessary interior lights, top of the line dash clusters and head unit gadgets. You look down and see your car is outfitted with an interior resembling a 1640's tavern. Seats stuffed with a frightening combination of feathers and hay, interior lights so dim you can't see the pedals in the dark and worst of all, the dash. The tachometer, idling dangerously close to 3, spikes randomly if you go over 45. As we move over, we meet the fuel gage, hovering ever so close to the dreaded E. Does your car know what a full tank of gas is like or only what $5 gets you? But hey, I'm sure that's enough to get to school, right? Next we find the temperature gage, where even in park the daring arrow continues to inch it's way closer and closer to H. Then we glance over to the ominous but impending doom of the dash lights. You know what light that is, but if you don't look maybe it will go away. A strange box with the word "CHECK" inside. It could be anything from a faulty light, to a blown head gasket, but that's not important cause you're not fixing it regardless. Last but not least, we reach the coup de gras of your dash, the odometer. Dust covers the numbers, protecting your eyes from the abomination that is the mileage. Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay On Dystopia Dystopian Setting The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look. The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content... As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling, blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Relational Design This section provided thorough details about how the researchers conducted their study. Descriptive correlational design was used. Researchers of this study used the most suitable design for this quantitative non–experimental study based on its purpose, which is to assess prevalence and risk factors of LBP among OR health care staff. To enhance their interpretation of findings, univariate analysis was performed for each of general lower back pain (LBP) risk factor initially, then, a multivariate model was built for each risky OR activity. The chosen method of statistical analysis of this study is excellent as it will not only find if the risk factors and risky activities relate to LBP, it will also find to which degree each of the risky activities relate to it. As the authors aim to specify the findings related to OR staff, it is suitable to apply multivariate model only on the risky activities of OR staff. External validity was considered as researchers controlled environment and time by including only participants from OR department in their working days. Based on literature reviewed for this research , working in OR is considered a confounding variable. Researchers sought homogeneity in choosing only OR staff to participate in the study. Therefore, more content... Sample was described with sufficient details. Sample size was adequately estimated using the Epi Infoв„ў version seven software to enhance sampling validity. Purposive sampling was used by the researchers as they only included OR staff in OR department. The sample was representative of the target population. To track and calculate the participants' response rate, questionnaires were numbered before distribution. To avoid duplication, participants were asked to write their initials. The questionnaire was delivered to surgeons' departments and clinics if they were not in OR in addition to obtaining permission from the head of OR Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay On Motorcycles My love of motorcycles began as a teenager when I received a dirt bike for my fourteenth birthday. It was a glorious day and I was so excited to finally have my own motorcycle. My neighbor and best friend Glen already had a nice motocross bike, so we began riding together. When I started riding it was difficult to get used to shifting gears and braking in a smooth manner. After a day of trying, I lay in my bed that night thinking about it. I went through the motions of shifting gears and braking with my hands and feet. I practiced in my mind about doing it over and over until I mentally had it. I would try again the next day. The next day couldn't come soon enough, but finally it arrived and Glen and I headed out again to conquer the world. For some reason, my thought process night before paid off. It was like I had been riding for years. The next step was keeping control and gaining confidence; that came with more time and experience. We quickly became skilled and experienced riders. We were jumping huge hills near the lake and feeling the wind on our face. I don't know how to explain it, but there is a sense of freedom and excitement while riding motorcycles that I have never experienced with anything else. I've had many motorcycles over the years and my taste in bikes kept getting more expensive. I switched from dirt bikes to street bikes in my early twenties and bought my first used Harley–Davidson low rider with a jet black paint job. I rode this bike for years Get more content on
  • 16. Barack Obama Is A Great Role Model Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 and he is currently 56 years of age. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. His family is a mixture of African American and Caucasian, his mother is from Kansas and his father is from Kenya. At age two, his parents got divorced, so his dad went back to Africa while his mom stayed with him in Hawaii. In 1995 he published an autobiography called "Dreams from My Father": A Story of Race and Inheritance and this book is where his fame started. I believe that Barack Obama is a great role model because he is kind, resilient, he is extremely intelligent and he is an excellent public speaker. Barack Obama is very motivational through his words and actions and during his presidency he inspired America to be more content... He showed everyone he 's able to be himself, just as he is. By doing this he took a personal risk to create a memorable message. Taking personal, public risks show how much you care about your message as a leader. I think the biggest event that shaped and changed Barack Obamas life was writing his first even book, which explores the events of his early years up until his entry into law school in 1988. I think that this book significantly guided Barack towards his Presidency because it was the start of his rise to fame. This book was the first step towards him gaining popularity to rise to the top and become President. During Obamas second election to remain president he faced many challenges. Barack Obama faced American wars and a still struggling economy which he cared so deeply about. But despite these problems he proceeded to run his election and once again win. He cared deeply about America and wanted to remain president so he had the power to help the citizens. One of Barack Obamas biggest personal qualities is leadership. He has the ability to lead an entire nation towards success and he did this without failure for 8 years. He has an inspiring personality and everyone looks up to him. Barack Obama follows the religion of Christianity. He claims to have been going to the same church for the past 20 years and was sworn in with his hand on the family bible. He wants to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Get more content on
  • 17. Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful Hotel TITLE The best of romance and pampering at Cape Sienna Hotel in Kamala Beach LEAD PARAGRAPH Seated on a bluff overlooking the Indian Ocean is Cape Sienna Hotel in Kamala Beach – a sleepy resort town on Thailand's Phuket Island. The hotel is not only rated by TripAdvisor as one of the most romantic hotels in Thailand, but also in the world. From the moment you step foot into Cape Sienna's lobby, which is up an elevator from the ground level allowing guests to glimpse pristine views of the Indian Ocean, you realize that the hotel easily lives up to those high praises. PARAGRAPHS More like a spa than a hotel As we sipped our rose tea, our minds quickly changed from chaotic travel mode to spa mode. The view, with the soothing sounds from the water feature in the lobby, helps with that. Our daydreaming was interrupted by one of the smiling staff members. She apologized profusely as she drew us back to reality. Our room was ready and she wanted to acclimate us to the resort grounds. We sat on one of the couches, still keeping an eye out the window, while she asked my wife to pick the scent she would like for the room's toiletries, making Cape Sienna seem more like a spa than a hotel. The path to the hotel rooms is quite steep and windy as it cuts through the hillside jungle. The view from all 98 rooms makes the journey worth it though as more content... Remember, this is a resort though so a massage is nowhere near as cheap as you can find off premise. You're paying more for atmosphere. For example, a 90 minute Thai massage runs 2,650 THB (73 USD) versus 500 THB (14 USD) in town. I wouldn't describe the Thai massage at Cape Sienna as traditional either. It's more of a hybrid between a Thai and a Swedish massage. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it's a nice gateway into a Thai massage for someone who has never had their body contorted like that Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive and Predictive Analysis Essay Descriptive Analytics is about describing the historical performance. By applying these techniques to the level of performance, information can be very specific to product, customer, channel, supplier and other key operational areas of focus. This will help validate data to be organized and be used in a repeatable process, in order to have confidence in the information and to make it actionable. This will help companies to evolve from "standard cost to serve" approach to "total cost to serve" approach thus identifying immediate cost and revenue opportunities and take confidant action to utilize them. Prescriptive Analysis is about identification of optimum business outcomes by combining historical data, mathematical models, variables, more content... Additional advantage of Big Data in future will be derived from blending the intelligence of the people who have deep understanding of operations, with the power of increased machine driven operational insights. Big data used well with the analytics techniques will provide the digital SCM with great answers and also provide valuable help in doing faster and better business in future's data driven world. Tighter integration, management and analysis of these databases using big data can be helpful to improve efficiencies of inventory management, sales and distribution process and continuous monitoring of devices. Predictive maintenance of equipment is another benefit which will be given by modern supply chains using the Big Data & Analytics. The Internet of Things: The Internet of Things (IoT, for short) is a phenomenon used to explain the scenario when everyday multiple objects are connected to the internet and participating together on a system, continuously sharing the information. It also means the convergence of conventional connected devices and smart appliances. Kevin Ashton coined the phrase "Internet of Things" while working for Procter & Gamble in 1999. IoT is converting the physical world into a type of information system with sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects and linked through wired and wireless networks via Internet Protocol. As per a Gartner Report, the "Internet of Things" is forecast to reach 26 billion Get more content on
  • 19. Airplane Descriptive Essay My Obsession I remember back to when I was a child, in which I would constantly dream of flight and its characteristics of freedom and serenity. Throughout my younger years I collected miniature model airplanes of metal and plastic, longing to be the pilot of the real machine; this obsession continued until the day my grandfather introduced me to radio controlled flight. My grandfather and I visited his model airplane flying field where he effortlessly controlled a piece of machinery which my glowing 11 year old eyes watched in pure awe. The soothing whir of the propeller left me with a calm sensation and a peace that settled throughout my motionless body. Ever since then, I have endlessly been pursuing and achieving this more content... The plane gracefully dances in the air, responding to every single slight movement made by my cautious fingers. I perform simple aerobatics gracefully, including loops, rolls, and inverted flight. To this point in time, I continue to experience the same adrenaline rush that was felt the moment I was handed the controller. When flying, I feel so free; I am the miniature pilot figure in the cockpit, spinning and turning with the aircraft every which way I control it to. Suddenly, my sweet escape into the blue vastness of the sky is interrupted by my transmitter, emitting a sharp beep, giving me the signal to land. I could not believe that ten minutes had already passed. It felt as though I had taken off no less than a minute beforehand. Cutting the throttle down to about half, I remember the same critical concept of taking–off into the wind applies for landing as well. The plane turns lazily as I bring it closer to me and drop the throttle setting down to its lowest setting. I hear the familiar purr of the engine at idle as it slows down to a crawl and approaches the runway at a near walking pace. The stable airframe slips closer and closer to the unfamiliar ground until it finally, reluctantly, touches down in the padded grass. I swiftly taxi the plane back to the car, and turn off the still Get more content on
  • 20. Descriptive Essay Descriptive Essay It was a seemingly beautiful day as I drove on a joy ride in my bright blue sports car, with the wind in my hair. This is an everyday activity for me. My friends would mock me saying, "You spend more money on gas than you make working." I laughed to myself at the thought of jokes amongst my friends. That happiness was soon halted. As I continued driving, I saw a car coming rapidly around the curve. The car did not show any signs of slowing down as it headed towards the intersection. The light turned yellow and then quickly red. Another object caught my eye that made me fear what was going to happen next. A young couple started crossing the street wearing fancy attire. The first thought that came to mind was, 'they more content... One of the police officers came up to me introduced himself, asked me my name and started, "Have you ever seen this driver before? On the road or around town?" I quickly responded, "No, I have not officer." He continued, "I learned from the call back to the station that the driver, David Chrisenger, is considered the town drunk and does not currently have a valid license due to drinking and driving". He asked me some questions and asked me to fill out an incident report. Still shaken up by the whole incident I gladly accepted. The officer ended our conversation. "Thank you so much for your time, Kevin. We really appreciate it." The only thought running through my head on my way home was how much I had not appreciated my wife and children. To witness something of that nature makes one conscientious about what you have and how quickly it could vanish. I vowed after that day to speak out against drinking and driving and the terrible outcomes that can transpire from something that some do not view as a "big deal". It is apparent that better ways have to be found for getting drunk drivers off the road. I encourage anyone to be responsible for their lives and others by agreeing to never drink and drive again, and to also aid your family and friends in doing so. Have a designated driver each night or call a cab. Everyone is capable of saving a Get more content on