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Mixed-initiative Recommender Systems
Katrien Verbert
Augment/HCI - KU Leuven
Human-Computer Interaction group
PhD. researcher Oct. 2003 – Feb. 2008
Post-doc Feb. 2008 – Dec. 2012
Assistant Professor Jan. 2013 – Sept 2014
Assistant Professor Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2018
learning analytics – recommender systems – visualisation
Associate Professor Oct. 2018 – …
Augment/HCI team
Robin De Croon
Postdoc researcher
Katrien Verbert
Associate Professor
Francisco Gutiérrez
PhD researcher
Tom Broos
PhD researcher
Martijn Millecamp
PhD researcher
Sven Charleer
Postdoc researcher
Nyi Nyi Htun
Postdoc researcher
Houda Lamqaddam
PhD researcher
Yucheng Jin
PhD researcher
Oscar Alvarado
PhD researcher
Diego Rojo Carcia
PhD researcher
Peter Brusliovsky Nava Tintarev Cristina ConatiDenis Parra
Verbert, Katrien; Manouselis, Nikos; Ochoa, Xavier;Wolpers, Martin; Drachsler, Hendrik; Bosnic, Ivana; Duval, Erik. Context-
aware recommender systems for learning: a survey and future challenges, IEEE Trans. on Learning Technologies, 18 p. (2012)
Combining recommendation and visualization
Core objectives:
• make recommendations understandable for users
• enable users to steer the recommendation process
Flexible interaction with RecSys
Research visit
¤ Host: Carnegie Mellon
University & University of
¤ Collaboration: John Stamper,
Peter Brusilovsky, Denis Parra
¤ Period: April 2012 – June 2012
(3 months)
Second post-doctoral
fellowship FWO
¤ host university: KU Leuven,
¤ supervisor: Erik Duval
¤ period: Oct 2012 – Sept 2015
Overview research topics
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
Learning Analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
¤ multiple relevance prospects in
personalized social tagging
¤ community relevance prospects
¤ social relevance prospect
¤ content relevance prospect
¤ existing personalized social
¤ do not allow to explore and combine
multiple relevance prospects
¤ only one prospect can be explored at a
given time
Also recommendations è personalized relevance
Shortcomings recommender systems
¤ cold-start issues
¤ difficult to explain the rationale behind recommendations
¤ user control often limited
He, C., Parra, D., & Verbert, K. (2016). Interactive recommender systems: A survey of the
state of the art and future research challenges and opportunities. Expert Systems with
Applications, 56, 9-27.
John O'Donovan, Barry Smyth, Brynjar Gretarsson, Svetlin Bostandjiev, and Tobias Höllerer. 2008. PeerChooser: visual
interactive recommendation. CHI '08
Related work: PeerChooser
Gretarsson, B., O'Donovan, J., Bostandjiev, S.,
Hall, C. and Höllerer, T. SmallWorlds: Visualizing
Social Recommendations. Comput. Graph. Forum,
29, 3 (2010), 833-842.
Related work: TasteWeights
¤ new approach to support exploration, transparency
and controllability
¤ recommender systems are shown as agents
¤ in parallel to real users and tags
¤ users can interrelate entities to find items
¤ evaluation study that assesses
¤ effectiveness
¤ probability of item selection
Verbert, K., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P., & Duval, E. (2013). Visualizing recommendations
to support exploration, transparency and controllability. In Proceedings of the IUI
2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (pp. 351-362). ACM.
Conference Navigator
The studies were conducted using Conference Navigator 3
TalkExplorer - I
Tags, Recommender
Agents, Users
TalkExplorer - II
Our Assumptions
¤ Items which are relevant in more that one
aspect could be more valuable to the users
¤ Displaying multiple aspects of relevance visually
is important for the users in the process of item’s
User study 1
¤ Setup
¤ supervised user study
¤ 21 participants at UMAP 2012 and ACM Hypertext 2012
¤ Procedure
¤ Tasks
¤ interact with users and their bookmarks
¤ interact with agents
¤ interact with tags
¤ Post-questionnaire
¤ Data collection
¤ recordings of voice and screen using camtasia studio
¤ system logs
¤ Measurements
¤ effectiveness: # bookmarked items / #explorations
¤ yield: : # bookmarked items / sum of items in selection
Summary results
Sign. effect. Sign.
multiple versus one entity 0.003 <0.001
user versus (user + entity) 0.593 <0.001
agent versus (agent + entity) 0.341 <0.001
User study 2
¤ Setup
¤ Unsupervised user study
¤ Conducted at LAK 2012 and ECTEL 2013 (18 users)
¤ Subjects familiar with visualizations, but not much with
¤ Procedure
¤ Users were left free to explore the interface.
¤ Interactions were logged
¤ Post-questionnaire
Verbert, K., Parra, D., & Brusilovsky, P. (2016). Agents vs. users: Visual recommendation of research
talks with multiple dimension of relevance. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
(TIIS), 6(2), 11.
Summary results
Sign. effect.
multiple versus one entity <0.001
user versus (user + entity) 0.3682
agent versus (agent + entity) 0.4426
Results of Studies 1 & 2
¤ Effectiveness increases with
intersections of more
¤ Effectiveness wasn’t
affected in the field study
(study 2)
¤ … but exploration
distribution was affected
Average effectiveness
Total number of explorations
Drawback: visualizing intersections
Venn diagram: more natural way to visualize intersections
Clustermap Venn diagram
Verbert, K., Parra, D., Brusilovksy, P. (2014). The effect of different set-based visualizations on
user exploration of recommendations. In : IntRS@RecSys, 2014 (pp. 37-44).
IntersectionExplorer (IEx)
Cardoso, B., Sedrakyan, G., Gutiérrez, F., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P., & Verbert, K. (2018). IntersectionExplorer, a
multi-perspective approach for exploring recommendations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
IntersectionExplorer (IEx)
Research questions
¤ RQ1: Under which condition may a scalable visualisation
increase user acceptance of recommended items?
¤ RQ2: Does a scalable set visualisation increase perceived
effectiveness of recommendations.
¤ RQ3: Does a scalable set visualisation increase user trust
in recommendations?
¤ RQ4: Does a scalable set visualisation improve user
satisfaction with a recommender system?
Study 1
¤ Within-subjects study with 20 users
¤ Mean age: 32.9 years; SD: 6.32; female: 3
¤ Baseline: exploration of recommendations in CN3
¤ Second condition: exploration of recommendations in IE
¤ Data from two conferences:
¤ EC-TEL 2014 (172 items)
¤ EC-TEL 2015 (112 items)
Subjective feedback
Questionnaire results with statistical significance. Differences between
the aspects “Fun” and “Choice satisfaction” were not significant after
the Bonferroni-Holm correction.
Study 2: Digital Humanities
¤ 39 users, less technically oriented
¤ Mean age: 38 years; SD: 10; female: 11
¤ Data from DH conference: +1000 participants
Study 3: IUI 2017
¤ 42 users, technically oriented
¤ Mean age: 32.4 years; SD: 10; female: 17
¤ Data from IUI conference: 111 accepted papers
TalkExplorer vs IntersectionExplorer
Study 1 vs Study 2 vs Study 3
¤ Overall ”augmented agents” were used in all three
¤ Participants of study 2 (Digital Humanities)
¤ more interested in content perspective
¤ Rated several dimensions lower (use intention, fun,
information sufficiency, control)
Overview research topics
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
Learning analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
Research questions
¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of
¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and
Study procedure
¤ Tutorial of study
¤ Pre-study questionnaire:
¤ Demographics
¤ Experience
¤ Visual Memory (VM) Capacity
¤ Musical Sophistication (MS)
¤ Task: Based on a chosen scenario for creating a play-list, explore songs
and rate all songs in the final playlist
¤ Post-study questionnaire:
¤ perceived quality
¤ perceived accuracy
¤ perceived diversity
¤ Satisfaction
¤ Effectiveness
¤ choice difficulty
Experimental platform
The Spotify API allows to generate recommendations
¤ based on up to five favourite artists.
¤ 14 musical attributes in order to describe musical
Dependent variables
¤ Perceived diversity: self-reported measure based on
¤ Recommendation acceptance: measured by
percentage of liked songs in the play-list
Personal characteristics
¤ Musical sophistication (MS):
¤ measurement of the ability to engage with music in a
flexible, effective and nuanced way (Müllensiefen et al.,
¤ Measured using the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index
¤ Visual memory (VM):
¤ the ability to recall visual patterns (Tintarev and Mastoff,
¤ Measured by Corsi block-tapping test
User-centered factors
¤ Exp.1 and Exp.3 used framework of Knijnenburg et al. 2012
¤ Perceived quality: participants' perceived quality of the
recommended songs.
¤ Perceived accuracy: participants' perceived accuracy of the
recommended songs according to their preference.
¤ Perceived diversity: the similarity among the recommended
¤ Satisfaction: participants' satisfaction about their chosen
¤ Choice difficulty: difficulty of choosing a recommended song.
¤ Effectiveness: usefulness of recommendations generated from
¤ Exp. 2 used the ResQue framework
¤ H1: The UI setting (user control, visualization, or both) has a significant
effect on recommendation acceptance.
¤ H2: The UI setting (user control, visualization, or both) has a significant
effect on perceived diversity.
¤ H3: Visual memory (VM) has a significant effect on recommendation
¤ H4: Visual memory (VM) has a significant effect on perceived diversity.
¤ H5: Musical sophistication (MS) has a significant effect on
recommendation acceptance.
¤ H6: Musical sophistication (MS) has a significant effect on perceived
Experiment 1: Effects of User control
Jin, Y., Tintarev, N., & Verbert, K. (2018, September). Effects of personal characteristics
on music recommender systems with different levels of controllability. In Proceedings
of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 13-21). ACM.
User profile (PRO) Algorithm parameters (PAR) Recommendations (REC)
Evaluation method
¤ Between-subjects
¤ Independent variable: settings of user control
¤ 2x2x2 factorial design
¤ Dependent variables:
¤ Acceptance (ratings)
¤ Cognitive load (NASA-TLX), MS, VM
¤ Framework Knijnenburg et al.
CFA - validity
Choice difficulty
The fit of our SEM
X(2, 98) = 257.410
p <.001
RMSEA= 0.083
CFI = 0.980
TLI = 0.968
CFA - validity
Choice difficulty
Diversity (low AVE
Trust (low AVE
The fit of our SEM
X(2, 98) = 257.410
p <.001
RMSEA= 0.083
CFI = 0.980
TLI = 0.968
¤ Main effects: from REC to PRO to PAR → higher cognitive load
¤ Two-way interaction: does not necessarily result in higher
cognitive load. Adding an additional control component to
PAR increases the acceptance. PRO*PAR has less cognitive
load than PRO and PAR
¤ Three-way interaction: it increases acceptance, and does not
lead to higher cognitive load. Increase interaction times and
¤ High MS leads to higher quality, and thereby result in higher
Experiment 2: effects of visualizations
Yucheng Jin, Nava Tintarev, and Katrien Verbert. 2018. Effects of Individual Traits on
Diversity-Aware Music Recommender User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 26th
Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '18). ACM,
New York, NY, USA, 291-299. DOI:
UI Design
UI Design - Baseline
Research Questions
¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of
¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and
Study design
¤ Within-subjects
¤ Independent variable:
¤ Type of bubble charts
¤ Dependent variables:
¤ Perceived diversity
¤ Overall usability
¤ Support to identify blind-spots
¤ VM: Corsi block-tapping test
¤ MS: Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index
¤ Support to identify blind spots: #explored genres / #available
¤ Perceived diversity: ResQue (item-item diversity, categorial
diversity, novelty, and serendipity)
¤ Usability: ResQue (usefulness, user’s attitude, behavioral intention)
H1: The UI setting (visualization) has a significant effect on
recommendation acceptance (Cannot accept)
Perceived diversity
H2: The UI setting (visualization) has a significant effect on
perceived diversity (Cannot accept)
Mann-Whitney test (U = 2614.00, p = .08)
Personal characteristics
ComBub supports the participants with high VM to gain higher
perceived diversity than SimBub. (H4)
ComBub supports the participants with high MS to gain higher
perceived diversity than SimBub. (H6)
¤ In general, visualizing the audio features of music has a limited
impact on perceived diversity
¤ Positive correlation between personal characteristics (MS, VM)
and the perceived diversity in ComBub
Experiment 3: Effects of Combining
User Control and Visualizations
User interface
¤ Full Control + ComBub ¤ Full Control + SimBub
Control + ComBub
Control + SimBub
Research Questions
¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of
¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance?
¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and
H1: The UI setting has a significant effect on recommendation
acceptance (Cannot accept)
Perceived diversity
Full Control vs Control+ComBub (M=5.43, SD=1.07, p = .005)
Full Control vs Control+SimBub (M=5.22, SD=1.20, p = .035)
Personal characteristics
Correlation results on acceptance and perceived diversity (* denotes
statistical significance at the 0.05 level, i.e., p value< 0.05)
¤ Adding visualization to Full Control seems to increase diversity
¤ Control + SimBub
¤ Positive correlation between MS and two dependent variables
(acceptance, perceived diversity)
¤ Control + ComBub
¤ Positive correlation between personal characteristics (MS, VM) and
the perceived diversity in ComBub
¤ MS also has a positive effect on acceptance
¤ => users with high MS are good at tuning the recommender to
find high quality recommendations
Overview research topics
2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
Learning Analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
Additional personal characteristics
¤ Need for cognition, visual literacy, …
¤ In collaboration with Cristina Conati
Recommender systems for health
Augmented reality
Gutiérrez, Francisco, Htun, Nyi Nyi, Charleer, Sven, De Croon, Robin, Verbert,
Katrien (2019) Designing Augmented Reality Applications for Personal
Health Decision-Making. Proceedings of HICSS-52.
Tangible Algorithms
¤ Study with Netflix users
¤ Semiotic inspection
¤ Design workshop
¤ Interviews
¤ Abstract representations
¤ Archetype
Alvarado, O., Geerts, D. and Verbert, K. Towards Tangible Algorithms: Exploring
Algorithmic Experience with Users’ Profiling Representations. Submitted to CHI 2019.
Job explorer
Thank you!

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Mixed-initiative recommender systems: towards a next generation of recommender systems through user involvement

  • 1. Mixed-initiative Recommender Systems Katrien Verbert Augment/HCI - KU Leuven @katrien_v
  • 2.
  • 3. Human-Computer Interaction group PhD. researcher Oct. 2003 – Feb. 2008 Post-doc Feb. 2008 – Dec. 2012 Assistant Professor Jan. 2013 – Sept 2014 Assistant Professor Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2018 learning analytics – recommender systems – visualisation Associate Professor Oct. 2018 – …
  • 4. Augment/HCI team Robin De Croon Postdoc researcher Katrien Verbert Associate Professor Francisco Gutiérrez PhD researcher Tom Broos PhD researcher Martijn Millecamp PhD researcher Sven Charleer Postdoc researcher Nyi Nyi Htun Postdoc researcher Houda Lamqaddam PhD researcher Yucheng Jin PhD researcher Oscar Alvarado PhD researcher Diego Rojo Carcia PhD researcher
  • 5. Peter Brusliovsky Nava Tintarev Cristina ConatiDenis Parra Collaborations
  • 6.
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Verbert, Katrien; Manouselis, Nikos; Ochoa, Xavier;Wolpers, Martin; Drachsler, Hendrik; Bosnic, Ivana; Duval, Erik. Context- aware recommender systems for learning: a survey and future challenges, IEEE Trans. on Learning Technologies, 18 p. (2012) 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Combining recommendation and visualization Core objectives: • make recommendations understandable for users • enable users to steer the recommendation process
  • 11. Flexible interaction with RecSys Research visit ¤ Host: Carnegie Mellon University & University of Pittsburg ¤ Collaboration: John Stamper, Peter Brusilovsky, Denis Parra ¤ Period: April 2012 – June 2012 (3 months) Second post-doctoral fellowship FWO ¤ host university: KU Leuven, Belgium ¤ supervisor: Erik Duval ¤ period: Oct 2012 – Sept 2015 11
  • 12. Overview research topics 12 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 Learning Analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
  • 13. Motivation 1 3 ¤ multiple relevance prospects in personalized social tagging systems ¤ community relevance prospects ¤ social relevance prospect ¤ content relevance prospect ¤ existing personalized social systems ¤ do not allow to explore and combine multiple relevance prospects ¤ only one prospect can be explored at a given time
  • 14. Also recommendations è personalized relevance prospect 14
  • 15. Shortcomings recommender systems 15 ¤ cold-start issues ¤ difficult to explain the rationale behind recommendations ¤ user control often limited
  • 16. 16 He, C., Parra, D., & Verbert, K. (2016). Interactive recommender systems: A survey of the state of the art and future research challenges and opportunities. Expert Systems with Applications, 56, 9-27.
  • 17. John O'Donovan, Barry Smyth, Brynjar Gretarsson, Svetlin Bostandjiev, and Tobias Höllerer. 2008. PeerChooser: visual interactive recommendation. CHI '08 Related work: PeerChooser
  • 18. Smallworlds 18 Gretarsson, B., O'Donovan, J., Bostandjiev, S., Hall, C. and Höllerer, T. SmallWorlds: Visualizing Social Recommendations. Comput. Graph. Forum, 29, 3 (2010), 833-842.
  • 20. Contributions ¤ new approach to support exploration, transparency and controllability ¤ recommender systems are shown as agents ¤ in parallel to real users and tags ¤ users can interrelate entities to find items ¤ evaluation study that assesses ¤ effectiveness ¤ probability of item selection 20 Verbert, K., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P., & Duval, E. (2013). Visualizing recommendations to support exploration, transparency and controllability. In Proceedings of the IUI 2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (pp. 351-362). ACM.
  • 21. Conference Navigator The studies were conducted using Conference Navigator 3
  • 22. TalkExplorer - I Entities Tags, Recommender Agents, Users 22
  • 24. Our Assumptions ¤ Items which are relevant in more that one aspect could be more valuable to the users ¤ Displaying multiple aspects of relevance visually is important for the users in the process of item’s exploration 24
  • 25. User study 1 ¤ Setup ¤ supervised user study ¤ 21 participants at UMAP 2012 and ACM Hypertext 2012 conferences ¤ Procedure ¤ Tasks ¤ interact with users and their bookmarks ¤ interact with agents ¤ interact with tags ¤ Post-questionnaire 25
  • 26. Evaluation ¤ Data collection ¤ recordings of voice and screen using camtasia studio ¤ system logs ¤ Measurements ¤ effectiveness: # bookmarked items / #explorations ¤ yield: : # bookmarked items / sum of items in selection set 26
  • 27. Summary results Sign. effect. Sign. yield multiple versus one entity 0.003 <0.001 user versus (user + entity) 0.593 <0.001 agent versus (agent + entity) 0.341 <0.001
  • 28. User study 2 ¤ Setup ¤ Unsupervised user study ¤ Conducted at LAK 2012 and ECTEL 2013 (18 users) ¤ Subjects familiar with visualizations, but not much with RecSys ¤ Procedure ¤ Users were left free to explore the interface. ¤ Interactions were logged ¤ Post-questionnaire 28 Verbert, K., Parra, D., & Brusilovsky, P. (2016). Agents vs. users: Visual recommendation of research talks with multiple dimension of relevance. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS), 6(2), 11.
  • 29. Summary results 29 Sign. effect. multiple versus one entity <0.001 user versus (user + entity) 0.3682 agent versus (agent + entity) 0.4426
  • 30. Results of Studies 1 & 2 ¤ Effectiveness increases with intersections of more entities ¤ Effectiveness wasn’t affected in the field study (study 2) ¤ … but exploration distribution was affected 30 Average effectiveness Total number of explorations
  • 31. Drawback: visualizing intersections Venn diagram: more natural way to visualize intersections 31 Clustermap Venn diagram Verbert, K., Parra, D., Brusilovksy, P. (2014). The effect of different set-based visualizations on user exploration of recommendations. In : IntRS@RecSys, 2014 (pp. 37-44).
  • 32. IntersectionExplorer (IEx) 32 Cardoso, B., Sedrakyan, G., Gutiérrez, F., Parra, D., Brusilovsky, P., & Verbert, K. (2018). IntersectionExplorer, a multi-perspective approach for exploring recommendations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
  • 34. Research questions ¤ RQ1: Under which condition may a scalable visualisation increase user acceptance of recommended items? ¤ RQ2: Does a scalable set visualisation increase perceived effectiveness of recommendations. ¤ RQ3: Does a scalable set visualisation increase user trust in recommendations? ¤ RQ4: Does a scalable set visualisation improve user satisfaction with a recommender system? 34
  • 35. Study 1 ¤ Within-subjects study with 20 users ¤ Mean age: 32.9 years; SD: 6.32; female: 3 ¤ Baseline: exploration of recommendations in CN3 ¤ Second condition: exploration of recommendations in IE ¤ Data from two conferences: ¤ EC-TEL 2014 (172 items) ¤ EC-TEL 2015 (112 items) 35
  • 37. Subjective feedback Questionnaire results with statistical significance. Differences between the aspects “Fun” and “Choice satisfaction” were not significant after the Bonferroni-Holm correction. 37
  • 38. Study 2: Digital Humanities 38 ¤ 39 users, less technically oriented ¤ Mean age: 38 years; SD: 10; female: 11 ¤ Data from DH conference: +1000 participants
  • 40. Study 3: IUI 2017 40 ¤ 42 users, technically oriented ¤ Mean age: 32.4 years; SD: 10; female: 17 ¤ Data from IUI conference: 111 accepted papers
  • 43. Study 1 vs Study 2 vs Study 3 ¤ Overall ”augmented agents” were used in all three studies ¤ Participants of study 2 (Digital Humanities) ¤ more interested in content perspective ¤ Rated several dimensions lower (use intention, fun, information sufficiency, control) 43
  • 44. Overview research topics 44 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 Learning analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
  • 45. Research questions ¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of ¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance? 45
  • 46. 46
  • 47. Study procedure ¤ Tutorial of study ¤ Pre-study questionnaire: ¤ Demographics ¤ Experience ¤ Visual Memory (VM) Capacity ¤ Musical Sophistication (MS) ¤ Task: Based on a chosen scenario for creating a play-list, explore songs and rate all songs in the final playlist ¤ Post-study questionnaire: ¤ perceived quality ¤ perceived accuracy ¤ perceived diversity ¤ Satisfaction ¤ Effectiveness ¤ choice difficulty
  • 48. Experimental platform The Spotify API allows to generate recommendations ¤ based on up to five favourite artists. ¤ 14 musical attributes in order to describe musical preference 48
  • 49. Dependent variables ¤ Perceived diversity: self-reported measure based on questionnaire ¤ Recommendation acceptance: measured by percentage of liked songs in the play-list 49
  • 50. Personal characteristics ¤ Musical sophistication (MS): ¤ measurement of the ability to engage with music in a flexible, effective and nuanced way (Müllensiefen et al., 2014) ¤ Measured using the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index (Gold-MSI) ¤ Visual memory (VM): ¤ the ability to recall visual patterns (Tintarev and Mastoff, 2016) ¤ Measured by Corsi block-tapping test 50
  • 51. User-centered factors ¤ Exp.1 and Exp.3 used framework of Knijnenburg et al. 2012 ¤ Perceived quality: participants' perceived quality of the recommended songs. ¤ Perceived accuracy: participants' perceived accuracy of the recommended songs according to their preference. ¤ Perceived diversity: the similarity among the recommended songs. ¤ Satisfaction: participants' satisfaction about their chosen recommendations. ¤ Choice difficulty: difficulty of choosing a recommended song. ¤ Effectiveness: usefulness of recommendations generated from systems. ¤ Exp. 2 used the ResQue framework 51
  • 52. Hypotheses ¤ H1: The UI setting (user control, visualization, or both) has a significant effect on recommendation acceptance. ¤ H2: The UI setting (user control, visualization, or both) has a significant effect on perceived diversity. ¤ H3: Visual memory (VM) has a significant effect on recommendation acceptance. ¤ H4: Visual memory (VM) has a significant effect on perceived diversity. ¤ H5: Musical sophistication (MS) has a significant effect on recommendation acceptance. ¤ H6: Musical sophistication (MS) has a significant effect on perceived diversity. 52
  • 54. Experiment 1: Effects of User control Jin, Y., Tintarev, N., & Verbert, K. (2018, September). Effects of personal characteristics on music recommender systems with different levels of controllability. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 13-21). ACM.
  • 55. User profile (PRO) Algorithm parameters (PAR) Recommendations (REC)
  • 56. Evaluation method ¤ Between-subjects ¤ Independent variable: settings of user control ¤ 2x2x2 factorial design ¤ Dependent variables: ¤ Acceptance (ratings) ¤ Cognitive load (NASA-TLX), MS, VM ¤ Framework Knijnenburg et al.
  • 57. CFA - validity questions Quality Accuracy Effectiveness Choice difficulty Diversity Trust Satisfaction The fit of our SEM model X(2, 98) = 257.410 p <.001 RMSEA= 0.083 CFI = 0.980 TLI = 0.968
  • 58. CFA - validity questions Quality Accuracy Effectiveness Choice difficulty Diversity (low AVE value) Trust (low AVE value) Satisfaction (modification index) The fit of our SEM model X(2, 98) = 257.410 p <.001 RMSEA= 0.083 CFI = 0.980 TLI = 0.968
  • 59. Conclusion ¤ Main effects: from REC to PRO to PAR → higher cognitive load ¤ Two-way interaction: does not necessarily result in higher cognitive load. Adding an additional control component to PAR increases the acceptance. PRO*PAR has less cognitive load than PRO and PAR ¤ Three-way interaction: it increases acceptance, and does not lead to higher cognitive load. Increase interaction times and accuracy ¤ High MS leads to higher quality, and thereby result in higher acceptance 59
  • 60. Experiment 2: effects of visualizations Yucheng Jin, Nava Tintarev, and Katrien Verbert. 2018. Effects of Individual Traits on Diversity-Aware Music Recommender User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 291-299. DOI:
  • 62. UI Design - Baseline SimBub 62
  • 63. Research Questions 63 ¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of ¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance?
  • 64. Study design ¤ Within-subjects ¤ Independent variable: ¤ Type of bubble charts ¤ Dependent variables: ¤ Perceived diversity ¤ Overall usability ¤ Support to identify blind-spots 64
  • 65. Measurements ¤ VM: Corsi block-tapping test ¤ MS: Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index ¤ Support to identify blind spots: #explored genres / #available genres ¤ Perceived diversity: ResQue (item-item diversity, categorial diversity, novelty, and serendipity) ¤ Usability: ResQue (usefulness, user’s attitude, behavioral intention) 65
  • 66. Acceptance 66 H1: The UI setting (visualization) has a significant effect on recommendation acceptance (Cannot accept)
  • 67. Perceived diversity 67 H2: The UI setting (visualization) has a significant effect on perceived diversity (Cannot accept) Mann-Whitney test (U = 2614.00, p = .08)
  • 68. Personal characteristics 68 ComBub supports the participants with high VM to gain higher perceived diversity than SimBub. (H4) ComBub supports the participants with high MS to gain higher perceived diversity than SimBub. (H6)
  • 69. Discussion ¤ In general, visualizing the audio features of music has a limited impact on perceived diversity ¤ Positive correlation between personal characteristics (MS, VM) and the perceived diversity in ComBub 69
  • 70. Experiment 3: Effects of Combining User Control and Visualizations 70
  • 71. User interface ¤ Full Control + ComBub ¤ Full Control + SimBub 71
  • 74. Research Questions 74 ¤ How do personal characteristics influence the impact of ¤ RQ1: user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ2: visualizations in terms of diversity and acceptance? ¤ RQ3: visualizations + user controls in terms of diversity and acceptance?
  • 75. Acceptance 75 H1: The UI setting has a significant effect on recommendation acceptance (Cannot accept)
  • 76. Perceived diversity 76 Full Control vs Control+ComBub (M=5.43, SD=1.07, p = .005) Full Control vs Control+SimBub (M=5.22, SD=1.20, p = .035)
  • 77. Personal characteristics 77 Correlation results on acceptance and perceived diversity (* denotes statistical significance at the 0.05 level, i.e., p value< 0.05)
  • 78. Discussion ¤ Adding visualization to Full Control seems to increase diversity significantly. ¤ Control + SimBub ¤ Positive correlation between MS and two dependent variables (acceptance, perceived diversity) ¤ Control + ComBub ¤ Positive correlation between personal characteristics (MS, VM) and the perceived diversity in ComBub ¤ MS also has a positive effect on acceptance ¤ => users with high MS are good at tuning the recommender to find high quality recommendations 78
  • 79. Overview research topics 79 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 Learning Analytics - Media Consumption – Research Information Systems - Healthcare
  • 80. Additional personal characteristics ¤ Need for cognition, visual literacy, … ¤ In collaboration with Cristina Conati 80
  • 82. Augmented reality 82 Gutiérrez, Francisco, Htun, Nyi Nyi, Charleer, Sven, De Croon, Robin, Verbert, Katrien (2019) Designing Augmented Reality Applications for Personal Health Decision-Making. Proceedings of HICSS-52.
  • 83. Tangible Algorithms ¤ Study with Netflix users ¤ Semiotic inspection ¤ Design workshop ¤ Interviews ¤ Abstract representations ¤ Archetype representations 83 Alvarado, O., Geerts, D. and Verbert, K. Towards Tangible Algorithms: Exploring Algorithmic Experience with Users’ Profiling Representations. Submitted to CHI 2019.