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Miftahul ilmiah,dr/ Dra. Soehartini, MS, Apt

       Kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL merupakan
        prediktor kuat untuk penyakit jantung koroner
       Kolesterol LDL sebagai faktor kunci dalam
        patogenesis atherosclerosis dan penyakit
        jantung koroner
       Kolesterol HDL merupakan antiatherogenesis
        dan mencegah penyakit jantung koroner
Kolesterol HDL

       Densitas 1,063 – 1,21
       Kandungan protein tinggi (Apo A,C,E, tu A1)
       Fungsi: mengambil kolesterol dari jaringan
        perifer ke hati, lalu didegradasi atau diekskresi
        empedu (removal / reverse transport dari
       Dari degradasi VLDL & kilomikron. Inti HDL =
        kolesterol ester yang diambil di jaringan perifer
        dengan bantuan enzim LCAT.
Kolesterol LDL

     d = 1,006 – 1.063
     Kaya akan kolesterol

      Dibentuk di plasma, berasal dari degradasi
     Fungsi: mengangkut kolesterol ke jaringan

     Apoprotein: B100, B48

    Persiapan pasien :
     Tidak ada perubahan pola makan selama 2

      minggu sebelum pemeriksaan
     Tidak ada pertambahan atau penurunan berat

     Tidak melakuan aktivitas berat 24 jam
      sebelum pemeriksaan
     Sebaiknya puasa 12 jam sebelum
      pengambilan sampel

    Teknik pengambilan sampel:
     Posisi standar         duduk 5 menit sebelum
      pengambilan sampel.
     Tourniket tidak digunakan > 2 menit.

     Plasma atau serum dapat digunakan.

     Antikoagulan EDTA merupakan pilihan utama jika
      menggunakan plasma
     Sampel dapat disimpan pada suhu 4⁰C selama 3-4
      hari sebelum dianalisis.
     Suhu -20⁰C bertahan beberapa bulan.

     Suhu -70 ⁰C bertahan sampai beberapa tahun.
Metode pemeriksaan HDL

     Plasma atau serum disesuaikan pada densitas

      1,063 g/ml dengan KBr (415 mg/5 mL) dan
      disentrifus pada 105 000 g selama 24 jam

       Semua     lipoprotein dipisahkan    menurut
        densitasnya, HDL pada 1,063-1,21 g/mL
Metode pemeriksaan HDL

               Plasma/serum + larutan KBr (415mg/5 mL)

                  Sesuaikan densitas pada 1,063 g/mL
                  Sentrifus sampel pada 105.000 g
                  selama 24 jam pada suhu 16⁰ C

                 Buang supernatant ( VLDL dan LDL)
                 Analisis kadar kolesterol dalam infranatan


     Kromatografi kolom
      Kolesterol HDL diisolasi dan dipisahkan

       dengan cara kromatografi penukar ion (ion-
       exchange) atau ukuran molekul (gel
      Sulit untuk menentukan kontrol kondisi

       kromatografi yang tepat
metode elektroforesis

        HDL dipisahkan dari lipoprotein lain berdasarkan
         muatan dan ukurannya
        Beberapa metode elektroforesis untuk penentuan
         HDL-C :
         - starch block electroforesis
         digunakan untuk isolasi HDL yang berjumlah besar,
         tapi tidak yang bkuantitatif
         - agarose gel electroforesis
         presisi tidak adekuat untuk penggunaan klinik
         - polyacrylamide gel electroforesis
         untuk level HDL yang dibawah perkiraan
         jarang digunakan
Prosedur: isolasi HDL dengan heparin-
     manganese chloride (metode presipitasi)

      Larutan Mangaan klorida 1 mol/L.

     Larutkan 19,791 g MnCl2.4H₂O ke dalam distilled
       water, dan bawa sampai volume 100 mL.
     Larutan ini stabil sampai 3 bulan pada 4⁰C.
      Larutan Heparin 4000 U/mL.

     Encerkan 1 mL heparin dengan 1,5 mL larutan salin
     Larutan ini stabil selama 1 minggu pada suhu 4⁰C.
Kolesterol HDL

     Pemeriksaan kuantitatif menggunakan vitros
                 chemistry product
HDL + non-HDL                 PTA/MgCl2        HDL + non HDL

     HDL       Emulgen B-66      Cholesterol + HDL cholesterol esters
                                 + proteins

     HDL kolesterol Cholesterol ester hydrolase    Cholesterol + fatty
     esters + H2O                                  acids

     Cholesterol + O2    Cholesterol oksidase Cholest-4-en-3 + H2O2

      H2O2 + leuco dye         Peroxidase      Dye + H2O2

Reagen : Bahan                                         Kadar
     • Emulgen B-66                                         0,7 mg
     • Phosphotungstic acid                                 0,3 mg
     • Magnesium chloride                                   0,2 mg
     • Cholesterol oxidase (Cellulomonas)                   0,8 U
     • Cholesterol ester hydrolase (Candida rugosa)         1,2 U
     • Peroxidase (horseradish root)                        2,2 U
     • 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis-(4-
     dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole leuco dye)              0,02 mg
     • Bahan lain: Pigment, Binders, Buffer, Surfactants,
     stabilizers, scavenger, cross-linking agent
Kolesterol HDL

           Metode Homogeneous enzymatic
              colorimetric assay (cobas)
     Reagen HEPES buffer: 10.07 mmol/L; CHES 96.95 mmol/L,
     1      pH 7.4; Dextran sulfate: 1.5 g/L;
             magnesium nitrate hexahydrate: >11.7 mmol/L;
            HSDA: 0.96 mmol/L;
            ascorbate oxidase (Eupenicillium sp., recombinant): >50
            peroxidase (horseradish): >16.7 μkat/L; preservative
     Reagen HEPES buffer: 10.07 mmol/L, pH 7.0;
     2      PEG-cholesterol esterase (Pseudonomas spec.): >3.33
             PEG-cholesterol oxidase (Streptomyces sp.,
            recombinant): >127 μkat/L;
            peroxidase (horseradish): >333 μkat/L;
19           4-amino-antipyrine: 2.46 mmol/L; Preservative
Prinsip metode

        Magnesium sulfat, dekstran sulfat membentuk
         kompleks water-soluble dengan LDL, VLDL,
         dan kilomikron yang tahan terhadap enzim
        Kadar kolesterol pada HDL kolesterol
         ditentukan secara enzimatis oleh kolesterol
         esterase dan kolesterol oksidase yang
         bergabung dengan PEG menjadi kelompok
         amino (sekitar 40%)
HDL-cholesterol     PEG-cholesterol esterase HDL-cholesterol +
     esters + H2O                                 RCOOH

      HDL-cholesterol   PEG-cholesterol oxidase ∆4-cholestenone +
      + O2                                      H2O2

     2H2O2 + 4-amino-antipyrine +   Peroxidase    Purple-blue
     HSDA + H+ + H2O                              pigment


        Faktor konversi : mmol/L x 38,66 = mg/dL

                            mmol/L x 0,3866= g/L
                            mg/dL x 0,01 = g/L
                            mg/L x 0,0259 = mmol/L
       Interpretasi hasil HDL:

                     Mg/dL            Mmol/L          g/L

     Rendah           <40              < 1,03        < 0,40

     Tinggi           > 60            > 1,55         > 0,60

     Pemeriksaan HDL kolesterol dengan alat cobas
       tidak terpengaruh:
      kadar bilirubin konjugasi sampai kira-kira 30
       md/dL, bilirubin tidak terkonjugasi 60 mg/dL
      Kadar hemoglobin sampai 1200 mg/dL

      Kadar trigliserida sampai 1200 mg/dL

      Kadar asam askorbat sampai kadar 50 mg/dL

      Peningkatan kadar asam lemak bebas dan
       denaturasi protein menyebabkan false elevated
       HDL kolesterol
Pemeriksaan LDL

        Ultrasentrifugasi
        Elektroforesis

        Friedwald calculation :
        Kol-LDL = Kol Total – (Kol-HDL) – TG/5
        Syarat: TG < 400 mg/dl (Kol-VLDL≠TG/5)

             Metode pemeriksaan LDL
         pemeriksaan kuantitatif menggunakan
              vitros chemistry product

      Terdapat 2 langkah pemeriksaan:
     penambahan reagen 1
     Non LDL kolesterol dieliminasi pada oleh reaksi
        kolesterol esterase dan kolesterol oksidase
        menjadi kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida.
     Hidrogen peroksida bereaksi dengan enzim
        katalase menjadi scavenger

      Penambahan reagen 2
     Katalase dinonaktifkan oleh sodium azide
     Surfaktan memisahkan kolesterol dan kolesterol
       ester dari partikel LDL
     Kolesterol ester bereaksi dengan kolesterol
       esterase menjadi kolesterol dan asam lemak
     Kolesterol bereaksi dengan kolesterol oksidase
       menjadi kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida
     Hidrigen peroksida bereaksi dengan TOOS dan 4-
       aminoantipirin bereaksi dengan peroksidase
       membentuk pewarna berwarna quinon yang
       diukur dengan spektrofotometer pada 600 nm
Langkah I: Penambahan Reagen1 – Eliminasi kolesterol
        dari kilomikron, VLDL, dan HDL.

     Non-LDL cholesterol       Cholesterol esterase      Cholesterol +
     esters                                                fatty acid

     Cholesterol + O2          Cholesterol oxidase       Cholestenone +

      2H2O2                  Catalase+         2H2O + O2

Langkah 2: penambahan Reagen2 – Pengukuran spesifik LDLC

     LDL particles        Surfactans    Cholesterol + cholesterol esters
                                                    + protein

     Cholesterol esters      Cholesterol esterase   Cholesterol + fatty

     Cholesterol + O2     Cholesterol oxidase Cholestenone + H2O2

      2H2O2 + 4-aminoantipyrine        Peroxidase    Quinine pigment +
      + TOOS                                         4H2O
Reagen   Bahan                                             Kadar
 Reagen   Cholesterol esterase (Pseudomonas sp.)            600 U/L
 1        Cholesterol oxidase (Microorganism)               500 U/L
          Catalase (corynebacterium glutamicum)             1 200 000 U/L
          Surfactant (polyoxyethlene compound)              0,3%
          Dye precursor (N-Ethyl-N-[2-hydroxy-3-            2,0mM
             sulfopropyl]-3-methylaniline [TOOS])
          Bahan lain (buffer, garam anorganik, scavenger,
             preservative, processed water)
 Reagen   Peroxidase (Horseradish)                          5 000U/L
 2        4-aminoantrpyrine                                 4,0 mM
          Catalase inhibitor (sodium azide)                 0,05%
          Polyoxyethilene alkylphenyl ether                 1%

30        Bahan lain (buffer, preservative, processed
Pemeriksaan LDL dengan Metode Homogeneous
     enzymatic colorimetric assay (cobas)

     Kolesterol ester oleh enzim kolesterol esterase menjadi
       kolesterol bebas dan asam lemak bebas
     Dengan adanya oksigen, kolesterol pada LDL kolesterol
       dioksidasi oleh enzim kolesterol oksidase menjadi
       kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida
     Dengan adanya enzim peroksidase, H2O2 bereaksi
       dengan 4-aminoantipirin dan HSDA membentuk
       pewarna purple-blue
     Intensitas warna dari pewarna ini diukur dengan
       fotometer pada 585 nm untuk mengetahui kadar
Metode Homogeneous enzymatic colorimetric assay
 LDL-cholesterol            Detergent       Cholesterol+ free fatty acids
 esters + H2O                               (selective micellary
                       Cholesterol esterase solubilization)

     LDL-cholesterol     Cholesterol oxidase        ∆4- cholestenone +
     + O2                                           H2O2

                                   Peroxidase     Purple – blue
     2H2O2+ 4-aminoantrpyrine +
                                                  pigment+5H2O (Abs.
           HSDA+H2O +H+
                                                  max.= 585 nm)
Reagen 1   MOPS (3-morpholinopropane sulfonic acid) buffer: 20.1 mmol/L,
                pH 6.5;
                HSDA: 0.96 mmol/L;
                ascorbate oxidase (Eupenicillium spec., recombinant): ≥50
                peroxidase (horseradish): ≥167 μkat/L;

     Reagen 2   MOPS (3-morpholinopropane sulfonic acid) buffer: 20.1 mmol/L,
                pH 6.8;
                 MgSO4·7H2O: 8.11 mmol/L;
                 4-aminoantipyrine: 2.46 mmol/L;
                cholesterol esterase (Pseudomonas spec.): ≥50 μkat/L;
                cholesterol oxidase (Brevibacterium spec., recombinant): ≥33.3
                 peroxidase (horseradish): ≥334 μkat/L;
                 detergent; dan preservative

Interpretasi hasil

     Klasifikasi     mg/dL     mmol/L        g/L
     Optimal          < 100      < 2,59      <1
     Mendekati       100-129   2,59-3,34    1-1,29
     Borderline      130-159   3,36-4,11   1,30-1,59
     Tinggi          160-189   4,14-4,89   1,60-1,89
     Sangat tinggi    >190       >4,91       > 1,90

     Pemeriksaan kolesterol LDL dengan alat cobas
       tidak terpengaruh:
      kadar bilirubin konjugasi sampai kira-kira 30

       mg/dL, bilirubin tidak terkonjugasi 60 mg/dL
      Kadar hemoglobin sampai 1000 mg/dL

      Kadar asam askorbat sampai kadar 50 mg/dL


Metode presipitasi

        Polyanions (heparin, dekstran sulfat),
         phosphotungstate, poly ethylene glycol, in
         presence of divalentcations, digunakan untuk
         presipitasi ukuran lebih besar, lipoprotein
         densitas rendah
        Pengukuran HDL secara kuantitatif dengan
         menggunakan supernatan
Lipoproteins: HDL


     HDL                                                            PERIPHER
     recept                                                         AL
     or                                       Lecithin:             TISSUES
                            Cholesterol       acyltransferase
                            ester         +


Fig. 25-5

     Metabolism of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in reverse cholesterol transport. (LCAT,
     lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; C, cholesterol; CE, cholesteryl ester; PL, phospholipid; A-I,
     apolipoprotein A-I; SR-B1, scavenger receptor B1; ABCA 1, ATP binding cassette transporter A1.) Preβ-HDL,
     HDL2, HDL3 - see Table 25–1. Surplus surface constituents from the action of lipoprotein lipase on
     chylomicrons and VLDL are another source of pre -HDL. Hepatic lipase activity is increased by androgens
42   and decreased by estrogens, which may account for higher concentrations of plasma HDL 2 in women.
LDL – Does Size Matter?

    “LDL size correlates positively with plasma HDL levels and negatively with plasma triglyceride concentrations,
    and the combination of small, dense LDL, decreased HDL cholesterol and increased triglycerides has been called
    the „atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype‟. This partly heritable trait is a feature of the metabolic syndrome, and is
    associated with increased cardiovascular risk.

    LDL size seems to be an important predictor of cardiovascular events and progression of coronary artery disease,
    and a predominance of small, dense LDL has been accepted as an emerging cardiovascular risk factor by the
    National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.

    However, other authors have suggested that LDL subclass measurement does not add independent information to
    that conferred by the simple LDL concentration, along with the other standard risk factors.7 Thus it remains
    debatable whether to measure LDL particle size for cardiovascular risk assessment, and if so, in which categories
    of patients.”

43 Rizzo & Berneis, Q. J. Med. 2006; 99:1-14.
HDL-C Cobas

        Calibration
        Traceability:19 This method has been standardized against the designated
        reference method (designated comparison method).20 The standardization
        meets the requirements of the “HDL Cholesterol Method Evaluation
        for Manufacturers” of the US National Reference System for Cholesterol,
        CRMLN (Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network), November
        S1: 0.9% NaCl
        S2: C.f.a.s. Lipids
        Calibration frequency
        Two-point calibration is recommended:
        • after reagent lot change
        • as required following quality control procedures

        Measuring range
        0.08–3.10 mmol/L (3–120 mg/dL).
        Determine samples having higher concentrations via the rerun
        Roche/Hitachi 904, 911, 912, 917, MODULAR P analyzers:
        Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2 dilution. Results
         from samples
        diluted by the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a factor
         of 2.
        On instruments without rerun function, manually dilute samples with
        higher concentrations using 0.9% NaCl (e.g. 1 + 1). Multiply the
        result by the appropriate dilution factor (e.g. 2).
Presisi HDL (cobas)

                           Within run              Between run
     sample                Mean    Mean     CV     Mean    Mean   CV
                           Mg/dl   Mmol/L   %      Mg/dL   Mmol/L %
     Human serum low       34,4    0,891    0,95   31,6    0,818   1,3
     Human serum high      80,4    2,08     0,60   63,4    1,64    1,2
     Precinorm L           47,2    1,22     0,90   41,8    1,08    1,1
     Precipath HDL/LDL-C   35,9    0,930    0,81   33,0    0,855   1,8
Precise LDL (cobas)

        Analytical sensitivity (lower detection limit)
        0.08 mmol/L (3 mg/dL)
        The detection limit represents the lowest
         measurable analyte level
        that can be distinguished from zero. It is
         calculated as the value
        lying three standard deviations above that of the
         lowest standard
        (standard 1 + 3 SD, within-run precision, n = 21).
The simple principle of the homogeneous assay for sd-LDL-C.

 Surfactant A (polyoxyethylene benzylphenyl ether derivative)
 reacts with TRLs and HDL, and cholesterol in these
 lipoproteins is
 eliminated by the action of cholesterol oxidase/esterase and
 catalase in step 1. Sphingomyelinase specifically reacts with
 while surfactant B (polyoxyethylene styrenephenyl ether
 derivative) protects sd-LDL from the actions of
 sphingomyelinase and
 cholesterol oxidase/esterase (R1). The sd-LDL-C that
 escapes via the action of these enzymes is measured by the
 cholesterol assay in step 2.

Hdl cobas

        Passing/Bablok29 Linear regression
        y = 0.984 x - 0.047 y = 0.986 x - 0.046
        τ = 0.971 r = 0.998
        Number of samples measured: 55
        The sample concentrations were between 0.20
         and 2.49 mmol/L
        (7.7–96.3 mg/dL).
Ldl cobas

        Measuring range
        0.078–14.2 mmol/L (3–550 mg/dL or 0.03–5.5 g/L)
        Determine samples with LDL-cholesterol concentrations >
         14.2 mmol/L
        (> 550 mg/dL) via the rerun function.
        Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2 dilution.
         Results from samples
        diluted by the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a
         factor of 2.
        On instruments without rerun function, manually dilute
         samples with 0.9%
        NaCl (e.g. 1 + 1). Multiply the result by the appropriate
         dilution factor (e.g. 2).

        Expected values14
        Levels in terms of risk for coronary heart disease:
        Adult levels:
        Optimal < 2.59 mmol/L (< 100 mg/dL)
        Near optimal/above optimal 2.59–3.34 mmol/L (100–129
        Borderline high 3.37–4.12 mmol/L (130–159 mg/dL)
        High 4.14–4.89 mmol/L (160–189 mg/dL)
        Very high ≥ 4.92 mmol/L (≥ 190 mg/dL)
        Each laboratory should investigate the transferability of the
         expected values to
        its own patient population and if necessary determine its own
         reference range.

        Analytical sensitivity (lower detection limit)
        Detection limit: 0.078 mmol/L (3 mg/dL or 0.03
        The detection limit represents the lowest
         measurable analyte level
        that can be distinguished from zero. It is
         calculated as the value
        lying three standard deviations above that of the
         lowest standard
        (standard 1 + 3 SD, within-run precision, n = 21).

        EDTA plasma was the traditional choice in lipid
         research laboratories, especially for lipoprotein
         separations, because the anticoagulant
         enhances stability by chelating metal ions.
         (bishop page 305)

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Miftah lipoprotein

  • 1. 1 PEMERIKSAAN KOLESTEROL HDL DAN KOLESTEROL LDL Miftahul ilmiah,dr/ Dra. Soehartini, MS, Apt
  • 2. Pendahuluan 2  Kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL merupakan prediktor kuat untuk penyakit jantung koroner  Kolesterol LDL sebagai faktor kunci dalam patogenesis atherosclerosis dan penyakit jantung koroner  Kolesterol HDL merupakan antiatherogenesis dan mencegah penyakit jantung koroner
  • 3. Kolesterol HDL 3  Densitas 1,063 – 1,21  Kandungan protein tinggi (Apo A,C,E, tu A1)  Fungsi: mengambil kolesterol dari jaringan perifer ke hati, lalu didegradasi atau diekskresi empedu (removal / reverse transport dari kolesterol)  Dari degradasi VLDL & kilomikron. Inti HDL = kolesterol ester yang diambil di jaringan perifer dengan bantuan enzim LCAT.
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Kolesterol LDL 5  d = 1,006 – 1.063  Kaya akan kolesterol Dibentuk di plasma, berasal dari degradasi VLDL.  Fungsi: mengangkut kolesterol ke jaringan perifer.  Apoprotein: B100, B48
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Pemeriksaan 7 Persiapan pasien :  Tidak ada perubahan pola makan selama 2 minggu sebelum pemeriksaan  Tidak ada pertambahan atau penurunan berat badan  Tidak melakuan aktivitas berat 24 jam sebelum pemeriksaan  Sebaiknya puasa 12 jam sebelum pengambilan sampel
  • 8. 8 Teknik pengambilan sampel:  Posisi standar duduk 5 menit sebelum pengambilan sampel.  Tourniket tidak digunakan > 2 menit.  Plasma atau serum dapat digunakan.  Antikoagulan EDTA merupakan pilihan utama jika menggunakan plasma  Sampel dapat disimpan pada suhu 4⁰C selama 3-4 hari sebelum dianalisis.  Suhu -20⁰C bertahan beberapa bulan.  Suhu -70 ⁰C bertahan sampai beberapa tahun.
  • 9. Metode pemeriksaan HDL 9 Ultrasentrifugasi  Plasma atau serum disesuaikan pada densitas 1,063 g/ml dengan KBr (415 mg/5 mL) dan disentrifus pada 105 000 g selama 24 jam  Semua lipoprotein dipisahkan menurut densitasnya, HDL pada 1,063-1,21 g/mL
  • 10. Metode pemeriksaan HDL Ultrasentrifugasi  Plasma/serum + larutan KBr (415mg/5 mL) Sesuaikan densitas pada 1,063 g/mL Sentrifus sampel pada 105.000 g selama 24 jam pada suhu 16⁰ C Buang supernatant ( VLDL dan LDL) Analisis kadar kolesterol dalam infranatan 10
  • 11. 11 Kromatografi kolom  Kolesterol HDL diisolasi dan dipisahkan dengan cara kromatografi penukar ion (ion- exchange) atau ukuran molekul (gel permeation)  Sulit untuk menentukan kontrol kondisi kromatografi yang tepat
  • 12. metode elektroforesis 12  HDL dipisahkan dari lipoprotein lain berdasarkan muatan dan ukurannya  Beberapa metode elektroforesis untuk penentuan HDL-C : - starch block electroforesis digunakan untuk isolasi HDL yang berjumlah besar, tapi tidak yang bkuantitatif - agarose gel electroforesis presisi tidak adekuat untuk penggunaan klinik - polyacrylamide gel electroforesis untuk level HDL yang dibawah perkiraan jarang digunakan
  • 13. Prosedur: isolasi HDL dengan heparin- manganese chloride (metode presipitasi) 13 Reagen  Larutan Mangaan klorida 1 mol/L. Larutkan 19,791 g MnCl2.4H₂O ke dalam distilled water, dan bawa sampai volume 100 mL. Larutan ini stabil sampai 3 bulan pada 4⁰C.  Larutan Heparin 4000 U/mL. Encerkan 1 mL heparin dengan 1,5 mL larutan salin 0,9%. Larutan ini stabil selama 1 minggu pada suhu 4⁰C.
  • 14. 14
  • 15. Kolesterol HDL 15 Pemeriksaan kuantitatif menggunakan vitros chemistry product
  • 16. HDL + non-HDL PTA/MgCl2 HDL + non HDL HDL Emulgen B-66 Cholesterol + HDL cholesterol esters + proteins HDL kolesterol Cholesterol ester hydrolase Cholesterol + fatty esters + H2O acids Cholesterol + O2 Cholesterol oksidase Cholest-4-en-3 + H2O2 H2O2 + leuco dye Peroxidase Dye + H2O2 16
  • 17. Reagen : Bahan Kadar • Emulgen B-66 0,7 mg • Phosphotungstic acid 0,3 mg • Magnesium chloride 0,2 mg • Cholesterol oxidase (Cellulomonas) 0,8 U • Cholesterol ester hydrolase (Candida rugosa) 1,2 U • Peroxidase (horseradish root) 2,2 U • 2-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-bis-(4- dimethylaminophenyl) imidazole leuco dye) 0,02 mg • Bahan lain: Pigment, Binders, Buffer, Surfactants, stabilizers, scavenger, cross-linking agent 17
  • 18. Kolesterol HDL 18 Metode Homogeneous enzymatic colorimetric assay (cobas)
  • 19. Bahan Reagen HEPES buffer: 10.07 mmol/L; CHES 96.95 mmol/L, 1 pH 7.4; Dextran sulfate: 1.5 g/L; magnesium nitrate hexahydrate: >11.7 mmol/L; HSDA: 0.96 mmol/L; ascorbate oxidase (Eupenicillium sp., recombinant): >50 μkat/L; peroxidase (horseradish): >16.7 μkat/L; preservative Reagen HEPES buffer: 10.07 mmol/L, pH 7.0; 2 PEG-cholesterol esterase (Pseudonomas spec.): >3.33 μkat/L; PEG-cholesterol oxidase (Streptomyces sp., recombinant): >127 μkat/L; peroxidase (horseradish): >333 μkat/L; 19 4-amino-antipyrine: 2.46 mmol/L; Preservative
  • 20. Prinsip metode 20  Magnesium sulfat, dekstran sulfat membentuk kompleks water-soluble dengan LDL, VLDL, dan kilomikron yang tahan terhadap enzim PEG-modified  Kadar kolesterol pada HDL kolesterol ditentukan secara enzimatis oleh kolesterol esterase dan kolesterol oksidase yang bergabung dengan PEG menjadi kelompok amino (sekitar 40%)
  • 21. HDL-cholesterol PEG-cholesterol esterase HDL-cholesterol + esters + H2O RCOOH HDL-cholesterol PEG-cholesterol oxidase ∆4-cholestenone + + O2 H2O2 2H2O2 + 4-amino-antipyrine + Peroxidase Purple-blue HSDA + H+ + H2O pigment 21
  • 22. 22 Kalkulasi  Faktor konversi : mmol/L x 38,66 = mg/dL mmol/L x 0,3866= g/L mg/dL x 0,01 = g/L mg/L x 0,0259 = mmol/L Interpretasi hasil HDL: Mg/dL Mmol/L g/L Rendah <40 < 1,03 < 0,40 Tinggi > 60 > 1,55 > 0,60
  • 23. interference 23 Pemeriksaan HDL kolesterol dengan alat cobas tidak terpengaruh:  kadar bilirubin konjugasi sampai kira-kira 30 md/dL, bilirubin tidak terkonjugasi 60 mg/dL  Kadar hemoglobin sampai 1200 mg/dL  Kadar trigliserida sampai 1200 mg/dL  Kadar asam askorbat sampai kadar 50 mg/dL  Peningkatan kadar asam lemak bebas dan denaturasi protein menyebabkan false elevated HDL kolesterol
  • 24. Pemeriksaan LDL 24  Ultrasentrifugasi  Elektroforesis  Friedwald calculation :  Kol-LDL = Kol Total – (Kol-HDL) – TG/5  Syarat: TG < 400 mg/dl (Kol-VLDL≠TG/5)
  • 25. . 25 Metode pemeriksaan LDL pemeriksaan kuantitatif menggunakan vitros chemistry product
  • 26. prinsip 26  Terdapat 2 langkah pemeriksaan: penambahan reagen 1 Non LDL kolesterol dieliminasi pada oleh reaksi kolesterol esterase dan kolesterol oksidase menjadi kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida. Hidrogen peroksida bereaksi dengan enzim katalase menjadi scavenger
  • 27. 27  Penambahan reagen 2 Katalase dinonaktifkan oleh sodium azide Surfaktan memisahkan kolesterol dan kolesterol ester dari partikel LDL Kolesterol ester bereaksi dengan kolesterol esterase menjadi kolesterol dan asam lemak Kolesterol bereaksi dengan kolesterol oksidase menjadi kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida Hidrigen peroksida bereaksi dengan TOOS dan 4- aminoantipirin bereaksi dengan peroksidase membentuk pewarna berwarna quinon yang diukur dengan spektrofotometer pada 600 nm
  • 28. Langkah I: Penambahan Reagen1 – Eliminasi kolesterol dari kilomikron, VLDL, dan HDL. Non-LDL cholesterol Cholesterol esterase Cholesterol + esters fatty acid Cholesterol + O2 Cholesterol oxidase Cholestenone + H2O2 2H2O2 Catalase+ 2H2O + O2 28
  • 29. Langkah 2: penambahan Reagen2 – Pengukuran spesifik LDLC LDL particles Surfactans Cholesterol + cholesterol esters + protein Cholesterol esters Cholesterol esterase Cholesterol + fatty acid Cholesterol + O2 Cholesterol oxidase Cholestenone + H2O2 2H2O2 + 4-aminoantipyrine Peroxidase Quinine pigment + + TOOS 4H2O 29
  • 30. Reagen Bahan Kadar Reagen Cholesterol esterase (Pseudomonas sp.) 600 U/L 1 Cholesterol oxidase (Microorganism) 500 U/L Catalase (corynebacterium glutamicum) 1 200 000 U/L Surfactant (polyoxyethlene compound) 0,3% Dye precursor (N-Ethyl-N-[2-hydroxy-3- 2,0mM sulfopropyl]-3-methylaniline [TOOS]) Bahan lain (buffer, garam anorganik, scavenger, preservative, processed water) Reagen Peroxidase (Horseradish) 5 000U/L 2 4-aminoantrpyrine 4,0 mM Catalase inhibitor (sodium azide) 0,05% Polyoxyethilene alkylphenyl ether 1% 30 Bahan lain (buffer, preservative, processed
  • 31. Pemeriksaan LDL dengan Metode Homogeneous enzymatic colorimetric assay (cobas) 31 Prinsip Kolesterol ester oleh enzim kolesterol esterase menjadi kolesterol bebas dan asam lemak bebas Dengan adanya oksigen, kolesterol pada LDL kolesterol dioksidasi oleh enzim kolesterol oksidase menjadi kolestenon dan hidrogen peroksida Dengan adanya enzim peroksidase, H2O2 bereaksi dengan 4-aminoantipirin dan HSDA membentuk pewarna purple-blue Intensitas warna dari pewarna ini diukur dengan fotometer pada 585 nm untuk mengetahui kadar kolesterol
  • 32. Metode Homogeneous enzymatic colorimetric assay (cobas) LDL-cholesterol Detergent Cholesterol+ free fatty acids esters + H2O (selective micellary Cholesterol esterase solubilization) LDL-cholesterol Cholesterol oxidase ∆4- cholestenone + + O2 H2O2 Peroxidase Purple – blue 2H2O2+ 4-aminoantrpyrine + pigment+5H2O (Abs. HSDA+H2O +H+ max.= 585 nm) 32
  • 33. Reagen 1 MOPS (3-morpholinopropane sulfonic acid) buffer: 20.1 mmol/L, pH 6.5; HSDA: 0.96 mmol/L; ascorbate oxidase (Eupenicillium spec., recombinant): ≥50 μkat/L; peroxidase (horseradish): ≥167 μkat/L; preservative Reagen 2 MOPS (3-morpholinopropane sulfonic acid) buffer: 20.1 mmol/L, pH 6.8; MgSO4·7H2O: 8.11 mmol/L; 4-aminoantipyrine: 2.46 mmol/L; cholesterol esterase (Pseudomonas spec.): ≥50 μkat/L; cholesterol oxidase (Brevibacterium spec., recombinant): ≥33.3 μkat/L peroxidase (horseradish): ≥334 μkat/L; detergent; dan preservative 33
  • 34. Interpretasi hasil 34 Klasifikasi mg/dL mmol/L g/L Optimal < 100 < 2,59 <1 Mendekati 100-129 2,59-3,34 1-1,29 optimal Borderline 130-159 3,36-4,11 1,30-1,59 Tinggi 160-189 4,14-4,89 1,60-1,89 Sangat tinggi >190 >4,91 > 1,90
  • 35. Interference 35 Pemeriksaan kolesterol LDL dengan alat cobas tidak terpengaruh:  kadar bilirubin konjugasi sampai kira-kira 30 mg/dL, bilirubin tidak terkonjugasi 60 mg/dL  Kadar hemoglobin sampai 1000 mg/dL  Kadar asam askorbat sampai kadar 50 mg/dL
  • 36. 36
  • 37. 37  TERIMA KASIH
  • 38. 38  TERIMA KASIH
  • 39. Metode presipitasi 39  Polyanions (heparin, dekstran sulfat), phosphotungstate, poly ethylene glycol, in presence of divalentcations, digunakan untuk presipitasi ukuran lebih besar, lipoprotein densitas rendah  Pengukuran HDL secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan supernatan
  • 40. Lipoproteins: HDL Nascent HDL Liver C HDL PERIPHER recept AL or Lecithin: TISSUES cholesterol Cholesterol acyltransferase ester + Apo HDL 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. Fig. 25-5 Metabolism of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in reverse cholesterol transport. (LCAT, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; C, cholesterol; CE, cholesteryl ester; PL, phospholipid; A-I, apolipoprotein A-I; SR-B1, scavenger receptor B1; ABCA 1, ATP binding cassette transporter A1.) Preβ-HDL, HDL2, HDL3 - see Table 25–1. Surplus surface constituents from the action of lipoprotein lipase on chylomicrons and VLDL are another source of pre -HDL. Hepatic lipase activity is increased by androgens 42 and decreased by estrogens, which may account for higher concentrations of plasma HDL 2 in women.
  • 43. LDL – Does Size Matter? “LDL size correlates positively with plasma HDL levels and negatively with plasma triglyceride concentrations, and the combination of small, dense LDL, decreased HDL cholesterol and increased triglycerides has been called the „atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype‟. This partly heritable trait is a feature of the metabolic syndrome, and is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. LDL size seems to be an important predictor of cardiovascular events and progression of coronary artery disease, and a predominance of small, dense LDL has been accepted as an emerging cardiovascular risk factor by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. However, other authors have suggested that LDL subclass measurement does not add independent information to that conferred by the simple LDL concentration, along with the other standard risk factors.7 Thus it remains debatable whether to measure LDL particle size for cardiovascular risk assessment, and if so, in which categories of patients.” 43 Rizzo & Berneis, Q. J. Med. 2006; 99:1-14.
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  • 56. HDL-C Cobas 56  Calibration  Traceability:19 This method has been standardized against the designated CDC  reference method (designated comparison method).20 The standardization  meets the requirements of the “HDL Cholesterol Method Evaluation Protocol  for Manufacturers” of the US National Reference System for Cholesterol,  CRMLN (Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Network), November 1994.  S1: 0.9% NaCl  S2: C.f.a.s. Lipids  Calibration frequency  Two-point calibration is recommended:  • after reagent lot change  • as required following quality control procedures
  • 57. 57  Measuring range  0.08–3.10 mmol/L (3–120 mg/dL).  Determine samples having higher concentrations via the rerun function.  Roche/Hitachi 904, 911, 912, 917, MODULAR P analyzers:  Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2 dilution. Results from samples  diluted by the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a factor of 2.  On instruments without rerun function, manually dilute samples with  higher concentrations using 0.9% NaCl (e.g. 1 + 1). Multiply the  result by the appropriate dilution factor (e.g. 2).
  • 58. Presisi HDL (cobas) 58 Within run Between run sample Mean Mean CV Mean Mean CV Mg/dl Mmol/L % Mg/dL Mmol/L % Human serum low 34,4 0,891 0,95 31,6 0,818 1,3 Human serum high 80,4 2,08 0,60 63,4 1,64 1,2 Precinorm L 47,2 1,22 0,90 41,8 1,08 1,1 Precipath HDL/LDL-C 35,9 0,930 0,81 33,0 0,855 1,8
  • 60. 60  Analytical sensitivity (lower detection limit)  0.08 mmol/L (3 mg/dL)  The detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level  that can be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value  lying three standard deviations above that of the lowest standard  (standard 1 + 3 SD, within-run precision, n = 21).
  • 61. The simple principle of the homogeneous assay for sd-LDL-C. Surfactant A (polyoxyethylene benzylphenyl ether derivative) reacts with TRLs and HDL, and cholesterol in these lipoproteins is eliminated by the action of cholesterol oxidase/esterase and catalase in step 1. Sphingomyelinase specifically reacts with lb-LDL, while surfactant B (polyoxyethylene styrenephenyl ether derivative) protects sd-LDL from the actions of sphingomyelinase and cholesterol oxidase/esterase (R1). The sd-LDL-C that escapes via the action of these enzymes is measured by the standard cholesterol assay in step 2. 61
  • 62. Hdl cobas 62  Passing/Bablok29 Linear regression  y = 0.984 x - 0.047 y = 0.986 x - 0.046  τ = 0.971 r = 0.998  Number of samples measured: 55  The sample concentrations were between 0.20 and 2.49 mmol/L  (7.7–96.3 mg/dL).
  • 63. Ldl cobas 63  Measuring range  0.078–14.2 mmol/L (3–550 mg/dL or 0.03–5.5 g/L)  Determine samples with LDL-cholesterol concentrations > 14.2 mmol/L  (> 550 mg/dL) via the rerun function.  Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2 dilution. Results from samples  diluted by the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a factor of 2.  On instruments without rerun function, manually dilute samples with 0.9%  NaCl (e.g. 1 + 1). Multiply the result by the appropriate dilution factor (e.g. 2).
  • 64. 64  Expected values14  Levels in terms of risk for coronary heart disease:  Adult levels:  Optimal < 2.59 mmol/L (< 100 mg/dL)  Near optimal/above optimal 2.59–3.34 mmol/L (100–129 mg/dL)  Borderline high 3.37–4.12 mmol/L (130–159 mg/dL)  High 4.14–4.89 mmol/L (160–189 mg/dL)  Very high ≥ 4.92 mmol/L (≥ 190 mg/dL)  Each laboratory should investigate the transferability of the expected values to  its own patient population and if necessary determine its own reference range.
  • 65. 65  Analytical sensitivity (lower detection limit)  Detection limit: 0.078 mmol/L (3 mg/dL or 0.03 g/L)  The detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level  that can be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value  lying three standard deviations above that of the lowest standard  (standard 1 + 3 SD, within-run precision, n = 21).
  • 66. 66  EDTA plasma was the traditional choice in lipid research laboratories, especially for lipoprotein separations, because the anticoagulant enhances stability by chelating metal ions. (bishop page 305)
  • 67. 67