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Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in
Business Development and Marke ng
The Ripple Effect
How Women Leaders
Drive Posi ve Change
through Corporate
Social Responsibility
Emo onal Intelligence
in Ac on
Stories from Women
CEOs Who Priori ze
When Women
are Empowered,
Moves Forward
ou know, if there's one thing the world could need
Ymore of, it's empowered women. When women
thrive, humanity thrives. Think about it. Societies
where women are educated and able to reach their full
potential tend to be more prosperous, equitable, and just.
Communities where women have a seat at the decision-
making table and an equal voice in shaping policies and
priorities are communities that work better for everyone.
So, empowering women is not just the right thing to do; it's
the smart thing to do. It's how we build a better future for
all. One where diversity is celebrated, fairness is the norm,
and everyone gets a chance to achieve their dreams. But
we've still got a long way to go to get there. Too many
women face discrimination, lack of opportunity, and
unequal treatment. The challenges can seem daunting.
But here's the thing: each of us has a role to play in
empowering the women in our lives and creating positive
change. And together, those small actions can add up to
something big. The significance of women's empowerment
is profound: when women are empowered, humanity
progresses. This can only transpire through education, by
granting women a voice, fostering economic opportunities,
promoting healthcare, and advocating for family planning,
among other efforts.
Women around the world face a variety of challenges that
prevent them from reaching their full potential; access to
education is still unequal in some parts of the world; over
30 million girls are out of school; and ⅔ of the world’s
illiterate adults are women. This is just one challenge; there
are plenty of others women are still facing.
This is why we need empowered women who are
challenging these struggles, transforming not only society
but also making strides in the business world. In line with
this, our latest edition of The CIO World proudly presents
"Middle East's Most Successful Women Leaders
Transforming the Business." This edition celebrates
individuals who have exhibited extraordinary acumen,
ingenuity, and fortitude in spearheading the transformation
and triumph of enterprises across diverse industries in the
Middle Eastern region.
When women are empowered, they don't just transform
their own lives; they have the power to transform the world.
It's a journey towards a future where diversity is celebrated,
fairness is the norm, and everyone has the opportunity to
chase their dreams, leaving no one behind.
Have an empowered read ahead! CIO
Managing Editor
- Adiba K. Tarade
Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in
Business Development and Marke ng
The Ripple Effect!
How Women Leaders Drive
Posi ve Change through
Corporate Social Responsibility
Emo onal Intelligence in Ac on!
Stories from Women CEOs Who
Priori ze Empathy
14. Alefiyah Johar
Redefining Beauty for a New Era
Enlightening Routes to
Workplace Happiness
Mary Rose Chambers
28. Niya Patel
Defying Barriers and Achieving
Unprecedented Success
President, Global Council for
Tolerance and Peace
Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan
Claire Holloway
Business Development
& Marke ng Manager
Baker Tilly Qatar
Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in
Business Development and Marke ng
,,My expertise in corporate communications
has equipped me to craft resonant
messaging that aligns with brand identity
while engaging stakeholders effectively.
n the 21st century, success is often attributed to one’s
Iability to adapt, innovate, and pursue knowledge
relentlessly. Whether you’re an individual striving for
personal growth or a professional aiming to excel in your
career, the qualities of adaptability and an unwavering
commitment to excellence are your greatest allies. The
pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey with no final
destination. It’s a mindset that propels individuals to seek
understanding, question the status quo, and thirst for new
insights. Those who excel in their fields are often voracious
readers, avid learners, and curious explorers.
One of them is Claire Holloway. Her journey through the
professional landscape reads like an epic adventure, marked
by unyielding determination, a relentless pursuit of
knowledge, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
With a career spanning a decade, she has carved a unique
path, mastering diverse fields and leaving an indelible mark
wherever she goes.
Claire’s odyssey began in the dynamic world of oil and gas.
After joining Ramboll Oil and Gas, she swiftly rose to
prominence within the business development division. She
later went on to lead the communications department for
Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Chennai. It was during this phase that
Claire’s innate talent for communication and public
relations came to the fore.
In her relentless pursuit of knowledge, Claire made a
pivotal decision to pursue a degree in Communication
Science while still employed at Ramboll. To accommodate
her studies, she transitioned into advertising as a Business
Development and Account Manager. This bold shift, though
unfamiliar at first, enriched her understanding of the
industry and laid the foundation for her multifaceted career.
A Decade of Unwavering Dedication, Resilience,
and Continuous Growth!
Claire’s expertise did not go unnoticed. The largest law firm
in the Middle East, Al Tamimi & Company, recognized her
talents and entrusted her with spearheading their business
development and marketing endeavors in Qatar. This
marked the inception of her journey in the professional
services sector.
After four successful years in the legal industry, Claire was
beckoned by Baker Tilly, a global powerhouse in
professional services. This transition aligned perfectly with
her burgeoning interest in financial and management
consulting. Joining Baker Tilly as a Business Development
& Marketing Manager during the launch of their Advisory
practice in Qatar, she has thrived in an environment of
growth, collaboration, and innovation.
Claire’s remarkable journey is a testament to the boundless
possibilities of dedication, adaptability, and unwavering
commitment to professional growth. Her story is an
inspiration, not only for women in business but for anyone
looking to break boundaries and embrace diverse fields with
grace and tenacity.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
A Global Network of Excellence
Baker Tilly is a renowned global network that consists of
independent firms specializing in audit, tax, and advisory
services. Within this network, Baker Tilly Qatar proudly
represents the brand’s values while also leveraging its local
expertise. The history of Baker Tilly dates back to the early
20th century and has evolved through mergers and
expansions. In the 1980s, Baker Tilly International was
established as a collaboration between the UK-based Baker
Tilly and the US-based Virchow Krause & Company. Over
time, the network has expanded its reach and underwent a
rebranding in 2009 to become known as “Baker Tilly,” all
while upholding its commitment to maintaining high-
quality standards. Today, it is a prominent player in the
professional services industry, recognized globally for its
expertise and capabilities.
Proficient Management Skills and Strategic Expertise
Claire possesses strong management skills, allowing her to
establish clear objectives, efficiently allocate resources, and
navigate project complexities. Her expertise in corporate
communications has equipped her to create compelling
messages that align with brand identity and effectively
engage stakeholders. With strong administration skills, she
has achieved notable success in project management,
ensuring seamless execution, meeting deadlines, and
fostering accountability when necessary. Her expertise in
negotiation has led to the formation of strategic partnerships
and favorable agreements that have expanded market reach
and increased profitability. By integrating these
competencies, Claire has successfully developed strategies
that leverage each aspect, resulting in impactful initiatives
that drive growth, enhance brand presence, and nurture
long-term client relationships.
Dedication to Relationship Building and Collaboration
Throughout her illustrious career, Claire has consistently
demonstrated her unwavering commitment to nurturing
robust relationships with clients and stakeholders across
diverse sectors and regions. This dedication is firmly rooted
in principles of open communication, unwavering integrity,
and a profound comprehension of their distinctive needs
and aspirations. By actively listening and adopting a client-
centric ethos, she has forged connections that transcend
mere transactions, resulting in enduring partnerships built
upon trust and shared triumphs.
Claire’s collaborative spirit has shone through in her
partnerships with like-minded organizations, aligning their
objectives and capitalizing on synergies. This collaborative
approach has given rise to joint endeavors that amplify their
combined impact and efficacy. Her cultural sensitivity has
proven instrumental in facilitating effective communication
and relationship cultivation across varied geographical
regions, a pivotal factor in attaining shared understanding.
This steadfast commitment to relationship building,
collaboration, and cultural acumen has been instrumental in
propelling both her organization and its stakeholders,
clients, and affiliate partners to remarkable heights of
success and growth.
Executive MBA Impact
Claire’s decision to embark on the journey of earning an
Executive MBA in International Marketing was profoundly
driven by her aspiration to elevate her competencies and
excel in her role at Baker Tilly Qatar. Her motivation
stemmed from a keen desire to acquire specialized
knowledge in international marketing strategies, equipping
her with the tools to adeptly navigate the intricacies of
global markets.
The program’s unwavering focus on real-world
applications, coupled with the faculty’s extensive industry
experience, deeply resonated with Claire.
This resonance has translated into tangible results,
enriching her skill set and broadening her perspectives. The
Executive MBA program has been instrumental in
furnishing her with a comprehensive understanding of
pivotal aspects such as cross-cultural consumer behavior,
global branding strategies, and cutting-edge marketing
Armed with these invaluable insights, Claire has effectively
led the charge in conceptualizing and executing precisely
targeted marketing campaigns. These campaigns have not
only resonated with diverse audiences but have also
transcended geographical boundaries, amplifying Baker
Tilly Qatar’s reach on the global stage. Her unwavering
dedication and the knowledge she has acquired have played
a pivotal role in solidifying the firm’s reputation as a
prominent global industry leader.
Commitment to Ongoing Learning and Industry
Staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is
crucial for maintaining relevance and ongoing success.
Claire has demonstrated a strong commitment to continuous
learning and industry awareness. This is achieved through
active participation in industry conferences, seminars, and
workshops, which provide opportunities to connect with
thought leaders and experts and gain valuable insights into
emerging trends and innovative strategies.
Additionally, she avidly consumes industry publications,
research reports, and relevant literature to stay informed
about evolving market dynamics. She leverages digital
platforms and networking groups to engage in discussions
with other professionals, fostering knowledge exchange and
staying attuned to real-time shifts. Embracing online
courses and certifications has also allowed Claire to deepen
her expertise in specific areas, equipping her to effectively
apply cutting-edge practices. This comprehensive approach
ensures that she remains agile, well-informed, and ready to
navigate the complexities of the global landscape,
ultimately driving growth and innovation for Baker Tilly.
Impactful Contributions to Company Growth
Claire has played a pivotal role in implementing various
strategies and initiatives that have significantly contributed
to the company’s growth and achievements. One notable
accomplishment is the successful implementation of a
targeted client engagement program.
Recognizing the significance of client relationships in their
industry, she led the development of tailored engagement
plans for key clients. By thoroughly analyzing their
individual needs, challenges, and goals, the company was
able to provide customized solutions that addressed their
specific concerns. This approach not only strengthened their
partnerships but also resulted in improved client retention,
increased repeat business, and valuable referrals.
Additionally, she established a thought-leadership platform
within the company. By curating insightful content,
industry analyses, and expert perspectives, she positioned
Baker Tilly Qatar as a trusted source of knowledge in the
field. This initiative not only enhanced the company’s
reputation but also attracted new clients seeking their
expertise. Through these endeavors, Baker Tilly has been
able to foster client-centric growth and elevate its market
presence by implementing innovative and impactful
“Claire takes responsibility for creative work that meets client needs and addresses their business problems.
Highly collaborative, she can guide you to successfully build and grow your brand through well placed and
effective communications and provide you with a campaign measurement process to increase effectiveness. She is
an innovator in marketing solutions.
- Shelley McRae
Enhancing Business Development and Marketing
Claire’s Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Science
has greatly enhanced her role as a Business Development
and Marketing Manager. The knowledge she gained
through her academic studies has provided her with a
thorough understanding of effective strategic
communication, consumer behavior, and management
By developing skills in strategic communication planning,
media analysis, and audience engagement, Claire is able to
create compelling narratives that resonate with various
stakeholders. This proficiency has proven to be invaluable
in strategizing and implementing marketing initiatives to
drive business growth, establish brand identity, and nurture
client relationships.
Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of this degree has
fostered adaptability and critical thinking skills, allowing
her to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business
development with agility and a keen awareness of industry
trends. The academic foundation Claire possesses
seamlessly complements her managerial role, enabling her
to bridge communication gaps, orchestrate successful
campaigns, and contribute to the overall success of the
Dedication to Ongoing Learning and Skill Development
In discussing her certifications, she emphasized,
“Continuously pursuing further education and knowledge
acquisition has been a defining characteristic of my
professional journey. I am deeply committed to staying at
the forefront of industry trends, expanding my expertise,
and refining my skill set.”
Vision for Growth and Success
As the Business Development Manager at Baker Tilly
Qatar, Claire’s objectives are closely tied to the firm’s
prosperity and expansion. Her main focus is on the clients,
aiming to gain a deeper understanding of their evolving
needs and challenges. By doing so, she ensures that the
firm’s solutions not only remain relevant but also provide
exceptional value. She is dedicated to building strong client
relationships, fostering loyalty, and establishing long-term
partnerships. Furthermore, Claire is committed to forging
strategic alliances that enhance Baker Tilly Qatar’s
capabilities. Through collaboration with industry leaders,
complementary service providers, and potential clients, the
firm gains access to new markets, diversifies its offerings
and achieves mutual growth.
Given the significant growth potential of Baker Tilly Qatar
in the region, her goal is to lead initiatives that explore
untapped markets, both locally and regionally. She plans to
tailor the firm’s services to meet the unique demands of
diverse industries, thus extending its reach and impact.
Claire Holloway
Business Development & Marke ng Manager
Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants
The Trailblazing Beauty Entrepreneur Transforming the
he beauty industry is evolving, and people are
no longer satisfied with generic skincare
products. They seek personalized and effective
solutions that cater to their individual needs,
leading to a surge in demand for new and
innovative beauty products.
Among the trailblazers leading this revolution is Alefiyah
Johar, Co-founder of Fakhree Al Hindi. With her passion
for skincare and dedication to empowering individuals, she
has become a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East.
Alefiyah’s fascination with business began at a young age,
and she joined her family enterprise after college, managing
the import of fashion jewelry. Her ambition to diversify and
customer demands led her to explore the world of Korean
cosmetics. This culminated in the groundbreaking launch of
Missha, a renowned Korean beauty brand, in the Middle
East. Fakhree Al Hindi Group of Companies also
introduced two more coveted Korean cosmetic brands,
A’pieu and CLE, solidifying their position as industry
Under Alefiyah’s guidance, these brands gained prominence
and are now widely accessible in over 200 stores across the
Middle East. Alefiyah’s journey as a professional make-up
artist deepened her understanding of the beauty realm, and
she recognized a significant void in the market. This
realization catalyzed for her to introduce esteemed Korean
beauty brands to the region, catering to the diverse needs of
its inhabitants. Building upon her successes, she founded
FC Beauty, an inclusive brand focused on empowering
individuals to feel confident both inside and out.
Let’s explore Alefiyah’s journey, which has struck a chord
with consumers who are looking for ethical and inclusive
Please brief our audience about Fakhree, its USPs, and
how it is currently positioned as a prominent name in
this industry.
Fakhree Al Hindi, a reputable company established in 1964,
has witnessed immense growth and success over the years
under the leadership of my father, Mr. Saifuddin. He began
his journey working in the store and eventually purchased
it, expanding it into multiple leading channels through his
unwavering dedication and hard work. Mr. Saifuddin has
always emphasized the significance of dealing exclusively
with high-quality products that guarantee customer
satisfaction while offering competitive pricing. As a result,
we have cultivated a longstanding legacy built upon the
trust of our valued customers.
Today, Fakhree Al Hindi is an ISO 9001-2015 Quality
Certified company featuring an extensive range of over
50,000 popular products across various categories. Our
unique selling proposition (USP) is our commitment to
helping businesses that partner with us to grow and flourish.
Over the years, we have assisted more than 500 businesses
in achieving success. Our knowledgeable and amiable sales
team consistently guides customers, offering insights on
which products will sell best in their region and providing
recommendations on effective promotional strategies to
boost sales.
Our enduring relationships with our suppliers enable us to
extend the benefits of direct factory prices to our customers.
We prioritize customer satisfaction and offer exceptional
support, particularly to new and small businesses. As a
result, emerging entrepreneurs in the realms of fashion,
jewelry, and cosmetics recognize that partnering with
Fakhree Al Hindi is a surefire way to ensure the success of
their ventures.
Fakhree Al Hindi has earned an authentic reputation for its
exceptional quality and integrity over the past six decades.
October, 2023
Alefiyah Johar
Fakhree Al Hindi
October, 2023
Today, the company stands at the forefront of launching
innovative products and aiding aspiring business owners in
realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. Our unwavering
commitment to excellence and unparalleled customer
support has solidified Fakhree Al Hindi’s position as a
prominent name within the industry, and we will continue
to uphold our core values of quality, honesty, and dedication
to customer success.
Shed some light on your offerings in each segment, and
could you provide some examples of how those offerings
have had a positive impact on your clients?
At our esteemed company, we provide an extensive array of
products and services across various sectors, such as
imitation jewelry, cosmetics and skin care, saffron and oud
oils, and real estate. Each segment boasts a unique
assortment of offerings designed to cater to the diverse
needs and preferences of our clientele.
In the imitation jewelry segment, we present a selection of
fashionable and trendy jewelry pieces, ideal for adding a
touch of elegance to any ensemble. As a prominent force in
the B2B market, we can accommodate a wide range of
customer preferences, including region-specific, event-
oriented, children’s, men’s, or any other unique requests.
Our jewelry is meticulously crafted using high-quality
materials and close attention to detail, guaranteeing our
customers the finest products in the market. We are so
confident in the quality of our offerings that we even
provide a product guarantee. Time and again, clients have
expressed their admiration for the elegance and refinement
of our jewelry selections.
In the cosmetics and skincare segment, we offer a variety of
products tailored to suit different skin types and concerns.
Our skincare products are formulated with natural
ingredients that gently yet effectively address common
skincare issues. We are committed to only stocking
products that are result oriented and safe for all skin types.
Clients have reported notable improvements in the
appearance and health of their skin upon regularly using our
In the saffron and oud oils segment, we provide high-
quality oils, carefully sourced and extracted, to ensure
optimal purity and potency. Our saffron and oud oils boast a
wide range of applications, spanning from aromatherapy
and skincare to culinary purposes. Clients have experienced
positive impacts on their mental and emotional well-being
after using our fragrance oils, while others have observed
enhancements in their digestion and health after using our
saffron-infused products.
October, 2023
Lastly, in the real estate segment, we offer a diverse
portfolio of properties for sale and rent, encompassing both
residential and commercial options. We deliver personalized
services to assist clients in finding the property that best
aligns with their needs and preferences. Our clients have
consistently praised our transparency, professionalism, and
unwavering commitment to providing high-quality services.
In summary, our comprehensive offerings have positively
influenced our clients by supplying them with exceptional
products and services tailored to their unique needs and
preferences. We remain dedicated to continually refining
our offerings and services to ensure that our clients
consistently receive an unparalleled experience.
As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to
aspiring entrepreneurs?
As an inventive leader with experience across various
sectors and taking inspiration from industry thought leaders,
I would like to offer the following advice to aspiring
1. Embrace curiosity and continuous learning
2. Develop a strong vision and mission
3. Be adaptable and resilient
4. Foster a culture of innovation
5. Prioritize customer-centricity
6. Build a diverse and talented team
7. Network and collaborate
8. Manage finances wisely
9. Focus on execution
10. Believe in yourself and your vision
By embracing these principles and learning from industry
thought leaders, aspiring entrepreneurs can lay a strong
foundation for their businesses and achieve long-term
How do you envision scaling your functions and
offerings in 2023 and beyond?
As we look toward 2023 and beyond, I envision scaling our
functions and offerings by focusing on the following key
1. Embracing digital transformation
2. Expanding our online presence
3. Diversifying our product portfolio
4. Focusing on sustainability
5. Exploring new markets
6. Continuous innovation
By implementing these strategies and remaining agile in the
face of market shifts, I am confident that we can
successfully scale our functions and offerings in 2023 and
beyond, driving sustained growth and success for our
Please give us a few testimonials of your
clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that
accurately highlight your association’s position in the
“Fakhree Al Hindi has been our go-to supplier for imitation
jewelry for years. Their extensive range of designs and
high-quality products have consistently exceeded our
expectations, and their excellent customer service has made
our partnership truly enjoyable.” - Sarah M., Boutique
“We recently switched to using Fakhree Al Hindi’s - Missha
skincare products in our spa, and the results have been
outstanding. Our clients love the natural ingredients and
have noticed visible improvements in their skin. We
couldn’t be happier with our decision to partner with
Fakhree Al Hindi.” - Ahmad N., Spa Owner.
In addition to the positive feedback from our clients, we
have also been recognized with several awards and
accolades that reflect our strong market position:
1. Best Imitation Jewelry Brand 2023 - Recognized by
MEA Markets.
2. Best Premium Make-Up & Skincare Brands Distributor
2023 - Recognized by MEA Markets Honored for our
efforts in bringing innovative Korean beauty products to the
Middle East market and for creating our in-house brand, FC
3. ISO 9001:2015 certification. This important milestone
means that we continue to meet the highest international
quality standards.
These testimonials and recognitions underscore our
dedication to providing high-quality products and services
to our clients, and they reinforce our strong market position
as a trusted partner in the industry.
October, 2023
Embracing Authenticity, Enriched Retirement, and
Redefining Success in Business!
When it comes to the dynamics of the workplace,
where the desire to succeed often becomes more
important than taking care of oneself, there exists
a rare gem—a beacon of positivity, an advocate for
Mary Rose Chambers, a Workplace Happiness
Specialist at Dusk, is that gem. Her journey to becoming a
Happiness & Mindfulness Coach and a certified Workplace
Happiness Specialist is as diverse as her own multicultural
heritage. Having grown up and studied in the United Arab
Emirates, she brings a unique perspective and a rich array
of experiences to her work.
The world faced an unprecedented challenge in early 2020
with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As
lockdowns, uncertainty, and fear swept across the globe,
Mary decided to take on an extraordinary challenge. Instead
of succumbing to the anxieties of the time, she chose to be a
beacon of hope and positivity.
During these trying times, Mary Rose embarked on a
transformational path. She delved into the realms of
happiness and mindfulness, recognizing their profound
impact on individuals' lives, especially in the context of
work. She understood that happiness is not just a fleeting
emotion but a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured.
Amidst a world filled with stress and doubt, Mary shines as
a symbol of optimism. Her journey serves as a powerful
reminder that even in the toughest moments, we possess the
ability to reinvent ourselves and motivate those around us.
Beyond her role as an Office Manager, she champions
happiness, mentors mindfulness, and specializes in creating
a workplace filled with joy and positivity. Each day, she
works tirelessly to improve the atmosphere, making it a
truly inspiring and uplifting space.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Please brief us about yourself and what inspired you to
embark on this sector.
I'm a game-changer; I love change, and if anything, I’ve
spent most, if not all, of my life looking for ways to change
things up and make things better.
I'm a firm believer in taking chances, especially when your
well-being depends on it. I love a challenge. I love
adventure. I love people. I love life.
I'm a mum, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, an
employee, a business owner, a coach, a healer, and most of
all, I’m unique.
The real inspiration for my decision to focus on workplace
happiness, and more specifically, the “Enriched Retirement”
program, was my late father.
My father was a good man, a great husband, an awesome
dad, a fun uncle, a generous brother-in-law, and most of all,
he was an outstanding employee. He dedicated 38 years of
his life (the best, I would say) to just one company and
finally was given a forced retirement at 71. He passed away
about 18 months after his retirement.
October, 2023
October, 2023
Anyone who knew my dad would tell you that man was not
ill; he had no health issues, and he was definitely the most
consistently fit person, mentally and physically. Yet a few
months after retiring, he started to lose mobility in all his
limbs and finally became completely paralyzed from the
neck down, only to pass away in a hospital when the last
working muscle (his heart) finally gave up the fight. Why
am I telling you this sad story? To me, it is not a sad story.
To me, it is an inspiration to do better, to be better, and to
tell the world that there is a better way.
Many years prior to my father's retirement, I had been
asking him what would happen when he retired. He said,
“Oh, I’ll be replaced by someone else in the company.” I
wasn't really too concerned about the company at that point;
I was concerned about my dad, so I pressed on. “No, I mean
to you? What happens to all the information and skills you
have? If you retire, all that goes with you. If you have a
consulting firm, then you can share that knowledge with the
next generation and probably the person who replaces you.”
He just laughed at my naivety. That was the moment of
conception for the “Enriched Retirement” program.
Wellness and happiness coaching is a form of personal
development that focuses on improving one’s physical and
mental wellbeing. I work closely with my clients to help set
and achieve their goals related to health, lifestyle, and
overall happiness.
At its core, wellness coaching is all about making positive
changes in your life. Whether you are struggling with stress,
anxiety, weight management, or other health concerns, as a
wellness coach I will help you develop a personalized plan
for improving your wellbeing.
Here are just a few ways in which I can help you:
Ÿ Develop a personalized plan for achieving your health
Ÿ Improve your physical fitness and energy levels.
Ÿ Manage stress and anxiety more effectively.
Ÿ Learn new strategies for coping with difficult emotions.
Ÿ Improve your overall quality of life and sense of
Could you please elaborate on your story as the beacon
of your organization, and how you have positioned it as
a dependable player in the competitive market?
Genuine authenticity is an indispensable cornerstone for
establishing both credibility and lasting value within any
business endeavor. My career trajectory bears testimony to
the remarkable growth that has ensued from consistently
embracing and projecting my authentic self in every
professional interaction. Authenticity fosters trust, as it
conveys sincerity and reliability. It paves the way for
meaningful connections with colleagues, clients, and
partners, reinforcing one’s reputation and influence in the
industry. It is this unwavering commitment to authenticity
that has not only propelled my career forward but also
enriched my professional journey, emphasizing the
enduring significance of being true to oneself in the realm
of business.
Could you please brief us on Dusk LLC, its offerings,
and how your expertise has contributed to the
development of the company?
Dusk is there to provide guidance and support. We strive to
be a beacon of light, leading you towards contentment and
happiness. Our mission is to illuminate the path ahead,
offering hope and assistance when it is most needed. We
recognize that everyone experiences moments of darkness
in their journey, and it is during these times that our
dedication to providing comfort and guidance truly shines.
With empathy and unrelenting commitment, we help
individuals find their way to a brighter and more fulfilling
What motivated you to pursue a career in consulting?
The desire for something different was the primary
motivation. I was tired of seeing people do things “the way
they’ve always been done” and I knew there was something
different that could create so much more in the world.
October, 2023
Coaching gives me the space to be the catalyst for change
in individuals’ lives and the future.
How have your problem-solving skills helped you in
your career, and what brand strategies have you
employed to maximize success?
I excel at spin-doctoring, a talent I’ve developed through
attentive listening and focused concentration. My approach
goes beyond simply hearing; I actively listen to identify the
core issues at hand. This invaluable ability enables me to
effectively steer teams towards the most appropriate
solutions. I understand that genuine problem-solving
necessitates a thorough comprehension of the underlying
causes, and I take pride in my ability to uncover these
fundamental factors. By diving deep into the heart of
matters, I ensure that my guidance not only leads teams to
answers but to the right answers, fostering impactful and
enduring solutions.
Describe a challenging opportunity that you have taken
on and how you were able to achieve success.
One of my most significant coaching challenges arose
during the Covid pandemic, prompting a shift to virtual
meetings and workshops. Adapting our established tools
and presentations to this new digital landscape proved to be
a difficult task. However, we were able to navigate this
transition by adjusting our strategies to encourage active
participation and contribution in the virtual realm. It
required us to be innovative and creative in order to keep
participants engaged and ensure that the essence of our
coaching was not lost. Despite the initial obstacles, we
successfully leveraged the potential of technology, bridging
the gap between physical and virtual environments. As a
result, growth, learning, and collaboration continued to
thrive, serving as a testament to our adaptability and
As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to
aspiring entrepreneurs?
I have always operated without the confines of any box,
embracing the notion of limitless possibility. Every thought,
no matter how unconventional or audacious, has the
potential to become reality. My approach revolves around
questioning and embracing curiosity. I dare to challenge the
status quo and push the boundaries of what is considered
conceivable. Through inquiry, we discover the paths to
transformation and innovation. By rejecting the idea of a
box, we free our minds to explore uncharted territories and
achieve what may initially seem impossible.
Some people say “Think outside the box” I haven’t yet seen
the box. I believe everything is possible and when you have
a thought, believe it or not, that idea CAN become a reality.
Just ask questions.
How to envision scaling your organization’s services and
operations in 2023 and beyond?
My goal is to expand the program I’ve created to include
more companies that understand the importance of their
workforce. This program allows employees to continue
making valuable contributions to their companies even after
reaching the typical retirement age.
In society, we often hear the saying “Age is just a number.”
However, in the corporate world, the idea of a fixed
retirement age has been followed for many years. This
adherence to tradition has resulted in experienced team
members being forced to leave prematurely, simply because
it’s considered the norm. I want to challenge and change
this mindset, ushering in a new era where experience and
knowledge are valued more than age. This will allow
companies to retain their invaluable talent and wisdom.
October, 2023
The Ripple Effect!
October, 2023
Leaders Drive
Positive Change
through Corporate
You know that feeling you get when you hear about
companies doing good in the world? It gives you a
little spark of hope that maybe businesses can be a
force for positive change. It turns out that having more
women in leadership roles may be the secret sauce that
helps companies become more socially responsible and
environmentally sustainable.
New research shows that companies with higher
percentages of women on their executive teams and boards
of directors are more likely to prioritize corporate social
responsibility. And it's not just good PR. These companies
are walking the walk by reducing carbon emissions,
improving energy efficiency, increasing transparency, and
championing fair labor practices in their supply chains.
When women leaders bring their voices to the table, they
come with a fresh and valuable perspective that benefits
both businesses and society as a whole. By advocating for
social and environmental progress, women executives
create a ripple effect that leads to a more just, equitable, and
sustainable future for us all. So the next time you hear about
a company going green or giving back, you might have a
woman leader to thank for that spark of hope.
The Power of Female Leadership: How Women Are
Driving CSR and Creating Positive Impact
As leaders in companies around the world, women are
using their influence to drive meaningful social change. By
prioritizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives,
female executives are creating ripple effects that positively
impact communities and the planet.
The Power of the Purse
Women leaders understand that a company's buying power
can be leveraged for good. Initiatives like sustainable and
ethical sourcing, diversity in the supply chain, and investing
in women-owned businesses are making a real difference.
These programs boost economic opportunity and
empowerment for marginalized groups.
A More Compassionate Approach
Women tend to lead with empathy, focusing on the human
impact of business decisions. This manifests in CSR
programs centered around community engagement,
education, healthcare, and environmental protection.
Female executives are more likely to consider how policies
affect employees, customers, and society as a whole.
An Eye on the Future
With a long-term, future-focused mindset, women leaders
consider how business practices today will influence future
generations. They are willing to make short-term sacrifices
to invest in renewable energy, green technology, and other
sustainability initiatives that will have lasting benefits. This
helps safeguard the planet for our children and beyond.
By bringing their unique strengths and perspectives to
leadership roles, women are driving real and positive
change through corporate social responsibility. The future is
bright when companies prioritize both profit and purpose.
With more women at the helm, the private sector can be a
powerful force for good.
October, 2023
Case Studies: Successful CSR Initiatives Led by
Influential Women Executives
When influential female executives spearhead corporate
social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the positive impacts
ripple outward in powerful ways. Two case studies show
how women leaders can drive meaningful change through
The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan
Led by CEO Paul Polman and Chief Sustainability Officer
Gail Klintworth, Unilever launched its Sustainable Living
Plan in 2010 to double revenue while halving its
environmental footprint. By focusing on sustainable
sourcing, reducing waste, and improving health and well-
being, Unilever has improved over a billion lives and
generated over $244 million in cost savings. The plan is a
prime example of how women executives can instill
purpose and social responsibility into business growth.
IBM's Corporate Service Corps
IBM's Corporate Service Corps sends high-potential
employees to developing countries to solve societal
problems. Under the leadership of Diane Gherson, IBM's
Chief Human Resources Officer, the program has impacted
over 2 million lives across over 30 countries. Employees
get leadership experience while learning how technology
can improve lives. For IBM, it fosters a culture of purpose
that attracts millennial talent and spurs innovation.
When women leaders make CSR central to business goals,
the benefits flow outward to communities, employees,
companies, and the planet. By balancing growth and social
good, they create sustainable success and a better world for
all. Overall, these examples show why promoting women in
leadership roles positively impacts corporate responsibility
and drives change.
The Ripple Effect: How Investing in CSR Creates Long-
Term Value for Business, Society and the Environment
As a female leader driving change through CSR, the effects
of your actions can be far-reaching. By focusing your
company's CSR efforts on causes you care about, you're
able to make a meaningful impact.
Investing in the Community
When you direct resources to community programs, you
create goodwill that comes back to benefit your business.
Employees feel proud to work for a company that gives
back, and consumers want to support brands that share their
values. Over time, community support fosters a cycle of
positive impact.
Empowering Employees
Giving employees opportunities to participate in CSR
boosts motivation, morale, and loyalty. Allowing staff to
take time off to volunteer or organize company-wide
volunteering events makes employees feel their work has
purpose and meaning. When people feel empowered to
create change, they become more invested in your
company's success.
A Healthier Environment
Choosing CSR initiatives that support environmental
sustainability helps ensure your business and community
will thrive for generations. Making changes like reducing
waste, improving energy efficiency, and eliminating
pollution may require initial investments but pay off
significantly in cost savings and public goodwill. A greener
business model is smart for both profits and the planet.
A Legacy of Leadership
By strategically focusing your company's CSR, you create a
legacy of leadership as a role model for other businesses.
The causes you champion today could inspire a movement
of social and environmental progress, with effects that
ripple outward for years to come. Though the ripples may
start small, their impact builds over time through the power
of influence and example. That is the enduring legacy of a
woman leader.
You've seen the impact that women leaders can have when
they champion corporate social responsibility initiatives in
their organizations. Their vision and passion for positive
change create a ripple effect that spreads throughout
communities. Employees become more engaged and
inspired. Customers develop a deeper loyalty and
connection to the brand. And the lives of those in need are
improved in meaningful ways.
One woman with vision and voice can start a movement.
But together, women leaders have the power to transform
industries and shape a better future for us all. So keep
leading with empathy, compassion, and care for people and
the planet. Keep speaking up for what you believe in. And
keep driving real change through the work you do each day.
You have the power to make a difference.
- Adiba Khajasab Tarade
October, 2023
The Trailblazing Executive Director Revolutionizing
Pathway Group International!
Finding someone who exemplifies adaptability,
versatility, and a relentless drive for
achievement is a rare jewel in the fast-paced
business world. These qualities are highly sought
after and can make a significant impact on an
individual’s career trajectory.
Meet Niyati Patel, who has achieved remarkable
success and shattered barriers throughout her career.
Raised in a nurturing family, Patel’s upbringing
exposed her to a wide range of activities, fostering a
broad perspective on life and a drive for excellence.
Niyati’s educational journey reflects her thirst for
knowledge. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in
Engineering in Information Technology, showcasing
her analytical and technical skills. However, her
diverse interests led her to pursue another Bachelor’s
degree in Fashion Design, highlighting her creative
flair and adaptability.
Continuing her quest for growth, Patel pursued a
Master’s degree in Business Administration in Global
Business Management. Equipped with a
comprehensive understanding of technical and
business disciplines, she was ready to embark on a
career that would leverage her diverse skill set.
Patel’s professional journey began as a Fashion
Manager and Merchandiser, where she excelled in a
competitive industry. Her ability to think innovatively
Defying Barriers and
Achieving Unprecedented Success
Niya Patel
Execu ve Director
October, 2023
and draw from her multidisciplinary background propelled
her forward, ultimately landing her the role of Executive
Director at Pathway Group International.
In her role, Patel has spearheaded transformative initiatives,
revolutionizing the company’s operations and driving its
success. Her strategic vision, combined with her ability to
inspire and empower her team, has made her an invaluable
Alongside her professional accomplishments, she remains
grounded and committed to giving back. She attributes her
holistic upbringing to her success and encourages others to
pursue diverse interests and personal growth activities.
Patel continues her journey of exploration through hobbies
such as painting, writing, and philanthropy.
Brace yourself for an enlightening conversation with a true
visionary who is transforming the face of entrepreneurship,
one bold step at a time!
Please brief us about yourself and what inspired you to
embark on this sector.
I am fortunate to have been born to parents whose parenting
style greatly supported my cognitive development during
my early childhood. As an individual, the foundation for my
growth was laid during the early years of my education.
MERCHANDISER | United Colors of Benetton, Pune,
India | 2009 – 2012
• MERCHANDISE MANAGER | Jan 2013 – Dec 2014,
Abercrombie & Fitch, London, UK
Footwear Division | Jan 2015 – July 2016 Landmark
Group, GCC
OMNICHANNEL| Aug 2016 – Oct 2019 Majid Al
Futtaim, UAE
• EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – Digital Strategy &
Business Development | June 2020 – Present Pathway
Group, UAE
I have achieved a Baccalaureate degree in two different
• Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology,
Pune University, India
• Bachelor of Fashion Design, Private Institute
• Master of Business Administration – Global Business
Management, Coventry University London Campus
• As a correspondent researcher, I published 4 Papers
with the London College of Fashion to benefit the
students further on.
• Big Data Expert Certification
• Guest Student Speaker at International Merchandiser
Conference in Mumbai, India (2013).
During my graduation days, I had the privilege of having
several articles published in prestigious newspapers and
magazines. Miss Niyati, a highly intellectual and
charismatic leader, has always been a driving force within
our organization. She not only loves what she does but also
ensures that her team loves their work wholeheartedly. Her
unique approach to business leadership is evident in her
encouragement of learning from failures. She firmly
believes in achieving success through the lessons learned
from setbacks. Our management is greatly impressed by her
result-oriented strategies, which allow them to focus solely
on the results without worrying about behind-the-scenes
As an Executive Director, she prioritizes cross-functionality
among the different departments within our organization. It
is both amusing and a source of pride to call her a No-
Nonsense Boss Lady. She always sets high standards for
herself and those around her. We appreciate the energy she
brings every day when she walks into the office – she is like
an umbrella in the rain for all of us. We cannot express
enough gratitude for her strong decision-making skills and
problem-solving approach. She is truly a remarkable leader.
Could you please elaborate on your story as the beacon
of your organization and how you have positioned it as a
dependable player in the competitive market?
To keep up with technological advancements, it is important
to stay updated regardless of the industry you are in.
She firmly believes in
achieving success
through the lessons
learned from setbacks.
Middle East's Most Successful Women Leaders Transforming the Business
October, 2023
The task of finding the right talent in recruitment has
become challenging for many organizations. To meet this
need in the UAE market, Pathway Group International was
established in 2014. We are an ethical recruitment company
that attracts talented candidates. With my leadership, the
company is dedicated to recruiting and training top
professionals for our valued clients. We offer support in
recruitment, consultation, and outsourcing of training
activities for companies with diverse workforces. Through
digitalization, we provide a user-friendly platform for both
clients and candidates, making the recruitment process
smooth and hassle-free.
Could you please brief us on Pathway Group
International, its offerings, and how your expertise has
contributed to the development of the company?
Pathway Group International is a provider of recruitment
and training services to clients, including government,
semi-government, and multinational companies. The
company has experienced continuous growth and now has a
presence in GCC countries and Asia. Pathway has
successfully embraced the new normal after the pandemic
by fully digitalizing the recruitment process.
Upon joining the company, our priority was to adapt to the
new normal following the pandemic. We successfully
devised a solution for our clients and candidates by
implementing digital processes. Currently, our database
boasts over a million registrations from candidates both
locally and internationally. This allows us to cater to a
diverse range of clients across various industries, including
Facility Management, Transport, Retail, IT, Agriculture,
Education, and more. Thanks to our collective efforts, we
were able to maintain a 100% client base and assist over
100,000 candidates in securing their desired jobs post-
pandemic. Our commitment to growth and ethical
recruitment practices has garnered high praise from Sheikh
Tahnoon’s Private Office and the Chamber of Commerce in
What motivated you to pursue a career in fashion
buying, merchandising, marketing, and consulting?
As a child, I was always fascinated by clothes, accessories,
and shoes. Whenever we entered a store, I would wonder
about the people responsible for bringing these items to the
shop floor and deciding which colors would be paired
together for each category. As I grew up, I pursued a career
in some of the world’s leading fashion brands, such as
United Colors of Benetton, Abercrombie & Fitch, and
Landmark Group. Through my work in fashion retail, I
eventually transitioned into the field of omnichannel at
Majid Al Futtaim, where I had the opportunity to explore
the consulting aspect of a business.
My journey began as a fashion merchandiser and eventually
led me to become the executive director of a pioneering
consulting firm.
What have been some of your most successful retail
merchandising endeavors, and what experience do you
have working with multiple channels of trade?
With experience across various brands, teams, and
countries, my focus has always been on creating a seamless
customer experience across multiple channels. I believe in
constantly reinventing strategies and fostering a sense of
community rather than just building a customer database.
By understanding and addressing the needs of the customer,
I aim to evolve the idea of the end product.
Describe a challenging opportunity that you have taken
on and how you were able to achieve success.
Successfully developed and implemented the Digital
Strategy for Pathway Group in 2021, resulting in significant
• The client growth rate has increased by 62%.
• Increase in revenue by a magnificent percentage or
more than 79.6%
• Worked from scratch for a brand-new Ecommerce
Concept Marketplace, due to launch by the year-end.
As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to
aspiring entrepreneurs?
For all those aspiring individuals, it is advisable to wear
noise-canceling headphones whenever you feel a
conversation might bring you down, regardless of the
location or the quality of advice or suggestion. Trust your
instincts and follow your passion. It’s a straightforward
approach that will help you believe in yourself and your
team. Keep in mind that doubt attracts doubt, while
confidence attracts confidence. Remove any mental barriers
and embrace ambition. Leadership is as simple as that.
How to envision scaling your organization’s services and
operations in 2023 and beyond?
We are committed to making a significant impact on society
October, 2023
through our project, Pathway. Our goal is to positively
influence every person’s life who comes across our platform.
The pathway is designed to allow individuals to discover
their authentic selves. It will become the primary destination
for enhancing one’s lifestyle, promoting holistic healing,
well-being, and spiritual growth. Our offerings, including
consultations, online courses/tutorials, and well-being shops,
are all created to empower individuals on their journey of
inner transformation encompassing physical, mental, and
emotional aspects.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in this sector.
• Awarded with ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from
Pathway Group for the increase in turnover through
local and overseas partnerships.
• Awarded with ‘Certificate of Honor’ from Pathway
Group for the successful launch of the Digital Strategy
• Featured in Arab news multiple times for the
contribution to the Recruitment industry through Digital
• Speaker at DigiConference on Customer Experience,
7th April 2020, Topics -Innovation, Informatics,
• Contact Centers, Customer Happiness, Digital
Transformations across all sectors.
• Attended at AIM10x 2021 Conference - Digital
• Published four papers with the University of Arts
London as University Downright Journals on
Merchandise Planning, Business Strategy Planning,
Stock Liquidation balance in Online and Bricks &
Mortar Platforms, and Visual Tech Trends in Retail.
• Invited to the International Merchandiser Conference
held at World Trade Centre, Mumbai, India
• Mentioned in articles on fashion for one of the leading
newspapers ‘The Times of India’ and magazine
‘Femina’ regularly – from 2011 to 2013
Her unique approach
to business leadership is
evident in her encouragement
of learning from failures.
October, 2023
Stories from
who Prioritize
You're a CEO and business leader, so people expect
you to be tough, competitive, and detached. But
some of the most successful female executives are
proving that showing empathy and compassion doesn't
make you any less of a boss. In fact, it might even be a key
part of what makes them so effective. We talked to three
leading CEOs who are redefining what it means to lead with
empathy and heart. Through their stories, you'll see how
bringing your whole self to work, caring deeply about your
employees, and connecting with people on an emotional
level can benefit both your company culture and bottom
So get ready to be inspired by these powerhouse women
who are courageously choosing kindness and empathy over
stereotypical CEO stoicism. Their insights just might
motivate you to make a few changes in your own leadership
The Importance of Empathy in Leadership
As a leader, having empathy for your team and customers is
crucial. Empathy allows you to understand different
perspectives and experiences that shape others' realities.
Listen without judgment
Make time to listen to your team members’ concerns and
understand their challenges. Reserve judgment and be fully
present. Ask open-ended questions to make sure you grasp
their experiences accurately.
• What are you finding most frustrating right now?
• How can I support you through this?
Put yourself in their shoes
Try to see situations from your team's point of view. Think
about how their responsibilities, pressures, and experiences
differ from your own. How would you feel in their place?
What additional challenges might they be facing that you
can't see?
Making an effort to understand them will strengthen your
connection and help you become a better leader.
Respond with compassion
Once you have a sense of your team’s experiences and
perspectives, respond with caring and sensitivity. Express a
desire to support them. Let them know you understand why
they feel the way they do. Your empathy and compassion
can help alleviate stress and motivate them to do their best
With empathy at the heart of your leadership style, you’ll
build trust, connection, and collaboration. And your team
will thrive as a result.
Profiles of Empathetic Women CEOs
Several women CEOs are leading the way in building more
empathetic companies and work cultures.
• Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, believes that
empathy is the starting point of compassion. Under her
leadership, PepsiCo launched progressive programs to
support women and working families. They provided
generous maternity and paternity leave, on-site
childcare, and flextime.
October, 2023
Emo onal Intelligence in Ac on!
October, 2023
“If you want to progress, you have to have empathy...
You have to walk in their shoes and understand what
they go through every single day,” says Nooyi!
• Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, is focused on
creating an inclusive culture where every voice
matters. She instituted mandatory unconscious bias
training, established employee resource groups, and
tied executive pay to meeting diversity goals.
“Having empathy, embracing diversity, and
empowering employees at every level is key to
success,” explains Barra.
• Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO of KPMG,
believes that empathy is crucial for innovation. “Seeing
through the lens of our clients and stakeholders helps
her company gain valuable insights and provide better
service,” says Doughtie. Under Doughtie’s leadership,
KPMG has introduced more flexible work options,
generous parental leave policies, and training on topics
like unconscious bias, microaggressions, and inclusive
These women CEOs prove that empathy and compassion
aren’t soft skills; they're vital for business success and
growth. By walking in others’ shoes and amplifying
unheard voices, empathetic leaders are able to gain trust,
boost creativity, increase productivity, and drive real
Tips for Fostering Empathy in Your Organization
As a leader, small actions can have a big impact on
fostering empathy in your organization. Here are a few tips
to get started:
Lead by example
Model the empathetic behavior you want to see. Listen
without judgment, put yourself in employees' shoes, and be
vulnerable by sharing your own experiences. Employees
often emulate the values and behaviors that leadership
Create opportunities for connection
Empathy grows from understanding others’ perspectives
and life experiences. Provide platforms for employees to
connect and share their stories, whether in person or
Something as simple as a weekly coffee chat or team
meeting where people can talk about life outside of work
can help build empathy over time.
Address unconscious bias
Our implicit biases negatively impact empathy and
inclusion. Invest in regular bias and empathy training to
help employees recognize and address prejudices they may
not even realize they hold. Discuss specific stereotypes and
microaggressions that commonly occur in your organization
and industry so people can call them out when they see
Celebrate diversity
A diverse, inclusive environment where people feel
respected and valued is essential for empathy to thrive.
Highlight the diverse voices and life experiences in your
organization. Make an effort to understand cultural
traditions and taboos to avoid insensitive missteps. Foster
an environment where everyone feels safe to be their
authentic selves at work.
Empathy is a skill that takes continuous practice and
commitment. But by leading with empathy yourself,
creating connections, addressing bias, and championing
diversity, you can build a more compassionate organization.
So there you have it: stories from women CEOs leading
with empathy and compassion. Their experiences show that
success and kindness are not mutually exclusive. In fact,
empathy may be the secret ingredient for sustainable
growth and innovation. By walking in the shoes of your
employees and customers, you gain invaluable insights. You
build trust and loyalty. You make better decisions.
The next time you're faced with a tricky situation at work,
take a step back and lead with empathy. See the humanity in
others and understand their perspectives. Your company and
relationships will be better for it. And who knows? It may
just be what propels you to new heights in your own career.
- Adiba Khajasab Tarade
October, 2023
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Peace: The pursuit of peace is a direct aim of SDG 16.
Strong institutions and effective governance systems (SDG
16) are the bedrock of peaceful societies. Partnerships for
the goals (SDG 17) emphasize international cooperation
and collaborative action, highlighting the collective
responsibility to prevent conflicts and sustain peace.
Prosperity: Economic stability and prosperity provide a
foundation for peace by Eradicating poverty (SDG 1) and
ensuring zero hunger (SDG 2) which are foundational steps
towards reducing social inequalities that often fuel conflicts,
Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and
the UN Goals as Building Blocks
In a world grappling with challenges ranging from
poverty to environmental degradation, the United
Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
emerge as a beacon of hope. Beyond their individual
targets, the SDGs stand as interconnected pillars that hold
the potential to not only drive sustainable development but
also foster global peace. By examining their contributions
through the lens of the "5 Ps" (Partnership, Planet, People,
Prosperity, and Peace) framework, we can uncover how
these goals work in synergy to cultivate a more peaceful
and harmonious global landscape.
Peace is a multifaceted aspiration, achievable through
collective action across various dimensions. The 17 SDGs,
when viewed through the 5 Ps framework, illustrate the
interconnectedness of these goals in nurturing a peaceful
world. As we champion prosperity, care for the planet,
empower individuals, strengthen peace-related institutions,
and foster partnerships, we lay the foundation for
sustainable peace that transcends boundaries and benefits
generations to come. Through this comprehensive
approach, the SDGs pave the way for a future where global
harmony is more than just a vision—it's a reality we
collectively build.
Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan
President, Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
October, 2023
October, 2023
as well as good health and well-being (SDG 3) that foster a
populace capable of engaging in peaceful pursuits, while
decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) that provide
stable livelihoods, reducing vulnerability to unrest.
Prosperity fosters peace by providing jobs and economic
opportunities, reducing poverty and social tensions,
addressing income and social inequalities, and ensuring
access to basic needs like food, clean water, and healthcare.
Economic stability fosters social cohesion and harmony
while addressing disparities reduces conflict sources.
People: Empowered individuals are less likely to resort to
violence. Quality education (SDG 4) equips people with
critical thinking skills, enabling constructive dialogues and
peaceful conflict resolution. Gender equality (SDG 5)
fosters inclusive societies, reducing gender-based tensions.
Efforts to reduce inequalities (SDG 10) contribute to social
cohesion, while peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG
16) provide a framework for resolving disputes peacefully.
The People dimension contributes to peace by promoting
inclusive communities, fostering critical thinking, and
promoting quality education. Gender equality empowers
women and ensures equal opportunities, promoting
peacebuilding efforts. Formal education encourages
peaceful communication and encourages participation in
peaceful talks. Overall, these factors contribute to a
peaceful society.
Planet: The health of the planet directly impacts global
stability. Access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
prevents resource-related conflicts and disease outbreaks.
Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), responsible
consumption and production (SDG 12), and climate action
(SDG 13) collectively combat environmental degradation,
addressing one of the root causes of disputes. The
preservation of life below water (SDG 14) and life on land
(SDG 15) safeguards ecosystems, minimizing conflicts over
natural resources. Thus, The Planet dimension plays a
crucial role in promoting peace by ensuring sustainable
management of natural resources, promoting resource
equity, and implementing conservation practices. Climate
resilience involves proactive management of climate
change, aiming to reduce population displacement, resource
competition, and conflict prevention. Climate adaptation
measures positively impact community stability and
peacefulness. Ecosystem services, such as clean air, water,
and food security, are essential for sustaining livelihoods
and mitigating conflicts arising from resource access.
Partnership: Partnerships play a crucial role in
establishing peace by fostering collaboration, dialogue, and
October, 2023
shared responsibility. Effective partnerships, as emphasized
in SDG 17, enable countries, organizations, and individuals
to work together towards common goals. Partnerships
contribute to peace through diplomatic efforts, resource
sharing, information exchange, and disaster preparedness.
They facilitate conflict resolution, promote equitable
resource distribution, and enhance local peace initiatives.
They also facilitate the exchange of conflict prevention
strategies and disaster preparedness, reducing the impact of
natural disasters on peace and stability.
Thus, there is an intricate relationship between sustainable
development and peace, highlighting how the UN goals
serve as crucial building blocks for a harmonious world,
and it is essential to recognize the significant role played by
the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace:
The SDGs as Pillars of Peaceful Development: The
essence of peace rests upon economic prosperity, social
inclusivity, environmental stewardship, and equitable
governance. The SDGs, comprising 17 interconnected
goals, encompass these dimensions holistically. By
addressing issues like poverty (SDG 1), hunger (SDG 2),
and health (SDG 3), they cultivate societal stability, thereby
reducing fertile ground for conflicts.
The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (A Beacon
of Harmony): At the heart of sustainable development for
peace lies the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace. This
organization embodies the ideals of understanding,
dialogue, and inclusivity. Its initiatives resonate with SDG
16, "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions," by promoting
peaceful coexistence through tolerance, dialogue, and
respect for cultural diversity.
Promoting Peace through Tolerance and Dialogue: The
Global Council for Tolerance and Peace plays a pivotal role
in fostering understanding among diverse communities. Its
commitment to promoting cultural awareness and religious
tolerance resonates with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and
SDGs 5 and 10 (Reduced Inequalities and Gender
Equality). Education and inclusivity are key to preventing
conflicts rooted in misunderstanding and prejudice.
Tackling Global challenges Hand in Hand
(Environmental Sustainability as a Peace Enabler)
SDGs centered on environmental sustainability (clean water
(SDG6) and sanitation, affordable and clean energy
(SDG7), climate action (SDG 13) ) align with the Global
Council's advocacy for responsible stewardship of natural
resources. Collaboration between the Council and these
goals ensures a planet that remains a haven of peace, free
from the turmoil of resource-driven disputes.
Partnerships for a Peaceful Future: The spirit of
collaboration embedded in SDG 17 mirrors the approach of
the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace. International
partnerships and shared responsibilities are essential in
realizing the vision of a peaceful world. Joint efforts
amplify the impact of peace-promoting initiatives, leading
to a ripple effect of understanding and coexistence.
As we strive for a world where peace is not merely the
absence of conflict but the presence of justice, equality, and
prosperity, the United Nations' Sustainable Development
Goals emerge as the foundational building blocks. Each
goal, with its unique focus, contributes to the mosaic of
global peace. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
is a thread that weaves a story of hope and harmony. By
embracing sustainable development principles and
advocating for tolerance, dialogue, and inclusivity, we pave
the way toward a future where peace is not a distant dream
but a tangible reality. The synergy of these forces is a
testament to humanity's potential to coexist in unity,
transforming challenges into opportunities for a brighter,
more peaceful tomorrow.
October, 2023

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  • 1. Holloway Claire Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in Business Development and Marke ng The Ripple Effect How Women Leaders Drive Posi ve Change through Corporate Social Responsibility Emo onal Intelligence in Ac on Stories from Women CEOs Who Priori ze Empathy VOL: 10 ISSUE: 01 2023
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  • 4. When Women are Empowered, Humanity Moves Forward ou know, if there's one thing the world could need Ymore of, it's empowered women. When women thrive, humanity thrives. Think about it. Societies where women are educated and able to reach their full potential tend to be more prosperous, equitable, and just. Communities where women have a seat at the decision- making table and an equal voice in shaping policies and priorities are communities that work better for everyone. So, empowering women is not just the right thing to do; it's the smart thing to do. It's how we build a better future for all. One where diversity is celebrated, fairness is the norm, and everyone gets a chance to achieve their dreams. But we've still got a long way to go to get there. Too many women face discrimination, lack of opportunity, and unequal treatment. The challenges can seem daunting. But here's the thing: each of us has a role to play in empowering the women in our lives and creating positive change. And together, those small actions can add up to something big. The significance of women's empowerment is profound: when women are empowered, humanity progresses. This can only transpire through education, by granting women a voice, fostering economic opportunities, promoting healthcare, and advocating for family planning, among other efforts. Women around the world face a variety of challenges that prevent them from reaching their full potential; access to education is still unequal in some parts of the world; over
  • 5. 30 million girls are out of school; and ⅔ of the world’s illiterate adults are women. This is just one challenge; there are plenty of others women are still facing. This is why we need empowered women who are challenging these struggles, transforming not only society but also making strides in the business world. In line with this, our latest edition of The CIO World proudly presents "Middle East's Most Successful Women Leaders Transforming the Business." This edition celebrates individuals who have exhibited extraordinary acumen, ingenuity, and fortitude in spearheading the transformation and triumph of enterprises across diverse industries in the Middle Eastern region. When women are empowered, they don't just transform their own lives; they have the power to transform the world. It's a journey towards a future where diversity is celebrated, fairness is the norm, and everyone has the opportunity to chase their dreams, leaving no one behind. Have an empowered read ahead! CIO Managing Editor - Adiba K. Tarade
  • 6. 06. Cover Story Holloway Claire Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in Business Development and Marke ng
  • 7. Contents: Articles CxO Articles The Ripple Effect! How Women Leaders Drive Posi ve Change through Corporate Social Responsibility Emo onal Intelligence in Ac on! Stories from Women CEOs Who Priori ze Empathy 24. 32. 14. Alefiyah Johar Redefining Beauty for a New Era 20. Enlightening Routes to Workplace Happiness Mary Rose Chambers 28. Niya Patel Defying Barriers and Achieving Unprecedented Success 36. President, Global Council for Tolerance and Peace Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan
  • 8. Cover Story Claire Holloway Business Development & Marke ng Manager Baker Tilly Qatar
  • 9. Holloway Claire Naviga ng Boundless Horizons in Business Development and Marke ng ,,My expertise in corporate communications has equipped me to craft resonant messaging that aligns with brand identity while engaging stakeholders effectively.
  • 10. n the 21st century, success is often attributed to one’s Iability to adapt, innovate, and pursue knowledge relentlessly. Whether you’re an individual striving for personal growth or a professional aiming to excel in your career, the qualities of adaptability and an unwavering commitment to excellence are your greatest allies. The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey with no final destination. It’s a mindset that propels individuals to seek understanding, question the status quo, and thirst for new insights. Those who excel in their fields are often voracious readers, avid learners, and curious explorers. One of them is Claire Holloway. Her journey through the professional landscape reads like an epic adventure, marked by unyielding determination, a relentless pursuit of knowledge, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. With a career spanning a decade, she has carved a unique path, mastering diverse fields and leaving an indelible mark wherever she goes. Claire’s odyssey began in the dynamic world of oil and gas. After joining Ramboll Oil and Gas, she swiftly rose to prominence within the business development division. She later went on to lead the communications department for Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Chennai. It was during this phase that Claire’s innate talent for communication and public relations came to the fore. In her relentless pursuit of knowledge, Claire made a pivotal decision to pursue a degree in Communication Science while still employed at Ramboll. To accommodate her studies, she transitioned into advertising as a Business Development and Account Manager. This bold shift, though unfamiliar at first, enriched her understanding of the industry and laid the foundation for her multifaceted career. A Decade of Unwavering Dedication, Resilience, and Continuous Growth! ,,MY MANAGEMENT ACUMEN ENABLES ME TO DEFINE CLEAR OBJECTIVES, ALLOCATE RESOURCES EFFICIENTLY, AND NAVIGATE ANY PROJECT COMPLEXITIES. Claire’s expertise did not go unnoticed. The largest law firm in the Middle East, Al Tamimi & Company, recognized her talents and entrusted her with spearheading their business development and marketing endeavors in Qatar. This marked the inception of her journey in the professional services sector. After four successful years in the legal industry, Claire was beckoned by Baker Tilly, a global powerhouse in professional services. This transition aligned perfectly with her burgeoning interest in financial and management consulting. Joining Baker Tilly as a Business Development & Marketing Manager during the launch of their Advisory practice in Qatar, she has thrived in an environment of growth, collaboration, and innovation. Claire’s remarkable journey is a testament to the boundless possibilities of dedication, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to professional growth. Her story is an inspiration, not only for women in business but for anyone looking to break boundaries and embrace diverse fields with grace and tenacity. Below are the highlights of the interview: A Global Network of Excellence Baker Tilly is a renowned global network that consists of independent firms specializing in audit, tax, and advisory services. Within this network, Baker Tilly Qatar proudly represents the brand’s values while also leveraging its local expertise. The history of Baker Tilly dates back to the early 20th century and has evolved through mergers and expansions. In the 1980s, Baker Tilly International was established as a collaboration between the UK-based Baker
  • 11. Tilly and the US-based Virchow Krause & Company. Over time, the network has expanded its reach and underwent a rebranding in 2009 to become known as “Baker Tilly,” all while upholding its commitment to maintaining high- quality standards. Today, it is a prominent player in the professional services industry, recognized globally for its expertise and capabilities. Proficient Management Skills and Strategic Expertise Claire possesses strong management skills, allowing her to establish clear objectives, efficiently allocate resources, and navigate project complexities. Her expertise in corporate communications has equipped her to create compelling messages that align with brand identity and effectively engage stakeholders. With strong administration skills, she has achieved notable success in project management, ensuring seamless execution, meeting deadlines, and fostering accountability when necessary. Her expertise in negotiation has led to the formation of strategic partnerships and favorable agreements that have expanded market reach and increased profitability. By integrating these competencies, Claire has successfully developed strategies that leverage each aspect, resulting in impactful initiatives that drive growth, enhance brand presence, and nurture long-term client relationships. Dedication to Relationship Building and Collaboration Throughout her illustrious career, Claire has consistently demonstrated her unwavering commitment to nurturing robust relationships with clients and stakeholders across diverse sectors and regions. This dedication is firmly rooted in principles of open communication, unwavering integrity, and a profound comprehension of their distinctive needs and aspirations. By actively listening and adopting a client- centric ethos, she has forged connections that transcend mere transactions, resulting in enduring partnerships built upon trust and shared triumphs. Claire’s collaborative spirit has shone through in her partnerships with like-minded organizations, aligning their objectives and capitalizing on synergies. This collaborative approach has given rise to joint endeavors that amplify their combined impact and efficacy. Her cultural sensitivity has proven instrumental in facilitating effective communication and relationship cultivation across varied geographical regions, a pivotal factor in attaining shared understanding. This steadfast commitment to relationship building, collaboration, and cultural acumen has been instrumental in propelling both her organization and its stakeholders, clients, and affiliate partners to remarkable heights of success and growth. Executive MBA Impact Claire’s decision to embark on the journey of earning an Executive MBA in International Marketing was profoundly driven by her aspiration to elevate her competencies and excel in her role at Baker Tilly Qatar. Her motivation stemmed from a keen desire to acquire specialized knowledge in international marketing strategies, equipping her with the tools to adeptly navigate the intricacies of global markets. The program’s unwavering focus on real-world applications, coupled with the faculty’s extensive industry experience, deeply resonated with Claire.
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  • 13. ,,I BEGAN MY CAREER A DECADE AGO IN THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY, SUPPORTING THE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT RAMBOLL OIL AND GAS. HERE, I UNDERTOOK THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THEIR COMMUNICATIONS AND PR IN QATAR, ABU DHABI AND CHENNAI. This resonance has translated into tangible results, enriching her skill set and broadening her perspectives. The Executive MBA program has been instrumental in furnishing her with a comprehensive understanding of pivotal aspects such as cross-cultural consumer behavior, global branding strategies, and cutting-edge marketing methodologies. Armed with these invaluable insights, Claire has effectively led the charge in conceptualizing and executing precisely targeted marketing campaigns. These campaigns have not only resonated with diverse audiences but have also transcended geographical boundaries, amplifying Baker Tilly Qatar’s reach on the global stage. Her unwavering dedication and the knowledge she has acquired have played a pivotal role in solidifying the firm’s reputation as a prominent global industry leader. Commitment to Ongoing Learning and Industry Relevance Staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is crucial for maintaining relevance and ongoing success. Claire has demonstrated a strong commitment to continuous learning and industry awareness. This is achieved through active participation in industry conferences, seminars, and workshops, which provide opportunities to connect with thought leaders and experts and gain valuable insights into emerging trends and innovative strategies. Additionally, she avidly consumes industry publications, research reports, and relevant literature to stay informed about evolving market dynamics. She leverages digital platforms and networking groups to engage in discussions with other professionals, fostering knowledge exchange and staying attuned to real-time shifts. Embracing online courses and certifications has also allowed Claire to deepen her expertise in specific areas, equipping her to effectively apply cutting-edge practices. This comprehensive approach ensures that she remains agile, well-informed, and ready to navigate the complexities of the global landscape, ultimately driving growth and innovation for Baker Tilly. Impactful Contributions to Company Growth Claire has played a pivotal role in implementing various strategies and initiatives that have significantly contributed to the company’s growth and achievements. One notable accomplishment is the successful implementation of a targeted client engagement program. Recognizing the significance of client relationships in their industry, she led the development of tailored engagement plans for key clients. By thoroughly analyzing their individual needs, challenges, and goals, the company was able to provide customized solutions that addressed their specific concerns. This approach not only strengthened their partnerships but also resulted in improved client retention, increased repeat business, and valuable referrals. Additionally, she established a thought-leadership platform within the company. By curating insightful content, industry analyses, and expert perspectives, she positioned Baker Tilly Qatar as a trusted source of knowledge in the field. This initiative not only enhanced the company’s reputation but also attracted new clients seeking their expertise. Through these endeavors, Baker Tilly has been able to foster client-centric growth and elevate its market presence by implementing innovative and impactful strategies.
  • 14. “Claire takes responsibility for creative work that meets client needs and addresses their business problems. Highly collaborative, she can guide you to successfully build and grow your brand through well placed and effective communications and provide you with a campaign measurement process to increase effectiveness. She is an innovator in marketing solutions. RavingRewards - Shelley McRae Testimonial Enhancing Business Development and Marketing Claire’s Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Science has greatly enhanced her role as a Business Development and Marketing Manager. The knowledge she gained through her academic studies has provided her with a thorough understanding of effective strategic communication, consumer behavior, and management strategies. By developing skills in strategic communication planning, media analysis, and audience engagement, Claire is able to create compelling narratives that resonate with various stakeholders. This proficiency has proven to be invaluable in strategizing and implementing marketing initiatives to drive business growth, establish brand identity, and nurture client relationships. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of this degree has fostered adaptability and critical thinking skills, allowing her to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business development with agility and a keen awareness of industry trends. The academic foundation Claire possesses seamlessly complements her managerial role, enabling her to bridge communication gaps, orchestrate successful campaigns, and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Dedication to Ongoing Learning and Skill Development In discussing her certifications, she emphasized, “Continuously pursuing further education and knowledge acquisition has been a defining characteristic of my professional journey. I am deeply committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends, expanding my expertise, and refining my skill set.”
  • 15. Vision for Growth and Success As the Business Development Manager at Baker Tilly Qatar, Claire’s objectives are closely tied to the firm’s prosperity and expansion. Her main focus is on the clients, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of their evolving needs and challenges. By doing so, she ensures that the firm’s solutions not only remain relevant but also provide exceptional value. She is dedicated to building strong client relationships, fostering loyalty, and establishing long-term partnerships. Furthermore, Claire is committed to forging strategic alliances that enhance Baker Tilly Qatar’s capabilities. Through collaboration with industry leaders, complementary service providers, and potential clients, the firm gains access to new markets, diversifies its offerings and achieves mutual growth. Given the significant growth potential of Baker Tilly Qatar in the region, her goal is to lead initiatives that explore untapped markets, both locally and regionally. She plans to tailor the firm’s services to meet the unique demands of diverse industries, thus extending its reach and impact. Claire Holloway Business Development & Marke ng Manager Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants Claire@baker
  • 16. The Trailblazing Beauty Entrepreneur Transforming the Industry! he beauty industry is evolving, and people are no longer satisfied with generic skincare products. They seek personalized and effective solutions that cater to their individual needs, leading to a surge in demand for new and innovative beauty products. Among the trailblazers leading this revolution is Alefiyah Johar, Co-founder of Fakhree Al Hindi. With her passion for skincare and dedication to empowering individuals, she has become a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East. Alefiyah’s fascination with business began at a young age, and she joined her family enterprise after college, managing the import of fashion jewelry. Her ambition to diversify and customer demands led her to explore the world of Korean cosmetics. This culminated in the groundbreaking launch of Missha, a renowned Korean beauty brand, in the Middle East. Fakhree Al Hindi Group of Companies also introduced two more coveted Korean cosmetic brands, A’pieu and CLE, solidifying their position as industry leaders. Under Alefiyah’s guidance, these brands gained prominence and are now widely accessible in over 200 stores across the Middle East. Alefiyah’s journey as a professional make-up artist deepened her understanding of the beauty realm, and she recognized a significant void in the market. This realization catalyzed for her to introduce esteemed Korean beauty brands to the region, catering to the diverse needs of its inhabitants. Building upon her successes, she founded FC Beauty, an inclusive brand focused on empowering individuals to feel confident both inside and out. Let’s explore Alefiyah’s journey, which has struck a chord with consumers who are looking for ethical and inclusive options! Please brief our audience about Fakhree, its USPs, and how it is currently positioned as a prominent name in this industry. Fakhree Al Hindi, a reputable company established in 1964, has witnessed immense growth and success over the years under the leadership of my father, Mr. Saifuddin. He began his journey working in the store and eventually purchased it, expanding it into multiple leading channels through his unwavering dedication and hard work. Mr. Saifuddin has always emphasized the significance of dealing exclusively with high-quality products that guarantee customer satisfaction while offering competitive pricing. As a result, we have cultivated a longstanding legacy built upon the trust of our valued customers. Today, Fakhree Al Hindi is an ISO 9001-2015 Quality Certified company featuring an extensive range of over 50,000 popular products across various categories. Our unique selling proposition (USP) is our commitment to helping businesses that partner with us to grow and flourish. Over the years, we have assisted more than 500 businesses in achieving success. Our knowledgeable and amiable sales team consistently guides customers, offering insights on which products will sell best in their region and providing recommendations on effective promotional strategies to boost sales. Our enduring relationships with our suppliers enable us to extend the benefits of direct factory prices to our customers. We prioritize customer satisfaction and offer exceptional support, particularly to new and small businesses. As a result, emerging entrepreneurs in the realms of fashion, jewelry, and cosmetics recognize that partnering with Fakhree Al Hindi is a surefire way to ensure the success of their ventures. Fakhree Al Hindi has earned an authentic reputation for its exceptional quality and integrity over the past six decades. October, 2023 14
  • 17. Alefiyah Johar Co-founder Fakhree Al Hindi October, 2023 15
  • 18. Today, the company stands at the forefront of launching innovative products and aiding aspiring business owners in realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and unparalleled customer support has solidified Fakhree Al Hindi’s position as a prominent name within the industry, and we will continue to uphold our core values of quality, honesty, and dedication to customer success. Shed some light on your offerings in each segment, and could you provide some examples of how those offerings have had a positive impact on your clients? At our esteemed company, we provide an extensive array of products and services across various sectors, such as imitation jewelry, cosmetics and skin care, saffron and oud oils, and real estate. Each segment boasts a unique assortment of offerings designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our clientele. In the imitation jewelry segment, we present a selection of fashionable and trendy jewelry pieces, ideal for adding a touch of elegance to any ensemble. As a prominent force in the B2B market, we can accommodate a wide range of customer preferences, including region-specific, event- oriented, children’s, men’s, or any other unique requests. Our jewelry is meticulously crafted using high-quality materials and close attention to detail, guaranteeing our customers the finest products in the market. We are so confident in the quality of our offerings that we even provide a product guarantee. Time and again, clients have expressed their admiration for the elegance and refinement of our jewelry selections. In the cosmetics and skincare segment, we offer a variety of products tailored to suit different skin types and concerns. Our skincare products are formulated with natural ingredients that gently yet effectively address common skincare issues. We are committed to only stocking products that are result oriented and safe for all skin types. Clients have reported notable improvements in the appearance and health of their skin upon regularly using our products. In the saffron and oud oils segment, we provide high- quality oils, carefully sourced and extracted, to ensure optimal purity and potency. Our saffron and oud oils boast a wide range of applications, spanning from aromatherapy and skincare to culinary purposes. Clients have experienced positive impacts on their mental and emotional well-being after using our fragrance oils, while others have observed enhancements in their digestion and health after using our saffron-infused products. October, 2023 16
  • 19. Lastly, in the real estate segment, we offer a diverse portfolio of properties for sale and rent, encompassing both residential and commercial options. We deliver personalized services to assist clients in finding the property that best aligns with their needs and preferences. Our clients have consistently praised our transparency, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to providing high-quality services. In summary, our comprehensive offerings have positively influenced our clients by supplying them with exceptional products and services tailored to their unique needs and preferences. We remain dedicated to continually refining our offerings and services to ensure that our clients consistently receive an unparalleled experience. As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? As an inventive leader with experience across various sectors and taking inspiration from industry thought leaders, I would like to offer the following advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: 1. Embrace curiosity and continuous learning 2. Develop a strong vision and mission 3. Be adaptable and resilient 4. Foster a culture of innovation 5. Prioritize customer-centricity 6. Build a diverse and talented team 7. Network and collaborate 8. Manage finances wisely 9. Focus on execution 10. Believe in yourself and your vision By embracing these principles and learning from industry thought leaders, aspiring entrepreneurs can lay a strong foundation for their businesses and achieve long-term success. How do you envision scaling your functions and offerings in 2023 and beyond? As we look toward 2023 and beyond, I envision scaling our functions and offerings by focusing on the following key areas: 1. Embracing digital transformation 2. Expanding our online presence 3. Diversifying our product portfolio 4. Focusing on sustainability 5. Exploring new markets 6. Continuous innovation By implementing these strategies and remaining agile in the face of market shifts, I am confident that we can successfully scale our functions and offerings in 2023 and beyond, driving sustained growth and success for our business. Please give us a few testimonials of your clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that accurately highlight your association’s position in the market. “Fakhree Al Hindi has been our go-to supplier for imitation jewelry for years. Their extensive range of designs and high-quality products have consistently exceeded our expectations, and their excellent customer service has made our partnership truly enjoyable.” - Sarah M., Boutique Owner. “We recently switched to using Fakhree Al Hindi’s - Missha skincare products in our spa, and the results have been outstanding. Our clients love the natural ingredients and have noticed visible improvements in their skin. We couldn’t be happier with our decision to partner with Fakhree Al Hindi.” - Ahmad N., Spa Owner. In addition to the positive feedback from our clients, we have also been recognized with several awards and accolades that reflect our strong market position: 1. Best Imitation Jewelry Brand 2023 - Recognized by MEA Markets. 2. Best Premium Make-Up & Skincare Brands Distributor 2023 - Recognized by MEA Markets Honored for our efforts in bringing innovative Korean beauty products to the Middle East market and for creating our in-house brand, FC Beauty. 3. ISO 9001:2015 certification. This important milestone means that we continue to meet the highest international quality standards. These testimonials and recognitions underscore our dedication to providing high-quality products and services to our clients, and they reinforce our strong market position as a trusted partner in the industry. October, 2023 17
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  • 22. Embracing Authenticity, Enriched Retirement, and Redefining Success in Business! When it comes to the dynamics of the workplace, where the desire to succeed often becomes more important than taking care of oneself, there exists a rare gem—a beacon of positivity, an advocate for happiness. Mary Rose Chambers, a Workplace Happiness Specialist at Dusk, is that gem. Her journey to becoming a Happiness & Mindfulness Coach and a certified Workplace Happiness Specialist is as diverse as her own multicultural heritage. Having grown up and studied in the United Arab Emirates, she brings a unique perspective and a rich array of experiences to her work. The world faced an unprecedented challenge in early 2020 with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. As lockdowns, uncertainty, and fear swept across the globe, Mary decided to take on an extraordinary challenge. Instead of succumbing to the anxieties of the time, she chose to be a beacon of hope and positivity. During these trying times, Mary Rose embarked on a transformational path. She delved into the realms of happiness and mindfulness, recognizing their profound impact on individuals' lives, especially in the context of work. She understood that happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured. Amidst a world filled with stress and doubt, Mary shines as a symbol of optimism. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that even in the toughest moments, we possess the ability to reinvent ourselves and motivate those around us. Beyond her role as an Office Manager, she champions happiness, mentors mindfulness, and specializes in creating a workplace filled with joy and positivity. Each day, she works tirelessly to improve the atmosphere, making it a truly inspiring and uplifting space. Below are the highlights of the interview: Please brief us about yourself and what inspired you to embark on this sector. I'm a game-changer; I love change, and if anything, I’ve spent most, if not all, of my life looking for ways to change things up and make things better. I'm a firm believer in taking chances, especially when your well-being depends on it. I love a challenge. I love adventure. I love people. I love life. I'm a mum, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, an employee, a business owner, a coach, a healer, and most of all, I’m unique. The real inspiration for my decision to focus on workplace happiness, and more specifically, the “Enriched Retirement” program, was my late father. My father was a good man, a great husband, an awesome dad, a fun uncle, a generous brother-in-law, and most of all, he was an outstanding employee. He dedicated 38 years of his life (the best, I would say) to just one company and finally was given a forced retirement at 71. He passed away about 18 months after his retirement. October, 2023 20
  • 24. Anyone who knew my dad would tell you that man was not ill; he had no health issues, and he was definitely the most consistently fit person, mentally and physically. Yet a few months after retiring, he started to lose mobility in all his limbs and finally became completely paralyzed from the neck down, only to pass away in a hospital when the last working muscle (his heart) finally gave up the fight. Why am I telling you this sad story? To me, it is not a sad story. To me, it is an inspiration to do better, to be better, and to tell the world that there is a better way. Many years prior to my father's retirement, I had been asking him what would happen when he retired. He said, “Oh, I’ll be replaced by someone else in the company.” I wasn't really too concerned about the company at that point; I was concerned about my dad, so I pressed on. “No, I mean to you? What happens to all the information and skills you have? If you retire, all that goes with you. If you have a consulting firm, then you can share that knowledge with the next generation and probably the person who replaces you.” He just laughed at my naivety. That was the moment of conception for the “Enriched Retirement” program. Wellness and happiness coaching is a form of personal development that focuses on improving one’s physical and mental wellbeing. I work closely with my clients to help set and achieve their goals related to health, lifestyle, and overall happiness. At its core, wellness coaching is all about making positive changes in your life. Whether you are struggling with stress, anxiety, weight management, or other health concerns, as a wellness coach I will help you develop a personalized plan for improving your wellbeing. Here are just a few ways in which I can help you: Ÿ Develop a personalized plan for achieving your health goals. Ÿ Improve your physical fitness and energy levels. Ÿ Manage stress and anxiety more effectively. Ÿ Learn new strategies for coping with difficult emotions. Ÿ Improve your overall quality of life and sense of wellbeing. Could you please elaborate on your story as the beacon of your organization, and how you have positioned it as a dependable player in the competitive market? Genuine authenticity is an indispensable cornerstone for establishing both credibility and lasting value within any business endeavor. My career trajectory bears testimony to the remarkable growth that has ensued from consistently embracing and projecting my authentic self in every professional interaction. Authenticity fosters trust, as it conveys sincerity and reliability. It paves the way for meaningful connections with colleagues, clients, and partners, reinforcing one’s reputation and influence in the industry. It is this unwavering commitment to authenticity that has not only propelled my career forward but also enriched my professional journey, emphasizing the enduring significance of being true to oneself in the realm of business. Could you please brief us on Dusk LLC, its offerings, and how your expertise has contributed to the development of the company? Dusk is there to provide guidance and support. We strive to be a beacon of light, leading you towards contentment and happiness. Our mission is to illuminate the path ahead, offering hope and assistance when it is most needed. We recognize that everyone experiences moments of darkness in their journey, and it is during these times that our dedication to providing comfort and guidance truly shines. With empathy and unrelenting commitment, we help individuals find their way to a brighter and more fulfilling future. What motivated you to pursue a career in consulting? The desire for something different was the primary motivation. I was tired of seeing people do things “the way they’ve always been done” and I knew there was something different that could create so much more in the world. October, 2023 22
  • 25. Coaching gives me the space to be the catalyst for change in individuals’ lives and the future. How have your problem-solving skills helped you in your career, and what brand strategies have you employed to maximize success? I excel at spin-doctoring, a talent I’ve developed through attentive listening and focused concentration. My approach goes beyond simply hearing; I actively listen to identify the core issues at hand. This invaluable ability enables me to effectively steer teams towards the most appropriate solutions. I understand that genuine problem-solving necessitates a thorough comprehension of the underlying causes, and I take pride in my ability to uncover these fundamental factors. By diving deep into the heart of matters, I ensure that my guidance not only leads teams to answers but to the right answers, fostering impactful and enduring solutions. Describe a challenging opportunity that you have taken on and how you were able to achieve success. One of my most significant coaching challenges arose during the Covid pandemic, prompting a shift to virtual meetings and workshops. Adapting our established tools and presentations to this new digital landscape proved to be a difficult task. However, we were able to navigate this transition by adjusting our strategies to encourage active participation and contribution in the virtual realm. It required us to be innovative and creative in order to keep participants engaged and ensure that the essence of our coaching was not lost. Despite the initial obstacles, we successfully leveraged the potential of technology, bridging the gap between physical and virtual environments. As a result, growth, learning, and collaboration continued to thrive, serving as a testament to our adaptability and resilience. As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? I have always operated without the confines of any box, embracing the notion of limitless possibility. Every thought, no matter how unconventional or audacious, has the potential to become reality. My approach revolves around questioning and embracing curiosity. I dare to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of what is considered conceivable. Through inquiry, we discover the paths to transformation and innovation. By rejecting the idea of a box, we free our minds to explore uncharted territories and achieve what may initially seem impossible. Some people say “Think outside the box” I haven’t yet seen the box. I believe everything is possible and when you have a thought, believe it or not, that idea CAN become a reality. Just ask questions. How to envision scaling your organization’s services and operations in 2023 and beyond? My goal is to expand the program I’ve created to include more companies that understand the importance of their workforce. This program allows employees to continue making valuable contributions to their companies even after reaching the typical retirement age. In society, we often hear the saying “Age is just a number.” However, in the corporate world, the idea of a fixed retirement age has been followed for many years. This adherence to tradition has resulted in experienced team members being forced to leave prematurely, simply because it’s considered the norm. I want to challenge and change this mindset, ushering in a new era where experience and knowledge are valued more than age. This will allow companies to retain their invaluable talent and wisdom. October, 2023 23
  • 26. The Ripple Effect! October, 2023 24
  • 27. How Leaders Drive Positive Change through Corporate Responsibility You know that feeling you get when you hear about companies doing good in the world? It gives you a little spark of hope that maybe businesses can be a force for positive change. It turns out that having more women in leadership roles may be the secret sauce that helps companies become more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. New research shows that companies with higher percentages of women on their executive teams and boards of directors are more likely to prioritize corporate social responsibility. And it's not just good PR. These companies are walking the walk by reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, increasing transparency, and championing fair labor practices in their supply chains. When women leaders bring their voices to the table, they come with a fresh and valuable perspective that benefits both businesses and society as a whole. By advocating for social and environmental progress, women executives create a ripple effect that leads to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for us all. So the next time you hear about a company going green or giving back, you might have a woman leader to thank for that spark of hope. The Power of Female Leadership: How Women Are Driving CSR and Creating Positive Impact As leaders in companies around the world, women are using their influence to drive meaningful social change. By prioritizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, female executives are creating ripple effects that positively impact communities and the planet. The Power of the Purse Women leaders understand that a company's buying power can be leveraged for good. Initiatives like sustainable and ethical sourcing, diversity in the supply chain, and investing in women-owned businesses are making a real difference. These programs boost economic opportunity and empowerment for marginalized groups. A More Compassionate Approach Women tend to lead with empathy, focusing on the human impact of business decisions. This manifests in CSR programs centered around community engagement, education, healthcare, and environmental protection. Female executives are more likely to consider how policies affect employees, customers, and society as a whole. An Eye on the Future With a long-term, future-focused mindset, women leaders consider how business practices today will influence future generations. They are willing to make short-term sacrifices to invest in renewable energy, green technology, and other sustainability initiatives that will have lasting benefits. This helps safeguard the planet for our children and beyond. By bringing their unique strengths and perspectives to leadership roles, women are driving real and positive change through corporate social responsibility. The future is bright when companies prioritize both profit and purpose. With more women at the helm, the private sector can be a powerful force for good. October, 2023 25
  • 28. Case Studies: Successful CSR Initiatives Led by Influential Women Executives When influential female executives spearhead corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the positive impacts ripple outward in powerful ways. Two case studies show how women leaders can drive meaningful change through CSR. The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan Led by CEO Paul Polman and Chief Sustainability Officer Gail Klintworth, Unilever launched its Sustainable Living Plan in 2010 to double revenue while halving its environmental footprint. By focusing on sustainable sourcing, reducing waste, and improving health and well- being, Unilever has improved over a billion lives and generated over $244 million in cost savings. The plan is a prime example of how women executives can instill purpose and social responsibility into business growth. IBM's Corporate Service Corps IBM's Corporate Service Corps sends high-potential employees to developing countries to solve societal problems. Under the leadership of Diane Gherson, IBM's Chief Human Resources Officer, the program has impacted over 2 million lives across over 30 countries. Employees get leadership experience while learning how technology can improve lives. For IBM, it fosters a culture of purpose that attracts millennial talent and spurs innovation. When women leaders make CSR central to business goals, the benefits flow outward to communities, employees, companies, and the planet. By balancing growth and social good, they create sustainable success and a better world for all. Overall, these examples show why promoting women in leadership roles positively impacts corporate responsibility and drives change. The Ripple Effect: How Investing in CSR Creates Long- Term Value for Business, Society and the Environment As a female leader driving change through CSR, the effects of your actions can be far-reaching. By focusing your company's CSR efforts on causes you care about, you're able to make a meaningful impact. Investing in the Community When you direct resources to community programs, you create goodwill that comes back to benefit your business. Employees feel proud to work for a company that gives back, and consumers want to support brands that share their values. Over time, community support fosters a cycle of positive impact. Empowering Employees Giving employees opportunities to participate in CSR boosts motivation, morale, and loyalty. Allowing staff to take time off to volunteer or organize company-wide volunteering events makes employees feel their work has purpose and meaning. When people feel empowered to create change, they become more invested in your company's success. A Healthier Environment Choosing CSR initiatives that support environmental sustainability helps ensure your business and community will thrive for generations. Making changes like reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and eliminating pollution may require initial investments but pay off significantly in cost savings and public goodwill. A greener business model is smart for both profits and the planet. A Legacy of Leadership By strategically focusing your company's CSR, you create a legacy of leadership as a role model for other businesses. The causes you champion today could inspire a movement of social and environmental progress, with effects that ripple outward for years to come. Though the ripples may start small, their impact builds over time through the power of influence and example. That is the enduring legacy of a woman leader. Conclusion You've seen the impact that women leaders can have when they champion corporate social responsibility initiatives in their organizations. Their vision and passion for positive change create a ripple effect that spreads throughout communities. Employees become more engaged and inspired. Customers develop a deeper loyalty and connection to the brand. And the lives of those in need are improved in meaningful ways. One woman with vision and voice can start a movement. But together, women leaders have the power to transform industries and shape a better future for us all. So keep leading with empathy, compassion, and care for people and the planet. Keep speaking up for what you believe in. And keep driving real change through the work you do each day. You have the power to make a difference. - Adiba Khajasab Tarade October, 2023 26
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  • 30. The Trailblazing Executive Director Revolutionizing Pathway Group International! Finding someone who exemplifies adaptability, versatility, and a relentless drive for achievement is a rare jewel in the fast-paced business world. These qualities are highly sought after and can make a significant impact on an individual’s career trajectory. Meet Niyati Patel, who has achieved remarkable success and shattered barriers throughout her career. Raised in a nurturing family, Patel’s upbringing exposed her to a wide range of activities, fostering a broad perspective on life and a drive for excellence. Niyati’s educational journey reflects her thirst for knowledge. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering in Information Technology, showcasing her analytical and technical skills. However, her diverse interests led her to pursue another Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design, highlighting her creative flair and adaptability. Continuing her quest for growth, Patel pursued a Master’s degree in Business Administration in Global Business Management. Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of technical and business disciplines, she was ready to embark on a career that would leverage her diverse skill set. Patel’s professional journey began as a Fashion Manager and Merchandiser, where she excelled in a competitive industry. Her ability to think innovatively Niyati Patel Defying Barriers and Achieving Unprecedented Success Niya Patel Execu ve Director PATHWAY GROUP INTERNATIONAL October, 2023 28
  • 31. and draw from her multidisciplinary background propelled her forward, ultimately landing her the role of Executive Director at Pathway Group International. In her role, Patel has spearheaded transformative initiatives, revolutionizing the company’s operations and driving its success. Her strategic vision, combined with her ability to inspire and empower her team, has made her an invaluable asset. Alongside her professional accomplishments, she remains grounded and committed to giving back. She attributes her holistic upbringing to her success and encourages others to pursue diverse interests and personal growth activities. Patel continues her journey of exploration through hobbies such as painting, writing, and philanthropy. Brace yourself for an enlightening conversation with a true visionary who is transforming the face of entrepreneurship, one bold step at a time! Please brief us about yourself and what inspired you to embark on this sector. I am fortunate to have been born to parents whose parenting style greatly supported my cognitive development during my early childhood. As an individual, the foundation for my growth was laid during the early years of my education. • FASHION ALLOCATION ANALYST & MERCHANDISER | United Colors of Benetton, Pune, India | 2009 – 2012 • MERCHANDISE MANAGER | Jan 2013 – Dec 2014, Abercrombie & Fitch, London, UK • GLOBAL PLANNING MANAGER – Fashion & Footwear Division | Jan 2015 – July 2016 Landmark Group, GCC • HEAD OF STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION - OMNICHANNEL| Aug 2016 – Oct 2019 Majid Al Futtaim, UAE • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – Digital Strategy & Business Development | June 2020 – Present Pathway Group, UAE I have achieved a Baccalaureate degree in two different fields. • Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology, Pune University, India • Bachelor of Fashion Design, Private Institute • Master of Business Administration – Global Business Management, Coventry University London Campus • As a correspondent researcher, I published 4 Papers with the London College of Fashion to benefit the students further on. • Big Data Expert Certification • Guest Student Speaker at International Merchandiser Conference in Mumbai, India (2013). During my graduation days, I had the privilege of having several articles published in prestigious newspapers and magazines. Miss Niyati, a highly intellectual and charismatic leader, has always been a driving force within our organization. She not only loves what she does but also ensures that her team loves their work wholeheartedly. Her unique approach to business leadership is evident in her encouragement of learning from failures. She firmly believes in achieving success through the lessons learned from setbacks. Our management is greatly impressed by her result-oriented strategies, which allow them to focus solely on the results without worrying about behind-the-scenes operations. As an Executive Director, she prioritizes cross-functionality among the different departments within our organization. It is both amusing and a source of pride to call her a No- Nonsense Boss Lady. She always sets high standards for herself and those around her. We appreciate the energy she brings every day when she walks into the office – she is like an umbrella in the rain for all of us. We cannot express enough gratitude for her strong decision-making skills and problem-solving approach. She is truly a remarkable leader. Could you please elaborate on your story as the beacon of your organization and how you have positioned it as a dependable player in the competitive market? To keep up with technological advancements, it is important to stay updated regardless of the industry you are in. She firmly believes in achieving success through the lessons learned from setbacks. Middle East's Most Successful Women Leaders Transforming the Business October, 2023 29
  • 32. The task of finding the right talent in recruitment has become challenging for many organizations. To meet this need in the UAE market, Pathway Group International was established in 2014. We are an ethical recruitment company that attracts talented candidates. With my leadership, the company is dedicated to recruiting and training top professionals for our valued clients. We offer support in recruitment, consultation, and outsourcing of training activities for companies with diverse workforces. Through digitalization, we provide a user-friendly platform for both clients and candidates, making the recruitment process smooth and hassle-free. Could you please brief us on Pathway Group International, its offerings, and how your expertise has contributed to the development of the company? Pathway Group International is a provider of recruitment and training services to clients, including government, semi-government, and multinational companies. The company has experienced continuous growth and now has a presence in GCC countries and Asia. Pathway has successfully embraced the new normal after the pandemic by fully digitalizing the recruitment process. Upon joining the company, our priority was to adapt to the new normal following the pandemic. We successfully devised a solution for our clients and candidates by implementing digital processes. Currently, our database boasts over a million registrations from candidates both locally and internationally. This allows us to cater to a diverse range of clients across various industries, including Facility Management, Transport, Retail, IT, Agriculture, Education, and more. Thanks to our collective efforts, we were able to maintain a 100% client base and assist over 100,000 candidates in securing their desired jobs post- pandemic. Our commitment to growth and ethical recruitment practices has garnered high praise from Sheikh Tahnoon’s Private Office and the Chamber of Commerce in Dubai. What motivated you to pursue a career in fashion buying, merchandising, marketing, and consulting? As a child, I was always fascinated by clothes, accessories, and shoes. Whenever we entered a store, I would wonder about the people responsible for bringing these items to the shop floor and deciding which colors would be paired together for each category. As I grew up, I pursued a career in some of the world’s leading fashion brands, such as United Colors of Benetton, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Landmark Group. Through my work in fashion retail, I eventually transitioned into the field of omnichannel at Majid Al Futtaim, where I had the opportunity to explore the consulting aspect of a business. My journey began as a fashion merchandiser and eventually led me to become the executive director of a pioneering consulting firm. What have been some of your most successful retail merchandising endeavors, and what experience do you have working with multiple channels of trade? With experience across various brands, teams, and countries, my focus has always been on creating a seamless customer experience across multiple channels. I believe in constantly reinventing strategies and fostering a sense of community rather than just building a customer database. By understanding and addressing the needs of the customer, I aim to evolve the idea of the end product. Describe a challenging opportunity that you have taken on and how you were able to achieve success. Successfully developed and implemented the Digital Strategy for Pathway Group in 2021, resulting in significant achievements. • The client growth rate has increased by 62%. • Increase in revenue by a magnificent percentage or more than 79.6% • Worked from scratch for a brand-new Ecommerce Concept Marketplace, due to launch by the year-end. As an inventive leader, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs? For all those aspiring individuals, it is advisable to wear noise-canceling headphones whenever you feel a conversation might bring you down, regardless of the location or the quality of advice or suggestion. Trust your instincts and follow your passion. It’s a straightforward approach that will help you believe in yourself and your team. Keep in mind that doubt attracts doubt, while confidence attracts confidence. Remove any mental barriers and embrace ambition. Leadership is as simple as that. How to envision scaling your organization’s services and operations in 2023 and beyond? We are committed to making a significant impact on society October, 2023 30
  • 33. through our project, Pathway. Our goal is to positively influence every person’s life who comes across our platform. The pathway is designed to allow individuals to discover their authentic selves. It will become the primary destination for enhancing one’s lifestyle, promoting holistic healing, well-being, and spiritual growth. Our offerings, including consultations, online courses/tutorials, and well-being shops, are all created to empower individuals on their journey of inner transformation encompassing physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in this sector. • Awarded with ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from Pathway Group for the increase in turnover through local and overseas partnerships. • Awarded with ‘Certificate of Honor’ from Pathway Group for the successful launch of the Digital Strategy 2022. • Featured in Arab news multiple times for the contribution to the Recruitment industry through Digital Strategy. • Speaker at DigiConference on Customer Experience, 7th April 2020, Topics -Innovation, Informatics, • Contact Centers, Customer Happiness, Digital Transformations across all sectors. • Attended at AIM10x 2021 Conference - Digital Transformation. • Published four papers with the University of Arts London as University Downright Journals on Merchandise Planning, Business Strategy Planning, Stock Liquidation balance in Online and Bricks & Mortar Platforms, and Visual Tech Trends in Retail. • Invited to the International Merchandiser Conference held at World Trade Centre, Mumbai, India • Mentioned in articles on fashion for one of the leading newspapers ‘The Times of India’ and magazine ‘Femina’ regularly – from 2011 to 2013 Her unique approach to business leadership is evident in her encouragement of learning from failures. October, 2023 31
  • 34. Stories from CEOs who Prioritize You're a CEO and business leader, so people expect you to be tough, competitive, and detached. But some of the most successful female executives are proving that showing empathy and compassion doesn't make you any less of a boss. In fact, it might even be a key part of what makes them so effective. We talked to three leading CEOs who are redefining what it means to lead with empathy and heart. Through their stories, you'll see how bringing your whole self to work, caring deeply about your employees, and connecting with people on an emotional level can benefit both your company culture and bottom line. So get ready to be inspired by these powerhouse women who are courageously choosing kindness and empathy over stereotypical CEO stoicism. Their insights just might motivate you to make a few changes in your own leadership style. The Importance of Empathy in Leadership As a leader, having empathy for your team and customers is crucial. Empathy allows you to understand different perspectives and experiences that shape others' realities. Listen without judgment Make time to listen to your team members’ concerns and understand their challenges. Reserve judgment and be fully present. Ask open-ended questions to make sure you grasp their experiences accurately. • What are you finding most frustrating right now? • How can I support you through this? Put yourself in their shoes Try to see situations from your team's point of view. Think about how their responsibilities, pressures, and experiences differ from your own. How would you feel in their place? What additional challenges might they be facing that you can't see? Making an effort to understand them will strengthen your connection and help you become a better leader. Respond with compassion Once you have a sense of your team’s experiences and perspectives, respond with caring and sensitivity. Express a desire to support them. Let them know you understand why they feel the way they do. Your empathy and compassion can help alleviate stress and motivate them to do their best work. With empathy at the heart of your leadership style, you’ll build trust, connection, and collaboration. And your team will thrive as a result. Profiles of Empathetic Women CEOs Several women CEOs are leading the way in building more empathetic companies and work cultures. • Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, believes that empathy is the starting point of compassion. Under her leadership, PepsiCo launched progressive programs to support women and working families. They provided generous maternity and paternity leave, on-site childcare, and flextime. October, 2023 32
  • 35. Emo onal Intelligence in Ac on! October, 2023 33
  • 36. “If you want to progress, you have to have empathy... You have to walk in their shoes and understand what they go through every single day,” says Nooyi! • Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, is focused on creating an inclusive culture where every voice matters. She instituted mandatory unconscious bias training, established employee resource groups, and tied executive pay to meeting diversity goals. “Having empathy, embracing diversity, and empowering employees at every level is key to success,” explains Barra. • Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO of KPMG, believes that empathy is crucial for innovation. “Seeing through the lens of our clients and stakeholders helps her company gain valuable insights and provide better service,” says Doughtie. Under Doughtie’s leadership, KPMG has introduced more flexible work options, generous parental leave policies, and training on topics like unconscious bias, microaggressions, and inclusive leadership. These women CEOs prove that empathy and compassion aren’t soft skills; they're vital for business success and growth. By walking in others’ shoes and amplifying unheard voices, empathetic leaders are able to gain trust, boost creativity, increase productivity, and drive real change. Tips for Fostering Empathy in Your Organization As a leader, small actions can have a big impact on fostering empathy in your organization. Here are a few tips to get started: Lead by example Model the empathetic behavior you want to see. Listen without judgment, put yourself in employees' shoes, and be vulnerable by sharing your own experiences. Employees often emulate the values and behaviors that leadership demonstrates. Create opportunities for connection Empathy grows from understanding others’ perspectives and life experiences. Provide platforms for employees to connect and share their stories, whether in person or virtually. Something as simple as a weekly coffee chat or team meeting where people can talk about life outside of work can help build empathy over time. Address unconscious bias Our implicit biases negatively impact empathy and inclusion. Invest in regular bias and empathy training to help employees recognize and address prejudices they may not even realize they hold. Discuss specific stereotypes and microaggressions that commonly occur in your organization and industry so people can call them out when they see them. Celebrate diversity A diverse, inclusive environment where people feel respected and valued is essential for empathy to thrive. Highlight the diverse voices and life experiences in your organization. Make an effort to understand cultural traditions and taboos to avoid insensitive missteps. Foster an environment where everyone feels safe to be their authentic selves at work. Empathy is a skill that takes continuous practice and commitment. But by leading with empathy yourself, creating connections, addressing bias, and championing diversity, you can build a more compassionate organization. Conclusion So there you have it: stories from women CEOs leading with empathy and compassion. Their experiences show that success and kindness are not mutually exclusive. In fact, empathy may be the secret ingredient for sustainable growth and innovation. By walking in the shoes of your employees and customers, you gain invaluable insights. You build trust and loyalty. You make better decisions. The next time you're faced with a tricky situation at work, take a step back and lead with empathy. See the humanity in others and understand their perspectives. Your company and relationships will be better for it. And who knows? It may just be what propels you to new heights in your own career. - Adiba Khajasab Tarade October, 2023 34
  • 37. Subscription CIO THE INSPIRING THE BUSINESS WORLD CI Subscribe to THECIOWORLD Get THECIOWORLD Magazine in Print, & Digital on
  • 38. Peace: The pursuit of peace is a direct aim of SDG 16. Strong institutions and effective governance systems (SDG 16) are the bedrock of peaceful societies. Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17) emphasize international cooperation and collaborative action, highlighting the collective responsibility to prevent conflicts and sustain peace. Prosperity: Economic stability and prosperity provide a foundation for peace by Eradicating poverty (SDG 1) and ensuring zero hunger (SDG 2) which are foundational steps towards reducing social inequalities that often fuel conflicts, Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and the UN Goals as Building Blocks In a world grappling with challenges ranging from poverty to environmental degradation, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emerge as a beacon of hope. Beyond their individual targets, the SDGs stand as interconnected pillars that hold the potential to not only drive sustainable development but also foster global peace. By examining their contributions through the lens of the "5 Ps" (Partnership, Planet, People, Prosperity, and Peace) framework, we can uncover how these goals work in synergy to cultivate a more peaceful and harmonious global landscape. Peace is a multifaceted aspiration, achievable through collective action across various dimensions. The 17 SDGs, when viewed through the 5 Ps framework, illustrate the interconnectedness of these goals in nurturing a peaceful world. As we champion prosperity, care for the planet, empower individuals, strengthen peace-related institutions, and foster partnerships, we lay the foundation for sustainable peace that transcends boundaries and benefits generations to come. Through this comprehensive approach, the SDGs pave the way for a future where global harmony is more than just a vision—it's a reality we collectively build. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Jarwan President, Global Council for Tolerance and Peace October, 2023 36
  • 40. as well as good health and well-being (SDG 3) that foster a populace capable of engaging in peaceful pursuits, while decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) that provide stable livelihoods, reducing vulnerability to unrest. Prosperity fosters peace by providing jobs and economic opportunities, reducing poverty and social tensions, addressing income and social inequalities, and ensuring access to basic needs like food, clean water, and healthcare. Economic stability fosters social cohesion and harmony while addressing disparities reduces conflict sources. People: Empowered individuals are less likely to resort to violence. Quality education (SDG 4) equips people with critical thinking skills, enabling constructive dialogues and peaceful conflict resolution. Gender equality (SDG 5) fosters inclusive societies, reducing gender-based tensions. Efforts to reduce inequalities (SDG 10) contribute to social cohesion, while peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16) provide a framework for resolving disputes peacefully. The People dimension contributes to peace by promoting inclusive communities, fostering critical thinking, and promoting quality education. Gender equality empowers women and ensures equal opportunities, promoting peacebuilding efforts. Formal education encourages peaceful communication and encourages participation in peaceful talks. Overall, these factors contribute to a peaceful society. Planet: The health of the planet directly impacts global stability. Access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) prevents resource-related conflicts and disease outbreaks. Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), and climate action (SDG 13) collectively combat environmental degradation, addressing one of the root causes of disputes. The preservation of life below water (SDG 14) and life on land (SDG 15) safeguards ecosystems, minimizing conflicts over natural resources. Thus, The Planet dimension plays a crucial role in promoting peace by ensuring sustainable management of natural resources, promoting resource equity, and implementing conservation practices. Climate resilience involves proactive management of climate change, aiming to reduce population displacement, resource competition, and conflict prevention. Climate adaptation measures positively impact community stability and peacefulness. Ecosystem services, such as clean air, water, and food security, are essential for sustaining livelihoods and mitigating conflicts arising from resource access. Partnership: Partnerships play a crucial role in establishing peace by fostering collaboration, dialogue, and October, 2023 38
  • 41. shared responsibility. Effective partnerships, as emphasized in SDG 17, enable countries, organizations, and individuals to work together towards common goals. Partnerships contribute to peace through diplomatic efforts, resource sharing, information exchange, and disaster preparedness. They facilitate conflict resolution, promote equitable resource distribution, and enhance local peace initiatives. They also facilitate the exchange of conflict prevention strategies and disaster preparedness, reducing the impact of natural disasters on peace and stability. Thus, there is an intricate relationship between sustainable development and peace, highlighting how the UN goals serve as crucial building blocks for a harmonious world, and it is essential to recognize the significant role played by the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace: The SDGs as Pillars of Peaceful Development: The essence of peace rests upon economic prosperity, social inclusivity, environmental stewardship, and equitable governance. The SDGs, comprising 17 interconnected goals, encompass these dimensions holistically. By addressing issues like poverty (SDG 1), hunger (SDG 2), and health (SDG 3), they cultivate societal stability, thereby reducing fertile ground for conflicts. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (A Beacon of Harmony): At the heart of sustainable development for peace lies the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace. This organization embodies the ideals of understanding, dialogue, and inclusivity. Its initiatives resonate with SDG 16, "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions," by promoting peaceful coexistence through tolerance, dialogue, and respect for cultural diversity. Promoting Peace through Tolerance and Dialogue: The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace plays a pivotal role in fostering understanding among diverse communities. Its commitment to promoting cultural awareness and religious tolerance resonates with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDGs 5 and 10 (Reduced Inequalities and Gender Equality). Education and inclusivity are key to preventing conflicts rooted in misunderstanding and prejudice. Tackling Global challenges Hand in Hand (Environmental Sustainability as a Peace Enabler) SDGs centered on environmental sustainability (clean water (SDG6) and sanitation, affordable and clean energy (SDG7), climate action (SDG 13) ) align with the Global Council's advocacy for responsible stewardship of natural resources. Collaboration between the Council and these goals ensures a planet that remains a haven of peace, free from the turmoil of resource-driven disputes. Partnerships for a Peaceful Future: The spirit of collaboration embedded in SDG 17 mirrors the approach of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace. International partnerships and shared responsibilities are essential in realizing the vision of a peaceful world. Joint efforts amplify the impact of peace-promoting initiatives, leading to a ripple effect of understanding and coexistence. As we strive for a world where peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of justice, equality, and prosperity, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals emerge as the foundational building blocks. Each goal, with its unique focus, contributes to the mosaic of global peace. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace is a thread that weaves a story of hope and harmony. By embracing sustainable development principles and advocating for tolerance, dialogue, and inclusivity, we pave the way toward a future where peace is not a distant dream but a tangible reality. The synergy of these forces is a testament to humanity's potential to coexist in unity, transforming challenges into opportunities for a brighter, more peaceful tomorrow. October, 2023 39
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